[36] Luke 19: The 10 slaves the 10 minas and the 10 cities

12 Therefore he said: A certain man of noble birth travelled to a distant land to receive [a] kingdom to himself and to return (amended translation from Greek).
13 Calling ten slaves of his he gave them ten minas and told them: Do business till I come.
14 But his citizens hated him and sent out a body of ambassadors/delegation after him, to say: We do not want this [one] to reign over us.
15 Eventually when he got back after having received the kingdom [], he commanded to be called to him these slaves to whom he had given the silver money (argurion), in order to ascertain what they had gained by business activity.
16 Then the first one presented himself, saying: Lord, your mina gained ten minas.
17 So he said to him: Well done, good slave! Because in a very small matter you have proved yourself faithful, hold authority [] over ten cities.
18 Now the second came, saying: Your mina, Lord, made five minas.
19 He said to this one also: You, too, be in charge [] of five cities.
20 But a different one came, saying: Lord, here is your mina, that I kept laid away in a cloth.
21 You see, I was in fear of you, because you are a harsh man; you take up what you did not deposit and you reap what you did not sow.
22 He said to him: Out of your own mouth I judge you, wicked [ponhre] slave. You knew, that I am a harsh man, taking up what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow?
23 Hence why is it you did not put my silver money [argurion] in a bank (singular)? Then on my arrival/having come I would have collected it with interest.
24 With that he said to those standing by: Take the mina from him and give it to him that has the ten minas.
25 But they said to him: Lord, he has ten minas! 
26 I say to you, to everyone that has, more will be given; but from the one that does not have, even what he has will be taken away.
27 Moreover, these enemies of mine that did not want me to reign over them bring here and slaughter them before me (Luke 19:12-27 NWT adapted from Greek).

The literal moral message is, use your bosses assets wisely even when he is not around. There are two Successive Repeated Actions in verse 22. We are not completely sure how this affects the account. We believe that it relates to the fact that Jesus says: Do business until I come twice, once in each presence, to the totality of 10 presidents of FDS1 and FDS3 who do such business. It only affects the word symbolic meaning of course.

The Wicked slave is saying to Jesus that he takes up what he doesn't deposit anyway, so what was the point in his depositing the talent for Jesus. Jesus replies, true enough, but you have lost me the interest I would have got had you deposited it as instructed.

The Event and Word Symbolic Meanings

The account is about the 10 presidents of FDS1 and FDS3, 5 in each presence, in the symbolic meaning. The master said to 10 slaves:

13 Do business till I come (Luke 19).

Given the understandings of the parable of the slaves given the talents in Matthew 25 see [35], this parable proves that Jesus comes to end the business of each first slave in each presence, FDS1 and FDS3, and that each business only lasts for 5 watches before the coming, whereupon a new FDS is appointed (FDS2 and FDS4). We are using the term 'watch' to mean 'presidency'. So Jesus comes during the 5th watch. This is also apparent from the fact that advice to watch out for Jesus' coming ceases in the counsel to Sardis, the 5th congregation in Revelation 3.

But the slaves given the silver money are not necessarily among the 10 slaves given the minas in verse13!!

The Faithful Slave FDS3 becomes the evil slave ES2. The Wicked and Sluggish Slave (the Laodicean administration) becomes the Good for Nothing Slave (GNS2).

There are no successive designations or descriptions in the account. So we are just looking at one word symbolic meaning. The phrase 'silver money' is repeated, so the account is about Christians (God's money) not cash - by the Repetition Principle. If the phrase 'silver money' only appeared once in the account then, the holy code would be broken.

