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The Crown of Thorns braided by soldiers of the governor of Judah is the Coronavirus of spike proteins gene spliced by demon possessed bio weapons military personnel
Dr Vladimir Zelenko - Successful treatment for COVID-19 and vaccine side effects with Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Quercetin and Zinc. It's just a system for getting zinc into your cells
Prof Francis Boyle - COVID-19 is a man made Bio-weapon produced in the University of North Carolina
Dr David Martin proves from patent filings that human SARS and COVID-19 were made by Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - US Patent 7279327
Secular Confirmation that COVID is a man made bioweapon designed to force gene therapy vaccination
Forcing a drug upon your people can be a criminal offence for a government - a violation of the Nuremberg Code (if they have signed up to the code)
The Vaccines will cause the deadly plague of Revelation 6:8, far worse than COVD19
The spiritual power game behind the vaccines - an email sent to the mailing list on 2021May3
The existence of the Coronavirus of Spike Proteins, the Crown of Thorns of Matthew27, Mark15 and John19, the last abuse of before he died,
is proof that we are now in the end times
Because we are at the End of the End Times, the serpent MUST BE biting the heel of the seed of the woman today
Governments are coercing us to take COVID vaccines whilst behaving in a very satanic (controlling and love averse) way,
so it is not a great stretch of the mind to see that is behind that coercion
Lockdowns and Mask Mandates are Very Bad Science
The Law of Imperial Capability
Government Psy Ops and State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth
Deception and Truth
A Good Summary of Vaccine Injuries
New Study shows that Hydroxychloroquine prescription in a much smaller dosage than Lupus, would have saved over 100,000 lives in the US. Yet it remains the only drug to ever have been banned for a specific pathogen.
Efficacy of COVID therapeutics
Fauci knew that Chloroquine was a potent SARS inhibitor in 2005
Vaccinated People should not give blood: Spike proteins are pathogenic if they get into the blood
The Cleveland Clinic Study of 52,000 medical Personnel shows that people who have recovered from COVID naturally get no benefit from vaccination and are at no further risk from COVID
Herd Immunity
COVID Vaccines are Gene Therapy
The letter of Dr Tess Lawrie to the MHRA
June 2021: Vaccines kill 2 people for every 3 that they save from COVID
Programmable Digital Currencies
Prof Montagnier says that mandatory vaccination of children is outrageous and that mid term side effects may be terminal
DNA vaccines indefinitely reprogram your cells to pour out more and more protein spikes
PHE data shows that 1 Jab is more than twice as effective as 2 Jabs
PHE data shows that doubly vaccinated over 50s and 25% more likely to catch Delta and therefore infect others than unvaccinated over 50s.
An unpublished but leaked Randomized Crossover study by Pfizer showed that vaccinated people were 300% more likely to catch Covid than unvaccinated people
Astra Zeneca is no longer effective against Delta. The rest are trailing perhaps 6 weeks behind.
The CDC Barnstable Study shows that in the US Pfizer and Moderna are no longer effective against delta
The Oxford study shows that all UK vaccines (Astra Zeneca, Moderna and Pfizer) degrade in efficacy month on month until they cease helping with viral load around 3 months after the 2nd jab
Useful home treatments for COVID (consult your doctor and do your own research - the writer is not a medically qualified doctor)
Antibody Dependent Enhancement is a worry
The number of mRNA and DNA copies in Vaccines (14.4 Trillion for Pfizer, 48 Trillion for Moderna)
62% of vaccinated people have microclots 7 days after vaccination
August1: Fauci reveals that vaccines no longer provide any reduction in severity of infection for delta
Asymptomatic Cases do not transmit the virus
The vaccine produced spike proteins are toxic when released into the blood stream and they are so released
Herd Immunity is long lasting because Natural Immunity is long lasting
PHE must be rigging their figures
All 7 Moderna Vaccine Patents were applied for over 6 months before the COVID-19 outbreak began
The WHO COVID Protocol is more lethal than the virus
Israel vs Palestine shows that Pfizer vaccines stop preventing COVID infections and deaths and then progressively increase them around 4-5 months after the 2nd shot
UK vs India case numbers show that Vaccination does not work and Ivermectin does work
Dr: Mike Yeadon: None of the COVID variants are sufficiently distinct from Wuhan Hu1 to evade natural or vaccine mediated immunity - they are psychological Scariants and Immunological Sameiants
The Resignation Letter of Nurse Emma (not sure how genuine this letter is but the argumentation is stunningly powerful - it first appeared on the site of David Icke on 2021May27)
Daily Telegraph Comment by Gordon
Israeli data show that 3rd Jabs achieve nothing at all
Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues
The Oxford study shows that all UK vaccines (Astra Zeneca,
Moderna and Pfizer) degrade in efficacy month on month until they cease helping with viral load around 3 months after the 2nd jab
Construction site air quality meter beeps for insufficient air quality to mask wearers
Israeli study shows that natural immunity is 13x more effective than double vaccination
60% of new COVID hospital cases in Israel in 2021April occurred in vaccinated people, 80% of the people over 20 having been vaccinated.
86% of COVID cases over 20 years old in Israel in July were fully vaccinated, 84% of that population was fully vaccinated. So full vaccination made Israel's more likely to be infected in July
JP Sears on Vaccine Passports and the 10 steps to Genocide and the Tyranical Variant
All Risk No benefit: Daily Telegraph Comment September13
Oxford University Vietnam Study Shows that Astra Zeneca has Zero Effect on the Delta Variant
The Vaccines reduce the numbers of your CD8 Killer T Cells - Giving recipients a new form of AIDS - which increase cancer cases by 20x in vaccinated people
Properly Formulated Effective Medical Protocols to treat COVID19 and long Covid and vaccine side effects
The US Hospital Protocol for COVID-19 was responsible for most of the US 'COVID deaths' not the virus itself
The complete Amino Acid Sequence of SARS CoV 2 Wuhan Hu1 Genome and Vaccine Spike Protein and strong evidence that the virus was man made
New Data from the US Medicare CMS database covering 59.4 million people show that the vaccines are NOT killing large numbers of people within 14 day of a shot
CMS Medicare records for NY state show that the vaccines are NOT killing large numbers of people within 28 days of a shot.
Natural Immunity is stronger, more long lasting and more variant tolerant than vaccine immunity
The province of Uttar Pradesh in India is 6% vaccinated with a population of 241 million in the country where delta originated. It was declared Covid free in 2021September due to Ivermectin, not vaccines
Humetrix AI DOD study of 5.6m Medicare recipients over 65 shows that breakthrough infection rates 5-6 months after vaccination are 2x the 3-4 month figure. 71% of cases in August were in vaccinated people who comprised 80% of the group
Dr Nathan Thompson does an immune system test (AIDS progression test basically) before and after first and 2nd shot and finds that the vaccines destroy the immune system
Raw Covid Mortality and All Cause Mortality Data from the UK Office of National Statistics show that doubly vaccinated people were 6x more likely to die of all causes than unvaccinated people from the end of April to the beginning of July this year. This is the first government data to trap the scale of the lethal side effects of the Covid shots
What happens when the Pfizer Vaccine is added to blood under the microscope?
The Big Picture: Worldwide analysis of 188 nations shows a massive correlation between vaccination and higher case rates. It is the vaccinated leading the unvaccinated
COVID19 Counts as 616 the number of the beast
Funeral Director sees Unprecedented Levels of Dead Babies Piling up in Mortuaries and Totally Suppressed Vaxxed Covid Death Rates
The Septicemia death rate in the 21,926 doubly vaccinated group of the Pfizer Phase III Clinical trial was 21x normal. The Cardiovascular death rate was 2x normal
CDC admits that they have no record of a person with natural immunity becoming reinfected and transmitting Covid-19 to any other person
Pfizer Successfully Treat Covid with the HIV Drug Ritonavir
The Former chairman of the Royal college of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada Nails it!
A biblical explanation of why the world will end at the 7th Jab and who is really behind the vaccine mandates
Age Readjusted Scottish Death Rate figures from PHS combine with Age Stratified English Infection Rate figures from UKHSA in a Great Union which shows that doubly vaccinated over 30s are 286% more likely to die of Covid than unvaccinated over 30s
American Heart Association Presentation shows that mRNA vaccines more than double the 5 year chances of getting a heart attack
The Expose Stands By Novak Djokovic: Will you join us?
Vaccines Projected to Cause 62.3 Milliom Cardiovascular Deaths in 2022 Worldwide. Football Heart Attack Deaths in December 2021 Alone Matched the Annual Average for the last 12 Years. Worldwide Football Pitch Cardiovascular Deaths in 2021 were 15 times higher than in 2020.
Footballer Cardiovascular Deaths are rising exponentially - They are doubling every 3 months
Travel Restrictions and Isolating People who are not sick were known to be ineffective in fighting a flu pandemic in 2006
Toxicologist and Molecular Biologist Janci Chunn Lindsay Makes the Case for a Genetic Vaccination Ban
The Vaccines are prolonging the pandemic and preventing us reaching herd immunity
Casey Hodgkinson - The Most Eloquent Condemnation of mRNA (Pfizer) Vaccines We have Ever Seen
Every Vaccination is a vote in a Global Election. It is a vote for the new Global Dictatorship
Latest ONS and UKHSA figures show that Triply vaccinated 40-49 year olds are 10.3x more likely to catch Omicron than their unvaxxed counterparts
Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and Arne Burkhardt, MD find by autopsy that 14 out of 15 people who died with no mention of the vaccine, died of the vaccine
German Government Data for Omicron confirms that most of the "fully vaxxed" will have full blown Vaccine AIDS by the end of January. They are presently down to the last 12.3% of their immune response
OneAmerica Life Insurance Data show that vaccinated people between 18-64 years old are 50% more likely to die than unvaccinated people
Brilliant Goodbye letter from Unvaxxed Suspended Royal Canadian Mounted Police Corporal Richard Mehner
The latest UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report figures show that boosters massively accelerate immune system degradation and that most fully vaxxed people will have full blown VAIDS by the end of February
Vaccines are not Waning. Vaxxed immune systems are waning
Letter of Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University,
to the Israeli Ministry of Health
Latest UKHSA Figures Show That Vaccination Doubles Your Chances of Catching Covid
Government figures show that Fully vaxxed Australians in New South Wales are 2.2x more infectious than unvaxxed Aussies
Fully Vaxxed Australians in NSW are over 10X more likely to be infected with Omicron than unvaxxed Aussies according to the latest government figures
Covid19 vaccines achieve full poison status: Double vaxxed now have increased case, hospital and death rates
The 19 Deceptions of Covid19 mRNA Vaccination
The Billion Life Covid19 Fraud
The Expose Guide to Vaccination Genetics: How the vaccinated become GMO humans
PfizerGate: The Worldwide Cover Up of Vaccine Damage
Dr Chetty has discovered that most Covid19 mortality is due to an allergic reaction to the spike protein
Corona is the Latin word from Crown. Coronavirus is 100 nanometers in diameter and in section looks like a crown covered in spikes. It is a sphere covered in spikes which connect to cellular ACE2 receptors and insert the virus RNA into our cells.
There are 3 parallel account of Soldiers Braiding/plaiting/double helixing a crown/corona of thorns/spike proteins and putting it on ' head. By the parallel account principle of the bible code there must therefore be 3 independent fulfilments which combine to make a whole picture, 3 slices of a cake, which together make a whole cake. All 3 accounts share the same symbolism.
Reappointed Laodicea
27 Then the soldiers [
28 And disrobing him [destroyed his priesthood], they draped him with a scarlet cloak [
29 and they braided/plaited/double helixed [US military personnel gene spliced the COVID19 RNA from synthetic DNA, which is twisted, braided, plaited RNA in a double Helix, a molecular plait.
Plaits/Braids are helical!]
a crown out of thorns [2x. corona is a Latin feminine noun meaning crown. So a corona of spike proteins] and put it on his head [ head is the saints of the 3rd . reserves on earth, are protected from COVID by Psalm91 and Genesis15. But they are not protected from the vaccines]
and a reed in his right [hand] [a satanic reed, demon possessed people became the rulers of Laodicea and Sodom]. And, kneeling before him [They kneel before the Laodicean or Sodomite priest who represents ],
they made fun of him, saying: Good day, you King of the Jews! [Literally he was not. In the end times fulfilment he is the secular King of the Jews. He is Caesar when this is set]
30 And they spit upon him [that is how Coronavirus (COVID19) is transferred. possessed soldiers released it into the world targeting , the s] and took the reed and began hitting him upon his head [forcing the coronavirus spike proteins into his head, the reserves - through the vaccine - using the demon possessed reed of the administration of Sodom. So there are demon possessed fake s in Sodom along with sealed married true s who have not yet been inducted into the 3rd , but are still on the substitute bench. There is a Judas class that is known to but not removed from the congregation].
31 Finally, when they had made fun of him, they took the cloak off and put his outer garments upon him and led him off for impaling/crucifixion [
14 And Adam was not deceived, but [the] woman being deceived is caused to be in transgression; (1 Timothy 2 - adapted)
So the substitute reserves of the woman, the 3rd ARE in transgression due to being deceived by the serpent. WOW!
The soldiers both braid/plait the crown of thorns and put the reed in his hand.
So these soldiers are demon possessed people in the jurisdiction of the governor covering the church housing the s, which church is the reappointed Laodicea and Sodom. The Greek word for solider
16 The soldiers [not of the Governor, 1, who has by now repented] now led him off into the courtyard,
that is, into the governor's palace; and they called the whole body of troops together [All the s were called together in Sodom for the 6th and 7th marriage Passovers],
17 and they decked him with purple and braided/plaited/double helixed a thorny crown and put it on him.
18 And they started greeting him: Good day, you King of the Jews!
19 Also, they would hit him on the head with a reed [forcing the coronavirus spike proteins into his head, the reserves - through the vaccine - using their secular authority - their reed - to compel people to get the vaccine which gives the Mark] and spit upon him [this means that soldiers released COVID19 Mark2 upon mankind. so spitting is how it is transferred] and, bending their knees, they would do obeisance to him.
20 Finally, when they had made fun of him, they stripped him of the purple and put his outer garments upon him. And they led him out to impale him. (Mark 15 )
1 At that time, therefore, Pilate took and scourged him.
2 And the soldiers braided/plaited/double helixed a crown out of thorns [2x.
a virus resulting from the spike proteins produced by the vaccine] and put it on his head and arrayed him with a purple outer garment;
3 and they began coming up to him and saying: Good day,
you King of the Jews! Also, they would give him slaps in the face [which confirm the absence of a reed].
4 And Pilate went outside again and said to them: See! I bring him outside to you in order for you to know I find no fault in him.
5 Accordingly came outside [of the governor's place, the Watchtower], wearing the thorny crown
and the purple outer garment. And he said to them: Look! The man! [no outer garments given back purple outer garments left upon him] (John 19 )
The Governor is 1
The Governor's Palace is reappointed Laodicea which was run by 1 who possessed the President of Laodicea and presided over the Watchtowers Passovers - see U853.
Soldiers are descended demons
Crown out of thorns of Matthew is COVID19 braided by soldiers and infected by spitting of Matthew 27:30
Thorny crown in both Mark and John is COVID19 Variants for thorny crown is a variant way to say crown of thorns, braided by the soldiers and infected by the spitting of Mark 15:19
Crown of thorns of John is COVID21, which is the deadly plague of Revelation 6:8, braided by the soldiers but NOT infected by spitting. It is a virus made out of the spikes of a vaccine. The infection results from a vaccine injection - which has a time delayed deadly plague built into it ADE? It does not result from spitting.
So one or some or all of the vaccines is/are a lethal Trojan containing COVID21.
The Astra Zeneca vaccine codes for spikes which are a direct copy of Wuhan COVID19. The Pfizer. Moderna. Novavax and J&J vaccines code for a stabilised spike. This stabilised spike has the potential to be or to produce COVID21. So the Astra Zeneca vaccine, since it codes for the regular spike of COVID19, cannot produce COVID21. But the Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax and J&J vaccines may well code for COVID21, the deadly plague of Revelation 6:8. However if the delta or lambda or beta variant is the deadly plague then Astra Zeneca presently looks like the most dangerous vaccine for that variant (as of July21) -
A snake has two fangs and they are recommending 2 shots of the vaccines. Snake venom often kills. That is the symbolism of Genesis 3:15. We strongly suspect that the stabilised spike vaccines are the Trojans not Astra Zeneca vaccine..
1. COVID19 was made by the US military and they must have made a vaccine too,
since it is a bio weapon. Pfizer and Moderna and J&J and Novavax are US company created vaccines.
2. All Israel has had Pfizer and the demons always persecute the Jews.
3. Astra Zenceza has had terrible press about blood clots and is banned or suspended regularly. Whereas Pfizer produces just as many blood clots and yet has never been banned.
This means that although the reserves have now all married , they have not been taught by him how to interpret the bible for he is presently wearing a crown of thorns n his head. His head is infected with COVID19 - from the vaccine. This has huge spiritual significance. The wrote the bible. But the prophet, the dreamer cannot be the interpreter of his speech, his dream. So the does not interpret its inspired words, a bible interpreter must do that. So the s shall indeed teach the reserves for 50 days of Mark6 face to face.
A plaited crown of thorns is a gene spliced RNA/DNA Coronavirus of protein spikes.
43 Because the days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification with pointed stakes and will encircle you and distress you from every side, (Luke 19 )
43 For the days will come on you, and [ones] hostile [to]
you will raise up a rampart to you and will surround you and will keep you in on all sides, (Luke 19 )
43 Because will arrive days upon you and will throw in beside the enemies of you palisade [
Jerusalem, the head of Judea, was given a crown of thorns, an encircling palisade of pointed stakes, just before it was destroyed by the Roman General Titus in 70 CE. That was the end of the temple and of the Jewish system of things.
So we should expect the same thing to occur at the end of the world! Not only to physical Jerusalem (the archetypical woman below), but to spiritual Jerusalem, to heavenly Jerusalem (the woman above).
Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 Zinc and Quercetin are all commonly available supplements. So Dr Zelenko recommends the above quantities once per day as a prophylactic (before catching COVID-19). If you catch COVID, then perhaps double the dosage.
This daily regime (according to Dr Zelenko) will also help avoiding the cytokine storm caused when a person vaccinated over 5 months ago is challenged with any virus attack. So it should be a good insurance policy against the vaccines.
The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA) was drafted by University of Illinois international law professor Francis Boyle. The law, known as it went through the U.S. Senate during the 101st U.S. Congress as S. 993, was introduced to the Senate on May 16,
1989. The bill was sponsored by U.S. Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) and collected 15 co-sponsors on its way through the Senate.] An amended version of the bill passed the Senate in November 1989.
The U.S. House of Representatives version of the bill, carrying the same title, was introduced to the House on January 3,
1989. The sponsor of BWATA in the House was Representative Robert W. Kastenmeier (D-WI) and the legislation picked up 52 co-sponsors as it went through the House. The House of Representatives passed BWATA on May 8, 1990. BWATA was signed into law by then-U.S. President George H.W. Bush on May 22,
His view is that
1. All BSL3 (Bio Safety Level 3) and BSL4 labs are used to make Bio Weapons.
Nothing else can explain their huge budgets which are larger than that of the Manhattan project.
2. The WHO and the CDC know all of this and are in on the deception. They know the COVID is a man made bio weapon.
3. There has been a vaccine in existence from the start of the pandemic but its existence has been hidden, because its early existence would prove that COVID 19 was a man made bio weapon. Bio weapons have an offensive and a defensive component
4. North Carolina University gave COVID to the only BSL4 lab in China in Wuhan. There is some kind of relationship between the University of North Carolina and Fort Detrick, the only Bio weapons facility in the US.
5. The Aussies genetically engineered COVID-19 from scratch and supplied it to Wuhan.
6. North Carolina added gain of function to SARS and added some components of HIV to make COVID - 19.
Homepage COVID info
Fascinating videos. He proves that COVID is certainly man made by the US. And that although the virus is real, the infection rate and death figures are controlled by the Gates Foundation, Facebook Funders and Fauci, and are all hyped for the purpose of forcing people to take a gene therapy. His SECULAR position, is that the whole pandemic was created and over hyped in order to force a gene therapy which does not impart immunity to the virus (actually it does temporarily, but then it destroys your immune system which defeats the temporary advantage).
This ties in perfectly with our spiritual argument which is that this is all a fulfilment of the Genesis 3:15, where the Serpent is trying to get more seed by gene therapy - by injecting us with snake venom using deception - snakes move sideways and have forked tongues. The next stage biblically is WW3 (the 2nd horseman of the apocalypse). Then we shall have rationing causing Famine (the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse). And you will not get your rations unless you take the mark of the beast, which is an mRNA vaccine Passport. Fantastic info thanks so much. mRNA vaccines lead to the deadly plague of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse of Revelation6:8. Stock up on food or better still on faith and love.
Here is what the demons should be saying: Hi were demon possessed people and we are trying to get everyone to have the genetic signature of our master who is Cain. You know him, the first one of 's seed, the guy who killed Abel. Cain means spear, needle, spike in Hebrew. Eve called him that because pierced her in order to make Cain. But the demons thought that wouldn't sell too well. So they came up with COVID and hyped it beyond belief.
Fauci and Moderna sent COVID vaccine candidates for efficacy testing 1 month before COVID was publicly identified -
Dr Richard Fleming shows that Ralph Baric developed Covd19 and that it may cause a condition similar to BSE -
The scriptural interpretation of soldiers of the governor (Caesar's representative as Pilate was) of God's people in whom resides is the military forces of Caesar to the reappointed Laodicea (who held the reserve marriage Passovers) and Reverted Laodicea who held the 7th marriage Passover and the marriages. The governor is the US government, Caesar is the Dragon and G20 wild beast of Revelation13 which lost its heavenly authority to rule at the end of 's ministry payback lease on 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10 over Adam/Cain. So the US military bio weapons people created COVID19. They braided/plaited the crown of thorns, they gene spliced the double Helix (plaited) DNA and RNA of the coronavirus (crown-virus) of spike proteins.
This interpretation appears to be confirmed by Prof Boyle. The US military created it in Fort Detrick in Maryland (the centre of all US bio weapons production). Then in August 2019 the bio weapons part of Fort Detrick closed down due to a leak of dangerous materials. This was 3 months before COVID19 was first recognised overtly in Wuhan.
On August 7th, 2019, its deadly germ research operations were abruptly shutdown following serious safety violations, in particular relating to the disposal of dangerous materials -
The CDC issued a Cease and Desist to Fort Detrick on 2019July15. The lab put all research on hold on August2 and was shut down on 2019August7 according to reported by Heather Mongilio -
The lab reopened partially in late November 2019 and fully reopened in April 2020. The Link has now been changed, the article has been suppressed.
Link does not work for EU people any more. It worked when it was first posted!
The Wuhan lab got a $3.7 million grant from the US government approved by Obama running over 4 years from 2015 to 2019. -
"The controversy was such that it led to a Congressional moratorium on chimeric research in the USA. At which point, Dr. Antonio Fauci diverted 3.7 Million U.S. Dollars of U.S. Taxpayer monies to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to continue the research.
Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel to U. S. President Donald Trump, and former Mayor of New York city, recently demanded an explanation from Dr. Fauci for this transfer, which violated U.S. Laws against funding the research.
In addition to the research done at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, the specific kind of research into Coronaviruses as possible biological warfare agents, was being done at Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA, by the U. S. Army, which has a Level 3 and 4 Biowarfare Lab at the military base. This lab was cited by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July, 2019 for failure to maintain proper containment standards"
Fauci also gave them $3.7 million from the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) - In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million. -
Fauci's NIAID Co-Worker Secretly Mocked, Criticized Him Using the Pseudonym Streiff on a Conservative Website: "I think we're at the point where it is safe to say that the entire Wuhan virus scare was nothing more or less than a massive fraud perpetrated upon the American people by 'experts' who were determined to fundamentally change the way the country lives and is organized and governed," Streiff wrote in June." -
Main Stream media as of late May accept that COVID resulted from gain of function research and leaked from the Wuhan lab -
Prof Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize for discovering HIV knows that it is man made -
The phenomenon of Herd immunity exists because natural immunity and non gene therapy vaccination immunity (polio,
BCG, MMR etc) are long lasting. The immune system does not forget the lessons it has learned. Gene therapy immunity is quite strong at first but vanishes entirely around 4-5 months after the 2nd Jab as the latest PHE Technical Briefing 17-23 figures and Vaccine Surveillance Report Weeks36-40
and the CDC Barnstable study show. This is not because the vaccines lose efficacy. Their job is to train the immune system and they succeed in doing that as the short term results show. The loss of immunity is because they also progressively month on month damage the immune system and that damage overtakes the benefit of the initial immunization 4-5 months after the 2nd Jab. It is not because the immune system forgets what is was told 5 months earlier. It is because the vaccines eventually do more harm than good to the immune system. That is why the globalists are pushing them so hard. They need to get everybody vaccinated before it becomes too obvious that the vaccines are a short term immunity booster combined with a medium term immunity compromiser.
COVID is a man made bioweapon, made more infectious by the man made polybasic (PRRAR) furin cleavage site placed in the perfect position in the spike protein chain to infect humans - It carries its pathogenicity in its spikes. The vaccines code for those very spikes.
These spikes slowly degrade your immune system to the point where the benefit of the initial COVID spike training is overtaken. From then onwards they make you more likely to be infected with COVID-19 and less able to fight it when infected. They effectively give you a form of AIDS, which is hardly surprising since their infectivity comes from the furin cleavage site which is identical to that found in HIV1 and was most probably gene spliced from that HIV1 into the Coronavirus in Wuhan or Chapel Hill. Both COVID-19 and the vaccines contain genetic material from HIV1 and HIV2, the charming concoctions that they are.
Modernas own website at
shows the following 7 patent filings for their gene therapy mRNA-1273 (amino acid chain) vaccine...
US 10,703,789 filed January 12 2019
US 10,702,600 filed February 28 2020
US 10,577,403 filed June 12 2019
US 10,442,756 filed December 18 2017
US 10,266,485 filed June 11 2018
US 10,064,959 filed April 21 2017
US 9,868,692 filed July 27, 2017
The 2nd patent, filed on February 28 2020 was a continuation of an earlier patent application number 16/368,270 which was filed on March 28, 2019
So they had all 7 patents applied for by June12, 2019, which is quite impressive given that the WHO was only informed of a pneumonia type outbreak in Wuhan on December 31, 2019.
So all the patents needed to protect Moderna's particular vaccine monopoly were applied for more than 6 months before the outbreak of the disease that the vaccine is supposed to be curing.
This proves that the purpose of the 'lab leak' was to make a market for pre-existing vaccines in the case of Moderna. The leak occurred to force people to have to take the vaccine.
1999: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) funds research amplifying the infectious character of Coronaviruses.
2000: In May Ralph Baric successfully applies reverse genetics (composite DNA)
to a rescued infectious clone of SARS-CoV Urbani.
2001: April 20: NIH Grant GM63228 funds Ralph Baric et al at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to do Chimera research to transform the original SARS Coronavirus which was pathogenic only to animals, existing in nature as a pathogen for dogs and rabbits, to make it pathogenic to mankind targeting lung epithelial cells. The justification for this research was that it was supposedly designed as a vector virus to distribute HIV vaccines. This resulted in US patent application US28531801P
2002: April 19: The University of North Carolina files US patent 7279327 for an infectious replication defective coronavirus (to be used as a virus vector for an HIV vaccine), claiming priority from US28531801P. Inventors were: Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric
2002: November16: SARS outbreak in Guangdong province of China bordering on Hong Kong. What a coincidence!
2003 April 25, 2003 CDC Patent filed and ultimately becomes US 7,220,852 (the patent on the RNA sequence) and 7,776,521 (the patent on the testing methodology. These patents give the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the ability to control the commercial exploitation of SARS coronavirus.
2003: Dr. Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill receives NIH grant AI23946-08 officially classified as affiliated with NIAID (run by Anthony Fauci). Baric works on synthetically altering Coronaviruses.
2003: Dr. Anthony Fauci appointed to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Grand Challenges Scientific Advisory Board (served through 2010 - when he joined their Global Vaccine Action Plan).
2010: August 6: Moderna (prior to its establishment) files U.S. Patent 9,447,164 which attracted the investment of (and “inventorship” for) venture capitalists at Flagship Ventures. This patent grew out of the work of Dr. Jason P. Schrum of Harvard Medical School supported by National Science Foundation Grant #0434507. While the application claims priority to August 2010, the application didn’t get finalized until October, 2015.
2010: Moderna (MODEfied RNA) was incorporated in 2010.
2010: The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan.
The Leadership Council is comprised of:
Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO;
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health;
Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF;
Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2012 September 22: UK Identifies first case of MERS
2015 July: South Korea had its last case of MERS. There were 2,494 confirmed laboratory cases and a total of 858 deaths in 27 countries; 80% of these cases came from Saudi Arabia. So the mortality rate for MERS was 34.4%. But it was not very transmissible. Infections were limited to family members, other hospital patients and health care workers who encountered MERS patients.
2018: US Patent 7279327 for the chimeric adaption of the naturally occurring animal SARS Coronavirus to become infectious to humans targeting lung epithelial cells is transferred from University of North Carolina to he US National Institute for Health (NIH) - who funded it in the first place.
2018 March 27: Peter Daszac and the Eco Health Alliance in 2018 submitted a proposal to DARPA to do gain of function research on SARS coronaviruses to insert is furin cleavage site (such as is found in HIV1) in an optimal position into the coronavirus gene. COVID-19 has a furin cleavage site optimally positioned to infect humans.
Let’s look at the big picture: A novel SARS coronavirus emerges in Wuhan with a novel cleavage site in it. We now have evidence that, in early 2018, they had pitched inserting novel cleavage sites into novel SARS-related viruses in their lab,” said Chan. “This definitely tips the scales for me. And I think it should do that for many other scientists too.” - this is the Eco health alliance DARPA funding proposal.
Oh dear. That really nails it. DARPA confirms that Peter Daszac of the Eco Health Alliance submitted a proposal on 2018March27 to add an HIV1 type furin cleavage site to SARS1 and SARS CoV 2 has that furin cleavage site. Fauci funded Wuhan through the Eco Health Alliance.
2019: November: University of North Carolina, Moderna and NIH began the sequencing of the 1273 amino acid spike protein vaccine a month before the outbreak actually occurred.
2019: December31: WHO is informed of a pneumonia type outbreak in Wuhan.
So COVID-19 is not a naturally occurring virus, it is man made. It was not made in Wuhan.. It was originally made in Chapel Hill and funded by the NIH. It is actually the NIH Virus. In fact all SARS viruses which infect humans are based on the original SARS-NIH virus from the University of North Carolina.
Furthermore it is not COVID-19. The virus was made to be pathogenic to humans in 2002 and was adapted by computer modelling until 2010 when Moderna was set up to profit from mRNA vaccines to supposedly defeat it. And further adapted thereafter.
COVID-19 counts as 100+0+6+500 (latin) + 1+9 = 616 of Revelation13.
So we suspect that COVID-19 is in fact COVID-10. Because what is called COVID-19 (due to the first identification via an outbreak occurring in 2019) may have been completed in 2010 when Moderna was incorporated and when the WHO-UNICEF-Fauci-Gates Global Vaccine Action Plan was hatched.
Judge for yourself whether or not your government, your employer or your sports venue or social venue is violating it -
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probably cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
Astra Zeneca causes 3x less deaths than Pfizer
Also Astra Zeneca is obviously better at protecting people because the UK figures are by far the best in the world and we take more Astra Zeneca than anyone else. AZ has been quite an astonishing success over here.
So from a physical perspective AZ is a 3x safer bet and provides better COVID protection. But if you
take it then please take LOADS of triple strength Omega3 fish oil to protect against blood clots and strokes. But better not to take any vaccine.
Because they all contain the spikes of Cain, which begin the process of making you genetically into the seed of Cain.
We have now seen clearly from the scriptures that ONE of the types of vaccine is a Trojan. It cures COVID19 (from 2019) but will cause COVID21 (from 2021), which is the deadly plague of Revelation6, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse - far more lethal than COVID19
This type we think is the stabilised spike type of Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax and J&J. These may have a time delayed new virus (COVID21) within them, that will kill people in a few months time (counting from April 2021).
However all the vaccines are spiritually lethal since the demons made the Wuhan virus, and vaccines replicate the spike/spear/Cain from that virus. And the spiritual merges with the physical in early 2022. So please delay taking any vaccine until more is known. If you have to take one, then take the Astra Zeneca one because...
1. Several governments have banned AZ and the US FDA has not authorised it even for emergency use. So they are pushing people away from AZ and towards Pfizer.
2. Demons like to kill Jews, and all Israel took Pfizer, none of them took AZ.
3. Foxnews now covers the story that COVID19 was man made...
It is a bio weapon. It is weaponized flu. So they would have made the antidote at the same time as the virus (according ot Prof Francis Boyle who wrote the bio weapons treaty). And Pfizer was the first vaccine (its release was delayed because drugs companies do not like Trump) But still it was the first.
4. COVID19 was made by the US military in Fort Detrick, which closed down its bioweapons division in September 2019, 3 months before Wuhan, due to a leak. So the US vaccines will have the Trojan. So it is Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax and J&J vaccines which must be avoided.
5. Alex Jones and infowars have been on top of this from the start -
The bible clearly (in coded form) declares that demon possessed military bio weapons or demon possessed drugs company people made...
1..COVID19 (2019)
2. ONE of the variants (not all of them)
3. Corrupted one or more of the vaccines, the ones which contains COVID21 (2021)
God requires 3 witnesses to condemn a person to death. So one may need a 3rd jab in order to receive the Mark of the beast (which is not a vaccination but a vaccination Passport or the social credit score associated with a vaccine passport).
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The 1957 and 1968 Asian flu pandemic experiences wherein economies were not destroyed and herd immunity was reached after a few months and the government intervention was limited to recommending fruit, show that the better course for the COVID19 pandemic would have been Vitamin C Vitamin D and exercise.
If destructive lockdowns and the loveless face masks had been deployed for medical reasons they would by now have been lifted in the UK where the pandemic is over. But they have not been lifted. So now we can see they were never about health.
[[Indeed 60% of COVID cases in Israel are now in vaccinated people in circumstances where 80% of the population is vaccinated exclusively with Pfizer. This means that Pfizer offers 62.5% real world protection , not 95% as they claimed. Whereas boosted Vitamin D offers 60% reduction in COVID mortality and 80% reduction in intensive care visits. So there is nothing between them - see for the calculations and links to the soruce studies.]]
That means neither are the vaccines about health. They are about genetic control. We are in a dystopian sci-fi novel written 1950 years ago by the apostle John. The lockdown is to coerce the vaccine. Vaccine passports will become the Mark of the Beast. You will not be able to buy or sell without them later this year. That is easy to see physically, politically now. Scripturally the Mark of the Beast is first compelled on 6-16 day which is 2021Elul16, Elul being the 6th month of the Biblical Hebrew Calendar. It is 2021August26/27 Gregorian.
16 And the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the freemen and the slaves, it causes that they give to them all a mark on their right hand, or on their foreheads/space between the eyes,
17 even that not any could buy or sell, except the [one]
having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name.
18 Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and its number [is] six hundred [and] sixty six (or 616). (Revelation 13 )
was given a crown of thorns. A corona of spike proteins. The Soldiers braided/plaited/double helixed that crown. This is the US military gene splicing COVID19. That is the fulfilment of Matthew27.
27 Then the soldiers of the governor took into the governor's palace and gathered the whole body of troops together to him.
28 And disrobing him, they draped him with a scarlet cloak,
29 and they braided/plaited/double-helixed a crown out of thorns and put it on his head and a reed in his right hand. And, kneeling before him, they made fun of him, saying: Good day, you King of the Jews!
30 And they spit upon him and took the reed and began hitting him upon his head. (Matthew 27 )
Then in Mark15 was given not a crown of thorns - but a thorny crown (in the Greek). That is a VARIANT of COVID19.
16 And the soldiers led him away into the hall,
called Praetorium; and they call together the whole band.
17 And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his [head],
18 And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews!
19 And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing [their] knees worshipped him. (Mark 15 )
So yes, the flu mutates. But both COVID19 and one of the variants were man made. Steve Hilton on Fox news now carries that story. But the real worry is the 3rd account of the crown of thorns in John19. For in Matthew27 and Mark15 the soldiers SPIT upon - which is how coronavirus is transmitted. COVID19 and the variants have been transmitted by droplets from the lungs through the mouth. BUT in John19 the soldiers braid/plait/double helix a 3rd crown out of thorns and no spitting occurs. That is COVID21, this year's COVID, which will be more lethal than COVID19, because it is the deadly plague of the 4th horseman of Revelation 6:8. You do not catch it from person to person transmission - no spitting by soldiers. Because it is in the vaccines.
2 And the soldiers braided a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him with a purple outer garment;
3 and they began coming up to him and saying: Good day,
you King of the Jews! Also, they would give him slaps in the face.
4 And Pilate went outside again and said to them: See! I bring him outside to you in order for you to know I find no fault in him.
5 Accordingly came outside, wearing the thorny crown and the purple outer garment. And he said to them: Look! The man! (John 19 )
One or more of the vaccines are TROJANS. They cure COVID19 but will eventually cause COVID21 delayed by enough time for most people to get vaccinated. The Oxford Astra Zeneca codes for the plain COVID19 spike. So it is NOT a Trojan. But the Pfizer, the Moderna, the Novavax and the J&J use a stabilised vaccine spike (a mark2 spike). These have the potential to be COVID21. That is why there is so much bad publicity for AZ but very little bad publicity for Pfizer. Whereas Pfizer actually kills 3x more people that AZ according to
But none of that is the big picture. The big picture is that at the end of this system God zaps the genes of all the sons and daughters of Adam who are to be saved so that they stop ageing. For Adam was zapped 6,000 years ago so that he started ageing. The COVID vaccines are an attempt to thwart that process. ransomed Adam. He did not ransom a genetically modified Adam. So if you believe in God at all, if you have any sort of faith. DO NOT GET VACCINATED. My Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Bahai, Zoroastrian etc. brothers and sisters, read Genesis 3:15. The final act of is the same as his first act, the first shall be last. Genocide. The vaccines are the snake bite of Genesis 3:15. He will bruise/crush/ambush/bite you in the heel. Two fangs. Two shots. Snake venom can be lethal. DO NOT LET THE SERPENT BITE YOU.
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3 )
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman; and between thy seed and her seed. He will wound thy head, and thou wilt wound his heel." (Genesis 3 THOM)
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed, he shall watch against thy head, and thou shalt watch against his heel. (Genesis 3 LXXb)
The Hebrew word translated bruise is ambush/lie in wait for.
The seed of was Cain. Cain in Hebrew means Spear/Needle/Spike. For speared/skewered/pierced Eve to make Cain. Whereas Abel means breath. for Adam kissed Eve before making Abel. The vaccines are an attempt to make you into the seed of Cain/Spear/Needle/Spike. We are in the end times battle of the seeds, the fulfilment of the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. Do not permit your body to be genetically modified. Do not be conned. DO NOT BE NIGH EVE. do not let Cain/Spear/Needle/Spike, turn all your cells into spike/needle/Cain factories!
Do not machine gun your body with man made bio weapon spikes/Cains.
The above is the spiritual situation as we understand it. The US bioweapons facility, a division of Fort Detrick was closed down in August 2019, 3 months before Wuhan, due to a leak. Go figure. Search duckduckgo for Prof Francis Boyle and Dr. David Martin, and Fauci - Wuhan - million dollars for physical confirmation that COVID19 is a man made bio weapon made and funded by the US military.
For more see
Our latest predictions for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 which are attacks producing a mushroom cloud over the Hudson in Manhattan and over the Thames around Dartford East of London are 2021Iyyar20/21 (2021May2-4), the 7th Pentecost or 7th Sabbath thereof and 2021Iyyar27/28 (2021May9-11), the late Pentecost, or Super Pentecost thereafter. These trigger the end of the 7th world power, the UK/US world power, the two feet of the giant image of Daniel2 and then the 10 toes of Daniel2, the 10 kings with one thought of Revelation17 begin on 2021Sivan14 (May26/27) and run for 10 months precisely to 2022Nisan14 (April15/16), the end of , the end of Kingdom starter salvation.
Gods Blessings
My Love
Gordon Ritchie
P.S. For the full physical story here please see: by Dr Carrie Madej. She is unknowingly or perhaps knowingly describing the demonic takeover that is ongoing. She gives the physical. God gives the spiritual.
For more see U935 and see mRNA
A coronavirus of spike proteins is a CROWN OF THORNS. Corona being the latin for Crown.
The crown of thorns scene when Pilate said: Behold the man, was the last abuse that suffered before he was led off to be crucified.
Mankind is once again wearing a crown of thorns (COVID19).
This therefore is the last abuse we suffer before the death of Adamic man,
the end of this world, the start of the post adamic on earth.
We are therefore at the end of the End Times.
The soldiers braided/platted/double helixed the crown of thorns. So it is a gene spliced man/demon made bio weapon.
The soldiers spat upon . That is how COVID is transferred. So the (demon possessed) military deliberately infected mankind. It was not an accidental leak.
In Mark 15 the soldiers made a thorny crown RATHER than a crown of thorns.
That is a variant of COVID19. They only made one such variant.
In Luke 19 the soldiers braided a crown of thorns and did not spit upon .
So this is a non transmitted infection. It must therefore be due to the vaccines. The vaccines, therefore, are TROJANS.
27 Then the soldiers of the governor took into the governor's palace and gathered the whole body/coil together to him.
28 And disrobing him, they draped him with a scarlet cloak,
29 and they braided/plaited/double helixed a crown out of thorns [Corona is a Latin feminine noun meaning crown. So a corona of spike proteins] and put it on his head and a reed in his right [hand]. And, kneeling before him, they made fun of him,
saying: Good day, you King of the Jews!
30 And they spit upon him [how COVID is transferred] and took the reed and began hitting him upon his head
31 Finally, when they had made fun of him, they took the cloak off and put his outer garments upon him and led him off for impaling/crucifixion.
(Matthew 27)
Harvard Medical School in February 2020 first referred to COVID19 as a Crown of Thorns: In February, researchers published the structure of the spike protein, the hallmark protrusions that form the distinctive CROWN OF THORNS that SARS-CoV-2 uses to penetrate host cells. With this information in hand, McMahon and Kruse realized they could try to identify nanobodies that might be able to block the interaction between the spike protein and its target on human cells, a protein called ACE2—found in abundance in cells in the airway - Search for:
Harvard medical school first called COVID19 a crown of thorns in February 2020. Churches did not see it until later (we did not see it until April 2021). But the crown of thorns of Matthew27, Mark15 and John19 was braided/platted by the soldiers. A plait is a double helix, which is the structure of DNA. The greater soldiers therefore gene splice the crown of thorns. The soldiers then spat upon . That is how COVID19 is transferred.
Conclusion. COVID19 is man made, actually by the greater soldiers. SO IT IS A BIO WEAPON. Made actually by demon possessed military people to be fair to mankind. And since it was the last thing that happened to who was called 'the man', mankind must now be at the end of the end times. That means that the prophecy about the seed of the serpent biting end time mankind in the heel is now being fulfilled. That means that the COVID vaccination is the snake bite. The two fangs are the two shots. The vaccination is snake venom. It turns your cells into spike protein factories. Cain, the seed of the serpent, the murderer of Abel, means Spear/Needle/Spike in Hebrew.
So the vaccines turn your cells into Cain factories. This makes you into the seed of the serpent. It changes your genes so that you are no longer Adamic but become . ransomed Adam. He did not ransom Cain.
That is the genetic power game we are presently the victims of. The Cainians are not denied salvation. But the serpent extends his authorityover them into the by this genetic rape.
stands symbolically for mankind here. Because Pilate said in John19 when referring to standing in front of the crowds wearing the crown of thorns: Ecce homo, Behold the man,
5 Accordingly came outside, wearing the thorny crown and the purple outer garment. And he said to them: Look! The man! (John 19)
45 So also it has been written, "The" first "man", Adam, "became a living soul;" the last Adam a life-giving . [Gen. 2:7] (1 Corinthians 15 )
During the end times, is here - for stands up in the Time of the End (Daniel12:1). When is here to police them (demons do not like the police) so are the demons as they were in his first century ministry. For when he expelled them, they would say: What do we have to do with you, son of the most high God? Here is what they have to do with : When he is here they are here.
The soldiers braided/platted/double helixed the crown. This is the bible telling us that (actually demon possessed) members of the military gene spliced COVID19.
The soldiers spat upon : Spitting is how the flu is transferred through droplets of fluid expelled from the mouth. This is the (demon possessed)
military deliberately infecting mankind with COVID19.
You cannot beat your enemy until you know who he is. The demons are here, actually for 2,000 pigs of Mark5 a pig for a day from 2016Heshvan21 (the Pentecost) to 2022Sivan11 (the Pentecost).
They have several goals:
1. Destroy love for God - (closing down churches)
2. Destroy love between humans - (COVID regulations, no hugging, face masks,
anti social distancing, no visits to care homes, no visits to dying relatives,
no Christmas etc.)
3. Destroy gender (woke cancellation of male and female)
4. Pervert children (encourage sex change drugs or operations before the age of consent)
5. Turn us into the seed of the Serpent (vaccination gene therapy - fill us with snake venom)
6. Kill sufficiently large numbers of us to frighten us into obeying them
7, Make us feel guilty and submissive (White supremacy slander, manufactured ancestral slave guilt and face masks)
8. Avoid being detected (The camouflaged stealthy serpent moves sideways and ambushes its prey)
9. Prevent us from being saved into the.
The weapons they will use upon us later this year are:
1. Globalism: The UK/US feet of the giant image of Daniel2 will lose their authority and be replaced by 10 toes, which are the 10 horns who are the 10 Kings of Revelation17.
Temporally, the 10 Horns = the 10 Kings = the 10 Toes = 10 years from 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of the world.
Temporally the 10 Horns and the 10 Kings and the 10 Diadems are also 10 months of power, kingship and authority.
Administratively, the 10 horns who are 10 kings = The 10 toes partly of iron and partly of potter's clay = The G20.
2. Mark of the Beast Compulsion starting on 2025Adar21/22, by law and by WW3
3. The 2nd horseman of the apocalypse, WW3, from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23
4. The fear of nuclear war in the 1044 day of Matthew24 and Revelation7, for unless those days were cut short not all [chosen] flesh would be saved, from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2
5. The 3rd Horseman of the apocalypse: Famine - not only in the 3rd world.
6. The deadly plague that follows AFTER Covid19 (made effective by the immune destruction wrought by the genetic Covid vaccinations)
7. BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH Total exclusion from the economic system, unless you have a Vaccine Passport from Mark Enforcement day 2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17). No one can buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast (the USA escapes this - there are no eagle parts in the sea beast of Revelation13)
The heel of the seed of the woman is the sleepy members of the flock of her end time seed, taking the height of the human to represent time from Adam to today and the distance from the back of the foot to represent awareness in the flock)
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3 )
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman; and between thy seed and her seed. He will wound thy head, and thou wilt wound his heel." (Genesis 3 THOM)
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed, he shall watch against thy head, and thou shalt watch against his heel. (Genesis 3 LXXb)
The vaccine is the only candidate for this snake bite. The 2 fangs of the snake are the 2 shots of the vaccine. The end times governments of the world are controlled by the Dragon, the descended demonic administration evicted from heaven by () and his angels in Revelation12. The dragon is coercing all of mankind to get its gene therapy through its vaccines. These can now only be the venom of the snake bite. There is no more time during which to be bitten by the snake.
The seed of through Eve was Cain, whose name in Hebrew means spear/needle/spike because pierced the virgin Eve when producing Cain. Whereas Abel means breath, because Adam kissed Eve, when producing Abel. Cain murdered his brother and his character has not changed.
7 If you turn to doing good, will there not be an exaltation? But if you do not turn to doing good, there is sin crouching at the entrance, and for you is its craving; and will you, for your part, get the mastery over it? (Genesis 4 )
7 If you do well, is there not exaltation? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching/lying (in wait) at the entrance; and its desire [is] toward you; but you should rule over it. (Genesis 4 adapted)
7 Is there not, if thou dost well, acceptance? and if thou dost not well, at the opening a sin-offering is crouching/lying in wait, and unto thee its desire, and thou rulest over it.' (Genesis 4 YLT adapted)
So the sin of mass vaccination gene therapy, to turn us all into sons of Cain has been waiting for him until now. Sin was waiting for DNA to be discovered and gene sequencing and gene splicing to become known and gain of function research to occur, so that Cain could be given the opportunity to force his genes upon us, to genetically rape us. He rules over this vaccination sin. It is his sin. And he is the father of all the seed of the serpent. But he does eventually repent and then there is an exultation before the entrance into the.
The vaccines turn our cells into protein spike factories, Cain/Spear/Spike factories, thorn factories. That is how our genes (DNA or RNA) are changed to remake us as sons of Cain.
The news is not all bad however. Because as we saw in the first century, when the Demons are here, then so is (to police them - demons do not like the police very much). Indeed they said to him when he was expelling them: What do we have to do with you, son of the most high God? Answer: Whenever the demons are here, is here too. died to ransom Adam, not Cain. But his ransom of Adam does apply to even to Cain, because we can become covenant sons of Adam by faith and actually by love.
6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom [to Adam] for all [of mankind] -- [this is] what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times. (1 Timothy 2 )
Banning hugging
Banning smiling (through face masks)
Banning visiting dying relatives
Banning visiting living relatives
Banning visiting friends
Banning visiting non resident partners
Closing down churches
Banning Christmas
Banning outdoor gatherings when there is no significant evidence of COVID transfer resulting from them.
Invalidating gender (indulging woke activism)
Invalidating our ancestors (indulging BLM activism)
Invalidating family authority over children
Permitting sex altering therapy on children below the age of consent for sex
They did not respond like this in 1957 and in 1968 when we had Asian flu pandemics which killed millions of people but reached herd immunity after around 5 months.
Coercing us and our children to take experimental gene therapy is a contravention of the Nuremberg Code on coerced medical experimentation.
So has mankind learned anything from the lethal deception that the Serpent pulled on Eve? Or are we today just as Nigh Eve as she was?
Do you want two fangs worth of snake venom to genetically modify your immune system with man made spike proteins?
Or do you accept that snake venom is generally very bad for your health and can actually be lethal?
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman; and between thy seed and her seed. He will wound thy head, and thou wilt wound his heel." (Genesis 3 THOM)
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed, he shall watch against thy head, and thou shalt watch against his heel. (Genesis 3 LXXb)
This prophecy is being fulfilled right now. When a snake bites you it injects snake venom into you. The heel of mankind, is end times mankind, the head was Abel, the first of the good seed. This is the same interpretation that Daniel made of the giant man of Daniel2.
Cain was the first of the bad seed of the serpent. His name in Hebrew means Spear/Needle/Spike. Do not permit his vaccine to turn your cells into spike factories, Cain factories. He wants to genetically modify you, to rape your genes, to turn you into his seed and deny you the salvation of the sons of Adam. In case you do not know it: and Cain are both murderers.
Texas ended lockdowns in March 2021. They had zero COVID deaths today for the first time since March 2020. I now understand that lockdowns and masks prevent herd immunity because they prevent microinfections which are effectively vaccinations. They also weaken the immune system which has led to the increase in children with respiratory diseases. They also increase depression, suicide, alcoholism, obesity, cardio vascular disease etc etc. They are very very bad science. We have the results from Florida, South Dakota and Texas which have no lockdowns. This is no longer conjecture. It is COVID reality. We also have the results from the 1957 and 1968 Asian flu pandemics for which herd immunity was reached after 5 months because there were no lockdowns and no mask mandates.
Every day that we remain in lockdown SAGE kills more people than necessary in the UK and kills 10x that amount in the 3rd world due to economic deprivation.
Study finds that Mask mandates have zero effect on COVID transmission, that remote learning INCREASES COVID transmission when compared to in person learning and that on site ventilation DECREASES transmission
This paper reports on the correlation of mitigation practices with staff and student COVID-19 case rates in Florida, New York, and Massachusetts during the 2020-2021 school year. We analyze data collected by the COVID-19 School Response Dashboard and focus on student density, ventilation upgrades, and masking. We find higher student COVID-19 rates in schools and districts with lower in-person density but no correlations in staff rates. Ventilation upgrades are correlated with lower rates in Florida but not in New York. We do not find any correlations with mask mandates. All rates are lower in the spring, after teacher vaccination is underway. -
President of vote fraud Biden said about the unvaccinated that they will end up paying the price. Not if they have already had the disease they won't. Not if they are asymptomatic they won't. Not if they are young they won't. That is not science, that is a sick and abusive threat. He said on May 18 about vaccination: It’s the right thing to do. It’s the smart thing to do. It’s the strong thing to do. Translation: It is the wrong thing to do, the dumb thing to do and the weak thing to do.
General Lockdowns do prevent infections and death in the short term. But they are no more effective, possibly less effective, than specific lockdowns
General Lockdowns suffer from bounce backs after they are lifted, unless herd immunity is reached during the lockdown.
They Destroy the economy which reduces funding for the NHS in the future and their economic impact causes depression, mental illness, suicide, alcoholism, and drug addition.
Kill many more people in the 3rd world who live on knife edge economic subsistence, than they save in the first world in the short term
Prevent COVID micro infections from short duration person to person interactions which lead to herd immunity. So they prevent herd immunity from being reached or delay it significantly
Weaken the immune system in general by preventing all micro infections
Cause obesity which is dangerous for COVID and cardio vascular disease.
Cause massive collateral damage by preventing patients suffering from major killers such a CHD and Cancer getting the treatment they need when they need it and before it is too late..
Themselves cause suicide, depression, Alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness
Decrease love between people which manifests itself in more divorce, crime,
corruption, aggression etc.
Split up marriages and destroy relationships between partners.
Lockdowns of children suspend social development and set back their education in a way that may not be fully recoverable.
Florida South Dakota and Texas compared to New York California and Michigan convincingly show with real world data that general lockdowns have either no benefit or are detrimental to short term and medium term COVID numbers
The Great Barrington Declaration advised against general lockdowns from the start of the Pandemic and recommended locking down only the sick and the vulnerable.
Lockdowns of the elderly increase dementia rates and remove one of the main motivations for carrying on.
Lockdowns prevent people exercising their own judgement as to what is dangerous and what is not. Life is about making those judgements, not being prevented from making them.
Lockdowns increase the power of the public sector over the people - which is always extremely dangerous.
But apart from all that what damage have lockdowns ever done to us?
Locking down the infectious and those at significant risk (more than pneumonia) is supported by the science and has been practiced since time.
Locking down the healthy and the those not at significant risk (less than pneumonia) is not supported by science and was invented in 2020 for the purposes of deep state control by fear. It is an abuse of medical quarantine science.
It is a necessary step on the path to a thought police state It is behavioural science not medical science
It is also a means of coercing the vaccine. When you buy a second hand car in the absence of detailed mechanical knowledge you are buying not the car but the trustworthiness of the seller. When you take a lockdown coerced vaccine in the absence of detailed or correct medical knowledge you are taking not the vaccine but the trustworthiness of an abusive government into your body.
I would like to present the law of Imperial capability which my nephew and I developed last night in the curry shop. A law that would never have been formulated had the lockdown not been ended. So thanks for that one Boris!
This law states that when mankind develops the capability to make an empire for himself, someone will make that empire - because he can. History, which is presently being erased, shows this law to have been true in the past.
1. Mankind today has the capability to hack the immune system (quoting the CEO of Moderna). So someone will do that and create an empire from it. An empire over the hacked, the genetically modified, the vaccinated. An empire which controls people through genetics. It is inevitable.
2. Mankind today has the communications, the translation capability, the surveillance capability and the transport capability to make a global government. So we shall have a global government. Globalism will occur. It is inevitable.
3. Mankind today has the IT power to monitor and control every single financial transaction (once cash is abolished) and make a worldwide financial empire. So this will occur. It is inevitable.
Empires of course are rarely in the interest of the conquered. They exist for the aggrandisement of the conquerors. So how to we fight these 3 coming empires? Your decision. But refuse vaccination, don't vote for globalists and recognise the inevitable Mark of the Beast as a fulfilment of scripture when it comes and so put God, humanity and love above money would be my tuppence.
Here is a quote from the UK government: Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures 22nd March 2020 -
Perceived threat: A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened. It could be that they are reassured by the low death rate in their demographic group, although levels of concern may be rising(9). Having a good understanding of the risk has been found to be positively associated with adoption of COVID-19 social distancing measures in Hong Kong. The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging. To be effective this must also empower people by making clear the actions they can take to reduce the threat.
My favourite newspaper has nailed it. Laura Dodsworth has written a book called the state of fear.
Here is a wonderful explanation from her of what the government has been doing to us.
We are most certainly the subject of a behavioural science experiment.
When the government puts out yes Christmas no Christmas yes Christmas no Christmas - this is not incompetence it is behavioural science.
When they say yes holidays, no holidays, yes holidays no holidays likewise.
Here it is if the link does not work (I have a subscription)...
Foreign holidays are back! So said the headlines last week when the Government’s “green list” of safe countries was revealed.
Not so fast, warned ministers, telling the public going abroad was “dangerous” and is “not for this year”.
Confused? That’s because you’re meant to be, says Laura Dodsworth, who has spent the past year investigating the Government’s use of behavioural psychology for her new book, A State of Fear.
“When you create a state of confusion, people become ever more reliant on the messaging,” she says. “Instead of feeling confident about making decisions, they end up waiting for instructions from the Government.”
This week’s chaotic and contradictory advice on travel is all part of the growing use of fear to control the public, she believes – a tactic which has been supercharged by the Covid pandemic.
“It reminds me very much of what the Government was doing at Christmas, when family Christmases were on, then off, then back on, then off again,” she says. “You have got someone tightening the screw, then loosening the screw, then tightening it again. It’s like a torture scenario.”
Dodsworth, who is also the latest guest on The Telegraph's Planet Normal podcast, which you can listen to using the audio player above, believes that the technique “infantilises” the public and enables the Government to control behaviour without having to use unpopular legislation – such as making holidays illegal.
It may at first glance have the feel of a conspiracy theory, but in the course of her research Dodsworth has not only uncovered what she says is evidence of the industrial-scale use of behavioural science in Whitehall, but also spoken to practitioners who believe it has gone way too far.
Dodsworth believes inconsistent messaging from the Government helps maintain a state of confusion Credit: ANDREW PARSONS/10 Downing Street/AFP via Getty Images
One told her they were stunned by the “weaponisation” of fear by Whitehall. Dodsworth says: “I fervently hope this book is actually going to inspire a much needed conversation about the use of fear, not just in the epidemic, but the way we use behavioural psychology overall.
“It’s not just a genie that has been let out the bottle. It’s like we’ve unleashed a Hydra and you can keep chopping its head off, but they keep employing more of these behavioural scientists throughout different government departments. It’s very much how the Government now does business. It’s the business of fear.”
Dodsworth set off on her quest after being struck by a now-infamous minute of a Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) meeting last March. It noted that a sub-group of Sage, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviours (SPI-B), had warned that many people “still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened” and that “the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased”.
This has become “Exhibit A” in the case against the Government’s use of alleged covert psychological strategies – but Dodsworth found multiple branches of the State employing similar methods. There is the Behavioural Insights Team, better known as the “nudge unit”, which has become so successful it is now a semi-independent body advising other countries on how to use nudge theory to the greatest effect.
Less well known is the Home Office’s Research, Information and Communications Unit (RICU), which, according to Dodsworth, “attempts to covertly engineer the thoughts of people” by providing support to bodies seen by the public as “grassroots” organisations.
There is also the Rapid Response Unit, based in Number 10 and the Cabinet Office, and the Counter Disinformation Cell, attached to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, both of which monitor social media and tackle “fake” news including, Dodsworth claims, YouTube videos by doctors who contradict WHO guidance on Covid.
GCHQ has been involved in combating anti-vaccine messaging, Dodsworth suggests, and military personnel, she claims, are also being used to rebut private citizens who challenge lockdown on social media.
She says some people believe they have been targeted by the 77th Brigade, part of the 6th Division of the Army, which, according to the Ministry of Defence, uses “legitimate non-military levers as a means to adapt behaviours of the opposing forces and adversaries”. When she inquired about the activities of some of these bodies, “I hit a brick wall,” she says, “and I find that when someone puts up a brick wall, it’s because that’s where the real story lies.”
Laura Dodsworth has spent the past year investigating the Government’s use of behavioural psychology Credit: Jeff Gilbert
In A State of Fear, Dodsworth claims that there are behavioural insights teams operating within at least 10 Government departments. Her research has made her deeply suspicious of even the most innocent-looking good news story about the Government’s work.
“I interviewed someone who had worked for one of the agencies that works with RICU,” she says. “They explained that, after the London Bridge terror attack, there were lots of bunches of flowers left at the scene, but some of them were delivered ‘officially’ before the emotional outpouring from the public. It was fascinating.
“So when I read newspaper articles saying the nurse who delivered the first vaccination in the UK is backing a national thank you day for key workers, I wonder which Government department is behind it. The idea of having a day where we are all going to be thanking people for the vaccine feels a bit staged – a bit Stalinist, even.”
With the success of the vaccine rollout and the decline in Covid deaths, the Government might have been expected to quietly dial down its use of fear. But Dodsworth believes it is as prevalent as ever. “The Cabinet Office is recruiting three new behavioural scientists this week,” she says. “It’s growing and growing. Right now, I feel we are in a maelstrom of nudge.”
For Dodsworth, A State of Fear appears to be something of a new direction, having made her name as a photographer with her three Bare Reality books, in which she snapped men and women naked and interviewed them about their bodies.
She insists, however, that there is a common thread running through her work. “What I’m interested in is what makes us who we are, and I’m interested in taboos. This is really in keeping with the kind of investigative social documentary work I’ve done.”
Some will feel the use of fear was entirely justified if it meant saving lives Credit: Andrew Matthews/PA Wire
Although she supports the vaccination programme and believes people should be encouraged to get the jab, she believes the Government is going about it in entirely the wrong way: “They like to use the term ‘vaccine hesitant’, which implies that people are hesitating before coming to an inevitable conclusion,” she says.
“They are also fear-bombing people over the Indian variant, then love-bombing the vaccine rollout, using carrot and stick to drive vaccine take-up. People need to be given the facts so they can come to an informed decision, not be demonised.”
Dodsworth accepts that for many people, desperate times call for desperate measures, meaning some will feel the use of fear was entirely justified if it meant saving lives. But what she can’t accept is that fear has been used to control the behaviour of the British people without their consent.
“If this was an experiment in a psychology lab, we would have signed consent forms,” she says. “This has not been given full ethical consideration.
“In the past, there have been calls to consult the public on the use of behavioural psychology, and those calls have come from the behavioural scientists themselves. And yet it hasn’t happened. We haven’t yet been consulted on the use of subconscious techniques which effectively strip away our choices.
“The other problem with fear is it creates collateral damage. We’ve tanked the economy. People have lost their jobs and businesses have closed. One in eight adults have developed moderate to severe depression during lockdown. So I think there were a lot of problems with the politics of fear, but really fundamentally, I think it undermines democracy.”
She does not, however, see any future Government reining in the use of behavioural psychology, as it is popular with all parties.
“Libertarians quite like nudge,” she says. “They like it because it avoids the state having to legally mandate. So, for instance, the Government saying they’re not going to mandate Covid passports, but they won’t stop businesses doing it. Well, it ends up getting you into the same place.
“The Left like nudge because they don’t really seem to trust people to make the right decisions. And, we have to remember, Dominic Cummings said at an event a couple of years ago that the future is behavioural psychology and data analytics. Just look at how elections have been won most recently.”
Dodsworth is fiercely patriotic, but has concluded that, in Britain, “We’re a little bit too biddable.
“We want to be quiet and to be good and to do the right thing. And it’s very difficult to stand out and be different. The herd mentality has been really encouraged through the use of behavioural psychology.
“I think ultimately people don’t want to be manipulated. People don’t enjoy being hoodwinked and they don’t want to live in a state of fear. We maybe need to be a bit bolder about standing up more quickly when something is not right.”
You can hide the truth. You can deny the truth. But you cannot destroy the truth. Truth is not something you believe. Truth is something that is not false. I have in my life believed lots of things that were false and I probably still do. My believing them does not make them true. It just means I think they are true. This stuff is not merely pointless semantics. It is the entire basis of political deception and of solving crime and of scientific research etc.. If you are afraid of insulting liars you represent that there is no truth and that it is all subjective. But that itself is a lie. The truth is always there. But mankind is a master at hiding it and denying it. Worse still we are the victims of deception upon deception. With COVID it is a case of how many layers of deception can you see through?
1. It did not evolve from bats. It is man made from SARS1 HIV1 and HIV2 -
Nobel Laureat Prof Montagnier
2. It was not a lab leak. It was released deliberately to force the vaccine -
3. The Chinese lab is a front for the globalists. It was set up by the French and funded by the US.
4. The vaccine turns you into a profit centre for big Pharma. Due to this and John19 we believe it may be a Trojan (we do not know the truth)
5. The purpose of the exercise is to force vaccine passports. These are not the solution as is represented. They are the Goal of the bio terrorists who released COVID.
6. The vaccines are gene therapy, They reprogram your cells. Too few non biologists understand that.
7. The vaccines hinders your salvation by making you into the seed of the serpent, a son of Cain. they are genetic rape (we interpret - from Genesis 3:15 and the Hebrew meanings of Cain being spear/Needle/Spike)
We can see 7 layers. There may be more.
"Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA. Unlike certain gene therapies that irreversibly alter cell DNA and could act as a source of side effects, mRNA-based medicines are designed to not irreversibly change cell DNA; however, side effects observed in gene therapy could negatively impact the perception of mRNA medicines despite the differences in mechanism. In addition, because no product in which mRNA is the primary active ingredient has been approved, the regulatory pathway for approval is uncertain" -
AZ and JJ are the DNA Gene therapies that IRREVERSIBLY alter cell DNA - woops! mRNA based medicines are designed to not split infinitives and to nor irreversibly change cell DNA. But we do not know whether they achieve that design goal or not. Depends if there is any reverse transcriptase about.
Early Intervention Improvement Studies
Proxalutamide 92%
Povidone-Iodine 82%
4 (Aquafresh mouthwash or any mouthwash containing Cetylpyridinium Chloride) -
Bromhexine 79%
Vitamin D
Bamlanivimab 75%
Casiri/imdevimab 68%
Hydroxychloroquine 66%
Vitamin C
Improvement is basically in death rate
Death Reduction Studies Authors Patients
Early treatment 78% [61-88%]
23 236
Late treatment 45% [27-59%]
20 165
Prophylaxis 85% [75-91%]
14 108
72% [54-83%] 21
195 7,525
RCTs only 65%
[49-75%] 29
310 5,161
All studies
72% [63-78%] 57
509 18,611 - Dr Nyjon Eccles is one of the most respected Integrated Medicine physicians in the UK. He holds a raft of medical and academic qualifications, including the MBBS, and is a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP). He also holds a PhD in Pharmacology (London).
EVIDENCE BASE used for other COVID-19 approvals
Studies Patients Improvement
Budesonide (UK)
1 1,779
Remdesivir (USA)
1 1,063
31% (but it has a 25% death rate due to kidney failure)
Casiri/imdevimab (USA) 1
799 66%
Ivermectin evidence 57
18,611 72% [63-78%]
Improvement Studies Patients
Early treatment 78% [61-88%] 4
Late treatment 56% [34-71%] 11
Prophylaxis 40% [21-56%]
10 20,424
RCTs only 53% [20-72%]
6 1,412
65% [48-76%] 15
All studies 56% [42-66%]
25 23,625
Death Reduction Studies Patients
Early treatment 66% [51-76%]
29 54,350
Late treatment 22% [16-28%]
169 195,191
Prophylaxis 29% [12-47%]
53 127,748
RCTs only 24% [7-38%]
35 18,884
25% [18-31%] 156
All studies 56% [42-66%]
248 382,165
Here are the 2021September data from the Medicare CMS database of 59.4 million people on Medicare (Medicaid) in the US.
The spike proteins cause the coagulopathy.
Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study -
(100-Individual Immunity%) x R0 < 100 for the end of a Pandemic and for reaching Herd Immunity.
Latest Herd Immunity Calculation (June16)
R0 for Wuhan Alpha is now said to be 4-5. So we need 75-80% individual immunity for the end of that pandemic
R0 for the Indian Delta is now said to be 5-8. So we need 80-87.5% individual immunity for the end of that pandemic
Conservative Assumption Natural immunity (infected-recovered people symptomatic and asymptomatic + T cell immune people) after 16 months is 50% (normally by now it would be 100% but we have had a lot of lockdowns)
The Amish in the US, who do not take vaccines, reached it in March. Herd Immunity was reached within a year in the 1957 and 1968 Asian Flu and Hong Kong flu pandemics with nothing but Vitamin C. It takes longer this time due to the lockdowns.
Taking: 1 Jab gives 75% immunity. 2 Jabs give 93% immunity
57.4% have had 2 jabs at 93% immunity (93% of 57.4% is 53.4%) plus natural immunity (50% of 7% of 57.4% is 2.0%)
79%-57.4% is 21.6% who have had 1 jab at 75% immunity (75% of 21.6% is 16.2%)
plus natural immunity (50% of 25% of 21.6% is 2.7%)
21% have had no Jabs but have natural immunity (50% of 21% is 10.5%)
So total individual immunity is 53.4 plus 2.0 plus16.2 plus 2.7 plus 10.5 making 84.8% conservatively on June16. So we have certainly reached herd immunity for Wuhan alpha and given the conservative natural immunity figures we will also be there for the Indian delta variant IF THE VACCINES WORK. But they do not. They actually prevent Herd Immunity from being reached. whereas the Amish who take no vaccine practiced no social distancing and wore no masks having had immunity for most of this year -
There is 'the science'. The govt and SAGE are now seen to be science deniers, herd immunity amnesiacs, vaccine pushers and control freaks.
If the pandemic genuinely returns it can only be because the vaccines no longer work.
Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins has been one of the lone medical professionals trying to bring reason and logic to the COVID pandemic. He lobbed a grenade into the tent by declaring that the US will have herd immunity by April 2021 (true only for Wuhan alpha and true only if vaccines work)..
AZ JJ Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are all gene therapy in the sense that they reprogram your cellular ribosomes genetically to make COVID19 spikes. They do not edit you genome. But AZ and JJ add a second genome to each cell nucleus they infect and mRNA vaccines make you cells behave as if they had a second genome comprising the DNA that the mRNA was transcribed from. The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy calls then Gene Therapy...
Big Pharma did not develop gene therapy vaccines because they wanted to cure COVID
They developed COVID because they wanted to do gene therapy on everyone.
That is why they deny the vaccines are gene therapy when they reprogram your cells genetically to make spike proteins
That is why they deny Herd Immunity has been reached
That is why they deny natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity
That is why they recommend people with natural immunity get vaccinated - which gives no benefit and greater risk
That is why they deny that any other medical treatment has any proven efficacy against COVID
That is why they seek to vaccinate children when a healthy 13 year old died 3 days after the mRNA vaccine in the US recently with a heart full of spike proteins (Ingraham angle)
That is why the govt locks us down and bans our holidays
"Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA. Unlike certain gene therapies that irreversibly alter cell DNA and could act as a source of side effects, mRNA-based medicines are designed to not irreversibly change cell DNA; however, side effects observed in gene therapy could negatively impact the perception of mRNA medicines despite the differences in mechanism. In addition, because no product in which mRNA is the primary active ingredient has been approved, the regulatory pathway for approval is uncertain" -
AZ and JJ are the DNA Gene therapies that IRREVERSIBLY alter cell DNA - woops! mRNA based medicines are designed to not split infinitives and to nor irreversibly change cell DNA. But we do not know whether they achieve that design goal or not. Depends if there is any reverse transcriptase about.
This means that for the young especially who have a greatly reduced risk of COVID death, should not take them. COVID is more dangerous for the old. Vaccines are more dangerous for the young -
One can program a crypto currency to only be valid for certain transactions and thereby control what people buy or from which shops they buy - with their own money! That looks very like the Mark of the Beast of Revelation13.
Researchers with the University of Oxford posted findings on The Lancet’s preprint server Monday, drawing from trial participants aged 18 to 55.
Results suggested a 45-week delay between the first and second dose lent up to an 18-fold increase in antibody response, per data taken 28 days post-
second dose. Antibody levels were four times higher, compared to the 12-week gap. -
So 12 weeks is 4x better than 4 weeks and 45 weeks is 18x better than 4 weeks. So the AZ DNA is continually pumping out spikes and the body has to produce more and more antibodies as time goes on. There is the lethality. You are a time bomb producing more and more and more protein spikes.
12 weeks gives 3½x more antibodies than 3 weeks with Pfizer vaccines - The Birmingham study involved 172 people aged 80-99, who each received two shots of the Pfizer vaccine. Of the group, 73 had a 12-week interval between doses and 99 a three-week interval. Peak levels of neutralising antibodies, reached 2-3 weeks after the second jab, were 3.5 times higher on average in the group with the extended gap -
This means that the mRNA vaccines have a long term and incrementally increasing effect just as the DNA vaccines do. This means the mRNA must be as persistent as the AZ DNA. Where is the off switch? Vaccines are supposed to prime the immune system and then vanish. They are not supposed to indefinitely produce and larger and larger immune response.
"However, if they call their drugs vaccines, they can bypass the safety studies. All of a sudden, they expect us to believe that all of these safety issues have been resolved? Another problem is related to how long the mRNA remains stable in your system. It’s encased in nanolipid to prevent it from degrading too rapidly, but what happens if the mRNA degrades too slowly, or not at all?" -
Latest calculation - apologies for previous mistakes: PHE data for the delta variant for the period from Feb1 to June21 can be found on
We look only at over 50s to reduce the age dependency of the results -
We take the average vaccine status between April15 when delta was first announced and June21, the end of the data, as being that of June1 - -
Total deaths 'in any setting' within 28 days of positive specimen date were 109.
Of these
3 were unclassified, 1 was 1 Jab but within 21 days and
0 Jabs: 38 deaths from 976 cases from 3.5m over 50s (15%)
1 Jabs: 17 deaths from 3865 cases from 5.2m over 50s (22%)
2 Jabs: 50 deaths from 3546 cases from 14.9m over 50s (63%)
But these deaths are 'in any setting'. They are WITH COVID rather than FROM COVID. 34.5% of the population of 67.5m = 23.6m is over 50. And 1350 of those die every day from all causes or 'in any setting'. Delta only started being detected significantly around May1.So we have 52 days of death or 70,200 deaths from 23.6m people over 50 from May1 to June21 which is 3 per thousand. So taking out 3 per thousand who would have died anyway, the deaths FROM COVID were
0 Jabs: 38 - 3 = 35 deaths from 976 cases from 3.5m over 50s (15%)
1 Jabs: 17 - 11.6 = 5.4 deaths from 3865 cases from 5.2m over 50s (22%)
2 Jabs: 50 - 10.6 = 39.6 deaths from 3546 cases from 14.9m over 50s (63%)
0 Jabs are 35x63/15x39.6 = 3.71x more likely to die than 2 Jabs
0 Jabs are 35x22/15x5.4 = 9.5x more likely to die than 1 Jab
2 Jabs are 39.6x22/63x5.4 = 2.56x more likely to die than 1 Jab
2 jabs do provide 3x the immunity of 1 Jab (63x3865/22x3546 = 3.12). They are better for case numbers. Better for the NHS.
BUT they are 2.56x more lethal than 1 Jab.
These data say get 1 Jab not 2 for the delta variant. Certainly do not take a booster jab!
They also say that the vaccines work but are toxic and are dosed too highly. I suspect that 1% of a jab would be optimal!
Delta deaths in the week from June14-June21. Vax status on June 17 was...22% 1 jab and 63% 2 jabs and 15% 0 jabs (at least 21 days previously) -
0 Jabs 38-34 = 4 dead from 3.5m over 50s (15%)
1 Jabs 17-10 = 7 dead from 5.2m over 50s (22%)
2 Jabs 50-26 = 24 dead from 14.9m over 50s (63%)
0 Jabs are 4x63/15x24 = 0.70x more likely to die than 2 Jabs
0 Jabs are 4x22/15x7 = 0.83x more likely to die than 1 Jab
2 Jabs are 24x22/63x7 = 1.20x more likely to die than 1 Jab
So in the week from June14-21, the latest published PHE data, you were better off not being vaccinated. And 1 Jab was better than 2 Jabs.
These data are for death with COVID rather than deaths from COVID. There are 23.6m people over 50 in the UK. 1350 of these die every day of all causes. So during 7 days 9450 would die. This is a rate of 0.4 per 1000. Total cases were 976 (0Jabs), 3865 (1Jab), 3546 (2Jabs). So if we deduct those who would have died anyway we get.
0 Jabs 4 - 0.4 = 3.6 dead from 3.5m over 50s (15%)
1 Jabs 7 - 1.5 = 5.5 dead from 5.2m over 50s (22%)
2 Jabs 24 - 1.4 = 22.6 dead from 14.9m over 50s (63%)
0 Jabs are 3.6x63/15x22.6 = 0.67x more likely to die than 2 Jabs
0 Jabs are 3.6x22/15x5.5 = 0.96x more likely to die than 1 Jab
2 Jabs are 22.6x22/63x5.5 = 1.44x more likely to die than 1 Jab
So the best we have for the week from June14-21 from PHE data is that 1 Jab gives the same protection a 0 Jabs. And 2 Jabs make things worse.
24 delta deaths from the doubly vaccinated compared to 4 from the unvaccinated is a total disaster.
Full analysis of PHE (Public Health England) figures for death with genomically confirmed delta variant
Cumulative deaths WITH delta.
Week | All | Delta | n/a | 0Jabs | 1Jab | 2Jabs | Notes |
July6-19 | 415 | 5 | 131 | 59 | 220 | >50s | |
July6-19 | 45 | 1 | 34 | 6 | 4 | <50s | |
July6-19 | 460 | 6 | 165 | 65 | 224 | ||
June22-July5 | 231 | 2 | 71 | 42 | 116 | >50s | |
June22-July5 | 26 | 0 | 21 | 3 | 2 | <50s | |
June22-July5 | 541 | 257 | 2 | 92 | 45 | 118 | |
June 15-21 | 109 | 3 | 38 | 18 | 50 | >50s | |
June15-21 | 8 | 0 | 6 | 2 | 0 | <50s | |
June 15-21 | 278 | 117 | 3 | 44 | 20 | 50 | |
June 8-14 | 169 | 73 | 2 | 34 | 11 | 26 | |
June1-7 | 105 | 42 | 0 | 23 | 7 | 12 | |
May25-31 | 54 | 17 | 1 | 11 | 3 | 2 |
Weekly deaths WITH delta.
Week | All | Delta | n/a | 0Jabs | 1Jab | 2Jabs | Notes |
July6-19 | 184 | 3 | 60 | 17 | 104 | >50s | |
July6-19 | 19 | 1 | 13 | 3 | 2 | <50s | |
July6-19 | 203 | 4 | 73 | 20 | 106 | ||
June22-July5 | 122 | -1 | 33 | 24 | 66 | >50s | |
June22-July5 | 18 | 0 | 15 | 1 | 2 | <50s | |
June22-July5 | 263 | 140 | -1 | 48 | 25 | 68 | |
June15-21 | 36 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 24 | >50s | |
June15-21 | 8 | 0 | 6 | 2 | 0 | <50s | |
June15-21 | 109 | 44 | 1 | 10 | 9 | 24 | |
June8-14 | 64 | 31 | 2 | 11 | 4 | 14 | |
June1-7 | 51 | 25 | -1 | 12 | 4 | 10 | |
May25-31 | 54 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Adjusted PHE data assuming the under 50s figures are correct for June22-July5 and the ratio of <50s to >50s deaths among the unvaccinated does not change from week to week
I wrote to the NHS, PHE Sajid Javid and Sir Patrick just after the June21 figures cane out and told them that their >50s data did not support vaccination. They then altered the frequency of data publication to 2 weeks and "there was an interruption to the data provided to PHE by NHS digital". The number of unvaxxed deaths went 12,11,10 in the previous 3 weeks, then supposedly, 48 in the next 2. Also the ratio of <50 to >50 death in the unvaxxed went from 6:4 to 15:33 which NOT possible. So it is obvious to me that they fixed the >50 figures to favour vaccination but left the <50 figures correct. So we can deduce the correct >50 figures from the <50 figures as follows.
Week | All | Delta | n/a | 0Jabs | 1Jab | 2Jabs | Notes |
July6-19 | 184 | 3 | 10 | 41 | 130 | >50s | |
July6-19 | 19 | 1 | 13 | 3 | 2 | <50s | |
July6-19 | 203 | 4 | 23 | 44 | 132 | ||
June22-July5 | 122 | -1 | 10 | 30 | 83 | >50s | |
June22-July5 | 18 | 0 | 15 | 1 | 2 | <50s | |
June22-July5 | 263 | 140 | -1 | 25 | 31 | 85 | |
June15-21 | 36 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 24 | >50s | |
June15-21 | 8 | 0 | 6 | 2 | 0 | <50s | |
June15-21 | 109 | 44 | 1 | 10 | 9 | 24 | |
June8-14 | 64 | 31 | 2 | 11 | 4 | 14 | |
June1-7 | 51 | 25 | -1 | 12 | 4 | 10 | |
May25-31 | 54 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
The above table is corrected from PHEs figures by assuming the >50 deaths after June21 are incorrect after my email to them showing that their June14-21 data did not support vaccination. But they did not touch the <50 deaths and that unvaxxed deaths are just as constant from delta in July as they were in June. Once the vaxxed deaths per capita have overtaken the unvaxxed one would expect that trend to continue.
Here are the latest genetically sequenced delta variant case numbers from PHE for the over 50s only from Technical Briefings 17-23.
0Jabs and 1Jab and 2Jabs
8,551 and 7443 and 71,991 (Technical briefing 23 up to September12)
6724 and 6899 and 51420 (Technical briefing 22 up to August29)
4891 and 6303 and 32828 (Technical briefing 21 up to August15)
3440 and 5835 and 21472 (Technical briefing 20 up to August2)
2337 and 5446 and 13427 (Technical briefing 19 up to July19)
1267 and 4651 and 5234 (Technical briefing 18 up to July5)
976 and 3953 and 3546 (Technical briefing 17 up to June21)
1827 and 544 and 20,571 (TB23-TB22 for the period from August30-September12)
1833 and 596 and 18592 (TB22-TB21 for the period from August16-29)
1451 and 468 and 11356 (TB21-TB20 for the period from August3-15)
1103 and 391 and 8045 (TB20-TB19 for the period from July20-August2)
1070 and 795 and 8193 (TB19-TB18 for the period from July6-19)
291 and 698 and 1688 (TB18-TB17 for the period from June22-July5)
8.0% and 2.4% and 89.7% of cases out of 22942 (TB23-TB22 for the period from August30-September12)
8.7% and 2.8% and 88.5% of cases out of 21021 (TB22-TB21 for the period from August16-29)
10.9% and 3.5% and 85.6% of cases out of 13275 (TB21-TB20 for the period from August3-15)
11.6% and 4.1% and 84.3% of cases out of 9539 (TB20-TB19 for the period from July20-August2)
10.6% and 8% and 81.4% of cases out of 10,058 (TB19-TB18 for the period from July6-19)
Period | 0 Jabs cases % | 1 Jab cases % | 2 Jabs cases % | 2Jabs/0Jabs cases ratio | 2Jabs/0Jabs population ratio | Cases in over 50s |
TB23-TB22 for the period from August30-September12 | 8.0 | 2.4 | 89.7 | 11.2 | 22,942 | |
TB22-TB21 for the period from August16-29 | 8.7 | 2.4 | 88.5 | 10.2 | 8.2 | 21,021 |
TB21-TB20 for the period from August3-15 | 10.9 | 3.5 | 85.6 | 7.9 | 6.8 | 13,275 |
TB20-TB19 for the period from July20-August2 | 11.6 | 4.1 | 84.3 | 7.3 | 6.0 | 9,539 |
TB19-TB18 for the period from July6-19 | 10.6 | 8.0 | 81.4 | 7.7 | 5.0 | 10,058 |
9.7% and 11.0% and 79.3% of people over 50 have respectively 0 and 1 and 2 jabs (5.15m and 5.80m and 41.94m out of 52.89m Adult population on August 23 - assuming over 20s had had enough time to catch up over 50s in jabs if they wish)
11.0% and 14.0% and 75.0% of people over 50 have respectively 0 and 1 and 2 jabs (5.8 and 7.40m and 39.69 out of 52.89m Adult population on August9 - assuming over 20s had had enough time to catch up over 50s in jabs if they wish)
11.8% and 17.1% and 71.1% of people over 50 have respectively 0 and 1 and 2 jabs (6.24 and 9.06m and 37.59 out of 52.89m Adult population on July 27 - assuming over 20s had had enough time to catch up over 50s in jabs if they wish)
13.1% and 20.7% and 66.2% of people over 50 have respectively 0 and 1 and 2 jabs (6.92 and 10.97m and 35m out of 52.89m Adult population on July 12 - assuming over 20s had had enough time to catch up over 50s in jabs if they wish)
UK Govts own data now for 10 weeks in a row show that unvaccinated over 50s are safer, better protected and LESS infectious than vaccinated over 50s. So you are safer in a room full of unvaccinated over 50s than you are in a room full of doubly vaccinated over 50s.
PHE latest data for genetically sequenced delta case numbers for the over 50s..-
Singly vaccinated people do the best of all groups. That is because the vaccines do work at first. But after a few months the initial benefit of the immune system training is outweighed by the damage done to the immune system in general by spike protein overload which according to Cole Diagnostics, the largest independent pathology lab in Idaho, results in a reduction of CD8 killer T cells, which effectively give the vaccinated person a form of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). AIDS itself reduced the number of CD4 Helper T cells.
Doubly vaccinated people at the end of August were 24.4% (10.2 / 8.2) more likely to catch delta than unvaccinated people.
Furthermore it is blindingly obvious that 1Jab is BETTER than 2. That is because the dosages are 1000x too high for vaccination. They are gene therapy doses. And it is because the vaccines damage the immune system more and more each month.
Here are the latest genetically sequenced delta variant published hospitalisations from PHE for the over 50s only from Technical Briefings 17-23
Figures in terracotta are believed to be rigged
0Jabs and 1Jab and 2Jabs
1199 and 478 and 3747 (Technical briefing 23)
913 and 432 and 2500 (Technical briefing 22)
740 and 391 and 1803 (Technical briefing 21)
491 and 341 and 1098 (Technical briefing 20)
332 and 308 and 672 (Technical briefing 19)
144 and 237 and 264 (Technical briefing 18)
93 and 170 and 122 (Technical briefing 17)
286 and 46 and 1247 out of 1579 (TB23-TB22: August30-September12)
173 and 41 and 697 out of 911 (TB22-TB21: August16-29)
249 and 50 and 705 out of 1004 (TB21-TB20: August3-15)
159 and 33 and 426 out of 618 (TB20-TB19: July20-August2)
188 and 71 and 398 (TB19-TB18: July6-19)
51 and 67 and 142 (TB18-TB17: June22-July5)
18% and 3% and 79.% of emergency admissions out of 1579 (August30-September12)
19% and 4.5% and 76.5% of emergency admissions out of 911 (August16-29)
25% and 5% and 70% of emergency admissions out of 1004 (August3-15)
26% and 5% and 69% of emergency admissions out of 618 (July20-August2)
29% and 11% and 61% of emergency admissions out of 657 (July6-19)
19% and 26% and 55% of emergency admissions out of 260 (June22-July5)
11% and 19% and 70% of people with respective jabs over 50 on July19
10% and 15% and 75% of people had respectively 0/1/2 jabs over 50 on August2
The June22-July5 figures show that 2 Jabs halve your chances of an emergency visit at present. But they used to reduce the chances by more than 5x.
In the 2 weeks to July5, 213 vaccinated people went to emergency and 51 unvaccinated.
The July6-19 figures cannot be correct for 1Jab and 0Jabs. Why would 0Jabs, 1Jab and 2Jabs go up by 269% and 6% and 180% respectively. Sorry the figures are just not credible. 2Jabs increased 30x more than 1Jab??? The Oxford study and Dr Fauci both showed that viral load is the same for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. So deaths should follow case numbers precisely. Alos the vaccines
Published Deaths in over 50s with genetically sequenced delta
0Jabs 1Jab 2Jabs
437 128 1054 August29 (Technical Briefing 22)
318 93 652 August15
(Technical Briefing 21)
119 35 402
August15-29 (Technical Briefing 22-21)
21% 6% 72% out of 556 deaths (August15-29)
Delta Sequenced Deaths
Total n/a 0Jabs 1Jab 2Jabs
415 5
59 220 (>50s)
45 1
6 4
460 6
65 224
June22-July5 231 2 71
42 116 (>50s)
June22-July5 18 0
15 1
2 (<50s)
June22-July5 257 2
45 118
June15-21 109 3
38 18
50 (>50s)
June15-21 8
0 6
2 0 (<50s)
June15-21 117 3
44 20
June8-14 73
2 34
11 26
June1-7 42 0
23 7
May25-31 17
1 11
3 2
May17-24 12
0 8
2 2
The figures up to June21 show an exponential rise in doubly vaccinated deaths (doubling every week) which would be a disaster if continued. Whereas the unvaccinated deaths were decreasing week on week. Then I pointed out to PHE, NHS, Sajid, Sir Patrick et al that their data did not support vaccination. The result was that PHE changed the frequency of data publication to fortnightly from weekly and "there was an interruption to the data provided to PHE by NHS digital". So we did not get the case numbers until July9.. Also the PHE managed to resurrect an unclassified person twice (the -1s) which is quite impressive. The overall picture now has changed from definitely do not get vaccinated to an incomprehensible and non credible mess which slightly favours vaccination, given that there are now 6x as many doubly vaccinated people as unvaccinated. Also all data prior to June21 show clearly that 1 Jab was better than 2 - which I pointed out to all. The new data does not show that.
