Matthew Chapter 1: The angelic descent of the angel Michael: A 40th generation angel

The book of the genealogy of Jesus, Christ, son of David, son of Abraham:
Abraham generated Isaac; Isaac generated Jacob; Jacob generated Judah and his brothers;
Judah generated Perez and Zerah [twins] out [ek] of [Prepositional Genitive] Tamar; Perez generated Hezron; Hezron generated Ram;
Ram generated Amminadab; Amminadab generated Nahshon; Nahshon generated Salmon;
Salmon generated Boaz out [ek] of [Prepositional Genitive] Rahab; Boaz generated Obed out [ek] of [Prepositional Genitive] Ruth; Obed generated Jesse;
Jesse generated David, the king. David generated Solomon out of the [wife] of the Uriah;
Solomon generated Rehoboam; Rehoboam generated Abijah; Abijah generated Asa;
Asa generated Jehoshaphat; Jehoshaphat generated Jehoram; Jehoram generated Uzziah;
Uzziah generated Jotham; Jotham generated Ahaz; Ahaz generated Hezekiah;
Hezekiah generated Manasseh; Manasseh generated Amon; Amon generated Josiah;
Josiah generated Jeconiah and his brothers upon [at the time] of the deportation of Babylon [Prepositional Genitive].
After the deportation of Babylon, Jeconiah generated Shealtiel; Shealtiel generated Zerubbabel;
Zerubbabel generated Abiud; Abiud generated Eliakim; Eliakim generated Azor;
Azor generated Zadok; Zadok generated Achim; Achim generated Eliud;
Eliud generated Eleazar; Eleazar generated Matthan; Matthan generated Jacob;
Jacob generated Joseph, the man of Mary, out of whom was generated Jesus, the [one] called Christ.
All the descendants, then, from Abraham until David, were 14 descendants, and from David until [the descendant, Josiah] of the deportation of Babylon 14 descendants [14 descendants ending with Josiah, the first descendant of the deportation], and from [apo] [the descendant, Jeconiah] of the deportation of Babylon until of the Christ [Prepositional Genitive] 14 descendants [14 descendants starting with Jeconiah, the second descendant of the deportation]

[Counting descendants shows that the descendants of the deportation are Josiah and Jeconiah].

'thV tou Ourio' 'The [fem] of the Uriah [masc]' obviously refers to the [wife] of Uriah, since Uriah is masculine but 'the' is feminine in the Greek. Whereas 'thV metoikesiaV' could be '[thV] thV metoikesiaV', [the] of the deportation. Both 'descendant' genea and 'deportation' metoikesiaV are feminine nouns in Greek. The Greek must be referring to the descendant of deportation, not the deportation itself. Just as Solomon was out of Uriah's wife, Bath-sheba, not Uriah himself! So the Greek construction referring to Uriah's wife is a clue from the holy spirit showing us how to interpret 'until of the deportation'. Furthermore there were two descendants during the deportation which lasted 70 years, Josiah and Jeconiah. So the scripture would be false if is just referred to the deportation. There were 15 descendants from the deportation until Jesus

Abraham (1)
David (14)
Josiah (27)
Jesus (40)

So Jesus was the 40th in line from Abraham. And the angel Michael is the 40th in line from Satan and 41st in line from Jehovah, the 40th generation. For the Jews spent 30 years in the wilderness not 39. 

CNC (1,7,8,6,8,5,6,6,6,6,4,5,6,6,6,5,8)= 99
INC Book, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, brothers, Perez, Zerah, Tamar, Hezron, Ram, Amminadab, Nashon, Salmon, Boaz, Rahab, Obed, Ruth, Jesse, David, King, Solomon, Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jeconiah, Deportation of Babylon, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok. Achim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Joseph, husband, Jesus, Christ, Descendants = 51  

Everybody in the account counts (2) except Joseph (1), David (4), Jacob (4), Jesus (1), Mary (0), Rahab (1), Ruth (1), Babylon (0), Tamar (1), Genealogy (0), Descendants (4), Deportation (4), Son (2), brothers (2), Zerah (1), Husband/Man (1) .
Abraham to David is 14 descendants inclusive. David to Josiah is 14 descendants inclusive. Jeconiah to Jesus is 14 descendants inclusive.

Multiple designations: Jesus, Christ. Joseph, the husband of Mary. David, the King. So these 3 each stand for two characters in the totality of threads.

2 word threads. Do possessive double designations such as the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham, just substitute into existing threads (and not substitute no existing threads such as son of David, Son of Abraham - yes so that there is a greater 'David' in Word2 where David is substituted for King below)? That would make sense given the way the threads are defined.

