[159] Revelation 17: The Roman Catholic Church and the UN

'While traveling near Tampa, Florida I passed the "Jehovah's Witness Assembly Hall" and was struck by the fact that that must be where they make them'.- Gene Spafford

It is important to realise that the symbolism of the 7 heads and the 10 horns on the beast of Revelation 13 is not the symbolism of the 7 heads and the 10 horns of Revelation 17. The beast in Revelation 13 does not have a woman on top of it. Revelation 17 is the story of the beast of Revelation 13 whilst having the woman upon it. The Big picture in Revelation 17 is that the woman is the church with the 1NC saints, because she has the cup of the 1NC in her hand. 

Babylon the great, being the mother of the Harlots, cannot be all false religion, or she would have no daughters. She is the Roman Catholic Church, the Christian equivalent of Ancient Babylon. What Babylon did to the religion of Noah and Melchizedek, the Roman Catholic church did to the religion of Peter and Jesus. The Mother of [all] the harlots must be the first harlot church, GNS1 once it became a false religion. It was corrupted by the pre-existing RC church, a sect created by disaffected power hungry rotten 1NC saints who did a deal with the Roman State. A Harlot is a false Christian church.

15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Having lifted up the members of the Christ therefore, shall I [Paul speaking as a leader of a true Christian church] make [them] members of a harlot? Never may that happen! [but all scripture has power and it is a binary question, so yes it does happen. It happened with the 1NC saints in TCC1 and Rome, and with the 1NC saints in TCC3 and the UN] (1Corinthians6).

There is no proper understanding of this chapter of Revelation without first grasping the history of Rome which is the basis of the symbolism of the account.

According to the Roman Historian Livy, Rome was founded by 7 kings...

Romulus (753 - 717) BC
Numa (717 - 673)
Tullus Hostilius (672 - 641)
Ancus Marcius (639 - 616)
Tarquinius Priscus (616 - 579)
Servius Tullius (579 - 534)
Tarquinius Superbus (534 - 510)

These kings were followed by the Roman Republic SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus, the Roman Senate and People). SPQR was a senatorial rulership system. This then is the model for Revelation 17. 7 kings followed by some sort of senatorial democracy. The old Roman wall of Servius which existed up until Emperor Aurelian 270 - 275 AD, encompassed the following 7 hills...

The Aventine
The Palatine
The Capitoline
The Caelian
The Quirinal
The Viminal
The Esquiline

So 7 hills would represent the entire temporal extent of an administration in bible symbolism.

The Watchtower rode the UN Beast as a UN NGO for almost 10 years from January 28th 1992 (when the UN accepted the Watchtower as an associated non governmental organization) until October 9th 2001 when the Watchtower disassociated itself from the UN as a result of an exposee of their hypocrisy in the UK National Guardian newspaper. The Watchtower had signed an agreement with the UN which required them to support and promote the ideas and principles of the UN Charter. Their application form to the UN was of course misleading. They were required to submit examples of their own literature regarding the UN with their application! They evidently did not include any literature which revealed that they regarded the UN as being the Beast of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17! For the full details of their harlotry see [246]. Also the UN were incredibly negligent in processing their application. Physically it is almost unbelievable that the UN allowed an organization which regards the UN as Satan's throne on earth to become associated with it. And what of Jesus' definition of his disciples:

16 They are no part of the World just as I am no part of the world (John 17)?

Woops! From a spiritual perspective, on the other hand it is easy to see how Satan would have offered them access to all the Kingdoms of the World (for preaching and expanding) if they would just do one act of Worship to him (by becoming associated with the UN). In fact Jesus' three trials are all prophetic of the mistakes made by FDS1,2,3. The third test of Jesus being prophetic of the sin of the 3rd true Christian religion. 

9 The Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him: All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me (Matthew 4).

Guess what the unusually high mountain is today? The UN. And the Watchtower have fallen down and they have worshipped Satan through their association with his final earthly organization. Just one act. But Jesus sent Satan way from him when he was tested, and he has sent the JWs away from him today. For it is written:

10 It is the Lord your God whom you must worship, and it is to him alone that you must render sacred service (Matthew 4).

