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When Adam sinned God required a volunteer who was not judicially condemned to ransom him immediately. Without such a volunteer Adam would have had to have been killed and you would not be reading this page. That volunteer was not a pre-adamic human since Adam was a mark II version of man, far more intelligent that the pre-adamics, being made directly in God's image rather than in the image of the 1st . Adam died both as a human and as an angel on the day he sinned - see I47. So the volunteer had to be a conscious angel who could agree to give up his angelic soul for Adam. In fact it had to be an angelic volunteer who was not only prepared to give up his angelic soul, but also prepared to become human, since that is the only vehicle left for a non angel.
To see categorically that was possessed by an angel just consider the following scriptures...
13 Moreover, no man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man. (John 3 )
So , the Son of man, descended from heaven and so was an angel. What is more he had previously ascended into heaven which means that he had descended before that which means that his present descent was at least his second trip to earth.
57 Then the Jews said to him, You do not yet have 50 years, and have you seen ? ()
58 said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before was born I am/I existed! (John 8 )
had seen and so was alive in 2000 BC and so was an angel.
One can see that Christ was an angel from the words of , who said...
14 And what was a trial to you in my flesh, you did not treat with contempt or spit at in disgust; but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ (Galatians 4).
So Christ is a particular angel of God. Of course he would not be able to give angelic life to those in the unless he himself had that life and was therefore an angel.
himself bore witness that he was an angel saying...
62 What, therefore, if you should behold the Son of man ascending to where he was before? [So was an angel before he descended into ] (John 6).
So which angel was it who volunteered? Well the bible only names 3 angels in the literal meaning ( and ). did not volunteer since he had caused the problem in the first place.
Well Daniel describes as follows...
21 However, I shall tell you the things noted down in the writing of truth, and there is no one holding strongly with me in these [things] but , the prince of you people (Daniel 10).
1 And during that time will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book (Daniel 12).
Well princes become Kings, and ends up as King over God’s people, so the prince of God’s people is the one who came down into (for the mechanism of angelic or demonic possession - see I22), and then became their king.
31 When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne (Matthew 25).
So it was that possessed the Son of Man. He was actually a 41st generation angel (from the angelic version of the genealogy of Matthew 1 wherein he is the 41st generation of sons of ). This angel had to be alive at the time of Adam's sin and of course possessed during his ministry. .
23 From the offspring of this [man] according to his promise God has brought to Israel a saviour, ,
24 after John, in advance of the entry of that one, had preached publicly to all the people of Israel baptism repentance (Acts 13).
There arose a man that was sent forth as a representative of God: his name was John [the baptist].
This [man] came for a witness, in order to bear witness about the light [,
who is the word, the way, the truth, the life and the light of the world],
that people of all sorts [every race, every nation, every religion]
might believe through him.
He was not that light [he was not ],
but he was meant to bear witness about that light.
The true light that gives light to every sort of man was about to come into the world [ was about to enter , making . He had not yet entered at the time of John's first preaching and baptising!]
(John 1).
So , the light, entered the world, after John had started preaching. So Mary's firstborn child, (who was God's child and ) was not the who was the light. This tells us that did not enter before was 29½ years old (he was 6 months younger than John who started preaching at 30 - see I43). Now John preached for 6 months before was baptised because too being under the law of Moses, could not act as a priest until he was 30 years old...
3 From 30 years old upward to 50 years old, all those going into the service group to do the work in the tent of meeting (Numbers 4). [This age profile was more to do with heavy lifting than spirituality]
3 Accordingly the Levites were numbered from the age of 30 years upward, and their number, head by head of them, able-bodied man by able-bodied man, came to be thirty-eight thousand (1 Chronicles 23) [these ones had spiritual responsibilities].
Then Numbers 8:24-26 reduced the serving age to 25-50
Then 1Chronicles 23:24-32 reduced it to 20, once the ark became permanently stationed in Jerusalem.
However life had to follow the pattern of Adam, and so he began his ministry actually on 29Heshvan21 (the 2Nc Pentecost0 when he was precisely 30 years old, having been born on 2Heshvan21 BC.
And, himself,
was commencing [his work], as if/at [
So when / became 30 years old, he was baptised in the Jordan. And his body was prepared for to enter it...
4 It is not possible for the blood of bulls and of goats to take sins away.
5 Hence when he comes into the world he says: Sacrifice and offering you did not want, but you prepared a body for me (Hebrews 10).
