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9 But he began to ask him: What is your name? And he said to him:
My name is Legion, because there are many of us.
10 And he entreated him many times not to send the spirits out of the country.
11 Now a great herd of swine was there at the mountain feeding.
12 So they entreated him, saying: Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.
13 And he permitted them. With that the unclean spirits came out and entered into the swine; and the herd rushed over the precipice into the sea, about 2,000 of them, and they drowned one after another in the sea (Mark 5).
A Legion is 6,000 men. So there were 6,000 demons in the man and then there were 3 in each pig presumably if they distributed themselves evenly. The demons were happy to have a 6000th of a man but not happy to have a third of a pig. The demons deliberately killed them pigs in order that they re-enter or . So / is better than being a pig but worse than being a 6000th of a man (as these demons found out on entry into swinedom). Presumably all 6,000 demons got input from the man's senses but only one controlled his actions. This account gives us some idea of how awful / is.
Looking at this positively, we see that the demons in these pigs must have had a modem link to their memories and other mental capabilities which remained in their angelic bodies whilst their spirits were in the pigs. For plainly one cannot put the entire intelligence of a demon into the brain of a pig. The scriptures relate how the dove descended on to , and the bears ate the children calling bald, and Daniel stopped the mouths of the Lions, and the donkey spoke to Balaam. Even the frogs, the locusts and the gnats are subject to angelic control. So animals can be angelically directed and they can be demonically possessed. They are directed via the heavenly modem links into their minds. The power of these links is commensurate with the power of their minds.
The same must be true for humans, for the scripture says...
7 You made him a little lower than angels; with glory and honour you crowned him, and appointed him over the works of your hands.
8 All things you subjected under his feet. For in that he subjected all things to him [God] left nothing that is not subject
to him. Now, though, we do not yet see all things in subjection to him;
9 but we behold , who has been made a little lower than angels, crowned with glory and honour for having suffered death,
that he by God's undeserved kindness might taste death for every [man] (Hebrews 2).
We are a little lower in mental capability than the angels, so when they possess us, they form a heavenly modem link to their angelic bodies which retain their mental faculties. But this link is only subconscious. It is not conscious. It is not a remote possession, the spirit of the angel truly does enter into the human. But they can access their angelic minds through a subconscious heavenly modem link. Hence we read...
5 Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ ,
6 who subsisting in the form of God thought [it] not robbery to be equal with God, (Philippians 2 )
6 Who in form of God existing not snatching/robbery he considered the to be equal (things) to God [Greek idiom, to be equals in status with God], (Philippians 2 )
7 No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men.
8 More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake.
9 For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every [other] name,
10 so that in the name of every knee should bend of those in
heaven and those on earth and those under the ground (Philippians 2).
A God is someone who has knee bending worshippers just as a king has subjects. thought it not to be robbery to become equal to God by taking his divine status for himself. And he achieved that goal. And we should have that mental attitude within us. In other words: We should all be trying to become Gods. The true sons of a God. It is not robbery to aspire to be what your father is. So long as you achieve that goal legitimately.
At any time the angels can feed us information and guide us through our heavenly modem link. Regrettably so can the demons in certain circumstances. Angelic or demonic guidance is related to angelic or demonic possession because both involve the heavenly modem link.
When a man is born again he gains an associated angel but he does not become more intelligent because he cannot consciously access his angelic brain.
Even non born again people have a subconscious link to a unique angel which is on loan to them (they do not own it) - see U913.
God can speak to us subconsciously in dreams for example - as he did with Pilate's wife...
19 Moreover, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent out to him, saying: Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I suffered a lot today in a dream because of him. (Matthew 27 ).
Physiologically, each human and mammalian brain is divided into two halves. The left half is logical and conscious, called the mind in the bible. The right half is emotional and houses the subconscious, called the heart. The heart is where the heavenly modem link must lie since we are unaware of it directly. All bible researchers know that great bible understandings normally follow very soon after someone has asked God to bless the research meeting for more on the heart and mind see U257. For more on the heavenly power struggle over your modem link see U261.
The book of Job confirms God speaking to us in the night when we dream as follows...