12 Therefore he said: A certain man of noble birth [Jesus] travelled to a distant land to receive [a] kingdom to himself and to return (amended translation from Greek).
13 Calling ten slaves of his [the 5 presidential administrations of FDS1 and the 5 presidential administration of FDS3] he gave them ten minas [A Mina stands for an administration because it is a 50 count - a Pentecost. 10 administrations of saints, one for each presidency. These are 1NC administrations not 2NC administrations. So the Minas are of gold in the greater meaning not of silver] and told them: Do business till I come. [He comes in the 5th presidencies of FDS1 and FDS3 to appoint FDS2 and FDS4]
14 But his citizens hated him and sent out a body of ambassadors/delegation [from the Watchtower Bethel, the city - not the Laodiceans] after him, to say: We do not want this [one] to reign over us [We do not want Jesus in the form of the 1NC reserves ruling over us or Elijah4 to be our King].
15 Eventually when he got back after having received the kingdom [after 2008Nisan22], he commanded to be called to him these/those slaves to whom he had given the silver money [argurion] [2NC saints are silver, 1NC saints are gold. The silver is not said to be a Mina because there was no administrative authority over the silver money that was given], in order to ascertain what they had gained by business activity [].
16 Then the first one [] presented himself, saying: Lord, your mina acquired-besides or worked towards ten minas [A Mina is 50 shekels. Peter's administration worked towards 10 1NC administrations, 5 of FDS1 and 5 of FDS3, these actually being all 10 Minas given to the 10 slaves who are the 10 presidents].
17 So he said to him: Well done, good slave! Because in a very small matter [a micro-church - Zoar? A small thing in number and then large in number but small in time] you have proved yourself faithful, hold authority [total authority] over ten cities [Over Zoar, the small thing - is it not a small thing? - said Lot. 10 months of authority over saints].
18 Now the second came [Russell in the second presence], saying: Your mina, Lord, made five minas [the 5 administrations of FDS3].
19 He said to this one also: You, too, be over [not hold authority over, but be over] five cities [But no mention of a small matter. Russell is put over the reappointed Laodicean administration for 5 months of authority over saints].

101Reappointed Laodicea only has 5 loaves for 1NCs from 2019Tishri10 and to 2019Adar16.
5 Cities for Russell are administrations of 1NCs, in the form of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6rh and 7th 1NC brides. Russell runs reappointed Laodicea and Reverted Laodicea until 2020Tammuz14, when the 7th 1NC bride is Passover executed.
10 Cities for Peter are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th HLC brides, the Gentile Call 2NCs, the Laodicean 2NCs, the LW 2NCs, Benjamin, the priests and the rapture FRCs. Peter is running Zoar from a heavenly standpoint and then after 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5 he also runs it from an earthly standpoint.

The scripture states Minas and NOT Shekels (unlike Daniel5 which states both). Mind you they stand for times of administration because administrations take 50 days to install and a Mina is 50 Shekels. So the word symbolic meaning will be 5 Minas and 10 Minas over saints AND 250 and 500 shekels
2019Elul5 (Russell appears to the greater Thomas having first appeared on 2019Ab27, the 1st Sabbath of Reappointed Laodicean Weeks) to 2019Adar16 (192 days inclusively) and 2020Iyyar16-2020Tammuz14 (7th 1NC marriage Passover execution: 58 days = 250 days
2019Ab21 (Laodicean appointed to feed the 1NCs) to 2020Tebbeth11 (the 1st 2NCs join Reverted Laodicea) = 500 days of Peter having heavenly oversight over Russell and Reappointed and Reverted Laodicea?

300 Denarii of anointing as 1NC Kings (head of Mark14) runs from 2019Elul10 to 2020Tammuz10
Extra Denarii of anointing as HLC Lords (body of Mark14) runs from 2020Sivan12 to 2020Tishri10
300 Denarii of anointing as 2NC Kings (feet of John12) runs from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2022Elul11, the end of the 4EC for Watchtower 2NC who leave and join Reverted Laodicea.
The HLCs leave the Watchtower (none were in reappointed Laodicea) and join non adamic Sodom on 2020Sivan12 ( 153 big fish of John21 before 2020Heshvan14, the 4th HLC marriage Passover) and the baptism of 8 JWs as LWs in Kenya.
The 1NC reserves (all of whom are Laodicean) join non adamic Sodom on 2020Tammuz10, entry day into the 7th 1NC marriage Passover, 300 Denarii of perfumed oil upon the head of Mark14 after 2019Elul10101.

Minas are Pentecostal (being 50 shekels). So a Mina stands for an administration. Obviously a city stands for an administration or a month of administration 

