THE TRUE BIBLE CODE: Every Bible Account Has 1 Literal or Symbolic Meaning And 0-4 Extra Noun Symbolic Meanings Each of Which Has 1 or 2 Fulfilments
Thursday March 27 2025 (Gregorian GMT)
2024 VeAdar 22 until sunset (Biblical Lunar)

[234] The Entire Timeline of Time from before the Big Bang to the end of the Light Universe and a Brief History of the Universe: The Monrose Hypothesis: 
Literally the Greatest Scientific Discovery of all time. Because it is the discovery of all of causal time.


"Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night, God said: Let Newton be, and all was light." - Alexander Pope

There are 3 threads to Genesis1 depicted above...

1. The the dark universe (angelic universe) thread, which has 7x 7500 year long creative nights from 192,327Chislev14 BC to 139,827Chislev14 BC
2. The light universe (physical universe) thread, which has 7x 26,060.060606 year long creative days from 147,327Chislev14 BC to 22,068Heshvan22
3. The salvation universe thread, which has 7x 1000 year long recreative days from 3968Nisan14 BC to 3033Nisan14 AD. The 1,000 year Kingdom of God is the 7th recreative millennial day from 2033Nisan14 to 3033Nisan14 AD

The statement 'let there be light' in the light universe thread of Genesis1 was the big bang, the start of the light universe. Lucifer (who later became Satan) made that statement on behalf of God and God created the light universe through Lucifer. But he created it for Michael, who was born at the big bang, because he was the that light from a judicial and a spiritual and a metaphorical perspective (Jeff's understanding). 

5 Whenever in the cosmos/world I may be, light I am of the cosmos/world. (John 9 LWT)

12 Again therefore to them spoke the Jesus saying I am the light of the cosmos/world; the (one) following to me not not should walk about in the darkness, but he will have the light of the life. (John 8 KIT)

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1 NWT)

This has 2 meanings (at least). Michael was the first born after the Big Bang, the first born of/with/for the light universe. God knew that Michael would become the first begotten God of John1. Hence he created the light universe just before Michael was born. The light universe was his playpen. But Michael also became the firstborn God.

Satan was the firstborn angel and the firstborn of the dark universe.
Michael was the firstborn of the light universe and the firstborn God. 

Michael is to light what Satan was to darkness. And now we can finally understand the first verse of John1.

1 In beginning was the Word, and the Word was toward the God, and God was the Word. (John 1 KIT)

Michael and Angelic salvational law (both 'the word') came into existence at the big bang, which was the beginning of the light universe.

Michael sided with God when Satan was against both God and Adam at the beginning of this world. God John1 is gnostic referring to several beginnings. 

1 In beginning [of light space time] was the Word [Angelic salvational law and the birth of the angel Michael], and the Word was toward the God [through the ARC which was the beginning of this world after Adam sinned], and a God was the Word [because the ARC was a contract upon divinity for Michael AND because angelic salvational law introduce the full righteousness of God, his character, to the angels] (John 1 KIT).

God created the world of the light universe for Michael. Because he knew in advance that Michael would give his angelic life in order create the world in which we now live, and in order to save us all angelically.

John is describing both angelic and human salvation in the same set of words. The Word of God to the angels was his law to them. The word of God to humans was Jesus Christ. But the sacrifice of Jesus was both human and angelic and saves both man and the angels. So the salvation of both life forms, both types of soul, was combined in one Jesus Christ. 

The speed of light is known to be a constant, some 300,000 km/s. If there is no God then it has always taken this value from the Big Bang until today, and it is a fundamental constant. But both Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein believed that there was a God. So let us, for an instant, suppose that they were correct not only in their formulations of the laws which govern the universe, but also in their belief that such laws were the work of a law maker, a creator with intelligence, the creator of our intelligence, the God of the bible. 

If this is the case then it was God who set the speed of light at 300,000 km/s. With this is mind, let us now look at Genesis chapter 1. We find that on the first creative day of the seven, which was more of an epoch than a 'day', God said: Let there be light. And he said this after observing that there was darkness on the surface of the watery deep. In other words he said it after he had created the planet earth in the literal meaning of the chapter.

1 In [the] beginning God cut/created namely the heavens and namely the earth.
2 And the earth was waste and empty and darkness upon faces of [the] wave/deep; and spirit of God [was] cherishing upon faces of waters.
3 And God said: Let there be light. And light came to be.
4 And God saw that namely the light was good, and God made a division between the light and the darkness. (Genesis 1 LWT)

But we know that light existed from the start of the Big Bang, which was obviously before the creation of the earth. So verse3 occurred before verse2. But both occurred in the same creative day, the 1st one. Light existed from the Big Bang, but it did not penetrate through to the surface of the waters on the earth during the first creative day. 

Whereas the 7th creative day that we are now in, we understand that we are penned in like sheep in this solar system by the speed of light. The nearest star is 4 light years away, and the Milky Way is 100,000 light years across, so realistically we are being prohibited from visiting other stars by the current speed of light. But would the God, who we presume exists, after the presumptions of both of the fathers of the laws of motion of bodies in space, frustrate us indefinitely, by showing us millions of stars and yet setting a speed of light which prevented us from reaching them?

Or would he not rather inspire us by presenting us with a taste of his awesome creativity through what we can see of this great universe in order to give us something to aim at, whilst we are learning about his laws for us? And then once we have grasped the importance of his human laws and ceased being a danger to ourselves and to any other present or future inhabitants of the universe, would he not then release us, perhaps just as far as the Milky Way at first by increasing the speed of light, a constant which acts rather like the traffic police? 

Let us be absolutely clear about this. The bible explicitly states that God recreated light on the first creative day. And we are deducing, from a knowledge of his character, that he will speed light up at some time in the future, but this is not explicitly stated in the bible as far as we are aware. However God is the one who said to Abraham:

He now brought him outside and said: Look up, please, to the heavens and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them. And he went on to say to him: So your seed will become (Genesis 15:5).
Uncountable heavenly seed, yes, angels yes, for the stars prefigure the angels in bible symbolism:

Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth?
Tell [me], if you do know understanding.
Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched out upon it the measuring line?
Into what have its socket pedestals been sunk down, Or who laid its cornerstone,
When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause?
(Job 38:4-7).

But Abraham's seed may also colonize the physical stars, so that one day in the future, when Abraham who will be resurrected into the Kingdom of God as a human in our understanding, looks up to the heavens again, his seed will not only be those stars in the symbolic meaning, but will also inhabit them in the literal meaning.

But if God resets the speed of light both on day 1 and on day 7 , then might he not have reset it on days 2,3,4,5,6 as well? In fact how could a God who has presided over the most incredibly dynamic seventh day, in which man has moved from a tent dwelling prehistoric illiterate into a computerised nuclear whiz kid with interstellar pretensions, and all this in his day of rest ?!? How could such a God have sat around for 3 million years waiting for Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Archaic Homo Sapiens Neanderthal man and Modern Homo Sapiens (sometimes called Homo Sapiens to domesticate the sheep? Something that we finally achieved around 7,000 BC according to the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution: Here Dolly, nice Dolly ! Well the scripture actually says:

And God began calling the light, day (Genesis 1:5).

In other words for 'day' read 'light'. But then we read:

And there came to be evening and there came to be morning an nth day

Where n = 1,2,3,4,5,6 but not 7.

But God by his earlier admission is calling light 'day', so in fact, what was happening was:

And there came to be evening and there came to be morning an nth light

Spelling this out:

And there came to be evening and there came to be morning a 1st light
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning a 2nd light
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning a 3rd light
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning a 4th light
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning a 5th light
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning a 6th light

How can there be an 'evening' and a morning' (the Hebrew day has the evening first) in a 'day' which lasts for thousands of years? Well, the answer is that the type or speed of light that existed at the end of the 'day' did not exist at the beginning, so that there was a darkness in that type or speed of light. In fact half way through each day, when the darkness ended and the light began, there was a new type of light created. Could this be the origin of the 7 lamps of the lampstand in the temple?

