8 I kept on considering the horns (Daniel 7).
'Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.'
Woodrow Wilson
'Interest does not bind men together: interest separates men.
There is only one thing that can bind men together, and that is common devotion to right.' Woodrow Wilson
The tragic story of the League of Nations centers around the man who conceived it and offered it to the world, who developed its charter and bore the pains of its formulation at the Peace Conference in France, and who broke down in exhaustion when his own nation, the United States, refused to ratify it in the Senate.
Therefore President Wilson decided to take his case to the people with a busy speaking tour across the whole country. Young Americans had fought and died in France, and he would not give up the struggle for a world of peace without giving all he could. Wilson argued that the League of Nations was founded according to the American principles of self-government,
open discussion and arbitration instead of war, a universal boycott of an offending nation, disarmament, rehabilitation of oppressed peoples, no annexations but trusteeships, abolition of forced labor especially of women and children, rejection of secret treaties, protection of dependent peoples, high standards of labor, the Red Cross, international regulation of drugs and alcohol, and prohibition of arms sales. He warned against violent revolutions such as had occurred in Russia rather than revolution by vote. The United States could be isolated no more, for "we have become a determining factor in the history of mankind" and in the development of civilization. He declared,
"The peace of the world cannot be established without America." Seven and a half million men had been killed in the war; this was more than all the wars from 1793 to 1914. He spoke of the children who would have to die in a worse war if the League of Nations was not established. Wilson pushed himself to the limit, traveling 8,000 miles in twenty-two days and giving thirty-eight speeches. He had increasingly bad headaches which became constant until he finally collapsed in Pueblo, Colorado. The train took him straight back to Washington where he suffered a stroke, leaving the left side of his face and body paralyzed.
In Wilson's last public statement in 1923 he lamented, "I have seen fools resist Providence before." He still believed that his principles would eventually prevail. He died on February 3, 1924. (www.san.beck.org/WP20-LeagueofNations.html)
We had 5 attempts to prophecy the very day that the last hour of the UN begins. The relevant scriptures are:
11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an 8th [king], but springs from the seven, and it goes off into
And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.
17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the
wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished.
And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to (Revelation 12).
And it stood still upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with 10 horns and 7 heads, and upon its horns 10 diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names (Revelation 13).
We have explained the event symbolic meaning of the 7 headed 10 horned 10 diademed beast of Revelation 13 in section [158].
The 7 heads are 7 New Biblical Lunar Calendar years of headship over God's people from 2001Tishri1 to 2008Tishri1. The 10 horns are 10 New Biblical Lunar Calendar years of power without headship from 1991Tishri1 (just after the Gulf War) to 2001Tishri1. The 10 diadems are the 10 secretary generals of the UN from 1945 to 2008. We have also explained that the 7th Biblical King of the world in the US/UK military and political power and that the UN is the 8th Biblical king of the World. The 7 headed beast of Revelation 17 with the woman on top in also the UN but the heads are the secretary generals who tolerate the woman, who is false religion. Kofi Annan is the 7th and last religious tolerant secretary general - see [159].
We have known and prophesied that the UN will 'Take over the world' in the sense that it will become the 8th King of the world in the 7th last year of this system, since 1992, we published this in our book: Letter to the society. We have known that an act of War or an act of unofficial war (i.e. terrorism) will lead to the UN taking over since 1999Elul (when we deduced that the second horseman of the apocalypse 'War' would start riding in 2000Elul). We have published this prophecy that an act of war or unofficial war would lead to the UN taking over (becoming the 8th king) on the web since 2000January25 and in print since 2000October in the first edition of the true bible code:
"Given that the second horseman of the Apocalypse, war, starts riding in 2000Elul (4th August - 2nd September) see [151]. It looks like there is a war between 2000Elul and 2001Nisan which causes the UN to take over the planet..." (True , first edition, October 2000).
"War (possibly unofficial war i.e. terrorism) will be the trigger for the UN to take over the world" (True , second Edition, January 2001)
Here is the wording of our 5 adverts and their first advertised date:
Prophecy | UK paper/date | Basis |
The UN takes overall political control of the World between March 26th and April 24th 2001. The UN itself will be controlled by 10 leaders from10 nations starting between April 25th and June 23rd 2001. |
Wednesday Telegraph January 31. Sunday Times March 25th. | 2001Nisan is the start of the Last 7 Biblical Lunar Calendar years. And the last hour starts 82/83 months before the beginning of Armageddon. |
The UN takes overall political control of the World on or before August 23rd 2001 The UN will be controlled by 10 leaders from 10 nations starting between August 23rd and November 21st 2001. |
Sunday Times July 1st. | 2001Elul1 is the start of the Last 7 New Biblical Lunar Calendar years. And the last hour starts 82/83 months before the end of Armageddon. |
The UN security council will accept 5 new permanent members on October 22nd/23rd 2001. It will expand to 10 permanent members, 10 'kings' on that day. The UN will take overall political control of the World on October 22nd/23rd 2001, the same day, becoming the 8th king of the World in Biblical terms. |
Sunday Times September 2nd | The 10 Kings are the 10 future Permanent Security council members. The League of Nations covenant was 'abyssed' on 1939September3 when Britain and France declared war on Germany. |
The UN security council will accept 5 new permanent members on November 20th 2001. It will expand to 10 permanent members, 10 'kings'
on that day. The UN will take overall political control of the World on November 20th 2001, the same day, becoming the 8th king of the World in Biblical terms. |
Saturday Times October 27th | The League of Nations covenant was 'abyssed' when Chamberlain et al signed the Munich agreement on 1938September29 |
The UN security council will accept 5 new permanent members on December 5th 2001. It will expand to 10 permanent members, 10 'kings'
on that day. The UN will take overall political control of the World on December 5th 2001, the same day, becoming the 8th king of the World in Biblical terms. |
Wednesday Times November 28th | The League of Nations covenant was 'abyssed' (abandoned) when Germany annexed Austria - the Anschluss - 1938March13 |
What happened on September 11th was as we have been prophesying for years, an act of war (or unofficial war) which was the trigger for the UN taking over - see [158].
However in biblical terms, according to the symbolism of Revelation 17, what happened that day was that for the first time in human history, since the tower of Babel, all of the 10 Kings, the 10 future permanent security council members (the second group of 5 toes of the image of Daniel 2 - there are already 5 permanent security council members, the first foot) became of one thought, of one opinion.
This unanimity is unprecedented. It is a divine thing. Now the scriptures say regarding the 10 kings:
But they do receive authority as kings one hour with the beast. These have one thought so they give their power and authority to the beast (Revelation 17:12,13).
For God put it into their hearts to carry out his one thought even to carry out their one thought, and to give their kingdom to the wild beast until the words (plural) of God will have been accomplished (Revelation 17:17).
Their one thought 'defeat global terrorism' is carried out through the UN starting with the twin towers and continues through to the appointment of the 10 kings as the 10 permanent security council members to come, whence all 10 kings become a part of the kingdom of the beast as the 8th King of the world.
Our 5th date for the expansion of the security council was a correct date, but yet again we got the event incorrect. The UN did not become the 8th King of the World in Biblical terms on December 5th and the security council did not expand its permanent membership on that day. But the 10 future kings (Kings without a kingdom) did receive authority as kings over Afghanistan on that day. The Bonn agreement is for a UN protectorate. It is for what amounts to a vassal government of the UN, with a UN security force, was signed in Bonn in Germany on that day. One must remember that to qualify for being the 8th biblical king of the World the UN has to show a supremacy over the 7th Biblical king of the World, which was the US/UK world power. The UN does not need to blitzkrieg the Northern Hemisphere in order to become the 8th king. It is certainly the case that the Government of Afghanistan is a UN vassal not a US or a UK vassal, and the security force for the interim regime was agreed to be a UN force not a UK force - the British troops were rejected by the Northern Alliance some weeks earlier. It is true that the US did most of the military work, but it did it under UN approval and the result in regnal terms has been a victory not for the US but for the UN. The US and the UK are of course is quite happy about this since they have no desire to run Afghanistan.
This day of December 5th therefore, marks the start of the last hour of the UN. And being absolutely strict about the fulfillment…
But obviously the security council did not expand to 10 permanent members on December 5th 2001. We can now (with the benefit of hindsight) see why...
The 10 kings are said to receive authority from the beast for one hour. But they are not said to give authority for that one hour.
12 But they do receive authority as kings one hour with the beast
13 These have one thought and give their power and their authority to the beast (Revelation 17)
But the 10 do not give authority to the UN until the right of permanent security council members to veto is diminished or removed altogether. This then will be coincident with the expansion of the security council we now understand and prophesy. The sticking points in expanding the security council, which is desirable as regards global legitimization of the UN, is firstly the veto and secondly which African country to include and thirdly the effect of including only one of India and Pakistan. However, once the veto is dealt with the expansion can occur.
So there is more to come with this vindication - we have yet to see the expansion of the security council and the restricting of the veto. But those who follow our work closely will see that it is quite an achievement to get the day on which the last hour of the UN began correct, this being the day when the 10 kings (who have not yet received a kingdom) received authority as kings over Afghanistan. If is further quite an achievement to get the day when the 8th biblical military world power, the UN, finally achieved dominance over the 7th biblical military world power, the UK/US, through the UN correct, as being July 1 2002. This day being 300 inclusive after 911.
Of course if our chronology is correct then the ramifications are immense. For the latest version please see U271
Our third effort at the date when the UN expands the security council and the last hour of its 'day' starts was 2001Heshvan1, (October 22/23 2001), the calculation was as follows:
1919June28 | 1919Sivan29 | League of Nations covenant signed at Versailles |
1920 January10 | 1919Tebbeth15 | League of Nations covenant comes into force |
1935 January3 | 1934Tebbeth24 | Hailie Selassie appeals to League of Nations on behalf of Ethiopia |
1935 October3 | 1935Tishri3 | Italy Invades Ethiopia, the League of Nations responds with ineffective sanctions which are ignored by F D Roosevelt of the US. |
1936 March7 | 1935Adar9 | Hitler Invades Rhineland, in contravention of the Treaty of Versailles, but not of the covenant of the League of Nations. |
1937 July7 | 1937Tammuz27 | Japan invades China (Having already invaded Manchuria on 1931September18) |
1938 February20 | 1937Adar15 | Sir Anthony Eden, the British Foreign secretary, resigns disagreeing with Chamberlain's decision not to involve Roosevelt in a conference on the matter of Anschluss of Austria with Germany. Chamberlain convinced Gandi the Italian ambassador (the Italians were the historical protectors of Austria) that appeasement was going to be the British policy. Hitler gave a speech to the Reichstag this day saying that: "Germany would know how to protect the 10 million Germans living on its borders" - 7 million in Austria and 3 million in Germany. |
1938 February24 | 1937Adar19 | Schuschnigg, the Austrian Chancellor, declares that Austria has reached the limit of her concessions to the Nazi's - This far and no further. |
1938 March9 | 1937Veadar2 | Schuschnigg announces that there will be a Plebiscite of all Austria on whether Austria should remain separate from German control, and this was to occur on March 13th |
1938 March10 | 1937Veadar3 | German troops start massing on the Austrian border. |
1938 March11 4p.m. | 1937Veadar3 | Germany demands that the Plebiscite be delayed for 6 weeks and that Schuschnigg is replaced by Seyss-Inquart. Austria agrees to postpone the plebiscite but Schuschnigg cannot violate his oath of office by yielding to force. |
1938 March11 6:30 p.m. | 1937Veadar4 | Lieutenant General Muff, the German military attache in Vienna, threatens Austria, saying that 200,000 German troops will cross the Austrian frontier unless: Schuschnigg resigns and Seyss-Inquart assumes Chancellorship and Nazis are appointed to 2/3rds of the new cabinet etc. |
1938 March11 7:30 p.m. | 1937Veadar4 | Schuschnigg resigns his office saying: This day has placed us in a tragic and decisive situation...So I take leave of the Austrian people with a German word of farewell uttered from the depth of my heart: God protect Austria! |
1938 March12 | 1937Veadar5 | German troops invade Austria, unopposed, having been invited in by the new Chancellor, Seyss-Inquart |
1938 March12 | 1937Veadar5 | France invites Italy and England to examine the events, Italy declines. |
1938 March13 | 1937Veadar6 | Reichstag 'legalises' the Anschluss (union) of Austria, the country of Hitler's birth and Germany, declaring Austria to be a German province. |
1938April1 | 1938Nisan1 | First day of year (Veadar is an intercalary month which is not included in the ) |
1938 April10 | 1937 | Nazi's hold a plebiscite in Austria (Jews were not allowed to vote). Political opponents already having been arrested and all votes were surveyed etc. etc. The declared result was over 99.75% to be a part of Germany - a forced false result. |
1938 September29/30 | 1938Tishri2 | Hitler meets with Chamberlain, Daladier and Mussolini at Munich. Czechoslovakia is not invited or consulted. British and French agree to German occupation of the Sudetenland to be completed by October 10th. This is a breach of the League of Nations covenant articles 10,16,17. |
1939September3 | 1939Elul16 | Britain and France declare war on Germany, to protect Poland in accordance with articles 10,16,17 of the League of Nations covenant. Although they did not cite that covenant as the basis of their declaration since it had become irrelevant and useless by then. |
1945June26 | 1945Tammuz14 | United Nations covenant signed at San Francisco |
1945October24 | 1945Heshvan14 | United Nations covenant comes into force on ratification by China |
2008August20 | 2008Elul16 | Last day of Armageddon, Beast loses Kingdom. |
1919Tebbeth15 to 1939Elul16 = 19y 8m 1d
1945Heshvan14 to 2008Elul16 = 62y 10m 2d
Total 'day' = 82y 6m 3d
'Hour' = 82.5 months plus 6 hours = 2475.25 days
So this hour starts 2001Heshvan1 and ends 2008Elul16. So it starts October 22/23rd 2001. This was wrong (which we found out on October 23!). The problem we had was deciding when the League of Nations goes into the abyss and 'is not'.
8 The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction (Revelation 17).
We had naively assumed that the League of Nations covenant ceased to be effective when Britain and France declared War on Germany as a result of their invasion of Poland on 1939September3. However, once we realised that this gave us the wrong day for the expansion of the security council we took the trouble to actually read the League of Nations covenant, and to study the history of the League and of the World immediately prior to WWII. Here is a good and shortened account of the build up to WWII from www.otr.com/munich.html
In March of 1938, Nazi Germany led by Adolph Hitler gave an ultimatum to Chancellor Schuschnigg of Austria to resign and allow a new Chancellor of Germany's choosing to take over or Hitler's troops would march into Austria. With his back against a wall, Schuschnigg did resign and Dr. Arthur Seyss-Inquart, a Nazi puppet, took control. Immediately, he ordered the Austrian army to offer no resistance, and then invited German troops to enter Austria. Hitler achieved his Anschluss - the union of Austria and Germany.
When Austria became a part of Nazi Germany, little Czechoslovakia, a democratic country formed out of the victory of the Western Allies over Germany in the first World War, found itself surrounded on three sides.
And though Britain and France had barely reacted to the previous Anschluss, Hitler knew full well he could not invade Czechoslovakia without a reason.
