[49] The Brotherly Love Covenant, The Philadelphia Covenant, The Omega Covenant (OMC), The 2nd Law Covenant (2LC), The John Lennon Covenant (JLC), Jesus' Love Covenant

6 As He also says in another [place], "You [are] a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek," [Psa. 110:4]
7 who in the days of His flesh [was] offering both petitions and entreaties to Him being able to save Him from death, with strong crying and tears, and being heard from [His] godly fear;
8 though being a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered
9 and having been perfected, He came to be [the] Author of eternal salvation to all the [ones] obeying him [Jesus],
10 having been called out by God [as] a High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 5 GLT)

Jesus is the master mediator of the ARC whereas Melchizedek is the master mediator of the FRC. What Melchizedek is to the citizens of the Kingdom, Jesus is to the administrators of the kingdom (the kings and the lords). But Jesus is also has his own testing covenant for citizens who do mot possess the faith of Abraham, the Brotherly Love Covenant, the Philadelphia Covenant, the OMC, the 2LC, the JLC.

Only after Jesus was perfected - i.e. became divine. Only then did he get the wedding gift for mediating the 2nd Holy Spirit covenant, which was everlasting angelic life. So was able to offer everlasting salvation to those obeying him, obeying Jesus

22 He gave to all of them, to each one, changes of mantles [non adamic body changes]. And he gave to Benjamin 300 [pieces] of silver, and 5 changes of mantles [5 non adamic body changes]. (Genesis 45 LWT)

Benjamin goes from Adamic or Cainian to: Abrahamic (240 year), Isaaic (240 year), Noahic (960 year upon ark entry), Methuselaian ( year non ageing), Methuselaian reverse ageing from 2036Tishri14, the Gentile Call to Abraham in Hades, the Reverse Ageing Passover)
FRCs go from Adamic or Cainian to: Abrahamic (240 year), Adamic (960 year), Melchizedaic ( year non ageing), Melchizedaic reverse ageing from 2036Tishri14, the Gentile Call to Abraham in Hades, the Reverse Ageing Passover)
OMCs go from Adamic or Cainian to: Yeshuaian (120 year), Adamic (960 year), Melchizedaic ( year non ageing), Melchizedaic reverse ageing from 2036Tishri14, the Gentile Call to Abraham in Hades, the Reverse Ageing Passover)
CRCs go from Adamic or Cainian to: Abrahamic (240 year), Isaaic (240 year), Noahic (960 year upon ark entry), Methuselaian ( year non ageing), Methuselaian reverse ageing from 2036Tishri14, the Gentile Call to Abraham in Hades, the Reverse Ageing Passover) 

Everyone just proceeds up their salvation covenant tree to the Master Mediator at the top, through their system mediator and the blessing mediator - See the Covenant Chart. We all get 4/ 5 changes of mantles it seems.

1ACs enter into the South Outer Gate of Ezekiel's temple - see U267, by Faith and are tested in the outer courtyard where they must keep their faith and not defile the law of their conscience. They must exhibit faith perfected works of conscience. If they pass this salvation test, then they are sealed into the FRC when they go through the South Inner Gate into the inner courtyard for Kingdom citizens

OMCs enter into the South Outer Gate by Love and are tested in the outer courtyard where they must keep their love and not defile the law of their conscience. They must exhibit love perfected works of conscience. If they pass this salvation test, then they are sealed into the LRC when they go through the South Inner Gate into the inner courtyard for Kingdom citizens

Those in the OMC have Jesus as their immediate covenant father. Therefore they become non adamic Yeshuaian in Zoar. That is a form of being Abrahamic. Because Jesus was THE promised seed of Abraham

40 In reply the other rebuked him and said: Do you not fear God at all, now that you are in the same judgment [the same sentence under the Mosaic law of Caiaphas & Roman law of Pilate] [the same salvation status]? (Luke 23)

The OMC and the 1AC are not the same salvation covenant. But since Jesus (Yeshua) was the promised seed of Abraham, a son of Yeshua is a son of Abraham. So the two covenants are equivalent in salvation effect. Likewise the LRC is not the FRC. But a son of the LRC has the same salvation status as a son of the FRC, both of them are in the same salvation judgement, in the words of the 1AC robber to the OMC robber.

