[150] The 70 sevens of Daniel 9 and the Wittenberg Castle Church

24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city
in order to terminate the transgression
and to finish off sin
and to make atonement for error
and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite
and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet
and to anoint the holy of holies.
25 From the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah (anointed one), Leader, there will be 7 sevens and 62 sevens (Daniel 9).

Nehemiah and the 20th year of Artaxerxes

1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hacaliah: Now it came about in the month Chislev, in the 20th year, and I myself happened to be in Shushan the castle (Nehemiah 1).

This was not the 20th year of Axtaxerxes the king. Every ordinal year of a king in the bible is called such explicitly (check 'first year', 'second year' etc with an electronic bible). This was the 20th year of Nehemiah's being in Shushan. Which appears to have been the 19th year of Artaxerxes the King, since the 20th year of Axrtaxerxes, when Nehemiah asked to be governor of Judah, was some 'days' later, days of weeping and mourning as below:

4 And it came about that, as soon as I heard these words, I sat down and began to weep and mourn for days, and I was continually fasting and praying before the God of the heavens (Nehemiah 1).
Then he prayed asking for pity from the King:

11 Ah, Jehovah, please, let your ear become attentive to the prayer of your servant and to the prayer of your servants who take delight in fearing your name; and, please, do grant success to your servant today and make him an object of pity before this man. Now I myself happened to be cupbearer to the king (Nehemiah 1).

The true God granted his request:

1 And it came about in the month Nisan, in the 20th year of Artaxerxes the king, that wine was before him, and I as usual took up the wine and gave it to the king. But never had I happened to be gloomy before him (Nehemiah 2).

Nehemiah asked if he could go back to Jerusalem and rebuild its wall and re hang its gates:

6 At this the king said to me, as his queenly consort was sitting beside him: How long will your journey come to be and when will you return? So it seemed good before the king that he should send me, when I gave him the appointed time [So the word went forth from the King, Artaxerxes for Nehemiah to go and rebuild Jerusalem as prophesied in Daniel9 in the 20th year of Artaxerxes in the month of Nisan] (Nehemiah 2).

The answer to this question is given later in Nehemiah's book:

14 Another thing: From the day that he commissioned me to become their governor in the land of Judah, from the 20th year to the 32nd year of Artaxerxes the king, 12 years, I myself and my brothers did not eat the bread due the governor (Nehemiah 5).

On the Web there are hundreds and hundreds or differing interpretations of the 70 sevens of Daniel 9. They are all incorrect, although many are valiant efforts, because they are based on the view of the majority of historians that the 20th year of Artaxerxes was 445 BC (Cambridge Ancient History). But there is good evidence that Artaxerxes was coregent with his father for 10 years so that his 20th year was in fact 455 BC, see - [120]. The Watchtower gets the credit for this one. So in this section we take this 20th year to start in 455Nisan. There is a scriptural parallel to the 70 sevens prophecy which is good evidence that this date of 455 is true. It is drawn below:

Word of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem      John appointed as Elijah1 to baptise
455Nisan                                                                             29Nisan21 (1NC first fruits)
         483 years to Messiah (69 sevens)

Word of Moses through Ezra in Nehemiah8         Baptism of Jesus by John
455Tishri1                                                              29Tishri10
         483 years to Messiah (69 sevens)

Temporal parallel indicating that the 20th year of Artaxerxes I was 455 BC...

Inauguration of the Tabernacle                                 Inauguration of Solomon's Temple
1512Nisan                                                                1026Tishri
             486½ years (69½ weeks of years)

Zerubbabel's Temple inaugurated under law           Inauguration of Temple of Jesus' body
455Tishri24                                                              33Nisan16
             486½ years (69½ weeks of years)


The 70 sevens, taking a seven to be a seventh, the ordinal number, which is a sabbath

24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city
in order to terminate the transgression
and to finish off sin
and to make atonement for error
and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite
and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet
and to anoint the holy of holies (Daniel 9).

We read earlier in the chapter that:

2 In the first year of his reigning (Darius 521) I, myself, Daniel discerned by the books, the number of years concerning which the word of Jehovah had occurred to Jeremiah the prophet, for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem, 70 years (Daniel 9)

Darius acceded on 29September 522BC (Cambridge Ancient History). So the first regnal year of Darius was 521. We see from verse 24 that 70 'sevens', which sevens can either be sabbaths, or weeks of days or weeks of years, are decreed upon people and city. If they are sabbaths then they could refer to the 70 year devastation of Jerusalem, which was a land sabbath repayment period, see [121], [122]. If so then there are two periods of 70 sabbaths, one determined upon the holy city and the other upon the people. We know from [122], that these are:

609Tishri the end of the last land sabbath missed to 539Tishri the fall of Babylon to Cyrus, in the case of the people.

585Nisan, the first sacred year after the destruction of the temple on 586Ab10, to 515Nisan, the start of the first year after the inauguration of Zerubbabel's temple (either in 516Adar or 516AdarII). 

Obviously as stated in verse 2, Daniel had worked out the Jerusalem fulfillment. The 70 years on the people had been and gone. This is the literal meaning of Daniel 9. So Daniel was grappling with 70 missed sabbaths and so a 70 year land sabbath exile, but Gabriel came and told him about 70 sevens!

