We know from Intro16 that possessed during his entire ministry from his baptism until his sacrificial death. We know from Intro18 that , who was , possessed John the baptist for his entire ministry. We shall now discover that was actually the original firstborn angel of God. But he lost his angelic firstborn rights. He sold them to actually in the greater bowl of soup deal - see U17. Although and agreed that would have a 6,000 year secular administration over mankind in return for his firstborn angelic rights, those rights were not transferred until ransomed Adam angelically on 33Sivan5, confirming his patriarchal authority over Adam and his sons. We shall discover that bought Adam and his offspring lock stock and barrel when he agreed to give his life to ransom Adam. And that this agreement was fulfilled when he expired sacrificially as a human on the stake on 33Nisan14 and when he presented his angelic body to God as a sacrifice on 33Nisan16, first fruits day (which sacrifice God executed at the Pentecost on 33Sivan5). These 3 angels are the key players in the story of mankind. In this section we shall discover and prove that they were born in the following order:
Let's start with Colossians 1:15
15 who is [the] image of the invisible God, [the] First-born of all creation.
16 For all things were created in Him, the things in the heavens, and the things on the earth, the visible and the invisible; whether thrones, or lordships, or rulers, or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him.
17 And He is before all things, and all things have subsisted in Him.
18 And He is the Head of the body, the church, who is [the] Beginning, [the] First-born out of [the] dead, that He be preeminent in all things; (Colossians 1 )
At first sight this looks like saying that was the firstborn of all creation in the sense that he was the first creation, the first angel God made, since angels were created first and then humans. But verse 18 reveals that is the firstborn out of the dead. What does that mean? It does not mean he was the first to be resurrected/born from the dead, because resurrected with Widow of Zarephath's son in 1Kings17, around 800 years before came along. It actually means that was not the firstborn until he died and was resurrected. He became the firstborn at his resurrection. To discover how, we consider the common demise of the firstborn sons of all of the patriarchs.
Adam the first born human son of God, lost his birthright to , the 2nd Adam, who was Jared in the pre-flood system, the 2nd born direct human son of God, traced his genealogy to nobody because he was God's direct son like Adam. He runs Eden2 - see U54, which Adam would have done had he not sinned. is the answer to the question: Well why did not God just create a 2nd Adam?
Adam's firstborn son Abel (Cain was a son of - see U314) lost his birthright to Seth.
Noah's firstborn son Ham, lost his birthright to Shem (proved later in the section).
's firstborn son lost his birthright to the second born .
's firstborn son Esau lost his birthright (for a bowl of soup) to the second born
's firstborn son Reuben, lost his birthright (due to his taking his father's concubine) to the 11th born Joseph
Joseph's firstborn son Manasseh lost his birthright to the second born Ephraim.
So to cut a long story short, every major patriarch in the bible had a firstborn son who lost his birthright to a later born son (who was more deserving except in the case of Abel and Seth). So what does all of this mean in the greatest fulfilment??
Well, did God not say: Israel is my son, my firstborn (Exodus 4:22)?
But Israel was not originally the firstborn of (whose father was whose father was ... whose father was Adam whose father was God). Israel was who was the second born. But Israel became the firstborn of and of God due to his spirituality. Likewise did his prophet not say
9 For I have become to Israel a Father; and as for Ephraim,
he is my firstborn (Jeremiah 31)?
But of course Ephraim was not the firstborn of Israel or the firstborn of Joseph. Manasseh was the firstborn of Joseph.
So the question is: Did this thing that happened with all of the patriarchs in the old testament happen also with the great Patriarch himself, ??
Was the firstborn originally or did he earn this right as a result of his spirituality, and did he replace the angel that was truly born first? After all he with his 12 apostles prefigure with his 12 sons. And 's name means 'surplanter'. Consider the following two groups of scriptures, one group set before died and the other after:
17 Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said:
This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved (Matthew 3).
5 While he was yet speaking, look! a bright cloud overshadowed them, and, look! a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved; listen to him. (Matthew 17).
11 And a voice came out of the heavens: You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you (Mark 1).
7 And a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud: This is my Son, the beloved; listen to him. (Mark 9).
22 And the holy spirit in bodily shape as/like a dove came down upon him, and a voice came out of heaven: You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you (Luke 3).