14 For God speaks once, And twice -- though one does not regard it --
15 In a dream, a vision of the night, When deep sleep falls upon men, During slumbers upon the bed.
16 It is then that he uncovers the ear of men, And on exhortation to them he puts his seal,
17 To turn aside a man from his deed, And that he may cover pride itself from an able-bodied man.
18 He keeps his soul back from the pit. And his life from passing away by a missile.
19 And he is actually reproved with pain upon his bed, And the quarrelling of his bones is continual.
20 And his life certainly makes bread loathsome, And his own soul desirable food.
21 His flesh wastes away from sight, And his bones that were not seen certainly grow bare.
22 And his soul draws near to the pit, And his life to those inflicting death.
23 If there exists for him a messenger, A spokesman, one out of 1,000, To tell to man his uprightness,
24 Then he favours him and says, 'Let him off from going down into the pit! I have found a ransom!
25 Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; Let him return to the days of his youthful vigour' (Job 33).
We thought we had understood entirely what the first death was when we realised that it was falling asleep in an angelic body - see I13. But we had not taken ' words seriously enough. For he described almost everyone whom he resurrected from as being asleep. We took that to mean that the dead were sleeping in angels whereas the asleep were sleeping in humans. But then we stumbled across the following words of Moses...
2 and said to them: 120 years old I am today. I shall no more be allowed to go out and come in, as has said to me, 'You will not cross this Jordan.' (Deuteronomy 31).
Now it is true that Kings and Leaders and Judges of God's people Judges come in to God's temple and go out from God's temple before his people, since we read in 2Chronicles1...
10 Give me now wisdom and knowledge that I may go out before this people and that I may come in, for who could judge this great people of yours? (2 Chronicles 1)
However the phrase: I shall no more be allowed to go out and come in is a very strange way of saying I am going to die! So as usual the holy spirit is saying more in Deuteronomy 31:2 than Moses is going to die.
The words: before this people, are missing from Deuteronomy 31:2 which creates an ambiguity as to precisely how Moses would go out and come in.
In fact when you die your spirit goes out as the Psalmist said...
4 His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish (Psalm 146).
So we thought that perhaps the spirit of Moses used to go out and come in on a regular basis from the temple of his body. Indeed when he was asleep we thought perhaps his spirit went into his associated angel and then came back to his human body when he woke up. This makes sense because Moses was about to die, which is a form of sleep when he said: I shall no more be allowed to go out and come in. The spirit is 'I', Moses. Then we realised that if indeed the spirit goes upstairs when we fall asleep then sleep is precisely the same as the first death and had it absolutely right when he equated the two - as one might expect!
In fact confirms this in Luke 9 as follows...
But all were weeping and beating themselves for her. So he said:
Stop weeping, for she did not die but is sleeping.
So they were laughing at him, knowing that she had died.
But taking hold of her hand
[genitive direct object] he
called to [her], saying: Child, get up!
And her spirit returned, and she rose instantly, and he ordered [something] to be given her to eat.
Well, her parents were outside themselves; but he instructed them to tell no one what had happened (Luke 8).
This proves that the spirit is not in the body when you are asleep!!!
So since sleep is death and death is sleep, and since our spirit goes out from our body when we die, then it also goes out from our body when we sleep. So every time we fall asleep our spirit goes out of our human body and comes into our associated angelic body if we are born again. In other words we dream with our angelic brain rather than our human brain. So all the saints know precisely what it is like to be in the first death, because they experience it every time they nod off.
But what about the non saints? Their experience of sleep is no different from anyone else's experience, and ' words must apply to them too since Jairus' daughter, whom he resurrected having described her as being asleep, was too young to be a saint being 12 years old. So where did she get and angelic brain from? Well we know that those in do not have an angelic soul of their own but share an angelic soul with their soul-mates. So we realised that unsanctified humans, who have not been born again angelically, could likewise be sharing an angelic soul in some way. Perhaps like a shared server rather than a dedicated server. This would mean that when one is born again one simply is transferred from a shared angelic server to one's own dedicated angelic server.
