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The is a 2520 year Kingship Malediction upon God's people (any member of a salvation covenant) or possibly all of mankind actually preventing a son of Israel (genetic or ) from being King over them. It runs from 607Tishri15 until 2020Tishri15 with a 98 year Maccabean gap from 144Tishri15 to 46Tishri15 and a 4 year Jewish Ministry gap from 29Tishri15 to 33Tishri15 and a 4 year Gentile Ministry gap from 66Tishri15 to 70Tishri15. During the malediction, the people of God (the sons of any salvation covenant, or possibly all of mankind) do not have a son of Israel (genetic or ) as secular king (a Caesar) over them.
2020Tishri15 is the end of the Quad Gapped
THEN Christ is appointed/installed as secular King (Caesar) to:
Adam on 2020Tishri29/Chislev9
Cain on 2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5
on 2020Chislev16/Shebat5
on 2020Tebbeth16/Adar5
The previous secular king over God's official people (Israel under law), Jehoahaz, was the last king over the sons of and their proselytes, to rule as a vassal of God. He was deposed on 608Chislev10 - see U97, and the first agricultural year of God not ruling over his people began on 607Tishri1. But maledictions (Kingship maledictions) always run from the first day of Booths (Tishri15), maledictions (edenic land maledictions) run from the first day of Cakes and maledictions (priesthood maledictions) run from the relevant Pentecost - see U134. So the Quad gapped Gentiles Times began on 607Tishri15.
On 1823January1 John Aquila Brown Published in his book: The Even-Tide: Or, Last Triumph of the Blessed and Only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords ...Author: John Aquila Brown. Publisher: J. Offord, 1823. what was to become the Key to unlocking the code of the bible. He read the account in Daniel4 of Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, who had taken the Jews into exile (and thereby become the King of Israel as well), dreaming about a tree being cut down but the stump being left in the ground and 7 times passing over it.
10 'Now the visions of my head upon my bed I happened to be beholding, and, look! a tree in the midst of the earth, the height of which was immense.
11 The tree grew up and became strong, and its very height finally reached the heavens, and it was visible to the extremity of the whole earth.
12 Its foliage was fair, and its fruit was abundant, and there was food for all on it. Under it the beast of the field would seek shade,
and on its boughs the birds of the heavens would dwell, and from it all flesh would feed itself.
13 'I continued beholding in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, look! a watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens themselves.
14 He was calling out loudly, and this is what he was saying: Chop the tree down, and cut off its boughs. Shake off its foliage, and scatter its fruitage. Let the beast flee from under it, and the birds from its boughs.
15 However, leave its rootstock itself in the earth, even with a banding of iron and of copper, among the grass of the field; and with the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth.
16 Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given to it, and let 7 times pass over it.
17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind. (Daniel 4 )
Daniel interpreted this dream to mean that Nebuchadnezzar would lose his kingship for 7 years and then have it returned to him after he humbled his heart and realised the God was indeed ruler in the Kingdom of mankind (being the direct father of Adam). Then the king did indeed lose his kingdom for 7 years and have it returned after that malediction..
Most people would think, fair enough, God gave this king a dream and it was interpreted by the prophet Daniel and then fulfilled just as he interpreted - end of story.
But wait a minute. Who cares about this King ruling over Babylonians? The bible is not the a history book for Babylon. It is a history book for Israel and for God's people. The biblical issue is not now long will it be before King Nebuchadnezzar regains his throne over Babylon? It is how long will it be before a son of David becomes King of Israel once more? The Reverend John Aquila Brown realised that the dream might have a 2nd application to the more scripturally relevant regnal problem, not over Babylon but over Israel (to whom Nebuchadnezzar was also king)...
He interpreted the dream as meaning that God's people might be without a king representing God for 7 Times.
He further interpreted that those 7 times were not 7 years of days but were 7 years of years or 2520 years.
The principle of taking a day for a year in bible prophecy was first used in Christian exposition in 380 AD by Ticonius, who interpreted the three and a half days of Revelation 11:9 as three and a half years, writing 'three days and a half; that is, three years and six months' ('dies tres et dimidium; id est annos tres et menses sex').
Others who expounded this principle are: John Wycliffe, John Knox, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, Philip Melanchthon, Newton, Jan Hus, John Foxe, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Finney, C. H. Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes, and Bishop Thomas Newton -
The scriptural basis for such a substitution is found in Numbers14 or Ezekiel4.
34 By the number of the days that you spied out the land, 40 days, a day for a year, a day for a year, you will answer for your errors 40 years, as you must know what my being estranged means. (Numbers 14 )
6 And you must complete them. And you must lie upon your right side in the second case, and you must carry the error of the house of Judah 40 days. A day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have given you. (Ezekiel 4 )
Notice that is both verses, the phrase 'a day for a year' is repeated immediately. So the day for a year idea was already known in 1823. But had until then only been applied to Daniel 7,9,12 and Revelation 11-13.
But John Aquila Brown made two gargantuan strides in decoding the bible.
He realised actually on 1822Tammuz2/9 (1992June23/24/30/July1 calculated from Daniel12:11) and published on 1823January1 that one account can have 2 fulfilments, 2 meanings. He realised that the bible accounts could be quadratic symbolically (having two symbolic
solutions) - see U175.
2. He applied the principle of a day for a year to the 7 times of Daniel4.
But it took 169 years before the mankind (in particular, the writer of this webpage) looked as his work as applying not merely to Daniel 4 but to the entire bible.
Nelson Barbour and Charles Russell also saw that Daniel4 might have 2 meanings and that 7 times might stand for 2520 years in that chapter. And many bible interpreters before them including Sir Newton had supposed that the time times and half a time of Revelation 13 or the time times and a half of Daniel12 could be taken as 1260 years and the Millerites and 7th day adventists thought (incorrectly) that the 2300 evenings and mornings of Daniel8 could stand for 2300 years (because evenings and mornings are not whole cycles like a year. Together they make a whole cycle but they are written as half cycles). But nobody thought of applying the quadratic symbolism idea or the day for a year principle to any bible account other than Daniel4,7,8,9,12 and Revelation11-13. Not until January 1992. That is how negligent man has been with the task of decoding God's book.
Then in 1992, the writer wondered whether the quadratic symbolism idea and the day for a year principle might not apply to the 7x of Genesis4. he found that it did and discovered the 2520 year malediction of the which ran from 3993Nisan15, the eviction of Adam from Eden, on the first day of Edenic Cakes, to 1473Nisan15, when Israel first ate fruits of the promised land, on the first day of Cakes in the promised land. He then wondered whether every incidence of the phrase 7 times in the bible might not mean 2520 years. It did. He then wondered whether every incidence of the phrase n times might not mean 360n years. It did. He then realised that the entire book was written in a symbolic code. This was before the Equidistant Hebrew Letter Skip Code of Drosnin and Eli Rips was published, which was a Satanic Counterfeit to the true bible code. For never gives the truth a clear run at anything. Gordon delivered his findings in the form of a book entitled 'Letter to the Society', to the Governing Body of the Watchtower in 12 copies, one for each governing body member on 1992Elul11 (see History). Drosnin's book, The , was published by Simon and Shuster in 1997 and was a New York Times Best Seller.
