is a key character in the scriptures, but no man in recent times has known who he was. So, OK, put down your Agatha Christie novel, turn off your favourite detective series, put on your Sherlock Holmes hat, and lets do some detective work with the bible to find this elusive character. describes as follows...
1 For this , king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him.
2 and to whom apportioned a tenth from all things, is first of all, by translation, "King of Righteousness," and is then also king of Salem, that is, "King of Peace."
3 In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually.
4 Behold, then, how great this man was to whom , the family head, gave a tenth out of the chief spoils.
5 True, the men from the sons of Levi who receive their priestly office have a commandment to collect tithes from the people according to the Law, that is, from their brothers, even if these have issued from the loins of .
But the man who did not trace his genealogy from them took tithes from and blessed him who had the promises (Hebrews 7).
God himself is both fatherless and motherless, being uncreated (whatever that means). All the rest of creation has both a father and a mother. But here is fatherless and motherless having no genealogy and no beginning of days nor end of life, this is the precise DNA of God.
Lets us build up a detective's white board for , like chief inspector Cluseau would do.
1. was , being made like the son of God.
2. He was without genetic/physical parents.
3. He had everlasting life.
4. He was in some sense without genealogy.
5. He was not a son of .
6. He was a high priest, with a priesthood greater than the Levitical priesthood
7. paid tithes (10% of everything) to him.
These are 7 distinguishing features of . Who else in the scriptures matches this profile? Well there is a chap with a very strange genealogy who lived at the time when paid tithes to , called Cainan.
Luke says that Cainan was a son of Arpachshad and that Shelah was a son of Cainan.
[Son] of the Eber
[Son] of the Shelah
[Son] of the Cainan
[Son] of the Arpachshad
[Son] of the Shem
[Son] of the Noah (Luke 3 )
Whereas Moses describes Shelah as the son not of Cainan but of Arpachshad both in Genesis 10 and in Genesis 11.
And Arpachshad became father to Shelah, and Shelah became father to Eber (Genesis 10).
And Arpachshad lived 35 years. Then he became father to Shelah.
And after his fathering Shelah Arpachshad continued to live 403 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
And Shelah lived 30 years. Then he became father to Eber
And after his fathering Eber Shelah continued to live 403 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters (Genesis 11).
So now please dear reader, indulge the writer whilst he asks a load of transparently rhetorical questions. Was the God who created all of our languages in one instant at the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:7), unable to get two of his bible writers to write consistent accounts about Cainan? Is the one who stretched out the heavens by his own understanding, incapable of understanding the genealogy of one man?
12 He is the Maker of the earth by his power, the One firmly establishing the productive land by his wisdom, and the One who by his understanding stretched out the heavens [Yes, an expanding universe, not known by mankind until Edward Hubble in 1929]. (Jeremiah 10 )
Did the one whose abundance in dynamic energy created all the stars (Isaiah 40:26) run out of batteries when it came to inspiring both Luke and Moses?
Evidently not. So if we cannot reconcile these two accounts then it is our understanding and our power that is failing, not God's. So how do we reconcile these two accounts? Well the key line is to be found in Luke...
23 Furthermore, himself, when he commenced [his work], was about 30 years old, being the son, as the opinion was, of Joseph, [son] of Heli (Luke 3).
Luke is a genealogy that is not wholly physical. For was not a physical son of Joseph. Whereas Genesis 11, being an old testament genealogy, is entirely physical. So the ancestral path of Genesis from Arpachshad to Shelah is entirely physical, and Shelah was Arpachshad's genetic son, whereas the ancestral path of Luke from Arpachshad to Cainan to Shelah cannot have been entirely physical.
But nonetheless Cainan replaces Arpachshad who was Shelah's genetic father. How can this be? Well, Luke is telling us that Arpachshad was not Shelah's genetic father at the time Shelah had Eber, whereas Genesis is telling us that he was Shelah's genetic father at the time Arpachshad had Shelah. So between his birth and his fathering of Eber, Shelah must have changed fathers somehow. In other words he changed human bodies. We do know how he did this because being Christians, we believe in the resurrection of the dead. So Shelah died and was resurrected. Cainan is therefore the father of Shelah by resurrection. In other words Cainan resurrected Shelah.
In this way Lazarus also had two physical fathers, his genetic father and . Because his genetic father did not father the second body of Lazarus, mediated the creation of that body. It was actually a non-adamic body, because Lazarus, having died, was no longer under an adamic death sentence. No doubt Lazarus’ second body looked exactly like the first, but his second father was the eternal father, Christ. You may ask then why did Lazarus die a second time? The answer is that he received a body which still aged otherwise he would have been a Kingdom manifestation, a walking faith test short circuiter to all who saw him. So he did age and die as a human. But he did not enter into adamic death, rather was resurrected into the ark after 5/10 hours asleep as was the Christ. He died the death of the Christ, a free death, a death outside of Adam's death sentence.
A resurrection is really the highest form of human priesthood. It was not possible for a son of post fall Adam, being under a death penalty himself, to resurrect anyone, during the (a priesthood malediction - see U128) before died and ransomed Adam both angelically and humanly, releasing both him and his sons from that death penalty and ending the Alienation times on 33Sivan5, when God took the ransom he was given on 33Nisan16. Peter resurrected Dorcas and resurrected Eutychus after died.
40 But Peter put everybody outside and, bending his knees, he prayed, and, turning to the body, he said: Tabitha, rise!" She opened her eyes and, as she caught sight of Peter, she sat up (Acts 9).