There is a scriptural question from the holy spirit relating to this angelic possession...
42 And they began saying: Is this not the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How is it that now he says: I have come down from heaven ? (John 6).
The holy spirit is asking the reader to answer the questions in the verse above. Consider this and you see that came down from heaven and angelically possessed at his baptism.
32 John also bore witness, saying:
I viewed the spirit coming down as a dove out of heaven, and it remained upon him (John 1).
Jesus_baptised.jpg" width="429" height="340">
The dove represented the spirit of the angel . This spirit entered the body of Christ and remained in him until was impaled. So when we read...
16 Having been baptized, immediately rose up [anabainw] from the water and look! The heavens were opened up and he saw the spirit of God descending as if a dove coming upon him (Matthew 3).
For the spirit of Pre-Michaelic rose up into the heavens which opened up in order to let him into them. He ascended, being and having been born again angelically. And the angel descended to take control of the human vehicle that John had just washed.
5 Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ ,
6 who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.
7 No, but he emptied himself [his spirit left his angelic body] and took a slave's form [that of ] and came to be in the likeness of men.
8 More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man [not as a child], he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake (Philippians 2:5-8).
The slave whose form he took was the supposed son of Mary and Joseph. When he took this form, by angelic possession, the 30 year old human was transferred into an angelic body, so as not to see death, just as Enoch was transferred, as we shall investigate further later in this section...
5 By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him, for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased God well (Hebrews 11).
Well was given everlasting angelic life when he agreed to ransom Adam. He was the first angel to be given that. So he became an archangel then. Hence we read...
9 But when , the archangel, had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses' body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms, but said: May rebuke you (Jude 9).
says of him:
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1).
So is the image of his father, and the firstborn of all creation, just as Adam, the firstborn human son, was made in God's image:
26 And God went on to say: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.
27 And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him, male and female he created them (Genesis 1).
So God and the angels together made man in their image. But God made in his image alone. God also made Adam himself in his image alone, not in the image of the angels as well. Like begets like. These two are related by who says...
45 It is even so written: The first man Adam became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit (1Corinthians 15).
Since the first creations of God were angels, at first glance looks like he was the first angel that God created, the original firstborn angel. But he was not. He purchased those rights from for a bowl of red, a 6,000 year headship of mankind - see U17. Likewise Adam appears to be the firstborn and original human. He was not. He was the first human to be a direct son of God, but not the first human - see [1], we know this thanks to the Archeologists. today is above the angels, for the scripture says:
1 God, who long ago spoke on many occasions and in many ways to our forefathers by means of the prophets,
2 has at the end of these days spoken to us by means of a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the systems of things.
3 He is the reflection of [his] glory and the exact representation of his very being, and he sustains all things by the word of his power; and after he had made a purification for our sins he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty in lofty places.
4 So he has become better than the angels, to the extent that he has inherited a name more excellent than theirs
5 For example, to which one of the angels did he ever say:
You are my son; I, today, I have become your father? And again: I myself shall become his father, and he himself will become my son? [he said this to the angel ].
6 But when he again brings his Firstborn [angel,
the angel ] into the inhabited earth, he says: And let all God's angels do obeisance to/worship him (Hebrews 1).
inherited this name at his resurrection. The more excellent name was actually . When inherited this name he became a God just like . He became a God to be worshipped, he became the second true God. So right now we have two of them.
When he ascended we read that...
20 with which he has operated in the case of the Christ when he raised him up from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,
21 far above every government and authority and power and lordship and every name named, not only in this system of things, but also in that to come (Ephesians 1).
Again the seat far above every name named is the seat of a God.
9 For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every [other] name (Philippians 2).
The name above every other name ia , the family surname of all the Gods.
It is not possible for to actually be God, because then God would not be ' father and would not be his son. In fact Sir Newton argued that the Father was God of the son from:
17 said to her: Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet ascended to the Father. But be on your way to my brothers and say to them: I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God (John 20).
46 About the 9th hour called out with a loud voice, saying: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27).
John informs us that...
14 So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of undeserved kindness and truth (John 1).
18 No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten God who is in the bosom [position] with the Father is the one that has explained him (John 1).