Rev Brown ran the 2520 years from the first year of Nebuchadnezzar (which was the 4th of Jehoiakim), when he successfully besieged Jerusalem but did not burn the temple. He knew this year to be 604 BC (from secular history). So his 2520 years ended in 1917.
Nelson Barbour and Charles Russell ran their 2520 years from 606 and ended it in 1914 because they initially failed to grasp that there was no 0 BC or 0 AD but the years went from 1 BC to 1 AD.
Then the Watchtower, which Russell founded, fossilized that doctrine and decided that became 'King' over God's people invisibly in 1914.
The trouble has been that all 's Witnesses and Lords Witnesses and all other Christians, have been paying tax to Caesar since 1914 to this day (in 2024). So we have not recognised as the secular King of God's people yet! If you pay tax to a Satanic Caesar other than for direct services you receive, then you recognise as your Caesar.
1. In 1943 Freddie Franz (before he became the president of the Watchtower) adjusts the start date to 607Tishri in the book: 'The truth shall set you free'. The date for the rebuilding of the altar by Zerubbabel, 70 years after 607Tishri is now 537Tishri, a correct date. But the date for the burning of Jerusalem by Nebuchanezzar of 607 is wrong. And the start of the being the assassination of Gedaliah is also wrong. However at least the continuous now ended in 1914Tishri taking proper account of the lack of 0 BC/AD.
2. In 1988 Ed Schnopp, collates overwhelming evidence that 604 was the 1st regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar and therefore Jerusalem was burned in 586 BC. John Brown knew this in 1823, he had the first year of Nebuchadnezzar as 604 !! Ed shows that there are two 70 year exiles, one for Israel and one for Judah. Israel's exile ends in 539Tishri at the fall of Babylon and starts he thought in 609 with the Babylonian conquest of Nineveh or the fall of Assyria to Babylon. It actually began on 609Tishri1 after the missed land Sabbath year of 608Tishri1 to 608Elul30 (for the Northern Kingdom). The 70 year Northern penalty was a land Sabbath payback penalty from 509Tishri to 539Tishri (the decree of Cyrus). The 70 year Southern Kingdom penalty was a temple exile from 585Nisan1, the first sacred year without Solomon's temple to 515Nisan1, the first sacred year with Zerubbabel's temple - see U122.
3. In January 1992 Gordon proves that the were 2520 years long from Leviticus 26 (something Franz had suspected but could not prove). He also stumbled across the Discontinuous Davidic Israeli , a part of the curse of the law on genetic Israel preventing them from having a king from their own people for 2520 years plus a 4 year Ministry gap from 29Tishri15 to 33Tishri15, to 1939Tishri15, during WW2 which started on 1939Elul13 when Hitler invaded Poland. Then on 1948Sivan3, the Ben Gurion declaration was made and the modern state of Israel was founded. But he did not realise that precisely until 2022Shebat23. Credit for this must go to Massoud Vakili Shayesteh a friend of Gordon's from Uni. He convinced Gordon that the s had brainwashed him and that he should look at the scriptures with his own mind rather than with the minds of the governing body of the Watchtower. That indeed is the first law of God. That you should serve God with your whole mind, your whole soul, your whole heart and your whole strength. Not someone else's mind or soul or heart or strength. Or as William Tyndale put it.
“If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy who drives a plough to know more of the scriptures than you do.” - William Tyndale
4. In 1999 Gordon reads Ed Schnopp's web page (now taken down but recited below). He realises that Ed is right as regards the date of the burning of Jerusalem being 586, but knows that the 607 date is also right for the start of the . He then recalculates the whole history of the Kings of Judah and Israel from Solomon to Zedekiah and finds out that 608 was the accession of Jehoiakim the vassal not of but of Pharaoh Nechoh. Jehoiakim was appointed and chosen by Pharaoh, not by God. He realises that this means that 607Tishri15 (the first 1st day of Booths after Jehoiakim's accession) was the true start of the . He then synchronises the Babylonian Chronology known to Rev Brown, with Biblical, Assyrian and Egyptian Chronology. See U91.
So Gordon realised that the began not when Jerusalem fell to Nebuchanezzar, but when Pharaoh Nechoh having defeated and killed King Josiah, removed Jehoahaz from the throne (who was chosen by the Jews) and appointed Eliakim as King of Judah and changed his name to Jehoiakim (to make him sound like he was approved by God) and when Jehoiakim taxed the people and paid a tribute to Nechoh. For Caesar is the one to whom taxes are paid as revealed in Mark12.
31 23 years old was Jehoahaz when he began to reign, and for 3 months he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah.
32 And he began to do what was bad in 's eyes,
according to all that forefathers of his had done.
33 And Pharaoh Nechoh got to put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, to keep him from reigning in Jerusalem, and then imposed a fine upon the land of 100 silver talents and a gold talent.
34 Furthermore, Pharaoh Nechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in place of Josiah his father and changed his name to Jehoiakim; and Jehoahaz he took and then brought to Egypt, where he eventually died.
35 And the silver and the gold Jehoiakim gave to Pharaoh.
Only he taxed the land, to give the silver at the order of Pharaoh. According to each one's individual tax rate he exacted the silver and the gold from the people of the land, to give it to Pharaoh Nechoh.
36 25 years old was Jehoiakim when he began to reign, and for 11 years he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Zebidah the daughter of Pedaiah from Rumah. (2 Kings 23 )
So Jehoahaz was stopped from reigning by Nechoh. So no one was reigning for a period and then Jehoiakim had 11 regnal years starting in 607. Jehoiakim was not a vassal of because he was a vassal of Pharaoh Nechoh, being chosen by him and paying him an annual tribute. Now has said, when asked on his views about paying tax:
17 Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God. And they began to marvel at him (Mark 12).
So if Pharaoh is getting the tax, then he is Caesar, not God. So God relinquished his Kingship of Judah at the accession of Jehoiakim, who was no longer a vassal of the Almighty, but rather a vassal of Egypt.
So in general the is a period when God's people are ruled by a King chosen by a foreign Caesar who taxes the people on behalf of that Caesar.
Jehoiakim acceded on 608Chislev10 - see U97. so the Gentile times began on 607Tishri15 (since Kingship maledictions begin on the first day of Booths). This chronology agrees with secular history - see U91.