Nowhere in the gospels or before did the true God say of or of : You are my firstborn son, the beloved, I have approved you...
But after the resurrection we read:
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1).
18 And he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become the one who is first in all things (Colossians 1).
6 But when he again brings his Firstborn into the inhabited earth, he says: And let all God's angels do obeisance to him (Hebrews 1).
But then we must realise one thing. committed suicide inside Judas on the same day that was sacrificed in ...
3 But entered into Judas, the one called Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve (Luke 22).
So presumably God resurrected before he resurrected , thereby reversing their physical birth orders as well as transferring the firstborn rights.
Now why was it that was the anointed Cherub covering Eden?
13 In Eden, the garden of God, you proved to be. Every precious stone was your covering, ruby, topaz and jasper; chrysolite,
onyx and jade; sapphire, turquoise and emerald; and of gold was the workmanship of your settings and your sockets in you. In the day of your being created they were made ready.
14 You are the anointed cherub that is covering, and I have set you. On the holy mountain of God you proved to be. In the midst of fiery stones you walked about.
15 You were faultless in your ways from the day of your being created until unrighteousness was found in you (Ezekiel 28).
Well, Adam was God's own son, a son created by God alone, the most important addition to the family.
had the top job of looking after him because this job was the right of the firstborn angel, who was the head of the first , through whom everything would have been done according to the Modus operandi of God, who gives his firstborn covenanted rights to be his CEO.
Daniel reveals this great secret:
13 But the prince of the royal realm of Persia was standing in opposition to me for 21 days, and, look! , ONE [dx'a, means 'one'. It can also mean 'first' but only with reference to the first day of the month according to Gesenius] of the foremost princes [he had not received the firstborn right at that time], came to help me; and I, for my part, remained there beside the kings of Persia (Daniel 10).
One of the foremost princes? Yes. But firstborn angel no. Firstborn angel with everlasting life - yes. So archangel? Yes, for Jude describes him as such...
9 But when the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses' body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms, but said: May rebuke you. (Jude 1 )
This was because was the archangel (the head angel, the head of the 2nd ) at the time of his dispute with over Moses. Whereas he was a God at the time of Jude writing his letter. But he was not the firstborn angel at the time of his dispute with over Moses.
also explicitly declares that he did eventually become the firstborn:
18 and he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become
[gi,nomai] the one who is first in all things (Colossians 1 - ).
18 And himself is the head of the body -- the assembly -- who is a beginning, a first-born out of the dead, that he might become [gi,nomai] in all {things} -- himself -- first, (Colossians 1 YLT).
These two correct translations of gi,nomai show that became the firstborn angel of God at his resurrection from the dead. We must harmonise this with proverbs:
22 himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago.
23 From time indefinite I was installed, from the start, from times earlier than the earth (Proverbs 8).
27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there (Proverbs 8).
The beginning of his way, and the earliest of his achievements relates to the creation of a loyal character not to creation itself it would appear, hence we read:
30 then I came to be beside him as a master worker, and I came to be the one he was specially fond of day by day, I being glad before him all the time (Proverbs 8).
Had been the firstborn then he would not have "come to be" the one he was specially fond of, he would have always been that one.
9 For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every [other] name (Philippians 2).
There is no position superior to God's firstborn angel other than that of a God like . So earned this position by his sacrifice.
14 And to the angel of the congregation in Laodicea write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God (Revelation 3).
This is the same statement as: Israel is my firstborn. This is: is the firstborn. He is, but not by birth. He is the beginning of creation by God, but not by originally being the beginning of creation by God, rather by becoming this beginning.
32 And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Genesis 5 )
32 And Noah got to be 500 years old. After that [terrible translation] Noah became father to Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Genesis 5 )
32 And Noah was five hundred years old. And Noah fathered Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Genesis 5 )
6 And Noah was 600 years old when the deluge of waters occurred on the earth (Genesis 7).
10 Shem was 100 years old when he became father to Arpachshad 2 years after the deluge (Genesis 11).
From these 3 scriptures it is apparent that Shem was 100 years old when Noah was 602. So Noah was 502 years old when he produced Shem. But he was 500 years old when he produced his firstborn son. So Shem wasn't the firstborn. Shem was the 2nd born because he was born 2 years after the firstborn and gestation periods were 18 months in those days.