I see no reason why the death rate per case from genetically sequenced delta among the unvaccinated over 50s should change in the 2 weeks immediately after I pointed out that their figures do not support vaccination.
If we assume that the unvaxxed per case death rate remains the same from June22 to July5 as it was from May1 to June21 (38 from 976 cases in over 50s with sequenced delta variant) and split the extra vaxxed deaths in the published ratio, then the figures would be.
Week | All | Delta | n/a | 0Jabs | 1Jab | 2Jabs | Notes |
June22-July5 | 122 | -1 | 11 | 30 | 82 | >50s | |
June22-July5 | 18 | 0 | 15 | 1 | 2 | <50s | |
June22-July5 | 263 | 140 | -1 | 26 | 31 | 84 | |
June15-21 | 36 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 24 | >50s | |
June15-21 | 8 | 0 | 6 | 2 | 0 | <50s | |
June15-21 | 109 | 44 | 1 | 10 | 9 | 24 | |
June8-14 | 64 | 31 | 2 | 11 | 4 | 14 | |
June1-7 | 51 | 25 | -1 | 12 | 4 | 10 | |
May25-31 | 54 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Likewise, since I complained only about over 50 deaths, if we assume that PHE have not rigged the under 50 deaths (and failed to separate them out from the total until June15) and use them to deduce the true over 50 deaths from the ratio of 6:4 seen in the week from June15-21 we get
Week | All | Delta | n/a | 0Jabs | 1Jab | 2Jabs | Notes |
June22-July5 | 122 | -1 | 10 | 30 | 83 | >50s | |
June22-July5 | 18 | 0 | 15 | 1 | 2 | <50s | |
June22-July5 | 263 | 140 | -1 | 25 | 31 | 85 |
June15-21 | 36 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 24 | >50s | |
June15-21 | 8 | 0 | 6 | 2 | 0 | <50s | |
June15-21 | 109 | 44 | 1 | 10 | 9 | 24 | |
June8-14 | 64 | 31 | 2 | 11 | 4 | 14 | |
June1-7 | 51 | 25 | -1 | 12 | 4 | 10 | |
May25-31 | 54 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
These 2 tables are almost identical. So this confirms the correction. To be conservative lets go with the upper table and we see that deaths in the 14 days from June22-July5 were.
0Jabs and 1Jab and 2Jabs
11 and 30 and 82
9% and 24% and 67% of deaths
11% and 21% and 68% of people with respective jabs over 50
So no vaccination (0.82) is safer than single (1.14) or double vaccination (0.99). The data no longer supports vaccination (especially by Astra Zeneca). I suspect that Pfizer is still OK and the problem is mainly Astra Zeneca.
The article was dated 2021 June28. So Pfizer is not causing the UK vaccine deaths. It must be the Astra Zeneca shots. has the following letter from a whistleblower...
Vaccines and related biological products advisory committee Meeting September 17, 2021
FDA Briefing document
Although not independently verified by FDA, the post hoc analysis appears to indicate that the incidence of SARS-Cov-2 during the analysis period among 18,727 study participants originally randomized to BNT162b2 (mean of 9.8 months post dose 2 at the beginning of the analysis period) was 70.3 cases per 1000 person years, compared with an incidence of 51.6 cases per 1000 person years among 17748 study participants originally randomized to placebo and crossed over to BNT162b2 (mean of 4.7 months post dose 2 at the beginning of the analysis period). An additional analysis appears to indicate that incidence of COVID-19 generally, increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post dose 2 at the start of the analysis period (i.e. looking at specific time post dose 2 for each participant rather than mean time post dose 2). Only 3 severe COVID-19 cases were reported during the analysis period, all of which occurred among the study participants originally randomized to BNT162b2.
This shows that the vaccines either lose efficacy with time, which is not possible because the immune system does not forget what is what told a few months previously. or that they degrade the immune system - which must therefore be what they do.
A former Pfizer employee, now turned whistleblower, has provided documentation indicating the pharmaceutical giant—whose gene-based COVID-19 vaccine has now been reportedly injected almost 225 million times into the arms of Americans—knows these shots cause recipients to become more susceptible to contracting COVID-19.
On Saturday Karen Kingston, the former Pfizer employee, a pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst, appeared beside medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz in a public meeting. The Ohio-based lawyer has been involved in several major cases brought against federal agencies relating to fraud and violations of medical freedom rights over the last 19 months.
After introducing Kingston, Renz presented the documents she had provided. (See from 17.40 in video.)
Of note is a “Briefing Document” used in a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee meeting on September 17, 2021. Titled “Application for licensure of a booster dose for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine,
mRNA),” it includes a report on a study conducted by Pfizer testing the longevity of immunity provided by their product over time.
Involving over 36k participants, the main study revealed that the group injected with the regimen earlier were more likely to be infected with the virus than those injected later, indicating a possible “waning of immunity” for the shots. The group injected earlier had a 7% chance of infection in the time period, and those injected later, only a 5.16% rate, equating to the former group having a 36% greater chance of infection than the latter.
In addition, since both groups were measured for the same time period, the latter involving a significant placebo period prior to injection (5.1 months on average), the placebo group was unusually untouched. As Kingston stated in a telephone interview with LifeSiteNews, “There should have been more people infected in the placebo group because they were going on longer without any protection.” She suggested this would therefore seem to indicate that those injected have an even higher chance of being infected with COVID-19 than the 36% difference indicated by this portion of the study.
Extending this conclusion a step further, the document reports, “An additional analysis appears to indicate that incidence of COVID-19 generally increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post-Dose 2.”
In other words, Kingston said, “if you have two doses of Pfizer, your rate for getting infected increases over time.”
Leading to a discovery the biotech analyst called “super alarming,” the report looked exclusively at the placebo group, comparing their rate of infection in the first four months, when they had no protection, to the four months following their injections with the Pfizer product.
During that initial placebo period, the document reports that the infection rate of this group was “12.6 cases per 1,000 person-years,” which equates to a 1.3% infection rate. Following their injections, there were “43.4 cases per 1,000 person- years” or a 4.34% infection rate.
“So, when they weren’t injected, their infection rate was 1.3%, and when they got injected, it was 4.34%. It went up by over 300%,” Kingston stated.
“They had less infection when they had no protection. So, that’s a problem.”
Editor: Mind you we are not comparing like for like here. It all depends upon when the delta variant came along? If it appeared around the crossover time, then it could have caused the increase in infections.
Sajid Javid, the UK minister for health has COVID on July17, after 2 Astra Zeneca Jabs. His was not a reinfection, but reinfection rates for delta have been increasing exponentially by 77% per week from April18 (4) to May30 (127). 4 then 7 then 13 then 21 then 46 then 66 then 127. Then PHE stopped publishing them presumably because they revealed that one of the vaccines is no longer effective. The Cleveland Clinic Study showed that naturally immune people do not get reinfected. So all the reinfections occur in vaccinated people only. Israel has 5 deaths in the last 2 weeks out of 10m. We had 500 out of 67.5m. Israel took Pfizer. We took mainly Astra Zeneca. The inescapable conclusion is that AZ is no longer effective against Delta and this 3rd wave is entirely due to the failing of AZ. Sajid is the high profile proof that even PHE cannot cover up.
Delta deaths are also rising by 77% per week (from PHE technical briefings 14-18). These deaths must therefore be almost entirely due to AZ.
Vaccines have worked well at imparting immunity and at reducing hospitalisations and not quite so well at reducing deaths. But my worry which is now confirmed with AZ is that they are slow burning trojans which eventually kill you by filling your body up the spike proteins and putting a larger and larger load onto your immuine system so that you end up rather like an HIV patient.
Since AZ produces an 18x larger antibody response with 45 weeks between jabs than it does with 4 weeks between jabs, it is apparent that it is doing something more and more as time goes on. All it can do is program your cells to make spike proteins. So you must be making more and more spikes which your immune system has to get rid of. So I suspect that after 3 months 25% of your immune system is used up, then after 6 months 50% the after 9 months 75%, then woops. I think it is inordinately dangerous. Pfizer produces 3.5x as many antibodies with a 12 week gap as it does with a 4 week gap. So I worry that Pfizer will also fill you up but perhaps at a slower rate. I think a whole new branch of medicine will now have to be developed in order to cure people becoming ill and dying from 'safe' vaccines.
The CDC just released a new study showing that Barnstable County Mass. has caught up with the UK and with Israel already !
In Barnstable county Massachusetts during July there were 469 cases of COVID, 74% of which were fully vaccinated in circumstances where 69% of the population were vaccinated.
So being doubly vaccinated increased the chances of catching COVID by 74/69 = 1.07 i.e. 7%.
So now UK and Israeli and US figures are all saying the same thing. The vaccines increase the chances of delta transmission. So a vaccine passport is totally pointless and in fact counterproductive. You are better off in a night club full of unvaxxed people than you are in a club full of doubly vaxxed -
May UK vaccinated deaths were 31% of total 16 (PHE delta sequenced only)
July UK vaccinated deaths were 69% out of 410 (PHE delta sequenced over 50s only)
Extrapolate that momentum forward to September and vaccinated deaths will be close to 100% of the total.
The CDC recently admitted that PCR test is very inaccurate and is being phased out.
1, Vitamin D 4,000 IU per day prior to infection and more during infection
2. Aquafresh or any Cetylpyridinium Chloride mouth wash ASAP after possible exposure and continue as long as cough persists -
3. Glutathione reduces the cytokine storm. You can take it as a supplement.
Young people have more Glutathione than old people. That may be partly why they are less susceptible to COVID.
4. Budesonide inhalers
5. High dose intravenous Vitamin C or 500 mg 4x per day
6. High dose Zinc (30 mg per day) with Quercetin (500 mg per day)
7. N-Acetylcysteine, (an immune helper) -
8. Nigella Sativa:
For a great presentation on monoclonal antibody and drug treatment and herd immunity and natural immunity and the failure of US COVID policy to prevent hospitalisation and death by Dr Peter McCulloch please see this video -
9. Z-Stack pills from Dr Vladimir Zelenko. His results show that these pills prevent 84% of COVID deaths. That means they are more effective than the vaccines were initially. The vaccines are now (2021August) ineffective.
Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 Zinc and Quercetin are all commonly available supplements. So Dr Zelenko recommends the above quantities once per day as a prophalactic (before catching COVID-19). If you catch COVID, then perhaps double the dosage.
This daily regime will also help avoiding the cytokine storm caused when a person vaccinated over 5 months ago is challenged with any virus attack. So it is a good insurance policy against vaccine damage.
10. Get an Ivermectin prescription if you can...The head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association has urged doctors and Covid-19 patients to begin a regimen of ivermectin, which he says is effective at treating and preventing the virus.
During an August 12 press conference, Dr. Haruo Ozaki called for the drug, which is proving effective in numerous studies, to be used due to the drastic rise in Covid cases.
“In Africa, if we compare countries distributing ivermectin once a year with countries which do not give ivermectin…I mean, they don’t give ivermectin to prevent Covid, but to prevent parasitic diseases…but anyway, if we look at Covid numbers in countries that give ivermectin, the number of cases is 134.4 per 100,000, and the number of death is 2.2 in 100,000.”
“Now, African countries which do not distribute ivermectin: 950.6 cases per 100,000 and 29.3 deaths per 100,000,” Ozaki highlighted.
“I believe the difference is clear.” -
"Ivermectin is one of the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines. With total doses of ivermectin distributed apparently equaling one-third of the present world population. Ivermectin at the usual doses (0.2–0.4 mg/kg) is considered extremely safe for use in humans. In addition to its antiparasitic activity, it has been noted to have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, leading to an increasing list of therapeutic indications." -
It is incredible that a drug given to a third of the planet which is considered by the WHO to be ESSENTIAL is systematically ignored by Western Governments.
Moderna has 48 trillion copies of spike protein mRNA in 100 micrograms
Pfizer has 14.4 trillion copies of spike protein mRNA in 30 micrograms
Calculation for how many mRNA molecules are in a single vaccine shot?
The vaccines encode the full viral SARS-COV-2 spike protein which is a 1273 amino acid protein. So the an mRNA for it is 3819 nucleotides (each amino is coded by 3 nucleotides). The average molecular weight of a nucleotide in a long RNA chain is about 330 Daltons. With that, we can do the following calculation:
1273 amino acid spike x 3 nucleotides per amino acid x 330 Daltons per nucleotide = 1.26 million Daltons = 1260 kg/mole
There are 0.6022 trillion trillion molecules in 1 mole (Avogadros number). So 1 copy of spike protein mRNA weighs
1260 kg/mole / 0.6022 x 10^24 copies/mole = 2.1 x 10^-18 grams
Thus, 100 mcg of Spike protein mRNA (Moderna) should contain
1 x 10^4 g / 2.1 x10^-18 g/copy = 0.48x10^14 = 48x 10^12 (48 trillion)
Whilst 30 mcg (Pfizer) contains about 14.4 trillion mRNA copies.
The total length of SARS-CoV-2 S is 1273 amino acids -
However in actuality, RNAs are usually large compared to the proteins they encode due to:
(i) each RNA having three nucleotides for each amino acid encoded (in addition there are 5΄ and 3΄ untranslated RNA sequences)
(ii) the average nucleotide is three times the mass of an amino acid (≈330 Daltons and ≈110 Daltons respectively) -
Therefore each Moderna vaccine has enough mRNA to infect every cell in your body.
The human body has 30-37 trillion cells in it (wikipedia), The moderna vaccine has 100 micrograms of spike protein mRNA in it which is 48 Trillion copies (since the spike protein has 1273 amino acids and there are 3 nucleotides per amino acid and each nucleotide weighs 330 Daltons which is 330 grams per mole and since there are 0.6022 trillion trillion copies per mole (avogadros number - I personally wish he had not been born).
Pfizer has 14.4 trillion copies of the spike protein mRNA gene (30 micrograms of spike protein mRNA).
Anyone who thinks that being injected with more copies of the spike protein mRNA gene than he has cells in his body is not gene therapy has been thoroughly deceived.
The Lords Witnesses understanding that these vaccines are the snake venom of Genesis 3:15 and therefore reprogram your cells to be rather than adamic (sons of Cain rather than sons of Adam, sons of rather than sons of God) now appears feasible.
One dose (0.5 ml) of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine for Vaccitech contains:
COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S* recombinant) 5 × 1010 viral particles (50 Billion copies of spike protein DNA)
Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding the SARS CoV 2 Spike (S)
glycoprotein. Produced in genetically modified human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells.
This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs)."
These are hard to see but have been detected by elevated D-dimer levels -
Dr Charles Hoffe has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada and he has administered about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA injection and is now coming forward to warn about the severe reactions he’s observed in his patients, including death. This resulted in his being fired from his job at the local hospital.
He tells host, Laura Lynne that the core problem he’s seeing among these patients is microscopic clots in his patients’ tiniest capillaries, of which Clif High has commented, “Blood clots occurring at a capillary level. This has never before been seen. This is not a rare disease. This is an absolutely new phenomenon.”
Dr Hoffe explains that these micro-clots are too small to show up on CT scans,
MRI, etc and can only be detected using the D-dimer test, of which 62% of his own patients injected with an mRNA shot are positive.
“We now know that only 25% of the ‘vaccine’ injected into a person’s arm actually stays in your arm. The other 75% is collected by your lymphatic system and literally fed into your circulation so these little packages of messenger RNA, and by the way in a single dose of Moderna ‘vaccine’ there are literally 40 trillion mRNA molecules. These packages are designed to be absorbed into your cells. But the only place they can be absorbed is around your blood vessels and the place where they are absorbed is the capillary networks – the tiniest blood vessels where the blood flow slows right down and where the genes are released. Your body then gets to work reading and then manufacturing trillions and trillions of these spike proteins. Each gene can produce many, many spike proteins. The body then recognises these are foreign bodies so it makes antibodies against it so your are then protected against COVID. That’s the idea.
“But here’s where the problem comes. In a coronavirus that spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule. In other words it becomes part of the cell wall around the virus. But it is not in a virus. It is in your cells. So it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. This means that these cells which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly now have these little spikey bits sticking out…
“So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form because your blood platelets circulate round your blood vessels, and the purpose of blood platelets is to identify damaged vessels and stop bleeding. So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel.
“Therefore, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots. They are in your blood vessels (if mRNA ‘vaccinated’) so it is guaranteed. Dr Bahrdi then said to me that the way to prove this is to do a blood test called a D-dimer blood test.
“The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans,
MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test…
“The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged.”
The result, says Dr Hoffe, is that these patients have what is termed Reduced Effort Tolerance (RET) which means they get out of breath much easily than they used to. It is because the blood vessels in their lungs are now blocked up. In turn, this causes the heart to need to work harder to try to keep up against a much greater resistance trying to get the blood through your lungs.
This is called pulmonary artery hypertension – high blood pressure in the lungs because the blood simply cannot get through effectively. People with this condition usually die of heart failure within a few short years.
Dr Hoffe warns sadly, “These shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.”
“What we learned that’s new … is that when you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of people who are vaccinated who get breakthrough infections, it’s really quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasopharynx of unvaccinated people who get infected,” Fauci said in an interview with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. The nasopharynx is part of the nasal cavity near the back of the throat
Therapies to combat vaccine spike protein production...
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments. Ivermectin appears particularly promising as it actually binds to the spike protein. Please listen to the interview that Brett Weinstein did with Dr. Pierre Kory,19 one of Dr. Marik’s collaborators |
Low-dose antiretroviral therapy to reeducate your immune system |
Low-dose interferons such as Paximune, developed by interferon researcher Dr. Joe Cummins, to stimulate your immune system |
Peptide T (an HIV entry inhibitor derived from the HIV envelope protein gp120; it blocks binding and infection of viruses that use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells) |
Cannabis, to strengthen Type I interferon pathways |
Dimethylglycine or betaine (trimethylglycine) to enhance methylation, thereby suppressing latent viruses |
Silymarin or milk thistle to help cleanse your liver |
The phenomenon of Herd immunity exists because natural immunity and non gene therapy vaccination immunity (polio, BCG, MMR etc) are long lasting. The immune system does not forget the lessons it has learned. Gene therapy immunity is quite strong at first but vanishes entirely around 4-5 months after the 2nd Jab as the latest PHE Technical Briefing 18/19/20 figures and the CDC Barnstable study show. This is not because the vaccines lose efficacy. Their job is to train the immune system and they succeed in doing that as the short term results show. The loss of immunity is because they also progressively month on month damage the immune system and that damage overtakes the benefit of the initial immunization 4-5 months after the 2nd Jab. It is not because the immune system forgets what is was told 5 months earlier. It is because the vaccines eventually do more harm than good to the immune system. That is why the govt is pushing them so hard. It needs to get everybody vaccinated before it becomes too obvious that the vaccines are a short term immunity boost combined with a medium term immunity compromiser.
The PHE death figures quoted by John Roberts in the Daily Telegraph for the end of July are rigged by PHE in my understanding. I wrote to them in July telling them their death figures for June15-21 (Technical briefing 17-16) show that sequenced delta deaths among the doubly vaxxed PER CAPITA (24 deaths from 63% doubly vaccinated) were greater than those among the unvaxxed (4 deaths from 15% unvaccinated) per capita. things have not got better with vaccines since then.
The vaccines are known to be deteriorating in efficacy with time. And Fauci recently admitted that the severity of infection detected in the doubly vaccinated is now identical to that in the unvaxxed. You are being lied to by PHE. And its not the first time.
I wrote to PHE in late June and told them their figures no longer supported vaccination. They did not respond in writing to my email (having responded to my previous email no problem). Instead, they stopped producing the figures on a weekly basis and changed them to be fortnightly and rigged the over 50s death rates. But they failed to rig the under 50s death rates from which it was still possible to deduce the correct over 50s death rates. I wish I had kept my mouth shut until they had produced more correct figures. But Fauci and the general deterioration in vaccine efficacy with time against delta has now confirmed it anyway.
So with all the credibility of a Cambridge maths scholar, who is NOT employed by the govt I can tell the readers of this paper that doubly vaccinated death rates will be greater per capita today than unvaxxed death rates since the tipping point was the week of June15-21 and vaccines are becomng less and less effective by the day against delta. PHE is deliberately hiding this in order to misinform people into taking a jab which will increase their chances of being killed.
Modernas own website at
shows the following 7 patent filings for their gene therapy mRNA-1273 (amino acid chain) vaccine...
US 10,703,789 filed January 12 2019
US 10,702,600 filed February 28 2020
US 10,577,403 filed June 12 2019
US 10,442,756 filed December 18 2017
US 10,266,485 filed June 11 2018
US 10,064,959 filed April 21 2017
US 9,868,692 filed July 27, 2017
The 2nd patent, filed on February 28 2020 was a continuation of an earlier patent application number 16/368,270 which was filed on March 28, 2019
So they had all 7 patents applied for by June12, 2019, which is quite impressive given that the WHO was only informed of a pneumonia type outbreak in Wuhan on December 31, 2019.
So all the patents needed to protect Moderna's particular vaccine monopoly were applied for more than 6 months before the outbreak of the disease that the vaccine is supposed to be curing.
This proves that the purpose of the 'lab leak' was to make a market for pre-existing vaccines in the case of Moderna. The leak occurred to force people to have to take the vaccine.
High dose intravenous Vitamin C
High dose vitamin D
High dose Zinc
Quercetin or Hydroxychloroquine or other zinc cell door opener
(an immune helper)
Is far more effective than the 341 page protocol from NIH and Anthony Fauci -
Israel is the canary in the coalmine for vaccination efficacy, having been the fastest country in the world to get vaccinated (62% are double jabbed). Only 8% of Palestinians are double jabbed. So the two nations provide a perfect control experiment The graph below is really a vaccinated versus unvaccinated comparison. It shows the vaccine (exclusively Pfizer) working wonderfully from March to July and then failing spectacularly in July and August. Right now you are better off being Palestinian than Israeli which has a poignant irony given the racist vaccination rollout. Truly those last will be first and those first last.
What is happening is that the initial benefit to the immune system of the training received by the initial spike production, becomes overtaken by the general damage done to the immune system by incessant protein spike production around 4-5 months after the 2nd Jab. Below are cases per millions and the deaths per million for both groups. So the vaccines did initially help the Israelis avoid COVID cases and deaths. But they now make things considerably worse in both regards. The reason that Palestinian cases are going up is that they are being infected by vaccinated Israelis. What they need is an non vaccinated Passport. That is not a joke.
Here are the graphs of COVID cases (7 day average) and deaths (3 day average) per million population against time from -
Here is the situation as of 2021September14
It is so obvious that the 62% double jabbed Israelis in Green are leading the 8% double jabbed Palestinians in Blue in both cases and deaths. The vaccinated are infecting the unvaccinated. What is needed in Israel is a certificate of unvaccination. Also the vaccines cause twice as much COVID death per million of population as being unvaccinated. But then the vaccines cause all sorts of other deaths too. It is a total disaster. The first wave in Israel at the end of 2020, killed more Palestinians than it did Israelis per head of population. Then the vaccines were introduced mainly in Israel, and the second wave killed around 25% more Israelis than it did Palestinians per head of population. The 3rd wave can therefore be expected to kill over 50% more Israelis than Palestinians per head of population. What this means is that being vaccinated increases your chances of being killed by COVID by 50% This is known as of 2021September2.
The UK doubly vaccinated rate is 66%. The Indian doubly vaccinated rate is 20%. The UK uses no Ivermectin. India uses it extensively. Here is the comparison of our case numbers by John's Hopkins from
Dr Yeadon, the Vice President of Pfizer (10 years ago) with PhD in respiratory pharmacology having done a degree in biochemistry and toxicology, points out that no COVID variant is more than 0.3% different in amino acid chain composition from Wuhan Hu1 which contains 10,000 amino-acids (30,000 nucleotides in the viral RNA) and is quite a large virus. He then deduces that the public should not be scared at all by new variants because the immune system will treat them no differently from the original strain. The immune system cuts up virus proteins into a hundred or so components and then creates antibodies for each component. So changing 0.3% of a virus will not affect your immune response very much (depending upon the distribution of that 0.3% and the sensitivity of the match between antigen and antibody). That is potentially true for natural immunity. Vaccine immunity is a response only to the protein spike, not to the entire virus. The protein spike contains 1273 amino acids. So even if the entire 0.3% variation occurs in the spike, the change to the spike would be 2.36%, which may not be enough to evade the immune system on the face of it. But the version of SARS which infects only bats has 96% of the genetic material of COVID-19 and it is not infectious to humans at all.
Dr Yeadon argues that both vaccine conferred immunity and natural immunity are independent of variants which are in psychological terms - scariants and in immunological terms - sameiants. However small mutations can make immunological sameiants a lot more infectious - as we have seen with the Delta variant. Yeadon would argue that the immune response to delta should be be no different to that for Wuhan alpha. Yet variants are known to be less lethal and more infectious that the original strain in pandemics. So the small percentage differences in genomes can lead to massive immunological differences. So I am not entirely convinced. It seems to me that some people who were immune to the alpha variant are not necessarily immune to delta.
His video is nonetheless really informative and a must watch from a highly qualified industry insider with a conscience -
However it was not known (on April 11) that doubly vaccinated people in July/August became no better at resisting infection or fighting infection that unvaccinated people. This is not due to vaccine immunity failing. It is not due to your T cells forgetting what they learned a few months ago. It is due to immune system disruption caused by incessant vaccine mediated spike protein production. So Dr Yeadon argued in April that vaccination for those over 70 was a worthwhile risk. But that booster shots for new variants are absolutely not worth having for anybody. Whereas today vaccines are shown by real world figures to provide no benefit at all 4-5 months after the 2nd jab.
Dr Yeadon argued in April11, correctly, that the only logical purpose for boosters and vaccinating the young is global depopulation. But now (in August) with the delta variant, the young appear to be getting it more than the old. He predicts worldwide vaccine Passports and says the way to resist is not to get vaccinated. Please watch the video remembering it was made on 2021April11. For more warnings from doctors please see - and
An NHS Nurses Resignation Letter...
Dear Ms Sutcliffe and all Executive Directors,
I write to you today as a highly experienced nurse with 27 years service, to inform you that when my registration expires on 31.05.2021 I will not be renewing it and therefore I am resigning my registration and leaving the profession.
The reasons for this are many but to summarise I am utterly dismayed and disheartened by my profession and with you as our governing body at the complete lack of integrity that has been displayed since the beginning of the ‘Covid19 Crisis’.
The facts about the reality and truth of this alleged crisis are readily available for anyone to find and investigate for themselves, not least you, a body that should have been doing just this, seeking the truth and advocating for both your members and our patients, past, present and future. We are patient advocates not government puppets.
Under the guise of ‘Covid19’ (which has never been isolated or purified) a massive injustice has been served onto the people of this country and globally. It was and remains our duty as healthcare professionals to learn the truth and to be the voice of these people, yet there has been a deafening silence and a sickening desire to simply comply by you and so many of my colleagues that I can not and will not condone. Sadly in these times, for me to speak out about these injustices and to be a true advocate for my patients has meant me being bullied and ostracised by my colleagues, removed from clinical practice by hospital management who state they are unable to consider any evidence presented to them that questions the official narrative and state that they must simply comply with government ‘guidance’ regardless of any harm they may cause.
When did our profession cease to be based on evidence? When did we become order followers uninterested in the facts on which we base the care we give and devastatingly now on which we deny patients and their families care? To speak out about the many 1000s of people in this country alone that have had treatment and investigations delayed or have been left to die, has meant me living in constant fear of being ‘struck off’ the register for simply doing what I swore to do, speak and act for the benefit of my patients at all times.
I refer below to the first part of our code of conduct.
“Prioritise People “
You put the interests of people using or needing nursing or midwifery services first. You make their care and safety your main concern and make sure that their dignity is preserved and their needs recognised, assessed and responded to. You make sure that those receiving care are treated with respect, that their rights are upheld and that any discriminatory attitudes and behaviours towards those receiving care are challenged”.
NMC Code of Conduct
This no longer seems to be at the forefront, of too many of my nursing and medical colleagues, minds and motives. I have witnessed personally and professionally many examples of the above ethos being completely disregarded and have been informed by patients and friends of their own experiences where their holistic needs have been disrespected and disregarded because ‘Covid19’ is a priority over, it seems, every other illness, and, a priority over the emotional, psychological and spiritual well being of both our patients and their families. Any nurse who can deny a child their families being with them when they are sick or dying totally contradicts the entire foundations of our profession, care. As does any nurse who denies end of life patients spending precious time with their loved ones, denying them entry into hospices for fear of ‘Covid’ transmission. Enforcing these restrictions rigidly and brutally, making families say their last goodbyes via the internet or knowing that families have slept in hospital/hospice carparks just so that they can feel close to their loved one at the time of death, because we have removed their right to hold their hands and be with them as they pass. The trauma that this must have caused people is unforgivable and not something I will ever condone and nor should you or anyone in our profession.
The devastating isolation of residents in care homes was, in my opinion, inhumane. It is equally unforgivable and unthinkable that such treatment could ever have been perpetrated by staff who allege to care for these people. The emotional trauma they and their families must have suffered is irreparable and I am ashamed to be associated with a profession that claimed this was to protect them. Holistic care now seems to be a thing of the past as does an individuals right go choose.
Mask exempt patients have been denied treatment in A&E and spoken to in such a manner that any healthcare professional found to be conducting themselves like this should be investigated and disciplined. Yet they are not, despite so much evidence in the public arena. Why are you seemingly supporting the actions of these health care professionals by omission of action, by your silent acquiescence?
Do you condone the behaviour of the nurses on your register that are bullying and coercing patients into wearing masks and to take the test?
What has happened to informed consent?
Where is the informed consent for masks?
Mask do not work and are potentially harmful. You should know this. Yet you remain silent and allow the people of this country to have this imposed on them despite the absence of any scientific supporting evidence. You remain silent while masks are imposed on children. Surely you have considered the devastating effect this will and has already had on their mental health and consequently their physical health?
The shaming of people who are mask exempt is actively encouraged.
Many of those that are mask exempt are too afraid to leave their homes for fear of the judgement and abuse they may receive. As a nurse I have been told by too many mask exempt patients of the distress they have suffered at the hands of others, healthcare professionals included. They have been bullied, shamed and coerced into feeling they must wear a mask even if this would be detrimental to them. Emotionally blackmailed, ” Wearing is Caring”. Disgraceful marketing campaigns displayed everywhere insisting that masks must be worn otherwise entry/service will be denied. Yet these masks are useless.
Bullies in all types of establishments, once again, healthcare settings included, insisting on proof/ disclosure of exemption and denial of the existence or validity of the ‘Equality Act 2010’. There are people that are simply not mentally robust enough to withstand the
discrimination, judgements and verbal assaults, so they either stay home ( meaning further social isolation/exclusion) or succumb to the bullying and wear masks despite it causing them physical or mental distress/ harm. This is totally unacceptable. Yet you remain silent.
Where is the informed consent for tests?
The tests are unforgivably inaccurate. The PCR test was never designed as a diagnostic tool, clearly stated by its inventor Kary Mullis. Surely you are aware of this too? If not why not? It is your responsibility to be aware of the facts. And if you are aware why are you silent? Why are you not challenging the Government policy in order to protect and do no harm?
These inaccurate tests have been used to justify injustices on the people on a scale that is nothing short of criminal.
They have been used to fabricate a health threat and bring this country to its knees through fear.
These tests have been used to label healthy, asymptomatic individuals as a potential threat to the lives of others and to facilitate world governments in rolling out Draconian measures/restrictions on their people, the people they were elected to serve.
So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for the spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections – not asymptomatic people.
Why have you not challenged this?
The measures imposed on us all are responsible for the destruction of lives, livelihoods, mental health and the very essence of what makes us human, our connections to one another, making people, and sickeningly, children, fearful of each other. Dehumanisation.
It has all been ‘marketed’ as protecting the vulnerable.
What about all the other vulnerable members of our society? I am sure I don’t need to list them.
Are their needs no longer important?
The fact that Healthcare professionals across the UK are refusing patients treatment and investigations if they are mask exempt and if they refuse a test and/or being told that they will be removed from treatment and investigation lists if they refuse the test is unethical medical tyranny.
I have personally been party in my professional capacity to my colleagues proudly stating how they have informed patients that if they refuse a test they will be removed from the waiting list. I asked a senior colleague to show me where in the admission process we asked patients for their informed consent for mask wearing. I was told, that patients are
told they must wear a mask and they know if they do not then they will not be admitted to the hospital and therefore they will not get treatment, so they wear a mask. I witnessed all surgical patients being expected to wear surgical masks post surgery and even some Consultant Anaesthetists insisting patients requiring oxygen therapy must wear surgical masks beneath their oxygen delivery masks, without any evidence of efficacy or potential harm this may cause. I saw my own colleagues enforcing this, without any evidence to back up this new practice.
Do you condone this?
Again, if you do not then why are you silent?
Where is the informed consent for the experimental vaccines?
Do you have the supporting evidence that the vaccines are safe and do not cause harm?
In the absence of this evidence why are you not challenging Government roll out of the vaccine?
Why are you not speaking out about the Government proposals to make it a requirement for healthcare professionals to have the vaccine ? Surely consultation is necessary? Why are you not in consultation with the Government on this matter?
I called your helpline and was told that you were not in consultation and would simply follow the guidance of the Government.
Why are you not advocating for your members and the people of the UK?
Are you aware of the many devastating adverse reactions that are being experienced by people who are having this experimental vaccine? Are you aware of the deaths caused by this experimental vaccine?
Why have you not challenged this?
To be a healthcare professional who asks questions now is to be labelled ‘uncaring’ a ‘firebrand’ or a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
This is wrong, we have a duty to question.
We have a duty to be informed, to inform and to provide care that does no harm and is consented to via informed consent.
I assume you agree.
Yet part of our training on radicalisation now includes those people who question the official government narrative on ‘Covid 19’ as having been potentially radicalised into extreme views.
This is wrong. Do you support this?
Are your members that are in support of the vaccine roll out and are administering these vaccines fully aware of all the facts of each vaccine?
Are they providing patients with all these facts? If not why not?
I would suggest that this is in the very least negligence by any party to be not appropriately informed and to not appropriately inform.
Are you aware that Dr Reiner Fuellmich has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity and violations of the Nuremburg Code?
“Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death – as fraud.
In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention…
Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.
According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a serious breach of the Convention.
The “experimental” vaccine violates all 10 Nuremberg codes – which carry the death penalty for those who try to break these international laws”.
Soren Dreier 09.05.2021
You will of course be aware that a ‘Covid’ death, is a death from any cause within 28 days of a positive test.
A test that is inaccurate and deaths whose primary (actual) cause could have been anything, yet the people of the UK have had their businesses, lives and health destroyed based on these figures.
And still you remain silent.
Below is an article written by Dr Mike Yeadon May 10, 2021
Why are we being lied to about Covid? There’s no good reason
BE in no doubt, among the reasons that voices and opinions like mine are never heard in the main media is extreme censorship more suited to China than a liberal democracy. Please allow me to illustrate with an example close to my heart why it is high time for us to change our response.
Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease, in multiple independent clinical trials of varying quality. On January 3, 2021, Dr Tess Lawrie attempted to alert the Prime Minister to the potential of Ivermectin. Her video was pulled from YouTube within hours of posting, though it survives on Vimeo. The paper by the FLCCC group of US intensivists (whose survival rates for severe Covid-19 are best in class) that was the inspiration for Dr Lawrie’s work was accepted after extensive open peer review (including two career employees of the FDA) and ‘provisionally accepted’ by the ‘open science’ journal Frontiers in Pharmacology. The screenshot of the abstract tweeted by Clare Craig attracted more than 100,000 views. Then, mysteriously, it was rejected and pulled by the Frontiers editor in chief. It is still in cached form though the Ministry of Truth has been at work and placed it in a memory hole, so no trace survives on Frontiers’ own website.
Intended for a Special Issue on ‘repurposed drugs’ for Covid-19, various guest editors were so incensed at this behaviour that they resigned in protest. They concluded that ‘these unfortunate events constitute gross editorial misconduct by Frontiers.’ Fortunately this major paper is now published by the American Journal of Therapeutics and can be read below.
This nevertheless successfully delayed by nearly six months its circulation to leading public health bodies starting mid-November. A copy was sent to Sir Jeremy Farrar (boss of the Wellcome Trust and member of Sage) who passed it on to Professor Peter Horby (also on Sage), amongst others, on November 18, 2020. So the efficacy of Ivermectin must be well known to the Government’s advisers, but they have done nothing about it. Likewise, the formal and rigorous meta-analysis performed by Dr Tess Lawrie’s team at the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd has been communicated to Matt Hancock, but without reply.
I am telling you about this, because all that governments, their scientific advisers, big Pharma and regulatory agencies will tell you is that Ivermectin doesn’t work in Covid-19. They are lying. I am inviting any of them to sue me, but they won’t, for I would win easily.
If Ivermectin was more widely used, there’d be no need for vaccines.
To date, despite the brains, expertise and stature of those scientists questioning the official Covid-19 narrative, as a group they have quite patently been ineffective. And this is unlikely to change while, as polite professionals, they won’t say: ‘This is corruption and they’re lying deliberately to scare the people.’ Furthermore, unwittingly, they have been playing the parts intended by those, including our own Government and their advisers, who control the global Covid narrative.
They judged correctly that we polite Brits wouldn’t accuse them of outright lying, even though they often do exactly that. Boris Johnson’s recent piece to camera, telling us that it was lockdown and not vaccination which reduced cases and deaths, is a case in point. Yet it’s certain this isn’t true, and also certain he and his advisers know it isn’t true.
The government’s advisers are not fools. Some may be, but the upper echelons are very smart. They believe polite people won’t say ‘not only are you lying but you’re doing it in concert with other, non-democratic actors’, because that’s conspiracy theory stuff, right? Powerful people never use their influence to benefit their interests, do they? Hmm. The only thing that’s different is scale and the power their public positions give them. Other than that, they’re just another a bunch of grubby criminals, ripping off unsuspecting people.
Truth is our most powerful tool. And that truth is that we’re being lied to.
The truth also, however hard it is to believe it, is that there is unequivocal and clear evidence of planning and co-ordination. Not to face this fact is to have your head in the sand. Where it’s leading is easy to discern, once people are willing to lift their internal censoring and look objectively at the evidence.
First, though, the lies. It’s abundantly clear now that pretty much everything that the public has been told and continues to be told is between untrue and downright lies.
I offer as a shortlist that:
-PCR mass testing reasonably reliably distinguishes infected and infectious people from others;
-that masks reduce transmission of respiratory viruses;
-that transmission of infection in the absence of symptoms is an important contribution to epidemic spreading;
-that lockdowns as executed reduce hospitalisation and deaths;
-that no matter how small the remaining susceptible population and no matter that virtually no people who, if infected, might die remain unvaccinated, the position is perilous;
-that no pharmaceutical treatments are available;
-that variants are different enough to warrant border closures and require new vaccines; -that the gene-based vaccines are safe and effective;
-that ‘vaccine passports’ will increase safety while having no material impacts on freedom of choice in a liberal democracy.
It is impossible to believe that intelligent, well-connected and well-briefed senior advisers to governments don’t know that almost all, if not all, of the above are simply not true.
It is not a matter of opinion in almost all cases. These statements, which have been explicitly stated and used in justification for the extraordinary interferences in the lives of citizens in democratic countries, are mostly demonstrably wrong, as defined by there being multiple well-conducted, peer-reviewed studies showing the contrary.
To continue with the pretence that there’s scientific uncertainty, and it is therefore understandable that an adviser might offer nuanced advice, is wrong and misleading. This perhaps is where the mainstream media has been most culpable.
It is not reasonable to expect typical viewers and readers of speeches, articles and editorials – whether by scientist sceptics or by critical commentators – to appreciate that, when we point out that what’s happening doesn’t make sense, we mean ‘the executive is knowingly and deliberately harming the country and its citizens’. We are mostly not saying this, leaving it to the audience to sum up for themselves. But in my view the audience are
reluctant to do this. They want to believe in government and perhaps above all they want a quiet life. To disbelieve is so much harder than to believe.
So in recent weeks I’ve made a clear decision no longer merely to point out what it is that governments and their advisers and spokespersons around the world are doing is wrong, scientifically unjustified and harmful, but to join the dots in an attempt to provide potential explanations of why they’re doing these things.
It is time for all Doubting Thomases to take a lead and state unambiguously that ‘government and its advisers are telling us things that are manifestly untrue and maintaining restrictive, damaging measures for which there’s no justification’. By not doing so they are playing into the hands of those who I firmly believe are engaged in a determined series of crimes against humanity.
Why do I say this? Simply because there is no benign interpretation of the acts of commission and omission consistently imposed upon us and no explanation of the statements which are flatly wrong other than an intention to deceive the population.
Looking around us now, we see that the prevalence of the virus in the community is effectively zero. Note that the authorities have never conceded and determined the operational false positive rate of PCR mass testing. Subtracting any reasonable estimate of oFPR and we observe no cases at all. This was true for months as indicated by the positive rate in lateral flow tests.
No variant of the virus differs by more than 0.3 per cent from the original sequence, and numerous academic immunologists have stated strongly that there is no possibility that booster/top-up/variant vaccines are required. Yet we get daily ‘fear porn’ on this topic. The European Parliament just voted through the basic outlines of a vaccine passport system. It’s a racing certainty that the UK will soon follow.
Mask regulations continue in force and many psychologists believe some people are so traumatised that they will continue to wear them indefinitely, even though they are useless.
The economy and currency may already be damaged beyond repair. Yet there’s another six weeks minimum until the last restrictions are scheduled to be lifted.
Almost no one is dying ‘with’ Covid-19 now, and the attribution methodology overestimates this anyway. Yet hospitals and primary health care remain far less accessible than they should be, inevitably resulting in causing or storing up avoidable non-Covid-19 deaths, to say nothing of the suffering and misery of the millions awaiting treatments for painful and worrying illnesses.
Most terrifyingly, it appears we will soon be required to possess VaxPass apps if we wish to continue to access our lives.
This system can run effectively only if everyone is vaccinated. This is a monstrous concept, because it is known that all four vaccines in use in Europe contain a fatal design flaw: they cause the fusogenic, pro coagulation spike protein to be expressed wherever the vaccine is taken up. In some people, especially those so young that they’re at no measurable risk of death if infected by the virus, vaccination results in their deaths from thromboembolic events. Permitting the inexpert population to walk into this trap is
unconscionable: there will be thousands of further vaccine-induced deaths of young people.
I invite thoughtful people to ask that difficult question: ‘Why are they doing this?’
It is my deduction and conclusion that the only motivation that fits all the observations is the intention to ‘herd’ every citizen into a VaxPass system. This is a completely novel system. Never before have all individuals been represented in a single, interoperable database as a unique digital ID, accompanied by an editable health-related field. Whoever controls that database, and the algorithms which govern what it permits and denies, has literally totalitarian control of the entire population. There is no personal threshold crossing or transaction which doesn’t fall to those operating that system.
At the very least, the public deserves to be warned that this is coming. I do not expect conventional judicial processes to protect us in any way. Every institution has already failed the people of the UK.
Given that numerous government decisions (as instructed by Sage) have arguably already led to many avoidable deaths, I think it’s only reasonable to consider what the prize is that leads intelligent people to do the things they’ve done and continue to peddle.
The possible answers to this question are all bad. I cannot conceive of a situation where we will shortly be permitted to resume our normal lives. There is not the slightest hint of that in any case.
I have found it impossible to come up with a benign interpretation of the events. No one works as carefully and for so long as evidently has been done, across the world, only suddenly to stop. Why?I’ve asked hundreds of people and not a single one has (a) pointed out where my logic fails or (b) come up with a benign interpretation.
My own conviction is that the purpose is, at minimum, to establish a system of totalitarian control which will mean the extinguishing of liberal democracy.
It almost doesn’t matter what the next steps might be, but they could, for example, have been sold to numerous people as the only solution to ‘anthropogenic global warming’: the amount of resources we’ll be permitted to produce and consume will be set by some unseen controllers. It is possible they could go a step further than this, and see reducing population or depopulation as another route to solving the perceived problem of AGW.
Consider the elimination of the class of the inquiring journalist, the censorship of all mass media. The relentless smearing and exclusion of those who ask too many awkward questions. The astonishing waste of public money, which apparently the foreign exchange markets are unperturbed about. The destruction of SMEs which provide a third of all jobs and a substantial proportion of tax revenues. The relentless lying. The misinformation. The use of psychological operations to frighten and subdue. The utter disregard for those vaccinated with ‘vaccines’ that are way too unsafe for their role. The bending past illegality of the use of incorrect information to persuade pregnant women to get vaccinated. The numerous breaches of the Nuremberg Code, since no one is being explicitly told that these vaccines are experimental and so recipients are being unwittingly enrolled in an unprecedentedly large and unmonitored Phase 3 clinical trial. The announcement that, soon, our minor children are to be vaccinated.
Add in the ‘top-up vaccines’. They’re not vaccines. Whoever has been vaccinated has no need of further vaccination. Immunology is perhaps my strongest suit, so I am certain of this. Is it impossible that in those one billion vials which has already told us its manufacturing, there is some gene sequence which will instigate one of a few dozen pathologies, with onset times ranging from near-immediate to a short number of years? I assure you, biotechnology has awesome power, and it can be used for good or ill.
I think I’ve made a decent case that what governments and their advisers have done easily amounts to conspiracy. The same ‘mistakes’ have been made everywhere. The same tricks and manipulation. Those who claim this is all coincidence are coincidence theorists.
I argue that unless this is pointed out to the public before any possible ‘vaccine passports’ system is established, we’ve all collectively failed to discharge our duties to be courageous, to take chances, to risk looking foolish: I am absolutely committed to continuing to speak out for as long as I have breath in my body”. 10.3389/fphar.2021.643369/abstract Review_of_the_Emerging_Evidence_Demonstrating_the.4.aspx
“Dr Mike Yeadon has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology and a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology. He has spent over 30 years leading new medicines research in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, leaving Pfizer in 2011 as Vice President & Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory. That was the most senior research position in this field in Pfizer. Since leaving Pfizer, Dr Yeadon has founded his own biotech company,
Ziarco, which was sold to the worlds biggest drug company, Novartis, in 2017”
I ask you, are you aware of Ivermectin and the work of Dr Tess Lawrie? If not why not?
Why are you not pressuring the Government to at the very least consider this?
Why are you not questioning government policy and demanding their evidence to support their policies?
Instead through your silence you have and continue to allow them to aggressively enforce, social distancing, social isolation, closure of businesses and places of spiritual practice, ineffective and harmful masks, hand sanitiser and the roll out on an uninformed public of experimental vaccines?
They trust us and you are failing them through your silence and unquestioning complicity.
Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Tess Lawrie are not alone in questioning what is happening yet all and anyone that does question are aggressively censored. Their work removed and labelled dangerous misinformation. All debate and reasonable discussion immediately quashed.
Do you not stop to wonder why? You should. You have a moral and professional responsibility to do so.
In my opinion anyone now that knows that something is very wrong with what we are being told, even merely suspects something is very wrong and does nothing, remains silent, condoning these injustices and encourages the vilification or actively vilifies or attempts to silence those speaking for truth and justice is morally bankrupt. So, do what you will or won’t with this letter but now you are in possession of it and if you choose to ignore the issues presented then you can no longer claim nescience but are being wilfully ignorant.
It is with immense sadness that I end my nursing career but I will not be a part of these crimes against humanity and against the patients I/we should be protecting and I do not consent or wish to be governed by a body that silently complies with Government tyranny and bases their judgement as to whether I am fit to practice as a nurse on my levels of compliance or in my case non- compliance with tyranny.
I echo Dr Mike Yeadon in saying I will fight for truth, freedom, medical freedom and the health, rights and freedoms of others so long as I have breath in my body.
Yours sincerely
(Sent by email)
It is easy to see this is the commoditisation of human immune systems by Big Pharma and Fauci.
It is less easy to see this is the same business model as conveniently occurring computer viruses leading to universal antivirus software. Although the involvement of Bill Gates pushing vaccines helps in that regard.
It is not so hard to see that the man made virus and big tech vaccines will lead to a big tech managed and big tech enforced social credit score vaccine Passport system, which will exclude anybody who has not been sufficiently jabbed (how ever many times it may be by then). Paypal is already working on a no buy list by teaming up with silicon valley wokenuts
It is easy to see by faith that the vaccine passports will be the mark of the beast upon the right hand (controlling your actions) and the social credit scores will be the Mark of the beast of Revelation13 upon the forehead (controlling your thoughts).
It is extremely difficult to see that the vaccines are the snake bite of Genesis 3:15, a fang for a vaccination. And that they are the means by which the demons are genetically appropriating mankind in order to enslave them and thereby deny them salvation. But when you do the maths there are 48 trillion copies of spike protein mRNA weighing 100 micrograms in Moderna and 14.4 Trillion copies weighing 30 micrograms in Pfizer in circumstances where you have 30-37 Trillion cells. The ones that count here are the brain cells which are not replaced. The seed of the serpent of Genesis 3:15 was Cain. Cain means spike or needle or spear in Hebrew. So it applies equally well to spike proteins and vaccinations
So in conclusion, the vaccines are the means by which the demons recruit mankind to their side, genetically, economically, socially and politically in advance of the final battle of Armageddon.
The book of Daniel says: No wicked shall understand. The gospels say 50% of 50%
will not be saved (2 women at mill 1 taken, 2 men in one bed 1 taken of Luke17,
2 women at mill 1 taken, 2 men in field 1 taken of Matthew24) So 75% of us will see through this at some point.
The data from Israel on 2021August14 were as follows (tabulated from ...
The Graphic does not work correctly. It's the absolute number of active cases (not per 100k - click the down arrow to the left of the 'At a rate per 100k' legend on the Ministry of Health site). So double vaccination is providing a big benefit to 12-20 year olds, a small benefit to 20-40 year olds and little to non benefit to 40-80 year olds. This is because the longer you have the vaccine the less benefit it gives you. Booster jabs (Dose 3 in turquoise) are shown to have no positive effect at all - or possibly a negative effect..
Actually I suspect that 0.1% of ONE JAB would be a really really efficacious and pretty safe doseage. It would produce the death rates of a normal vaccine.
The amount of SARS-CoV-2 virus that needs to be present in the body to trigger the infection is unclear [Why?]. Other respiratory viruses could offer insight into this number. For example, SARS, another coronavirus, requires just a few hundred viral particles for an infective dose, while the dose for MERS is several thousands of particles. -
To estimate probability that a droplet would contain at least one virus particle, Basu used a study on the amount of virus in the sputum and mucus of COVID-19 patients and accounted for dehydration. He conservatively estimated about 300 virus particles as the threshold for infection. Typically, an inhaled viral infection requires 1,950 to 3,000 virus particles.
"The fact that the number of virus particles needed to launch the infection is in the range of hundreds is very remarkable, and shows how contagious this particular virus is," Basu said.
Fatal respiratory failure due to lung damage in coronavirus infection is attributed to rapid virus replication and excessive immune responses. The coronaviruses could reach titers as high as 108–1010 copies/ml in the upper respiratory tract of patients
The virus replication time scale within pulmonary cells is estimated to about 6 hours -
Quantitatively describing the time course of the SARS-CoV-2 infection within an infected individual is important for understanding the current global pandemic and possible ways to combat it. Here we integrate the best current knowledge about the typical viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in bodily fluids and host tissues to estimate the total number and mass of SARS-CoV-2 virions in an infected person (A virion is a complete extracellular virus particle, the unit which is able to spread the virus to another cell - I would call that the virus, or a virus particle myself). We estimate that each infected person carries 109–1011 virions (each containing one copy of the viral RNA) during peak infection, with a total mass in the range of 1–100 μg, which curiously implies that all SARS-CoV-2 virions currently circulating within ALL human hosts have a collective mass of only 0.1–10 kg (100 million human hosts). We combine our estimates with the available literature on host immune response and viral mutation rates to demonstrate how antibodies markedly outnumber the spike proteins and the genetic diversity of virions in an infected host covers all possible single nucleotide substitutions -
So a fully infected person has 109–1011 (1 billion to 100 billion) copies of viral RNA in his body. So 10 billion copies would be enough for a vaccine. But the vaccines have 14.4 Trillion (Pfizer) and 48Trillion (Moderna). So these concoctions are not vaccines, but are body wide gene therapy (the body has 30-37 trillion cells - An infectious unit is a TCID50, which is a sufficient number of virions to kill 50% of a standardised cell culture.
Add to this the possibility that both COVID-19 and the mrNA spike proteins can be reverse transcribed into human DNA and you have the fulfilment of Genesis 3:15, mankind being genetically modified to be rather than adamic.
Retroviruses, Metaviruses, Pseudoviruses, Hepadnaviruses and Caulimoviruses can reverse transcribe their viral RNA into Human DNA
So mankind could have used any of these to add reverse transcription as a gain of function property to COVID-19
Two vaccinations with Biontech / Pfizer or AstraZeneca offer good protection against the highly contagious Delta-Corona variant. But the effectiveness decreases over time – and an infection with the Delta variant triggers a viral load similar to that of non-vaccinated people in fully vaccinated people, scientists from the University of Oxford found in a study published on Thursday. If they become infected, people who have been vaccinated may be as contagious as those who have not been vaccinated.
For the study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, the researchers analyzed results from more than three million adult nasal and throat swabs in the UK. To compare the time periods before and after Delta spread, the researchers analyzed about 2.58 million smears from around 380,000 adults between early December and mid-May, and 810,000 test results from 360,000 participants between mid-May and early August.
They also found that protection from infection 90 days after the second vaccination was 75 percent with Biontech / Pfizer and 61 percent with AstraZeneca. Two weeks after the second dose, this was still 85 percent and 68 percent, respectively. “These data tell us nothing about the level of protection against serious illnesses and hospitalization, two very important factors when looking at the effectiveness of the vaccines,” said Pouwels.
The researchers did not predict how much protection might decrease over time, but suggested that the effectiveness of both vaccines should be similar four to five months after the second vaccination.
Translating the above. 3 months after the 2nd Jab, all 3 major vaccines do nothing to reduce viral load. That means they will do nothing to prevent transmission. The trouble is that we are now 4-6 months after the 2nd jab for a lot of people. The continuous degradation momentum will mean that for them the vaccines INCREASE viral load when compared to unvaccinated people. The researchers did not 'predict how much protection might decrease over time'
because it had already evaporated by month 3 and would go negative in month 4.
A father and daughter duo in Texas last month demonstrated to a school board how masks produce bad air quality not suitable for breathing.
The incident happened on August 24 at a school board in Lago Vista, outside of Austin.
During the demonstration, the father who works in construction brings his daughter and an air quality monitor device up to the front of the board meeting.
The dad says he uses the device at his job to make sure air levels aren’t hazardous and are suitable for working conditions.
“Before you get into that hole you drop this device down that hole, if it alarms ‘not safe’ you cannot go into that spot; if it doesn’t you’re good to go,” the dad explains.
“Once you’re in there every single employee that’s in there has to wear this device and if it ever goes off for any reason everybody immediately drops all their tools whatever they’re doing – they get out.”
He then proceeds to use it to measure his unmasked daughter’s oxygen levels, which are normal.
He then tests it with her wearing a mask, and immediately the monitor begins to beep.
A new study (still in pre print form - conducted in Israel, one of the most highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries in the world, examined the medical records of tens of thousands of Israelis between the first of June and the 14th of August.
During this time the Delta variant was the predominant strain infecting people in Israel. The researchers looked at infections, symptoms, and hospitalizations, and is to date the largest real-world observational study to compare natural versus vaccine-induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2.
Researchers used the database of Maccabi Healthcare Services. In two analyses they found that people who have never been infected before, but who were vaccinated, were six to thirteen times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected.
In one analysis that compared more than 32,000 people, they found that the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization 8 times higher -
Lets do some maths on those figures. We can deduce from these how effective Pfizer is.
4/5 of the people (vaccinated) produced 3/5 of the cases and 1/5 of the people (unvaccinated) produced 2/5 of the cases. So vaccinated people are 3/4 x 1/2 = 3/8 as likely to be hospitalised as unvaccinated. So the vaccine reduces infections by 5/8 or 62.5% NOT 95% as Pfizer claim. That is real world data. But boosted Vitamin D reduces the chance of being hospitalized in Intensive care by 80% and reduces COVID morlality by 60%.
"The research, published by the Social Science Research Network, found Covid-19 patients given doses of Vitamin D were 80 per cent less likely to require ICU treatment. Those from the University of Barcelona also concluded that 'adjusted results showed a reduced mortality of more than 60 per cent' for those who were given the calcifediol treatment." -
So Vitamin D offered better protection than Pfizer in 2021April
Israel Confirmed Cases 2021July4 to 2021July31
Age Group | Fully Vaccinated Cases | Unvaccinated Cases | Fully Vaccinated Cases % | Fully Vaccinated Population % |
20-29 | 2688 | 795 | 77.2 | 71.9 |
30-39 | 3176 | 881 | 78.3 | 77.4 |
40-49 | 3303 | 635 | 83.9 | 60.9 |
50-59 | 2200 | 359 | 86.0 | 84.4 |
60-69 | 2200 | 187 | 92.2 | 86.9 |
70-79 | 1384 | 100 | 93.3 | 92.9 |
80-89 | 540 | 61 | 88.9 | 91.2 |
90+ | 142 | 20 | 87.7 | 88.7 |
29-90+ | 15634 | 3038 | 86.0 | 84.4 |
So in the 3 months from from April to July we see the degradation in performance of the vaccines (Pfizer only) from better than unvaccinated to worse than unvaccinated. They had to go for the 3rd shot to cover up further degradation.
Doubly vaccinated people over 50 at the end of August were 24.4% MORE likely to catch delta than unvaccinated people according to PHEs latest genetical sequenced delta numbers..
PHE are one of the few govt agencies in the world which produce decent figures for delta cases at least. This is not vaccines losing efficacy. It is vaccines degrading your immune system, progressively month on month. Vaccines have gone negative as regards transmission. That cannot be a loss of efficacy..
Since it is known (if you do the maths) that vaccines degrade the immune system to the point where one is 24.4% more susceptible to infection, 6 months after the 2nd jab - What will they do to children after 5 years?
6 months ago they absolutely reduced transmission by at least 75% Now they increase it by 24.4%. There is no risk benefit analysis to be done. It is a risk damage analysis. All the govt scientists have access to these figures.
Here again is the maths.
PHE figures for over 50s with genetically sequenced delta.
0Jabs and 1Jab and 2Jabs
6724 and 6899 and 51420 (Technical briefing 22 up to August29)
4891 and 6303 and 32828 (Technical briefing 21 up to August15)
1833 and 596 and 18592 (TB22-TB21 for the period from August16-29)
8.7% and 2.8% and 88.5% of cases out of 21021 (TB22-TB21 for the period from August16-29)
9.7% and 11.0% and 79.3% of people over 50 have respectively 0 and 1 and 2 jabs (5.15m and 5.80m and 41.94m out of 52.89m Adult population on August 23 - assuming over 20s have now had enough time to catch up over 50s in jabs if they wished to do so)
The UK Dept of Health and Social Care study shows that 82% of new cases are fully vaccinated
PHE latest figures show that 88.5% of new delta cases in over 50s occur in fully vaccinated people, But only 79.3% of over 50s were fully vaccinated at that time. .
The CDC Barnstable study showed that being doubly vaccinated made it more likely to catch delta.
The Oxford University Vietnam study shows that doubly vaccinated people with delta have 251x the viral load of unvaccinated people with alpha.
Fauci said last month that the viral load in the vaccinated is no different to the viral load in the unvaccinated.
The purpose of a vaccine is to reduce transmission, infectivity, viral load and help achieve herd immunity. The vaccines no longer do any of those things for delta.
They worked for a while against alpha. They have now failed against delta in every respect. Worse than that they are actually making people more likely to be infected, which means they are damaging our immune systems with their incessant spike production.
They offer no help to children or adults other than a short term increase in immunity for a few months followed by a slow decline thereafter with a tipping point going negative around 6 months after the 2nd jab. This is now known. The JCVI did not make their recommendation lightly.
The figures show that these vaccines progressively damage the immune system. This has only been confirmed in the last month or so. I do not know what words to use to persuade people not to ruin their immune systems or their children's immune systems other than to point out that 40 million people have died of AIDS and that there are 20 million AIDS orphans in the world. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. What these vaccines do is progressively make your immune system more and more deficient. This is hardly surprising since the COVID19 spike proteins contain the furin cleavage site from HIV1.
We studied breakthrough infections among healthcare workers of a major infectious diseases hospital in Vietnam. We collected demographics, vaccination history and results of PCR diagnosis alongside clinical data. We measured SARS-CoV-2 (neutralizing) antibodies at diagnosis, and at week 1, 2 and 3 after diagnosis. We sequenced the viruses using ARTIC protocol. Findings: Between 11th–25th June 2021 (week 7–8 after dose 2), 69 healthcare workers were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 62 participated in the clinical study. 49 were (pre)symptomatic with one requiring oxygen supplementation. All recovered uneventfully. 23 complete-genome sequences were obtained. They all belonged to the Delta variant, and were phylogenetically distinct from the contemporary Delta variant sequences obtained from community transmission cases, suggestive of ongoing transmission between the workers. Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020. Time from diagnosis to PCR negative was 8–33 days (median: 21). Neutralizing antibody levels after vaccination and at diagnosis of the cases were lower than those in the matched uninfected controls. There was no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels and viral loads or the development of symptoms. -
This is clearly saying the vaccine had zero effect on delta. Vaccines produce antibodies. But there was no correlation between the levels of said antibodies and viral load or symptom progression. The study plainly shows that Astra Zeneca (the vaccine used in Vietnam) has zero effect on Delta. DOH!
But Pfizer and Moderna contain the same spike protein and so will cause your immune system to produce the same antibodies. So no vaccine has any effect on Delta. In fact Prof Montagnier said that the vaccines will produce variants which can evade them. The Vietnam study shows that Delta is such a variant.
Dr Ryan Cole was trained at the Mayo Clinic and runs the largest Independent testing lab in Idaho - USA. He has discovered that the vaccines cause a form of immune deficiency, a new type of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
HIV reduces the numbers of your CD4 helper T Cells. These vaccines reduce the number of your CD8 killer T cells.
He is seeing 20x the normal number of Cancers and elevated rates of many types of virus infections including Herpes and HPV in vaccinated people. or
Here is the entire protein sequence of Wuhan Hu1 - From
ORF1ab polyprotein
ORF1a polyprotein
S1 Spike Protein
ORF3a Protein
ORF4 Structural Envelope Protein
ORF5 Structural Membrane Glycoprotein
ORF6 Protein
ORF7a Protein
ORF9 Structural nucleocapsid phosphoprotein
ORF10 protein
4 Positively Charged Amino Acids in a row in the COVID Spike means it must have been Man Made: 'The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row. The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it,' - Prof Angus Dalgleish
The 3 positively charged essential Amino Acids are H, K, R.
There are two instances of these 4 consecutively in the ORF1ab and ORF1a polyproteins: KHKH. This codes for a non structural part of the virus, not for part of the spike protein.
There is one instance DEDEEE of 6 negatively charged consecutive amino acids as well in line 17.
Apparently all SARS Coronaviruses have KHKH once between the 2nd and 3rd hydrophobic transmembrane domains -
The trouble is that the fruit fly, Drosophila Melanogaster, on the proteins coded for by the 4L Chromosome there are 2553 incidences of 4 adjacent positively charged amino acids and on the X Chromosome, there are 3,030 incidences. In fact it has the sequences
Which has incidences of KHKH in a 5 and in a 6 and in a 9 adjacent positively charged amino acid sequence. So much for the laws of Physics as interpreted by Prof Dalgleish and Dr Sorenson and reported in the Dailymail. That argument is plainly false.
The 20 Essential Amino Acids...
Charged | Polar | Amphipathic | Hydrophobic |
Lysine - K (+ve) Arginine - R (+ve) Histidine - H (+ve) Aspartic acid - D (-ve) Glutamic acid - E (-ve) |
Glutamine - Q Asparagine - N Histidine - H Serine - S Threonine - T Tyrosine - Y Cysteine - C |
Tryptophan - W Tyrosine - Y Methionine - M |
Alanine - A Isoleucine - I Leucine - L Methionine - M Phenylalanine - F Valine - V Proline - P Glycine - G |
The S1 protein Spike sequence is...
It does not contain the KHKH sequence.
However the Indian paper which has since been withdrawn, is more convincing.
- Anyone who has been following the story is probably aware of this research paper which has been attacked on social media by those who claim the conclusions drawn are incorrect. After examining the paper and reading the criticism I think they are lying to cover up the truth that this virus is a bio-weapon.
These scientists from India released this paper which examines the spike protein of the virus. The spike protein is the part of the virus that binds to the host cell. They found the genome of this virus spike protein was almost identical to the SARS virus except it is slightly longer because it has 4 extra sequences of amino acids. These are highlighted in Figure 2 which shows the Corvid19 genome compared directly against the SARS genome to show the four sequences of genetic code that are new.
These sections of new genetic code were found to match sequences of amino acids in the HIV-1 virus. The debunkers claim that is just a chance event and that these short sequences of amino acids mean nothing unusual.
Further examination reveals something else. Something that the debunkers have been very careful not to mention when they claim these extra sequences of genetic code are just random.
Although these 4 sequences of genetic code appear in figure 2, to be separate and not directly related to each other, when the genome is modelled in 3D shown below, we can see those 4 inserts of genetic code are all pieces that make the binding site. This is what makes the virus connect to its receptor in the host cell.
I contend that it is beyond improbable, that the new supposedly random genetic code just happened by chance to make the binding site in this virus and on top of that, just happened by chance to match genetic code from HIV. This virus did not just happen to evolve brand new sequences of genetic code in one generation that matches HIV when no other coronavirus has anything like this, not even the sample from the bats which are claimed to have transmitted it to humans has this new code. I believe this is because it is bio-engineered, this new, extra genetic code has been cut from HIV and spliced into the SARS virus to create an enhanced, more deadly version of it.
The analysis above was posted by u/Raven9hine9 on Reddit in 2019. Prof Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize for discovering the HIV virus, deduced that COVID-19 was man made in 2020 and was attacked by all and sundry as a result (all those funded by big Pharma)...
But now on 2021Septmber23 thanks to a leak from DARPA, we discover that Peter Daszak and the Eco Health Alliance in 2018 submitted a proposal to DARPA to do gain of function research on SARS coronaviruses to insert is furin cleavage site (such as is found in HIV1) in an optimal position into the coronavirus gene. COVID-19 has a furin cleavage site optimally positioned to infect humans -
Alina Chan, a Boston-based scientist and co-author of the upcoming book “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19" now says the following....
“Let’s look at the big picture: A novel SARS coronavirus emerges in Wuhan with a novel cleavage site in it. We now have evidence that, in early 2018, they had pitched inserting novel cleavage sites into novel SARS-related viruses in their lab,” said Chan. “This definitely tips the scales for me. And I think it should do that for many other scientists too.”
- this is the Eco health alliance DARPA funding proposal.
Oh dear. That really nails it. DARPA confirms that Peter Daszak of the Eco Health Alliance submitted a proposal on 2018March27 to add an HIV1 type furin cleavage site to SARS1 and SARS CoV 2 has that furin cleavage site. Fauci funded Wuhan through the Eco Health Alliance.
As of September 2021 48465 people are recorded as having died within 14 days of being vaccinated in the CMS database, 19400 under 80 and 28065 over 80 years old
The population of the US is 330m and 378m vaccine doses have been given on 2021Sept1. So the average person had 1.15 shots by then.
The average age of people on Medicare is 70 (Medicare in only available to those over 65 or with disabilities or on dialysis)
So their life expectancy is around 15 years -
So we can expect 59.4 million medicare deaths in 15 years or 3.96m deaths per year or 10,849 deaths per day.
The vaccination rate among Medicare over 65 year olds was 80% by July ( and of course they had a 0% vaccination rate at the start of the vaccinations in February. So the average vaccination rate from February to September is 40% from Feb to July for 6 months and 80% in August for 1 month, giving 46% for the whole period
So the number who would have died normally within 14 days of a 2nd jab (assuming 46% are vaccinated on average through the vaccinating period) is 14x0.46x10849 =
Which is more than the 48,465 death logged. This must mean that there is a lag between a death and an entry in the Medicare databse.
To prove he does actually have this data from CMS Thomas Lenz provides the following slide presentation in pdf format -
There were 3.7m people on Medicare and a further 800,000 on Medicare-Medicaid in New York State in 2020 -
But we take the total in the CMS Medicare database for New York state as 3.75m.
Here is the 2021 September database showing adverse reactions and deaths within 28 days of a shot
There were 6586 deaths in New York State within 28 days of shot
We can expect 3.75 million medicare deaths in 15 years or 0.247m deaths per year or 677 deaths per day for Medicare New Yorkers
As above around 46% on average were vaccinated from February1 to September1
Then the number of people who would have died anyway within 28 days of a shot is 28 x 0.46 x 677 = 8720
Which again is more than the 6586 actually logged.
Natural immunity results from showing the immune system the entire COVID-19 virus. Vaccine immunity results from showing it a computerized approximation to one spike protein of the virus.
The immune system either chops up the entire virus and makes hundreds of different antibodies to all of its parts, or it chops up the computerized spike approximation and makes a few different antibodies to parts of the spike.
If a new variant has a slightly different spike, then vaccine immunity may fail, because it only recognises the previous version of the spike. Whereas natural immunity will succeed because it recognises every part of the virus, not just the altered spike.
The above is basic virology and immunology. The fact that governments are enforcing vaccine mandates upon people with natural immunity and falsely representing that vaccine immunity is the only type necessary to protect people and refusing to recognise the superior immunity resulting from prior infection proves that they are not interested in true immunity at all and are merely pushing vaccines and vaccine passports.
The fact they they have vaccinated millions of adults and now even children who already had natural immunity shows that this is all about coerced vaccination and not about immunity or health. The fact that they are now sacking unvaxxed health care workers (who are 25% less likely to catch delta than doubly vaxxed health care workers from PHEs latest figures Technical Briefings 17-23) shows that they do not care about health. They care only about vaccination.
The immune system of someone who has recovered from the disease has already seen the entire COVID-19 virus. It will gain noting from being reintroduced to a computerised approximation to one part of that virus. Vaccination of recovered people is all risk and no benefit. Everyone who has recovered should be given:
Do not vaccinate status.
- the JCVI recommends against vaccinating 12-15 year olds.
The pandemic was over for Wuhan alpha in the unvaxxed in June. then the vaxxed dragged them out of herd immunity again in July. Then extrapolating the pandemic would be over for Delta in the unvaxxed in November.
The purpose of government Covid statistics is no longer to inform the public with scientific truth, in order to help them formulate a valid medical decision on the risks and benefits of Covid Vaccines. It is to influence the public with misleading or false or politically biased or medically biased information and to suppress any information which does not suit their political agenda in order to effectively make that choice for them
On November2, the Daily Mail published an article revealing that...
1. UK statistics watchdog scolds PHE's replacement body for publishing 'misleading' figures which anti-vaxxers have seized as proof that Covid jabs don't work
2. Over the past few weeks, the agency's data shows infection rates are higher in fully-vaccinated adults compared to the unjabbed.
3. Anti-vaxx commentators and campaigners have seized the data as proof that Covid vaccines don't work.
The UK's Statistics Watchdog is The Office of Statistics Regulation (TOSR for short). Yes Offstats has told the UKHSA that their Stats are off. And now they are nicely back on message.
TOSR director general Ed Humpherson yesterday wrote to the UKHSA's boss Dr Jenny Harries on November1 thanking her for the changes she had made and is quoted in the Daily Mail as saying
'It remains the case that the surveillance report includes rates per 100,000 which can be used to argue that vaccines are not effective,'
'I know that this is not the intention of the surveillance report, but the potential for misuse remains.
There is the tacit admission by the Government that the purpose of their stats is not to enable the public to decide for themselves whether the vaccines are effective or not. No their stats should not even be able to support an argument that the vaccines are ineffective. Indeed any such construction of UKHSA statistics would be a misuse of government data according to the Director General. This is his candid admission that the use of all UKHSA data is exclusively to prove the vaccines are effective. And any government statistics agency which departs from that line shall be re-adjusted by TOSR. He is defining the UKHSA as a pro vaccine propaganda outfit, whose mandate is only to supply information for one side of the debate. No person in the UK can be expected to make an informed choice of whether to take Pfizer's experimental gene therapy when it is presented to them by the government as an unquestionably effective Covid vaccination.'
The writer therefore calls on Ed Humpherson, to
1. Withdraw his instruction to the UKHSA to only present data that supports vaccination and to suppress data that has the capability of being used to support vaccine refusal. Because the law requires that the public are given the opportunity to give an informed consent for all medical interventions.
2. To publish forthwith under a Freedom of Information Request, Any and All instructions to other government agencies to the same purpose, namely of influencing the public with one sided propaganda, rather than informing it in a balanced manner with both sides of the argument.
3. To publicly withdraw all such instructions and start presenting the truth to the British people and trust them to make the best decision for themselves,
their families and their children.
The 8 Public Health England (PHE) tables below from their excellent (up to Week 42) Vaccine Surveillance Report of all fully genome sequenced UK delta cases (mainly using a genome identifying PCR test), separated by 7 weeks, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune response of the doubly vaxxed. PHE have done so much great work and the picture continues to be so clear.
Here is the weekly decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaxxed people. Vaccine efficacy is measured using Pfizer's vaccine effectiveness formula...
(Unvaxxed case rate - Vaxxed case rate)/the Larger of Unvaxxed or Vaxxed case rate - We are using the normalised absolute ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed case numbers to determine vaccine efficiency just as Pfizer itself does.
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Decline |
Week37 Decline |
Week38 Decline |
Week39 Decline |
Week40 Decline |
Week41 Decline |
Week42 Decline |
Week43 Decline |
Week44 Decline |
Week45 Decline |
Week46 Decline |
Week47 Decline |
Week48 Decline |
Week49 Decline |
Week50 Decline |
Dec17 Vaccine Efficacy |
Average Weekly Decline 35-42 |
Weeks from week50 (Nov11-Dec17) before immune system failure (100% degradation) |
CHILDREN | +60.1% | +6.4% | +11.6% | +5.7% | +4.3% | +1.6% | 0% | -8.2% | +6.6% | -9.7% | -1.4% | +0.6% | +1.7% | +1.1% | +2.7% | -4.4% |
+78.6% |
-5.5% from peak | 33 weeks (181.4/5.5) |
18-29 | +53.2% | -2.5% | -1.9% | -4.0% | -4.3% | -7.0% | -8.6% | -4.0% | -7.5% | -0.2% | -1.8% | -1.8% | -1.0% | -3.7% | -14.1% | -33.7% |
-42.9% |
-4.6% | 13 weeks (57.1/4.6) |
30-39 | +31.6% | -6.0% | -7.0% | -10.5% | -11.4% | -10.5% | -7.7% | -2.2% | -3.2% | -0.3% | -0.7% | -1.7% | -0.9% | -2.4% | -3.4% | -13.1% |
-49.4% |
-7.9% | 7 weeks (50.6/7.9) |
40-49 | -21.1% | -5.2% | -5.3% | -8.1% | -6.9% | -5.6% | -3.2% | -1.6% | +0.8% | +0.3% | +1.3% | +0.7% | +0.1% | -0.8% | +0.1% | -2.3% |
-56.7% |
-5.1% | 9 weeks (43.3/5.1) |
50-59 | -24.1% | -4.0% | -2.4% | -3.9% | -5.7% | -5.7% | -5.0% | -2.3% | -0.3% | -0.4% | +1.6% | +1.2% | +1.6% | +2.1% | +3.1% | -0.2% |
-44.4% |
-4.1% | 12 weeks (55.6/4.1) |
60-69 | -27.5% | -4.2% | -2.9% | -4.2% | -2.1% | -5.8% | -4.0% | -2.5% | -0.7% | -0.5% | +1.1% | +2.9% | +5.9% | +8.1% | +11.6% | +4.5% |
-20.3% |
-3.7% | 14 weeks (79.7/3.7) |
70-79 | -23.5% | -4.1% | +0.7% | -3.9% | -3.6% | -9.6% | -6.3% | -0.6% | +1.3% | +4.0% | +9.3% | +14.8% | +24.5% | +23.6% | +12.9% | -5.5% |
+34.0% |
-3.9% | 35 weeks (134.0/3.9) |
80+ | +8.5% | -5.6% | -7.1% | -3.1% | -2.5% | -8.3% | -7.1% | +2.4% | +0.9% | +13.7% | +16.5% | +19.5% | +11.5% | +7.5% | +6.5% | -2.6% |
+50.7% |
-4.5% | 34 weeks (150.7/4.5) |
18+ | -0.4% | -4.5% | -3.7% | -5.4% | -5.2% | -7.5% | -6.0% | -1.5% | -1.2% | +2.4% | +3.9% | +5.1% | +6.0% | +4.9% | +2.3% | -5.2% |
-18.4% |
-4.8% | 17.7 weeks |
Projected Vaccine efficacy ignoring the effect of the 3rd Jab which gives a temporary improvement in immune response together with a faster degradation which cancels the improvement out after around 3 months we suspect.
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Decline |
Week37 Decline |
Week38 Decline |
Week39 Decline |
Week40 Decline |
Week41 Decline |
Week42 Decline |
Week43 Decline |
Week44 Decline |
Week45 Decline |
Week46 Decline |
Week47 Decline |
Week48 Decline |
Week49 Decline |
Week50 Decline |
Dec17 Vaccine Efficacy |
Average Weekly Decline 35-42 |
Weeks from week50 (Nov11-Dec17) before immune system failure (100% degradation) |
CHILDREN | +60.1% | +6.4% | +11.6% | +5.7% | +4.3% | +1.6% | 0% | -8.2% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | +37.4% | -5.5% from peak | 25 weeks (137.4/5.5) |
18-29 | +53.2% | -2.5% | -1.9% | -4.0% | -4.3% | -7.0% | -8.6% | -4.0% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -15.9% | -4.6% | 19 weeks (84.1/4.6) |
30-39 | +31.6% | -6.0% | -7.0% | -10.5% | -11.4% | -10.5% | -7.7% | -2.2% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -86.9% | -7.9% | 2 weeks (13.1/7.9) |
40-49 | -21.1% | -5.2% | -5.3% | -8.1% | -6.9% | -5.6% | -3.2% | -1.6% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -97.7% | -5.1% | 1 week (2.3/5.1) |
50-59 | -24.1% | -4.0% | -2.4% | -3.9% | -5.7% | -5.7% | -5.0% | -2.3% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -85.9% | -4.1% | 4 weeks (14.1/4.1) |
60-69 | -27.5% | -4.2% | -2.9% | -4.2% | -2.1% | -5.8% | -4.0% | -2.5% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -82.8% | -3.7% | 5 weeks (17.2/3.7) |
70-79 | -23.5% | -4.1% | +0.7% | -3.9% | -3.6% | -9.6% | -6.3% | -0.6% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -82.1% | -3.9% | 5 weeks (17.9/3.9) |
80+ | +8.5% | -5.6% | -7.1% | -3.1% | -2.5% | -8.3% | -7.1% | +2.4% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -58.8% | -4.5% | 10 weeks (41.2/4.5) |
18+ | -0.4% | -4.5% | -3.7% | -5.4% | -5.2% | -7.5% | -6.0% | -1.5% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -72.6% | -4.8% | 6.6 weeks |
A Vaccine efficacy of +50% means that doubly vaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is half the delta case rate in the unvaxxed.
A Vaccine efficacy of -50% means that unvaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than doubly vaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is double the delta case rate in the unvaxxed.
A Vaccine efficacy of 0% means that doubly vaccinated people are 0% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed equals the delta case rate in the unvaxxed. It means the vaccines have lost all their effectiveness.
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week37 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week38 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week39 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week40 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week41 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week42 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week43 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week44 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week45 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week46 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week47 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week48 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week49 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week50 Vaccine Efficacy |
CHILDREN | +60.1% | +66.4% | +78.0% | +83.7% | +88.0% | +89.6% | +89.6% | +81.4% | +88.0% |
+78.3% |
+76.90% |
+77.5% |
+79.2% | +80.3% | +83.0% |
+78.6% |
18-29 | +53.2% | +50.7% | +48.8% | +44.8% | +40.5% | +33.5% | +24.9% | +20.9 | +13.4% |
+13.2% |
+11.40% |
+9.6% |
+8.6% | +4.9% | -9.2% |
-42.9% |
30-39 | +31.6% | +25.6% | +18.6% | +8.1% | -3.3% | -13.8% | -21.5% | -23.7% | -26.9% | -27.2% |
-27.90% |
-29.6% |
-30.5% | -32.9% | -36.3% |
-49.4% |
40-49 | -21.1% | -26.3% | -31.6% | -39.7% | -46.6% | -52.2% | -55.4% | -56.9% | -56.1% | -55.8% |
-54.50% |
-53.8% |
-53.7% | -54.5% | -54.4% |
-56.7% |
50-59 | -24.1% | -28.1% | -30.5% | -34.4% | -40.1% | -45.8% | -50.8% | -53.1% | -53.4% | -53.8% |
-52.20% |
-51.0% |
-49.4% | -47.3% | -44.2% |
-44.4% |
60-69 | -27.5% | -31.7% | -34.6% | -38.8% | -40.9% | -46.7% | -50.7% | -53.2% | -53.9% | -54.4% |
-53.30% |
-50.4% |
-44.5% | -36.4% | -24.8% |
-20.3% |
70-79 | -23.5% | -27.6% | -26.9% | -30.8% | -34.4% | -44.0% | -50.3% | -50.9% | -49.6% |
-45.6% |
-36.30% |
-21.5% |
+3.0% | +26.6% | +39.5% |
+34.0% |
80+ | +8.5% | +2.9% | -4.2% | -7.3% | -9.8% | -18.1% | -25.2% | -22.8% | -21.9% | -8.2% |
+8.30% |
+27.8% |
+39.3% | +46.8% | +53.3% |
+50.7% |
18+ | -0.4% | -4.9% | -8.6% | -14.0% | -19.2% | -26.7% | -32.7% | -34.2% | -35.5% | -33.1% |
-29.2% |
-24.1% |
-18.1% | -13.3% | -10.9% |
-18.4% |
And now, as if by magic, the consistent pattern of the 7 weeks from week35 - week41, has miraculously slowed down and stopped altogether. Well Hallelujah - we are delivered from vaccine induced AIDS coincident with a scolding by the government of its statistics agency.
The writer is not buying this miracle cure and is still projecting the same result that the unmassaged data from Weeks35-41 predict, namely...
The 8 UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases from Week35-42 showed that doubly vaccinated 40-79 year olds had lost lost 50% of their immune system capability by October 24 and are consistently losing a further 4-5% every week (between 3.7% and 7.9%). Not withstanding what we understand to be the corrupted figures for Week43, we continue to project that 30-49 year olds will have zero Covid/viral defence at best, or a form of vaccine mediated AIDS at worst, by the first week in January and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost that part of their immune system which deals with Covid in the next 17 weeks.
These figures up to Week42 show that children beginning to suffer immune system degradation which is despicable news. Their vaccine efficacy figures went up due to more and more 12-15 year olds being included in the cohort since Chris Whitty overruled the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. They have now just about finished being included. So the slow degradation can now begin to be seen.
At the other end of the age scale, the 80+ group saw a major improvement in Week42, due to the boosters which will buy them a couple of months of improved covid immunity which will hide the continuing gradual immune system degradation. These boosters are the same as the original vaccinations (because no other shot has yet been approved and because the drug companies have so far only been indemnified against the original vaccines). So the worry is that whilst, Covid-19 immunity may be improved for a couple of months, their general immunity is now degrading even faster than it would have done had the booster not been taken. We shall see if that turns out to be the case from future data.
The 70-79 year olds are also seeing a slow down in apparent degradation due to the boosters improving their Covid response. It may also be the case that other age groups are already taking boosters. There is no shortage of places who will vaccinate people on demand without offering the necessary information for giving an informed consent. The latest clinical information detailed below is terminal for vaccines and boosters.
The risk benefit analysis for these vaccines has now become a risk detriment analysis for everyone over 30.
Basic Immunology
Vaccines work by simulating a viral attack and provoking the immune system into responding as if you have had the virus. They are supposed to train the immune system to the point where you develop natural immunity to the virus. So the argument that vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity could never have been true because vaccine immunity is an inferior form of natural immunity resulting from the body's immune response to a vaccine generated simulation rather than to a real world infection. The vaccines program your cells to produce the 1273 Amino Acid S1 Spike Protein, which for the sake of completeness is presented below, with 60 amino acids per line..
Here is the Amino Acid Look up table...
Charged | Polar | Amphipathic | Hydrophobic |
Lysine - K (+ve) Arginine - R (+ve) Histidine - H (+ve) Aspartic acid - D (-ve) Glutamic acid - E (-ve) |
Glutamine - Q Asparagine - N Histidine - H Serine - S Threonine - T Tyrosine - Y Cysteine - C |
Tryptophan - W Tyrosine - Y Methionine - M |
Alanine - A Isoleucine - I Leucine - L Methionine - M Phenylalanine - F Valine - V Proline - P Glycine - G |
Whereas the SARS-CoV-2 isolated from Ethiopian patients had: genome sizes were 29,860, 29,856, and 29,871 -
There are 3 nucleotides (genome RNA bases) per Amino Acid. So Covid-19 has around 9953 Amino Acids in total. The virus is therefore around 8x larger than its spike protein. Vaccine immunity results from antibodies to the spike protein. Natural immunity results from antibodies to the entire virus. The immune system chops up virus proteins into small sections and produces a different antibody for each section. So natural immunity will produce 8x as many antibody types as virus immunity. This is one reasons why it is so much better.
In one analysis that compared more than 32,000 people, they found that the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalisation 8 times higher -
Simply put natural immunity is 8x as broad based as vaccine immunity for Covid19 spike protein vaccines.
Vaccines do two things for the immune system. They show it the enemy and they agitate the immune system to simulate a systemic infection, to persuade it that the enemy it is being shown is really dangerous. This persuades the immune system to rush off and make loads of antibodies which can take out the offending cut up sections of the enemy protein, the spike protein, for Covid vaccines.
The purpose of the above mini course in basic immunology is to educate the reader to the point where they understand that vaccines cannot lose effectiveness. Vaccines are DIGITAL. They are not ANALOGUE. They offer a 2-3 week training course to the immune system which either works or does not work. After that they have nothing whatsoever to do. They carry out no further process which can lose efficiency. Either they show the immune system part of the virus and alert it to the danger it poses or they do not. We know that the covid19 vaccines work initially, from the initial case number results. So they succeed in training the immune system. At the point their job is done. They have nothing more to do. There is no immunological mechanism by which vaccines can lose their efficiency because they have finished the purpose of their existence within 2-3 weeks, the normal period of a viral infection. The concept that they lose efficiency after 2-3 weeks is just immunological nonsense.
So the rapid deterioration in immune response to Covid19 post vaccination can only be due to the vaccines damaging the immune system. It cannot be due to them 'losing efficiency'. The fact that the boosters do improve covid response (by alerting the immune system even more and telling it that covid19 - which has already been identified twice by the first two shots, is really really really dangerous and it had better go to defcon3) shows categorically that vaccines have not lost their efficacy. Their training program is still effective. So the deterioration in immune response is an unwanted side effect of the vaccination. It is the gene therapy part of the vaccines. It is the continual over production of spike proteins that appears to wear out the poor old immune system. And boosters will make that worse.
Swedish Researchers have discovered one mechanism through which the Vaccines damage the immune system
SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
by Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei
Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner–Gren Institute, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden and Department of Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Umeå University, SE-90185 Umeå, Sweden
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.
The problem with this study is not merely that mRNA vaccines, by creating spike proteins, prevent your DNA from repairing itself which will cause immunological disorders, cancer and premature ageing. The problem is that the spike proteins are going into your cell nuclei, which may well open the door for the mRNA to follow. That is straight gene therapy not vaccination. mRNA should go directly to the protein assembly plants in your cells called ribosomes, which it should instruct to manufacture the spike protein. It should not be going anywhere near the cell nucleus. Entering the cell nucleus means it is performing or effectively performing reverse transcription and making itself a part of, or an addition to, your genetic code.
SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome
Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues -
Latest Projections
Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (certainly for Covid and most likely for viruses and certain cancers - following the evidence from Cole Diagnostics in Idaho and Dr Nathan Thompson and Dr Ralph Baric) within 18 weeks.
Doubly vaccinated 30-49 year olds will have lost it by the 1st week in January. These people will then have no immune defence to Covid-19 at all. The question then becomes how much of the immune system is involved in defending against Covid-19? The worst case scenario is that they effectively develop full blown Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and destroy the NHS.
"In individuals aged greater than 30, the rate of positive COVID-19 test is higher in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated". - PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report for week 41.
“There is the potential for ADE, but the bigger problem is probably Th2 immunopathology,” says Ralph Baric, an epidemiologist and expert in coronaviruses—named for the crown-shaped spike they use to enter human cells—at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
In previous studies of SARS, aged mice were found to have particularly high risks of life-threatening Th2 immunopathology in which a faulty T cell response triggers allergic inflammation, and poorly functional antibodies that form immune complexes, activating the complement system and potentially damaging the airways.