The only begotten God is , he was seen, but the God, is , who cannot be seen. What is more is a begotten god, but God himself is uncreated, unbegotten (for otherwise there would be two begotten Gods contradicting 1John1:18). is the only begotten God, because he is the only God who was begotten and who is to be worshipped (the other God, is to be worshipped but is unbegotten). Like Thomas said:
27 Next he said to Thomas: Put your finger here, and see my hands and take your hand and stick it into my side, and stop being unbelieving but become believing.
28 In answer Thomas said to him: My Lord and my God! (John 20).
'My God', but not 'the God'. did not rebuke Thomas for saying this because was his God, since he now had the family name of .
For more please see U264a, I11 and I26.
When the people were baptized, also came and was baptized by John. When he came up out of the water, the heavens opened and he saw the in the form of a dove, descending and entering him. And a voice came out of heaven: “You are my beloved Son, in you I am well pleased.” Then it said, “Today I have given you birth”. And immediately a great light enlightened the place (Gospel of the Ebonites, Fragment 4).
The Angel entered into / and was born again in human form at his baptism.
Since was possessed by we need a name for him before that occurred, because the name, , is almost always used to refer to him after his baptism. Well, Isaiah prophesied as follows...
14 Therefore himself will give you men a sign: Look! The maiden herself will actually become pregnant, and she is giving birth to a son, and she will certainly call his name .
15 Butter and honey he will eat by the time that he knows how to reject the bad and choose the good (Isaiah 7).
Matthew quotes this scripture...
20 But after he had thought these things over, look! 's angel appeared to him in a dream, saying: Joseph,
son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife home, for that which has been begotten in her is by holy spirit.
21 She will give birth to a son, and you must call his name ,
for he will save his people from their sins.
22 All this actually came about for that to be fulfilled which was spoken by through his prophet, saying:
23 Look! The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son,
and they will call his name , which means, when translated, With Us Is God.
24 Then Joseph woke up from his sleep and did as the angel of had directed him, and he took his wife home.
But he had no intercourse with her until she gave birth to a son; and he
called his name .
So Joseph called the baby . But Mary and they [' fleshly relatives] called him . was a fairly common name back then and if you have a child conceived by holy spirit you do not call it 'Fred'. You call it 'Son of the spirit', or 'With us is God' or 'Divine kid' or something astounding.
It was this child that was choosing good and rejecting bad. So was the name that Mary and Joseph and their relatives used for 'their' child, , before entered him.
In fact we can prove that was , using the name , from Isaiah...
7 Look! is bringing up against them the mighty and the many waters of the River, the king of Assyria and all his glory. And he will certainly come up over all his streambeds and go over all his banks.
8 and move on through Judah. He will actually flood and pass over. Up to the neck he will reach. And the outspreading of his wings must occur to fill the breadth of your land,
Oh ! (Isaiah 8).
The King of Assyria did reach up to the neck of Israel, by surrounding Jerusalem, which is the head of Israel. Then God's angel killed 185,000 Assyrians in one day...
36 And the angel of proceeded to go forth and strike down 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians. When people rose up early in the morning, why, there all of them were dead carcasses (Isaiah 37).
A person prophetically called has some kind of possession of the land of Israel according to Isaiah, and he is being warned that the king of Assyria is about to conquer it, so he must be in a position to do something about that. was not a king of Judah, so he must be the guardian angel of Israel. Isaiah gives us a clue as to this identity of by describing the king of Assyria in angelic terms (as having wings). His wings were military of course. Now tells Daniel that the angel is the guardian angel of Israel...
21 However, I shall tell you the things noted down in the writing of truth, and there is no one holding strongly with me in these [things] but , the prince of you people (Daniel 10).
So was called , and it was who killed the 185,000 Assyrians, which is why Isaiah exclaimed Oh when reporting their activities. , who agreed to ransom Adam and therefore caused him to be passed over, would have therefore been the Passover angel who killed even more Egyptians than he did Assyrians, when Pharaoh refused to let the sons of Israel leave Egypt. You do not want to get on the wrong side of this guy. Those who persecute God's people are in big trouble!
So is a name that is called, but as we know was . So was . To be precise, Isaiah is referring to by the name that God knows his human vessel will be called before entered it. But presumably Mary and other members of ' family continued privately to call after entered. So that would indeed have been called whilst inside , by people who had not quite grasped the details of the angelic possession.
