Codex Vaticanus B

For a history and explanation of the importance of this Codex please see The first the modern world knew of this codex was the publication of Tischendorf's typographical facsimile in 1867. He had to work under the most absurd conditions to produce it. He was given 2 weeks to finish the job of transcribing it. His work was brilliant given the time constraints that were imposed upon him by the Vatican. Here is a quote from

For a long time, Vatican authorities were reluctant to make the codex available to Bible scholars. Eminent textual scholar Sir Frederic Kenyon related: “In 1843 [Bible scholar Konstantin von] Tischendorf, after waiting for several months, was allowed to see it for six hours. . . . In 1845 the great English scholar Tregelles was allowed indeed to see it but not to copy a word.” Tischendorf applied to see the codex again, but he was denied permission after copying 20 pages. Yet, as Kenyon reported, “renewed entreaty procured him six days’ longer study, making in all fourteen days of three hours each; and by making the very most of his time Tischendorf was able in 1867 to publish the most perfect edition of the manuscript which had yet appeared.” The Vatican later made a better copy of the codex available.

The better copy was the Cozza and Vercelloni edition of 1868.

We performed an OCR on an online copy of Tischendorf's 1867 edition of the Codex from at

We used AABBYY Fine Reader 11 which was pretty accurate save for a few predictable errors. Then we painstakingly corrected the result for OCR errors and for Tischendorf's errors against the 1868 Cozza and Vercelloni text, checking every word which did not agree with the same word in the Westcott and Hort text which is largely based upon the Vatican B

Download the entire New Testament of the Codex Vaticanus B as a Word 2000 document in the bwgrkl.ttf font here.

We deabbreviated it in the same way as the codex sinaiticus was deabbreviated. We added missing trailing ns where indicated or appropriate and missing ns in terminations such as ontej. These old uncial (Greek Capital lettered) manuscripts often miss trailing ns and ns before ts in terminations. We also replaced regular sigmas with final sigmas at the end of words.

Here are the amendments to the Tischendorf 1867 edition that we made from correction against the Cozza and Vercelloni text of 1868...