But we have since rejected that idea because the scripture says...
28 And do not become fearful of those who kill the [human] body [in the first death] but cannot kill the soul [in the second death] [the non human body - the angelic body to which your spirit goes when the human body is killed becoming an angelic soul = angelic body + spirit]; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul [your present body + spirit combo] and body [your secondary body] in (Matthew 10:28) - see intro14.
So if our angelic body was shared then it would be 2nd dead and those who kill our human body would also kill our soul. So the good news is that we all have a dedicated angelic server, and 2nd body, a 2nd vehicle for our spirits. When we sleep, then our spirit goes into that body. If we are not born again then we can only sleep in our angel (and the 1st death, adamic death is precisely that sleep). If we are born again we can wake up and be awake in our angel. However the first death is indeed a shared angelic server for the sleeping!
So means that humans and angels are so closely related as to be almost indistinguishable. The only difference really is that we are asleep and they are awake in their angelic bodies.
= Software
Body = Hardware
= + Non Shared Body
Living soul = Being alive = running on a non shared body
Sleeping human = is dreaming in your angelic body, the movie studio for your dreams. Your human brain is the cinema for that movie NOT the studio. So your spirit is running on two bodies, your human body (cinema) and your angelic (studio)
Living human = running consciously on human body in the day and running subconsciously on both angelic body and human body when asleep (dreaming)
Dead soul = Being dead = running on a shared angelic body
1st Dead Being = sleeping and dreaming in a shared angelic body (not owned) in - whilst still possessing an angelic soul with a subconscious connector (the silver chord of Ecclesiastes 12:6) which is disconnected.
2nd Dead Being = awake in shared angelic body (not owned) in . This is a soul-less consciousness.
= Adamic death = -less subconsciousness.
= = -less consciousness.
Non born again human = Human brain is only connected to the angelic brain subconsciously = having a non owned second angelic soul with a subconscious connector.
Born again human = is permitted to run on the angelic body consciously =
having an owned second angelic soul with a conscious connector (implied golden chord of Ecclesiastes 12:6) and a subconscious connector (silver chord of Ecclesiastes 12:6). But this angel cannot be consciously accessed whilst the spirit is running on a human.
Humans can kill human souls and send them into the first death for the law of Moses required soul for soul (Exodus 21:23, Leviticus 24:18).
But they cannot kill 'the soul', meaning all of your souls. Because your spirit has a second body, which is not destroyable by humans. So it goes into your second body, which is angelic, and that becomes your new soul. So humans can destroy one of your two vehicles in your garage but they cannot destroy the other!
did not say, fear him who can destroy the spirit in . preserves the spirit but kills the soul, whether angelic or fleshly. The soul here is the associated angelic body and the body is the human body. So or is a soul-less consciousness. Truly it is a non physical prison for disembodied spirits. When the unrighteous die, they enter the first death which is non consciousness as they sleep in a shared angelic body which they do not own. Then they are resurrected into as a soul-less spirit, where they are awake in a shared angelic body that they do not own This is the second death. can be used to cover both, it basically means dead or in the grave.
4 Next he said to them: "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do a good deed or to do a bad deed, to save or to kill a soul?" But they kept silent (Mark 3).
Man can kill a soul, he can kill a human soul, but he cannot kill the soul, which means kill all of your bodies including your angelic one. A soul in the sense of Mark 3 is a human soul, a human body, the human vehicle for the spirit. The soul in the sense of Matthew 10:28 is your angelic soul, the angelic vehicle for your spirit. There are two different souls being talked about in Matthew 10 and Mark 3, and these two correspond with the two nostrils of Adam. The human soul can be killed, the angelic soul which is in fact a sleeping angel, cannot. Luke explains it even more clearly...
4 Moreover, I say to you, my friends, Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more.
5 But I will indicate to you whom to fear: Fear him who after killing
[1st death] has authority to throw into [2nd death]. Yes, I tell you, fear this One. (Luke 12 )
So when the spirit of God first enters into a foetus at mid term of the pregnancy it probably comes from your own angelic server. This angelic brain is our fundamental character security. If we die physically, the angelic server will see us as having effectively gone to sleep and our spirit will start dreaming upstairs.