In June, Chamberlain spoke "off the record" that Britain favored turning over the Sudetenland to Germany "in the interest of peace." The League of Nations, it seemed, was dead as they failed to intervene. Chamberlain sent his representative, Lord Runciman, to Czechoslovakia to mediate between that country and the Sudeten Germans. Chamberlain had forced Runciman on the Czechs by warning of dire circumstances if they did not accept his coming. Runciman sought more and more concessions for the Sudeten Germans from the Czech president, Eduard Benes. Benes was rapidly growing tired of the whole affair.
On Thursday, September 29, the four powers, Germany, England, France and Italy met in Munich to decide the fate of Czechoslovakia.
After about eight hours, an agreement was signed. The joint paper in effect still stated that Germany would take over the Sudetenland, but more slowly. On October 1, German troops would come in to occupy the most German areas. Then each day additional movements would take place under jurisdiction of the four powers who would determine just how much territory was to be ceded. The less German areas would hold a plebiscite to determine if they want to stay a part of the Reich. Additional settlements were made over claims from Hungary and Poland. Czechoslovakia in effect had been carved up and was much smaller than previously, a much weaker state. Hitler had won.
By March 15th, 1939, through manipulations of the weakened Czech government, Hitler would peacefully occupy all of the country.
Later that year, Hitler would invade Poland and Britain and France would declare war on Germany.
From this account it is plain that the League of Nations covenant was dead and required an intervention that did not take place. In fact, since the League of Nations Beast came into existence by the ratification of the League of Nations covenant, the abandoning of this covenant by the allies would seem to indicate the abyssing of the League. The actions of the British and French on 1939Sept3 were not a breach of the League of Nations covenant, which provided that an attack one member state should be regarded as an attack on all member states. But the Munich agreement whereby Britain and France agreed to the annexation of Czechoslovakia by Germany without taking account of the views of the Czechs (which were obviously against the idea) was also a total violation articles 10 and 16 of the covenant which provided for:
The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.
Should any Member of the League resort to war in disregard of its covenants under article 12,13,15 it shall ipso facto be deemed to have committed an act of war against all other Members of the League, which hereby undertake immediately to subject it to the severance of all trade or financial relations, the prohibition of all intercourse between their nationals and the nationals of the covenant-breaking State, and the prevention of all financial, commercial or personal intercourse between the nationals of the covenant-breaking State and the nationals of any other State, whether a Member of the League or not.
It shall be the duty of the Council in such case to recommend to the several Governments concerned what effective military, naval or air force the Members of the League shall severally contribute to the armed forces to be used to protect the covenants of the League.
The Boundaries of Germany will be determined as follows:
5. With Austria. The Frontier of August 3, 1914, from Switzerland to Czechoslovakia as hereinafter defined
Article 17 provided that non member states who declare war on member states should by subject to article 16 as if they were member states.
Czechoslovakia was a member of the League of Nations as was Austria and Poland. So actually Britain and France declaring War on Germany as a result of their invasion of Poland was in accordance with Articles 10, 16 and 17 of the covenant. But the Munich agreement was not and was therefore a written agreement in breach of the League of Nations covenant, which really is an abandoning of the covenant, and we thought, for a while, that this was the abyssing of the Beast. We thought that Chamberlain's famous 'Peace in our Time' was really 'No more League of Nations covenant'. We therefore made our fourth attempt to calculate the calendar day when the last hour of the Beast begins taking the Munich agreement as the abyssing. Using this date of 1938September29(evening)/1938September30(morning) or 1938Tishri2 as the beginning of the period when the Beast 'is not'. The new calculation was therefore:
1919Tebbeth15 to 1938Tishri2 = 18y 8m 17d
1945Heshvan14 to 2008Elul16 = 62y 10m 2d
Total 'day' = 81y 6m 19d
'Hour' (1/12th of the 'day') = 81 months plus 199/12 days = 2446.58 days
If we now count 2446.58 days backwards from 2008Elul16 we end up on 2001Heshvan29 a.m. (2001 November 20th).
But as normal on the evening of November 20th it became apparent that the UN Security council had not expanded to 10 permanent members. So we have to revisit this date of the end of the covenant of the League. The only other candidate it now seems to us in the Anschluss of Austria. And what fascinates Gordon about this is that we are seeing God's understanding of the obligations of the members of the League of Nations covenant here – which appears to agree with Sir Anthony Eden’s understanding – Where has his sort of integrity gone?. If you like we are seeing the judicial decision of the judge of all the earth in this matter. And it is very apparent that he was not at all impressed with the reaction of the members of the league, and in particular the founder members of the league to the annexation of Austria by Germany. This was the beginning of Hitler's territorial aggression (Germany had joined with the Saar territories but they had had a non pressurised plebiscite in 1935 which resulted in a 90% vote to leave France and Join Germany). So we really cannot go back any further than the Anschluss with Austria. Also German aggression has lead to WW1 and the League of Nations covenant was designed to prevent a second round of the same. The various invasions by Italy and Japan and the lack of effective reactions by the League are certainly the weakening of the league, but the abyssing has to involve Germany, not least because the boundaries of Germany were stipulated in the covenant of the League in article 27. So intrinsically the purpose of the League was to keep Germany within it's boundaries. The 5th clause in article 27 stipulated Germany's boundary with Austria!! (The Treaty of Versailles, at article 48, provided for a plebiscite of the Saar Territories in 1935 and a possible inclusion of these into Germany if the vote went that way.) The League of Nations covenant was the first 30 articles of the Treaty of Versailles.
The whole covenant is at www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/wwi/versa/versa1.html
Contrary to the opinion of many it appears that God's position was that having agreed to support Austria, we should have done so. In other words God is not a pacifist he is an upholder of integrity and he expects us to do the same.
So now we can recalculate assuming that the League of Nations was dead as of 1938Nisan1 (1938April1). The intercalary month prior to this date makes it easy for us since it does not register in the . So we do not need to try and determine which particular day the League of Nations covenant was actually abyssed. Although the resignation of Schuschnigg as a result of the threat of invasion was certainly a breach of Article 10, and the lack of response of the allies on March 12/13 would seem to be a good candidate. But we have until April1, 18 days later before the calendar restarts. And certainly the lack of response during those days indicates a fairly dead Beast. We guess it kind of drifted into the abyss during this period.
So the new calculation is:
1919Tebbeth15 to 1938Nisan1 = 18y 2m 16d
1945Heshvan14 to 2008Elul16 = 62y 10m 2d
Total 'day' = 81y 18d
'Hour' (1/12th of the 'day') = 81 months plus 1½ days = 2431.5 days
If we now count 2431.5 days backwards from the beginning of 2008Elul16 we end up on 2001Chislev14 daytime. (2001 December 5th daytime). This date, which we prophesied in advance and advertised in the Wednesday Times of November 28th 2001, turned out to be when the UN began its Kingdom and became the 8th Biblical King of the World, by virtue of the Bonn agreement which gave it a kingdom over Afghanistan through its vassal Hamid Karzai.
We thought and also prophesied and advertised that the UN Security council would also expand its permanent membership to 10 at that time with a reduced veto. However it did not and this is why:
And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast (Revelation 17).
The point is that the 10 kings, who are the 10 future permanent security council members, did get authority as kings for one hour which began on December 5th 2001. But they do not give their power and authority to the Wild Beast until the period of unity of thought (which began on September 11, 2001) produces fruit.
Now the length of this period is cryptically witnessed to in that 10 Kings have 1 thought. So we have a witness to 10 times (of a King having a thought) this is the numerical dimension of the bile code (which we do not go into much in this website) - see [c19].
So the period between 11-9-2001 (2001Elul19) and the 10 kings giving their power to the beast lasts for 10 times. These times can be days, months or years according to the code. Well they cannot be days, and they cannot be years (since we would pass Armageddon) so they must be months. So now we can understand why the came into force on July 1 2002.
10 kings having one thought is a comparison of 10 with 1. This means that they have the thought for 10 cycles of time. These cycles are either days months or years. Well in the case of 911, nothing much happened 10 days after this, and the system only lasts for 7 years after 911. So the 10 cycles must be 10 months. So we look at 10 months after 911, or 300 days to be precise. Well, the UNICC took over on 2002Tammuz18, 300 after 2001Elul19 (911) counting inclusively. We, knew this in advance and advertised it in both the UK and the US newspapers.
So 911 was followed by 300 days of 'one thought' then the 10 future permanent members of the gave their power to the UN through the International Criminal Court.
But the 10 kings give both their power and their authority to the UN beast, so, although we did not see this one accurately at the time, because they give two things, power and authority, the whole process takes 20 months. So after 20 months or after a further 10 months which run from 2002Tammuz19 to 2003Iyyar19, the 10 kings give their authority to the UN Beast (having given their power at the start of the period). But 2003Iyyar19 was May 22, 2003 when the passed resolution 1483 accepting the coalition as the occupying force in Iraq. So the US and the UK and the rest of the 10 kings and the world accepted the UN as having the final authority in this matter. So the 10 kings had given their power and authority by 2003Iyyar19 to the UN. Incidentally this resolution was the healing of the sword stroke to the second head of the UN, which runs from 2002Elul to 2003Elul.
Diagrammatically we have:
Transfer of POWER from s to the UN itself
Fall of Twin Towers
UNICC takes power as 8th king 911
July 1 2002
10 months or 300 days of unity of thought
Transfer of AUTHORITY from s to the UN itself
UNICC takes power as 8th king
resolution 1483
US fights it until July 12th
Coalition accepted as Occupying power
July 1 2002
May 22, 2003
10 months or 300 days to give power and authority
At first sight resolution 1483 looks like it is the UN giving its authority to the US/UK coalition, but it is not giving its authority, it is giving its authorization, which means that the coalition is accepting its authorization which means that the US/UK accepts its authority, which means that we have given the UN authority over us, which means that we have given them our authority. This is a long way from: Let's attack Iraq anyway, the UN is just a debate society!
Now we can finally (after umpteen mistakes) correctly apply this counting method to the rest of Revelation 17:
16 And the 10 horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot, and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire (Revelation 17).
The harlot, Babylon, is destroyed utterly in 2006Elul. The simplest way to see this is the lament:
10 Too bad, Too bad, you great city, Babylon (Revelation 18).
A lament lasting 2 times or 2 years (too bad, too bad) from 2006Elul to 2008Elul.
17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought and to carry out one thought and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled (Revelation 17).
We can actually get the day when the 10 horns without a kingdom (10 future permanent security council members) start to hate false religion from the sentence count of verses 16 and 17 using the numerical dimension of the code - see [C19], as follows...
16 And the 10 horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will: 11x.
hate the harlot,
and will make her devastated and naked,
and will eat up her fleshy parts
and will completely burn her in fire
17 For God put [it] into their hearts
to carry out his thought
and to carry out one thought
and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled
2x (Revelation 17)
The words of God as regards the destruction of Babylon that is, 11x.7x.2x.4x=77x.8x=616x. 616 days ending at the destruction of Babylon on 2006Elul19 (two 900 day 'days' or 5 years after 911 - this is from 1 Kings 18 - see [271]).
So the 616 days run from 2004Tebbeth3/4 to 2006Elul19. So the 10 horns start hating the harlot on 2004Tebbeth3/4 (we had originally thought that this might be the day that the expands its permanent membership). We then thought that the would expand at the start of the 42 months of authority to Blaspheme of the UN of Revelation 13. That idea was also wrong. But the chronology is both cases we still believe was correct. We now believe that the expands precisely 17 months or 510 days before Babylon the great is destroyed on 2006Elul19. This being the 17 months reign of the expanded , which we call .
Here is the beautiful way in which we arrive at our latest in a very long line of conclusions!
The UN itself is a 10 horned, 7 headed, 10 diademed wild beast with one head that gets slaughtered and recovers. The 10 horns are 10 years of power from First Gulf War in 1991 to 2002July1 UNICC, when 7 NBLC years of Kingship over God's people were confirmed, running from 2001Tishri1 to 2008Tishri1. 10 diadems are 10 Secretary Generals of the UN, Kofi Annan is the 7th. The UN had its second head chopped off and lost its headship on 2003Veadar9 (March 17/18, 2003) when GWB and Blair gave Saddam a 48 hour ultimatum do disarm from WMDs that he did not have. No UN authority for such an ultimatum. This is the beginning of the sword stroke to the second head, the second year of headship, of the UN Beast. UN headship is flouted by a war. resolution 1483 on 2003May22 (2003Iyyar19) retroactively legitimized the coalition's invasion accepting the coalition as the occupying power. The US and the UK give our authority in Iraq to the UN by asking for and then accepting them as empowered to authorise the occupation. The death stroke to the second head is healed.
The image of the beast is the temporal image of the UN Beast reduced in size by a factor of 12. It is an image that replaces years with months. The 10 diadems are the 10 permanent members to be in the image. So it has 7 months of headship, which headship it loses in the 6th month. Then it has 10 months of power, which is life without a reign. So if we can find when its life ends, then we can find when its starts since this is 17 months before that time. This information is encoded in verses 16 and 17 of Revelation 17.
And the 10 horns that you saw, and the wild-beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.
For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought [the hating of the Harlot], even to carry out [their] one thought [greater UN democracy] and to give their kingdom to the wild-beast, until the words of God [as regards the judgement of the Harlot which the angel is describing]
will have been accomplished. [The kingdom of the 10 horns is the image beast of Revelation 13 which has 7 heads, 2006Iyyar29-2006Chislev29, the 2nd of which, 2006Sivan29-2006Tammuz29, is slaughtered, yet recovers in time for the 3rd head, then 10 horns,
2005Tammuz29-2006Iyyar29, wherein it has power and authority but no kingship of its kingdom].
The image of the beast gives the kingship of its kingdom to the UN beast until Babylon the great is destroyed. This must occur by the rapture on 2008Elul16.
We know from Revelation 17, that Kofi Annan is the last secretary general of the UN who tolerates false religion. So if the above is true then he must be succeeded by the 8th UN Secretary General before or when the 10 horns finally appear on the beast on 2006Chislev29.
From the start of the second gulf war (GW2) until resolution 1483 the UN Beast: "Was but is not and yet will be present" (Revelation 17). The UN was the 8th biblical king of the world up until Iraq, and then was not the 8th king until it recognised the coalition as the occupying force in Iraq on May 22,2003.
From press announcements the 5 other horns (proposed as prospective permnant members of the ) look like being Japan, Germany, India, Brazil and South Africa.
Reading Time magazine, October 23rd 1995, we see that the UN has so far had 7 heads, namely Lie, Hammarskjold, Uthant, Waldhiem, Perez de Cuellar, Boutros Boutros Gali, and Kofi Annan. These Secretary Generals who don't know whether they are Secretaries or Generals, the astute observation of James Reston of the New York Times, have one or two terms of 5 years each we believe. Boutros-Gali was elected in 1992. Kofi Anan took over in 1997 and was re-elected in 2001. We today (2001 August) are in the 7th presidency of the UN. The 10 diadems are 10 Secretary Generals serving successively for the whole 'day' of the UN but not for the whole 'day' of the Beast (which day includes the League of Nations). The 10 horns are ten kings from ten nations ruling concurrently for one hour of the 'day' of the beast. We are using the word 'Day' here in the sense of Queen Victoria's 'Day', it stands for the entire lifespan of the Beast.
A little horn is going to appear at sometime in the near future!! It is going to humiliate 3 of these kings of the UN. This little horn, that looks bigger than it is, is the EU. It will humiliate the English, French and German horns. Then it will corrupt the whole UN.