The Event Symbolism in the First Presence

This is the story of the birth of the Roman Catholic Church. The first true religion had 7 kings, Peter, John, James, Timothy, Epaphras, then the first two Popes. St. Linus and St, Anacletus. It fell over the saints on 66Tishri28, it lost its 1EC water baptism on 79Tishri14 and fell as a true church on 84Nisan14..After these 7 kings it became a false church, i.e. a universal church, a church for everybody, rather than just the sons of Isaac under the ICC. 'Catholic' means universal.

The 7 Roman Emperors (who had regnal years, i.e. reigned on January1 or from January as the Roman's regnal years were measured using the Julian Calendar) during the time that TCC1 was a true church from 33Nisan16 to around 80 AD when it fell over the sons of the 1AC during the reign of Titus were (wikipedia list of Roman Emperors)...

Roman Emperors

Tiberius 14September18 - 37March16 (Julian dates are 2 days after the equivalent Gregorian or true solar date)
Caligula 37March18 - 41January24
Claudius 41January25/26 - 54October13
Nero 54October13 - 68June11 (68Sivan22/23)
Galba 68June8 - 69January15. Gets 69
[Otho 69January15 - 69April16=69Iyyar8. But Vitellius is declared emperor by the German legions on 69January1. So Otho never had an undisputed day of rulership]
[Vitellius 69April17 (69Iyyar8/9) - 69December20. In competition with Vespasian from 69July1]
Vespasian 69July1 - 79June24 (69Tammuz22-79Tammuz4/5)
Titus 79June24 (79June22 Gregorian = 79Tammuz4/5) - 81September13 (81September11 Gregorian = 81Elul17/18)
Domitian 81September14 - 96September18 
Nerva 96September18 - 98January27
Trajan 98January28 - 117August7
Hadrian 117August11 - 138July10
Antoninus Pius 138July10 -161March7

Roman Catholic Popes who were 1NC saints (Peter was never a Pope)

1 St. Linus, reigned c.67-76
2 St. Anacletus, reigned 76-88
3 St. Clement I, reigned 88-97
4 St. Evaristus, reigned c.98- c.106
5 St. Alexander I, reigned c.106-115
6 St. Sixtus I, reigned 115-125
7 St. Telesphorus, reigned 125-136
8 St. Hyginus, reigned c.136-140
9 St. Pius I, reigned c.140-c.154
10 St. Anicetus, reigned c.157-168

The woman (who became the Roman Catholic Church) only sat upon the administrations of these 7 emperors in spiritual judgement of all mankind (including Romans) So she started riding Rome during the reign of Vespasian (69-79) and continued to Antoninus

REVELATION 17 - see U151#17

The Traditional Interpretation

The visions of John were for the Lord's day. But the beast upon which the woman sat had 7 heads. Now 7 stands for temporal succession in the bible since the 7 days of the weeks are successive rather than coincident. So the woman sat upon the beast when it had one of the 7 heads. the other 6 head could have preceded the Lord's day. So we can admit the interpretation that the beast is the march of world powers over God's official people - starting with Egypt. These were Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Americans then finally the UN a kind of SPQR to the previous 7. This is the march of world power over the sons of the ICC who were originally sons of the law of Moses and latterly sons of the true Christian churches. Arguments can be made for including the EU or the Holy Roman Empire or Islamic caliphates from 639 to 1099 and then the crusades from 1099 to 1291 and then more caliphates and then the Ottoman Empire from 1517 and then the British empire being world powers over the Jews in Israel in Jerusalem - but they ceased to be the chosen people when the LCC expired at the conversion of Cornelius.

The First Word Symbolism

This is the story of the League of Nations and the United Nations. God's people are ruled over by the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Medo-Persians, the Greeks, the Romans and finally by the UK/US world power. This again makes 7 kings. TCC2 fell as a true church on 1035Iyyar21, 5x 120 square cubit goat's hair ten cloths of the tablernacle of Exodus26 after 435Iyyar21, the end of the 3EC baptism into TCC2 - see U271-12#96. So there were no official people of God between 1035Iyyar21 and 1875Iyyar21, the start of the 3EC baptism into TCC3. Hence the gap between the Roman world power and the UK/US world power (ignores powers over God's non existent people). Then on 2002July1 all military personnel came under the jurisdiction of the UN ICC. At this point the UN became the 8th world military power, the 8th king of the world. But it is a senatorial type democracy. So again, as in the founding of Rome we have 7 kings followed by a more universal rulership group.

