[40] 1Chronicles21 & 2Samuel24: The Registration sin, the 3 times of the Temple Times, the 1.1 million days of 1AC entrance

  'The important thing is not to stop questioning' - Albert Einstein

The Registration Sin of the Watchtower

1 And Satan proceeded to stand up against Israel and to incite David [1NCs in the Watchtower] to number Israel [God's old people, the JWs].
2 So David said to Joab [FDS3, he complains about the registration, telling the GB that it is a sin] and the chiefs of the people: Go, count Israel [God's people] from Beer-sheba to Dan [all around the globe] and bring it to me that I may know their number [this is the registration sin of the Watchtower. They have no right to count JWs, who are in God's bank account not in theirs - at least they were before the church fell].
3 But Joab said: May Jehovah add to his people 100 times as many as they are [that would make 600 million water baptised? Since there were 6 million water baptised JWs before 2001Chislev14]. Do they not, Oh my lord the king [The governing body of the Watchtower], all of them belong to my lord as servants? [Binary Question. Yes in he case of David. No, in the case of the Watchtower who were never appointed over the 1NC reserves or the 2NCs. This means that many in the Watchtower actually should belong to another church. All the 2NC saints belong to the church of the 2NC] Why does my lord seek this? [to preserve his power and status in front of 6 million people] Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel? [Because JWs should not fill in reports of spiritual activity, which is supposed to be for God not for man. They count every congregation meeting, every book study]
4 The king's word, however, prevailed over Joab, so that Joab went out and walked through all Israel [space for time. He walked through Israel chronologically, through all of God's people in all the covenants from the flood to the end of the ARC world], after which he came to Jerusalem [The Kingdom of God].
5 Joab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel amounted to 1,100,000 men drawing sword, and Judah 470,000 men drawing sword [He actually returns to the Watchtower and gives them the greater meaning of 1Chronicles21, which is the chronology of the 1.1 million men and the judgment by God on the Watchtower]. 
6 And Levi and Benjamin he did not register in among them, because the king's word [the word of the Governing Body] had been detestable to Joab.
7 And this thing was bad in the eyes of the [true] God, and so he struck down Israel [as described below] [God's old people, the JWs].
8 Andy David said to the [true] God: I have sinned very much in that I have done this thing [his heart started beating him see 2Samuel24:10]. And now, please, cause your servant's error to pass away; for I have acted very foolishly.
9 And Jehovah proceeded to speak to Gad, David's visionary [the writing committee?], saying:
10 Go, and you must speak to David, saying, 'This is what Jehovah has said: There are 3 things that I am directing against you. Choose for yourself one of them, that I may do it to you.'
11 Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: This is what Jehovah has said, 'Take your pick,
12 whether for 3 years there is to be a famine; or for 3 months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for 3 days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in the land, with Jehovah's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.' And now see what I should reply to the One sending me.
13 So David said to Gad: It is very distressing to me. Please, let me fall into the hand of Jehovah, for very many are his mercies; but into the hand of man do not let me fall.
14 Then Jehovah gave a pestilence in Israel, so that out of Israel 70,000 persons fell.

All 3 Penalties must have fulfilments by the Successive Alternatives Principle of the code.

The Watchtower gets 3 months of sweeping away from before your adversaries [from 2019Tishri14 to 2019Tebbeth14, the 3 months of the Watchtower Passovers for JWs from the 1st to the late 3rd, with a sweeping away by sacrificial death from the 3rd bride on 2019tishri14 to the 6th on 2019Tebbeth14] and for the sword of your enemies [the bible understandings of the LWs] to overtake [you]

15 Moreover, the [true] God sent an angel to Jerusalem to bring ruin to it; and as soon as he began bringing the ruin, Jehovah saw it and began to feel regret over the calamity; and so he said to the angel that was bringing the ruin: It is enough! Now let your hand drop. And Jehovah's angel was standing close by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
16 When David raised his eyes, he got to see Jehovah's angel standing between the earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem; and David and the older men, covered with sackcloth, at once fell down upon their faces.
17 And David proceeded to say to the [true] God: Was it not I that said to make a numbering of the people, and is it not I that have sinned and have unquestionably done badly? As for these sheep, what have they done? Oh Jehovah my God, let your hand, please, come to be upon me and my father's house [Jesse was non adamic and still alive]; but not upon your people, for a scourge.
18 And Jehovah's angel, for his part, said to Gad to say to David that David should go up to erect an altar to Jehovah on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite [Isaac, through the ICC].
19 Accordingly David went up at the word of Gad that he had spoken in the name of Jehovah.
20 Meantime, Ornan turned back and saw the angel; and his 4 sons with him were hiding themselves [These must be the 4 temple floors of the 4 true Christian churches, the 4 Elijah's, upon which the churches are built. 4 covenant sons of Isaac, 4 submediators of the ICC - see intro28]. Now Ornan had been threshing wheat [sifting 2NC saints].
21 So David came as far as Ornan. When Ornan looked and saw David, he immediately went out of the threshing floor and bowed down to David with his face to the earth [recognising the 1NC reserve saints].
22 Then David said to Ornan: Do give me the place of the threshing floor, that I may build in it an altar to Jehovah. For the price in full give it to me, that the scourge may be halted from upon the people.
23 But Ornan said to David [1NC reserves]: Take it for you, and let my lord the king [the Governing Body of the Watchtower] do what is good in his own eyes. See, I do give the cattle for burnt offerings and the threshing sledge for the woods and the wheats as a grain offering. The whole I do give.
24 However, King David [the true 1NC saints on the governing body of the Watchtower] said to Ornan: No, but without fail I shall make the purchase at the full price [], because I shall not carry what is yours to Jehovah [by rapture] and offer up burnt sacrifices without cost.
25 And David gave Ornan in/for the place gold shekels to the weight of 600 [600 reserve 1NC saints are given to non adamic Sodom - who missed the marriages because they attended the late Watchtower Passovers?] .
26 Then David built there an altar [the altar of the 1NC reserve CRC baptism into the sacrificial death of the Christ] to Jehovah and offered up burnt sacrifices and communion sacrifices, and he proceeded to call upon Jehovah, who now answered him with fire from the heavens upon the altar of burnt offering [he gets a bomb date right??]
27 Moreover, Jehovah said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to its sheath.
28 At that time, when David saw that Jehovah had answered him at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, he continued to sacrifice there [he changed his physical place of worship symbolising changing religion from JW to LW. From the dry Laodicea to the wet Zoar].
29 But the tabernacle of Jehovah that Moses had made in the wilderness and the altar of burnt offering were at that time on the high place at Gibeon.
30 And David had not been able to go before it to consult God, for he had been terrified because of the sword of Jehovah's angel (1 Chronicles 21).