It is important to understand that was and furthermore had not sinned because Isaiah told us that he rejected bad by the time he was eating honey and butter. So he could not die when possessed his human body, so he must have been 'transferred so as not to see death', as Enoch was...
24 And Enoch kept walking with the [true] God. Then he was no more, for God took him (Genesis 5).
5 By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him, for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased God well (Hebrews 11).
So was instantaneously raptured out of his human body to be an angel.
was and therefore was not under any death penalty and therefore could not die when he gave up his human body. He had merely entered his associated angelic body. This was his rapture. He did not need to be in any adamic salvation covenant such as the first new covenant. In fact the word symbolic meaning of Isaiah 8 (a feature of the bible code) is that takes over as the guardian angel of Israel when enters . They appear to have swapped positions. really is the name of the spirit, the person who was for the first 30 years. is a different person from who was for the last 3½ years. So the person was not the person. But both spirits, both persons, inhabited the same human body sequentially. This is why Isaiah refers to as . We use and interchangeably throughout this site, as indeed the New Testament itself does. But really the body of Christ was , and the persons inside that body were and then . Christ is inside . There is no bible account of being called by anyone (other than Gospel writers themselves as narrators) before his baptism. John called him: The lamb of God. From this we deduce that he was known as . However he was called after he was baptised as well as because we read:
42 And they began saying: Is this not the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How is it that now he says: I have come down from heaven ? (John 6).
Traditionally Christians have been asked to believe that this man , who was God's human son, created by the immaculate conception, was resurrected and miraculously became an angel, because he was so good, after he died. It seems like a really incredible thing for God to do, although himself resurrected Lazarus and others as humans.
But once you realise that was the angel , who came down to angelically possess the human body of the original , the surrogate son of Joseph and Mary, and once you know how entered , taking this "slave's form" at his baptism, then it is much easier to believe that was resurrected.
6 who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.
7 No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men (Philippians 2).
For his resurrection was simply a return to the status quo ante. It was merely ’s exit back to being what he was before.
62 What, therefore, if you should behold the Son of man ascending to where he was before? (John 6 )
So here the entry fee for Christianity in terms of belief in miracles is considerably reduced. In fact it is almost obvious that would be resurrected back to his original form of life as a spirit being, in fact a God rather than an angel, after the job was finished.
We shall now discover that Enoch was and was temporarily possessed by the angel . We read of Enoch that:
So all the days of Enoch amounted to 365 years.
And Enoch kept walking with the [true]
God. Then he was no more, for God took him (Genesis 5).
So God took him at the end of his life and he was no more. But further informs us:
By faith Enoch was transferred/placed among/placed differently/placed elsewhere [
So when God took him, so that his days ended, he was transferred off the planet so as not to see death. Enoch could have ascended back to heaven or could have been transferred to begin Eden2 - see U54, without dying.
But the question is did God make some kind of exception in the case of Enoch amongst the sons of Adam. Did he decide that he would not apply the death penalty to him because he was such a good old chap, a jolly nice fellow? For that is how all the scriptures frame this. Moses answers:
The Rock, perfect is his activity,
For all his ways are justice.
A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice;
Righteous and upright is he (Deuteronomy 32).
So he did not break his own justice in the case of Enoch. So if Enoch did not die, then Enoch was not under a death sentence. And if Enoch was not under a death sentence then he was not a son of Adam. And if he was not a son of Adam then he was a son of God. Just like was.
Now we turn to the words of Peter:
Then Peter came up and said to him: Lord, how many times is my brother to sin against me and am I to forgive him? Up to 7 times?
said to him: I say to you, not, Up to 7 times, but, Up to 77 times (Matthew 18 ).
The Greek Interlinear is:
22 Not I am saying to you until 7 times, but until seventy times seven (Matthew 18 - KI)
The and the translate this verse as above. But this is dodging the issue of whether it is to be understood as:
Seventy times seven times, i.e. 490 times or just 77 times
i.e. or whether a further 'times' is to be understood and a multiplication is to be expected. Nowhere else in the bible in the literal meaning as far as we are aware is there such a multiplication.
No bible translates this as 490 times. Actually the Greek is:
ebdomhkontakiV (seventy times) epta (seven), and the Greek for 7 times is eptakiV.
The Greek for 77 is ebdomhkonta (seventy) epta (seven).
The Greek for 70 lots of 7 times would be:
ebdomhkonta (seventy) eptakiV (7 times) which is 70 lots of 7 times we think.
