'If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank'. - Woody Allen
3 Times Balaam asked God to curse his people, in 3 different places, and 3 times the result was that:
5 And your God did not want to listen to Balaam, but your God changed the malediction into a blessing, because your God loved you (Deuteronomy 23).
As regards the three wonderful attempts to get the true God to curse his own people, we read:
41 And it came about in the morning that Balak went taking Balaam and bringing him up to Bamoth-baal [High places of Baal] [The governing body of the Watchtower, the prophets of Baal of 1Kings18], that he might see from there the whole of the people.
1 Then Balaam said to Balak: Build for me on this spot 7 altars and make ready for me on this spot 7 bulls and 7 rams (Numbers 23).
14 So he took him to the field of Zophim [Lean forward, lookout, rubber-neck-it. this word can mean cover over or shine which are opposites which may relates to the cursing blessing contradiction] [the congregation of lean forwarders, rubber-neckers, prophets, the s], to the top of Pisgah [fragment] [the top of the tiny administration], and proceeded to build 7 altars and to offer up a bull and a ram on each altar [Balak did but not Balaam] (Numbers 23).
28 With that Balak took Balaam to the top of Peor [hiatus or break], which looks toward Jeshimon [overlay/cover over] [Laodicea, because they have a hiatus between their first true church period and their 2nd true church period]
29 Then Balaam said to Balak: Build for me on this spot 7 altars and make ready for me on this spot 7 bulls and 7 rams.
30 So Balak did just as Balaam had said, and he [Balak only] went offering up a bull and a ram on each altar. (Numbers 23 )
In 1874 Charles Taze Russell had one witness to the fact that the Gentile times would end in 1914 BCE (Daniel 4). He did not even have any Signs of the Times! In fact all of the evidence around him belied the proximity of the Lords day.
He founded the Watchtower, being the 3rd hidden son of Ornan (1 Chronicles 21 - [40]), being the 3rd antitypical , being the first one of the second baptism of the new covenant saints, on this basis. But we now have many many witnesses to three 2520 year periods, the , the and the .
1 Then the sons of Israel pulled away and encamped on the desert plains of Moab [Water-Father]
[the s, sons of the water baptism - but they have lost it hence the desert plains] across the Jordan from Jericho.
2 And Balak [empty,
void] [, the administration of the Watchtower] the son of Zippor [a small bird] got to see all that Israel had done to the Amorites.
3 And Moab became very frightened at the people, because they were many; and Moab began to feel a sickening dread of the sons of Israel.
4 And Moab proceeded to say to the older men of Midian [contention/strife]
[s who never had a water baptism and so were never sons of Russell]: Now this congregation will lick up all our surroundings like the bull licking up the green growth of the field. And Balak the son of Zippor was king of Moab at that particular time.
Knowledge of Laodicea is getting out at congregation level perhaps around the main Bethels only.
5 He now sent messengers to Balaam [~['l.Bi]
[the not-people a combination of lB;
not and people ~[']
[they are not sincere s and not sincere s]
the son of Beor [lamp] [Gordon,
4] at Pethor [the interpretation of dreams] [Joseph/Daniel],
which is by the River of the land of the sons of his people, to call him,
saying: Look! A people has come out from Egypts. Look! He has covered the eye of the earth, and he is dwelling opposite me.
6 And now do come, please; do curse this people for me,
for they are mightier than I am. Perhaps I may be able to strike them and I may drive them out of the land; for I well know that the one whom you bless is a blessed one and the one whom you curse is cursed.
This is the administration of the Watchtower asking the administration of Laodicea to curse its own people! Laodicea was permitted to exist so long as it did not cause a problem for the congregations. The Passover changes things. So now the administration of Laodicea is asked to ruin its own congregations for the sake of the Watchtower congregations. This is set literally before he gets on his ass. But symbolically it is set after he gets on his ass.
7 So the older men of Moab and the older men of Midian travelled with the payments for divination in their hands and went to Balaam and spoke to him Balak's words.
8 At that he said to them: Lodge here tonight, and I shall certainly return you word just as may speak to me. Accordingly the princes of Moab stayed with Balaam.
9 Then God came to Balaam and said: Who are these men with you?
10 So Balaam said to the [true] God: Balak the son of Zippor, the king of Moab, has sent to me, saying,
11 'Look! The people, the [ones] coming from Egypts, has even covered the eye of the earth [has prevented the congregation from seeing the symbolic meanings of the bible]. Now do come, do hollow-out/curse/execrate them [bb;q'] for me.
