Spiritual thread - not correct yet! This may refer to the WTBTS reaction to the 2nd/3rd fire signs. We put the last verse of Daniel5 into the Daniel6 account.
31 and Darius, the Mede himself received the kingdom, being about 62 years [literal] old [].
The pit of lions is Laodicea. 90 months of Laodicean true church authority over reserves from the restart of the 2nd presence on 2006Sivan14 to 2013Chislev?
The angel is . The stone silences the mouth of all those in Laodicea.
The pit of lions is the s. 3x in the Watchtower Passover day of Daniel, the reserves, kneeling for baptism on 2018Sivan10-12 and 2018Tammuz10-12 and 2018Ab10. The angel is . The stone of Daniel2 is placed on the word of the s
1 It seemed good to Darius [Charles Russell and his sons by baptism], and he set up over the kingdom 120 satraps/governors, who were to be over the whole kingdom [Non reserve s, reserve s or rotten s - 120 of them because of the 120 year presence];
2 and over them 3 high officials [Peter,
Russell and an apostle to the reserves?], of whom Daniel [ Saints] was one, in order that these satraps might continually be giving to them the report [about activity and interpretation] and the king [Governing Body of the Watchtower] himself might not suffer loss [of salvation or power or congregation.
This is spying].
3 Then it was that this Daniel [ saints] was steadily distinguishing himself over the high officials and the satraps, forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit was in him [the spirit of the ] [also the angelic spirit of possessing Daniel]; and the king [Governing Body of the Watchtower] was intending to elevate him over all the kingdom [of the Watchtower, once the saints had died out].
4 At that time the high officials and the satraps themselves were constantly seeking to find some pretext against Daniel respecting the kingdom [the Watchtower]; but there was no pretext or corrupt thing at all that they were able to find, forasmuch as he was trustworthy and no negligence or corrupt thing at all was found in him [by them. But he was nonetheless an idolater of the Watchtower and an apostate to ].
5 Consequently these able-bodied men were saying: We shall find in this Daniel no pretext at all, except we have to find [it] against him in the law of his God [Daniel's law of his God is that you must pray to God to ask him for help in understanding what the bible means rather than asking the Watchtower. Mary as opposed to Martha].
6 Accordingly these high officials and satraps themselves entered as a throng [a congregation] to the king [], and this is what they were saying to him Oh Darius, the king,
live on even for times indefinite [].
7 All the high officials of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the high royal officers and the governors, have taken counsel together to establish a royal statute [make a new idolatrous agreement] and to enforce an interdict [the pre-existing Laodicean eye boring agreement], that whoever makes a petition/prayer to any God or man [whoever requests bible understanding either directly from God's book or from any church or website - such as the website - other than the Watchtower] for 30 days except in you, Oh king [GB], should be thrown to the lions' pit [Loadicea,
a sect of both the s and of the Watchtower which is full of interpretational lions, who take huge bites into the meat of the bible. s are carnivorous bible interpreters as compared to all the other vegetarians out there!].
8 Now, Oh king [GB], may you establish the statute
and sign the writing, in order for [it] not to be changed, according to the law of the Medes [non Loadicean s] and the Persians [Laodicean s] which is not annulled [accepted by the heavens when they were a true church].
9 In accord with this, the king, Darius
signed the writing and the interdict/decree [for the Laodiceans and the rest of the Watchtower].
10 But Daniel, as soon as he knew that the writing had been signed, entered into his house [worshipping in the manner of a - doing real bible research - believing he could personally find something new], and, the windows [The Monitor Screens]
in his roof chamber [room for saints]
being open for him toward Jerusalem [, i.e.
researching www.truebiblecode.com
breaking the interdict],
even 3 times in a day he was kneeling on his knees [superfluous repetition therefore a key symbolism. This stands for 90 months of baptism into Laodicea, 3x per day for 30 days is 90x which are months] and praying and offering praise before his God, all of which he had been doing prior to this [He had been bible researching in faith prior to joining Laodicea]
11 At that time these able-bodied men themselves crowded in and found Daniel petitioning and imploring favor before his God.
12 Then it was that they approached and were saying before the king concerning the interdict of the king: Is there not an interdict that you have signed that any man that asks a petition from any god or man for 30 days [] except from you, Oh king [Darius subst], he should be thrown to the lions' pit?