Daniel’s entreaties started in 521 when a word went forth according to Gabriel:

23 At the start of your entreaties a word went forth (Daniel 9). 

But verse 25 informs us that:

25 From the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah (anointed one), Leader, there will be 7 sevens and 62 sevens (Daniel 9).

These sevens can be ordinal i.e. a sabbath or cardinal i.e. a week. If we take the sevens as being ordinal i.e. seven sevenths, or 7 sabbaths, then assuming Daniel was praying in the early part of the first year of Darius (521Nisan onwards), then the 7th year of Darius, which was the first year of Zerubbabel's temple was 515Nisan onwards. The first year of Darius was when 'a word went forth', so in his 7th year, the anointed one, the high priest Joshua, started officiating in the temple of Zerubbabel, the leader or governor of Judah. Haggai informs us about Zerubbabel and Joshua:

1 In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, on the first day of the month, the word of Jehovah occurred by means of Haggai the prophet to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest (Haggai 1).

So Gabriel was confirming Daniel’s own calculation of verse 2, since the 7th sabbath of Daniel 9:25 ends at the end of the 70 years of Jeremiah in 515 BC:

2 In the first year of his reigning I myself, Daniel, discerned by the books the number of the years concerning which the word of Jehovah had occurred to Jeremiah the prophet, for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem, [namely,] seventy years (Daniel 9)

11 And all this land must become a devastated place, an object of astonishment, and these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon 70 years.'
12 'And it must occur that when 70 years have been fulfilled I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'their error, even against the land of the Chaldeans, and I will make it desolate wastes to time indefinite.
13 And I will bring in upon that land all my words that I have spoken against it, even all that is written in this book that Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations (Jeremiah25).

Perhaps in the greater meaning the Watchtower, who started the congregational fertility worship of incessant field service, with no sabbaths of any type either weekly or annually, at the Cedar Point convention in 1922Elul, were called to account by God through the arrival of Letter to the Society on 1992Elul11, which showed how much research they had missed when these chose to be Martha rather than Mary.

Now, having dealt with the 7 sevens, we turn our attention to the 62 sevens that follow. Certainly a word went forth to restore true worship in Jerusalem in 516Adar/AdarII, namely: 'Come and worship in our newly inaugurated temple'. If we count inclusively 62 years from here we end up in the year starting 455Nisan. But in 455Tishri24, the law was re instated by Ezra, see below. So 454 was the first year under the re instated law of Moses. And therefore the 62 years from 516 to 455 inclusive, were a sabbath, a release from the Law. The reason why Zerubbabel's temple was inaugurated in 516Adar or 516AdarII more likely, rather than 515Nisan at the Passover as one would have expected, is that the nation was not under law in 516, so the real inauguration under law regulated by the temple of Zerubbabel was in 455Tishri at the festival of Booths, just before they re - entered the law - see [98].

Daniel's prayer and word goes forth       1st full year of Zerubbabel's temple
521Nisan                                                 515Nisan 
  7 sabbath years inclusively (no temple)

Word went forth when Zerubbabel's temple inaugurated      Jews go back under law
516Adar                                                                                   455Tishri
         62 sabbath years inclusively (temple but no law)

These 62 years were a priesthood malediction. So Joshua, the anointed one, started officiating at the temple during the 7th sabbath (release from the temple and the law), after Daniel's entreaties (inclusively), with the passover, under the leadership of Zerubbabel. And the high priest Ezra, the anointed one, started officiating properly at the temple during the 62nd sabbath (release from the law) after that with a proper version of the festival of booths, under the leadership of Nehemiah, the governor of Judah. The 70 year penalty on the temple was a ‘worship sabbath’ rather than a land sabbath, which was the 70 year penalty on the people. To see that Ezra was the high priest consider:

21 And by me myself, Artaxerxes the king, an order has been put through to all the treasurers that are beyond the River, that everything that Ezra the priest, the copyist of the law of the God of the heavens, requests of you men it will be done promptly (Ezra 7).

25 And you, Ezra, according to the wisdom of your God that is in your hand appoint magistrates and judges that they may continually judge all the people that are beyond the River, even all those knowing the laws of your God; and anyone that has not known [them] you men will instruct (Ezra 7).

Of course the Land Sabbath repayment on the people, the house of Israel, ended in 539Tishri, so the 70 year temple penalty had to be a different kind of Sabbath. It was truly a release from the obligations of the law, since one quite obviously cannot obey the law without a temple. Although the many modern physical Jews erroneously attempt to do this. They are doing it not because it makes any logical sense, but because their pride will not accept that God has rejected them only in as much as they have lost their exclusivity, of being God's people, who are none other than Abraham's sons through the First Abrahamic Covenant, which exclusivity was by means of the Land and Circumcision Covenant, see [9]. They lost it as a result of the death of the Christ. This re instatement of the law on 455Tishri24 is covered in Nehemiah 8,9,10:

1 And all the people proceeded to gather themselves as one man at the public square that was before the Water Gate. Then they said to Ezra the copyist to bring the book of the law of Moses, which Jehovah had commanded Israel. 
2 Accordingly Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation of men as well as of women and of all intelligent enough to listen, on the 1st day of the 7th month (Nehemiah 8).