1 The word that occurred to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the 4th year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, the king of Judah, that is, the first year of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon; (Jeremiah 25 )
So Jehoiakim acceded in 608. So his first regnal year (which must begin on Nisan1) was 607, so his 4th regnal year was 604, which was the first regnal year of Nebuchanezzar. (Ptolemy)
Babylonian King | Berossus | Ptolemy | BCE |
Nabopolassar | 21 years | 21 years | 625-605 |
Nebuchadnezzar | 43 years | 43 years | 604-562 |
Evilmerodach | 2 years | 2 years | 561-560 |
Neriglissar | 4 years | 4 years | 559-556 |
Labashi-Marduk | 9 months | n/a | 556 |
Nabonidus | 17 years | 17 years | 555-539 |
Wikipedia has Jehoiakim appointed to the throne of Judah by Pharaoh Nechoh in 608 BC -
Egyptian Event | History of Ancient Egypt - Rawlinson | Chronicle of the Pharaohs - Clayton | Cambridge Ancient History |
Pharoah Nechoh accession | 612/610 | 610 | 610 |
Defeats Josiah at Meggido | 608 | 609 | |
Pharoah Nechoh dies | 596 | 595 | 595 |
5. In 2014, Stephen E. Jones of God's Kingdom Ministries postulated that the 2,520 years of the was punctuated by a gap due to the uprising of the Maccabees. "If these beast empires (from Babylon to the little horn) had ruled with no interruption, their 2,520 years would have lasted from 607 B.C. to 1914 A.D. However, from 163-63 B.C. their rule was interrupted for a century on account of the acts of Antiochus Epiphanes, who attempted to turn the temple in Jerusalem into a shrine to Zeus. The uprising of the Maccabees gave Judah independence for a hundred years, depriving the Grecian beast his final century of rule." God's Kingdom Ministries Newsletter 1st May 2014.
6. Gordon realised that Dr Jones was correct about the Maccabean gap. But that he did not have its timing quite right. The key was 1 Maccabees 11:32-37, which is a quote from a letter from King Demetrius II Nicator (the Seleucid King of Israel) to Jonathan Maccabeus...
32 King Demetrius to the Honorable Lasthenes, greetings.
33 I have decided to grant the Jewish nation certain benefits because they are our loyal allies and keep their treaty obligations.
34 I confirm their rights to the land of Judea and the three regions of Ephraim, Lydda, and Arimathea, which are hereby annexed to Judea from Samaria with all the lands belonging to them. This will be of benefit to everyone who goes to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice, since payments of the annual tax on produce and fruit from these lands will no longer be made to the king, but to the Temple [meaning God is now Caesar - pay Caesar's things not to Caesar but to God!].
35 And I also grant them relief from the payment of revenues now due me from tithes, tolls, salt taxes, and special taxes.
36 None of the provisions mentioned in this letter shall ever be cancelled in the future.
37 You are required to see that a complete copy of this decree is made and given to Jonathan, to be posted in a prominent place on the Temple hill.
(1 Maccabees 11 - GNT)
So here is a Greek King telling the Jews to pay Caesar's things not to Caesar, but to God. That was truly the start of the Maccabean gap. It could not be more obvious once you see it. The letter was written as a result of a meeting between Demetrius II and Jonathan Maccabeus not more than a few months after he became king. This was in September 145 BC according to Wikipedia - For more see U123.
So the was suspended from 144Tishri15.
The Judeans came under taxation again when Pompey captured Jerusalem from Aristobulus II in 63BC. But Pompey favoured Hyrcanus II (the ruler whom the Jews themselves had chosen) and put him back in power as ethnarc of Judea, the Roman governor of Judea, with authority to raise taxes for Rome (and he was really bad at raising taxes!). Then Julius Caesar defeated Pompey at the battle of Thapsus on the 6th either of February or of April in 46 BC. Julius Caesar then promoted Antipater, the Idumean to be the ethnarc of Judea, the Roman governor of that province with the right to raise taxes for Rome instead. Antipater was a much better tax collector than Hyrcanus II. Perhaps that is why the people loved Hyrcanus II. Hyrcanus continued as the deputy under Antipater, the founder of the Herodian dynasty, until 40BC when he was taken prisoner by the Parthians in Babylon and had his ears cut off so that he could no longer be ruler or high priest.
So the was restarted on 46Tishri15.
So now the runs from 607Tishri15 to 144Tishri15 BC and then from 46Tishri15 BC to 2012Tishri15.
7. In 2015, we realised that the had a 95, then in 2018 a 97, then in 2018Tishri a 98 year Maccabean gap in it and therefore did not end until 2012Tishri15. But did not become Caesar to anybody on 2012Tishri15, in circumstances where the s and the Laodiceans (a secret hidden sect within the Watchtower) both had become on 2012Sivan15/16 - see U108. So there must be yet another secular Kingship malediction or yet another Gap.
8. In 2015/2016 we realised that the dream, the recital, the interpretation and the fulfilment of Daniel4 gave 4 different greater maledictions of 7x. We also realised that these 4 were not maledictions but maledictions because trees feed, they do not rule. So they were promised land prohibitions, rather than kingship maledictions. BUT the angel said...
15 However, leave its rootstock itself in the earth, even with a banding of iron and of copper [Kingship of iron and Priesthood of copper], among the grass of the field [Exedenic]; and with the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth (Daniel 4).
We new that iron stood for rulership (he will shepherd the people with an iron rod Revelation 2:27. You will break them with an iron sceptre - Psalm 2:9) and copper stood for the priesthood (all the utensils of the priesthood were copper). So a banding of iron going one time around the rootstock with 7 times passing over it, gave a 7x kingship malediction and the copper band likewise gave a 7x priesthood malediction. So now we had 4 , 4 and 4 maledictions from Daniel4 - see U123.
9. In March 2017 we worked out the literal meaning of Leviticus26 and got the Discontinuous Davidic Israeli , the period when Genetic Israel does not have a Davidic king from its own people. This period ran from the capture of Zedekiah in 486Tammuz to 29Heshvan29, the start of ' miracle ministry wherein he was Caesar to . Then from 33Sivan5 to 1939Tishri15, during WW2 starting on 1939Elul13 (when Hitler invaded Poland) and ending on 1945May8 (1945Iyyar30). Then the Ben Gurion proclamation on 1948March14 (1948Sivan3) was made declaring Israel to be an independent self governing state, when the British mandate to rule Palestine expired - see U121.
4 year ; Ministry gapped Davidic Israeli denying physical Jews a Davidic secular king
Zedekiah captured and blinded Cana veil lifting
Pentecost Poland Invaded
Ben Gurion proclaims State of Israel - US Accepts
Zedekiah taken captive to Babylon Caesar to Caesar WW3 starts British Mandate to Govern Palestine ends
29Heshvan29 33Sivan5
1948Sivan3 (1948May14)
X____________________________X 1266 day gap for
29Tishri15 AD
33Tishri15 1939Tishri15
X___________________________X 4 year gap for
614+1906 = 2520 Israeli (the curse of the law of Moses on genetic Israel) + 4 year gap for ' miracle ministry
We knew that the chapter had 4 further periods in the word symbolic meaning because the 7x penalty is repeated 4x in verses 18, 21, 24, 28.
So the final picture, the finishes mystery of the Quad Gapped , looks like this...