Organisation Rome First Christian Church United Nations 
Kingdom Roman Empire Most Christians God's official people from Abraham to the Rapture 
1st King Romulus Peter (FDS1) Egyptians
2nd King Numa John (FDS1) Assyrians
3rd King Tullus Hostilius James (FDS1) Babylonians
4th King Ancus Marcius Timothy (FDS1) Medo-Persians
5th King Tarquinius Priscus Epaphras (FDS1/ES1) Greeks
6th King Servius Tullius St. Linus (67-76) Romans
7th King Tarquinius Superbus St. Anacletus (76-88) Anglo-Americans
8th King: Senatorial Democracy SPQR Roman Catholic Church became false so universal on 84Nisan14 UN - July 1, 2002 - 2033

The first 7 secretary generals of the UN (who could not decide whether they are secretaries of generals) were Lie, Hammarskjold, Uthant, Waldhiem, Perez de Cuellar, Boutros Boutros Gali, and Kofi Annan

Woman Venus The 1NC saints. 1st presence ended in 159Tishri10 The 1NC saints. 2nd presence started on 1890Sivan14
First Hill Aventine Administration of Unknown (not St. Peter) Administration of Lie
Second Hill Palatine Administration of St. Linus (67-76) Administration of Hammarskjold
Third Hill Capitoline Administration of St. Anacletus (76-88) Administration of Uthant (first administration ot be ridden by the RC church)
Fourth Hill Caelian Administration of St. Clement I (88-97) Administration of Waldheim
Fifth Hill Quirinal Administration of St. Evaristus (97-105) Administration of Perez de Cuellar
Sixth Hill Viminal Administration of St. Alexander (105-115) Administration of Boutros Boutros Gali
Seventh Hill Esquiline Administration of St. Sixtus (115-125) Administration of Kofi Annan
    Administration of St. ??  Administration of Ban Ki Moon
      Administration of 9th and last Secretary General to carry the RC church, Antonio Guterres

Our thanks to www.666man.net/265popes.html

Vision Event Symbolic Meaning (Event) 1st Word Symbolic Meaning (Word1) 2nd Word Symbolic Meaning (Word2) 3rd Word Symbolic Meaning (Word3)
Beast Roman Catholic Church League of Nations/United Nations God's official people from Abraham to the Rapture  God's official people from Abraham to the Rapture 
1st King Romulus Peter (FDS1) Egyptians Egyptians
2nd King Numa John (FDS1) Assyrians Assyrians
3rd King Tullus Hostilius James (FDS1) Babylonians Babylonians
4th King Ancus Marcius Timothy (FDS1) Medo-Persians Medo-Persians
5th King Tarquinius Priscus Epaphras (FDS1/WSS1) Greeks Greeks
6th King Servius Tullius 6th president of 1st Church (WSS1/GNS1) Romans Romans
7th King Tarquinius Superbus 7th president of 1st Church (GNS1) Anglo-Americans Anglo-Americans
8th King: Senatorial Democracy SPQR Roman Catholic Church 67-84Nisan14 AD UN - July 1, 2002 - 2033 UN - July 1, 2002 - 2033

It is crucial to realise that the Beast of Revelation 13 with 7 heads and 10 horns is also the UN (viewed overall, rather than when it is carrying the woman). In the case of Revelation 13, the 7 heads are 7 regnal years from ??. The 10 horns are ??

The two feet of the image of Daniel 2, are the US and the UK, and the 10 toes of that image are the 10 kings of the image of the beast, which is formed by the two horend beast that comes up out of the earth, the UK/US deep state. For we read in Daniel 2:

41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of moulded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided (Daniel 2)

"So there is a dispute between the Feet and the Toes at this time. The resolution of this occurs when the 10 kings, two of whom are the US and the UK, will give their power and authority to the beast on 2002Tammuz19 (or certainly in Tammuz 2002). This clearly is when the UN wins the dispute."

The dates of the first 300 BLC day period of unity of thought were put up on the site before the first monthly Sabbath of the LWs, i.e. before 2002Tammuz1. It was correct as regards the winning and timing of the dispute (modulo 12 days of disagreement for the US). But it was incorrect as regards the expansion of the security council at that time. The revised date for the expansion to UN is calculated as follows...