We can get help from the words of a certain Lamech to his wives:
Hear my voice, you wives of Lamech; Give ear to my saying:
A man I have killed for wounding me, Yes, a young man for giving me a blow.
If seven times Cain is to be avenged, Then Lamech seventy times and seven (Genesis 4)
So in this case where 7 times is compared to a larger number of times involving 70 and 7, it is 77 times. Now the translation of Genesis 4:24, which definitely means 77x is ...
ebdomhkontakiV (seventy times) epta (seven) for the Hebrew which we translate seventy times and seven.
The is a Greek translation of the old testament made for the Greek speaking world about 300 years before . So 77 times is certainly a valid translation..
Now the great thing to realise at this point is that was the 77th in line from God through Adam, Seth etc. Please indulge us whilst we describe the excitement that Massoud and Gordon had when they first saw the identity of Enoch.
Massoud rang Gordon and said, how many generations was it from Adam to . Gordon said I think it was 66 (maternal) or 77 (paternal). Massoud said: So was it 77? Gordon said it might have been. Massoud then quoted Jude:
Yes, the 7th one [in line] from Adam, Enoch, prophesied also regarding them, when he said:
Look! came with his holy myriads,
to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him (Jude).
Position | The 'Good' line | The 'Bad' line |
1 | Adam | |
2 | Seth | Cain |
3 | Enosh | Enoch |
4 | Kenan | Irad |
5 | Mahalalel | Mehujael |
6 | Jared | Methushael |
7 | Enoch | Lamech |
Lamech (not Noah's dad but Methushael's son) was the 7th in line not from Adam, but from who fathered Cain with Eve. And Cain was to be avenged for 7 times. Jude tells us that Enoch was the 7th in line from Adam through Seth. Luke 3 tells us that was the 77th in line from God through Adam. So Lamech's song is declaring that there seems to be some kind of relationship between the 7th time and the 77th time. But Enoch and , are related in this way, the one being the 7th time a son in the line is produced and the other being the 77th time. This does not prove that Enoch was but it got us thinking that he might be.
At this point we both got very excited and Gordon drove over to Massoud's place in Kensington. We then counted the descendents from Adam to as in Luke, the maternal line, and there were 76, so there were 77 in line from God to . So a comparison was definitely being made in the scriptures between Enoch being the 7th in line from Adam and being the 77th in line from God. And whereas the vengeance penalty on Cain ended after 7 times, the greater meaning of the vengeance penalty on Lamech ended after 77 generations with the death of , which was the forgiveness of Adam's sin, the end of vengeance from God on the sons of Adam - we thought.
Then we considered Peter's words about forgiveness, and we saw that there was a forgiveness 77 generations after God in the case of , but there wasn't any forgiveness 7 generations after Adam in the case of Enoch.
21 Then Peter came up and said to him: Lord, how many times is my brother to sin against me and am I to forgive him? Up to 7 times?
22 said to him: I say to you, not, Up to 7 times, but,
Up to 77 times (Matthew 18).
Now why would the bible make such a comparison? Massoud postulated that this was because Enoch was '', by which he meant possessed by . We already knew, as shown above, that Enoch was non Adamic since he did not die. The only other example that we had at that time of a man was , who was possessed by .
At this point we both started pacing around the room in a state of disbelief and well, ecstasy really. Then Gordon sat down and said:
'Before came into existence I have been' quoting ' words from:
Therefore the Jews said to him: You are not yet 50 years old, and still you have seen ?
said to them: Most truly I say to you, Before came into existence, I have been (John 8 ).
He has been here, Gordon exclaimed, that's what the scripture means. He has been here before!! (In fact saw when he possessed as we shall see in I22).
Then Gordon freaked out, because basically mankind had killed one of its patriarchs (although Enoch procreated before entered him)! When said at his death: Father forgive them for they know not what they do, they were killing their own ancestor. This was really something.
