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The 1st death is sleeping, being subconscious in a shared angelic server
The 2nd death is being awake, being conscious in a shared angelic server.
One does not reside in one's own body if one is death. Death is residing in a shared angelic server.
Jairus's daughter (Talitha Cumi): Not dead but asleep - 1st stage Golden cord between human soul and shared angelic sleep server still attached
Widow of Nain's son: Asleep but being transported to - 2nd stage - at the Gates of but not yet in .
Lazarus: Dead and asleep in - 3rd stage
The 3 accounts tell us about the 3 states of adamic death. It also shows us that the human spirit is a multi souled operating system.
5 because man is walking to his long-lasting house [he is born again angelically -walking without stumbling - regarded by God is not sinning - his long lasting house is his angel] and the wailers have marched around in the street;
6 before the silver cord is removed [there is also gold cord -
the conscious connection to his angel. The silver chord is removed after the wailing - it is the subconscious connection to his angel], and the golden bowl gets crushed [skull,
brain. This is crushed after the gold chord is removed], and the jar at the spring is broken [blood manufacture, bone marrow, spleen], and the waterwheel [heart] for the cistern [vascular system] has been crushed.
7 And the dust returns to the earth just as it happened to be and the spirit itself returns to the [true] God who gave it [the spirit is transferred from the human soul and the angelic server of nightly sleep to the shared angelic server of , where it sleeps and dreams with God exerting subconscious control on those dreams. This is Vanilla Sky. The holy spirit must guide your dreams in some way - God exercises some management of your dreams]. (Ecclesiastes 12 )
Golden cord is between the human soul and the angel. Silver chord is between the living human shared angel and the shared angel (spirit has returned to God).
Human - golden cord - angelic server of nightly sleep - silver cord - shared angelic server of .
(Widow of Nain's son)
The gates of Nain (meaning sit/dwell/recline) are the gates of . Upon resurrection, he did not stand up, he sat up. So he is a dweller in the Kingdom, a son of the , not a ruler in it. Who are the bier bearers? What is the bier? It is his angelic server of sleep. The bier bearers are looking after his transfer to one of the shared servers) They stood still. They stopped moving the son forward towards and out of the angelic nightly sleep server. So the boy was snatched from the gates of .
13 Show me favour, Oh ; see my affliction by those hating me, Oh you who are lifting me up from the gates of death, (Psalms 9 )
18 Also, I say to you, You are Peter, and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation, and the gates of will not overpower it. (Matthew 16 )
52 But people were all weeping and beating themselves in grief for her. So he said: Stop weeping, for she did not die but is sleeping.
53 At this they began to laugh at him scornfully, because they knew she had died.
54 But he took her by the hand and called, saying: Girl,
get up!
55 And her spirit returned, and she rose instantly,
and he ordered something to be given her to eat. (Luke 8 )
So when one is asleep one's spirit is not in one's body. But one's spirit returns before one gets up.
11 And it happened on the next day, He went into a city being called Nain [sit/dwell/recline]
[. goes there not to sleep but to resurrect!]. And many of His disciples went with him; also a great crowd [indeed they do go to ].
(Luke 7 )
12 As he got near the gate of the city [], why, look! there was a dead man being carried out [of his angelic server for sleep, but into ], the only-begotten son of his mother [ has no submediators - So she has only
one very big son]. Besides, she was a widow [the - was dead to her but not to God who can interact with Eden2]. A considerable crowd from the city was also with her [the sons of the are with her, the sons bound for are not].
13 And when the Lord caught sight of her, he was moved with pity for her, and he said to her: Stop weeping.
14 With that he approached and touched the bier [coffin,
his angelic server of nightly sleep], and the bearers stood still [stopped their work carrying the bier to his shared server in ,
through the silver cord - vanilla sky], and he
said: Young man, I say to you, Get up!
15 And the dead man sat up [situp/dwell -
rather than recline, the two meanings of Nain. He is resurrected, as all in shall be] and started to speak, and he gave him to his mother. (Luke 7 )
Symbolically he is dead. He is being carried through the gates of . He is transitioning from sleep to death,
from sleep server to server. For does not say he is asleep and Luke says he is dead twice. He is being transferred from his human angelic server in which he sleeps and dreams to an angelic server of in which he sleeps and dreams in the 1st death. He is being transferred by angelic spirit techies - the bearers. He is not yet in fully , So he is not yet asleep in the first death. There are no bearers needed to transfer our spirit from the human to the angel of nightly sleep. So we are running on both those souls at the same time. 2 nostrils, 2 lungs, 2 vessels for the spirit of God.