20 And concerning the 10 horns that were on its head, and the other [horn] and before which three fell, even that horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking grandiose things and the appearance of which was bigger that of its fellows (Daniel 7).
Advert 1 (Wednesday Telegraph January 31, Guardian Saturday March 24th, Sunday Times March 25th).
Sir Newton and Armageddon
Newton’s success in unraveling the mechanics of the Solar System is legendary. Mankind has landed on the moon using laws which he formulated without ever leaving the ground.
But there has been little or no publicity given to the efforts that Newton made to decode the Bible. He believed that every man owed it to God, as a debt, to use his best efforts to understand both his physical universe (the Cosmos) and his spiritual universe, the Scriptures.
Did you know that Newton (1642-1727) spent a large part of his life wrestling with the symbolic code of the bible? Are you aware that Sir died trying to work out the date of Armageddon from it? His final calculations, performed in the early 18th century put the date at 1948 ( Newton - White, Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel - Newton, published in 1733 after his death).
Newton was unable fully to decode the bible, not because he lacked the necessary mental agility, and neither was it because he lacked the necessary faith. His failure may have been because the early 18th century was not God’s time for his final revelation to all mankind. These things were to be revealed in the ‘time of the end’ according to the bible book of Daniel.
But what Sir did see clearly, was that the bible was indeed written in a code, and that there would be a final decoding of it, a final revelation from God to mankind. He saw too that this revelation would include the very date of Armageddon. We know today that Newton was very rarely wrong. His thought processes have been proven over time to be second to none.
A Cambridge Mathematician has picked up from where Newton left off. He has attempted to decode the bible by using the same logical thought processes that Newton applied 300 years ago. Clear thinking, hard work and faith that the Bible is perfect when properly understood were sufficient for him and for his associates to deduce the following:
The UN takes overall political control of the World between March 26th and April 24th 2001.
The UN takes financial control of the World, 666 months of the biblical calendar after its birthday of October 24th 1945. This puts it between April 25th and May 24th 2001.
The UN will itself be controlled by 10 leaders from 10 nations
for just under 7 years starting between April 25th and June 23rd 2001.
Have these guys got it right? Their findings have now been published in The True .
To receive your free copy of this 767 page book which reveals decoded dates from the very year of Creation of the universe over 11.5 billion years ago to the precise day when the battle of Armageddon starts. And to pit your brains against the minds of the angels behind God’s word, the bible, just fax a free book request stating your name and address to: 020 7806 0906 or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL, (Tel: 020 7481 4830) or visit: www.truebiblecode.com.
Advert 6 (Guardian, Thursday April 20th, 2002).
Revelation 17 Encoded
And one of the 7 angels that had the 7 bowls came and spoke with me, saying:
Come, I will show you the judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters, 2
with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
And he carried me away in [the power of the] spirit into a wilderness. And I caught sight of a woman sitting upon a scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had 7 heads and 10 horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and was adorned with gold and precious stone and pearls and had in her hand a golden cup that was full of disgusting things and the unclean things of her fornication.
And upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery: Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.
And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of . Well, on catching sight of her I wondered with great wonderment.
And so the angel said to me: Why is it you wondered? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast that is carrying her and that has the 7 heads and the 10 horns:
The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world.
Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The 7 heads mean 7 mountains, where the woman sits on top.
And there are 7 kings: 5 have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while.
And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an 8th [king], but springs from the 7, and it goes off into destruction.
And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.
These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].
And he says to me: The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues.
And the 10 horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.
For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished.
And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. (New World Translation of the Scriptures).
Revelation 17 Decoded
And the 6th of the 7 messengers/angels/presidents of the two true Christian religions in the second presence of the Christ (the s and the s)
which president has the spiritual feeding bowl of the greater congregation of Philadelphia in Revelation 3, spoke with the future administrators of the 4th
and last true Christian religion, the s, during the period of the first plague of the first golden bowl of Revelation 15, which period runs from 2001Elul (August/September) to 2002Elul (August/September), saying: Come, I will show you the judgement upon the totality of all false religion (spiritual fornicators)
who draw support from many national groups,
with whom the leaders of the governments of the world join together in idolatry (false worship) of the leaders and the doctrines of these false religions,
whereas those who administrate the nations of the world have become intoxicated by favours from false religion and by the status that false religion gives them in the eyes of mislead men and mislead women.
And the 6th messenger carried the future administrators of the s,
who had been sanctified in holy spirit as second new covenant saints, away, into a very poorly attended and disorganised 4th and last true Christian church, the s (by baptising them ‘in water’ - by the laying on of hands).
And the future administrators of the s saw all the false religions having become NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations) associated with the United Nations,
the new world political power, which has 10 horns and 7 heads, the meanings of which will be explained later in the chapter. The UN describes itself in terms which indicate that it is the ultimate security for man, and it will bring peace to all mankind, but however well motivated, it is in fact a counterfeit of the true (which Christians pray for in the Lord’s prayer and which Christ preached the good news of.) The real, is the big picture, which is being eclipsed by the UN.
And false religion had within her, first new covenant saints, who are to be heavenly kings of the upcoming kingdom of God (purple) and who are washed in ’ blood (scarlet). She was carrying the cup of the first new covenant,
the golden cup, holding defiled new covenant celebrations continually at all the wrong times in entirely the wrong manner. This cup is also defiled by her idolatry (false worship) of her own church leaders and church doctrine and her idolatry of world political leaders. She also had within her, second new covenant saints (pearls), and many other solid Christians (precious stones).
And in her thoughts (but not easily discernible from her actions) she keeps secret that she is not a true religion, but is merely profiting from her congregations’ beliefs that she represents God.
And the future administrators of the s saw that false religion (and in particular the Watchtower Society) was drunk with the blood of the true first new covenant saints (who are within the ’s Witnesses) and with the blood of the second new covenant saints (many of whom are also s) whom the Watchtower has denied the new water baptism that they need from the s. This baptism is necessary for their salvation. Well, on catching sight of her, the future administrators of the s (many of whom are s) are dumbfounded, as one might imagine.
And so the messenger of Philadelphia (who is the first president of the s and the writer of this article) said to the future administrators of the s: Why is it you wondered? I will tell you the secret meaning of the 10 horns and the 7 heads of the UN beast and explain how false religions ride the UN beast, which is actually by becoming NGOs associated with the UN Department of Public Information.
The League of Nations, that the past administrators of the Watchtower correctly saw as the Beast of Revelation 17 (when the Watchtower was the true religion,)
was abyssed shortly before and during the second world war. But the Watchtower realised that it would be reformed from this very scripture. In fact in 1942, at a convention, their 3rd president/angel/messenger (Brother Knorr) prophesied the rebirth of the League of Nations (as the United Nations). This reformed League, the UN, will eventually be destroyed. Those involved in and supporting world politics will wonder admiringly at the rebirth of the League of Nations after WWII as the UN, but none of these politically involved UN admirers have been born again, as the first and second new covenant saints have been. (These saints have associated angels created for them by God, and have as their eternal father, rather than Adam as their temporary father, due to the ransom of the one for the other, this being the salvation resulting from ’ death.)
Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in (The 6th
president has this wisdom/intelligence and is about to explain what the 7 heads and 10 horns are): The 7 heads mean 7 administrations under 7 secretary generals of the UN which accept direction from false religion. These 7 are Lie,
Hammarskjold, Uthant, Waldhiem, Perez de Cuellar, Boutros Boutros Gali, and Kofi Annan. (There are 3 further secretary generals of the UN after Kofi Annan,
making a total of 10 secretary generals which are the 10 diadems on the 10 horns of the UN Beast of Revelation 13. But the woman does not sit on top of these last 3.) The UN ceases to listen to the false churches from the 8th secretary general onwards. (In fact it eventually refuses to allow religious organisations to be associated NGOs at all, since this is how the woman rides the beast.)
And there are 7 kings of the World over God’s people who are sons of the first Abrahamic covenant of Genesis 12. God’s people were initially the sons of Israel until the Christ, and then true Christians after the baptism of John the baptist. The water baptism of a true Christian is his entrance into the first Abrahamic covenant, at which point he becomes a ‘son’ of , part of his family by covenant. These 7 kings are the Egyptians, the first secular kings over the sons of Israel, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Medo-Persians, the Greeks, the Romans and the Anglo-Americans: 5 have fallen (in the day of the apostle John who wrote Revelation), one is (the Romans were the world power at the time of the visions of Revelation), the other has not yet arrived (this being the UK/USA world power of today). But when he does arrive he must remain a short while. Well, in fact from 1884Tishri (September/October) when water baptism into the first Abrahamic covenant recommenced, at the beginning of the 2nd presence of the Christ, until 2001Elul (August/September), the beginning of the New biblical lunar calendar year when the UN will eventually prove dominant over the UK-USA (This is deduced from the meaning of the 7 heads and 10 horns of the UN beast of Revelation 13, which horns are 10 New Biblical Lunar Calendar years of power for the UN from 1991Elul after the Gulf War until 2001Elul, and then 7 New Biblical Lunar Calendar years of Kingship of the UN from 2001Elul to 2008Elul15 (August 20th 2008).
And the UN that existed first as the League of Nations then ceased to exist during WWII, is also itself an 8th [king] of the world, but springs from the 7 Kings described above, and it goes off into destruction on the last day of Armageddon.
And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who are 10 future UN permanent security council members, who have not yet received a kingdom. (They will receive this between June 13 and July 13 2002), but they do receive authority as kings for the last twelfth of the combined lifespan of the League of Nations/United Nations. The League began by covenant in January 10 1920, as a part of the treaty of Versailles. It ended on March 13th 1938 at the Anschluss of Austria with Germany, which was in direct contravention of Article 27 paragraph 5 of the League of Nations covenant. The UN began by covenant on October 24th 1945 and will end on August 20th 2008, the last day of Armageddon.
As an aside there is a very simple way to calculate the date of Armageddon:
Isaiah 30:25,26 Encoded
And upon every high mountain and upon every elevated hill there must come to be streams, water ditches, in the day of the big slaughter when the towers fall.
And the light of the full moon, must become as the light of the glowing [sun]
and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become 7 times as much, like the light of 7 days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him (New World Translation of the Scriptures).
Isaiah 30:25,26 Decoded
And in every large religious administration and in every significant religious administration there must come to be streams of people running to the last true religious administration, the s, in the 7 year long ‘day’ of the big slaughter starting when the TWIN TOWERS fall.
And the understandings of false religion, will be transformed into the understandings of true religion (for is the living light of the world,
which is the Sun, and is the dead reflection of him, which is the moon).
And the understandings of true religion will become extraordinarily clear and powerful during this 7 year long ‘day’ starting with the fall of the TWIN TOWERS on 2001Elul19 (911) and ending at the end of the big slaughter of Armageddon on 2008Elul15 (August 20th 2008), in the 7 year long ‘day’ in which binds up the breakdown of his people (left in the Watchtower) and heals even the severe wound (to the Watchtower) resulting from the stroke by him (which was the excommunication of the whole organisation in 1994 on Tammuz 30 as a result of their idolatry).
Back to the decoded account of Revelation 17:
The pair of them (the League of Nations and the UN) have a combined lifespan of around 81 years. So the last ‘hour’ of life is around 81 months. If you count back the precise number of Hebrew days of this ‘hour’ of life, which is 2431.5 Hebrew days, from the last day of Armageddon you end up with December 5th 2001 (2001Chislev14), the day of the Bonn Agreement, when the first 5 Permanent Security council members (UK, US, France, Russia, China) became Kings over Afghanistan. We advertised this date one week in advance on Wednesday November 28th in the Times newspaper in the UK and in ‘USA Today’ in the US. We got this one right as regards ‘authority as Kings’ for the first 5 of them (albeit merely over Afghanistan).
13 Starting on 911 (September 11th 2001), these 5 present permanent security council members and the 5 future permanent security council members have 1 thought/opinion, namely: Defeat terrorism by forming a worldwide coalition to protect ourselves from rogue states and disgruntled/persecuted individuals who manage to procure weapons of mass destruction. So these 10 will give their power and authority to the UN. They do this 10 prophetic times after September 11th. Because the bible code is written in such a way that 10 kings having 1 thought means that this thought lasts for 10 units of time, which units are days, months or years. These units cannot be days, because nothing happened on September 21, and they cannot be years, because the kings would then be of one opinion after Armageddon, when they no longer exist, so they are months. This means that:
The UN will expand its security council to 10 Permanent members in the biblical lunar month of 2002Tammuz, which runs from June 13, 2002 until July 13, 2002. We expect the appointment of the 5 new permanent security council members to be precisely 300 days (10 biblical lunar months of 30 days to the day) after September 11th (2001Elul19), this takes us to 2002Tammuz19, which is between sundown on July 1 and sundown on July 2, 2002. The 10 will have reduced powers of veto, so that the US and the UK will be subject to the UN for the first time. The 8th King will have conquered the 7th.
These 10 permanent security council members will battle with the Christ (as they are unwittingly being manipulated by into running a counterfeit) but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Christ will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].
And he says to me: The waters that you saw, where false religion is sitting,
mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues (as we interpretted in verse 1).
And the 10 permanent security council members that the future administrators of the s saw, and the UN, these will hate false religion and will make her devastated and devoid of any congregation, and will strip her of her financial assets and will destroy her completely. Just as the Roman General Titus did to the last temple of the Jewish system, on Ab 10th 70 AD, and just as Nebuchadnezzar did to Solomon’s Temple, on Ab 10th 586 BC, both on the same day of the Biblical Hebrew Calendar and both destructions were by fire. So Nebuchanezzar, Titus and the UN are God’s hired executioners of false religion.
For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the UN, until the words of God will have been accomplished.
And the woman whom you saw means the great city, the greater Babylon, the city where false religion started after the flood of Noah. For false religion has a kingdom over the governments of today, whereas defined his true disciples as follows:
16 They are no part of the World just as I am no part of the world (John 17)
To sum it all up. September 11th lead to the unity of thought prophesied in Revelation 17. God will soon use the UN to execute judgement for him on all false religion, and is already using the UN as a counterfeit kingdom of God, to distract people from the real, which is 6 years away. If 5 more permanent security council members are appointed between June 13 and July 13, 2002 and especially if they are appointed between sundown on July1 and sundown on July2, then the reader will have further proof that the bible is indeed written in a code and that this symbolic decoding is correct.
The interpretation above does not represent the personal view of the Lord’s Witnesses. It is our (not entirely infallible) understanding of God’s view as expressed in Revelation 17. For the rest of God’s master plan in so far as we understand it visit www.truebiblecode.com. For a free copy of the website as a book please fax a request to 1-718-855-4198 or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, 25 Washington St. Suite 302, Brooklyn NY 11201 or call 1-718-855-4321.
Advert 7 (UK Guardian, Saturday August 3rd 2002).
The Symbolic Code of the Bible
We now have good evidence that we have fully decoded Revelation 13 and 17 (in the first symbolism)
These two chapters are being fulfilled in real time, in this very year, this is current end time prophecy.
Here is the evidence:
Using this code we correctly prophesied the date of the Bonn agreement whereby the UN gained Afghanistan as a protectorate and the 5 permanent members, and the 5 future permanent members (whoever they are) of the UN Security Council ‘received authority as kings’ over that nation on December 5 2001. We advertised this date in the Times Newspaper in advance on November 28th. The 5 future permanent members received authority through their consultative status as potential future permanent seat holders with the 5 current permanent seat holders. The 5 existing and 5 future permanent seat holders are referred to as ‘10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom’ in Revelation 17.