The Registration sin of Laodicea?

1 And again the anger of Jehovah came to be hot against Israel, when one incited David against them, saying: Go, take a count of Israel and Judah.
2 So the king said to Joab the chief of the military forces who was with him: Move about, please, through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beer-sheba, and you men register the people, and I shall certainly know the number of the people.
3 But Joab said to the king: May Jehovah your God even add to the people 100 times as many as they are while the very eyes of my lord the king [] are seeing it [100x as many HLC Lords as there are 1NC Kings - whilst the eyes of the 1NCs are seeing it - to 2020Tishri10, the end of 3EC entrance for HLCs]. But as for my lord the king [], why has he found delight in this thing? []
4 Finally the king's word prevailed upon Joab and the chiefs of the military forces. So Joab and the chiefs of the military forces went out from before the king to register the people Israel.
5 Then they crossed the Jordan and took up camping at Aroer to the right of the city that is in the middle of the torrent valley, toward the Gadites, and to Jazer.
6 After that they came on to Gilead and the land of Tahtim-hodshi and continued on to Dan-jaan and went around to Sidon.
7 Then they came to the fortress of Tyre and all the cities of the Hivites and of the Canaanites and came to the terminating point in the Negeb of Judah at Beer-sheba.
8 Thus they went moving about through all the land and came to Jerusalem [The end of 3EC entrance for HLCs on 2020Tishri10] at the end of 9 months and 20 days [from 2019Chislev20, the 5th 1NC marriage, the completion of the non late 1NC part of the bride]
9 Joab now gave the number of the registration of the people to the king; and Israel amounted to 800,000 valiant men [a day for a man and a year for a day = 2222.22 days] drawing sword, and the men of Judah were 500,000 men [a day for a man and a year for a day = 1388.88 days?].
10 And David's heart began to beat him after he had so numbered the people. Consequently David said to Jehovah: I have sinned very much in what I have done. And now, Jehovah, let your servant's error pass by, please; for I have acted very foolishly.
11 When David proceeded to rise up in the morning, Jehovah's word itself came to Gad the prophet, David's visionary, saying:
12 Go, and you must say to David, 'This is what Jehovah has said: 3 things I am laying upon you. Choose for yourself one of them that I may do it to you.'
13 Accordingly Gad came in to David and told him and said to him: Should there come to you 7 years of famine in your land, or 3 months of your fleeing before your adversaries, with them pursuing you, or the occurring of 3 days of pestilence in your land? Now know and see what I shall reply to the One sending me.
14 So David said to Gad: It is very distressing to me. Let us fall, please, into the hand of Jehovah, for many are his mercies; but into the hand of man do not let me fall.
15 Then Jehovah gave a pestilence in Israel from the morning until the time appointed, so that out of the people from Dan to Beer-Sheba 70,000 persons died.
16 And the angel kept his hand thrust out toward Jerusalem to bring it to ruin; and Jehovah began to feel regret over the calamity, and so he said to the angel that was bringing ruin among the people: It is enough! Now let your hand drop. And Jehovah's angel himself happened to be close by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
17 And David proceeded to say to Jehovah, when he saw the angel that was striking the people down, yes, he proceeded to say: Here it is I that have sinned and it is I that have done wrong; but these sheep -- what have they done? Let your hand, please, come upon me and upon the house of my father [Jesse was non adamic and still alive].
18 Later Gad came in to David on that day and said to him: Go up, set up for Jehovah an altar on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
19 And David began to go up in accord with the word of Gad, according to what Jehovah had commanded.
20 When Araunah looked down and saw the king and his servants passing along toward him, Araunah at once went out and bowed down to the king with his face to the earth.
21 Then Araunah said: Why has my lord the king come to his servant? At that David said: To buy from you the threshing floor for building an altar to Jehovah, that the scourge may be halted from upon the people.
22 But Araunah said to David: Let my lord the king take it and offer up what is good in his eyes. See the cattle for the burnt offering and the threshing sledge and the implements of the cattle for the wood.
23 Everything Araunah, Oh king, does give to the king. And Araunah went on to say to the king: May Jehovah your God show pleasure in you.
24 However, the king said to Araunah: No, but without fail I shall buy it from you for a price; and I shall not offer up to Jehovah my God burnt sacrifices without cost. Accordingly David bought the threshing floor and the cattle for 50 silver shekels.
25 And David proceeded to build there an altar to Jehovah and offer up burnt sacrifices and communion sacrifices, and Jehovah began letting himself be entreated for the land, so that the scourge was halted from upon Israel (2Samuel24).