20 But a different one came [Not one of the 10 slaves given 10 minas. The Laodicean Administration. Different in that he was never given a Mina - he took it, and then became appointed], saying: Lord, here is your mina, that I kept laid away in a cloth/death robe [sudarion] [They hid the Laodicean administration of living 2NC saints and disguised them as judicially second dead!] [In the literal meaning the wicked slave was not confident in his business acumen and was worried than if he did business with it, then he might lose it all] [in the greater meaning he is worried about losing his position on the Governing Body if he goes public with Laodicea and it all falls apart].
21 You see, I was in fear of you, because you are an austere man [his experience of Jesus through the 1NC saints of FDS3/ES2 was that they were hard and unloving] you take up what you did not deposit [uproots darnel] and you reap what you did not sow [putting false saints into Gehenna].
22 He said to him: Out of your own mouth I judge you, wicked [Ponhre] slave [in other words AOL himself takes up what he did not deposit, the Mina of Laodicea, and reaps what he did not sow, the 2NC saints - because he is not the mediator of that covenant - he has no seed]. You knew, that I am a austere man, taking up what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow?
23 Hence why is it you did not put my silver money [argurion] [Silver money is 2NCs in Laodicea. The mina was 1NC reserves] in a bank (singular)? [in TCC4 or merely publicly accept them] Then on my arrival/having come I would have collected it with interest [more silver money - 2NC saints].
24 With that he said to those standing by: Take the mina [The congregation of 1NC reserves from Laodicea] from him [POL] and give it to him that has the ten minas [Actually to non adamic Sodom under Peter Peter. Russell was over the mina first, in reappointed Laodicea, but did not hold authority over them and neither was the mina removed from the Laodicean Administration under Russell].
25 But they said to him: Lord, he has ten minas! [In the Kingdom Peter has authority over all the 1NC Kings including those in the 10 administrations of FDS1 and FDS3 and those who were in Laodicea]
26 I say to you, to everyone that has [a water baptism], more [saints] will be given; but from the one that does not have [a water baptism], even what he has [the saints he still has] will be taken away.
27 Moreover, these enemies of mine that did not want me to reign over them bring here and slaughter them before me [Passover execute them in the LWs, after Jesus has come into the church - when it is too late to be either a king or a priest. Jesus' enemies can make it into the Kingdom but not as Kings or priests]  (Luke 19:12-27 NWT adapted from Greek).

To see precisely who were the 5 presidents of FDS1 and the first 2 presidents of FDS2 - see U233.

The Wicked Slave of Luke 19 and the Wicked and Sluggish Slave of Matthew25

The Wicked slave of Luke 19 is the wicked fulfilment of the Wicked and Sluggish slave of Matthew 25, by the No Coincidences Principle. So perhaps the Laodiceans in the Roman Catholic Church were more sluggish than wicked? 

The Prophetic Registration of God’s people in Numbers

The increases under the first 6 watches of the Lord's day are recorded in Numbers 11 when God says, referring to the feeding program of meat, which is the food of FDS4, compared with the manna of FDS3:

19 You will eat not 1 day, nor 2 days, nor 5 days nor 10 days nor 20 days, 
20 but up to a month of days, until it comes out of your nostrils (Numbers 11).

Event or President Increase Size of congregation Date

Call for 1,000 preachers




2nd presence begins: 100 year Asher Proselyte Continuation call into 1NC ran from 1890Sivan11 to 1990Sivan11


1890Sivan14 (2nd 3EC is HLC sanctified)





















The Big Picture of the 70 Presidents (the 70 sent out by Jesus into every city and place to which he was going to come) of the 4 True Christian Religions

FDS1 watch 1 - Peter

Discreet (1st loaf)

FDS1 watch 2 - John

Discreet (2nd loaf)

FDS1 watch 3 - James

Discreet (3rd loaf)

FDS1 watch 4 - Timothy

Foolish (4th loaf)

FDS1 watch 5 - Epaphras

Foolish (5th loaf)

FDS1 watch 6 Pope St. Linus

Evil (1st fish - hat!)

FDS1 watch 7 Pope St. Anacletus

Evil (2nd fish - hat!)

FDS2 watches 1-7 under Bilhah (ELC)

7 more loaves - see U67 - who feed ELC saints in FDS2

FDS2 Watches 8-56 under Zilpah (HLC)

Zilpah, 49 presidents. TCC2 loses its 2EC water baptism and then falls as a true church on 1035Iyyar21 - see U271-12#96

FDS3 watch 1 - Russell

Discreet (1st loaf)

FDS3 watch 2 - Rutherford

Discreet (2nd loaf)

FDS3 watch 3 - Knorr

Foolish (3rd loaf) (Presidency of Knorr, Pergamum)

FDS3 watch 4 - Franz

Demonised, Foolish (4th loaf), this demonisation began with the introduction of democracy into the governing body of the Watchtower - Ray Franz was correct in his stance. God created no multi-headed beasts, Satan creates these. (Presidency of Franz, Thyatira)

FDS3 watch 5 - Henschel

Demonised, Foolish (5th loaf) (Presidency of Henschel, Sardis)

FDS4 watch 1 - Ritchie

OK (1st fish), but cut in two due to not getting ready (LWs) appointed/installed over ALL the 2NC saints on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21