44 It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one [the minute the spirit enters the human foetus it also enters an angelic body too to archive the day's memories] (1Corinthians 15).
7 You made him a little lower than angels; with glory and honour you crowned him, and appointed him over the works of your hands (Hebrews 2).
9 But we behold , who has been made a little lower than angels, crowned with glory and honour for having suffered death, that he by God's undeserved kindness might taste death for every [man] (Hebrews 2).
Let's face it. Mankind's hardware, his flesh, is a lot lower than an angelic body. But we are a hybrid with access to an angelic type brain. Otherwise could not have accessed thousands of years of angelic memories from his human brain. So we are a little lower than angels only because we all have access to angelic hardware.
The next question to ask is why do we need to sleep for 33% of our lives and why do we go crazy if we have no sleep for more than 60 hours? Could it be that during sleep we flush our memory cache into the angelic server so that our memories are stored upstairs, and cannot be destroyed by a bullet? If so then we go crazy if we fail to sleep because our human brain memory cache gets filled up and is unable to store any more data and so starts mixing up reality with the dream it wishes to be indulging in during the overdue upload.
The point is that if sleep is like the first death then obviously the human body does not play much of a role in it. So the spirit, you, is running on your heavenly hardware, your angel with either a subconscious connector (for the non born again) or a conscious connector (for the born again).
So next time you take a nap enjoy the dreams of your personal heavenly angelic soul!
This is all fairly obvious when you actually think about it. Because a biological human brain, which has trouble in remembering a 16 digit credit card number, cannot possibly create a full colour, full Audio, 3D real time virtual reality for our spirits to interact with various other virtual mentally created spirits in during the night. Only an angelic mind has that kind of computing power. The human brain takes a snapshot with the eyes every 100 milliseconds and can hear two musical events at best 20 milliseconds apart. A neuron takes around 5 milliseconds to fire. So the CPU clock speed of the human brain would be around 10 milliseconds at best or 100 cycles per second, since one neuron firing per cycle is not going to achieve much. It is probably more like 20 milliseconds or 50 Hz. Now when DreamWorks made Shrek 3, they used around 20 million CPU hours to render the movie. The result was far from perfect and easily identifiable as an animation. The server CPUs run at around 3 GHz. Rendering one frame of Cars2 took 11½ hours of a 12,500 CPU farm's time. Again these CPUs run at around 3GHz. The human brain runs at best at 100Hz. It is massively parallel, but it is not going to achieve in 1/10th of a second (the ocular frame duration) what 12,500 CPU running at 3GHz achieve in 11½ hours which is 414,000 tenths of a second. In fact if it were to render a dream as well as Cars2 was rendered (and actually dreams are rendered perfectly and therefore better than Cars2). Then it would have to achieve in one tenth of a second which is at best 10 CPU cycles, what Pixar achieves in 414,000 seconds with 37,500,000,000,000 cycles. This is 37½ trillion CPU cycles.
Plainly it cannot do this. Your human brain has nowhere near enough CPU power to render a 3D dream in real time, let alone write the movie script and put you in it in a seamless interaction with that script.
Furthermore Pixar and Dreamworks and Disney have hundreds of human brains interacting with the computer banks to make one movie frame in 11½ hours. So for one human to do this in real time he would have to be thousands of times faster than thousands of computers cycling at millions of times faster than his brain AND faster in his subconscious than the hundreds of humans are in their conscious.
So angelic brain hardware must be millions of times faster than human brain hardware. But then we have the famous scripture..
8 However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with as 1,000 years and 1,000 years as one day. (2 Peter 3 )
8 One but this (thing) not let it be lying hidden to you, loved (ones), that one day beside Lord as thousand years and thousand years as day one. (2 Peter 3 )
This is of course metaphorically true since God has lived for a very long time and in fact invented time as a prison for us. But why should it not also be physically true? Perhaps the angels think 360,000x faster than humans and have a brain frequency of 3.6 MegaHertz? God is not limited by time at all. He presumably has an 'infinitely' fast thinking frequency. This would mean that when we pop up to heaven from the ark for a few months prior to coming back down to earth for the, we could effectively learn 1,000 years of information in one day! This would be like Neo in the matrix. The amazing thing is that all the sacred secrets in the bible seem to have appeared already in one or other Sci Fi movie!