Why did 70,000 sheep die from this 3 day plague?

Back in the literal meaning, Satan incites David to Register the people, something forbidden by the Law of Moses unless each citizen paid a ransom for his soul of half a shekel:

11 And Jehovah went on to speak to Moses, saying:
12 Whenever you take the sum of the sons of Israel as a census of them, then they must each give a ransom for his soul to Jehovah when taking a census of them, that there may come to be no plague upon them when taking a census of them.
13 This is what all those will give who pass over to those numbered: a half shekel by the shekel of the holy place. 20 gerahs equal a shekel. A half shekel is the contribution to Jehovah.
14 Everyone passing over to those registered from 20 years old and upward will give Jehovah's contribution.
15 The rich should not give more, and the lowly must not give less than the half shekel, in order to give Jehovah's contribution so as to make atonement for your souls.
16 And you must take the silver money of the atonement from the sons of Israel and give it in behalf of the service of the tent of meeting, that it may indeed serve as a memorial before Jehovah for the sons of Israel, to make atonement for your souls. (Exodus 30 NWT)

David then asks Joab, the chief of the army to carry out the census. Joab says:

3 May Jehovah add to his people a hundred times as many as they are. Do they not, oh my lord the king, all of them belong to my lord as servants? (1 Chronicles 21).

6 And Levi and Benjamin he did not register in among them, because the king's word had been detestable to Joab (1 Chronicles 21).

Joab was not merely complaining about the lack of half a shekel ransom per person, he felt that David had no right to look at God's bank statement, without God's permission, which should be in the form of a census request. The two registrations of Moses in Numbers 1 and Numbers 26 were at the command of Jehovah. David goes ahead anyway and then after the registration is completed we read:

7 Now this thing was bad in the eyes of the [true] God, and so he struck down Israel (1 Chronicles 21).

This striking down was with a plague, because we read later in the account:

12 Or for three days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in the land (1 Chronicles 21).

So evidently none of the citizens of Israel paid the tiny half shekel ransom which God required really as an acknowledgement that they were his people and not a belonging of their King. David then realises his error, and God sent his prophet Gad to prescribe the penalty for this sin.

10 Go, and you must speak to David, saying: This is what Jehovah has said: There are three things that I am directing against you [meaning David and his descendants]. Choose for yourself one of them, that I may do it to you [personally]
Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: This is what Jehovah has said: Take your pick, 
whether for 3 years there is to be a famine; or for 3 months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for 3 days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in the land, with Jehovah's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.' And now see what I should reply to the One sending me [Famine, war and pestilence are the last 3 horsemen of the apocalypse] (1 Chronicles 21).

It is important to realise that God is not punishing Israel for the sin of David. He is obeying his own law, which every son of Israel had agreed to. They all should have insisted on paying Joab half a Shekel. Joab too, should have insisted on being paid it, or he should have refused to carry out the registration. This is all a case of who is your God: David, Joab, or YHWH? In any event, there is one penalty that is done to you (David and his sons), and there are 3 that are directed against you (David and his sons). David protests:

17 And David proceeded to say to the [true] God: Was it not I that said to make a numbering of the people, and is it not I that have sinned and have unquestionably done bad? As for these sheep, what have they done? O Jehovah my God, let your hand, please, come to be upon me and my father's house; but not upon your people, for a scourge.
18 And Jehovah's angel, for his part, said to Gad to say to David that David should go up to erect an altar to Jehovah on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite (1 Chronicles 21).

But in fact the total ransom price owed to God by all the fighting men that Joab registered in Law was 1,570,000 lots of half a shekel multiplied by 2 since this money was stolen from Jehovah, and the law required a double payback for non professional thieves. All the ones registered were males able to fight in the army, whereas the 70,000 killed by the plague would have had redemption values to their souls of 3/5 for young kids, 10/20 for the young, 30/50 for the middle aged and 10/15 for the old. But the plague would in the first 3 days preferentially kill the very young, the young and the old, so an average redemption price for a plague victim would be say between 20 and 25 shekels. Now 1,570,000 shekels, the debt owed to God divided by 70,000 souls = 22.43 Shekels. So we do suspect that the price paid by David for the threshing floor of Ornan was the balance left between the redemption value of the souls of the plague victims and the double penalty of the unpaid registration fees.