Verse Correction
Mat 3:12 asbestw
Mat 5:16 erga
Mat 5:18 an
Mat 5:33 hkousate
Mat 6:2 kai
Mat 7:9 estin
Mat 10:6 poreuesqe
Mat 10:14 mhn dexht Ì
Mat 10:19 merimnhshte
Mat 12:10 sabbasin
Mat 12:11 sabbasin
Mat 12:25 enqumhseij
Mat 12:30 sunagwn
Mat 12:32 ouk  Removed
Mat 12:33 sapton
Mat 13:30 auta
Mat 14:19 keleusaj
Mat 16:4 mocalij
Mat 16:4 epizhtei
Mat 16:26 antalagma
Mat 17:19 hdunhqhmen
Mat 19:12 dunamenoj
Mat 19:14 afete
Mat 21:4 rhqen
Mat 21:38 eautoij
Mat 21:43 oti
Mat 22:39 agaphseij
Mat 23:10 klhqhte
Mat 24:23 pisteuhte
Mat 25:10 ekleisqe
Mat 25:42 ouk
Mat 26:28 erconnomenon
Mat 26:57 oi de krathsantej ton ihsoun efugon Removed
Mat 26:59 yeudomarturian
Mat 26:63 zwntoj
Mat 27:1 genomenhj
Mat 27:13 posa
Mat 27:44 kai
Mat 27:45 ewj
Mat 28:13 elqontej
Mat 28:20 didaskontej
Mat 28:20 panta
Mar 1:14 meta
Mar 1:31 dihkonei
Mar 1:36 oi
Mar 2:3 airomenon
Mar 2:8 dialogizesqe
Mar 2:12 araj
Mar 3:4 legei
Mar 3:22 kai
Mar 4:13 kai
Mar 4:21 epi
Mar 4:36 kai
Mar 5:13 akaqarta
Mar 5:28 kan
Mar 5:38 polla
Mar 6:1 exhlqen
Mar 6:9 endusasqai
Mar 6:17 thn gunasika
Mar 6:54 autwn
Mar 7:5 koinaij
Mar 7:11 legete
Mar 7:18 asunetoi
Mar 7:23 koinoi
Mar 8:18 econtej
Mar 9:14 eidon
Mar 9:18 kai
Mar 9:36 kai
Mar 10:19 mh aposterhshj
Mar 10:39 dunameqa
Mar 11:24 kai
Mar 11:28 kai
Mar 13:35 mesonuktion
Mar 14:32 wde
Mar 14:63 diarrhxaj
Luk 1:37 oti ouk adunathsei Removed 
Luk 1:75 kai
Luk 2:13 ouraniou
Luk 2:37 afeistato
Luk 2:44 kai
Luk 3:24 leuei
Luk 3:37 iared
Luk 4:23 kai
Luk 5:29 autwn
Luk 7:8 touto
Luk 7:18 iwanh
Luk 7:22 iwanh
Luk 7:24 saleuomenon
Luk 7:35 edikaiwqe
Luk 8:13 outoi
Luk 8:28 basanishj
Luk 9:26 gar
Luk 9:26 kai
Luk 10:13 bhqsaida
Luk 10:34 epimelhqhti
Luk 11:46 fortizete
Luk 12:35 osfuej
Luk 13:22 ierosoluma
Luk 13:28 oyhsqe
Luk 14:3 exestin
Luk 16:1 uparconta autou
Luk 16:15 anqrwpoij
Luk 16:17 keraian
Luk 17:22 epiqumhshtai
Luk 18:1 egkakein
Luk 19:3 edunato
Luk 20:13 tipoihsw
Luk 20:31 apeqanon
Luk 21:34 kraipalh
Luk 21:36 katiscushte
Luk 22:25 exousiazontej
Luk 22:39 kai
Luk 22:55 sugkaqisantwn
Luk 22:65 blasfhmountej
Luk 23:28 qugaterej
Luk 23:48 sumparagenoumenoi
Luk 23:51 sugkatateqeimenoj
Luk 24:1 hlqon
Luk 24:5 emfobwn
Luk 24:21 hlpizomen
Luk 24:23 hlqon
Luk 24:45 sunieinai
Joh 1:12 elabon
Joh 1:13 egennhqhsan
Joh 1:41 eureiskei
Joh 4:10 sugcrwntai
Joh 4:17 eipaj
Joh 4:40 wj oun sunhlqon
Joh 4:51 legontej
Joh 5:35 agalliaqhnai
Joh 6:7 diakosiwn
Joh 6:9 wj
Joh 6:24 zhtountej
Joh 6:53 faghte
Joh 7:4 parrhsia
Joh 7:23 colate
Joh 7:43 skisma
Joh 8:57 eorakaj
Joh 9:14 ergazesqai
Joh 11:24 anastasei
Joh 11:39 tetartaioj
Joh 11:47 sunedrion
Joh 11:54 parrhsia
Joh 12:13 ekraugazon
Joh 12:43 hper