And you must make a lampstand of pure gold. Of hammered work the lampstand is to be made. Its base, its branches, its cups, its knobs and its blossoms are to proceed out from it.
And six branches are running out from its sides, three branches of the lampstand from its one side and three branches of the lampstand from its other side.
And you must make seven lamps for it; and the lamps must be lit up, and they must shine upon the area in front of it
(Exodus 25:31-37).

So now we are in a position to state the Monrose hypothesis:

The Monrose Hypothesis

In each creative day God changes the speed of light.

So here it is: A Brief History of Light.

We would love to know whether the new initial speed of light, which we propose below, the light of the first day,  would actually account for the amount of matter or background radiation or whatever there is left over from the Big Bang in the universe. This concept was hypothesised by Bevelyn Monrose on Saturday morning at around 3am 22nd July 2000. Her observation was that some days at work passed quickly and other seemed to take forever. So she wondered whether God had a mechanism for speeding up or slowing down time .

Now we deduce the initial differing speeds of light in each creative day from the bible

Each light universe creative day is 26060.60606060 years (26060 and 20/33 years) long see code#c39

There is a bible account were God slowed down, actually stopped time:

12 It was then that Joshua proceeded to speak to Jehovah on the day of Jehovah's abandoning the Amorites to the sons of Israel, and he went on to say before the eyes of Israel: Sun, be motionless over Gibeon, And, moon, over the low plain of Aijalon. (NWT)
13 Accordingly the sun kept motionless, and the moon did stand still, until the nation could take vengeance on its enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun kept standing still in the middle of the heavens and did not hasten to set for about a whole day. (NWT)
14 And no day has proved to be like that one, either before it or after it, in that Jehovah listened to the voice of a man, for Jehovah himself was fighting for Israel. (Joshua 10 NWT)

It is as if God has a fast forward button, or a slow motion button which we shall see amounts to a variation in the speed of light.

17 Every giving good and every thing given perfect from upward it is, stepping down from the Father of the lights, beside whom not there is alternating beside (parallax) as [not or] of/with [implied meta] turning [a] cast shadow. (James 1 KIT)
17 pasa dosij agaqh kai pan dwrhma teleion anwqen estin katabainon apo tou patroj twn fwtwn par w ouk eni parallagh h trophj aposkiasma (James 1 Ephraemi Rescriptus Original codex)

Yes. The father of lights (plural). Not the father of light. And there is no alternating with him as there is with a cast shadow in a light field. There is obviously a variation in shadow with light depending upon the movement of objects in its path. But we take this as an alternating/exchanging/swapping in the speed of light itself. So James is saying that God is a constant but the speed of light alternates.

There are 3 scriptures which compare light to God's garment...

1 Bless Jehovah, O my soul. O Jehovah my God, thou art very great; Thou art clothed with honor and majesty: (ASV)
1 Bless Jehovah, Oh my soul. Oh Jehovah my God, you have proved very great. With dignity and splendor you have clothed yourself, (NWT)
1 (she) must kneel down breather of + me namely + Jehovah Jehovah Elohim of + me wrested strength ? and + ornament put on (WLCi)
2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment; Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain; (Psalms 104 ASV)
2 Enwrapping yourself with light as with a garment, Stretching out the heavens like a tent cloth, (Psalms 104 NWT)
2 covering (one) over + light as/like + the + garment stretching (one) out heavens as/like + the + veil (Psalms 104 WLCi)

So there is the expanding universe recorded 3000 years ago.

God is the one who decided that the present speed of light is 300,000 km/s. Now would the true God only have one garment in his wardrobe?? We think not and neither does Job or Paul...

18 By [God's] great force is my garment disfigured; It bindeth me about as the collar of my coat. (Job 30 ASV)
18 By the abundance of power my garment takes on a change; Like the collar of my long garment it engirdles me. (Job 30 NWT)
18 in/at + multitude of + strength will search (self) for garment of + me as/like + mouth of tunic of + me will bind around + me (Job 30 WLCi):

10 and you according to beginnings [PLURAL: Of the dark universe for the angels AND the light universe for the humans], Lord, the earth you founded, and works of the hands of you are the heavens
10 kai su kat arcaj kurie thn ghn eqemeliwsaj kai erga twn ceirwn sou eisin oi ouranoi (Hebrews 1 Vatican B Original)
11 They will destroy themselves, you but you are remaining through; and all as outer garment will be made old
12 and as if thing thrown about you will wrap up them, as outer garment and they will be altered; you but the very (one) are, and the years of you not will leave out. (Hebrews 1 KIT)

There are 2 time substitution scriptures in the bible that we are aware of which mention the viewpoint of the Lord or Jehovah. These are

8 One but this (thing) not let it be lying hidden to you, loved (ones), that one day beside Lord as thousand years and thousand years as day one. (2 Peter 3 KIT)
8 en de touto mh lanqanetw umaj agaphtoi oti mia hmera para kuriou wj cilia eth wj hmera mia (2 Peter 3 Sinaiticus Original codex)
8 en de touto mh lanqanetw umaj agaphtoi oti mia hmera para kuriw wj ceilia eth kai cilia eth wj hmera mia (2 Peter 3 Alexandrinus Original codex)
8 en de touto mh lanqanetw umaj agaphtoi oti mia hmera para kuriw wj ceilia eth kai ceilia eth wj hmera mia (2 Peter 3 Vatican B Original codex)
8 en de touto mh lanqanetw hmaj agaphtoi oti mia hmera para kuriw wj ceilia eth kai ceilia eth wj hmera mia (2 Peter 3 Ephraemi Rescriptus Original codex)

2 Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. (ASV)
2 Before the mountains themselves were born, Or you proceeded to bring forth as with labor pains the earth and the productive land, Even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God. (NWT)
2 in/at + previously Mountains was brought forth and + twisted Earth and + fertile earth and + from + hidden time until + hidden time THOU strong (WLCi)
3 Thou turnest man to destruction, And sayest, Return, ye children of men. (ASV)
3 You make mortal man go back to crushed matter, And you say: Go back, you sons of men. (NWT)
3 will cause to turn about man until + very much crushed and + said (they) must turn about sons of + son (WLCi)
4 For a thousand years in thy sight Are but as yesterday when it is past, And as a watch in the night. (ASV)
4 For 1,000 years are in your eyes but as yesterday when it is past, And as a watch during the night. (NWT)
4 For 1,000 years [are] in your eyes as day of before/yesterday that passes over, and [as a] watch in the night. (LWT)
4 that/because thousand of years in/at + eyes (d) of + you (s) as/like + day of yesterday that/because passes over and + watch in/at + the + night (WLCi)
5 Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: In the morning they are like grass which groweth up. (ASV)
5 You have swept them away; they become a mere sleep; In the morning [they are] just like green grass that changes. (NWT)
5 gushed + them sleep will be in/at + the + morning as/like + the + fence will slip (WLCi)
6 In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; In the evening it is cut down, and withereth. (Psalms 90 ASV)
6 In the morning it puts forth blossoms and must change; At evening it withers and certainly dries up. (Psalms 90 NWT)
6 in/at + the + morning will bloom and + will slip to/for + the + evening will speak and + will be dried up (Psalms 90 WLCi)

This one mentions God's creations and mentions evening and morning like Genesis1. 

Since 1000 years is as Yesterday that passes over (1x.2x=2x) in God's 2 eyes. He must see the substitution 1000 years is 2 days twice.
Since 1000 years is as a watch in the night (of which there were 4 according to Mark13:35. So a watch in the night is 4x) in God's 2 eyes. He must see the substitution 1000 years is 4 days twice.
Since 1 day with God is as a 1000 years and a 1000 years as 1 day. The substitution 1000 years is 1 day occurs twice.