10 kings having one thought is a comparison of 10 with 1. This means that they have the thought for 10 cycles of time. These cycles are either days months or years. Well in the case of 911, nothing much happened 10 days after this, and the system only lasts for 7 years after 911. So the 10 cycles must be 10 months. So we look at 10 months after 911, or 300 BLC days to be precise. Well, the UNICC took over on 2002Tammuz18, 300 BLC after 2001Elul19 (911) counting inclusively. We, knew this in advance as advertised it in both the UK and the US newspapers - see [245].

2002Tammuz19, was the first full day, the first judicial day of the ICC. The ICC has a measure on independence from the UN, being a court, but nonetheless judges in accordance with UN law. So the UN is the law maker for that court. The lawmaker is the King in biblical terms. So the UN is the king of the UNICC. This court had power over all military personnel from its inception. This makes the UN the king over all military personnel. The Americans accepted its jurisdiction over their troops 12 days later, but negotiated an annual exemption from prosecution for themselves which need to be renewed by a UNSC vote. The UNSC did not renew their exemption in 2003 due to the Abu Graihb abuse scandal.

So 911 was followed by 300 days of 'one thought' then the 10 future permanent members of the UNSC gave their power to the UN through the International Criminal Court.

But the 10 kings give both their power and their authority to the UN beast, so, although we did not see this one accurately at the time, because they give two things, power and authority, the whole process takes 20 months. So after 20 months or after a further 10 months which run from 2002Tammuz19 to 2003Iyyar19, the 10 kings give their authority to the UN Beast (having given their power at the start of the period). But 2003Iyyar19 was May 22, 2003 when the UNSC passed resolution 1483 accepting the coalition as the occupying force in Iraq. So the US and the UK and the rest of the 10 kings and the world accepted the UN as having the final authority in this matter. So the 10 kings had given their power and authority by 2003Iyyar19 to the UN. Incidentally this resolution was the healing of the sword stroke to the second head of the UN, which runs from 2002Elul to 2003Elul.

12 And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast (Revelation 17).

Diagrammatically we have:

Transfer of POWER from the 10 Kings to the UN itself

Fall of Twin Towers                                                    UNICC takes power as 8th king   
911                                                                              July 1 2002                                    
2001Elul19                                                                  2002Tammuz18                           
   10 BLC months or 300 days of unity of thought               

Transfer of AUTHORITY from the 10 Kings to the UN itself

UNICC takes power as 8th king                                                UNSC resolution 1483                                                
US fights it until July 12th                                                          Coalition accepted as Occupying power                   
July 1 2002                                                                                May 22, 2003                                                              
2002Tammuz18                                                                        2003Iyyar19                                                                
 10 BLC months or 300 days to give power and authority         

At first sight UNSC resolution 1483 looks like it is the UN giving its authority to the US/UK coalition, but it is not giving its authority, it is giving its authorization, which means that the coalition is accepting its authorization which means that the US/UK accepts its authority, which means that we have given the UN authority over us, which means that we have given them our authority. This is a long way from: Let's attack Iraq anyway, the UN is just a debate society!

The Harlots are all the false Christian churches

The purpose of a fake is to make the original harder to find. There are many false churches, but this does not mean that there is no true church. On the contrary it means there must be a true church, for who would make a fake in the absence of the original? Likewise, the plethora of websites on the ELS Hebrew 'Bible Code' of Michael Drosnin and Eli Rips, which is not a bible code at all but rather a statistical trick which works on any long book given a free choice of vowels, (see http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/dilugim/moby.html and http://www.math.caltech.edu/code/petition.html), does not prove that the bible is not in a code, it proves that there must be an original bible code somewhere. Since the purpose of the false bible code in spiritual terms is to hide the true bible code. 

In fact the church of England and the Greek Orthodox church and all national churches play the nationalistic trick.
The church of Rome play the guilt trick.
The Pentecostal churches play emotional tricks.
Many fundamental churches play the fear of damnation trick (join or fry).
The charismatic churches play the dating agency trick (join us and you'll find a well behaved loving partner).
The church of the French Christian UFOs or the church of the Californian Nuclear Bomb play the sensationalism trick.
The church of the TV evangelist plays the financial trick.
The Quakers play the - we're cuddly and friendly trick.
The Salvation Army play various musical instruments (there must a trick in there somewhere!).
Many cult churches play the 'we are the true religion' trick in order to stifle dissent and exert total control.
The Born Again churches play the ego trip trick (They say if you accept Jesus then you are saved - the reverse is actually the case, after all he is saving you, you are not saving him).
The Happy Clappy churches play the feelgood trick.
The Equidistant Letter Sequence Decoders play a statistical trick.
The Methodist and Lutheran and other old established churches play the - we are part of the establishment trick.
The Mormons, the Ellen White adherents and others play the false direct revelation trick (God told me this personally).
All churches which espouse the Trinity doctrine are playing a 3rd century Logical trick.