The king [Darius subst]
was answering and saying: The matter is well established according to the law of the Medes [Non Laodicean s]
and the Persians [Laodicean s],
which is not annulled [even after the Watchtower and Laodicea became false churches].
13 Immediately they answered, and they were saying before the king [Darius subst]: Daniel, who is of the exiles of Judah [royalty in a false church], has paid no regard to you, Oh king [Darius subst], nor to the interdict that you signed, but 3 times in a day he is making his petition [?].
14 Consequently the king [Darius subst], as soon as he heard the word, it was very displeasing to him, and toward Daniel he set [his] mind [lb]
in order to rescue him; and till the setting of the sun he kept on striving to deliver him [The end of the Watchtower as a true church on 2005Sivan14].
15 Finally these able-bodied men themselves
entered as a throng [Again as a throng? -
they all end up in the congregation the throng of Laodicea]
to the king [Darius subst], and they were saying to the king [Darius subst]: Take note, Oh king [Darius subst], that the law belonging to the Medes [non Laodicean s] and the Persians [Laodiceans]
is that any interdict or statute that the king [Darius subst] establishes is not to be changed.
16 Accordingly the king [Darius subst] commanded,
and they brought Daniel and threw him into the pit of the lions. The king [Darius subst] was answering and saying to Daniel: Your God whom you are serving with constancy, he himself will rescue you.
17 And a stone [The is , a stone in the temple, the spokesman for the pit of Loadicea, the cave of robbers] was brought and placed on the mouth of the pit [not the lion's pit, just the pit. Perhaps is over not only Laodicea but also the entire Watchtower? So everyone is silenced in all the Watchtower by this stone],
and the king [Darius subst] sealed it with his signet ring and with the signet ring of his grandees [], in order that nothing should be changed in the case of Daniel.
18 At that time the king [Darius subst] went to his palace and spent the night fasting, and no musical instruments were brought in before him, and his very sleep fled from him.
19 Finally the king [Darius subst], at dawn,
proceeded to get up in the daylight [when the Kingdom had begun or when the 3rd fire sign occurs?], and in a hurry he went right to the lions'
20 And as he got near to the pit, he cried out with a sad voice even to Daniel. The king [Darius subst] was speaking up and saying to Daniel: Oh Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you are serving with constancy been able to rescue you from the lions?
21 Immediately Daniel himself spoke even with the king: Oh king [Darius subst], live on even to times indefinite [May God grant that you get into the with an indefinitely long living body].
22 My own God sent his angel [of Philadelphia] and shut the mouth of the lions, and they have not brought me to ruin, forasmuch as before him innocence itself was found in me [declared righteous in spirit]; and also before you, Oh king [Darius subst], no hurtful act have I done.
23 Then it was that the king [Darius subst] became very glad, and Daniel he commanded to be lifted up out of the pit
[publicly accepted as a saint]. And Daniel was lifted up out of the pit [publicly accepted as a saint], and there was no hurt at all found on him [resulting from his personal bible research, from eating meat],
because he had trusted in his God.
24 And the king [Darius subst] commanded, and they brought these able-bodied men who had accused Daniel, and into the lions' pit they threw them, their sons and their wives; and they had not reached the bottom of the pit [the end of Laodicea as a true church] before the lions [the meat eating bible researchers of Laodicea] had got the mastery over them, and all their bones they crushed [old doctrine, from their old spiritual body - the Watchtower].
25 Then it was that Darius, the king
[the GB] wrote to all the peoples, the national groups and the tongues that are dwelling in all the earth: May your peace grow very much!
26 From before me there has been put through an order that, in every dominion of my kingdom, people are to be quaking and fearing before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and One enduring to times indefinite, and his kingdom is one that will not be brought to ruin [The world power of the Medo Persians was brought to ruin. But the decree of a medo persian king cannot be annulled. So even today Iranians should worship the God of Daniel, the prophet buried in Persia, and should recognize that his dominion is forever!] and his dominion is forever.
27 He is rescuing and delivering and performing signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth [Joel2,
Acts2, the first fire sign, but this account has only an earthly sign, so in the word symbolic fulfilment there we get a heavenly sign!]
for he has rescued Daniel from the paw of the lions.