9 Seated at the window, a certain young man named Eutychus fell into a deep sleep while kept talking on, and, collapsing in sleep, he fell down from the third story and was picked up dead.
10 But went downstairs, threw himself upon him and embraced him and said: Stop raising a clamour, for his soul is in him.
11 He now went upstairs and began the meal and took food, and after conversing for quite a while, until daybreak, he at length departed.
12 So they took the boy away alive and were comforted beyond measure (Acts 20).
All the resurrections of the old testament (including those by and Elisha) were in fact performed by humans. So Cainan was a priest. But Luke describes him as a 'of Arpachshad'. So one might imagine that Cainan was a genetic son of Arpachshad and so a brother of Shelah who resurrected him before he begat Eber. But was fatherless and motherless in the post flood system. And a genetic son of Arpachshad would not be able to resurrect Shelah.
In fact Peter and both had everlasting life when they performed their resurrections. One cannot direct the (which is the collection of all the holy spirits - see I11), without being oneself a holy spirit, i.e. having oneself been declared righteous in the spirit, i.e. having been given everlasting life - see U13. Also no son of Adam could resurrect anybody during the priesthood malediction of the from 2488Sivan BC to 33Sivan5 AD. So Cainan, who resurrected Shelah, was and had everlasting life. So he qualifies to be . But how could he have been 'of Arpachshad'? There are many ways. He could have been of the house of Arpachshad not genetically but simply by living with him as a family member as a proselyte to his house. He needed some kind of cover story.
But if just beamed down to the post flood system, where did he come from?
Well he was made like the son of God. So he was a son to surrogate parents. These parents did not exists in the post flood system for which he had no traceable genealogy. So they existed in the preflood system. There were 3 patriarchs in that system, Jared, who lived 962 years (2 too many for an adamic), Enoch, who was transferred so as not to see death and therefore was not under the adamic death sentence and therefore was , and Methuselah who lived 969 years (9 too many to be adamic). We saw that possessed Enoch in I16. Methuselah was a but had a genealogy from Enoch who was his father. Whereas the father of Jared is listed as Mahalalel, who was adamic. So Mahalalel was the surrogate father of the adamically conceived Jared. But then God gene zapped him to be and that made his fatherless and motherless and without a human genealogy. So Jared was .
So Jared, died not judicially but sacrificially (being ), and then beamed down as a human to be Cainan (who was ), then Jehoiada, then Daniel, then Simeon. Furthermore each time he beamed down he presided over the entrance of the Angel into another human. Understanding this, is the key to unlocking the identities of all 15 or more humans in the bible - see I21.
The Septuagint (the first Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, made by 70 Greek scholars in Alexandria in the 3rd century BC), helps us out here.
And Arpachshad lived 135 years and begat Cainan. And Arpachshad lived after he begat Cainan 430 [400] years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Cainan lived 130 years and begat Sala (Shelah) and Cainan lived after he begat Shelah 330 years and begat sons and daughters and died.
And Shelah lived 130 years and begat Heber (Eber). And Shelah lived after he begat Eber 330 years and begat sons and daughters and died ( Genesis 11).
These 'begat's are all second births, since we know from the (the Hebrew old testament) that the first births were much earlier...
And Arpachshad became father to Shelah, and Shelah became father to Eber (Genesis 10).
And Arpachshad lived 35 years. Then he became father to Shelah.
And after his fathering Shelah, Arpachshad continued to live 403 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
And Shelah lived 30 years. Then he became father to Eber
And after his fathering Eber, Shelah continued to live 403 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters ( Genesis 11).
35 [son] of Serug,
[son] of Reu,
[son] of Peleg,
[son] of Eber,
[son] of Shelah,
36 [son] of Cainan,
[son] of Arpachshad,
[son] of Shem,
[son] of Noah,
[son] of Lamech, (Luke 3 )
The ages in the are how long each patriarch procreated for ('became father to sons and daughters').. The ages in the are how long each patriarch lived for ('and died'). The procreation in the is angelic in the Royal line not human. It appears that the patriarchs in the royal line to had some involvement in the angelic births of their sons.
Jared was the first human born after Adam sinned. So he is the firstborn human. So he is the firstborn edenic or kingdom human. So he is the head of all humans in the first which was established on Eden2 - see U54. He is King of Salem1. Jerusalem is Salem2.
2 and to whom apportioned a tenth from all things, is first of all, by translation, "King of Righteousness," and is then also king of Salem, that is, "King of Peace" (Hebrews 7).
And since it is written...
6 Just as he says also in another place: You are a priest forever according to the manner of . (Hebrews 5)
has everlasting life and will never lose it or his priesthood. is the second Adam. is the last Adam, the last son of Man.
1 For this , king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him.
2 and to whom apportioned a tenth from all things, is first of all, by translation, "King of Righteousness," and is then also king of Salem, that is, "King of Peace."
3 In being fatherless, motherless, without [human]
genealogy [being a son of God like Adam, the second Adam in fact], having neither a beginning of days [in the peri-flood system, having descended into it in adult form. He did have a beginning of days in the pre-flood system in Jared] nor an end of life [got everlasting life], but having been made [originally]
like the Son of God [like . So he was a human, Jared, with surrogate adamic parents, Mr and Mrs Mahalalel], he remains a priest perpetually.
4 Behold, then, how great this man was to whom , the family head, gave a tenth out of the chief spoils.
5 True, the men from the sons of Levi who receive their priestly office have a commandment to collect tithes from the people according to the Law, that is, from their brothers, even if these have issued from the loins of .
But the man who did not trace his genealogy from them took tithes from and blessed him who had the promises (Hebrews 7).