3 and the estimated value has to be of a male from 20 years old up to 60 years old, the estimated value must then become 50 shekels of silver by the shekel of the holy place.
4 But if it is a female, the estimated value must then become 30 shekels.
5 And if the age is from 5 years old up to 20 years old, the estimated value of the male must then become 20 shekels and for the female 10 shekels.
6 And if the age is from a month old up to 5 years old, the estimated value of the male must then become 5 shekels of silver and for the female the estimated value must be 3 shekels of silver.
7 Now if the age is from 60 years old upward, if it is a male, the estimated value must then become 15 shekels and for the female 10 shekels (Leviticus 27).

Next we read how David purchases the place for 600 gold shekels, and then builds the altar, and God sends down fire from heaven to the burnt offering and the angel causing the destruction returns his sword to his sheath and:

28 At that time, when David saw that Jehovah had answered him at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, he continued to sacrifice there.
29 But the tabernacle of Jehovah that Moses had made in the wilderness and the altar of burnt offering were at that time on the high place at Gibeon.
30 And David had not been able to go before it to consult God, for he had been terrified because of the sword of Jehovah's angel (1 Chronicles 21).

So this floor became the new temple at that point from David’s standpoint. Then David starts collecting materials for the new temple to be built on the threshing floor:

5 Accordingly David said: Solomon my son is young and delicate, and the house to be built to Jehovah is to be surpassingly magnificent for beauteous distinction to all the lands. Let me, then, make preparation for him. So David made preparation in great quantities before his death. 
Moreover, he called Solomon his son that he might command him to build a house to Jehovah the God of Israel (1 Chronicles 22).

This was the commissioning of Solomon to build the House of Jehovah. In the literal account David suffers one of three punishments prescribed by God in order for his error to pass away. 

The 3 Prophetic Times of the Temple Times

11 Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: This is what Jehovah has said, 'Take your pick,
12 whether for 3 years there is to be a famine; or for 3 months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for 3 days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in the land, with Jehovah's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.' And now see what I should reply to the One sending me (1 Chronicles 21).

The three periods of punishment before Jesus’ sacrifice, all three of which last for three times (be it a day, a month or a year) stand for the three times of the temple times, which run from the commissioning of Solomon’s temple to the rebuilding of the temple of Jesus' body, the appointment of FDS1 on 33Nisan16. So Solomon’s temple was commissioned 1080 years (3 x 360 years) before 33Nisan, i.e. in 1048Nisan. In fact 1048Nisan16 would have been the end of the 3 day plague which began on 1048Nisan14, in an archetype of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We know that Solomon’s temple was inaugurated in 1026Tishri, at the festival of Booths:

1 And it came to pass in the 80th year and 400th year after the sons of Israel were come out from the land of Egypt, in the 4th year, in the month of Ziv, that is the 2nd month, to reign Solomon over Israel, and he built the house to Jehovah (1 Kings 6 Literal)

38 And in the 11th year, in the lunar month of Bul [Heshvan], that is, the 8th month, the house was finished as regards all its details and all its plan; so that he was 7 years at building it (1 Kings 6).

2 So all the men of Israel congregated themselves to King Solomon in the lunar month of Ethanim [Tishri] in the festival, that is, the 7th month.
3 So all the older men of Israel came, and the priests began to carry the Ark. 
4 And they came bringing up the ark of Jehovah and the tent of meeting and all the holy utensils that were in the tent; and the priests and the Levites came bringing them up (1 Kings 8).

The first regnal year of Solomon was 1036, the 11th was 1026 (7 years of temple building after 1033Iyyar2, 480th year of 1Kings6:1 after 1513Nisan14, when the sons of Israel came out of Egypt). The temple was fully functional in 1026Heshvan and inaugurated the month before in 1026Tishri. Had it not been ready in the 7th month then it would have been inaugurated at the Passover. But this did not occur so it must have been ready then.

There are always 22.5 years between the commissioning of a temple and its inauguration from the fundamental pattern of Adam and of Jesus' lives - see U41. So Solomon's temple was commissioned in 1048Nisan BC.

So the census was finished on 1048Nisan14 and David purchased the temple site on 1048Nisan16, since this must be an archetype for the death of Jesus on Nisan14 and his earthly resurrection on Nisan16 at the end of which day he paid the ransom to purchase Adam. Also a commissioning to build a temple is a Holy appointment and so must occur on first fruits - which is 1048Nisan22 according to the BLC but this may be 1 day out (being based upon a 3,000 year NASA moon phase extrapolation with an associated error of around 2½ hours or 8978 seconds - https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/LEcat5/uncertainty.html and our algorithm itself can be one day out - see U4)

Registration completed                         David purchases temple site, builds altar, offers sacrifices.      Jesus sacrificed by Caiaphas        The temple of FDS1 is appointed
1048Nisan14 (Plague death begins)     1048Nisan16 (Plague death ends)                                              33Nisan14 (Jesus' death begins)   33Nisan16 (Jesus' death ends)
                     3 day plague                                       3 Prophetic Times (3x360=1080 years)                           Knock down this temple and is 3 days I shall rebuild it

The registration sin of the Watchtower (publishers, baptised publishers and field service hours) continued until they fell finally on 2005Sivan14. 3 years after that was 2008Sivan14 - when??