And we must alternate these substitutions (James 1:17). So that the the speed of light changes in each creative day (Genesis 1: A first to a 7th day being a first to a 7th light)

So we have 360,000c, 360,000c, 180,000c, 180,000c, 90,000c, 90,000c, c for the 7 creative days. But each day must be different and the speed must alternate. 

We also have the principle that the first will be last -so the speed of light upon the Sabbath, the 7th creative day, the last of the week of Genesis1, is the same as the speed in the first creative day. And God will eventually permit us to colonise the  entire universe after we get our morality correct.. So there are 2 solutions which have a different speed of light for each day of the 1st creative week...

360,000c, 180,000c, 90,000c, 180,000c, 90,000c, c, 360,000c
360,000c, 90,000c, 180,000c, 90,000c, 180,000c, c, 360,000c

We choose: 360kc, 180kc, 90kc, 180kc, 90kc, c, 360kc, because this mirrors the dividing in two of Adam's max lifespan from 960 to 480 to 240 to 120 years that we presently suffer from. And God's creative M.O. does not change.

For sure God really limited us with the present speed of light. The average speed before the morning of the 6th creative day was 180,000x faster. On that basis we could colonise the galaxy in no time.

The 4 speeds of Light are: c, 90kc, 180kc, 360kc and the 4 speeds of Darkness are 4c, 360kc, 720kc and 1,440kc

Why do we call a day plus a night a 'day'? We could equally well call it a night. Presumably we do this because God called an evening and a morning a 'day' in Genesis1 and because humans are generally creatures of the day, rather than the night when we sleep. God called the light day and the darkness he called night. So the light universe has creative days (an evening followed by a morning) and the Dark universe has creative nights (a morning followed by an evening). I always thought that the morning should come first!

But just as night follows day and as day follows night, so the dark universe follows the light universe and the light universe follows the dark universe. The two universes are not independent of each other. They are compliments of one another. And the equation that relates them is articulated in Psalm 90 as follows...

4 For 1,000 years [are] in your eyes as day of before/ yesterday that passes over, and [as a] watch in the night. (LWT)

So a millennium is both a day and is a quarter of a night. A watch in the night counts as 4x (being one out of 4) when used as a comparison. But when used to determine the length of a night, we see that you can fit 4 days in 1 night and a day is as 1,000 years. So a night is as 4000 years in God's eyes. This is a substitution of 1 for 1,440,000, rather than the 1 for 360,000 substitution we used for the first speed of light in the light universe. Now since these two universes follow each other, and since day and night follow each other, we deduce that the speeds of darkness in the 7 angelic creative nights are 4x the speeds of light in the 7 human creative days. 

So we interpret a watch in the night as 4x (1 out of 4) when using it to define a creative day substitution. And we interpret it as a quarter of a night when using it to define a creative night substitution. In the light universe Einstein deduced that

E = mc2

E = Energy,  m = mass , c = the speed of Light (presently 3x 105 km/s)

Now that we know the relationship between the speed of light and the speed of darkness we can state the dark equivalent of Einstein's masterpiece.

 E  d2 = 16  c2

 E  = Dark Energy,  = Dark mass, d = The speed of Darkness  

So there is 16x more Dark Energy than there is Light Energy per unit of mass. That might be measurable. 

Solomon says there is a Time for Everything

1 To/For the all/every/any an appointed time [1x for the length of the entire human experience +1x for the time], and a time for any/every desire under the heavens [3x.(1x+3x+1x) = 15x]:
2 a time for birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot what was planted; [4x]
3 a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build; [4x]
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to wail and a time to skip about; [4x]
5 a time to throw stones away and a time to bring stones together; a time to embrace and a time to keep far away from embracing; [3x+3x+1x+1x = 8x]
6 a time to seek and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to throw away; [4x]
7 a time to rip apart and a time to sew together; a time to keep quiet and a time to speak;[1x+2x+1x+1x=5x. We divide 1 thing we join 2 things]
8 a time to love and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace.[4x]  (Ecclesiastes 3 NWT)

There is a time for battle = 2x because time is a noun and battle is a noun. so we have two things, two nouns
A time of battle = 1x because time of battle is a construct noun chain in Hebrew. So battle is a noun acting as an adjective (a Hebrew descriptive genitive describing the time)
A time to make war = 1x because to make war is a verb.

The meaning of this scripture is that the scriptures have encoded within them the chronology for everything to which they refer.

Total = 2x+15x+4x+4x+4x+8x+4x+5x+4x = 50x. This should most definitely be 50 for the Jubilee count. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is telling us that the WHOLE DEAL takes 50 times. So the temporal length of the 4D space-time universe is 50 creative days.

That is the Monrose hypothesis. Essentially God slowed down the initial speed of light from 360,000c to c in order to imprison mankind in this solar system. So that we do not screw up the rest of the galaxy. 

Now 'Adam' (by which we mean Adam and his sons) has the length of his 'garment of skin', his fleshly body, changed 3 times, before the Kingdom of God, from 960 year max, to 480 year max, then to 240 year max and finally to 120 year max at the time of Moses, a limit which still pertains today - see U235. So Adam had four finite length, maximum lifespans, to his garment of skin. But Adam was a son of God, and he was made in God's image, so it is not unreasonable to suppose that God likewise has 4 finite speeds to his garments of light. We are deducing that there have been 4 speeds of light in total.

Spelling this out Adam (who in bible terms is identified with his offspring, and so is 'Adam and his sons') had an original garment of skin made by God himself at his eviction from Eden which lasted 960 years:

And Jehovah God proceeded to make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife and to clothe them (Genesis 3:21).

The literal meaning of this was that God make Adam and Eve some clothes out of animal skins. The symbolic meaning is that God recreated his and her bodies to be ageing and to have large maximum lifespans. Later, after the flood, he got a 480 year one. Then, in the days of Peleg and the confusion of the languages at Babel, he got a 240 year one. Then he got a 120 year one and in the kingdom of God we (we are Adam's sons) go back to actually the indefinitely lasting one that he had before he sinned. But since the kingdom only lasts for 1,000 years we may not wear this garment indefinitely - who knows. Likewise in the case of the speed of light, since this is defined as God's garment, and since Adam was made in his image, we deduce that they had isomorphic tailors as it were. Although the tailor in both cases was God, so we are saying that they have isomorphic wardrobes really. So that God has four light garments which he can choose to wear.

So we see that garment chances for God AND for Adam involve halving the temporal length of the previous garment. They both wear shorter and shorter skirts!