However John 8 above only proves that existed prior to , it does not prove that he existed as a human prior to 's human existence, although such an interpretation (indeed the one that Gordon made) is possible from the words. Then we understood this logically contorted scripture:
13 Moreover, no one has ascended into heaven but the [one] that descended from heaven, the Son of man (John 3).
This requires a clear thinking head. It is saying that the Son of man () has descended, and he is the one who has ascended. It is saying that the Son of man has both ascended and descended. But this statement was made at the beginning of ' ministry. So he had ascended before he died. So he must have descended and then ascended before his earthly ministry. So this was at least his second visit to us. We shall discover in I22, that several other characters both descend as humans and then ascend as angels. All of these are 'sons of man' in the sense that they are all involved in producing kingdom offspring for Adam. For more evidence that Enoch was possessed by see I22.
Then later we realised that the Hebrew word 'Enoch' means 'one trained up' or 'initiated'. So here was 's training to be the Messiah!!
The writer, Gordon, would like to say here. that this is a wonderful sacred secret, and that Massoud and he and the reader are all privileged to have been permitted to see it. But we are all shown this kindness, not due to our own righteousness but due to our love for and for God and for the truth and due to their love for us.
adds to the evidence in saying...
12 And again Isaiah says: There will be the root of Jesse, and there will be one arising to rule nations; on him nations will rest their hope (Romans 15).
A root comes before the tree. This is a family tree. was an ancestor of Jesse, who was the father of King David.
Agur the son of Jakeh in Proverbs helps greatly by saying...
4 Who has ascended to heaven that he may descend? Who has gathered the wind in the hollow of both hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in a mantle? Who has made all the ends of the earth to rise? What is his name and what the name of his son, in case you know?
5 Every saying of God is refined. He is a shield to those taking refuge in him. (Proverbs 30 )
Well it is . He ascended from earth to heaven in order that he may descend from heaven to earth. And the one who has gathered the wind in the hollow of both hands is and the name of his firstborn angelic son (who purchased these rights from in the greater bowl of stew deal) is .
Also did not kill his fleshly son but instead killed the lamb that God provided. Likewise Caiaphas did not kill the fleshly son of Joseph and Mary, but who was provided by God and who entered into at his baptism by John in the Jordan, when the dove came down and remained upon his head.
Now the fact that the sheep was caught in the thicket meant that he could not escape his fate. So indeed gave up his angelic superpowers which would have enabled him to jump off the stake prior to his impalement if he wanted. For it would have been impossible for him to self torture!
Furthermore the ram was caught by its horns in the thicket. A ram has two horns. These can stand for power (as in Daniel) or for priestly trumpets (as in Joshua6). Now ' sacrifice was dual powered. There was a human sacrifice on 33Nisan14 and an angelic one on 33Nisan16. Both of these dates are festivals.
21 and [while] I was yet speaking in the prayer, why,
the man, , whom I had seen in the vision at the start, having been
made weary with tiredness, was arriving by me at the time of the evening gift offering (Daniel 9).
So was a man whom Daniel has seen in a vision. But here he arrives physically.
1 Now the 2 angels arrived at Sodom by evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot caught sight of them, then he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the earth (Genesis 19).
5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them (Genesis 19).
10 So the men thrust out their hands and brought Lot in to them, into the house, and they shut the door (Genesis 19).
So these two angels were men. QED.
Note 1
It can be argued that ascended into heaven during his 3rd test in the wilderness by , for the scripture says:
Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory (Matthew 4).
Some mountain. There is no earthly mountain high enough for this. But the scripture continues...
9 and he said to him: All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.
10 Then said to him: Go away, ! For it is written: It is your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.
11 Then the Devil left him, and, look! angels came and began to minister to him (Matthew 4).
The angels would not have needed to minister to him if he was an angel in heaven and neither could he have fallen down as an angel. So this test was taken as a human on earth somehow.
We know that had a mum since said...
28 In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself,
29 for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation,
30 because we are members of his body.
31 For this reason a man will leave [his] father and [his] mother and he will stick to his wife, and the two will become one flesh [The narration of Genesis 2:24]
32 This sacred secret is great. Now I am speaking with respect to Christ and the congregation (Ephesians 5).
So as regards the Christ and the congregation, a man will leave his father and mother and stick to his wife. So Christ will leave his father and his mother ( and the 2nd ) and stick to his wife (the 3rd ).
This is also a proof that Adam. who fulfilled this prophecy first, had a mother (the holy spirit in the case of his angelic soul) in addition to his pre adamic mother, an archetypical pre-adamic Mary (for was the last Adam and therefore Adam was the first ). So Adam was created by God and the holy spirit, but he was a direct son of God, a first generation son of God as was . Adam was a direct brother of .