The 1.1 million days from the Census to Armageddon

1 And Satan proceeded to stand up against Israel and to incite David to number Israel.
2 So David said to Joab and the chiefs of the people: Go, count Israel from Beer-sheba to Dan and bring it to me that I may know their number.
3 But Joab said: May Jehovah add to his people a 100 times as many as they are [unfulfilled hypothetical]. Do they not, O my lord the king, all of them belong to my lord as servants? Why does my lord seek this? Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel?
4 The king's word, however, prevailed over Joab, so that Joab went out and walked through all Israel, after which he came to Jerusalem.
5 Joab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel amounted to 1,100,000 men drawing sword [1ACs: Citizens], and Judah 470,000 men drawing sword [ICCs: Rulers] (1 Chronicles 21).

Not a particularly accurate census by Joab who hated the whole enterprise. There is a lot of drawing of swords that goes on in this account:

16 When David raised his eyes, he got to see Jehovah's angel standing between the earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem; and David and the older men, covered with sackcloth, at once fell down upon their faces.
17 And David proceeded to say to the [true] God: Was it not I that said to make a numbering of the people, and is it not I that have sinned and have unquestionably done bad? As for these sheep [1ACs], what have they done? [they turned up to be registered and failed to pay the half shekel registration tax to Joab for Jehovah breaking the law of Moses at Exodus 30:11-16] Oh Jehovah my God, let your hand, please, come to be upon me and my father's house; but not upon your people, for a scourge.
18 And Jehovah's angel, for his part, said to Gad to say to David that David should go up to erect an altar to Jehovah on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
19 Accordingly David went up at the word of Gad that he had spoken in the name of Jehovah.
20 Meantime, Ornan turned back and saw the angel; and his 4 sons with him were hiding themselves. Now Ornan had been threshing wheat [a very Christian activity].
21 So David came as far as Ornan. When Ornan looked and saw David, he immediately went out of the threshing floor and bowed down to David with his face to the earth.
22 Then David said to Ornan: Do give me the place of the threshing floor, that I may build in it an altar to Jehovah. For the money in full give it to me, that the scourge may be halted from upon the people.
23 But Ornan said to David: Take it as your own, and let my lord the king do what is good in his own eyes. See, I do give the cattle for burnt offerings and the threshing sledge for the wood and the wheat as a grain offering. The whole I do give.
24 However, King David said to Ornan: No, but without fail I shall make the purchase for the money in full, because I shall not carry what is yours to Jehovah to offer up burnt sacrifices without cost.
25 So David gave Ornan for the place gold shekels to the weight of 600 .
26 Then David built there an altar to Jehovah and offered up burnt sacrifices and communion sacrifices, and he proceeded to call upon Jehovah, who now answered him with fire from the heavens upon the altar of burnt offering.
27 Moreover, Jehovah said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to its sheath. (1 Chronicles 21 NWT)

So we now apply the Numerical Principle of the bible code to these 1.1 million men of Israel drawing sword. They are 1.1 million days or 3055 years 200 days of men drawing a sword for God (the bible). This is 1.1 million days of Abrahamic seed. But we know, from the midst prophecy, that the Abrahamic covenant ends (as regards entrance into it) on 2008Nisan14 with another week of Daniel 9:27 of keeping the covenant in force for the many taking it to 2008Nisan21. This is 3055 years and 5 days precisely after 1048Nisan16 when DAivd offered up his sacrifice which ended the plague. That's what we call symbolism! A man drawing sword for a day of entering the 1AC. But that leaves us with this extra 195 days.

The 470,000 men of Judah, are 470,000 days or 1305 years 200 days. They count backwards to 2354Elul26 BC when the first separation between good and bad seed, 16 years after the flood occurred, incited of course by Satan, as was the registration. The bible describes how Canaan abused Noah's nakedness in some way and how Ham, looked upon his father Noah’s nakedness and told his brothers. Whereas Shem and Japheth covered their father’s nakedness by walking in backwards with a mantle into the tent where the naked intoxicated Noah lay without looking. Ham did not honour his father. The other two sons did (Genesis 9). The final saint to be registered for honouring his father God is 470,000 plus 1,100,000 days later. So in the symbolic meaning, the greater registration is of the time period of the entrance of faithful seed into a salvation covenant from when the first distinction between the true and the false seed was made in Noah’s tent, until the last faithful person enters into the 1AC on 2008Nisan14, (the last day of the Michael's ARC world) and then an extra 195 days for Zoar from 2028Tebbeth5 to 2029Tammuz20 - see U154#2).

