13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. (Revelation 22 )
He has the first covenant, the and the last covenant the , the . And there are 24 salvation covenants, corresponding to the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet from Alpha to Omega. so the is the 24th salvation covenant.
During his ministry would only heal people with faith.
22 turned around and, noticing her, said: Take courage, daughter; your faith
has made you well. And from that hour the woman became well.
28 After he had gone into the house, the blind men came to him, and asked them: Do you have faith
that I can do this? They answered him: Yes, Lord.
29 Then he touched their eyes, saying: According to your faith
let it happen to you. (Matthew 9 )
But after his death, one could be saved by love alone, through the John Lennon Covenant, the ' love Covenant, the .
died as the validation sacrifice for the (the ) on 33Nisan14. From that point onwards one could be saved by love alone. For more on the John Lennon Covenant, the Brotherly Love Covenant, the Philadelphia Covenant, the Sheep and Goats covenant, the Good Samaritan Covenant, the ' Love Covenant, the , the Second Law Covenant. Because love is greater even than faith as declares in 1Corinthians 13:13 - please see Intro49.
13 Now, however, there remain faith, hope, love, these 3; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13 )
Benjamin was the brother of Joseph and was the second and last son of . So he represents group of Kings because was not a slave girl and Joseph Ephraim and Manasseh are all Kings. is the mother of Kings and is the mother of kings (these two women mean two covenants as would say at Galatians 3). We know that Benjamin is baptised in by the angels for 30 months of the parable of the sower from the marriage of Cana on 2020Heshvan25, veil lifting and marital supper day for the 4th marriage, when the water of the is turned into the wine of the - see U85, to 2023Iyyar25
16 Then they pulled away from Bethel. And while there was yet a good stretch of land before coming to Ephrath, proceeded to give birth, and it was going hard with her in making the delivery.
17 But so it was that while she had difficulty in making the delivery the midwife said to her: Do not be afraid, for you will have this son also.
18 And the result was that as her soul [vp,n< meaning breather. But then x;Wr Ruach means spirit or breath] was going out because she died she called his name Ben-oni [Son of Sorrow]; but his father called him Benjamin [son of the right hand].
19 Thus died and was buried on the way to Ephrath,
that is to say, Bethlehem.
20 Hence stationed a pillar over her grave. This is the pillar of 's grave down to this day. (Genesis 35 )
's Blessing for Benjamin
27 Benjamin will keep on tearing like a wolf. In the morning he will eat the animal seized and at evening he will divide spoil.
(Genesis 49 )
Moses' blessing for Benjamin:
12 As to Benjamin he said: Let the beloved one of reside in security by him, While he shelters him the whole day, And he must reside between his shoulders [Judah, the firstborn kingship right and Joseph, the firstborn land inheritance right - one more 'shoulder' of land than his brothers, through Ephraim and Manasseh]. (Deuteronomy 33 )
21 After that Israel said to Joseph: Look, I am dying,
but God will certainly continue with you people and return you to the land of your forefathers. ()
22 As for me, I do give you one shoulder [of land]
more than to your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorites by my sword and by my bow. (Genesis 48 )
13 And one from the crowd said to Him, Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.
14 But He said to him, Man, who appointed Me a judge or a divider over you? [who indeed] (Luke 12 )
11 And the lot of the tribe of the sons of Benjamin came up, according to their families, and the border of their lot went out between the sons of Judah and the sons of Joseph (Joshua 18 )
Benjamin is the tribe of the reserves. Just as Levi is the tribe of the reserves.
16 And the city lies foursquare [tetragwnoj] [rectangular literally of 4 angles, meaning of 4 equal angles], and its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed, 12,000 stadia; its length and breadth and height are equal [Each sealed saint completes one lap of the stadium, one time. He finishes his race, a stadium is his testing cricuit - Hebrews 12:1 - then we can fit 12,000 such races into the gate linearly along a reed before we hit the far wall in the case of each gate. So 12,000 sealed ones enter into each gate for each group of 144,000 kings which are baptised into 12 apostolic tribes. Then the vertical dimension of 1380 miles takes us 1080 miles into outer space. This is obviously an angelic count. The 12,000 vertically represent a tribe of s stacked up on top of each of the 12 gates. The 12,000 lengthwise and breadthwise represent the 12 tribes of s stacked horizontally. Since the city is foursquare but its height is equal to its length and its breadth, then it is in fact a cube, i.e. it is cubic with 12 edges of length 12,000 stadia, making 144,000 stadia. These must be the kings, the kings. It has 2 sets of 4 vertices. These are the 4x and 4x NC cornerstones. It has 4 vertical faces, representing the faces of the 4TCCs. It has one face on the ground representing the early law of all the Laodiceas. It has one face in the heavens, representing the heavenly law of the ark] (Revelation 21)
12 edges of 12,000 stadia: 12,000 sealed saints in 12 tribes of the s and of the s their sons
in the same tribes.
4 ground floor vertices: 4 cornerstone apostles
4 top floor vertices: 4 cornerstone apostles
12 gates at ground level: Entrance into the 12 tribes for s and s.
4 vertical faces: The faces of the 4 TCCs
1 face on the ground. The face of Laodicea, hidden.
1 face in the air: The face of the ark, hidden from the earth.
4 walls: The laws of the 4 FDSs. law to law
12 foundation stones, 1 under each gate. See U151#21.
Now, look! a certain legally-trained one rose up, to test him out, and said:
Teacher, by doing what shall I inherit everlasting
He said to him: What has been written in the Law? How do you read [it]?