198 year Maccabean and 4 year '
Jewish Ministry OR 4 year 's Gentile Ministry and 4 year ' lease Quad Gapped of God's Official People (the sons of by Covenant, the sons of the ) denying them a Caesar who must also be an
Booths after Nechoh appoints Jehoiakim Vassal paying tribute 607Tishri15 X_________________ | Booths after Demetrius II grants exemption to Jonathan Maccabeus from paying tribute to Caesar 144Tishri15 X______________________ |
Booths after Julius Caesar makes Antipater the Idumean ethnarc of Judea He pays tribute to Caesar 46Tishri15 BC X______________________ |
Booths after becomes Caesar to 29Tishri15 AD X_____________ |
Booths after ' miracle ministry ends 33Tishri15 X____________ |
Booths after becomes Gentile Caesar 66Tishri15 AD X_____________ |
Booths after 's miracle ministry ends 70Tishri15 X____________ |
Booths after ' non adamic lease starts 2012Tishri15 X____________ |
Booths after ' non adamic lease ends 2016Tishri15 X___________ |
God's people (s and s) can now have a Caesar approved by God Ends 2020Tishri15 X__________________ |
appointed Caesar over Adam 2020Tishri20 X___________ |
appointed Caesar over Cain 2020Heshvan16 X1_____________ |
463 years | 98 year Maccabean Gap | 74 years | Jewish 4 year Ministry gap |
33 years | Gentile 4 year Ministry gap | 1942 years | 4 year lease gap |
4 years |
Evil Merodach did raise up the throne of Jehoiachin in Babylon to be higher than all the other thrones. But this did not end the , because Evil Merodach was still above Jehoiachin. So there is no Jehoiachin's reign 2 year gap from 561Tishri15 to 559Tishri15 (Booths after Both Jehoiachin and Evil Merodach die in Babylon).
463 + 74 + 26 + 4 + 1949 + 4 = 2520 years of the Quad gapped , the secular Kingship malediction on God's official people (genetic and covenant) on (genetic and covenant) NOT (genetic and covenant) denying them a king from their ranks chosen by them or by God. could have been ' Vassal Caesar to the Gentiles outside the true church (genetic Gentiles who were also spiritual Gentiles - not God's official Isaaic people) from 66Chislev21 (the installation of to feed the s) to 70Tammuz8 (their installation to rule over the s). He could not be Caesar to his own church () because no non divine person can be King and priest to the same group (Father and Mother). But a God can be both. For gender is a tutor to divinity1.
The reason that Christians suffer from a malediction on the Jews, is that the malediction is on God's people or on all mankind as were the and the .
Well the key here is to realise that the underlined phrases...
17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind AND that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it AND he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind. (Daniel 4 )
25 And you they will be driving away from men, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will come to be, and the vegetation is what they will give even to you to eat just like bulls; and with the dew of the heavens you yourself will be getting wet, and 7 times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, AND that to the one whom he wants to he gives it. (Daniel 4 )
32 and from mankind they are driving even you away, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will be. Vegetation they will give even to you to eat just like bulls, and 7 times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, AND that to the one whom he wants to he gives it.' (Daniel 4 )
appear 3x in the account verbatim. They appear twice prefixed by the words "7x themselves will pass over you until you". The bible code tells us that a verbatim repeated phrase is a key symbolism. The bible code also tells us to treat everything as distributively as possible. It also tells us that ambiguities (such as being the authority - which could be either secular or sacred) are deliberate. So the key symbolic phrase should be read as follows...
1. 7x themselves will pass over you until you know that the Most High is the [secular and the sacred] authority in the kingdom of mankind,
2. 7x themselves will pass over you until you know that to the one whom he wants to he gives it [the kingdom of mankind]
This gives us two end points, both after 7x. One when you know that the most high is ruler and the other when you know that he gives his rulership to a vassal of his choice.
1. In 1914Tishri, 7 after 607Tishri, the Watchtower thought that the most high was ruler in the Kingdom of mankind again, falsely interpreting that became Caesar to mankind invisibly at that time. What did happen in that year is that WW1 began on July28 which was 1914Ab3. so by 1914Tishri15, the end of the Continuous , the sign of the times of Matthew24 of Nation rising against Nation had been seen and fulfilled. Make no mistake, this was a big sign that was present, and a scriptural fulfilment
3 While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?
4 And in answer said to them: Look out that nobody misleads you;
5 for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many.
6 you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.
8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.
(Matthew 24 )
So by 1914Tishri15, the end of the Continuous ,
due to this sign, God's people knew that the Most High was in charge of events down here, i.e. that the Most high was ruler in the kingdom of mankind.
But by 2020Tishri15, the end of the 98 year Maccabean and 4 year ' Jewish Ministry and 4 year 's Gentile Ministry and 4 year lease gapped ,
God's people will know that he gives kingship over mankind to the one whom he chooses
The Watchtower had authority to make and enforce sacred law for the church from their installation to rule over the s at the Mosaic Pentecost on 1890Sivan11, just as the law of Moses came into force at Pentecost on 1513Sivan7. But they were never the secular King of any 's Witness and neither was , because the of secular rulership of God's people was still in force throughout the entirety of the true church priesthood and the administration of the Watchtower. All s obey the secular rules of the nation to which they belong so long as they do not conflict with God's law (as interpreted or misinterpreted by the Watchtower).
The more one studies the history of mankind's interpretations and calculations for the , the more one sees the hand of God in his works, making up for our mistakes. Charles Russell originally had the date of 606Tishri for the start of the Gentile times and what he supposed was the Fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, by counting 70 years backwards from 536Tishri, the month when he reckoned that the Jews headed by Zerubbabel built an altar in Jerusalem having returned earlier in that year.
When the 7th month arrived, the sons of Israel were in [their]
cities. And the people began to gather themselves as one man to Jerusalem.
And Jeshua the son of Jehozadak and his brothers the priests and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his brothers, proceeded to rise up and build the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt sacrifices upon it according to what is written in the law of Moses, the man of the true God (Ezra 3).
Russell has Cyrus' first regnal year running from 536Nisan to 535Nisan:
And in the first year of Cyrus, the king of Persia, that 's word from the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, roused the spirit of Cyrus the king of Persia, so that he caused a cry to pass through all his realm, and also in writing saying:
This is what Cyrus the king of Persia has said: All the kingdoms of the earth, the God of the heavens has given me, and he himself has commissioned me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
Whoever there is among you of all his people, may God prove to be with him. So let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and rebuild the house of ...... (Ezra 1).
Carl Olof Jonsson has written a paperback called the Reconsidered, which covers this subject in great detail.
"On what was the 606 B.C.E. date (of Russell and Barbour) originally based, and how firm was it? The original calculations were mostly based on dates from John Aquila Brown, who in 1823 published The Even-Tide in which he claimed that the "seven times" of Daniel 4 were a period of 2520 years running from the beginning of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign in 604 B.C.E. to 1917 C.E. While Brown never equated the 2520 years with the "," other writers soon did. Eventually Nelson H. Barbour picked up the torch and put the finishing touches on what became Charles Taze Russell’s (the founder of the Watchtower) chronology. Barbour published his final calculation of the in the September, 1875 issue of his monthly paper Herald of the Morning, starting them in 606 B.C.E. and ending them in 1914 C.E. In January, 1876 Russell read Barbour’s paper, got together with him, and apparently accepted all of Barbour’s time calculations, even becoming a co-editor of Barbour’s paper. These calculations included one that said Christ’s presence began in 1874 and the "day of the Lord" began in 1873. Shortly thereafter, Russell published a similar calculation in the October, 1876 issue of a publication called The Bible Examiner. This paper was published by George Storrs, who was generally influential on Russell and had been a major leader in William Miller’s movement. Storrs was active in Adventist related movements when Russell began publishing. In The Bible Examiner Russell said, on pp. 27-28, concerning his belief that the were a period of 2520 years...