Baric expresses his concern about what that might mean for use of a COVID-19 vaccine in elderly people. “Of course, the elderly are our most vulnerable population,” he adds. - (the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA)
The underlined passage (which has been redacted from the online PNAS report - but is in many other online copies - is critical as it relates to an immune deficiency in killer T cells.
This was seen by Dr Ryan Cole who has done over 100,000 pathology lab examinations from Covid patients. He identified it as a form of AIDS (reverse HIV he called it - where you lose CD8 killer T cells rather than CD4 Helper T cells). Ralph Baric should know. In 2002 on April 19, the University of North Carolina filed US patent 7279327 for an infectious replication defective coronavirus (to be used as a virus vector for an HIV vaccine), claiming priority from US28531801P. Inventors were: Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric
These immune system degradations could be caused by ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement - where vaccine induced antibodies start working in reverse) and be specific to Covid, or could be more general and result in a form of vaccine mediated AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Baric suspects the latter above.
The fact that the 3rd Jabs worked in Israel (for a short period of time before the 4th jabs were proposed) means that vaccine antibodies do still have a protective effect immediately after vaccination. So that may rule out ADE. Furthermore the latest figures for the 70-79 and 80+ age groups, show that boosters do improve the immune response or at least slow its degradation in the short term. So booster generated antibodies do not appear to be suffering from ADE in the short term.
The falling efficacy of the vaccines does not asymptotically approach zero (which would mean that vaccines merely lose effectiveness over time). It goes straight through zero and then goes dangerously negative (which means the vaccines become toxic to the immune system). Then it goes more negative in a linear manner week on week. If this continues then the vaccines will completely destroy the part of the immune system which deals with Covid in all over 30s by the end of January.
This may well result in more cases of Shingles, HPV, Herpes, Epstein Barr, Endometriosis and other viral infections -
HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV) - There have been case studies showing people are experiencing recurrences or outbreaks of shingles after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Local doctors say that is rare and not necessarily caused by the vaccine.
“I’ve seen a lot of shingles recently, but I haven’t seen it associated with the vaccine personally. That’s my personal experience,” Dr. Jennifer Derby, a family physician with Sentara RMH, said. (2021October15)
Tables 2 and 5. COVID-19 cases by vaccination status...
The immune system boost or degradation column, which is the vaccine efficiency/inefficiency column, column10, is calculated from Pfizer's vaccine efficiency formula of
U-V/U for U>V and U-V/V for V>U
Which formula they used to claim 95% vaccine efficiency against Wuhan Hu1 from a 20:1 case number ratio. .
Cases reported by specimen date between week 32 & 35 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax Status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Under 18 | 167,832 | 15,901 | 8,132 | 1,368 | 757 | 141,676 | 476.0 | 1,192.9 | +60.1% (excludes 12-15 year olds) |
18-29 | 176,392 | 19,529 | 4,598 | 66,545 | 32,533 | 53,187 | 711.1 | 1,520.8 | +53.2% |
30-39 | 113,373 | 12,452 | 1,497 | 22,434 | 43,004 | 33,986 | 782.2 | 1,143.9 | +31.6% |
40-49 | 97,881 | 8,930 | 496 | 6,000 | 67,349 | 15,106 | 1,116.2 | 880.4 | -21.1% |
50-59 | 84,488 | 6,868 | 168 | 2,248 | 67,652 | 7,552 | 962.0 | 729.7 | -24.1% |
60-69 | 45,252 | 3,657 | 54 | 772 | 38,119 | 2,650 | 672.3 | 487.5 | -27.5% |
70-79 | 25,499 | 2,034 | 12 | 273 | 22,270 | 910 | 480.5 | 367.5 | -23.5% |
80+ | 12,011 | 1,124 | 9 | 246 | 10,087 | 545 | 391.1 | 427.4 | +8.5% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 33 & 36 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax Status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Incline/ Decline |
Under 18 | 190,863 | 16,825 | 9,812 | 1,999 | 809 | 161,418 | 458.2 | 1,362.3 | +66.4% (includes 20k 12-15 cases) | +6.3% |
18-29 | 145,087 | 15,923 | 3,280 | 50,338 | 31,091 | 44,455 | 633.3 | 1,284.9 | +50.7% | -2.5% |
30-39 | 105,839 | 11,081 | 1,225 | 17,273 | 44,683 | 31,577 | 795.9 | 1,069.8 | +25.6% | -6.0% |
40-49 | 98,990 | 8,593 | 426 | 5,215 | 70,186 | 14,570 | 1,157.3 | 852.6 | -26.3% | -5.2% |
50-59 | 84,468 | 6,559 | 145 | 2,080 | 68,469 | 7,215 | 972.1 | 699.2 | -28.1% | -4.0% |
60-69 | 46,557 | 3,462 | 51 | 766 | 39,686 | 2,592 | 699.5 | 477.7 | -31.7% | -4.2% |
70-79 | 26,937 | 2,012 | 8 | 260 | 23,739 | 918 | 512.3 | 371.1 | -27.6% | -4.1% |
80+ | 12,563 | 1,142 | 9 | 256 | 10,616 | 540 | 412.3 | 424.5 | +2.9% | -5.6% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 34 & 37 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax Status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under 18 | 219,031 | 17,862 | 9,288 | 2,740 | 673 | 188,468 | 349.5 | 1,592.2 | +78.0% (includes 50k 12-15 cases) | +11.6% |
18-29 | 109,093 | 12,556 | 2,221 | 31,099 | 27,441 | 35,776 | 533.5 | 1,041.7 | +48.8% | -1.9% |
30-39 | 95,772 | 9,698 | 982 | 12,940 | 44,193 | 27,959 | 775.2 | 952.9 | +18.6% | -7.0% |
40-49 | 96,254 | 7,930 | 349 | 4,439 | 70,141 | 13,395 | 1,151.2 | 787.1 | -31.6% | -5.3% |
50-59 | 78,706 | 5,897 | 115 | 1,811 | 64,356 | 6,527 | 912.3 | 634.4 | -30.5% | -2.4% |
60-69 | 43,850 | 3,228 | 35 | 711 | 37,535 | 2,341 | 661.2 | 432.1 | -34.6% | -2.9% |
70-79 | 25,712 | 1,798 | 7 | 222 | 22,796 | 889 | 492.0 | 359.8 | -26.9% | +0.7% |
80+ | 12,164 | 1,077 | 7 | 221 | 10,369 | 490 | 403.4 | 386.1 | -4.2% | -7.1% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 35 & 38 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax Status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under 18 | 273,685 | 20,290 | 8,217 | 4,419 | 682 | 240,077 | 330.4 | 2,032.0 | +83.7% (includes 100k 12-15 cases) | +5.7% |
18-29 | 87,622 | 10,336 | 1,652 | 20,962 | 25,184 | 29,488 | 475.6 | 863.0 | +44.8% | -4.0% |
30-39 | 89,030 | 8,575 | 826 | 9,888 | 44,971 | 24,770 | 780.1 | 848.9 | +8.1% | -10.5% |
40-49 | 99,159 | 7,350 | 307 | 4,009 | 74,957 | 12,536 | 1,225.5 | 739.5 | -39.7% | -8.1% |
50-59 | 74,397 | 5,227 | 96 | 1,602 | 61,598 | 5,874 | 872.1 | 572.4 | -34.4% | -3.9% |
60-69 | 40,346 | 2,887 | 28 | 629 | 34,774 | 2,028 | 612.3 | 374.9 | -38.8% | -4.2% |
70-79 | 23,835 | 1,584 | 7 | 212 | 21,249 | 783 | 458.7 | 317.3 | -30.8% | -3.9% |
80+ | 11,415 | 988 | 4 | 212 | 9,765 | 446 | 380.1 | 352.5 | -7.3% | -3.1% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 36 & 39 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under 18 | 305,428 | 20,967 | 4,073 | 5,898 | 609 | 272,981 | 278.8 | 2,325.7 | +88.0% (includes 135k 12-15 cases) | +4.3% |
18-29 | 67,820 | 8,556 | 1,119 | 12,593 | 22,112 | 23,440 | 409.6 | 688.1 | +40.5% | -4.3% |
30-39 | 81,532 | 7,534 | 690 | 7,468 | 44,391 | 21,449 | 763.6 | 738.4 | -3.3% | -11.4% |
40-49 | 101,094 | 6,839 | 297 | 3,653 | 78,643 | 11,662 | 1,291.8 | 690.2 | -46.6% | -6.9% |
50-59 | 70,731 | 4,668 | 88 | 1,464 | 59,366 | 5,144 | 839.5 | 502.5 | -40.1% | -5.7% |
60-69 | 36,953 | 2,585 | 26 | 546 | 31,998 | 1,798 | 563.1 | 332.9 | -40.9% | -2.1% |
70-79 | 22,142 | 1,367 | 6 | 207 | 19,869 | 693 | 428.9 | 281.4 | -34.4% | -3.6% |
80+ | 10,581 | 863 | 4 | 199 | 9,106 | 403 | 354.4 | 319.5 | -9.8% | -2.5% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 37 & 40 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under 18 | 348,514 | 22,301 | 6,396 | 7,964 | 654 | 311,199 | 276.5 | 2,670.7 | +89.6% (includes 180k 12-15 cases) | +1.6% |
18-29 | 60,057 | 7,683 | 837 | 8,937 | 22,053 | 20,547 | 402.6 | 605.0 | +33.5% | -7.0% |
30-39 | 83,007 | 7,138 | 626 | 6,479 | 48,232 | 20,532 | 823.9 | 709.8 | -13.8% | -10.5% |
40-49 | 111,896 | 6,778 | 292 | 3,551 | 89,546 | 11,729 | 1,455.8 | 696.2 | -52.2% | -5.6% |
50-59 | 74,981 | 4,506 | 85 | 1,463 | 63,929 | 4,998 | 903.1 | 489.3 | -45.8% | -5.7% |
60-69 | 38,184 | 2,455 | 24 | 525 | 33,486 | 1,694 | 589.0 | 314.1 | -46.7% | -5.8% |
70-79 | 23,109 | 1,363 | 7 | 201 | 20,916 | 622 | 451.5 | 253.0 | -44.0% | -9.6% |
80+ | 10,770 | 839 | 7 | 184 | 9,365 | 375 | 364.6 | 298.5 | -18.1% | -8.3% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 38 & 41 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under 18 |
397,882 |
24,292 |
10,698 |
11,001 |
743 |
351,148 |
314.1 |
3,013.6 |
+89.6% (includes 230k 12-15 cases) | 0% |
18-29 |
62,885 |
7,512 |
758 |
8,404 |
25,309 |
20,902 |
462.1 |
615.4 |
+24.9% (615.4-462.1)/615.4 as % | -8.6% |
30-39 |
92,257 |
7,346 |
636 |
6,545 |
56,004 |
21,726 |
956.7 |
751.1 |
-21.5% (956.7-751.1)/956.7 as % | -7.7% |
40-49 |
130,904 |
7,297 |
293 |
3,800 |
106,492 |
13,022 |
1,731.3 |
772.9 |
-55.4% (1731.3-772.9)/1731.3 as % | -3.2% |
50-59 |
88,020 |
4,790 |
80 |
1,632 |
76,119 |
5,399 |
1,075.3 |
528.6 |
-50.8% (1075.3-528.6)/1075.3 as % | -5.0% |
60-69 |
45,155 |
2,614 |
24 |
617 |
40,028 |
1,872 |
704.1 |
347.1 |
-50.7% (704.1-347.1)/704.1 as % | -4.0% |
70-79 |
27,360 |
1,559 |
12 |
215 |
24,916 |
658 |
537.9 |
267.6 |
-50.3% (537.9-267.6)/537.9 as % | -6.3% |
80+ |
11,907 |
854 |
7 |
215 |
10,449 |
382 |
406.8 |
304.1 |
-25.2% (406.8-304.1)/406.8 as % | -7.1% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 39 & 42 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under 18 | 411,079 | 24,798 | 16,640 | 13,812 | 821 | 355,008 | 586.2 | 3,149.6 | +81.4% (includes 240k 12-15 cases) | -8.2% |
18-29 | 68,780 | 7,713 | 686 | 8,532 | 29,413 | 22,436 | 532.9 | 674.0 | +20.9% (674.0-532.9)/674.0 as % | -4.0% |
30-39 | 102,344 | 7,858 | 645 | 6,856 | 63,237 | 23,748 | 1,071.8 | 817.7 | -23.7% (1071.8-817.7)/1071.8 as % | -2.2% |
40-49 | 145,641 | 7,989 | 291 | 3,962 | 119,063 | 14,336 | 1,936.2 | 834.9 | -56.9% (1936.2-834.9)/1936.2 as % | -1.5% |
50-59 | 102,009 | 5,330 | 81 | 1,767 | 88,740 | 6,091 | 1,248.7 | 586.1 | -53.1% (1248.7-586.1)/1248.7 as % | -2.3% |
60-69 | 54,020 | 2,968 | 22 | 702 | 48,161 | 2,167 | 836.6 | 391.2 | -53.2% (836.6-391.2)/836.6 as % | -2.5% |
70-79 | 32,909 | 1,822 | 14 | 254 | 30,025 | 794 | 635.4 | 312.2 | -50.9% (635.4-312.2)/635.4 as % | -0.6% |
80+ | 13,231 | 936 | 7 | 219 | 11,635 | 434 | 432.5 | 333.8 | -22.8% (432.5-333.8)/432.5 as % | +2.4% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 40 & 43 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under 18 | 397,484 | 23,778 | 20,041 | 15,954 | 818 | 336,893 | 345.8 | 2,891.2 | +88.0% | +6.6% |
18-29 | 75,211 | 7,955 | 701 | 8,809 | 33,649 | 24,097 | 614.4 | 709.5 | +13.4% | -7.5% |
30-39 | 113,717 | 8,476 | 665 | 7,252 | 71,492 | 25,832 | 1,221.3 | 893.0 | -26.9% | -3.2% |
40-49 | 159,478 | 8,580 | 291 | 4,204 | 130,686 | 15,717 | 2,124.6 | 932.9 | -56.1% | +0.8% |
50-59 | 114,282 | 5,853 | 81 | 1,925 | 99,722 | 6,701 | 1,408.8 | 656.1 | -53.4% | -0.3% |
60-69 | 63,474 | 3,353 | 23 | 835 | 56,779 | 2,484 | 998.8 | 460.5 | -53.9% | -0.7% |
70-79 | 37,535 | 2,037 | 16 | 260 | 34,305 | 917 | 740.6 | 372.9 | -49.6% | +1.3% |
80+ | 14,043 | 1,002 | 7 | 224 | 12,339 | 471 | 480.3 | 374.9 | -21.9% | +0.9% |
Well would you look at that? The Daily Mail publishes an article revealing that...
1. UK statistics watchdog scolds PHE's replacement body for publishing 'misleading' figures which anti-vaxxers have seized as proof that Covid jabs don't work
2. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) now publishes weekly surveillance reports, after taking over the reigns from the now-defunct Public Health England.
3. Over the past few weeks, the agency's data shows infection rates are higher in fully-vaccinated adults compared to the unjabbed.
4. Anti-vaxx commentators and campaigners have seized the data as proof that Covid vaccines don't work.
And now as, if by magic, the consistent pattern of the 7 weeks from week35 - week41, has miraculously slowed down and stopped altogether. Well Hallelujah - we are delivered from vaccine induced AIDS coincident with a scolding by the government of its statistics agency.
The UK's statistics watchdog has now waded into the issue, calling on the UKHSA to better explain some of the issues with the data. -
The UK's Statistics Watchdog is The Office of Statistics Regulation (TOSR for short). Yes Offstats has told the UKHSA that their Stats are off. And now they are nicely back on message. Nothing to see here folks. Now go get your gene therapy.
Cases reported by specimen date between week 41 & 44 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under 18 | 357,480 | 21,567 | 19,466 | 17,134 | 806 | 298,507 | 575.5 | 2,648.3 |
+78.3% |
-9.7% |
18-29 | 80,338 | 8,245 | 713 | 9,031 | 36,782 | 25,567 | 666.5 | 768.1 |
+13.2% |
-0.2% |
30-39 | 118,564 | 8,793 | 658 | 7,322 | 74,950 | 26,841 | 1,270.4 | 924.2 | -27.2% |
-0.3% |
40-49 | 158,906 | 8,666 | 269 | 4,130 | 129,821 | 16,020 | 2,111.1 | 933.0 | -55.8% |
+0.3% |
50-59 | 117,264 | 5,952 | 91 | 1,933 | 102,366 | 6,922 | 1,440.5 | 666.0 | -53.8% |
-0.4% |
60-69 | 67,392 | 3,484 | 33 | 878 | 60,351 | 2,646 | 1,048.4 | 477.7 | -54.4% |
-0.5% |
70-79 | 37,675 | 2,049 | 19 | 273 | 34,328 | 1,006 | 726.5 | 395.5 |
-45.6% |
+4.0% |
80+ | 13,218 | 912 | 6 | 198 | 11,588 | 514 | 430.8 | 395.4 | -8.2% |
+13.7% |
Since October 21 case numbers have been falling from 52,009 to 40,375 per day. But the UKHSA asks us to believe that unvaxxed case numbers are rising. That is simply not possible because every day more of them get natural immunity which does not wane and the total number of infected people is decreasing as is the total number of unvaccinated people.
Cases reported by specimen date between week 42 & 45 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under18 | 313,716 | 19,133 | 19,103 | 18,886 | 839 | 255,755 | 531.2 | 2,301.2 | +76.9% | -1.4% |
18-29 | 84,503 | 8,379 | 725 | 8,937 | 39,748 | 26,714 | 713.2 | 805.2 | +11.4% | -1.8% |
0-39 | 122,367 | 8,981 | 646 | 7,325 | 77,958 | 27,457 | 1,314.90 | 948.7 | -27.9% | -0.7% |
0-49 | 154,671 | 8,503 | 270 | 4,042 | 125,936 | 15,920 | 2,043.50 | 929.5 | -54.5% | +1.3% |
0-59 | 117,722 | 5,890 | 98 | 1,947 | 102,635 | 7,152 | 1,442.90 | 689.6 | -52.2% | +1.6% |
0-69 | 68,181 | 3,425 | 45 | 863 | 61,109 | 2,739 | 1,061.10 | 495.4 | -53.3% | +1.1% |
0-79 | 34,455 | 1,891 | 14 | 251 | 31,232 | 1,067 | 660.9 | 420.9 | -36.3% | +9.3% |
80+ | 11,863 | 838 | 11 | 176 | 10,298 | 540 | 383.2 | 417.9 | +8.3% | +16.5% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 43 & 46 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under18 | 300,318 | 18,197 | 15,924 | 21,610 | 865 | 243,722 | 501.5 | 2,229.0 |
+77.5% |
+0.6% |
18-29 | 88,261 | 8,511 | 751 | 8,728 | 42,580 | 27,691 | 757.1 | 837.6 |
+9.6% |
-1.8% |
30-39 | 126,626 | 9,113 | 610 | 7,206 | 81,808 | 27,889 | 1,373.1 | 967.0 |
-29.6% |
-1.7% |
40-49 | 153,385 | 8,270 | 261 | 3,963 | 124,936 | 15,955 | 2,022.9 | 933.8 |
-53.8% |
+0.7% |
50-59 | 116,218 | 5,679 | 106 | 1,938 | 101,284 | 7,211 | 1,422.5 | 697.0 |
-51.0% |
+1.2% |
60-69 | 65,380 | 3,165 | 48 | 869 | 58,517 | 2,781 | 1,015.6 | 504.1 |
-50.4% |
+2.9% |
70-79 | 28,282 | 1,543 | 11 | 226 | 25,435 | 1,067 | 538.2 | 422.7 |
-21.5% |
+14.8% |
80+ | 9,979 | 669 | 15 | 162 | 8,606 | 527 | 320.7 | 410.0 |
+27.8% |
+19.5% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 44 & 47 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under18 |
321,062 |
19,608 |
14,327 |
26,299 |
954 |
259,874 |
502.7 |
2,422.6 |
+79.2% | +1.7% |
18-29 |
92,077 |
8,975 |
752 |
8,604 |
45,181 |
28,565 |
794.3 |
868.6 |
+8.6% | -1.0% |
30-39 |
132,341 |
9,517 |
598 |
7,203 |
86,318 |
28,705 |
1,439.8 |
1,000.1 |
-30.5% | -0.9% |
40-49 |
153,958 |
8,386 |
254 |
3,830 |
125,524 |
15,964 |
2,026.6 |
937.5 |
-53.7% | +0.1% |
50-59 |
115,113 |
5,584 |
122 |
1,908 |
100,164 |
7,335 |
1,404.8 |
711.2 |
-49.4% | +1.6% |
60-69 |
60,417 |
2,905 |
47 |
796 |
53,818 |
2,851 |
933.3 |
518.3 |
-44.5% | +5.9% |
70-79 |
21,911 |
1,306 |
11 |
205 |
19,330 |
1,059 |
409.0 |
421.6 |
+3.0% | +24.5% |
80+ |
8,388 |
555 |
18 |
141 |
7,115 |
559 |
265.5 |
437.3 |
+39.3% | +11.5% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 45 & 48 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under18 |
368,450 |
22,416 |
14,218 |
33,326 |
1,140 |
297,350 |
549.7 |
2,795.7 |
+80.3% | +1.1% |
18-29 |
103,160 |
10,039 |
784 |
9,133 |
52,000 |
31,204 |
906.3 |
952.6 |
+4.9% | -3.7% |
30-39 |
148,591 |
10,694 |
674 |
7,775 |
98,211 |
31,237 |
1,629.7 |
1,092.8 |
-32.9% | -2.4% |
40-49 |
172,297 |
9,122 |
299 |
4,130 |
141,195 |
17,551 |
2,273.6 |
1,034.0 |
-54.5% | -0.8% |
50-59 |
121,940 |
5,853 |
127 |
2,049 |
105,883 |
8,028 |
1,482.4 |
780.9 |
-47.3% | +2.1% |
60-69 |
57,170 |
2,953 |
56 |
845 |
50,279 |
3,037 |
870.9 |
554.1 |
-36.4% | +8.1% |
70-79 |
17,816 |
1,166 |
12 |
209 |
15,326 |
1,103 |
324.1 |
441.3 |
+26.6% | +23.6% |
80+ |
7,898 |
592 |
16 |
133 |
6,571 |
586 |
245.4 |
461.0 |
+46.8% | +7.5% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 46 & 49 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under18 |
388,357 |
23,947 |
11,724 |
1,312 |
38,380 |
312,994 |
503.9 |
2,960.4 |
+83.0% | +2.7% |
18-29 |
133,101 |
13,147 |
982 |
71,710 |
10,529 |
36,733 |
1,240.2 |
1,126.0 |
-9.2% | -14.1% |
30-39 |
173,537 |
12,671 |
745 |
116,570 |
8,613 |
34,938 |
1,925.7 |
1,227.0 |
-36.3% | -3.4% |
40-49 |
189,245 |
10,177 |
352 |
155,047 |
4,438 |
19,231 |
2,491.0 |
1,136.6 |
-54.4% | +0.1% |
50-59 |
125,434 |
6,149 |
149 |
108,334 |
2,141 |
8,661 |
1,514.0 |
844.9 |
-44.2% | +3.1% |
60-69 |
53,006 |
2,966 |
59 |
45,846 |
876 |
3,259 |
793.0 |
596.4 |
-24.8% | +11.6% |
70-79 |
15,742 |
1,099 |
13 |
13,246 |
232 |
1,152 |
280.1 |
463.1 |
+39.5% | +12.9% |
≥80 |
7,661 |
570 |
14 |
6,308 |
131 |
638 |
235.9 |
505.0 |
+53.3% | +6.5% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 47 & 50 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under18 |
395,335 |
25,523 |
8,990 |
46,126 |
2,168 |
312,528 |
635.5 |
2,973.9 |
+78.6% | -4.4% |
18-29 |
257,526 |
23,829 |
1,693 |
16,198 |
163,814 |
51,992 |
2,809.1 |
1,603.5 |
-42.9% | -33.7% |
30-39 |
254,435 |
18,013 |
1,112 |
10,911 |
181,600 |
42,799 |
2,985.1 |
1,510.3 |
-49.4% | -13.1% |
40-49 |
230,670 |
12,518 |
471 |
5,117 |
190,320 |
22,244 |
3,049.9 |
1,320.1 |
-56.7% | -2.3% |
50-59 |
147,033 |
7,548 |
203 |
2,425 |
126,812 |
10,045 |
1,768.9 |
983.7 |
-44.4% | -0.2% |
60-69 |
58,233 |
3,449 |
91 |
948 |
49,998 |
3,747 |
863.5 |
688.4 |
-20.3% | +4.5% |
70-79 |
18,858 |
1,327 |
27 |
246 |
15,990 |
1,268 |
338.2 |
512.6 |
+34.0% | -5.5% |
80+ |
9,067 |
695 |
16 |
160 |
7,482 |
714 |
280.3 |
568.5 |
+50.7% | -2.6% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 49 & 52 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated Cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
14 day Decline |
Under 18 |
429,155 |
32,145 |
7,104 |
72,620 |
9,103 |
308,183 |
1,827.4 |
2,961.6 |
+38.3% | -40.3% |
18-29 |
628,127 |
52,666 |
5,532 |
36,594 |
430,387 |
102,948 |
7,221.4 |
3,240.8 |
-55.1% | -12.2% |
30-39 |
529,948 |
38,026 |
2,973 |
20,676 |
393,216 |
75,057 |
6,383.9 |
2,686.6 |
-57.9% | -8.5% |
40-49 |
408,892 |
24,189 |
1,206 |
9,075 |
338,664 |
35,758 |
5,393.8 |
2,147.2 |
-60.2% | -3.5% |
50-59 |
308,585 |
17,250 |
568 |
4,430 |
268,952 |
17,385 |
3,738.4 |
1,721.9 |
-53.9% | -9.5% |
60-69 |
148,836 |
8,902 |
313 |
1,659 |
131,543 |
6,419 |
2,266.3 |
1,194.3 |
-47.3% | -27% |
70-79 |
70,723 |
4,297 |
116 |
515 |
63,697 |
2,098 |
1,347.6 |
862.0 |
-36.0% | -70.0% |
80+ |
32,314 |
2,589 |
50 |
395 |
28,066 |
1,214 |
1,055.0 |
981.5 |
-7.0% | -57.7% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 50 2021 & Week1 2022 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated Cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
7 day Decline |
Under18 |
501,913 |
39,487 |
7,711 |
90,854 |
15,430 |
348,431 |
2,356.6 |
3,376.1 |
+30.2% | -8.1% |
18to29 |
785,297 |
65,993 |
7,161 |
45,408 |
540,309 |
126,426 |
8,926.0 |
4,058.9 |
-54.5% | +0.6% |
30to39 |
639,522 |
47,573 |
3,738 |
24,845 |
473,155 |
90,211 |
7,618.8 |
3,268.8 |
-57.1% | +0.8% |
40to49 |
484,912 |
30,460 |
1,480 |
11,162 |
399,165 |
42,645 |
6,330.1 |
2,585.9 |
-59.1% | +0.9% |
50to59 |
396,008 |
22,864 |
716 |
5,471 |
345,773 |
21,184 |
4,796.2 |
2,117.0 |
-55.9% | -2.0% |
60to69 |
202,505 |
12,150 |
383 |
1,984 |
180,116 |
7,872 |
3,099.9 |
1,477.9 |
-52.3% | -5.0% |
70to79 |
100,553 |
6,161 |
147 |
667 |
91,024 |
2,554 |
1,926.2 |
1,059.6 |
-45.0% | -9.0% |
80+ |
50,548 |
4,413 |
61 |
548 |
43,980 |
1,546 |
1,657.7 |
1,262.9 |
-23.8% | -16.8% |
18+ |
2,659,345 | 189,614 | 13,686 | 90,085 | 2,073,522 | 292,438 | 4,907.8 | 2,261.6 | -49.7% | -4.4% |
1. Over 7x more covid19 cases in the double vaxxed than in the unvaxxed
2. Over 2 million fully vaccinated Covid-19 cases in one week. There is an effective vaccination for you.
3. Fully vaccinated people are precisely twice as likely to catch Covid as unvaccinated people.
Age group | Vaccine Efficacy Dec31 |
Vaccine Efficacy Jan14 |
Vaccine Efficacy Jan28 |
Vaccine Efficacy Feb11 |
Vaccine Efficacy Feb25 |
14 day Decline |
Under 18 |
+38.3% |
-2.0% |
-42.3% |
-82.6% |
-100.0% |
-40.3% |
18-29 |
-55.1% |
-67.3% |
-79.5% |
-91.7% |
-100.0% |
-12.2% |
30-39 |
-57.9% |
-66.4% |
-74.9% |
-83.4% |
-91.9% |
-8.5% |
40-49 |
-60.2% |
-63.7% |
-67.2% |
-70.7% |
-74.2% |
-3.5% |
50-59 |
-53.9% |
-63.4% |
-72.9% |
-82.4% |
-91.9% |
-9.5% |
60-69 |
-47.3% |
-74.3% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-27.0% |
70-79 |
-36.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-70.0% |
80+ |
-7.0% |
-64.7% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-57.7% |
Choosing your formula...
Age group | Rates
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Vaccine efficacy % for double vaxxed compared to unvaxxed (U-V)/U (Pfizer's formula) |
Under 18 |
586.2 | 3,149.6 | +81.4% (includes 240k 12-15 cases) | +81.4% (includes 240k 12-15 cases) |
18-29 |
532.9 | 674.0 | +20.9% (674.0-532.9)/674.0 as % | +20.9% (674.0-532.9)/674.0 as % |
30-39 |
1,071.8 | 817.7 | -23.7% (1071.8-817.7)/1071.8 as % | -31.1% (1071.8-817.7)/817.7 as % |
40-49 |
1,936.2 | 834.9 | -56.9% (1936.2-834.9)/1936.2 as % | -131.9% (1936.2-834.9)/834.9 as % |
50-59 |
1,248.7 | 586.1 | -53.1% (1248.7-586.1)/1248.7 as % | -113.1% (1248.7-586.1)/586.1 as % |
60-69 |
836.6 | 391.2 | -53.2% (836.6-391.2)/836.6 as % | -113.9% (836.6-391.2)/391.2 as % |
70-79 |
635.4 | 312.2 | -50.9% (635.4-312.2)/635.4 as % | -103.5% (635.4-312.2)/312.2 as % |
80+ |
432.5 | 333.8 | -22.8% (432.5-333.8)/432.5 as % | -29.6% (432.5-333.8)/333.8 as % |
The Immune System boost/degradation column is a measure of the boost or damage to your immune system - see report
The Vaccine Efficacy % for double vaxxed column shows how much more or less resistant to Covid the double vaxxed are than the unvaxxed - see report
So if you are 40 years old and double vaxxed then your immune response is now degraded by 56.9%.
This means that unvaxxed 40 year olds are 56.9% less likely to catch covid than the doubly vaxxed
And the doubly vaxxed 40 year olds are 131.9% more likely to catch covid than the unvaxxed.
You can look at it either way. It just depends whether your chosen parameter is the doubly vaccinated or the unvaccinated. But whichever one you choose, the outlook this winter for those who have been fully vaccinated with the experimental Covid-19 injections looks terrible.
Reese Report Video -
Pfizer originally claimed a 95% efficiency for their vaccine (calculated with the formula used in the immune boost or degradation column above). The figures above indicate that, their figures may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the younger age groups have had the vaccine for the shortest time). But the figures above also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency. They progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realised. They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination.
PHE figures show that vaccines now suppress your immune response to Covid rather than boosting it. The measure of that suppression is the ratio of normalised vaxxed vs unvaxxed case numbers. This is what Pfizer used in the first place and nobody argued with it then. What is causing this reversal of a magnitude which is increasing week on week? It is quite obviously a deterioration in immune capability in the vaxxed when compared to the unvaxxed. And it is getting more and more pronounced every week. That is a form of Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency. The immune systems of the vaxxed are deficient when compared immune systems of the unvaxxed. That means one of two things. Either the unvaxxed are getting better and better immune systems for no reason having had no intervention. Or the vaxxed are getting worse and worse immune systems due to the intervention they have had, which intervention was the vaccine. For more see -
If the case numbers of the vaxxed converged and met up with the case numbers of the unvaxxed then the vaccine would have merely lost its effectiveness and the tables would all be grean and the vaccine efficiency would be ZERO. But that did not happen. The vaxxed case numbers are now twice the unvaxxed case numbers per 100k people. So the tables have all gone red. That means the vaccines have not merely lost their efficiency. They have not merely stopped working. They are still very much working. But they are working against your immune system rather than for it. They are suppressing your immune response. They are damaging your immune system. They are causing it for be worse than if you have not taken the vaccine. They are toxic to your immune system. They are not merely ineffective. They are negatively effective. All you will get from PHE is the following...
"In individuals aged greater than 30, the rate of positive COVID-19 test is higher in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated". - PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report for week 41.
They deliberately fail to articulate the inevitable immunological conclusion from that statement, which is that the case rate being higher in the vaxxed means that the immune system is lower in the vaxxed, which means that the vaccines are damaging the immune response, which means that the vaccines are damaging your immune system, which means that the vaccines are making your immune system deficient, which means that the vaccines are giving you vaccine mediated immune deficiency, which means that the vaccines are giving you a form of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
PHE death rates verses ONS death rates
There is a massive immunological contradiction between the case rates which crudely speaking now show that vaxxed are twice as likely to be infected as unvaxxed whereas the death rates show that the unvaxxed as 3x to 6x more likely to die than the vaxxed.
The contradiction arises because the immunological functionality of the vaccines is merely to increase or decrease the viral load. And Fauci revealed in July that the viral loads were the same in the vaxxed as in the unvaxxed
“What we learned that’s new … is that when you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of people who are vaccinated who get breakthrough infections, it’s really quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasopharynx of unvaccinated people who get infected,” Fauci said in an interview with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. The nasopharynx is part of the nasal cavity near the back of the throat
Furthermore it is known that the vaccines have been becoming progressively less effective/more damaging since then. So what is happening with case numbers should also be occurring with deaths unless the vaccines only kick in at near lethal viral loads. But that is nonsense because they merely train the immune system to recognise a new antigen. They should be altering the manner in which it responds upon recognition. Vaccines do not do that.
Although of course these gene therapies are a lot more than vaccines. So from Fauci's own mouth the deaths should be following the case numbers not going in the other direction. Fortunately the ONS (Office of National Statistics) produce overall mortality figures and Profs Norman Fenton and Martin Neil of Queen Mary College University of London have analysed these as follows...
Week 26 was 2021June28-July4. Below is the mortality rate for those with 2 jabs for the first half of 2021..
Since 19 March the double dose vaccination mortality rate has increased week-on-week more or less consistently. - Prof Norman Fenton -
So the ONS death rates as analysed by Prof Fenton are consistent with the PHE case rates as analysed in the article. The PHE death rates are not credible. So the ONS death rates show the same linear increase as the PHE case numbers are showing. That makes a lot more sense immunologically.
This article has been published by the Expose -
The Daily Mail published an article describing the anger that the government has with the UKHSA (formerly known as PHE) for publishing such revealing figures - which we used to demonstrate that the vaccines cause a form of AIDS. How dare they truthfully inform the British public about anything !
Shingles skin blotches could well be the ulcers of Revelation16...
1 And I heard a loud voice out of the sanctuary say to the 7 angels: Go and pour out the 7 bowls of the anger of God into the earth.
2 And the first one went off and poured out his bowl into the earth. And a hurtful and malignant ulcer came to be upon the men that had the mark of the wild beast and that were worshiping its image. (Revelation 16 )
THE FIX. We know that DNA – adenovirus vaccines (Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson) install spike protein DNA cell nuclei which will continue to code for spike proteins until the cell dies. We know the mRNA lipid nanoparticle vaccines produce the same long term results (in particular that antibody production from the spikes of a 2nd jab at 12 weeks is 3.5-4.0 times the production for a 2nd jab at 4 weeks in both cases). So we can deduce that both vaccines induce infected cells to continue to produce spikes indefinitely until cell death and that the immune system therefore has to produce antibodies indefinitely. This puts the immune system into an infinite loop wherein vaccinated cells are churning out spikes and the immune system is killing those spikes. This goundhog day situation may be what is slowly weakening the immune systems of those who are vaccinated. The fix is to stop vaccinated cells producing spikes. We do know how to do that. We just have to treat each doubly vaxxed person as if they have long Covid, and continue to administer Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin (or other Zinc cell door opener) and Ivermectin. We will be doing this not to cure people from a Covid-19 virus infection. But rather to cure them from the incessant Covid virus spike production by vaccinated cells.
Concise posting format for first version of this
Here is what PHE knows that is in the public domain in Vaccine Surveillance Reports for weeks 36-40
Here is the immune system degradation of doubly vaxxed per week over the last 4 weeks and the 4 week average.
Age and Week36 and Week37and Week38 and Week39 Average
18-29 and -2.5% and -1.9% and -4.0%
and -4.3% and -3.2%
30-39 and -6.0% and -7.0% and -10.5%
and -11.4% and -8.7%
40-49 and -5.2% and -5.3% and -8.1% and -6.9% and -6.4%
50-59 and -4.0% and -2.4% and -3.9% and -5.7% and -4.0%
60-69 and -4.2% and -2.9% and -4.2% and -2.1% and -3.35%
70-79 and -4.1% and +0.7% and -3.9% and -3.6% and -2.7%
80+ and -5.6% and -7.1% and -3.1% and -2.5% and -4.6%
Age Current% weekly decline weeks until 100% immune system degradation of doubly vaxxed
18-29 and +40.5% and -3.2% and 44 weeks (140.5 over 3.2)
30-39 and -3.3% and -8.7% and 12 weeks (96.7 over 8.7)
40-49 and -46.6% and -6.4% and 9 weeks (53.4 over 6.4)
50-59 and -40.1% and -4.0% and 15 weeks (59.9 over 4.0)
60-69 and -40.9% and -3.35% and 18 weeks (59.1 over 3.35)
70-79 and -34.4% and -2.7% and 25 weeks (65.6 over 2.7)
90+ and -9.8% and -4.6% and 20 weeks (90.2 over 4.6)
These are the % degradation and weekly decreases of immune response of doubly vaxxed compared to unvaxxed over the last 4 weeks calculated from the Vaccine Surveillance Reports 36-40 using Pfizer's own formula for vaccine effectiveness
Presently everyone over 30 is between 3.3% and 46.6% better off being unvaxxed. But that is not the problem. The trouble is the rate of loss of immune response in the doubly vaxxed is so large and so consistent every week (between 2.7% and 8.7%) that by Christmas everyone between 30 and 50 will have 100% immune system degradation and by March everyone over 50 will have 100% immune system degration and the children will follow them 9 months later (since they were vaccinated later).
Full exposition with all PHE data
This has been sent to every MP in the country and as many immunologists as I could find
“When you look at this, the biggest thing that you see is you see everything is doing really well,” Thompson said, reviewing the patient’s pre-jab panel.
However, the second panel, taken after the patient’s first coronavirus vaccine, showed an interesting difference.
“Here’s what’s interesting. As you see the CD8 cells started to jump way up,” Thompson observed.
“CD8 cell is called a suppressor T cell. It’s also known as a killer T cell. What do killer T cells actually do? Well…these are sniper specific cells and they are designed to kill virally infected cells…that are literally wearing the virus on the surface of the cell – think of spike protein – and it’s also killing cancer cells. That’s the job. They’re very sniper specific,” he explained.
“So when you look at this, you can see those CD8 cells after the first you-know-what, you can see they start to jump up. They’re saying, ‘Hold the phone. What is going on here? We need to start killing off these cells that are expressing a specific… I don’t know how you say, spike protein,'” Thompson clarified.
The third panel, administered after the patient’s second mRNA jab, showed an even more startling development, as the patient’s adaptive immune system now appeared to have “tanked.”
“So, now what you see is you see that his granulocytes, look at how much they jumped up,” Thompson said, gasping, “ cow.”
“These granulocytes… basically they’re neutrophils, they’re first responders, they’re emergency type cells,” Thompson explained, “but they’re mostly for bacterial infection and they also clean up tissue damage.”
“When you look at his lymphocytes, so his lymphocytes are things like his CD4 cells, CD8 cells, natural killer cells, his b lymphocytes that are producing antibodies…you can see how badly now that’s started to tank. And then what’s interesting too is that you can see that his natural killer cells have absolutely tanked as well.”
The result is lowered immunity for the patient, Thompson affirmed, which would leave a person susceptible to infection – even from cancer cells.
“Natural killer cells…this is part of your innate immune system. Okay? This is your innate immune system and natural killer cells are your first responders to things like viruses, virally infected cells, and yes, even cancer cells. And wow, holy cow. You can see how that is tanked.”
“So what has tanked?” Thompson asked. “His adaptive immune system has absolutely tanked. Adaptive immune system, CD4, CD8, natural killer cells, his b lymphocytes – all of those things have actually just gotten pummelled within the month.”
The data can be downloaded from the ONS in Excel format
We use the data from...
Table 4: Weekly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19, per 100,000 people, England, deaths occurring between 2 January 2021 and 2 July 2021
Table 5: Weekly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for non COVID-19 deaths, per 100,000 people, England, deaths occurring between 2 January 2021 and 2 July 2021
Unvaccinated Deaths |
Unvaxxed Population |
Doubly Vaccinated Deaths |
Covid-Deaths per 100k |
Vaccine Efficacy |
All Deaths |
Vaccine Efficacy |
Death Factor |
Friday | Week | Covid | Non-Covid | All |
10+ |
Covid | Non-Covid | All |
Vaxxed |
Unvaxxed U |
Vaxxed V |
U-V/U U-V/V |
Unvaxxed U |
Vaxxed V |
U-V/U U-V/V |
V/U |
08-Jan-21 | 1 | 4,788 | 7,412 | 12,200 | 37,803,666 | 1 | 17 | 18 | 267,629 | 12.67 | 0.37 | 97.05% | 32.27 | 6.73 | 79.16% | 0.21 |
15-Jan-21 | 2 | 6,089 | 6,900 | 12,989 | 36,511,424 | 14 | 87 | 101 | 399,963 | 16.68 | 3.50 | 79.01% | 35.58 | 25.25 | 29.02% | 0.71 |
22-Jan-21 | 3 | 6,563 | 6,049 | 12,612 | 34,737,408 | 25 | 141 | 166 | 406,528 | 18.89 | 6.15 | 67.45% | 36.31 | 40.83 | -11.09% | 1.12 |
29-Jan-21 | 4 | 5,164 | 4,945 | 10,109 | 32,897,999 | 25 | 139 | 164 | 411,079 | 15.70 | 6.08 | 61.26% | 30.73 | 39.90 | -22.98% | 1.30 |
05-Feb-21 | 5 | 3,520 | 4,100 | 7,620 | 31,004,385 | 17 | 184 | 201 | 421,167 | 11.35 | 4.04 | 64.45% | 24.58 | 47.72 | -48.50% | 1.94 |
12-Feb-21 | 6 | 2,419 | 3,401 | 5,820 | 28,941,393 | 17 | 202 | 219 | 435,150 | 8.36 | 3.91 | 53.26% | 20.11 | 50.33 | -60.04% | 2.50 |
19-Feb-21 | 7 | 1,625 | 2,998 | 4,623 | 27,025,851 | 25 | 206 | 231 | 452,826 | 6.01 | 5.52 | 8.18% | 17.11 | 51.01 | -66.47% | 2.98 |
26-Feb-21 | 8 | 997 | 2,198 | 3,195 | 25,261,345 | 6 | 235 | 241 | 510,095 | 3.95 | 1.18 | 70.20% | 12.65 | 47.25 | -73.23% | 3.74 |
05-Mar-21 | 9 | 654 | 1,839 | 2,493 | 23,795,540 | 8 | 257 | 265 | 676,798 | 2.75 | 1.18 | 56.99% | 10.48 | 39.15 | -73.24% | 3.74 |
12-Mar-21 | 10 | 389 | 1,620 | 2,009 | 22,496,119 | 21 | 342 | 363 | 944,609 | 1.73 | 2.22 | -22.22% | 8.93 | 38.43 | -76.76% | 4.30 |
19-Mar-21 | 11 | 237 | 1,372 | 1,609 | 20,222,106 | 9 | 470 | 479 | 1,333,720 | 1.17 | 0.67 | 42.42% | 7.96 | 35.91 | -77.85% | 4.51 |
26-Mar-21 | 12 | 166 | 1,183 | 1,349 | 18,316,034 | 17 | 711 | 728 | 2,183,425 | 0.91 | 0.78 | 14.09% | 7.37 | 33.34 | -77.91% | 4.53 |
02-Apr-21 | 13 | 90 | 1,025 | 1,115 | 17,224,336 | 20 | 1,165 | 1,185 | 3,792,492 | 0.52 | 0.53 | -0.92% | 6.47 | 31.25 | -79.28% | 4.83 |
09-Apr-21 | 14 | 84 | 919 | 1,003 | 16,960,669 | 27 | 1,685 | 1,712 | 5,434,251 | 0.50 | 0.50 | -0.32% | 5.91 | 31.50 | -81.23% | 5.33 |
16-Apr-21 | 15 | 54 | 874 | 928 | 16,544,821 | 26 | 2,273 | 2,299 | 7,284,379 | 0.33 | 0.36 | -8.56% | 5.61 | 31.56 | -82.23% | 5.63 |
23-Apr-21 | 16 | 46 | 795 | 841 | 15,927,073 | 14 | 2,946 | 2,960 | 9,213,443 | 0.29 | 0.15 | 47.39% | 5.28 | 32.13 | -83.56% | 6.08 |
30-Apr-21 | 17 | 34 | 708 | 742 | 15,509,284 | 24 | 3,394 | 3,418 | 10,867,328 | 0.22 | 0.22 | -0.73% | 4.78 | 31.45 | -84.79% | 6.57 |
07-May-21 | 18 | 20 | 603 | 623 | 15,030,867 | 28 | 4,137 | 4,165 | 12,528,914 | 0.13 | 0.22 | -40.46% | 4.14 | 33.24 | -87.53% | 8.02 |
14-May-21 | 19 | 19 | 578 | 597 | 14,401,995 | 18 | 4,626 | 4,644 | 14,347,609 | 0.13 | 0.13 | 4.90% | 4.15 | 32.37 | -87.19% | 7.81 |
21-May-21 | 20 | 17 | 600 | 617 | 13,574,870 | 17 | 4,946 | 4,963 | 16,025,854 | 0.13 | 0.11 | 15.29% | 4.55 | 30.97 | -85.32% | 6.81 |
28-May-21 | 21 | 14 | 475 | 489 | 12,851,588 | 23 | 5,034 | 5,057 | 18,037,385 | 0.11 | 0.13 | -14.57% | 3.80 | 28.04 | -86.43% | 7.37 |
04-Jun-21 | 22 | 18 | 502 | 520 | 12,356,247 | 27 | 5,325 | 5,352 | 19,575,469 | 0.15 | 0.14 | 5.32% | 4.21 | 27.34 | -84.61% | 6.50 |
11-Jun-21 | 23 | 20 | 430 | 450 | 11,757,509 | 29 | 5,408 | 5,437 | 21,059,770 | 0.17 | 0.14 | 19.05% | 3.83 | 25.82 | -85.18% | 6.75 |
18-Jun-21 | 24 | 13 | 448 | 461 | 10,970,992 | 29 | 5,510 | 5,539 | 22,035,117 | 0.12 | 0.13 | -9.96% | 4.20 | 25.14 | -83.28% | 5.98 |
25-Jun-21 | 25 | 26 | 434 | 460 | 10,125,621 | 48 | 5,538 | 5,586 | 22,669,600 | 0.26 | 0.21 | 17.54% | 4.54 | 24.64 | -81.56% | 5.42 |
02-Jul-21 | 26 | 35 | 401 | 436 | 9,531,364 | 63 | 5,881 | 5,944 | 23,309,568 | 0.37 | 0.27 | 26.40% | 4.57 | 25.50 | -82.06% | 5.57 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
Here we remove 10-17 year olds from the unvaxxed population in the original ONS data to the number of 3.941 million to arrive at an approximation for the unvaxxed over 18s.
Unvaccinated Deaths |
Unvaxxed Population |
Unvaxxed Population |
Doubly Vaccinated Deaths |
Covid-Deaths per 100k |
Vaccine Efficacy |
All Deaths |
Vaccine Efficacy |
Death Factor |
Friday | Week | Covid | Non-Covid | All |
18+ |
10+ |
Covid | Non-Covid | All |
Vaxxed |
Unvaxxed U |
Vaxxed V |
U-V/U U-V/V |
Unvaxxed U |
Vaxxed V |
U-V/U U-V/V |
V/U |
8-Jan-21 | 1 | 4,795 | 7,473 | 12,268 | 33,859,436 | 37,800,436 | 1 | 17 | 18 | 268,036 | 14.16 | 0.37 | 97.37% | 36.23 | 6.72 | 81.47% | 0.19 |
15-Jan-21 | 2 | 6,101 | 6,951 | 13,052 | 32,565,913 | 36,506,913 | 14 | 87 | 101 | 400,616 | 18.73 | 3.49 | 81.35% | 40.08 | 25.21 | 37.10% | 0.63 |
22-Jan-21 | 3 | 6,580 | 6,116 | 12,696 | 30,790,280 | 34,731,280 | 25 | 141 | 166 | 407,220 | 21.37 | 6.14 | 71.27% | 41.23 | 40.76 | 1.14% | 0.99 |
29-Jan-21 | 4 | 5,177 | 5,004 | 10,181 | 28,949,454 | 32,890,454 | 25 | 140 | 165 | 411,789 | 17.88 | 6.07 | 66.05% | 35.17 | 40.07 | -12.23% | 1.14 |
5-Feb-21 | 5 | 3,532 | 4,162 | 7,694 | 27,054,358 | 30,995,358 | 18 | 185 | 203 | 421,913 | 13.06 | 4.27 | 67.32% | 28.44 | 48.11 | -40.89% | 1.69 |
12-Feb-21 | 6 | 2,430 | 3,460 | 5,890 | 24,990,537 | 28,931,537 | 17 | 204 | 221 | 435,907 | 9.72 | 3.90 | 59.89% | 23.57 | 50.70 | -53.51% | 2.15 |
19-Feb-21 | 7 | 1,635 | 3,048 | 4,683 | 23,074,114 | 27,015,114 | 25 | 208 | 233 | 453,654 | 7.09 | 5.51 | 22.23% | 20.30 | 51.36 | -60.48% | 2.53 |
26-Feb-21 | 8 | 1,002 | 2,252 | 3,254 | 21,308,745 | 25,249,745 | 6 | 237 | 243 | 511,111 | 4.70 | 1.17 | 75.04% | 15.27 | 47.54 | -67.88% | 3.11 |
5-Mar-21 | 9 | 659 | 1,893 | 2,552 | 19,842,542 | 23,783,542 | 8 | 260 | 268 | 678,100 | 3.32 | 1.18 | 64.48% | 12.86 | 39.52 | -67.46% | 3.07 |
12-Mar-21 | 10 | 391 | 1,668 | 2,059 | 18,542,857 | 22,483,857 | 21 | 344 | 365 | 946,296 | 2.11 | 2.22 | -4.98% | 11.10 | 38.57 | -71.21% | 3.47 |
19-Mar-21 | 11 | 239 | 1,412 | 1,651 | 16,268,392 | 20,209,392 | 9 | 475 | 484 | 1,336,055 | 1.47 | 0.67 | 54.15% | 10.15 | 36.23 | -71.99% | 3.57 |
26-Mar-21 | 12 | 166 | 1,234 | 1,400 | 14,361,925 | 18,302,925 | 17 | 715 | 732 | 2,187,083 | 1.16 | 0.78 | 32.75% | 9.75 | 33.47 | -70.87% | 3.43 |
2-Apr-21 | 13 | 91 | 1,069 | 1,160 | 13,270,388 | 17,211,388 | 21 | 1,182 | 1,203 | 3,797,754 | 0.69 | 0.55 | 19.36% | 8.74 | 31.68 | -72.40% | 3.62 |
9-Apr-21 | 14 | 84 | 962 | 1,046 | 13,007,223 | 16,948,223 | 27 | 1,707 | 1,734 | 5,440,741 | 0.65 | 0.50 | 23.16% | 8.04 | 31.87 | -74.77% | 3.96 |
16-Apr-21 | 15 | 54 | 919 | 973 | 12,591,798 | 16,532,798 | 26 | 2,303 | 2,329 | 7,292,362 | 0.43 | 0.36 | 16.86% | 7.73 | 31.94 | -75.81% | 4.13 |
23-Apr-21 | 16 | 46 | 826 | 872 | 11,974,059 | 15,915,059 | 14 | 2,977 | 2,991 | 9,222,983 | 0.38 | 0.15 | 60.49% | 7.28 | 32.43 | -77.54% | 4.45 |
30-Apr-21 | 17 | 35 | 745 | 780 | 11,555,943 | 15,496,943 | 24 | 3,436 | 3,460 | 10,878,526 | 0.30 | 0.22 | 27.16% | 6.75 | 31.81 | -78.78% | 4.71 |
7-May-21 | 18 | 20 | 641 | 661 | 11,077,474 | 15,018,474 | 28 | 4,218 | 4,246 | 12,540,951 | 0.18 | 0.22 | -19.13% | 5.97 | 33.86 | -82.38% | 5.67 |
14-May-21 | 19 | 20 | 611 | 631 | 10,448,366 | 14,389,366 | 19 | 4,706 | 4,725 | 14,361,121 | 0.19 | 0.13 | 30.88% | 6.04 | 32.90 | -81.64% | 5.45 |
21-May-21 | 20 | 18 | 630 | 648 | 9,620,811 | 13,561,811 | 17 | 5,038 | 5,055 | 16,040,264 | 0.19 | 0.11 | 43.35% | 6.74 | 31.51 | -78.63% | 4.68 |
28-May-21 | 21 | 15 | 507 | 522 | 8,896,908 | 12,837,908 | 23 | 5,130 | 5,153 | 18,052,957 | 0.17 | 0.13 | 24.43% | 5.87 | 28.54 | -79.44% | 4.86 |
4-Jun-21 | 22 | 18 | 532 | 550 | 8,401,096 | 12,342,096 | 27 | 5,429 | 5,456 | 19,591,771 | 0.21 | 0.14 | 35.68% | 6.55 | 27.85 | -76.49% | 4.25 |
11-Jun-21 | 23 | 21 | 462 | 483 | 7,801,375 | 11,742,375 | 29 | 5,530 | 5,559 | 21,076,911 | 0.27 | 0.14 | 48.89% | 6.19 | 26.37 | -76.53% | 4.26 |
18-Jun-21 | 24 | 13 | 480 | 493 | 7,013,449 | 10,954,449 | 30 | 5,646 | 5,676 | 22,052,852 | 0.19 | 0.14 | 26.61% | 7.03 | 25.74 | -72.69% | 3.66 |
25-Jun-21 | 25 | 27 | 476 | 503 | 6,165,550 | 10,106,550 | 48 | 5,691 | 5,739 | 22,687,980 | 0.44 | 0.21 | 51.69% | 8.16 | 25.30 | -67.75% | 3.10 |
2-Jul-21 | 26 | 37 | 434 | 471 | 5,569,611 | 9,510,611 | 64 | 6,070 | 6,134 | 23,328,857 | 0.66 | 0.27 | 58.70% | 8.46 | 26.29 | -67.84% | 3.11 |
9-Jul-21 | 27 | 37 | 415 | 452 | 5,213,352 | 9,154,352 | 89 | 6,304 | 6,393 | 23,937,386 | 0.71 | 0.37 | 47.61% | 8.67 | 26.71 | -67.54% | 3.08 |
16-Jul-21 | 28 | 55 | 368 | 423 | 4,997,572 | 8,938,572 | 133 | 6,104 | 6,237 | 24,590,437 | 1.10 | 0.54 | 50.85% | 8.46 | 25.36 | -66.63% | 3.00 |
23-Jul-21 | 29 | 92 | 418 | 510 | 4,838,962 | 8,779,962 | 220 | 7,098 | 7,318 | 25,242,994 | 1.90 | 0.87 | 54.16% | 10.54 | 28.99 | -63.64% | 2.75 |
30-Jul-21 | 30 | 115 | 389 | 504 | 4,717,267 | 8,658,267 | 246 | 6,317 | 6,563 | 25,820,881 | 2.44 | 0.95 | 60.92% | 10.68 | 25.42 | -57.97% | 2.38 |
6-Aug-21 | 31 | 134 | 369 | 503 | 4,612,725 | 8,553,725 | 266 | 6,316 | 6,582 | 26,386,862 | 2.91 | 1.01 | 65.30% | 10.90 | 24.94 | -56.28% | 2.29 |
13-Aug-21 | 32 | 105 | 330 | 435 | 4,486,779 | 8,427,779 | 316 | 6,413 | 6,729 | 27,022,606 | 2.34 | 1.17 | 50.03% | 9.70 | 24.90 | -61.07% | 2.57 |
20-Aug-21 | 33 | 123 | 347 | 470 | 4,301,156 | 8,242,156 | 351 | 6,428 | 6,779 | 27,675,333 | 2.86 | 1.27 | 55.65% | 10.93 | 24.49 | -55.39% | 2.24 |
27-Aug-21 | 34 | 137 | 335 | 472 | 4,075,529 | 8,016,529 | 397 | 6,312 | 6,709 | 28,270,243 | 3.36 | 1.40 | 58.22% | 11.58 | 23.73 | -51.20% | 2.05 |
3-Sep-21 | 35 | 122 | 354 | 476 | 3,936,858 | 7,877,858 | 431 | 6,370 | 6,801 | 28,695,801 | 3.10 | 1.50 | 51.53% | 12.09 | 23.70 | -48.98% | 1.96 |
10-Sep-21 | 36 | 136 | 372 | 508 | 3,843,845 | 7,784,845 | 528 | 7,114 | 7,642 | 29,063,304 | 3.54 | 1.82 | 48.65% | 13.22 | 26.29 | -49.74% | 1.99 |
17-Sep-21 | 37 | 117 | 309 | 426 | 3,771,997 | 7,712,997 | 475 | 6,358 | 6,833 | 29,326,803 | 3.10 | 1.62 | 47.78% | 11.29 | 23.30 | -51.53% | 2.06 |
24-Sep-21 | 38 | 95 | 264 | 359 | 3,696,511 | 7,637,511 | 444 | 5,986 | 6,430 | 29,509,257 | 2.57 | 1.50 | 41.45% | 9.71 | 21.79 | -55.43% | 2.24 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | n/a | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
Here we remove 10-17 year olds from the unvaxxed population in the original ONS data to the number of 4,434,375 as calculated below to arrive at a close approximation to the unvaxxed over 18s.
Unvaccinated Deaths |
Unvaxxed Population |
Unvaxxed Population |
Doubly Vaccinated Deaths |
Covid-Deaths per 100k |
Vaccine Efficacy |
All Deaths |
Vaccine Efficacy |
Death Factor |
Friday | Week | Covid | Non-Covid | All |
18+ |
10+ |
Covid | Non-Covid | All |
Vaxxed |
Unvaxxed U |
Vaxxed V |
U-V/U U-V/V |
Unvaxxed U |
Vaxxed V |
U-V/U U-V/V |
V/U |
8-Jan-21 | 1 | 4,795 | 7,473 | 12,268 | 33,366,061 | 37,800,436 | 1 | 17 | 18 | 268,036 | 14.37 | 0.37 | 97.40 | 36.77 | 6.72 | 81.74 | 0.18 |
15-Jan-21 | 2 | 6,101 | 6,951 | 13,052 | 32,072,538 | 36,506,913 | 14 | 87 | 101 | 400,616 | 19.02 | 3.49 | 81.63 | 40.70 | 25.21 | 38.05 | 0.62 |
22-Jan-21 | 3 | 6,580 | 6,116 | 12,696 | 30,296,905 | 34,731,280 | 25 | 141 | 166 | 407,220 | 21.72 | 6.14 | 71.73 | 41.91 | 40.76 | 2.72 | 0.97 |
29-Jan-21 | 4 | 5,177 | 5,004 | 10,181 | 28,456,079 | 32,890,454 | 25 | 140 | 165 | 411,789 | 18.19 | 6.07 | 66.63 | 35.78 | 40.07 | -10.71 | 1.12 |
5-Feb-21 | 5 | 3,532 | 4,162 | 7,694 | 26,560,983 | 30,995,358 | 18 | 185 | 203 | 421,913 | 13.30 | 4.27 | 67.92 | 28.97 | 48.11 | -39.79 | 1.66 |
12-Feb-21 | 6 | 2,430 | 3,460 | 5,890 | 24,497,162 | 28,931,537 | 17 | 204 | 221 | 435,907 | 9.92 | 3.90 | 60.68 | 24.04 | 50.70 | -52.58 | 2.11 |
19-Feb-21 | 7 | 1,635 | 3,048 | 4,683 | 22,580,739 | 27,015,114 | 25 | 208 | 233 | 453,654 | 7.24 | 5.51 | 23.89 | 20.74 | 51.36 | -59.62 | 2.48 |
26-Feb-21 | 8 | 1,002 | 2,252 | 3,254 | 20,815,370 | 25,249,745 | 6 | 237 | 243 | 511,111 | 4.81 | 1.17 | 75.61 | 15.63 | 47.54 | -67.12 | 3.04 |
5-Mar-21 | 9 | 659 | 1,893 | 2,552 | 19,349,167 | 23,783,542 | 8 | 260 | 268 | 678,100 | 3.41 | 1.18 | 65.36 | 13.19 | 39.52 | -66.63 | 3.00 |
12-Mar-21 | 10 | 391 | 1,668 | 2,059 | 18,049,482 | 22,483,857 | 21 | 344 | 365 | 946,296 | 2.17 | 2.22 | -2.38 | 11.41 | 38.57 | -70.42 | 3.38 |
19-Mar-21 | 11 | 239 | 1,412 | 1,651 | 15,775,017 | 20,209,392 | 9 | 475 | 484 | 1,336,055 | 1.52 | 0.67 | 55.54 | 10.47 | 36.23 | -71.11 | 3.46 |
26-Mar-21 | 12 | 166 | 1,234 | 1,400 | 13,868,550 | 18,302,925 | 17 | 715 | 732 | 2,187,083 | 1.20 | 0.78 | 35.06 | 10.09 | 33.47 | -69.84 | 3.32 |
2-Apr-21 | 13 | 91 | 1,069 | 1,160 | 12,777,013 | 17,211,388 | 21 | 1,182 | 1,203 | 3,797,754 | 0.71 | 0.55 | 22.36 | 9.08 | 31.68 | -71.34 | 3.49 |
9-Apr-21 | 14 | 84 | 962 | 1,046 | 12,513,848 | 16,948,223 | 27 | 1,707 | 1,734 | 5,440,741 | 0.67 | 0.50 | 26.07 | 8.36 | 31.87 | -73.77 | 3.81 |
16-Apr-21 | 15 | 54 | 919 | 973 | 12,098,423 | 16,532,798 | 26 | 2,303 | 2,329 | 7,292,362 | 0.45 | 0.36 | 20.12 | 8.04 | 31.94 | -74.82 | 3.97 |
23-Apr-21 | 16 | 46 | 826 | 872 | 11,480,684 | 15,915,059 | 14 | 2,977 | 2,991 | 9,222,983 | 0.40 | 0.15 | 62.12 | 7.60 | 32.43 | -76.58 | 4.27 |
30-Apr-21 | 17 | 35 | 745 | 780 | 11,062,568 | 15,496,943 | 24 | 3,436 | 3,460 | 10,878,526 | 0.32 | 0.22 | 30.27 | 7.05 | 31.81 | -77.83 | 4.51 |
7-May-21 | 18 | 20 | 641 | 661 | 10,584,099 | 15,018,474 | 28 | 4,218 | 4,246 | 12,540,951 | 0.19 | 0.22 | -15.37 | 6.25 | 33.86 | -81.55 | 5.42 |
14-May-21 | 19 | 20 | 611 | 631 | 9,954,991 | 14,389,366 | 19 | 4,706 | 4,725 | 14,361,121 | 0.20 | 0.13 | 34.15 | 6.34 | 32.90 | -80.73 | 5.19 |
21-May-21 | 20 | 18 | 630 | 648 | 9,127,436 | 13,561,811 | 17 | 5,038 | 5,055 | 16,040,264 | 0.20 | 0.11 | 46.26 | 7.10 | 31.51 | -77.47 | 4.44 |
28-May-21 | 21 | 15 | 507 | 522 | 8,403,533 | 12,837,908 | 23 | 5,130 | 5,153 | 18,052,957 | 0.18 | 0.13 | 28.62 | 6.21 | 28.54 | -78.24 | 4.60 |
4-Jun-21 | 22 | 18 | 532 | 550 | 7,907,721 | 12,342,096 | 27 | 5,429 | 5,456 | 19,591,771 | 0.23 | 0.14 | 39.46 | 6.96 | 27.85 | -75.02 | 4.00 |
11-Jun-21 | 23 | 21 | 462 | 483 | 7,308,000 | 11,742,375 | 29 | 5,530 | 5,559 | 21,076,911 | 0.29 | 0.14 | 52.12 | 6.61 | 26.37 | -74.94 | 3.99 |
18-Jun-21 | 24 | 13 | 480 | 493 | 6,520,074 | 10,954,449 | 30 | 5,646 | 5,676 | 22,052,852 | 0.20 | 0.14 | 31.77 | 7.56 | 25.74 | -70.62 | 3.40 |
25-Jun-21 | 25 | 27 | 476 | 503 | 5,672,175 | 10,106,550 | 48 | 5,691 | 5,739 | 22,687,980 | 0.48 | 0.21 | 55.55 | 8.87 | 25.30 | -64.94 | 2.85 |
2-Jul-21 | 26 | 37 | 434 | 471 | 5,076,236 | 9,510,611 | 64 | 6,070 | 6,134 | 23,328,857 | 0.73 | 0.27 | 62.36 | 9.28 | 26.29 | -64.71 | 2.83 |
9-Jul-21 | 27 | 37 | 415 | 452 | 4,719,977 | 9,154,352 | 89 | 6,304 | 6,393 | 23,937,386 | 0.78 | 0.37 | 52.57 | 9.58 | 26.71 | -64.14 | 2.79 |
16-Jul-21 | 28 | 55 | 368 | 423 | 4,504,197 | 8,938,572 | 133 | 6,104 | 6,237 | 24,590,437 | 1.22 | 0.54 | 55.71 | 9.39 | 25.36 | -62.97 | 2.70 |
23-Jul-21 | 29 | 92 | 418 | 510 | 4,345,587 | 8,779,962 | 220 | 7,098 | 7,318 | 25,242,994 | 2.12 | 0.87 | 58.83 | 11.74 | 28.99 | -59.52 | 2.47 |
30-Jul-21 | 30 | 115 | 389 | 504 | 4,223,892 | 8,658,267 | 246 | 6,317 | 6,563 | 25,820,881 | 2.72 | 0.95 | 65.01 | 11.93 | 25.42 | -53.06 | 2.13 |
6-Aug-21 | 31 | 134 | 369 | 503 | 4,119,350 | 8,553,725 | 266 | 6,316 | 6,582 | 26,386,862 | 3.25 | 1.01 | 69.01 | 12.21 | 24.94 | -51.05 | 2.04 |
13-Aug-21 | 32 | 105 | 330 | 435 | 3,993,404 | 8,427,779 | 316 | 6,413 | 6,729 | 27,022,606 | 2.63 | 1.17 | 55.53 | 10.89 | 24.90 | -56.26 | 2.29 |
20-Aug-21 | 33 | 123 | 347 | 470 | 3,807,781 | 8,242,156 | 351 | 6,428 | 6,779 | 27,675,333 | 3.23 | 1.27 | 60.74 | 12.34 | 24.49 | -49.61 | 1.98 |
27-Aug-21 | 34 | 137 | 335 | 472 | 3,582,154 | 8,016,529 | 397 | 6,312 | 6,709 | 28,270,243 | 3.82 | 1.40 | 63.28 | 13.18 | 23.73 | -44.48 | 1.80 |
3-Sep-21 | 35 | 122 | 354 | 476 | 3,443,483 | 7,877,858 | 431 | 6,370 | 6,801 | 28,695,801 | 3.54 | 1.50 | 57.61 | 13.82 | 23.70 | -41.68 | 1.71 |
10-Sep-21 | 36 | 136 | 372 | 508 | 3,350,470 | 7,784,845 | 528 | 7,114 | 7,642 | 29,063,304 | 4.06 | 1.82 | 55.24 | 15.16 | 26.29 | -42.34 | 1.73 |
17-Sep-21 | 37 | 117 | 309 | 426 | 3,278,622 | 7,712,997 | 475 | 6,358 | 6,833 | 29,326,803 | 3.57 | 1.62 | 54.61 | 12.99 | 23.30 | -44.23 | 1.79 |
24-Sep-21 | 38 | 95 | 264 | 359 | 3,203,136 | 7,637,511 | 444 | 5,986 | 6,430 | 29,509,257 | 2.97 | 1.50 | 49.27 | 11.21 | 21.79 | -48.56 | 1.94 |
The ONS in their Table 4 and Table 5 calculated the death rates per 100k using the complicated age standardised mortality rate formula explained in their report. This is supposed to remove age as a confounding factor in the table above. The main confounding component is the inclusion of death rates for 10-17 year olds in the unvaccinated group during a period when nobody under 18 could become vaccinated. The obvious method of fixing that disparity would be for the ONS to simply remove people whose age was less than 18 from the group. But they chose instead to leave them in and then take them back out again with a complicated formula as bureaucrats love to do.
However we can see how many 10-17 year olds there were in the ONS unvaxxed group on 20-Aug-21 (16-17 year olds were called to be vaccinated on 23-August-21) as follows.
UK 10-17 = 5,305,102 (ONS mid year population estimates June2020)
UK population 10+ = 49,771,233 (ONS mid year population estimates June2020)
On 23-Aug-21
UK singly vaxxed = 39,910,686 (
UK unvaxxed 10+ = 9,860,547
ONS unvaxxed = 8,242,156
Ratio ONS/UK = 83.587%
83.587% of 5,305,102 = 4,434,375
So we should have 4,434,375 10-17s to remove. We took that number from the 10+ unvaxxed population column above to calculate the 18+ column.
Having removed the teenagers we can see where the death rate will be when age has worked its way out of the data (by October22 when everyone over 18 who wanted a second shot has had 10 weeks in which to get one given their call for the 1st shot was June18 and there should be an 8 week gap between shots. So their call for the 2nd shot was August13).
The graph shows that the Death factor projected forward by 5 weeks will still be somewhere close to 2.
All death rates per 100k are calculated by multiplying the number of deaths by 100,000 and dividing them by the population of the group
The Death Factor is simply the ratio of the Vaccinated all cause death rate per 100k to the Unvaccinated
If we go forward by 5 weeks from September24 to October29 we reach the time when everybody 18 and over has had the opportunity to get vaccinated if they want it. So the age disparity between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated will have settled down. The graph above shows that the final position will be that the death rate in the vaccinated people will be TWICE the death rate in unvaccinated people TODAY.
Even that 2:1 ratio is affected by age because younger fitter more athletic and sporty people and people with faith in God or in nature, do not feel the need to take the vaccine because they trust their own bodies and nature or God more than they trust massive profit driven government lobbying Pharmaceutical companies.
However the ONS does not mention this 2:1 final ratio of all cause mortality rates in the vaxxed compared to the unvaxxed in their monolateral pro gene therapy Bulletins. Instead they tell us the following in their latest bureaucratic extravaganza of age standardisation...
This does not plot true death rates by vaccination status against time. It plots Age Standardised Mortality Rate by vaccination status against time.
So the UKHSA says that unvaxxed people are dying of Covid at 5x the rate of the doubly vaxxed due to their age standardisation mortality rate formula. Whereas the raw figures for the week to September24 show that the unvaxxed are only dying at twice the rate of the doubly vaxxed (2.97:1.5) from Covid. Furthermore the doubly vaxxed are dying of all causes at twice the rate of the unvaxxed ! So the thing to do is to look as a the UKHSA Age Standardised Mortality Rates for all causes for the last 10 weeks. Here they are from Table2.
Date | Unvaxxed Age Standardised Death Rate | Doubly Vaxxed Age Standardised Death Rate |
23-Jul-21 | 30 | 18.1 |
30-Jul-21 | 29.8 | 16.2 |
6-Aug-21 | 30.2 | 16 |
13-Aug-21 | 26.2 | 16.4 |
20-Aug-21 | 28.8 | 16.5 |
27-Aug-21 | 29.4 | 16.3 |
3-Sep-21 | 29.5 | 16.5 |
10-Sep-21 | 31.6 | 18.5 |
17-Sep-21 | 26.8 | 16.5 |
24-Sep-21 | 22.9 | 15.5 |
Average | 28.52 | 16.65 |
These are saying the the doubly vaxxed have had on average a true non age biased death rate which is 58% of the unvaxxed death rate from all causes. If that analysis had any bearing on reality at all, then since the doubly vaxxed (who make up the vast majority of the population) would be dying at 58% of the rate of the unvaxxed, all cause mortality for the entire population would be close to 58% of the 5 year average. Because unvaxxed people at present are not dying in significant numbers from Covid and have had no medical intervention. So they would represent the 5 year all cause mortality rate. Well here is the present all cause mortality rate for the entire country...
All Cause Mortality has not dropped to 58% of the 5 year average. No. It has risen to be around 15% greater than that average. The Age Standardised Mortality Rate produces a work of bureaucratic fiction by a factor of around 2 - so desperate are the government to cover up the true picture for Covid, which is that the vaccinated are presently raising all cause mortality in the UK by 15%. And since they make up 80% of the population, their true age independent death rate will need to be 19% above that of the unvaxxed in order to achieve that.
What this means is that for every person the vaccines are saving from Covid, they are killing 1.19 people from side effects.
Last year at this time all cause mortality was also elevated above the 5 year average due to significant numbers of covid deaths from Wuhan alhpa. This year we have just as many cases, but many fewer deaths, thank God. Because delta, although more infectious, is less lethal. So the elevation is not due to delta. It must be due to the vaccines.
In conclusion: The ASMR formula is biased in favour of the doubly vaxxed and against the unvaxxed by a factor of 2.
What this means is that the true Covid death rate among the vaccinated is no better than among the unvaccinated, which is the inescapable immunological conclusion from the fact that case rates are higher in the vaccinated. For death rates should follow case rates.
The Expose has published this article -
A further analysis of this data has been performed by Profs Norman Fenton and Martin Neil -
Copy email...
Dear Prof Fenton,
It is one of those interesting statistical paradoxes that two groups can have a death rate ratio of 2:1 in one direction and all the subgroups of each group can at the same time have a death ratio of 1:2.
This occurs to groups A and B if for example Group A has one sub group containing 1 death and most of the people And group B has zero deaths in that subgroup and hardly any people in it. In that circumstance Group B has loads of people left to win the battle of the remaining subgroups each of which have more deaths than the corresponding subgroups in Group A
It took me a while to get my head around that concept. Given that it is true.
It is totally misleading to present the global information in subgroup form. It is especially misleading to do that without full subgroup disclosure as you point out.
Here is my manufactured example...
A | A | A | B | B | B | ||
Deaths | Pop | Rate/100k | Deaths | Pop | Rate/100k | Death Factor | |
10 to 59 | 8 | 77,500.00 | 10.32 | 1 | 19,000 | 5.26 | 1.96 |
60-69 | 15 | 7,500.00 | 200.00 | 33 | 27,000 | 122.22 | 1.64 |
70-79 | 15 | 7,500.00 | 200.00 | 33 | 27,000 | 122.22 | 1.64 |
80+ | 15 | 7,500.00 | 200.00 | 34 | 27,000 | 125.93 | 1.59 |
10+ | 50 | 100,000.00 | 50.00 | 100 | 100,000 | 100.00 | 0.50 |
Group A has half the death rates of Group B. But if you stratify it as above you can present that data that each subgroup of A has between a 1.6 and a 1.96 higher death rate than B
They are most definitely playing musical subgroups here. But they are exposed by their all cause age adjusted mortality rates by vaccination status which contradict their non categorised all cause mortality rates by a factor of 2 (58% to 115%) for the last 10 weeks
Has there ever been a medical intervention in the history of epidemiology, which increases susceptibility to a virus, fails to decrease viral load and yet miraculously reduces death rates?
Is there not always a positive correlation between susceptibility and death rates?
It is strange world we live in when a Russian President can correctly lecture us that the same state control concept behind the Bolshevik destruction of the family and the economy in his country is now behind the present malaises of the West
Start date | Appointments available for | Priority group |
8 December 2020 | Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers; and all aged 80 and over | 1 and part of 2 |
Procedures set out on 9 and 14 January 2021 | Frontline health and social care workers | Part of 2 |
18 January 2021 | All aged 70 and over, and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals | 3 and 4 |
15 February 2021 | All aged 65 and over; and those aged 16 to 64 with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality | 5 and 6 |
1 March 2021 | All aged 60 and over | 7 |
6 March 2021 | All aged 56 and over | 8 (age adjusted from 55) |
17 March 2021 | All aged 50 and over | 9 |
13 April 2021 | All aged 45 and over | |
26 April 2021 | All aged 44 and over | |
27 April 2021 | All aged 42 and over | |
30 April 2021 | All aged 40 and over | |
13 May 2021 | All aged 38 and over | |
18 May 2021 | All aged 36 and over | |
20 May 2021 | All aged 34 and over | |
22 May 2021 | All aged 32 and over | |
26 May 2021 | All aged 30 and over | |
8 June 2021 | All aged 25 and over | |
15 June 2021 | All aged 23 and over | |
16 June 2021 | All aged 21 and over | |
18 June 2021 | All adults (ie aged 18 and over) - | |
23 August 2021 | 16-17 year olds |
Dr Richard Flemming teamed up with Prof Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV, and filed a case in the Hague along with Holocaust survivors on breaches of the Nuremberg Code by Governments worldwide forcing vaccines on their citizens (see here).
Then he had the obvious idea (which no one else appears to have thought of) to look at some blood under the Microscope and then add some Pfizer Vaccine.
The vaccine destroys all the Haemoglobin in the blood (or deoxygenates it by some other means) and makes the red cells stick together and form clots. It is amazing - the blood just stops being red. That is why people cannot breathe. Watch minute 9 to minute 20 of this video and you will see precisely what the vaccines do to human blood. (
When you are jabbed, the vaccine goes into your deltoid muscle hopefully (they are supposed to withdraw the plunger slightly to make sure they have not hit a blood vessel - but they are not generally doing that now). If it hits a blood vessel then what you see in the video happens immediately
If the jab does hit the muscle then the above happens more slowly.
The lighter areas on the left and right pictures are where a drop of the Pfizer vaccine has hit the blood on the 40x microscope slide. You can see that the red colour is missing from the red cells in the vaccine droplet areas. This is the destruction of your haemoglobin by the vaccine (or deoxygenation by some other means). It occurs within seconds according to the video!
If you have no haemoglobin, then your blood cannot carry any oxygen to your tissues and your breathing fails. The video also shows that the haemoglobin/oxygen depleted red blood cells start to stick together. They start to clot within minutes of the vaccine mixing with the blood. The vaccines destroy the blood's ability to carry oxygen to your cells.
Vaccines have not only failed worldwide by every metric. They are have increased infection rates and they have increased mortality rates. The more we vaccinate, the worse they both become. Rather than being safe and effective, hundreds of millions of case numbers and millions of deaths prove them to be dangerous, anti effective and lethal to mankind.
We took all the data that there is, from 247 million cases up until 2021 October 31, from the ourworldindata site of Johns Hopkins University, for all 185 nations where they have both the % of people vaccinated and the cumulative confirmed cases per million and the cumulative deaths per million. We split the nations into vaccination decade % groups for 1st vaccination and for 2nd vaccination. The result was the following. -
Group | Average Cases per million people |
Average Deaths per million people | Nations with 1st Jab % in Group |
0-10% |
3,100.91 | 63.70 | Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Haiti, Chad, Yemen, Madagascar, Tanzania, Cameroon, Mali, Burkina Faso, Zambia, Benin, Niger, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Syria, Malawi, Congo, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Afghanistan, Uganda, Liberia, Djibouti, Kenya, Central African Republic, Ghana, Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Mozambique, Gambia |
10-20% | 20,365.56 | 447.15 | Togo, Guinea, Namibia, Angola, Iraq, Nicaragua, Algeria, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Egypt, Lesotho, Equatorial Guinea, Solomon Islands, Mauritania, Jamaica |
20-30% | 50,098.08 | 1,030.63 | Bulgaria, Eswatini, Moldova, Vanuatu, Libya, Zimbabwe, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Myanmar, Ukraine, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Bangladesh, Philippines, Georgia, South Africa, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Palestine, Tajikistan, Comoros, Rwanda, Botswana, Nepal, Guatemala, Belarus |
30-40% | 49,056.58 | 1,188.37 | Pakistan, Bahamas, Grenada, Romania, Venezuela, Albania, Sao Tome and Principe, Russia, Jordan, Bolivia, Dominica, Honduras, Uzbekistan, North Macedonia |
40-50% | 69,829.58 | 1,427.86 | Timor, Paraguay, Montenegro, Suriname, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Trinidad and Tobago, Kiribati, Serbia, Slovakia, Tunisia, Croatia, Kosovo, Guyana, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Belize |
50-60% | 59,886.16 | 1,508.76 | Azerbaijan, Barbados, Cape Verde, India, Poland, Peru, Asia, Antigua and Barbuda, Slovenia, Mexico, Vietnam, Samoa, Czechia, Colombia, Oman, Thailand |
60-70% | 85,628.30 | 1,164.47 | Estonia, Hong Kong, Dominican Republic, Iran, Latvia, Kuwait, Hungary, Greece, Morocco, Turkey, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, United States, Ecuador, El Salvador, Bahrain, Lithuania, Cyprus, Monaco, Luxembourg, Mongolia, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Fiji |
70-80% | 78,680.04 | 1,030.27 | Costa Rica, Andorra, Mauritius, Israel, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Sweden, Maldives, United Kingdom, San Marino, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Belgium, Bhutan, Netherlands, France, Finland, New Zealand, China, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Canada, Uruguay |
80-90% | 77,597.83 | 821.84 | South Korea, Qatar, Singapore, Cambodia, Spain, Seychelles, Iceland, Malta, Chile, Cuba, Portugal |
Group | Average Cases per million people |
Average Deaths per million people |
Nations with 2nd Jab % in Group |
0-10% |
8,396.86 | 163.36 | Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Chad, South Sudan, Yemen, Guinea-Bissau, Cameroon, Madagascar, Uganda, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tanzania, Niger, Benin, Somalia, Congo, Syria, Djibouti, Ghana, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Angola, Senegal, Afghanistan, Togo, Guinea, Nicaragua, Libya, Central African Republic, Liberia, Mozambique, Armenia, Egypt, Iraq, Gambia, Vanuatu, Namibia |
10-20% | 24,974.88 | 602.83 | Myanmar, Algeria, Botswana, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Jamaica, Sao Tome and Principe, Mauritania, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lesotho, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Ukraine, Zimbabwe, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Guatemala, Comoros, Eswatini |
20-30% | 54,251.89 | 995.00 | South Africa, Saint Lucia, Belarus, Kuwait, Venezuela, Moldova, Bulgaria, Tajikistan, Nepal, Lebanon, Georgia, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Palestine, Timor, Indonesia, Grenada, Honduras |
30-40% | 68,460.80 | 1,487.25 | Guyana, Albania, Bahamas, Taiwan, Russia, Bolivia, Romania, Paraguay, Suriname, Jordan, Dominica, Belize, North Macedonia, Cape Verde, Laos, Tunisia, Montenegro, Iran, Kazakhstan |
40-50% | 69,671.12 | 1,573.02 | Kosovo, Colombia, Thailand, Slovakia, Asia, Trinidad and Tobago, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Serbia, Croatia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Peru, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica |
50-60% | 83,205.17 | 1,494.73 | Oman, Antigua and Barbuda, Poland, Latvia, Slovenia, Panama, Brazil, Ecuador, Czechia, Argentina, Turkey, United States, Brunei, Estonia, El Salvador, Morocco, Hong Kong, Monaco, Hungary, Fiji |
60-70% | 91,664.29 | 986.76 | Saudi Arabia, Lithuania, Greece, Andorra, Sri Lanka, Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Cuba, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Australia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Israel, Bahrain, San Marino, Maldives, Germany, Bhutan, Mauritius, United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Norway, Netherlands, Finland |
70-80% | 71,862.69 | 940.78 | Italy, Japan, Belgium, China, Canada, Malaysia, South Korea, Uruguay, Ireland, Qatar, Denmark, Cambodia, Seychelles, Chile, Singapore, Spain |
80-90% | 73,447.26 | 747.88 | Iceland, Malta, United Arab Emirates, Portugal |
We then presented the data as follows
1. Bar charts for each percentage decade group with the height of the bar representing the average cases per million of all the case rates of the nations in the group
2. Bar charts for each percentage decade group with the height of the bar representing the average Covid-19 deaths per million of all the death rates of the nations in the group
3. Graphs plotting the average cases per million of all the case rates of the nations in the group for each percentage group
4. Graphs plotting the average deaths per million of all the death rates of the nations in the group for each percentage group
Here they are...
The Taylor series expansion for a function f or a variable x forward by an increment h to second order accuracy is...
f(x+h) = f(x)+hf'(x)+h2f"(x)/2!
The backward difference 1st order approximation for small h for f'(x) = (f(x)-f(x-h))/h
The backward difference 2nd order approximation for small h for f'(x) = (1.5f(x)-2f(x-h)+0.5f(x-2h))/2h2
The backward difference 1st order approximation for small h for f"(x) =
The backward difference 2nd order approximation for small h for f"(x) =
We use the 1st order approximations because h, the grid spacing (10%) is large. So
f(x+h) = f(x) + f(x)-f(x-h) + (f(x)-2f(x-h)+f(x-2h))/2
f(x+h) = f(90-100%), f(x) = f(80-90%), f(x-h) = f(70-80%) = f(x-2h)= f(60-70%), f(x-3h) = f(50-60%), h=10%
f(90-100%) = 821.84 - 208.43 -37.11 = 576 1Jab
f(90-100%) = 747.88 - 192.9 - 73.46 = 482 2 Jabs.
So the extrapolated 90-100% vaccination figure which would be as age independent as a zero vaccination figure is 576 deaths per million for 1 Jab and 482 for 2 Jabs.
We see no immunological or statistical reason for the true age independent numbers to be anything but linear. Either vaccines work in which case the more you vaccinate the better in a linear manner. Or they do not in which case the more you vaccinate the worse things become in a linear manner.
So we take a linear plot for the age adjusted death rates up to the age free final figures of 576 and 482 as displayed in the graph and bar chart above.
National % Jabbed Group | 1st Jab deaths per million Linearly Age Adjusted |
2nd Jab deaths per million Linearly Age Adjusted |
0-10% | 64.00 | 163.00 |
10-20% | 120.89 | 199.44 |
20-30% | 177.78 | 235.89 |
30-40% | 234.67 | 272.33 |
40-50% | 291.56 | 308.78 |
50-60% | 348.44 | 345.22 |
60-70% | 405.33 | 381.67 |
70-80% | 462.22 | 418.11 |
80-90% | 519.11 | 454.56 |
90-100% | 576.00 | 482.00 |
The charts and graphs show...
1. The incidence of cases increases fairly linearly with the percentage of vaccinated people at a rate of 800 cases per million per extra percentage vaccinated. The nations with the lowest case rates are almost exclusively in Africa, which have not done much vaccination. The nations with the highest case rates have done the most vaccination.
2. Heavily vaccinated countries (over 60%) have 3x the case rates of lightly vaccinated countries (under 20%) and have 7x the case rates of very lightly vaccinated countries (under 10%)
3. Raw death rates from Covid-19 increase with vaccination percentage from 0% to 50-60% and then decrease thereafter. Heavily vaccinated countries (over 60%) have twice the Covid-19 death rates of lightly vaccinated countries.
4. The death rates are very high for partially vaccinated countries and come down for highly vaccinated countries because the old are vaccinated first. This skews the early or partially vaccinated death rates against vaccination because the unvaccinated group have a lower average age. But by the time 80-90% are vaccinated, everyone has had the chance to be jabbed and the age skewing will have almost vanished. So the age adjusted death rate will run in a straight line from around 120 deaths per million for unvaxxed nations to around 600 deaths per million for fully vaxxed nations. We put that line in as our attempt at the age adjusted figure. On that basis this data shows that each percentage of vaccination increases the death rate by around 6 deaths per million
5. This data shows that a 2nd Jab offers no significant benefit over a 1st jab except perhaps in the extrapolated/age adjusted death rates.
The inescapable conclusion from all the data we have up to October 31 is that vaccines increase case numbers by 3x-7x and increase death rates from Covid-19 by 2x-4x.. This is not a representative sample of a few thousand cases or deaths from one nation. It is the full study of all the cases so far in every reporting nation. The results are in. There is a massive positive correlation between vaccination % and case numbers and deaths.
Covid vaccination has been the largest experimental intervention in the history of medical science. The work of every government statistics department in 185 nations collated by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore has produced the largest cohort study ever to be considered. We include the full dataset used below for further analysis by interested parties.