17 Thus all the congregation of those who had come back from the captivity made booths and took up dwelling in the booths; for the sons of Israel had not done that way from the days of Joshua the son of Nun until that day, so that there came to be very great rejoicing. 
18 And there was a reading aloud of the book of the law of the [true] God day by day, from the first day until the last day; and they went on holding the festival seven days, and on the eighth day there was a solemn assembly, according to the rule (Nehemiah 8).

1 And on the 24th day of this month the sons of Israel gathered themselves together with fasting and with sackcloth and dirt upon themselves (Nehemiah 9).

38 So in view of all this we are contracting a trustworthy arrangement, both in writing and attested by the seal of our princes, our Levites [and] our priests (Nehemiah 9).

28 As for the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the Nethinim and everyone separating himself from the peoples of the lands to the law of the [true] God, their wives, their sons and their daughters, everyone having knowledge [and] understanding, 
29 they were adhering to their brothers, their majestic ones, and coming into [liability to] a curse and into an oath, to walk in the law of the [true] God, which had been given by the hand of Moses the servant of the [true] God, and to keep and to perform all the commandments of Jehovah our Lord and his judicial decisions and his regulations (Nehemiah 10).

So on 455Tishri24 the oath was taken to obey the law a second time. The previous occasion being on mount Sinai in 1512Sivan3. Before this time and since 586Ab, for a period of 70 exclusive and then 7 inclusive and then 62 inclusive years ending in 455Tishri, the Jews had not been under law! Furthermore since Ezra was the anointed one who came at the end of the 62 sevens in the literal fulfillment he must have been cut off after this:

26 And after the 62 sevens Messiah will be cut off with nothing for himself (Daniel 9)

Obviously Ezra died, but this scripture is saying that he was killed. 

So we have the kingship, the land and the priesthood maledictions all following from the error of the two houses of the Jews, see [121]. 

The 70 sevens, taking a seven to be 7 years in the case of the Jesus

Furthermore we have a period of 486.5 years or 69.5 weeks of years from 455Tishri when the second law oath was taken and Zerubbabel’s temple therefore became fully operational until 33Nisan, when Jesus completed the building of the new temple of his body. This period matches exactly with the period of 486.5 years from the inauguration of the Tabernacle in the wilderness in 1512Nisan until the inauguration of Solomon’s temple in 1026Tishri. Providing some confirmation that 455 was the 20th year of Artaxerxes.

Moses and Aaron conducted a 7 day installation and atonement ceremony in the tabernacle that was finished by Moses and accepted by Jehovah on 1512Nisan1.

17 Accordingly it came about in the first month, in the second year, on the first day of the month, the tabernacle was set up (Exodus 40).

33 And you must not go out from the entrance of the tent of meeting for 7 days, until the day of your fulfilling the days of your installation, because it will take 7 days to fill your hand with power. 
34 Just as it has been done this day, Jehovah has commanded to be done so as to make atonement for you (Leviticus 8).

Precisely 483 plus 3.5 i.e. 486.5 years later we read:

2 So all the men of Israel congregated themselves to king Solomon in the lunar month of Ethanim (Tishri), in the festival, that is the seventh month (1 Kings 8).

In the rest of the chapter we read about Solomon's inauguration of this temple, again this would have included an atonement day. So just as there were 69.5 weeks of years from the inauguration of the tabernacle to the inauguration of Solomon's temple, the more permanent physical temple, so there were 69.5 weeks of years, or 486.5 years, precisely, from the inauguration of clean worship in Zerubbabel's temple to the inauguration of the spiritual temple of Jesus' heavenly body, which we know occurred on Nisan16, 33CE. This whole paragraph can be read with the word 'inauguration' replaced with 'first atonement sacrifice' which was part of any inauguration in any event.

First Law period 1512Sivan3 to 586Ab 926 years 2 months
Second Law period 455Tishri24 to 33Nisan 486.5 years

So the Law covenant remade on 455Tishri24, by a word going forth, was ended on 33Nisan14, 69.5 weeks of years later, by the word going forth into death, at the half of the week. Hence we understand the deliberately ambiguous scripture:

27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease (Daniel 9).

This meant that the Land and Circumcision Covenant would end in 36Tishri, and the law covenant would end in 33Nisan, at the half of the week, for without sacrifice, there was no forgiveness under law, and the law was not changed.

There is a further fulfillment to Daniel 9:25 with John the Baptist:

25 From the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah, Leader, there will be 7 sevens and 62 sevens (Daniel 9).