Perhaps I may be able to fight against them and I shall actually drive them out.'
12 But God said to Balaam: You must not go with them. You must not curse [rr:a']
the people, for they are blessed.
13 After that Balaam got up in the morning and said to the princes of Balak: Go to your country, because has refused to let me go with you.
14 So the princes of Moab got up and came to Balak and said: Balaam has refused to come with us.
15 However, Balak sent again other princes in greater number and more honorable than the former.
16 In turn they came to Balaam and said to him: This is what Balak the son of Zippor has said, 'Do not be detained, please, from coming to me.
17 For I shall without fail honor you greatly, and everything you may say to me I shall do. So do come, please. Do execrate this people for me.'
18 But Balaam answered and said to the servants of Balak:
If Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I should not be able to pass beyond the order of my God, so as to do something small or great.
19 And now you men also stay here, please, tonight that I may know what further will speak with me [ has already told Balaam not to go].
20 Then God came to Balaam by night and said to him: If it is to call you that the men have come, get up, go with them. But only the word that I shall speak to you is what you may speak.
21 After that Balaam got up in the morning and saddled his she-ass and went with the princes of Moab.
22 And the anger of God began to blaze because he was going; and 's angel [Russell - he has the sword of God in his hand - just like Joshua 5:13-15]
proceeded to station himself in the road to resist him. And he was riding upon his she-ass, and 2 attendants [2 supporting Laodicean Governing members - Ahab of 1Kings18] of his were with him.
23 And the ass got to see 's angel stationed in the road with his drawn sword in his hand [This angel is Russell]; and the ass tried to turn aside from the road [the direction of the Watchtower] that she might go into the field [the Laodicean congregation wanted to leave the s and go into the world], but Balaam began to strike the ass in order to turn her aside to the road.
24 And 's angel kept standing in the narrow way [to everlasting life] of the vineyards [the path for saints into the walled vineyard of the descended Russell and for saints into the walled vineyard of Gordon] with a stone wall on this side and a stone wall on that side [the poor Laodiceans have to obey the law of the and the law of the at the same time. They are to become the mediators between the two vineyards].
25 And the she-ass kept seeing 's angel and began to squeeze herself against the wall and so to squeeze Balaam's foot against the wall [the ass has chosen the law of the and tries to force Balaam into that law alone for 5x]; and he went beating her some more.
26 's angel now passed over again and stood in a narrow place, where there was no way to turn aside to the right or the left.
27 When the ass got to see 's angel she now lay down under Balaam; so that Balaam's anger blazed, and he kept beating the ass with his staff [the authority of the reappointed Laodicean administration. Staff but no sword].
28 Finally opened the mouth of the ass [Laodicea starts to speak. When you open the mouth of an ass you see 36 teeth. cannot do anything to the ass until it becomes a true church on 2019Ab21, in fact until it becomes operational on 2019Tishri10, the 5th Pentecost (and Atonement day). Then 36 days from 2019Tishri10 to 2019Heshvan16, when the ass starts to speak. We sent our first version of this understanding to our mailing list on 2019Nisan5] and she said to Balaam: What have I done to you so that you have beaten me these 3 Feet? [That is the key question]
1. The ass tried to leave the Watchtower for the world
2. The ass tried to force the footsteps/foot of Balaam into the law of the s.
3. She understood the Sabbath payback period and accepted it and went on a deliberate Sabbath.
The pressure point here is the Passover, which is symbolised by the foot. 3 feet are the 3 Watchtower Passovers in one meaning.
29 At this Balaam said to the ass: It is because you have dealt ruthlessly with me. If only there were a sword in my hand, for now I should have killed you! [yes, had Balaam been watching and researching the bible he would have been able to baptise Laodiceans non adamically killing them to Adam after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, the end of the water baptism for Laodicea]
30 And the she-ass said to Balaam: Am I not your she-ass that you have ridden upon all your life long until this day? [No you are not. You are the she ass of the s and you should never have been ridden by , a to money changer] Have I ever been used to do to you this way? To which he said: No! [1 answer to 2 questions]
31 And proceeded to uncover Balaam's eyes [2x], and he saw 's angel [Russell] stationed in the road and his drawn sword in his hand [1x+5x=6x]. And he bowed low and prostrated himself to his nostrils [dual] [1x+2x=3x]
A total of 11x from ??
hid 4 from Ahab until 2005Elul16 (3x of Here is of 1Kings18 from 2002Elul16, the baptism of Roger Knight) and Ahab hid 4 from Balaam and from the Laodicean congregation. So the President of Laodicea has always known the source of the Laodicean food and water baptism (as does , the Angel of Laodicea). But the rest of the Laodicean administration do not. Also does not recognise 4 as , the Angel of Philadelphia. The brothers who visit Joseph do not know he is Joseph.