In-answer he said: 'You must love [the]
out of your whole
heart and in your whole
soul and in your whole
strength and in your whole
and, 'Your neighbouring [one] as [wj] yourself.'
He said to him: You answered correctly; 'keep on doing this and you will live.'
But, the [one] wanting to prove himself righteous, said to : Who is my neighbouring [one]?
Taking up [with him]
A man,
a certain one,
was going down from
Jericho and fell among
robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted
blows, and went off,
leaving him half-dead.
Now, according to chance/coincidence,
a priest,
a certain one [2 contradictory substitutions appear to invalidate both double designations!]
was going down in that
but having seen him he passed-on-the-opposite-side.
And Likewise [omoiwj] also a Levite,
having come down to the
place and having seen [him], passed-on-the-opposite- side.
A Samaritan
but a certain one
[might be a double designation with a but in the middle?]
travelling came down upon him and having seen [him], was moved-with-pity.
So he approached him and bound up his wounds, pouring
olive-oil and
wine upon them.
And having mounted him upon his own
he brought him to an
[pandoceion] and took-care of him.
And upon the morrow [aurion adverb]
he took out 2 Denarii, gave them to the innkeeper
[pandoceuj], and said,
'Take care of him, and whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I come-back here.'
Good Samaritan Parable = 22 (2 threads - even though no noun is repeated).
Lord, God, Heart, , Strength, Mind, Man, Robbers, Blows, Chance, , Way, Levite,
Place, Samaritan, Wounds, Olive-oil, Wine, Beast, Inn, Denarii, Innkeeper = 22 (2 threads).
(When there are 2 threads but every word is invariant,
we basically have 2 fulfilments of the same thing. Except that in the event symbolism it is an example of neighbourly love and in the word symbolism it is about a true church becoming false and the rescue of the faithful by the Love Covenant (the )
Who of these 3 seems to you to have become a neighboring [one] of the [one]
having fallen into the robbers?
37 And the [one] said: The [one]
having done the mercy
with him. And
said to him: Go and you do the likewise [omoiwj].
= 7 (1 thread).
Teacher, Life, Law, (3),
Mercy = 5
Luke 10:25-37 is not parallel.
29 But, wanting to prove himself righteous, the man said to : Who really is my neighbour?
30 In reply said: A certain man [a son of the ] was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho [moon city] [in a true church which became false] and fell among robbers, who both stripped him [of his priesthood] and inflicted blows [to his faith], and went off, leaving him half-dead [hmiqanhj]
[A son of the lacking the faith to be sealed. But there is a second option for him, a second chance to escape death.
For you only live twice Mr Bond. That is why he is only half dead]
31 Now, by coincidence, a certain priest [member of the Laodicean administration] was going down over that road [of testing],
but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side [the side, rather than the side]
32 Likewise, a Levite [Laodicean saint not in the administration] also, when he got down to the place [of testing] and saw him, went by on the opposite side [the side rather than the side].
33 But a certain Samaritan [an unsanctified Laodicean, Samaritans to the s] travelling the road [of testing] came upon him and, at seeing him, he was moved with pity.
34 So he approached him and bound up his wounds [restored his faith], pouring oil and wine upon them [provided both priests and saints to heal him]. Then he mounted him upon his own beast [adamic Laodicea]
and brought him to an inn [where he could rest and sleep for the night when he would become , a church,
Laodicea] and took care of him.
35 And the next day he took out 2 denarii [One baptism from the descended Russell for reappointed Laodicea and one stolen baptism for reverted Laodicea], gave them [into the care of] to the innkeeper [the administrations of reappointed Laodicean and
reverted Laodicea - seems to be the same group], and said, 'Take care of him,
and whatever you spend besides this [Hebron,
ark based Laodicea?], I will give back to you when I come back here [Laodiceans AGAIN get a baptism from . That is when the returns to them for the 3rd and final time after the two
36 Who of these 3 seems to you to have made himself neighbour to the man that fell among the robbers? [a witness to 3x of reappointed Laodicea, reverted Laodicea and Abrahamic
37 He said: The one that acted mercifully toward him.
then said to him: Go your way and be doing the same yourself (Luke 10 ).
So a typical one of the 144,000 kingdoms in the would have the following administrative structure...
12 Dukes
100 Lords
Josephic King over s and s
12 Dukes
100 Lords
120,000 s and s max
Judah got the firstborn Kingship rights. Levi got the firstborn priesthood rights. Joseph got the firstborn land inheritance rights.
would not have advised people to be good Samaritans if there was not a salvation reward for such works of love.
God will not split up families
If you die in the before Pentecost on 33Sivan5, when the ransom occurred ending the then you are resurrected into Eden2.
If you die in the after the Pentecost on 33Sivan5 and are under 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning and unmarried then you are resurrected to Eden2
If you die in the after the Pentecost on 33Sivan5 and are are under 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning but married then you are resurrected to Eden3 (the)
If you die in the after the Pentecost on 33Sivan5 and are are 20 years old or more by Hebrew reckoning then you are resurrected to Eden3 (the)
The saints are resurrected on the 3rd day to Eden 2 if they died before 33Sivan5
The saints who lived past 33Sivan5 do not die at all but simply expire or EX SPIRE (their spirit goes out into their angel). They are raptured into their angels. These carry them instantly into their human bodies in the ark, where they ascend up the 30 steps of 's ladder into heaven - we think.