Here is the evidence that the Watchtower applied to join the UN as an associated NGO (that is the only way that an organisation can join the UN) in 1991. They were officially accepted by the UN on January 28th 1992. They were exposed in the UK Guardian newspaper as Hypocrites on October 8th 2001 and they were disassociated by the UN (at the Watchtower's request) on October 9th 2001.
This short exposition seeks to establish that:
[A] This truly happened
[B] Harlotry with the UN is a sin for which there is no atonement for the Watchtower.
[C] The way that any Church rides the Beast is by joining the UN as an associated NGO. This is the only way for such an organization to join the UN. All major world religions are associated NGOs to the UN.
' advice was that on catching sight of the disgusting thing, one should flee to the mountains and not return to the house. So having understood that the master is asking his sheep to leave the house of the now evil slave of the fallen Watchtower, the reader will want to know where these mountains of the Lord are. Well, dear reader, visit for the answer to that.
Here is a letter from the UN in response to an enquiry about the Watchtower.
11 October 2001
To Whom It May Concern:
Recently the NGO Section had been receiving numerous inquiries regarding the association of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York with the Department of Public Information (DPI). This organization applied for association with DPI in 1991 and was granted association in 1992. By accepting association with DPI, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association,
including support and respect of the principles or the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities.
In October 2001, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York requested termination of its association with DPI. Following this request, the DPI has made decisions to disassociate the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York as of 9 October 2001.
We appreciate your interest in the work of the United Nations.
Yours sincerely,
Chief NGO Section
Department of Public Information
His telephone-line is: (212) 963-8070.
Chief, NGO Section
Department of Public Information
Room S-1070L
United Nations, New York, N.Y. 10017
fax (212)963-6914
phone - (212) 963-8070 or (212)963-6842
On the 9th October 2001, as a result it become known that the Watchtower had been riding the beast for nearly 10 years, the Watchtower terminated its association with the UN. But just because the woman gets off the Beast does not mean she has stopped being a Harlot.
Here is a copy of a fairly open letter from the Administration both admitting and attempting to justify their 10 year ride on the back of the Beast of Revelation 17.
25 columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483 Tel 718 560 5000
November 1, 2001
Via Compuserve
Branch Committee
Dear Brothers:
Because of published allegations by opposers that we have secret links with the United Nations, a number of branches have inquired about the matter as we have replied.
This circular letter replaces any replies we have given earlier and is sent to all branches. To anyone inquiring within your branch territory you might respond according to what is stated below:
Our purpose for registering with the department of Public Information as a non governmental organisation (NGO) in 1991 was to have access to research material available on health, ecological and social problems at the United Nations library facilities. We had been using the library for many years prior to 1991,
but in that year it became necessary to register as an NGO to have continued access. Registration papers filed with the United Nations that we have on file contain no statements that conflict with our Christian beliefs. Moreover, NGOs are informed by the United Nations that “association of NGOs with the DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff to any kind of privileges,
immunities or special status”.
the criteria for Association of NGOs – at least in their latest version –
contain language that we cannot subscribe to. When we realized this, we immediately withdrew our registration. We are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention.
We trust that the above is, helpful in counteracting attempts of opposers to discredit us.
Please be assured of our warm Christian love and best wishes
Your Brothers
Chairman’s Committee
Administration Offices Desks
Legal Department
Office of Public Information
He is not. He gave , who gave the angel, who gave John information showing that the new covenant saints would ride the beast - back in the first century - see [159].
The evidence that we currently have points to the Watchtower being granted association on January 28th 1992 along with 36 other NGOs. There is a UN press release NGO/208 PI/755 which we are relying on for the date of their association right now:
This directory is published by the Non Governmental Organizations and Institutional relations section of the UN Department of Public Information. The NGO resources centre, Room 104 is on Tel: 212 963 7234 and on Fax: 212 963 6914.