32 Then 's angel said to him: Why have you beaten your she-ass these 3 Feet? Look! I -- I have come out to offer resistance, because your way has been headlong against my will [Against the will of Russell].
33 And the she-ass got to see me and tried to turn aside before me these 3 Feet. Supposing she had not turned aside from before me! For by now even you I should have killed, but her I should have preserved alive.
34 At this Balaam said to 's angel: I have sinned,
because I did not know that it was you stationed in the road to meet me. And now, if it is bad in your eyes, let me go my way back.
35 But 's angel said to Balaam: Go with the men;
and nothing but the word that I shall speak to you is what you may speak. And Balaam continued going with the princes of Balak.
3 feet are 15x. the 3rd beating was with his staff. The first two are not said to be with the staff.
36 When Balak got to hear that Balaam had come, he at once went out to meet him at the city of Moab, which is on the bank of the Arnon,
which is on the extremity of the territory [they met at the temporal extremity of the Watchtower. The bank of the Arnon is after the end of the water baptism].
37 Then Balak said to Balaam: Have I not for a fact sent to you to call you? Why did you not come to me? Am I not really and truly able to honor you?
38 At this Balaam said to Balak: Here I have come to you now. Shall I be able at all to speak something? The word that God will place in my mouth is what I shall speak.
39 So Balaam went with Balak and they came to Kiriath-huzoth [City of the division/middle] [FDFS3 is divided into two administrations. One of the Watchtower and one of Laodicea].
40 And Balak proceeded to sacrifice cattle and sheep and to send some to Balaam and the princes who were with him.
41 And it came about in the morning that Balak went taking Balaam and bringing him up to Bamoth-baal [High places of Baal] [The governing body of the Watchtower, the prophets of Baal of 1Kings18], that he might see from there the whole of the people. (Numbers 22 )
1 Then Balaam said to Balak: Build for me on this spot 7 altars and make ready for me on this spot 7 bulls and 7 rams.
2 Balak immediately did just as Balaam had spoken. After that Balak and Balaam offered up a bull and a ram on each altar.
3 And Balaam went on to say to Balak: Station yourself by your burnt offering, and let me go. Perhaps will get in touch and meet with me. In that case whatever he will show me, I shall certainly tell you. So he went to a bare [place].
4 When God got in touch with Balaam, he then said to Him:
I arranged-in-order/arranged sequentially the 7 altars, and I proceeded to offer up a bull and a ram on each altar.
5 Accordingly put a word in the mouth of Balaam and said: Return to Balak, and this is what you will speak.
6 So he returned to him, and, look! he and all the princes of Moab were stationed by his burnt offering.
7 Then he took up his proverbial utterance and said: From Aram Balak the king of Moab tried to conduct me, From the mountains of the east:
'Do come, do curse for me. Yes, do come, do denounce Israel.'
8 How could I execrate those whom God has not execrated?
And how could I denounce those whom has not denounced? [Literally there was no curse. So in the greater meaning there is - Binary Question Principle]
9 For from the top of the rocks I see them, And from the hills I behold them. There as a people they keep tabernacling isolated, And among the nations they do not reckon themselves.
10 Who has numbered the dust particles of , And who has counted the 4th part of Israel? Let my soul die the death of the upright ones, And let my end turn out afterward like theirs.
11 At this Balak said to Balaam: What have you done to me?
It was in order to execrate my enemies that I took you, and here you have blessed them to the limit.
12 In turn he answered and said: Is it not whatever may put in my mouth that I should take care to speak?
13 Then Balak said to him: Do come, please, with me to another place from which you can see them. Only the extremity of them you will see, and you will not see all of them. And execrate [bb;q']
them for me from there [curse the s].
14 So he took him to the field of Zophim [Lean forward, lookout, rubber-neck-it. this word can mean cover over or shine which are opposites which may relates to the cursing blessing contradiction] [the congregation of lean forwarders, rubber-neckers, prophets, the s],
to the top of Pisgah [fragment] [the top of the tiny administration], and proceeded to build 7 altars and to offer up a bull and a ram on each altar [Balak did but not Balaam].