28 And as for this Daniel, he prospered in the kingdom of Darius [The King subst]
and in the kingdom of Cyrus [ - 4 -
Gordon] the Persian [The King] (Daniel 6).
Day (4). Laodicea appears to be a prison within the Watchtower a kind of Watchtower for bible researchers?
1 It seemed good to Darius, [Gordon,
4 and his sons the s] and he set up over the kingdom 120 satraps/governors, who were to be over the whole kingdom [the 120 days of arrival for priests? The Tetramenos of John4 from 2017Elul7/8 to 2017Tebbeth7, the end of the water baptism for priestly 'satrap' appointment];
2 and over them 3 high officials [Heavenly baptized kings,
and the reserves and the earthly baptized Lords], of whom Daniel [ reserves] was one [the autonomous reserve administration], in order that these satraps might continually be giving to them the report [about activity and interpretation] and the king [ Administration/] himself might not suffer loss [of Kingdom citizens].
3 Then it was that this Daniel [ reserves in the s] was steadily distinguishing himself over the high officials and the satraps, forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit was in him [the of the, these are saints, part of that spirit, which is ' wife]
[also the angelic spirit of possessing Daniel]; and the king [] was intending to elevate him over all the kingdom [of or of God].
4 At that time the high officials and the satraps themselves were constantly seeking to find some pretext against Daniel respecting the kingdom [the kingdom of God]; but there was no pretext or corrupt thing at all that they were able to find, forasmuch as he was trustworthy and no negligence or corrupt thing at all was found in him [].
5 Consequently these able-bodied men were saying: We shall find in this Daniel no pretext at all, except we have to find [it] against him in the law of his God [].
6 Accordingly these high officials and satraps themselves entered as a throng [all ex s] to the king [of the s], and this is what they were saying to him Oh Darius, the king,
live on even for times indefinite [All sealed Zoarites live on until time indefinite].
7 All the high officials of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the high royal officers and the governors, have taken counsel together to establish a royal statute and to enforce an interdict [], that whoever makes a petition to any God or man [whoever satisfies the criteria and requests of man to be regarded as a reserve] for 30 days except in you, Oh king [], should be thrown to the lions' pit [sacrificed at a Passover as a saint, a part of the flesh of the Lion of Judah].
8 Now, Oh king [], may you establish the statute
and sign the writing, in order for [it] not to be changed, according to the law of the Medes [s] and the Persians [s] which is not annulled [accepted by the heavens].
9 In accord with this, the king, Darius
signed the writing and the interdict/decree [].
10 But Daniel, as soon as he knew that the writing had been signed, entered into his house [not - understood he was a reserve], and, the windows [The Monitor Screens]
in his roof chamber [upper room for saints]
being open for him toward Jerusalem [ i.e.
researching www.truebiblecode.com
searching for the criteria to be a reserve - to check if he indeed meets them],
even 3 times in a day he was kneeling on his knees [superfluous repetition therefore a key symbolism. This represents 3x of kneeling for baptism into the s for the 3 new Watchtower Passovers in the 60 day Passover judgement day from 2017Elul14 to 2017Heshvan14] and praying and offering praise before his God, all of which he had been doing prior to this [He had already been baptized into Laodicea by kneeling and having the hands of his father by water baptism laid upon his head]
11 At that time these able-bodied men [not satraps, not high officials, just able bodied men] themselves crowded in and found Daniel petitioning and imploring favor before his God [in the Watchtower].
12 Then it was that they approached and were saying before the king [of the s]
concerning the interdict of the king: Is there not an interdict that you have signed that any man that asks a petition from any god or man for 30 days [some kind of parallel Watchtower prohibition?] except from you, Oh king [Darius subst], he should be thrown to the lions' pit?
The king [Darius subst]
was answering and saying: The matter is well established according to the law of the Medes [s]
and the Persians [s],
which is not annulled [].
13 Immediately they answered, and they were saying before the king [Darius subst]: Daniel, who is of the exiles of Judah [ royalty in a false church], has paid no regard to you, Oh king [Darius subst], nor to the interdict that you signed, but 3 times in a day he is making his petition [The 3 times of 2017Elul10-12 and 2017Tishri11-12 omitting atonement day and 2017Heshvan10-12, in the greater Passover day he is petitioning the s to be recognised as a reserve].