At the commencement of our Christian era, 606 years of this time had passed, (70 years captivity, and 536 from Cyrus to Christ) which deducted from 2520, would show that the seven times will end in A.D. 1914.... We will ask, but not now answer, another question: If the end in 1914, (and there are many other and clearer evidences pointing to the same time) and we are told that it shall be with fury poured out; a time of trouble such as never was before, nor ever shall be; a day of wrath, etc." - Reconsidered
Russell wrote in the December 1 Watchtower of 1912:
Many of our readers will recall our reference to this subject in a sermon preached at Allegheny, Pa., January 11, 1904, and published in the Pittsburgh Gazette. We make an extract from that sermon as follows:
We find, then, that the Seven Times of Israel’s punishment and the Seven Times of Gentile dominion are the same; and that they began with the captivity of Zedekiah, and, as will be seen from the Chart, they terminate with the year 1915. According to the best obtainable evidences on the subject, synchronized with the Scriptural testimony, Zedekiah’s captivity took place in October, 605 1/4 years before A.D. 1. If we will add to this 1914 1/4 years, we will have the year, October, 1915, as the date for the end of Gentile supremacy in the world — the end of the lease of 2,520 years, which will not be renewed. Instead, he whose right the kingdom is, shall take possession of it. This, therefore, marks when the Lord himself shall assume control of the world’s affairs, to end its reign of sin and death, and to bring in the True Light.
There surely is room for slight differences of opinion on this subject and it behoves us to grant each other the widest latitude. The lease of power to the Gentiles may end in October, 1914, or in October, 1915. And the period of intense strife and anarchy "such as never was since there was a nation" may be the final ending of the or the beginning of Messiah’s reign.
Later, the 4th President Franz, during the presidency of the 3rd president Nathan Knorr, corrected the start date to 607Tishri, he proposed that the period started with the assassination of Gedaliah in Jeremiah 41. This was actually the correct start date but for the wrong reasons. Gedaliah was assassinated in 586 AD not in 607 BC.
1823 | Rev John Brown realises that the period is 2520 years long and believes it started in 604BC at the accession of Nebuchadnezzar. He correctly calculates that the 2520 years would end in 1917AD if they started in 604BC. |
1875 | Barbour calculates that the 2520 years start in 606, this being 70 years before 536 when the Jews rebuilt the altar he thought. He miscalculates that the 2520 years end in 1914, he was one year out. He forgot that there was no 0 BC, it went 1 BC then 1 AD ! |
1876 | Russell publishes the same in his Bible Examiner |
1904 | Russell realises that he may be one year out and the might actually end in October 1915 |
1914 | ends (Russell thought on Tishri10, but actually on Tishri15) |
1943 | Franz adjusts the start date to 607Tishri in the book: 'The truth shall set you free'. The date for the rebuilding of the altar by Zerubbabel, 70 years after 607Tishri is now 537Tishri, a correct date. But the date for the burning of Jerusalem by Nebuchanezzar of 607 is wrong. And the start of the being the assassination of Gedaliah is also wrong. |
1954 | Herbert W. Armstrong publishes the 26 page booklet: The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy. He recognises the Leviticus26 refers to the 2520 year Kingship malediction of the . But fails to make the distinction between 360 years of idolatry error paid back 7x and 70 years of Sabbath and Jubilee error paid back by Israel from 609Tishri to 539Tishri and by Judah and the temple from 585Nisan to 515Nisan - see U122. |
1988 | In 1988 Ed Schnopp, collates overwhelming evidence that 604 was the 1st regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar and therefore Jerusalem was burned in 586 BC. John Brown knew this in 1823, he had the first year of Nebuchadnezzar as 604 !! Ed shows that there are two 70 year exiles, one for Israel and one for Judah. Israel's exile ends in 539Tishri at the fall of Babylon and starts he thought in 609 with the Babylonian conquest of Nineveh or the fall of Assyria to Babylon. It actually began on 609Tishri1 after the missed land Sabbath year of 608Tishri1 to 608Elul30 (for the Northern Kingdom). The 70 year Northern penalty was a land Sabbath payback penalty from 509Tishri to 539Tishri (the decree of Cyrus). The 70 year Southern Kingdom penalty was a temple exile from 585Nisan1, the first sacred year without Solomon's temple to 515Nisan1, the first sacred year with Zerubbabel's temple - see U122. |
1992 | Gordon proves that the Gentile times were 2520 years long from Leviticus 26 (something Franz had suspected but could not prove). He had also stumbled across the Discontinuous Israeli , a part of the curse of the law on genetic Israel preventing them from having a king from their own people for 2520 years plus a 4 year gap for ' Ministry, from 586Tammuz, the deposing of Zedekiah, to 1939Tishri15, on emonth into WW3 which began on 1939Elul15, when Britain and Fracne dec,ared war on Germany. But he did not realise that precisely until March 2017 - see U121. |
1999 | Gordon reads Ed Schnopp's web page (now taken down but recited below). He realises that Ed is right as regards the date of the burning of Jerusalem being 586, but knows that the 607 date is also right for the start of the . He then recalculates the whole history of the Kings and finds out that 608 was the accession of Jehoiakim the vassal not of but of Pharaoh Necho. Jehoiakim was appointed and chosen by Pharaoh, not by God. He realises that this means that 607Tishri15 (the first 1st day of Booths after Jehoiakim's accession) was the true start of the . He then synchronises the Babylonian Chronology known to Rev Brown, with Biblical, Assyrian and Egyptian Chronology. See U91. |
2014 | Stephen E. Jones of God's Kingdom Ministries postulated that the 2,520 years of the was punctuated by a gap due to the uprising of the Maccabees. "If these beast empires (from Babylon to the little horn) had ruled with no interruption, their 2,520 years would have lasted from 607 B.C. to 1914 A.D. However, from 163-63 B.C. their rule was interrupted for a century on account of the acts of Antiochus Epiphanes, who attempted to turn the temple in Jerusalem into a shrine to Zeus. The uprising of the Maccabees gave Judah independence for a hundred years, depriving the Grecian beast his final century of rule." God's Kingdom Ministries Newsletter 1st May 2014. |
2015 | Gordon finally realised that the couldn't have ended in 1914 due to the fact that God's people are still paying tax to Ceasar and due to the fact that is not our secular ruler yet. Refining the work of Dr. Stephen E Jones, he was finally able to define the as a malediction upon God's people wherein their ruler is chosen by a foreign power and collects taxes from them for that foreign power. With this precise definition it can be seen that after Necho killed King Josiah of Judah, the people of Judah appointed Jehoahaz, the son of Josiah, as king - that did not begin the . Then Pharaoh returned from defeating the Assyrians incarcerated Jehoahaz and appointed Eliakim, the brother of Jehoahaz, as king instead and required him to tax the people of the land for the benefit of Egypt. That began the . Then late in 145 BC or early in 144 BC (in the days of the 167th Seleucid kingdom year), Jonathan Maccabeus purchased freedom from taxation for Judea from the seleucid king Demetrius II.