301,100,000 men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 are days of 1AC entry running from 1048Nisan16, the acceptance of the David's sacrifice on the threshing floor of Ornan on Mount Moriah

So here it is, the history book with no dates? There is no such thing. The dates are encoded. Here is a tabular summary:

Ham dishonours Noah
Satan's seed appears
First post flood guy
enters the SFC
470,000 of Judah start
2354Elul26 BC
Joab completes
David's lawless
Registration. The
3 day plague killing
70,000 begins
1048Nisan14 BC
David purchases
Ornan's Mount Moriah
threshing floor. 3 day plague ends. 1,100,000
of Israel begin
1046Nisan16 BC
Michael's 6,000 year
ARC lease ends
1AC Registration 
Stops 202 days short.
Abraham is completed
2008Nisan14 AD

195 day
FRC Passover
into the 2nd
crop of
Mid point of
the 50
righteous men
of Abraham's
50 righteous
men of
negotiation end
195 day 1AC
baptism ends
195 days of God's
(JW sealing) start
195 days of God's
responses (JW
sealing) end. God starts to bring the Watchtower to ruin
Last week of
Daniel 9:27
for Adam. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Adam
Last week of
Daniel 9:27 for
Cain. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Cain
Late 1st death
The absolute
end of Cain
470,000 days of
3 days of
temple times
1,100,000 - 202
days of 1Chronicles21
195 extra days of 1AC baptism 195 days Last week of
Daniel 9:27
Last week of
Daniel 9:27

1,100,000 men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 = 1,099,798 + 195 + 7 days of 1AC entry

JWs in the Watchtower or Laodicea cannot be FRC sealed after 2028Shebat20. Get out of her my people! Ex JWs who leave the Watchtower before 2028Shebat20 can be sealed. 

The love test is do you keep your humanity when your leaders have lost it? Do you advocate/fight for justice and basic human rights for the oppressed or take the seemingly easier route and side with the stronger?

Once David had built an altar on the threshing floor, and offered a sacrifice, then God sent fire down from the heavens to consume it on 1048Nisan1630.

26 Then David built there an altar to Jehovah and offered up burnt sacrifices and communion sacrifices, and he proceeded to call upon Jehovah, who now answered him with fire from the heavens upon the altar of burnt offering.
27 Moreover, Jehovah said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).

The only other accounts where fire comes from the heavens to consume a sacrifice are the account of the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18 and the account of the inauguration of the temple whose foundation David purchased from Ornan, Solomon's temple...

1 Now as soon as Solomon finished praying, the fire itself came down from the heavens and proceeded to consume the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and Jehovah's glory itself filled the house (2 Chronicles 7).

3 And all the sons of Israel were spectators when the fire came down and the glory of Jehovah was upon the house, and they
immediately bowed low with their faces to the earth upon the pavement and prostrated themselves and thanked Jehovah, "for he is good, for his loving-kindness is to time indefinite (2 Chronicles 7).

1.1 million days are 3055.55 years. If we take a year for a day we get 3055.55 days.

Apparent Discrepancies:

1 Chronicles 21 2 Samuel 24
1.1 million men of Israel drawing sword 800,000 valiant men of Israel drawing sword
470,000 men of Judah drawing sword 500,000 men of Judah
3 years of famine 7 years of famine

310,000 men of Israel drawing sword were not valiant.
30,000 men of Judah were not drawing sword.

There was a 3 year famine before the census hinted at by the first words of 2 Samuel 24:

1 And again the anger of Jehovah came to be hot against Israel, when one incited David against them, saying: Go, take a count of Israel and Judah (2 Samuel 24).

This previous occasion when God became angry with Israel was this...

1 Now there came to be a famine in the days of David for 3 years, year after year; and David proceeded to consult the face of Jehovah. Then Jehovah said: Upon Saul and upon his house there is bloodguilt, because he put the Gibeonites to death. (2 Samuel 21 NWT)


Incorrect previous reasoning...

They start 1.1 million days earlier which is 1049Shebat26 BC. But this is 50 days before 1048Nisan16 when the 3 day plague ended and David purchased the threshing floor of Ornan. This was 22.5 years before Solomon’s temple was inaugurated because all temples are commissioned 22.5 years before they are inaugurated. And Solomon’s was inaugurated in 1026Tishri, see above. So Solomon was commissioned and the foundation was purchased on 1048Nisan16. 50 days is a reasonable period for Joab to return to Jerusalem, David to start feeling bad, and eventually pray to God for forgiveness, then Gad to come and tell him about his penalty choices, then the 3 day plague to occur. But we can actually confirm this 50 day period using the Numerical Principle again in the parallel account of this registration, plague and temple site purchase in 2 Samuel 24:

22 But Araunah said to David: Let my lord the king take it and offer up what is good in his eyes. See the cattle for the burnt offering and the threshing sledge and the implements of the cattle for the wood.
23 Everything Araunah, Oh king, does give to the king. And Araunah went on to say to the king: May Jehovah your God show pleasure in you.
24 However, the king said to Araunah (Ornan): No, but without fail I shall buy it from you for a price; and I shall not offer up to Jehovah my God burnt sacrifices without cost. Accordingly David bought the threshing floor and the cattle for 50 silver shekels (2 Samuel 24).

Whereas in the 1 Chronicles 21 account we read:

24 However, King David said to Ornan: No, but without fail I shall make the purchase for the money in full, because I shall not carry what is yours to Jehovah to offer up burnt sacrifices without cost.
25 So David gave Ornan for the place gold shekels to the weight of 600 (1 Chronicles 21).

These two accounts look contradictory at first sight. But they aren’t. The 600 gold shekels represents the price for the real estate, ‘the place’. The 50 silver shekels represents the price for the threshing floor equipment (all wood) and the cattle, all of which was used for the first sacrifice of cattle burnt over wood, by David which halted the plague:

26 Then David built there an altar to Jehovah and offered up burnt sacrifices and communion sacrifices, and he proceeded to call upon Jehovah, who now answered him with fire from the heavens upon the altar of burnt offering. 
27 Moreover, Jehovah said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).