So the blessing of the FRC (a reverse ageing Melchizedaic body in the Kingdom of God) IS the blessing of the LRC. That is their equivalence in salvation status. But the one sealing is through faith and the other sealing is through love. 

Yeshua ransoms Adam and makes Yeshuaian covenant sons due to their LOVE. These sons are the seed of Abraham because Jesus was THE promised seed of Abraham

So a Yeshuaian is a son of Jesus who is a son of Abraham. Abraham is the father by FAITH. But Jesus is the father by LOVE. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. 
The faithful robber had faith and was sealed by it. The faithless robber is also saved in the greater meaning (save yourself AND US). But in his case by love, not by faith.

If you help a 1AC or an OMC under mark testing who is denied food, clothing, healthcare, freedom, drink, hospitality. Then you are entered into the OMC and get helped into the true church. Then if you yourself refuse the Mark and keep your love, you enter into the LRC. But there was only one South outer gate and only one South inner gate to the temple of Ezekiel. Therefore the gates of Faith ARE the gates of Love. 
Jesus' Love Covenant w as prophesied by a certain Beatle, who wrote ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. 4 Gospels distilled into 5 words. In honour of those words of wisdom we also call it the John Lennon Covenant. 

The Lords Witnesses are Zoar and the church of Philadelphia, appointed after the 5th Watchtower president and before the church of Laodicea. We are the church of Brotherly Love (the meaning of Philadelphia) and so Jesus revealed to us his covenant of Brotherly Love, his Philadelphia Covenant, his 2nd Law Covenant, his John Lennon Covenant, the 24th and last salvation covenant between God and man for this system, the Omega Covenant

38 There was also an inscription over him: This is the king of the Jews.
39 But one of the hung evildoers began to say blaspheming him: Are you not the Christ? Save yourself AND US [unfulfilled hypothetical command. Jesus was a God at this time because he had no capability to jump off the stake - the test was passed when he was nailed to it. Only a God can be blasphemed. Blasphemy is taking God's glory for oneself].
40 In reply the other rebuked him and said: Do you not fear God at all, now that you are in the same judgment [the same sentence under the Mosaic law of Caiaphas & Roman law of Pilate] [the same salvation status]?
41 And we, indeed, justly so, for we are receiving in full what we deserve for things we did; but this [man] did nothing out of the way.
42 And he went on to say: Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom.
43 And he said to him: Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise. (Luke 23 LWT adapted from the NWT)

Save yourself and us must be fulfilled. So the abusive evildoer is to be saved. so he is in a salvation covenant. He is a JLC who does not fear God at all. He does not have the 1st law. But he is in the same judgement as the Christ and as the faithful evildoer who is a 1AC. So they are all being tested for the same sealing covenant blessing, a Melchizedaic Kingdom body. 

Jesus was being tested to be the mediator of the JLC and to be a God. The faithless robber was being tested under the BLC to be sealed into the LRC. The faithful robber was being tested under the 1AC to be sealed into the FRC.
The faithful evildoer first of all shows love for Jesus by stopping him being abused by his counterpart. But his love is due to fear of God. So it is 1st law love. 
Then he repents cleansing his conscience and recognises the perfection of the Christ. So he enters into the 1AC
Then he says remember me when you get into your Kingdom. That is him showing faith under test, and entering the FRC
Jesus saying: Truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise. That is saying you are in the FRC.

Now most Christians imagine that the faithful robber did better than the absuive robber that day. But they are wrong (we would suggest). For the faithful robber did not say:

Remember US when you get into your kingdom. He said: Remember ME. Whereas the Lord's prayer says: Forgive US our trespasses. It does not say: Forgive me my trespasses.
Whereas the faithless robber said: If you are the Christ save yourself and US. He did not say: Save yourself and ME. He, although faithless, was batting for everyone crucified by this world. That is love. 

