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Nicodemus, a faithful and courageous Pharisee, came to visit one night. He put his faith in the son of God and here is some of the conversation that resulted...
3 In answer said to him: Most truly I say to you, Unless anyone is born again [literally generated from above], he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4 Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter into the womb of his mother a second time and be born, can he?
5 answered: Most truly I say to you, unless anyone is born from water and spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6 What has been born from the flesh is flesh, and what has been born from the spirit is spirit.
7 Do not marvel because I told you, you people must be born again (John 3).
8 I baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with holy spirit (Mark 1).
Being born from water is a water baptism. Being from spirit is a spirit baptism, a baptism in holy spirit, which is being born again. A water baptism does not immediately give you a new physical body, since you are stuck with the one you have until you die or until a Satanic system ends. But it leads to a rebirth in the flesh, when one enters the as a human, in a new body. Whereas referring both to the human birth and to the spirit birth, being 'born from the spirit', Nicodemus asks how this can possibly happen? But his very question is the answer - see Code13...
4 Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born again when he is old? He cannot enter into the womb of his mother a second time and be born can he? (John 3)
Well literally, no, of course he cannot. But symbolically, yes, that is precisely how one is born again.
6 What has been born from the flesh is flesh, and what has been born from the spirit is spirit.
7 Do not marvel because I told you, you people must be born again. (John 3 )
One is born again from the flesh by entering into the womb of your fleshly mother a 2nd time. One is born again in the spirit by entering into the womb of your heavenly mother a 2nd time
NOTE: In both cases one is born again. So one already had both a physical (human) and a spiritual (angelic body).
NOTE: What has been born is the flesh is past tense. What has been born in the spirit is past tense.
So we already have a human and an angelic body. We own the human one, but it is dead constructively (due to age). We cannot own the angelic one, because it is alive. But we have it without owning it.
One enters into the womb of one's fleshly mother, one's true human mother, a second time when one is edenically restored, non adamically restored, gene zapped to be , a son of the version of your mother, a son of what your mother would have been had Adam and Eve never sinned. For God does not get beaten by 's dastardly machinations. He fixes everything that his sons break. That is his job.
One enters into the womb of one's spiritual mother, one's true angelic mother, a second time, when one is given the angel that one was born in. That angel is also presumably 'gene zapped' in some angelic equivalent, making you into a son of your true angelic mother.
For we are the little brothers of the angels.
When Adam was created the scripture says...
7 And God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul (Genesis 2).
The breath of life was not from the ground, it was from the heaven. God blew into two nostrils, two vessels for the breath of life, two vessels for your life. TWO LUNGS. The vessel of dust, the human body, and the vessel of spirit, the angel.
The spirit of Adam was blown into two bodies, one human and one angelic. That is how he became a living soul. For we all have two nostrils and we all have two lungs. His spirit, his operating system, his software was running on two pieces of hardware simultaneously. His spirit was a two body operating system.
Adam was born again although not actually when he was born, but when he reached 30 years old (we deduce this from his correspondence with the life of - U41).
God did not blow his spirit into his nostril and into his lung. He blew it into his nostrils and into his lungs. This he did when Adam was half war through gestation actually (when the two halves of his brain joined up and there was a burst of cerebral activity). At that point Adam owned his human body but not his angelic body. In fact in all humans, our two nostrils and our two lungs are declaring the two vehicles for the spirit of life which we do have access to and which we can possess. All those who are born again whilst alive as humans own both vehicles, after the second birth. Whereas those who have not yet been born again have access to an angel but do not own it. Although of course the angel is invisible but not entirely undetectable - see U255. Hence we read in the next verse of John 3...
8 The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone that has been born from the spirit (John 3).
The born again have their own empty angel upstairs with their name on it. So they are truly spirit sons of God.
17 Consequently if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Look! new things [new earthly body at earthly resurrection and new heavenly body at baptism] have come into existence (2 Corinthians 5).
explains in detail...
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it is raised up in incorruption.
43 It is sown in dishonour, it is raised up in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised up in power.
44 It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one.
45 It is even so written: The first man Adam became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
46 Nevertheless, the first is, not that which is spiritual, but that which is physical, afterward that which is spiritual.