The word that went forth from Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem in 455Nisan until John was anointed by Melchizedek (Simeon) to be entered by Gabriel at 30 years old in 29Nisan, was a period of 69 weeks of years or 483 years. So we have:

Word of Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem    Baptism of John
455Nisan                                                      29Nisan
         483 years to Messiah (69 sevens)

Word of Ezra to Restore Jerusalem           Baptism of Jesus
455Tishri                                                      29Tishri
   483 years to Messiah, Leader (69 sevens)

Word of Ezra to Restore Law in Jerusalem          Death of Jesus
455Tishri                                                                33Nisan
         486½ years to end of law (69½ sevens)

                                                                                          Conversion of Cornelius (Acts 10)
Word of Ezra to Restore Law in Jerusalem                     End of LCC (People can enter 1EC and City can enter 1NC)
455Tishri                                                                           36Tishri14 (4 days after the atonement day fast)
                 490 years to end of law (70 sevens)

10 For your leader is one, the Christ (Matthew 23).
Both John and Jesus were Messiahs or anointed ones.

26 And after the 62 weeks Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself (Daniel 9).

This is John the human at the entry of Gabriel and Jesus the human at the entry of Michael. The Human spirits in John the baptist and Jesus, both died, aged 30 (360 months) at the entrance of Gabriel into John in 29Nisan and Michael into Jesus at 29Tishri. So the 69 weeks ending with the arrival of John is an extra fulfilment of verse 25 which does not have an associated 70 week period of covenant extension week period.

In fact High Priest Joshua and Leader Zerubbabel, and High Priest Ezra and Leader Nehemiah, both prefigure John and Jesus.

Then there is another fulfilment in literal weeks from the start of the ministry of John on 29Sivan10 (the 1NC Pentecost) to his beheading by Herod either 62 or 62+7 solar weeks later on 30Ab29 or 30Tishri18. Certainly he was CUT OFF with nothing for himself after his very short ministry!

The 69 sevens, taking a seven to be 7 years in the case of the first translation of the word into English and in the case of the Reformation of Martin Luther

21 and [while] I was yet speaking in the prayer, why, the man, Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the start, having been made weary with tiredness, was arriving by me at the time of the evening gift offering.
22 And he proceeded to impart understanding and speak with me and say: Oh Daniel, now I have come forth to make you have insight with understanding.

At the start of your entreaties a word went forth, and I myself have come to make report, because you are someone very desirable. So give consideration to the matter, and have understanding in the thing seen.
24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people [water baptism, 1EC and then 4EC] and upon your holy city [1NC kings and then 2NC saints]
in order to terminate the transgression
and to finish off sin
and to make atonement for error
and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite
and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet
and to anoint the holy of holies.
25 And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah, [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens [this gives us 69 weeks when added, but also gives us a separate 7 weeks and 62 weeks in a further fulfilment unrelated to the 70 weeks and to the covenant extension week]. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square and moat/wall, but in the straits/troubles of the times.
26 And after the 62 sevens Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself. And the city and the holy place the people of a leader that is coming will bring to their ruin. And the end of it will be by the flood. And until [the] end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations.
27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination [Passover strike], the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate (Daniel 9).

Due to the wording of verses 25 and 26, there are to be extra fulfilments of the 7 sevens and the 62 sevens which are not part of the 70 sevens. We are not sure precisely how this works at present. But every 70 weeks period contains the 69 week fulfilment as its first 69 weeks, and then there is another 69 week fulfilment as in the case of the arrivals of John and of Jesus. And the leader or Messiah is cut off with nothing for himself after these 69 weeks. In fact there is a 69 week fulfilment for every Elijah, who becomes a congregation leader at the end of the 69 weeks.

Luther - Ritchie/Henschel Fulfilment

On October 31st 1517 (Julian Calendar) which was November 10th 1517 Gregorian (because Pope Gregory added 10 days making 1582October5 into 1582October15,  to bring the calendar back into sync with the sun, making a true solar calendar) and was 1517Heshvan13 BLC, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses of his dissertation against indulgences to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg and sent a copy to the Archbishop Albert of Mainz.

25 From the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah, Leader, there will be 7 sevens and 62 sevens...
And after the 62 sevens Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself...
And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many/the great for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease... (Daniel 9).

The going forth of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, was these 95 theses nailed to the church door in Wittenberg.

Now if you read verse 26 of Daniel 9 you see that the messiah or leader was to be cut off with nothing at some unspecified time after the 69 weeks. 

There is no 70 weeks of verse 27 fulfilment starting from the 95 Theses of Luther, because there is no associated covenant with his activities, so there is no covenant extension week. But 69 weeks of years or 483 years after 1517Heshvan13 is 2000Heshvan. Now in 1560, 43 years after Luther nailed his theses to the door and during the 7th seven, the first print run of the Geneva bible occurred. This was the first English bible to be seriously mass produced and distributed. So in truth the word of God also went forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem in the 8th seven in a big way, because the 8th was the first seven to start with a large number of mass produced bibles being available. This explains the 7 seven and 62 seven split in verse 25. Luther fulfils the extra possible meanings of verse 25.

95 Theses nailed to Wittenberg door 1517Heshvan13       Congregation of LWs begins, Gordon is leader of it
1517Heshvan13 (word went forth from there)                    2000Elul16 (2 LWs), 2000Tishri16 (3 LWs Tony Jamie Gordon)
   483 years to Messiah, Leader (69 sevens) (should be accurate to the month. But Luther did not knock up 95 Theses in one day! The word may have gone forth in some other respect prior to then)

95 Theses nailed to Wittenberg door 1517Heshvan13     Milton Henschel resigns as President of WTBTS
Word goes forth to restore and rebuild the RC church     All Watchtower GB members also resign from WTBTS
Protestant Reformation begins against Catholics             Don Adams appointed as 'functionary' President of WTBTS
1517October31 (Julian)                                                     Watchtower GB is reformed so as not to have a president
1517November10 (Gregorian)                                           Means Gordon becomes the sole leader over sons of the ICC
1517Heshvan13                                                                 2000Heshvan4/5 (October 7)
 483 years to Messiah, Leader (69 sevens) (accurate to the month so should be correct)

Essentially the Jehovah's witnesses were reformed internally and God's true church was reformed as the Lords Witnesses externally.