Then in 142, Tryphon, having killed both Jonathan and Antiochus VI, gave freedom from taxation to Judea and the 3 toparchies in Samaria to Simon. That agreement worked because the Seleucid Kingdom was falling apart and the Maccabeans were regarded as competent militarily. Then in 141 BC, the elders and priests of the land of Judea all appointed Simon Maccabeus High and King of Judea and established the house of the Hasmoneans, who had been given the nickname Maccabees (meaning hammer) from Judas Maccabeus who used the hammer successfully in his warfare against Antiochus Epiphanes. We thought that the appointment of Simon Maccabeus as King by the nobles of Judea with no taxes having to be paid to any foreign power, temporarily ended the . Then in 67 Hyrcanus II became King of Judea but was deposed by his brother Aristobulus II in 66. Then Pompey invaded and conquered Judea in 63 BC. Pompey restored Hyrcanus II to the throne he had held previously and gave him the rights to tax the people for Caesar. That did not end the because Hyrcanus II had previously reigned as King having been chosen by the Judeans. However in 47 BC Julius Caesar defeated Pompey and killed him and appointed Antipater the Idumean (Edomite) as ruler of Judea with rights to tax the people for Rome and demoted Hyrcanus II beneath him. The people loved Hyrcanus II who was submissive and not a very good tax collector. This was not true of Antipater, who was the founder of the Herodian dynasty. He was very good at collecting taxes for Rome which did not endear him much to the people. Also he was not a Jew by birth but an Edomite who had been circumcised. The appointment of Antipater over Judea by Julius Caesar in 47, with rights to raise taxes for Rome, therefore restarted the . In 2015, we realised that the had a 95, then in 2018 a 97, then in 2018Tishri a 98 year Maccabean gap in it and therefore did not end until 2012Tishri15. Then on 2022Shebat23 we realised it had a 4 year gap for ' Ministry to the Jews and a 4 year gap for 's Ministry to the Gentiles, taking it to 2020Tishri15. And that is why the Kingdom comes without any observability. cannot become Caesar and rule through the 3rd until 2020Tishri15. Then the ark comes to a rest on 2019Tishri17, the 17th day of the 7th month of Genesis 8:4. So the 3rd to be (the s and the s) could enter into 3 from then onwards and thereby rest from the Dragon as Caesar and have as Caesar instead. |
2015 2016 |
In 2015/2016 we realised that the dream, the recital, the interpretation and the fulfilment of Daniel4 gave 4 different greater maledictions of 7x. We also realised that these 4 were not maledictions but maledictions because trees feed, they do not rule. So they were promised land prohibitions, rather than kingship maledictions. BUT the angel said... 15 However, leave its rootstock itself in the earth, even with a banding of iron and of copper [Kingship of iron and Priesthood of copper], among the grass of the field [Exedenic]; and with the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth (Daniel 4). We new that iron stood for rulership (he will shepherd the people with an iron rod Revelation 2:27. You will break them with an iron sceptre - Psalm 2:9) and copper stood for the priesthood (all the utensils of the priesthood were copper). So a banding of iron going one time around the rootstock with 7 times passing over it, gave a 7x kingship malediction and the copper band likewise gave a 7x priesthood malediction. So now we had 4 , 4 and 4 maledictions from Daniel4 - see U123. |
2017- 2023 |
In March 2017 we worked out the literal meaning of Leviticus26 and got the Discontinuous Davidic Israeli , the period when Genetic Israel does not have a Davidic king from its own people (the Maccabeans were Aaronic). This period ran from the capture of Zedekiah in 586Tammuz to
29Heshvan29 (Cana veil lifting day, when the water was turning into wine,
the first miracle of ). Then from 33Sivan5 (Pentecost) to 1939Tishri15,
just after the start of WW3 on 1939September3 (1939Elul15) when the UK and France Declared war on Germany. Then after the British Mandate to govern Palestine expired, Ben Gurion proclaimed on 1948May (1948Sivan3) Israel to be an independent self governing state. So one of the main purposes of WW2 was to eliminate the Jewish race BEFORE the Israeli had ended and thereby deny them ever having the freedom of self rulership. It was of course a demonically inspired war. 4 year ; Ministry gapped Davidic Israeli denying physical Jews a Davidic secular king Zedekiah captured and blinded Cana veil lifting Pentecost
UK France declare Ben Gurion proclaims State of Israel We knew that the chapter had 4 further periods in the word symbolic meaning because the 7x penalty is repeated 4x in verses 18, 21, 24 28. |
2018 |
Gordon reads the letter from The Seleucid King Demetrius II Nicator (the Greek ruler of Israel) to Jonathan Maccabeus. This is quoted by Josephus and 1 Maccabees 11. The key verse says: 34 I confirm their rights to the land of Judea and the three regions of Ephraim, Lydda, and Arimathea, which are hereby annexed to Judea from Samaria with all the lands belonging to them. This will be of benefit to everyone who goes to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice, since payments of the annual tax on produce and fruit from these lands will no longer be made to the king, but to the Temple [meaning God is now Caesar - pay Caesar's things to God] (1 Maccabees 11). So here is a Greek King telling the Jews to pay Caesar's things to God. That was truly the start of the Maccabean gap. It could not be more obvious once you see it. The letter was written as a result of a meeting between Demetrius II and Jonathan not more than a few months after he became king in September 145 BC according to Wikipedia - So the was suspended from 144Tishri15. The Judeans came under taxation again when Pompey captured Jerusalem from Aristobulus II in 63BC. But Pompey favoured Hyrcanus II (the ruler whom the Jews themselves had chosen) and put him back in power as ethnarc of Judea, the Roman governor of Judea, with authority to raise taxes for Rome (and he was really bad at raising taxes!). Then Caesar defeated Pompey at the battle of Thapsus on the 6th either of February or of April in 46 BC. Julius Caesar then promoted Antipater, the Idumean to be the ethnarc of Judea, the Roman governor of that province with the right to raise taxes for Rome instead. Antipater was a much better tax collector than Hyrcanus II. Perhaps that is why the people loved Hyrcanus II. Hyrcanus continued as the deputy under Antipater, the founder of the Herodian dynasty until 40BC when he was taken prisoner by the Parthians in Babylon and had his ears cut off so that he could no longer be ruler or high priest. So the was restarted on 46Tishri15. |
The above is an astonishing tale. Rev Brown knew how to add 2520 years to 604 BC but neither Barbour nor Russell knew how to add them to 607 BC (until Russell worked it out in 1904). then it required the Maccabean gap of Dr Steven E. Jones. Then it required the ' Jewish Ministry gap of Gordon. Then it required the 's Gentile Ministry Gap of Gordon to get us to the glorious day of 2020Tishri15, when is given the right to become Caesar to God's people.
Franz's correction was wrong because Gedaliah was killed not in 607Tishri but in 586Tishri, 21 years too late. This is because the Watchtower have the 19th regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar II, the year he burnt the temple, as being 607 BC, when in fact it was 586BC. His first regnal year was 604 BC, something which John Brown knew in 1823 (this being the date the secular historians have). The Watchtower chronology is 21 years out as compared to Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian chronology for this period. The Watchtower quite simply has this wrong. This is very well explained by Ed Schnopp. Basically the Watchtower fudged it.