If you go into a florist's shop and say: How much for the whole shop? They will take it that you wish to purchase all of their stock, not the shop. This is the distinction being made between the 50 shekels of silver and the 600 shekels of gold.

Now 50 shekels of silver was the cost of pacifying the true God by this sacrifice. But the period during which God was upset, started the moment that Joab handed the result of the registration to David (this being when he had actually completed the registration - he could have stopped it before then) and ended with the fire from the heavens. Now we apply the Numerical Principle to the 50 shekels, and take them as a day for a shekel, i.e. God was upset for 50 days. So our date for Joab’s finishing of the registration, 1049Shebat26, 50 days before 1048Nisan16, which we calculated by subtracting 1,100,000 days from 2008Elul16, the last day of Armageddon, is confirmed as being correct.

That's what we call symbolism! The 470,000 men of Judah, are 470,000 days or 1305 years 200 days. They count backwards to 2354Ab6 BC when the first separation between good and bad 16 years after the flood occurred, incited of course by Satan, as was the registration. The bible describes how Ham looked upon his father Noah’s nakedness and told his brothers. Whereas Shem and Japheth covered their father’s nakedness by walking in backwards with a mantle into the tent where the naked intoxicated Noah lay without looking. Ham did not honour his father. The other two sons did (Genesis 9). The final separation is 470,000 plus 1,100,000 days later. So in the symbolic meaning, the greater registration is of the time period of God’s people after the flood, from when the first distinction between the true and the false seed is made in Noah’s tent, and the fight begins and the swords are unsheathed until the last distinction at Armageddon in the greater Noah’s ark when the fight ends and the sword of the passover angel is sheathed.

So here it is, the only history book with no dates. There is of course no such thing, so the dates must be coded. Many can be decoded using the Numerical Principle. Here is a pictorial summary of the above:

                                                      1048Nisan14            1048Nisan16
3 day Plague starts   David purchases site
                                                                                        50 silver shekels end 
                                                                                        3 day plague ends

2354Ab6                          1049Shebat26                                  2008Elul16
Ham dishonours Noah    Joab completes Census                    Last day of Armageddon
Satan's seed appears     470,000 of Judah end                         Satan's seed disappears
Swords are drawn           1,100,000 of Israel start                     Swords sheathed
      470,000 days                              1,100,000 days


The 7 temples of Abraham's seed

The 3 penalties directed at David and his sons were:

12 Whether for three years there is to be a famine; or for three months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for three days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in the land, with Jehovah's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.' And now see what I should reply to the One sending me (1 Chronicles 21).

The fulfillments were:

(i)  3 days of plague at the end of the tabernacle

(ii)  3 months of running away from enemies at the end of Solomon’s temple 586Tammuz9 when the men of war fled from Jerusalem to 586Tishri when they fled to Egypt after Gedaliah was killed (2 Kings 25:4,26).

(iii)  3 years of famine by virtue of Jesus’ ministry starting 30Nisan when he first threw the money lenders out of the temple until 33Nisan when he was murdered.

20 Meantime, Ornan turned back and saw the angel; and his 4 sons with him were hiding themselves. Now Ornan had been threshing wheat (1 Chronicles 21).

In those days, sons did the same thing for a living as their fathers. These 4 sons do the same thing in some sense that Ornan did but in angelic terms. They build spiritual temples, which are true religions. This account says there are 4 true Christian religions, by numeric symbolism. You, the reader, have not seen this before because these sons were hidden. The first son of Ornan, who was hidden was Jesus, the rock mass not of David, and not owned by Ornan the Jebusite, but of Michael, the greater David, and owned by God, the greater Ornan in this symbolism.

Jesus is the rock mass the greater floor of Ornan, Peter is a living stone

Jesus said to Peter:

18 Also, I say to you, You are Peter (Petros) and on this rock-mass (petra) I will build my congregation, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it (Matthew 16).

PetroV: Petros is masculine and capitalised, petra: petra is feminine and not capitalised in the Greek text. ‘Petros’ means a stone which can be thrown and ‘Petra’ means a rock in the sense of a cliff or a rock mass, something not throwable. The rock mass, the foundation cornerstone of all true Christian religions, temples is the Christ.

But Israel, although pursuing a law of righteousness, did not attain to the law. 
For what reason? Because he pursued it, not by faith, but as by works. They stumbled on the ‘stone of stumbling’, as it is written:
Look! I am laying in Zion a stone­ of stumbling and a rock-mass of offense,­ but he that rests his faith on it­ will not come to disappointment
(Romans 9:31-33).

Peter is a moveable rock, a stone, placed upon Jesus. He is a genuine stone with which Jesus will start to build his congregation which will not be overpowered by the gates of Hades. Because the stones are ‘living stones’ as Peter himself explains:

Coming to him as to a living stone, rejected, it is true, by men, but chosen, precious, with God, you yourselves also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house for the purpose of a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
For it is contained in Scripture: Look! I am laying in Zion a stone, chosen, a foundation cornerstone, precious; and no one exercising faith in it will by any means come to disappointment.
It is to you, therefore, that he is precious, because you are believers; but to those not believing, ‘the identical stone that the builders rejected has become [the] head of [the] corner’, and ‘a stone of stumbling and a rock-mass of offense’. These are stumbling because they are disobedient to the word. To this very end they were also appointed
(1 Peter 2:4-8).