Creative Day Speed of light (c) Speed of light (m/s) Length of period in apparent years Length in real years Time substitution Scripture used
7th morning360kc (the first will be last)1.08 x 1014 m/s4,690,909,090.90909013,030.303030Day for 1,000 years2 Peter 3:8
7th eveningc3 x 108 m/s13,030.30303013,030.303030Nonen/a
6th morningc3 x 108 m/s13,030.30303013,030.303030None n/a
6th evening90kc2.7 x 1013 m/s1,172,727,272.727213,030.3030304 days for 1,000 yearsPsalm 90:4
5th morning90kc2.7 x 1013 m/s1,172,727,272.727213,030.3030304 days for 1,000 yearsPsalm 90:4
5th evening180kc5.4 x 1013 m/s2,345,454,545.45454513,030.3030302 days for 1,000 yearsPsalm 90:4
4th morning180kc5.4 x 1013 m/s2,345,454,545.45454513,030.3030302 days for 1,000 yearsPsalm 90:4
4th evening90kc2.7 x 1013 m/s1,172,727,272.727213,030.3030304 days for 1,000 yearsPsalm 90:4
3rd morning90kc2.7 x 1013 m/s1,172,727,272.727213,030.3030304 days for 1,000 yearsPsalm 90:4
3rd evening180kc5.4 x 1013 m/s2,345,454,545.45454513,030.3030302 days for 1,000 yearsPsalm 90:4
2nd morning180kc5.4 x 1013 m/s2,345,454,545.45454513,030.3030302 days for 1,000 yearsPsalm 90:4
2nd evening360kc1.08 x 1014 m/s4,690,909,090.90909013,030.303030Day for 1,000 years2 Peter 3:8
1st morning360kc1.08 x 1014 m/s4,690,909,090.90909013,030.303030Day for 1,000 years2 Peter 3:8
1st evening n/a          

This gives a universe which would look today (by incorrectly assuming a constant speed of light at c) in apparent years to be 13,030.303030 x (4x90k+4x180k+2x360k) = 13,030.303030 x (10x180k)  = 13,030.303030 x 1,800,000
 = 23,454,545,454.545454 years old to the start of the present speed of light, the morning of the 6th creative day. Then we add 13,030.303030 and 6016 years to get to today making 

23,454,564,500.848484 years.

So in apparent years the big bang was 23,454,562,478 BC (23,454,545,454.545454 + 130303.303030 + 3993) BC

23.45 billion years is older than the standard 13.7 billion year scientific age of the universe. But less than the age presently proposed by Rajendra Gupta of Ottawa university.

"Our newly-devised model stretches the galaxy formation time by a several billion years, making the universe 26.7 billion years old, and not 13.7 as previously estimated," says author Rajendra Gupta, adjunct professor of physics in the Faculty of Science at the University of Ottawa

What Astrophysicists measure when they date the universe to between 11 and 16 billion years old is Apparent Time, which they take as being Real Time, because they have not admitted the existence of a God who can change the speed of light. But in the evening of the 1st creative day, light was travelling 360,000 times faster than it does today. So we have solved the problem of God's 23 billion year boredom. Please remember that in the Hebrew day, even today, the evening precedes the morning. The Hebrew day runs from 6pm to 6pm.

We do not know what Archbishop Usher would have made of that!

In terms of present time, as we experience it today, 'Real Time', however, the big bang was 147,327Chislev14 BC - see code#c39

Homo Sapiens (not Adam) would have come into being early in day 6, which started around 1,172,744,296 BC in apparent years. Whereas Archaeology has 2.4 million years ago for the emergence of Homo Habilis! Mind you we could appear at any time during the 6th creative day.

It is our hope that the rocket scientists in Astrophysics can plug this new initial speed of light of 1.08 x 1014 m/s  (or 360,000c) into their big bang equations and learn something about the universe.

So the light of the first day, the first light is 360,000c, the light of the second day, the second light is 180,000c, the light of the third day, the third light is 90,000c, etc.

1335 Millennia of Time (of being in expectation of Daniel12)

6 Then one said to the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: How long will it be to the end of the wonderful/miraculous/extraordinary things?
7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.
8 Now as for me, I heard, but I could not understand; so that I said: Oh my lord, what will be the final part of these things?
9 And he went on to say: Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of [the] end.
10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly, and no wicked ones at all will understand; but the ones having insight will understand.
11 And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the abomination that is causing desolation, there will be 1,290 days (Daniel 12 NWT)
12 Oh the Happinesses/Blessednesses of the one keeping in expectation and [who] reaches the 1,335 days! (Daniel 12 LWT)

8 However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as 1,000 years and 1,000 years as one day. (2 Peter 3 NWT)

One cannot be in expectation in the absence of time. For without time, everything is instant. But the minute time exists then one has to wait for the time at which events occur. So God keeps in expectation for the entire duration of time, which is 1335 millennia of verse12.

There are two candidates for the big picture loss of the constant feature and the abomination that is causing desolation. One is the original sin of Adam, which ended the constant feature of true worship in Eden. True edenic worship being simply defined as not eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Bad. The other is the original sin of the angels in Archeden, which ended the constant feature of true worship there. For Genesis1 applies to the heavens AND the earth - see U300 and see U264a.

From the loss of the constant feature and the placing of the abomination that causes desolation (to Adam - adamic death, the 1st death or to angels, angelic 1st death - Tartarus) to the end of the wonderful things to do with baptism, the end of the smashing of the power of the Holy People to pieces by sin, the end of the final part of the things, the end of sin, the day when all mankind and angels have reached divinity, is the end of causal time, the end of the 1335 millennia. Because Gods are outside of time as we know it (causal time). But they ae not outsdie divine time (less than causal or perhaps infinite undo time).

4 So he has become better than the angels, to the extent that he has inherited a name more excellent than theirs [Jehovah as a surname].
5 For example, to which one of the angels did he ever say: You are my son; I, today, I have become your father? [Michael] And again: I myself shall become his father, and he himself will become my son?
6 But when he again brings his Firstborn into the inhabited earth, he says: And let all God's angels worship [proskunew]] him.
7 Also, with reference to the angels he says: And he makes his angels spirits, and his public servants a flame of fire [having authority over the baptism by fire, the sealing].
8 But with reference to the Son [he says]: God is your throne into the age of the age [you will always have his authority - because you yourself are a God like him], and [the] scepter of your kingdom is the scepter of uprightness.
9 You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God, anointed you with [the] oil of exultation more than your partners.
10 And: You according to beginnings, Oh Lord [of all - Jehovah], founded the earth, and the heavens are [the] works of your hands.
11 They will destroy themselves, but you yourself are to remain continually; and just like an outer garment all will become old,
12 and you will wrap them up just as a cloak, as an outer garment [the end of the light universe, the end of 0% undo causal time]; and they will be changed [into the darkuniverse], but you are the same, and your years will not run out. (Hebrews 1 NWT)
So divine time, the year of God, will never end. But Causal time end on 1,142,674Chislev14 AD after 1335 millennia of expectation.waiiting in time from 192,327Chislev14, the start of divine time..

If we take the original sin of Adam as the loss of the constant feature and the abomination causing desolation as adamic death, then we know that Adam sinned at the very end of the 6th light universe creative day. Because God then made Adam and Eve long garments of skin (their 960 year max lifespan ageing human bodies - a shorter version of which we all have today) on 3993Nisan14 (after having agreed the Angelic Ransom covenant, the ARC, with Michael, and after resurrecting them from the 1st death) and then went on his creative Sabbath.

31 After that God saw everything he had made and, look! [it was] very good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a 6th day. (Genesis 1 NWT)
1 Thus the heavens and the earth and all their army came to their completion.
2 And in the 7th day God came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the 7th day from all his work that he had made. (Genesis 2 NWT)

Obviously, being a Sabbath, God rested for the entirety of the 7th creative day from his creative works. So there are 5½ creative days from the 1st morning, when Lucifer (the first born angel who became Satan) said of God's behalf, in his capacity as the head of the first Holy Spirit, God's first wife: Let there be light. For Lucifer means bringer or carrier of light (Lux Lucem is light and Fero Ferre Tuli Latum is to bring/carry/ferry a very irregular Latin verb).

Now the whole period of the light universe must be 50 creative days long. Because mankind must reach divinity at their first Jubilee. Because the purpose of a Jubilee is to restore people to their birthright and the birthright of a Son of God is to become a God in whose image he was made. So all humans achieve divinity by the 50th angelic creative day, which is our Jubilee release to divinity. But Gods are outside of space-time. So the 4D universe ends at the end of the 50th creative day. So there are 49½ earthly creative days taking us from the Big Bang to the day when we all have become Gods, our Jubilee release in the 50th creative day.