These vaccines are reducing the immunity of the vaccinated and killing them. Vaccinated people are then spreading Covid-19 to the unvaccinated (who would have achieved herd immunity had vaccines never been deployed - as has historically been the case with other viruses), and many of those have died too. This has been an entirely negative intervention.
The death rates above are not all cause mortality. They exclude deaths due to side effects So the true vaccinated death numbers will be even larger.
In heavily vaccinated nations such as the UK, the case rate in the fully vaccinated over 30s is presently only 23-55% higher than the case rate in the unvaccinated. But the case rate in the unvaccinated is elevated due to infection by vaccinated people. The media narrative is that the unvaccinated are infecting the vaccinated. This data indisputably shows that the reverse is the case. This has now become a pandemic of the vaccinated. They are increasing the case numbers in the unvaccinated - because their immune systems are being damaged by the vaccines. That is what the fairly straight and very steep line in the case numbers graph is declaring. Had there been no vaccination in the UK our figures would now be more like those of the African countries at the bottom left of the graph. One of the clearest ways to see that the vaccinated are infecting the unvaccinated is the comparison of 71% vaccinated Israel with 27% vaccinated Palestine. The graph shows Israel leading Palestine in cases and dragging them up above the world average case level.
The death rates suffer from age bias. That is the cause of the hill shaped rather than linear profile of their graph. Immunologically one would expect the true behaviour, with the confounding factor of age removed, to vary linearly with vaccination percentage. It should go down if vaccines work and go up if they do not. Plainly they do not. The all cause mortality rates will be even worse for the vaccinated due to deaths not from Covid, but from vaccine side effects such as coagulopathy, and increased viral susceptibility. The Office of National Statistics in the UK (ONS) produces all cause mortality figures by vaccination status. which in their raw form have higher death rates in the vaccinated than they do in the unvaccinated - see here.
Here is the table of the data we used taken from -
Nation | Deaths / million |
Cases / million |
1 Jab % | 2 Jabs % | Nation | Deaths / million | Cases / million |
1 Jab % | 2 Jabs % |
Democratic Republic of Congo | 11.81 | 622.12 | 0.12% | 0.04% | Laos | 8.81 | 5,457.25 | 44.07% | 37.63% |
South Sudan | 11.69 | 1,086.07 | 0.75% | 0.39% | Trinidad and Tobago | 1,208.52 | 40,850.83 | 44.37% | 42.80% |
Haiti | 58.14 | 2,075.95 | 0.76% | 0.31% | Serbia | 1,441.04 | 165,418.64 | 45.60% | 43.44% |
Chad | 10.29 | 299.68 | 0.97% | 0.32% | Slovakia | 2,386.86 | 88,591.33 | 45.73% | 42.16% |
Yemen | 61.95 | 321.12 | 1.05% | 0.47% | Tunisia | 2,114.74 | 59,715.24 | 46.74% | 37.66% |
Madagascar | 33.88 | 1,534.65 | 1.34% | 0.65% | Croatia | 2,258.89 | 115,234.57 | 46.76% | 43.98% |
Tanzania | 11.79 | 425.28 | 1.44% | 1.44% | Kosovo | 1,676.83 | 90,550.86 | 47.39% | 40.83% |
Cameroon | 61.93 | 3,764.99 | 1.53% | 0.59% | Guyana | 1,155.21 | 44,978.74 | 48.11% | 30.52% |
Mali | 27 | 770.68 | 1.55% | 1.26% | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 429.54 | 49,844.99 | 48.41% | 45.35% |
Burkina Faso | 9.96 | 688.14 | 1.62% | 1.29% | Belize | 1,212.60 | 66,181.79 | 49.38% | 35.69% |
Zambia | 193.49 | 11,084.92 | 1.64% | 2.70% | Azerbaijan | 691.95 | 51,976.14 | 51.13% | 42.95% |
Benin | 12.93 | 1,987.71 | 1.92% | 1.67% | Barbados | 531.79 | 61,739.68 | 51.52% | 43.38% |
Niger | 8.48 | 253.31 | 1.99% | 1.58% | Cape Verde | 621.11 | 68,010.20 | 52.20% | 37.57% |
Papua New Guinea | 40.58 | 3,258.58 | 2.02% | 1.17% | India | 329 | 24,605.71 | 52.52% | 23.44% |
Somalia | 73.84 | 1,344.66 | 2.22% | 1.78% | Poland | 2,037.17 | 80,039.34 | 53.53% | 52.78% |
Sudan | 69.01 | 900.33 | 2.57% | 1.30% | Peru | 6,002.68 | 66,002.24 | 56.06% | 45.65% |
Nigeria | 13.7 | 1,002.65 | 2.65% | 1.41% | Asia | 251.35 | 16,964.67 | 56.56% | 42.49% |
Ethiopia | 54.8 | 3,097.89 | 2.97% | 1.06% | Antigua and Barbuda | 1,033.14 | 41,102.83 | 56.66% | 50.20% |
Sierra Leone | 14.86 | 785.74 | 3.91% | 1.36% | Slovenia | 2,282.65 | 161,565.54 | 57.18% | 53.84% |
Syria | 139.97 | 2,360.84 | 3.94% | 2.27% | Mexico | 2,213.73 | 29,227.28 | 57.24% | 46.34% |
Malawi | 117.11 | 3,145.21 | 4.95% | 2.83% | Vietnam | 224.95 | 9,383.04 | 57.67% | 24.36% |
Congo | 45.61 | 3,062.22 | 5.12% | 2.12% | Czechia | 2,867.53 | 164,380.00 | 58.02% | 56.74% |
Gabon | 104.88 | 15,589.15 | 5.53% | 4.27% | Colombia | 2,482.76 | 97,577.39 | 58.32% | 41.24% |
Guinea-Bissau | 69.96 | 3,043.43 | 5.83% | 0.52% | Oman | 787.04 | 58,255.62 | 58.68% | 50.06% |
Afghanistan | 182.75 | 3,922.39 | 6.06% | 5.16% | Thailand | 274.55 | 27,333.82 | 58.72% | 42.13% |
Uganda | 68.22 | 2,677.45 | 6.06% | 0.88% | Estonia | 1,155.31 | 146,370.93 | 60.01% | 57.39% |
Liberia | 55.4 | 1,121.96 | 6.32% | 6.05% | Hong Kong | 28.2 | 1,634.63 | 61.10% | 58.54% |
Djibouti | 180.6 | 13,448.45 | 6.59% | 2.60% | Dominican Republic | 377.04 | 34,843.62 | 61.37% | 48.57% |
Kenya | 96.04 | 4,606.83 | 6.68% | 2.95% | Iran | 1,485.41 | 69,678.05 | 61.39% | 38.91% |
Central African Republic | 20.32 | 2,341.06 | 6.70% | 5.80% | Latvia | 1,742.43 | 117,379.08 | 61.46% | 53.79% |
Ghana | 37.03 | 4,099.22 | 6.77% | 2.62% | Kuwait | 568.55 | 95,338.56 | 61.64% | 21.33% |
Senegal | 109.21 | 4,298.42 | 7.45% | 5.11% | Hungary | 3,189.59 | 89,620.56 | 61.76% | 59.49% |
Cote d'Ivoire | 25.69 | 2,265.76 | 8.37% | 3.25% | Greece | 1,536.82 | 71,563.79 | 64.01% | 61.45% |
Mozambique | 60.01 | 4,703.91 | 8.50% | 6.36% | Morocco | 392.77 | 25,335.40 | 64.41% | 58.47% |
Gambia | 136.71 | 4,006.94 | 9.12% | 8.63% | Turkey | 830.3 | 94,457.90 | 65.12% | 57.16% |
Togo | 28.54 | 3,075.99 | 10.96% | 5.26% | Austria | 1,255.88 | 91,891.45 | 65.26% | 62.16% |
Guinea | 28.52 | 2,271.06 | 11.05% | 5.31% | Liechtenstein | 1,594.60 | 95,728.55 | 65.52% | 63.80% |
Namibia | 1,373.61 | 49,829.86 | 12.41% | 9.79% | Switzerland | 1,288.97 | 100,115.73 | 65.55% | 63.15% |
Angola | 50.39 | 1,898.80 | 13.26% | 4.91% | United States | 2,240.31 | 138,085.62 | 65.78% | 57.16% |
Iraq | 562.66 | 49,909.67 | 13.65% | 8.14% | Ecuador | 1,842.41 | 28,837.51 | 65.97% | 56.41% |
Nicaragua | 31.03 | 2,450.18 | 14.09% | 5.41% | El Salvador | 556.72 | 17,400.01 | 66.19% | 58.13% |
Algeria | 132.69 | 4,627.24 | 14.24% | 10.75% | Bahrain | 796.78 | 158,342.27 | 67.31% | 65.25% |
Kyrgyzstan | 402.97 | 27,346.03 | 14.76% | 11.29% | Lithuania | 2,183.38 | 151,946.46 | 67.34% | 60.93% |
Armenia | 2,131.98 | 103,878.94 | 15.73% | 7.08% | Cyprus | 641.74 | 138,411.06 | 67.43% | 63.51% |
Egypt | 178.89 | 3,174.97 | 16.06% | 8.00% | Monaco | 910.93 | 86,386.64 | 67.49% | 58.98% |
Lesotho | 304.76 | 10,020.53 | 16.11% | 15.72% | Luxembourg | 1,327.95 | 128,672.34 | 67.64% | 62.94% |
Equatorial Guinea | 115.18 | 9,220.00 | 16.65% | 13.07% | Mongolia | 524.14 | 108,226.64 | 67.74% | 64.25% |
Mauritania | 166.91 | 7,815.53 | 19.65% | 12.94% | Panama | 1,669.49 | 107,875.17 | 67.95% | 54.20% |
Jamaica | 751.99 | 29,936.15 | 19.83% | 12.64% | Saudi Arabia | 248.84 | 15,523.67 | 68.44% | 60.71% |
Bulgaria | 3,479.80 | 87,360.03 | 20.41% | 21.87% | Germany | 1,141.05 | 54,921.72 | 68.78% | 66.10% |
Eswatini | 1,059.39 | 39,595.89 | 20.46% | 19.80% | Fiji | 746.48 | 57,748.43 | 69.16% | 59.99% |
Moldova | 1,935.87 | 83,937.85 | 20.50% | 21.66% | Costa Rica | 1,367.76 | 108,910.73 | 70.00% | 49.18% |
Vanuatu | 3.18 | 19.08 | 20.98% | 9.72% | Andorra | 1,680.59 | 200,584.33 | 70.21% | 61.69% |
Libya | 732.77 | 51,352.45 | 21.70% | 5.62% | Mauritius | 130.36 | 13,897.92 | 70.80% | 66.62% |
Zimbabwe | 309.96 | 8,810.99 | 22.00% | 17.27% | Israel | 921.52 | 151,022.96 | 70.89% | 65.15% |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 3,522.34 | 77,450.95 | 22.50% | 15.57% | Sri Lanka | 639.29 | 25,169.34 | 71.00% | 61.96% |
Myanmar | 341.15 | 9,124.42 | 22.60% | 10.40% | Taiwan | 35.51 | 687.99 | 71.06% | 31.57% |
Ukraine | 1,658.12 | 70,354.99 | 23.37% | 17.07% | Sweden | 1,478.82 | 115,304.49 | 71.35% | 67.85% |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 611.13 | 44,891.21 | 23.55% | 15.96% | Maldives | 447 | 161,211.88 | 72.56% | 65.69% |
Bangladesh | 167.57 | 9,437.80 | 24.22% | 12.38% | United Kingdom | 2,068.04 | 133,423.65 | 73.19% | 66.96% |
Philippines | 388.77 | 25,099.99 | 25.07% | 24.14% | San Marino | 2,705.09 | 163,099.09 | 73.76% | 65.33% |
Georgia | 2,524.01 | 180,725.63 | 25.47% | 22.79% | Australia | 67.59 | 6,670.88 | 74.30% | 63.86% |
South Africa | 1,485.24 | 48,667.87 | 25.51% | 20.49% | Brazil | 2,840.39 | 101,923.01 | 74.40% | 55.27% |
Lebanon | 1,255.99 | 94,845.57 | 26.08% | 22.48% | Argentina | 2,542.44 | 115,967.80 | 74.70% | 56.77% |
Saint Lucia | 1,382.86 | 68,107.01 | 26.80% | 20.62% | Belgium | 2,234.63 | 116,971.37 | 74.77% | 73.53% |
Palestine | 892.82 | 86,735.24 | 27.12% | 24.80% | Bhutan | 3.85 | 3,360.69 | 75.18% | 66.44% |
Tajikistan | 12.82 | 1,793.51 | 27.47% | 21.96% | Netherlands | 1,097.65 | 126,476.34 | 75.63% | 68.63% |
Comoros | 165.46 | 4,793.71 | 27.65% | 18.24% | France | 1,755.74 | 107,579.48 | 75.74% | 67.88% |
Rwanda | 100.25 | 7,509.35 | 27.96% | 14.42% | Finland | 208.71 | 28,392.35 | 76.19% | 69.71% |
Botswana | 1,003.65 | 77,837.01 | 28.21% | 11.16% | New Zealand | 5.76 | 1,356.82 | 76.21% | 64.68% |
Nepal | 384.4 | 27,382.38 | 29.05% | 22.40% | China | 3.21 | 67.39 | 76.22% | 74.12% |
Guatemala | 827.07 | 32,963.09 | 29.13% | 17.80% | Ireland | 1,090.93 | 89,424.56 | 76.46% | 75.21% |
Belarus | 490.42 | 63,557.82 | 29.23% | 21.25% | Norway | 164.66 | 37,924.27 | 76.85% | 68.21% |
Pakistan | 126.36 | 5,655.24 | 31.15% | 17.77% | Denmark | 467.2 | 67,212.58 | 77.04% | 75.87% |
Bahamas | 1,620.00 | 56,311.95 | 33.32% | 30.95% | Italy | 2,188.26 | 79,048.62 | 77.23% | 71.41% |
Grenada | 1,751.98 | 51,674.56 | 33.34% | 26.80% | Japan | 144.98 | 13,673.53 | 77.52% | 71.52% |
Romania | 2,496.42 | 86,159.07 | 33.84% | 32.57% | Malaysia | 882.1 | 75,409.67 | 77.74% | 74.48% |
Venezuela | 170.39 | 14,184.00 | 34.58% | 21.57% | Canada | 762.37 | 45,247.24 | 78.37% | 74.21% |
Albania | 1,017.77 | 64,498.52 | 35.19% | 30.83% | Uruguay | 1,743.97 | 113,022.04 | 79.22% | 75.18% |
Sao Tome and Principe | 250.71 | 16,627.57 | 35.83% | 12.75% | Brunei | 199.31 | 29,737.37 | 79.66% | 57.29% |
Russia | 1,605.04 | 57,418.05 | 37.84% | 32.53% | South Korea | 55.71 | 7,141.31 | 80.10% | 74.63% |
Jordan | 1,074.88 | 83,994.46 | 38.37% | 34.27% | Qatar | 208.15 | 81,639.67 | 80.54% | 75.70% |
Bolivia | 1,599.35 | 43,402.92 | 38.46% | 32.55% | Singapore | 69.02 | 33,641.62 | 80.72% | 79.77% |
Dominica | 443.38 | 66,826.47 | 38.51% | 34.30% | Cambodia | 164.52 | 6,993.91 | 80.88% | 77.04% |
Honduras | 1,017.49 | 37,303.11 | 38.62% | 29.50% | Spain | 1,869.03 | 107,201.31 | 81.37% | 79.83% |
Uzbekistan | 38.98 | 5,479.85 | 39.59% | 17.33% | Seychelles | 1,203.11 | 224,881.20 | 81.99% | 77.12% |
North Macedonia | 3,424.47 | 97,256.35 | 39.92% | 37.19% | Iceland | 96.11 | 39,294.04 | 82.40% | 81.16% |
Timor | 90.78 | 14,726.07 | 40.41% | 26.34% | Malta | 895.9 | 73,174.57 | 83.56% | 83.19% |
Paraguay | 2,250.25 | 63,854.42 | 40.43% | 32.71% | Chile | 1,965.24 | 88,226.95 | 85.78% | 78.54% |
Montenegro | 3,348.45 | 229,780.70 | 40.96% | 38.70% | Cuba | 727.72 | 84,117.62 | 87.07% | 63.37% |
Suriname | 1,845.22 | 82,830.63 | 42.14% | 33.79% | Portugal | 1,785.71 | 107,263.89 | 88.63% | 87.16% |
Indonesia | 518.9 | 15,357.98 | 43.11% | 26.52% | United Arab Emirates | 213.79 | 74,056.54 | 96.62% | 86.62% |
Kazakhstan | 899.08 | 53,712.36 | 43.57% | 39.34% |
C O V I D 1 9
100 +
0 + 5 + 1+500
+ 1 + 9 = 616, the true number of the Beast
The Latin Numeral System is I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000. We take O as 0. Each character in COVID19 is interpreted individually.
COVID 19 stands for COronaVIrus Disease 2019 - Since the first case was identified in 2019.
6. The sour wine mixed with poisonous plant gall which tasted and then refused is the COVID-19 vaccines which comprise the wine of a short term immunity provoker (initial spike protein production) together with a long term poison (protein spike production due to spike protein DNA being added to your cell nuclei by Astra Zeneca or Johnson & Johnson or due to persistent mRNA from Pfizer or Moderna).
7. Snakes kill either by injection of venom (Cobra, Viper, Asp) or by strangulation/suffocation/constriction of the airway and the vascular system (Python, Anaconda, Boa Constrictor): COVID-19 is the constriction of the serpent (causing death by hypoxia, lack of Oxygen and/or vascular problems and/or cardiac arrest), Gene therapy vaccines are the snake venom (causing death by slow poisoning of the immune system). The vaccines are the Cobras, the Vipers, the Asps, COVID variants are the Pythons, the Anacondas, the Boa Constrictors. Constrictors should not be lethal to man if handled correctly as Margot Robbie revealed in the case of her mum to Chris Pratt whilst hosting Jimmy Kimmel live. Likewise COVID-19 if treated properly with the correct therapeutics, should not be lethal to man. But venomous snakes can be lethal to mankind. Scottish PHS
8. The image TO the beast of Revelation13 which is given life by the 2 horned UK/US deep state beast and which speaks and causes to be killed all those who will not worship the sea beast is the new Chinese style smart digital currency which is linked instantly to your social credit score. It is an AI controlled beastcoin. If you have a low credit score and you try to buy a cheeseburger your app or your PC will say NO - Starve you sucker! It will speak to you and tell you what you can and cannot buy. It will kill you by denying you medical treatment and food etc. if you refuse to take the Mark (be vaccinated, submit to genetic rape and get registered).
9. The vaccines contain the 1273 amino acid Spike protein from COVID-19. This protein is the result of human-animal Chimera gain of function research which is genetic bestiality. It is therefore unclean. In fact the vaccines are the disgusting thing causing desolation of Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 11:31. They have certainly caused desolation worldwide.
10. The UK US 2 horned deep state beast of verse 11 exercises all the authority of the sea beast which is 4th beast of Daniel7. So the 1st beast of Daniel7 has the authority of the last beast (also from the interchangeability principle of the code). So really the Russians, the Chinese, the BRICS and the UK/US are all on the same side and all end up in the same beast. Their choreographed conflict (WW3) is merely a means of gaining full control for the demons behind the bank owners behind the banks behind the intel services behind the governments. Or something like that.
Here is the final battle courtesy of Revelation13...
possessed people at the top of the private sector (billionaires big tech etc.) are in the process of effecting a global coup d'etat against nation state democracies. The beast from the sea (the global administration from the private sector -
the banking/big tech beast, which is the 4th beast of Daniel7, will take over from the beasts of the earth - which are administrations from the public sector - governments. This earth (public sector)/sea (private sector) comparison tells us it is a coup
d'etat. Nobody voted facebook or twitter or youtube or apple or google or microsoft or paypal
or the IMF or the World Bank or the Federal Reserve of the Bank or England or any central bank or any private bank into political power. But they have been shown to be more powerful than the 45th president (but not the 46th who is their
puppet - the real 46th, Obama46 - not his puppet of a puppet, Biden. They will manage the vaccine passport system and become the global government for 7 years by usurping national democracies by stealing everybodies money and only
permitting them to have it back if they worship the demons by becoming concentration camp guards in the coming digital Dachau, the bankers Buchenwald, the social credit score sachsenhausen.
19' 50 month restoration lease and 's 42 month ministry payback lease over Adam and Cain
's 6000 year Lease ends 2012Nisan14 X___________ |
first fruits appointed Caesar to Adam/Cain 2012Nisan16 2012Iyyar16 X_________________ |
Pentecost installed as Caesar to Adam/Cain 2012Sivan5 2012Tammuz5 X__________________ |
Abrahamic Passover 2012Elul14 X_________ |
' 50 month lease ends over Adam/Cain 2016Sivan14/ 2016Tammuz14 X_______________ |
's ministry payback lease starts over Adam/Cain 2016Sivan20 2016Tammuz16 X__________________ |
installed as Caesar over Adam/Cain 2016Ab9 2016Elul5 X______________ |
s die to are resurrected to by Caesar 2016Ab14-16 X___________________ |
1254 day Ministry Payback lease ends over Adam/Cain 3rd/4th Watchtower Passover 2019Chislev14 2019Tebbeth10 X_________________________ |
Quad gapped Gentile Times ends/ appointed Caesar to Adam 2020Tishri15 2020Tishri20 X______________________ |
is appointed as Caesar over Cain 2020Heshvan16 X19_____________ |
' 50 month restoration lease | 's 42 month ministry payback lease |
paid back 's 2000 day heavenly eviction the minute 's lease expired. He repaid it from 2012Nisan16 to 2017Heshvan6. But he did not payback the loss of Caesarship during his ministry, immediately. He first took 50 months as Caesar to Adam and Cain in order to resurrect his people Abrahamically and then Isaaically (as Caesar to ). He had to do that in order for true churches to continue to exist. Because we could only work as Adam for 6,000 years from 3989Sivan5 BC, no more. Then at the Isaaic Passover on 2016Ab14, on the last day of his being Caesar to ex adamic he executed LW and converted us to become on 2016Ab16. has to be Caesar to Adam or to Cain or to in order to resurrect him (or he can gene zap us on the 14th and we automatically receive a standing resurrection on the 16th?). Caesars to Adam are appointed/installed at 1NC type (weekly interposing Sabbath) first fruits/Pentecost. Caesars to Cain, and Isaaic are appointed/installed at (festival interposing Sabbath) first fruits/Pentecost19.
's 1254 day ministry payback lease from 2016Tammuz16 ends over Cain 2020Jan10/11 2019Tebbeth10 X______________ |
Crimea Lugansk Donetsk: 3 ribs of Ukraine are in the mouth of the Russian Bear Putin annexes Donbas fulfilling Daniel7:5 2022February21 2021Adar14 X________________ |
2000 Days of demon possession and 1000 day chain of Revelation20 begin. 2023Apr14/15 2023Nisan24 X____________ |
Beast Mark Digital IDs are demonstrated to G20 Mark of the Beast administrators 2024Nov22-24 2024Chislev17/18 X_________________ |
6x60 = 360 days of Daniel3 image begin. Mark Registration Day. 1Thessalonians5:3 2025Mar26-28 2024VeAdar21/22 X_________________ |
10 horns begin 10x precisely before the 10 diadems. Benjamin's rapture ends. Peace & Security declared 2025May19-21 2025Iyyar21/22 X________________ |
August Mark Registration decree of Luke2 made by Globalist Caesar 2025August 2025Ab/Elul X____________ |
The 1000 day chain of Revelation20 ends 17 days before the start of the fiery furnace of of WW3 2025Shebat3/4 X_____________ |
The Daniel3 fiery furnace of WW3 begins and lasts 7x of Daniel3:19 more than that seen in WW2 2025Feb12-14 2025Shebat20/21 X_______________ |
Mark Registration enforced by law and by the fiery furnace of WW3 10 diadems of beast start 2025Feb12/13 2025Adar21/22 X_______________ |
31 day transfer of power and authority of Revelation17:13 from the G20 & 666 days begin 10 diadems of beast end 2026Dec22/23 2026Tebbeth8 X_______________ |
21 beast heads and blasphemous names from dragon end. 2000 day, 67 month demon possession from 2023Nisan24 and 666 days end. 30 day ascent to hell starts 2028November5/6 2028Heshvan14 X___________________ |
80 months of WW3 end. Revelation19 God's grand evening meal ends. Beast is caught/tamed 2032Sep29-Oct1 2032Tishri22/23 X______________ |
2750 days after 2025Iyyar21/22 of Revelation17:16-17 The G20 Horns and Kings stop giving their kingdom to the Financial/banking beast. The political harlot is burnt. Mark Registration ends 2032December17-19 2032Tebbeth11/12 X7and170__________________ |
96x of Daniel3:2-3 | 60 cubit height of the Daniel3 image | 9 months of 1Thessalonians5:3 |
80 months (2402 days) of WW3, 7 months more than the 6 years 32 days of WW2 from 1939Elul15 (Britain and France declare war on Germany) to 1945Tishri17 (September28 - Japan surrenders Indochina to Lu Han - completing the Potsdam declaration) | ||||||||||
55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 |
4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to compose/create/make [
This is 42 months of making serpentine seed of Genesis 3:15. For God always provides a level playing field. If he can make seed then can make seed. This authority to create seed is given by the Dragon and so must end by 2028Heshvan14, the expulsion of the demons to . So it must begin on or before 2025Iyyar21/22, the start of the 10 horns, the power for 10 months of the beast. But before 2025Iyyar21/22 the beast has no power so any authority would be useless. Therefore the beast will be making satanic seed by vaccination from 2025Iyyar21/22 (2025May19-21) to 2028Heshvan14 (2028November5/6 - when God, the greater Guy Fawkes, blows up the demonic administration of this world!)
God would not give authority to change your genes to become serpentine unless you had actively chosen as Caesar and rejected the Christ as Caesar by Registering for the Mark of the Beast.
The March of the Beasts of Daniel7 in the fulfilment for today.
Afghan war begins UK/US becomes the 1st unrighteous war beast of Daniel7:4 under Bush and Blair 25 years of Daniel7:4 begin. 2001October7 2001Tishri15 X____________________ |
Putin declares the Donbas not to be Ukraine by signing an agreement with himself. Crimea, Lugansk, Donetsk are 3 ribs in the bear's mouth 189 days to get up eat much flesh of Daniel7:5 begin 2022Feb20/21 2021Adar14 X___________________________ |
Putin calls up 300,000 reserves. The Russian she bear gets up to eat much flesh in Ukraine. 190x of Daniel7:5 after annexing the Donbas 2022September21-23 2022Elul23/24 X_____________________ |
The BRICS11 Leopard becomes a WAR beast 12x of Daniel 7:6 before it gets rulership by Mark enforcement 2025February4-April5 2024Adar/VeAdar X_____________________ |
The Daniel3 fiery furnace of WW3 begins and lasts 7x of Daniel3:19 more than what was seen in WW2 2025Feb23-24 2025Shebat20/21 X________________ |
Mark Registration now enforced by law and by the Daniel3 fiery furnace of WW3. 10 diadems of the beast start. 7 heads of 4th terrible beast of Daniel7:7 begin 2025Feb12/13 2025Adar21/22 X_______________________ |
UK beast bows out of WW3 stops being a war beast becomes a man finds it humanity 25 years of Daniel7:4 end 2026 X________________ |
The little horn of the EU replaces EU states, France, Germany and Italy at the G20 after 313 days of Daniel7:8 2027January17-19 2026Shebat4/5 X__________________ |
80 months of WW3 end God's grand evening meal of Revelation19 ends. Beast is caught, i.e. domesticated. 7 years of headship end 2029September29-Oct1 2032Tishri22/23 X______________________ |
80 months of Mark Enforcement end s fail 2032October28-30 2032Heshvan21/22 X7_______________ |
190 days of Daniel 7:5 | 12 months of Daniel 7:6 | 313 days of Daniel 7:8 | |||||||
25 years of Daniel 7:4 |
From a moral standpoint Daniel7 is saying that the UK lion (with eagle wings) , then the Russian bear, raised up against the West but cosying up to the East, then the BRICS11 Leopards, then the G20 globalist financial beast are all unrighteous animalistic war beasts to God. The UK was wrong to get involved in Afghanistan and Iraq2. The Russians were wrong to invade Ukraine, the Chinese and BRICS11 will be wrong when they start a war (presumably with Taiwan) and of course the G20 will be wrong when they declare financial war on anyone who doesn't worship their new antisocial antifamily antihuman credit score digital beastcoin, the image of gold of Daniel3. Notwithstanding the knighthood given to Lord Blair, or the multitude of FSB manipulated propaganda merchants for Putin.
It was agreed on Thursday 2023August24 (2023Elul5) at the Johannesburg summit, that Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - will join the BRICS5 in January, making BRICS11. But Argentina and Saudi Arabia did not join then. So on 2024January1 is became the BRICS9.
He also reveals that he has seen 1 body marked as a Covid death in all of 2021. So they are hiding the vaccinated Covid deaths. He says before vaccination every body was marked as a Covid death even if they had quite obviously died of something else (they all had false positive PCR tests).
This strongly indicates that Vaccines cause a new form of AIDS because Sepsis is an immune system failure.
Pfizer trial deaths from Dose1 (2019July27) to unblinding after 6 months (2021January) -
Pfizer Phase I-II-III trial deaths from Dose1 to unblinding after 6 months | ||
Group >16 year old | 21,926 double vaxxed | 21,921 unvaxxed |
Deaths | 15 + (2) | 14 + (5) |
Acute respiratory failure | 0 | 1 |
Aortic rupture | 0 | (1) |
Arteriosclerosis | 2 C | 0 |
Biliary cancer metastatic | 0 | 1 |
COVID-19 | 0 | 2 |
COVID-19 pneumonia | 1 | 0 |
Cardiac arrest | 4 C | 1 C |
Cardiac failure congestive | 1 C | 0 |
Cardiorespiratory arrest | 1 C | 1 C |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | (1) | 0 |
Death | 0 | (1) |
Dementia | 0 | (1) |
Emphysematous cholecystitis | 1 I | 0 |
Hemorrhagic stroke | 0 | 1 C |
Hypertensive heart disease | 1 C | 0 |
Lung cancer metastatic | 1 | 0 |
Metastases to liver | 0 | 1 |
Went Missing | 0 | (1) |
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome | 0 | 2 |
Myocardial infarction | 0 | 2 C |
Overdose | 0 | (1) |
Pneumonia | 0 | 2 |
Sepsis | 1 I | 0 |
Septic shock | 1 I | 0 |
Shigella sepsis | 1 I | 0 |
Unevaluable event | (1) | 0 |
(n) discounted deaths from both groups which were not relevant to the intervention |
Sepsis/Septicemia results from an immune system failure to defeat a microbial (vilral yeast or bacterial) infection.
Emphysematous cholecystitis is a relatively rare variant of acute cholecystitis with infection by gas-producing organisms. Diagnosis involves the demonstration of gas within the lumen or wall of the gallbladder by ultrasound or CT scan. In contrast to acute cholecystitis, emphysematous cholecystitis occurs more commonly in elderly and diabetic patients, and is frequently associated with perforation and death. -
It is the result of an immune system failure to defeat a microbial (viral yeast or bacterial) infection.
Acute Cholecystitis. The most frequent cause of acute cholecystitis is gallstones. Other causes include typhoid fever and a malignant tumor obstructing the biliary tract. The inflammation may be secondary to a systemic sepsis.
Acute Cholecystitis is a biliary sepsis, a sepsis of the gall bladder and bile ducts.
Pfizer Phase I-II-III Trial Group | 21,926 doubly vaxxed | % | 21,921 unvaxxed | % | 21,923 randomised population | % |
Deaths from all causes during 6 months trial | 17 | 100% | 19 | 100% | 111.2 | 100% |
Death from all vaccine relevant causes. | 15 | 88,2% | 14 | 73.7% | ||
Covid-19 deaths | 1 | 5.9% | 2 | 10.5% | 11.4 | 10.3% |
Cardiovascular deaths (Heart Disease + Stroke) | 9 | 52.9% | 5 | 26.3% | 22.9 + 5.3 = 28.2 | 20.6% + 4.7% = 25.3% |
Sepsis deaths | 4 | 23.5% | 0 | 0% | 1.3 | 1.1% |
Here are the US deaths in 2020 by cause and the percentages for each cause.
US Deaths in 2020 per year | Number | US population 2020 | % |
Total | 3,358,814 | 331,002,647 | 100.0% |
Heart Disease | 690,882 | 331,002,647 | 20.6% |
Cancer | 598,932 | 331,002,647 | 17.8% |
Covid-19 | 345,323 | 331,002,647 | 10.3% |
Accidents | 192,176 | 331,002,647 | 5.7% |
Stroke | 159,050 | 331,002,647 | 4.7% |
Respiratory Disease | 151,637 | 331,002,647 | 4.5% |
Alzheimers | 133,382 | 331,002,647 | 4.0% |
Diabetes | 101,106 | 331,002,647 | 3.0% |
Flu and Pneumonia | 53,495 | 331,002,647 | 1.6% |
Kidney Disease | 52,260 | 331,002,647 | 1.6% |
Suicide | 44,834 | 331,002,647 | 1.3% |
Septicemia (2019) | 38,354 | 331,002,647 | 1.1% |
Other | 797,383 | 331,002,647 | 23.7% |
The first thing the jumps out of these figures is that Pfizer trial participants had a death rate of 17/19 per 21,921/6 per 6 months. Whereas the general US population has a death rate of 111.2 per 21,923 per 6 months. So Pfizer trial participants were over 6x less likely to die than the general public. The age profile of the original selection of participants is advertised to be
12-15 years old: 2260, 16-17 years old: 754, 18-55 years old: 25,427 years old: 56+ year old: 17,879 -
So Pfizer must have done some extremely heavy exclusions of morbidities to get such an absurdly low mortality figure. Their study protocol reveals whom they excluded -
The next thing is the incredible match between the unvaxxed Covid and cardiovascular death rates (10.5% and 26.3%) and those in the general population for 2020 (10.3% and 25.3%). So even though the numbers of deaths are small. They appear to be a very good representation of the reality in general public.
Now we turn to the doubly vaxxed cardiovascular and sepsis rates and we see (52.9% and 23.5% death rates) compared to the general population (and the unvaxxed) who suffer only (26.3% and 1.1% or 25.3% and 0%).
And there is the toxicity of the Pfizer vaccination laid bare. It weakens the immune system to the point where people succumb to microbial infections and die at 21x the normal rate in the first 6 months after vaccination.
One can argue that the numbers of deaths here are not large enough to draw any valid statistical conclusions. But against that the unvaxxed numbers are very clearly representative and the numbers of participants in both groups are large enough to draw valid statistical conclusions from. .
When you combine these figures with the weekly 5% immune response degradation catalogued by the UKHSA from Weeks 35-41 - You see a picture which says vaccine mediated AIDS.
However you look at this. The numbers flag up two major concerns which these days have plenty of other mass media, clinical and anecdotal evidence to support. These findings absolutely necessitate further investigation specific to Immune system degradation and cardio vascular inflammation. But Pfizer unblinded the placebo group and permitted them to get vaccinated at the end of the 6 month trial period. So it is difficult to see how we can get any more data from Pfizer. To be frank we are lucky to have the death data they have so far provided. Let us face facts. There are no long term clinical trials ongoing into the safety of these vaccines. Quite the reverse in fact. For one can argue that the purpose of the Pfizer lobbied vaccine mandates is to eradicate any unvaccinated control group from existence in order to prevent a proper evaluation of vaccine side effects over the medium term. I wrote a letter to that end to SAGE copied below.
Dear Members of SAGE
I write to inform you of an oversight in your scientific advice on Covid-19.
1. As you will all be aware, the only acceptable scientific method for determining the safety or effectiveness of a medical intervention is to compare its effect upon a randomly chosen experimental group with a control group preferably of similar size for statistical reasons.
Indeed the phase III clinical trials for Pzifer there were 21,712 participants in the vaccinated group and 21,564 in the placebo group, the control group.
The control group, the placebo group is the yardstick with which we measure the effectiveness of the intervention. Only by comparison with a control group can a researcher determine whether an intervention has a statistically significant effect on an experimental group, and the possibility of drawing a false conclusion is mathematically and precisely defined. This A B comparison between intervention and control groups is called the Scientific Method.
So without a control group the Scientific method has been abandoned, we are no longer following any science at all, and no statistically valid conclusion can be drawn from the intervention. Instead science and its method have gone out of the window and we are back in the dark ages of Papal decrees.
2. The medium term (1-3 year) safety or efficacy of the Adenovirus-DNA vaccines and the lipid nanoparticle-mRNA vaccines is not yet known because they have not yet been examined in the general population for more than 10 months.
In this country the intervention group for these vaccines in the age demographic over 18 years old is now over 90% of the population
Why has the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies failed to advise the UK government to follow the scientific method and formulate a commensurate control group who do not take the vaccines?
How are we to assess the effectiveness of these vaccine interventions in the absence of such a group?
How can a group of scientists fail so spectacularly to follow not only 'the science' but actually any science at all in what is undoubtedly the most important medical intervention in the UK in the history of science and of medical practice?
May I therefore insist in the name of Science and of the Scientific Method and of Galileo Galilei that you Scientific Advisors take off your papal robes and put your lab coats back on and advise the Government of this Country without further delay to preserve all presently unvaccinated people as members of a vastly undersized, under represented depleted and sadly less than commensurate control group in order that this entire vaccination experiment can actually reach a statistically valid and meaningful conclusion and in order to demonstrate to the government and to the British public and to the world in general - WHAT SCIENCE ACTUALLY IS.
Furthermore if you are going to use children as experimental monkeys for the benefit of adults and against the advice of the JCVI, then would you please ensure that only 50% of them are vaccinated and the remaining 50% are kept free of intervention as a properly sized control group in order that we can learn something from the government's hideous and God awful medical experimentation with them. I ask that in the name of Christ of Galilee.
Yours Scientifically,
As a final proof that Covid vaccines destroy the immune system, we now have the admission by the CDC in response to a Freedom of Information Request, that they have no record of a person with natural immunity becoming reinfected and transmitting the virus to anybody. Whereas the UKHSA has 450,992 records of people with double vaccine immunity who became infected with Covid in the last 4 weeks. Could there be a clearer demonstration that vaccines prevent people reaching full natural immunity by damaging and degrading their immune systems?
Pfizer is conducting a new study with 2634 participants into the efficacy of its PF-07321332 protease inhibitor drug in multi drug combination with Ritonavir, against recent Covid infection in the unvaccinated.
A Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Study of PF-07321332/Ritonavir in Adult Household Contacts of an Individual With Symptomatic COVID-19 -
"Ritonavir is 1 of the 4 potent synthetic HIV protease inhibitors, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 1995 and 1997, that have revolutionised HIV therapy" - -
Pfizer excluded HIV positive people and pregnant woman etc. from the study. So here is Pfizer using an HIV drug to tackle Covid.
Pfizer say that: "Co-administration with a low dose of Ritonavir helps slow the metabolism, or breakdown, of PF-07321332 in order for it to remain active in the body for longer periods of time at higher concentrations to help combat the virus" -
That is true because Ritonavir is known to be a good CYP3A inhibitor and the CYP3A pathway which is used to breakdown drugs like PF-07321332..But Pfizer are omitting to state the primary purpose of Ritonavir, which is that of a well established Protease inhibitor used to treat HIV. Ritonavir has TWO functions. It itself Inhibits proteases (enzymes which break down proteins) just as PF-07321332 does, and it inhibits the CYP3A pathway.
So if we permit ourselves to say what Pfizer refuse to say in their present sales blurb, but which is glaringly obvious from the great success of protease inhibitors as HIV therapies, then we realise that HIV protease inhibitors slow down Covid viral replication themselves. The trial claims 89% efficacy in reducing hospitalisation or death in Covid patients
"Pfizer’s Novel COVID-19 Oral Antiviral Treatment Candidate Reduced Risk of Hospitalization or Death by 89% in Interim Analysis of Phase 2/3 EPIC-HR Study" Their press release of November 5, linked above, declared.
So HIV drugs are very effective against Covid. So Covid and HIV are closely related. So Covid is like HIV in functionality since it is inhibited by an HIV drug and by the precise same class of drugs used to treat HIV (protease inhibitors). The vaccines cause your body to produce the toxic spike protein part of Covid. These spike proteins contain the furin cleavage site from HIV1. So it is absolutely to be expected that both Covid and the vaccines will damage your immune system in a similar manner to HIV, causing a new type of AIDS. In fact Pfizer have just demonstrated that with their clinical trial results. But have been extremely careful not to draw that conclusion themselves.
Billing an HIV drug as a metabolic breakdown inhibitor for PF-07321332, is like billing a Ferrari with an in car stereo as a compact music system.
Indeed the writer would suggest that the precise opposite of what Pfizer is saying could be the case. It may be that the anti HIV drug Ritonavir is 89% effective in treating Covid and that the imaginatively named PF-07321332 is only there to disguise that revelation and to slow down the metabolism by the body of Ritonavir. Pfizer are calling the combination PAXLOVID.
So we are now in the position that Pfizer's actions by including the post heart attack drug Tromethamine (Tris) in the 5-11 year old children's vaccine ( page14) and by demonstrating the 89% clinical efficacy of the anti HIV drug Ritonavir on Covid, reveal that vaccines cause heart attacks in children and that Covid (which infects through the spike protein of the vaccines) has the functionality of HIV and therefore causes a form of AIDS in all age groups.
The UKHSA data for weeks 35 to 41 -
Pfizers 'Landmark' vaccine trial death rates -
Global figures from all 185 fully reporting nations -
This article is published in the Expose -
In the UK you’re legally protected from discrimination by the Equality Act 2010.
It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:
These are called ‘protected characteristics’. -
You’re protected from discrimination:
Yet care workers are being sacked because they hold the scientifically justified belief that vaccines are dangerous.
So here is the question. Which is the more important to vaccinated people - their PAYCHEQUE or their MORALITY?
You might think the answer is obvious. My morality can wait, my paycheque cannot. That is short term thinking. And it is fundamentally flawed. The purpose of this article is to explain why it is flawed and how we shall defeat this present tyranny.
It we all choose our paycheques over our morality. then we permit the government to discriminate against the unvaxxed unchallenged.
We signal to them that they can achieve any goal they wish to achieve through financial pressure.
This will empower them to complete their agenda to take over not just our health through mandatory vaccines, but our lives through a social credit score linked digital smart currency.
They will abolish dead dumb money and replace it with a living smart currency which will require a real time social credit score linked government authorisation for every single financial transaction we do.
"Funds available but transaction refused due to insufficient social credit score", you will be told - by your own money !
It will mean that having the money to pay for something will not guarantee that you can buy it. You will need to have the required social credit score for any particular purchase or deal.
And do not be so naive as to believe that social credit scores will be equitably assigned or implemented. If someone with power does not like you, your credit score will magically drop. The whole system is a fundamental abuse of human rights. So it will be just as abusive in its implementation as it is in its conception.
In other words, your money will no longer be your money. It will be the government's money. Yes. You will lose your paycheque entirely. We will all lose our paycheques.
But the robbery will not stop there. You will lose not only your paycheque but actually your entire working capital. You will lose all of your savings. You will lose absolutely everything you have. The government will steal every penny and every asset you have. That is what is at stake here.
Slaves do not have financial independence. And economic slavery will follow the immunological slavery as surely as night follows day. Indeed economic slavery is the goal of the immunological slavery we presently face.
If on the other hand we choose morality over paycheque then the unvaxxed will not lose their jobs because sufficient numbers of their work colleagues will resign in support of their rights to work and people will refuse to work for vaxxist employers.
Then the government will lose its bet that we will abandon our morality in order to keep our paycheque. And we will keep both our freedom and our paycheques.
For it is surely self evident that the defining lesson of the 20th century was do not discriminate, isolate, demonise, segregate, exclude, imprison, kill or otherwise abuse any sector of society on the basis of their race, skin colour, creed, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or political views.
Would you work for an outfit that banned black customers and employees?
Would you work for an outfit that banned Jewish customers and employees?
Would you work for an outfit that banned disabled customers and employees?
Would you work for an outfit that banned homosexual customers and employees?
Would you work for an outfit that banned unvaxxed customers and employees?
If so then you have learned nothing from the 20th century, and you are the modern day Nazi collaborator and Apartheid facilitator. Your moral compass is broken.
The unvaxxed have taken their stand against the new tyranny. But their stand will fail unless they are supported by the vaxxed.
Here is a taste of what is to come to all of us emailed to me from an unvaxxed Austrian on November 18...
"The waitress of the inn informed us yesterday after college that there was a vaccination check police raid at around 10:30. Two police men blocked the backdoor exit while two others entered from the front to check the vaccination certificates. All they were doing was looking for unvaxxed people (fine 500.- EUR).
As one main college program ends tomorrow, many of my colleagues gathered yesterday evening outside the campus at the parking lot to celebrate their marks. There was a police control for vaccination certificates at around 8pm and another at 9:30pm. Everyone was outdoors but still they harassed people as unvaccinated are allowed to go outside for a smoke but not to meet in a group like this. It's horrific.
Between 7000-10000 people gathered yesterday evening in Graz to protest against the government. There was no mentioning of it in the main media. There will however be a demo of up to 100k people in Vienna on Saturday.
I see my country falling apart."
Austria can go a lot further than that as we all know only too well.
So either we stop this now by refusing to work for vaxxist companies, refusing to vote for vaxxist politicians, by suing vaxxist employers for unfair dismissal, by refusing to buy from vaxxist outfits, by refusing to attend events which are hosted by vaxxist performers or vaxxist management companies, by refusing to give our patronage to vaxxist theatres and vaxxist venues. Or we all become Nazi collaborators enjoying a night at the vaxxist opera and dining at the finest vaxxist restaurants whilst our unvaxxed brothers are languishing in isolation centres at best and dying in concentration camps at worst.
The Expose has done a thorough job through dozens of properly researched articles in presenting the overwhelming evidence that the viral load in the doubly vaxxed is presently higher than in the unvaxxed and therefore vaccines make people more likely to spread delta not less. This means that vaccine passports which enable the vaxxed to move freely and limit the movement of the unvaxxed will actually increase Covid cases hospitalisations and deaths rather than decrease them. There is absolutely no valid epidemiological basis for a vaccine passport. That pretext has completely backfired. So today, with what we now know, one cannot hide one's conscious one's subconscious or indeed one's unconscious vaxxism behind a facade of epidemiological legitimacy. The question is no longer medical. It is entirely moral.
So in conclusion. If you choose MORALITY over PAYCHECK you will save them both. But if you choose PAYCHECK over MORALITY you will lose them both. And then you, your family, your friends and all your brothers in humanity will lose absolutely everything.
If you are wondering what a fully immoral world would look like? Wonder no more. It would look like a cemetery. Because contrary to the title of Ms. Minnelli's song: Money does not make the world go around. It stops the world going around for everybody with insufficient funds to rotate. It is morality that keeps this planet spinning. It is human will that is the most powerful force upon it, not greenbacks. It is the human heart that determines what happens in this realm not the pocketbook and that is where the globalists have grossly miscalculated. Because there is no spreadsheet, no smart currency, and no social media databank that can bind the human heart or can imprison the human spirit. So I look forward to the day when Morality triumphs over the Paycheque. And I encourage all readers to make the only sustainable choice sooner rather than later.
This article is published in the Expose -
Great Medical and Moral Summary of the Pandemic by Dr. Roger Hodkinson, the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada (based in Ottawa), and for the past 20 years has held the position as Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company based in North Carolina. He is a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology, who studied medicine at Cambridge University in the UK
Flu shots do not work because they are designed against last year's pathogen and the flu virus mutates on an annual basis. The golden rule of vaccinology is do not vaccinate people during a pandemic. The vaccine will fail because it will force a mutation. There is no vaccination that works against a coronavirus for any more than a few months.
Further to the letter of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano describing the coup d'etat against democracy by assorted billionaires and the threat this poses to the church and to all of our freedoms and his call for an anti globalist alliance, the Lords Witnesses invite the reader to come on a short trip through the bible from Genesis through the Gospels to Revelation, focussing only on scriptures relevant to the present Covid Vaccines. We try to keep this article as doctrine free as we can and just extract the key scriptures which explain the demonic power game we are being subjected to. If you have ever wondered why governments all over the world have replaced democracy with vaxxocracy, here is an answer.
Double Vaccination is the Snake Bite of Genesis 3:15, a Fang for a Jab
15 And I shall put enmity between you [the serpent, 's administration] and the woman [Eve - Adam's wife and the - God's administration] and between your seed [Cain and descendants and converts] and her seed [Abel, then Seth and descendants and converts]. He will ambush you in the head and you will ambush him in the heel. (Genesis 3)
An ambush is a hidden and unexpected attack. God's people (75% of mankind who will be saved into the) will be ambushed by a snake which bites them in the heel - for that is how snakes attack. The snake depicts 's administration because it acts like a snake. It is a metaphor for a slithering, deceptive, sideways moving crooked and lethal outfit. 's people will be ambushed in the head which is how you kill a snake. This battle of the seeds is the fight between Good and Evil, which is a recruitment and procreative battle. The first seed of was Cain who was actually the son of and Eve. For Cain means spear/spike in Hebrew. Eve called Cain this because pierced her to create Cain. He pierced her hymen. She had no knowledge of the implications of nakedness prior to that. She was a virgin. Cain was the result of her first intercourse.
Whereas Abel means breath in Hebrew, because Adam loved her and kissed her when creating Abel - something that did not happen during the procreation of Cain. 's plan was quite brilliant. He was the firstborn angel of all creation. He was used to being the boss. He was God's CEO in the patriarchal society of the heavens. He was therefore jealous of Adam, who was also firstborn son of God, the firstborn human son rather than the firstborn angelic son. Although Adam was born again aged 30 angelically (before he was presented with Eve) and was given a human body in which to operate as God's representative in Eden. That meant that and Adam were true brothers, both direct angelic-human dual souled sons of God ( - Yahweh etc.).
All humans are angelic human hybrids actually if the truth be known. For when we dream at night we create an animated movie in real time. That is not something that a human brain with 100 bullion neurons and a cycle time of 80 Hz (for gamma waves) can actually do. It took 24,000 computers running at 3 GigaHertz 24 months to shoot 90 minutes of Monsters University and a further 270 humans working solidly on the project for the same time period. The Pixar render farm did not continuously and exclusively operate render Monsters University for the entire 2 years. But it took 100 million hours of CPU time at 3Ghz with 2 billion transistors per CPU (approx) in 2015, to make 1½ hours of movie.
One CPU core running at 3 GHz with 2 billion transistors = 6 million trillion operations per second
One human brain running at 80Hz with 100 billion neurons = 8 trillion operations per second
So a CPU from 2015 was 750,000x faster than a human brain.
But it would have taken one CPU 100 million hours for 1½ hours of the movie monsters university.
So it would have taken the human brain 75 trillion hours to create a 1½ hour movie.
So the human brain is 50 trillion times too slow to shoot a movie in real time,
let alone interact with said movie. It is 50 million million times too slow. It is 13 orders of magnitude away from that capability.
So we dream in angelic brain which must be 50 trillion times faster than human brains! Actually it is 1 billion times faster and God has rendering software that is at least 50,000 times more efficient than man had in 2015 (ours is quite a bit better in 2021 actually).
This is because 's ladder has 30 steps, a step for a cubit of ark height. And each step is a doubling of brain power during ascension from a human to an angelic brain (at least).
8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse [your] hands, sinners! And purify [your] hearts, double minded ones! (James 4 ) Literally indecisive. But also twice a clever!
12 Turn to the stronghold, O prisoners of hope! Even today I declare I will return double to you. (Zechariah 9 ) Indeed.
10 And when he prayed for his friends, turned the captivity of Job; and added to Job all which [had been his], to double. (Job 42 )
9 And it happened, when they were crossing, said to Elisha, Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you. And Elisha said, Then let there now be a double mouth/opening of your spirit on me. (2 Kings 2 )
2^10 = 1024 = 1k, 2^20 = 1,048,576, 2^30 = 1,073,741,824. So Angels are 1 billion times more intelligent than humans. Or rather 1 billion times more quick thinking.
ascended up 50 steps to divinity from 33Nisan16, his human resurrection, his giving his angel to for the ransom of Adam, and therefore the start of his ascension to 33Sivan5, God's acceptance of his ransom, and the pouring out of the gifts of the spirit at the end of the 2520 years of the from 2488Sivan5-11 BC. So Gods are 1 million times more intelligent than angels - if the last 20 steps are the same doubling as the first 30. That would make God 1 million billion or one quadrillion times more intelligent than humans. To give some idea of what a billion times more intelligent means. 65 years of life in a human would take 2 seconds of life in an angel.
Our spirit, our AI operating system (Artificial Intelligence), our Divine Intelligence (DI) operating system, runs on our angel when we dream. Everyone reading this has run on their own angel every night of their life. Every dream you have ever seen is courtesy of that soul. The human brain is powerful enough to screen the movies created by the angel. But is not powerful enough to create them, to shoot them in real time. So the angelic brain is the movie studio, Dreamworks in fact, and the human brain is the Imax Cinema.
So now, for the first time, has a true brother, a new direct first generation son of God. Adam was not a descendant of . So had no patriarchal authority over Adam. did not like this at all being a spoilt control freak at that time. So his plan was quite brilliant. He would first of all impregnate Eve. Then he would persuade her to eat the fruit which would kill her but God would not be able to kill Cain inside her. So God would have to give her a stay of execution long enough to deliver Cain. Then he would seduce Eve sufficiently deeply to persuade her to kill Adam by enticing him to eat the fruit using her womanly powers which had revealed to her whilst piercing her to produce Cain. The net result would be Cain, his son, would not be under a death penalty. But both Eve and Adam would be. Game over thought . Then Cain could sleep with a descended female angel (who would be a daughter of since all the angels are his children) and would remain the father of all creation. There would be no child of God alive anywhere that was not also a child of his. His monopoly would be preserved. His stranglehold on power would remain intact. His competitor would be eliminated.
11 For this is the message which you have heard from [the] beginning, that we should have love for one another
12 not like Cain, who was out of the wicked one [
9 And I will bring forth a seed out of ,[
He carried out his plan successfully, because Adam loved his wife more than he loved God's law not to eat from the tree. And things looked great to , who imagined that God would not remove his firstborn angelic rights and did not imagine that any other angel would be stupid enough to give his life for Adam. He was right on the first count but wrong on the second. A certain 42nd generation angel, who had a rather colourful past, who had lived on the dark side for too long and rejected it was taking an interest in all of this. He was the original prodigal son. He had screwed up everything as an angel. So when he came to his senses and returned to his father, he had asked God to make him just a preadamic human, a caveman, because he no longer felt worthy to be an angel, so reprehensible had been his behaviour.
But God forgave him everything and was overjoyed that he had seen the error of his ways and restored him to full angelic status upon his repentance and showed him more love than he imagined he deserved. Because God understood that he who is forgiven much loves much. So this angel, whose name was , said to himself. I am lucky to be an angel at all. I would have settled for the life of a caveman. I see what happened to Adam here. He had no chance. He had no experience of deception or of sex. He was totally outclassed by . Yet he still loved his wife so much that he killed himself to be with her. I like this guy. I don't like what did to him. I am gonna step in here. I'm gonna save Adam and I am gonna screw . Hey : Take my angel for Adam and my human soul. Have them both. Restore him fully on me. This thing that has done will not stand. Not whilst I have the power to stop it.
This was the payback that God knew could result from the forgiveness he had shown to previously. For God knows the power of love better than anyone - having invented it. So of course he accepted 's offer and Adam was redeemed. Hence I can write this article and you can read it.
But the MO of had now been established and exposed. He wants to be daddy to everyone. He wants all of mankind to be his seed. That is the battle of the seeds of Genesis 3:15. wishes to appropriate all of God's children to be his children by any means possible. Just as he attempted to do with Adam and Eve in the garden.
It this context we can now revisit the snake bite of Genesis 3:15, an ambush to the heel of the Good seed. The main purpose of the seed of the serpent (who is Cain and his genetic or converted seed) is to make more seed for his side of the battle. So the snake bite to the heel is a means of achieving that. When a snake bites, it injects venom into its victim with two fangs. The heel in bible symbolism is the end of a body temporally and the head is the start of a body temporally. So the heel of the good seed, is the last ones with faith and love who are around at the end of the good seed, the end of this world. So the snake bite is a double injection which affects end times mankind. That is the Covid vaccination. We know this vaccination is from Cain (the seed of the serpent, the seed of ) because Cain means spear or spike, and the Covid Vaccinations turn your body into spike factories or Cain factories. This genetically reprograms you to be a son of Cain (Spike) rather than Adam, to be rather than adamic.
Furthermore thanks to the work of two Swedish geneticists, we know that the mRNA vaccines can enter into the nucleus and prevent your DNA from fixing itself if it is broken. This is necessary to prevent the body from undoing any gene therapy it is being subjected to. The body is designed to prevent its DNA being hacked or changed. To succeed in changing your DNA, a permanent gene therapy has to turn off the DNA fixing mechanism in every cell. Jiang and Mei, proved that the vaccines do this.
Furthermore, the dosage given of mRNA is 14.4 Trillion copies in the Pfizer jab and 48 Trillion copies in the Moderna Jab, in circumstances where a systemic Covid infection only produces between 10-100 billion copies of the virus -
and people have between 6 Trillion and 35 Trillion cells in their bodies depending upon how you count them and each mRNA copy can program a cell to produce thousands of Spike proteins. So the dosages in the vaccine are not vaccination dosages. They are gene therapy dosages sufficient to infect every cell in your body and designed to provide thousands of spike proteins for each cell of your body! And people are taking 3rd shots of this!
So the spiritual purpose behind the vaccines is to recruit you genetically to be a son of the Serpent, a son of Cain, rather than a son of Adam, a son of God, Adamic. Of course almost nobody on earth realises this. But there again the serpent ambushes the good seed in the heel. It is an unexpected attack. That is the M.O. of a serpent. Nothing has changed in the 6,013 years since Adam's sin. Becoming a son of Cain does NOT deny you salvation. But it makes salvation more difficult because it gives patriarchal authority over you. This means he can tempt you more effectively. One's genetic makeup ( or Adamic) does not determine one's salvation. It is what one chooses to do in life that determines whether you are good seed or bad seed by salvation covenant.
The Gospels Declare COVID19 to be a Man Made Bioweapon - The Wuhan Lab Leak Theory is Correct27 Then taking into the praetorium, the soldiers of the governor gathered all the cohort against Him.
28 And stripping Him, they put a scarlet cloak around Him.
29 And plaiting a crown of thorns, they placed [it] on His head, and a reed in His right [hand]. And bowing the knee before Him, they mocked at Him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews.
30 And spitting at Him, [they] took the reed and struck at His head.
31 And when they had mocked Him, they stripped off His cloak, and they put His garments on Him and led Him away to crucify [Him].
(Matthew 27 )
16 And the soldiers led Him away inside the court,
which is [the] praetorium. And they called together all the cohort.
17 And they put purple on Him, and they plaited and placed a crown of thorns on Him.
18 And they began to salute Him, Hail, king of the Jews!
19 And they struck His head with a reed, and spat at Him. And placing the knees, [they] bowed to Him.
20 And when they had mocked Him, they took the purple off Him, and put His own garments on Him. And they led Him out, that they might crucify Him. (Mark 15 )
1 Then Pilate took and flogged [Him].
2 And having plaited a crown out of thorns, the soldiers put [it] on His head. And they threw a purple mantle around Him,
3 and said, Hail, King of the Jews! And they gave Him blows with the palm.
4 Then Pilate went outside again and said to them,
Behold, I bring Him out to you that you may know that I do not find even one crime in Him!
5 Then came outside, wearing the thorny crown and the purple mantle. And he said to them, Behold, the Man! (John 19 )
These 3 accounts have end times fulfilments which apply today.
Harvard Medical school first referred to COVID19 as a Crown of thorns in Feb 2020. They did this because a Corona virus of Spike Proteins is indeed a Crown of Thorns. The Latin word Corona, means crown and a spike is a thorn.
The last thing that happened to before he was led off to be killed was the crown of thorns abuse. Pilate said to the crowds in John 19 : Ecce Homo (Behold the man). So stands for end times mankind - that is us folks.
The soldiers in Matthew27, Mark15 and John19 are all said to have platted the crown of thorns. A platt is a double helix. A double helix is the structure of DNA. The soldiers are members of a military. In the greater fulfilment they manufacture the crown of thorns, COVID19, by gene splicing, using CRISPR technology - making the double helix DNA for it and then transcribing the RNA from that.
In Matthew27 and Mark15 the soldiers spat upon . That is how COVID19 is transferred, through tiny droplets of water from the lungs and from the mouth.
In Mark15 and John 19 there is a Thorny Crown in addition to a Crown of Thorns. That is a variant of the crown of thorns.
Here is then is the whole deal: Matthew27 is the story of the manufacture by government backed militaries of COVID19 and the deliberate infection of mankind with this bio weapon
Mark15 is the manufacture by government backed militaries of a variant of COVID19 and its release to infect mankind
In John 19 the soldiers make a crown of thorns but do not spit upon .
This is the really worrying one. This virus is not transmitted from person to person. It is therefore a result of the vaccine. This must be the delta variant, which evades the vaccine and is the inevitable consequence of vaccinating people during a pandemic which is a recipe for disaster because it forces the virus to mutate so as to evade the vaccine. So delta was created/forced by the vaccines. It was essentially created by Pfizer and Moderna in the sense that the vaccines gave Covid no other option but to mutate into something which evaded them -
Snakes kill by Injection or suffocation
Snakes kill either by injection of venom (Cobra, Viper, Asp) or by strangulation/suffocation/constriction of the airway and the vascular system (Python, Anaconda, Boa Constrictor).
COVID-19 is the constriction by the serpent (causing death by hypoxia, lack of Oxygen and/or vascular problems and/or cardiac arrest)
Gene therapy vaccines are the snake venom (causing death by slow poisoning of the immune system and by damaging the vascular system etc.).
The vaccines are the Cobras, the Vipers, the Asps, COVID variants are the Pythons, the Anacondas, the Boa Constrictors. Constrictors should not be lethal to man if handled correctly as Margot Robbie revealed in the case of her mum to Chris Pratt whilst he was hosting Jimmy Kimmel live. Likewise COVID-19 if treated properly with the correct therapeutics, should not be lethal to man. But venomous snakes can be lethal to mankind.
COVID19 counts as 616 - the number of the beast in the oldest bible text
C O V I D 1 9
100 +
0 + 5 + 1+500
+ 1
+ 9 = 616, the true number of the Beast
The Latin Numeral System is I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000. We take O as 0. Each character in COVID19 is interpreted individually.
COVID 19 stands for COronaVIrus Disease 2019 - Since the first case was identified in 2019.
The first Century beast was the Roman state, the 7 heads which are 7 mountains of Revelation17, being the 7 hills of Rome. The Harlot riding the beast was the early Roman Catholic Church back then (she is still up to her old tricks). Hence the Roman numerology.
616 is the correct variant rather than 666, according to the Ephraemi Codex, Tyconius a 4th century Christian writer, and P115 - the Oxyrhynchus fragment from 225-275 AD, the oldest extant copy of Revelation13:17. Irenaeus, the 2nd century Christian writer, acknowledged its existence but rejected it in favour of 666. Irenaeus was in the Catholic Church, which fell as a true church on 84Nisan14 AD. 666 is a triangular number, the sum of all the numbers from 1-36 = 666. It is more spooky and interesting mathematically.
The Mark of the beast of Revelation13 upon the hand will be vaccine passports and upon the forehead will be social credit scores
17411 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth [DEEP STATE, was buried but comes up above ground], and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a
dragon [the globalist UK/US beast, the UK/US intel state, the 5 eyes basically - not the 2 horned ram of Daniel8 which is the UK US nation state beast. These two 2 horned beasts are the overt and the covert administrations for the UK/ US world power].
12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast [big tech central banking beast] in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed
stroke to the 7th head by Trump47 rejecting its globalist bodies and politicians and taking the dollar out of the
globalist financial hegemony. 7 heads then . The beast is healed by s. But not the 7th head which dies to the beast. The globalists of the big tech central banking beast need a currency which they have an interrupt on]
13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind [false flag terrorism by demonically possessed rogue elements of the security forces,
the stone not cut by hands of Daniel2, the fire signs of 1Kings18 and 2Kings1].174
14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image [
15 And it was granted to her to give spirit/breath to the image of the wild beast [Once the image of the new global currency replacing the dollar is created it is owned by the new Caesar: The terrible 4th beast of Daniel7 and first beast of Revelation13. Give Caesar's things to Caesar. Hence it is also the image OF the beast. It is given breath in the sense that your next breath is dictated by the availability of this currency - hence it can cause you to be killed and lose your breath. Lack of the dollar does not stop medical treatment in the US or the lack of pounds in the UK. Lack of this currency will stop it worldwide. It will be a criminal offence for a medic to treat anyone who does not have the mark.
This currency has an exclusive on all commerce. That has never been the case with any previous currency] so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast
[the new global currency].
16 And it puts under compulsion all [ones], the small [ones]
and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the enslaved [ones] [counts 6x by comparison],
in order that that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead
The new global currency follows after the death stroke to the US head, since it is an image of the beast that had the sword stroke yet revived. So the sword stroke must destroy the dollar as the worlds trading currency.
There is no question that vaccine passports are being compelled all over the world. This is an obvious visible fulfilment of Revelation13. The next step in the compulsion is total exclusion from the financial system unless you are vaccinated. Then you will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast - meaning a vaccine passport, a social credit score and the new global digital social credit score linked currency shall we say - the beastmark?
The 7 angels given the 7 golden vials containing the anger of God
1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous,
7 angels having the 7 last plagues; for in them is completed the wrath of God.
7 And one of the 4 beasts gave unto the 7 angels 7 golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever. (Revelation 15 adapted from the Greek)
1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the 7 angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
2 And the 1st went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a hurtful and malignant ulcer upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and [upon] them which worshipped his image.
3 And the 2nd poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead [man]: and every living soul died in the sea.
4 And the 3rd poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
7 And I heard another out of the altar say, yes, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous [are] thy judgments.
8 And the 4th poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
10 And the 5th poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain
11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. (Revelation 16 - adapted from the Greek)
Come on! What is the GOLDEN VIAL of today? It is the money making gravy train of indefinite Covid shots from vaccine vials! A guaranteed income for every human enforced by law, underwritten by national governments, indemnified against side effect damage claims.
The 7 golden vials are 7 money making Covid vaccine shots (from vaccine vials) that mankind suffers (before the end of the world)
AND money making Covid vaccine shots for 7 months from the appearance of the ulcers of verse 2 to the end of the world.
The 7 vials (not said to be golden) are not vaccines but are God using vaccines to teach, express anger, condemn, expose etc. God is not in it for the money (the gold).
God does not make the vaccines. But he straight up permits the demons to make them and compel people to take them, as an expression of his anger against the immorality of the faithless and the loveless and to test us and to teach us that we need to hold onto a sustainable morality and stop worshipping high status people and leaders or society is finished.
There will be no 8th vaccine shot because the will be installed on earth during the 7th vaccine shot.
The Sea is those who do not go to church
The Earth is those who go to church but are not baptised
The Rivers are those who are baptised and go to church
The Fountains are those who baptise in the church
The Angel of the waters is the last
The Sun is , the light of the world
Men stand for demon possessed people here. They blaspheme God because they know he is condemning them.
Vial 1 causes hurtful and malignant ulcers (vaccine mediated immune degradation - due to jab)
Vial 2 causes blood to clot (A dead man's blood is all clotted) - due to jab
Vial 3 causes spiritual death (for those who remain in vaccine accepting churches)
Vial 4: empowers to start the apocalypse, the revealing of what the demons are doing with vaccines and politics and the media etc.
Vial 5 Causes tongue gnawing pain, pains and ulcers (further vaccine mediated immune system degradation and cardiovascular and neurological and inflammatory events due to the jab)
The Apocalypse, the uncovering of the activities of the demons and of the angels, occurs at the 4th Jab. The CDC authorised a 4th jab for 'immunocompromised people' on October20. Turkey is now on the 4th Jab because many countries do not recognised Sinovac, which it used for the first 3 Jabs.
We hope you enjoyed the journey. The demons are only permitted to possess humans for 2,000 days (the 2,000 pigs of Mark5). They have obviously been here for a while because their behaviour is more than evident.
Israeli health ministry advisory committee member and Deputy chief of Israel's biggest hospital Prof Arnon Afek on December 6. -
How to spot a demon...
1. They have zero empathy
2. They are 100% dishonest
3. They accuse their opponents of doing or intending to do precisely what they themselves are already doing
4. They are obsessed with corrupting children. They cannot stand their innocence.
5. When it is proven that their position is wrong and they are lying, they carry on taking that position anyway. Because they are not interested in right or wrong. They only care about power.
6. They are incredibly Pharisaical. They are 100% immoral but they create a false morality which makes them look 100% moral and makes those who are truly moral look 100% immoral.
7. They do not believe in free speech. They silence and shutdown all opposition
8. Their overall rulership strategy is visibly self defeating, destructive, win lose and bound to fail. But they seem incapable of seeing that.
9. They are not creative or innovative. They are destructive and corrupting and opportunist..
My favourite demonic expression from Hillary Clinton is: The biggest danger to "our democracy" is the desire of the Republicans to retake the Senate!
PHS Cases and Deaths by Vaccination in Scotland from the PHS Covid-19 Statistical Reports published on November 17 and November 24
Week | Unvaxxed Deaths |
1 Jab Deaths |
2/3 Jab Deaths |
Unvaxxed Cases |
Unvaxxed Scots |
Case % | 1 Jab Cases |
1 Jab Scots |
Case % | 2/3 Jab Cases |
2/3 Jab Scots |
Case % |
Oct16-22 | 8 | 4 | 115 | 1,767,851* | 326,423* | 3,836,004* | ||||||
Oct23-29 | 14 | 4 | 110 | 5,713 | 1,651,886 | 0.35% | 1,058 | 345,668 | 0.31% | 11,533 | 3,849,944 | 0.30% |
Oct30-Nov5 | 21 | 3 | 112 | 6,918 | 1,618,090 | 0.43% | 1,216 | 365,990 | 0.33% | 10,794 | 3,862,198 | 0.28% |
Nov6-12 | 11 | 4 | 95 | 8,112 | 1,599,169 | 0.51% | 1,422 | 371,762 | 0.38% | 11,514 | 3,874,621 | 0.30% |
Nov13-19 | 7,968 | 1,587,937 | 0.50% | 1,475 | 373,094 | 0.40% | 11,210 | 3,884,521 | 0.29% | |||
Oct16-Nov12 | 54 | 15 | 442 | 1,659,249 | 352,461 | 3,855,692 | ||||||
Oct23-Nov19 | 28,711 | 1,614,271 | 5,171 | 364,129 | 45,051 | 3,867,821 |
We see 54 deaths and 28,711 cases from 1.6m unvaxxed Scots and 442 deaths and 45,051 cases from 3.8m doubly vaxxed Scots.
* Denotes data taken from the November17 report in which PHS found 80,000 more Scots in total than they found a week later - which is a tragedy.
PHS should remove all those under 12 from the unvaxxed group because they are ineligible for vaccination and they do not die in significant numbers. But instead it leaves them in and then applies the terrible Age Standardised Mortality Rate formula, which we have seen, by comparison with ONS all cause mortality rates, skews the data in favour of vaccination considerably - see .
So instead we use the government vaccination stats to remove the under 12s -
We then compare the Scottish figures from the 4 weeks from October16-November12 for deaths and October23-November19 for cases, with the English figures for Weeks 42-45 (October18-November14) for deaths and Weeks 43-46 (October25-November21) for cases.
The English Death figures from Weeks 42-45 are 675 unvaxxed and 2,875 vaxxed -
Here are the English Case figures for Weeks 43-46, which is October25-November21 from the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report of Week47 . We take the mid point as Nov7
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
12-18 | 300,318 | 18,197 | 15,924 | 21,610 | 865 | 243,722 |
18-29 | 88,261 | 8,511 | 751 | 8,728 | 42,580 | 27,691 |
30-39 | 126,626 | 9,113 | 610 | 7,206 | 81,808 | 27,889 |
40-49 | 153,385 | 8,270 | 261 | 3,963 | 124,936 | 15,955 |
50-59 | 116,218 | 5,679 | 106 | 1,938 | 101,284 | 7,211 |
60-69 | 65,380 | 3,165 | 48 | 869 | 58,517 | 2,781 |
70-79 | 28,282 | 1,543 | 11 | 226 | 25,435 | 1,067 |
80+ | 9,979 | 669 | 15 | 162 | 8,606 | 527 |
12+ | 888,449 | 55,147 | 17,726 | 44,702 | 444,031 | 326,843 |
We see 326,843 cases from unvaxxed and 444,031 cases from double vaxxed
On November7:12.9% of over 12s in England were unvaxxed and 79.5% were double vaxxed (38,436,862) -
Whereas 9.6% of over 12s in Scotland were unvaxxed and 81.9% we double vaxxed (3,917,210)..
Oct16/23 to Nov12/19 |
1st Jab | 2nd Jab | 0 Jab | 2nd Jab | 0 Jab | 0 Jab Cases |
2 Jab Cases |
0 Jab Case rate per 100k |
2 Jab Case rate per 100k |
Case Rate Ratio |
England | 87.1% | 79.5% | 12.9% | 38,436,862 | 6,236,925 | 326,843 | 444,031 | 5240.5 | 1155.2 | 4.54 |
Scotland | 90.4% | 81.9% | 9.6% | 3,917,210 | 459,160 | 28,711 | 45,051 | 6252.9 | 1150.1 | 5.44 |
Oct16/23 to Nov12/19 |
0 Jab Deaths |
2 Jab Deaths |
0 Jab Death rate per 100k |
2 Jab Death rate per 100k |
Death Rate Ratio |
0 Jab Death rate per 1k cases |
2 Jab Death rate per 1k cases |
Death Rate Ratio |
England | 675 | 2,875 | 10.82 | 7.48 | 1.45 | 2.07 | 6.47 | 3.13 |
Scotland | 54 | 442 | 11.76 | 11.28 | 1.04 | 1.88 | 9.81 | 5.22 |
Scottish deaths are defined as being with Covid listed as a the underlying or contributing cause of death and taken from table20 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical Report November24.
English deaths are defined as being within 28 days of a positive Covid test and taken from table10 of the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report week 47
1. The doubly vaxxed case rates of 1155.2 for England and 1150.1 for Scotland are almost identical.
2. The unvaxxed case rate is 4.5x the doubly vaxxed case rate in England and 5.4x the doubly vaxxed case rate in Scotland. This may be because more unvaxxed people have natural immunity in England at present
3. The Death Rate Ratio unvaxxed to doubly vaxxed is 1.45 in England and 1.04 in Scotland. This will be due to England using the daft metric of anyone who dies from anything within 28 days of a covid jab, whilst Scotland uses the more medically sound definition of anyone who dies with covid-19 on the death certificate as either the underlying cause or a contributing cause of death.
So PHE (now the UKHSA) have been effectively exaggerating the life saving performance of the vaccines by using a daft definition of Covid death. The more accurate position, taken by Scotland, is that being unvaccinated gives one presently a 4% greater chance of dying from Covid than being vaccinated in raw data terms rather than a 45% greater chance (having removed the under 12s from both groups).
However there will still be some degree of age confounding in these raw data because the doubly vaccinated group will be older on average than the unvaccinated group because only 32% of 12-15 year olds were double jabbed and only 57% of 16-17 year olds were double jabbed on November7. So that removes a further 2.35m from serious contention for death in the unvaxxed out of 6,236,935 in England, which is 38% of them. So we can make the data pretty age independent by regarding the unvaxxed group as being perhaps 45% smaller than it actually is (to account for the lower vaccination percentages in all the younger age groups - bearing in mind that delta is not the same as alpha and beta. It is less lethal to older people and more lethal to younger people).. The true age independent figure for the whole unvaccinated group would then be 1/0.55 = 1.82 or 82% higher than 1.04. So it would be 1.04/0.55 = 1.89. So the unvaxxed presently have a 89% increased chance of death. But that is only Covid death. It is not all cause mortality. The figure ignores deaths due to vaccine side effects, which Pfizer, Moderna the CDC, the FDA, the UKHSA and PHS all studiously ignore. These can easily overcome that 89% in the short term and can swamp it in the medium term, with vaccine mediated cardiovascular, immune system and nervous system degradation. Indeed UK ICUs have recently reported an increase in immune compromised patients -
4. The Death rates per 1,000 cases are the truly astounding result from this analysis. The English figure is fairly meaningless due to the daft definition of a Covid death. But the Scottish figure is far more reality based and shows that doubly vaccinated people are 520% more likely to die if they get Covid-19 than unvaxxed people. Admittedly that figure is again confounded by age in the same way that the death rate per million people is. But again that confounding will be largely fixed by regarding the unvaxxed group as being 45% smaller than it actually is, which reduces the Death rate per case ratio from 520% to 286%.
So all things considered doubly vaccinated people are 286% more likely to die of Covid after infection than unvaccinated people. That does drive a coach and horses through the concept that vaccines do not prevent infection but do stop people dying from Covid. With the proper definition of a Covid death, the Scottish figures show the reverse.
What is happening here is that the vaccines do prevent infection and death immediately after vaccination. more by putting the immune system on red alert when it is overwhelmed by genetically programmed spike protein production, than by teaching it to recognise and attack the Wuhan Hu1 spike protein, which it is never going to see these days. And then after 4 to 6 months the vaccines lose their efficacy entirely and go negative (see also the Swedish study) and you end up in a worse position than when you started as regards your chances of being infected (if you are over 30) and as regards dying from all causes. But you end up better off as regards dying from Covid unless you are over 30 and here is why...
It is true to say on average that, throughout the 4 week period, the vaccinated are less likely to be infected and less likely to die of Covid. But this statistical whitewash is only achieved because Pfizer is cannily (and despicably) arranging for a continual supply of vaccine virgins in the form of younger and younger children, who benefit from the initial vaccine efficacy, for a long enough time to keep the overall figures just above water. The children make it easier for government stats departments to hide the longer term detrimental effects of the vaccines. The young are not being sacrificed to protect the old. They are being sacrificed to cover up the danger to the old and to them.
We have seen from the last 11 weeks of UKHSA data that doubly vaxxed over 30s are more likely to be infected than unvaxxed over 30s (unless boosted). But this new data from Scotland is telling us that doubly vaxxed people when infected are more likely to die than unvaxxed people. Therefore it must be the case that doubly vaxxed over 30s, if not boosted, are more than 286% more likely to die and more than 20% more likely to be infected than unvaxxed over 30s. And if 2 shots put you in a worse position than none after 4-6 months, then it will not be long before 3 shots puts you in a worse position than 2.
So no longer are the vaccines effective and no longer are they safe.
Make no mistake. When the US government bans discussion of election fraud it is because they have committed election fraud and need to hide it. In fact whenever a political election is very close, the chances are that the side who just wins has cheated just enough to win. Because true polls do not give 49.9% to 50.1% results very often at all. Likewise, when Pfizer stops its 3 year trial after 6 months, and when Moderna stops its 2¼ year trial 28 days after the 2nd jab it is because they are committing medical fraud and need to hide it. They, more than anybody, know how dangerous these vaccines are. That is why they stopped the trials. Nobody spends fortunes on big expensive clinical trials without doing a small mini trial for their own benefit first to see what the truth is.
I must restate two fundamental principles of immunology here which the main stream media have cancelled completely.
1. You never start a vaccination program during a pandemic. Because you massively increase the chances of teaching the virus to evade the vaccine. That may be the origin of the delta variant.
2. Vaccines cannot lose efficiency. They are a digital switch, a quick training course for the immune system. The are supposed to operate for a couple of weeks,
the length of a typical viral infection, and then they are supposed to clear off. They have no work to do after that. It is not possible for them to lose efficacy over time because they are a one shot device. Either they train the immune system or they do not. That training is finished in the first 2 weeks after injection.
Vaccines are not losing effectiveness. The immune systems of the vaccinated are losing effectiveness. That is vaccine mediated AIDS. Immune systems continue to work after the 2 week vaccine training period. Vaccines do not.
Here is how you kill billions of people with biological warfare.
1. Release a souped up flu which requires a vaccination.
2. Design the vaccine to be a Trojan, which protects against the souped up flu but also progressively destroys the immune system's capability to fight future viruses.
3. Vaccinate as many people as you possibly can
4. Once the Trojan has had enough time to destroy most of the viral defences of most vaccinated people, and just when people are beginning to realise what is going on, release your piece de resistance. A gain of function super deadly flu with a massively increased death rate.
On Wednesday November24 the UK Daily Mail, reported that the Botswana Variant has been discovered. It is called the Omega variant. It is more transmissible but less lethal than delta apparently..
A new study of 566 patients who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines shows that signs of cardiovascular damage soared following the 2nd shot. The risk of heart attacks or other severe coronary problems more than doubled months after the vaccines were administered, based on changes in markers of inflammation and other cell damage.
Patients had a 1 in 4 risk for severe problems after the vaccines, compared to 1 in 9 before.
Dr. Steven Gundry, a Nebraska physician and retired cardiac surgeon, presented the findings at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association’s annual conference in Boston On November12-14. An abstract of his paper was published on November8 in Circulation, the AHA’s scientific journal.
This is not the only study to have found this result. According to British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a whistleblower cardiology researcher from the cardiology department of a prestigious British Institution contacted him to inform that research done by the department has found similar results. The whistle-blower told Malhotra that they have found links between the inflammation of coronary arteries and the mRNA vaccines from imaging studies.
However, the researchers have decided not to publish their findings, as they are concerned about losing money from the drug industry, alleged the doctor on GB News. He said that the whistle-blower researcher was very upset about this decision. Dr. Aseem Malhotra also said that the information from cardiology community in the UK has showed that there has been a substantial increase of cardiology related deaths in the country, and there is need to study the link of the same to the Covid-19 vaccines.
While these results have come recently, it is possible that the mRNA vaccine developers, particularly Pfizer, knew about such possible effects of their vaccines already. The American pharmaceutical giant has been seeking immunity from any action against any future adverse actions of its vaccine. The company even wanted several countries to put up sovereign assets, including military bases and federal bank reserves, as collateral for potential future legal costs arising out of adverse effects of the vaccine.
Finally Main Stream TV News covers the dangers of vaccines: Covid: Report reveals increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine - video of GBNews item on the Alex Phillips Show.
Dr John Campbell shows that Dr Gundry had been testing his cardiac patients for 8 years in this way. So he did not fabricate a clinical trial for the purpose of getting any desired outcome. His data just came from routine operations. His job is to protect his patients from Heart attack risk. He did not want to see their risk more than double! Dr Coleman says that really we need MRI imaging of the vascular damage to confirm the findings - . Dr Malhotra says that imaging data exists but the doctors who have it, voted against publishing it, in order to preserve access to drug company money.
Our job today is to be as articulate, as skilled, as masterful in the court of public opinion as the ATP world number 1 is on the court of lawn tennis. For the events unfolding in Australia before the eyes of the whole world are a seminal moment for the sport of tennis, for every professional tennis player on the tour and for a once great and free nation which is fighting valiantly to free itself form the grip of a tyranny of precisely the same from that faced Europe before the start of WW2. Australia was under no threat from Nazi Germany at that time. But our loyal brothers down under gave their lives to buy us the freedom we now enjoy and have enjoyed for 76 years since their sacrifice was completed. A freedom to choose for ourselves, based upon our own individual sovereign judgement, what happens to our bodies.
Novak has not disclosed his vaccination status. But the New York Post reports that his father has stated that the world number 1 will not give in to 'Vaccine blackmail', because he himself would not do that and Novak is his father's son.
Now we see some of the class of the family which produced the 9 times Australian open champion.
So the Expose today calls upon every player on the ATP tour, and upon every tennis fan thinking of attending the Australian Open, and upon the ATP itself to take a stand either with Novak, with the Nuremberg Code and against vaccine apartheid or for the Neo Nazi Australian government - your papers pleeeze!
Novak has had Covid and recovered. So he has natural immunity which is longer lasting more broad based, more effective and more reliable than vaccine immunity - for a full explanation of the difference between the two see here.
The Australian Open is in fact Closed to unvaccinated players and spectators. Craig Tilley, the CEO of Tennis Australia is reported by the New York Post to have said...
“It’s been made very clear when the Premier announced several weeks ago that in order to participate at the Australian Open, to come into Victoria, you’ll need to be fully vaccinated. Immediately, we communicated that to the playing group. It is the one direction that you take, that you can ensure everyone’s safety. All the playing group understands it. Our patrons will need to be vaccinated, all the staff working the Australian Open need to be vaccinated.”
His statement is medically false. If the Australian government wanted to ensure everyone's safety, they would require natural immunity from all parties not vaccine immunity. Let us be quite clear. People with natural immunity do not get re-infected in significant numbers. Whereas people who are doubly vaccinated do. Indeed most people with Covid in the UK at present are doubly vaccinated. The UKHSA does not provide the number of cases amongst those with natural immunity because such numbers would destroy what remains of their bogus case for vaccination.
There is no question that Novak, having natural immunity, is safer to Australian Open tennis players and spectators, and staff, than every single doubly vaccinated person in Australia, including Craig Tilley and the Australian Premier (who must both be vaccinated). The Cleveland study showed this over a year ago.
The pretext being used to discriminate against Novak is medically false. The true reason for the discrimination is political not medical.
Ironically, it is Novak's dedication to getting the best performance possible out of his body that rightly prevents him from taking the vaccine along with many other top athletes, you know, the ones who do not collapse in the middle of a football game. Although medically nobody who has beaten the infection should take the vaccine. Because once your immune system has seen 100 billion copies of the entire virus it learns nothing new by being subjected to 14 (Pfizer) or 48 (Moderna) trillion copies of a computer generated approximation to a spike made from only 1/8 of the proteins in the virus.
So the questions we would ask every player on the ATP tour and every fan considering buying a ticket, and every member of staff working for the tournament and the ATP itself are these:
How many top ranking players do you need to see discriminated against in an Open tennis tournament before you refuse to participate in it?
If you only put one Jew in a concentration camp is that OK?
If you only segregate one black person on a bus is that OK?
If you permit Hitler to invade only one country is that OK?
If you deny one homosexual the same job opportunity as his heterosexual brother is that OK?
If you refuse to promote one woman due to her gender when she is every bit as good as her male competitor is that OK?
Do you think if you permit the new Nazis to discriminate against Novak, upon the fake pretext of vaccine immunity, they will not discriminate against you in some other regard upon some other fake pretext when it suits their agenda?
We say to all, to the vaccinated and the unvaccinated alike: Abuse needs a pretext to get started. But once it has started, it never remains confined to that pretext.
Before these errant vaccine mad governments are finished they will discriminate against absolutely everybody who takes any position at all on any matter which they do not approve of. Their abuse will NOT merely be limited to vaccination status. Abuse is a monster which if not tamed will kill indiscriminately. Vaccine Apartheid is the door to that monster.
How is it that two lions kill one buffalo from a huge herd which could easily kill both lions? Every predator relies upon the herd not standing together and not defending each other. Do we humans know less than buffaloes?
Where is the gratitude from Tennis Australia for Novak winning 9 Australian opens and entertaining millions of Australians for more than a decade?
What value to you think the Australian Open Trophy has if they treat a 9 times winner the way they are presently treating Novak?
Do you really want a testament to your collaboration with the abuse of Novak in your trophy cabinet?
Would you accept a medal from Adolf? Or a pay check from the Covid camp commandant?
27.000 Australians gave their lives fighting a tyranny which was not primarily directed against them in WW2.
We ask you to join them not in risking your life, but in refusing your patronage and boycotting the Australian Open. We ask this not merely because it is closed to the greatest tennis Champion Australia has ever seen (and it has seen some really great Champions). But because we all know where this is leading. Indeed if we do not stop this soon, we may well have to risk our own lives to stop it in the near future. And because they did it for us. So we owe them nothing less. In 1941 its was their turn. In 2021 it is ours.