Using this code we correctly prophesied the date of the UN showing supremacy over the US through the UN International Criminal Court, on July 1 2002. We advertised this date in the Guardian Newspaper in advance.
Although in both of the above cases we incorrectly believed that the UN would expand the permanent membership of its security council from 5 to 10 on that day.
We have been prophesying since 1992 that the UN would become the pre-eminent world power in the 7th last year of this system. This has now been shown to be correct. It became the pre-eminent world power, having authority over all military personnel, through the , on July 1 2002. And we have known since 1992 and can conclusively prove that this system of things ends in 2008 - see www.truebiblecode.com.
However we calculated the July 1 date, knowing that it was 300 days of the biblical lunar calendar (), that is 10 biblical lunar months precisely, after September 11, 2001, a date referred to in Revelation 17 as follows:
The 10 horns that you saw, they are 10 kings ... these have one thought/opinion (Revelation 17).
This unity of thought/opinion between world leaders began on September 11th. The thought being "let’s unite to defeat international terrorism". Ten months after 911, on July 1, the UN became the 8th biblical king of the world, by showing dominance over the UK/US world power, which is the 7th biblical king of the world. We prophesied in January 2001, 8 months before 911, that: "An act of war or unofficial war i.e. terrorism will be the trigger for the UN to take over the world" (True 2nd edition). The trigger was 911 and the UN now has worldwide authority.
Using this code again we can now similarly prophesy that 10 months after the Bonn Agreement, the 10 kings of Revelation 17 will finally appear as permanent security council members of an expanded UN security council. They will at that time give their authority to the UN by agreeing to reduce or end their veto powers. Being specific:
The Permanent membership of the UN Security Council will expand to 10 seats on September 24th 2002. This is 300 days or 10 months after the Bonn agreement was signed on December 5th.
(Theoretically this expansion could occur any time between sundown on September 23rd and Sundown on September 25th).
Using the code again we can further prophesy that:
[1] 10 months after the expansion to 10 permanent members, the UN Security Council will again expand to include all members states of the UN. This expansion will occur on August 13/14 2003.
[2] There will be 3 more secretary generals (head persons) of the UN after Kofi Annan. The next three will not be tolerant to false religion. They will actually hate false religions and will destroy all religions according to Revelation 17. The Beast will hate the harlot.
[3] A world wide grain famine will begin to bite in August/September of this year it will last indefinitely. Governments please take note. The 3rd horseman of the apocalypse, Famine, has been riding for nearly a year. Please store up grain, and please fund its increased production.
[4] Here is the big one: The 3rd horseman of the apocalypse, who is Famine, is the UN. The UN distributes food in a famine and the first resolution it passed about distributing food in a War Zone was - wait for it - resolution 666. This resolution was passed just after the Gulf War. Now 666 is said to be a man’s number and the number of the Beast. Well the UN is the beast and is also the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse, who obviously is a man. So 666 days after the UN becomes the 3rd horseman, i.e. 666 days after the 3rd horseman begins to ride, is when the UN compulsion prohibiting buying and selling, as described in Revelation 13, comes into force. The 3rd horseman started to ride in 2001Elul, which ran from July 8 to August 8 2001. So the prohibition becomes law between July 7th and August 7th 2003.
At this time every governmental organisation will carry the mark, the stamp or logo of the UN, and every NGO will required to be affiliated with the UN in some way if they wish to do any commerce (they will need to ‘have the name of the beast’), and every human on the planet will be required to carry a UN identity card, containing the number of the name of the UN, i.e. the UNID number of that person. ‘Name’ is meant in the sense of a wife taking her husbands name as a result of a covenant. The citizen will enter into an agreement with the UN wherein he or she accepts the authority of the UN as a wife accepts her husbands authority when she takes his name. This is biblical symbolism.
For the full story of the decoding of Revelation as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of the website as a book please fax a request to 0207 806 0906 or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 8 (UK Guardian Friday September 27, 2002).
The Symbolic Code of the Bible
In the Guardian Newspaper of August 3rd we took a half page advert and made a prophecy as a result of our decoding of Revelation 17 that:
"10 months after the Bonn Agreement, the 10 kings of Revelation 17 will finally appear as permanent security council members of an expanded UN security council. They will at that time give their authority to the UN by agreeing to reduce or end their veto powers. Being specific:
The Permanent membership of the UN Security Council will expand to 10 seats on September 24th 2002. This is 300 days or 10 months after the Bonn agreement was signed on December 5th.
(Theoretically this expansion could occur any time between sundown on September 23rd and Sundown on September 25th)."
Recent negotiations at the UN show that we are not far from the truth here. However we overlooked the 12 day period from June 30th, when the US vetoed UN Security Council peacekeeping operations until UN Security Council Resolution 1422 was passed on July 12th exempting citizens of nations which had no signed up to the Rome treaty from prosecution by the . During this period there was no unity of thought, no agreement, between the ‘10 kings’ of Revelation 17. So we must exclude these 12 days from the 300 day period of unity of thought starting with the Bonn agreement for Afghanistan to become a UN protectorate and ending with the reduction of veto powers of the Permanent UN Security Council members and with the expansion of the permanent membership of the Security Council to 10, who are the 10 kings of Revelation 17. So our new and hopefully final prophecy on this matter is:
The Permanent membership of the UN Security Council will expand to 10 seats, with a reduction in veto powers on October 6th 2002. This is 300 days or 10 months of unity of thought (exlcuding 12 days of disagreement) after the Bonn agreement was signed on December 5th.
Theoretically this could occur any time between sundown on October 5th and sundown on October 7th.
For the full story of the decoding of Revelation as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of the website as a book please fax a request to 0207 806 0906 or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 9 (UK Guardian Wednesday 16th October, 2002).
The Last Piece of the Jigsaw ?
Since January 31st 2001 we have been advertising our attempts to deduce from 3 verses of the bible book of Revelation 17, the precise chronology of the rise to Power of the United Nations.
It is known by many that the bible is an accurate if somewhat unusual history book. It is known by many more that the new testament is an enlightened moral guide for mankind, when sensibly interpreted. It is evident from both the UK and the US Justice systems that the old testament provides a sound basis for Justice for a nation.
But we and others have discovered something else about this book, something more. If the bible is truly inspired then it is written by a mind or minds greater in capacity than the best academics that have ever lived. So it should be a phenomenal academic text book as well as a historical moral and legal treatise. But where is the academic sophistication in stories of ’s wanderings and ’s persecutions? If the bible has more intelligence per word that Stephen Hawkin’s Brief history of time, then how is this to be manifested?
Well, we have discovered that it is written in a symbolic code, not the statistical ‘bible code’ of Drosnin and Eli Rips, but an illustrative code rather like ’ parables. In fact ’ own interpretations of his parables of the sower who went to sow and of the wheat and the weeds, gives us a part of this code.
We have applied this symbolic decoding to Revelation 17 and for some time have been literally homing in on the day when the UN security Council will expand its permanent membership to 10 seats, and will reduce or end the veto powers of each permanent member. Our ‘prophecy’ first made in 1992, that the UN would become the 8th and last biblical King of the world, in the last 7 years of this world, was fulfilled in our understanding on July 12th 2002, when the US conceded to a jurisdiction from the UN International Criminal Court.
When we first ‘prophesied’ the date that the UN would eventually show dominance over the US, many US readers were very skeptical indeed. But today the skeptics are silent.
When we first prophesied on Wednesday 31st January 2001 in the UK Daily Telegraph that the UN security council will expand to 10 Permanent members, there was some evidence from the US state department that this might occur, but our interpretations were seen as rather fanciful. Today, they do not seem fanciful at all. The world is faced with a conflict, almost a showdown, between the US/UK (the 7th biblical world power) and the UN (the 8th and last biblical World power). The US have openly declared the particular Security Council Resolution that they desire for Iraq and there are several other Permanent Members who are not accepting this resolution. It is not hard to see that the US are not going to get a unanimous vote on Iraq and so the only way to get a UN resolution through, which is acceptable to the US, will be to reduce the veto powers of the Permanent Members, to expand the Permanent Membership with some more nations who might vote for the resolution, and to go for a majority vote.
Here are the 3 verses of Revelation which have given us all of this information:
And the beast that was but is not, it is also an 8th King but springs from the 7 and it goes off into destruction.
And the 10 horns that you saw are 10 kings, who have not yet received a Kingdom.
But they do receive authority as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the beast (Revelation 17)
We believe that these 3 verses of Revelation contain the whole rise to power of the UN when the correct symbolism is employed. We understand this symbolism to be as follows: The Beast is the UN, the 8th King of the world. The 7 Previous kings over God’s people are in order, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Medo Persians, the Greeks, the Romans and the Anglo Americans. We (the US/UK world power) were, I say were, the 7th biblical king of the world. The 10 horns are the 10 future permanent security council members with power but not with authority as kings. The 10 kings are the 10 future permanent security council members with authority as kings, in fact over Afghanistan, the first UN ‘protectorate’. The Kingdom is the Kingdom of the World, which 5 of the 10 kings have still not yet received.
The 10 kings first had one thought/opinion on 911. On this day the whole world became united in its determination to fight mass terror, which became a very real danger when the Twin Towers fell. This unity of thought was the fulfillment of verse 13 we suggest. The fall of the Twin Towers themselves is prophesied in Isaiah Chapter 30 we believe - see www.truebiblecode.com.
Then there was a period of 10 months or 300 days of the biblical lunar calendar (), before the unity was shattered by the US/UN disagreement. This period is represented by the 10 horns having one thought. The logic that we use here may (and probably will) seem alien to the reader but, 10 is compared to one and the result is of course that it is 10 times larger. In bible symbolism ‘10 times’ is either 10 days, 10 months or 10 years. It is 10 cycles of either the earth the moon or the sun, God’s celestial timepieces. Obviously since nothing happened on September 21st, it wasn’t 10 days and so the next candidate was 10 months (there are 30 days in a month). But the 300 days ended on June 30/July 1 when there was a veto by the US of Security council peacekeeping operations, a shattering of the unity of thought between the kings. The is the oldest calendar of mankind, used by most civilisation before 800 BC. We got this date using the reasoning above and published it in UK and US newspapers in advance.
‘One hour’ of the life of the Beast (in verse 12), is simply 1/12th of the lifespan of the League of Nations/United Nations Beast. This is not a simple thing to calculate. But since we have asserted that the bible is written by an intelligence greater than Einstein and with a linguistic dexterity greater than Shakespeare, we can hardly expect that its interpretation will be an afternoon’s work. For the full details please visit www.truebiblecode.com. Here is the result of our calculations.
The league of Nations came into existence on January 10th 1920, it was ‘abyssed’ on March 13th 1938 when Germany Annexed Austria, in the Anschluss, terminally breaching Article 27 clause 5 of the League of Nations Charter. The United Nations covenant came into force on October 24th 1945 (United Nations day), and the UN is destroyed on the last day of Armageddon, which is August 19 2008 (in our understanding). If you count back one twelfth of the total lifespan of both the League and the UN, from the last day of Armageddon (for the many calculations we have for this date please see www.truebiblecode.com) then you end up on December 5th 2001, the date of the Bonn Agreement. On this day certainly 5 and possibly all of the 10 kings (via consultation) received authority as kings over Afghanistan. We ‘prophesied’ and advertised this date in advance it in the UK and the US.
Now if this was when the 10 kings received authority as kings, then we now have a further period of unity of thought referred to by 10 kings having one thought. This again is a period of 10 months of unity of thought which is shattered by a division at its end. 300 days after December 5th 2001 takes us to September 23/24/25 2002 depending on how you count it. But there were 12 further days of division between the kings between June 30/July 1 and July 12, over the , during this period. So the 300 days of unity ended 12 days later on October 5/6/7. We prophesied both of these dates in the Guardian newspaper in the UK and in the USA Today newspaper in the US.
What clearly happened on or before October 5/6/7 was another division between the kings, this time over Iraq. So our date was correct yet again but the final expansion to 10 permanent members does not occur until the present disagreement is resolved. So how long is this period of division? We will use the same logic that we used to deduce the period of unity, namely comparing the 10 kings to the one thought and getting 10 times. But this time, we will compare the one thought to the 10 kings, thereby dividing one by 10 and getting one tenth of a time or 36 days, taking a time to be a year (A year is 360 days long). Evidently a mathematical division is the appropriate calculation for the political division. Since we have had 12 days of the total of 36 days of division already (June 30/July 1 to July 12), we are left with 24 days of division between the kings which takes us from October 5/6/7 to October 29/30/31. In fact the resolution should occur between October 29 at sundown to October 31 at sundown (in the US).
So we can now ‘prophecy’ and we really really hope this one is the last, for these verses, that:
The current conflict within in the UN Security Council over Iraq will be resolved by a reduction or ending of veto powers for the permanent members and an expansion of the permanent membership to 10 seats.
This reduction or abolition of the veto and this expansion of the permanent membership to 10 seats will occur between Sundown October 29th and Sundown October 31st EST.
If this occurs, or more confidently, when this occurs, the UN will have demonstrated for a second time its dominance over the US, and then the 10 kings of Revelation 17 will finally have given their authority through a reduced veto to the Beast, and will have finally received the Kingdom of mankind. All of this history, all of this prophecy, is included in just 3 verses of Revelation (if we are correct). And that is not the whole deal. Revelation 17 and in fact most of the bible is actually doubly symbolic, having a first and a second symbolism. So we understand there to be a second symbolic meaning (to do with true and false churches) of these 3 verses and in fact of all of Revelation 17 as well!!
For the full story of the decoding of Revelation as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of the website as a book please fax a request to 0207 806 0906 or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 10 (Independent, Wednesday 6th November 2002).
How long will the present disagreement in the UN Security Council Last?
We thought that it would last for 36 days from September 24th, when the Dossier on Iraq was published. We now prophesy that it will last for 50/51 days and end on November 13/14/15.
We have, in our previous adverts, prophesied that the present division in the will be resolved by the UN Security Council expanding its permanent membership to 10 members with reduced veto powers.
We have, in our previous adverts, correctly prophesied the start of the period of disagreement which is resolved and ends with this expansion as being September 24th 2002. This was the day when the Dossier on Iraq’s weapons programs was published. This dossier did not unite the Security Council, it divided it.
However, in our last advert, we were mistaken in our interpretation that the length of the present division would be 36 days. We were frustrated that we had got the day when the division started, from Revelation 17, but had not, from the same chapter, been able to get the day when the division ended. For the division ends when the expands its permanent membership in our understanding. We mistakenly read into Revelation 17 information about the length of this division, when in fact no division of thought or opinion is mentioned at all in that chapter. So, in this respect, we were wrong again with the date of the final expansion. But no one can deny that events of great importance to the UN are occurring in the Security Council right now. Furthermore, it is more than apparent that the US is in some subjection to the UN, despite its protestations to the contrary.
So we have now realised (again after the fact) that we have got as much as we can out of Revelation 17 as regards the final appearance of the 10 kings. This chapter of Revelation only gives us the day when the dispute which results in their appearance begins. We need to look elsewhere in the bible for the day when this dispute ends, and the 10 kings, the 10 future permanent members of the security council, finally appear.