10 And you must sanctify the 50th year and proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants. It will become a Jubilee for you, and you must return each one to his possession and you should return each one to his family.
11 A Jubilee is what that 50th year will become for you. You must not sow seed nor reap the land's growth from spilled kernels nor gather the grapes of its unpruned vines.
12 For it is a Jubilee. It should become something holy to you. From the field you may eat what the land produces.
13 In this year of the Jubilee you should return each one to his possession. (Leviticus 25 NWT)

If if Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC was 1290 millennia before the end of time. Then 44 light universe creative days would be 1290 millennia. So each creative day would be 29,318.181818 years long. So the first 6 creative days would be 175,909.909090 years long. So Time would last for 1290k + 175k years which is way too long.

So instead the removal of the constant feature over verse11 is the end of true worship in Archeden and the abomination causing desolation is angelic first death in Tartarus

But original angelic sin in Archeden resulted in the big bang which made time fully causal, which meant that sin became inescapable, It would stick to you and you could not get rid of it with an undo button any more. God needed that mechanism to teach people not to sin, rather than giving them a get out of sin free button. Let there be light is an illumination of sin and causal time is an indelible catalogue of mistakes and correct takes.

So from original angelic sin, the loss of their constant feature, the transgression causing desolation to the angels, to the end of baptisms and of people acting wickedly, to the miraculous things, to the end of the final part of these things, the end of sin, achievement of divinity for all humans and angels is 1290 millennia. Taking a day for 1000 years as instructed by 2Peter3:8.

So the Big Bang is 1290 millennia of Daniel12:11 before the end of sin, when we all have become Gods - see Code#c39. So 49½ creative days are 1290 millennia. So each light universe creative day is actually 26,060.606060 years.

We know that the 6th light universe creative day ended at Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC. So the 50th ends 44 light universe creative days later, 1,466,666.666666 years later on 1,142,674Chislev14 AD. And the Big bang was 5½ light universe creative days before Adam's sin, which is 143,333.333333 years earlier on 147,327Chislev14 BC. So time began 1335 millennia prior to that on 192,327Chislev14 BC

The period from the evening of the first angelic creative night, which began with the creation of a universe (the angelic universe, the dark universe) to original angelic sin in Archeden is isomorphic with the 5½ creative days from the creation of the light universe at the Big Bang to original human sin in Eden. So it must comprise 5½ angelic creative nights and end with God taking a Sabbath from angelic creation. So each angelic creative night (Dark universe creative night) is 7,500 years long, since 6 of them make the 45,000 years between the start of the 1335 millennia of Daniel12:12  and the start of the 1290 millennia of Daniel12:11. 

This in turn means that there was half an angelic creative night, the morning of the 1st one, prior to the Big Dark Bang. There must have been a type of time running for that half day too. Divine Time let's call it. This ran from 192,327Chislev14 BC to 3750 years later on 188,577Chislev14 BC. The 1st 7 angelic creative nights are the angelic meaning of Genesis1. They are the angelic equivalent of the first 7 earthly-human creative days. See U300.

The Dark universe Big Bang was 49½ angelic/dark creative nights before the end of dark/angelic time, when all those born as angels must become Gods at the first Jubilee of angelic/dark creative nights (7500 years per creative night). 
The Light universe Big Bang was 49½ human/light creative days before the end of light/human time, when all those born as humans must become Gods at the first Jubilee of human/light creative days (26,060.606060 years per creative day). 

The 1st angelic/dark creative night began on 192,327Chislev14. So the Dark Big Bang was 188,827Chislev14 BC
The 1st human/light creative day began on 160,357Ab25. So the light Big Bang was 147,327Chislev14 BC

This first Jubilee of angelic creative nights is 50 angelic creative nights or 375,000 years after 192,327Chislev14, which is 182,674Chislev14 AD.

So here is a the new biblical decoded chronology from the start to the end of our universe: 50 creative days, 26,060,606060 years long each. 1290 days of Daniel12:11 a day for a thousand years of 2Peter3:8 make 1,290,000 years which are 49½ creative days from the big bang: Original angelic sin, the transgression causing desolation to the angels and the loss of the constant feature of their worship, resulting in God making time causal through the 4D light universe to capture sin: Let there be light, the start of the morning of the 1st human creative day. to the end of the 50 creative day universe. Because God restores his people to their birthright at the Jubilee (the 50th year). And the birthright of sons of God is to be a God. And a God is outside space time. So it takes God 1,290,000 years from the Big Bang to raise all of his human children to become what he is - Divine, with perfect moral judgement and actions - and outside space time..

Real yearsApparent yearsEvents
192,327Chislev14BCn/a 1st Angelic Creative night begins. Divine Time begins. God makes a watch. Divine Time is perhaps full undo, totally non causal time?
192,327Chislev14BCn/a Morning of the 1st creative night begins. God's 1335 millennia of Daniel 12:12 of expectation (due to Time being in existence) begin. They run to 1,142,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the light universe, the end of time.
188,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 1st angelic creative night: Dark universe begins (Dark big bang). Non causal real time, dark time, angelic time begins (perhaps limited undo, partially causal time)  Darkness is not merely the absence of light. It can be the presence of not entirely causal angelic or fully non causal divine time. It may be the case that Dark Energy = Dark Mass x Speed of Darkness2 where Speed = Distance/Non causal time and where Darkness is the Dark Big Bang equivalent of light (Dark photons or something).
181,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 2nd angelic creative night begins
173,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 3rd angelic creative night begins
166,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 4th angelic creative night begins
160,357Ab25n/a The evening of the first creative day begins. No light as we know it exists. Dark matter and Dark energy and Darkness are all there is presumably. Time exists but is only partially causal (it has limited undo).
158,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 5th angelic creative night begins
154,827Chislev14n/a Morning of the 6th angelic creative night begins. Satan and the morning stars are created in the morning of the 6th angelic creative night.  
151,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 6th angelic creative night begins.
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478BC Big Bang. Satan (Lucifer) says: Let there be light. Mid point of first creative day. The light universe begins. 4D space time begins  Original angelic sin in Archeden. Satan builds his house (space-time) on his father's land (the dark matter and dark energy universe), for his wife, the 1st angelic salvation covenant (which God himself died for as the ransoming validation sacrifice. For Jesus does nothing that he does not see his father do - John 5:19). We got this date for the Big Bang on 2023Shebat10. Sent an email to the church at 20:17 on 2024January26 (2023Shebat11). This was going behind the Chronological curtain!
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Morning of the 7th creative night begins. God goes on a Sabbath creative night's rest from his angelic creative works.
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Morning of 1st creative day begins: Speed of light is 360kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 4,690,909,090.909090 years
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Angel Michael is born, 1260 millennia of Revelation12:6, before the end of ARC salvation on 1,112,674Chislev14.BC. Where the woman of the houses of the salvation covenants is fed in the true churches prepared by God through his original sacrifice for angelic 1st death (Tartarus), having fled into the wilderness outside the secular administrations of the rebellious angels of Archeden and their successors. The Angel Michael, a 40th generation angel, is the light of the cosmos of the light universe, the firstborn of all light universe creation, as well as being the light of this world (Jeff's understanding).
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 1260 millennia of death (1st angelic, 1st human and 2nd death: Tartarus, Hades and Gehenna) of Revelation 11:3 begin and run to 1,112,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the 2nd death, when: Death shall be no more, of Revelation 21:4 - is fulfilled, and every human is given everlasting angelic life thanks to the ARC ransom of Michael, who was born at the start of the 1260 millennia of death and of true churches. 
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Constant feature of angelic worship in Archeden ends. The first angelic church falls. The angelic transgression causing desolation, original angelic sin, is committed in Archeden (heavenly Eden).
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 1,290,000 years of Daniel 12:11, a day for a millennium begin and run to 1,142,674Chislev14 BC, the end of the light universe, the raising of the last ex human angel to divinity, the end of the 50th creative day.
139,827Chislev1420,754,562,478 Morning of the 8th creative night begins. God takes up his angelic creative works again.
134,296Nisan318,763,653,387 Evening of 2nd creative day begins: The atmosphere develops, the expanse between the seas and the clouds.
121,266Tammuz2214,072,744,296 Morning of 2nd creative day begins: Speed of light is 180kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 2,345,454,545.454545 years
108,236Heshvan1111,727,268,751 Evening of 3rd creative day begins: The land masses form permanently and the seas are defined, plant life begins.
95,206Adar19,381,835,205 Morning of 3rd creative day begins: Speed of light is 90kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 1,172,727,272.727272 years
82,175Sivan208,209,107,932 Evening of 4th creative day begins
69,145Tishri97,036,380,660 Morning of 4th creative day begins: Speed of light is 180kc. The Sun becomes visible. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 2,345,454,545.454545 years
56,115Tebbeth284,690,926,114 Evening of 5th creative day begins: Great sea monsters created (Dinosaurs) and first living sea animals created
43,084Iyyar172,345,471,569 Morning of 5th creative day begins: Speed of light is 90kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 1,172,727,272.727272 years
30,054Elul61,172,744,296 Evening of 6th creative day begins: Humans appear AFTER this.
17,024Chislev2517,024Chislev25 Morning of 6th creative day begins: Speed of light is c. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 13,030.303030 years
3993Nisan14 3993Nisan14  Evening of 7th creative day begins: Adam sins. God makes him and Eve long garments of skin (ageing human bodies), his last creative act. God then starts his creative Sabbath.
Speed of light is c. Morning length is 13,030.303030 non causal pre big bang years. Apparent length is 13,030.303030 years
3968Nisan14  n/a Evening of the 1st re creative day begins: Abelian Faith Covenant made (the first system salvation covenant).
3468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 1st re creative day begins: Non adamic light begins (through Jared, who became Melchizedek)
2968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 2nd re creative day begins:
2468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 2nd re creative day begins: Noah's light begins
1968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 3rd re creative day begins:
1468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 3rd re creative day begins: Mosaic light begins
968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 4th re creative day begins:
468Nisan14 BC n/a Morning of the 4th re creative day begins: 2nd temple light begins
33Nisan14 AD n/a Evening of the 5th re creative day begins:
533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 5th re creative day begins: Roman Catholic light begins
1033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 6th re creative day begins:
1533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 6th re creative day begins: Protestant light begins
2033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 7th re creative day begins:
2533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 7th re creative day begins: New type of Kingdom light begins?
2,674Chislev14 n/a