So the 70 year land Sabbath exile period of the Watchtower - see U122, and see U150, cannot have fitted in this now reduced 49 year period between 586 and 537BC!! In fact there were two 70 year land Sabbaths, one for Israel which ran from 609Tishri at the end of the last missed land Sabbath, until 539Tishri, when Babylon fell, and the other for Judah, which was a Sabbath on the existence of a functional temple, and ran from 586Tishri until 516Tishri if it was experienced in Secular, land years, or from 585Nisan until 515Nisan if it was experienced in sacred years. The last agricultural year before Zerubbabel's temple was inaugurated ended in 516Tishri, the inauguration was in 516Veadar we believe - see [122]. So C. T. Russell was really nowhere, and yet he got the correct start date for the , because what happened in 607Tishri, was that Pharaoh Necho appointed Eliakim the son of Josiah as his vassal king and changed his name to Jehoiakim as a deception to make him sound a bit more Jehovahesque if you will ('El' meaning God being replaced with 'Jeho' being the start of the name of the true God). But Jehoiakim did not sit upon 's throne, because he was chosen not by God or by his people but by Pharaoh, and because all of the people of the land paid taxes to Pharaoh in his reign. So Caesar, the administrative king, was Pharaoh not God. Because we all remember the famous response of to the Pharisees:
17 Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God (Mark 12).
Furthermore Jeremiah tells us that at least Jeconiah was not a vassal of his saying...
24 'As I am alive,' is the utterance of , 'even if Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, the king of Judah, happened to be the seal ring on my right hand, from there I would pull you off! [but actually neither Jeconiah nor Jehoiakim were seal rings on God's right hand -
they were vassals of Pharaoh - hence the wording]
25 And I will give you into the hand of those who are seeking for your soul and into the hand of those of whom you are scared and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon and into the hand of the Chaldeans.
For a fuller explanation of this see U91. So Russell got the wrong 70 year period which was not even a 70 year period, it was actually a 49 year period, and he got the wrong start date of 606Tishri, but he got the right end date of 1914Tishri!! Basically he made or accepted from Barbour a whole catalogue of errors and yet he got the right answer for the Continuous . One cannot in all fairness just say well done brother Russell to him! Because it is quite obvious that the was making up for all of his mistakes. He got this date right because he was the leader of God's people at that time and God's people are defined as those who recognise the comings of his son. So the had to make sure that he got it right. And it did! We can only hope and pray that the has been and will continue to be as kind to us as it was to him!
At this point we must say that we do not condemn anyone who has made a mistake in trying to find out the truth about this 2520 year period. On the contrary we are indebted to them all. We praise first of all the true father of the who must be Rev John Aquila Brown. Then we praise Barbour Russell and Franz, for their respective parts. We praise Ed Schnopp and all of the other Ex witnesses who have seen the fundamental flaws in the Watchtower's construction, and published them on the web - These are their works for God and for the truth which we all want to know so that we can be set free. We praise Dr. Steven E. Jones for his perspicacity and faith in the word. Finally, we praise God, who may just have finally sorted the whole mess out through all of us. Let the reader decide. However once we have the correct time for the destruction of Jerusalem, namely 586 BC, we are in a position to harmonize the bible with all of the other credible national chronologies of that period.
`Appointed Times of the Nations'
607 BCE to 1914 CE?
by Ed Schnopp
It has been said concerning the Bible, that `you can make it say anything you want.' If by that statement, it means that by weaving one's way through isolated verses, making arbitrary cross-references, and by using one of many possible definitions for a particular word without giving attention to the context of that word, then yes, the Bible can be twisted to conform to almost any pre-conceived notion or teaching. There are many examples of those who have taken a few Scriptures out of their context and, by adding convoluted logic, have formed some rather strange doctrines. This is the case with the Watchtower Society's (WTS') explanation stemming from Luke 21:24, which reads, "and they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled." () What might be noticed first is the WT's rendering of ethnos as nations. Granted, one of the definitions of ethnos is `nations,' but a better translation would be `Gentiles'
(non Jews). Israel is also a nation, yet is excluded from `the nations' of Luke 21:24.
Assembling the Doctrine
According to the Watchtower Society, the `trampling of Jerusalem' refers not to the literal city, but to that which Jerusalem represented the typical kingdom of God operating through the kings of the line of David. They say the `trampling' of that Davidic dynasty began centuries earlier with the overthrow of Jerusalem in 607 BCE [1] by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. As they explain it, "With Jerusalem's fall in 607 BCE the Gentile powers exercised dominion over the entire earth. The Davidic dynasty and rule suffered interruption and so Jerusalem or what it stood for would continue to be `trampled on' as long as God's kingdom, as functioning through David's house, was kept in a low inoperative condition under the Gentile powers." (Aid to Bible Understanding, 1969, p. 95) This domination continued until 1914 CE when, as the WT says, Christ was enthroned in heaven, and took dominion of the earth away from the nations. How the WT arrived at this is a study in bizarre Scriptural interpretation. After saying that the "Jerusalem" of Luke 21:24 actually means the Jewish kingdom of David's line, they cross-reference Luke's account with Matthew 24, there noting that verse 15 refers the reader to the book of Daniel. Matthew 24:15 doesn't say what part of Daniel's books, so the WT begins with the great image of Daniel chapter 2, which represents the order of world powers, beginning with the Babylonian Empire. They then `connect' this to the vision of Daniel 4, of a tree that is chopped down, and has "seven times" pass over the banded stump. [2]
The WT, however, takes it upon itself to give the vision/dream a further interpretation. In the Aid book (p. 95) it states,
The vision definitely had a fulfillment in Nebuchadnezzar himself. (See Daniel 4:31-35.) Therefore, some view it as having direct prophetic application only to him....Yet, an examination of the entire book of Daniel reveals that the element of time is everywhere prominent in the visions and prophecies it presents....Additionally, the book repeatedly points forward toward the conclusion that forms the theme of its prophecies: the establishment of a universal and eternal....
In view of the above, it does not seem logical to evaluate the vision of the symbolic "tree" and its reference to "seven times" as having no other application....
The Watchtower thereby links the "seven times" of Daniel chapter 4 to "the appointed times of the nations" of Luke 21:24. God's sovereignty, as represented by the Davidic dynasty, would be interrupted for a period of "seven times." To arrive at a definition of these "seven times," the WT turns to Revelation 12:6, 14. Since verse 6 has "the woman in the wilderness" for 1,260 days, and verse 14 has "the woman in the wilderness" for "a time, times, and half a time" (3 1/2 times), each `time' is determined to be 360 days; hence, 7 times would be 2,520 days. Next they apply the unrelated formula of Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6, "a day for a year," and translate the 2,520 days of the calculations into 2,520 years. Thus the "appointed times of the nations" becomes 2,520 years. The WT begins this count of time from when Nebuchadnezzar overthrew Jerusalem, which the Watchtower states is 607 BCE. Finally they count forward to 1914 CE to arrive at the time when the lease of Gentile domination expired, and the Davidic Kingdom was to be re-established.