On page 244 of the 1993 UN Associated NGO Directory DPI/NGO (015) N6 1993/Rev.1, the Watchtower is listed as follows:
Name of Organization Headquarters Address |
Main Representative | Alternative Representative |
Ciro Aulicino 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn, NY 11202, USA TEL: 718 625 3600 |
Robert Johnson 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn, NY, 11202, USA TEL: 718 625 3600 |
The UN library UN/SA collection has a copy of this directory (First held on April 22 1994). They faxed a copy of the above to UNIC in London who faxed it to us. You can email Joseph Brookfield or Karen Davies at or call them on 0207 7630 1981, or Fax them on 0207 976 6478 to get a faxed copy of the relevant page of the directory yourself if you require it. They are very helpful.
WE JEHOVAH'S witnesses, met together in [City, State, Country], in one of the "Everlasting Good News" assemblies being held in a continuous chain around the whole world this year of 1963, do this day declare and resolve as follows:
in order to prevent the destruction of the nations by their own means in war,
the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to God's Messianic kingdom by setting up a society of nations, which, since 1945, has taken the form and the name of the United Nations, with international headquarters at New York city. This international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men. For years men without faith in God's kingdom have endeavored to get all people to worship this international image of human political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact,
the last hope for humanity. To date 111 nations have given worship to this political image by becoming members of it. However, we, as witnesses of the Sovereign God , will continue refusing to engage in such idolatrous worship, for we see, under angelic enlightenment, that God has smitten such idolaters with a malignant ulcer, symbolically speaking, that will spell death to them as spiritually diseased image worshipers who worship a man-made political creation rather than the Creator of heaven and earth;
We do not see how we can condemn then in any stronger terms than they have used to condemn themselves.
We know that the UN will battle with the lamb. And we know that the UN is represented by a wild beast in scripture. We cannot sign up to promote or support its agenda without constituting ourselves a wild beast and an enemy of the lamb…
These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.
These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so] (Revelation 17).
Any married woman who looks for physical or emotional security by making an agreement to give herself sexually to another man is a Harlot. Any church married to Christ, which looks for physical security by making an agreement to give herself spiritually to any earthly organisation is a Harlot church. Russell put it as follows (Kingdom Proclaimers p52)…
Every church claiming to be a chaste virgin espoused to Christ, but in reality united to and supported by the world (beast) we must condemn as being in scriptural language a harlot church.
God’s true church does not sign any agreement drawn up by the UN. The UN signs an agreement drawn up by God’s church if they want to do anything with a holy body. God’s law is superior to man’s law, not vice versa. The only way the true church should join up with them is if they all get baptised into the church, that way the temple is kept clean!
What is an NGO?
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level. Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizens' concerns to Governments, monitor policies and encourage political participation at the community level. They provide analysis and expertise, serve as early warning mechanisms and help monitor and implement international agreements. Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, the environment or health. Their relationship with offices and agencies of the United Nations System differs depending on their goals, their venue and their mandate.
Over 1,500 NGOs with strong information programmes on issues of concern to the United Nations are associated with the Department of Public Information (DPI), giving the United Nations valuable links to people around the world. DPI helps those NGOs gain access to and disseminate information about the range of issues in which the United Nations is involved, to enable the public to understand better the aims and objectives of the world Organization.
How do NGOs and DPI cooperate?
The Department of Public Information and NGOs cooperate regularly. NGOs associated with DPI disseminate information about the UN to their membership, thereby building knowledge of and support for the Organization at the grassroots level.
This dissemination includes:
Publicizing UN activities around the world on such issues as peace and security, economic and social development, human rights, humanitarian affairs and international law;
Promoting UN observances and international years established by the General Assembly to focus world attention on important issues facing humanity.
When did the DPI relationship with NGOs begin?
The importance of working with and through NGOs as an integral part of United Nations information activities was recognized when the Department of Public Information was first established in 1946. The General Assembly, in its resolution 13 (I), instructed DPI and its branch offices to:
"...actively assist and encourage national information services, educational institutions and other governmental and non-governmental organizations of all kinds interested in spreading information about the United Nations. For this and other purposes, it should operate a fully equipped reference service, brief or supply lecturers,
and make available its publications, documentary films, film strips, posters and other exhibits for use by these agencies and organizations."
In 1968, the Economic and Social Council, by Resolution 1297 (XLIV) of 27 May,
called on DPI to associate NGOs, bearing in mind the letter and spirit of its Resolution 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968, which stated that an NGO "...shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities".