We believe we have found this in the old testament, in 1 Kings 18. This is the story of a prophetic contest and a final acceptance by God in the eyes of all his people, of ’s prophetic power. We won’t bore you with the details here, but suffice to say that the 950 prophets in the account, taken a day for a prophet, measured from the first ever publicly attended meeting of the s, take us to November 13/14/15 2002. At this first meeting we explained how our prophetic power (resulting from our understanding of the bible code) works. We presented 3 different methods of calculating the date of Armageddon from the bible all of which gave the same result. At that meeting when asked: Well if you are right then what shall we do? We replied, just wait to see if our UN prophecies are correct, if they are then you will know that are other prophecies are also correct.
This meeting was held on March 21st 2000 in the evening at the Cumberland Hotel in London (2000Nisan15 in the Biblical Lunar Calendar). We take this date to be the start of the 950 day contest of prophetic power between the s and actually the s (the ’s Witnesses). If it is then the period ends on the Biblical Lunar date of 2002Chislev4/5 depending on whether it should be counted inclusively or exclusively. This translates to between sundown on November 13th and sundown on November 15th 2002. So we now prophesy again:
The current conflict within in the UN Security Council over Iraq will be resolved by a reduction or ending of veto powers for the permanent members and an expansion of the permanent membership to 10 seats.
This reduction or abolition of the veto and this expansion of the permanent membership to 10 seats will occur between Sundown November 13th and Sundown November 15th.
For the full story of the symbolic decoding of Revelation 17 and of 1 Kings 18 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of the website as a book please fax a request to 0207 806 0906 or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 11 (Independent, Thursday 21 November 2002).
We stated for the record that we believed (we were mistaken) that a secret deal had been done on November 8th behind resolution 1441.
Advert 12 (Independent, Tuesday 24th December, 2002).
The UN Security Council to Drop Full Permanent Member Veto Powers and to Reveal 5 New Permanent Members Early in 2003
We do not know for sure that this will occur at that time, but we have logically deduced that it will occur between January 9th and February 8th 2003, in the biblical lunar calendar month of Shebat, from our present understanding of the 6th generation of the true, the real, the symbolic, bible code.
Decoding the bible is not an easy task. But it is a neccessary consequence of the belief that God is smarter than humans. Quite plainly if one believes in a creator, then he is smarter than us.
If you believe in a divine creator please consider this...
We know that when people pick up the bible they normally throw away their powers of reason. But can we please ask the believing reader, just this one time, to take the unprecedented step of crediting the creator with more power than George Bush, more intelligence than Albert Einstein, and with more imagination than Steven Spielberg.
Having done this we first deduce that God certainly will have preserved at least one perfect Hebrew text of the old testament and at least one prefect Greek text of the New Testament down to this day. We presently believe that the former is the and the latter is Codex Vaticanus (although it is of course possible the God requires us to do a bit more work than ‘pick one text’ to find the precise original bible). We also deduce that the bible must be written in a more intelligent way than Einstein’s papers on special and general relativity and with a narrative that is more exciting than Jaws, ET or Raiders of the lost .
Just for a minute, may we beg the reader to cease regarding the holy scriptures as words to be read in an undertone in a church, and instead try regarding them as the most intelligently crafted text you have ever seen in your life. With this attitude please have a look at the following quote from the New Testament:
18 Walking alongside the sea of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon, who is named Peter, and Andrew his brother (Matthew 4).
Doh! we knew Andrew is Simon’s brother, because the pair of them are ‘two brothers’. So why does God tell us the same thing twice in one sentence of his book?
Quite obviously, it is not an option to say: Er, God forgot. Neither is it an option to say: He is repeating the point for emphasis. Because such narrative is clumsy, and we have already deduced that God is better than Spielberg, better even than Lord Archer at narrative (although his works are entirely non fictional of course). So why is it repeated like that? Remember that nature is perfect, it recycles everything and wastes nothing. So how can the God who created nature, which is perfect and wastes nothing, waste words and bible paper and the reader’s time in this less than perfect manner. If this was a film script, people would be leaving the building already! But the account says later:
21 Going on also from there he saw two other brothers, James the [one] of Zebedee and John, his brother (Matthew 4).
Doh! Same mistake. This is getting silly, I want my money back. Who wrote this stuff? If the reader thinks that we are being disrespectful to God here, then think again. Is it not every bible reader who has been disrespectful to God, by assuming that all he meant in the above two scriptures was that Andrew was Simon’s physical brother and that John was James’ physical brother, and basically God just has a stammering kind of literary style?
Is it not in fact an insult to the one reported to have created every language spoken by mankind in one instant at the tower of Babel, to credit him with such poor repetitive prose in just one language? If one presented an essay written in such a way to one’s junior school teacher what would her response be? Would there not be a red line through the word’s ‘his brother’?
So through a logical deduction or through faith in the perfection of God, we can see with the eyes of reason, that there must be a second way in which Simon is Andrew’s brother and John is James’ brother and possibly a second way in which these latter two are ‘other brothers’ when compared to the former two. Now we know that the New Covenant which ’ mediated provided for its covenanters to become brothers in spirit. This means that they are covenanted to become spirit sons of God. So here is another type of brother that God might be talking about here, angelic brothers.
Putting it simply, if the literal meaning of the account is all there is then God is not much good at narrative, being trumped fairly convincingly on a regular basis throughout the bible by the likes Spielberg and Archer. So it cannot be all there is. So there must be a further meaning to this account (or we should all start worshipping Dreamworks or making pilgrimages to Category D prisons!) In this further meaning the word ‘brother’ must mean something other than physical brother. OK, we have now taken the first steps into the symbolic code of the bible. For all the symbolic meanings of this account in Matthew chapter 4 and of the parallel account in Mark chapter 1, please visit www.truebiblecode.com/understanding62.html.
For the full story of the symbolic decoding of Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our introductory bible code book: "Isaiah Prophesied the Twin Towers" (we charge only for the postage at cost - postage is free for persons in HM Prisons), please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 13 (Independent, Saturday 15th February, 2003).
The UN Security Council to drop full permanent member veto powers and to reveal 5 new permanent members before March 9th 2003.
Given the current political stresses in the UN security council over war on Iraq, these events that we have been predicting for two years are looking more and more likely. We had logically deduced that they would occur between January 9th and February 8th 2003, in the biblical lunar calendar month of Shebat, from our understanding of the 6th generation of the true, the real, the symbolic, bible code. But that was counting 10 months of power and 7 months of headship of the UN Security Council (represented by the 10 horns and the 7 heads of the image of the Beast of Revelation 13), inclusively from November 8th (Heshvan 28) the date of Resolution 1441. However, if we instead count them exlcusively so that the first month of power is Chislev, (the biblical lunar calendar month after Heshvan), then the first month of headship, which is the 4th month of power, is the biblical lunar calendar month of Adar, which runs from February 8th to March 9th 2003. So we now predict that during this present biblical lunar calendar month, and therefore before March 9th, the UN Security Council will drop full permanent member veto powers and reveal 5 new permanent members.
One can see politically how this might occur. The UN Security Council is currently in an impasse. The US and the UK are voting for a war, the French and the Russians are voting against a war and the Chinese, in these circumstances would be wise to abstain. Since April 10th 2002, we have been saying that the US will choose the 5 new permanent members, just as the UK chose the first 5 after WW2. We deduce this from a decoding of the image of the man in Daniel 2 - see www.truebiblecode.html/understanding167.html.
The UN is presently the 8th King of the World, it has dominion over the US military according to our biblical understanding. So the US cannot attack Irag without UN consent. So there will have to be a second UN resolution authorising member nations to use ‘all necessary means’ to disarm Iraq. So the US will have to agree to both an expansion of the UN Security Council and the adoption of majority voting within it, in order to get this 2nd resolution through.
Decoding the bible is not an easy task. But it is a neccessary consequence of the belief that God is smarter than humans. Quite plainly if one believes in a creator, then he is smarter than us.
For the full story of the symbolic decoding of Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our introductory bible code book: "Isaiah Prophesied the Twin Towers" (we charge only for the postage at cost - postage is free for persons in HM Prisons), please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 14 (The Independent Wednesday 2 April 2003).
The Present Demise of the UN was Prophesied in Revelation 13
A Reformed UN Security Council Resulting from the Resolution of the Present Division over Iraq is Prophesied in Revelation 13 & 17
We have been struggling with the symbolism of Revelation 13 and 17 for some time. The reader might think that such a struggle is pointless piety or irrelevant religious ferver. He might believe that a book written nearly 2,000 years ago cannot possibly contain information about a war in 2003, but why does such a reader sell God so short? And what search has such a reader made of a book that may well have been inspired by his creator? There are many many prayers being offered right now over the present War with Saddam. These prayers are surely being made on both sides of the conflict. So why don't we also have a look at God’s word and see if it says anything about the present conflict? God may very well have answered these prayers already in the bible for all we know! Our results indicate that the book of Revelation could not be more relevant to the present geopolitical climate as we head inexorably to the end of this system of things which is the beginning of the much heralded which Christians pray for in the Lord’s prayer.
We have made a habit of advertising our attempts to understand the symbolism of these two chapters of Revelation in the UK and US national newspapers, because, well, if we are right, the implications are obviously monumental.
We reckon we have pretty much put the whole jigsaw together now at last, (this is admittedly our 14th advert!) So here, in our understanding, is the way the holy spirit has prophesied the activities of the UN and its predecessor the League of Nations over the last 82 years since January 10, 1920 when the League of Nations covenant came into force.
The symbolism of Revelation is not the sort of thing that one can convincingly explain in one newspaper advert, but here goes anyway. The League of Nations/UN is depicted as a beast that ascends out of the sea, because notwithstanding the good motives of many of its personnel it often acts without humanity (beast) and it came into existence after WWI and again after WWII due to pressure from the seething masses of mankind (sea) who were sick of War.
The UN Beast has 10 horns and 7 heads and 10 diadems on the horns. The 10 horns are 10 years of real power from the Gulf War in 1991 to 911 in 2001, when all the nations became united in their opposition to international terrorism. The 7 heads are 7 years of World Headship of the UN, from 911 in 2001 to Armageddon which starts on March 23rd 2008 (see www.truebiblecode.com for details). This is 2008Nisan16 in the New Biblical Lunar Calendar (the NBLC). The was the first lunar calendar of mankind, in use before 800 BC, then the year started in the Hebrew month of Nisan, today, using the NBLC, the year starts in the Hebrew month of Elul, the last month of the greatest passover of Armageddon (which ends on 2008Elul15).
911 occurred in the NBLC month of Elul, the first month of the 7th last NBLC year of this system. The UN took world military headship in this very NBLC year on July 1st over everyone except the US and on July 12th 2002, over the US. This jurisdiction was over all the military personnel. The 10 diadems on the 10 horns of this beast are the 10 secretary generals of the UN, Kofi Annan is the 7th, he will have 3 more successors before Armageddon.
The League of Nations/UN Beast was abyssed during WWII as prophesied in Revelation 17. It is ridden by a Harlot which stands for all the unfaithful churches in the world. These are all the religions which have joined the UN as NGOs (non governmental organisations). They range from the Catholics to the ’s Witnesses. The reason that Christian churches should not join the UN is that they are supposed to look to God for their protection and advancement not powerful organisations of men. In this sense joining the UN is an act of unfaithfullness, depicted in Revelation as harlotry, because the church is supposed to be the wife of Christ, he should be their head rather than any political organisation such as the UN, however noble their charter may be!
The 10 NBLC month period from 911, 2001 to July 1, 2002 when the UNICC took worldwide jurisdiction is prophesied in Revelation 17. The date of December 5th 2001, when the UN took Afghanistan as its first protectorate state is prophesied in Revelation 17, it is the first day of the last ‘hour’ the last twelfth, of the combined lifespan of the League of Nations and the UN added together, subtracting the period of its inactivity as a result of WW11. The date of Dossier day, September 24th 2002, 10 months after the Bonn Agreement, is prophesied in Revelation 17. This was the day when the present division at the UN over Iraq truly began. The Dossier was unconvincing. We prophesied all three dates of July1, 2001 (when the UNICC took jurisdiction over everyone except the US) and December 5, 2001, when Afghanistan became the first UN Protectorate, and September 24th 2002, when Tony Blair produced the unconvincing Dossier, which started off the present UN division over Iraq, in advance. We incorrectly believed that the UN would expand the permanent membership of its security council to 10 members with reduced or removed veto powers on each of these 3 days. We were premature in that regard, but we had and still have the Chronology correct. We advertised all three of these dates (December 5, July 1, September 24) in advance in UK and US national newspapers. We did not know or advertise the date of 911 in advance. But we did advertise that "There would be an act of War or of unofficial war i.e. terrorism that would lead to the UN taking over the world". We made this claim before 911, the date that changed the world.
So with the benefit of hindsight and with the confidence resulting from getting 3 dates correct and getting the general picture correct, we now can prophesy, by which we simply mean ‘attempt to interpret the book of Revelation’, as follows:
The UN Beast getting a death stroke, a sword stroke, to the head, was president Bush giving Iraq a 48 hour ultimatum without UN authority and then the coalition attacking Iraq without said authority. This temporarily terminated UN authority. Right now the UN is politically paralysed. It has been clobbered by the President (the ‘sword’ symbolises war). However the Beast revives according to Revelation 13. So we now say this:
The present UN division over Iraq will be resolved by the creation of a reformed UN security council.
1. This council will have 5 new permanent members chosen by the US (we deduce this from Daniel 2).
2. Each permanent member will have a reduced or terminated power of veto.
This reformed security council is the image of the UN Beast of Revelation 13. The UK/US military and geopolitical power is the two horned beast from the earth of Revelation 13 (the UK is one horn and the US is the other, the ‘earth’ is the entire governmental system of the world). The 10 future permanent security council members are the 10 kings of Revelation 17.
It is not hard to see how this will occur. The UK and the US need the UN to control a post Saddam Iraq. The Iraqi people are more willing to co-operate with the UN than they are with the US who gave them Saddam in the first place or the UK who gave them Iraq in the first place. The US are really not interested in a UN which is the victim of a French veto any longer. So we need to get rid of the veto in order to get the US back on board with the UN. Then, having lost its own veto, the US (and Israel) will want to choose a few more permanent members to get the majority vote right in their eyes.
But when will these things occur? This is where all our hard work over 11 years with the bible code and with the calendar which the bible uses, the New Biblical Lunar Calendar, pays off - we hope. Revelation 13 tells us that the UN Beast has authority for 42 months. Revelation 17 tells us that the image of the beast gives its authority to the UN Beast ‘until the words of God will have been accomplished’. Well these words are not accomplished until the end of this system, so the UN Beast gets the last 42 months of this system i.e. it gets from 2004Tishri (September/October 2004) to 2008Nisan14 (March 21st 2008). This 3½ year period is the of Matthew 24.
Now the Image of the Beast, being an image of a 10 horned and 7 headed beast, itself has 10 horns and 7 heads. These are 10 months of power and 7 months of headship, making a total of 17 months of existence before it hands over to the UN Beast. So the image comes into existence in 2003Iyyar (3 May - 2 June 2003), 17 months before 2004Tishri. The 10 diadems on the 10 horns are the 10 kings of Revelation 17 in the case of the image of the beast.
So we can now state that the UN will reform with a 10 permanent member security council wherein each permanent member has a reduced or has no veto power, between May 3rd and June 2nd 2003. In fact we have other scriptural reason to believe that this will occur before Iyyar14 (i.e. before May 16th 2003).