Laodicea watch 1 - POL

Laodicea (2nd fish) (meaning: people of judgement) Luke warm and vomited out of Jesus mouth, but then repentant. They cease to speak for Jesus. They become a false church. They carried the 1NC reserves of the second part of the second presence. These are also vomited out of a mouth, the mouth of the whale onto a dry land, the re-appointed Laodicea. FDS4 was split in two when Laodicea  was appointed/installed as priests to feed the 1NC reserves on 2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21 and then appointed/installed to rule over the 1NC reserves on 2007Sivan22/Elul11. The ruler of Laodicea (POL not AOL) was water baptized by Roger Knight in 2006Chislev, 7 months of Jehoash of 2Chronicles24 earlier. But they were the second presence Wicked and Sluggish Slave (WSS2). They hid their talent in the ground. They lost their water baptism on 2013Adar10, 2,000 pigs of Mark5 before 2019Elul30, when the first Watchtower Passover 1NC reserve pigs jump off the overhang of the fallen Watchtower in order to dive into the sea of the world and drown in the waters of the 3EC. And 5½ years of Daniel12 before the 3rd part of the 2nd presence begins on 2019Elul10. So on 2013Adar10, they became the good for nothing slave of the second presence (GNS2)

7 stands for events successive in time in the bible, whenever it appears. Check it our for yourself - or see The Symbolic meaning of 7. Time is what God counts in sevens. So the 7 congregations of Revelation are successive in the Lord's day. They are:

Congregation of Revelation 2,3 Food of 5,000 President and Religion Presidential Period Faithful and Discreet Slave
Ephesus Loaf Watchtower under Russell  1875Iyyar21 - 1916Heshvan1 FDS3
Smyrna Loaf Watchtower under Rutherford  1916Tebbeth8 - 1941Tebbeth15 FDS3
Pergamum Loaf Watchtower under Knorr 1941Tebbeth20 - 1977Sivan20 FDS3
Thyatira Loaf Watchtower under Franz 1977Tammuz4 - 1992Chislev22 FDS3
Sardis Loaf Watchtower under Henschel  1992Chislev30 - 2002VeAdar12/13 FDS3
Philadelphia Fish Lords' Witnesses under Gordon  2000Elul16/Tishri16 - 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5 FDS4
Laodicea Fish JW-LWs under POL 2003Shebat21 - 2012Sivan14 in adamic Laodicea AND 2012Tammuz17 to 2017Elul10 in Abrahamic Laodicea, AND 2019Ab1 - 2019Adar16 in Reappointed Laodicea AND 2019Ab27 - 2023Tishri21 in Reverted Laodicea WSS



INCORRECT OLD: The Event and Word Symbolisms in table form are:

Man (3) of noble birth

Non adamic men of angelic birth: 
1. Gabriel
2. Jesus Christ 

Distant Land


Receive Kingdom (2) and return

1. Gabriel returns during Armageddon to become King over the water baptised in the Kingdom of God and appoint his sons with earthly administrative positions in the Kingdom. 
2. Jesus after the end of the Gentile Times [123], appointed Peter over the next 5 administrations of FDS3 (from heaven) and Russell was also appointed presumably under Peter.

Your/the Mina (4) 1. A congregation of water baptised Christians within FDS1 or FDS3
2. The entire congregation of spirit baptised Christians in a watch of FDS1 or FDS3
Minas (5) A congregation of water baptised Christians in FDS1 or FDS3

Slave (2)

1. Unsanctified presiding overseer of a congregation under FDS1 or FDS3
2. A president of FDS1 or FDS3 after his presidency ends. This is after his death, in the Kingdom of God (after 1914) in heaven for the two good slaves and after the fall of WSS2 for the wicked slave.

Slaves (2)

1. Unsanctified presiding overseers of congregations under FDS1 or FDS3
2. Presidents of FDS1 or FDS3.

10 Slaves

1. 10 unsanctified presiding overseers of congregations in FDS1 or FDS3
2. The 10 presidents of the 5 watches in both presences, of FDS1 and FDS3

10 Minas

1. The 10 water baptised congregations overseen by the 10 presiding overseers 
2. The 10 water baptised congregations at the beginning of each of the 10 watches of FDS1 & FDS3

Do business till I come

1. Gabriel comes to appoint the new Elijah at the start of FDS2 and FDS4, in the 5th watches of FDS1 and FDS3
2. Jesus comes in 5th watch of FDS1 and of FDS3 to appoint the new FDS2/4.