14 Consequently the king [Darius subst], as soon as he heard the word [], it was very displeasing to him, and toward Daniel he set [his] mind [lb]
in order to rescue him; and till the setting of the sun he kept on striving to deliver him [He tried to deliver the reserves in the Watchtower and not disfellowship them throughout the contest of 1Kings18. The sun sets when starts at the 2nd/3rd fire signs?].
15 Finally these able-bodied men themselves
entered as a throng [a throng again. An group - Laodiceans?]
to the king [Darius subst], and they were saying to the king [Darius subst]: Take note, Oh king [Darius subst], that the law belonging to the Medes [s] and the Persians [s]
is that any interdict or statute that the king [Darius subst] establishes is not to be changed.
16 Accordingly the king [Darius subst] commanded,
and they brought Daniel and threw him into the pit of the lions [The disfelowshipped him from the Watchtower, they threw Jonah out of the boat into the sea to be swallowed by the big fish of the s, the pit of interpretational lions]. The king [Darius subst] was answering and saying to Daniel: Your God whom you are serving with constancy, he himself will rescue you.
17 And a stone [ reserve] was brought and placed on the mouth of the pit [not the pit of lions. The head of the autonomous group],
and the king [Darius subst] [of the s] sealed it with his signet ring and with the signet ring of his grandees [the 3x reserve marriages], in order that nothing should be changed in the case of Daniel.
18 At that time the king [Darius subst] [of the s]
went to his palace and spent the night fasting, and no musical instruments were brought in before him, and his very sleep fled from him.
19 Finally the king [Darius subst] [of the s], at dawn,
proceeded to get up in the daylight [superfluous qualification], and in a hurry he went right to the lions'
20 And as he got near to the pit, he cried out with a sad voice even to Daniel. The king [Darius subst] was speaking up and saying to Daniel: Oh Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you are serving with constancy [another superfluous qualification] been able to rescue you from the lions?
21 Immediately Daniel himself spoke even with the king: Oh king [Darius subst], live on even to times indefinite [].
22 My own God sent his angel [of Philadelphia] and shut the mouth of the lions [in the s - stopped them attacking the reserves for their idolatry?], and they have not brought me to ruin, forasmuch as before him innocence itself was found in me [declared righteous in spirit]; and also before you, Oh king [Darius subst], no hurtful act have I done.
23 Then it was that the king [Darius subst] became very glad, and Daniel he commanded to be lifted up out of the pit
[into the ark for his marriage]. And Daniel was lifted up out of the pit [into the ark], and there was no hurt at all found on him [],
because he had trusted in his God.
24 And the king [Darius subst] commanded, and they brought these able-bodied men who had accused Daniel, and into the lions' pit they threw them [they handed them power to be judged by the autonomous reserve administration], their sons and their wives; and they had not reached the bottom of the pit [the end of the autonomous administration which is at/after the end of s administration of , 2017Shebat7 (Russell gets 5 minas - see U36] before the lions [the reserves] had got the mastery over them, and all their bones they crushed [].
25 Then it was that Darius, the king
[the GB] wrote to all the peoples, the national groups and the tongues that are dwelling in all the earth: May your peace grow very much!
26 From before me there has been put through an order that, in every dominion of my kingdom, people are to be quaking and fearing before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and One enduring to times indefinite, and his kingdom is one that will not be brought to ruin [The world power of the Medo Persians was brought to ruin. But the decree of a medo persian king cannot be annulled. So even today Iranians should worship the God of Daniel, the prophet buried in Persia, and should recognize that his dominion is forever!], and his dominion is forever.
27 He is rescuing and delivering and performing signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth [Joel2,
Acts2, the first fire sign, but this account has only an earthly sign, so in the word symbolic fulfilment there we get a heavenly sign!]
for he has rescued Daniel from the paw of the lions [in the Watchtower from 2013Shebat1, the fall of Laodicea onwards. Lions' paws have 5 toes].
28 And as for this Daniel, he prospered in the kingdom of Darius [The King subst]
and in the kingdom of Cyrus [] the Persian [the King] (Daniel 6).
'Laodicea' means people of Judgement.