This means that the War on Saddam will probably end before May 16th and more probably end before June 2, 2003, since the allies are unlikely to get involved in heavy UN negotiations or go as far as reforming the UN whilst they are still fighting for Baghdad.
Revelation 13 makes it clear that the UK/US power, the two horned beast from the earth, breathes life into the image of the UN Beast, the expanded UN security council. So it is the Globalizer, Tony Blair, in particular, who is actually fulfilling bible prophecy here. He is championing a reformation of the UN according to the pattern set out in Revelation 13 and 17. This really is the astonishing relevance of the bible today. It appears that the recent camp David summit between Bush and Blair, was the beginning of this process.
The Lord’s witnesses would like to offer our sincere thanks to the Independent Newspaper in the UK and to USA Today Newspaper in the US for giving us the right and the privilege of free commercial speech. The Lord’s Witnesses, freely admit our mistakes and misinterpretations, in this way we can learn from them and correct them without interference from pride and without giving the false impression that we are getting some kind of direct divine revelation. We believe that God is helping us, but we do not believe he is just telling us precisely what the bible means. We believe that we are making imperfect and uninspired interpretations of the perfect and inspired words of the bible. We are plainly not making inspired or perfect interpretations given our history which is a catalogue of corrected mistakes!
Here are our previous 13 attempts at the date of the UN reformation (These ads have all run on both sides of the Atlantic, in the Telegraph, the Times, the Sunday Times, the Guardian, the Independent, USA Today and the ‘Brooklyn Heights Paper’:
1. The UN takes overall political control of the World between March 26th and April 24th 2001.
The UN itself will be controlled by 10 leaders from10 nations starting between April 25th and June 23rd 2001. 2001Nisan is the start of the Last 7 Biblical Lunar Calendar years. And the last hour starts 82/83 months before the beginning of Armageddon (Wednesday Telegraph January 31, Guardian Saturday March 24th, Sunday Times March 25th).
2. The UN takes overall political control of the World on or before August 23rd 2001
The UN will be controlled by 10 leaders from 10 nations starting between August 23rd and November 21st 2001. 2001Elul1 is the start of the Last 7 New Biblical Lunar Calendar years. And the last hour starts 82/83 months before the end of Armageddon (Saturday Telegraph June 30th, Sunday Times July 1st, 2001).
3. The UN Security Council will accept 5 new permanent members on October 22nd/23rd 2001. It will expand to 10 permanent members, 10 'kings' on that day. The UN will take overall political control of the World on October 22nd/23rd 2001, the same day, becoming the 8th king of the World in Biblical terms. The 10 Kings are the 10 future Permanent Security council members. The League of Nations covenant was 'abyssed' on 1939September3 when Britain and France declared war on Germany (Sunday Times September 2nd, 2001).
4. The UN Security Council will accept 5 new permanent members on November 20th 2001. It will expand to 10 permanent members, 10 'kings' on that day. The UN will take overall political control of the World on November 20th 2001, the same day, becoming the 8th king of the World in Biblical terms. The League of Nations covenant was 'abyssed' when Chamberlain et al signed the Munich agreement on 1938September29 (Saturday Times October 27th, 2001).
5. The UN Security Council will accept 5 new permanent members on December 5th 2001. It will expand to 10 permanent members, 10 'kings' on that day. The UN will take overall political control of the World on December 5th 2001, the same day, becoming the 8th king of the World in Biblical terms. The League of Nations covenant was 'abyssed' (abandoned) when Germany annexed Austria - the Anschluss - 1938March13 (Wednesday Times November 28th, 2001).
6. The UN will expand its Security Council to 10 Permanent members in the biblical lunar month of 2002Tammuz, which runs from June 13, 2002 until July 13, 2002. We expect the appointment of the 5 new permanent security council members to be precisely 300 days (10 biblical lunar months of 30 days to the day) after September 11th (2001Elul19), this takes us to 2002Tammuz19, which is between sundown on July 1 and sundown on July 2, 2002. The 10 will have reduced powers of veto, so that the US and the UK will be subject to the UN for the first time. The 8th King will have conquered the 7th (Guardian, Thursday April 20th, 2001).
7. The Permanent membership of the UN Security Council will expand to 10 seats on September 24th 2002. This is 300 days or 10 months after the Bonn agreement was signed on December 5th. Theoretically this expansion could occur any time between sundown on September 23rd and Sundown on September 25th (Guardian Saturday August 3rd, 2002).
8. The Permanent membership of the UN Security Council will expand to 10 seats, with a reduction in veto powers on October 6th 2002. This is 300 days or 10 months of unity of thought (excluding 12 days of disagreement) after the Bonn agreement was signed on December 5th. The current conflict within in the UN Security Council over Iraq will be resolved by a reduction or ending of veto powers for the permanent members and an expansion of the permanent membership to 10 seats (UK Guardian Friday September 27, 2002).
9. This reduction or abolition of the veto and this expansion of the permanent membership to 10 seats will occur between Sundown October 29th and Sundown October 31st EST (UK Guardian Wednesday 16th October, 2002).
10. The current conflict within in the UN Security Council over Iraq will be resolved by a reduction or ending of veto powers for the permanent members and an expansion of the permanent membership to 10 seats. This reduction or abolition of the veto and this expansion of the permanent membership to 10 seats will occur between Sundown November 13th and Sundown November 15th (Independent, Wednesday 6th November 2002).
11. We stated for the record that we believed (we were mistaken) that a secret deal had been done on November 8th behind resolution 1441 (Independent, Thursday 21 November 2002).
12. The UN Security Council to drop full permanent member veto powers and to reveal 5 new permanent members early in 2003. We do not know for sure that this will occur at that time, but we have logically deduced that it will occur between January 9th and February 8th 2003, in the biblical lunar calendar month of Shebat, from our present understanding of the 6th generation of the true, the real, the symbolic, bible code (Independent, Tuesday 24th December, 2002).
13. The UN Security Council to drop full permanent member veto powers and to reveal 5 new permanent members before March 9th 2003 (Independent, Saturday 15th February, 2003).
For the full story of the symbolic decoding of Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our introductory bible code book: "Isaiah Prophesied the Twin Towers" (we charge only for the postage at cost - postage is free for persons in HM Prisons), please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 15 (The Independent Wednesday 11 June 2003).
Q: What happens 666 days after 911?
A: The UN Security Council expands to 10 Permanent Members with reduced veto powers
How do we ‘know’ this? And what does a terrorist attack have to do with the Bible or the UN?
Well, basically, the UN is the Beast of Revelation 13.
911 was prophesied in Isaiah Chapter 30 which reads:
And upon every high mountain and upon every elevated hill there must come to be streams, water ditches, in the day of the big slaughter when the towers fall.
And the light of the full moon must become as the light on the glowing (sun)
and the very light of the glowing (sun) will become 7 times as much, like the light of 7 days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people (Isaiah 30).
It is not immediately apparent to the casual reader that this refers to the fall of the Twin Towers on 911. The first fulfilment of the word of Isaiah related to the Towers of Jerusalem which fell to Nebuchanezzar the King of Babylon in 586 BC. However with an understanding of the symbolic bible code, the ‘Christian bible code’ one can see a second fulfilment whereby the Twin Towers fall 7 times before the begins, which is the big healing of the breakdown of God’s people. A ‘time’ is a year, once round the sun, in this symbolism. So Isaiah is actually prophesyng that the Twin Towers will fall 7 years before the end of this system. In fact they fell on 2001Elul19 in terms of the biblibal lunar calendar, which is 7 years to the month before the end of Armageddon on 2008Elul15 - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding270.html.
The effect of the Twin Towers Tragedy was to unite World Leaders against Terrorism. This is referred to in Revelation 17 as follows:
As the 10 horns are 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the beast (Revelation 17).
Beasts in Daniel and Revelation stand for Kingdoms. According to Revelation 17, the UN is the 8th and last Kingdom over mankind before the arrives, which Christians pray for in the Lord’s prayer. The 10 Kings are the 10 future permanent security council members (we only have 5 at present) - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding159.html. These 10 are also the 10 toes of the image of Daniel chapter 2 - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding167.html.
We have been trying to nail in advance the precise day when these 10 kings appear for over 2 years. Our first attempt at the date was 2001Nisan1 (26 March 2001). We thought that this would be the date because the UN Beast has 7 heads, and this date is 7 years before the beginning of Armageddon which is the beginning of the, and we were taking a day for a year. It wasn’t the right date and neither were any of our subsequent 13 dates correct. The reason that we are still advertising is that each time we got the date of the expansion wrong we learned a little more, and were able to correct our understanding of the bible code and therefore improve our prophetic power. We have already correctly prophesied and published the dates of the Bonn Agreement (December 5th 2001), and of the US veto of UN peacekeeping activities (July 1st 2002) and of Tony Blair’s Dossier Day (September 24th). So each time we were wrong we learned something and found ourselves to be one step nearer to getting it right - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding245.html.
It took Thomas Eddison several thousand combinations of filaments and gasses before he invented the electric light bulb, and provided us with our physical illumination. We do hope we won’t have to take quite so many adverts in our attempts to provide the equivalent spiritual illumination. But like said: 7 Keep on knocking and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7).
Our last advert incorrectly identified the month of Iyyar 2003 and the month in which the UN security Council would expand. This was 17 months of the image of the UN beast (10 horns plus 7 heads at a month for each) plus 42 months of the General Assembly controlled UN beast which has ‘Authority to act 42 months’ (Revelation 13:5), before the beginning of Armageddon in 2008Nisan. We had assumed that since the dragon (’s heavenly administration) loses its authority in 2008Nisan, and since the dragon gives its authority to the UN, that the UN would lose its authority in 2008Nisan. We were wrong. The dragon is not in a position to remove the UNs authority once it has lost its own authority. Instead the UN has its authority removed by , when he comes in his glory at the mid point of Armageddon, at the end of the 1335 days of Daniel 12 - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding153.html. This is when the UN loses its authority to act. comes at the start of the day of 2008Tammuz1. So the last month of authority of the UN is 2008Sivan, so its first month is 2004Tebbeth, so the last of the 17 regnal months of the Image of the UN Beast is 2004Chislev, so the first regnal month of the image in 2003Ab, so it takes power and is born in 2003Tammuz.
Basically the UN appears in 4 incarnations, firstly the League of Nations, then the current UN, then the Image of the UN Beast, which is a UN controlled by an expanded UN Security Council with 10 Permanent members, and then finally the 4th Beast, which is a fully ‘democratic’ UN controlled by the General Assembly. But unfortunately, the General Assembly gets corrupted by the little horn of Daniel 7, which is the EU in our understanding. Presumably the EU gets so many member states that it ends up controlling the UN General Assembly. Which shows that one should never underestimate the ambition of French politicians! These things are all prophesied in Daniel 7 - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding156.html.
So we have deduced that the UN security council will expand in 2003Tammuz, rather than on 2003Iyyar, as we had previously thought, but on which day of that month will this occur? Well, here is the scripture:
18 Here is where wisdom comes in (we are going to need it). Let the one that has intelligence (ahh shucks) count the number of the beast, for it is a man’s number and its number is 666 (Revelation 13).
The number is merely the life of the beast in days whilst the beast is also this ‘man’. The man is the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse, the one who distributes food in a famine, the UN. For this plainly is what the UN does and will continue to do. Now the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse, the UN, started riding on 911, for this is when the UN truly became united and therefore effective (for a while) - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding151.html. So the present UN Beast rides for 666 days and then the ride stops. Of course, the UN doesn’t stop distributing food at that time. So how does the ride stop? Well, the UN beast, the rider, is reformed into a new UN beast, a new rider, one controlled by the image of the Beast, which image is the expanded security council. This is the third beast of Daniel 7 (in the physical word symbolism). So 666 days of the Biblical Lunar Calendar after 911 which was 2001Elul19, the image of the beast comes into existence. This is 2003Tammuz24/25, (inclusively or exclusively) which runs from the evening of July 25th to July 27th 2003.
The UN security council will expand to 10 Permanent members with reduced veto powers on July 25th-27th 2003.
For the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our introductory bible code book: "Isaiah Prophesied the Twin Towers" (we charge only for the postage at cost - postage is free for persons in HM Prisons), please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 16 (The Independent Tuesday 2 September 2003).
Q: What happened 666 days after 911?
A: The Japanese government reversed a W.W.II prohibition in deciding to deploy their troops as peacekeepers.
We had initially thought and we had advertised that the UN would expand the permanent membership of its Security council from 5 to 10 on that day (July 26th 2003). But this Japanese decision had to come first (since they are to be one of the new 5 permanent security council members). With hindsight we still think we got the true meaning of 666 (in the event symbolism) correct. Because 666 (Biblical Lunar Calendar) days after 911, (the present 5 Permanent Member Security Council UN) was effectively ended, because the Japanese government opened the door to (the 10 Permanent Member Security Council to come). It is not hard to see that the Japanese government rushed this drastic measure through because there was a prior agreement in place to upgrade their position in the UN. The present form of the UN () was created by a Chinese government decision made on October 24th 1945, to ratify the UN charter for the Chinese as a permanent security council member. This day is celebrated as the UN birthday every year. So a Japanese government decision to allow them to come on board what will be the new form of the UN () as permanent security council members, is no less significant.
So we were close but no cigar (perhaps a cigarillo - smoked outside of course!) We have known for some time that appears 59 months (42 months of , the last form of the UN controlled by the General Assembly, and 17 months of ) before the UN ceases to have any effect those who will be saved during Armageddon. In our 14th advert we assumed that this 59 month period ended at the start of Armageddon when ’s heavenly organisation (the dragon of Revelation 13) loses its authority in heaven. In our 15th advert we assumed that it would end half way through Armageddon when is prophesied to come, at which point we had thought that the UN would no longer be in a position to harass continually the holy ones of the supreme one (Daniel 7) because the 1335 days of Daniel 12 which relate to the great tribulation of Matthew 24 end at that time (2008Tammuz1).
However events have shown us that both of these assumptions were incorrect. We had thought that the 3.5 years of oppression of God’s people by the EU (the little horn) through the UN (the 2nd 3rd and 4th beasts of Daniel 7 - from October 1945 to October 2003, from October 2003 to February/March 2005 and then from February/March 2005 until August 2008 - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding156.html), was coincident with the 42 months of authority of the UN of Revelation 13, so that when God’s people stop being oppressed at the mid point of Armageddon, then the authority of the UN over them would end . But we misread Revelation 13. The relevant verses are:
And they worshipped the dragon because it gave the authority to the beast...
And authority to act 42 months was given it...
(And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and to conquer them)
and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation
(Revelation 13).
So the 42 months of authority clearly is over everyone, and not merely over God’s people as we had at first thought. Hence it must end at the very end of Armageddon in Elul 2008. So it starts in Adar 2004. So the 17 months of (10 months of power represented by 10 horns and 7 months of headship represented by 7 heads) begins 17 months earlier in Tishri 2003. Actually the power begins in 2003 Tishri so the first ‘power-regnal’ month of is 2003 Heshvan, and the last regnal month is 2004Adar.
OK, so will appear in 2003 Tishri which runs from September 30th to October 30th 2003.
So here is our 16th attempt to get this date correct.
The UN beast will recover fully from the death stroke to its second head (the unauthorised attack on Iraq) before October 30th 2003. Then it will reform with a 10 Permanent Member Security Council with reduced or ended veto powers. The reformation will occur between September 30th and October 30th 2003.