The account in Genesis 9 of Noah's wine production experiment reveals that Ham saw Noah's nakedness, when Noah had had too much wine, and did not cover his father up. Instead he told Shem and Japheth about it, who did cover their father up walking in backwards and not seeing their father's nakedness. But Canaan, Ham's son, ended up being cursed as a result of this little drama. From this we must infer that Ham also told Canaan his son about Noah's nakedness or vice versa and Canaan abused this nakedness in some way. We therefore see that Ham and one of his sons abused his father and the situation was rectified by Shem and Japheth.
20 Now Noah started off as a farmer and proceeded to plant a vineyard.
21 And he began drinking of the wine and became intoxicated, and so he uncovered himself in the midst of his tent.
22 Later Ham, the father of Canaan saw his father's nakedness and went telling it to his two brothers outside.
23 At that Shem and Japheth took a mantle and put it upon both their shoulders and walked in backwards. Thus they covered their father's nakedness, while their faces were turned away, and they did not see their father's nakedness.
24 Finally Noah awoke from his wine and got to know what his youngest son [Canaan, a grandson was a son to early man]
had done to him [not had seen him, but had done to him - sexually - oh dear].
25 At this he said: Cursed be Canaan. Let him be a slave of slaves to his brothers [in Ham - who therefore must also be slaves. This means Ham himself has been demoted so as to become a slave to his brothers by losing his firstborn rights].
26 And he added: Blessed be , Shem's God, And let Canaan become a slave to him.
27 Let God grant ample space to Japheth, And let him reside in the tents of Shem.
Let Canaan become a slave to him also [demoting him from first born to 3rd born behind both Shem and Japheth. Canaan must have treated Noah like a slave - taking some form of sexual advantage of Noah's naked flesh, which could not have been that of his wife - Canaan's grandmother -
because had she been there then she would have covered him over and none of this would have occurred] (Genesis 9).
Ham saw Noah nakedness and failed to cover it up which was wrong. Canaan was a son of Ham and therefore also a son of Noah to God and to early mankind and to the Hebrews later. So Ham disrespected his father, broadcasting his nakedness. Whereas was Shem's God. If Canaan was cursed as a result of what he did to a naked Noah, and Ham failed to rectify a situation which led to that abuse, then Ham would most certainly not have received the firstborn blessing. The law of Moses was clear about this...
6 'You people must not come near, any man of you, to any close fleshly relative of his to lay bare nakedness [there is an implied passion]. I am .
7 The nakedness of your father and the nakedness of your mother you must not lay bare. She is your mother. You must not lay bare her nakedness. (Leviticus 18 )
Ham abused his father's nakedness by broadcasting it to the entire family rather than covering it up. This would have lost him his firstborn rights had he been the genetic firstborn. Canaan did something worse, treating Noah like a slave presumably, and was therefore sentenced to be a slave of slaves, i.e. his brothers in Ham, were to become slaves. So all of Ham's sons were to become slaves. So he lost his firstborn rights.
If Japheth was to reside in the tents of Shem, then Shem was to inherit the family tents and so was to become the first born. This statement would have been unnecessary had he already been the first born. So he must have become the firstborn as a result of this misadventure. So he must have taken those rights from Ham.
We have already seen in the cases of all the major patriarchs that the firstborn son represents and a later born son who represents gets the firstborn rights. In the case of Noah, there were 3 sons, one of whom behaved badly and the other two behaved well. So we equate the 3rd son with . Then since the birth order of Noah's 3 sons was Ham, Shem, Japheth. We deduce that the birth order of the 3 angels was , , .
There is a similarity between the actions of who abused God's naked flesh by committing adultery with Eve whilst being the head of the first and therefore being married to God himself. And Ham who treated his father Noah's flesh with contempt. The Tent is the Garden of Eden. Cain is Canaan. The Mantle, the covering came from the mediator of the and the and from who possessed Methuselah, the mediator of the .
So just as Shem and Japheth covered Noah's naked flesh which was abused by Ham with the mantle. So and covered God's naked flesh (Adam and Eve, since if Israel is and his human sons and daughters, the is and his human sons and daughters), that was abused by , with salvation covenants and validation sacrifices.