Joh 14:10 pisteueij
Joh 15:16 exelexasqe
Joh 19:17 legete
Joh 20:20 kurion
Joh 21:12 etolma
Acts 1:11  ton
Acts 1:19 katoikousin
Acts 2:1 sumplhrousqai
Acts 2:27 egkataleiyeij
Acts 2:30 autw
Acts 2:30 epi
Acts 2:31 egkataleifqh
Acts 3:2 ebastazeto
Acts 4:32 elegen
Acts 5:21 paragenomenoj
Acts 5:25 esesqe
Acts 6:14 eqh
Acts 7:8 isaak
Acts 7:32 acrij
Acts 8:31 odhghsh
Acts 9:1 eti
Acts 9:2 taj
Acts 9:3 exaifnhj
Acts 10:28 prosercesqai
Acts 10:29 anantirrhtwj
Acts 10:30 esqhti
Acts 10:36 eirhnhn
Acts 11:5 acrij
Acts 11:25 anazhthsai
Acts 12:8 upodhsai
Acts 12:10 hnoigh
Acts 12:25 sumparalabontej
Acts 13:1 tetrarcou
Acts 13:26 hmin
Acts 13:38 toutou
Acts 13:46 eautouj
Acts 14:21 maqhteusantej
Acts 14:27 anhggellon
Acts 15:37 sumparalabein
Acts 15:38 sumparalambanein
Acts 17:4 ouk
Acts 17:31 kaqoti
Acts 18:1 meta
Acts 19:36 anantirrhtwn
Acts 20:10 sumperilabwn
Acts 20:11 acrij
Acts 20:13 proelqontej
Acts 20:16 kekrikei
Acts 20:36 proshuxato
Acts 21:13 o pauloj
Acts 23:7 epese
Acts 23:16 paragenoumenoj
Acts 23:24 diaswswsi
Acts 23:29 egkaloumenon
Acts 23:35 tw
Acts 24:4 egkoptw
Acts 24:24 fhlix
Acts 24:26 doqhsetai
Acts 25:5  sugkatabantej
Acts 25:11 paraitoumai
Acts 25:12 sullalhsaj
Acts 25:15 enefanisan
Acts 25:24 auton zhn
Acts 25:25 toutou
Acts 26:13 basileu
Acts 26:13 lamprothta
Acts 26:30 sugkaqhmenoi
Acts 27:15 dunamenou
Acts 27:19 erreiyan
Acts 27:29 huconto
Acts 27:41 prumna
Acts 28:8 euxamenoj Removed
Acts 28:8 iasato
Acts 28:9 prohrconto
Acts 28:17  sugkalesasqai
Acts 28:26 sunhte
Rom 1:12 sumparaklhqhnai
Rom 1:21 gnontej
Rom 2:7 upomonhn
Rom 2:8 ereiqeiaj
Rom 2:15 summarturoushj
Rom 3:4 nikhshj
Rom 3:28 anqrwpon
Rom 5:3 kaucwmeqa
Rom 7:8 kateirgasato
Rom 8:9 este
Rom 8:16 summarturei
Rom 8:17 sugklhronomoi
Rom 8:17 summpascomen
Rom 9:1 summarturoushj
Rom 9:3 adelfwn mou
Rom 9:15 mwsei
Rom 9:18  eleei on de qelei Removed
Rom 9:29 egenhqhmen
Rom 10:12 epikaloumenouj
Rom 11:1 beniamein
Rom 11:10 sugkamyon
Rom 11:17 sugkoinwnoj
Rom 11:19 egkentrisqw
Rom 11:23 egkentrisqhsontai
Rom 11:23 egkentrisai
Rom 11:24 egkentrisqhsontai
Rom 11:25 acrij
Rom 12:16 sunapagomenoi
Rom 13:4 diakonoj
Rom 15:16 leitourgon
Rom 15:26 eudokhse
Rom 16:1 kegcreaij
Rom 16:7 aspasasqe
Rom 16:7 androneikon
Rom 16:8 amplian ton
Rom 16:10 aristoboulou
1Co 1:6 cristou
1Co 1:11 mou
1Co 4:8 sumbasileuswmen
1Co 4:15 euaggeliou
1Co 5:11 eidwlolatrej
1Co 7:6 suggnwmhn
1Co 7:9 egkrateuontai
1Co 7:15 cwrizetai
1Co 9:9 fimwseij
1Co 9:12 egkophn
1Co 9:23 sugkoinwnoj
1Co 11:3 o
1Co 11:26 acrij
1Co 12:26 sumpascei
1Co 12:26 sugcairei
1Co 13:6 sugcairei
1Co 15:17 este
1Co 15:25 acrij
1Co 15:35 ercontai
1Co 15:39 pasa
1Co 16:10 aqoboj