We restricted the wikipedia list of footballers who died on the pitch to include only male professional footballers (over 16 years old) who were members of a football club in FIFA countries who died of a cardiovascular problem during a match (training or competitive) or collapsed due to a cardiovascular problem on the pitch or immediately after the game and then died later (did not recover). But we found another 15 in addition to the 21 presently (2022January12) listed -
Date | Player | Age | Flag | Club | Circumstances |
7 Jan 21 | Alex Apolinário | 24 | ![]() |
![]() |
On 3 January 2021, went into cardiac arrest at the 27th minute of a league match. He was revived after several attempts and taken to the hospital, where he was put in an induced coma and died four days later. - Wikipedia List |
8 Mar 21 | Abdul Rahman Atef | 23 | ![]() |
Al Qanayat | Died while playing a league match against El Rowad.- Swallowed his tongue Wikipedia List (Excluded) |
11 Apr 21 | Dejan Oršuš | 24 | ![]() |
NK Otok | Collapsed during a league match against Radnički after suffering a cardiac arrest, died in the hospital later that same day. Wikipedia List |
18 Apr 21 | Tremaine Stewart | 33 | ![]() |
Portmore United | Stewart collapsed while playing football the morning of the 18th in Spanish town, and despite being rushed to the hospital he died later that day. Wikipedia List |
1 Jun 21 | Giuseppe Perrino | 29 | ![]() |
Parma | Italian Footballer Dies Of Heart Attack During a Memorial Match For His Late Brother Wikipedia List |
22 Jun 21 | Viktor Marcell Hegedüs | 18 | ![]() |
Andráshida SC | Collapsed during a training warm up. Defibrillator was used. Wikipedia List |
16 Jul 21 | Imad Bayumi | 45 | ![]() |
Retired | Suffered from a circulatory collapse during a friendly match Wikipedia List (Excluded) |
23 Jul 21 | Tim Braun | 27 | ![]() |
SV Hamberge (Schleswig-Holstein) | Collapsed and died after a football tournament. - |
12 Aug 21 | Lee Moses | 29 | ![]() |
Palmerston North Marist FC New Zealand | He suffered chest pains during practice at the central energy trust arena in New Zealand, and died after an unexpected heart attack, leaving behind his partner Tori Batley, 26, and two young children. - |
16 Aug 21 | Samuel Kalu | 24 | ![]() |
Bordeaux | Pro footballer suffers cardiac arrest during a game News Story |
28 Aug 21 | Alexander Shishmarev | 23 | ![]() |
Krasnaya Zvezda | Alexander Shishmarev, 23, was playing as goalkeeper in a Russian training match when he collided with an opponent, being treated for ‘more than an hour’ before passing away - He swallowed his tongue and suffocated - Wikipedia List (Excluded) |
2 Sep 21 | Dylan Rich | 17 | ![]() |
West Bridgford Colts | A young footballer who died after suffering a suspected cardiac arrest during a match. Wikipedia List |
4 Sep 21 | Jens De Smet | 27 | ![]() |
![]() |
Drama on Dutch football field, amateur player Jens (27) collapses and dies. Wikipedia List |
10 Sep 21 | Frederic Lartillot | 25 | ![]() |
Association of football veterans of Nurieux-Volognat. | Collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game. |
25 Sep 21 | Guillermo Arias | 31 | ![]() |
Camaguán FC | In the quarterfinals of the third division tournament Arias collapsed on the field and died of cardiac arrest. Wikipedia List |
1 Oct 21 | Bruno Stein | 15 | ![]() |
FC An der Fahner Höhe | Young goalkeeper and amateur angler Bruno Stein from FC An der Fahner Höhe passed away at the age of 15. Wikipedia List |
3 Oct 21 | Nils de Wolf | 27 | ![]() |
Belgian football club White Star Sombeke | Suffered a heart attack after playing against the Verrebroek. Underwent CPR using a defibrillator, but died at the hospital three days later. - |
4 Oct 21 | Alexander Siegfried | 42 | ![]() |
VfB Moschendorf Germany | Collapsed suddenly and died. - |
8 Oct 21 | Benoît Sabard | 49 | ![]() |
SC Massay | With 20 minutes to go before the end of the game, Benoît collapsed. Wikipedia List |
9 Oct 21 | Benjamin Taft | 31 | ![]() |
Captain of SC Großschwarzenlohe | Collapsed from a heart attack after a game and died. |
15 Oct 21 | Christophe Ramassamy | 54 | ![]() |
AS Saint Yves | Christophe Ramassamy, a 54-year-old footballer, suffered a fatal heart attack. Barely after 20 minutes of play, he collapsed on the pitch. The emergency services could do nothing to revive him, Wikipedia List |
17 Oct 21 | Joao Santos Alankar | 38 | ![]() |
FC Bruski Brazil | Sudden cardiac arrest in Blumenau in the Santa Catarina Championship and died. |
29 Oct 21 | Mohammad Islam | 30 | ![]() |
Raqiz, Pakistan | Raqiz were playing Millat in the Balochistan provincial commissioner's cup tournament in Chaman. He collapsed during the game due to a heart attack and died on the way to hospital - |
7 Nov 21 | Neslon Solano | 21 | ![]() |
March1 Club St Antonio, Paraguay | March1 club in Candida Achucarro neighbourhood of San Antonio in Paraguay. Solano played the first half then was taken off for the 2nd but went out to celebrate on the pitch with his team mates at the end of the game when he collapsed. He was taken to Nemby Hospital where he died - |
12 Nov 21 | Jony López | 16 | ![]() |
Sol del Este Paraguay | Suffered a fatal heart attack while playing football - Wikipedia List - |
17 Nov 21 | Adonis Villanueva | 27 | ![]() |
Deportivo del Este | Midfielder - "During a training session at Club Deportivo del Este, Villanueva received an impact in the skull. He retired from training, but a little later, while the player was having lunch, he suffered a heart attack for which he was admitted to a nearby medical center. According to various sources, the footballer's incident was not due to a blow, but to a heart attack in the left middle cerebral artery, something strange in such a young player". |
17 Nov 21 | Aleksandar Krsić | 30 | ![]() |
FK Radnicki | Football player from Ratkov collapsed with a cardiac arrest during training He died in the ambulance en route to Novi Sad Clinical Centre - |
26 Nov 21 | Guimbala Tounkara | 34 | ![]() |
AS Police | We started the workout at 8am and finished at 10am at the end of the training session he said: see you tomorrow coach. He died one hour later. Club AS police - |
17 Dec 21 | Karol Setniewski | 13 | ![]() |
Znicz Pruszków | Headache and death after the game - Wikipedia List -,nId,5715824 only 13 years old (Excluded) |
22 Dec 21 | Ahmed Amin | 23 | ![]() |
Al Rebat & Al Anwar SC | Goalkeeper Ahmed Amin collapsed in the team locker room due to having suffered a sudden cardiac arrest after a training session. Immediately, attempts to resuscitate the player failed. The player was then rushed to a hospital nearby but it is reported he died along the way - Wikipedia List - |
22 Dec 21 | Taufik Ramsyah | 20 | ![]() |
Tornado FC Pekanbaru | Goalkeeper suffered a fractured skull after colliding with a Wahana FC player in a Liga3 Riau game. Taufik succumbed to his injuries after being in a coma for several days as well as undergoing surgery for his fractured skull. Wikipedia List (Excluded) |
22 Dec 21 | Adrien Sandjo | 18 | ![]() |
Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta | U19 Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta regional team footballer collapsed on the pitch with a cardiac arrest, declared brain dead after six hours of observation in Molinette hospital. - and |
23 Dec 21 | Mukhaled Al-Raqadi | 29 | ![]() |
Muscat Club | Collapsed during the warm up, for the game vs Suwaiq Club in the Omantel league - Wikipedia List . |
23 Dec 21 | Marin Ćaćić | 23 | ![]() |
NK Nehaj | Died in hospital, after a cardiac arrest on 21 December 2021 during training - Wikipedia List. |
25 Dec 21 | Sofiane Loukar | 30 | ![]() |
MC Saïda | Collapsed in the middle of a match and died instantly - Wikipedia List - |
30 Dec 21 | Alioune Badara Wade | 28 | ![]() |
Dakar University Club | Football striker with Senegalese second division club Dakar University Club. He collapsed during training with cardiac arrest and could not be revived. |
We used
which had 290 cardiac arrests amongst vaccinated athletes on 2021December6.
Year | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2009-2020 | 2021 |
Listed FIFA football match deaths | 8 | 12 | 3 | 10 | 11 | 8 | 12 | 11 | 11 | 9 | 10 | 3 | 9.0 | 36 |
Male Cardiovascular club member match deaths | 6 | 12 | 3 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 7 | 10 | 2 | 7.8 | 31 |
1. Pro footballers died of cardiovascular problems during games (match or training) at 31/7.8 = 4 times the average rate of cardiovascular deaths from 2009 to 2020.
2. There were more than 15x as many deaths from heart attacks and strokes in 2021 than there were in 2020.
3. There were 3½ times as many deaths in December this year as there were in the whole of 2020.
4. There were almost as many deaths in December this year (7) as the annual average rate over the last 12 years (7.8 per year)
This does not mean that sporting people are all now 4x more likely to get a heart attack. It means that vaccinated sporting people are somewhere around 6 or 7 times more likely to get a heart attack than unvaxxed sporting people because only around two thirds of pro footballers are vaccinated and these are the ones that will be having the deaths and making up the numbers. We know this because in 2020, when there was plenty of Covid but no vaccination, there was no increase in match deaths. But when the vaccinations began in numbers in early 2021, then the match deaths began to climb.
If you are not particularly athletic then hopefully your chances of getting a heart attack have not increased quite so much.
But that is only a small part of the bad news. The real problem is this...
Quarter | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
Listed FIFA football match deaths | 2 | 4 | 9 | 21 |
Male Cardiovascular club member match deaths | 1 | 4 | 7 | 19 |
That is a straight up exponential rise Quarter on Quarter.
Cardio vascular football deaths are doubling every quarter. So by the end of 2022 they will have risen to 320 per quarter (40, 80, 160, 320). The advice given to footballers who collapse but survive is that they should cease all strenuous activity for 3 months. These figures reveal that all athletes who are vaxxed should do the same thing.
All pro footballers and all professional athletes therefore have two choices. Either stop taking vaccines or stop doing sports. If these vaccinations continue we are at risk of becoming a non athletic species.
8.9 million out of 55.4 million deaths worldwide in 2019 were from heart disease. This is 16% of all deaths. So if heart disease deaths went up by a factor of 4 times in all age groups in all activity classes worldwide, then overall deaths (excess mortality) would go up by 48%. Well, interestingly OneAmerica life insurance found that the risk of death for 18-64 years olds in Q4 had gone up by 40% above the 5 year rate. And the age range of 18-64 year olds would contain all the athletes of course.
OneAmerica data is saying that it is not just athletes who are dropping dead of Cardiovascular failure (or other terminal conditions) at 4 times the normal rate due to these vaccines.
Worse still we can expect mortality rates to increase exponentially over the next year, doubling each and every quarter.
We all have the same heart muscle, athletes and couch potatoes alike. It is just that more sedentary people do not use all their heart muscle and so do not hit a brick wall and keel over so quickly. The high intensity cardio athletes are the canaries in the coalmine for us coach potatoes. What is happening to them very quickly will be happening to us more slowly. They are dying today at 400% of the normal rate. We shall die tomorrow at 400% the normal rate. Because heart muscle does not recover after it is damaged. If a vaccine kills an athlete in a few months it will surely kill a couch potato in a few quarters. Especially if said sofa spud continues to mash himself up with more booster shots.
The media cannot hide the death of a pro footballer during a game and neither can a corrupt government statistics department resurrect him. These deaths are the most accurate and open data set we have. So we should pay them very close attention. They are visible tip of the iceberg of vaccine mortality. Athletes ask as much as it is possible to ask from their hearts. So the day when their hearts cannot answer comes much sooner to them than it does to us.
But vaccines behave in precisely the same way in all heart muscle. They infect heart muscle cells and turn them into spike protein factories having previously trained our immune system to kill spike proteins. So our killer T cells do as they have been programmed to do by the vaccines and kill every vaccinated heart muscle cell (since they recognise it as an spike protein production facility). So the vaccines just destroy our own hearts. In fact they destroy every cell they infect in the entire body. They are a true cellular poison.
Vaccines Projected to Cause 62.3 Million Cardiovascular Deaths in 2022 Worldwide
The recent American Heart Association Paper given in a speech by Dr Steven Gundry to the American Heart Association in Boston on November 12-14 found that mRNA vaccines more than double your 5 year chances of getting a heart attack as measured by various inflammatory markers at 2 months after the 2nd jab The expose covered this in their article on football deaths of December8.
We have also seen that on pitch footballer lethal cardiac incidences doubled every quarter in 2021
Let us be plain about what this means. These footballers are the canary in the coalmine of vaccination. Let us not permit their deaths to be for nothing. They get it first because they are pushing their hearts the hardest. It was so moving for me to watch Sergio Aguero, the totally fit Manchester City player, collapse, then struggle to stand up grabbing his heart with his colleagues around him thinking nothing can be wrong, I will just play on now, and then collapse again. He survived, but is no longer able to play professional football. It is totally absurd for such a fit young man. We must see these dead footballing canaries (31 from heart attacks last year). We must learn from this that the coalmine of vaccination is full of poison and we must get out of it immediately.
So putting the jigsaw together. We know that the heart attack risk is double in footresters (sedentary people), 2½ months after the 2nd jab. And we know that the pitch related heart attack risk in pro footballers was 4x normal in 2021 and that December 2021 with 7 deaths almost matched the previous 12 year average of 7.8 death per year. From this we can deduce that the risk to footballers is around twice the risk to footresters. But the risk to footballers doubles every quarter. therefore the risk to footresters will also double every quarter because they have all taken the same vaccine and they all have the same protein spikes inside them. It is just that footballers push their hearts harder than couch potatoes. So we take the Q4 risk to sedentary people to be 2x normal and extrapolate exponentially from there doubling the risk every quarter. This gives Q1/2/3/4 risks in 2022 of 4x/8x/16x/32x normal.
There have already been 6 footballer deaths in the first half of January 2022 among club players during matches or training sessions.
11 Jan 22 | Amir Abou Aiana | 18 | ![]() |
NONE | Collapsed to the ground with a cardiac arrest on the football pitch of the oratory of via Cellini in Cesano Boscone (hinterland West of Milan) . Resuscitation was attempted and an ambulance was called. He died shortly after arriving at hospital. News Story EXCLUDED (he was not professional due to a congenital heart dysfunction) |
11 Jan 22 | Mateo Hernandez | 18 | ![]() |
Dimurol Salesianos | Dimurol Salesianos Tenerife Football goalkeeper died suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story |
11 Jan 22 | Isaías | 17 | ![]() |
Flamengo de Piauí | Flamengo de Piauí Footballer in Teresina told his teammates as they ran that he felt discomfort. He slowed down, then walked to the bench, where he collapsed. Medics tried to resuscitate him, but he died. It was his third time training with the team. News Story News Story2 |
10 Jan 22 | Filip Turk | 22 | ![]() |
FC Zaprešić | Another young Croatian football player died suddenly, he was only 22 years old: ‘Good luck up there, somewhere among the stars. We will meet again … “ News Story News Story2 |
6 Jan 22 | Herbert Afayo | 21 | ![]() |
Lugazi Municipal Council FC | Collapsed with a cardiac arrest on the pitch at the Geregere Safi Playground in Lugazi, Buikwe District. He was resuscitated and taken to the local hospital but died before reaching the hospital. A postmortem concluded the cause was cardiac arrest. He suffered a bout of malaria weeks before the match (but that is very common in Africa). News Story |
5 Jan 22 | Oisin Fields | 30 | ![]() |
Navan Harps FC | Collapsed and died while playing football with his friends and his death has sent shockwaves across his local community. News Story In a brief statement, officials said: “Everyone involved with the Lonsdale League are very shocked and saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Navan Harps FC player Oisin Fields. |
3 Jan 22 | Marcos Menaldo | 25 | ![]() |
Deportivo Marquense | Guatemalan Deportivo Marquense star centre back defender collapsed with a cardiac arrest in training at the Marquesa de la Ensenada Stadium in San Marcos on Monday shortly after complaining of breathing difficulties. He received CPR and was transferred to the Hospital de Especialidades where he died. News Story2 |
The cardiovascular deaths will continue to rise exponentially if and only if spike protein production continues in the fully vaxxed. We do not know if the immune system will eventually defeat the vaccinations and successfully remove every spike protein factory from the body. It looks from case number data that singly vaccinated people may win that battle. Presently we have no evidence that doubly vaccinated will win it because their case numbers continue to get worse and worse when compared to the unvaxxed. And boosted people have less chance even than them. So on the assumption that the exponential rise that we witnessed in 2021 will continue throughout 2022. Here is the future of cardiac mortality.
The latest ourworldindata (John's Hopkins University) figures for worldwide fully vaccinated people is 51.6% (January22). So for simplicity, assuming nobody is foolhardy enough to take a further vaccination after reading this article, we shall assume a 50:50 unvaccinated to fully vaccinated ratio throughout 2022.
Most people are not professional footballers and even the footballers themselves only spend a small fraction of their lives playing on the pitch. So the projection for cardiac deaths in 2022, just uses the fully vaxxed footrester figures, remembering that the normal worldwide cardiac death rate is 8.9 million per annum or 2.225 million per quarter. This translates to 1.1125 million per quarter for the 50% who are unvaxxed and 2.225 per quarter for the 50% who are fully vaxxed in Q4 2021. We then extrapolate exponentially from there on the basis of the exponential rise in footballer deaths seen and catalogued in 2021 which double every quarter.
So during 2022 rather than seeing the normal 8.9 million cardiovascular deaths , we shall see 71.2 million, an increase of 62.3 million deaths. At that point the vaccines will have killed more people that HIV AIDS - merely from heart attacks. This excludes deaths from VAIDS and from vaccine mediated neurological degeneration. There are nearly 8 billion of us. So 62.3 million is less than 1% of mankind. But it will be the largest genocide ever committed upon us, if the spike protein production keeps going at the present rate in the fully vaxxed.
A new study of 566 patients who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines shows that signs of cardiovascular damage soared following the 2nd shot. The risk of heart attacks or other severe coronary problems more than doubled months after the vaccines were administered, based on changes in markers of inflammation and of cell damage.
Patients had a 1 in 4 risk for severe problems after the vaccines, compared to 1 in 9 before.
Their 5 year heart attack risk went from 11% to 25% thanks to the vaccines (that is a 227% increase).
Dr. Steven Gundry, a Nebraska physician and retired cardiac surgeon, presented the findings at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association’s annual conference in Boston On November12-14. An abstract of his paper was published on November8 in Circulation, the AHA’s scientific journal.
This is not the only study to have found this result. According to British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a whistleblower cardiology researcher from the cardiology department of a prestigious British Institution contacted him to inform that research done by the department has found similar results. The whistle-blower told Dr. Malhotra that they have found links between the inflammation of coronary arteries and the mRNA vaccines from imaging studies.
However, the researchers have decided not to publish their findings, as they are concerned about losing money from the drug industry, alleged the doctor on GB News. He said that the whistle-blower researcher was very upset about this decision. Dr. Aseem Malhotra also said that the information from cardiology community in the UK has showed that there has been a substantial increase of cardiology related deaths in the country, and there is need to study the link to the Covid-19 vaccines.
While these results have come recently, it is possible that the mRNA vaccine developers, particularly Pfizer, knew about such possible effects of their vaccines already. The American pharmaceutical giant has been seeking immunity from any action against any future adverse actions of its vaccine. The company even wanted several countries to put up sovereign assets, including military bases and federal bank reserves, as collateral for potential future legal costs arising out of adverse effects of the vaccine and Pfizer has put the heart attack drug Tromethamine (Tris), a blood acid reducer which is used to stabilize people with heart attacks.
Finally Main Stream TV News covers the dangers of vaccines: Covid: Report reveals increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine - video of GBNews item on the Alex Phillips Show.
Dr John Campbell shows that Dr Gundry had been testing his cardiac patients for 8 years in this way. So he did not fabricate a clinical trial for the purpose of getting any desired outcome. His data just came from his routine operations. Indeed his job is to protect his patients from Heart attack risk. He did not want to see their risk more than double! Dr Campbell says that really we need MRI imaging of the vascular damage to confirm the findings - . Dr Malhotra says that imaging data exists but the doctors who have it, voted against publishing it, in order to preserve access to drug company money.
The Pfizer Phase I-II-III trails founds twice as high a cardiovascular death rate in the vaccinated group as in the unvaccinated group - in the period 6 months after the 2nd Jab -
Pfizer Phase I-II-III Trial Group | 21,926 doubly vaxxed | % | 21,921 unvaxxed | % | 21,923 randomised population | % |
Deaths from all causes during 6 months trial | 17 | 100% | 19 | 100% | 111.2 | 100% |
Death from all vaccine relevant causes. | 15 | 88,2% | 14 | 73.7% | ||
Covid-19 deaths | 1 | 5.9% | 2 | 10.5% | 11.4 | 10.3% |
Cardiovascular deaths (Heart Disease + Stroke) | 9 | 52.9% | 5 | 26.3% | 22.9 + 5.3 = 28.2 | 20.6% + 4.7% = 25.3% |
Sepsis deaths | 4 | 23.5% | 0 | 0% | 1.3 | 1.1% |
So all these data are saying the same thing. Twitter has now put a warning on the American Heart Association Study (as if Twitter is in any sort of position to do that). They should be accepting the position of the American Heart Association lock stock and barrell and enforcing it like they do with the CDC or the FDA or any other marketing department of Pfizer inc. But big politics is going on here. We may never see the full paper that has already been given. Because that paper is dynamite. It proves medically that mRNA vaccines more than double your 5 year chances of a heart attack. Whereas the irrepressible football match data shows that they more than triple the actual heart attack rates for vaccinated professional athletes (and almost triple them for professional athletes as a group).
Sage advice to any pro athlete who has taken the jab might be to take a 6 month sabbatical, eat fish all day and do not take any more jabs. Then you might only double your chances of getting a heart attack in 5 years rather than tripling them annually.
Summary: If you combine
1. The 8 year clinical study paper of Dr Steven Gundry given to the American Heart Association in Boston showing that vaccinated people have a 127% increase in Cardiovascular risk
2. The whistleblowers evidence given to Dr Malhotra
3. The Analysis of Dr Campbell requiring MRI scans to confirm the results of Dr Gundry, which scans exist according to the whistleblower of Dr Malhotra
4. The 178% increase in cardio vascular football player deaths this year compared to the 12 year average and many have not even had the vaccine. So the true danger to the vaccinated players is much higher.
5. The 2:1 ratio of cardiovascular deaths found in the vaxxed compared to the unvaxxed in the original Pfizer clinical vaccine trial
6. The totally unacceptable yet admitted rises in heart attacks and strokes and myocarditis and pericarditis in children who hitherto have not suffered from such malaises.
7. The addition of the heart attack drug Tromethamine to children's Pfizer vaccinations.
Then you are dragged towards the inescapable conclusion that mRNA vaccines more than double the heart attack risk in sedentary people and more than triple the rate of heart attacks in athletes (since many wisely remain unvaccinated).
Add to that the extensively documented reduction in effectiveness of vaccinated immune systems a few months after injection which is falsely attributed to a decline in effectiveness of vaccines themselves in circumstances where vaccines have no job to do in that time frame. They finish training your immune system to recognise the Wuhan Hu1 spike protein or retraining your immune system to re-recognise the very same protein that it has already been trained to recognise, in the first 14 days after injection, the length of a typical viral infection. And you have a charming little cocktail that has about as much chance of extending your life as a large dose of Midazolam.
Large-Scale Quarantine Measures
There are no historical observations or scientific studies that support the confinement by quarantine of groupsof possibly infected people for extended periods in orderto slow the spread of influenza. A World Health Organization (WHO) Writing Group, after reviewing the literature and considering contemporary international experience, concluded that
“forced isolation and quarantine are ineffective and impractical.”
Despite this recommendation by experts, mandatory large-scale quarantine continues to be considered as an option by some authorities and government officials.
Travel Restrictions
Travel restrictions, such as closing airports and screening travelers at borders, have historically been ineffective. The World Health Organization Writing Group concluded that
“Screening and quarantining entering travelers at international borders did not substantially de-lay virus introduction in past pandemics . . . and will likely be even less effective in the modern era.”
Similar conclusions were reached by public health authorities involved in the international efforts to control SARS. Canadian health authorities report that
“Available screening measures for SARS were limited in their effectiveness in detecting SARS among inbound or outbound passengers from SARS-affected areas.”
A review by a WHO Working Group on SARS also concluded that
“Entry screening of travellers through health declarations or thermal scanning at international borders had little documented effect on detecting SARS cases.”
The authors have concluded in a previous analysis that screening individuals on domestic interstate flights for symptoms of flu, as has been proposed in revisions to the Federal Quarantine Rule (42 CFR Parts 70 and 71), would not be effective and would have serious adverse consequences.
Use of Masks and Personal Protective Equipment
Masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) are essential for controlling transmission of influenza in hospitals. For people who work in hospitals, current CDC guidelines for influenza infection control recommend droplet precautions, including the use of surgical masks. But HHS planning guidelines also rightly acknowledge that the uncertainties regarding the potential of virus transmission at the start of a new pandemic would recommend that airborne precautions be used in hospitals—that is, N95 masks (already in short supply) or powered air purifying respirators (PAPRs). Patients would be advised to wear surgical masks to diminish the number of infectious respiratory particles being dispersed into the air, thereby diminishing the likelihood of further spread.
In Asia during the SARS period, many people in the affected communities wore surgical masks when in public. But studies have shown that the ordinary surgical mask does little to prevent inhalation of small droplets bearing influenza virus. The pores in the mask become blocked by moisture from breathing, and the air stream simply diverts around the mask. There are few data avail-able to support the efficacy of N95 or surgical masks out-side a healthcare setting. N95 masks need to be fit tested to be efficacious and are uncomfortable to wear for more than an hour or two. More important, the supplies of such masks are too limited to even ensure that hospitals will have necessary reserves.
The Brownstone institute has collated 400 Scientific studies which demonstrate that lockdowns and mask mandates do not work -
We’re seeing now a lot of mention of constitutive expression, whether that’s failure of the mRNA to degrade or integration into the genome. That’s still being investigated.”
Lindsay goes on to cite a CDC report that shows more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the Covid jab.
A history of Herd Immunity for Flu Pandemics
1. The Spanish Flu H1N1 killed 50 million people and ran from Spring 1918 to Fall 1920, 2 winters. It was aggravated by the poor health of the soldiers and civilians caused by WW1.
2. The 1957 H2N2 Asian flu pandemic killed 1.1 million people. it reached herd immunity in April 1958 after taking off in China in March 1957. It took 13 months to reach herd immunity. The peak death rate in the UK was 600 per week in October 1957. No significant vaccination program occurred (Maurice Hilleman at Merck produced a small number vaccines)
3. The 1968 H3N2 Hong Kong flu pandemic killed between 1 and 4 million people and lasted from July 1968 to winter 1969/70. It took 18 months to reach herd immunity. It covered two winter flu seasons in the West. No significant vaccination program occurred (Maurice Hilleman at Merck produced a small number vaccines)
4. The Amish in Pennsylvania who refuse vaccines (and computers) were first infected with Covid19 Wuhan Alpha in March 2020. They appear to have reached herd immunity in March 2021, after 12 months.
"There has never been a flu pandemic that lasted beyond 2 winters."
Herd immunity has always kicked in by then. We are now in the 2nd winter of the Covid19 pandemic. But no expert is predicting that the pandemic will end by the spring. Something different, something abnormal has therefore occurred this time around. Something abnormal has prevented Herd Immunity from being reached. That something is genetic vaccination. A gene therapy sold as a vaccination. But rather than hastening our journey towards Herd Immunity. It has delayed that journey. Indeed the only groups who have reached herd immunity are the Amish who do not take vaccines, and countries such as India who did not initially take vaccines but instead chose therapeutics such as Ivermectin. Here is the latest comparison between the UK (most vaccinated), the US (less vaccinated) and India (least vaccinated)
Could there be a clearer scientific demonstration from real world data the vaccines prevent Herd Immunity from being reached?
So let us now declare the truth and set ourselves free from the Covid19 lies of Big Pharma.
FACT CHECK: Genetic vaccinations prevent us reaching herd immunity.
FACT CHECK: Genetic vaccinations cannot possibly wane in efficiency after 2 or 3 months because vaccinations train your immune system to recognise an antigen and to raise its alert level to simulate a systemic infection for the first 14 days after injection, and then their job is completed. Indeed that is why the stats for vaccinated people are counted from 14 days after vaccination and why at risk people are advised to self isolate for 14 days after vaccination. After 14 days there is nothing more for the vaccine to do. It therefore cannot wane in later months. This is absolutely known by everyone in immunology. The waning in efficiency occurs in your immune system, not in the vaccines. That is how they prevent us reaching herd immunity.
FACT CHECK: The reduction in efficacy of your immune system not only prevents vaccinated people reaching herd immunity it also gives them a form of AIDS,
Lets call it VAIDS: Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
FACT CHECK: Genetic vaccines, by reducing the efficacy of your immune system,
make you more likely to catch and to transmit covid19 not less. You are safer in a restaurant full of unvaccinated people than you are eating with the vaccinated.
FACT CHECK: Vaccine Passports are a fraud. The bearers of them have vaccine damaged immune systems and are therefore more likely to infect you than the unvaxxed who have have normal immune systems but no passport.
"Genetic vaccines do not wane in efficiency. They cause your immune system to wane in efficiency."
Here is Dr Richard Flemming's recent characterisation of the damage being done to our immune systems by genetic vaccines
"Not only do these vaccines not work if you look at the Emergency Use Authorisations. But the data clearly shows that they are suppressing our immune system. They are suppressing our production of interferon. They are depressing our production of key helper T cells. When people are given Moderna and Pfizer vaccines and then given an influenza vaccine they are not mounting an influenza immune response. It is blunted.
We know that the T cells, the critical cells in the inate system go down after the first Pfizer vaccine shot. We know that natural immunity, person to person immunity, is long lasting provides memory cells up front, it provides not only IgM (Immunoglobulin Mu antibodies) and IgG (Immunoglobulin Gamma antibodies) but it provides the critical IgA antibody for our lungs and our Gastro Intestinal tract. We know that if you've been exposed to inlfuenza or cytomegalovirus you probably already have some natural immunity. And what we now know most recently is that I have told people these vaccines only picked out the spike protein of the SARS CoV Wuhan HU1 variant (that preceded the UK alpha variant) and so the further away we have gotten from that the more we have put a pressure selection on the delta variant and the mu and the lambda variants but here is the thing...
What we now know is that the greatest natural immunity to this virus comes off the nucleocapsid component of it (not the spike protein) which you can only get if you get it from person to person (transmission), that data just recently came out. So they are not even vaccinating for the right bloody part of the virus to begin with and like I've said before we have always done vaccines where we have taken all the variants with all the parts and injected that into you so your body and make an immune response to all the variants and all the parts. So that it bloody well works. This is the most - this is Jurassic park literally. They were given the tools by people that they stood on the shoulders of. Some of it was work that I did that they literally stole out of the work I was doing in the early 1990s on inflammation where they used that Shi Zeng lee used that to help formulate how she was gonna put that glycoprotein 120 there" - Dr Richard Flemming in Brighteon Conversations.
Dr Flemming is pointing out that a vaccine against the spike protein (12% of the proteins in the virus) of one now obsolete variant of a flu - is almost completely pointless. What is needed is a vaccine against all the proteins of all the variants of Covid. That is how the annual flu vaccines actually work. Although each year they are out of date before they are administered, being designed against the previous years variants - which is why they are not fully effective. The trouble is that the flu mutates more quickly than we can design new vaccines and get approval for them.
The Pfizer and Moderna shots are pathetic attempts at a vaccine. But they are really good attempts at persistent gene therapy which ensure that the immune system diverts massive amounts of resources to fight a civil war against their continuous spike production. A genetic booster shot containing the genes to produce the Wuhan Hu1 spike protein is the wrong type of vaccine designed against the wrong component of the wrong variant of the virus. Nobody is suffering from Wuhan Hu1 or UK alpha anymore. Nobody should be taking that shot today.
Humetrix AI DOD study of 5.6m Medicare recipients over 65 shows that breakthrough infection rates 5-6 months after vaccination are twice as high as they were 3-4 months after vaccination
The graph above is displaying the progressive destruction of the immune systems of the vaccinated. People with recent vaccinations were the most resistant to Delta. People with older vaccinations were less resistant. In fact we can see the immune systems getting weaker and weaker week by week. It is that progressive weakness that is preventing the vaccinated from reaching herd immunity. They are immuno compromised. They have VAIDS -
The Herd Immunity Equation
(100-Individual Immunity%) x R0 < 100 for the end of a Pandemic and for reaching Herd Immunity.
R0 for UK Alpha was said to be around 3-4. So we need 67%-75% individual immunity for the end of that pandemic
R0 for the Indian Delta is now said to be around 5. So we need 80% individual immunity for the end of that pandemic
R0 for Omicron will be around 10-20 (because it is overtaking Delta at least twice as quickly as Delta replaced UK Alpha and Beta). So we need 90-95%
individual immunity to end the Omicron Pandemic
Omicron is much more infectious than Delta which was considerably more infectious than Alpha and Beta.
Even if we had 100% vaccination rates, the vaccines were 95% effective against UK alpha 14 days after vaccination. But Pfizer was only 39% effective against Delta in July in Israel -
And a recent South African study found Pfizer to be 23% effective against Omicron -
Although these numbers are meaningless because the effectiveness reduces at around 5% per week from around 6 weeks after the shot all the way to minus 100%
(total immune failure). So one is basically measuring how old the shot is as much as anything else.
In fact the vaccines drop to zero efficacy around 5 months after vaccination and then go negative. So they have absolutely no chance whatsoever of stopping an Omicron Pandemic which requires 100% vaccination and 90-95% effectiveness!
The Wuhan Hu1 spike protein boosters will not be anywhere near 90-95% effective against Omicron, even at peak effectiveness 14 days after vaccination. They are the wrong calibre weapon for Omicron. The only chance we have is natural immunity. Without doubt we should be focussing on therapeutics not vaccines. Taking a Wuhan Hu1 booster against Omicron is completely pointless unless you buy into the non sequitur that a vaccine which does not reduce viral load can lessen the severity of a viral infection. But PHS data shows that doubly vaccinated Delta cases are 5x more likely to die than unvaccinated Delta cases -
Omicron could well be man made
The Delta variant is doing fine. There are, at the time of writing, over 800,000 delta infections in the UK. Covid has absolutely no need to perform 32 further mutations in order to stay relevant. It was doing fine without any mutations beyond Delta. There was almost no variant pressure on Delta. So why are we seeing a new variant (Omicron) with 32 mutations all of a sudden? It took 11 years for the Asian flu H2N2 to mutate into the Hong Kong flu H3N2. And that mutation was absolutely necessary for the flu to become relevant again. So under the most extreme pressure, nature took 11 years to produce a variant. But here, today, under almost no pressure, we get a variant with 32 mutations in the spike and 20 more elsewhere?
This variant has appeared at the perfect time to ruin Christmas in the West and thereby maintain the power of government psyops. And it provides the perfect platform for a 4th booster shot designed against Omicron rather than against Wuhan Hu1. How convenient for the business model of Pfizer and Moderna. Booster uptake was a bit slow was it? This is all feeling very much like the PC virus and antivirus business model. In that case ALL the viruses are man made. Every single one of them. Didn't Bill Gates formulate the Global Vaccine Action Plan in 2010 with Tony Fauci?
2010: The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan.
The Leadership Council is comprised of:
Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO;
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health;
Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF;
Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
How long will it be before we all need security updates to our immune systems as often as PCs need security updates to Windows?
Mind you if nature did produce Omicron then it is truly brilliant and has worked out to evade Pfizer and Moderna as many virologists (Prof Luc Montagnier etc.) said it would.
Here is how to end the Covid19 pandemic
1. Terminate all genetic vaccinations immediately
2. Terminate all gain of function research immediately and lock up anybody involved in it - past, present and future.
3. Wait for 12 months..
The Pandemic will not end until all genetic vaccination and all gain of function research ends.
"We must stop pretending that the vaccines are the fix, when the science is screaming to us that they are the problem."
But it is not only science that is screaming at us. For God himself has a word or two to say on the subject
1. A corona virus of spike proteins is a crown of thorns. That was the last abuse meted out to the Messiah before he was crucified wearing that crown.
2. COVID19 = 100+0+5+1+500+1+9 = 616, the number of the beast of Revelation13 in the oldest biblical manuscript P115 and in the Ephraemi Codex. Global vaccine passports will be the Mark of the Beast.
3. 6 And the 7 angels came out of the temple, having the 7 plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.
7 And one of the four beasts gave unto the 7 angels 7 golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.
8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the 7 plagues of the 7 angels were fulfilled. (Revelation 15 )
1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the 7 angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. (Revelation 16 )
"There is no more golden a vial than the mRNA vaccine vial, the most lucrative pharmaceutical ever created"
There will be 7 shots of the covid vaccines before the kingdom of God is installed over mankind at the end of the world. These shots are the final expression of the anger of the demons at losing their rulership over mankind to and to his father .
There are also 7 vials of the anger of God, the last 7 of the 10 greater plagues of Egypt upon all the false Gods of this system of things: Money, Status, Celebrity, Corrupted Science, Corrupted Technology, Wokery etc.
The divine and the satanic threads are both represented by the same set of words. That is the classic knot that we have to untie to understand the account.
Israeli health ministry advisory committee member and Deputy chief of Israel's biggest hospital Prof Arnon Afek on December 6. -
4. 14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3 )
The vaccines are the snake bite in the battle of the seeds a fang for a jab. When you see the vaccinated persecuting the unvaccinated you are seeing the seed of the serpent persecuting the seed of the woman, which seed is the sons of the Kingdom. For the gene therapy vaccines alter one's genes to make one the seed of the serpent, which is the seed of Cain, the son of the serpent. For Cain means spike or spear in Hebrew. Whereas the unvaxxed are still adamic and so are the seed of the woman, who was from Adam's rib, not from the serpent. But fear not ye vaccinated ones for we are saved not by our genes but by our actions, by our love and by our faith. Being vaccinated, being rather than adamic, being Spikian in your genes, just makes it easier for to test you .It does NOT deny you salvation.
Here's how you pass the test that is about to come upon mankind.
1. Take no more vaccines.
2. Reject the vaccine passport. It is the Mark of the Beast.
3. Do not discriminate, persecute, segregate or abuse unvaccinated people.
Rather love them and demonstrate your humanity towards them. Do not support governments or corporations or clubs or families or people when they discriminate against the unvaxxed. For the unvaxxed are the true uncorrupted seed (genetically at the least).
When you see them sick and in prison and hungering and thirsting and naked and displaced - look after them, love them and will repay you for that love with citizenship in the. For that is the test of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 and the hour of the test of Revelation3. For the unvaxxed, being the true seed, are ' brothers. And the serpent is the corruptor of the true seed with gene therapy vaccines.
Here is what the governments of the world are forcing upon your daughter...
God bless her courage. And God save her and us from the snake bite. She should be on the front page of every newspaper in the world.
Find another way to treat Covid you death dealing vaccinators and demonic governments
Politicians do not care about your health. They care about your vote.
In the past we voted with our hands. Today we vote with our shoulders.
When a British Politician such as Boris Johnson or Sajid Javid begs for your vaccination. He is begging for your vote.
When an Austrian politician legislates mandatory vaccinations he is stealing your vote.
When the main stream media print misleading statistics about vaccination effectiveness they are attempting to influence your vote like they do in every election
When the fake president of the United States makes an executive order for a vaccine mandate he is trying to rig the election (as if he would do any thing like that).
My apologies for being so slow to see it
We are all partaking in a COVERT election for a world wide fascist dictatorship based on a social credit score linked digital smart currency which is denied to the unvaxxed by means of vaccine passports.
Every shot you take, every shoulder your present, every jab your receive is a vote to lose your human rights, to lose your national democracy, to lose your national sovereignty, to lose your right to socialise with whom you choose or be treated by the doctor whom you choose, with the treatment which you and he choose. Actually your doctor has already lost the right to treat you as he sees fit.
It is also a vote to segregate, to demonise, to exclude, to fine, to criminalise and to incarcerate your naturally immune unvaccinated brothers and sisters on false health grounds.
It is a vote for worldwide apartheid and worldwide vaxxism. It is a vote to abolish your country and your government in favour of a global multinational corporate giga-plutocracy
Of course nobody in their right mind would have voted for any of these things had the election been carried out in an open and honest manner. In fact UK opinion polls carried out by Good Morning Britain and then quickly deleted off twitter, show that 90% of people in the UK do not want vaccine mandates. Whereas YouGov polls say we all want to be told what to do by the government every minute of every day. -
But this vaccination election has been disguised as a therapeutic medical intervention necessary for the health of the nation and critical in saving our health services.
It is no such thing. It is an unnecessary genetic takeover, a commoditisation of our immune systems by globalists for political purposes. And our health service has already been destroyed by politics not by a virus.
It is the wrong type of vaccination (there was never any need to change our genes - sputnik and novavax prove that).
It is against the wrong part of the virus (the spike protein is highly pathogenic). It should have been against all nucleocapsid proteins, not the spike proteins according to research cited by Dr Richard Flemming.- What we now know is that the greatest natural immunity to this virus comes off the nucleocapsid component of it (not the spike protein) which you can only get if you get it from person to person (transmission), that data just recently came out.
It should have been against all the proteins in the variant not merely against 12% of the proteins that occur in the spike
It is now against the wrong variant. A vaccination for the Wuhan Hu1 spike protein is next to useless against the 32 mutation Omicron spike protein.
It is the wrong intervention. Vaccinations have never been particularly effective against the flu. Therapeutics such as Vitamin D, Zinc + cell opener,
Vitamin C, Mouthwashes containing Cetylpyridinium Chloride or Iodine, Monoclonal antibodies, Proxalutamide, Fluvoxamine, Budesonide, are far more effective today than vaccines. Vaccines worked at a decreasing rate against Wuhan Hu1 for 5 months until the damage done to the immune system by the gene therapy overtook the benefit of the antigen training of the initial jab.
"You will own nothing and you will be happy" says Klaus Schwab. That is his goal. It is plainly not our goal. I do not want Klaus Schwab to own anything of mine. But we are voting for it with each vote-anation we accept.
Yes our votes stand written by the vaccination needle in the ink of Pfizer and Moderna in the ballot box of our very souls. And we have been conned.
I pity the doctors and nurses the most. They have been trained in a highly specialised discipline for 5 to 10 years and they are being threatened with the sack if they do not take a medical intervention which all their training tells them is unnecessary if they have had the virus and at best of marginal short term benefit if they have not. I have never in my life seen a more unjust penalty for a more invalid misdemeanour.
Most unvaxxed front line staff already have antibodies to the virus - particularly because Matt Hancock failed to provide any PPE at the start of the pandemic. Those with natural immunity pose less of a threat to patients than the vaxxed. 8 weeks ago according to the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report for Week42, vaccinated people between 40 and 79 were 50% more likely to catch and therefore transmit Covid-19 than those who voted against the NWO by refusing their shoulders.
It is a fact that immune system efficiency in the vaccinated decreases with time (which is misrepresented by government scientists and the media as vaccines losing efficiency - which is impossible, since vaccines do not do anything after the first 2 weeks). So today despite corrupted UKHSA figures from Week43 onwards resulting from a severe telling off by The Office of Statistical Regulation (TOSR) in Week42, the immune systems of the doubly vaccinated between 40 and 79 will be around 75-85% degraded in Covid response rather than 50% (depending upon how linear the degradation is). So it is the vaccinated doctors and nurses who present a danger to the patients not the unvaxxed. This can also be seen by the wonderful way in which South Africa with 26% double vaccination and 72% antibody immunity (therefore at least 46% natural immunity) has negotiated Omicron.
Never has a greater injustice been perpetrated on the medical profession. Politicians should not be prescribing medical interventions for doctors. Doctors should be prescribing psychological interventions for politicians. Doctors do not generally know how to make a living outside of medicine. They are now being instructed in writing in violation of all sorts of employment law, to get vaxxed or get a non patient facing job? Pardon me?
Allow me to point out the blindingly obvious here. If politicians do not care about Doctors' jobs or about Nurses' Jobs, then they most certainly do not care about your health or about the NHS.
No. They care about Doctors' votes and Nurses' votes and they will do absolutely anything to get those votes.
They do not care if you live or die so long as you live or die voting with your shoulder. They do not care if doctors consult with patients or consult with job centre advisors, so long as their shoulders consult with Pfizer or Moderna.
I do wonder if George Soros and Bill Gates thought there was more political control to be gained over humanity in persuading people to eat cheeseburgers than there is in persuading them to take vaccines, whether millions of people would now be queuing up to get burgered and Sajid Javid would be begging us to eat more cheeseburgers and all restauranteurs who offer healthier food would be threatened with losing their jobs if they did not offer cheeseburgers instead and I would now be writing this piece as an antiburgerer. - Is this how corrupt we have all become?
The medical unions have totally failed their members. My God have they failed. Where is the total medical strike? How can they indulge such discrimination against their members? Unite and Unison have become Divide and Division. What is the point in being a part of a union that deserts its members when they need it the most? when their entire livelihood is threatened with imminent destruction?
Let's think this through. The world is facing a medically powered tyranny. Therefore the most important people in this battle are medical personnel. Therefore they may have the power to stop this. That may be why they are being pushed so hard. Here are some strategies that might help individually.
1. Claim for harassment - threat of being sacked for no valid medical reason.
2. Claim for discrimination in violation of 2010 Equalities act.
3. Vaccinations breach the hippocratic oath - they harm the immune system and the vascular system and every cell that is infected with spike protein genes will be marked and killed by killer T cells (not good if they are heart muscle cells or brain cells)
As a side note. When you are vaccinated, the pressure exerted through the tiny needle forces the vaccine containing 14.4 trillion (Pfizer) or 48 trillion (Moderna) copies of the Wuhan Hu1 Spike protein RNA in a nano lipid particle coating into your deltoid muscle cells and into the interstitial space between those cells. If you are unlucky, because nobody bothers to aspirate the vaccination, which used to be standard practice, when the health of the patient was a concern, the needle hits a vein and you get trillions of spike proteins charging straight into your heart. If you are lucky, then the interstitial fluid between your muscle cells drains into your lymphatic system and from there into your blood stream and from there into your heart in smaller quantity and at a much slower rate. But make no mistake. Your immune system recognises every vaccinated cell that starts to produce spike proteins and sends killer T cells to destroy it. If that cell is in your shoulder muscle fine. If that cell is in your heart muscle or your brain - not fine. Professor Neils Hoibe from the University of Copenhagen (781 publications, 44,327 citations) describes this process in a video with Dr John Campbell (both are careful not to be seen as too antivax) -
But a collective approach is the real answer. Vaccinated medics must join with the unvaxxed in a forum and take a decision to stand together and not be separated by vaccine politics. I would argue that the hippocratic oath requires it because losing medical staff will cause harm especially given the massive backlog of overdue consultations and treatments for chronic conditions.
Let us speak plainly here. The NHS is finished unless the medics find some way to take back some power from the politicians. What is needed is some type of industrial action. The idea that one cannot do that because patients will suffer has largely been superseded by events. Patients are already suffering from NHS dictats. We are in the midst of a war on patient care. The government has turned the NHS into an almost entirely political instrument for procuring Global Dictatorship votanations. Somehow the medics need to devise a way to claw it back and return it to being a medical service for patients not a lobbying service for global fascists and corporate monopolists.
The best method to fight this would be for ALL MEDICS to agree to cease Covid vaccination entirely until their demands are met. That would absolutely work. And would not do any harm to anyone because a 3rd Jab against Wuhan Hu1 is next to useless against Omicron. It is not telling the immune system anything that it has not seen twice before. It would work because for reasons beyond the grasp of even the most degenerate conspiracy theorist, politicians are mad dog crazy about vaccination numbers.
The way to sell that idea might be to state the truth that CHD and Cancer pose a greater threat than Omicron to the NHS and to patients lives and so rather than suspending treatment for those conditions in order to focus on covid, all doctors as a profession have decided to do the reverse as far as vaccinations are concerned.
"If doctors as a group refuse to vaccinate they will get whatever they want"
The demands to be negotiated are a matter for the medics. But an end to politicians prescribing for doctors must be a central one. I would go further and demand that full medical treatment autonomy be returned to the doctors who are presently reduced by political interference to being bureaucrats following medical procedures laid down by committees from regulators funded by the likes of Bill Gates. That is not medicine. It is medical feudalism.
Bill Gates succeeded in monopolising PC operating systems. Monopolists like him are very close to achieving the same goal with medicine. They are using that monopoly to usurp and corrupt duly elected governments around the world. This is the new imperialism.
From the Romans to the British and the Americans and the Russians it was military imperialism. From WW2 to today it has been political imperialism through the EU and the UN etc. But now it has become medical imperialism. The end result is always the same. Misery for the masses and hypocrisy for the elite. Klaus Schwab is wrong and he knows it. We will have nothing (our digital currency will be worthless in the absence of a good social credit score) and we shall be miserable and we shall be chronically sick and dependent upon the next vaccination for our next breath.
That is what we vote for with every vaccination we take.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and healthy and liberating and blessed new year.
The ONS has produced a report covering the first 14 days of Omicron Infection from November29 to December12. The report gives the estimated chance of a Covid positive person having the Omicron variant for each vaccination status
"These statistics refer to infections occurring in private households. These figures exclude infections reported in hospitals, care homes and/or other communal establishments."
Here is Table 1b from the OMS report: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: Characteristics related to having an Omicron compatible result in those who test positive for COVID-19 (84.8 kB xlsx)
Table 1b
Modelled likelihood of testing positive with an Omicron probable result in people who test positive for COVID-19, by screened demographic characteristic,
UK: 29 November 2021 to 12 December 2021
Vaccination Status |
Estimated likelihood of testing positive for COVID-19 with an Omicron probable result (odds ratio) |
Lower 95% confidence interval |
Upper 95% confidence interval |
p-value |
Number of Omicron probable positives |
Total sample |
Not vaccinated (Reference) |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
14 |
536 |
1 dose |
1.57 |
0.52 |
4.54 |
0.413 |
8 |
144 |
2 doses, more than 14 days ago |
2.26 |
0.78 |
7.45 |
0.157 |
72 |
944 |
3 doses, more than 14 days ago |
4.45 |
1.29 |
17.03 |
0.023 |
21 |
185 |
These figures mean that if you have Covid and you have had 3 doses of the vaccine then you are 4.45x more likely to have Omicron than if you are an unvaxxed Covid case.
So in order to find the probability of catching Omicron, for each category of vaccination status we must multiply the above figures (for the chances of your Covid being Omicron) by the chances of becoming a Covid case in the first place.
Those chances are published every week by the UKHSA. Here are the latest figures from the Vaccine Surveillance Report for week 51.
Cases reported by specimen date between week 47 & 50 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Under18 |
395,335 |
25,523 |
8,990 |
46,126 |
2,168 |
312,528 |
635.5 |
2,973.9 |
18-29 |
257,526 |
23,829 |
1,693 |
16,198 |
163,814 |
51,992 |
2,809.1 |
1,603.5 |
30-39 |
254,435 |
18,013 |
1,112 |
10,911 |
181,600 |
42,799 |
2,985.1 |
1,510.3 |
40-49 |
230,670 |
12,518 |
471 |
5,117 |
190,320 |
22,244 |
3,049.9 |
1,320.1 |
50-59 |
147,033 |
7,548 |
203 |
2,425 |
126,812 |
10,045 |
1,768.9 |
983.7 |
60-69 |
58,233 |
3,449 |
91 |
948 |
49,998 |
3,747 |
863.5 |
688.4 |
70-79 |
18,858 |
1,327 |
27 |
246 |
15,990 |
1,268 |
338.2 |
512.6 |
≥80 |
9,067 |
695 |
16 |
160 |
7,482 |
714 |
280.3 |
568.5 |
So now we just multiply the Covid case ratio by the probability of a Covid case being Omicron and get the probability of being an Omicron Covid case by vaccination status for all the age groups...
Age group | Covid Rates
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Double Vaxxed to Unvaxxed Covid Rate Ratio |
Double Vaxxed to Unvaxxed Omicron Rate Ratio = 2.26 x Covid Rate Ratio | Triple Vaxxed to Unvaxxed Omicron Rate Ratio = 4.45 x Covid Rate Ratio |
Under18 |
635.5 |
2,973.9 |
0.2 | 0.5 | 1.0 |
18-29 |
2,809.1 |
1,603.5 |
1.8 | 4.0 | 7.8 |
30-39 |
2,985.1 |
1,510.3 |
2.0 | 4.5 | 8.8 |
40-49 |
3,049.9 |
1,320.1 |
2.3 | 5.2 | 10.3 |
50-59 |
1,768.9 |
983.7 |
1.8 | 4.1 | 8.0 |
60-69 |
863.5 |
688.4 |
1.3 | 2.8 | 5.6 |
70-79 |
338.2 |
512.6 |
0.7 | 1.5 | 2.9 |
≥80 |
280.3 |
568.5 |
0.5 | 1.1 | 2.2 |
Covid/Omicron Case Rate in the Doubly and Triply Vaccinated Compared to Unvaxxed
So if you are between 40 and 49 years old, then being doubly vaxxed presently only increases your chances of catching Covid by 2.3x. But it increases your chances of catching Omicron by 5.2x !
If you are between 40 and 49 years old, then being triply vaxxed increases your chances of catching Covid by 2.3x (the UKHSA figures do not yet distinguish between doubly and triply vaccinated people for Covid cases). But it increases your chances of catching Omicron by 10.3x !
This is because the Omicron virus evades the vaccines AND because the vaccines damage the immune system progressively with time. In fact the more doses of the vaccine you take the more damage they do. Obviously vaccinated people should not be doing worse than unvaxxed! So taking a booster is the worst possible thing you can do to ward off Omicron.
Furthermore, since the virus evades the vaccines and since the vaccines damage the immune system, the idea that the vaccines prevent hospitalisation and death from Omicron is complete nonsense. The reverse will plainly be the case. Fortunately Omicron infections are generally less severe and less lethal than Delta. But it appears that Omicron may be the perfect variant to show up just how destructive the vaccines really are to our immune systems.
I cannot see how anyone seeing this data could possibly take a 3rd dose.
The gene therapy vaccines have a negligible effect on Omicron. Therefore the ratio between the vaxxed and unvaxxed case rates for Omicron is purely a measure of the damage done to the immune system by the vaccines. It is not masked by the vaccines training the immune system to fight Omicron. The vaccines had significant effectiveness with Delta. So the Delta vaxxed to unvaxxed case rate ratio masked the immune systems damage with vaccine mediated Delta neutralising antibodies. But Omicron is the vaccine apocalypse (meaning unmasking in Greek or Revelation). So since 40-49 year old triply vaxxed case rates are 10.3 times higher than for the unvaxxed, their immune system must have degraded in general viral effectiveness by (10.3-1.0)/10.3 = 90.3%. Yes, they are now down to the last 9.7% of the immune response that the unvaxxed can muster. This means they truly have Vaccine Mediated AIDS or VAIDS.
The Expose actually predicted on October 10 that vaccines would cause AIDS in the viral piece I wrote back then. At that time the immune systems of the vaccinated were degrading at around 5% efficiency per week and had been doing so for the last 7 weeks. The article created so much furore in the government that The Office of Statistical Regulation wrote a latter to the UKHSA as reported in the Daily Mail
TOSR director general Ed Humpherson wrote to the UKHSA's boss Dr Jenny Harries on November1 thanking her for the changes she had made and is quoted in the Daily Mail as saying
'It remains the case that the surveillance report includes rates per 100,000 which can be used to argue that vaccines are not effective,'
'I know that this is not the intention of the surveillance report, but the potential for misuse remains.
The TOSR thereby declared that the purpose of their statistics is not to assist the public in giving or withholding an informed consent for gene therapy vaccination. No. It is to ensure that their stats cannot even be used to argue against vaccination and that any such argument would be a misuse of their data. They defined themselves as a pro vaccine propaganda outfit, a PR department for the vaccine makers Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca etc. Whereas the government is the sales department of those corporations.
After that letter, the UKHSA data stopped showing the 5% decrease per week that they had shown in Weeks 35-41. I knew in my heart that the figures had been corrupted back then. But now we have more evidence of that corruption. Because I continued to extrapolate forward until this time on the basis that the 5% decrease would continue. In truth it would have to tail off at the end and asymptotically approach 100% immune system failure. But nonetheless here is my extrapolation...
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Decline |
Week37 Decline |
Week38 Decline |
Week39 Decline |
Week40 Decline |
Week41 Decline |
Week42 Decline |
Week43 Decline |
Week44 Decline |
Week45 Decline |
Week46 Decline |
Week47 Decline |
Week48 Decline |
Week49 Decline |
Week50 Decline |
Week51 Decline |
Week52 Decline |
Dec31 Vaccine Efficacy |
Average Weekly Decline 35 - 42 |
Weeks from week50 (Nov11-Dec17) before immune system failure (100% degradation) |
CHILDREN | +60.1% | +6.4% | +11.6% | +5.7% | +4.3% | +1.6% | 0% | -8.2% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | +26.4% | -5.5% from peak | 23 weeks (126.4/5.5) |
18-29 | +53.2% | -2.5% | -1.9% | -4.0% | -4.3% | -7.0% | -8.6% | -4.0% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -25.1% | -4.6% | 17 weeks (74.9/4.6) |
30-39 | +31.6% | -6.0% | -7.0% | -10.5% | -11.4% | -10.5% | -7.7% | -2.2% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -100% | -7.9% | 0 weeks |
40-49 | -21.1% | -5.2% | -5.3% | -8.1% | -6.9% | -5.6% | -3.2% | -1.6% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -100% | -5.1% | 0 weeks |
50-59 | -24.1% | -4.0% | -2.4% | -3.9% | -5.7% | -5.7% | -5.0% | -2.3% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -94.1% | -4.1% | 2 weeks (5.9/4.1) |
60-69 | -27.5% | -4.2% | -2.9% | -4.2% | -2.1% | -5.8% | -4.0% | -2.5% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -90.2% | -3.7% | 3 weeks (9.8/3.7) |
70-79 | -23.5% | -4.1% | +0.7% | -3.9% | -3.6% | -9.6% | -6.3% | -0.6% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -89.9% | -3.9% | 3 weeks (10.1/3.9) |
80+ | +8.5% | -5.6% | -7.1% | -3.1% | -2.5% | -8.3% | -7.1% | +2.4% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -67.8% | -4.5% | 8 weeks (32.2/4.5) |
18+ | -0.4% | -4.5% | -3.7% | -5.4% | -5.2% | -7.5% | -6.0% | -1.5% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | na | -81.0% | -4.8% | 4.7 weeks |
A Vaccine efficacy of +50% means that doubly vaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is half the delta case rate in the unvaxxed.
A Vaccine efficacy of -50% means that unvaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than doubly vaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is double the delta case rate in the unvaxxed.
A Vaccine efficacy of 0% means that doubly vaccinated people are 0% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed equals the delta case rate in the unvaxxed. It means the vaccines have lost all their effectiveness.
And here are the governments figures from the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Reports for Weeks 36-51. ...
This is the weekly decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaxxed people. Vaccine efficacy is measured using Pfizer's vaccine effectiveness formula...
(Unvaxxed case rate - Vaxxed case rate)/the Larger of Unvaxxed or Vaxxed case rate - We are using the normalised absolute ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed case numbers to determine vaccine efficiency just as Pfizer itself does.
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Decline |
Week37 Decline |
Week38 Decline |
Week39 Decline |
Week40 Decline |
Week41 Decline |
Week42 Decline |
Week43 Decline |
Week44 Decline |
Week45 Decline |
Week46 Decline |
Week47 Decline |
Week48 Decline |
Week49 Decline |
Week50 Decline |
Dec17 Vaccine Efficacy |
Average Weekly Decline 35 - 42 |
Weeks from week50 (Nov11-Dec17) before immune system failure (100% degradation) |
CHILDREN | +60.1% | +6.4% | +11.6% | +5.7% | +4.3% | +1.6% | 0% | -8.2% | +6.6% | -9.7% | -1.4% | +0.6% | +1.7% | +1.1% | +2.7% | -4.4% |
+78.6% |
-5.5% from peak | 33 weeks (181.4/5.5) |
18-29 | +53.2% | -2.5% | -1.9% | -4.0% | -4.3% | -7.0% | -8.6% | -4.0% | -7.5% | -0.2% | -1.8% | -1.8% | -1.0% | -3.7% | -14.1% | -33.7% |
-42.9% |
-4.6% | 13 weeks (57.1/4.6) |
30-39 | +31.6% | -6.0% | -7.0% | -10.5% | -11.4% | -10.5% | -7.7% | -2.2% | -3.2% | -0.3% | -0.7% | -1.7% | -0.9% | -2.4% | -3.4% | -13.1% |
-49.4% |
-7.9% | 7 weeks (50.6/7.9) |
40-49 | -21.1% | -5.2% | -5.3% | -8.1% | -6.9% | -5.6% | -3.2% | -1.6% | +0.8% | +0.3% | +1.3% | +0.7% | +0.1% | -0.8% | +0.1% | -2.3% |
-56.7% |
-5.1% | 9 weeks (43.3/5.1) |
50-59 | -24.1% | -4.0% | -2.4% | -3.9% | -5.7% | -5.7% | -5.0% | -2.3% | -0.3% | -0.4% | +1.6% | +1.2% | +1.6% | +2.1% | +3.1% | -0.2% |
-44.4% |
-4.1% | 12 weeks (55.6/4.1) |
60-69 | -27.5% | -4.2% | -2.9% | -4.2% | -2.1% | -5.8% | -4.0% | -2.5% | -0.7% | -0.5% | +1.1% | +2.9% | +5.9% | +8.1% | +11.6% | +4.5% |
-20.3% |
-3.7% | 14 weeks (79.7/3.7) |
70-79 | -23.5% | -4.1% | +0.7% | -3.9% | -3.6% | -9.6% | -6.3% | -0.6% | +1.3% | +4.0% | +9.3% | +14.8% | +24.5% | +23.6% | +12.9% | -5.5% |
+34.0% |
-3.9% | 35 weeks (134.0/3.9) |
80+ | +8.5% | -5.6% | -7.1% | -3.1% | -2.5% | -8.3% | -7.1% | +2.4% | +0.9% | +13.7% | +16.5% | +19.5% | +11.5% | +7.5% | +6.5% | -2.6% |
+50.7% |
-4.5% | 34 weeks (150.7/4.5) |
18+ | -0.4% | -4.5% | -3.7% | -5.4% | -5.2% | -7.5% | -6.0% | -1.5% | -1.2% | +2.4% | +3.9% | +5.1% | +6.0% | +4.9% | +2.3% | -5.2% |
-18.4% |
-4.8% | 17.7 weeks |
Evidence based policy making or policy based evidence making? - Fraser Nelson Daily Telegraph
The figures in brown are post the TOSR letter and are therefore considered to be corrupt and political. The olive green figures are linear projections from the more accurate UKHSA figures for weeks 35-42. Admittedly the government figures are for Covid cases in general but the extrapolated figures, which merely continue the strongly pronounced trend of weeks 35-42, predict a 97.7% immune system degradation by December 17 and 92.6% on December 11. Whereas the Omicron variant in the case of triply boosted people reveals a 90.3% immune system degradation in the 14 days from November 28 to December 12. That is a startlingly good agreement.
If we use Omicron now to measure immune system degradation in all age groups we get
Age group | Double Vaxxed to Unvaxxed Covid Rate Ratio |
Double Vaxxed to Unvaxxed Omicron Rate Ratio = 2.26 x Covid Rate Ratio | Triple Vaxxed to Unvaxxed Omicron Rate Ratio = 4.45 x Covid Rate Ratio | Double Vaxxed Immune System Boost/Degradation | Triple Vaxxed Immune System Boost/Degradation |
Under18 |
0.2 | 0.5 | 1.0 | +50.0% | 0.0% |
18-29 |
1.8 | 4.0 | 7.8 | -75.0% | -87.2% |
30-39 |
2.0 | 4.5 | 8.8 | -77.8% | -88.6% |
40-49 |
2.3 | 5.2 | 10.3 | -80.8% | -90.3% |
50-59 |
1.8 | 4.1 | 8.0 | -75.6% | -87.5% |
60-69 |
1.3 | 2.8 | 5.6 | -64.3% | -82.1% |
70-79 |
0.7 | 1.5 | 2.9 | -33.3% | -65.5% |
≥80 |
0.5 | 1.1 | 2.2 | -9.1% | -54.5% |
However you look at this, many fully vaccinated people will reach 100% immune system degradation for Omicron like viruses in the next few weeks. The question then becomes how much of the immune system is involved in fighting the likes of Omicron? How much of the immune arsenal will the gene therapy vaccines have completely destroyed?
Histopathologic studies: the patients Histopathologic analyses have been performed on the organs of 15 persons who died after vaccination. The age, gender, vaccination record, and time of death after injection of each patient are listed in thetable on the next page. The following points are of utmost importance:
Prior to death, only 4 of the 15 patients had been treated in the ICU for more than 2 days. The majority were never hospitalized and died at home (5), on the street (1), at work (1), in the car(1), or in home-care facilities (1).
Therefore, in most cases, therapeutic intervention is unlikely to have significantly influenced the post-mortem findings.
Not a single death was brought into any possible association with the vaccination by the coroneror the public prosecutor; this association was only established by our autopsy findings.
The initially performed conventional post-mortems also uncovered no obvious hints to apossible role of vaccination, since the macroscopic appearance of the organs was overallunremarkable. In most cases, “rhythmogenic heart failure” was postulated as the cause of death.
Case# |
Gender |
Age |
Vaccine (injections) |
Last injection to death |
1 |
female |
82 |
Moderna (1&2) |
37 days |
2 |
male |
72 |
Pfizer (1) |
31 days |
3 |
female |
95 |
Moderna (1&2) |
68 days |
4 |
female |
73 |
Pfizer (1) |
unknown |
5 |
male |
54 |
Janssen (1) |
65 days |
6 |
female |
55 |
Pfizer (1&2) |
11 days |
7 |
male |
56 |
Pfizer (1&2) |
8 days |
8 |
male |
80 |
Pfizer (1&2) |
37 days |
9 |
female |
89 |
Unknown (1&2) |
6 months |
10 |
female |
81 |
Unknown (1&2) |
unknown |
11 |
male |
64 |
Astra Zeneca (1&2) |
7 days |
12 |
female |
71 |
Pfizer (1&2) |
20 days |
13 |
male |
28 |
Astra Zeneca (1) Pfizer (2) |
4 weeks |
14 |
male |
78 |
Pfizer (1&2) |
65 days |
15 |
female |
60 |
Pfizer (1) |
23 days |
Histopathologic studies: findings Histopathologic findings of a similar nature were detected in organs of 14 of the 15 deceased. Most frequently afflicted were the heart (14 of 15 cases) and the lung (13 of 15 cases). Pathologic alterations were furthermore observed in the liver (2 cases), thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 2 cases), salivary glands (Sjögren`s Syndrome; 2 cases) and brain (2 cases).
A number of salient aspects dominated in all affected tissues of all cases:
1. Inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endothelitis), characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and sequestered, dead endothelial cells within the vessel lumen.
2. The extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes
3. A massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissue with T-lymphocytes.
Lymphocytic infiltration occasionally occurred in combination with intense lymphocytic activation and follicle formation. Where these were present, they were usually accompanied by tissue destruction. This combination of multifocal, T-lymphocyte-dominated pathology that clearly reflects the process of immunological self-attack is without precedent. Because vaccination was the single common denominator between all cases, there can be no doubt that it was the trigger of self-destruction in these deceased individuals.-
The German Government Covid-19 figures are produced by the Robert Koch Institut - . Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here -
Page 14 has their Weekly COVID-19 management report from December 30, 2021 14 Clinical-epidemiological data
Additional information is known to some extent for the Omikron cases in the reporting system. for 6,788 cases were provided with information on the symptoms, mostly none or mild symptoms indicated. It was most common by patients with symptoms
Runny nose (54%), cough (57%) and sore throat (39%) mentioned. 124 patients were hospitalized, four people died. Exposure abroad was reported for 543 (5%) cases. 186 patients were unvaccinated, 4,020 were fully vaccinated,
of these, a booster vaccination was reported for 1,137. On the basis of the transmitted data 148 reinfections were found among all transmitted Omicron infections, none of them Previous illnesses were reported to the person affected by reinfection. Figure 9 shows the distribution of the Omikron cases reported so far in Germany. Omicron cases have been detected in all federal states.
186 unvaxxed cases
2883 double vaxxed cases
1137 triple vaxxed cases
4020 fully vaxxed cases
In Germany 70.53% are fully vaxxed, 2.97% are paritally vaxxed and 26.5% unvaxxed -
So unvaxxed have 186 cases out of 26.5% of the population
Fully vaxxed have 4020 cases out of 70.53% of the population.
So the vaxxed Omicron case incidence is 57.0 per percent of population (830,000 is 1% of the 83 million German population)
And the unvaxxed Omicron case incidence is 7.02 per percent of population.
So the vaxxed are 57.0/7.02 = 8.12x more likely to be infected with Omicron than the unvaxxed in Germany That is what vaccination has done for the people of Germany.
The Koch Institut failed to produce its normal vaccine effectiveness table in its December 30 weekly report. This may have been due to the holidays (the British gave up completely on December23) or may have been because the table would be disastrous for the vaccines. But we can help the Germans out here by doing the calculation for them using Pfizer's vaccine effectiveness formula.
Vaccine effectiveness = immune system effectiveness = (1-8.12)/8.12 = -7.12/8.12 = -87.7%.
So the vaccinated have an 87.7% lower immune response than the unvaccinated have to Omicron.
This means that the average German is down to the last 12.3% of his or her immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc. etc.
Here is the prediction, the extrapolation from UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report data from Weeks 35-42 that we first made on October 10th. The predicted figures are in olive green.
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Decline |
Week37 Decline |
Week38 Decline |
Week39 Decline |
Week40 Decline |
Week41 Decline |
Week42 Decline |
Week43 Decline |
Week44 Decline |
Week45 Decline |
Week46 Decline |
Week47 Decline |
Week48 Decline |
Week49 Decline |
Week50 Decline |
Week51 Decline |
Week52 Decline |
Dec31 Vaccine Efficacy |
Average Weekly Decline 35 - 42 |
Weeks from week52 (December25-31) before immune system failure (100% degradation) |
CHILDREN | +60.1% | +6.4% | +11.6% | +5.7% | +4.3% | +1.6% | 0% | -8.2% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | -5.5% | +26.4% | -5.5% from peak | 23 weeks (126.4/5.5) |
18-29 | +53.2% | -2.5% | -1.9% | -4.0% | -4.3% | -7.0% | -8.6% | -4.0% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -4.6% | -25.1% | -4.6% | 17 weeks (74.9/4.6) |
30-39 | +31.6% | -6.0% | -7.0% | -10.5% | -11.4% | -10.5% | -7.7% | -2.2% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -7.9% | -100% | -7.9% | 0 weeks |
40-49 | -21.1% | -5.2% | -5.3% | -8.1% | -6.9% | -5.6% | -3.2% | -1.6% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -5.1% | -100% | -5.1% | 0 weeks |
50-59 | -24.1% | -4.0% | -2.4% | -3.9% | -5.7% | -5.7% | -5.0% | -2.3% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -4.1% | -94.1% | -4.1% | 2 weeks (5.9/4.1) |
60-69 | -27.5% | -4.2% | -2.9% | -4.2% | -2.1% | -5.8% | -4.0% | -2.5% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -3.7% | -90.2% | -3.7% | 3 weeks (9.8/3.7) |
70-79 | -23.5% | -4.1% | +0.7% | -3.9% | -3.6% | -9.6% | -6.3% | -0.6% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -3.9% | -89.9% | -3.9% | 3 weeks (10.1/3.9) |
80+ | +8.5% | -5.6% | -7.1% | -3.1% | -2.5% | -8.3% | -7.1% | +2.4% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -4.5% | -67.8% | -4.5% | 8 weeks (32.2/4.5) |
18+ | -0.4% | -4.5% | -3.7% | -5.4% | -5.2% | -7.5% | -6.0% | -1.5% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | -4.8% | na | -81.0% | -4.8% | 4.7 weeks |
So Germany, at 87.7% immune system degradation, has done 6.7% worse than our model which predicted, an 81.0% degradation this year (for over 18s based on 2 doses of the anti-vaccine rather than 3). It is the 3rd dose that really kills the immune system as can be seen from the ONS data for Omicron. Here is Table 1b from the ONS report: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: Characteristics related to having an Omicron compatible result in those who test positive for COVID-19 (84.8 kB xlsx)
Table 1b
Modelled likelihood of testing positive with an Omicron probable result in people who test positive for COVID-19, by screened demographic characteristic,
UK: 29 November 2021 to 12 December 2021
Vaccination Status |
Estimated likelihood of testing positive for COVID-19 with an Omicron probable result (odds ratio) |
Lower 95% confidence interval |
Upper 95% confidence interval |
p-value |
Number of Omicron probable positives |
Total sample |
Not vaccinated (Reference) |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
14 |
536 |
1 dose |
1.57 |
0.52 |
4.54 |
0.413 |
8 |
144 |
2 doses, more than 14 days ago |
2.26 |
0.78 |
7.45 |
0.157 |
72 |
944 |
3 doses, more than 14 days ago |
4.45 |
1.29 |
17.03 |
0.023 |
21 |
185 |
These figures mean that if you have Covid and you have had 3 doses of the vaccine then you are 4.45x more likely to have Omicron than if you are an unvaxxed Covid case. But the above was merely an estimation.
We now have the German Government figures for Omicron and they show that the fully vaccinated are 8.12 times more likely to have an Omicron infection than the unvaccinated.
These truly astonishing figures show that we are over 8x safer from Omicron in a room a restaurant a bar a night club a train a boat or a plane full of unvaccinated people than we are with "fully" vaccinated people. And the more jabs you take the faster the degradation of your immune system progresses. It also looks like the unvaxxed are reaching sub herd immunity against Covid-19 whereas the fully vaxxed are being prevented from reaching it by the vaccines.
The German figures have destroyed the case for vaccine passports and by themselves prove instead the case for an immediate gene therapy and spike protein vaccination ban.
The vaccinated fare so badly against Omicron because vaccine induced antibodies against the Wuhan Hu1 spike protein are next to useless against Omicron. So the underlying progressive immune system damage wrought by incessant spike protein production has almost nothing to hide behind, nothing to offset itself against. We therefore see in these figures a much closer estimate of how much damage has been done to vaccinated people than we were able to see with delta figures for cases in the vaxxed and unvaxxed.
The UK has 69.45% double or triple vaxxed, 6.41% singly vaxxed and 24.14% unvaccinated. So we will be doing very slightly worse than the Germans - having slightly more vaccination victims.
By the end of January every fully vaccinated person in both countries over 30 years old will have full blown vaccine mediated AIDS. However much of the immune system that is presently left with the ability fight Omicron will have gone.
This will cause a massive burden on the health services of both countries and massive pain suffering and death all of which has been inflicted upon us by a corrupted healthcare system. This must be the biggest own goal in medical history.
We have the figures thanks to the tireless industry, accuracy and efficiency of the Germans. But I have no words in English to describe the immorality of the crooks involved in this vaccination program. I think perhaps the French farmers have the best material for dealing with them.
The RKI changed their report after the above article was published in the Expose -
The current RKI report actually says “Korrektur: Auf S. 14 wurde die Zahl der Ungeimpften unter den gemeldeten Omikronfällen am 03.01.2022 korrigiert (vorher: 186; nachher: 1.097)”.- Correction: on page 14, the number of unvaccinated under the registered Omicron cases was corrected (before 186, after 1097) on 03.01.2022. So they made the correction to the number this morning – after the publication of this piece.
But it is not a correction. It is a corruption ordered by the bosses as a result of this and other articles. The same thing happened with the UKHSA figures after my initial VAIDS article on October10 in the expose. And the same thing happened with PHE figures when I pointed out that they did not support vaccination in July. I would guess that some of the political people were not around at Christmas when the first set of figures was produced by the scientists. What German mistakes 1097 for 186 knowing the consequences of such an error? Someone needs to do a Freedom of Information Request on this.
1. Has Covid-19 ever been isolated?
Answer: If you read the German report, translated by google translate - They genetically sequenced several thousand cases – completely. That is several thousand isolations. The rest they rely on omicron specific PCR. Here are two papers from people who isolated Covid-19
2. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome implies that the immune systems is deficient against any virus. The data refers only to omicron.
What evidence is there that the fully vaxxed have an increased chance of being infected with a non-corona virus?
Immune system disorders are caused by the jabs not fixed by boosters. I use the article to show the increase in immune disorders, not the false pro booster conclusion required by those editing the mail.
Dr Vladimir Zelenko, Dr Steve Kirsch, Dr Nathan Thompson, Dr Richard Flemming,
Dr Ryan Cole all agree that the immune system degradation is a new form of AIDS (Cole calls it reverse AIDS) which effects CD8 killer T cells rather that CD4 helper T cells like HIV AIDS.
The jabs redirect limited immune system resources into an internal civil war against incessant spike protein production. Every vaccinated cell producing spikes is identified and taken out by your killer T Cells. That redirection will not only impact corona viruses. Certain types of cancers, shingles,
mononucleosis and actually just taking longer to recover from the flu have all been seen in higher incidence in the vaxxed. -
3. There is no Omicron specific PCR test !
Answer: These guys make one -
If you think about it, there are several sources for Covid and overall mortality data. There is the government. There are the funeral directors. There are the churches and there are the life insurance companies. Out of all of these sources the most professional and the most accurate should be the life insurance companies because life and death are their entire business model and if they get those figures wrong they lose money.
Therefore I read with great interest that Scott Davidson, the CEO of the 100 Billion dollar US life Insurance company OneAmerica is amazed at the 'huge, huge, huge' rise in the mortality rate for 18 to 64 year olds in the US in the last 6 months.
The Center Square carried the story, which is restricted the UK to prevent us from drawing the conclusion that vaccines are lethal. But an American friend of mine sent me a copy of the Centre Square article directly. Here it is...
(The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.
Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”
Davison was one of several business leaders who spoke during the virtual news conference on Dec. 30 that was organized by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.
Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.
“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”
He said at the same time, the company is seeing an “uptick” in disability claims, saying at first it was short-term disability claims, and now the increase is in long-term disability claims.
“For OneAmerica, we expect the costs of this are going to be well over $100 million, and this is our smallest business. So it’s having a huge impact on that,” he said.
He said the costs will be passed on to employers purchasing group life insurance policies, who will have to pay higher premiums.
The CDC weekly death counts, which reflect the information on death certificates and so have a lag of up to eight weeks or longer, show that for the week ending Nov. 6, there were far fewer deaths from COVID-19 in Indiana compared to a year ago – 195 verses 336 – but more deaths from other causes – 1,350 versus 1,319.
These deaths were for people of all ages, however, while the information referenced by Davison was for working-age people who are employees of businesses with group life insurance policies.
At the same news conference where Davison spoke, Brian Tabor, the president of the Indiana Hospital Association, said that hospitals across the state are being flooded with patients “with many different conditions,” saying “unfortunately, the average Hoosiers’ health has declined during the pandemic.”
In a follow-up call, he said he did not have a breakdown showing why so many people in the state are being hospitalized – for what conditions or ailments. But he said the extraordinarily high death rate quoted by Davison matched what hospitals in the state are seeing.
"What it confirmed for me is it bore out what we're seeing on the front end,..." he said.
The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.
Just 8.9% of ICU beds are available at hospitals in the state, a low for the year, and lower than at any time during the pandemic. But the majority of ICU beds are not taken up by COVID-19 patients – just 37% are, while 54% of the ICU beds are being occupied by people with other illnesses or conditions.
The state's online dashboard shows that the moving average of daily deaths from COVID-19 is less than half of what it was a year ago. At the pandemic's peak a year ago, 125 people died on one day – on Dec. 29, 2020. In the last three months, the highest number of deaths in one day was 58, on Dec. 13.
- (The Center Square - no link, the article is restricted to the US)
He is also quoted on as saying: “We’re seeing right now the highest death rates we’ve ever seen in the history of this business,” said OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison. And it’s not just at OneAmerica: “The data is consistent across every player in that business.” Davison said death rates among working age people—those 18 to 64-years-old—are up 40% in the third and fourth quarter of 2021 over pre-pandemic levels. -
So at last we have found a source of accurate mortality figures which is not politically motivated and is independent of government and main stream media manipulation. If life insurance actuaries get their figures wrong, their company loses money. So these guys should have their figures right! So the truth must be that all cause mortality in 18-64 year olds has gone up by 40% in the last two quarters from July to December 2021.
Now lets have a look at what the wonderful CDC Wonder database tells us. This database is very well presented and very accessible. You can make a request and download the results here
The US CDC wonder database shows that 702,757 Americans died aged 18-64 in 2019. And of those 351,102 died in the last 6 months. So the deaths were evenly split between the first 2 quarters and the last 2 quarters at 351k per half year.
The total deaths for 2019 were 2,854,838 from a US population of 328,239,523
So an increase of 40% in deaths amongst 18-64 year olds in the last 2 quarters would have meant 140,441 more deaths, making a total of 491,543 deaths.
The CDC Wonder database gives total deaths for 18-64 year olds from July to December, 2021 as follows...
Data As Of |
Start Date |
End Date |
Year |
Month |
Age Group |
COVID-19 |
Total |
Pneumonia |
Pneumonia |
Influenza |
12/29/2021 |
07/01/2021 |
07/31/2021 |
2021 |
7 |
18-29 years |
178 |
5774 |
165 |
83 |
0 |
12/29/2021 |
07/01/2021 |
07/31/2021 |
2021 |
7 |
30-39 years |
399 |
8421 |
408 |
207 |
0 |
12/29/2021 |
07/01/2021 |
07/31/2021 |
2021 |
7 |
40-49 years |
913 |
12017 |
866 |
503 |
1 |
12/29/2021 |
07/01/2021 |
07/31/2021 |
2021 |
7 |
50-64 years |
2926 |
44682 |
3603 |
1663 |
9 |
12/29/2021 |
08/01/2021 |
08/31/2021 |
2021 |
8 |
18-29 years |
718 |
6280 |
436 |
368 |
0 |
12/29/2021 |
08/01/2021 |
08/31/2021 |
2021 |
8 |
30-39 years |
2047 |
10146 |
1386 |
1168 |
2 |
12/29/2021 |
08/01/2021 |
08/31/2021 |
2021 |
8 |
40-49 years |
4311 |
15373 |
2906 |
2533 |
2 |
12/29/2021 |
08/01/2021 |
08/31/2021 |
2021 |
8 |
50-64 years |
13089 |
56088 |
10009 |
7995 |
17 |
12/29/2021 |
09/01/2021 |
09/30/2021 |
2021 |
9 |
18-29 years |
738 |
6054 |
482 |
400 |
2 |
12/29/2021 |
09/01/2021 |
09/30/2021 |
2021 |
9 |
30-39 years |
2469 |
10240 |
1701 |
1485 |
2 |
12/29/2021 |
09/01/2021 |
09/30/2021 |
2021 |
9 |
40-49 years |
5389 |
15952 |
3689 |
3321 |
6 |
12/29/2021 |
09/01/2021 |
09/30/2021 |
2021 |
9 |
50-64 years |
17476 |
58798 |
13030 |
10991 |
22 |
12/29/2021 |
10/01/2021 |
10/31/2021 |
2021 |
10 |
18-29 years |
434 |
5578 |
351 |
268 |
0 |
12/29/2021 |
10/01/2021 |
10/31/2021 |
2021 |
10 |
30-39 years |
1377 |
8775 |
1023 |
851 |
0 |
12/29/2021 |
10/01/2021 |
10/31/2021 |
2021 |
10 |
40-49 years |
3033 |
13510 |
2239 |
1887 |
0 |
12/29/2021 |
10/01/2021 |
10/31/2021 |
2021 |
10 |
50-64 years |
10826 |
51551 |
8829 |
6894 |
18 |
12/29/2021 |
11/01/2021 |
11/30/2021 |
2021 |
11 |
18-29 years |
250 |
4524 |
189 |
128 |
2 |
12/29/2021 |
11/01/2021 |
11/30/2021 |
2021 |
11 |
30-39 years |
778 |
7251 |
564 |
428 |
3 |
12/29/2021 |
11/01/2021 |
11/30/2021 |
2021 |
11 |
40-49 years |
1724 |
10853 |
1340 |
1068 |
4 |
12/29/2021 |
11/01/2021 |
11/30/2021 |
2021 |
11 |
50-64 years |
6926 |
44536 |
6093 |
4248 |
12 |
12/29/2021 |
12/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
2021 |
12 |
18-29 years |
128 |
1784 |
78 |
62 |
2 |
12/29/2021 |
12/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
2021 |
12 |
30-39 years |
384 |
3025 |
241 |
191 |
3 |
12/29/2021 |
12/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
2021 |
12 |
40-49 years |
860 |
4746 |
631 |
499 |
2 |
12/29/2021 |
12/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
2021 |
12 |
50-64 years |
3885 |
20549 |
3057 |
2279 |
13 |
12/29/2021 |
12/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
2021 |
7-12 |
18-64 years |
81,258 |
426,507 |
63,316 | 49,520 | 122 |
The CDC figures for the whole year are
Data As Of |
Start Date |
End Date |
Age Group |
COVID-19 Deaths |
Total Deaths |
Pneumonia Deaths |
Pneumonia and COVID-19 Deaths |
Influenza Deaths |
12/29/2021 |
01/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
All Ages |
429376 |
3231874 |
382231 |
242302 |
812 |
12/29/2021 |
01/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
18-29 years |
3473 |
62814 |
2655 |
1798 |
9 |
12/29/2021 |
01/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
30-39 years |
10325 |
95701 |
7830 |
5763 |
17 |
12/29/2021 |
01/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
40-49 years |
23865 |
143019 |
17814 |
13851 |
28 |
12/29/2021 |
01/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
50-64 years |
94626 |
564600 |
78974 |
56712 |
191 |
12/29/2021 |
01/01/2021 |
12/25/2021 |
18-64 years |
132,289 | 866,134 | 498,504 | 320,426 | 1057 |
The CDC is saying that more 18-64 years olds died in the first half of 2021 than in the last half, the precise opposite of what OneAmerica is saying.
The CDC is saying that mortality in 18-64 year olds in the last 2 quarters of 2021 has risen by 21.5% (426,507/351,102) not 40%, the figure seen by OneAmerica.
And the CDC is saying that the rise of 75,405 deaths over the 2019 figure (426,507 - 351,102), is less than the number of Covid-19 deaths at 81,258, which means that there is less than zero room for vaccine side effect deaths. Yes folks, the vaccines killed absolutely nobody at all. Not even 1 person. Because all the excess deaths and more than those too, were caused by Covid-19 according to the CDC.
Whereas OneAmerica figures show that the majority of the 40% excess deaths did NOT have Covid-19 on the death certificate.
So it is easy to see what has happened here. Politicians at the CDC have halved the excess mortality and attributed it all to Covid-19 in order to hide the vaccine side effect deaths. The CDC figures could not be clearer. The say categorically that the vaccines kill nobody. The are fully politicised figures. They are figures from politicians not from scientists. And OneAmerica has caught them out cold.
In the UK, the situation is clearer still, thanks to the brilliant journalism of Fraser Nelson the editor of the Spectator. In a twitter conversation with Prof Graham Medley, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who chairs the SAGE Modelling Committee, Fraser managed to get him to admit that SAGE deliberately publishes the most gloomy scenarios and ignores less alarmist ones, despite the fact that the less alarmist ones have always proven to be more accurate. He then gets Prof Medley to explain why: He admits that he models what will be useful to his paymasters. He models what he is instructed to model. So as Fraser Nelson himself puts it, the government is acting “not on evidence-based policymaking, but policy-based evidence-making.” Here is the revealing conversation they had...
You can read Fraser Nelson's account of his conversation in the Spectator here.
So there you have it. SAGE is exposed as a PR department for the government and nothing more. Yes it is mathematically possible that we will all catch Covid-19 tomorrow. The chances of that event occurring are less than 1 in a quadrillion. But it is mathematically possible. So if the government instructed SAGE to model that scenario in order to justify a certain political action, SAGE would go ahead and do it and fail to disclose that the chances of that scenario actually occurring are infinitesimally small. In the meantime they would not model the most likely outcome - which is that infections have reached their peak and that hardly anybody would die of covid-19 at all if doctors were allowed to treat the disease as they see fit rather than having treatment protocols dictated to them by government departments which are every bit corrupt as SAGE has publicly admitted that it is.
Make no mistake. the CDC, the UKHSA, the ONS, PHS in Scotland, the RKI in Germany and indeed all Western Government departments involved in this pandemic will be suffering from SAGE scenario syndrome, where they present not the truth, but the government narrative in figures. If they do not do that in the UK they have: The Office of Statistical Regulation to answer to. That is why absolutely nobody who has consented to take the gene corrupting vaccines has ever given an informed consent. Every consent has been as misinformed as the government scientists, the main stream media, the medical profession and government regulators have made it.
Before the vaccines were introduced we know that overall mortality did not rise due to Covid-19. In fact, before vaccination, the average age of a covid-19 death in the UK was 83 in circumstances where the average life expectancy in the UK was 82. Boris himself commented on this.
"I must say I have been rocked by some of the data on Covid fatalities. The median age is 82-81 for men and 85 for women. That is above life expectancy. So get Covid and life longer" - message to Dominic Cummings on 2020October15.
That was just before the vaccines. But now, a year after vaccination began, mortality has risen by 40% for 18-64 year olds and the majority of those do not have Covid-19 on their death certificates. So it is apparent that the vast majority of these excess deaths are due to vaccination since such deaths did not exist prior to vaccination which began in December 2020.
But not all 18-64 year olds have been vaccinated in the US. The figures at the end of September 2021 (in the middle of the last 2 quarters - from the CDC Wonder database) were...
Date | Age-Range | 1st Jab | 2nd Jab | Unvaxxed |
2021-09-30 | 18 - 24 Years | 64.1% | 53.2% | 35.9% |
2021-09-30 | 25 - 39 Years | 67.2% | 57.3% | 32.8% |
2021-09-30 | 40 - 49 Years | 75.7% | 66.3% | 24.3% |
2021-09-30 | 50 - 64 Years | 82.9% | 74.2% | 17.1% |
2021-09-30 | 18 - 64 Years | 72.5% | 62.8% | 27.5% |
So 62.8% of the people are causing a 40% mortality rise. So those 62.8% must be suffering a 64% mortality rise in order to bring the overall figure up to 40%.