It is just one trick after another, and so the merry go round goes on. It is a very dangerous game joining a church! However, every human has a spiritual need. So we are all drawn into some of these various traps. Many people are so fed up with the tricks of the churches that they will not join any church. The bible refers to all false churches as Harlots. Women who perform tricks for money. The better looking the Harlot, the more dangerous she is.

1 And one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will show you the judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters,
2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication (Revelation 17).

So how does the genuine Christian find the true church, get saved and say a big thank you to Jesus and to his father?

Well, Jesus' disciples had by far the best bible understandings of any group at the time of Jesus' physical presence in the first century. Things are no different today. The true church will have the best understandings of the scriptures. So if we have decoded the bible correctly then we are the true church for today.

If you have difficulty in deciding which is the right church to join given the massive choice that confronts you then try asking your self this question. How did I choose my partner? There are 3 billion men and 3 billion women to choose from, and they are all different and attractive or otherwise in different ways. How on earth did you decide? Well, if you want a partner enough, you'll find one. And if you want the truth enough, you'll find it, for Jesus said:

7 Keep on asking, and it will be given you, keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7).

Nothing valuable is found instantly. The longer the search, the more valuable the treasure. And today, after 3,500 years of reading God's book, mankind as a race, is only just starting to realise what an amazing treasure it is. We have all under estimated God and over estimated our religious leaders. They have been blind and we have been lazy. They cannot search for us, we must search for ourselves. One cannot subcontract or outsource one's spirituality. Instead we must obey the first commandment of the Christ, which was in the law of Moses but wasn't one of the 10 commandments:

37 He said to him: You must love the Lord your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind (Matthew 22).

This is not impossible. It is just love, and with love all things are possible.

So let us love God and let us credit God, the 'ghost' writer of the bible, with more intelligence than Einstein or Stephen Hawking. Let us recognise that since he created every spoken language in one instant in the days of the Tower of Babel, he is certainly capable of writing a book which tells more than one story with the same set of words.

We have 'discovered' that the bible has the following dimensions:

1. The Literal meaning of a literal account

2. The straight symbolic (event symbolic) meaning of a symbolic account such as a parable or a vision

3. The word symbolic meaning or meanings of either a literal or a symbolic account.

4. Various cryptic clues, various symbolic clues and a numerical count of many passages.

It is therefore a 4 dimensional book. The Genetic code of life involves 4 bases (adenine guamine cytosine and thiamine). Space-time, our play pen, the physical universe, is 4 dimensional, and the bible, our code of life, our spiritual universe is likewise 4 dimensional. For all 3 structures/codes were created by the same God using the same MO and leaving us clues to consider, in the form of various jigsaw puzzles, so that those with gratitude to him can find him, but those not prepared to search for him will miss him. It is like the apostle Paul said:

18 In order that you may be thoroughly able to grasp mentally with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
19 and to know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness that God gives (Ephesians 3).

This is cryptic, there are only 3 spatial dimensions, so why is Paul talking about 4 of them? Well there are 4 dimensions to be mentally grasped with all the holy ones. These 4 are named above. Word symbolism is the symbolic interpretation of the words in an account, event symbolism is the symbolic interpretation of the events in an account. For more on this see the code page.

Church Harlotry


All churches are subject to the law of the land but no church should make itself subject to the rules of another organisation. Such an agreement is a corporate joining which gives the church a second head. It is therefore an act of harlotry to a God who requires exclusive devotion...


16 What! Do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body? For, The 2, says he, will be one flesh. (1Corinthians6).


Anyone who brings an idol into the temple is an idolater. So if you spend the whole meeting trying to sell double glazing to your brother you are an idolater. But if a church makes itself subject to the rules of any other organisation by agreement, then it has become one body with that outfit and the outfit has a permanent wing in the temple. This is harlotry by the church.