We would expect that this recovery will involve the UN taking control of Iraq. The recovery has to precede the creation of . For the Revelation 13 says that two horned beast (the US/UK 7th Biblical world power) tells those who dwell on the earth (those who make a living through politics) to make an image of the beast that had the sword stroke and yet revived (Revelation 13). This image is , the beast is , the sword stroke was the unauthorised attack on Iraq, which has paralysed the since early this year, and the recovery must be the UN taking over Iraq.
At this point in time, the UN Beast: "Was but is not and yet will be present" (Revelation 17). The UN was the 8th biblical king of the world up until Iraq, and now is not the 8th king, having lost its authority over the UK/US (the 7th king biblical king of the world), and yet is still present (but not up to much).
Q: So if the s are the one true Christian Religion of this time as they claim, how come they don't just get everything right first time?
A: Because said: 7
Keep on asking and it will be given you, keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7).
He did not say, have a quick look, but if you can’t see anything immediately, give up! Our 16 adverts are a printed and published record of the length and complexity of our search. We got December 5th 2001 (Bonn Agreement for Afghanistan day), we got July 1st 2002 (UN day), we got September 24th 2002, (WMD Dossier day), and we got July 26th 2003 (Japanese peacekeeping day). If this 16th one is finally fully correct, and we finally actually get that cigar, then we assert that we will have proven conclusively that the bible is indeed written in a symbolic code, and that God is perfect and that we are far from perfect. However, in mitigation, we will have admitted all of our mistakes and we will have not given up (although we have felt like it a few times), and this is all that he requires from any of us at the end of the day (which is not far off). It has been a lot of hard work, but like a sister once said: "Eternal life is worth any effort." And really it is a pleasure to do something of fundamental value in this superficial world.
For the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com. or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our True book please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 17 (The Independent November 2003).
The UN will reform this month. The holy code of the bible is now known.
We have identified the sword stroke to the Beast of Revelation 13 (the UN, the 8th biblical world power) as the decision of the 7th biblical word power (the UK/US) to invade Iraq without UN consent. Recently resolution 1511 retroactively legitimized this invasion and went some way to bringing the 7th world power back under UN authority. But the UN is still divided over Iraq and over reform, so the period of UN division which began with the September 24th 2002 dossier is still ongoing, and the UN has not yet fully recovered from the death stroke. We have been ‘prophesying’ since before September 24th that this period of disunity at the UN will end with the expansion of the security council to 10 permanent members with reduced veto powers. Kofi Annan has indicated that this reformation is very close at hand - see www.un.org/news.
Our last advert put the month of reformation essentially as October. In fact it was 2003Tishri (according to the biblical lunar calendar). We reached this date by counting 59 months backwards from the date of end of the battle of Armageddon (2008Elul). We counted these 59 months exclusively. The 59 months comprise 17 months of (the reformed UN with 10 horns and 7 heads and 10 diadems, being an image of the UN beast, which stand for 10 months of power and 7 months of headship and 10 permanent security council members in the symbolism of Revelation 13) and then 42 months of (the final reformation of the UN run by the General Assembly - which has authority for 42 months according to Revelation 13). Evidently we were wrong once more (but as evidently we are getting closer and closer). So now we count these 59 months inclusively instead of counting them exclusively and we get the month of Heshvan2003 for the reformation to . This runs from October 30 to November 29, 2003.
So here is our 17th attempt to get this date correct.
The UN beast will recover fully from the death stroke to its second head (the unauthorised attack on Iraq) before November 29th 2003. Then it will reform with a 10 Permanent Member Security Council with reduced or ended veto powers before November 29th, 2003.
For the whole history of the 4 true Christian churches and the whole timetable of ’s 6,000 year lease on this planet and for a dozen proofs of the date of the last day of this system as being 2008March21, or 2008Nisan14, and for the whole timetable of Armageddon itself, for a full explanation of all of the covenants made between God and mankind to save us through (), and , for the decoded meanings of the gospels, and for the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our True book please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
There is a bible within the bible.
Advert 18 (The Independent December 17th 2003).
To show the reader how relevant the bible is today, here is our latest corrected straight symbolic interpretation of Revelation 13 and 17. These chapters are working their way to fulfillment on the news every night as the reader will hopefully now see. We have again deduced from the straight symbolism of Revelation 13 and 17 that:
For the scriptural basis of this interpretation please visit www.truebiblecode.com.
Simply put, the will expand to 10 Permanent Members, 300 Biblical Lunar Calendar days after Baghdad fell. Baghdad fell on April 9th and 10th 2003. This was 2003Nisan7 in the Biblical Lunar Calendar. 300 days later is 2003Shebat6/7 () depending on whether these days count inclusively or exclusively. This is February 2/3/4, 2004. The permanent membership expansion is referred to in Revelation 17 as follows:
12 And the 10 horns that you saw are 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the beast (Revelation 17).
These 10 are the 10 future permanent members of the UN. According to Germany's permanent mission to the UN, these will be Japan, Germany, and one from each of the Latin, Asian and African worlds. 5 of these and possibly all 10 if they are already co-operating with the 5 present Permanent Members, got authority over Afghanistan, the first UN Protectorate, on December 5th 2001, by virtue of the Bonn Agreement for the UN rulership of Afghanistan. December 5th is precisely eleven twelfths into the combined lifespan of the League of Nations, which 'died' with the annexation of Austria, the Anschluss, on March 13th 1938, and the United Nations, which was born on October 24th 1945, UN day. The UN itself dies on 2008Elul15, - see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding16.html, understanding163.html. So its last 'hour', the last 1/12th of the life of the beast began on 5/12/2001 - see understanding158.html. We had this date in advance and published it in national newspapers in the UK and in the US.
13 These have one thought, and they give their power and authority to the beast (Revelation 17).
The 10 future permanent members of the UN and almost every other world leader had the same thought post 911, namely: Let's all unite to fight against worldwide mass terrorism. So an unprecedented unity of thought resulted from that tragic terrorist act. For more on this please see understanding158.html, understanding270.html.
Now here we use a bit of the code. 10 kings having one thought is a comparison of 10 with 1. This means that they have ‘one thought’ for 10 cycles of time. These cycles can be either days, months or years. Well in this case they are months. 10 months after 911, or 300 days to be precise, the UNICC (International Criminal Court) took legal control of war. This happened on 2002Tammuz18, 300 days after 2001Elul19 (911) counting inclusively. We also knew this date in advance and advertised it in both the UK and the US newspapers - see understanding245.html.
So 911 was followed by 300 days of 'one thought' then the 10 future permanent members of the gave their power to the UN through the International Criminal Court.
Likewise there is a further period of 10 months of 'one thought' that ends with the 10 future permanent members of the giving not their power but actually their authority to the UN. This they can only do by giving up or by reducing their veto powers. Presently, the US and the UK and France and Russia and China can actually tell the UN, No! So they have authority over the UN. This authority will be given up after 10 months of 'one thought'. Well there is no point in the present 5 permanent members giving up their vetoes, unless the next 5 permanent members appear. Because it would plainly prove impractical to have 10 permanent members all with powerful vetoes, nothing would ever get done! So we can see that the 10 months of 'one thought' will end with the expansion of the to have 10 permanent members.
But when does this second period of 10 months or 300 days of unity of thought begin? Well, we had originally thought that since the period ends with the giving up of authority it should start with the gaining of authority and in that way, the 10 kings would have 10 months of authority and then give it up. But that is a not what the bible says. It says that they have 10 months of 'one thought' then they give their authority to the beast. It does not say that they have 10 months of 'authority' and then they give their authority to the beast. So we had that wrong.
We have suffered from that misinterpretation for over a year!!
But after the UNICC took over, the was split over whether or not to attack Iraq. This split was a dividing of the 'one thought' of the 10 kings. It continued until Iraq was actually attacked. Once the shock and awe bombing had started, there was no longer any point in being divided over whether or not Iraq should be attacked. However the Russians, French and Germans did not retreat from their (legally justified) anti war stance until we all saw Baghdad falling, and Saddam's grotesque statues being toppled. The US soldiers entered Baghdad on Wednesday April 9th and we saw the images of the statues falling on Thursday 10th April. This was Nisan7 in the . So the 10 kings returned to having their 'one thought' again once Baghdad fell on 2003Nisan7 in the .
Specifically, there was no longer any ongoing division on how to militarily prosecute the 'war on terror' in the future after Baghdad had fallen. The past was the past. The first day of 'one thought' was therefore 2003Nisan7. 300 days after that is 2003Shebat6 or 2003Shebat7, depending on whether this period counts inclusively or exclusively. This is February 2nd or 3rd or 4th in 2004 in the modern Gregorian calendar. So the second period of 10 months ends and the will expand its permanent membership to 10 with reduced veto powers on February 2/3/4 2004.
For the whole history of the 4 true Christian churches and the whole timetable of ’s 6,000 year lease on this planet and for a dozen proofs of the date of the last day of this system as being 2008March21, or 2008Nisan14, and for the whole timetable of Armageddon itself, for a full explanation of all of the covenants made between God and mankind to save us through (), and , for the decoded meanings of the gospels, and for the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our True book please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
To show the reader how relevant the bible is today, here is our latest corrected straight symbolic interpretation of Revelation 13 and 17. These chapters are working their way to fulfillment on the news every night as the reader will hopefully now see. We have again deduced from the straight symbolism of Revelation 13 and 17 that:
For the scriptural basis of this interpretation please visit www.truebiblecode.com.
Simply put, the agreed to expand to 10 Permanent Members, 300 Biblical Lunar Calendar days after resolution 1483 was passed, which resolution legitimized and US/UK invasion of Iraq and accepted the coalition as the “Occupying power” in Iraq. resolution 1483 was made between 10:10 and 11:20 am on 2003May22, which was 2003Iyyar19 according to the Biblical Lunar Calendar. 300 days later is 2003Adar19 (exclusively). This was March 17th (daytime). The permanent membership expansion is referred to in Revelation 17 as follows:
12 And the 10 horns that you saw are 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the beast (Revelation 17).
These 10 are the 10 soon to appear permanent members of the . Granted, we have no physical confirmation that this hidden agreement was in fact made on March 17th as yet, but it is understandable that there would be a period after such a momentous agreement and before its announcement to the press, during which the 5 old and the 5 new permanent members would decide how to best introduce themselves and their expansion and their veto reduction to the World’s Media. We believe for scriptural reasons that this agreed expansion will be announced to the Media preferably before 04-04-2004 (2004Nisan14) or at the outside before 04-05-2004 (2004Iyyar14).
For the whole history of the 4 true Christian churches and the whole timetable of ’s 6,000 year lease on this planet and for a dozen proofs of the date of the last day of this system as being 2008March21, or 2008Nisan14, and for the whole timetable of Armageddon itself, for a full explanation of all of the covenants made between God and mankind to save us through (), and , for the decoded meanings of the gospels, and for the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our True book please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.Advert 20 (The Independent, Good Friday, April 9th 2004)
Germany confirms that the UN is involved in an expansion “process that is currently underway”
Our 19th advert stated that: “The United Nations Security Council agreed to expand its Permanent Membership to 10 Permanent Members, each with a reduced veto power, on March 17th 2004.” And that: “We believe for scriptural reasons that this agreed expansion will be announced to the Media preferably before 04-04-2004 (2004Nisan14) or at the outside before 04-05-2004 (2004Iyyar14).”
For the first time since we started placing these 20 adverts, we find that we do not have to alter our position very much with this new 20th advert!
Gerhard Schroeder confirmed on March 19th that the expansion process was underway and that Kofi Annan had charged experts with the job of working on relevant expansion proposals (www.germany-un.org/archive/speeches/2004/sp_03_19_04.html).
However the US vetoed a resolution condemning an Israeli assassination on March 25th (2004Nisan4). So evidently the Permanent Member veto of the US is still going strong. We can now see with hindsight that there is to be a period of negotiation (non unity of thought) that indeed started on March 17th, and that will end before May 4th 2004. In other words our date of March 17th was indeed the end of the 10 months of unity of thought at the pursuant to UNSC1483 accepting the coalition as the occupying force in Iraq,
which resolution ended the division at the over Iraq. March 17th was the beginning of a negotiation which is of course a disagreement.
So now the question is: How long precisely does this negotiation last?
Well we already have its length from our 10th advert. In that advert we identified our prophetic bull (if you’ll pardon the expression) as being in competition with the prophetic bull of the Watchtower. This competition lasts for 900 days, depicted as 900 visible prophets, a day for a visible prophet, in the account at 1 Kings 18. It started on 911 (2001Elul19) and ended on March17th 2004 (2003Adar19). Then there is a further period of 50 hidden days depicted by 50 prophets hidden in a cave (a day for a hidden prophet). These days are hidden in the sense that they are not referred to in the symbolic meaning of the account in Revelation 17, which prophesies the beginning and end of the 900 day period from 911 (the start of unity of thought at the UN over the war on terror)
to March17 ,2004 (the end of unity of thought at the UN over the war on terror due to the start of negotiations over expansion).
50 days after 2003Adar19 is 2004Iyyar9 which is April 29/30th 2004.
So our end stop date (May 4th) for the media announcement of the UN expansion still holds. So we can now prophesy with more confidence than ever before that:
The UN Security Council will agree to expand to 10 Permanent Members with reduced veto powers on April 29/30, 2004.
If we finally do have this right, then our 20 adverts present the reader with a 20 piece jigsaw, which when put together proves that the bible does prophesy modern events and that we do have some understanding of its symbolism and of the symbolic code in which it is written.
For the whole history of the 4 true Christian churches and the whole timetable of ’s 6,000 year lease on this planet and for a dozen proofs of the date of the last day of this system as being 2008March21, or 2008Nisan14,
and for the whole timetable of Armageddon itself, for a full explanation of all of the covenants made between God and mankind to save us through (), and , for the decoded meanings of the gospels, and for the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com
or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our True book please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 21 (The Independent, Saturday May 15th, 2004)
Why do we keep advertising incorrect dates for the expansion of the permanent membership of the UN Security Council?
It is because each time we get it wrong, we learn more about the bible code and about what the bible does not mean, and so are able to improve our biblical chronology model further and we then stand a better chance of discovering what the bible does mean. And each time the UN Security Council fails to expand its permanent membership on the date we propose, it looks more and more likely that it will expand in the very near future. When we placed our first advert in January 2001, it looked exceptionally unlikely, now it is just a matter of when. When indeed?
Our 20th advert stated that: The UN Security Council will agree to expand to 10 Permanent Members with reduced veto powers on April 29/30, 2004.
We were wrong again. But we learned an awful lot from the mistake this time. The changes that we had to make to our chronological model corrected our understanding of the end times chronology and of the second presence of the Christ substantially. We believe that we have now fully decoded Daniel chapter 8 and the vision of Daniel chapter 12. We have deduced some frightening things and some wonderful things. To discover for yourself what we have discovered visit www.truebiblecode.com.
We now have three biblical calculations from Revelation 17, 1 Kings 18 and Jonah 3, that reveal that...
On or before June 20th (2004Sivan30) and probably on or before June 9th (2004Sivan19) and more probably on June 4th or on June 5th (2004Sivan15), the UN Security Council will expand to 10 permanent members. This expansion is the birth of the image of the beast of Revelation 13. We call this image .