Wycliffe - Russell fulfilment

In 1382 John Wycliffe finished the first translation of the bible into English. He continued working at it until he died on 1384December31 in Lutterworth. Then John Purvey worked on it until 1395. This was the start of mass literacy in the UK. Everyone wanted to read God's word directly - for more on this see codec12.2. People were so captivated by God's word in their mother tongue that they would stand in small groups on street corners reading the bible. These faithful people lead by Wycliffe and his translation become known as the Lollards - hence the expression: to Loll about. Although the term came from the latin lolium, meaning weed, darnel, as in the wheat and the weeds. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Arundel, then pressurized Henry IV to stop the public from becoming literate and from knowing the truth about God since he and the Roman Catholic church as always cared more for their power over these people than they did either for the people or God. Henry IV eventually gave in to this pressure and passed the first law designed to prevent his subjects from reading an English translation of the bible and therefore protect the latin speaking clergy. The law forbade ownership or production of an English translation of the bible and the penalty for breaking it was to be burnt at the stake with the bible around your neck. The law was passed on March28, 1401 (1401Nisan3/4) and was called De Heretico Comburendo, meaning about the burning of heretics. 


Now 69 weeks of years and not 70 weeks of years after 1395 is 1878/1879. This was the time when Russell withdrew his support from Barbour and from the Herald of the Morning publication and instead published the first issue of the Watchtower Magazine in July 1879. So this was the time when Russell began his own religious organisation. Charles Russell was baptised in water from heaven to become Elijah3 and sanctified into the 1NC on 1871Heshvan21, at the first 2NC Pentecost after he became 20 years old. Then on 1890Sivan14, the 2nd presence began by 2nd HLC sanctification of a 3EC JW into the 100 year Asher Proselyte continuation call from 1890Sivan11 to 1990Sivan11. So Russell restarted the church of the 1NC/HLC whose first president was Peter. There is the real apostolic succession (since an Elijah is an apostle of the Christ). 

The word of God goes forth in English                     Russell withdraws from the Herald of the Morning and sets up his own publishing outfit
Wycliffe bible is written and completed by Purvey   The first issue of the Watchtower is published in July 1879                
1382-1395                                                                1879July
      69 weeks of years not 70 weeks

Russell was cut off with nothing for himself in 1916 when he died losing his leadership of the Watchtower. The beauty of these Wycliffe-Russell and Luther-Ritchie fulfilments of Daniel 9 is that they put the activities of Wycliffe and Luther in their proper position in God's plan. These people were not Elijah's baptised from heaven to start a true Christian church, but they were key players in Christianity and their work must have been inspired by God, who encoded the timing of their roles in advance in accordance with the divine pattern of Daniel9. This interpretation confirms a certain German speaking LW's view that English is the 3rd language of the bible! It is a great irony that Russell who began his church, 69 weeks of years and not 70 after the Wycliffe bible was fully completed in 1395, 6 years before the first law was passed to burn English bible readers at the stake, was then credited with putting out the fires in Hell! Of course the motto of the Watchtower is to read the bible (in your mother tongue) daily. The Watchtower have translated their bible the NWT into perhaps 100 languages to facilitate this cause. They would have been in serious trouble under Henry IV!

UK Reformation - Isaaic Zoar fulfilment

The UK Reformation, the excommunication of Henry VIII on 1533Tammuz14/15 to the completion of the genetic restoration and rebuilding of non adamic Abrahamic Zoar as Isaac on 2016Tammuz14-16 is a fulfilment of the 69 weeks of Daniel9 !!

13Here is a lovely interpretation of the 69+1 weeks before the rebuilding of Daniel9, showing that we were rebuilt Isaaically 69 weeks of years after the word went forth that Jerusalem was being rebuilt upon England's green and pleasant land, yea even upon this sceptred isle, by the crowning of Anne Boleyn as Queen of England and personally delivering to her the rod and sceptre without papal authority. This trampling upon the authority of the Roman Catholic church to crown the royalty of England, resulted in Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn being excommunicated. Because one cannot have too many interpretations of Daniel9.

On 1532May15 the Convocation of Canterbury agreed the Submission of the Clergy, whereby the Roman Catholic church in England would not make church law without Royal assent. Sir Thomas Moore resigned the next day on May16. This was the effective start of the Reformation but not the legislative start. The Submission of the Clergy was then included in the 1934 Submission of the Clergy and Restraint of Appeals Act.

But the word of the Reformation in England went forth to restore and rebuild the English church in accordance with Daniel 9:25 legislatively with the Ecclesiastical appeals Act 1532: 24th of Henry VIII 12th Act out of 13. Since it was the 12th out of 13 acts in 1532, it was passed close to the end of the year (1532November/December), being the penultimate act of the year.