So if for example a church joined the tennis club as a corporate member, this would also be harlotry. Even if the only result was that every member of the church had to mow the lawn of the tennis club once a year, it is still harlotry, because the church is joined by agreement to the tennis club and subject to its laws.


So the harlotry of the Watchtower with the UN was not that the UN would one day battle with the lamb nor was it that the UN is the throne of Satan, nor was it that they had condemned the UN in 1963 and resolved never to have anything to do with it. The harlotry was merely that they joined the temple to a worldly outfit. The further sin was that they broke their own resolution of 1963.


However the bottom line is that the Watchtower was joined to the throne of Satan. His throne was therefore placed in the temple of the Watchtower for 10 years from January 1992 until October 2001. Any JW knowing this, who thinks that he should remain in that church is a rank idolater of that church and a worshipper of Satan.


Any JW who remains in that temple is condoning the biggest possible insult to God and Jesus and is a demonstrably false worshipper. In fact since the temple is joined to God, Satan succeeded in joining his throne to God through the UN-Watchtower association.


This of course was one of the 3 tests that Jesus passed. However his church fails all 3 of them. In this case Satan offered all the territories of the world to the Watchtower for evangelism for one little UN NGO signature.

The Land of Israel

Further to the ending of the curse of the law of Leviticus 26, on 1948Sivan4, the sons of Israel are no longer prohibited from returning to the promised land by God. This is obvious of course since they are now there in any event. But they do not have any scriptural right to the land. The land is promised to Jesus Christ by virtue of the JLLC, so he is the seed singular to who it will be given in the kingdom of God. But contrary to our earlier understanding, we have seen from a corrected understanding of Leviticus 26 - see [121], that the Jews have a historical right to be in the Promised land which neither God nor Jesus opposes any longer. However so do the Palestinians. The physical sons of Israel are now regarded by God as being precisely the same as everyone else. They are no longer especially blessed by the LCC as they were from 1918BC to 70 AD, and they are no longer especially cursed by the Law of Moses, as they were from 586Tammuz, the deposing of Zedekiah, to 1948Sivan4, the founding of the modern state of Israel. In other words they and the Palestinians have an equal right to the land. 

87% of Muslims in Kuwait and in Pakistan believe that Muslims were not responsible for the Twin Towers Terror. On the other hand a similar, or possibly greater, percentage of Israelis believe that Jesus was not God's son. Both of these beliefs are convenient lies the writer would suggest. Because men prefer convenient lies to inconvenient truths. As do women, possibly even more so! Likewise, a fair number of British and American citizens believe that because we were the good guys in WWI and WWII and Gulf War I we must also have been the good guys in Gulf War II. But to give a nation which we 'now' know has no WMDs, a 48 hour ultimatum to destroy weapons that they did not have, and then to invade them when they fail to do the impossible is not how the good guys behave. It is very abusive behaviour. Yes, removing Saddam (without a war) for genocide was a great idea, but declaring war under false pretenses, that is what the bad guys do. 

So come now you sons of Israel, beloved of the true God, and his firstborn, do not fear. You have done no worse than the Christians did who followed you. We are all equally corrupt and idolatrous. You for your part killed the Christ in person. We for our part killed his wife, who by God's law is also his person. Look! God has rejected so far 3 true Christian religions and he only rejected you once!

So face your failure. Repent. Wise up! We had to! There is no salvation in Presidents or Prime Ministers or Chairmen of authorities. They will only give you death, misery and hatred. They are mislead themselves. What do you want with a discarded archetype of a land anyway? The promised land doesn't run from the Nile to the Euphrates. It runs from 2008Nisan14 to 3008Nisan14. Has God made you the most industrious and talented and creative people on this earth and yet forgotten to give you any gratitude? Has he sent his very son to you for nothing? Would prefer to avoid some minor embarrassment about the activities of your forefathers' forefathers, than get another 1,000 years of life in paradise? Weigh it up. Even Herod knew him to be the Christ, that is why he killed all the babies in Bethlehem where he was born. So are you going to be dumber than Herod?