47 The first man is out of the earth and made of dust; the second man is out of heaven [but what is he made of?]
48 As the one made of dust [is], so those made of dust [are] also; and as the heavenly one [is], so those who are heavenly [are] also.
49 And just as we have borne the image of the one made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly one.
50 However, this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood [the corrupted ageing flesh and blood that you have in this system] cannot inherit God's kingdom,
neither does corruption [symbolized by adamic flesh] inherit incorruption [symbolized by edenic flesh].
51 Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed,
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible [either edenic flesh or angelic], and we shall be changed [either on entry into when we get incorruptible human bodies at the instant of baptism or into an angel at the rapture without being stung by death, or into an edenic/ body at the resurrection having been stung by death but not have been conquered by that sting].
53 For this which is corruptible [not the corrupted flesh, but the corruptible spirit] must put on incorruption [an incorruptible body, put on like a suit, flesh or angelic], and this [soul]
which is mortal must put on immortality [every soul must eventually gain everlasting life which is immortality, the covenant from God that you will not go into the second death].
54 But when [this which is corruptible puts on incorruption and] this which is mortal puts on immortality [mortal souls have an expiration date. Immortal souls cannot expire at all. Souls with incorruptible bodies who have not yet reached immortality are amortal, in the sense that they are neither mortal nor are they immortal. They have indefinite life, with no set expiration date. But they may yet expire at some date] then the saying will take place that is written: Death is swallowed up forever.
55 Death [speaking to Death poetically and to physically, who is the father of Death],
where is your victory? [the resurrection is your defeat] Death, where is your sting? [The DNA change from adamic to a body, an unnoticeable technical death which appears to the recipient to be a living resurrection, and the rapture both avoid that sting]
56 The sting producing death is sin, but the power for sin is the Law.
57 But thanks to God, for he gives us the victory through our Lord Christ! [who has ended the law]
For every physical body (which is owned by a spirit), there exists a spiritual body, an angelic body, which may or may not yet be owned by that spirit. The point is that said angelic body will already be in existence as soon as the spirit enters into the physical body.
Let us be more plain. At the very instant that the spirit of the child enters into the foetus (around mid-term in the pregnancy), God gives the child access to angelic backup body, an angel in heaven for that child. However one does not get to own an angel for oneself until one is born again. Actually the child gets to rent an angel, until it is born again. For more on this - see U255.
7 He emptied himself, and took a slave's form, and came to be in the likeness of men (Philippians 2).
He emptied angel and left his angelic body in heaven, and entered /, taking a slave's form. He took the 'form' or body away from the human /, who was a slave in this sense, at the baptism. There was an empty angel body in heaven all through the ministry of , and there was a sleeping full angel containing the human ' spirit at his expiration.. This is technically how God overcame the death of on the stake. He uploaded him back into his angel. It is the same with all humans, we all have an empty angel throughout our judicial lives (after we have been born again or a share in an angel if we are yet to be born again), and a sleeping angel or shared angel at our deaths.
15 For neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision but a new creation [is something] (Galatians 6).
The circumcision of the spirit is a new creation, coming into union with Christ, i.e. being baptised into his name (a marriage union) is a new creation, in fact the creation of an angel, which is named at the circumcision of the spirit as is the Jewish son at the circumcision of the flesh.
ED Draw you near to the God, and he will draw near to you; cleanse you hands, sinners, and purify you hearts,
two-souled ones [
Draw you near to the God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse you hands, sinners, and purify you hearts,
two-souled (ones) [
Yes, we can certainly have two souls!
A two-souled [diyucoV] man [is] unstable in all the ways of himself [perhaps two souled means indecisive here, or perhaps born again since the focus is one both the physical and the spiritual].
Let boast but the brother the humble in the humiliation of himself;
the but rich, in the humiliation of himself; because as a flower of grass he will pass away.
Rose for the sun with the according heat, and withered the grass, and the flower of it fell off, and the beauty of the face of it perished; thus also the rich man in the ways of himself will fade away.
Blessed [is a two souled man] man, who bears up under temptation; because approved having become he will receive the crown of the life, [everlasting life which is only given to or Kings in this system. One souled men cannot gain the crown of life, which is everlasting life as a king - the ultimate glory in life] which promised the Lord to those loving him (James 1:8-12 Emphatic Diaglott).