An Examination of the Facts
Is there any merit to the WT's reckoning of time? Let's start at the focal point, 607 BC. The WT places the desolating overthrow of Jerusalem in that year, and they do so primarily on the basis of the 70-year prophecy of Jeremiah 25:10-12 and 29:10. This 70-year prophecy, according to the WT, refers to the period of time the Jews were held in captivity by Babylonia, beginning with Jerusalem's fall. Since the Jews were freed in 537 BC (historically correct), the WT simply counted backward 70 years and arrived at 607 BCE as the year Jerusalem was overthrown. Actually, the 70-year prophecy of Jeremiah is not to be applied in this way, which will be explained later. Let's concern ourselves for the moment with 607 BCE, which disagrees with the scholarly accepted date of 587/586 BCE as the time of Jerusalem's fall.
The WT denies and ignores the following secular evidence against the 607 BCE date: In the 3rd century BCE, a Babylonian priest named Berossus wrote a history of Babylonia which dealt with the lengths of reigns of kings during the Neo-Babylonian period (Nabonassar to Nabonidus). Another historian, astronomer, and writer, Claudius Ptolemy (70-161 CE), put together his listing of kings and dates of reign of the same period. The WT dismisses as inaccurate the writings of these two ancient historians by quoting the words of a Professor Olmstead: "...only the merest fragments, abstracts, or traces, have come down to us" and that "Today we must consult a modern Latin translation of an Armenian translation of the lost Greek original of the Chronicle of Eusebius, who borrowed in part from Alexander Polyhistor who borrowed from Berossus direct, in part from Abydenus who apparently borrowed from Juba who borrowed from Alexander Polyhistor and so from Berossus." (Aid, p. 328). While we do not have to consult a Latin translation (the Armenian translation is still preserved), admittedly the rest of what the WT said is true, and does cast some doubt upon the accuracy of the copiers. However, we will see this doubt erased as we go on. Ptolemy, says the WT, "is thought to have used the writings of Berossus." (Aid, p. 328) However, scholars believe Ptolemy's canon was written independent of Berossus, because of the order and forms of the kings names. (see The Reconsidered, Carl Olof Jonsson, 1983, p. 42). The WT does concede, however, that "even though [modern historians generally credit Ptolemy with accuracy] and even though the reigns of the Kings of Babylon and Persia as set forth in Ptolemy's canon may be basically correct, there seems to be no reason for holding that the canon is necessarily accurate in every respect or for all periods." (Aid, p. 327) The WT's ambiguity here betrays their lack of confidence. In actuality, there are many reasons why we should accept Ptolemy's canon, especially for the Neo-Babylonian era.
Both Berossus and Ptolemy are in almost complete agreement with regard to the succession of kings and their lengths of reign during that era. The only difference is that Berossus lists the 5th king, Labashi-Marduk, and Ptolemy doesn't. The reason is that this king reigned less than a year, and Ptolemy dealt only in whole years. The table of reigns is:
Name of King |
Berossus |
Ptolemy |
Nabopolassar |
21 years |
21 years |
625-605 |
Nebuchadnezzar |
43 years |
43 years |
604-562 |
Evilmerodach |
2 years |
2 years |
561-560 |
Neriglissar |
4 years |
4 years |
559-556 |
Labashi-Marduk |
9 months |
n/a |
556 |
Nabonidus |
17 years |
17 years |
555-539 |
As you can see, both historians have listed Nebuchadnezzar's first year as 604, three years after the 607 date the WT ascribes to him. So now, the question is, Can these king lists be corroborated by any other known sources?
Several Lines of Evidence
In the Aid book, p. 327, the WT deceptively states: "...Babylonian historical records that could either substantiate or undermine Ptolemy's figures for the lengths of reigns of certain kings are largely lacking." Perhaps for the `certain kings' of Persia, but not for the Neo-Babylonian period! Actually, seven lines of evidence can be given to support both Berossus and Ptolemy. These have come from cuneiform clay tablets which have been unearthed during the last 100 years. The first of these is the Babylonian Chronicles which are all kept in the British Museum in London. Though these Chronicles are incomplete for the entire Neo-Babylonian period, they do provide support for a portion of Berossus' and Ptolemy's lists. The second line of evidence is the Uruk King List, unearthed during an excavation campaign in 1959/60. Portions of it are eaten away, but what is still preserved agrees with Berossus' and Ptolemy's lengths of reigns of the first two kings, Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar.
The third and fourth lines of evidence are the preserved Royal Inscriptions of Nabonidus. One, designated Nabon. No. 8, helps to establish the whole Neo-Babylonian era, since it states that from the 16th year of Nabopolassar to the accession year of Nabonidus was a period of 54 years (in complete agreement with Berossus and Ptolemy). The other Royal Inscription, Nabon. H 1 B, gives the lengths of all the reigns of the Neo-Babylonian kings up to the 9th year of Nabonidus (except for Labashi-Marduk, whose short reign is ignored). The figures given are again in complete harmony with Berossus and Ptolemy.
The fifth line of evidence, which is very decisive, is the thousands of business document texts that have come down to us from that period. There are dated tablets in existence from every year during the whole era. The records of a banking house centered in Babylon, the house of "The Sons of Egibi," verify each year of every king's reign during the period. This aligns exactly with Berossus, Ptolemy, the Chronicles, and the Royal records. Sixth, there are the preserved documents of Babylonian astronomers, termed "Astronomical Diaries." These have been designated VAT 4956 (kept in the Berlin Museum) and B.M. 32312. They contain dated astronomical positions which are not duplicated in the heavens for thousands of years, thus pinpointing with precise accuracy Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth regnal year (in which he conquered Jerusalem--Jer. 52:12) as 587/586 BCE. Seventh and last are the synchronic links provided by comparing the chronology of Egypt to that of Babylon. There are at least four such dated connecting links, giving excellent proof of the correctness of Berossus' and Ptolemy's king-lists. (For a study on these seven lines of evidence, see The Reconsidered.)
The historical date proven as 587/586 for the overthrow of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in his 18th year of reign is thus confirmed by at least seven lines of secular evidence in addition to Berossus and Ptolemy. The 607 date of the WT leaves a gap of 20 years, which is unaccounted for in any record of that period. Assume for the moment that Berossus' figures contain an error of 20 years, as required by the WT. This would mean that 400 years after Berossus, and independent of him, Ptolemy made the same 20 year error. It would also mean that the sources of the Babylonian Chronicles, the Royal Inscriptions, and the banking business documents, in turn, made the same 20-year mistake. Is it really likely that the scribes and businessmen who wrote during the Neo-Babylonian era did not know the lengths of the reigns of the Kings under whom they lived? If such a thing could be found likely, could it also be possible that contemporary scribes in Egypt would have made the same error? Then too, the Babylonian astronomers would have had to make a similar mistake in their diaries. This kind of irrational thinking does not `stretch' the imagination--it snaps it in two! Still more incredible is the idea that scribes and astronomers could work in collusion to remove any reference to a 20-year period in this era. On top of all this would be a fantastic coincidence that of all the thousands of dated documents for the Neo-Babylonian period, covering every year of that period, not one single tablet has been found for the missing 20 years. Could it be that there was an international 'coverup' of these 20 years? If there were, then it was so successful that in all the thousands of unearthed documents, nary a word is mentioned indicating that such a 20 year period ever existed. To suggest such a thing would be preposterous, and so we are led forcefully to the conclusion that the WT's chronology is in error.