15 After that he said to Balak: Station yourself here by your burnt offering, and, as for me, let me get in touch with him there.
16 Subsequently got in touch with Balaam and put a word in his mouth and said: Return to Balak, and this is what you will speak.
17 So he came to him, and, look! he was stationed by his burnt offering, and the princes of Moab with him. Then Balak said to him: What has spoken?
18 At this he took up his proverbial utterance and said:
Get up, Balak, and listen. Do give ear to me, Oh son of Zippor.
19 God is not a man that he should tell lies, Neither a son of mankind that he should feel regret. Has he himself said it and will he not do it, And has he spoken and will he not carry it out?
20 Look! I have been taken to bless, And He has blessed,
and I shall not reverse it.
21 He has not looked upon any uncanny power against ,
And no trouble has he seen against Israel. his God is with him, And the loud hailing of a king is in his midst.
22 God is bringing them out of Egypt. The swift course like that of a wild bull is his.
23 For there is no unlucky spell against , Nor any divination against Israel. At this time it may be said respecting and Israel, 'What has God worked out!'
24 Behold, a people will get up like a lion, And like the lion it will lift itself up. It will not lie down until it may eat prey, And the blood of slain ones it will drink.
25 At this Balak said to Balaam: If, on the one hand, you cannot execrate him at all, then, on the other hand, you should not bless him at all.
26 In turn Balaam answered and said to Balak: Did I not speak to you, saying, 'All that will speak is what I shall do'?
27 Then Balak said to Balaam: Oh come, please. Let me take you to still another place. Perhaps it will be right in the eyes of the [true]
God so that you will certainly execrate him for me from there.
28 With that Balak took Balaam to the top of Peor [hiatus or break], which looks toward Jeshimon [overlay/cover over] [Laodicea, because they have a hiatus between their first true church period and their 2nd true church period]
29 Then Balaam said to Balak: Build for me on this spot 7 altars and make ready for me on this spot 7 bulls and 7 rams.
30 So Balak did just as Balaam had said, and he [Balak only] went offering up a bull and a ram on each altar. (Numbers 23 )
In each case in the literal account, for the duration of the 7x of sacrifice it is not know whether there will be a curse of a blessing. But at the end of these 7x a blessing is given. Combining that with the Binary Question principle applied to verse 9, gives a malediction lasting for 7x.
So we have the Watchtower (7 saintly Rams) and the Watchtower (7 priestly Bulls) of Balak and Balaam at Batmoth Baal
We have the Laodicean (7 saintly Rams) and the Laodicean (7 priestly Bulls) of Balak only at the top of Peor towards Jeshimon
And we have the (7 saintly Rams) and the (7 priestly Bulls) of Balak only at the top of Pisgah in the field of Zophim
1 When Balaam got to see that it was good in the eyes of to bless Israel, he did not go away as at the other times to come upon any unlucky omens, but he directed his face to the wilderness.
2 When Balaam raised his eyes and saw Israel tabernacling by his tribes, then the spirit of God came to be upon him.
3 Hence he took up his proverbial utterance and said: The utterance of Balaam the son of Beor, And the utterance of the able- bodied man with the eye unsealed,
4 The utterance of the one hearing the sayings of God, Who got to see a vision of the Almighty While falling down with the eyes uncovered:
5 How good-looking are your tents, Oh , your tabernacles, Oh Israel!
6 Like torrent valleys they have extended a long way, Like gardens by the river. Like aloe plants that has planted, Like cedars by the waters.
7 Water keeps trickling from his 2 leather buckets, And his seed is by many waters. His king also will be higher than Agag, And his kingdom will be lifted up.
8 God is bringing him out of Egypt; The swift course of a wild bull is his. He will consume the nations, his oppressors, And their bones he will gnaw, and he will break them to pieces with his arrows.
9 He bowed down, he lay down like the lion, And, like a lion, who dares rouse him? Those blessing you are the ones blessed, And those cursing you are the ones cursed.
10 At that Balak's anger blazed against Balaam and he clapped his hands, and Balak went on to say to Balaam: It was to execrate my enemies that I called you, and, look! you have blessed them to the limit these 3 Steps.
11 And now run your way off to your place. I had said to myself I was without fail going to honor you, but, look! has held you back from honor.
12 In turn Balaam said to Balak: Was it not also to your messengers whom you sent to me that I spoke, saying,
13 'If Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I should not be able to pass beyond the order of so as to do something good or bad out of my own heart. Whatever may speak is what I shall speak'?