Paul, as usual, sums up the situation:

And you have been built up upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, while Christ Jesus himself is the foundation cornerstone.
In union with him the whole building, being harmoniously joined together, is growing into a holy temple for Jehovah.
In union with him you, too, are being built up together into a place for God to inhabit by spirit
(Ephesians 2:20-22).

So this is truly God’s house, the temple of living stones, the foundation cornerstone of which is the Christ. But if it has a one cornerstone then it has 3 others and it has 4 walls. As all the physical temples had. So now we can at last understand what Jesus meant when he said:

In the house of my Father there are many abodes. Otherwise, I would have told you, because I am going my way to prepare a place for you (John 14:2)

These many abodes are many true Christian religions based on the same foundation cornerstone laid on 33Nisan14. Are there any abodes in God's house which are false religions? Nope, fine, so, this statement means that there is more than one true Christian religion. These abodes are successive in time, being the spiritual temples of FDS1, FDS2, FDS3, FDS4, which are also in another symbolism the 4 walls of Christian law:

For he is our peace, he who made the two parties one and destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off.
By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the two peoples in union with himself into one new man and make peace
(Ephesians 2:14,15).

The law of Moses was the wall between Jew and Greek. The law of the Christ interpreted and applied by the living stones of the 4 true religions becomes the 4 walls of these 4 Christian religions.

On 33Nisan16, the third day, the temple on earth became all of Jesus’ disciples who had been baptised into the new covenant.

19 In answer Jesus said to them: Break down this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up.
20 Therefore the Jews said: This temple was built in 46 years, and will you raise it up in three days?
21 But he was talking about the temple of his body.
22 When, though, he was raised up from the dead, his disciples called to mind that he used to say this; and they believed the Scripture and the saying that Jesus said (John 2).

19 What! Do you (plural) not know that the body of you (plural) people is [the] temple of the holy spirit within you (plural), which you (plural) have from God? (1 Corinthians 6).

So the whole collection of them is the temple. And this body is Jesus’ body:

18 And he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become the one who is first in all things (Colossians 1).

5 You yourselves also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house for the purpose of a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2).

So the temple is Jesus’ body which is his fiancee, which is the congregation of those baptised into the new covenant. So if Jesus is not present, then his body is not present so the temple is absent and there are no new covenant saints. But we know that Jesus is absent for a time, because if he wasn’t then there would not need to be a sign for his presence as given in Matthew 24, since this presence would be a foregone conclusion.

So in summary the 7 (wouldn't you know it?)  temples of Abraham's seed are:

Temple Reference in the registration sin account
Tabernacle 3 days of plague at the end of its life: 1048Nisan14 to 1048Nisan16
Solomon's temple 3 months of running away from the sword of enemies at the end of its life: 586Ab to 586Tishri 
Zerubbabel's temple 3 years of famine at the end of its life: 30Nisan to 33Nisan
First hidden son of Ornan Jesus, rock mass of all and cornerstone of FDS1 (sub temple)
Second hidden son of Ornan Paul, cornerstone of FDS2 (sub temple)
Third hidden son of Ornan Russell, cornerstone of FDS3 (sub temple)
Fourth hidden son of Ornan Ritchie, cornerstone of FDS4 (sub temple)

10 Did you never read this scripture, the stone that the builders rejected, this has become the chief cornerstone ? (Mark 12).
So if Jesus is the chief cornerstone, then there are 3 other cornerstones. These are Paul, Russell and Ritchie. Since Jesus is a chief of cornerstones, there must be other cornerstones subordinate to him. Now the rejection of a cornerstone results in a new true religion, so there a 3 other new true religions.

Apparent Discrepancies:

1 Chronicles 21 2 Samuel 24
1.1 million men of Israel drawing sword 800,000 valiant men of Israel drawing sword
470,000 men of Judah drawing sword 500,000 men of Judah
3 years of famine 7 years of famine

310,000 men of Israel drawing sword were not valiant.
30,000 men of Judah were not drawing sword.
There was a 3 year famine before the census hinted at by the first words of 2 Samuel 24:

1 And again the anger of Jehovah came to be hot against Israel, when one incited David against them, saying: Go, take a count of Israel and Judah (2 Samuel 24).

This previous occasion when God became angry with Israel was:

1 Now there came to be a famine in the days of David for 3 years, year after year; and David proceeded to consult the face of Jehovah. Then Jehovah said: Upon Saul and upon his house there is bloodguilt, because he put the Gibeonites to death (2 Samuel 21).

So we are referred to a previous 3 year famine. If (and we ourselves do not know) this famine started 4 years before the registration sin, then, if the penalty that David chose had been the 3 year famine of 1 Chronicles 21, this would in fact have been also the 7 year famine of 2 Samuel 24, by virtue of the preceding 3 year famine with the one year of harvest in the middle which was hardly likely to have ended a 3 year famine.