Tell me dear reader what does the Lord's prayer say? Is it
Give ME this day MY daily bread
And forgive ME MY trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against ME
And lead ME not into temptation and deliver ME from evil?

Is that what it says, oh great and faithful worshipper of the two true Gods?

So truly you are being told today. The faithless blaspheming robber who got the same billing as Jesus Christ on 33Nisan14, and was in the same judgement as him, WILL BE WITH HIM IN PARADISE, by virtue of the JLC and the LRC. For what does the famous scripture say about faith and about love?

13 Now, however, there remain faith [1AC], hope [ICC], love [JLC], these 3; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13 NWT)

So love is greater than faith. So if faith can save you then more so can love save you. 

Those with faith are sons of the 1AC, tested as to faith under the law of their conscience, then sealed into the FRC 
Those with hope (knowing what God is offering them) are sons of the ICC, water baptised, tested as to faith under the law of the church, then sealed into the CRC
Those with love are sons of the JLC, tested as to love, under the law of their conscience, then sealed into the LRC

It was Paul to whom God chose to reveal the supremacy of love...

1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but do not have love, I have become a sounding [piece of] brass or a clashing cymbal.
2 And if I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
3 And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not have love, I am not profited at all. (1 Corinthians 13 NWT)

So you can be saved by love in the absence of faith. But you cannot be saved by faith in the absence of love.

Jesus started curing people. So if you love people you will go and see Jesus cure them. When you see the cure you are given faith because you had love. That is the journey from the JLC into the 1AC. Jesus' ministry was that journey. If they showed Jesus their love for man, by coming to see him help their brothers. Then he would respond by giving them the faith they needed for salvation. So his ministry was the process of converting those who obeyed the 2nd law into those who obeyed the 1st law as well.

Jesus merely had to give his body to God (not under a death sentence), into order to establish the JLC. So he had to obey the law of Moses only in so far as not incurring the death penalty, for the JLC.
However to become a God and pass the divinity test, he had to obey the entire law of Moses and not sin at all during his ministry. 

15 For we have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin. (Hebrews 4 NWT)

The BLC is witnessed to by the parable of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 - see U902, wherein nobody is saved by faith. The sole cause of salvation is love. Likewise the parable of the good Samaritan shows that love for fellowman makes one just as righteous as a priest (who one imagines is saved) - see U218.

We call the JLC the Omega Covenant (OMC) since it is the last of the 24 salvation covenants represented by the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet. and since Jesus describes himself as the alpha and the omega in the last chapter of Revelation. He has the one that saved first and was made first (the ARC) and the one the saves last (the JLC).

12 'Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is.
13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. (Revelation 22 NWT)

During his ministry Jesus would only heal people with faith. 

22 Jesus turned around and, noticing her, said: Take courage, daughter; your faith has made you well. And from that hour the woman became well.
28 After he had gone into the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus asked them: Do you have faith that I can do this? They answered him: Yes, Lord.
29 Then he touched their eyes, saying: According to your faith let it happen to you. (Matthew 9 NWT)

But after his death, one could be saved by love alone, through the John Lennon Covenant (all you need is love).

16 For I am not ashamed of the good news; it is, in fact, God's power for salvation to everyone having faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek; (Romans 1 NWT)

The greater Jew is tested by faith. The greater Greek is tested by love

But still the faithful repentant robber was more righteous than the faithless blaspheming but loving robber, for the 1st law (loving God) is greater than the 2nd (loving man). But EITHER ONE of the two laws is sufficient for salvation. You can be saved with love and no faith or with faith and no brotherly love. But you cannot be saved with neither. If you want to be saved you must either love God or man or both. If you love nobody, you do not qualify for a game in the thousand year Kingdom of love.