For the whole history of the 4 true Christian churches and the whole timetable of ’s 6,000 year lease on this planet and for a dozen proofs of the date of the last day of this system as being 2008March21, or 2008Nisan14,
and for the whole timetable of Armageddon itself, for a full explanation of all of the covenants made between God and mankind to save us through (), and , for the decoded meanings of the gospels, and for the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 7, 8, 12 and Revelation 13, 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com or www.bibledecoded.com.
For a free copy of our True book please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1
1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 22 (The Independent, Wednesday June 23rd, 2004)
Here is our 22nd attempt!
It has been a very long journey lasting over three years. Whilst our interpretations have been strewn with imperfection, everything we have discovered has confirmed and reconfirmed the perfection of the source material that we are trying to decode (which is why we keep at it). We are now up to the 9th generation of the ‘true’ or the ‘real’ bible code. If you wish to see for yourself the complexity and brilliance of the the wording of the bible,
have a look at our decoding of Genesis 41, the dream of the 7 fat cows and the 7 thin cows and the dream of the 7 fat ears of corn and the 7 thin ears of corn.
These dreams apply today to an ongoing famine in grain and to a famine in meat to come (we believe). www.truebiblecode.com/understanding304.html
We have ammended our calculations in the light of recent events (or lack thereof) and again have three updated biblical calculations from Revelation 17,
1 Kings 18 and Jonah 3, that reveal that...
On or before July 20th (2004Tammuz30) and probably on or before July 9th (2004Tammuz19) and more probably on or before July 3rd, 4th or 5th (2004Tammuz14/15), the UN Security Council will expand to 10 permanent members.
This expansion is the birth of the image of the beast of Revelation 13. We call this image .
For the whole history of the 4 true Christian churches and the whole timetable of ’s 6,000 year lease on this planet and for a dozen proofs of the date of the last day of this system as being 2008March21, or 2008Nisan14,
and for the whole timetable of Armageddon itself, for a full explanation of all of the covenants made between God and mankind to save us through (), and , for the decoded meanings of the gospels, and for the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 7, 8, 12 and Revelation 13, 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com or www.bibledecoded.com.
For a free copy of our True book please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1
1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Advert 23 (The Independent, Friday July 23rd, 2004 & Saturday July 24th, 2004)
The will not expand to 10 Permanent members until December 18/19/20th 2004
But the of Matthew 24 Starts on September 1/2nd 2004
describes ‘The ’ as beginning with what the prophet Daniel describes as ‘the Abomination causing desolation’ being placed in the ‘holy place’. We understand that the present day fulfilment of this is some kind of restriction or regulation that is placed upon all religions by the UN on September 1/2nd (2004Elul14).
Our previous 22 adverts, all of which attempted to publish in advance the precise date of the UN expansion, have failed to get that date because we had been using the cryptic dimension of the bible code, with which we are relatively unfamiliar. But the expansion to 10 permanent members itself is deduced not from the cryptic dimension of the bible code but rather from the symbolic dimension of the bible code (10 Horns are 10 Permanent Security Council Members etc.), with which we have a lot of experience. This expansion interpretation is looking much more likely now than it did when we started advertising in January 2001.
Interestingly the new date that we have for the PM expansion (2004Tebbeth3/4), which comes from applying both the sentence counting dimension of the code and the cryptic dimension of the code to Revelation 17 - see www.truebiblecode.com, is after the US Presidential elections. So one could take this as an indication that Kerry will win, on the basis that Bush has not gone in for such an expansion. This is the first time we have applied the sentence counting dimension of the code to Revelation 17.
We did publish the correct date of the inauguration of the UNICC, July 1, 2002 in advance in national newspapers both in the UK and in the US. And we did say that this was the giving of power of the 5 present and 5 future Permanent Security Council members to the UN as recorded in Revelation 17. This was a correct symbolic interpretation. And recently the US have deferred to the UNICC. So this power transfer is complete. We also successfully published the date of the Bonn agreement in advance (after a few attempts), this being the beginning of the authority of the Permanent Members as Kings (over Afghanistan) and the beginning of the last ‘hour’, the last twelfth of a lifespan, of the League of Nations/UN ‘Beast’. So we have had two spectacular successes, and a series of possibly more spectacular failures! We are attempting to do these signs in order to motivate people to make the effort to understand the true bible code. If only people would make the effort without the signs! But we must be realistic.
What we are attempting to argue is that our failures have all been due to our limited understanding of the cryptic dimension of the bible code, and our successes have all been due to our extensive understanding of the symbolic dimension of the bible code. We are great at the latter and indifferent at the former. Therefore the date of the of Matthew 24, given above, being deduced from the symbolic dimension of the bible code is as definite as we can make it. Oh that the proof of the pudding were in the quality of the baking, but in this world ‘tis in the eating.
In fact the begins and the Abomination causing desolation is placed 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 after the Watchtower Society joined the UN as an NGO (January 28/29 1992). This association was exposed in the UK Guardian newspaper on October 8th 2001, and the Watchtower disassociated themselves from the UN on October 9th 2001. And then 1290 lunar days of Daniel 12 after the begins (2004Elul14. 2004September1) is the last day of this system, which is 2008Nisan14, or 2008March21 as we understand it.
So for the whole history of the 4 true Christian churches and the whole timetable of ’s 6,000 year lease on this planet and for a dozen proofs of the date of the last day of this system as being 2008March21, or 2008Nisan14, and for the whole timetable of Armageddon itself, for a full explanation of all of the covenants made between God and mankind to save us through (), and , for the decoded meanings of the gospels, and for the full story of the symbolic decoding of Daniel 4, 7, 8, 12, Genesis 40, 41, and Revelation 13, 17 as far as we understand it please visit www.truebiblecode.com or www.bibledecoded.com. For a free copy of our True book please visit our website or write to The Lord’s Witnesses, PO Box 1AL, London W1 1AL or call 0207 481 8430.
Resolution 1483 was made in the morning of May 22, 2003.
Resolution 1511 was made on 16th October 2003.
When the true God changed the language of mankind from one common language to a multitude of different languages due the building of the Legendary Tower of Babel. All of mankind ceased to be united in thought:
4 They now said: Come on! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be scattered over all the surface of the earth.
5 And proceeded to go down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men had built.
6 After that said: Look! They are one people and there is one language for them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them.
7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another's language.
8 Accordingly scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and they gradually left off building the city.
9 That is why its name was called Babel, because there had confused the language of all the earth, and had scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth (Genesis 11:4-9).
This was obviously a defining moment in mankind's history. Mankind's premier tower was abandoned and our languages were divided. On September 11th 2001, Mankind's 2 premier towers were knocked down and an unprecedented unity of thought resulted. The destruction of the two divided towers of the World Trade Centre symbolises the end of a worldwide division. It is almost as if a binary code of towers exists wherein 1 Tower being destroyed means all divided up and 2 towers being destroyed means all joined together again. This event ended the worldwide division which started in Babel over 4,000 years ago (in the days of Peleg). The Twin Towers Tragedy therefore was an event of biblical proportion, of biblical significance. It was a defining moment in human history. The reversal of the division of Babel.
5 The light is shining in the darkness, but the darkness has not overpowered it (John 1).
The current situation will escalate, for the horseman 'War' rides fast. This being the symbolism of 'horse'.
However you look at it, mankind cannot play this game of war much longer without wiping himself out. As Martin Luther King said: We have guided missiles and misguided men. Neither is it entirely our fault. who knows that his lease runs out in less than 5 years will try and do as Saddam Hussein did in Kuwait and take out the planet before he loses it. But God will not let him do that,
instead he will use to demonstrate convincingly once and for all time, why we should obey a few simple commandments, which exist purely ensure our long term security and survival, if we wish to live together for longer than a few thousand years.
Here is a question that needs an answer...
God's law is that you reap what you sow. The US has funded and armed terrorists in many capacities for years. According to God's law they will therefore become victims of terror themselves. Noraid used to collect money for the IRA from pubs in New York, the US funded Saddam against Iran, Bin Laden against the Russians, Noriega etc. Sometimes one wonders whether the US 'Intelligence'
community aren't flattering themselves with their name.
The common sense answer is that neither nor God had anything to do with this despicable terrorist act which killed people from every nation. Their ways are love and justice, which ways are rather higher than ours which are hate and revenge.
But plainly, they have stopped protecting the US from such attacks. They do not do anything unrighteous, but they are allowing to have a field day. Mind you it will be his last. The reason that the World has kept together for so long is that God through has been intervening all over the place to keep an unstable system together. But in the last 7 years,
which has now started, he stops doing this so much.
They have ceased protecting us from suffering in order that we can see the result of disobeying a few simple laws and learn the lessons which will prevent such suffering from ever happening again at our hands.
So when President Bush says he is good and Bin Laden is evil he is plain wrong (to use his own language). The fight is verses . Not even would accept the designation 'good' whilst he was a human. It is one evil against another.
17 Return evil for evil to no one. Provide fine things in the sight of all men.
18 If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men.
19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says .
20 But, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals upon his head.
21 Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil,
but keep conquering the evil with the good (Romans 12).
The US/UK/world anti terror alliance is struggling with this. Bombs are not fine in the sight of all men. The moral capital of the world's revulsion at the Twin Towers Atrocity, could have been used to generate moral interest for the US for years. It could have silenced the 'Fundamental' 'Muslim'
'Clerics' who look for an excuse to attack the West due actually to jealousy just like their Father Cain.
is working his hatred on both sides. He is priming us up to kill each other. See him for what he is. It is very simple, he is as described:
44 You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie] (John 8)
is a lying murderer. Bin laden is already such, and the West must not follow him in any respect, but sadly we will. Perhaps the US should amend their constitution to prevent their intelligence community from funding and supporting terrorism all over the world before they launch a military attack on a nation for funding and supporting terrorism in the US.
It is important to be honest and objective in these matters. We cannot have dual standards if we wish to be perceived as just. We should put blue hats in Israel and stop the conflict now. But doesn't want that. He wants to ferment hatred. He wants the cancer to continue. But where is the wisdom? Why send 250,000 US/UK troops to Iraq (ostensibly to make the world a safer place) when you can silence Muslim extremists by sending 25,000 UN troops to Israel?
But the master plan is for the UN to take over on reasonable grounds, then its global power will become an irresistible magnet to every trainee despot on the planet, and we are not short of them. And will corrupt the UN, actually through the EU, which is already completely corrupt as we saw with the 20 commissioners who took rather too much commission. The UN is a good idea as a judge and policeman for the world, to prevent wars. It should make and enforce laws to prevent war, and punish warring nations and prevent genocide within nations, but it should not set general laws for countries and it should certainly not set laws for individuals within countries. It should be a judge only but it will unfortunately become a King as well. This is lethal. will then harness the whole world through the UN to stuff God's true people in particular and all mankind in general. It will be the old story of the idealist (Blair etc.) starts the UN revolution but soon after the idealist there is always the opportunist. That one, the little horn of Daniel 7, will corrupt the UN revolution for his benefit. It is a game of chess. We, react to each move saying oh my God, oh my God, this is terrible. We should instead see the whole game before each move is played and understand the big picture before the trailer is screened.
Here is a worthless alternative to the course of action that the US administration has taken post 911, that in the short term might or might not have produced better results (but that never was going to happen anyway):
[1] Apologise for all the funding and supporting of terrorist groups carried out by the US in the past 35 years. Admit it was a mistake. Apologise to the British for supporting the IRA, apologise to the Russians for supporting Bin Laden, apologise to the Iranians for supporting Saddam etc. etc.
[2] Amend the US constitution to say: These United States will not support or finance any group or leader of any group which is known to have committed terrorist acts anywhere in the world, however appealing this support might look to her intelligence community in terms of their perception of her narrow and immediate self interest.
[3] Pressurize all other countries, not only Muslim nations, but also Ireland (North and South) and Israel and Palestine to follow the lead set by the US. Lead from the front against supporters of terror, do not lead by hypocrisy.
[4] Do not declare War on terrorism, but bring terrorists to true justice. Do not bring them to Kangaroo courts in sick sadistic and perverted torture camps, with no right of appeal and no independent legal representation. Treat your brother as you would like to be treated yourself. Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams of the IRA were not put in front of Kangaroo courts and shot, they are now leading political figures. Put in place, through the UN, mechanisms to severely penalise states which support it, and to confiscate funds and do everything short of invading these countries.
[5] Put in place an international justice system and international UN police force for investigating and apprehending terrorists in any country. Give this force a military backup but make sure that their actions are seen as enforcing justice and not a part of any war. Get the locals on your side in the battle.
These actions Gordon has proposed from his limited knowledge and understanding of God's laws. They are presented purely as an academic alternative to what has happened for thinking people. Because what has done and continues to do with mankind is to push us into what we perceive to be a corner, and then to give us what we perceive to be the only way out of this corner which is to kill a bunch of people. He is conning us. That is very rarely the only way out. Gordon is trying to show the reader how to Jump out of the box that is indefinitely putting mankind into. We should have had international justice for and against governments for the last 80 years at least since WW1 as Woodrow Wilson proposed. This would have largely eliminated wars. Now, instead, we will get it when it is too late in the day to be of much use, and before it does much good it will be corrupted and used against God's people and then against all mankind.
In early 2002, when I (Gordon) went to New York, I met an Irish American who firstly thanked me for coming back to NYC. I said, I am used to terrorism in the UK, I used to walk into a train station and check the litter bins for IRA bombs. He then apologised to me for what the IRA had done in the UK. He said he now understood what we must have gone through. This guy's father built the twin towers, and he himself had sat on top of them as a lad when they were being constructed. He lost 12 friends in the terrorist attack. But he was not bitter, he was totally sad about terrorism and he understood its true tragedy. He was such a genuine guy.
I know that I am a religious leader and I am not supposed to make political comments. But I have to ask this one question of New Yorkers. There is a square, a piazza, round the back of the Mayor's building in downtown Manhattan. It is named in honour of an IRA terrorist. It is still there today glorifying the IRA.
If I have got something wrong here, please write in and let me know. The reader should know that my descent is Scottish (Ritchie), Northern Irish (Prentice), Southern Irish (Flynn), French (Je ne sais pas), Jewish and German and a few other bits and pieces.
If we continue to deal only with the symptoms of the disease, if we continue to kill terrorists but fail to end the injustice between Israel and Palestine, then the cancer of the middle east will not be cured, and so its symptoms will continue to reappear. We will be like the drugs companies who do not cure AIDS, but rather they milk it by treating only its symptoms. In this way they can make huge profits from ever-dying victims. Now playing that game with AIDS sufferers is disgusting enough, but playing it with terrorism is not only disgusting, it is suicidal not just for the medically sick but for our entire spiritually sick species. If we fail to treat the cancer of the middle east, then this primary tumour will develop a secondary tumour. And once we get a few more secondary tumours, then the cancer will become terminal for the patient. And there it is, the end of the world. Since this was first written, a secondary tumour has developed in Iraq (as of April 12th 2004). The US must stop vetoing action against Israel, the UN must be allowed to operate and remove the primary tumour.
This is why it is so important to tackle the Israeli Palestinian problem, even as the Northern Irish problem has been relatively successfully tackled by the UK and the US and the Northern and Southern Irish. And guess what? We aren't going to tackle it. Instead, just as the AIDS companies profit financially from physical sickness, there are those who choose to profit politically from terror, they milk terrorism for their own political advantage. They do not understand that their naive and misplaced short term self interest is being manipulated by in order to bring an end to the world (which of course would also end their political careers). But the above analysis shows how it just might happen.