[923] Matthew15 and Mark7: The 'Parables' of the Sewer

11 Not what enters into [his] mouth defiles a man; but it is what proceeds out of [his] mouth that defiles a man.
12 Then the disciples came up and said to him: Do you know that the Pharisees stumbled at hearing what you said?
13 In reply he said: Every plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted [Its root will be exposed, its source will be revealed].
14 Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.
15 By way of response Peter said to him: Make the illustration plain to us [].
16 At this he said: Are you also yet without understanding?

17 Are you not aware that everything entering into the mouth passes along into the intestines and is discharged into the sewer?
18 However, the things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man.
19 Out of for the heart come out reasonings wicked, murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies [2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x=14x]. (Matthew 15 KIT)
20 These are the things defiling a man; but to take a [Passover] meal with unwashed hands [unclean works, a false church] does not defile a man. (Matthew 15 NWT)

This is a further specification of the list of things defiling a man. So it counts 14x precisely from 2005Nisan14/Iyyar14, the last Watchtower Passover as a true church, to 2019Nisan14/Iyyar14 the last defiled Passover celebrated by true 1NCs in the Watchtower before the undefiled Passovers in reappointed Laodicea and reverted Laodicea Sodom, from which they are raptured into Ark2 on 2019Tishri15, 2019Heshvan15, 2019Chislev15, 2019Tebbeth15, 2020Tammuz15.

20 Further, he said: That which issues forth out of a man is what defiles a man [2x]
21 from inside for out of the heart of the men the reasonings, the bad are going out: fornications, thieveries, murders,
22 adulteries, covetings, acts of wickedness, deceit, loose conduct, eye wicked, blasphemy, haughtiness, unreasonableness [2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+1x+1x+1x+1x+1x+1x = 18x of further specification]; (Mark 7 KIT)
23 All these wicked things issue forth from within and defile a man [2x+2x = 4x]. (Mark 7 NWT)

This is a further specification of the list of things defiling a man. So it counts as 18x precisely by the List Specification Principle of the Code. .

The Watchtower was defiled by the abomination causing desolation which was the awful Letter to Bethels of 2001Heshvan10/11 showing no repentance at being exposed for putting the throne of Satan into the temple of Jehovah and for riding the wild beast of the UN as a Harlot church (in the words of Charles Russell their founder). As a result they lost their 3EC water baptism on 2001Chislev14 and became defiled. Whereas the late 2nd Watchtower Passover of the 1NC reserves from the Watchtower congregations was 2019Chislev14. That is when the defilement of all true Bethlite JW 1NC reserves ended (by CRC baptism). So they were defiled as a 1NC reserve composite man, for 18 years precisely. So these 18x are the 18 Times of the Watchtower 1NC Reserve Unclean Times!

All Watchtower 1NCs reserves were defiled on 2001Chislev14 and no true 1NC reserve was defiled on 2019Chislev14. All Watchtower 1NC reserves left the 3EC on 2001Chislev14. And all Watchtower 1NC reserves finished re-entering the 3EC on 2019Chislev14.

Watchtower loses its 3EC water baptism          All true Watchtower 1NC reserves are back in the 3EC in reappointed Laodicea
All Watchtower 1NC reserves are defiled           Late 2nd Watchtower Passover
2001Chislev14                                                     2019Chislev14
    18x of the 1NC reserve Unclean Times