2Co 1:10 errusato
2Co 1:16 makedoniaj
2Co 1:21 hmaj
2Co 2:17 eilikrineiaj
2Co 3:2 eggegrammenh
2Co 3:3 eggegrammenh
2Co 4:15 ta gar
2Co 5:12 umin
2Co 5:14 apeqanen
2Co 6:3 mwmhqh
2Co 6:16 sugkataqesij
2Co 9:3 hmwn
2Co 10:12 egkreinai
2Co 10:12 sugkreinai
2Co 10:12 sugkreinontej
2Co 11:15 diakonoi
2Co 12:7 uperairwmai
2Co 12:7 uperairwmai
2Co 12:11 uf
2Co 12:12 kateirgasqh
2Co 12:13 carisasqe
2Co 12:20 ereiqeiai
Gal 1:8 euaggelizhtai
Gal 1:11 to euaggelion to euaggelion Removed
Gal 1:16 euaggelizwmai
Gal 1:19 ouk
Gal 1:22 ekklhsiaij
Gal 2:1 sumparalabwn
Gal 2:16 pistewj
Gal 3:10 eggegrammenoj
Gal 3:23 sugkleiomenoi
Gal 5:17 a ean
Gal 5:21 fqonoi
Gal 6:3 ti
Gal 6:9 egkakwmen
Eph 1:1 enefesw
Eph 1:3 euloghsaj
Eph 1:7 paratwmatwn
Eph 3:6 sugklhronoma
Eph 3:6 susswma
Eph 3:6 summetoca
Eph 3:12 parrhsian
Eph 3:13 egkakein
Eph 4:14 kludwnizomenoi
Eph 4:26 orgizesqe
Eph 5:7 summetocoi
Eph 5:11 sugkoinwneite
Eph 6:16 dunhsesqe
Phi 1:7 sugkoinwnouj
Phi 1:17 ereiqeiaj
Phi 1:18 kataggelletai
Phi 1:30 econtej
Phi 2:2 sumyucoi
Phi 2:3 ereiqeian
Phi 2:16 oude
Phi 2:17 sugcairw
Phi 2:18 sugcairete
Phi 2:30 leitourgiaj
Phi 3:17 summeimhtai
Phi 4:1 mou
Phi 4:3 sullambanou
Phi 4:14 sugkoinwnhsantej
Col 1:13 errousato
Col 2:11 apekdusai
Col 2:19 sumbibazomenon
Col 4:3 cristou
Col 4:10 aspazetai
1Th 1:3 adeialeiptwj
1Th 1:8 hmaj
1Th 2:2 eparrhsiasameqa
1Th 3:9 umwn
1Th 5:1 grafesqai
1Th 5:4 wj
1Th 5:19 sbennute
2Th 2:4 uperairomenoj
2Th 3:10 parhggellomen
2Th 3:10 ergazesqai
2Th 3:13 egkakhshte
Heb 1:7 leitourgouj
Heb 1:9 elaion
Heb 2:4 summarturountoj
Heb 4:2 sugkekerasmenouj
Heb 4:15 sumpaqhsai
Heb 5:4 tij
Heb 5:8 af
Heb 5:12 kai Removed
Heb 5:14 aisqhthria
Heb 6:17 w
Heb 7:5 tout estin
Heb 7:11 teleiwsij
Heb 7:16 sakrinhj
Heb 7:25 dunatai
Heb 8:6 leitourgiaj
Heb 8:7 deuteraj
Heb 8:11 eidhsousin
Heb 9:2 qumiathrion
Heb 9:4 ecousa
Heb 9:4 pantoqen
Jam 2:4 ou
Jam 2:24 orate
Jam 3:6 kaqistatai
Jam 3:14 ereiqeian
Jam 4:7 feuxetai
Jam 5:3 eqhsaurisate
Jam 5:7 ekdecetai
Jam 5:16 exomologeisqe
Jam 5:16 proseucesqe
1Pe 1:8 ouk
1Pe 1:13 nhfontej
1Pe 2:21 epakolouqhshte
1Pe 2:24 iaqhte
1Pe 3:6 agaqopoiousai
1Pe 3:7 sugklhronomoij
1Pe 4:3 oinoflugiaij
1Pe 4:4 blasfhmountej
1Pe 5:9 epiteleisqai
2Pe 2:7 lwt
2Pe 2:7 errusato
2Pe 2:8 egkatoikwn
2Pe 2:16 elegxin
2Pe 2:18 mataiothtoj GSR changed from mataioththj
1Jo 2:27 elabete
1Jo 4:21 ton qeon agapa kai
1Jo 5:6 estin
1Jo 5:7 marturountej
1Jo 5:12 proj
3Jo 1:6 ouj
3Jo 1:14 proj

The result is pretty useful but for perfection we need to correct this text against a true fine resolution image of the pages of the Codex itself. We will do this in the near future God willing.