So OneAmerica figures show that doubly vaccinated people between 18-64 are let us say conservatively 50% more likely do die from all cause mortality than unvaxxed in circumstances where a 10% increase in all cause mortality for that age range is a three sigma (3 standard deviation), one in 200 year event.
"So if you are between 18 and 64 and would like a totally unprecedented 50% greater chance of dying according to life insurance actuarial figures for the last 2 quarters of 2021, then get vaccinated twice - and buy a lot of life insurance"
The black death has nothing on these jabs!
Addendum on the RKI 'correction'
The expose showed that Omicron is 8.1x more likely to infect vaccinated Germans than unvaxxed Germans using German Government data from the Robert Koch Institut
In the RKI report there were 186 unvaxxed and 4020 vaxxed who were infected with Omicron.
These data as originally published would have finished genetic vaccination are a means of controlling Omicron. The Expose article was starting to go viral and was translated into German and sent to politicians. The response was swift. The following alteration was made to the report.
How strange that the unvaxxed figure was wrong but the vaxxed figure was completely correct?.
What German mistakes 1097 for 186 knowing the consequences of such an error? But gets the other figures 100% correct. Someone needs to do a Freedom of Information Request on this. Of all the figures in the entire report only the unvaxxed figure was incorrect?
So is it a correction or is it a corruption? Were the first figures correct or are the second figures correct? Given the comments by Prof Medley and given the totally corrupt CDC Wonder data, and given the dressing down that the Office of Statistical Regulation gave to the UKHSA when their figures proved conclusively that vaccines cause a from of VAIDS, the writer suspects the latter.
There is NO EXPLANATION given as to how this mistake occurred, why it occurred, how it was discovered, or why it was corrected so quickly. Who found the extra 911 unvaxxed people? Was it the German emergency services? Was it a statistician or was it a politician with a sense of humour given the medical emergency we created for the vaccine pushers! Government statistics outfits do not do things quickly without an enormous amount of pressure from above
If the Expose had not published the article would the alteration have ever occurred?
Poll reveals how many Germans trust official Covid data -
More than half of Germans no longer trust official Covid-19 statistics issued by the country’s disease control and prevention authority, the Robert Koch Institute, a new poll has found.
A whopping 57% of those surveyed said they didn’t trust the data, while 32% still deem government figures on the spread of Covid credible, according to a poll commissioned by the newspaper Bild. The widespread skepticism is perhaps not all that surprising, given that Germany’s health minister, Karl Lauterbach, himself admitted last week that the dynamics of the Omicron spread were “not being depicted accurately in the official figures because of false negatives by testing as well as delays in reporting new cases."
So here is the dilemma for all readers to consider: Was the 186 correct or is the 1097 correct?
Which number should we believe?
Does the German government wish to inform its nationals with the truth or does it wish to coerce them by any means into vaccination?
Since the answer to the latter question is that they wish to coerce vaccination by any means and since the second number is coercive to vaccination, the first number is correct.
This question gets to the heart of what this pandemic response is all about. Do you trust your government to tell you the truth for the benefit of your health if it means they lose their pandemic power?
If you trust politicians to put health over power then the figure you believe is 1097, 911 more than 186
If you understand that politicians are the kind of people who put power before health then you believe 186.
This article was kindly published in the expose -
Hi everyone,
Since most members make a goodbye email before they leave, I figured I should as well, despite the “special” circumstances around my departure. Anyways, my time here in the RCMP is up. For now. The low T wannabe tyrants in Ottawa have decided that I can no longer serve as a police officer because I refuse to tell them if I have submitted to their “vaccine” edict. I’ve served in the RCMP for 21 years and one of the first things I said to any person I ever arrested was “you don’t have to say anything to me.” Unfortunately, our government has told me that I have to tell them what’s in my body, and if the right drug is not inside me, I have to get it as condition of my continuing employment, human rights be damned. Why did I put vaccine in quotations above you ask? More on that later. Buckle up and tighten the straps on your government mandated shame muzzle, this goodbye email will likely ruffle some feathers.
My journey to this point of our dystopian, medical, apartheid state started like many of yours. Watching the television almost 2 years ago as reports started coming in of some strange virus out of Wuhan. I was a little concerned, but not much. You see, for the last 10 years of my life I had spent a lot of time as an amateur researcher of history and learned to my dismay that the official narrative of most events is usually a little suspect at best. Like weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or the January 6th “insurrection” in D.C., the examples are sadly numerous.
I’ve also always been a very independent person. Following the herd has never appealed to me. When a belief is put forth to me I always evaluate it for myself and don’t simply accept it’s veracity based on the authority behind it. For example, during the last Federal Government census, I could not help but notice that the gender section had 3 boxes. Male, Female and other, which was a blank box. For real, the Federal Government of Canada allowed you to make up your own gender on the last official census. I found this to be a combination of amusing and insane. Feeling particularly bull headed and cheeky at the time, I naturally chose Minotaur as my gender. Yes, that’s right, on the Canadian government census my gender is that of a mythical giant man with the head of a bull.
So back to my Covid journey. I was skeptical of the pandemic from the start but decided to wait and see what evidence would surface of this dangerous pandemic. So I sat back and quietly observed. At that time, and still at the time I’m writing this, I was the admin NCO on the watch. I was in the unique position of seeing every file that came through PRIME in the 46 hour window I was at work each week. Naturally, this included all sudden death files. Pay attention now, have another sip of your latte if you have to. Since the pandemic began, until now, I was in a position to see every single sudden death file that came through our detachment area. What did I notice in this position? Nothing. No upwards trend whatsoever. Funny enough, I didn’t see people dropping dead in my neighbourhood either.
This was a very stark contrast to what I saw in media. A non-stop chorus on TV, radio, and internet, of case counts, hospitalizations and deaths. At no time in my life had I seen anything like it. A complete disconnect between my observed reality and that which was portrayed by my government and the government subsidized mainstream media. And they were reporting deaths in care homes. Care homes? When did the media ever report deaths in care homes unless it was some sort of instance of gross negligence? It’s called end of life care for a reason. People go to care homes at the end of their life. Death is the natural consequence, and this fact used to be understood as common sense.
When the statistics started showing that the vast majority of anyone dying from Covid, either had one or more co-morbidities, or was older than the average life expectancy, my skepticism of the pandemic narrative only grew. Then in the summer of 2020, I got Covid. For a few days I was really tired and shivered a lot. Then it was over. I survived the “deadly” disease like the vast majority of anyone else who caught it. To be honest, I’ve had worse Flus, and worse hangovers.
At the end of 2020 I became convinced we were all being force fed a giant load of absolute bullshit. Don’t believe me? Look at world population statistics. Here’s a sample. At the end of 2018, the world population was 7,631,091,040 and that year 57,625,149 people died. This showed an overall death rate of .76%. I know some of you are shocked by this, but yes, 57 million people died of all types of causes in 2018. When you reach the end of your life, you die. At the end of 2019, the world population was 7,713,468,100 and 58,394,378 died. Naturally, because we had more people reaching the end of their lives,
more people died. The death rate that year was .76%. Now let’s see what 2020 brought us. The year of the pandemic. At the end of 2020, the world population was 7,794,798,739 and 59,230,795 died. The death rate was .76%. Yes. That’s right. In the year of the deadly pandemic the world’s population grew by 81,330,639 people and the death rate did not change by even a hundredth of a percent. The media never once pulled back the lens to show this, they continued to show the narrow focus of case counts and Covid deaths. Even going so far as to change causes of death so that someone who died “with” Covid in their system was counted as someone who died “of” Covid. The Western world shut down over a disease about as deadly as the common flu. And our rights were shut down along with it.
Despite this disease having a non existant effect on the overall death rate of the world’s population the call came out for a mass vaccination. Since I was already skeptical of the pandemic, I was naturally skeptical of the need for a “vaccine”. Oh look, vaccine is in quotations again. Why am I doing that?
Because it’s not a f^#king vaccine!!!
A vaccine is created when a virus from nature is made harmless in a lab and then cultivated there. The vaccine, created from the neutered virus, is then injected into a person. The body then reacts to the vaccine just like it would to the unaltered, dangerous virus. However, because the vaccine is a modified harmless version of the virus, it doesn’t cause disease and the body’s natural immunity is able to “learn” how to cope with the virus. This “learning” is lifelong and is why people develop an immunity to whatever they were inoculated against. People who have been vaccinated against Measles do not get Measles, and the same with mumps etc etc. None of the so called Covid “vaccines” meet this definition. If you were wondering why “vaccinated” people are still getting Covid, and spreading it, this is why. The fact that “vaccinated” people still get Covid and spread it should tell you that this madness will never end as long as you buy into the official narrative.
How these new Covid “vaccines” work is based on a brand new technology never used on a massive scale. Particularly in regards to the 2 “vaccines” most heavily promoted, Moderna and Pfizer. These drugs use artificial Mrna technology. Think of Mrna as the software of our bodies. The operating instructions. Pfizer and Moderna use artificial Mrna based on a computer algorithm. These instructions are encapsulated in something called a nano lipid. A nano lipid is a tiny envelope of fat. There are trillions of these nano lipids in the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Once injected they circulate through your body through your body’s lymphatic system. Upon the nano lipids dissolving, your body receives new instructions for its immune system. These instructions tell your immune system to make spike proteins which resemble the spike proteins of the Covid virus. This is the key distinction you need to be aware of. Your body is being instructed to make the very pathogen that your immune system builds a defense against. This is completely uncharted territory and nothing like this has ever been done on the human population on such a large scale. The drug companies themselves have admitted they don’t know the long term side effects. When a recent FOIA request was sent to the FDA in the US, requesting the safety data they had on the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA asked a judge for 75 years to comply with the request. Nothing sketchy there.
To make matters worse. Every single Western nation has passed legislation shielding these drug companies from civil liability, if their vaccines harm people. While this legislation was passed years ago, it still applies to the Covid “vaccines.” You heard right. If the Moderna Covid “vaccine” harms you, you cannot sue Moderna. Same with every other drug company that makes any vaccine, Covid “vaccine” or not. They all have civil liability immunity for the vaccines they manufacture. Vaccine injury compensation has been paid out in the US under a tax funded program called the vaccine injury compensation fund, not as a remedy through civil lawsuits. Established in 1986, this fund has paid out $4.4 billion in claims. In Canada, we had no such vaccine injury fund until June of 2021. Hand on chin emoji goes here.
Make no mistake here. This is a large scale drug trial and whoever was jabbed is taking part. Having educated myself about these new drugs I was very skeptical when they started promoting them. Additionally, nearly all the drug companies making Covid “vaccines” have a very checkered history in quality control and ethics. J and J has payed 9 billion in settlements throughout it’s lifetime and Pfizer has payed $4.6 billion. Not for their vaccines of course, for their other pharmaceuticals. Moderna was founded in 2010 and their Covid “vaccine” is the first product they have ever put on the market. Information has since come to light that the Moderna “vaccine” was finishing in development in December of 2019, immediately before the pandemic hit. It’s almost like they were anticipating something. Do I dare put my hand on my chin and gaze thoughtfully upwards a second time?
As I was already skeptical about the entire pandemic narrative, I decided a long time ago that I was not going to take any of these “vaccines”. So as I had decided to sit back and watch how the so called pandemic unfolded, I decided to observe the vaccination campaign. One of the first things I noticed is that people like me were completely ignored and never talked about. What do I mean by people by like me? I mean people who had Covid and recovered. Suddenly, natural immunity didn’t exist anymore. Everyone had to get the vaccine regardless of whether they had natural immunity or not. Wait….. what? No one would ever suggest someone who had measles or polio should get vaccinated against those diseases. Why was natural immunity suddenly not talked about anymore? But if you knew where and how to look, it was talked about, and studied. The largest study was in Israel where the researchers concluded that natural immunity conveyed 27 times more protection than vaccination. Not double, not triple, 27 times! Fast Forward to recent times where an attorney in the US submitted a FOIA request, to the CDC, requesting records of any patient, who had a previous Covid infection, who was subsequently re-infected and then transmitted the Covid to another person. The CDC could not produce a single record of this ever happening. Yet for some bizarre reason, neither the government nor the media will ever talk about natural immunity and Covid together.
And now we are able to see much of the results of this mass vaccination campaign. And despite what you’ve been told, it’s not good. Data from the UK is showing that vaccinated adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of the unvaccinated. American VAERS data shows these Covid “vaccines” have caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years. In Europe,
FIFA data has revealed a 500% increase in cardiac events and sudden deaths in soccer players. Very recently, the American Heart Association released a study which demonstrated that Mrna “vaccines” dramatically increase markers related to heart conditions. A recent German study showed that the higher a jurisdictions’ vaccination rate, the higher it’s mortality rate. On November 11th of this year, a Doctor Nagase came forward to report a record 13 still born births, in a 24 hour period, at BC Children’s hospital. They average 1 per month. During a very recent Ontario provincial parliament debate, MP Rick Nicholls confronted the health minister about a sharp rise in still births from vaccinated pregnant women in Ontario. All he got for his efforts was deflection.
Despite this new evidence beginning to come light, there has been absolute silence in the media. Instead, they now want to vaccinate our children. Children are at a near zero risk from Covid. Vaccinating children with these experimental drugs, with unknown long term side effects, which are starting to show increasing adverse effects, is absolutely criminal.
Since I refuse to go along with this coerced “vaccination” campaign, I am being forced onto Leave without pay. Despite the fact that approximately 70% of the Federal workforce gets testing as an option, for some inexplicable reason,
the RCMP, the CBSA and Federal Corrections have a mandatory vaccination order. I refuse to go along with this. This is nonsensical, illegal and unethical. I will continue to refuse and I have obtained legal representation, along with hundreds of other federal employees. We will get our day in court and we will win. Some may ask where our union stands on the issue. The answer is they didn’t. Our union leadership immediately bent the knee and offered no resistance whatsoever.
Despite these setbacks, those who are fighting this know we have the truth on our side. The truth, at the moment, may be mere pebbles rolling down a slope.
This will inevitably become an avalanche. So in reality, this isn’t a goodbye email, it’s a “see you in 2022” email.
Before I go, let me say this. Don’t be afraid. The government, and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, have promoted a nonstop campaign of fear for almost 2 years now. Turn off your television and radios. Do your own research and question everything. Knowledge begins with asking questions. With each new variant they will try and frighten you, despite the fact that never in the history of virology has a virus ever mutated to become more deadly. Selective pressures always favour a more contagious, but less deadly mutation. The new “scariant” is Omicron. They don’t tell you that they skipped Mu and Xi in the Greek alphabet. Why? Because Mu or Xi just don’t sound scary. When you hear some brain dead parrot repeat the talking point “trust the science,” politely ask them to provide a definition of science. They never can because they don’t know. What they are really saying, but are too stupid to realize, is that they are saying “trust authority and don’t ask questions.” This, my friends, is the antithesis of science.
And get some sunshine. The latest German study, you know, actually science, showed an inverse relationship between vitamin d and Covid mortality rates. The study showed, given high enough vitamin d levels, a mortality rate of zero could be achieved. In addition, please don’t let them inject this “vaccine” into your children. Why on earth would you allow an experimental drug to be injected into your children, from pharmaceutical companies that have a history of civil litigation settlements, where these same companies have blanket legal immunity from the vaccines they create, for a disease that your children are completely safe from? It’s insanity. And the latest video where Trudeau explains he is excited to begin vaccinating children, looks completely psychotic and unhinged. Keep these lunatics away from your children. Your children are going to be just fine with their natural immunity.
I don’t know how many people will get to read this. I suspect that once certain ranks are aware of this email it will be pulled from the server. That right there speaks volumes in itself. Silencing the last message of a 21 year veteran who was forced to leave simply because he didn’t tell the government whether he had a drug in his body or not, doesn’t portray a leadership of transparency or good faith. On the contrary, it demonstrates both cowardice and a complete betrayal of any professed principles. Before I go, if any of you believe in courage and freedom. You aren’t alone. In fact, many members feel this way and they have created their own website: Another concerned group of freedom loving Canadians has created Check them out when you have time.
Anyways, I have taken up too much of your time as it is. Always laugh at those who would spread fear, and see you in 2022.
Corporal Richard Mehner, your “vaccine” free Minotaur
P.S. Chief Supt. De La Gogondiere,
I taped a copy of this letter on your office door, Martin Luther style. If you don’t understand the historical reference I invite you to look it up.
Cases reported by specimen date between week 47 & 50 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
Weekly Decline |
Under18 |
395,335 |
25,523 |
8,990 |
46,126 |
2,168 |
312,528 |
635.5 |
2,973.9 |
+78.6% | -4.4% |
18-29 |
257,526 |
23,829 |
1,693 |
16,198 |
163,814 |
51,992 |
2,809.1 |
1,603.5 |
-42.9% | -33.7% |
30-39 |
254,435 |
18,013 |
1,112 |
10,911 |
181,600 |
42,799 |
2,985.1 |
1,510.3 |
-49.4% | -13.1% |
40-49 |
230,670 |
12,518 |
471 |
5,117 |
190,320 |
22,244 |
3,049.9 |
1,320.1 |
-56.7% | -2.3% |
50-59 |
147,033 |
7,548 |
203 |
2,425 |
126,812 |
10,045 |
1,768.9 |
983.7 |
-44.4% | -0.2% |
60-69 |
58,233 |
3,449 |
91 |
948 |
49,998 |
3,747 |
863.5 |
688.4 |
-20.3% | +4.5% |
70-79 |
18,858 |
1,327 |
27 |
246 |
15,990 |
1,268 |
338.2 |
512.6 |
+34.0% | -5.5% |
80+ |
9,067 |
695 |
16 |
160 |
7,482 |
714 |
280.3 |
568.5 |
+50.7% | -2.6% |
Cases reported by specimen date between week 49 & 52 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated Cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
14 day Decline |
Under 18 |
429,155 |
32,145 |
7,104 |
72,620 |
9,103 |
308,183 |
1,827.4 |
2,961.6 |
+38.3% | -40.3% |
18-29 |
628,127 |
52,666 |
5,532 |
36,594 |
430,387 |
102,948 |
7,221.4 |
3,240.8 |
-55.1% | -12.2% |
30-39 |
529,948 |
38,026 |
2,973 |
20,676 |
393,216 |
75,057 |
6,383.9 |
2,686.6 |
-57.9% | -8.5% |
40-49 |
408,892 |
24,189 |
1,206 |
9,075 |
338,664 |
35,758 |
5,393.8 |
2,147.2 |
-60.2% | -3.5% |
50-59 |
308,585 |
17,250 |
568 |
4,430 |
268,952 |
17,385 |
3,738.4 |
1,721.9 |
-53.9% | -9.5% |
60-69 |
148,836 |
8,902 |
313 |
1,659 |
131,543 |
6,419 |
2,266.3 |
1,194.3 |
-47.3% | -27% |
70-79 |
70,723 |
4,297 |
116 |
515 |
63,697 |
2,098 |
1,347.6 |
862.0 |
-36.0% | -70.0% |
80+ |
32,314 |
2,589 |
50 |
395 |
28,066 |
1,214 |
1,055.0 |
981.5 |
-7.0% | -57.7% |
These figures show an absurdly alarming rate of immune system destruction. If we extrapolate forward assuming the same rate of immune degradation as we saw in the Christmas fortnight, then we get the following...
Age group | Vaccine Efficacy Dec31 |
Vaccine Efficacy Jan14 |
Vaccine Efficacy Jan28 |
Vaccine Efficacy Feb11 |
Vaccine Efficacy Feb25 |
14 day Decline |
Under 18 |
+38.3% |
-2.0% |
-42.3% |
-82.6% |
-100.0% |
-40.3% |
18-29 |
-55.1% |
-67.3% |
-79.5% |
-91.7% |
-100.0% |
-12.2% |
30-39 |
-57.9% |
-66.4% |
-74.9% |
-83.4% |
-91.9% |
-8.5% |
40-49 |
-60.2% |
-63.7% |
-67.2% |
-70.7% |
-74.2% |
-3.5% |
50-59 |
-53.9% |
-63.4% |
-72.9% |
-82.4% |
-91.9% |
-9.5% |
60-69 |
-47.3% |
-74.3% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-27.0% |
70-79 |
-36.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-70.0% |
80+ |
-7.0% |
-64.7% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-100.0% |
-57.7% |
A vaccine efficacy of -100% means that the vaccines have totally destroyed your immune response to Covid-19. You are defenceless against it when compared to an unvaxxed person (i.e. someone who still has an immune system response).
The vaccinated will be condemned to be indefinitely reinfected like triply jabbed Sir Keir Starmer.
It is important to realise that this is NOT vaccines failing to work or waning in efficiency. That would just lead to a 0% vaccine efficacy. If the vaccines were merely failing to work, their efficacy would be approaching from above the efficacy of unvaxxed immune systems. But it is not doing that. Vaxxed case numbers are many times worse than the unvaxxed case numbers. Vaxxed efficacy is diving miles below unvaxxed efficacy. These figures are a catastrophe for the vaccinated.
Vaccines are not waning and neither will they wax in the future. Every cell that they infect starts to produce pathogenic spike proteins. Your immune system recognises this (even if you don't) and sends killer T cells to destroy those cells. Because unlike the present generation of politicians, pharmaceutical salesmen and NHS bureaucrats, your immune system is desperately trying to keep you alive. The more boosters you take, the more spike proteins you make, the more cells you lose and the larger the fraction of your limited immune system response is directed into a self inflicted civil war against vaccinated cells.
You may not recognise vaccines as alien, as dangerous and as lethal to your body, but your immune system would beg to differ. It is right now destroying absolutely every vaccinated cell in your body (if you are vaxxed). Because if it fails to do that you will spend the rest of your shortened life being machine gunned by spike proteins.
It is your immune system which is keeping you standing and keeping you breathing and stopping you keeling over from Myocarditis, not the vaccines. Incidentally for all those who have fallen for the lie of mild Myocarditis, please read the final section of this article.
These latest UKHSA figures are a catalogue of progressive vaccine destruction of your immune system which we first identified and published in the Expose on October10. These vaccines reprogram your immune system to fail and to therefore require more drugs from Pfizer and Moderna, just like an HIV AIDS patient. No true vaccine would ever have a negative efficacy. These vaccines are immune disruptors disguised and sold as immune boosters. They have no direct effectiveness against Omicron at all. So this variant exposes their true nature as immune system poisons. This may well be a criminal deception. Antivaxxers (and Novakxers) have been trying to expose this for months. But now the UKHSA has done our job for us. Well done Dame Jenny Harries!
These figures show that Pfizer and Moderna are in the business of manufacturing and selling immune disruptors as vaccines.
The only question now remaining is how much of your immune system will have been 100% destroyed by the end of February? How much of the immune response to Covid-19 is needed to fight cancer, bacterial sepsis, fungal sepsis, other viruses, auto-immune diseases etc. etc.?
If you stop poisoning your body it may recover. If you continue to poison it, it will not.
All the red ink in the Vaccine Efficacy table above declares that Vaccine Passports are the precise opposite of what is required to fight this pandemic. It is the vaccinated who are spreading Omicron not the unvaxxed. And the more vaccine you have taken the faster your immune system is degrading. The Expose pointed out in October that boosters give you a short lived immune system stimulation that will soon be followed by an even faster rate of decline in immune response. My God was that an understatement - A 70% immune system degradation in 2 weeks for 70-79 year olds?
Here is what we published in October 30 -
"At the other end of the age scale, the 80+ group saw a major improvement in Week42, due to the boosters which will buy them a couple of months of improved covid immunity which will hide the continuing gradual immune system degradation. These boosters are the same as the original vaccinations (because no other shot has yet been approved and because the drug companies have so far only been indemnified against the original vaccines). So the worry is that whilst, Covid-19 immunity may be improved for a couple of months, their general immunity is now degrading even faster than it would have done had the booster not been taken. We shall see if that turns out to be the case from future data."
Well, we now have the future data, and regrettably we can see that it was the case.
We must quote Dr Steve James at King's College Hospital in South London here, responding to UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid and saying: "So, I’ve had COVID at some point, I’ve got antibodies, and I’ve been working on COVID ICU since the beginning. I have not had a vaccination, I do not want to have a vaccination. The vaccines are reducing transmission only for about 8 weeks for Delta, with Omicron it’s probably less. And for that, I would be dismissed if I don’t have a vaccine? The science isn’t strong enough,” James said.
The UKHSA figures confirm his representations. And we must give Sajid credit for asking the question which prompted the Doctor's response. Dr James continued:
“If you haven’t had the vaccination, to not get it, because the protection I’ve got from transmission is equivalent to somebody who’s vaccinated.”
“Yes,” the health secretary replied, adding, “but at some point that will wane as well.”
“But if you want to provide protection with a booster, you’d have to inject everybody every month,” James pointed out. “If the protection’s worn off from transmission after two months, then after a month you still have a bit of protection – but if you want to maintain protection, you’re going to need to boost all staff members every single month, which you’re not going to do.”
These last comments are the key and have not been widely reported. Here is a cardiac ICU Doctor at a Major South London Hospital saying do not get vaccinated.
Dr. Anthony Hinton, a consultant surgeon with 30 years of experience working for the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), has warned that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine”-related myocarditis has a 20 percent fatality rate in children after two years, and a 50 percent fatality rate in five years.
In a tweet, Hinton explained that viral myocarditis is “not mild,” adding that “[i]t’s dead heart muscle.” To even suggest that myocarditis is in any way mild is akin to saying that a person is “a little bit pregnant,” added Scottish television presenter and author Neil Oliver.
The American Heart Association medical journal Circulation explains that myocarditis results in a 56% mortality rate in 4.3 years. Giant cell myocarditis had an 80% mortality rate in five years.
The Myocarditis Treatment Trial reported mortality rates for biopsy-verified myocarditis of 20% and 56% at 1 year and 4.3 years, respectively. These outcomes are similar to the Mayo Clinic’s observational data of 5-year survival rates that approximate 50%. Survival with giant cell myocarditis is substantially lower, with <20% of patients surviving 5 years -
This article has been kindly published by the Expose -
FAQ: I followed the link in this article to the government paper containing the statistics and could not find any charts which plot immune system degradation. Where has this data come from ? The whole premise of this article is that it is the British Governments own data. If that can not be verified then the whole article seems to be fabricated. Can someone direct me to where the data has come from ?
Answer: The UKHSA does not make charts of immune degradation. They make tables of case rates of vaxxed and case rates of unvaxxed. From this one works out how good a vaccine is at boosting the immune system using Pfizer’s vaccine efficacy formula. The British govt and the media accept that formula and today claim various vaccine efficacy rates from it.
Wuhan Hu1 was 95% Delta was initially around 70%, Omicron was initially around 23%. However with time the vaccine efficiency drops off and if this was vaccines waning their efficiency would stop decreasing at zero. Regrettably that does not occur. Vaccine efficiency goes negative.
Everyone accepts without question that a positive vaccine efficacy is an immune system boost. But many people have difficulty in accepting that a negative vaccine efficiency is an immune system degradation.
This is because too many people believe that logical conclusions are only valid if they are confirmed by a government department or a panel of experts chosen by Rupert Murdoch. They truly believe that it is dangerous, even criminal, to attempt, to use logic personally without the guidance of a government department or a media mogul. People who think like that are actually brainwashed indoctrinated idolaters of the present corrupt generation of politicians,
Or putting it in more colloquial terms. Use you own head, it is no better and no worse than anyone else’s head.
Or putting it in religious terms. You are made in God's image. Your judgement is a good as any government department, probably better.
Or putting it another way: Do I think I know better than the entire UK government? YES, Anyone who understands basic immunology knows more than the UK government who dismiss natural immunity in the same manner that Ayatollah Khomeini dismissed Newton’s laws during the Iranian Revolution.
So when you see vaccine efficiency going negative that is telling you that your immune response is not being helped by vaccines, it is being hindered by vaccines. And when you see vaccine efficiency going negative by 100%. That is telling you that the vaccines have destroyed completely your immune response to Covid-19. This means you have full blown VAIDS.
How much of your immune system is involved in defending your body against Covid-19 is not fully known yet. I guess we will find that out in the next month or two.
The whole basis of prescribing these vaccines in the first place was the Pfizer vaccine efficiency formula. The vaccines were prescribed due to the positive efficiency they demonstrated in the Pfizer and Moderna and Astra Zeneca trials. Now that their efficiency has gone negative it has become apparent that vaccines were a mistake and should no longer be prescribed. But politicians do not admit mistakes. They would rather we lose our immune systems than admit they misled us and thereby lose our votes and their political power.
Vaccines program your cells to produce the 1273 Amino Acid Wuhan Hu1 spike protein and simulate a systemic infection. This trains your immune system to recognise and kill spike proteins as systemic infection causing pathogens. The entire process takes around 14 days, the typical length of a viral infection. That is why the government recommends that vulnerable people remain isolated for 14 days post injection and that is why the government produces stats which only recognise injected people as being the singly or doubly vaccinated 14 days after the 1st or the 2nd jab.
So we know that the work of the vaccine is completed by day 14.
So they cannot possibly wane in effectiveness themselves after that.
They conduct a 14 day training course and then they are supposed to clear off. Therefore they do not and they cannot wane in efficiency in months 2/3/4/5/6 because they do not do anything in those months. Their work is finished in 14 days. But the work of your immune system in never finished. So it is your immune system which is waning in months 2/3/4/5/6 not the vaccines. Your immune system is being redirected to fight spike proteins and therefore has less and less resources available to fight Covid. So a loss in apparent vaccine effectiveness is in fact a loss in immune system effectiveness.
There is a 1% drop in immune system capability per 1% drop in vaccine effectiveness (as measured by the case rate ratio between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed) if the vaccine had zero effectiveness upon injection (as is the case for 2 jabs and Omicron according to the University of Toronto study - In this case the possible range for vaccine effectiveness is 0 to -100% i.e. 100% total. So a 100% drop in vaccine effectiveness corresponds to a 100% drop in immune system capability. So each percentage drop in vaccine effectiveness corresponds to a one percent drop in Immune effectiveness.
There is a 0.5% drop in immune system capability per 1% drop in vaccine effectiveness (as measured by the case rate ratio between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed) if the vaccine had 100% effectiveness upon injection (Pfizer claimed 95% effectiveness against Wuhan allpha). In this case the possible range for vaccine effectiveness is +100% to -100% i.e. 200% total. So a 200% drop in vaccine effectiveness corresponds to a 100% drop in immune system capability. So each percentage drop in vaccine effectiveness corresponds to a half percent drop in Immune effectiveness.
All Covid vaccines drop in effectiveness persistently and inexorably until -99% (where case rates in the fully vaccinated are 100x greater than case rates in the unvaxxed - NSW in Australia has already reached 10x). Then they continue to approach 100% presumably, where case rates are hundreds and then thousands of times greater in the vaxxed than in the unvaxxed. Therefore all Covid vaccines progressively damage, degrade and destroy your immune system resulting in more infections, longer recovery times from infection and finally in sepsis (no recovery from infection without massive medical intervention).
Case Rate Ratio | Vaccine Efficiency | Fraction | Percentage | Percentage |
1/100 | (100-1)/100 | 0.99 | 99% | Vaccine |
1/20 | (20-1)/20 | 0.95 | 95% | Vaccine |
1/10 | (10-1)/10 | 0.9 | 90% | Vaccine |
1/5 | (5-1)/5 | 0.8 | 80% | Vaccine |
1/2 | (2-1)/2 | 0.5 | 50% | Vaccine |
1.25 | (1.25-1)/1.25 | 0.2 | 20% | Vaccine |
1 (10/10) | (1-1)/1 | 0 | 0% | No effect |
1.111 (10/9) | (1-1.111)/1.111 | -0.1 | -10% | Anti-Vaccine |
1.25 (10/8) | (1-1.25)/1.25 | -0.2 | -20% | Anti-Vaccine |
1.4285 (10/7) | (1-1.4285)/1.4285 | -0.3 | -30% | Anti-Vaccine |
1.666 (10/6) | (1-1.666)/1.666 | -0.4 | -40% | Anti-Vaccine |
2 (10/5) | (1-2)/2 | -0.5 | -50% | Anti-Vaccine |
2.5 (10/4) | (1-2.5)/2.5 | -0.5 | -60% | Anti-Vaccine |
3.333 (10/3) | (1-3.333)/3.333 | -0.7 | -70% | Anti-Vaccine |
5 (10/2) | (1-5)/5 | -0.8 | -80% | Anti-Vaccine |
10 (10/1) | (1-10)/10 | -0.9 | -90% | Anti-Vaccine |
20 | (1-20)/20 | -0.95 | -95% | Anti-Vaccine |
50 | (1-50)/50 | -0.98 | -98% | Anti-Vaccine |
100 | (1-100)/100 | -0.99 | -99% | Anti-Vaccine |
1000 | (1-1000)/1000 | -0.999 | -99.9% | Anti-Vaccine |
Once the Covid vaccines start to show a negative efficiency (which they are all now showing against Omicron), they become Antivaccines rather than vaccines. So the vaccinated have become the antivaccinated. And those who continue to promote vaccines knowing that they have now become antivaccines, are themselves antivaxxers.
Vaccines cannot wane in efficiency. They are binary. They show your immune system the spike protein antigen and they simulate a systemic attack to convince your immune system to take that spike protein seriously. Then there is NOTHING more for a true vaccine to do. They operate for 2-3 weeks, the normal length of a viral infection. Then they are supposed to leave your body. So they do not, they cannot, wane. They do not and cannot themselves drop in efficiency in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th month because they have nothing to do in those months. A worker who has finished his employment contract with a company cannot then work less efficiently for that company. He is no longer employed by that company.
But genetic vaccines continue to produce spike proteins incessantly. These damage your immune system incessantly. It is your immune system therefore that wanes. In the UK they have damaged our immune systems so much that vaccines now have enormous negative efficiencies up to -60% in the latest UKHSA data for the end of 2021 in certain age groups (Vaccine Surveillance Report Week 1). The trouble with the genetic vaccines that NOBODY talks about is that they do not stop producing spike proteins. They continue producing more and more of them. I asked Astra Zeneca for how long after vaccination would my cells produce spikes? They said we do not know we are still researching that. I do know because I did cell biology at Cambridge. Every vaccinated cell will continue producing spike proteins until it dies or is killed by your killer T cells.
So the results of the Worldovision Anti-Vaccine Contest are...
Les résultats du concours worldovision anti-vaccin sont donc...
Die Ergebnisse des Worldovision Anti-Vaccine Contest sind also...
Så resultaterne af Worldovision Anti-Vaccine Contest er...
Country | Fully Vaxxed to Unvaxxed Case rate ratio |
Anti-Vaccine Efficiency |
NSW Australia (Week1 of 2022: Nov26-Jan6 less Nov26-Jan1 - to be published in the Expose soon) | 10.72 | -90.7% |
Germany (RKI original Omicron figures up to December30) | 8.12 | -87% |
Scotland (Dec18 to Jan7) | 3.33 | -70% |
Denmark (Nov21 to Dec25) | 3.16 | -68% |
The USA (CDC data for Dec1-8) before they started rigging the Omicron data | 2.76 | -63.8% |
The UK (last 4 weeks of 2021) | 1.99 | -49.7% |
Canada (December14-January1) | 1.053 | -5% |
Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, Francis Collins, Rochelle Walensky, Joe Biden | Nul Points | Nul Points |
Let us be perfectly clear here. The table above is more a measure of the corruption of the respective government stats agencies than it is a measure of antivaccine efficiency and immune system degradation in the respective countries. The original German and Australian figures will be correct. The Canadian figures are very corrupt. The CDC and UK figures are corrupt. The Danish and Scottish figures are less corrupt.
CDC US figures for December1-8 were 8 cases in unvaccinated people and 34 cases in vaccinated people. On December4, 60.48% of Americans were fully vaxxed and 0.11% were singly vaxxed (ourworldindata) and therefore 39.41% were unvaxxed. So the case rate ratio was 34x39.41/8x60.59 = 2.76x and anti-vaccine efficiency was -63.8% - and
Here are the Danish figures from their Statens Serum Institut: Nov21 to Dec25 -
Vaccination status (12+ year olds) | Other variants (No. of cases) | Other variants (%) | Omicron (No. of cases) | Omicron (%) |
Not vaccinated | 21,390 | 23.7 | 3,500 | 8.5 |
Received first dose | 2,813 | 3.1 | 731 | 1.8 |
Completed primary vaccination schedule | 56,532 | 62.5 | 29,781 | 72.0 |
Revaccinated | 9,704 | 10.7 | 7,330 | 17.7 |
Total | 90,439 | 100.0 | 41,342 | 100.0 |
So the ratio of double or triple vaxxed Omicron cases to unvaxxed cases is 37,111 to 3500 or 10.6 to 1.
Whereas the vaccination rates at the mid point of the 34 day period on December8 were 76.83 fully vaxxed, 0.14% singly vaxxed and 23.03% unvaxxed.
So the case rate ration between fully vaxxed and unvaxxed was 10.6x23.03/76.83 = 3.18x.
So the anti-vaccine efficiency against Omicron in Denmark was (1-3.18)/3.18 = -68.6%
26November2021 to 1 January 2022
2021Nov25-2022Jan1: Vaccination Status | Total Cases | Case Rates per 100k |
Hospitalised (% of total cases) |
Hospitalised and in ICU (% of total cases) |
Death (% of total cases) |
Fully Vaccinated | 108,056 | 1420 | 1,280(1.2%) | 104(0.1%) | 22(<0.1%) |
Partially Vaccinated | 1,110 | 850 | 47(4.2%) | 8(0.7%) | 3(0.3%) |
No Effective Dose | 2,765 | 651.4 | 251(9.1%) | 42(1.5%) | 7(0.3%) |
Under Investigation | 28,181 | n/a | 395(1.4%) | 40(0.1%) | 2(<0.1%) |
Not eligible for vaccination (aged 0-11 years) | 12,328 | n/a | 93(0.8%) | 3(<0.1%) | 0(0.0%) |
Total | 152,440 | 1867 | 2,066(1.4%) | 197(0.1%) | 34(<0.1%) |
The mid point of the period from 2021November26 to 2022January1 was 2021 December13/14, when 93.2% were fully vaxxed in NSW, and 94.8% were first dosed. So 5.2% were unvaxxed -
So the ratio of the case rates fully vaxxed to unvaxxed is 5.2 x 108,056/2,765 x 93.2 = 2.18x
26November2021 to 8January 2022
2021Nov26-2022Jan8: Vaccination Status | Total cases | Case Rates per 100k |
Hospitalised (% of total cases) |
Hospitalised and in ICU (% of total cases) |
Death (% of total cases) |
Two Effective Doses | 267,381 | 3509 | 2,627(1.0%) | 215(0.1%) | 67(<0.1%) |
One Effective Dose | 2,578 | 2091 | 80(3.1%) | 12(0.5%) | 3(0.1%) |
No Effective Dose | 3,552 | 844.9 | 315(8.9%) | 55(1.5%) | 21(0.6%) |
Under Investigation | 74,878 | n/a | 881(1.2%) | 106(0.1%) | 6(<0.1%) |
Not Eligible for Vaccination (aged 0-11 years) | 30,667 | n/a | 197(0.6%) | 7(<0.1%) | 1(<0.1%) |
Total | 379,056 | 4644 | 4,100(1.1%) | 395(0.1%) | 98(<0.1%) |
The mid point of the period from 2021November26 to 2022January8 was 2021December17, when 93.34% were fully vaxxed in NSW, and 94.85% were first dosed. So 5.15% were unvaxxed -
So the ratio of the case rates fully vaxxed (2 or more effective doses) to unvaxxed is 5.15 x 267,381/3,552 x 93.34 = 4.15x
We can subtract the two tables above and get the new cases in Week1 from 2-8 January 2022. These were...
2022Jan2-8: Vaccination Status | Total Cases | Case Rates per 100k NSW pop = 8.163m |
Two Effective Doses | 159,325 | 2085 |
One Effective Dose | 1,468 | 1266 |
No Effective Dose | 787 | 194.4 |
Under Investigation | 46,697 | n/a |
Not Eligible for Vaccination (aged 0-11 years) | 18,339 | n/a |
Total | 226,616 | 2776 |
The mid point of the period from 2022January2 to 2022January8 was 2022January5, when 93.62% were fully vaxxed in NSW, and 95.04% were first dosed. So 4.96% were unvaxxed -
So the ratio of the case rates in the first week in January in New South Wales Australia was 4.96 x 159,325/787 x 93.62 = 10.72x.
This gives a vaccine efficiency of (1-10.72)/10.72 = -90.7%
Or putting it another way 787 cases of Omicron cases in NSW in the first week of this year were in unvaxxed and 160,793 were in the singly or doubly or triply vaccinated.
This means that less than half a percent of the cases were in the unvaxxed and more than 99.5% of the cases were in the vaxxed. Now that is a pandemic of the vaccinated for you. Effective dose? Right. Well effective.
These massive increases in vaxxed case rates compared to unvaxxed case rates from 2.18x for Nov26-Jan1 to 4.15x for Nov26-Jan8 to 10.72x for Jan2-8 are largely due to Omicron being able completely to evade the vaccines and therefore lay bare the immune destruction they cause, which is covered up for in Delta case numbers due to a degree of vaccine efficiency against Delta..
Your immune system kills every vaccinated cell in your body
Vaccination informs your immune system that spike proteins are very dangerous antigens (by simulating a systemic infection coincident with the presentation of the spike protein antigen). So it kills the spike proteins and kills every cell in your body that has been vaccinated because all of those cells are genetically reprogrammed by the vaccine to make spike proteins and your immune system identifies and recognises vaccinated cells as spike protein factories..
So your body goes into a perpetual civil war in which more and more of your immune resources are spent killing vaccinated cells. Pfizer contains 14.4 trillion 1273 Amino Acid spike protein mRNA copies and Moderna contains 48 trillion - see here. You only have between 6 and 36 trillion cells in your body (depending upon how you count them). Some of these cells such as heart muscle cells and brain cells do not get replaced. If they become vaccinated, you will lose them indefinitely. Myocarditis is caused by Killer T cells removing vaccinated heart cells. This gets worse at the 2nd jab and worse still at the 3rd.
You may think that vaccines are safe but your immune system would beg to differ
Your trusty immune system kills every single vaccinated cell it can find. In deed it is the vaccine which trains it to kill them. It is this civil war which causes the vaccine efficiency to look like it is decreasing. But it is not decreasing at all. Your immune system response is decreasing. You are developing VAIDS, Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
The law of inverse political results
Having studied the efficiency of politicians at fulfilling their election promises for 50 years, a family member of mine formulated with law of inverse political results. This law states that politicians always achieve in office the precise opposite of what they promise at elections. His theory is that if one wants a true capitalist government, one should vote for Jeremy Corbyn. And if one wants a true communist dictatorship, one should vote for Boris Johnson. To be fair to both politicians, the law does not suggest that said result reversal is entirely the fault of the respective politician. A lot of the reversal of their promises comes about due to the reactionary, indignant, incompetent and contrarian nature of the blob of the civil service. But it is a good 'Yes Minister' type rule of thumb. So when a government recommends and even mandates a medical intervention, the result according to this law will be the precise opposite of what the politicians promise. And indeed that has turned out to be the case. The politicians promised that vaccinations would end the pandemic. But vaccinations have not ended the pandemic. They have prolonged the pandemic, by degrading the immune systems of the vaccinated, who are now condemned to be reinfected by previously trivial viruses, indefinitely. They promised us vaccines. They gave us antivaccines. That is the law of inverse political results.
1. The economic answer is that the Health Service has now been 100% corrupted by the Pharmaceutical Industry with a lot of help from Fauci Gates Collins etc. A doctor with 10 years of training and 20 years of full on clinical experience is no longer permitted to decide how to treat their patients based upon that training and experience. No. Instead they must follow the treatment protocol prescribed by the relevant regulatory agency, which agency is funded by assorted Billionaires acting as agents for Big Pharma. This becomes the perfect business model for the drugs companies. The perfect customer for Big Pharma has absolutely no immune system at all. I mean what does the human immune system do? Really what does it do? IT REDUCES THE PROFITS OF BIG PHARMA.
So the more successful drugs companies, having won the battle against the less successful ones, realised that their true enemy was now your immune system. If they could destroy that then you would have absolutely no choice but to be a very regular and very lucrative customer of theirs. Hence the vaccines destroy your immune system with a new form of VAIDS. They are a man made disease sold as a cure for a man made disease.
2. Politicians are not interested in your health. The Lords Witnesses run an orphanage in Africa and one of the kids their was left at our gates suffering from AIDS (his mother having died of HIV). We have to pay for HIV drugs for him. They are not free. If we fail to give Moses the AIDS medication he dies. But nobody has made AIDS medication compulsory. There is no HIV medication mandate. There are no HIV Passports and HIV has killed way more people the Covid will ever kill. The government does not care if you live or die from AIDS which kills so many young people. But we are to believe that they do care if you live of die from a far less lethal souped up flu that mainly takes out people at the end of their life who are obese or suffer from comorbidities? And if they really cared about your health or about the NHS would they be sacking highly qualified medical specialists who know more about immunology and virology than any politician ever will and are perhaps the only people in the entire country in a position to give or to refuse an informed consent for a 3 year out of date vaccine with a negative effectiveness? Would they be sacking them in circumstances where the NHS has a huge backlog of cancer and cardiovascular cases?
Rather than sacking Doctors who have made an informed decision to refuse vaccination knowing the risk to their employment future, we should be interviewing them and learning from their expertise and following their example until a full public debate has been heard.
Politicians do not beg you to fix your health. They beg you for your vote. Your vote is what they are interested and it is all that they are interested in. Every vaccination is a vote for the global 4th Reich.
3. Every castle has several walls for defence and the castle of the demons is no different. Every wall is a deception which people cannot get their minds over. So here is the inner wall of the castle of the demons and may God give your mind the power to scale it. Come on Neo take the Red pill. Escape from the final prison for your mind and body.
Here is the Key question: Why did every single one of the vaccine companies make a vaccine from the spike protein (1/8th of the virus)? Why did nobody make one from the other 87.5% of the pathogen? What are the chances of half a dozen companies choosing the same 12.5% of the virus from which to make a vaccine? If the process was random the chances would be 1 in 8x8x8x8x8x8 = 1 in 262,144. But it was not random. The WHO provided the 1273 Amino acid spike protein and they all used that. But WHY? Well the largest funder of the WHO is a certain Software Billionaire. Here is the WHO funding for 2018-2019
1 | USA | 15.9% | |
2 | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | 9.4% | |
3 | UK | 7.7% | |
4 | GAVI Alliance | 6.6% | |
5 | Germany | 5.2% | |
6 | UNOCHA | 3.4% | |
7 | Japan | 3.2% | |
8 | Rotary International | 2.5% | |
9 | World Bank | 2.4% | |
10 | European Commission | 2.3% |
D. J. Trump pulled out in 2020 leaving Bill Gates controlling 9.4% and 6.6% of their funding.
“Second only to the USA, the BMGF is one of the largest donors to the World Health Organization (WHO) and paid it more than $200 million in 2018 – more than Germany, France and Sweden combined in the same period. But this is not the only way in which the WHO is financed by Gates. GAVI, formerly known as the “Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization”, provided the WHO with an additional $150 million in 2018. One of GAVI’s main donors is again the BMGF, with $1.5 billion in 2016, for example.”
“It can therefore be said that the BMGF and thus the Gates family and Warren Buffett are the main source of income for the WHO through direct and indirect channels, which raises questions about its independence from these sources of finance. In addition, the BMGF also provided funding for the establishment of the “Coalition for Epidemic Prevention Innovation” (CEPI), which is concerned with the research and development of vaccines, amounting to around $100 million in 2017.”
“In addition, the Foundation regularly supports non-governmental organizations such as PATH, which are involved in the development of vaccination technologies, with millions of dollars in funding. The list of BMGF’s beneficiaries also includes the largest global pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Aventis. The comprehensive influence of the BMGF in the vaccination sector is therefore obvious.”
“In the Corona crisis, it is striking that institutions that currently play an important role are likewise supported by the BMGF. For example, Johns Hopkins University which maintains the worldwide corona statistics that are disseminated in all media, regularly receives large donations. In the last ten years only, more than $200 million have been transferred to the university by the Gates Foundation. The purpose of the donations was family planning programs.”
So a decision was made through the WHO to make a vaccine from the most pathogenic part of the virus, the protein spike. This decision was not made on health grounds quite obviously. One reason for this decision was immune destruction as we have discussed above.
But there is another reason which is far more lethal and far more insidious than immune system destruction. You may have noticed that governments are acting as if they OWN your body. They are denying you the right to decide what to do with it. They wish to prescribe for you whom you can socialise with. They wish to be the ones who determine whether you visit your parents or your grand parents when they are sick and in need. They wish to decide who can see your face and whose face you are permitted to see. They wish decide what medical treatments you should have and what pharmaceutical products should be put into your body. Your body - their body is the position they are taking worldwide.
Now if they take that position in legislation, do you think they are not trying to take it in genetics as well?
Nobody owns a patent on natural wheat. But Monsanto owns patents on genetically modified wheat (MON 71800). Nobody owns a patent on a natural mouse. But Regeneron own patents on genetically modified mice (HK-1174783-A1).
"Since the 1980 case of Diamond v. Chakrabarty, in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a living microorganism is patentable, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has determined that plants and nonhuman animals can be patented" - .
Vaccines turn you into a GMO Human. That is something which in theory is patentable. The NIH has a patent on Covid19, which they purchased from the University of North Carolina in 2018
2002: April 19: The University of North Carolina files US patent 7279327 for an infectious replication defective coronavirus (to be used as a virus vector for an HIV vaccine), claiming priority from US28531801P. Inventors were: Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric
2018: US Patent 7279327 for the chimeric adaption of the naturally occurring animal SARS Coronavirus to become infectious to humans targeting lung epithelial cells is transferred from University of North Carolina to he US National Institute for Health (NIH) - who funded it in the first place.
So taking a genetic vaccine potentially sells your body into slavery to the NIH.
These vaccines change your genetic code to make you something God never intended you to be. They make you into something that is owned by the demons who have taken over most national governments today. They make you into the property of the government, the property of the demons. They change your genes from being a son of Adam and a son of God, to being a son of the demons. These people want to own you. They are serious about that desire. You can see it in government legislation and in main stream media propaganda. They want to own your children and they want to own you as a slave. Slaves do not own their children. The smart way to achieve that is to own your genes and your children's genes, In order to do that they have to change your genes. THAT is what these vaccines are all about.
The demons are genetically appropriating you and your children under the pretext of a flu shot.
The final 42 month lease of Revelation13 given over mankind, over Adam, to the Dragon ('s demonic administration) has expired (we think on 2021Sivan14 (2021May26/26 - No 2022Tishri14 - Ed). From that point forwards the demons of the dragon had absolutely no divine authority at all over Adam. So they had to find some way to regaining the authority that they had lost (being extremely sick control freaks). The only other form of authority recognised by God is patriarchal authority. So they had to make mankind into their children rather than the children of God. That had to adopt them genetically. Because God, unlike today's social services, has total respect for parental rights over children. So they had to find a way to persuade us all to permit them to change our genes from being adamic, to being the seed of the serpent of Genesis 3:15, which seed was Cain. They had to convert our genes from Adamic to .
14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: ()
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise/ambush thy head, and thou shalt bruise/ambush his heel. (Genesis 3 )
Do not be scared of this symbolism. Genesis 3:15 describes the final battle between good and evil in this world which determines whose seed you become spiritually. The is the next administration of the world. It is the next government of the next group of nations of man. But that man will no longer be ageing Adam in that system. We will be actually be half speed ageing at first (he had 240 year max lifespan body and lived for 180 years). So God is trying to take us out of Adam into in order to begin the process of ending age and adamic death. But is not prepared to let God have a clear run at that. So he is trying to beat him to the punch and take us out of Adam and into Cain in order to keep his control over us and deny us our non ageing salvation that died for.
Cain means spear or spike in Hebrew. Strong's has:
So vaccinated people are spikian, spearian, lancian, , the seed of the Serpent. The vaccines are the snake bite. And the vaccines had to take out parts of your immune system in order to prevent your genes from fixing themselves when they are forcibly changed out of Adam.
SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
by Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei
Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner–Gren Institute, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden and Department of Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Umeå University, SE-90185 Umeå, Sweden
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.
The problem with this study is not merely that mRNA vaccines prevent your DNA from repairing itself which will cause immunological disorders, cancer and premature ageing. The problem is that the mRNA is going into your cell nuclei. That is straight gene therapy not vaccination. mRNA should go directly to the protein assembly plants in your cells called ribosomes, which it should instruct to manufacture the spike protein. It should not be going anywhere near the cell nucleus. Entering the cell nucleus means it is performing or effectively performing reverse transcription and making itself a part of, or an addition to, your genetic code.
The faithful and the loving among mankind are the heal of the seed of the woman, the end times born agains (angelically and non adamically). The woman is the means by which we are born again. She is ' wife, the 3rd - not Eve. For God is trying to change our genes out of Adam and into , this being the start of our edenic restoration.
But if you are vaxxed then your genes are being raped by genetic vaccines. You are losing your genetic integrity. Your immune system is fighting to maintain it. But you are dishonouring your own body and more importantly you are dishonouring God who gave you it.
Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure
In the end, the truth will always be revealed, and the truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed. When the destructive concepts collapse one by one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic – we told you so.
Two years late, you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it, because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years, but in retrospect it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions, and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame.
You refused to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves, despite years of observations and scientific knowledge. You insisted on attributing every decline of a wave solely to your actions, and so through false propaganda “you overcame the plague.” And again you defeated it, and again and again and again.
You refused to admit that mass testing is ineffective, despite your own contingency plans explicitly stating so (“Pandemic Influenza Health System Preparedness Plan, 2007”, p. 26).
You refused to admit that recovery is more protective than a vaccine, despite previous knowledge and observations showing that non-recovered vaccinated people are more likely to be infected than recovered people. You refused to admit that the vaccinated are contagious despite the observations. Based on this, you hoped to achieve herd immunity by vaccination — and you failed in that as well.
You insisted on ignoring the fact that the disease is dozens of times more dangerous for risk groups and older adults, than for young people who are not in risk groups, despite the knowledge that came from China as early as 2020.
You refused to adopt the “Barrington Declaration”, signed by more than 60,000 scientists and medical professionals, or other common sense programs. You chose to ridicule, slander, distort and discredit them. Instead of the right programs and people, you have chosen professionals who lack relevant training for pandemic management (physicists as chief government advisers, veterinarians, security officers, media personnel, and so on).
You have not set up an effective system for reporting side effects from the vaccines, and reports on side effects have even been deleted from your Facebook page. Doctors avoid linking side effects to the vaccine, lest you persecute them as you did with some of their colleagues. You have ignored many reports of changes in menstrual intensity and menstrual cycle times. You hid data that allows for objective and proper research (for example, you removed the data on passengers at Ben Gurion Airport). Instead, you chose to publish non-objective articles together with senior Pfizer executives on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines.
Irreversible damage to trust
However, from the heights of your hubris, you have also ignored the fact that in the end the truth will be revealed. And it begins to be revealed. The truth is that you have brought the public’s trust in you to an unprecedented low, and you have eroded your status as a source of authority. The truth is that you have burned hundreds of billions of shekels to no avail – for publishing intimidation, for ineffective tests, for destructive lockdowns and for disrupting the routine of life in the last two years.
You have destroyed the education of our children and their future. You made children feel guilty, scared, smoke, drink, get addicted, drop out, and quarrel, as school principals around the country attest. You have harmed livelihoods, the economy, human rights, mental health and physical health.
You slandered colleagues who did not surrender to you, you turned the people against each other, divided society and polarized the discourse. You branded, without any scientific basis, people who chose not to get vaccinated as enemies of the public and as spreaders of disease. You promote, in an unprecedented way, a draconian policy of discrimination, denial of rights and selection of people, including children, for their medical choice. A selection that lacks any epidemiological justification.
When you compare the destructive policies you are pursuing with the sane policies of some other countries — you can clearly see that the destruction you have caused has only added victims beyond the vulnerable to the virus. The economy you ruined, the unemployed you caused, and the children whose education you destroyed — they are the surplus victims as a result of your own actions only.
There is currently no medical emergency, but you have been cultivating such a condition for two years now because of lust for power, budgets and control. The only emergency now is that you still set policies and hold huge budgets for propaganda and psychological engineering instead of directing them to strengthen the health care system.
This emergency must stop!
Cases reported by specimen date between week 50 2021 & Week1 2022 -
The figures below ae taken from Table9 and Table16 in the report and column 10 is caluclated from columns 8 and 9 using Pfizer's vaccine effectiveness formula. The UKHSA deliberately OMITS this calculation from their report and goes further in their obfuscation by printing column 9 in grey and warning NOT to interpret their data in any way that might prove detrimental to Pfizer's profits.
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown | 1 dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
1 dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
2nd dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated Cases |
Rates per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
7 day Decline |
Source |
Table9 |
Table9 | Table9 | Table9 | Table9 | Table9 | Table16 | Table16 | Calculation-described-above | Week2-Week1 |
Under18 |
501,913 |
39,487 |
7,711 |
90,854 |
15,430 |
348,431 |
2,356.6 |
3,376.1 |
+30.2% | -8.1% |
18to29 |
785,297 |
65,993 |
7,161 |
45,408 |
540,309 |
126,426 |
8,926.0 |
4,058.9 |
-54.5% | +0.6% |
30to39 |
639,522 |
47,573 |
3,738 |
24,845 |
473,155 |
90,211 |
7,618.8 |
3,268.8 |
-57.1% | +0.8% |
40to49 |
484,912 |
30,460 |
1,480 |
11,162 |
399,165 |
42,645 |
6,330.1 |
2,585.9 |
-59.1% | +0.9% |
50to59 |
396,008 |
22,864 |
716 |
5,471 |
345,773 |
21,184 |
4,796.2 |
2,117.0 |
-55.9% | -2.0% |
60to69 |
202,505 |
12,150 |
383 |
1,984 |
180,116 |
7,872 |
3,099.9 |
1,477.9 |
-52.3% | -5.0% |
70to79 |
100,553 |
6,161 |
147 |
667 |
91,024 |
2,554 |
1,926.2 |
1,059.6 |
-45.0% | -9.0% |
80+ |
50,548 |
4,413 |
61 |
548 |
43,980 |
1,546 |
1,657.7 |
1,262.9 |
-23.8% | -16.8% |
18+ |
2,659,345 | 189,614 | 13,686 | 90,085 | 2,073,522 | 292,438 | 4,907.8 | 2,261.6 | -49.7% | -4.4% |
These figures speak for themselves.
1. There are presently over 7x more Covid19 cases in the double vaxxed than there are in the unvaxxed in circumstances where there are 3.5x more vaxxed people than unvaxxed people
2. In the last 4 weeks there were over 2 million fully vaccinated Covid-19 cases. Well, there is an effective vaccination for you!
3. Fully vaccinated people over 18 today are precisely twice as likely to catch Covid as unvaccinated people.
4. Those under 18 face a tiny risk from Omicron - equivalent to normal flu, which Covid has now mutated into
So let's all rush out and get vaccinated in order to double our chances of catching the disease we are being vaccinated against shall we?.
Sajid Javid said that the vaccines would “protect young people from Omicron, help to keep schools open and protect their friends and families.” -
Whereas in truth, the government's own figures show unequivocally that vaccines double the danger you, your friends and your relatives face from Covid attack.
The UK government is promoting, financing and legislating a doubling of the size of the Covid pandemic.
To date, government prescribed health care has destroyed only 50% of your immune response to the flu. Obviously more work needs to be done to get this figure up to the 100% that Pharmaceutical companies desire. Because the one thing that stops them making profits is a fully functional immune system in their customers.
And of course if you are not one of their customers then you need to be fired from your job, locked up in your home, banned from visiting your dying relatives and falsely smeared as a covid spreader in circumstances where the government's own figures show that you are twice as safe as their customers. So who are the drug pushers now?
Dr Fauci: Would you take a second shoulder shot from this man?
It used to be the case that athletes would get thrown out of sports competitions for taking performance enhancing drugs. Now they get thrown out of countries for not taking athlete killing drugs.
So here is the science. It is not rocket science. It is extremely simple. An unvaccinated person is twice as safe as a vaccinated person, and being vaccinated today is twice and dangerous as being unvaccinated according to the latest government figures.
That is the data which destroys the case for vaccine passports. It actually makes the case for unvaccinated passports.
Prior to the present profit driven science denying Pfizocracy, Modernocracy and Zenecocracy,, sick people were quarantined for the protection of the healthy and the healthy were free to go about their business.
But today, in Australia, the healthy are arrested and detained in concentration camps, whilst the sick, the vaccinated, those with semi destroyed immune systems, are free to go about their business spreading Covid-19 at twice the rate of their incarcerated brothers.
A relative of mine was murdered in a Nazi concentration camp during WW2. So here is my question for the Australian Government. How many unvaccinated Jews are you presently segregating, scapegoating, arresting and detaining in your Northern territory concentration camps or Novax Hotels, you betrayers of everything your forefathers and the rest of the free world fought for in that war? How many?
And whilst we are on that subject, God bless Naturally Immune Novax Djokovic for standing his ground like a true champion against an entire national government and its less than independent judicial apparatus.
For now he has moved from being the world's number1 in a game to being the world's number1 in the reality of this life. He has transformed from a champion of a game into a champion of a principle.
He was a champion of tennis. He is now the champion of OWNING your own body.
For what value does the Norman Brooks Challenge cup have when last year's winner, the one whom all are supposed to come to Australia to challenge, is thrown out of the country in order to stop him competing? DOH!
And who would wish to win that poisoned chalice, if that is how they treat the 9x winner of it?
Truly the Australian government has done to the ATP tennis tournament what Sir Tony Blair has done to the British honours system - defiled it with genocidal politics.
I call upon one, just one pro tennis player, to stand up with the world number 1.and say:
"For every year you ban Novak from the Australian Open I will ban the Australian Open from my professional tennis tour. If I win a trophy it will be due to the excellence of my tennis, NOT due to the imposition of your politics on my sport and my profession. Oh and furthermore... You do not own my body and neither do you own Novak's body"
Since the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is choosing the participants, will he perhaps also be presenting the trophy?
And what will the winner's trophy acceptance speech be: Oh thank you Prime Minister Morrison for this wonderful trophy that you yourself stole from Novak Djokovic?
Here then is the key question that this affair has raised. This is what vaccinations are really all about in more ways than one. Who owns your body? Do you own your body or does the government own it?
Novax has provided the answer because he, of all people, knows how important his body is to his life and his career. For that we all owe him an incalculably large debt.
So I say to Sir Andy Murray and all the other Novax detractors. Who do you say owns our bodies, Sir Andrew, we ourselves or the government who knighted you?
Any one who gains a sporting cup at the cost of losing ownership of his own body is a mug. And he is a loser.
For what profiteth a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?
Technical Note:
Novak, being unvaxxed is twice as safe as every vaxxed Australian. But more than that, Novak also has natural immunity. So he poses even less Covid threat than an average unvaxxed person. A vaccination is a Pfizer/Moderna simulated Covid Infection using 12½% of the viral proteins that are seen by the immune system during a real Covid infection (which obviously provides 100% of the viral proteins to the immune system). Do the maths people.
Even vaccinated individuals who have been infected pose a greater risk than Novak, because incessant spike protein production post vaccination slowly degrades their natural immune response to Covid and to many other diseases.
Australia, and most of the rest of the world, have rescinded the 1st law of Immunology (Recovery from Natural Infection provides the most effective and long lasting immunisation) just like Ayatollah Khomeini rescinded Newton's laws during the Iranian Revolution (he banned them from being taught in Iran).
Here is a graphical presentation of the case rate in New South Wales by vaccination status from
The ratio of Delta cases to Omicron during the data period was 2,260 Delta (61%) to 1,424 (39%) Omicron according to NSW state government figures. So the Australian figures mainly relate to Delta which the vaccines are more effective against (they have next to zero effectiveness against Omicron, since they were designed against a spike protein discovered in 2019. They are now a 3 year out of date flu shot essentially).
The mid point of the period from 2021November26 to 2022January1 was 2021 December13/14, when 93.2% were fully vaxxed in NSW, and 94.8% were first dosed. So 5.2% were unvaxxed -
So the ratio of the case rates is 5.2 x 108,056/2,765 x 93.2 = 2.2x
So Australians in NSW are 2.2x more likely to catch Covid if they are vaxxed. So the vaccine passports holders are 2.2x more likely to spread covid than the unvaxxed who are denied vaccine passports and locked up in detention centres. The Australian figures have not been adjusted for age biasing. But age is not a confounding factor in case rates or hospitalisation rates. It only skews death rate figures. So there is no adjustment necessary.
NSW reached half of the present fully vaxxed percentage (46%) on 2021September12. So the average vaccination age there was 3 months at the time of the data above.
We know that vaccine efficiency wanes over time (by which is meant that immune system capability wanes post vaccination since vaccines themselves cannot wane in efficiency because their job to train the immune system is finished after 2 weeks).
A US Veteran study into the decline in vaccine protection offered to 780,225 US Armed forces Veterans in 2021 published in the Journal of Science - - found the following
Janssen versus unvaccinated | Risk | Vaccine Efficiency |
Drop off |
March | 0.14 | 86% | |
April | 0.19 | 81% | 5% |
May | 0.25 | 75% | 6% |
June | 0.34 | 66% | 9% |
July | 0.47 | 53% | 13% |
August | 0.64 | 36% | 17% |
September | 0.87 | 13% | 23% |
Moderna versus unvaccinated | |||
March | 0.11 | 89% | |
April | 0.14 | 86% | 3% |
May | 0.17 | 83% | 3% |
June | 0.21 | 79% | 4% |
July | 0.27 | 73% | 6% |
August | 0.33 | 67% | 6% |
September | 0.42 | 58% | 9% |
Pfizer-BioNTech versus unvaccinated | |||
March | 0.13 | 87% | |
April | 0.17 | 83% | 4% |
May | 0.21 | 79% | 4% |
June | 0.27 | 73% | 6% |
July | 0.35 | 65% | 8% |
August | 0.44 | 56% | 9% |
September | 0.57 | 43% | 13% |
This study shows an accelerating rate of immune system degradation in all the vets month on month. No wonder they stopped the study after 6 months!
The Lancet published a study of Pfizer effectiveness for 3½ million Californians against all strains of Covid. They found that vaccine efficiency dropped from 88% to 47% in the first 4 months for the mix of all variants. Whereas the drop for sequenced delta was from 93% to 53% after 4 months and for non delta, the efficiency dropped from 97% to 67% at 4-5 months - -
A Canadian study found that vaccine effectiveness starts declining sharply within 2 weeks of the 2nd jab !
The sharp decline is particularly problematic for the seniors, because earlier research by Canaday and his colleagues found that within two weeks of receiving the second dose of vaccine and being considered "fully vaccinated," seniors who had not previously contracted COVID-19 already showed a reduced response in antibodies that was substantially lower than the younger caregivers experienced. By six months after vaccination, the blood of 70% of these nursing home residents had "very poor ability to neutralize the coronavirus infection in laboratory experiments," Canaday said. -
Here are the UK vaccine/immune efficacy figures calculated from UKHSA double vaxxed and unvaxxed case rates in their first 7 Vaccine Surveillance Reports for weeks for 36-42, which we accept. They cover UK cases during 4 week periods from week32-35 up to week38-41. These data show a clear linear fall off in vaccine efficiency at an average rate of 4.8% per week for the over 18s. From Week42 onward the data were corrupted by the Office of Statistical Regulation.
The UK's Statistics Watchdog is The Office of Statistics Regulation (TOSR would be its acronym).
TOSR director general Ed Humpherson yesterday wrote to the UKHSA's boss Dr Jenny Harries on November1 thanking her for the changes she had made and is quoted in the Daily Mail as saying
'It remains the case that the surveillance report includes rates per 100,000 which can be used to argue that vaccines are not effective,'
'I know that this is not the intention of the surveillance report, but the potential for misuse remains.
There is the tacit admission by the Government that the purpose of their stats is not to enable the public to decide for themselves whether the vaccines are effective or not. No their stats should not even be able to support an argument that the vaccines are ineffective. Indeed any such construction of UKHSA statistics would be a misuse of government data according to the Director General. This is his candid admission that the use of all UKHSA data is exclusively to prove the vaccines are effective. And any government statistics agency which departs from that line shall be re-adjusted by TOSR. He is defining the UKHSA as a pro vaccine propaganda outfit, whose mandate is only to supply information for one side of the debate. No person in the UK can be expected to make an informed choice of whether to take Pfizer's experimental gene therapy when it is presented to them by the government as an unquestionably effective Covid vaccination.'
The effect of Ed Humpherson's communication with Dame Jenny Harries can be seen in the table below.
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week37 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week38 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week39 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week40 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week41 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week42 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week43 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week44 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week45 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week46 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week47 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week48 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week49 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week50 Vaccine Efficacy |
CHILDREN | +60.1% | +66.4% | +78.0% | +83.7% | +88.0% | +89.6% | +89.6% | +81.4% | +88.0% |
+78.3% |
+76.90% |
+77.5% |
+79.2% | +80.3% | +83.0% |
+78.6% |
18-29 | +53.2% | +50.7% | +48.8% | +44.8% | +40.5% | +33.5% | +24.9% | +20.9 | +13.4% |
+13.2% |
+11.40% |
+9.6% |
+8.6% | +4.9% | -9.2% |
-42.9% |
30-39 | +31.6% | +25.6% | +18.6% | +8.1% | -3.3% | -13.8% | -21.5% | -23.7% | -26.9% | -27.2% |
-27.90% |
-29.6% |
-30.5% | -32.9% | -36.3% |
-49.4% |
40-49 | -21.1% | -26.3% | -31.6% | -39.7% | -46.6% | -52.2% | -55.4% | -56.9% | -56.1% | -55.8% |
-54.50% |
-53.8% |
-53.7% | -54.5% | -54.4% |
-56.7% |
50-59 | -24.1% | -28.1% | -30.5% | -34.4% | -40.1% | -45.8% | -50.8% | -53.1% | -53.4% | -53.8% |
-52.20% |
-51.0% |
-49.4% | -47.3% | -44.2% |
-44.4% |
60-69 | -27.5% | -31.7% | -34.6% | -38.8% | -40.9% | -46.7% | -50.7% | -53.2% | -53.9% | -54.4% |
-53.30% |
-50.4% |
-44.5% | -36.4% | -24.8% |
-20.3% |
70-79 | -23.5% | -27.6% | -26.9% | -30.8% | -34.4% | -44.0% | -50.3% | -50.9% | -49.6% |
-45.6% |
-36.30% |
-21.5% |
+3.0% | +26.6% | +39.5% |
+34.0% |
80+ | +8.5% | +2.9% | -4.2% | -7.3% | -9.8% | -18.1% | -25.2% | -22.8% | -21.9% | -8.2% |
+8.30% |
+27.8% |
+39.3% | +46.8% | +53.3% |
+50.7% |
18+ | -0.4% | -4.9% | -8.6% | -14.0% | -19.2% | -26.7% | -32.7% | -34.2% | -35.5% | -33.1% |
-29.2% |
-24.1% |
-18.1% | -13.3% | -10.9% |
-18.4% |
We covered this first on 2021November6 -
The US veteran's study, the 3.5 million Californian study show and general medical understanding is now that these vaccines fall off in effectiveness and do not recover. The table above from week42 forward is therefore seen to be a complete political fiction.
The mistake that Dame Jenny Harries made was that for the 1st 7 weeks during which the UKHSA produced a case rate comparison, she actually printed the truth.
In the UK the average vaccination age is now 8 months, because the UK hit 24m 2nd doses (half the present 48m 2nd doses) on May 26 -
Germany hit half their present doubly vaxxed rate on June 29. So they are around 1 month behind the UK with a 7 month average fully vaccinated age in January..
From the 7 weeks of good UKHSA data, we can now extrapolate using an efficiency drop off of 4.8% per week as follows. Red Bold figures are government data. Black figures are extrapolations.
Average Weeks after 2nd jab |
4 Week reporting period in 2021 |
Over 18 Vaccine/Immune Effectiveness for Delta (UK) |
Over 18 Vaccine/Immune Effectiveness for Omicron |
Over 12 Vaccine/Immune Effectiveness for 61% Delta/39% Omicron (Australia) |
German RKI Vaccine/Immune Effectiveness Against Omicron (original figures) |
German RKI Vaccine/Immune Effectiveness Against Omicron ('corrected' figures) |
1 | 18-21 | 66.8% | 38.0% | |||
2 | 19-22 | 62.0% | 33.2% | |||
3 | 20-23 | 57.2% | 28.4% | |||
4 | 21-24 | 52.4% | 23.6% | |||
5 | 22-25 | 47.6% | 18.8% | |||
6 | 23-26 | 42.8% | 14% | |||
7 | 24-27 | 38.0% | 9.2% | |||
8 | 25-28 | 33.2% | 4.4% | |||
9 | 26-29 | 28.4% | -0.4% | |||
10 | 27-30 | 23.6% | -4.9% | |||
11 | 28-31 | 18.8% | -8.6% | |||
12 | 29-32 | 14% | -14.0% | |||
13 | 30-33 | 9.2% | -19.2% | |||
14 | 31-34 | 4.4% | -26.7% | -54.5% | ||
15 | 32-35 | -0.4% | -32.7% | |||
16 | 33-36 | -4.9% | -37.5% | |||
17 | 34-37 | -8.6% | -42.3% | |||
18 | 35-38 | -14.0% | -47.1% | |||
19 | 36-39 | -19.2% | -52.9% | |||
20 | 37-40 | -26.7% | -57.7% | |||
21 | 38-41 | -32.7% | -62.5% | |||
22 | 39-42 | -37.5% | -67.3% | |||
23 | 40-43 | -42.3% | -72.1% | |||
24 | 41-44 | -47.1% | -76.9% | |||
25 | 42-45 | -52.9% | -81.7% | |||
26 | 43-46 | -57.7% | -86.5% | -87.7% | -27.4% | |
27 | 44-47 | -62.5% | -91.3% | |||
28 | 45-48 | -67.3% | -96.1% | |||
29 | 46-49 | -72.1% | -100% | |||
30 | 47-50 | -76.9% | -100% | |||
31 | 48-51 | -81.7% | -100% | |||
32 | 49-52 | -86.5% | -100% | |||
33 | 50-1 | -91.3% | -100% | |||
34 | 51-2 | -96.1% | -100% | |||
35 | 52-3 | -100% | -100% |
A Canadian Study (Sarah Buchan University of Toronto) Reports: We included 3,442 Omicron-positive cases, 9,201 Delta-positive cases, and 471,545 test-negative controls. After 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, vaccine effectiveness against Delta infection declined steadily over time but recovered to 93% (95%CI, 92-94%) ≥7 days after receiving an mRNA vaccine for the third dose. In contrast, receipt of 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines was not protective against Omicron. Vaccine effectiveness against Omicron was 37% (95%CI, 19-50%) ≥7 days after receiving an mRNA vaccine for the third dose. -
So we start vaccine effectiveness for Omicron in Week1 post 2nd dose at 38% (the nearest figure in our 4.8% per week degradation list) and simply degrade the response by 4.8% per week from there. The vaccines offer no medium term protection against Omicron according to the Canadian study. They merely offer short term protection (straight after a jab). Also the decline in vaccine efficiency was steady over time, i.e. linear, i.e. by a constant percentage each week - which CONFIRMS the UKHSA figures from Week35-42 and DENIES their figures from Week42 onwards. The degradation rate of 4.8% will be the same for Delta and Omicron because it is caused by vaccine spike protein production not by the variant.
The first thing to notice is that the Australian figure for Vaccine efficiency (1-2.2)/2.2 = -54.5% after 13 weeks is considerably worse than predicted by the UK delta model and the Omicron model. You would have to go to week 25 to get that drop off with Delta and week 20 with Omicron. This is because Omicron DOES completely evade vaccine generated antibodies a few months after the dose. The Australian variant mix was 61% Delta 39% Omicron at the time of the data sample. That Australian data is considerably worse than predicted above!
The next thing to notice is that the uncorrected German data for Omicron 26 weeks after the 2nd Jab (on average) is also worse than the Delta prediction but dead on for the Omicron prediction. A -87.7% immune system degradation (1-8.12)/8.12 = -87.7% is predicted for week 26 with Omicron. So as one might expect. The German figures are precisely correct. Furthermore the Australian model show that our Omicron fall off chart might be a little too optimistic!. Whereas the 'corrected' RKI figure, where they found another 911 unvaxxed Omicron cases they had previously lost, of -27.4% (1-1.377)/1.377 = -27.4% is simply impossible. Omicron is more evasive than Delta not less evasive.
The original RKI data had
Unvaxxed: 186 cases out of 26.5% of the population
Fully vaxxed have 4020 cases out of 70.53% of the population.
Producing a case rate ratio of 8.12
Corrected RKI data had
Unvaxxed: 186+911 = 1097 cases out of 26.5% of the population
Fully vaxxed have 4020 cases out of 70.53% of the population.
Producing a case rate ratio of 1.377
The final thing to notice is that doubly vaxxed (unboosted) people in the UK have now (as of January 2022) run right out of immune system efficiency against both Delta and Omicron when compared to unvaccinated people according to this projection.
So the question then is: Is the projection true or is there a cut off point where the immune system stops deteriorating? The German data would suggest there is no cut off point before 87.7% degradation (the -27.4% figure from RKI is not possible for Omicron, so we take the 87.7% figures as correct).
The largest negative vaccine/immune efficiency calculated from actually published UKHSA figures is - 60.2%
Cases reported by specimen date between week 49 & 52 2021 -
Age group | Total Cases | Vax status unknown |
dose 1-20 days before specimen date |
dose ≥21 days before specimen date |
dose ≥14 days before specimen date: double vaxxed |
Unvaccinated Cases |
per 100k in double vaxxed (V) |
Rates per 100k in unvaxxed (U) |
Immune system boost or
degradation % (U-V)/U when positive (pfizer's formula) (U-V)/V when negative |
14 day Decline |
Under 18 |
429,155 |
32,145 |
7,104 |
72,620 |
9,103 |
308,183 |
1,827.4 |
2,961.6 |
+38.3% | -40.3% |
18-29 |
628,127 |
52,666 |
5,532 |
36,594 |
430,387 |
102,948 |
7,221.4 |
3,240.8 |
-55.1% | -12.2% |
30-39 |
529,948 |
38,026 |
2,973 |
20,676 |
393,216 |
75,057 |
6,383.9 |
2,686.6 |
-57.9% | -8.5% |
40-49 |
408,892 |
24,189 |
1,206 |
9,075 |
338,664 |
35,758 |
5,393.8 |
2,147.2 |
-60.2% | -3.5% |
50-59 |
308,585 |
17,250 |
568 |
4,430 |
268,952 |
17,385 |
3,738.4 |
1,721.9 |
-53.9% | -9.5% |
60-69 |
148,836 |
8,902 |
313 |
1,659 |
131,543 |
6,419 |
2,266.3 |
1,194.3 |
-47.3% | -27% |
70-79 |
70,723 |
4,297 |
116 |
515 |
63,697 |
2,098 |
1,347.6 |
862.0 |
-36.0% | -70.0% |
80+ |
32,314 |
2,589 |
50 |
395 |
28,066 |
1,214 |
1,055.0 |
981.5 |
-7.0% | -57.7% |
The largest negative figure that can be calculated from data published by Public Health Scotland is -71.4%. They make this absurd age standardisation correction for case rates in their January19 report. But case rates have nothing to do with age. Age is a confounding factor in death rates, not in case rates!
Vaccine efficacy in column 7 is the 1/2/3 dose case rate less the 0 dose case rate divided by the larger of the two (Pfizer's vaccine efficacy formula).
Week | PCR Cases | Population | Doses | Age-standardised case rate per 100,000 MEANINGLESS |
Raw case rate per 100,000 MEANINGFUL: |
Vaccine/Immune efficacy versus the unvaxxed |
18 December -24 December 2021 | 5,594 | 1,006,025 | 0 | 540.82 | 556.0 | |
18 December -24 December 2021 | 1,860 | 357,752 | 1 | 780.31 | 519.9 | 6.5% |
18 December -24 December 2021 | 32,628 | 1,866,426 | 2 | 1,328.29 | 1748.1 | -68.2% |
18 December -24 December 2021 | 10,092 | 2,069,356 | 3 | 750.86 | 487.7 | 12.3% |
25 December -31 December 2021 | 9,496 | 998,045 | 0 | 958.52 | 951.5 | |
25 December -31 December 2021 | 3,387 | 348,727 | 1 | 1,409.70 | 971.2 | -2.0% |
25 December -31 December 2021 | 50,622 | 1,522,561 | 2 | 2,551.97 | 3324.8 | -71.4% |
25 December -31 December 2021 | 30,041 | 2,429,029 | 3 | 1,526.42 | 1236.7 | -23.1% |
01 January -07 January 2022 | 9,105 | 988,033 | 0 | 923.27 | 921.5 | |
01 January -07 January 2022 | 3,066 | 341,481 | 1 | 1,393.46 | 897.9 | 2.6% |
01 January -07 January 2022 | 34,327 | 1,121,214 | 2 | 2,418.35 | 3061.6 | -69.9% |
01 January -07 January 2022 | 35,436 | 2,847,027 | 3 | 1,361.04 | 1244.7 | -26.0% |
08 January -14 January 2022 | 3,601 | 979,617 | 0 | 412.77 | 367.6 | |
08 January -14 January 2022 | 1,093 | 340,151 | 1 | 543.98 | 321.3 | 12.6% |
08 January -14 January 2022 | 9,363 | 995,855 | 2 | 865.79 | 940.2 | -60.9% |
08 January -14 January 2022 | 13,566 | 2,982,132 | 3 | 481.49 | 454.9 | -19.2% |
The Scottish data does finally show that double vaxxed have lost 70% of their immune response to Covid. It also shows something that I have seen consistently since the very first PHE figures for Delta. One Jab provides way better protection than two jabs. It always has, with government figures. It also shows that the initial boost from the 3rd dose falls off quickly and has already gone way negative when compared to the unvaxxed. If 2 doses have always been worse than 1 dose in real world, then 3 doses will be worse still.
So the projection would say that the double jabbed now have full blown VAIDS. But the writer suspects that the immune system may have a few tricks up its sleeve that still give it a fighting chance even in this circumstance. However there has already been an up tick in immune system disorders in ICU wards and this will only increase, especially in the boosted RNA junkies -
Australian, UK and Scottish figures all show that doubly vaccinated people are twice as likely to become Covid cases as unvaxxed people. The most recent Scottish figures show that boosted people are 25% more likely to become Covid cases than unvaxxed people. There is no case for vaccine passports not even for boosted vaccine passports. The case is made to remove all restrictions on the unvaxxed, since they are the safest of all vaccinated types in Australia, in Scotland and in the entire UK.
The original RKI figure of 186 unvaxxed Omicron cases against 4020 vaxxed Omicron cases must be correct because the adjusted figures of 1097 cases would mean that Delta is better than Omicron at evading vaccines which we know is not the case. It is like Sherlock Holmes said: When one has eliminated the impossible then what remains, however improbable, must be the case. So the doubly vaccinated are 8.12x as likely to catch Covid as the unvaxxed. To put it bluntly. The Germans overcooked their correction. The correction was too large. They should have 'found' 300 cases. That would have been a possible result.
The UKHSA figures after week 42 are a fiction designed to hide the failure of the vaccines for as long as possible. The Canadian study found that the vaccines offer NO medium term protection against Omicron. This means that Omicron most likely mutated to avoid the vaccines. The 37% initial vaccine efficiency found (immediately post 3rd jab) will be due to putting the immune system into a hyper alert state, rather than teaching it about the Wuhan Hu1 protein spike which no longer infects anybody and for which the immune system has already been educated twice before with the previous 2 jabs.
They should not have given a Castlemaine XXXX for these vaccines. Here is the data from the NSW government website.
26November2021 to 1 January 2022
2021Nov25-2022Jan1: Vaccination Status | Total Cases | Case Rates per 100k |
Hospitalised (% of total cases) |
Hospitalised and in ICU (% of total cases) |
Death (% of total cases) |
Fully Vaccinated | 108,056 | 1420 | 1,280(1.2%) | 104(0.1%) | 22(<0.1%) |
Partially Vaccinated | 1,110 | 850 | 47(4.2%) | 8(0.7%) | 3(0.3%) |
No Effective Dose | 2,765 | 651.4 | 251(9.1%) | 42(1.5%) | 7(0.3%) |
Under Investigation | 28,181 | n/a | 395(1.4%) | 40(0.1%) | 2(<0.1%) |
Not eligible for vaccination (aged 0-11 years) | 12,328 | n/a | 93(0.8%) | 3(<0.1%) | 0(0.0%) |
Total | 152,440 | 1867 | 2,066(1.4%) | 197(0.1%) | 34(<0.1%) |
The mid point of the period from 2021November26 to 2022January1 was 2021 December13/14, when 93.2% were fully vaxxed in NSW, and 94.8% were first dosed. So 5.2% were unvaxxed -
So the ratio of the case rates fully vaxxed to unvaxxed is 5.2 x 108,056/2,765 x 93.2 = 2.18x
26November2021 to 8January 2022
2021Nov26-2022Jan8: Vaccination Status | Total cases | Case Rates per 100k |
Hospitalised (% of total cases) |
Hospitalised and in ICU (% of total cases) |
Death (% of total cases) |
Two Effective Doses | 267,381 | 3509 | 2,627(1.0%) | 215(0.1%) | 67(<0.1%) |
One Effective Dose | 2,578 | 2091 | 80(3.1%) | 12(0.5%) | 3(0.1%) |
No Effective Dose | 3,552 | 844.9 | 315(8.9%) | 55(1.5%) | 21(0.6%) |
Under Investigation | 74,878 | n/a | 881(1.2%) | 106(0.1%) | 6(<0.1%) |
Not Eligible for Vaccination (aged 0-11 years) | 30,667 | n/a | 197(0.6%) | 7(<0.1%) | 1(<0.1%) |
Total | 379,056 | 4644 | 4,100(1.1%) | 395(0.1%) | 98(<0.1%) |
The mid point of the period from 2021November26 to 2022January8 was 2021December17, when 93.34% were fully vaxxed in NSW, and 94.85% were first dosed. So 5.15% were unvaxxed -
So the ratio of the case rates fully vaxxed (2 or more effective doses) to unvaxxed is 5.15 x 267,381/3,552 x 93.34 = 4.15x
We can subtract the two tables above and get the new cases in Week1 from 2-8 January 2022. These were...
2022Jan2-8: Vaccination Status | Total Cases | Case Rates per 100k NSW pop = 8.163m |
Two Effective Doses | 159,325 | 2085 |
One Effective Dose | 1,468 | 1266 |
No Effective Dose | 787 | 194.4 |
Under Investigation | 46,697 | n/a |
Not Eligible for Vaccination (aged 0-11 years) | 18,339 | n/a |
Total | 226,616 | 2776 |
The mid point of the period from 2022January2 to 2022January8 was 2022January5, when 93.62% were fully vaxxed in NSW, and 95.04% were first dosed. So 4.96% were unvaxxed -
So the ratio of the case rates in the first week in January in New South Wales Australia was 4.96 x 159,325/787 x 93.62 = 10.72x.
This gives a vaccine efficiency of (1-10.72)/10.72 = -90.7%
Or putting it another way 787 cases of Omicron cases in NSW in the first week of this year were in unvaxxed and 160,793 were in the singly or doubly or triply vaccinated.
This means that less than half a percent of the cases were in the unvaxxed and more than 99.5% of the cases were in the vaxxed. Now that is a pandemic of the vaccinated for you. Effective dose? Right. Well effective.
These massive increases in vaxxed case rates compared to unvaxxed case rates from 2.18x for Nov26-Jan1 to 4.15x for Nov26-Jan8 to 10.72x for Jan2-8 are largely due to Omicron being able completely to evade the vaccines and therefore lay bare the immune destruction they cause, which is covered up for in Delta case numbers due to a degree of vaccine efficiency against Delta..
So there it is. The Australians have confirmed that the German Robert Koch Institut original case ratio of 186 to 4020 leading to a case rate ratio per 100k of population of 8.12x, was correct. And by now vaccinated Germans too will be not 8.12x but 10x more likely to catch Omicron than their unvaxxed brothers. And we ourselves have caught out Robert Koch Institut. The extra 911 unvaxxed cases that they 'discovered' post publication are now seen to be complete fabrication. They Koched them up.
So right now, down under, vaccines make Australians over 10x more likely to catch Omicron. What a great medical intervention they are! Good thing the tennis players are all vaccinated eh? They will be spreading Omicron over 10x more effectively than their non defending champion Novak would have been able to do, had he not been deported and banned for 3 years..
It is very hard to believe that a vaccine which increases your chances of infection by 10x and is known to increase viral load in infected people, can at the same time reduce hospital admission rates and death rates. So we are back in an RKI situation again. A choice between two contradictory government figures. Either the case rates are wrong or the death rates are wrong. Here is a hint: Governments only rig Covid stats in Pfizer's favour.
Here is how the hospital administrations can rig the death rates (they are quite obviously not rigging the case rates). You wait until an unvaxxed person is near to death. Then you perform a PCR test on him with a very high cycle rate (45-50). This will give you a false positive. Then you have your unvaxxed person who has died of/with Covid. Likewise they can rig hospitalisation rates by raising the cycles on PCR testing for unvaxxed patients.