24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days. (Genesis 7 NWT). The waters overcame the earth at the angelic rebellion in archeden at the Big Bang on 147,327Chislev14. Then the earth rebelled on 3993Nisan14 BC. Then Michael fixed the heavens by winning the war of Revelation12 against Satan and evicting him on . But the earth does not get fixed until 2674Chislev14 AD, 641 years 8 months into the Kingdom of God from 2033Nisan14. So this is the end of 150 millennia of Genesis 7:24 after the big bang, when the waters stop prevailing upon the earth.

2,674Chislev14n/a The start of the 180 millennia of Ahasuerus' banquet of Esther 1:4, when he shows off his wonderful kingdom, until the day when all those born as angels have achieved divinity on 182,674Chislev14.
3033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 8th re creative day begins:
6,424Chislev14n/a Evening of the 6th creative night of the 3rd week begins. Speed of Darkness is now 4c.
9,038Ab3 n/a Morning of 7th creative day begins: Speed of light is 360kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. This must be the start of the 2nd 1,000 year Kingdom of God for mankind on this planet. Star Trek begins. Mankind starts colonizing the galaxy.
22,068Heshvan22n/a Evening of 8th creative day begins.
45,033-46,033n/a The recreative day Jubilee, the 50th recreative day. The entire house of Adam achieves angelicity during this millennium. 
52,674Chislev14n/a The first human achieves divinity. Because Jesus fasted from adding a divine body to his body for 40 day and 40 nights = 40,000 + 4x.40,000 years = 200,000 years from 147,327Chislev14 BC. 
182,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 50th angelic creative night. All the angelically born angels, the morning stars, are now Gods. Angelic/Dark time ends.
1,112,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 1260 millennia of Revelation 11:3 and Revelation12:6 of death and of true churches, from the Big Bang. The last human is given everlasting life through the ARC of Michael born at the start of this period. Mankind finishes taming the galaxies of the light universe, and extending the garden of Eden into the last corner of the wilderness of the light universe, just as he leaves the moral wilderness of life outside God's land.
1,142,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 50th creative day. The end of the light universe. The end of 4D space-time. All of mankind and all the angels have achieved divinity. We are all Gods and cannot be contained in a physical universe any longer. It's a 1,303,030.303030 million year project from the start of the Dark Universe, half way through the 1st angelic creative night until the divinity of the last ex human angel
1,142,674Chislev14n/a Causal Time ends. Light universe space ends. God finishes raising all of his human children up to divinity.
1,142,674Chislev14n/a The end of 1335 millennia of time. The end of the 1290 millennia of causal time divinity training.

Time began on 192,327Chislev14 BC, 1335 millennia of Daniel 12:12 before the end of light universe causal time on 1,142,674Chislev14 AD
The Dark universe began on 188,577Chislev14 BC, half a creative night later, and 1331¼ millennia before the end of light universe causal time.
And the Light universe began on 147,327Chislev14 BC, 1290 millennia of Daniel 12:11 before the end of light universe causal time.

The speeds of spiritual light changed on:
3468Nisan14 BC: Jared (a.k.a. Melchizedek) was born in 3567 BC. So he was 99 in 3468, the same age as Abraham was when he was given the circumcision flesh sealing covenant. So Melchizedek was give the FRC around this time. As regards Abraham, Paul says: 11 And he received a sign, namely, circumcision, as a seal of the righteousness by the faith he had while in his uncircumcised state, that he might be the father of all those having faith while in uncircumcision, in order for righteousness to be counted to them; (Romans 4 NWT)
2468Nisan14 BC: 20 years after the start of the Alienation Times on 2488Sivan10 BC, the Pentecost, the 120 year decree..
1468Nisan14 BC: 5 years into the Promised land. It was conquered by the Sabbath release on 1467Tishri10 BC. This would be when the law of Moses started illuminating Israel.
468Nisan14 BC: The Jews went under law upon return to the promised land from Babylon on 455Tishri24 BC (Nehemiah 9:1 and 9:38). So they were re-illuminated by Moses from then onwards.
533Nisan14 AD: In 533, the Byzantine general Belisarius under emperor Justinian I attacked and defeated Carthage in North Africa, a stronghold of the Arian Christian Vandals who believed Jesus to be not God but his created Son and therefore not coeternal with God. The church was spilt between Arians and Nicenes until 671 AD, when the last Arian Kings Grimoald of Lombardy and Garibald his son died. But at least there was much interest and passion at that time about who Jesus really was. The Hagia Sophia famous domed temple in Istanbul, constructed 532-537. Wales, Scotland and England were converted in this century. This century appears to house a fast spread of Catholic Christianity into the known world, coincident with a doctrinal war between the Nicene Trinitarians and the Arian fathers-create-sons sect (who were correct of course - see intro39). Rapid and successful evangelism started the period of Europe wide Catholic 'illumination', known as the Dark Ages from a secular standpoint
1533Nisan14 AD: Henry VIII was excommunicated by letter on 1533Tammuz14/15 - necessitating the Church of England and the Protestant Reformation. This began the period of Protestant illumination in the UK. But was preceded by Martin Luther in Germany who nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral on 1517October31 (Julian), which was 1517Heshvan13.