1532November/December (1532Chislev): Ecclesiastical appeals Act passed.
1533January24/25: Henry and Anne Boleyn were secretly married.
1533March30: Thomas Cranmer was consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury
1533May28: Cranmer validated Henry's marriage to Anne Boleyn.
1533June1 (1533Sivan6, the Pentecost): Thomas Cranmer crowned Anne Boleyn and personally delivered to her the rod and sceptre (without Papal consent). This defied Papal authority and seriously upset Pope Clement VII
On 1533July9 (1533Tammuz14/15) Pope Clement VII responded by excommunicating both Henry and Anne Boleyn unless they undid their marriage by the end of September.
1533September7: Anne gave birth to Elizabeth.
1533September30: Henry and Anne became excommunicated.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Cranmer 

Thomas Cranmer crowning Anne Boleyn without Papal consent was a usurping of the highest authority of the Catholic church (to crown royalty). It was a break from Rome. It also occurred on 1533Sivan6, the Mosaic and 1NC Pentecost in 1533. So we could take the news of that coronation as the word going forth to rebuild Jerusalem in this green and pleasant land separate from the Roman Catholic church. But then the Pope Excommunicated both Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn on 1533July9 (Julian) which was 1533Tammuz14/15 (unless they annulled the marriage). That certainly was the word going from Rome to instigate the reformation. And Henry would have responded by finalising the administration of the Anglican church. Here is the poem of William Blake in 1804 made into a song (which King George V preferred to the National Anthem) by Hubert Parry on 1916March10. It is a very powerful song emotionally and was adopted by the Suffragettes.

    And did those feet in ancient time,
    Walk upon England's mountains green:
    And was the holy Lamb of God,
    On England's pleasant pastures seen!

    And did the Countenance Divine,
    Shine forth upon our clouded hills
    And was Jerusalem builded here,
    Among these dark Satanic Mills

    Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
    Bring me my Arrows of desire:
    Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:
    Bring me my Chariot of fire!

    I will not cease from Mental Fight,
    Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
    Till we have built Jerusalem,
    In England's green and pleasant Land.

Beneath the poem Blake inscribed a quotation from the Bible...

29 Would to God that all the Lord's people were Prophets, that the Lord would put his spirit upon them (Numbers11 KJV)

That is the view and the mission of the Lords Witnesses Church

If you count 69 weeks of Daniel 9:25 from then, taking a day for a year, making 483 years, you get to 2016Ab14-16, when the LW church was being restored and rebuilt genetically as non adamic Isaac. Abrahamic LWs were restored and rebuilt genetically as Isaac from 2016Ab14-16 during the 1st Jubilee of the restoration lease. Then Isaaic Zoar was appointed/installed over non adamic Isaac on 2016Ab16/Tishri5 and over non adamic Abraham on 2016Tishri16/Chislev5 (Ab16 and Elul16 having been taken by Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar). So the restoration and rebuilding genetically of the Jerusalem of Isaaic Zoar was completed on 2016Ab16 in a way that King Henry and Sir Thomas Moore could never have imagined! We went one step up the salvation covenants from the blessing of the 1AC to the blessing of the ICC. Then if you count a further week of years making 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24, you get to 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea, the end of the dividing in two of the LWs into 2 true churches..

Ecclesiastical Appeals Act
Legal basis of the
Reformation in England
1532November/December (Julian)
Pope Clement VII excommunicates
King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
unless they annulled their marriage
1533July9 (Julian)
Pope Gregory XIII replaces the Julian calendar
with the Gregorian calendar
1582October5 (Julian) 
1582October15 (Gregorian) 
2016Ab14: End of Michael's 50 month restoration lease over Abraham from 2012Sivan16
2016Ab14-16: Zoar is restored and rebuilt from Abrahamic to Isaaic.
Isaaic Zoar is appointed over non adamic Abraham
The fall of Reverted Laodicea
The end of the division of the LWs
into 2 true churches.
7 weeks of years = 49 Julian years 62 weeks of years = 434 Gregorian years 1 week of years = 7 years

Then we count MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN as 101/102 months from 2016Ab14, the Abrahamic to Isaaic Passover to 2024Tebbeth14 the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover and from 2016Tishri14, the Isaaic Zoar Passover (that Isaaic Zoar should celebrate every year, since we became Abib 'headed' over Abraham on 2016Tishri16), to 2024VeAdar14, the Isaaic World Exodus Passover, then 2024VeAdar15-20 is the end of 2NC ark rapture (other than Benjamin).

The Reformation in 1533 was of course the going forth of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.

24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.
25 And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square [for the public, for sons of the 1AC] and moat [a water baptism for the priests and the kings], but in the straits/distress of the times [The Time of Distress and Escape of Daniel9 from 2028Heshvan14 to 2029Heshvan14].(Daniel 9)

'Restore and Rebuild' requires 2 types of restoration, administrative and genetic13

The Final 69 and 70 weeks

The word year has a count of 3 in Daniel9 and there is a double designation (The man, Gabriel), so there are 3 threads in all (one literal and two word symbolic). So 'year' takes a different meaning in each of the two word symbolic threads.