14 And now here I am going away to my people. Do come, let me advise you what this people will do to your people afterward in the end of the days.
15 So he took up his proverbial utterance and said: The utterance of Balaam the son of Beor, And the utterance of the able- bodied man with the eye unsealed,
16 The utterance of the one hearing the sayings of God,
And the one knowing the knowledge of the Most High -- A vision of the Almighty he got to see While falling down with the eyes uncovered:
17 I shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him, but not near. A star will certainly step forth out of , And a scepter will indeed rise out of Israel. And he will certainly break apart the temples of Moab's [head] And the cranium of all the sons of tumult of war.
18 And Edom must become a possession, Yes, Seir must become the possession of his enemies, While Israel is displaying his courage.
19 And out of one will go subduing, And he must destroy any survivor from the city.
20 When he got to see Amalek, he carried further his proverbial utterance and went on to say: Amalek was the first one of the nations, But his end afterward will be even his perishing.
21 When he got to see the Kenites, he carried further his proverbial utterance and went on to say: Durable is your dwelling, and set on the crag is your abode.
22 But there will come to be one to burn Kain down. How long will it be till Assyria will carry you away captive?
23 And he carried further his proverbial utterance and went on to say: Woe! Who will survive when God causes it?
24 And there will be ships from the coast of Kittim, And they will certainly afflict Assyria, And they will indeed afflict Eber. But he too will eventually perish.
25 After that Balaam got up and went and returned to his place [the reappointed Laodicea].
And Balak also went his own way [in the opposite direction to ]. (Numbers 24 )
14 'Nevertheless, I have a few things against thee [Knorr himself], that you have there those holding fast the teaching of Balaam, who went teaching Balak to put a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel, to eat sacrifices to idols [the idols are the members of the governing body. food is offered through the writing and teaching committees of the Watchtower to the idols on the Governing body for approval - Food is not offered to God for approval through comparative bible research] and to commit-fornication [spiritual fornication, joining themselves in worship of the 'faithful slave' rather than its master, who is , a God They follow the man made commandments of the slave and ignore the divinely constructed commandments of God written in the bible] (Revelation 2)
16 Look! They are the ones who, by Balaam's word, served to induce the sons of Israel to commit unfaithfulness toward over the affair of Peor, so that the scourge came upon the assembly of . (Numbers 31 )
1 Now Israel was dwelling in Shittim. Then the people started to have immoral relations with the daughters of Moab.
2 And the women came calling the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people began to eat and to bow down to their Gods.
3 So Israel attached itself to the Baal of Peor [hiatus];
and the anger of began to blaze against Israel.
4 Hence said to Moses: Take all the head ones of the people and expose them to toward the sun, that the burning anger of may turn back from Israel.
5 Then Moses said to the judges of Israel: Each one of you kill his men who have an attachment with the Baal of Peor.
6 But, look! a man of the sons of Israel came, and he was bringing near to his brothers a Midianite woman before Moses' eyes and before the eyes of all the assembly of the sons of Israel, while they were weeping at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
7 When Phinehas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest caught sight of it, he at once got up from the midst of the assembly and took a lance in his hand.
8 Then he went after the man of Israel into the vaulted tent and pierced both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman through her genital parts. At that the scourge was halted from upon the sons of Israel.
9 And those who died from the scourge amounted to 24,000.
10 Then spoke to Moses, saying:
11 Phinehas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest has turned back my wrath from upon the sons of Israel by his tolerating no rivalry at all toward me in the midst of them, so that I have not exterminated the sons of Israel in my jealousy.
12 For that reason say, 'Here I am giving him my covenant of peace.
13 And it must serve as the covenant of a priesthood to time indefinite for him and his offspring after him, due to the fact that he tolerated no rivalry toward his God and proceeded to make atonement for the sons of Israel.'
14 Incidentally the name of the fatally struck Israelite man who was fatally struck with the Midianitess was Zimri the son of Salu, a chieftain of a paternal house of the Simeonites.
15 And the name of the Midianite woman fatally struck was Cozbi the daughter of Zur; he was a head one of the clans of a paternal house in Midian.
16 Later spoke to Moses, saying:
17 Let there be a harassing of the Midianites, and you men must strike them,
18 because they are harassing you with their deeds of cunning that they committed against you cunningly in the affair of Peor and in the affair of Cozbi the daughter of a chieftain of Midian, their sister who was fatally struck in the day of the scourge over the affair of Peor. (Numbers 25 )