The figure we need is how many unvaxxed patients came to the hospital due to covid. Not how many were discovered to have it asymptomatically after being admitted. The figures in the tables above do not add up. We know that the vaccines are more effective at preventing infection against Delta than they are against Omicron, and we know that any efficiency they have falls off with time, which can only be due to immune system degradation, since vaccines finish training your immune system after the first 2-3 weeks. So how is it that their efficacy against infection decreases very substantially, but their efficacy against death decreases much more slowly (if government figures are to be believed)? Perhaps the spike proteins are more damaging to your first line of defence, your IgA antibodies, than they are to your last line of defence, your IgG and IgM antibodies and killer T Cells etc. But even then. How can a vaccine which is evaded by Omicron prevent an Omicron infection becoming lethal?
Furthermore, the courageous, the outspoken, the principled and the unvaccinated Dr Steve James in his interrogation by Susanna Reid on Good Morning Britain, insisted that in all his time on the frontline in the ICU in Kings College Hospital South London from the start of the pandemic, he had never seen a Covid patient die without at least one comorbidity. So most of these Covid deaths are not actually Covid deaths. So what has vaccination got to do with them?
How can a vaccination for Covid protect against a death caused by a comorbidity? That is what we are being asked to believe and it is not credible.
I am sorry. I do not believe it. I do not believe either the death figures or the hospitalisation figures. I actually find the case number figures themselves hard to believe, But they must be true because governments do not cheat in favour of natural immunity. We know that governments cheat because the chairman of SAGE modelling, Prof Graham Medley, admitted it to Fraser Nelson on twitter.
So as of the start of this year, fully vaxxed people are 10x more likely to be infected by Covid, than unvaxxed people and that means their immune system degradation is now (1-10)/10 = -90%. They are down to their last 10% of immune capability against Covid and against anything else that the Covid relevant part of their immune system is supposed to protect them from. The Expose predicted on October 10th that 30-50 year olds would reach 100% immune system degradation by Christmas. A 90% degradation by the first week in January across the board means that prediction was not far out.
Rich people have expensive security systems and employ lots of effective and well trained security personnel. We all are born rich immunologically. We are born with a fantastic immune system, which left to its own devices makes short shrift of all comers until age produces so many comorbidities, that our intensely loyal personal security force simply cannot fight them all at the same time. But it never gives up on us. Though it be a bull with a thousand lances in its heart it fights on regardless for every breath it can give to us.
If you believe in God, then it is his love for us that fights like a protective mother defending her newborn children for every cell in our bodies. If you believe in nature then it is the result of lessons learned from millennia of conflict passed down through our genes. Either way we should be giving a medal to the hero inside us, not defiling it with a medical intervention deliberately designed to destroy it in order to create a never ending market from immuno compromised customers.
I say deliberately designed to destroy our immune systems, because the vaccines should have been made not out of the spike protein, which is pathogenic, and comprises only 12½ % of the virus, but out of the other 87.5% of the viral proteins which are not pathogenic and would have given us a 7x more broad based immunity. Then we would not be in this mess. But this mess is no accident. It just happens to be the best possible scenario for the long term profitability of pharmaceutical companies.
One result of of full blown VAIDS appears to be a massive increase in Sepsis, which occurs when the body is systemically conquered by a pathogen.
The UKHSA decided to stop showing case hospital and death rates for the double vaxxed from their Week3 report onwards in order to hide this fact from the British taxpayer.
They are hiding the size of the double vaxxed population in Week3, Week4, Week5.
So we used the most accurate mathematical extrapolation methods that it is realistically possible to use, to deduce the double vaxxed population from Week3 to Week10, in order to discover what they are trying to hide.
Here is the extrapolation...
f(x+h) = f(x) + f(x)-f(x-h) + (f(x)-2f(x-h)+f(x-2h))/2 1st order approximation
f(x-h) = f(x) + f(x)-f(x+h) + (f(x)-2f(x+h)+f(x+2h))/2 1st order approximation
So f(x+h) = 2.5f(x)-2f(x+h)+0.5f(x+2h)
And f(x-h) = 2.5f(x)-2f(x-h)+0.5f(x-2h)
So Week2 = 2.5Week3-2Week4+0.5Week5 for the 3 Dose Population
And Week3 = 2.5Week2-2Week1+0.5Week52 for the 2+3 Dose Population
But an entire vaccine dose takes around 12 weeks for each age group these days. So we must taper off the increments to zero. We do that using the following formula from Week4 forward for the 2+3 Dose extrapolation.
Week4 = Week3 + 0.9x(1.5Week3-2Week2+0.5Week1)
Week5 = Week4 + 0.9x(1.5Week4-2Week3+0.5Week2)
Week6 = Week5 + 0.9x(1.5Week5-2Week4+0.5Week3)
We are just adding 90% of the normal extrapolation increment each week (rather than 100%) to take account of the ever decreasing number of people left to be vaccinated.
We take Week52 figures (which the UKHSA did not produce) to be Week51 figures because not many people rushed to get vaccinated over Christmas and New year. So the 14 day period covered by Week51 and Week52 was equivalent to 7 days outside the festive period as regards the numbers of people vaccinated. Here are the results of the extrapolation..
Dose | Week | Under18 | 18-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70-79 | 80+ |
2+3 | Week51 | 341,149 | 5,831,547 | 6,083,548 | 6,240,205 | 7,168,975 | 5,790,156 | 4,727,972 | 2,669,283 |
2+3 | Week52 | 341,149 | 5,831,547 | 6,083,548 | 6,240,205 | 7,168,975 | 5,790,156 | 4,727,972 | 2,669,283 |
2+3 | Week1 | 498,139 | 5,959,883 | 6,159,495 | 6,278,765 | 7,194,308 | 5,804,307 | 4,726,699 | 2,660,284 |
2+3 | Week2 | 654,757 | 6,053,204 | 6,210,361 | 6,305,825 | 7,209,312 | 5,810,381 | 4,725,574 | 2,653,074 |
2 | Week2 | 621,539 | 3,930,383 | 3,239,875 | 2,288,542 | 1,393,975 | 603,463 | 232,685 | 158,150 |
3 | Week2 | 33,219 | 2,122,822 | 2,970,487 | 4,017,283 | 5,815,338 | 5,206,918 | 4,492,889 | 2,494,924 |
2+3 | Week3 | 811,189 | 6,129,018 | 6,248,687 | 6,327,135 | 7,219,152 | 5,812,417 | 4,724,523 | 2,646,759 |
2 | Week3 | 771,201 | 3,574,243 | 2,860,909 | 1,965,307 | 1,221,930 | 536,456 | 212,016 | 143,557 |
3 | Week3 | 39,988 | 2,554,775 | 3,387,778 | 4,361,828 | 5,997,222 | 5,275,961 | 4,512,507 | 2,503,202 |
2+3 | Week4 | 951,894 | 6,189,371 | 6,277,536 | 6,343,727 | 7,225,683 | 5,812,431 | 4,723,610 | 2,641,477 |
2 | Week4 | 904,262 | 3,283,393 | 2,552,393 | 1,709,319 | 1,083,864 | 480,892 | 194,973 | 131,872 |
3 | Week4 | 47,632 | 2,905,978 | 3,725,143 | 4,634,408 | 6,141,819 | 5,331,539 | 4,528,637 | 2,509,605 |
2+3 | Week5 | 1,071,452 | 6,236,733 | 6,299,237 | 6,356,536 | 7,230,073 | 5,811,535 | 4,722,851 | 2,637,189 |
2 | Week5 | 1,014,427 | 3,141,053 | 2,396,582 | 1,593,478 | 1,018,232 | 451,348 | 185,060 | 124,931 |
3 | Week5 | 57,025 | 3,095,680 | 3,902,655 | 4,763,058 | 6,211,841 | 5,360,187 | 4,537,791 | 2,512,258 |
2+3 | Week6 | 1,169,537 | 6,273,512 | 6,315,550 | 6,366,362 | 7,233,060 | 5,810,318 | 4,722,237 | 2,633,777 |
2 | Week6 | ||||||||
3 | Week6 | ||||||||
2+3 | Week7 | 1,248,151 | 6,301,850 | 6,327,808 | 6,373,863 | 7,235,117 | 5,809,079 | 4,721,750 | 2,631,100 |
2 | Week7 | ||||||||
3 | Week7 | ||||||||
2+3 | Week8 | 1,310,142 | 6,323,557 | 6,337,015 | 6,379,567 | 7,236,550 | 5,807,954 | 4,721,368 | 2,629,022 |
2 | Week8 | ||||||||
3 | Week8 | ||||||||
2+3 | Week9 | 1,358,453 | 6,340,109 | 6,343,929 | 6,383,893 | 7,237,559 | 5,806,993 | 4,721,072 | 2,627,421 |
2 | Week9 | ||||||||
3 | Week9 | ||||||||
2+3 | Week10 | 1,395,778 | 6,352,686 | 6,349,119 | 6,387,166 | 7,238,275 | 5,806,201 | 4,720,845 | 2,626,195 |
2 | Week10 | ||||||||
3 | Week10 |
Right. So now we have all the double vaxxed populations for each age group. That is what the UKHSA is trying to hide from us for Week3 to Week10.
The UHKSA has now moved from greying out the unvaxxed case rates in Table13 of their Vaccine Surveillance reports up to Week4, to refusing to publish the basic double vaxxed population data from Week3 onwards, from which double vaxxed case rates, hospitalisation rates and death rates can be produced.
They did this because those rates, which we now reveal, destroy the false narrative that vaccines although failing to protect against infection, do offer some protection against hospitalisation and death.
There is a whole other article to be written on how or why a UK Government Statistics Agency paid for by the British Taxpayer, could end up acting in the interests of two American drugs companies and against the interests, health and life of those who fund it and against the interests of the NHS, which will bare the brunt of its malfeasance and of its vaccine drug pushing. Here then are the figures from the 3 UKHSA reports for Week3/4/5 including the case, hospital and death rates for the 2 dose group that the trying to conceal.
Week3 | Under18 | 18-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70-79 | 80+ |
0 dose cases | 411,803 | 120,020 | 89,739 | 42,447 | 21,347 | 7,989 | 2,723 | 1,683 |
2 dose cases | 17,547 | 400,099 | 325,721 | 215,969 | 110,456 | 29,724 | 6,822 | 6,437 |
3 dose cases | 918 | 88,408 | 130,670 | 175,014 | 239,643 | 161,972 | 93,084 | 46,124 |
0 dose case rate | 3,990.1 | 3,853.3 | 3,251.7 | 2,573.9 | 2,133.3 | 1,499.8 | 1,129.7 | 1,374.8 |
2 dose case rate | 2,275.3 | 11,194.0 | 11,385.2 | 10,989.1 | 9,039.5 | 5,540.8 | 3,217.7 | 4,483.9 |
3 dose case rate | 2,295.7 | 3,460.5 | 3,857.1 | 4,012.4 | 3,995.9 | 3,070.0 | 2,062.8 | 1,842.6 |
0 dose hospital rate | 12.7 | 17.0 | 20.6 | 28.3 | 52.7 | 92.7 | 180.1 | 347.2 |
2 dose hospital rate | 1.4 | 16.5 | 19.2 | 27.5 | 46.4 | 93.9 | 255.6 | 574.7 |
3 dose hospital rate | 10.0 | 4.3 | 5.2 | 5.5 | 8.2 | 12.8 | 28.9 | 85.5 |
0 dose death rate | 0.1 | 0.5 | 1.4 | 3.2 | 12.3 | 37.2 | 90.4 | 293.3 |
2 does death rate | 0.0 | 0.2 | 0.9 | 2.0 | 8.8 | 40.6 | 145.7 | 493.9 |
3 dose death rate | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.5 | 2.1 | 5.9 | 33.2 |
2 dose efficacy cases | 43.0% | -65.6% | -71.4% | -76.6% | -76.4% | -72.9% | -64.9% | -69.3% |
3 dose efficacy cases | 42.5% | 10.2% | -15.7% | -35.9% | -46.6% | -51.1% | -45.2% | -25.4% |
2 dose efficacy hospital | 89.0% | 2.9% | 6.8% | 2.8% | 12.0% | -1.3% | -29.5% | -39.6% |
3 dose efficacy hospital | 21.3% | 74.7% | 74.8% | 80.6% | 84.4% | 86.2% | 84.0% | 75.4% |
2 dose efficacy death | 100.0% | 60.0% | 35.7% | 37.5% | 28.5% | -8.4% | -38.0% | -40.6% |
3 dose efficacy death | 100.0% | 100.0% | 92.9% | 93.8% | 95.9% | 94.4% | 93.5% | 88.7% |
Week3 2 dose stats | Under18 | 18-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70-79 | 80+ |
2 dose cases | 17,547 | 400,099 | 325,721 | 215,969 | 110,456 | 29,724 | 6,822 | 6,437 |
2 dose hospital | 11 | 589 | 548 | 541 | 567 | 504 | 542 | 825 |
2 dose death | 0 | 8 | 27 | 39 | 108 | 218 | 309 | 709 |
2 dose population | 771,201 | 3,574,243 | 2,860,909 | 1,965,307 | 1,221,930 | 536,456 | 212,016 | 143,557 |
2 dose case rate | 2,275.3 | 11,194.0 | 11,385.2 | 10,989.1 | 9,039.5 | 5,540.8 | 3,217.7 | 4,483.9 |
2 dose hospital rate | 1.4 | 16.5 | 19.2 | 27.5 | 46.4 | 93.9 | 255.6 | 574.7 |
2 dose death rate | 0.0 | 0.2 | 0.9 | 2.0 | 8.8 | 40.6 | 145.7 | 493.9 |
Week4 | Under18 | 18-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70-79 | 80+ |
0 dose cases | 506,720 | 103,692 | 82,142 | 39,207 | 19,212 | 7,258 | 2,526 | 1,664 |
2 dose cases | 19,568 | 303,486 | 250,980 | 156,178 | 79,596 | 22,901 | 6,010 | 6,142 |
3 dose cases | 1,091 | 101,067 | 167,244 | 208,502 | 239,187 | 158,432 | 90,378 | 48,207 |
0 dose case rate | 4,935.1 | 3,361.8 | 2,996.7 | 2,389.5 | 1,928.0 | 1,367.2 | 1,051.4 | 1,365.2 |
2 dose case rate | 2,164.0 | 9,243.1 | 9,833.1 | 9,136.9 | 7,343.7 | 4,762.2 | 3,082.5 | 4,657.5 |
3 dose case rate | 2,290.5 | 3,477.9 | 4,489.6 | 4,499.0 | 3,894.4 | 2,971.6 | 1,995.7 | 1,920.9 |
0 dose hospital rate | 15.6 | 16.9 | 19.9 | 23.7 | 46.3 | 84.0 | 171.1 | 356.9 |
2 dose hospital rate | 2.3 | 17.7 | 20.1 | 28.2 | 48.9 | 99.8 | 295.4 | 619.5 |
3 dose hospital rate | 8.4 | 5.5 | 5.7 | 7.6 | 9.8 | 15.8 | 35.6 | 106.3 |
0 dose death rate | 0.1 | 0.5 | 1.2 | 3.0 | 11.2 | 36.2 | 93.2 | 307.7 |
2 dose death rate | 0.1 | 0.2 | 1.1 | 2.1 | 10.4 | 48.7 | 173.9 | 608.9 |
3 dose death rate | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.7 | 2.7 | 8.4 | 50.0 |
2 dose efficacy cases | 56.2% | -63.6% | -69.5% | -73.8% | -73.7% | -71.3% | -65.9% | -70.7% |
3 dose efficacy cases | 53.6% | -3.3% | -33.3% | -46.9% | -50.5% | -54.0% | -47.3% | -28.9% |
2 dose efficacy hospital | 85.3% | -4.5% | -1.0% | -16.0% | -5.3% | -15.8% | -42.1% | -42.4% |
3 dose efficacy hospital | 46.2% | 67.5% | 71.4% | 67.9% | 78.8% | 81.2% | 79.2% | 70.2% |
2 dose efficacy death | 0.0% | 60.0% | 8.3% | 30.0% | 7.1% | -25.7% | -46.4% | -49.5% |
3 dose efficacy death | 100.0% | 100.0% | 83.3% | 93.3% | 93.8% | 92.5% | 91.0% | 83.8% |
Week4 2 dose stats | Under18 | 18-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70-79 | 80+ |
2 dose cases | 19,568 | 303,486 | 250,980 | 156,178 | 79,596 | 22,901 | 6,010 | 6,142 |
2 dose hospital | 21 | 580 | 513 | 482 | 530 | 480 | 576 | 817 |
2 dose death | 1 | 8 | 27 | 36 | 113 | 234 | 339 | 803 |
2 dose population | 904,262 | 3,283,393 | 2,552,393 | 1,709,319 | 1,083,864 | 480,892 | 194,973 | 131,872 |
2 dose case rate | 2,164.0 | 9,243.1 | 9,833.1 | 9,136.9 | 7,343.7 | 4,762.2 | 3,082.5 | 4,657.5 |
2 dose hospital rate | 2.3 | 17.7 | 20.1 | 28.2 | 48.9 | 99.8 | 295.4 | 619.5 |
2 dose death rate | 0.1 | 0.2 | 1.1 | 2.1 | 10.4 | 48.7 | 173.9 | 608.9 |
Week5 | Under18 | 18-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70-79 | 80+ |
0 dose cases | 612,529 | 91,944 | 76,644 | 37,245 | 16,507 | 5,915 | 2,032 | 1,463 |
2 dose cases | 24,018 | 217,861 | 182,366 | 108,733 | 50,303 | 14,724 | 4,415 | 4,911 |
3 dose cases | 1,311 | 120,682 | 204,343 | 239,096 | 213,091 | 128,548 | 69,705 | 42,834 |
0 dose case rate | 5,985.1 | 3,003.3 | 2,810.8 | 2,278.8 | 1,661.7 | 1,116.5 | 847.9 | 1,205.7 |
2 dose case rate | 2,367.6 | 6,935.9 | 7,609.4 | 6,823.6 | 4,940.2 | 3,262.2 | 2,385.7 | 3,931.0 |
3 dose case rate | 2,299.0 | 3,898.4 | 5,236.0 | 5,019.8 | 3,430.4 | 2,398.2 | 1,536.1 | 1,705.0 |
0 dose hospital rate | 15.6 | 16.9 | 19.9 | 23.7 | 46.3 | 84.0 | 171.1 | 356.9 |
2 dose hospital rate | ||||||||
3 dose hospital rate | 8.4 | 5.5 | 5.7 | 7.6 | 9.8 | 15.8 | 35.6 | 106.3 |
0 dose death rate | 0.1 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 3.0 | 10.7 | 36.2 | 100.6 | 307.4 |
2 dose death rate | 0.2 | 0.3 | 1.3 | 2.4 | 11.3 | 50.3 | 201.0 | 728.4 |
3 dose death rate | 0.0 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 3.5 | 12.1 | 69.4 |
2 dose efficacy cases | 60.4% | -56.7% | -63.1% | -66.6% | -66.4% | -65.8% | -64.5% | -69.3% |
3 dose efficacy cases | 61.6% | -23.0% | -46.3% | -54.6% | -51.6% | -53.4% | -44.8% | -29.3% |
2 dose efficacy hospital | ||||||||
3 dose efficacy hospital | 46.2% | 67.5% | 71.4% | 67.9% | 78.8% | 81.2% | 79.2% | 70.2% |
2 dose efficacy death | -50.0% | 40.0% | -15.4% | 20.0% | -5.3% | -28.0% | -50.0% | -57.8% |
3 dose efficacy death | 100.0% | 80.0% | 72.7% | 83.3% | 90.7% | 90.3% | 88.0% | 77.4% |
Week5 2 dose stats | Under18 | 18-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70-79 | 80+ |
2 dose cases | 24,018 | 217,861 | 182,366 | 108,733 | 50,303 | 14,724 | 4,415 | 4,911 |
2 dose hospital | ||||||||
2 dose death | 2 | 9 | 30 | 38 | 115 | 227 | 372 | 910 |
2 dose population | 1,014,427 | 3,141,053 | 2,396,582 | 1,593,478 | 1,018,232 | 451,348 | 185,060 | 124,931 |
2 dose case rate | 2,367.6 | 6,935.9 | 7,609.4 | 6,823.6 | 4,940.2 | 3,262.2 | 2,385.7 | 3,931.0 |
2 dose hospital rate | ||||||||
2 dose death rate | 0.2 | 0.3 | 1.3 | 2.4 | 11.3 | 50.3 | 201.0 | 728.4 |
The UKHSA went one stage further in their deception in Week5 and failed to publish the 2 dose hospitalisation results as well as failing to publish the 2 dose populations. As the reader will no doubt be aware, it is far more time consuming to change a working system to omit data, than it is to permit it to churn out everything that it was written to churn out. So the UKHSA is far more likely to have taken deliberate action to suppress the 2 dose hospitalisation rates than it is to have had a technical glitch that only applied to those rates and did not apply to any other data.
This is a multi layer deception and I fear we are not seeing all the layers. The UKHSA must be an incredibly conflicted outfit right now. But I have no sympathy for them. All my sympathy is exhausted on my friends, relatives and fellow nationals who are being turned into GMO humans and having their entire genome compromised by modified RNA hidden from their immune system by N1 Methylpseudouridine, which replaces the normal Uracil in vaccine RNA. That is the key modification. And it is without a doubt the most reckless intervention in medical history.
In every single age category above 18, there are more infections per 100k of population in the double vaxxed than in the unvaxxed. And there were 4.3x as many in the 40-49 year olds in Week3. That corresponded to Vaccine Efficiency of -76.6%, which is not really very good.
In week4 the hospitalisation figures went negative in every category for the double vaxxed and in week5 the death rate went negative for all age categories except 30-39 and 50-59.
So by every yardstick we have, the vaccines have now failed. But they have not merely failed passively and stopped working. No, they are actively destroying our immune systems to produce all these disastrously negative figures.
One striking thing about the figures is that 3 dose Vaccine efficiency against infection is getting worse each week but the 2 dose efficiency is getting better. Hospitalisations and deaths are getting worse each week in the double vaxxed, but not infections.
This I must say is the first sign I have seen that 2 dosed people under 70, might eventually defeat the vaccines and get their immune systems back. I sincerely hope that trend continues and is genuine.
My crude prediction from the data above, for what it is worth, is the following
Your immune system can defeat one Jab in around 12 months
Your immune system can just about defeat 2 Jabs in 18 months after the 2nd jab if you are under 70
Your immune system can just about defeat 3 jabs in 24 months after the 3rd jab if you are under 50
Your immune system cannot defeat 4 jabs.
The real test here lies in the life insurance stats for the vaccine side effects which are related to the football pitch heart attack death stats. They are not manipulated by governments and therefore give the most accurate picture of the damage being done by the vaccines. The trouble with heart attack data is that heart muscle cells do not recover once they have gone. So this and other vaccine side effects will not disappear after 12/18/24 months. Your immune system may eventually win the battle, but your heart may not.
But as regards protecting you against anything at all. The vaccines are now completely useless. This is absolutely known. Therefore any doctor, nurse, chemist who continues to vaccinate and who does not call for an end to vaccination from this point forwards is a fraud
1. mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy
2. mRNA vaccines are just a more high tech version of your regular flu shot vaccine.
3. mRNA vaccines are destroyed by your immune system with a couple of days
4. mRNA vaccines do not leave the injection site in your deltoid shoulder muscle
5. mRNA vaccines are safe
6. mRNA vaccines are effective
7. mRNA vaccines wane in efficiency over time
8. Masks protect us all from Covid
9. Mass vaccination should occur during a pandemic
10. Lockdowns are beneficial
11. Vaccine Immunity is as good or better than natural immunity
12. Therapeutics such as Vitamin D, Ivermectin. Budesonide, Intravenous Vitamin C, Mouthwashes with Cetylpyridinium Chloride, Zinc and Quercetin. N-Acetylcysteine (), Hydroxychloroquine are ineffective and/or dangerous and should be denied.
13. Vaccines do not cause miscarriages.
14. Vaccine mediated Myocarditis is mild.
15. Hands and surfaces can spread Covid. So we should deploy hand sanitizers
16. Asymptomatic people can spread Covid
17. Vaccines are effective against Omicron
18. The Spike protein is the best viral component to use in a vaccine
19. Vaccination is a one size fits all solution for every single human being on the planet
1. mRNA vaccine are gene therapy, because they reprogram vaccinated cells at a genetic level to produce Covid spike proteins.
2. mRNA vaccines do present the 1273 Amino Acid Wuhan Hu1 spike protein to you immune system. But then they damage your immune system to the point where you are more likely to be infected with Covid than an unvaxxed person. So in truth they are anti vaccines. A true vaccination provides long term immunity, just as infection recovery provides long term natural immunity. mRNA vaccines only provide short term immunity for a few months. then they go negative in efficiency and become anti vaccines. So actually the fully vaccinated are the true anti-vaxxers, having been fully antivaccinated,
3. RNA which is not protected by lipid nanoparticles is indeed destroyed in a few days. mRNA vaccines which have lipid nanoparticle case, are not. This is obvious from the known fact that leaving a 12 week gap between the 1st and 2nd jabs, produces a 3.5x stronger antibody response than leaving a 4 week gap ( ). So in those extra 8 weeks of gap, something cumulative is going on. That something can only be spike protein production. Indeed the DNA vaccine from Astrazeneca produces a 4x greater antibody response with a 12 week gap between the first two injections and an 18x greater antibody response with a 45 week gap ( So the 12 week behaviour of mRNA vaccines is hardly any different from that of the DNA vaccines. But DNA vaccines make a permanent change in your cell DNA (adding the spike protein DNA to the cell nuclei of vaccinated cells). Therefore the mRNA is just as permanent as the DNA (certainly up to 12 weeks). The mRNA does not degrade in the first 2 days as it should. The lipid nanoparticle coating makes it almost as permanent as DNA vaccines. The other possibility which has been shown to be possible by swedish () is the the mRNA writes itself into your cell nuclei by a process called reverse transcription. DNA is supposed to write itself to RNA, which goes off to program your cell ribosomes to make proteins. That is transcription. Reverse transcription occurs when RNA writes itself into your nucleic DNA
4. When you are vaccinated, the pressure exerted through the tiny needle forces the vaccine containing 14.4 trillion (Pfizer) or 48 trillion (Moderna) copies of the Wuhan Hu1 Spike protein RNA in a nano lipid particle coating into your deltoid muscle cells and into the interstitial space between those cells. If you are unlucky, because nobody bothers to aspirate the vaccination, which used to be standard practice, when the health of the patient was a concern, the needle hits a vein and you get trillions of spike proteins charging straight into your heart. If you are lucky, then the interstitial fluid between your muscle cells drains into your lymphatic system and from there into your blood stream and from there into your heart in smaller quantity and at a much slower rate. But make no mistake. Your immune system recognises every vaccinated cell that starts to produce spike proteins and sends killer T cells to destroy it. If that cell is in your shoulder muscle fine. If that cell is in your heart muscle or your brain - not fine. Professor Neils Hoibe from the University of Copenhagen (781 publications, 44,327 citations) describes this process in a video with Dr John Campbell (both are careful not to be seen as too antivax) -
5. The UK Medicine Regulator has confirmed that over a period of twelve months the Covid-19 Vaccines have caused 5x times more deaths than the total number of deaths due to all other available vaccines combined in the past 21 years -
6. The latest Australian data for the 1st week in 2022 from 2022January2-8, shows that fully vaccinated Aussies are now 10.72x more likely to become infected with Omicron as unvaxxed Australians
Here are the case numbers for Week1 in NSW...
Vaccination Status | Total Cases |
Two Effective Doses | 159,325 |
One Effective Dose | 1,468 |
No Effective Dose | 787 |
Under Investigation | 46,697 |
Not Eligible for Vaccination (aged 0-11 years) | 18,339 |
Total | 379,056 |
The mid point of the period from 2022January2 to 2022January8 was 2022January5, when 93.62% were fully vaxxed in NSW, and 95.04% were first dosed. So 4.96% were unvaxxed -
So the ratio of the case rates in the first week in January in New South Wales Australia was (4.96 x 159,325)/(787 x 93.62) = 10.72x
Or putting it another way 787 cases of Omicron cases in NSW in the first week of this year were in unvaxxed and 160,793 were in the singly or doubly or triply vaccinated.
This means that less than half a percent of the cases were in the unvaxxed
and more than 99.5% of the cases were in the vaxxed. Now that is a pandemic of the vaccinated for you. Effective dose? Right. Well effective.
7. Vaccines are not Waning. Vaxxed immune systems are waning
Vaccines cannot wane in efficiency. They are digital. They show your immune system the spike protein antigen and they simulate a systemic attack to convince your immune system to take that spike protein seriously. Then there is NOTHING more for a true vaccine to do. They operate for 2-3 weeks, the normal length of a viral infection. Then they are supposed to leave your body. So they do not, they cannot, wane. They do not and cannot drop in efficiency in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th month because they have nothing to do in those months. A worker who has finished his employment contract with a company does not work less efficiently for that company. He is no longer employed. .
But genetic vaccines continue to produce spike proteins incessantly. They damage your immune system.
It is your immune system therefore that wanes. In the UK they have damaged our immune systems so much that vaccines now have enormous negative efficiencies up to -60% in the latest UKHSA data for the end of 2021 (Vaccine Surveillance Report Week 1). The trouble with the genetic vaccines that NOBODY talks about is that they do not stop producing spike proteins. They continue producing more and more of them. I asked Astra Zeneca for how long after vaccination would my cells produce spikes? They said we do not know we are still researching that. I do know because I did cell biology at Cambridge. Every vaccinated cell will continue producing spike proteins until it dies or is killed by your killer T cells.
Vaccination informs your immune system that spike proteins are very dangerous antigens (by simulating a systemic infection coincident with the presentation of the spike protein antigen). So it kills the spike proteins and kills every cell in your body that has been vaccinated because all of those cells are genetically reprogrammed by the vaccine to make spike proteins.
So your body goes into a perpetual civil war in which more and more of your immune resources are spent killing vaccinated cells. Pfizer contains 14.4 trillion 1273 Amino Acid spike protein mRNA copies and Moderna contains 48 trillion - see here. You only have between 6 and 36 trillion cells in your body (depending upon how you count them). Some of these cells such as heart muscle cells and brain cells do not get replaced. If they become vaccinated, you will lose them indefinitely. Myocarditis is caused by Killer T cells removing vaccinated heart cells.
This gets worse at the 2nd jab and worse still at the 3rd. You may think that vaccines are safe but your immune system would beg to differ since it kills every vaccinated cell it can find. In deed it is the vaccine which trains it to do that. It is this civil war which causes the vaccine efficiency to look like it is decreasing. It is not, your immune system response is decreasing. You are developing VAIDS, Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
8. The Brownstone Institute has over 150 studies showing that masks do not help -
9. Dr. Roger Hodkinson, the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada (based in Ottawa), and for the past 20 years Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company based in North Carolina explains in this video why you should not vaccinated in the middle of a Pandemic (when there is a huge amount of the virus around to work on overcoming the vaccine). He is a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology, who studied medicine at Cambridge University in the UK. He reminds the medical establishment that the primary rule of vaccination is that you never do it duuring a pandemic.
10. Targeted lockdowns of the sick and the vulnerable would have been better but still not optimal. General lockdowns kill 2 people tomorrow for every one person they save today. This is all covered in great detail by the Great Barrington Declaration, which now has 920,000 signatures (2022January25). But the answer is now and has always been to quarantine the sick, not the healthy (however vulnerable). Every family should have been given a temperature gun (cost would be $8 x 20 million = $160 million). And anyone with a temperature should have been isolated until they no longer have a temperature. Furthermore, all large shops and venues and tube stations etc. should have had them on the doors and should have them today if we actually wanted to stop the spread rather than isolate people one from another.
11. Vaccines simulate the infection they are supposed to protect you from. They cannot therefore be better than the natural immunity which they simulate. Is any Elvis impersonator better than the king? The CDC now admits that natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity (having denied it for as long as they could) -
In a natural infection the immune system indeed chops up the entire virus into segments and makes different antibodies for each segment. Natural immunity therefore results in 8x more types of antibody than vaccination which only presents 1/8th of the viral proteins to your immune system. Furthermore the immune system does not have Alzheimer's. It does not forget what it has learned from a real infection. If it did we would all be dropping dead of measles. Vaccine Passport schemes are a denial of Natural Immunity. They are no different from Ayatollah Knomeini's abolition of Newton's laws during the Iranian Revolution and no less futile. Vaccinated people have damaged immune systems and therefore have higher viral loads for Omicron than unvaxxed people and higher infection rates and are more likely to spread Covid than the unvaxxed, many of whom have natural immunity which has not been compromised by VAIDS.
12. A thorough analysis of the efficacy of early treatment with non vaccine therapeutics from 722 clinical studies is given here -
13. VAERS -
There were 48 Sepsis cases reported to VAERS in 2020 = 4 per month
There were 1364 sepsis cases for 2021, making an average = 114 per month
There were 63 Sepsis cases from 2022Jan1-14.= 139 per month.
There were 23 miscarriages reported to VAERS in 2020 = 2 per month.
There were 1299 miscarriages in 2021 = 108 per month
There were 46 miscarriages from 2022Jan1-14 = 110 per month
14. Myocarditis has a 56% mortality rate within 4.3 years according to the American Heart Association -
Dr. Anthony Hinton, a consultant surgeon with 30 years of experience working for the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), has warned that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine”-related myocarditis has a 20 percent fatality rate in children after two years, and a 50 percent fatality rate in five years.
In a tweet, Hinton explained that viral myocarditis is “not mild,” adding that “[i]t’s dead heart muscle.” To even suggest that myocarditis is in any way mild is akin to saying that a person is “a little bit pregnant,” added Scottish television presenter and author Neil Oliver.
The American Heart Association medical journal Circulation explains that myocarditis results in a 56% mortality rate in 4.3 years. Giant cell myocarditis had an 80% mortality rate in five years.
The Myocarditis Treatment Trial reported mortality rates for biopsy-verified myocarditis of 20% and 56% at 1 year and 4.3 years, respectively. These outcomes are similar to the Mayo Clinic’s observational data of 5-year survival rates that approximate 50%. Survival with giant cell myocarditis is substantially lower, with <20% of patients surviving 5 years -
15. Covid is a respiratory disease it is spread by micro-droplets of water in the air not by hand shakes or surfaces. Dr Peter McCulloch - Covid-19 A Second Opinion hosted by Senator Ron Johnson - A MUST SEE DISCUSSION.
16. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases. Asymptomatic people are not fighting a war with covid, or have won the war with covid. They do not spread it. You spread it when you are fighting it and have not yet won the battle. Covid is spread from "symptomatic people to susceptible people" Dr Peter McCulloch - Covid-19 A Second Opinion hosted by Senator Ron Johnson 2022January24 - A MUST SEE DISCUSSION.
17. The genetic vaccines are 3 years out of date
This years flu shot is a combination of last year's flu virus and as many as possible of the viruses from the years before that. They are inactivated and shown to your immune system by the vaccination. The reason flu shots are not very effective is that
influenza is programmed to produce variants faster than mankind can produce and get approval for new flu shots. So every flu shot is out of date before it is administered. The situation is worse with Covid-19 shots. We are now is 2022.
What use is a shot against a spike protein from a virus identified in 2019? It is 3 years out of date. That is why it has almost zero effectiveness against Omicron at first and absolutely zero effectiveness after a few weeks and progressively increasing negative effectiveness after that.
The idea that you should lose your job because you fail to take an immuno destructive, 3 year out of date vaccine for a variant of Covid that no longer exists is beyond absurd.
If the Pfizer cared about your health they would have updated the RNA in the vaccines to Beta, to Delta and now to Omicron. They do that every year with the flu shot. Why has it not occurred with the vaccines, which are now 3 years out of date?
A Toronto University study showed the doubly vaccinated people had absolutely no measurable protection against Omicron - receipt of 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines was not protective against Omicron. Vaccine effectiveness against Omicron was 37% (95%CI, 19-50%) ≥7 days after receiving an mRNA vaccine for the third dose. -
The booster protection will be due to the immune system being put into a hyper alert state and therefore will be transient lasting around 2 months maximum (as case ratio data now shows).
18. The wrong vaccine and the right vaccine
The Covid spike protein has 1/8th of the proteins in the entire virus. The Immune system cuts up viruses and makes antibodies for each resulting protein segment. The most pathogenic part of the Covid-19 virus is the spike protein. It is therefore absolutely the wrong part of the virus to use in a vaccination. Dr Richard Flemming has revealed that researchers have already shown that the nucleocapsid part of the virus (the case for the nucleus) produces a more effective vaccination which is not pathogenic. The correct vaccine would actually use segments of all the known variants of Covid and deliberately exclude their spike proteins which are known pathogens. The type of vaccination should be standard (like Sputnik) not genetic.
So in summary the Pfizer and Moderna shots use the wrong part of the wrong variant in the wrong type of vaccination method. They should be using the non spike parts of all the variants in a non genetic vaccine. That would be safe and that would be effective BECAUSE all a vaccination is, is a way of convincing the body that it has had the infection. Then you get, through the vaccine, a poor copy of what you would have got through natural infection. A vaccination can never be as effective as the thing it is trying to simulate or mimic. I mean is an Elvis impersonator ever as good as the king?
"Not only do these vaccines not work if you look at the Emergency Use Authorisations. But the data clearly shows that they are suppressing our immune system. They are suppressing our production of interferon. They are depressing our production of key helper T cells. When people are given Moderna and Pfizer vaccines and then given an influenza vaccine they are not mounting an influenza immune response. It is blunted.
We know that the T cells, the critical cells in the inate system go down after the first Pfizer vaccine shot. We know that natural immunity, person to person immunity, is long lasting provides memory cells up front, it provides not only IgM (Immunoglobulin Mu antibodies) and IgG (Immunoglobulin Gamma antibodies) but it provides the critical IgA antibody for our lungs and our Gastro Intestinal tract. We know that if you've been exposed to inlfuenza or cytomegalovirus you probably already have some natural immunity. And what we now know most recently is that I have told people these vaccines only picked out the spike protein of the SARS CoV Wuhan HU1 variant and so the further away we have gotten from that the more we have put a pressure selection on the delta variant and the mu and the lambda variants but here is the thing...
What we now know is that the greatest natural immunity to this virus comes off the nucleocapsid component of it (not the spike protein) which you can only get if you get it from person to person (transmission), that data just recently came out. So they are not even vaccinating for the right bloody part of the virus to begin with and like I've said before we have always done vaccines where we have taken all the variants with all the parts and injected that into you so your body and make an immune response to all the variants and all the parts. So that it bloody well works. This is the most - this is Jurassic park literally. They were given the tools by people that they stood on the shoulders of. Some of it was work that I did that they literally stole out of the work I was doing in the early 1990s on inflammation where they used that Shi Zeng lee used that to help formulate how she was gonna put that glycoprotein 120 there" - Dr Richard Flemming in Brighteon Conversations.
19. There has never in the history of medicine been a drug which is suitable for every single person on the planet because we are all so gloriously different. Indeed several types of people were excluded from the Pfizer vaccines trials because Pfizer knew that the drug would be dangerous or inefficacious for them. These groups were -
1. Other medical or psychiatric condition including recent (within the past year) or active suicidal ideation/behavior or laboratory abnormality that may increase the risk of study participation or, in the investigator’s judgment, make the participant inappropriate for the study.
2. Known infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), or hepatitis B virus (HBV).
3. History of severe adverse reaction associated with a vaccine and/or severe allergic reaction (eg, anaphylaxis) to any component of the study intervention(s).
4. Receipt of medications intended to prevent COVID-19.
5.Stages 1 and 2 only: Previous clinical or microbiological diagnosis of COVID-19.
6.Sentinel participants in Stage 1 only:
Individuals at high risk for severe COVID-19, including those with any of the following risk factors:
•Diabetes mellitus
•Chronic pulmonary disease
•Current vaping or smoking
•History of chronic smoking within the prior year
•BMI >30 kg/m2
•Anticipating the need for immunosuppressive treatment within the next 6 months
7.Sentinel participants in Stage 1 only: Individuals currently working in occupations with high risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (eg, healthcare worker, emergency response personnel).
8. Immunocompromised individuals with known or suspected immunodeficiency, as determined by history and/or laboratory/physical examination.
9. Individuals with a history of autoimmune disease or an active autoimmune disease requiring therapeutic intervention, including but not limited to: systemic or cutaneous lupus erythematosus, autoimmune arthritis/rheumatoid arthritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Sjögren’s syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, glomerulonephritis, autoimmune thyroiditis, giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis), psoriasis, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1).
10. Bleeding diathesis or condition associated with prolonged bleeding that would, in the opinion of the investigator, contraindicate intramuscular injection.
11. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Prior/Concomitant Therapy:
12. Previous vaccination with any coronavirus vaccine.
13. Individuals who receive treatment with immunosuppressive therapy, including cytotoxic agents or systemic corticosteroids, eg, for cancer or an autoimmune disease, or planned receipt throughout the study. If systemic corticosteroids have been administered short term (<14 days) for treatment of an acute illness, participantsshould not be enrolled into the study until corticosteroid therapy has been discontinued for at least 28 days before study intervention administration. Inhaled/nebulized, intra-articular, intrabursal, or topical (skin or eyes) corticosteroids are permitted.
14. Receipt of blood/plasma products or immunoglobulin, from 60 days before study intervention administration or planned receipt throughout the study
Given that pregnant women, breastfeeding women, diabetics, HIV patients etc. were excluded for reasons of safety and efficacy. Why are the vaccines being mandated for those people?
This is not a billion dollar fraud. It does not merely deprive you of your livelihood. It deprives you of your health. It deprives you of your faculties, your ability to run, your ability to remember, your ability to think clearly, your ability to work profitably, your ability to have children and your chance to reach your full potential. But worse than that it deprives those whom you love of their health, of their faculties and in the end of their lives. This is a fraud that makes Bernie Madoff look like a saint, a rookie, an amateur. And it will end in a genocide of such magnitude as would make Pol Pot look like Florence Nightingale. Indeed the Pol Pots of this genocide dress themselves up as Florence Nightingales each night on our TV screens and in our internet newscasts, as legions of medically unqualified media prostitutes sing the song they are paid to sing to their viewers and their listeners, with the catchy refrain that goes:
Vaccines are Safe and Vaccines are Effective
You can trust the press and the people you elected.
They are of course especially safe and effective for those whom Pfizer excluded from their Phase III vaccine trials precisely because the vaccine was known or suspected to be neither safe nor effective for them. The excluded groups were -
1. Other medical or psychiatric condition including recent (within the past year) or active suicidal ideation/behavior or laboratory abnormality that may increase the risk of study participation or, in the investigator’s judgment, make the participant inappropriate for the study.
2. Known infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), or hepatitis B virus (HBV).
3. History of severe adverse reaction associated with a vaccine and/or severe allergic reaction (eg, anaphylaxis) to any component of the study intervention(s).
4. Receipt of medications intended to prevent COVID-19.
5.Stages 1 and 2 only: Previous clinical or microbiological diagnosis of COVID-19.
6.Sentinel participants in Stage 1 only:
Individuals at high risk for severe COVID-19, including those with any of the following risk factors:
• Hypertension
• Diabetes mellitus
• Chronic pulmonary disease
• Asthma
• Current vaping or smoking
• History of chronic smoking within the prior year
• BMI >30 kg/m2
• Anticipating the need for immunosuppressive treatment within the next 6 months
7.Sentinel participants in Stage 1 only: Individuals currently working in occupations with high risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (eg, healthcare worker, emergency response personnel).
8. Immunocompromised individuals with known or suspected immunodeficiency, as determined by history and/or laboratory/physical examination.
9. Individuals with a history of autoimmune disease or an active autoimmune disease requiring therapeutic intervention, including but not limited to: systemic or cutaneous lupus erythematosus, autoimmune arthritis/rheumatoid arthritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Sjögren’s syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, glomerulonephritis, autoimmune thyroiditis, giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis), psoriasis, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1).
10. Bleeding diathesis or condition associated with prolonged bleeding that would, in the opinion of the investigator, contraindicate intramuscular injection.
11. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Prior/Concomitant Therapy:
12. Previous vaccination with any coronavirus vaccine.
13. Individuals who receive treatment with immunosuppressive therapy, including cytotoxic agents or systemic corticosteroids, eg, for cancer or an autoimmune disease, or planned receipt throughout the study. If systemic corticosteroids have been administered short term (<14 days) for treatment of an acute illness, participantsshould not be enrolled into the study until corticosteroid therapy has been discontinued for at least 28 days before study intervention administration. Inhaled/nebulized, intra-articular, intrabursal, or topical (skin or eyes) corticosteroids are permitted.
14. Receipt of blood/plasma products or immunoglobulin, from 60 days before study intervention administration or planned receipt throughout the study
But hey, lets mandate that ALL public sector staff in the US and ALL care home staff in the UK and ALL citizens of Austria and Australia and Canada must be vaccinated. To hell with pregnant women, breastfeeding women, HIV patients. Diabetics, the immunocompromised, the obese, the smokers, the Hepatitis sufferers, the Arthritics, the Multiple Sclerotics, the Allergy sufferers, the Asthmatics etc., upon whom no trial took place.
Incidentally my apologies for not adding the above to the list of 18 Covid19 Deceptions. Obviously it should have been a list of 19 Covid19 deceptions. Let's regard this article as an exposition of the 19th Covid19 deception!
For it is a conspiracy so malignant and so inhuman that no Bond Villain would dare attempt it and no screenwriter would dare pen it. It's scope is so universal, so international, so global is its reach, that no government has dared oppose it (for long). It has behind it men and women so rich and so powerful that they can literally 'exclude' those who see through it from modern society.
So let us consider the forefather of the present attempt at global dictatorship through every means possible, One Adolf Hitler. There is a wonderful quote which is variously attributed to Hitler and to Joseph Goebbels -
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
We are presently in that precise situation with: Vaccines are Safe and Efficient. Governments and large corporations worldwide have been repressing dissent from that lie in an unprecedented manner. This repression should be an unmistakable flag to all mankind that the statement is a lie. But regrettably, it has not been so far.
I would add one further tool to the art of selling the big lie, and that is status. People do not believe fact. They do not believe scientific truth. They do not believe logic. If people believed either logic or science nobody would have taken the vaccine, because flu vaccines have never worked very well in humans (being at least one year out of date when they are administered) and genetic vaccines have always proven lethal in animal trials and the spike protein is the wrong protein to use in a vaccination, and because any genetically vaccinated cell has to be killed by the immune system, so your immune system is telling you that vaccines are lethal to your cells. And because the golden rule of immunology is NEVER vaccinate during a pandemic, because it will create variants. this occurs because during a pandemic there is a maximum amount of pathogen about to mutate around the vaccine..
What people believe is status. They believe celebrity. They believe in the rich, They believe in the famous. They believe in the powerful. They believe in the successful. They say that nothing succeeds like success. This is because success creates credibility which leads to faith and to trust.
So here are the 5 pillars of deception
1. Lie so greatly that nobody believes such a lie could be possibly be realistically championed
2. Repeat the lie indefinitely
3. Use the state to shield its citizens not from the lie, but from the consequences of the lie
4. Repress the truth and those who promote it mercilessly
5. Ensure that ALL high status sources promote, espouse, live, breathe and crap the lie.
And here is how those 5 pillars are being carried out right now as you read this piece.
1. The lie is that the Covid Vaccines are Safe and Effective, The truth is that they are not vaccines, they are not safe and they are not effective against Covid. A vaccine cannot have negative efficacy. The latest figures in most countries now show that the vaccines have negative efficacy against Omicron. That means they are not vaccines. They are gene therapy sold as a vaccine. So the question that remains is: What are they doing to our genes? The answer exposes the biggest deception of all time and is so incredible that if I tell you it now, you will most likely stop reading. So I will address it later in the article. But so as not to leave you in the dark. It has to do with the fundamental question: Who owns your body?
2. As we know from A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth, the government has an entire department SPI-B dedicated to Psyops reinforcing the message that Vaccines are Safe and Effective.
3. The shield that governments of the world are using to hide the consequences of the lie from their people is corrupt false and manipulated statistics.
Here are two of my favourite examples of this. They are both so stupid as to be laughable. Except that there is nothing at all funny about the pain misery and death that believing them is causing to mankind.
Here are the ONS data on deaths and person years by vax status for 2021Jan1 to 2021Oct31 - from
All mortality per 100,000 person years = 100,000 x All Deaths/Person years
Non Covid mortality per 100,000 person years = 100,000 x Non Covid19 deaths/Person years
Covid mortality per 100,000 person years = 100,000 x Covid19 deaths/Person years
Vaccine Efficacy against All mortality = (unvaxxed mortality rate per 100,000 person year -double vaxxed mortality rate per 100,000 person years)/larger of the two
Vaccine Efficacy against Non Covid mortality = (unvaxxed mortality rate per 100,000 person year -double vaxxed mortality rate per 100,000 person years)/larger of the two
Vaccine Efficacy against Covid mortality = (unvaxxed mortality rate per 100,000 person year -double vaxxed mortality rate per 100,000 person years)/larger of the two
Vax Status Double vaxxed are 21+ days |
Age | Person years | Covid Deaths |
Non Covid Deaths |
All Deaths | All Mortality per 100,000 Person years |
Non Covid Mortality per 100,000 Person years |
Covid Mortality per 100,000 Person years |
Vaccine Efficacy against All mortality |
Vaccine Efficacy against non Covid mortality | Vaccine Efficacy against Covid mortality |
Unvaccinated | 10-14 | 2,094,711 | 2 | 94 | 96 | 4.6 | 4.5 | 0.1 | -98.1% | -98.1% | 100.0% |
double vaxxed | 10-14 | 1,678 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 238.4 | 238.4 | 0.0 | |||
Unvaccinated | 15-19 | 1,587,072 | 18 | 142 | 160 | 10.1 | 8.9 | 1.1 | -69.3% | -72.1% | 31.0% |
double vaxxed | 15-19 | 127,842 | 1 | 41 | 42 | 32.9 | 32.1 | 0.8 | |||
Unvaccinated | 20-24 | 1,253,977 | 31 | 189 | 220 | 17.5 | 15.1 | 2.5 | -11.1% | -21.4% | 77.5% |
double vaxxed | 20-24 | 359,959 | 2 | 69 | 71 | 19.7 | 19.2 | 0.6 | |||
Unvaccinated | 25-29 | 1,246,537 | 55 | 282 | 337 | 27.0 | 22.6 | 4.4 | -0.5% | -10.5% | 57.5% |
double vaxxed | 25-29 | 427,061 | 8 | 108 | 116 | 27.2 | 25.3 | 1.9 | |||
Unvaccinated | 30-34 | 1,130,675 | 101 | 424 | 525 | 46.4 | 37.5 | 8.9 | 13.1% | -1.5% | 74.4% |
double vaxxed | 30-34 | 480,574 | 11 | 183 | 194 | 40.4 | 38.1 | 2.3 | |||
Unvaccinated | 35-39 | 1,082,525 | 189 | 613 | 802 | 74.1 | 56.6 | 17.5 | 26.1% | 7.5% | 86.4% |
double vaxxed | 35-39 | 589,849 | 14 | 309 | 323 | 54.8 | 52.4 | 2.4 | |||
Unvaccinated | 40-44 | 939,699 | 239 | 898 | 1,137 | 121.0 | 95.6 | 25.4 | 28.1% | 13.8% | 82.0% |
double vaxxed | 40-44 | 720,804 | 33 | 594 | 627 | 87.0 | 82.4 | 4.6 | |||
Unvaccinated | 45-49 | 850,696 | 503 | 1,510 | 2,013 | 236.6 | 177.5 | 59.1 | 41.6% | 26.0% | 88.5% |
double vaxxed | 45-49 | 852,707 | 58 | 1,120 | 1,178 | 138.2 | 131.3 | 6.8 | |||
Unvaccinated | 50-54 | 758,182 | 928 | 2,372 | 3,300 | 435.3 | 312.9 | 122.4 | 52.0% | 36.0% | 92.8% |
double vaxxed | 50-54 | 1,129,045 | 100 | 2,261 | 2,361 | 209.1 | 200.3 | 8.9 | |||
Unvaccinated | 55-59 | 699,511 | 1,430 | 3,362 | 4,792 | 685.1 | 480.6 | 204.4 | 48.7% | 30.8% | 90.9% |
double vaxxed | 55-59 | 1,194,925 | 222 | 3,976 | 4,198 | 351.3 | 332.7 | 18.6 | |||
Unvaccinated | 60-64 | 539,511 | 2,184 | 4,366 | 6,550 | 1214.1 | 809.3 | 404.8 | 52.2% | 31.7% | 93.1% |
double vaxxed | 60-64 | 1,107,106 | 311 | 6,116 | 6,427 | 580.5 | 552.4 | 28.1 | |||
Unvaccinated | 65-69 | 378,356 | 2,785 | 5,381 | 8,166 | 2158.3 | 1422.2 | 736.1 | 56.9% | 37.7% | 94.1% |
double vaxxed | 65-69 | 1,030,612 | 451 | 9,126 | 9,577 | 929.3 | 885.5 | 43.8 | |||
Unvaccinated | 70-74 | 305,728 | 3,909 | 7,297 | 11,206 | 3665.4 | 2386.8 | 1278.6 | 58.3% | 39.0% | 94.5% |
double vaxxed | 70-74 | 1,128,526 | 798 | 16,431 | 17,229 | 1526.7 | 1456.0 | 70.7 | |||
Unvaccinated | 75-79 | 166,159 | 4,741 | 7,628 | 12,369 | 7444.1 | 4590.8 | 2853.3 | 65.1% | 45.7% | 96.1% |
double vaxxed | 75-79 | 896,876 | 992 | 22,338 | 23,330 | 2601.3 | 2490.6 | 110.6 | |||
Unvaccinated | 80-84 | 76,113 | 5,501 | 7,915 | 13,416 | 17626.4 | 10399.0 | 7227.4 | 73.7% | 57.2% | 97.4% |
double vaxxed | 80-84 | 677,380 | 1,277 | 30,126 | 31,403 | 4636.0 | 4447.4 | 188.5 | |||
Unvaccinated | 85-89 | 49,226 | 6,126 | 8,662 | 14,788 | 30041.0 | 17596.4 | 12444.6 | 72.5% | 54.8% | 97.6% |
double vaxxed | 85-89 | 422,042 | 1,237 | 33,571 | 34,808 | 8247.5 | 7954.4 | 293.1 | |||
Unvaccinated | 90+ | 34,169 | 6,836 | 10,550 | 17,386 | 50882.4 | 30875.9 | 20006.4 | 65.0% | 44.3% | 97.1% |
double vaxxed | 90+ | 236,443 | 1,371 | 40,685 | 42,056 | 17787.0 | 17207.1 | 579.8 |
The expose has already covered the disastrous figures for 10-14 and 15-19 year olds. And these will be a gross underestimate of the true scale of the disaster.
But it is quite incredible to me that the Office for Nefarious Statistics could print such total garbage for those over 35. The idea that a vaccine against one particular variant of Covid19 can decrease non Covid19 mortality by 57.2% in 80-84 years old is a very very sick joke, that cannot have been written without the creative assistance of The Office of Statistical Regulation.
Is the vaccine a cure for Cancer and heart Disease? Does it prevent Diabetes and Alzheimers? Behold, the ONS has cured all disease and halved all cause mortality. Yea we are all going to live twice as long due to the vaccines!
What has happened here is that the ONS has lost 100% of its all cause MORALITY. It is covering up vaccine side effect deaths with laughably false figures. For comparison, here are the all cause mortality figures for January1 to October22 for England.
The only times during the 10 months when all cause mortality dropped below the 5 year average were the bank holidays when nobody was at work to count up the deaths. The wonderful improvements in mortality amongst the vaccinated just did not exist.
The prize for the most fraudulent statistics in the history of Covid must go to the state of Virginia in the good ole US of A. Here is their offering to convince Virginians to have their genome hacked by Pfizer and Moderna.
Look at that. Pfizer themselves say (Albert Bourla their CEO, in an interview with Yahoo Finance) that 2 doses of the vaccine have “very limited protection, if any” against the Omicron variant.
But not so in Virginia. There the 'fully' vaccinated are doing 34.2x better than the unvaxxed. That corresponds to a vaccine efficiency of 97.1%, even better than Pfizer claimed for Wuhan Hu1. Look at the wonderful dark blue line for the double vaxxed. They brushed off Covid19 like it was a horsefly. But the unvaccinated, WOW, they are being infected in their thousands.
Whereas a study from Sheba's medical centre in Israel found that 2 full doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine are not effective at all against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, but a third “booster” shot helps, said Dr. Gili Regev-Yochay, director of the Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit at Sheba Medical Center, at a Saturday night Zoom press conference (2021December11).
In cooperation with the Health Ministry’s Central Virology Lab at Sheba, the study compared bloodwork from 20 Sheba healthcare workers who received two doses five or six months ago (but not a third dose) with another 20 who received the booster one month ago.
“We compared the ability to neutralize the Omicron from these sets of bloods and we have good news and bad news,” said Regev-Yochay.
“The bad news is that people who received the second dose five or six months ago do not have any neutralization ability whatsoever against the Omicron, while they do have some against the Delta and much more, even, against the wild [original] type,” she said. “That is very worrisome.”
Readers of the Expose will know that the Australian, Original German, Early US, Danish, Scottish and English figures all show a worse than -60% negative vaccine efficiency against Omicron and that this negative efficiency, is due to immune system degradation caused by VAIDS.
It seems that truth seekers are doomed to spend the rest of our lives proving that government statistics are lies designed to push a lethal drug, in the desperate hope that we might save just one of our brainwashed friends or relatives from disability and death. This would include the entire CDC wonder database, which would also have us believe that there are absolutely no deaths from vaccine side effects.
All these government lies are for the purpose of hiding the truth about the vaccines in order to protect the big lie.
4. Merciless Repression of the Truth and of Truth Publishers.
One cannot give an informed consent to vaccination unless and until one has heard both sides of the argument for and against the intervention. Everyone knows that in a court case, both sides of the argument are presented as fully and exhaustively and as forcefully as each other. Anything less than that is unjust and prejudice and corrupt. Today we see news outfits and social media outfits deplatforming those who do not share their particular orthodoxy
They call true arguments against their orthodoxy 'misinformation', whilst themselves peddling misinformation to support their orthodoxy
They ban and deplatform anyone who strays outside their orthodoxy or who attacks it as false - especially if their arguments are self evidently correct and valid.
This is the modern equivalent of excommunication and the Spanish Inquisition, fear of which causes vomit inducing public recantations being broadcast by celebrities eager to keep their status with the media. Every Orthodoxy exists to suppress the truth and to further the interests of the stakeholders in that orthodoxy. The Covid Orthodoxy is more widespread even than Catholicism, the founder of Orthodoxy in the realm of Christianity. Indeed the Catholic Orthodoxy supports the Vaccine Orthodoxy.
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media" (William Colby 1920 - 1996 - director of the CIA during the extraordinarily successful Watergate cover up involving a full and total failure of the US security services, from 1973-1976.)
We know that the words of Colby were true (notwithstanding the plethora of intelligence agency inspired websites dishonestly proclaiming the opposite) because that cover up worked other than in the cases of Woodward and Bernstein, who were rookie journalists at the Washington Post, not at the time considered to be persons of any significance in the major media.
In 1973, the media was owned by the Intelligence services. These "Services" are more powerful today in 2022 than they ever were in 1973, thanks to electronic surveillance technology. So as we all know 'the news' from mainstream media is nothing of the sort. There was no article printed in any newspaper in wartime Germany that did not get approved by Goebbel's Office. The same will be true today for many main stream media outfits.
What that means is that the BBC, the Times, the Daily Mail, the Guardian, the Independent, the Telegraph etc, however good their journalists are at finding the truth, are prohibited from publishing their findings if they undermine the orthodoxy that Vaccines are Safe and Effective. So instead of the news, we hear that Mrs Smyth-Granger-Tomlinson from Land's End died because she failed to get vaccinated and now all her children are orphans, in circumstances where vaccinated Mrs Smith from next door died from accelerated metastatic breast cancer whist her vaccinated son collapsed from myocarditis whilst playing football and her daughter stopped menstruating 6 months ago just after taking the vaccine. But we shall never hear about the Smith family, because they show the orthodoxy to be false
A democracy cannot function unless all political sides of a debate are given equal air time, in the papers, on the TV, on the net and on the radio.
Any politician who attempts to silence or deplatform his opponent is a traitor to democracy and should be banned from politics for an electoral term.
Any journalist or media outfit that seeks to deplatform his or its competitors on any grounds is not a newspaper but is an antidemocratic propaganda outfit bought and paid for by the owners of an orthodoxy
Any social media company that bans or silences any viewpoint that in itself is not a criminal offence is likewise antidemocratic and not a social media company but an antisocial media company, and a propaganda outfit for an orthodoxy
Yet that is what they all do and that is what they all are. They have all become traitors to democracy. They are, propaganda offices for the coming globalist coup d'etat, They are the enemy of their entire customer bases. They are snakes posing as canaries. They are hypocrites, who abuse the freedom of the press to lobby for the enslavement of all those who would disagree with press orthodoxy.
5. High status echo chambers
Prince Harry: "Until every community can access the vaccine and until every community is connected to trustworthy information about the vaccine, then we are all at risk."
Obviously his statement was worded by a lawyer. But it is the reverse of the truth. Only communities that can access the vaccines are at risk and those connected to trustworthy information about the vaccine would not need such access.
Guardian Newspaper: Concern for UK security as Anti vaxxer groups evolve toward US style militias 2022January15 - Lets demonise all 80,000 medical staff who refuse vaccines due to having proper medical training, as domestic terrorists shall we?
A greater concern to UK security is vaccine injury which has the capability to destroy what is left of the health service, especially if vaccine injury deniers keep spreading their misinformation.
Here is a quote from a classic hit piece in the Guardian Newspaper Opinion from 2021August9
What should we do about people who refuse to get vaccinated, or who continue to deny that Covid is real? Debate on this issue has raged for months in the US. “Respect them!” scolded conservative commentators. “Shame them!” urged some. Others counselled empathy for them as victims of disinformation.
But as the surging Delta variant ushers in the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, uncertainty about persuading pandemic holdouts has given way to anger and despair. This was exemplified by the recent public reaction to a viral news video showing a Louisiana man recovering from a severe Covid-19 infection in a hospital bed, stating that he would still rather have had to be in hospital than accept a vaccine. It was the first time many of us saw the human face of a puzzling phenomenon which healthcare workers have been telling us about since last year: patients denying the realities of the virus even as they lay sick and dying from it.
The entire quote is an ad hominem attack on vaccine refusers, equating them with flat earthers who deny that covid is real. Yes, (hahaha) these antivaxxers are so stupid that they deny (haha) the existence of Covid even as they (ha) lie dying from it. The lousianan luminary did not say he did not believe in Covid. He said he'd rather be in hospital than accept a vaccine. He was saying he trusts his immune system and the hospital staff more that he trusts Pfizer and Moderna. But notice that there is not one shred of scientific evidence in the quote or indeed in the entire article -
I'll bet there are plenty of Covid deniers who got vaccinated so they could keep their job or go on holiday or visit their elderly parents in care homes. Where is the evidence that Covid deniers are all antivaxxers?
The Louisiana man will never need to worry about Covid again in his life because natural immunity gives him antibodies to the nucleocapsid covid proteins (a fancy name for the protein case containing the nucleic acid of the virus, the RNA). This gives him 8x broader immunity than a vaccination and his immunity will not wane with time. He is over it. Whereas many of the the vaccinated are condemned to be reinfected ad infinitum and worse..
How about the unvaxxed 40,000 care staff and the 80,000 unvaxxed NHS staff who work with Covid every day. Do they deny it is real too? Are they morons as well? Or does their medical training tell them something that Guardian readers perhaps ought to know something about before they destroy their immune systems and alter their genetic code for the financial benefit of Big Pharma, when they turn themselves into fear addicted RNA junkies. Who would have thought that a left wing rag would side with a couple of corrupt drugs companies over the human rights of all their readers? Oh how the mighty are fallen, and all over a couple of flu shots.
I have to say that I thank the Expose from the bottom of my heart for giving me a platform from which to respond to the Guardian It is a freedom I never thought I would be given in this world.
It is a simple question. The answer should be obvious. But it is actually a very difficult subject to understand for modern man. Nearly every large corporation today has a Modern Slavery Statement. We all accept that slavery is bad. But what is a slave if it is not someone who does not own their own body? The body of a slave is owned by his master. His master can use or abuse that body at will. Furthermore the children of a slave are not owned by the slave, Because the slave does not own his own body which produces the children. The children of a slave are owned by the master of that slave.
Let me explain what modern slavery is. It is slavery to the state. The state determines what your children will learn at school and parents do not need to be informed what their children are being taught because it is none of their business. Why is it none of their business? Because the state believes it owns your children. The state determines what medications your children will take and in which hospital they will take them. The state gets to decide when and if a ventilator is turned on or off for your children, The state gets to decide when and if your older relatives are nil by mouth and filled up with Midazolam with a DNR order stuck on their bed. And now the state wishes to decide for you that you shall take the Covid vaccines, by denying you access to arguments against vaccination, which are far more forceful, when given the light of day, than those for it.
All of this is not a coincidence. It is a pattern of behaviour that declares that the government believes it owns your body, your child's body and your granny's body, which means you and your whole family are its slaves.
Yes Pfizer and Moderna have created a monopoly which is in the process of destroying at the least, the first level of defence of the immune systems in all Covid vaccinated mankind, so that they indefinitely get sick but never die, making them into the perfect customers for their shareholders. But that is only the first trailer. It is not the big picture.
Yes, the WEF through assorted mega tech corporations is seeking to establish a new global government, which usurps the power and authority and sovereignty of every democratically elected government. And they will achieve this through vaccine passports linked to social credit scores, the mark of the Beast and the Image of the Beast. But that is only the second trailer. It is still not the big picture.
The vaccine RNA differs from the Wuhan Hu1 virus RNA as follows -
1. It has a known human a 5' UTR (5 prime untranslated region) and a known human 3' UTR (3 prime untranslated region) which are human RNA from the alpha globin gene. These regions lead and follow individual protein coding sequences in the 4101 base (nucleotide) mRNA strand.
2. All the Uridine bases (U) are swapped for pseudouridine bases (Ψ).
This is a hack which prevents the immune system from recognising the RNA as RNA and therefore destroying it. The Pseudouridine acts like Uridine and produces the same proteins, But it effectively deceives the immune system into believing that vaccine RNA is not genetic material and therefore poses no hacking threat.
This means that the RNA persists and is not broken down within 48 hours like normal RNA.
3. In order to achieve longer life and more replications, vaccine RNA is terminated with a sequence of multiple A bases (Adenine). These tend to drop off with replication. The optimum number of them is around 120. The vaccine spike protein has 30 then a link then 70. This link format looks like a way of extending its replicating life for as long as possible.
4. We know that the spike proteins bind to the P53 gene which is the essential tumour suppression gene. P53 checks your DNA before it replicates and it makes sure that its fixed - Dr Ryan Cole (5 hours into the Covid19 a Second Opinion Senate Hearing under Senator Ron Johnson).
One cannot link to Senator Ron Johnson's video enough times - Covid-19 A Second Opinion hosted by Senator Ron Johnson - A MUST SEE DISCUSSION.
Jiang found that the vaccine RNA enters into cell nuclei (which in itself is a disaster that is as dangerous as reverse transcription, where mRNa writes itself into the DNA in the cell nucleus, which makes the genetic code in the mRNA permanent in the cell) and there it inhibits DNA repair --
So putting the jigsaw together, we have vaccine mRNA which is designed to hack our immune system (using pseudouridine rather than uridine) and then switches off our DNA repair gene. What does that say to you? Plainly it is changing our genes and preventing us from fixing that change. Furthermore it is designed to persist indefinitely in the cell and reproduce as many times as possible. So it is attempting to execute a permanent change to our genes. That turns us into Genetically Modified Humans, GMO humans, like GMO wheat. If people knew that in advance they would not have taken the vaccine. There is the lack of true vaccine information. It is one thing to eat GMO wheat. It is another to be injected with an agent which turns you into a GMO human.
The Astra Zenca vaccine actually states that it contains GMOs...
One dose (0.5 ml) of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine for Vaccitech contains:
COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S* recombinant) 5 × 1010 viral particles (50 Billion copies of spike protein DNA)
Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding the SARS CoV 2 Spike (S)
glycoprotein. Produced in genetically modified human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells.
This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs)." -
Nobody owns a patent on natural wheat. But Monsanto owns patents on genetically modified wheat (MON 71800). Nobody owns a patent on a natural mouse. But Regeneron own patents on genetically modified mice (HK-1174783-A1).
"Since the 1980 case of Diamond v. Chakrabarty, in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a living microorganism is patentable, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has determined that plants and nonhuman animals can be patented" - .
Vaccines turn you into a GMO Human. That is something which in theory is patentable. The NIH has a patent on Covid19, which they purchased from the University of North Carolina in 2018
2002: April 19: The University of North Carolina files US patent 7279327 for an infectious replication defective coronavirus (to be used as a virus vector for an HIV vaccine), claiming priority from US28531801P. Inventors were: Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric
2018: US Patent 7279327 for the chimeric adaption of the naturally occurring animal SARS Coronavirus to become infectious to humans targeting lung epithelial cells is transferred from University of North Carolina to he US National Institute for Health (NIH) - who funded it in the first place.
So taking a genetic vaccine potentially sells your body into slavery to the NIH who own the patent not merely on the spike protein, but actually the entire Covid19 virus..
So when said: What benefits a man if he gains the whole world (through a vaccine Passport) but loses his soul (it becoming owned by NIH and those who control that institute). He was giving us a warning.
If you see a debate wherein one side is persecuting silencing and repressing the other, how hard is it to deduce which side has the truth? These vaccines are a con, a financial con, a political con and a genetic con. The expose is trying to be your firewall to stop you getting hacked by bad actors by conquering the lie with the truth.
Here is how serious this all is. We predict 62.3 million excess cardiovascular deaths in 2022 due to the vaccines. The death rate is presently doubling every 3 months. So in 2023 there would be 16x as many excess deaths as there were in 2022, which is 996.8 million. So the total number of heart attack deaths in the next 2 years is predicted to be 1,059,100,000. This excludes death from VAIDS and its complications, from nuerodegenerative diseases, from accelerating cancers, from faster progressing type2 diabetes etc. etc. These projections are dependent upon spike production continuing at the present rate. We can now predict from these figures, that if you continue to be regularly boosted with the present vaccine your life expectancy is no more than 3 years. If you are boosted with the new Omicron vaccine that period could be longer or shorter we do not know. If you stop at 2 jabs, you may perhaps recover before your 3 years runs out depending upon which cells got hit with the vaccine.
This projection will be true if spike production continues at a constant rate in your cells and if you take no therapeutics. If you start to treat the spike proteins, with the normal flccc protocol, then you may defeat the vaccines. There needs to be a test developed for spike proteins in the blood. But there again that might scare people off taking more shots. So will they produce one?
To enslave you they must appropriate your body. To do that they must own some part of your genes. To do that they must permanently alter your genes and prevent your immune system for fixing the change. That is what the vaccines do. Now what genetic change would like to make to your genes? He would like to turn you from the seed of , the woman of Genesis 3:15, to the seed of the serpent, who was Cain initially. He does that through the snake bite of Genesis 3:15, Double vaccination, a fang for a jab. The boosters reinforce it and make sure your immune system cannot reverse it, by winning the war against your vaccinated cells.
Meanwhile, God is trying to take us out of Adam into in order to begin the process of ending age and adamic death. But is not prepared to let God have a clear run at that. So he is trying to beat him to the punch and take us out of Adam and into Cain in order to keep his control over us and deny us our non ageing edenic salvation that died for.
Cain means spear or spike in Hebrew. Strong's has:
So vaccinated people are spikian, spearian, lancian, , the seed of the Serpent. That is the really big lie.
How the vaccinated become GMO humans
Everything you ever wanted to know about the genetics of vaccination, but were afraid to ask for fear of being cancelled by facebook, youtube, twitter, paypal, instagram, spotify and umpteeen misled celebrities, musicians and venue hosts who think that genes are made by Levi Straus.
Our story begins in 1869 when the young Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher was looking for the building blocks of life in white blood cells (Leucocytes). It was thought at the time that our inherited characteristics were stored in proteins. But Miescher discovered a strange and enigmatic molecule which was definitely not a protein in our white blood cells. It resided in their nuclei. Hence he called it Nuclein. He first published his discovery in 1871 and theorised that this Nuclein could carry the hereditary information of mankind in some kind of alphabet. He had in fact stumbled across DNA. But he was not able to prove its role in the human body during his life. For that proof, mankind had to wait for the arrival of Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty, who in 1944 proved that DNA was the biochemical in our bodies that determined our inherited characteristics, not proteins as had been thought in the previous scientific orthodoxy.
This precipitated a race to determine the chemical structure of DNA. A race which was won by Francis Crick and James Watson.
On April 25th 1953, 4 years before I was born, Crick and Watson of Cambridge University, published their famous discovery of the base pairing internal structure on the Double Helix backbone of DNA which had previously been X ray photographed by Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin of Kings College London. They relied on the Chargaff rule that in DNA the amount of Guanine was equal to the amount of Cytosine and the amount of Thymine was equal to the amount of Adenine. From this they deduced that the Guanine paired with the Cytosine and the Thymine paired with the Adenine and both pairings were joined by bonds between the Hydrogen atoms in the bases (bases because they are alkali rather than acid, not bases because they have something built upon them or are full of military personnel). DNA is a beautiful structure which houses the genetic information necessary to build an entire human being in 3 Giga Bases, 3 billion base pairs. Its brilliance is that all the information is stored twice, in each complementary strand. So by breaking the bond between the Hydrogen atoms of the base pairs and unzipping itself, it can then act as a template to produce a single stranded DNA type polymer, which is called RNA. So DNA is self replicating and dually redundant. Since there are 4 possible bases, life has a 4 bit code. So the entire genome of mankind is 12 Giga bits or 1.5 GigaBytes in size. It is therefore more than 12x smaller than the 20GB Microsoft Windows 10 operating system and yet has enough information with in it to build an entire human starting only from one cell and to keep that human going for 100 years without needing to reboot him once!
The double Helix backbone is made out of Phosphate groups (the yellow PO4 groups above) and Ribose sugars (the blue Pentagons above)
All DNA and RNA and fake RNA (modified RNA, pseudo RNA) is made entirely from these 5 atoms: C, O, H, N, P.
C is Carbon
O is Oxygen
H is Hydrogen
N is Nitrogen
P is Phosphorus
The 4 bases of DNA (Adenine Guanine Cytosine and Thymine) when attached to a Deoxyribose sugar are called nucleosides. Then when attached further to a Phosphate group they are called nucleotides. A Deoxy Ribose sugar is a Ribose sugar where a Hydroxy (OH) group has been replaced by a Hydrogen (H) atom. So one Oxygen atom has been lost - hence Deoxy.
Nucleic Acid | Base (Nucleobase) | Nucleoside (Base + Ribose) | Nucleotide (Base + Ribose + Phosphate) |
RNA | Adenine (A) | Adenosine | Adenosine-5'-monophosphate or adenylate (AMP) |
Cytosine (C) | Cytidine | Cytidine-5'-monophosphate or cytidylate (CMP) | |
Guanine (G) |
Guanosine | Guanosine-5'-monophosphate or guanylate (GMP) | |
Uracil (U) | Uridine | Uridine-5'-monophosphate or uridylate (UMP) | |
Fake RNA | Uracil | Pseudouridine (Ψ) | Pseudouridine-5'-monophosphate or pseudo uridylate (ΨMP) |
Uracil | N1 Methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ) | N1 Methylpseudouridine-5'-monophosphate or N1 Methylpseudo uridylate (m1ΨMP) | |
Nucleic Acid | Base (Nucleobase) | Nucleoside (Base + Deoxyribose) | Nucleotide (Base + Deoxyrbiose + Phosphate) |
DNA | Adenine (A) |
Deoxyadenosine |
Deoxyadenosine-5'-monophosphate or deoxyadenylate (dAMP) |
Cytosine (C) | Deoxycytidine | Deoxycytidine-5'-monophosphate or deoxycytidylate (dCMP) | |
Guanine (G) | Deoxyguanosine | Deoxyguanosine-5'-monophosphate or deoxyguanylate (dGMP) | |
Thymine (T) | Deoxythymidine |
Deoxythymidine-5'-monophosphate or thymidylate (dTMP) |
The 5 bases A, G, C, T, U are called Canonical, rather like the books of the bible which are accepted as being true inspired scripture are called Canonical. Whereas Pseudouridine (Ψ) and N1 Methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ) are non canonical. They are Pseudepigrapha in scriptural terms or Genetically modified in secular terms.
So DNA is a polymer chain of deoxyribose nucleotides and RNA is a chain of ribose nucleotides. .From a chemist's standpoint, whereas the bases are alkaline, the phosphate groups are acidic, being derived from Phosphoric acid (OH-)3P=O, by replacing 2 hydroxy groups with Ribose sugars. The bases, when paired, lose much of their alkalinity hence the finished nucleotide polymer is acidic, DeoxyriboNucleic Acid or RiboNucleic Acid.
5', pronounced 5 prime, is the 5th Carbon atom in the ribose sugar counting clockwise from the 1st or prime Carbon atom which is bonded to the base.
With that brief introduction we are now in a position to study some of the literature on MODIFIED mRNA vaccines and make a better informed decision as to whether they should be taken. mRNA is an abbreviation not for Modified RNA but for Messenger RNA. So these vaccines are not mRNA vaccines as advertised. They are Modified mRNA vaccines, genetically modified mRNA vaccines, GMO vaccines. We must remember that Moderna stands for MODifiEd RNA.
The HQ of a cell is the cell nucleus. The product catalogue of the cell is the DNA which resides only in the cell nucleus. The protein manufacturing facilities in the cell are called Ribosomes. These churn out the proteins of which you and your cells are made. The instructions for those proteins, their amino acid sequences, and how they should fold themselves in 3D space are contained in your DNA. in your cell nucleus. The nucleus uses RNA to copy parts of your DNA and send that copy to the ribosomes. So mRNA, messenger RNA, is essentially an email from your HQ to your production facility foreman. Having read the email, the ribosomes then make the specified protein and the mRNA is destroyed by your cell (the email is deleted),
Here is a more detailed view of the translation from mRNA to protein that occurs in the ribosome after the transcription from DNA to mRNA that occurs in the nucleus.
Each group of 3 bases codes for one amino acid which is transported to the ribosome by tRNA, transfer RNA. The hamburger shaped ribosome is essentially an amino acid polymerisation unit which reads its sequencing instructions from the mRNA. That is how incredibly intricate and delicate and precise the biological processes of life are.
Canonical RNA, containing Uracil as the 4th base, is degraded by the cell 2 minutes after production. This is the equivalent of the ribosome foreman recycling the email after having read it.
We all know that RNA is short-lived having an average lifespan of only two minutes. And, that DNA has a life-span of about 6.8 million years, after which all the bonds would be broken. Thus, uracil being unstable is appropriate for RNA, because stability doesn’t matter for RNA as it is very short-lived. Whereas Thymine is very appropriate for DNA where maintaining the genetic sequence with very high stability is necessary -
Nature/God wastes nothing and recycles everything. What we do not want is discarded emails building up in the cell and turning it into an RNA rubbish tip. Also if the mRNA is not degraded then the cell ribosomes will continue to make the same protein from it and the cell will not be able to produce the other proteins it needs. This is why natural unmodified mRNA is degraded within 2 minutes of its production.
Here is the chemical structure of the Pfizer vaccine modified RNA - The sooner you can see the whole picture the better.
The blue area are the bases coding for the protein spike lifted from the Wuhan HU1 (alpha) protein spike and prescribed by the WHO. The first two green bases GA are the 5' starting cap of the RNA chain and the last 110 Adenines with a GACU insert after 30 of them in pink are the poly(A) 3' ending cap The large number of As extends the life of the mRNA and enables it to make more spike proteins, since the Adenines tend to drop off with increased use.
The caps are followed by UTRs (untranslated regions). These Untranslated regions are parts of the RNA message which do not get translated into proteins but contain other instructions for the Ribosomes (the protein factories in your cells). Pfizer uses the human UTR of the alpha globin gene (which is known to work well for protein production) before the front cap, the 5' cap. It uses a less well understood and longer human UTR (in white) before the end cap, the 3' cap,. But whose genetic code are we getting in that UTR?
Each triplet (Codon) of bases codes for one amino acid on the final protein. The Wuhan Hu1 (alpha) spike protein has 1273 amino acids, which requires 1273 codons or 3819 bases.
Here is the synthetic pathway for replacing Uracil with N1 Methylpseudouridine in the Vaccine mRNA...
Pseudouridylase and Nep1 are enzymes which facilitate their respective conversions from natural Uridine to fake Uridine.
Curevac N.V of Tubingen Germany decided to make a vaccine out of natural unmodified mRNA. Whereas Pfizer and Moderna changed all of the Uracil (U)s in the genetic code of their spike protein vaccine to be N1 Methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ)s.
Both vaccine types used the same lipid nanoparticle delivery system (Acuitas ALC-0315). The main difference between them was the decision to genetically modify the RNA or not.
On 16 June 2021,[5] CureVac said its vaccine showed 47% efficacy from its Phase IIb/III trial. Later, the final result data showed an efficacy of 48% against symptomatic disease in all age groups and, for people aged 18 to 60 years, an efficacy of 53% against symptomatic disease, 77% against moderate and severe disease and 100% against hospitalization and death, as no cases were detected in the study]. This was based on interim analysis of 134 COVID cases in its Phase III study conducted in Europe and Latin America.
Regrettably Curevac did not have enough cases to determine in a statistically significant manner the vaccine effectiveness for the over 60s against hospitalisation and death. But here is what they did determine
100% efficacy against hospitalisation and death for those between 18-60 (but only 48% against infection)
Whereas Pfizer demonstrated 95% efficacy against infection and 99.9% against death (Pfizer lost 15 out of 22,000) -
We absolutely know that Pfizer did not offer 100% efficacy against either hospitalisation or death for 18-60 year olds from the real world results of their vaccinations. I strongly suspect that the true Pfizer results were initially better but ended up being worse than the CureVac results 6 months after vaccination (and we all hope to live for at least 6 months after vaccination).
In the event Curevac gave up because Pfizer's clinical trial results were on the face of it a lot better at preventing infection. We have subsequently discovered that viral loads in the vaccinated from July 2021 onward were as high or higher than in the unvaccinated. So actually Pfizer is not very good at preventing infection. Furthermore the efficacy of Pfizer vaccine reduces over time due to immune system destruction, which would not have been so pronounced with the natural RNA vaccines due to their lower dosage (12 ug for CureVac, 30ug for Pfizer, 100ug for Moderna) and due to the very rapid cellular degradation of the natural mRNA of Curevac. So there would not have been this incessant spike protein production that we are seeing with the Genetically Modified fake RNA vaccines.
What is totally fascinating to the writer is that 12 ug of a natural vaccine RNA which disappears in 2 minutes (natural CureVac mRNA) is half as efficient as 30ug or 100ug of the genetically modified fake RNA which persists as we shall discover for at least 6 months. This confirms for me something that I have always suspected (it being predicted in scripture at Genesis 3:15) that the vaccine doses and the longevity of their spike protein productions have nothing whatsoever to do with protection against covid and everything to do with permanent genome appropriation.
The Modified mRNA is invisible to the cellular defences. Your immune system does not see m1Ψ RNA as genetic material. So it does not recycle it. It does not degrade it. Also the modified RNA is more resistant to being degraded if by some miracle your cell does detect it as foreign or just due to time and temperature. Furthermore it hypes up protein production to make as many spikes as possible. This does give a short term advantage to the immune system. But it is treating the immune system like a moron. Once it has seen the spike protein for a few days and determined it to be a dangerous pathogen, it does not need to see more and more spike proteins every day.
Diminishing the activity of innate immune sensors = Evading the cells antivirus protection.
Improving the translational capacity = Making more Spikes
Increasing the protection of the RNA against nucleases = Preventing the cell from breaking the modified mRNA down, in the unlikely event that it gets recognised for what it is.
Uracil is put where thymine would ordinarily be during DNA to RNA transcription. Because uracil is short-lived and can break down into cytosine, most animals do not employ it in their DNA. However, because RNA is a short-lived molecule, uracil is the chosen nucleotide -
We all know that RNA is short-lived having an average lifespan of only two minutes. And, that DNA has a life-span of about 6.8 million years, after which all the bonds would be broken. Thus, uracil being unstable is appropriate for RNA, because stability doesn’t matter for RNA as it is very short-lived. Whereas Thymine is very appropriate for DNA where maintaining the genetic sequence with very high stability is necessary -
When pseudouridine is used in place of uridine in synthetic mRNA, the modified mRNA molecule arouses less response from Toll-like receptors, a part of the human immune system that would otherwise identify the mRNA as unwelcome. This makes pseudouridine useful in mRNA vaccines, including the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. This property of pseudouridine was discovered by Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman in 2005. N1-Methylpseudouridine provides even less innate immune response than Ψ, as well as improving translation capacity. Both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines therefore use N1-Methylpseudouridine rather than Ψ.-
So in short, contrary to the official narrative, Pfizer and Moderna have done everything humanly possible to ensure that their products are not vaccines which TEMPORARILY present the spike antigen to your immune system and then clear off. No, they are a permanent gene hack by immune system evading genetically modified mRNA which boosts spike production and which persists by every means known to man for as long as possible and certainly for 6 months as can be seen from the study below.
Bruce K. Patterson published an article in June 2021 presenting the evidence that the spike protein is detectable in non-classical monocytes, whose half-life is mere 7 days, for up to 15 months post Covid-19 infection in some “Long Covid” patients. But, according to Dr. Robert Malone’s tweets back in July, in the course of this study they were picking randomly six healthy “controls” out of healthy vaccinated individuals. To their astonishment, all six had S spikes in their monocytes 6 months after their vaccination, with one “control” having S spikes in 15% of monocytes! Which means that S spikes linger around or get freshly produced in the vaccinated for 6+ months, contrary to the official narrative that S spikes are cleared within 2 weeks of the jab! -
N1 Methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ) makes vaccine RNA more or less permanent, lasting for at least 6 months rather than 2 minutes, which is the lifespan of natural mRNA. Then we must consider that the human body has between has 30-37 trillion cells in it (wikipedia) depending upon how they are counted. So we have 30-37 trillion copies of our own DNA. But after one Pfizer jab or one Moderna Jab we also have 14.4 trillion or 48 trillion copies respectively of fairly permanent genetically modified fake vaccine mRNA. So in the case of Moderna, we have more instruction leaflets telling us to make spike proteins than we have genetic bibles telling us to make ourselves! And that is just from one jab. This is not a small intervention to present an antigen to our immune system. It is a wholesale takeover of our cellular construction team.
But there is a further problem which may be the biggest of them all. If the body never breaks down these genetically modified fake RNA genes then we are condemned to have heart attacks, organ failures, neurodegenerative diseases and cancers until we keel over. Which is bad enough. But if our body wins the battle and breaks down all of this invading fake RNA, it will release pseudo uracils everywhere. These will then become incorporated in all of our mRNA in our cells and that mRNA will itself start lasting for 6 months rather than disappearing after 2 minutes. This will mean that our cells will fill up with far too much of the proteins that they generally make. The very super powers of increase production and degradation aversion that Pfizer imbued their spike protein mRNA with, will be transferred to all our other mundane cellular protein production efforts, and we will kill ourselves with huge quantities of totally unnecessary protein overproduction.
This N1 Methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ) which we will have in absolutely massive quantity, will mean that every time our nucleic DNA asks for a few thousand proteins from a ribosome it will be given a few billion of them and will not be able to turn off their production. This could be a nuclear genetic time bomb, actually more of a ribosomal genetic time bomb.
Which is the better? To suffer the slings and arrows of incessant spike protein production resulting from undegraded vaccine RNA or to drown in a sea of unstoppable protein production resulting from the fake uridylate out of the degraded vaccine RNA?
A further problem is that by speeding up spike protein production and by using a fake U base, you increase the chances of translation errors and incorrectly folded proteins, which are known to cause all sorts of ghastly diseases...
However, Ψ wobbles more in base-pairing than U and can pair not only with A and G, but also, to a lesser extent, with C and U. This is likely to increase misreading of a codon by a near-cognate tRNA. When nucleotide U in stop codons was replaced by Ψ, the rate of misreading of a stop codon by a near-cognate tRNAs increased. Such readthrough events would not only decrease the number of immunogenic proteins (accurately copied spike proteins), but also produce a longer protein of unknown fate with potentially deleterious effects - .
So you will get all sorts of incorrect and too long proteins clogging up the works,
Worse still, all this semi permanent fake mRNA created from methylated Pseudouridines resulting from broken down vaccine mRNA will be undetectable to our immune system as genetic material. So we shall have no way of recognising that we even have a problem let alone fixing it.
Finally I would simply say to all the people who have wisely decided to refrain from eating genetically modified food. If you have taken an mRNA covid vaccine you yourself may be more genetically modified than the food you refuse to eat..
The Chairman of the South African Medical Association. Dr. Angelique Coetzee, discovered the Omicron variant in South Africa in November 2021. Being a practicing GP during a pandemic, she saw plenty of Omicron cases and deduced from these that it lead to a mild form of the flu. The term 'mild' is very specific in medicine. Dr Coetzee explains what she means by the term to the German Die Welt newspaper as follows...
“I am a clinician and based on the clinical picture there are no indications that we are dealing with a very serious disease. The course is mostly mild. I’m not saying you won’t get sick if you’re mild,”
“The definition of mild COVID-19 disease is clear, and it is a [World Health Organization] definition: patients can be treated at home and oxygen or hospitalization is not required,”
“A serious illness is one in which we see acute pulmonary respiratory infections: people need oxygen, maybe even artificial respiration. We saw that with Delta—but not with Omicron. So I said to people, ‘I can’t say it like that because it’s not what we’re seeing.'”