15 And now, Oh Jehovah our God, you who brought your people out from the land of Egypt by a strong hand [] and proceeded to make a name for yourself as at this day, we have sinned, we have acted wickedly (Daniel 9).

23 At the start of your entreaties a word went forth, and I myself have come to make report, because you are someone very desirable. So give consideration to the matter, and have understanding in the thing seen.
24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.
25 And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in the straits of the times.
26 And after the 62 sevens Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself. And the city and the holy place the people of a leader that is coming will bring to their ruin. And the end of it will be by the flood. And until [the] end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations.
27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate (Daniel 9).

New 70 weeks periods:

10624 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.
25 And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem [Laodicea is the one church that was restored and rebuilt after having fallen] until Messiah [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square [for the public, for sons of the 1AC] and moat [a water baptism for the priests and the kings], but in the straits/distress of the times [The Time of Distress of Daniel9 from 2028Heshvan14 to 2029Heshvan14].

26 And after the 62 sevens Messiah will be cut off, and nothing for/to himself. And the city and the holy place the people of a leader that is coming will bring to their ruin. And the end of it will be in/with/by the flood. And until [the] end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations.
27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation [the 4th horseman]; and until an extermination [the end of the lava flood which end the authority of the 4th horseman over non 1AC Adam, by ending non 1AC Adam], the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate [Babylon]. (Daniel 9 NWT)

The wording of '7 weeks also 62' does indicate that the same thing happens at the end of the 7 as happens at the end of the 62. And indeed it does. That thing is a Pentecost. The 7 weeks are begging to be interpreted as a festival of Weeks. One does not have to add the 7 to the 62 and get 69 weeks. Here is the fulfilment...

Reverted Laodicea falls
as a true church si needs to be
restored and rebuilt
Solomon is laid as the rock mass of his temple
Caleb of Hebron is 4EC baptised as the temple floor.
Solomon's temple building begins
2024Adar2 = 2024VeAdar2
The flood of angels of the 3rd Holy Spirit Reaches the bottom
of Jacob's ladder 30 days after 2026Iyyar17 of Genesis 7:11
The Messiah arrives
69 Solar Weeks and 3 days69 solar weeks + 1 day

Russell appears to Laodiceans
1st Sabbath of reappointed
Laodicean Weeks of John 
Extraction of God's people begins
The first JW 2NCs
are 4EC baptised
into Reverted Laodicea
69 Solar Weeks + 5 days

Russell appears to Laodiceans
1st Sabbath of reappointed
Laodicean Weeks of John 
Extraction of God's people begins
The 4th HLC marriage
the completion of the
3rd Holy Spirit
62 Solar Weeks + 1 day

6224 Weeks (of days) 70 was cut upon + people of + thee and + upon + city of holiness of + thee  = 490x.2x
to/for + to be of completed the + defection and + = 1x
to/for + to cause to complete of (misses) [miss] and + = 3x/1x (Kethib - written)[Qere - vocalised]
to/for + to cover over/overspread of perversity and + = 2x
to/for + to cause to enter of straightness of hidden times and + = 3x (a straightness of 3x for a Hebrew plural)
to/for + to seal of divine vision and + prophet and + = 2x
to/for + to stroke/anoint of holiness of holinesses = 1x (Daniel 9 WLCi)
Total = 490x.2x.12x/10x = 11760x (Kethib)/9800x [Qere]

The Kethib is the received inspired text. The Qere is how it should be pronounced and sometimes a correction of an 'obvious transcription error'.

24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sins/sin [Kethib/Qere, written/spoken], and to cover iniquity, and to bring in righteousness of hidden times [several fulfilments], and to seal vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies (Daniel 9 literal).

Kethib (written): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+3x+2x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.24x = 11760x. 32 years 8 months upon the city from 2000Elul16, the start of the LW congregation, the 4EC baptism of the 2nd LW, to 2033Nisan16, the appointment of the Kingdom of God over Abraham

Qere (spoken): 490x.(1x+1x).(1x+1x+2x+3x+2x+1x) = 490x.20x = 9800x. 32 years 80 days upon the people, from 2005Adar1, the start of the Laodicean congregation, the 4EC baptism of the 2nd Laodicean, to 2033Iyyar21, the Sabbath, then 2033Iyyar22 is the resurrection of the cainian last chance salooners.

On 1991Shebat17 (1992January28), the Watchtower joined the UN as an NGO. The Watchtower tested God for 10 years of in Egypt and the wilderness of Numbers14 which must have run from 1991Chislev14 up until 2001Chislev14, when God took away their 3EC water baptism of repentance. So they must have applied to Join the UN as an NGO affiliated to the UN DPI (which most NGOs are) on 1991Chislev14. They were accepted on 1992January28 (1991Shebat17). The UN archive could not confirm their application date. They do confirm their joining date 2 months later.

The 2001Heshvan10/11 letter to the Bethels showed no repentance for riding the beast as a harlot church and putting the throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah. The 1991September8, Awake magazine (page 10) did a publicity piece for the UN in accordance with the UN publicity obligations for NGOs wishing to become associated with the UN DPI. The Awake magazines (now discontinued) were distributed after their publication date. The UN archive cannot find the record of the date of application only the year of acceptance. The Watchtower had authority over the 1NC saints for 100 years less 27 days from 1905Tammuz11 to 2005Sivan14. They committed UN idolatry testing God for 10x of Numbers14 and 10% of their period of authority - see U65162

So in summary here are the various other periods of 69 and 70 weeks we have so far deduced...