He was born to a virgin and called Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23)
He was called out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:15)
He was a great light in Galilee of the Nations (Isaiah 9:1-2, Matthew 4:15,16)
He was the ruler born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
Herod killed all the baby boys in Bethlehem of Judah, and its districts (Jeremiah 31:15, Matthew 2:16)
His father was a son of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16)
His mother's father was a son of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16)
He was baptised on 29Tishri10, 69 weeks of years after your forefathers went back under law by an oath on 455Tishri24 (Daniel 9:25)
He entered the temple on 33Nisan10 (When the passover lamb should enter the house) (Mark 11:9-11)
He was killed on 33Nisan14 (When the passover lamb should be slaughtered)
Not a bone of his body was broken (The Passover lamb law and Psalm 22:17)
They cast lots over his garments (Psalm 22:18)
He said Eli, Eli, Lama Sabbachthani when he died (Psalm 22:1)
The crowds said at his death: He committed himself to Jehovah, let him provide him with escape (Psalm 22:8)
He cured the sick (Isaiah 53:4)
He did not wrangle nor cry aloud, nor was his voice heard in the broad ways (Isaiah 42:2, Matthew 12:19)
He opened his mouth with illustrations, he published things hidden since the founding (Psalm 78:1,2 - LXX, Matthew 13:35)
He rode into Jerusalem on an Ass and was hailed as the son of David (who would become the King - Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:5)
He was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, which were thrown into the temple treasury (Zechariah 11:3, Matthew 27:3-5)
He preached the good news of the Kingdom to the poor (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18).

Is this a hard Jigsaw to put together?

Technical Note on Leah, Rachel, Ramah and Bethlehem

15 This is what Jehovah has said, In Ramah a voice is being heard, lamentation and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping over her sons. She has refused to be comforted over her sons, because they are no more (Jeremiah 31).

Ramah was in Benjamin (Hosea 5:8). It was around 10-15km from Bethlehem, which was in Judah. It is hard to understand why the killing of the kids in Bethlehem would cause crying in Ramah over other kids. The symbolic meaning of this helps us however. Because the 2NC saints have been killed by the greater Herod of the Evil Slave, and they are in Bethlehem (house of bread) when they should be in Bethdaga (house of fish). Incidentally, the Hebrew word for Fish (Daga) also means multiply or increase (presumably due to shoals or large numbers of fish being available). this name is appropriate for FDS4.

So there must have been sons of Rachel in and around Bethlehem at the time that the babies were killed by Herod.

16 Then Herod, seeing he had been outwitted by the astrologers, fell into a great rage, and he sent out and had all the boys in Bethlehem and in all its districts done away with, from two years of age and under, according to the time that he had carefully ascertained from the astrologers.
17 Then that was fulfilled which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying:
18 A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and much wailing; it was Rachel weeping for her children, and she was unwilling to take comfort, because they are no more (Matthew 2).

The point is that Herod did not say to kill all the sons of Judah in Bethlehem, he said kill all the baby boys.


The Second and Third Word Symbolisms - INCORRECTt!!!

Gordon saw the scarlet coloured beast, the spiritual, the sacred one, at the time when it 'is not' the true religion. Franks saw the correspondence between committees and heads and horns...

The Watchtower is run by 7 committees, (7 heads). These are the 

Governing Body
Service Committee
Writing Committee
Publishing Committee
Teaching Committee
Personal Committee
Chairman's Committee.

It has split the world into 10 Zones over which it has 10 Zone Committees (10 horns) run by a total of around 30 Zone overseers.

But the true religion, the new body, the Lords' Witnesses is ascending from the abyss and is present. 

(The sacred secret of the woman and the wild beast that is carrying her)
(Mystery/Sacred secret, musthrion = sacred secret in Paul's letters) 

3 Let no one seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 
4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called "god" or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.
5 Do you not remember that, while I was yet with you, I used to tell you these things?
6 And so now you know the thing that acts as a restraint, with a view to his being revealed in his own due time.
7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work; but only till he who is right now acting as a restraint gets to be out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2).

The word 'mystery' appears only in this verse and in Revelation 17 (and a few other places). So it's all the same mystery by the no coincidences principle. So this woman of adultery is the man of lawlessness. The rotten remnant.