So according to the discoverer of Omicron, the chairperson of the South African Medical Association, Omicron is a mild form of the flu which did not cause hospitalisation or require oxygen and was not an acute respiratory infection like Delta. Of course this is not what the gene corrupting drug pushers want you to hear. So she went on to reveal that 'European officials' pressurized her to deny this truth.
“I was told not to publicly state that it was a mild illness. I have been asked to refrain from making such statements and to say that it is a serious illness. I declined,”
Coetzee did not specify which officials told her to keep quiet. She did say that South African officials did not try to pressure her. She claimed that she was criticized by authorities in both the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
Dr Coetzee explains... “What I said at one point—because I was just tired of it—was: In South Africa, this is a mild illness, but in Europe, it is a very serious one. That’s what your politicians wanted to hear.”
These things were reported in several news sources on February10.
South Africa was 23% fully vaccinated in November 2021. So this means that Omicron is a mild flu for the unvaccinated. It does not cause hospitalisation and does not require oxygen and does not result in acute respiratory infection like Delta. And furthermore this is being covered up by European governments.
South Africa, being in the Southern Hemisphere, is in Summer during November (our May). We know that mild flue does not send people to hospital in May in any numbers. So this means that all those who do go to hospital with Omicron in Australia (another Southern Hemisphere country) for example, are not vaccinated. They must be the fully vaccinated and suffering from VAIDS in order to make it into hospital with flu during summer. We first saw full blown VAIDS in the New South Wales (NSW) figures for Omicron cases from 2022January1-8...
There we saw a 2,085 to 194.4 or 10.72 to 1 case rate ratio and a 159,325 to 787 or 202.5:to 1 case ratio. In other words 99.5% of their Omicron cases were in the fully vaccinated and one half of one percent of cases were in the unvaccinated. But the minute these figures were published by the Expose on January28, the State Government started rigging them to cover up the vaccine generated catastrophe as follows...
The unvaxxed Omicron cases went from 2,775 on Jan1 to 3,552 on Jan8 to 55,697
on Jan15 to 72,772 on Jan22 !
Whereas the doubly vaxxed Omicron cases went from 108,056 to 267,381 to 372,912 to 438, 255.
The Jan1 report was published on Jan13, the Jan8 report on Jan20, the Jan15 report on Feb1 and the Jan22 report on Feb4. The Jan8 report says that it was published on Feb4 which is garbage because we knew its contents before Jan28 and because its URL is .20220120 or Jan20, 2022 - DOH!
So by Feb8, the government of NSW had engineered a scenario where the 202.5 to 1 case ratio between the double dosed and the undosed had fallen to 65,343 to 68,128 or 0.95 to 1. There were now more Omicron cases in the unvaxxed than in the double vaxxed, notwithstanding the fact that 95% of NSW is double vaxxed! I think they overcooked that one a bit!
So in the first 2 weeks of the year you were 10x more likely to catch Omicron if you were vaxxed. But by the 3rd week, you were 20x more likely to catch it if you were unvaxxed.
That is the most obvious and sickening fraud by the Australian State government. The minute the Expose article pointed out that NSW government stats showed that vaccines were causing Australians to fall ill. The State government falsified their stats in the most amateur manner imaginable. They have now demonstrated publicly to the whole world, that the health of Australians is not as important to them as selling vaccines. Indeed that heartless administration has now become no different to any other gutter drug pusher that ever defiled the bodies of his victims for profit. This is the Australian arm of the Pfizergate Vaccine damage cover up. But it is by no means limited to Kangaropolis. Let's have a full look at Canada, the land of the Moose.
The Canadian government uses a multi stage cover up. Firstly it is almost impossible to get back issues of its Epidemiological summaries. The Australians make all their back issues available as links to pdfs. Not so the Canadians. They make nothing available other the the present report. But one can use the wayback machine of to get them with extreme difficulty. The way back machine spends 95% of its time giving you the last report it cached and refusing to give you the next report you have asked for (even if it has that report). If you wish to spend a few millennia wrestling with a really annoying AI please visit -*/
The machine is perfectly capable of failing to load a page at least 10x then loading 25% of it, then 50% of it, then 75% of it then forgetting what it has loaded and starting all over again. Better still it can give you an html page of its cases following vaccination section with the cases by vax table from one report and with the wording of the populations with various vaccination statuses from another report. Fortunately the population wording quotes figures from the cases table. So one can spot the mistake and match things up correctly. The pdfs it has stored are OK of course. But it was quite a jigsaw to put together. The whole story with the links is laid out in the Appendix to this article.
Secondly it gives cumulative figures dating back to the start of vaccination (or before that even). In this way the fine detail of the present week is hidden in amongst all the other weeks data since vaccination began in December 2020. We solve this by subtracting two cumulative figures ending on dates one week apart.
Thirdly and most cynically, they apply the European 2013 age standardising morality formula to case numbers and hospitalisations. Public Health Scotland does the same thing. It is an outright fraud. Yes death rates are heavily effected by the age of the patient. But cases rates are not. One cannot apply a mortality compensator to a statistic that does not involve mortality. THAT IS FRAUD PURE AND SIMPLE.
One might as well compensate the case rates with how good people are at cooking spaghetti in the different age bands. It would be no less valid.
So to get the unvaxxed case rates per 100k of unvaxxed population we first need the Population of Canada -
38,246,108 total less 1,882,571 (aged 0-4) less 2,044,238 (aged 5-9) less 40%
of 2,091,276 (aged 10-14) or 836,510 = 33,482,789 aged 12 and over.
33,482,789. 33.5 million 12 years old and over to 1 decimal place.
36,363,537. 36.4 million 5 years old and over to 1 decimal place.
Oct 2 -
Oct 9 -
Oct 9 -
Oct 16 -
Oct 23 -
Oct 30 -
Nov 6 -
(incorrectly labelled as Nov13)
Nov 6 -
(Nov6 pop Nov13 Cases)
Nov13 -
Nov 20 -
Nov 27 -
Dec 4 -
Dec 4 -
Dec 11 -
Dec 18 -
Dec 25 -
Jan 1 -
Jan 8 -
Jan 15 -
Jan 22 -
Here are all the figures by week from 2021October2 to 2022January22
Status | Pop | Case | Hosp | Death | Case Inc | Hosp Inc | Death Inc | Case rate | Hosp rate | Death rate | Immune Efficacy |
Oct-02 | Unvaccinated | 11,100,000 | 671,339 | 35,848 | 7,120 | |||||||
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 40,590 | 2,823 | 719 | ||||||||
Partially vaccinated | 1,800,000 | 46,083 | 2,919 | 681 | ||||||||
Fully vaccinated | 20,200,000 | 43,268 | 1,813 | 520 | ||||||||
Oct-09 | Unvaccinated | 10,900,000 | 678,410 | 36,579 | 7,264 | 7,071 | 731 | 144 | 64.87 | 6.71 | 1.32 | 60.2% |
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 41,278 | 2,859 | 730 | 688 | 36 | 11 | 172.00 | 9.00 | 2.75 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,700,000 | 47,230 | 2,968 | 691 | 1,147 | 49 | 10 | 67.47 | 2.88 | 0.59 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 20,500,000 | 48,555 | 2,035 | 608 | 5,287 | 222 | 88 | 25.79 | 1.08 | 0.43 | ||
Oct-16 | Unvaccinated | 10,800,000 | 683,875 | 37,318 | 7,381 | 5,465 | 739 | 117 | 50.60 | 6.84 | 1.08 | 54.6% |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 41,737 | 2,905 | 737 | 459 | 46 | 7 | 153.00 | 15.33 | 2.33 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 48,216 | 3,039 | 700 | 986 | 71 | 9 | 61.63 | 4.44 | 0.56 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 20,800,000 | 53,330 | 2,265 | 676 | 4,775 | 230 | 68 | 22.96 | 1.11 | 0.33 | ||
Oct-23 | Unvaccinated | 10,600,000 | 688,473 | 37,837 | 7,482 | 4,598 | 519 | 101 | 43.38 | 4.90 | 0.95 | 52.2% |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 42,054 | 2,923 | 738 | 317 | 18 | 1 | 105.67 | 6.00 | 0.33 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 49,028 | 3,081 | 707 | 812 | 42 | 7 | 50.75 | 2.63 | 0.44 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 21,000,000 | 57,684 | 2,482 | 733 | 4,354 | 217 | 57 | 20.73 | 1.03 | 0.27 | ||
Oct-30 | Unvaccinated | 10,500,000 | 691,361 | 37,742 | 7,540 | 2,888 | -95 | 58 | 27.50 | -0.90 | 0.55 | 29.3% |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 42,321 | 2,883 | 741 | 267 | -40 | 3 | 89.00 | -13.33 | 1.00 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,400,000 | 49,670 | 3,015 | 710 | 642 | -66 | 3 | 45.86 | -4.71 | 0.21 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 21,300,000 | 61,825 | 2,610 | 776 | 4,141 | 128 | 43 | 19.44 | 0.60 | 0.20 | ||
Nov-06 | Unvaccinated | 10,500,000 | 695,396 | 38,751 | 7,651 | 4,035 | 1,009 | 111 | 38.43 | 9.61 | 1.06 | 40.9% |
Cases not yet protected | 100,000 | 42,539 | 2,957 | 749 | 218 | 74 | 8 | 218.00 | 74.00 | 8.00 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,400,000 | 50,261 | 3,165 | 717 | 591 | 150 | 7 | 42.21 | 10.71 | 0.50 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 21,500,000 | 66,709 | 2,900 | 837 | 4,884 | 290 | 61 | 22.72 | 1.35 | 0.28 | ||
Nov-13 | Unvaccinated | 10,400,000 | 699,046 | 39,245 | 7,715 | 3,650 | 494 | 64 | 35.10 | 4.75 | 0.62 | 33.2% |
Cases not yet protected | 100,000 | 42,723 | 2,970 | 749 | 184 | 13 | 0 | 184.00 | 13.00 | 0.00 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,200,000 | 50,789 | 3,210 | 722 | 528 | 45 | 5 | 44.00 | 3.75 | 0.42 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 21,800,000 | 71,822 | 3,102 | 881 | 5,113 | 202 | 44 | 23.45 | 0.93 | 0.20 | ||
Nov-20 | Unvaccinated | 10,300,000 | 702,434 | 39,637 | 7,790 | 3,388 | 392 | 75 | 32.89 | 3.81 | 0.73 | 29.2% |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 42,876 | 2,977 | 751 | 153 | 7 | 2 | 76.50 | 3.50 | 1.00 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,100,000 | 51,277 | 3,230 | 724 | 488 | 20 | 2 | 44.36 | 1.82 | 0.18 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 21,900,000 | 76,925 | 3,310 | 933 | 5,103 | 208 | 52 | 23.30 | 0.95 | 0.24 | ||
Nov-27 | Unvaccinated | 10,200,000 | 705,725 | 39,967 | 7,861 | 3,291 | 330 | 71 | 32.26 | 3.24 | 0.70 | 21.6% |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 43,022 | 2,988 | 752 | 146 | 11 | 1 | 73.00 | 5.50 | 0.50 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,000,000 | 51,728 | 3,258 | 731 | 451 | 28 | 7 | 45.10 | 2.80 | 0.70 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 22,100,000 | 82,513 | 3,514 | 981 | 5,588 | 204 | 48 | 25.29 | 0.92 | 0.22 | ||
Dec-04 | Unvaccinated | 9,900,000 | 709,123 | 40,287 | 7,917 | 3,398 | 320 | 56 | 34.32 | 3.23 | 0.57 | 18.3% |
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 43,114 | 3,000 | 753 | 92 | 12 | 1 | 23.00 | 3.00 | 0.25 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,000,000 | 52,116 | 3,277 | 734 | 388 | 19 | 3 | 38.80 | 1.90 | 0.30 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 22,200,000 | 88,742 | 3,705 | 1,017 | 6,229 | 191 | 36 | 28.06 | 0.86 | 0.16 | ||
Dec-18 | Unvaccinated | 9,400,000 | 727,925 | 40,788 | 8,013 | 18,802 | 501 | 96 | 100.01 | 2.66 | 0.51 | 23.9% |
Cases not yet protected | 500,000 | 43,471 | 3,062 | 759 | 357 | 62 | 6 | 35.70 | 6.20 | 0.60 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,200,000 | 53,171 | 3,374 | 744 | 1,055 | 97 | 10 | 43.96 | 4.04 | 0.42 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 22,400,000 | 122,843 | 4,099 | 1,077 | 34,101 | 394 | 60 | 76.12 | 0.88 | 0.13 | ||
Dec-25 | Unvaccinated | 9,300,000 | 728,415 | 41,089 | 8,076 | 490 | 301 | 63 | 5.27 | 3.24 | 0.68 | -98.8% |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 43,754 | 3,077 | 761 | 283 | 15 | 2 | 94.33 | 5.00 | 0.67 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,400,000 | 54,772 | 3,402 | 748 | 1,601 | 28 | 4 | 114.36 | 2.00 | 0.29 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 22,500,000 | 219,445 | 4,569 | 1,131 | 96,602 | 470 | 54 | 429.34 | 2.09 | 0.24 | ||
Jan-01 | Unvaccinated | 9,200,000 | 741,789 | 41,561 | 8,149 | 13,374 | 472 | 73 | 145.37 | 5.13 | 0.79 | -75.9% |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 44,037 | 3,092 | 762 | 283 | 15 | 1 | 141.50 | 7.50 | 0.50 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 56,831 | 3,453 | 754 | 2,059 | 51 | 6 | 128.69 | 3.19 | 0.38 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 22,500,000 | 354,940 | 5,657 | 1,253 | 135,495 | 1,088 | 122 | 602.20 | 4.84 | 0.54 | ||
Jan-08 | Unvaccinated | 9,100,000 | 758,702 | 42,412 | 8,285 | 16,913 | 851 | 136 | 185.86 | 9.35 | 1.49 | -66.2% |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 44,274 | 3,103 | 765 | 237 | 11 | 3 | 118.50 | 5.50 | 1.50 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,800,000 | 59,073 | 3,554 | 766 | 2,242 | 101 | 12 | 124.56 | 5.61 | 0.67 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 22,600,000 | 479,143 | 7,592 | 1,565 | 124,203 | 1,935 | 312 | 549.57 | 8.56 | 1.38 | ||
Jan-15 | Unvaccinated | 11,800,000 | 771,095 | 43,540 | 8,479 | 12,393 | 1,128 | 194 | 105.03 | 9.56 | 1.64 | -76.8% |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 44,494 | 3,118 | 770 | 220 | 15 | 5 | 73.33 | 5.00 | 1.67 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 61,209 | 3,717 | 788 | 2,136 | 163 | 22 | 133.50 | 10.19 | 1.38 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 22,600,000 | 581,635 | 10,387 | 2,032 | 102,492 | 2,795 | 467 | 453.50 | 12.37 | 2.07 | ||
Jan-22 | Unvaccinated | 11,700,000 | 892,033 | 44,907 | 8,693 | 120,938 | 1,367 | 214 | 1,033.66 | 11.68 | 1.83 | 71.6% |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 50,695 | 3,154 | 775 | 6,201 | 36 | 5 | 2,067.00 | 12.00 | 1.67 | ||
Partially vaccinated | 1,700,000 | 79,683 | 3,925 | 808 | 18,474 | 208 | 20 | 1,086.71 | 12.24 | 1.18 | ||
Fully vaccinated | 22,700,000 | 648,271 | 13,043 | 2,490 | 66,636 | 2,656 | 458 | 293.55 | 11.70 | 2.02 |
Here are the raw cumulative data from the Epidemiological-summary-of-COVID-19-cases produced by the Canadian Government from 2021October2 to 2022January22
Status | Population | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths | |
Oct-02 | Unvaccinated | 11,100,000 | 671,339 | 35,848 | 7,120 |
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 40,590 | 2,823 | 719 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,800,000 | 46,083 | 2,919 | 681 | |
Fully vaccinated | 20,200,000 | 43,268 | 1,813 | 520 | |
Oct-09 | Unvaccinated | 10,900,000 | 678,410 | 36,579 | 7,264 |
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 41,278 | 2,859 | 730 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,700,000 | 47,230 | 2,968 | 691 | |
Fully vaccinated | 20,500,000 | 48,555 | 2,035 | 608 | |
Oct-16 | Unvaccinated | 10,800,000 | 683,875 | 37,318 | 7,381 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 41,737 | 2,905 | 737 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 48,216 | 3,039 | 700 | |
Fully vaccinated | 20,800,000 | 53,330 | 2,265 | 676 | |
Oct-23 | Unvaccinated | 10,600,000 | 688,473 | 37,837 | 7,482 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 42,054 | 2,923 | 738 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 49,028 | 3,081 | 707 | |
Fully vaccinated | 21,000,000 | 57,684 | 2,482 | 733 | |
Oct-30 | Unvaccinated | 10,500,000 | 691,361 | 37,742 | 7,540 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 42,321 | 2,883 | 741 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,400,000 | 49,670 | 3,015 | 710 | |
Fully vaccinated | 21,300,000 | 61,825 | 2,610 | 776 | |
Nov-06 | Unvaccinated | 10,500,000 | 695,396 | 38,751 | 7,651 |
Cases not yet protected | 100,000 | 42,539 | 2,957 | 749 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,400,000 | 50,261 | 3,165 | 717 | |
Fully vaccinated | 21,500,000 | 66,709 | 2,900 | 837 | |
Nov-13 | Unvaccinated | 10,400,000 | 699,046 | 39,245 | 7,715 |
Cases not yet protected | 100,000 | 42,723 | 2,970 | 749 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,200,000 | 50,789 | 3,210 | 722 | |
Fully vaccinated | 21,800,000 | 71,822 | 3,102 | 881 | |
Nov-20 | Unvaccinated | 10,300,000 | 702,434 | 39,637 | 7,790 |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 42,876 | 2,977 | 751 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,100,000 | 51,277 | 3,230 | 724 | |
Fully vaccinated | 21,900,000 | 76,925 | 3,310 | 933 | |
Nov-27 | Unvaccinated | 10,200,000 | 705,725 | 39,967 | 7,861 |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 43,022 | 2,988 | 752 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,000,000 | 51,728 | 3,258 | 731 | |
Fully vaccinated | 22,100,000 | 82,513 | 3,514 | 981 | |
Dec-04 | Unvaccinated | 9,900,000 | 709,123 | 40,287 | 7,917 |
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 43,114 | 3,000 | 753 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,000,000 | 52,116 | 3,277 | 734 | |
Fully vaccinated | 22,200,000 | 88,742 | 3,705 | 1,017 | |
Dec-18 | Unvaccinated | 9,400,000 | 727,925 | 40,788 | 8,013 |
Cases not yet protected | 500,000 | 43,471 | 3,062 | 759 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,200,000 | 53,171 | 3,374 | 744 | |
Fully vaccinated | 22,400,000 | 122,843 | 4,099 | 1,077 | |
Dec-25 | Unvaccinated | 9,300,000 | 728,415 | 41,089 | 8,076 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 43,754 | 3,077 | 761 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,400,000 | 54,772 | 3,402 | 748 | |
Fully vaccinated | 22,500,000 | 219,445 | 4,569 | 1,131 | |
Jan-01 | Unvaccinated | 9,200,000 | 741,789 | 41,561 | 8,149 |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 44,037 | 3,092 | 762 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 56,831 | 3,453 | 754 | |
Fully vaccinated | 22,500,000 | 354,940 | 5,657 | 1,253 | |
Jan-08 | Unvaccinated | 9,100,000 | 758,702 | 42,412 | 8,285 |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 44,274 | 3,103 | 765 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,800,000 | 59,073 | 3,554 | 766 | |
Fully vaccinated | 22,600,000 | 479,143 | 7,592 | 1,565 | |
Jan-15 | Unvaccinated | 11,800,000 | 771,095 | 43,540 | 8,479 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 44,494 | 3,118 | 770 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 61,209 | 3,717 | 788 | |
Fully vaccinated | 22,600,000 | 581,635 | 10,387 | 2,032 | |
Jan-22 | Unvaccinated | 11,700,000 | 892,033 | 44,907 | 8,693 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 50,695 | 3,154 | 775 | |
Partially vaccinated | 1,700,000 | 79,683 | 3,925 | 808 | |
Fully vaccinated | 22,700,000 | 648,271 | 13,043 | 2,490 |
Here are the cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccine status by week (except for the 14 day period from Dec4-18 wherein Dec11 was omitted due it being prepared around Christmas presumably). These are deduced from the table above by subtracting one weeks cumulative figures from the previous weeks cumulative figures. Then we deduce the case rate, the hospital visit rate and the death rate per 100k from the population figures in column2. Then we deduce the Immune/Vaccine efficiency percentage using the normalised case rate ratio formula of Pfizer.
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospital Visits |
Deaths | Case rate | Hospital rate | Death rate | Immune Efficacy |
Oct2-9 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,900,000 | 7,071 | 731 | 144 | 64.87 | 6.71 | 1.32 | 60.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 400,000 | 688 | 36 | 11 | 172.00 | 9.00 | 2.75 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,700,000 | 1,147 | 49 | 10 | 67.47 | 2.88 | 0.59 | |
2 Doses | 20,500,000 | 5,287 | 222 | 88 | 25.79 | 1.08 | 0.43 | |
Oct9-16 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,800,000 | 5,465 | 739 | 117 | 50.60 | 6.84 | 1.08 | 54.6% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 459 | 46 | 7 | 153.00 | 15.33 | 2.33 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,600,000 | 986 | 71 | 9 | 61.63 | 4.44 | 0.56 | |
2 Doses | 20,800,000 | 4,775 | 230 | 68 | 22.96 | 1.11 | 0.33 | |
Oct16-23 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,600,000 | 4,598 | 519 | 101 | 43.38 | 4.90 | 0.95 | 52.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 317 | 18 | 1 | 105.67 | 6.00 | 0.33 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,600,000 | 812 | 42 | 7 | 50.75 | 2.63 | 0.44 | |
2 Doses | 21,000,000 | 4,354 | 217 | 57 | 20.73 | 1.03 | 0.27 | |
Oct23-30 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,500,000 | 2,888 | -95 | 58 | 27.50 | -0.90 | 0.55 | 29.3% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 267 | -40 | 3 | 89.00 | -13.33 | 1.00 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,400,000 | 642 | -66 | 3 | 45.86 | -4.71 | 0.21 | |
2 Doses | 21,300,000 | 4,141 | 128 | 43 | 19.44 | 0.60 | 0.20 | |
Oct30-Nov6 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,500,000 | 4,035 | 1,009 | 111 | 38.43 | 9.61 | 1.06 | 40.9% |
1 Dose <14 days | 100,000 | 218 | 74 | 8 | 218.00 | 74.00 | 8.00 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,400,000 | 591 | 150 | 7 | 42.21 | 10.71 | 0.50 | |
2 Doses | 21,500,000 | 4,884 | 290 | 61 | 22.72 | 1.35 | 0.28 | |
Nov6-13 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,400,000 | 3,650 | 494 | 64 | 35.10 | 4.75 | 0.62 | 33.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 100,000 | 184 | 13 | 0 | 184.00 | 13.00 | 0.00 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,200,000 | 528 | 45 | 5 | 44.00 | 3.75 | 0.42 | |
2 Doses | 21,800,000 | 5,113 | 202 | 44 | 23.45 | 0.93 | 0.20 | |
Nov13-20 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,300,000 | 3,388 | 392 | 75 | 32.89 | 3.81 | 0.73 | 29.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 200,000 | 153 | 7 | 2 | 76.50 | 3.50 | 1.00 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,100,000 | 488 | 20 | 2 | 44.36 | 1.82 | 0.18 | |
2 Doses | 21,900,000 | 5,103 | 208 | 52 | 23.30 | 0.95 | 0.24 | |
Nov20-27 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,200,000 | 3,291 | 330 | 71 | 32.26 | 3.24 | 0.70 | 21.6% |
1 Dose <14 days | 200,000 | 146 | 11 | 1 | 73.00 | 5.50 | 0.50 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,000,000 | 451 | 28 | 7 | 45.10 | 2.80 | 0.70 | |
2 Doses | 22,100,000 | 5,588 | 204 | 48 | 25.29 | 0.92 | 0.22 | |
Nov27-Dec4 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,900,000 | 3,398 | 320 | 56 | 34.32 | 3.23 | 0.57 | 18.3% |
1 Dose <14 days | 400,000 | 92 | 12 | 1 | 23.00 | 3.00 | 0.25 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,000,000 | 388 | 19 | 3 | 38.80 | 1.90 | 0.30 | |
2 Doses | 22,200,000 | 6,229 | 191 | 36 | 28.06 | 0.86 | 0.16 | |
Dec4-18 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,400,000 | 18,802 | 501 | 96 | 100.01 | 2.66 | 0.51 | 23.9% |
1 Dose <14 days | 500,000 | 357 | 62 | 6 | 35.70 | 6.20 | 0.60 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,200,000 | 1,055 | 97 | 10 | 43.96 | 4.04 | 0.42 | |
2 Doses | 22,400,000 | 34,101 | 394 | 60 | 76.12 | 0.88 | 0.13 | |
Dec18-25 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,300,000 | 490 | 301 | 63 | 5.27 | 3.24 | 0.68 | -98.8% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 283 | 15 | 2 | 94.33 | 5.00 | 0.67 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,400,000 | 1,601 | 28 | 4 | 114.36 | 2.00 | 0.29 | |
2 Doses | 22,500,000 | 96,602 | 470 | 54 | 429.34 | 2.09 | 0.24 | |
Dec25-Jan1 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,200,000 | 13,374 | 472 | 73 | 145.37 | 5.13 | 0.79 | -75.9% |
1 Dose <14 days | 200,000 | 283 | 15 | 1 | 141.50 | 7.50 | 0.50 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,600,000 | 2,059 | 51 | 6 | 128.69 | 3.19 | 0.38 | |
2 Doses | 22,500,000 | 135,495 | 1,088 | 122 | 602.20 | 4.84 | 0.54 | |
Jan1-8 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,100,000 | 16,913 | 851 | 136 | 185.86 | 9.35 | 1.49 | -66.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 200,000 | 237 | 11 | 3 | 118.50 | 5.50 | 1.50 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,800,000 | 2,242 | 101 | 12 | 124.56 | 5.61 | 0.67 | |
2 Doses | 22,600,000 | 124,203 | 1,935 | 312 | 549.57 | 8.56 | 1.38 | |
Jan8-15 | (5+) | |||||||
No Dose | 11,800,000 | 12,393 | 1,128 | 194 | 105.03 | 9.56 | 1.64 | -76.8% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 220 | 15 | 5 | 73.33 | 5.00 | 1.67 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,600,000 | 2,136 | 163 | 22 | 133.50 | 10.19 | 1.38 | |
2 Doses | 22,600,000 | 102,492 | 2,795 | 467 | 453.50 | 12.37 | 2.07 | |
Jan15-22 | (5+) | |||||||
No Dose | 11,700,000 | 120,938 | 1,367 | 214 | 1,033.66 | 11.68 | 1.83 | 71.6% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 6,201 | 36 | 5 | 2,067.00 | 12.00 | 1.67 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,700,000 | 18,474 | 208 | 20 | 1,086.71 | 12.24 | 1.18 | |
2 Doses | 22,700,000 | 66,636 | 2,656 | 458 | 293.55 | 11.70 | 2.02 |
Here are the cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccine status by week (except for the 14 day period from Dec4-18 wherein Dec11 was omitted due it being prepared around Christmas presumably). These are deduced from the table above by subtracting one weeks cumulative figures from the previous weeks cumulative figures. Then we deduce the case rate, the hospital visit rate and the death rate per 100k from the population figures in column2. Then we deduce the Immune/Vaccine efficiency percentage using the normalised case rate ratio formula of Pfizer.
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospital Visits |
Deaths | Case rate | Hospital rate | Death rate | Immune Efficacy |
Oct2-9 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,900,000 | 7,071 | 731 | 144 | 64.87 | 6.71 | 1.32 | 60.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 400,000 | 688 | 36 | 11 | 172.00 | 9.00 | 2.75 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,700,000 | 1,147 | 49 | 10 | 67.47 | 2.88 | 0.59 | |
2 Doses | 20,500,000 | 5,287 | 222 | 88 | 25.79 | 1.08 | 0.43 | |
Oct9-16 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,800,000 | 5,465 | 739 | 117 | 50.60 | 6.84 | 1.08 | 54.6% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 459 | 46 | 7 | 153.00 | 15.33 | 2.33 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,600,000 | 986 | 71 | 9 | 61.63 | 4.44 | 0.56 | |
2 Doses | 20,800,000 | 4,775 | 230 | 68 | 22.96 | 1.11 | 0.33 | |
Oct16-23 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,600,000 | 4,598 | 519 | 101 | 43.38 | 4.90 | 0.95 | 52.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 317 | 18 | 1 | 105.67 | 6.00 | 0.33 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,600,000 | 812 | 42 | 7 | 50.75 | 2.63 | 0.44 | |
2 Doses | 21,000,000 | 4,354 | 217 | 57 | 20.73 | 1.03 | 0.27 | |
Oct23-30 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,500,000 | 2,888 | -95 | 58 | 27.50 | -0.90 | 0.55 | 29.3% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 267 | -40 | 3 | 89.00 | -13.33 | 1.00 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,400,000 | 642 | -66 | 3 | 45.86 | -4.71 | 0.21 | |
2 Doses | 21,300,000 | 4,141 | 128 | 43 | 19.44 | 0.60 | 0.20 | |
Oct30-Nov6 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,500,000 | 4,035 | 1,009 | 111 | 38.43 | 9.61 | 1.06 | 40.9% |
1 Dose <14 days | 100,000 | 218 | 74 | 8 | 218.00 | 74.00 | 8.00 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,400,000 | 591 | 150 | 7 | 42.21 | 10.71 | 0.50 | |
2 Doses | 21,500,000 | 4,884 | 290 | 61 | 22.72 | 1.35 | 0.28 | |
Nov6-13 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,400,000 | 3,650 | 494 | 64 | 35.10 | 4.75 | 0.62 | 33.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 100,000 | 184 | 13 | 0 | 184.00 | 13.00 | 0.00 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,200,000 | 528 | 45 | 5 | 44.00 | 3.75 | 0.42 | |
2 Doses | 21,800,000 | 5,113 | 202 | 44 | 23.45 | 0.93 | 0.20 | |
Nov13-20 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,300,000 | 3,388 | 392 | 75 | 32.89 | 3.81 | 0.73 | 29.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 200,000 | 153 | 7 | 2 | 76.50 | 3.50 | 1.00 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,100,000 | 488 | 20 | 2 | 44.36 | 1.82 | 0.18 | |
2 Doses | 21,900,000 | 5,103 | 208 | 52 | 23.30 | 0.95 | 0.24 | |
Nov20-27 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 10,200,000 | 3,291 | 330 | 71 | 32.26 | 3.24 | 0.70 | 21.6% |
1 Dose <14 days | 200,000 | 146 | 11 | 1 | 73.00 | 5.50 | 0.50 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,000,000 | 451 | 28 | 7 | 45.10 | 2.80 | 0.70 | |
2 Doses | 22,100,000 | 5,588 | 204 | 48 | 25.29 | 0.92 | 0.22 | |
Nov27-Dec4 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,900,000 | 3,398 | 320 | 56 | 34.32 | 3.23 | 0.57 | 18.3% |
1 Dose <14 days | 400,000 | 92 | 12 | 1 | 23.00 | 3.00 | 0.25 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,000,000 | 388 | 19 | 3 | 38.80 | 1.90 | 0.30 | |
2 Doses | 22,200,000 | 6,229 | 191 | 36 | 28.06 | 0.86 | 0.16 | |
Dec4-18 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,400,000 | 18,802 | 501 | 96 | 100.01 | 2.66 | 0.51 | 23.9% |
1 Dose <14 days | 500,000 | 357 | 62 | 6 | 35.70 | 6.20 | 0.60 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,200,000 | 1,055 | 97 | 10 | 43.96 | 4.04 | 0.42 | |
2 Doses | 22,400,000 | 34,101 | 394 | 60 | 76.12 | 0.88 | 0.13 | |
Dec18-25 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,300,000 | 490 | 301 | 63 | 5.27 | 3.24 | 0.68 | -98.8% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 283 | 15 | 2 | 94.33 | 5.00 | 0.67 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,400,000 | 1,601 | 28 | 4 | 114.36 | 2.00 | 0.29 | |
2 Doses | 22,500,000 | 96,602 | 470 | 54 | 429.34 | 2.09 | 0.24 | |
Dec25-Jan1 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,200,000 | 13,374 | 472 | 73 | 145.37 | 5.13 | 0.79 | -75.9% |
1 Dose <14 days | 200,000 | 283 | 15 | 1 | 141.50 | 7.50 | 0.50 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,600,000 | 2,059 | 51 | 6 | 128.69 | 3.19 | 0.38 | |
2 Doses | 22,500,000 | 135,495 | 1,088 | 122 | 602.20 | 4.84 | 0.54 | |
Jan1-8 | (12+) | |||||||
No Dose | 9,100,000 | 16,913 | 851 | 136 | 185.86 | 9.35 | 1.49 | -66.2% |
1 Dose <14 days | 200,000 | 237 | 11 | 3 | 118.50 | 5.50 | 1.50 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,800,000 | 2,242 | 101 | 12 | 124.56 | 5.61 | 0.67 | |
2 Doses | 22,600,000 | 124,203 | 1,935 | 312 | 549.57 | 8.56 | 1.38 | |
Jan8-15 | (5+) | |||||||
No Dose | 11,800,000 | 12,393 | 1,128 | 194 | 105.03 | 9.56 | 1.64 | -76.8% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 220 | 15 | 5 | 73.33 | 5.00 | 1.67 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,600,000 | 2,136 | 163 | 22 | 133.50 | 10.19 | 1.38 | |
2 Doses | 22,600,000 | 102,492 | 2,795 | 467 | 453.50 | 12.37 | 2.07 | |
Jan15-22 | (5+) | |||||||
No Dose | 11,700,000 | 120,938 | 1,367 | 214 | 1,033.66 | 11.68 | 1.83 | 71.6% |
1 Dose <14 days | 300,000 | 6,201 | 36 | 5 | 2,067.00 | 12.00 | 1.67 | |
1 Dose 14+ days | 1,700,000 | 18,474 | 208 | 20 | 1,086.71 | 12.24 | 1.18 | |
2 Doses | 22,700,000 | 66,636 | 2,656 | 458 | 293.55 | 11.70 | 2.02 |
One of the funny things that comes out of this data is thar the unvaxxed celebrate Christmas and nobody else does! Either that or protected the unvaxxed from Omicron over Christmas! Because only the blue line (unvaxxed) goes to Zero during the Christmas week and then bounces back actually above the purple line (single vaxxed). The blue line does slightly better than the purple line until Omicron first hits in December. This is because 1 dose does not cause VAIDS. The red line (double vaxxed) does better than everybody until Omicron, when it becomes a disaster movie. That is VAIDS. The vaccines do have some effectiveness against Delta, but none against Omicron.
This graph is a great demonstrator of Immune system degradation from 60% to 20%
in 10 weeks. Then Omicron kicks in and woops, we go to minus 98.8% in the Christmas week (because unvaxxed people celebrate Christmas more than vaxxed as we can see from the line graph above). Then we stabilise at around minus 75%. In the meantime, the Expose on January28 published an article using Canadian Government statistics to prove the progression of VAIDS in the doubly vaccinated. The Canadian government then rigged their figures for the week from Jan15-22 (which figures were produced in February) in an absurd attempt to disprove VAIDS. They also deleted the pdf dated 2022January21, which I relied upon for the stats in the original piece -
In the pre-Christmas week when Omicron stuck in Canada, vaccine efficiency as measured by the normalised case rate ratio between the doubly vaxxed and the unvaxxed (which is how Pfizer measured it in their seminal Phase III vaccine trial) went from +23.8% to -98.8%. There was a -23.8% Christmas factor to these figures, which then stabilised at -75%. This occurred because the miniscule initial vaccine efficiency against Omicron is very soon obliterated by the 4% of remaining immune system reduction each week in the doubly vaxxed. Omicron uncloaked this immune degradation. But for the immune system to recover and for the vaccines to suddenly become better against Omicron than they were against Delta in one week, in circumstances where the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, has stated to Yahoo finance that 2 doses of his vaccine offer “very limited protection, if any” against Omicron is totally absurd. And that is the Canadian Government is asking us to believe. It is an insult to everyone with more than two unvaccinated brain cells. That is the Canadian arm of the Pfizergate cover up.
The Robert Koch Institut in Berlin, owned by the German Federal Ministry of Health, produced statistics on December30, 2021 which on page 14 of the weekly Covid19 management report for week 51 (from Monday December20 to Sunday December26) showed...
The unvaxxed had 186 Omicron cases and made up 26.5% of the population
The doubly vaxxed had 4020 Omicron case and made up 70.53% of the population.
So the case rate ratio, 2 dosed to no dosed, was 4020/186 x 26.5/70.53 = 8.12 to 1.
This corresponds to an Immune system degradation of (1-8.12)/8.12 = -0.877 or -87.7%
So doubly vaxxed Germans were more than 8x likely to catch Omicron than their unvaxxed brothers. We now know that this figure correlated very closely with the Australian data for the 1st week in January (with a ratio of 10.72 to 1) and with the Canadian data for the last 2 weeks in December which had an immune degradation of 84%.
This was covered in the Daily Expose of January 2 - Then first thing on January3, the Robert Koch Institut discovered that they had 'made a mistake'!
Yes, there had been a Koch up,. They miraculously found 911 more unvaccinated Germans who had caught Omicron on the very next day after the Expose published figures that would have destroyed the credibility of Pfizer and Moderna against Omicron had they been permitted to stand. How incredible that a bureaucracy could respond so quickly! How unbelievable that and outfit capable of such an alacratous response could have made such an elementary error in the first place. Or indeed that the error should only have been in the unvaccinated number and that all the other numbers in their 14 page report were perfectly correct. Of course no explanation was given as to where these 911 unvaccinated Omicron sufferers had come from. Maybe there was an epidemic of the unvaccinated in the German antiterrorist office? The Expose covered this correction on January 9 -
But once again the same pattern is seen. A government stats department produces figures proving that the vaccines have become anti vaccines and are seriously degrading the immune systems of their people and rather than having an enquiry to determine how their people can best be protected from these toxins, they just rig the figures. The Germans, being one of the more efficient governments in this world, rigged their figures more quickly and more decisively than most of their competitors in Covid cover ups.
I wrote to various branches of PHE and Sajid Javid on 2021July1 saying
Here are the PHE data for Delta deaths in the week from June14-June21. Vax status on June 17 was...22% 1 jab and 63% 2 jabs and 15% 0 jabs (at least 21 days previously) -
0 Jabs 38-34 = 4 dead from 3.5m over 50s (15%)
1 Jabs 17-10 = 7 dead from 5.2m over 50s (22%)
2 Jabs 50-26 = 24 dead from 14.9m over 50s (63%)
0 Jabs are 4x63/15x24 = 0.70x more likely to die than 2 Jabs
0 Jabs are 4x22/15x7 = 0.83x more likely to die than 1 Jab
2 Jabs are 24x22/63x7 = 1.20x more likely to die than 1 Jab
So in the week from June14-21, the latest published PHE data, you were better off not being vaccinated. And 1 Jab was better than 2 Jabs.
These data are for death with COVID rather than deaths from COVID. There are 23.6m people over 50 in the UK. 1350 of these die every day of all causes. So during 7 days 9450 would die. This is a rate of 0.4 per 1000. Total cases were 976 (0Jabs), 3865 (1Jab), 3546 (2Jabs). So if we deduct those who would have died anyway we get.
0 Jabs 4 - 0.4 = 3.6 dead from 3.5m over 50s (15%)
1 Jabs 7 - 1.5 = 5.5 dead from 5.2m over 50s (22%)
2 Jabs 24 - 1.4 = 22.6 dead from 14.9m over 50s (63%)
0 Jabs are 3.6x63/15x22.6 = 0.67x more likely to die than 2 Jabs
0 Jabs are 3.6x22/15x5.5 = 0.96x more likely to die than 1 Jab
2 Jabs are 22.6x22/63x5.5 = 1.44x more likely to die than 1 Jab
So the best we have for the week from June14-21 from PHE data is that 1 Jab gives the same protection a 0 Jabs. And 2 Jabs make things worse.
24 delta deaths from 2 Jabs compared to 4 delta deaths from 0 Jabs is a disaster.
Their response was to fail to publish Technical Bulletin18 on July2 and instead to publish it on July9 and change the frequency of publication to biweekly rather than weekly - an incredible thing to do to a weekly report. All the other countries whose data I have seen, publish weekly Covid reports, not biweekly Covid reports. And of course PHE figures never again showed that being unvaxxed gave a lower death rate than being doubly vaxxed.. There again is the Pfizergate cover up. What should have happened is an immediate investigation comparing the benefits of one dose to that of two doses and zero doses.
But every set of figures I have seen since then, and I have seen very many sets, from very many countries, shows clearly that 1 jab is better than 2. The reason for this I now know. 1 Jab does not give the spikes a large enough advantage over your immune system to start degrading it much. You need two jabs to really kick off the progressive degradation of the immune system.
If you have only had 1 jab there is no data I have seen showing that you will get VAIDS.
Another common feature to all the Covid stats cover ups I have seen is that the initial stats for each new variant are fairly accurate because the politicians have not yet decided what to do with them and the techies who produce the stats will produce the truth if they are not interfered with by politicians who lie for a living. Now the techies KNOW that their stats show vaccines to be dangerous. But they are smart enough not to tell that to the politicians. The Politicians are too stupid or too lazy or to incurious to discover for themselves that their own stats are destroying their vaccine pushing sales patter. So they carry on regardless until some media outfit (generally the expose) informs the world that their own stats prove that vaccines are killing people. Then rather than stopping that killing, they just rig the stats to cover up the deaths.
On 2021October10, the expose carried a piece which showed clearly that vaccine were causing a form of AIDS. The piece went viral and ended up being quoted on Alex Jones through the Reese report and by President Bolsonaro of Brazil. Here is the data which showed the progressive immune system destruction....
Age group | Week36 Decline |
Week37 Decline |
Week38 Decline |
Week39 Decline |
Week40 Position |
Average Weekly Decline |
Weeks before total immune system failure (100% degradation) |
18-29 | -2.5% | -1.9% | -4.0% | -4.3% | +40.5% | -3.2% | 44 weeks (140.5/3.2) |
30-39 | -6.0% | -7.0% | -10.5% | -11.4% | -3.3% | -8.7% | 12 weeks (96.7/8.7) |
40-49 | -5.2% | -5.3% | -8.1% | -6.9% | -46.6% | -6.4% | 9 weeks (53.4/6.4) |
50-59 | -4.0% | -2.4% | -3.9% | -5.7% | -40.1% | -4.0% | 15 weeks (59.9/4) |
60-69 | -4.2% | -2.9% | -4.2% | -2.1% | -40.9% | -3.35% | 18 weeks (59.1/3.35) |
70-79 | -4.1% | +0.7% | -3.9% | -3.6% | -34.4% | -2.7% | 25 weeks (65.6/2.7) |
80+ | -5.6% | -7.1% | -3.1% | -2.5% | -9.8% | -4.6% | 20 weeks (90.2/4.6) |
Then on October15, October 23 and October 27 the expose published 3 follow up pieces which confirmed the original article. Here is the last table of data from the UKHSA before it got cprrupted...
Here is the weekly decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaxxed people. Vaccine efficacy is measured using Pfizer's vaccine effectiveness formula...
(Unvaxxed case rate - Vaxxed case rate)/the Larger of Unvaxxed or Vaxxed case rate - We are using the normalised absolute ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed case numbers to determine vaccine efficiency just as Pfizer itself did in the Supplementary Appendix to their Phase III clinical trial results.
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Decline |
Week37 Decline |
Week38 Decline |
Week39 Decline |
Week40 Decline |
Week41 Decline |
Week41 Vaccine Efficacy |
Average Weekly Decline |
Weeks from week41 (October11-17) before total immune system failure (100% degradation) |
18-29 | +53.2% | -2.5% | -1.9% | -4.0% | -4.3% | -7.0% | -8.6% | +24.9% | -4.7% | 27 weeks (124.9/4.7) |
30-39 | +31.6% | -6.0% | -7.0% | -10.5% | -11.4% | -10.5% | -7.7% | -21.5% | -8.85% | 9 weeks (78.5/8.85) |
40-49 | -21.1% | -5.2% | -5.3% | -8.1% | -6.9% | -5.6% | -3.2% | -55.4% | -5.7% | 8 weeks (44.6/5.7) |
50-59 | -24.1% | -4.0% | -2.4% | -3.9% | -5.7% | -5.7% | -5.0% | -50.8% | -4.45% | 12 weeks (49.2/4.45) |
60-69 | -27.5% | -4.2% | -2.9% | -4.2% | -2.1% | -5.8% | -4.0% | -50.7% | -3.9% | 13 weeks (49.3/3.9) |
70-79 | -23.5% | -4.1% | +0.7% | -3.9% | -3.6% | -9.6% | -6.3% | -50.3% | -4.5% | 12 weeks (49.7/4.5) |
80+ | +8.5% | -5.6% | -7.1% | -3.1% | -2.5% | -8.3% | -7.1% | -25.2% | -5.6% | 13 weeks (74.8/5.8) |
A Vaccine efficacy of +50% means that doubly vaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is half the delta case rate in the unvaxxed.
A Vaccine efficacy of -50% means that unvaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than doubly vaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is double the delta case rate in the unvaxxed.
A Vaccine efficacy of 0% means that doubly vaccinated people are 0% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed equals the delta case rate in the unvaxxed. It means the vaccines have lost all their effectiveness.
Age group | Week35 Vax Efficacy |
Week36 Vax Efficacy |
Week37 Vax Efficacy |
Week38 Vax Efficacy |
Week39 Vax Efficacy |
Week40 Vax Efficacy |
Week41 Vax Efficacy |
18-29 | +53.2% | +50.7% | +48.8% | +44.8% | +40.5% | +33.5% | +24.9% |
30-39 | +31.6% | +25.6% | +18.6% | +8.1% | -3.3% | -13.8% | -21.5% |
40-49 | -21.1% | -26.3% | -31.6% | -39.7% | -46.6% | -52.2% | -55.4% |
50-59 | -24.1% | -28.1% | -30.5% | -34.4% | -40.1% | -45.8% | -50.8% |
60-69 | -27.5% | -31.7% | -34.6% | -38.8% | -40.9% | -46.7% | -50.7% |
70-79 | -23.5% | -27.6% | -26.9% | -30.8% | -34.4% | -44.0% | -50.3% |
80+ | +8.5% | +2.9% | -4.2% | -7.3% | -9.8% | -18.1% | -25.2% |
"Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (certainly for Covid and most likely for viruses and certain cancers - following the evidence from Cole Diagnostics in Idaho and Dr Nathan Thompson and Dr Ralph Baric) within 13 weeks". -
These were accurate figures from the UKHSA that clearly showed progressive week on week immune system degradation, just as the Canadian figures above showed for the last 10 weeks before Omicron hit Canada. This was the techies at the UKHSA telling us the truth. But after 4 hard hitting articles in the Expose showing that these vaccines cause a form of AIDS, the politicians stepped in...
On November2, the Daily Mail published an article revealing that...
1. UK statistics watchdog scolds PHE's replacement body for publishing 'misleading' figures which anti-vaxxers have seized as proof that Covid jabs don't work
2. Over the past few weeks, the agency's data shows infection rates are higher in fully-vaccinated adults compared to the unjabbed.
3. Anti-vaxx commentators and campaigners have seized the data as proof that Covid vaccines don't work.
The UK's Statistics Watchdog is The Office of Statistics Regulation (TOSR for short). Yes Offstats told the UKHSA that their Stats were off.
TOSR director general Ed Humpherson yesterday wrote to the UKHSA's boss Dr Jenny Harries on November1 thanking her for the changes she had made and is quoted in the Daily Mail as saying
'It remains the case that the surveillance report includes rates per 100,000 which can be used to argue that vaccines are not effective,'
'I know that this is not the intention of the surveillance report, but the potential for misuse remains.
There is the tacit admission by the Government that the purpose of their stats is not to enable the public to decide for themselves whether the vaccines are effective or not. No their stats should not even be able to support an argument that the vaccines are ineffective. Indeed any such construction of UKHSA statistics would be a misuse of government data according to the Director General. This is his candid admission that the use of all UKHSA data is exclusively to prove the vaccines are effective. And any government statistics agency which departs from that line shall be re-adjusted by TOSR. He is defining the UKHSA as a pro vaccine propaganda outfit, a sales arm of Pfizer inc. whose mandate is only to supply information for one side of the debate. No person in the UK can be expected to make an informed choice of whether to take Pfizer's experimental gene corrupting snake bite when it is presented to them by the government as an unquestionably effective Covid vaccination. -
So here was the UKHSA cover up ordered by the TSOR. Here was the UKHSA arm of Pfizergate.
Here is Table12 from the latest PHS Weekly Covid Statistical Reports -
The red warning above appeared after the expose used PHS figures to prove that vaccines increase your chances of being infected with Covid, and they increase your chances of being hospitalised with Covid and they increase your chances of dying from Covid. -
Had PHS cared about the life of their fellow Scots, they would have terminated vaccination pending a full public inquiry. But they do not care if Scots live or die so long as they live or die fully vaccinated. And yet even that term is a total fraud.
Nobody who is vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna is fully vaccinated at all. If they were fully vaccinated, then they would not get infected with Covid
would they?
If they were fully vaccinated then they would not need a booster and another booster would they?
Fully vaccinated people are fully duped, fully conned and are on the way to having their genes fully corrupted and their immune systems fully compromised. The one thing they are not is fully vaccinated.
As regards Public Health Scotland. To paraquote Sir Winston, no longer are they in the business of public health and no longer do they represent Scotland. They are in the business of gene corrupting drug pushing through fraudulent statistics, and they represent the interests of American Pharmaceutical companies, not the interests of Scotland or her people.
The notes underneath Table12 above refer to Appendix6 of the report, which says:: Age standardised case, hospitalisation and mortality rates are used to allow comparisons of case, hospitalisation and mortality rates between populations that have different age distributions. The 2013 European Standard Population is used to standardise rates. For more information - see the ONS methods. Here is the full link -
Notice that it refers to Age Standardised Mortality Rates. Here is some of what it says:
Age-standardised mortality rates: Age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) are used to allow for comparisons to be made between populations that may contain different overall population sizes and proportions of people of different ages.
These are plainly age standardised MORTALITY rates. They are not age standardised Hospitalisation rates and they are not age standardised Case rates. There is absolutely no age standardisation that is needed for case rates or hospital rates. And even if there was, said rates would not been known in 2013 when the mortality rates were calculated, because there were no Covid cases in 2013 and there were no Covid hospitalisations in 2013.
To apply a 2013 European mortality rate to a 2019 Covid case rate is an all out fraud being committed by PHS and by the Canadian government in broad daylight. Even the UKHSA does not treat its taxpaying funders with such studied intellectual contempt.
Age standardised mortality rates are a compensation method designed to account for age discrepancies in mortality rates between the different statistical groups (such as groups with different vaccine statuses). They are merely a corruption when applied to statistical groups who are not dying. As mentioned above: One cannot apply a mortality compensator to a statistic that does not involve mortality. THAT IS FRAUD PURE AND SIMPLE.
One might as well compensate the case rates with how good people in the 5 year age bands are at singing Whitney Houston. It would be no less valid.
But if one does apply Euro 2013 Age Standardised Mortality Rates to case rates and hospitalisation rates then since the unvaxxed are slightly younger, than the vaxxed it makes the numbers look better for the vaccinated. Furthermore since neither PHS nor the UKHSA nor Canada provide data by vax status by age band (not withstanding FOI requests by Profs Fenton and Neil of QMC to do just that). They can do what they want with those numbers.
Here is an example of PHS using this fraud to persuade Scots to get vaccinated...
"In the past four weeks from 08 January 2022 to 04 February 2022, the age-standardised rate of hospital admissions per 100,000 was 2.9 to 3.8 times lower in individuals with their third dose or booster dose of vaccine compared to unvaccinated individuals or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine". - PHS Covid19 Statistical Report Feb9
But the very fact that both Canada and PHS apply Euro 2013 Age Standardised Mortality Rates to non mortality statistics shows us all we need to know about what is going on here. It is wholesale fraud and it is worldwide. And that brings us back to the observations of Dr Coetzee that Omicron is mild in the unvaxxed (77% of South Africans in 2021November) and does not lead to hospitalisation or acute respiratory infection (in Southern Hemisphere Summer)., The reason that Euro politicians tried to not only silence her but to persuade her to say the opposite of what she had found in her medical practice, is that she was threatening the basis for further vaccinations. She was actually pronouncing deliverance from a pandemic, which is great for the health of Europe. But the politicians are not interested in that health. Vaccination is the end they seek, not good health. Dr Coetzee has exposed their true motivation.
PHS ceased publication of case rates hospitalisation rates and death rates by vaccine status on 2022February11, just as Pfizer terminated their 3 year vaccine trail after 6 months, by vaccinating the placebo group -
Pfizer however did not blame their desertion of science on anti vaxxers.
UKHSA Note1 to Table13: Comparing case rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection. Vaccine effectiveness has been formally estimated from a number of different sources and is summarised on pages 4 to 15 in this report.
PHS Note1 to Table12: Data in this table should not be used as a measure of vaccine effectiveness due to unaccounted for biases and risk factors in different populations. For more information, please see the Interpretation of data and Vaccine effectiveness summary sections above.
On Page 13 of the Supplementary Appendix to Pfizer's seminal Phase III clinical trial of their BNT162b2 mRNA Covid19 Vaccine, Pfizer defined and calculated the effectiveness of their vaccine as the normalised case rate ratio between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed as follows...
VE against severe occurrence after dose 1 was 1-1/30 = 29/30 = 0.96666 or 96.7%
VE against severe occurrence after dose 1 and before dose 2 was 1-0/6 = 1 = 100%
VE against severe occurrence from <7 days after Dose 2 was 1-0/1 = 1 =
VE against severe occurrence >=7 days after dose 2 was 1-1/23 = 22/23 =
0.9566 or 95.7%
Pfizer defined calculated and claimed Vaccine Efficacies of 96.7% for 1 dose and 95.7% for 2 doses using the very normalised case rate ratio that the UKHSA and PHS instruct readers NOT to use.
The numbers in the table 1, 0, 0, 1 for the vaccinated and 30, 6, 1, 23 for the unvaccinated, were actual case numbers not calculated case ratios. But they were also the respective case rates per 23k people because the numbers in each group were almost identical (23,040 vaxxed and 23,037 unvaxxed) as shown above under BNT162b2 and Placebo.
So PHS and the UKHSA are instructing their readers not to use the definition that all regulatory agencies relied upon in granting their emergency use Authorisations for the vaccines.
They are therefore instructing their readers not to use the correct definition of vaccine efficiency. That is a fraud. PHS go further in this fraud and represent that Pfizer's formula should not be used on their raw data "due to unaccounted for biases and risk factors in different populations".
It is true that any two populations unless randomly chosen, will have unaccounted for biases and risk factors influencing infection rates such as ethnicity, time vaccinated, age etc. But no government department has ever compensated for any of these confounding factors except for the factor of age using the irrelevant and inapplicable Euro 2013 Age Standardisation Mortality rates. Cases are not Deaths. One cannot successfully compensate for age in Covid case numbers using Euro 2013 all cause mortality figures.. All cause 2013 Euro death rates do not vary with age in the same manner as 2019 Covid infection rates. Nobody in Europe in 2013 even knew that there would be a pandemic in 2019 (although some Americans and some Chinese did possibly know it). PHS is just setting up the less statistically minded reader for a compensation fraud.
What these UKHSA and PHS warnings should say is that normalised case rate ratios are the correct way to calculate vaccine efficiencies and all the other figures in this report which do not equate to said correct calculation are inaccurate to the extent of their disparity there from.
Here are the Danish figures from their Statens Serum Institut: Nov21 to Dec25 -
Vaccination status (12+ year olds) | Other variants (No. of cases) | Other variants (%) | Omicron (No. of cases) | Omicron (%) |
Not vaccinated | 21,390 | 23.7 | 3,500 | 8.5 |
Received first dose | 2,813 | 3.1 | 731 | 1.8 |
Completed primary vaccination schedule | 56,532 | 62.5 | 29,781 | 72.0 |
Revaccinated | 9,704 | 10.7 | 7,330 | 17.7 |
Total | 90,439 | 100.0 | 41,342 | 100.0 |
So the ratio of double or triple vaxxed Omicron cases to unvaxxed cases is 37,111 to 3500 or 10.6 to 1.
Whereas the vaccination rates at the mid point of the 34 day period on December8 were 76.83 fully vaxxed, 0.14% singly vaxxed and 23.03% unvaxxed.
So the case rate ration between fully vaxxed and unvaxxed was 10.6x23.03/76.83 = 3.18x.
So the anti-vaccine efficiency against Omicron in Denmark was (1-3.18)/3.18 = -68.6%
The Expose published this on 2022January28. The response of the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark was to cease publication of their Omikron Status Report 9 days later on 2022February6, That is the Danish version of the Pfizergate cover up.
In Germany, in Australia, in Canada, in Denmark, in Scotland and in England we see the same pattern of events. A new variant comes out and the techies of the respective government stats departments do their job and get reasonably accurate statistics out for the new variant. Then the Expose publishes an analysis of these virgin statistics which have not yet been defiled by politicians. That analysis reveals the truth that doubly vaccinated people now have almost fully blown VAIDS, and that the vaccines therefore lead to more infections, more hospitalisations and more deaths than in the unvaccinated.
The politicians are then told about these articles. So all government stats departments must be avid readers of the Expose! PHE certainly wasted no time responding to my email. 24 hours after I rang them to speak to their chief statistics whizz about their figures. The response from their Public Accountability Office, was to ban me from communicating with them for 6 months. I paid no attention to their ban of course, because they are supposed to be the Public Accountability Office and I am a member of the public to whom they are supposed to be accountable!
So some bright spark then explains to the politicians that their statistics defeat their drug pushing narrative and destroy the scientific basis for their snake bite genetic corruption mandates (not perhaps in so many words). The politicians then respond by instructing their stats departments to commit medical fraud and cover up the death, disability, pain and suffering that these vaccines cause. That is the International Pfizergate cover up.
We know that government statistics people bend the truth to order, because Prof Graham Medley, the Head of Covid modelling for SAGE, admitted as much to Fraser Nelson of the Spectator Magazine
Yes and as Fraser succinctly declared, government stats departments indulge not in evidence based policy making but in policy based evidence making.
Pfizergate is the cover up of a multi-level, a 5 level, fraud. Their gene corrupting Trojans are a statistical fraud on top of a medical fraud on top of a hospital administration fraud on top of a regulatory body fraud on top of a genetic fraud
1. The vaccine is a fraud
mRNA Covid shot = Vaccine (against Wuhan Hu1 spike) + Antivaccine against absolutely every other pathogen known and unknown to man, which destroys the immune system at 6.57% of its remaining capability every week.
These vaccines are what software people call Trojans (after the Trojan horse given to Troy in Turkey by the Spartans from Greece) , They have the appearance of being a gift, having a genuine vaccinating effect from the initial short term spike protein production, which is valid against Wuhan Hu1 at perhaps 85% and against Delta at perhaps 70% and against Omicron at perhaps 20%. But they are combined with an anti vaccine, resulting from the medium and longer term spike protein production which destroys the immune system at a rate of around 4% of its remaining capability every week and which causes cardio vascular disasters and deaths especially in men and neurological degradation especially in women and cancers and recurring viral infections in both genders . They are in fact an equal opportunities gene corrupter and health destroyer in both men and women and children. The advantage that older people have here, is that their bodies work more slowly and so are less efficient spike production factories than those of younger people. This is why we see the worse VAIDS figures in the middle aged.
So here precisely in full and glorious technicolour and Dolby Surround Sound and IMAX 3D in the Expose is what all Government stats departments do NOT want you to see. this is what they are trying to cover up.
These Graphs take the initial 2nd dose efficiency of the Vaccines as being 90%, 70% and 20% against Alpha, Delta and Omicron respectively and then reduce immune system efficiency by 6.57% of its remaining capacity above minus 100% each week.
We deduce the 6.57% figure fro the fractional weekly loss of the balance of immune capacity left to lose above minus 100%, from the table below of believable UKHSA data...
Age group | Week35 Vaccine Efficacy |
Week36 Decline |
Week37 Decline |
Week38 Decline |
Week39 Decline |
Week40 Decline |
Week41 Decline |
Week41 Vaccine Efficacy |
Average Weekly Decline |
Weeks from week41 (October11-17) before total immune system failure (100% degradation) |
18-29 | +53.2% | -2.5% | -1.9% | -4.0% | -4.3% | -7.0% | -8.6% | +24.9% | -4.7% | 27 weeks (124.9/4.7) |
30-39 | +31.6% | -6.0% | -7.0% | -10.5% | -11.4% | -10.5% | -7.7% | -21.5% | -8.85% | 9 weeks (78.5/8.85) |
40-49 | -21.1% | -5.2% | -5.3% | -8.1% | -6.9% | -5.6% | -3.2% | -55.4% | -5.7% | 8 weeks (44.6/5.7) |
50-59 | -24.1% | -4.0% | -2.4% | -3.9% | -5.7% | -5.7% | -5.0% | -50.8% | -4.45% | 12 weeks (49.2/4.45) |
60-69 | -27.5% | -4.2% | -2.9% | -4.2% | -2.1% | -5.8% | -4.0% | -50.7% | -3.9% | 13 weeks (49.3/3.9) |
70-79 | -23.5% | -4.1% | +0.7% | -3.9% | -3.6% | -9.6% | -6.3% | -50.3% | -4.5% | 12 weeks (49.7/4.5) |
80+ | +8.5% | -5.6% | -7.1% | -3.1% | -2.5% | -8.3% | -7.1% | -25.2% | -5.6% | 13 weeks (74.8/5.8) |
18+ | -2.9% | -4.5% | -3.7% | -5.4% | -5.2% | -7.5% | -6.0% | -32.7% | -5.4% |
We assumed a linear immune system degradation in the table above. But that is a very crude approximation. Having looked at a lot of Covid data, we can now make a far more accurate mathematical projection for the time it will take doubly vaccinated people to develop full blown VAIDS as follows.
The average Vaccine Efficiency in the entire table is (-2.9%-32.7%)/2 = -17.8% (82.2% left to lose) and the average weekly degradation rate is 5.4%. So the average weekly degradation rate at 0% vaccine efficacy (100% left to lose) would be higher at
5.4%x100/82.2 = 6.569%
Hence we take the weekly degradation as 6.57% in the graphs above..
Week1 = Week0 - 0.0657(Week0+100) = 0.9343Week0 - 6.57
Week(n+1) = Week(n) - 0.0657(Week(n)+100) = 0.94Week(n) - 6.57
These figures will be fairly accurate for 2 dose immune system degradation. If you take a 3rd dose you will do better for perhaps 6 weeks, and then degrade at a faster rate and end up doing worse after perhaps 12 weeks. The figures assume that spike production carries on unabated. We have seen some evidence that spike production may now have slowed down in the double vaxxed in the latest UKHSA figures. But they are so corrupt we cannot rely on them. Immune system degradation at 6 months after the 2nd jab as measured by the Omicron case rate ratio is -80% which is close to what was seen in Germany in the last week of 2021.
The graphs are asymptotic to -100% (decreasing exponentially) because we are losing 6.57% of an ever decreasing balance of immune capability.
The famous phrase from Virgil's Aeneid is Timeo Danaos et dona ferrentes
This literally means I fear the Greeks EVEN gifts carrying. From which the phrase Beware of Greeks bearing gifts is derived.
The writer would like to update that phrase to read: Beware of Politicians giving away free medicines.
What the mRNA vaccines should have been and still could be is....
A. Not made from the spike protein of Wuhan Hu1 but made from all the non spike proteins or Wuhan Hu1, Alpha, Delta and Omicron together (like the flu vaccines)
B .No substitution of Uracil with N1 Methylpseudouridine in vaccine mRNA
C. One dose of 10ug not 3 doses of 30ug or 100ug
But even that is too experimental for a large rollout. The only safe vaccine would be the Novavax type of the above, which carries the non spike proteins but not their mRNA - the writer suspects. Novavax itself is made from the Wuhan Hu1 spike protein and so is pointless against Omicron (if you'll pardon the pun). And Novavax is not safe because the Spike proteins are all pathogens. But a Novavax type intervention following above would be the normal flu jab type intervention that would not have caused any significant number of deaths or heart attacks or neurodegenerative diseases and would have had a better effectiveness on Covid since it would not have degraded the immune system. But then this was never about healthcare was it. It was about genetic modification of humans and the appropriation of our immune systems by drug dealers.
2 The regulators are frauds: Regulators are being funded to licence lethal Pharmaceuticals and to mandate lethal Covid protocols
Here is the MHRA response to a FOI request...
21st June 2021 FOI 21/624
Thank you for your email.
We do receive funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as other sources outside government such as WHO. This funding mainly supports work to strengthen regulatory systems in other countries.
The majority of our income comes from the pharmaceutical industry through fees.
The largest funder of the WHO is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (directly and through GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization).
So here the Gates empire which founded the Global Vaccine Action Plan in 2010 and the Pharmaceutical Industry as a whole, are funding our UK Medicine Regulator. The MHRA does not get much money in Pharmaceutical fees from Ivermectin or Hydroxy Chloroquine. If it permitted the use of those medicines in its Covid protocols I dread to think what might happen to MHRA Christmas bonuses.
There is a pattern to all the levels of Pfizergate fraud. And that pattern is people in power putting their wealth above other peoples health.
3. Hospital administrations are frauds: Hospital administrations being paid to falsify Covid stats and to adhere to lethal globally prescribed Covid protocols
At the beginning of the pandemic 25% of Covid cases came from poor hygiene in Hospitals. Hospitals and Care homes together were responsible for over half the deaths of the pandemic before vaccination. One would have thought that by now hospitals would have got their acts together as care homes have done, and that their figures would have gone down. But the financial temptation for those administrations which are more interested in financial remuneration than they are in moral integrity (and that is around 100% of all hospital administrations) is to identify every unaxxed hospital case, every unvaxxed ICU case and every unvaxxed patient at death's door and give them a false positive Covid test by increasing the PCR cycles.
This enables hospital administrations to manufacture unvaxxed Covid admission numbers and unvaxxed Covid deaths at will. And this indeed is where the lie that vaccines although unable to protect against infection do in fact protect against hospitalisation and death, actually comes from. The Oxford Vietnam study and the CDC Barnstable study showed that in July 2021 viral loads in the vaxxed were the same as those in the unvaxxed. Since then viral loads have been higher in the vaxxed. So they are more infectious, more likely to be hospitalised and more likely to die. Vaccines are supposed to reduce viral load not to increase it. Anything which increases viral load is an antivaccine not a vaccine.
The concept that Pfizer shots increase viral load whilst at the same time reducing hospitalisations and deaths is a medical impossibility. Having more enemy troops in your compound does not make you more likely to win the war. It makes you more likely to need help and more likely to lose it. But logic was the first casualty of this vaccine propaganda war.
All the trumpeted reductions in hospitalisations and deaths were manufactured by false positive or even by true positive Covid testing of unvaxxed patients in circumstances where vaxxed patients were not tested as frequently or with as many PCR cycles.
4. Medical staff who vaccinate have become frauds: Medical staff are being blackmailed through their practice licences to dispense lethal pharmaceuticals and misrepresent their safety and efficacy. They none of them are permitted to use their 10 years of medical training or their perhaps 20 years of clinical experience to judge for themselves in consultation with their patients, what the best treatment course would be. They have been turned into regulatory agency protocol enforcers by big Pharma remuneration.
The concept of a universal treatment protocol is a denial of the age old medical adage that there is no universal panacea for every patient for any one condition. We are all different and we therefore require different combinations of medications and/or surgery and/or dietary and/or other interventions to best treat our particular manifestation of a disease. Applying a Big Pharma dictated regulator mandated hospital admin enforced universal medical protocol, is the equivalent of replacing a scalpel with a Swiss penknife in coronary bypass operation. It is bound to fail. But during that failure a lot of money will be made by all concerned before the patient inevitably dies. If said patient can be PCR tested Covid positive before he dies, then even more money can be made by the Covid vultures of this world.
5. Politicians are frauds: Politicians have somehow all morphed into Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives. It is the most incredible thing to see politicians begging people to take a 3rd flu shot, whilst refusing to fund even one dose of so many life saving anti cancer drugs. How has this happened?
Well the fraud is Global and it involves Vaccines. And all Gobal Vaccination roads that I have gone down lead to one outfit. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation
GVAP: 2010: The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan.
The Leadership Council is comprised of:
Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO;
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health;
Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF;
Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
GAVI, formerly known as the “Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization”, provided the WHO with an additional $150 million in 2018. One of GAVI’s main donors is again the BMGF, with $1.5 billion in 2016, for example.”
“It can therefore be said that the BMGF and thus the Gates family and Warren Buffett are the main source of income for the WHO through direct and indirect channels, which raises questions about its independence from these sources of finance. In addition, the BMGF also provided funding for the establishment of the “Coalition for Epidemic Prevention Innovation”
(CEPI), which is concerned with the research and development of vaccines, amounting to around $100 million in 2017.”
“In addition, the Foundation regularly supports non-governmental organizations such as PATH, which are involved in the development of vaccination technologies, with millions of dollars in funding. The list of BMGF’s beneficiaries also includes the largest global pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer,
Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Aventis. The comprehensive influence of the BMGF in the vaccination sector is therefore obvious.”
The Bill and Mellisa Gates Foundation set up GAVI in 1999 with a promise of $750 million in funding. So it was never going to be a bit part actor in the vaccine movie. -
And of course the WHO, which provided the Wuhan HU1 1273 amino acid Coivd19 spike protein to the vaccine companies, has the BMGF directly or indirectly as its largest funder.
The other thing we know about William Gates Junior is that he is an absolute master at the total monopolisation of an industry.
There is no doubt that Bill Gates turned his attention to the Vaccination Industry in 1999 through GAVI and increased his efforts in 2010 through the GVAP. He pretty much controls the WHO, The entire medical system in most countries in the world has been corrupted by money. Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. He succeeded in monopolising the Computer Industry overtaking IBM in a few short years in the 80s. How long would it take him to monopolise health care worldwide and become the sole antivirus provider for mankind? He has had 23 years in which to do it, counting from the founding and the funding of GAVI. He monopolised computers from a standing start. He took on health care from the head start of already being one of the richest men in the world.
In short he has the means. He has the form. He has the capability. He has the talent. He has the experience. He has shown that he has the motive. He has had enough time and he has massive control over the main healthcare regulators.
So it appears to the writer that the Spike Protein Vaccines (especially the mRNA ones) and their global enforcement, and the global takeover of healthcare that has come with them, are the piece de resistance of one William Gates Junior. They are his Rachmaninov's 2nd, his Beethoven's 5th, his Mozart's 40th, his Shakespeare's Act 2 Scene 2, his Strauss's Danube and his Queen's Rhapsody. But they will never be his Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. And the time is soon coming when they will be his McCartney's Yesterday.
So I say to all those caught up in this 5 level fraud: There is no wealth without health. Therefore there is no economic security in corrupted healthcare
And I say to all those in the mainstream media who are sitting on the fence. This is bigger than Watergate you would be Woodwards and burnt out Bernsteins. Now who's gonna step up to the scoop?
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 11,100,000 | 671,339 | 35,848 | 7,120 |
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 40,590 | 2,823 | 719 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,800,000 | 46,083 | 2,919 | 681 |
Fully vaccinated | 20,200,000 | 43,268 | 1,813 | 520 |
years (33.5m)
11.1 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over vaccination pushers
22.4 million people have received at least one dose
22.0 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 46,083 (0.21%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
20.2 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 43,266 (0.21%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 10,900,000 | 678,410 | 36,579 | 7,264 |
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 41,278 | 2,859 | 730 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,700,000 | 47,230 | 2,968 | 691 |
Fully vaccinated | 20,500,000 | 48,555 | 2,035 | 608 |
years (33.5m)
10.9 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over vaccination pushers
22.6 million people have received at least one dose
22.2 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 47,230 (0.21%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
20.5 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 48,555 (0.24%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 10,800,000 | 683,875 | 37,318 | 7,381 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 41,737 | 2,905 | 737 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 48,216 | 3,039 | 700 |
Fully vaccinated | 20,800,00 | 53,330 | 2,265 | 676 |
years (33.5m)
10.8 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over vaccination pushers
22.7 million people have received at least one dose as of October 16, 2021.
22.4 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 48,216 (0.22%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
20.8 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 53,330 (0.26%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status |
Pop |
Cases |
Hospitalisations |
Deaths |
Unvaccinated |
10,600,000 |
688,473 |
37,837 |
7,482 |
Cases not yet protected |
300,000 |
42,054 |
2,923 |
738 |
Partially vaccinated |
1,600,00 |
49,028 |
3,081 |
707 |
Fully vaccinated |
21,000,000 |
57,684 |
2,482 |
733 |
years (33.5m)
10.6 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over vaccination pushers
22.9 million people have received at least one dose
22.6 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 49,028 (0.22%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
21.0 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 57,684 (0.27%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
October 30 (got pdf) -
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 10,500,000 | 691,361 | 37,742 | 7,540 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 42,321 | 2,883 | 741 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,400,000 | 49,670 | 3,015 | 710 |
Fully vaccinated | 21,300,000 | 61,825 | 2,610 | 776 |
years (33.5m)
10.5 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
23.0 million people have received at least one dose
22.7 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 49,670 (0.22%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
21.3 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 61,825 (0.29%) were diagnosed with COVID-19while fully vaccinated
Nov6 -
(incorrectly labelled as Nov13)
Nov6 -
(Nov6 pop Nov13 Cases)
Status |
Pop |
Cases |
Hospitalisations |
Deaths |
Unvaccinated |
10,500,00 |
695,396 |
38,751 |
7,651 |
Cases not yet protected |
100,000 |
42,539 |
2,957 |
749 |
Partially vaccinated |
1,400,000 |
50,261 |
3,165 |
717 |
Fully vaccinated |
21,500,000 |
66,709 |
2,900 |
837 |
years (33.5m)
10.5 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
23.0 million people have received at least one dose
22.9 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 50,261 (0.22%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
21.5 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 66,709 (0.31%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalizations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 10,400,000 | 699,046 | 39,245 | 7,715 |
Cases not yet protected | 100,000 | 42,723 | 2,970 | 749 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,200,000 | 50,789 | 3,210 | 722 |
Fully vaccinated | 21,800,000 | 71,822 | 3,102 | 881 |
years (33.5m)
10.4 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
23.1 million people have received at least one dose
23.0 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 50,789 (0.22%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
21.8 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 71,822 (0.33%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 10,300,000 | 702,434 | 39,637 | 7,790 |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 42,876 | 2,977 | 751 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,100,000 | 51,277 | 3,230 | 724 |
Fully vaccinated | 21,900,000 | 76,925 | 3,310 | 933 |
years (33.5m)
10.3 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
23.2 million people have received at least one dose
23.0 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 51,277 (0.22%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
21.9 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 76,925 (0.35%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 10,200,000 | 705,725 | 39,967 | 7,861 |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 43,022 | 2,988 | 752 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,000,000 | 51,728 | 3,258 | 731 |
Fully vaccinated | 22,100,000 | 82,513 | 3,514 | 981 |
years (33.5m)
10.2 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
23.3 million people have received at least one dose
23.1 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 51,728 (0.22%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
22.1 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 82,513 (0.37%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Dec 4 -
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 9,900,000 | 709,123 | 40,287 | 7,917 |
Cases not yet protected | 400,000 | 43,114 | 3,000 | 753 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,000,000 | 52,116 | 3,277 | 734 |
Fully vaccinated | 22,200,000 | 88,742 | 3,705 | 1,017 |
years (33.5m)
9.9 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
23.6 million people have received at least one dose
23.2 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 52,116 (0.23%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
22.2 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 88,742 (0.40%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 9,400,000 | 727,925 | 40,788 | 8,013 |
Cases not yet protected | 500,000 | 43,471 | 3,062 | 759 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,200,000 | 53,171 | 3,374 | 744 |
Fully vaccinated | 22,400,000 | 122,843 | 4,099 | 1,077 |
years (33.5m)
9.4 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
24.1 million people have received at least one dose
23.6 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 53,171 (0.23%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
22.4 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 122,843 (0.55%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status |
Pop |
Cases |
Hospitalisations |
Deaths |
Unvaccinated |
9,300,000 |
728,415 |
41,089 |
8,076 |
Cases not yet protected |
300,000 |
43,754 |
3,077 |
761 |
Partially vaccinated |
1,400,000 |
54,772 |
3,402 |
748 |
Fully vaccinated |
22,500,000 |
219,445 |
4,569 |
1,131 |
years (33.5m)
9.3 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
24.2 million people have received at least one dose
23.9 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 54,772 (0.23%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
22.5 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 219,445 (0.98%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Jan1 Canada (from Jan24 report)
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 9,200,000 | 741,789 | 41,561 | 8,149 |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 44,037 | 3,092 | 762 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 56,831 | 3,453 | 754 |
Fully vaccinated | 22,500,000 | 354,940 | 5,657 | 1,253 |
years (33.5m)
9.2 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
24.3 million people have received at least one dose
24.1 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 56,831 (0.24%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
22.5 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 354,940 (1.57%) were diagnosed with COVID-19while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 9,100,000 | 758,702 | 42,412 | 8,285 |
Cases not yet protected | 200,000 | 44,274 | 3,103 | 765 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,800,000 | 59,073 | 3,554 | 766 |
Fully vaccinated | 22,600,000 | 479,143 | 7,592 | 1,565 |
years (33.5m)
9.1 million people (12 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
24.4 million people have received at least one dose of the COVID-19
24.2 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 59,073 (0.24%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
22.6 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 479,143 (2.12%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 11,800,000 | 771,095 | 43,540 | 8,479 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 44,494 | 3,118 | 770 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,600,000 | 61,209 | 3,717 | 788 |
Fully vaccinated | 22,600,000 | 581,635 | 10,387 | 2,032 |
years (36.4m)
11.8 million people (5 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
24.6 million people have received at least one dose
24.3 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 61,209 (0.25%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
22.6 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 581,635 (2.57%) were diagnosed with COVID-19while fully vaccinated
Status | Pop | Cases | Hospitalisations | Deaths |
Unvaccinated | 11,700,000 | 892,033 | 44,907 | 8,693 |
Cases not yet protected | 300,000 | 50,695 | 3,154 | 775 |
Partially vaccinated | 1,700,000 | 79,683 | 3,925 | 808 |
Fully vaccinated | 22,700,000 | 648,271 | 13,043 | 2,490 |
5+ years (36.4m)
11.7 million people (5 and over) have achieved victory over gene corrupting vaccination pushers
24.7 million people have received at least one dose
24.4 million achieved partial vaccination status, of which 79,683 (0.33%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while partially vaccinated
22.7 million achieved full vaccination status, of which 648,271 (2.85%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 while fully vaccinated
Covid19 is merely a vector for the spike protein. Covid19 causes flu which is rarely lethal. An allergic overreaction to the spike protein is what kills (the cytokine storm).
There is only one part of the Covid-19 virus that is lethal, and that part is the spike protein. -
So they made the vaccine out of the only lethal part of the virus. In fact they made a vaccine which instructs your body to manufacture the only lethal part of the virus. How could anybody recommend such a ‘therapy’? How could any government mandate such a therapy?
Office use below here
Although Irenaeus (2nd century AD) affirmed the number to be 666 and reported several scribal errors of the number, theologians have doubts about the traditional reading[15] because of the appearance of the figure 616 in the Codex Ephraemi (C; Paris—one of the four great uncial codices), as well as in the Latin version of Tyconius (DCXVI, ed. Souter in the Journal of Theology, SE, April 1913), and in an ancient Armenian version (ed. Conybeare, 1907).
Irenaeus knew about the 616 reading, but did not adopt it (Haer. V, 30). In the 380s, correcting the existing Latin-language version of the New Testament (commonly referred to as the Vetus Latina), Jerome retained "666".[16][17]
Fragment from Papyrus 115 (P115) of Revelation in the 66th vol. of the Oxyrhynchus series (P. Oxy. 4499).[18] Has the number of the beast as 616.
Around 2005, a fragment from Papyrus 115, taken from the Oxyrhynchus site, was discovered at the University of Oxford's Ashmolean Museum. It gave the beast's number as 616. This fragment is the oldest manuscript (about 1,700 years old) of Revelation 13 found as of 2017.[2][3] Codex Ephraemi , known before the Papyrus 115 finding but dating to after it, has 616 written in full: ἑξακόσιοι δέκα ἕξ, hexakosioi deka hex (lit. "six hundred and sixteen").[19]
Papyrus 115 and Ephraemi have led some scholars to regard 616 as the original number of the beast.[20] According to Louis,
"The number 666 has been substituted for 616 either by analogy with 888, the [Greek] number of (Gustav Adolf Deissmann), or because it is a triangular number, the sum of the first 36 numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6+...+36 = 666)".[21]
2019 | AL | 16.8 | 1034 | |
2019 | AK | 8.9 | 54 | /nchs/pressroom/states/alaska/ak.htm |
2019 | AZ | 3.7 | 341 | /nchs/pressroom/states/arizona/az.htm |
2019 | AR | 12.9 | 487 | /nchs/pressroom/states/arkansas/ar.htm |
2019 | CA | 3.6 | 1643 | /nchs/pressroom/states/california/ca.htm |
2019 | CO | 6.5 | 408 | /nchs/pressroom/states/colorado/co.htm |
2019 | CT | 12.2 | 606 | /nchs/pressroom/states/connecticut/ct.htm |
2019 | DE | 8.1 | 107 | /nchs/pressroom/states/delaware/de.htm |
2019 | FL | 7.8 | 2518 | /nchs/pressroom/states/florida/fl.htm |
2019 | GA | 15 | 1709 | /nchs/pressroom/states/georgia/ga.htm |
2019 | HI | 6 | 116 | /nchs/pressroom/states/hawaii/hi.htm |
2019 | ID | 5.5 | 116 | /nchs/pressroom/states/idaho/id.htm |
2019 | IL | 11.2 | 1752 | /nchs/pressroom/states/illinois/il.htm |
2019 | IN | 14.3 | 1154 | /nchs/pressroom/states/indiana/in.htm |
2019 | IA | 9 | 368 | /nchs/pressroom/states/iowa/ia.htm |
2019 | KS | 8.8 | 320 | /nchs/pressroom/states/kansas/ks.htm |
2019 | KY | 16.7 | 918 | /nchs/pressroom/states/kentucky/ky.htm |
2019 | LA | 20.2 | 1103 | /nchs/pressroom/states/louisiana/la.htm |
2019 | ME | 2.7 | 51 | /nchs/pressroom/states/maine/me.htm |
2019 | MD | 11.3 | 833 | /nchs/pressroom/states/maryland/md.htm |
2019 | MA | 10.4 | 941 | /nchs/pressroom/states/massachusetts/ma.htm |
2019 | MI | 9 | 1178 | /nchs/pressroom/states/michigan/mi.htm |
2019 | MN | 6.2 | 430 | /nchs/pressroom/states/minnesota/mn.htm |
2019 | MS | 11.7 | 409 | /nchs/pressroom/states/mississippi/ms.htm |
2019 | MO | 11.2 | 887 | /nchs/pressroom/states/missouri/mo.htm |
2019 | MT | 7.1 | 100 | /nchs/pressroom/states/montana/mt.htm |
2019 | NE | 6.8 | 160 | /nchs/pressroom/states/nebraska/ne.htm |
2019 | NV | 5.9 | 209 | /nchs/pressroom/states/nevada/nv.htm |
2019 | NH | 6.6 | 122 | /nchs/pressroom/states/newhampshire/nh.htm |
2019 | NJ | 17.1 | 1983 | /nchs/pressroom/states/newjersey/nj.htm |
2019 | NM | 9.3 | 238 | /nchs/pressroom/states/newmexico/nm.htm |
2019 | NY | 6.9 | 1756 | /nchs/pressroom/states/newyork/ny.htm |
2019 | NC | 12.2 | 1549 | /nchs/pressroom/states/northcarolina/nc.htm |
2019 | ND | 10.6 | 98 | /nchs/pressroom/states/northdakota/nd.htm |
2019 | OH | 12.5 | 1905 | /nchs/pressroom/states/ohio/oh.htm |
2019 | OK | 8.2 | 387 | /nchs/pressroom/states/oklahoma/ok.htm |
2019 | OR | 4.5 | 242 | /nchs/pressroom/states/oregon/or.htm |
2019 | PA | 12.6 | 2285 | /nchs/pressroom/states/pennsylvania/pa.htm |
2019 | RI | 6.4 | 92 | /nchs/pressroom/states/rhodeisland/ri.htm |
2019 | SC | 13.6 | 896 | /nchs/pressroom/states/southcarolina/sc.htm |
2019 | SD | 11 | 122 | /nchs/pressroom/states/southdakota/sd.htm |
2019 | TN | 10 | 843 | /nchs/pressroom/states/tennessee/tn.htm |
2019 | TX | 10.7 | 3058 | /nchs/pressroom/states/texas/tx.htm |
2019 | 7.1 | 194 | /nchs/pressroom/states/utah/ut.htm | |
2019 | VT | 3.9 | 32 | /nchs/pressroom/states/vermont/vt.htm |
2019 | VA | 10.6 | 1081 | /nchs/pressroom/states/virginia/va.htm |
2019 | WA | 6.2 | 548 | /nchs/pressroom/states/washington/wa.htm |
2019 | WV | 14.2 | 359 | /nchs/pressroom/states/westvirginia/wv.htm |
2019 | WI | 7.5 | 574 | /nchs/pressroom/states/wisconsin/wi.htm |
2019 | WY | 5.4 | 38 | /nchs/pressroom/states/wyoming/wy.htm |
2019 | USA | 9.5 | 38354 | /nchs/pressroom/states/wyoming/wy.htm |
WHO Director Robb Butler says countries should look at Mandatory Vaccination
But Anthony Costello, a professor of global health at University College London and former WHO chief, said such a move would “repel a lot of people” and could cause riots.
- UQ vaccine triggered HIV test.
“But we weren’t expecting that all of the [trial participants] would respond with this low-level antibody that was picked up in the tests.”
WOW. Every single trial participant produced an antibody to HIV.
This presumably was due to the HIV protein being used in the University of Queensland vaccine.
This did not mean that the vaccines gave the test subject HIV. But it would have necessitated HIV testing for all the other vaccine candidates and that would have shown up the CD8 killer T cell and other progressive immune deficiencies they get from Vaccine Mediated AIDS.
They killed that vaccine to prevent an HIV investigation of the other vaccines.
September 1st, 2021 Jeremy Chardy: 34 Former World No. 25 Tennis Player Ends Season After ‘Violent, Near Paralyzing Pain’ From Vaccine Injury. (LINK)
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Here is the video of the 2021December28 research meeting. It shows how a research church such as the s operates. Jeff and Gordon are wrestling with End Times chronology and some church doctrine live. For when 2 or 3 are gathered together in ' name there he is with them.
A total of 2,225 primary cases with the Omicron VOC and 9,712 primary cases with the Delta VOC were included (Table 1). The SAR was 31% in households with the Omicron VOC and 21% in households with the Delta VOC. Generally, the estimated SAR was higher for the Omicron VOC than for the Delta VOC, for all age groups. Unvaccinated potential secondary cases experienced similar attack rates in households with the Omicron VOC and the Delta VOC (29% and 28%, respectively), while fully vaccinated individuals experienced secondary attack rates of 32% in household with the Omicron VOC and 19% in households with the Delta VOC. For booster-vaccinated individuals, Omicron was associated with a SAR of 25%, while the corresponding estimate for Delta was only 11%.
Ivermectin guy from Liverpool UNI. Killed millions by staying silent when they rigged his results.
Northern Lass on twitter: Unbelievably, one of the Australian government lawyer's main arguments is that Djokovic may become "an icon of free choice". Exact words used. Oh my. - Ture but does not mean what is implied.
Vaccines contain parts of human genes - what are they doing there? Why are the vaccines engineered to go outside the arm? Dr Wisemen's testimony to the second opinion hearing if Senator Ron Johnson on Jan24 at 2:07 in to the 5 hour video -
2022January26: Alex Berenson on Tucker Carlson: Vaccines should be recalled immediately -
2022January14: MIT Scientist, Dr Stephanie Seneff on Neurodegenerative diseases from spike proteins on the Ingraham Angle. "Parents should do everything they can to stop their children taking these vaccines"
5:03 into the video of the covid19 second opinion senate hearing Dr David Wiseman states that there are untranslated regions in the spike protein RNA, and there are 3 human genome sequences in it. These could be the genes of Cain.
Synechion inc
Address 18208 Preston Road, Suite D9 - PMB 405
Dallas, Texas, 75252
Phone (972) 931-5596
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They are acting in the commercial interests of the Pharmaceutical industry, the political interests of the coming global totalitarian private sector dictatorship and the spiritual interests of the demons. This is a global coup detat by multinational corporations all of which should have been broken up by monopoly regulators several years ago.