The s have known for some time that dreams and their interpretations picture inspired scriptures and their interpretations. We used to think that ones dreams were 'inspired' from an external source like the scriptures. But now we can be more specific. Dreams are streamed to you from a heavenly source which source is your associated angelic brain. Your angelic co-processor. And inspired scriptures are likewise streamed into your angelic brain by God and then subconsciously to the awake prophet as he writes. So that he is not aware but God is real time editing his words through the subconscious angelic link.
Why does God speak to us in dreams rather than face to face?
6 And he went on to say: Hear my words, please. If there came to be a prophet of yours for , it would be in a vision I would make myself known to him. In a dream I would speak to him.
7 Not so my servant Moses! He is being entrusted with all my house.
8 Mouth to mouth I speak to him, thus showing him, and not by riddles; and the appearance of is what he beholds. Why, then, did you not fear to speak against my servant, against Moses? (Numbers 12 )
Likewise to Abimelech...
3 Afterward God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him: Here you are as good as dead because of the woman whom you have taken, since she is owned by another owner as his wife.
4 However, Abimelech had not gone near her. Hence he said:
, will you kill a nation that is really righteous?
5 Did not he say to me, 'She is my sister'? and she -- did not she too say, 'He is my brother'? In the honesty of my heart and with innocency of my hands I have done this.
6 At that the [true] God said to him in the dream:
I too have known that in the honesty of your heart you have done this, and I was also holding you back from sinning against me. That is why I did not allow you to touch her.
7 But now return the man's wife, for he is a prophet, and he will make supplication for you. So keep living. But if you are not returning her, know that you will positively die, you and all who are yours.
8 So Abimelech got up early in the morning and proceeded to call all his servants and to speak of all these things in their ears. And the men got very much afraid. (Genesis 20 )
Likewise to Pilate's wife...
19 Moreover, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent out to him, saying: Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I suffered a lot today in a dream because of him. (Matthew 27 )
Even the law of Moses was transmitted by angels through the hand of a mediator...
19 Why, then, the Law? It was added to make transgressions manifest, until the seed should arrive to whom the promise had been made; and it was transmitted through angels by the hand of a mediator.
(Galatians 3 )
53 you who received the Law as transmitted by angels but have not kept it. (Acts 7 ).
It does not take 2 angels of the to speak to one human. The angels are plural because one angel, actually of the reformed 1st , spoke to another angel, the associated angel of Moses. Moses' own angel communicated the law to him.
Likewise to ...
1 After these things the word of came to Abram in a vision, saying: Do not fear, Abram. I am a shield for you. Your reward will be very great. (Genesis 15 )
But also directly to ...
1 When Abram got to be 99 years old, then appeared to Abram and said to him: I am God Almighty. Walk before me and prove yourself faultless.
2 And I will give my covenant between me and you, that I may multiply you very, very much.
3 At this Abram fell upon his face, and God continued to speak with him, saying: (Genesis 17 )
's angel appeared to and spoke directly to and (who was given a covenant to multiply her seed like had - perhaps a subcovenant of the ?) and Moses and Balaam and Gideon and Manoah and David and Mary and Zechariah. But to the prophets he would appear indirectly in a dream or a vision. He cannot speak directly (through his angel) to someone who is not one of his people. He did speak to Abimelech and Pilate's wife and King Nebuchadnezzar and and Joseph through a dream. So a dream is not direct. It is an indirect form of communication. So it involves a priest, a mediator between God and the man to whom he is speaking. That mediator is not the which is effectively God's mouth, but is the associated angel of the person to whom 's angel is speaking, which is effectively that person's ear. So the chain of communication is
God - Angel of the - Associated angel of human - human.
A dream is a way that God can speak indirectly to a fallen human via his associated angel.
