31 Another illustration he set before them, saying: The kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain [grain is an edible seed. Mustard seed has a fiery conclusion to its ingestion] [the church prior to its appointment to feed - 4 alone], which a man [an angelic human, making the with Gordon, which sowed him as a saint] took and sowed in his field [the cosmos of the Watchtower];
32 which is, in fact, the tinier/tiniest of all the seeds [the smallest number of saints in any church before the church is appointed to feed -
One person], but when it has grown it is the larger/greater [megaj] [comparative not superlative]
of the herbs [lacanon] [the largest true Christian church] and becomes a tree [herbs do not have lignified stems] [the], so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches [the 13 tribes] (Matthew 13 ).
he set before them, saying: The kingdom
of the
heavens is like a grain
[kokkoj] of mustard, which a man took and planted in his field;
which is, smaller indeed [men]
[implied ek]
of all the
[comparative for superlative - all], but when it has grown it is larger [indeed] [implied
of the
[comparative for superlative]
and becomes a
tree, so that the
come and lodge in its
31 Another illustration he set before them, saying: The kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain [ grain is an edible seed. Mustard seed has a fiery conclusion to its ingestion] [the church prior to its appointment to feed - 4 alone], which a man [an angelic human, making the with Gordon, which sowed him as a saint] took and sowed in his field [the cosmos of the Watchtower];
32 which is, in fact, the tinier/tiniest of all the seeds [the smallest number of saints in any church before the church is appointed to feed -
One person], but when it has grown it is the larger/greater [megaj] [comparative not superlative]
of the herbs [lacanon] [the largest true Christian church] and becomes a tree [herbs do not have lignified stems] [the], so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches [the 13 tribes] (Matthew 13 ).
31 Like a mustard grain, which at the time it was sown in the earth [] was the tinier/tiniest of all the seeds [So there is one that is smaller than this but comes later. The grain is the whole church before it is appointed to feed] that are on the earth [in the ]
32 but when it has been sown [Russell was not a mediator of spirit covenant. So he was sown by angels from the 2nd not by an angelic man], it rises up [s ascend into heaven] and becomes larger/greater [megaj]
than all other herb [lacanon] [larger in size that any previous true church] and produces great branches [ Tribes of which they were completely unaware. The angels must have assigned them to tribes], so that the birds of the heaven are able to lodge under its shadow [but did not find consciously go into any tribe. And the tree prevented the light of God from reaching them. Actually this vegetable took the light of God away from the birds. The Watchtower deliberately kept the saints in the dark]. (Mark 4 )
So the final size of the 4 Christian churches is inversely proportional to the initial pre-appointment size.
19 It is like a mustard grain grain is an edible seed. Mustard seed has a fiery conclusion to its ingestion] [the church prior to its appointment to feed - All those baptised by John before 29Tishri10] that a man took [ took some of the sons of the from John and chose them as s to be his wife and threw them into his garden which was the promised land he being the true seed of ] and threw into his garden [Israel - the promised land], and it grew and became a tree [], and the birds of heaven took up lodging in its branches. (Luke 13 )
Grains are eaten Seeds are planted.
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Morus nigra, Black Mulberry (Sycamine-tree), 20 He said to them: Because of your little faith. For truly I say to you, If you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain [of the reserves in the Watchtower], 'Transfer from here [The Watchtower] to there [to ],' and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17 ) 6 Then the Lord said: If you had faith the size of a mustard grain, you would say to this black mulberry/Sycamine tree [Laodicea, the seeds are initially red (on spirit baptism), then go black when ripe, since they represent rotten unsealed saints, who lose their angels and do not shed light on anyone. They absorb light from and refuse to re-emit it.], 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea!' [lose your water baptism - no root to get more water - and become a false church - they accept this] and it would obey you. (Luke 17 )