Ancient history has Homo Habilis appearing 2.4 million years ago, Dinosaurs appearing from 65-208 million years ago, the first sea animals appearing 700 million years ago, the sun being about 5 billion years old, the earth being around 4.6 billion years old and the oldest living plant cells being 3.8 billion years old. the first permanent land masses are though to have appears 4 billion years ago. Galaxies are though to have formed between 300 million and 1 billion years ago.

44 creative days from 3993Nisan14 are 1,146,666.666666 years or 1,146,666 years 8 months to 1,142,674 Chislev14 AD. This is 1290k years (49½ creative days) of Daniel12:11 after the Big Bang.

Really 1.08 x 1014 m/s should be taken as the true speed of light, and we are currently at 'c'/360,000.

Recently, and after we had worked out that God had changed the speed of light, but before Bevelyn had postulated the Monrose Hypothesis, researchers had shown that light can travel up to 300 times faster than c (the standard speed of light) - Reported in the Times, London. We would be very interested to see if they could get it to go 360,000 times faster !!

The day when Michael entered Enoch - Confirmation of the date of the Big Bang

Now since we are today 149,350 years after the Big Bang I could not stop myself asking the question: What happened 144,000 years after the Big Bang in 3,327 BC?

3,327Chislev14 BC: 144,000 years after the Big Bang on 147,327Chislev14 BC. 144,000 is a fundamental biblical number. It is the number of first new covenant angels in the 3rd Holy Spirit, the number of Kingdoms in the Kingdom of God. 144,000 years is 400 years taking a year for a day. This is 400x of the earth around the sun. But the Sun is 400x larger than the moon and 400 times the further away from the earth than the moon. So that the two fit precisely over each other during a solar eclipse. So 400x and 144,000x are key biblical numbers. There are 360 days in the Biblical Lunar Calendar from whence the degrees in the circle are taken. There were 360 days in the pre flood year.

4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed, 144,000, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel: (Revelation 7 NWT)

1 And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.
2 And I heard a sound out of heaven as the sound of many waters and as the sound of loud thunder; and the sound that I heard was as of singers who accompany themselves on the harp playing on their harps.
3 And they are singing as if a new song before the throne and before the 4 living creatures and the elders; and no one was able to master that song but the 144,000, who have been bought from the earth. (Revelation 14 NWT)

Well Enoch was born on 3405 BC and Methuselah was born in 3340 BC and the angel Michael (who was Jesus) possessed Enoch after the birth of Methuselah. So it looks like he entered into Enoch in 3,327 BC when Enoch was 78 years old, 13 years after Methuselah was born.

So God's love for man was revealed when Michael possessed Enoch, 144,000 years after the Big Bang. And God's love for man will be expressed through the 144,000 1NC angels of the 3rd Holy Spirit and through the 144,000 Kingdoms of the Kingdom of God.

A Brief History of Sir Isaac Newton - Mankind discovered Gravity 5000 years after Michael entered 78 year old Enoch

25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/1727 (Julian Calendar, as used in England at the time)

1661: Newton enrolls in Trinity College, Cambridge.
1662 July: The Royal Society is founded
1665 August: Newton receives his BA from Trinity College
1666: Fire in London. Outbreak of plague drives Newton to retire to his mother's home in Woolsthorpe. Newton conducts prism experiments, discovers spectrum of light; works out his system of "fluxions," precursor of modern calculus; begins to consider the idea of gravity.
1667 October: Newton elected as a Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge,
1668: Newton receives his MA from Trinity College.
1669: Newton appointed Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Trinity, a position he will hold for the next 34 years.
1672 January11: Newton elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society
1672 February: Newton's paper on optics and his prism experiments sent to the Society. Rivalry with Hooke begins. Newton, although a genius, was insecure about acceptance (having been rejected by his mother for the first 9 years of his life).
1670s: Newton works on the mathematics of gravitation in his home in Cambridge.
1672: Newton elected Fellow of the Royal Society.
1674: Robert Hooke gave a lecture before the Royal society (Newton being an FRS was either in attendance or told about it soon after) at Gresham College called: An Attempt to Prove the motion of the earth from Observations. This lecture introduced the concept of universal gravitation. It was published in 1679 as A Collection of Lectures by Robert Hooke

So Gravity was presented to the Royal Society (published academically) in 1674, 149,000 years after the Light universe Big Bang on 147,327Chislev14 BC. The attractive force of Gravity between all objects with mass depicts love, the attractive force between all of God's children. So God's love for man was revealed when Michael possessed Enoch, 144,000 years after the Big Bang. And God's love for man will be expressed through the 144,000 1NC angels of the 3rd Holy Spirit and through the 144,000 Kingdoms of the Kingdom of God. Then it took 5,000 years of scientific research before the Genius of Newton and Hooke saw the physicalisation of that love in Gravity.

1679: Death of Hannah Newton, his mother. His father died 3 months before he was born. His mother then married Barnabus Smith who insisted under the marital agreement that she abandon her son. Sir Isaac was therefore raise by his grandmother until he was 9 years old when Smith died and his mother returned to look after her son.
1684 January: Hooke discusses the principle of inverse squares with Christopher Wren and Halley
1684 August: Halley goes to visit Newton in Cambridge, where they discuss the principle of inverse squares and its relationship with planetary orbits.
1684 November: Newton completes his calculations on gravity and shares them with Halley, who urges him to publish.
1685 February: Newton sends a brief treatise, Propositiones de Motu, to the Royal Society, outlining his findings.
1686 April: Newton presents the first book of the Principia to the Royal Society (containing his 3 laws of motion and his law of Gravity).
1687 September: Publication of the complete Principia.

This depends upon three Suppositions. First, That all Celestial Bodies whatsoever, have an attraction or gravitating power towards their own Centers, whereby they attract not only their own parts, and keep them from flying from them, as we may observe the Earth to do, but that they do also attract all the other Celestial Bodies that are within the sphere of their activity; and consequently that not only the Sun and Moon have an influence upon the body and motion of the Earth, and the Earth upon them, but that [corrupted] also [corrupted] and [corrupted] by their attractive powers, have a considerable influence upon its motion as in the same manner the corresponding attractive power of the Earth hath a considerable influence upon every one of their motions also. The second supposition is this, That all bodies whatsoever that are put into a direct and simple motion, will so continue to move forward in a streight line, till they are by some other effectual powers deflected and bent into a Motion, describing a Circle, Ellipsis, or some other more compounded Curve Line. The third supposition is, That these attractive powers are so much the more powerful in operating, by how much the nearer the body wrought upon is to their own Centers. Robert Hooke - An Attempt to Prove the motion of the earth from Observations - 1674..

The famous story told in 1726 by Isaac Newton to his Biographer William Stukeley (my middle name: My family tree includes him as an ancestor) about the apple was recorded by Stukeley in his Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's Life describing a conversation he had with Newton in Kensington on 15 April 1726

We went into the garden, & drank thea under the shade of some appletrees, only he, & myself. amidst other discourse, he told me, he was just in the same situation, as when formerly, the notion of gravitation came into his mind. "why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground", thought he to him self: occasion'd by the fall of an apple, as he sat in a comtemplative mood: "why should it not go sideways, or upwards? but constantly to the earths centre? assuredly, the reason is, that the earth draws it. there must be a drawing power in matter. & the sum of the drawing power in the matter of the earth must be in the earths center, not in any side of the earth. therefore dos this apple fall perpendicularly, or toward the center. if matter thus draws matter; it must be in proportion of its quantity. therefore the apple draws the earth, as well as the earth draws the apple. - Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's Life - Dr. William Stukeley.FRS (1752)

Hooke lectured disclosing gravity in 1674, Newton presented his inverse square law for gravity to Halley in 1684. Henry Pemberton in 1728 (the year after Newton died) described the apple moment as follows...