Stage1: Clinical death. Fall asleep as one does every night, golden cord between the human soul and the angelic server of nightly sleep is still attached - Jairus' daughter
Stage2a: Golden chord between human body and angelic nightly sleep server is cut. This is being in the Gates of - the last step before official death - David.
Stage2b: Transfer of spirit from angelic nightly sleep server to a shared angelic server through the silver cord - Widow of Nain's son. When this transfer is completed then you are officially dead, in .
Stage3: Silver cord is removed and one is asleep in a shared angelic server -
STOP PRESS: Scientists have recently discovered that brain cells do not die when the body dies, but continue living for 48 hours afterwards! -
Scientists have recently discovered that brain cells live on for hours after death and people may actually hear their clinical death being announced by doctor's after they have flatlined. -
Now says about , ...
28 And do not become fearful of those who kill the [human] body [in the first death] but cannot kill the soul [in the second death] [the non human body - the angelic body to which your spirit goes when the human body is killed becoming an angelic soul = angelic body + spirit]; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul [your present body + spirit combo] and body [your secondary body] in (Matthew 10:28) - see intro14.
So if our angelic body was shared then it would be 2nd dead and those who kill our human body would also kill our soul. So the good news is that we all have a dedicated angelic server, and 2nd body, a 2nd vehicle for our spirits. When we sleep, then our spirit goes into that body. If we are not born again then we can only sleep in our angel (and the 1st death, adamic death is precisely that sleep). If we are born again we can wake up and be awake in our angel. However the first death is indeed a shared angelic server for the sleeping!
So means that humans and angels are so closely related as to be almost indistinguishable. The only difference really is that we are asleep and they are awake in their angelic bodies.
= Software
Body = Hardware
= + Non Shared Body
Living soul = Being alive = running on a non shared body
Sleeping human = is dreaming in your angelic body, the movie studio for your dreams. Your human brain is the cinema for that movie NOT the studio. So your spirit is running on two bodies, your human body (cinema) and your angelic (studio)
Living human = running consciously on human body in the day and running subconsciously on both angelic body and human body when asleep (dreaming)
Dead soul = Being dead = running on a shared angelic body
1st Dead Being = sleeping and dreaming in a shared angelic body (not owned) in - whilst still possessing an angelic soul with a subconscious connector (the silver chord of Ecclesiastes 12:6) which is disconnected.
2nd Dead Being = awake in shared angelic body (not owned) in . This is a soul-less consciousness.
= Adamic death = -less subconsciousness.
= = -less consciousness.
Non born again human = Human brain is only connected to the angelic brain subconsciously = having a non owned second angelic soul with a subconscious connector.
Born again human = is permitted to run on the angelic body consciously =
having an owned second angelic soul with a conscious connector (implied golden chord of Ecclesiastes 12:6) and a subconscious connector (silver chord of Ecclesiastes 12:6). But this angel cannot be consciously accessed whilst the spirit is running on a human.
Humans can kill human souls and send them into the first death for the law of Moses required soul for soul (Exodus 21:23, Leviticus 24:18).
But they cannot kill 'the soul', meaning all of your souls. Because your spirit has a second body, which is not destroyable by humans. So it goes into your second body, which is angelic, and that becomes your new soul. So humans can destroy one of your two vehicles in your garage but they cannot destroy the other!
did not say, fear him who can destroy the spirit in . preserves the spirit but kills the soul, whether angelic or fleshly. The soul here is the associated angelic body and the body is the human body. So or is a soul-less consciousness. Truly it is a non physical prison for disembodied spirits. When the unrighteous die, they enter the first death which is non consciousness as they sleep in a shared angelic body which they do not own. Then they are resurrected into as a soul-less spirit, where they are awake in a shared angelic body that they do not own This is the second death. can be used to cover both, it basically means dead or in the grave.
23 this One given [to you] by the before-determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, [you] having taken by lawless hands, having crucified [Him], you killed [Him].
24 [But] God raised [Him] up, loosing the throes of death,
because it was not possible for Him to be held by it. (Acts 2 )
The throes of death are not the few hour of minutes of physical dying. But are the 3 stages depicted above. could not complete the journey into , because he was and therefore not subject to Adamic death. So God loosed him from the process before Stage 2b. His spirit never went into the shared angelic server of .