A vision from God when asleep is movie made by God and screened to you
A dream from God. A dream is a movie made by you the script of which is edited by God.
God effectively hacks your dream.
A vision from God when awake is a scene placed in front of your eyes and ears. This a twilight zone scenario.
Your sensory inputs are hijacked whilst you remain conscious or possibly semi conscious.
5 There was a dream that I beheld, and it began to make me afraid. And there were mental images upon my bed [that were not of his head but planted by God] and visions of my head [Nebuchadnezzar is the movie studio] that began to frighten me. (Daniel 4 )
's angel appeared to Balaam's talking donkey! The donkey was the mediator between God's angel and Balaam. That is why God opened the mouth of the Donkey. God's angel spoke through the donkey. And Balaam spoke to the donkey, the mediator between him and the angel. There has never been a more obivous example of God putting word's into a mouth. If he can do it with a donkey, then he can do it with a prophet.
23 And the ass got to see 's angel stationed in the road with his drawn sword in his hand; and the ass tried to turn aside from the road that she might go into the field, but Balaam began to strike the ass in order to turn her aside to the road. (Numbers 22 )
In verse 32 the angel speaks directly to Balaam after uncovered his eyes. so the mediation ceases at that point.
31 And proceeded to uncover Balaam's eyes, so that he saw 's angel stationed in the road with his drawn sword in his hand. At once he bowed low and prostrated himself on his face.
32 Then 's angel said to him: Why have you beaten your she-ass these 3 times? Look! I -- I have come out to offer resistance,
because your way has been headlong against my will.
33 And the she-ass got to see me and tried to turn aside before me these 3 times. Supposing she had not turned aside from before me! For by now even you I should have killed, but her I should have preserved alive.
34 At this Balaam said to 's angel: I have sinned, because I did not know that it was you stationed in the road to meet me. And now, if it is bad in your eyes, let me go my way back. (Numbers 22 )
So perhaps it was the repentance of Balaam that restored his cleanness to speak directly to an angel of God?
We are not sure how this works precisely. During sleep your spirit is running on your angelic brain. In the day it is running on your human brain. This may be why you can solve problems in your sleep which you have not been able to solve during the day. The spirit does not run on two minds at the same time, although we do breathe in stereo into two nostrils and two lungs. The spirit is sovereign and not cloned. But memories may be being backed up continuously to the angelic mind. So that if you are run over by a bus, the angel has everything that occurred during your life already uploaded. It is very possible that prayer to God could give better access to the angelic mind. When the human mind cache is flushed at night it may be that the more important memories are left below for some time and the less important ones are flushed (having already been archived at the time they were made). So we may have parallel memory storage but we do not have parallel spirit processing. Perhaps the angelic mind optimises the human mind every night.
7 And God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath/spirit of lives [plural], and the man came to be a living soul (Genesis 2).
Two receptacles for the breath of lives [plural]. One spirit, but many lives!. The 2 receptacles represent two souls, two vehicles for the spirit, the human one and the angelic one. So Adam was born again actually when he was 30 years old, the same age that () was born again, just before being baptised by John. For angels or demons cannot possess non angelic humans! So that the spirit of the original went into his angel when the spirit of came down in the dove into the original .
So God blowing his spirit into Adam's Nostrils was actually a downloading on MultiOS2 (Multi Operating System Two) into Adam's human mind and then 30 years later into his angelic mind. For Adam was born again aged 30 as was (). For neither angels nor demons can possess non angelic humans. Humans must be born again angelically in order that they can be possessed - which is an angelic swap. And possessed at his baptism by John when the dove came down onto his head. Pre-adamics had MultiOS1 - see intro9 and see U257.
We have recently discovered (in August 2011) that Hebrew uses the word nostrils, which is dual in number, to mean - double! For example...
5 And to Hannah he giveth one double [literally nostrils] portion, for he hath loved Hannah, and hath shut her womb (1Samuel1 Young's Literal).
The demons from Legion possessed the pigs. How did they operating systems (their characters, their spirits) enter into them? Through the pig modem link. Animals that dream, have modem links and angelic counterparts too!!