69 weeks of years from the word of Artaxerxes in 455Nisan, recorded in Nehemiah to the start of the ministry of John in 29Nisan.
70 weeks of years of the LCC run from the word of Ezra in 455Tishri to the conversion of Cornelius on 36Tishri18.
69 weeks of years of the reformation from the word of Martin Luther in 1517Heshvan/Chislev, to the exclusive leadership over the sons of the ICC of Ritchie in 2000Heshvan, by virtue of the Watchtower reformation which rendered it leaderless.
69 weeks of years from the end of the creation of the Wycliffe bible, the first English bible, in 1395, to the first issue of the Watchtower Magazine 1879 July.

The LWs visit to Wittenberg castle church

Here is the engraving on the door of the church showing the year of the reformation MDXVII 1517...

Here are some nice pictures of the inside and outside of the church...


Here is Daniel (an LW, not the Jewish prophet, although he is a spiritual Jewish interpretational prophet from the same genetic race as Martin Luther). He is holding up the fulfilment at the end of the 70 weeks of years of Daniel 9, just as the door of the church has the words that began those 70 weeks of years 

Here is the famous door with all the 95 Thesis inscribed upon it...

Here is our valiantly attempted but incorrect fulfilment of the 70 weeks prophecy (Jesus coming on a cloud in 2007Heshvan) and the interpretation stuck to the original 95 Theses on Saturday 3 November 2007 (2007Heshvan18)...

Here is more of a close up of the 70 weeks of years interpretation.

Here is the text of the letter that he fastened to the door! (Out of date now!)

"On October 31st 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to this church door and started the protestant reformation.

Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 and 25 say…

24 There are 70 sevens that have been determined upon your people and upon your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, and to finish off sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite, and to imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.
And you should know and have the insight [that] from the going forth of [the] word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah [the] Leader, there will be 7 sevens, also 62 sevens. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in the straits of the times (Daniel 9).

Jesus fulfilled this coming 69 sevens of years or 483 years after Ezra read out the law to the return Jews in the public square before the water gate in Jerusalem as recorded in Nehemiah 8 in the Hebrew month of Tishri 455 BC. Jesus was baptized by John in the Hebrew month of Tishri in 29 AD, 483 years later. The Gentile Cornelius was sanctified and the Land and Circumcision Covenant given to Abraham was ended in the Hebrew month of Tishri in 36 AD, 490 years later or 70 sevens of years later.

Well Daniel 9 has a true fulfilment relating to the second coming of the Christ. This is the 483 days from 2007Tammuz4 to 2008Heshvan7 when the descended 1NC saints enter into the true church (the LWs) and the protection of Zoar begins. But there is also a fulfilment of 69 weeks of years from the word going forth to restore the church in the Hebrew month of Heshvan 1517 when Luther nailed his theses to the door of this church to the leader of the LWs starting to run an LW congregation in 2000 (Elul/Tishri).. 

We should therefore see in the next few days whether the true church is the Roman Catholic Church or is one of the protestant churches that Martin Luther paved the way for!"

The 70 years of devastations of Jerusalem

Jeremiah25 and Daniel9: 70 years of exile for land Sabbath repayment, 70 years for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem. This is 70 months precisely in the greater meaning of Daniel9, from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence, to 2019Tebbeth10, the end of Passover entry for the late 3rd Watchtower Passover (when the last 1NC reserve is cleansed.

10 And I will destroy out of them the sound of exultation and the sound of rejoicing, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride [Jesus and the 3HSC, his bride] the sound of the hand mill and the light of the lamp [counts as 6x - the first 6 years of the Kingdom].
And all this land must become a devastated place, an object of astonishment, and these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon 70 years.'
12 'And it must occur that when 70 years have been fulfilled I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'their error, even against the land of the Chaldeans, and I will make it desolate wastes to time indefinite.
13 And I will bring in upon that land all my words that I have spoken against it, even all that is written in this book that Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations. (Jeremiah 25 NWT)

10 For this is what Jehovah has said, 'In accord with the fulfilling of 70 years at Babylon I shall turn my attention to you people, and I will establish toward you my good word in bringing you back to this place.' (Jeremiah 29 NWT)

1 In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus of the seed of the Medes, who had been made king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans [?];
2 in the first year of his reigning I myself, Daniel, discerned by the books [of the bible] the number of the years concerning which the word of Jehovah had occurred to Jeremiah the prophet, for fulfilling the devastations of Jerusalem, [namely,] 70 years. (Daniel 9 NWT)

These are years from Cedar point in 1922Elul to 1992Elul when the 'Letter to the Society' was delivered to Brooklyn? (accurate to the month) in one meaning.

Is this a witness to there being 70 books in the bible canonically? There are new scrolls to be opened. Are these a further 4 books in addition to the 66 counting Psalms as one book? The bible has 70 books counting Psalms as 5 books as the Hebrews do.