[271b] Signs in the Sun and Moon and Stars: Triple Total Solar Eclipses, Quadruple Total Lunar Eclipses and the Double Signs of Acts2 and Joel2!

Genesis 1 tells us...

14 And God went on to say: Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.
15 And they must serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth. And it came to be so.
16 And God proceeded to make the 2 great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars.
17 Thus God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth,
18 and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between the light and the darkness. Then God saw that [it was] good.
19 And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a 4th day (Genesis 1).

So the luminaries perform the following functions...

1.  Divide the day from the night
2.  Serve as signs
3.  Define seasons and days and years
4.  Shine upon the earth

So the 2 great luminaries in particular serve as signs. Well they come together in a spectacular sign during a solar eclipse. This occurs when the moon comes between the earth and the sun. So total solar eclipses are certainly signs. They point to spiritual seasons and ages and time periods and events.

3 total eclipses in a row?

But why are there 3 total solar eclipses in a row each two being separated by one BLC year (to within one day)? What does this signify and how often does it occur? Well, the bible for eclipses, is the website of Fred Espinak of NASA...


He has a 5 millennium catalogue of solar eclipses at...


From this it can be seen that a run of 3 total solar eclipses each separated by one BLC year (to within one day) occurs around every 40 years on average. But the astonishing thing to us is how they occur in the first and the second presences of the Christ.

First presence triple annual total solar eclipses (-2TishriBC to 123Nisan AD)

26August1 (Tammuz29)
27July22 (Tammuz30)
28July10 (Tammuz29)

29November24 (Heshvan28)
30November13 (Heshvan29)
31November3 (Heshvan28)

113June1 (Iyyar29)
114May22 (Iyyar30)
115May11 (Iyyar29)

116September24 (Elul28)
117September13 (Elul29)
118September3 (Elul28)

Gabriel entered John in 29Nisan and Michael entered Jesus/Immanuel on 29Tishri10. Peter was sanctified at the start of the Jewish call into the 1NC on 29Heshvan29. So there was an 3TSE (tri annual total solar eclipse chain) immediately before Michael and Gabriel came down into John and Jesus and another 3TSE immediately afterwards. The same thing happened again before and after the period from 115Iyyar30 to 116Elul28. This we suspect is when the 1NC saints descended to gather people for the rapture at the end of the first presence.

Second presence triple annual total solar eclipses (1884Tishri to 2008Nisan)

1954June30 (Sivan28)
1955June20 (Sivan28)
1956June8 (Sivan28)

1957October23 (Tishri26)
1958October12 (Tishri26)
1959October2 (Tishri27)

So we have another double 3TSE. Well, Gordon, the mediator of the 2NC and the 4EC was born in 1957 on September13. This lies between both 3TSEs.

Kingdom initial 3TSEs (2008 onwards)

2041April30 (Nisan29)
2042April20 (Nisan30)
2043April9 (Nisan29)

2044August23 (Ab27)
2045August12 (Ab27)
2046August2 (Ab28)

The double 3TSE points to a date 33 years after 2010? 

How do we interpret a solar eclipse?

During a total eclipse the sun is completely covered by the moon. Then the moon has to move one moon (or sun) further and the sun is then free. So they prophesy a release for Jesus or his church one month or one year after the eclipse. The sun, the light of the world, is Jesus or his church....

14 You are the light of the world. A city cannot be hid when situated upon a mountain (Matthew 5)

12 Therefore Jesus spoke again to them, saying: I am the light of the world. He that follows me will by no means walk in darkness, but will possess the light of life. (John 8).

The moon, a dead reflector of the light of the sun, is Satan or his organisation. for he is a counterfeit mimic God.

The Sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and epiphanaic day of Jehovah arrives

We used to think that Joel 2 referred to total solar and total lunar eclipses. Joel 2:18 shows that the stars will not give their brightness either. So the cause of the darkness of the sun is not an eclipse. It is atmospheric particles. These must be either volcanic ash or a nuclear winter.

The lava flood starts on 2029Iyyar17. The sad/great/epiphanaic day of Jehovah, which begins on 2012Sivan14 (his first Passover execution), is a day of gloominess, darkness, thick cloud etc. It hosts a huge multiple volcanic eruptions which puts a worldwide ash cloud into the atmosphere. For more see U272


Here is our old INCORRECT reasoning to do with eclipses...

This moon turning into blood cannot just be a regular lunar eclipse because those happen all the time. It is a total lunar eclipse on a blood sacrifice annual festival day. The only Christian blood festival is Nisan14, the Lords evening meal, the Passover, the date of Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus was sacrificed by Caiaphas, the High Priest under law, during the Passover night, when he was condemned to death by the San Hedrin. He was executed by the Romans during the Passover day. But Romans could not sacrifice anyone they were not priests, they were butchers.

Definition: 4 total lunar eclipses in a row (rather than being partial or annular eclipses) is a tetrad.
Definition: A blood moon, or the moon turning to blood, is a lunar eclipse on a blood sacrifice festival. For Christianity that is the Passover. 

2014April15 at 07:47 (2014Nisan13). 
2015April4 at 12:01 (2015Nisan14)

The bible defines the double astronomical sign as follows...