In word2, the one called the Christ is born in a greater way, he is born again. This is the sanctification line from Abraham to Joseph. Joseph did not sanctify Jesus. But the patriarchs in the line to Jesus sanctified the son in that line. 

15 As for you, you will go to your forefathers in peace [forefathers who were resurrected as angels before the kingdom of God began]; you will be buried at a good old age (Genesis 15).

And Christ means anointed. Also the double designation, Joseph, the man of Mary shows that the line is human in Word2. Yet this is a born again genealogy of angels as well. Rahab, who is mentioned in verse 5 can be seen to have been born again from Psalm 87

1 His foundation is in the holy mountains.
2 Jehovah is more in love with the gates of Zion Than with all the tabernacles of Jacob.
3 Glorious things are being spoken about you, Oh city of the [true] God. Selah.
4 I shall make mention of Rahab and Babylon as among those knowing me; Here are Philistia and Tyre, together with Cush: This is one who was born there [In Zion, having their names inscribed in the heavens].
5 And respecting Zion it will be said: Each and every one was born in her. And the Most High himself will firmly establish her.
6 Jehovah himself will declare, when recording the peoples: This is one who was born there. Selah (Psalm 87).

Also we see that the Kings of Judah were all born again, being in the line from David to Jesus.

So Word1 is also an angelic genealogy since 'Descendants' takes two meanings, angelic and human, and it cannot be the human maternal line of Luke since literal Abraham to David are in that line but they must take a greater meaning in Word1. So it is the angelic descent of the Angel Michael, the one known as Jesus, he was an angel! Possessive double designations just substitute.

Also the physical genealogy of the Christ must mirror his angelic genealogy. The physical is a tutor to the spiritual.

Abraham cannot be God here because we are told that there are 14 generations/descendants [genea] from Abraham to David, yet David is the 13th generation after Abraham. So Abraham himself is a generation/descendant [genea] and so was generated. God was not generated. So Abraham is Satan, the firstborn male angel, Archadam - see U264a.

Satan lost his kingship when he killed our parents in Eden, and Michael took the kingship when he died for us. Perhaps Melchizedek gets the land inheritance of the entire physical universe and some heavenly equivalent (a double portion) - now that is a land inheritance! Gabriel took the priesthood - he mediates all angelic babies amongst other things - hence his appearances to Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph, who were having non adamic children, sons of God. 

Jeconiah is the 27th generation from Abraham, so represents a 27th generation angel if we take Abraham as the first generated angel (Lucifer, who became Satan). There was a heavenly deportation to an archetypical Babylon! Satan must have managed a takeover for some period of time. Jesus is the 13th generation after Jeconiah. So Michael is a 40th generation angel. So the line from Jehovah to Michael is 41 characters long angelically. 

Since Zerah appears only once, there must be an angel Zerah (which means scarlet or brightness or new light) - Hi Zerah! When Zerah, the human, was born he put out his hand and the midwife tied a scarlet thread around it, then he withdrew his hand and Perez came out! Then Zerah came out. Perhaps this scarlet thread represents the angelic blood line of Michael, whereas Perez was in the human blood line of Jesus, the Lion of Judah, the father of Perez and Zerah. The two being twins represents the twinned human and angelic blood lines of the Christ. So we only see the works of Zerah for now (his hand) not Zerah himself. Also the word symbolic meaning of a person whose name appears only once in an account is simply 'a person with that name' it is not necessarily the same person as the literal account, it may just be his namesake.

Likewise, say hello to the angel Joseph, another male name that only appears once in the account.

All the women in the above account are female angels in the heavenly word symbolic thread. So it is our pleasure and privilege to introduce the reader to three beautiful female angels: Say hello to Tamar (Date palm), Rahab (Large!) and Ruth (Satisfying, Refreshing), for their names only appear once and therefore the female angels in the angelic descent of Michael have these names in the heavenly language. 'Mary' appears only as a possessive, so we do not know the angelic name of Michael's angelic surrogate mother. Paul confirms that there are families in the heavens just as there are families upon earth when he says...

14 On account of this I bend my knees to the Father
15 to whom every family in heaven and on earth owes its name (Ephesians 3).

The angel Tamar or another angel with that name must have invented the date palm. So women can invent things!

It is possible that Gabriel who was younger the Michael since Japheth was younger than Shem, was from the 2nd born first generation angel, using the analogy of Cain and Abel and Seth.