Blasphemous names Sanctified blasphemers, rotten new covenant saints, who upstage God and take his people as their own.
Golden cup New covenant, the cup of blessing which we bless
Purple outfit Sarah, all Davidic kings, royal purple (The Remnant)
Scarlet outfit  All sanctified, scarlet, washed in Jesus' blood 
Gold, Precious stone, pearls

Spiritual Israel, Nethinim, Great Crowd, all three go in through the 12 pearl gates, the first two are the precious stones, and the remnant are the gold

Mother of the harlots Mother of harlotry in false congregations
Disgusting things of the earth Uncleanness in the true congregations
Blood of the holy ones Blood of spiritual Israel
Blood of the witnesses of Jesus Blood of Sanctified Lord's witnesses
[the name of the new congregation, the Lords' Witnesses]
7 mountains 7 administrations run by new covenant saints, Henschel is now replaced by some kind of democracy nonsense in the Watchtower, and there will be a last 'head'
7 kings [of the earth]  5 presidents of the Watchtower before it falls and 2 of the Lords' Witnesses
5 have fallen  4 in physical death (Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz) one from power (Henschel)
1 is The writer, president of Philadelphia
The other has not yet arrived President of Laodicea, the 2nd Timothy
The beast that was but is not (notice that it is not described as yet is about to ascend or yet will be present). The Watchtower after it has ceased to be the true religion, i.e. the Evil Slave, the Wicked and Sluggish slave. This beast must relate to the 7 kings in the previous verse who are the 7 presidents of the two true religions. So it is a sacred beast.
The beast that was but is not goes off into destruction Destruction of the Watchtower, before Armageddon. Let his lodging place become desolate and let there be no dweller in it, and his office of oversight let someone else take (Acts 1:20).
8th king Wicked & Sluggish slave, WSS, Not appointed by Jesus, Self appointed.
7 heads 8th King, the WSS rules over God's people for 7 years from 1994Elul1 to 2001Elul1. There is a dispute as to who is ruling on 2001Elul1 (August 23rd 2001).
10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom Governing body of Watchtower had 10 members on 1995Tishri15 - there were 10 men running the Watchtower - who were not kings, hence the 10 horns that you saw are 10 kings. 'But they do receive authority as kings...' applies to both the UN and the Watchtower. Furthermore when Franz died at the end of the 4th Watch there were 12 running it - the divine organisation number, and when they started there first NBLC (new biblical lunar calendar) year as the evil slave there were 10 men, the satanic organisation number.
One hour with the Watchtower Beast The day of the Watchtower is 1871Heshvan21 to 2005Sivan14 (with the woman on top), when the abomination causing desolation is placed. 133˝ years in total. So one hour is 11 years 1˝ months. So the last hour runs from 1994Nisan29 to 2005Sivan14. 

So Babylon as well as spawning whole harlot churches, also spawns harlotry in the virgin church, this is the Babylon within. The remnant are fornicating with the kings of the earth to be, the Nethinim. Right now the virgin church is a whore, it is a part of Babylon And the scripture which says:

4 Get out of her my people (Rev 18),

currently applies to the congregation of FDS3, for that slave fell on 1995Tishri15, and to the congregation of WSS2, that fell on 2001Tishri30, becoming GNS2, which is about to be cut in two. But look!

12 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom (Revelation 17).

17 For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out one thought, by giving their kingdom to the wild beast until the words of God have been accomplished (Rev 17).

The question that these two statements beg is, how can 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, give their kingdom to anybody in the sacred symbolism? The answer looks to Gordon like they have failed again the third test of Jesus that Satan made, offering him all the kingdoms of the earth if he would do one act of obeisance. These kings have seized power as kings, and made their own kingdom out of the Watchtower, because it was made available to them by Satan, they have no mandate from Jesus. The kingdom that they have not yet received is the kingdom of God.

So now we understand why he said to Peter:

34 Jesus said to him: Truly I say to you, On this night, before a cock crows, you will disown me three times (Matthew 26).

Not 4 times, as in the case of FDS4 but three times and Jesus asked him: Do you love me? 3 times:

15 When, now, they had breakfasted, Jesus said to Simon Peter: Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? He said to him: Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you. He said to him: Feed my lambs.
16 Again he said to him, a second time: Simon son of John, do you love me? He said to him: Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you. He said to him: Shepherd my little sheep.
17 He said to him the 3rd time: Simon son of John, do you have affection for me? Peter became grieved that he said to him the 3rd time: Do you have affection for me? So he said to him: Lord, you know all things; you are aware that I have affection for you. Jesus said to him: Feed my little sheep (John 12).