A UN DPI press release dated 7 August 1992 (NGO/211 PI/770) stated:
The NGOs officially recognized by the DPI co-operate with the United Nations to help build public understanding and support for United Nations programmes and goals.
"What are the Criteria for NGOs to become associated with DPI?"
Organizations eligible for association with DPI are those which:
Share the ideals of the UN Charter;
Operate solely on a not-for-profit basis;
Have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and proven ability to reach large or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives,
policy makers and the business community;
Have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins, and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting the cooperation of the media.
"What is the procedure for NGOs to become associated with DPI"?
An NGO that meets the established criteria should send an official letter from its headquarters to the Chief of the NGO Section, Department of Public Information,
expressing interest in association with DPI. The letter should state the reasons why the organization seeks such association and should briefly describe its information programmes. This letter should be accompanied by at least six samples of recent information materials produced by the applying organization.
Letters of reference from UN Departments, UN Programmes and Specialized Agencies, and/or UN Information Centres and Services (UNICs and UNISs) will greatly enhance consideration of the application.
Correspondence should be sent to:
NGO Section
Department of Public Information
Room S-1070L
United Nations, New York, N.Y. 10017
Tel: (212) 963-6842
Fax: (212) 963-6914/2819
Finally here is a quote from a current (January 2002) NGO webpage on the UN website at:
Non-Governmental Organizations formally associated with United Nations through the Department of Public Information (DPI) disseminate information about the work of the United Nations to their memberships and endeavour to build knowledge about the United Nations and support for the Organization at the grassroots level. Informally, these organizations are known as "DPI/NGOs".
A person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as becoming part of an organisation whose objective is contrary to the bible, and hence is under judgement by God. (Compare Revelation 19:17-21; Isaiah 2:4) So if one who was a Christian chose to join those who are disapproved of God, it would be fitting for the congregation to acknowledge by a brief announcement that he had disassociated himself and is no longer one of 's witness - The Watchtower, September 15, 1981 page 23.
is a God of integrity, not of expediency or of politics. The Watchtower are disfellowshipped by their own words.
Robert Muller, retired Assistant Secretary General of the UN, defines what it means for the Harlot to ride the Beast:
Dr. Muller devoted the next 40 years of his life behind the scenes at the United Nations focusing his energies on world peace. He rose through the ranks at the UN to the official position of Assistant-Secretary-General. He has been called the "Philosopher" and "Prophet of Hope" of the United Nations.
Robert Muller is a deeply spiritual person. From his vantage point of a top level global states-person he has seen a strong connection between spirituality and the political/cultural scene. (
During the last sixteen years of his career, Robert Muller worked directly with three secretaries-general, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim and Javier Perez de Cuellar, as director of the secretary general's office, as secretary of the Economic and Social Council and as deputy under-secretary-general for coordination and interagency affairs in the secretary-general's office. In this capacity he helped coordinate the work of the thirty-two U.N. specialized agencies and world programs. He was also in charge of launching several world conferences and international years. Appointed assistant secretary-general by Perez de Cuellar,
his last assignment at the U.N. was to organize the fortieth anniversary of the U.N. in 1985.
Muller received the 1989 UNESCO Peace Education Prize, the 1993 International Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanities, and the 1994 Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award.
Dr. Robert Muller
University for Peace
Apartado 138-1250
Ciudad Colon
Costa Rica
Here is a quote from “Prayer and Mediation At The United Nations” (The Watchtower 1st June 1991 describes this a an excerpt from a recent book by Robert Muller).
"Prayer, meditation and spirituality at the UN are fascinating subjects. All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations. For example, no less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world's religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths. It is a common practice of the Unitarian-Universalists to display the United Nations flag in their houses of worship. So does the Family Church, the parish church of the UN, with its international reliquary and its many religious services and activities catering to world peace and to the international community.”
The whole of the above less the underlined part was quoted in the Watchtower Magazine of 1st June 1991 on Page 17. But the underlined part of course is the crucial quote. It defines precisely what it means for a harlot church to ride the beast. Very simply you saddle up by becoming an associated NGO. There is no other mechanism for a religious organization to join the UN in order to ride the beast.
So the Watchtower saddled up on January 28th 1992 and dismounted on October 9th 2001.