Citizens hated him

Members of the congregations hated the new king chosen by 
1. Gabriel when he comes through the next Elijah
2. Michael when he comes to appoint the next FDS. This king is Elijah2 the first president of FDS2 in the first presence and Elijah4, the first president of FDS4 in the second, so Michael and Gabriel pick the same king!! They are in union with each other, they know about team work.

Body of ambassadors sent out after him

1. and 2. During the 5th watch of FDS1 and FDS3 the appointment of the new FDS2/FDS4 is made known. Rather than accepting this new slave, the 5th watch reconstitutes itself as a group of Ambassadors not for Christ, but rather for themselves, like the political parties of the world. this group is WSS1 in the first presence and WSS2 in the second, it is a water baptised group until it is disfellowshipped becoming GNS1 and GNS2 - see [35]. Whereas Paul says:

20 We are therefore ambassadors substituting for Christ, as though God were making entreaty through us. As substitutes for Christ we beg: Become reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5).

We do not want this [one] to become king over us

Water baptised and sanctified brothers Gabriel's choices of Paul and Gordon or Michael's choices of Paul and Gordon. Which means that they want neither their father Gabriel (CRC) or their father Michael (ARC)

Silver Money (2)

1. Water baptised Christians. 
2. Second new covenant (Rachel) or 2nd New Covenant Helpers (Bilhah). The 2NC saints and the ELC saints are obviously sanctified second. Silver means 'second in time' in bible symbolism. 

First slave


10 minas gained (inclusive)

10 fold increase in first watch, 3k to 30k (water baptised), [proshrgasato, worked itself towards]

10 cities

10 watches, administrations, of FDS1 & FDS3. Peter has authority of them all from earth and from heaven.

Well done good slave

Peter was 1st president of FDS1

Second slave


5 minas made (inclusive)

5 fold increase in Russell's watch (water baptised), [epoihsen, made] 2,250 in 1895Tishri to 11,250 in 1916

5 Cities

5 watches of FDS3. Russell has authority over them all, from earth and from heaven.

No 'well done good slave'

FDS3 was appointed after Russell died. He lost the love he had at first for God. But he has regained it now, in heaven

Another one 1. A presiding overseer who during the 5th presidency of FDS1 (Jude) or the 5th presidency of FDS3 (Henschel), fails to put the water baptised Christians in a bank, in other words he fails to listen to the direction of the holy spirit as regards what to do with them, which direction is coming from the new FDS. He listens instead to the direction of the old fallen FDS. which is now the WSS. The point is that if you try and expand or teach your congregation without the help of the heavens, you will achieve nothing.
2. The 5th president of FDS3 (Henschel), who fails to put the 2NC saints in a bank, in other words he fails to listen to the direction of the holy spirit as regards what to do with them, which direction is coming from heaven through FDS4 and the scriptures.

Cloth [Soudarion]

Garment of death for Lazarus and Jesus, and birth garment for Jesus
1. The idolatrous Presiding overseer refused to allow his water baptised flock to join the new FDS and become sanctified, so he was keeping them in a death garment. 
2. Henschel hid the 2NC saints in a death garment, he failed to reveal that they were anointed.

Out of your own mouth I judge you wicked slave

1. Idolatrous presiding overseer who loves the slave more than the master of the slave. 
2. Henschel was the head of evil slave, judged out of his own mouth, so he was not sowed by Jesus, he was unsanctified, he was not anointed.

Take up what you did not deposit and reap what you did not sow

1. Gabriel takes up faithful brothers for water baptism, when their faith is deposited by Melchizedek not him. Likewise in the event symbolism he reaps brothers who Melchizedek has sown. 
2. Michael also takes up brothers for spirit baptism whose faith was deposited by Melchizedek, and he reaps where Melchizedek has sown.

Take the mina from him and Give it to him that has 10 minas

1. In the Kingdom of God on earth, give the faithful ones of the congregation to the best possible overseer. 
2. Peter from heaven is given control of those in WSS2 when it falls becoming GNS2. At that time he no longer has to direct the brother through a wicked slave, he can deal directly with them.

Slaughter them before me

1. and 2.  Armageddon, those in GNS2 are slaughtered before Gabriel and Michael. (This does not occur to those in GNS1 of course - but this slaughter is after the end of the Gentile Times, so it only relates to those in GNS2). The account in both symbolisms refers to both presences however.

Those standing by

1. Angels who rapture people at Armageddon. 
2. FDS4, ‘standing by’ means listening to heavenly instruction and, ready to put the Mina of Henschel, the remnant, back into a saved state, by water baptising them, giving them back to Peter with 10 minas, and Jesus, putting them in the bank.