The first thoughts, which gave rife to his Principia, he had, when he retired from Cambridge in 1666 on account of the plague. As he sat alone in a garden, he fell into a speculation on the power of gravity: that as this power is not found sensibly diminished at the remotest distance from the center of the Earth, to which we can rise, neither at the tops of the loftiest buildings, nor even on the summits of the highest mountains, it appeared to him reasonable to conclude, that this power must extend much farther than was usually thought; why not as high as the moon, said he to himself? and if so, her motion must be influenced by it; perhaps she is retained in her orbit thereby. However, though the power of gravity is not sensibly weakened in the little change of distance, at which we can place our selves from the center of the Earth; yet it is very possible, that so high as the moon this power may differ much in strength from what it is here. To make an estimate what might be the degree of this diminution, he considered with himself, that if the moon be retained in her orbit by the force of gravity, no doubt the primary planets are carried round the Sun by the like power. And by comparing the periods of the several planets with their distances from the Sun, he found, that if any power like gravity held them in their courses, its strength must decrease in the duplicate proportion of the increase of distance. - Henry Pemberton 1728

So it appears that Newton saw gravity first in 1666. But Hooke published it first in 1674. Then Newton calculated it in and before 1684 and published the inverse square law to the Royal Society in 1685, present Principia to the Royal Society in 1686 and Published Principia generally in September 1687.

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The Jubilee of Angelic creative nights and Human creative days until God's angelic and human possession are restored to him

God does not live in the dark universe or the light universe. So whilst we exist in those universes, we are not fully with him. So he does not have us entirely. Now the Jubilee provision under law gave all Israel their inheritable possessions back in the 50th year. Likewise God will regain all of his dark universe inheritable possessions (from the death of salvation covenant validation sacrifices) at the dark universe Jubilee after 50 creative nights on 182,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the dark universe. And he will regain all of his inheritable light universe possessions (from the death of salvation covenant validation sacrifices) at the end of the light universe Jubilee after 50 creative days on 1,142,674Chislev14 AD (1335 millennia after the beginning of divine time). But divine time itself does not run out (it having preceded the dark big bang). For Paul says:

12 and you will wrap them up just as a cloak, as an outer garment; and they will be changed, but you are the same, and your years will never run out (Hebrews 1 NWT).


[1]   The initial speed of light during the Big Bang was 1.08 x 1014 m/s or 360,000c.

[2] The Big Bang occurred 147,327Chislev14 BC real time and 23.454.562.478 BC apparent time according to our interpretation of Genesis1 with 4 different light speeds.

[3] The speed of light will once again return to 1.08 x 1014 m/s or 360,000c in the morning of the 7th creative day from 9038Ab3 AD. That is when mankind can start to colonize the Milky Way at least. What this means is that by the end of the 2nd week of 1,000 years per day, at the end of the 2nd 1,000 year Kingdom Sabbath, we are sufficiently morally advanced to be permitted out of our solar system playpen to do a Star Trek without ruining the entire galaxy.

[4]   At this light speed we could cross the Milky Way in 4 months, the time it used to take to sail round the world.

[5]  Genesis1 never says that the morning follow the evening. It calls a 12 hour night and a 12 hour day a 24 hour day (for humans - who are awake during the day generally). So likewise it is calling the angelic 12 hour day and 12 hour night a 24 hour night. the angelic night runs from morning to evening and the human day runs from evening to morning. So half way through the angelic night the new darkness arrives and half way through the human day the new light arrives.

[6]. The 1st angelic creative morning runs for 3,750 years from the start of 100% non causal fully undoable time (divine time) to the Dark Big Bang, which began partially causal, limitedly undoable time. Then 5½ angelic creative nights take us to the light Big Bang, at original angelic sin in Archeden, when time became 100% causal and 0% undoable, so as to trap sin indelibly. This is followed by 1,290,000 years of Daniel12:11 to the end of Time, which is the end of the 1,335,000 years of Daniel12:12 from the day God made himself a 100% non causal 100% undoable time, watch, on 192,327Chislev14 BC.

[7] God is telling from the beginning the finale and the first will be last. So the first chapter of the bible tells you the last day of this system and the finale of this world - 2033Nisan14, the end of the 6th recreative day..


The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution - Jones and Martin
The New Solar System - Beatty, Collins, Chaikin
The True Bible Code - The Lord's Witnesses (or the online version)
The Bible (New World Translation - Watchtower)
The New International Version Hebrew English Old Testament - Kohlenberger
The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon - Benjamin Davidson
Isaac Newton - Michael White

P.S. Following the work of Joe Magueijo at Imperial College London and Prof. Andy Albrecht of the University of California at Davis. Astrophysicists now believe that although the speed of light takes a constant value today, it took a larger value at the start of space time, the big bang. This theory is necessary in order for the universe to be stable. Without this theory the universe can be equated to a pencil which has stood on it's tip for 11 billion years.

Genesis 1

1 In [the] beginning God [Elohim] created the heavens and the earth [not commanded because there was no one to command - Jehovah God did this according to Genesis 2:4].
2 And the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep; and God's active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.
3 And God proceeded to say: Let there be light. Then there came to be light.
4 And God saw that the light was good, and God brought about a division between the light and the darkness.
5 And God began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a first day.
6 And God went on to say: Let an expanse come to be in between the waters and let a dividing occur between the waters and the waters [the pre flood atmosphere between the waters above and on the earth - this could be been achieved through CMB Cosmic Microwave background radiation].
7 Then God proceeded to make the expanse and to make a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse. And it came to be so.
8 And God began to call the expanse Heaven [singular]. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a second day.
9 And God went on to say: Let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one place and let the dry land appear. And it came to be so.
10 And God began calling the dry land Earth, but the bringing together of the waters he called Seas. Further, God saw that [it was] good.
11 And God went on to say: Let the earth cause grass to shoot forth, vegetation bearing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit according to their kinds, the seed of which is in it, upon the earth. And it came to be so.
12 And the earth began to put forth grass, vegetation bearing seed according to its kind and trees yielding fruit, the seed of which is in it according to its kind. Then God saw that [it was] good.
13 And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a 3rd day.
14 And God went on to say: Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens [the atmosphere of the earth of Day2 was singular - this is both that heaven and space time heaven] to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.
15 And they must serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens [key symbolism - 2 meanings] to shine upon the earth. And it came to be so.
16 And God made the 2 great luminaries [not said to be in the expanse of the heavens], the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars [not commanded for that day and so did not occur on day 4 but on day 1. This curveball is inserted because the atmospheric heaven is totally analogous to space-time heaven].
17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens [the atmosphere of Day2 on Day4 AND the heavens of Day1 in Day1] to cause to be bright upon the earth [by clearing the expanse of opaqueness, by turning the atmosphere from a sheet of white acrylic into a sheet of clear acrylic OR by turning up the brightness of the sun - investigate life cycle of sun, Gordon says did moon appear on Day4 - no because the moon is above the waters that are above the expanse. So the moon is not in the expanse]
18 and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between the light and the darkness. Then God saw that [it was] good.
19 And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a 4th day. (Genesis 1 NWT adapted from the Hebrew)

Day 4 related times and seasons to luminaries. Day 4 define a light clock. But that is the basis of special relativity and 4D space-time where time is the wake of light. The expanse of the heavens of Day1 is space-time. The angels are the waters above space-time. When we go into the ark we become the waters above the expanse of the atmosphere.

Gravity which needs mass is love which must precede law which is light. So the heavens and the earth were created during the first evening before let there be light at the start of the first morning. So Day 1 (24 hours) has an evening and a morning, a night and night and a 12 hour daylight day.

Day 2 is a planetary physicalisation of what God did in day one. He created an planetary heaven (the atmosphere) and a planetary earth, the land rather than the sea.

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