19 And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist,
20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great [fearful of Joel] and epiphanaic day of Jehovah arrives (Acts 2 NWT)

30 And I will give miracles/signs/portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke.
31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great [epiphanaic of Acts] and fearful day of Jehovah
32 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will prove to be deliverance, just as Jehovah has said, and in the remnant, whom Jehovah is calling. (Joel 2 NWT/YLT)

The sign is a total solar eclipse (the sun becoming totally dark) followed by a blood moon, which no other type of solar or lunar eclipse between the two. This double sign occurred in 1912/1913, 1930/1931, 1948/1949, 1977/1978 and 2015 but does not again until after 2043. So the great and/or fearful and/or illustrious and/or epiphanaic day of the Lord Jehovah must begin after 2015Nisan14  But the portents/signs/miracles, the blood, the fire, the smoke, the sun going dark and the moon turning to blood ALL precede both the great day and the fear inspiring day of Jehovah. So neither day can start before the 2nd fire sign.

12 And I saw when he opened the 6th seal, and a great earthquake occurred; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, (Revelation 6 NWT)

Acts2 and Joel2 define the celestial sign as the sun being tuned into darkness and the moon into blood. This is a double sign comprising a total solar eclipse and a blood moon. But there are many total solar eclipses in a century and normally around 10 blood moons. So in order to grasp the uniqueness and power of this double event we require these two to be visible at the same location. So the sign we are looking for is a blood moon preceded by or followed by a total solar eclipse visible at the same location, with no other total solar eclipse between the two. 

This combination only occurs once in the period from 1979 to 2043. 

Gregorian Date GMT Place BLC Date Total Eclipse Type
2015March20 09:46 North Atlantic 2014Adar24 Solar - Wrong Location
2015April4 12:01 Pacific, Asia, Australia, America 2015Nisan14 Lunar - Blood Moon
2015September28 02:48 All over 2015Tishri11 Lunar
2016March9 01:58 Pacific 2015Adar24 Solar - Right Location!
2017August21 18:26 North Pacific, US, Atlantic 2017Ab25 Solar - Right Location!

Data from http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov. The great American eclipse which traversed the States from Oregon to South Carolina. 

The total lunar eclipse on 2014October8 at 10:55 = 2014Tishri11. This just missed atonement day on 2014Tishri10 - so was not quite a blood moon either.

We have one blood moon in the period from 2011 to 2020, that occurred on 2015Nisan14. In fact the previous blood moon was1978Nisan14 and the next one is 2043Nisan14So 2015Nisan14 is the big date and the blood moon fulfilling Acts2 and Joel2 since it actually occurs during the last days (from 2008Nisan14 to 2020Tishri14 - the largest Time of the End of Daniel12). 

But the sign also requires the sun to be turned into darkness, i.e. a total solar eclipse, and it must be in the same place that the blood moon was visible from (ideally by LWs). There were no LWs who could have seen the 2015Adar24 eclipse and precious few JWs (in Indonesia only). The more visible eclipse was the great American Eclipse on 2017Ab25 (August21). 

The Acceptable/goodwill year of Isaiah61 begins on 2019Ab10.

The prophetic form 'Great and Epiphanaic Day' means two days in the greater meaning. Jesus assures us that those from the synagogue of Satan come because he makes them come. But Laodicea is not a synagogue of Satan. It is a true church once again. And Jews listen to the voice of Jesus (true Jews).  So he will not have to make them come, he will just have to ask them to come and they will come. 

The Day of Jehovah is the day of fire sign responding salvation by Jehovah!

An eclipse which traverses the entire US from coast to coast which is only visible to people in the United States is a once in a 100 year event. It is the warning that the 3rd fire sign will occur imminently on New York.

We had thought that the meltdown at Fukushima was the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18. We no longer think it was because it did not occur on a divine Pentecost festival date.. 

Double Signs of Acts2/Joel2 during the second presence

The information for the lunar and solar eclipses comes from Fred Espenak's NASA eclipse site.
Lunar eclipses from 2001-2100: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/LEcat5/LE2001-2100.html
Solar eclipses from 2001-2100: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEcat5/SE2001-2100.html 
Brilliant Time Zone Page: http://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ 
Candidates for second presence Total Eclipse Blood Moons (1885-2035)

09424  1902 Apr 22  18:52:40      0  -1209  120   T-  pp  -0.2680  2.4002  1.3327  364.3  224.6   84.6   12S   76E
09449  1913 Mar 22  11:57:49     15  -1074  121   T+  -p   0.1671  2.5340  1.5683  319.7  209.4   92.8    0S  178W
09491  1931 Apr 02  20:07:55     24   -851  121   T+  -p   0.2043  2.4637  1.5021  317.9  207.8   89.6    5S   59E
09508  1938 May 14  08:44:00     24   -763  120   T   -t  -0.3994  2.1540  1.0966  354.9  213.1   49.4   19S  132W
09510  1939 May 03  15:11:43     24   -751  130   T   a-   0.3693  2.1842  1.1765  333.5  207.1   62.4   15S  131E
09533  1949 Apr 13  04:11:25     29   -628  121   T+  -p   0.2474  2.3825  1.4251  315.8  205.7   84.9    9S   62W
09535  1950 Apr 02  20:44:34     29   -616  131   T   a-  -0.4598  1.9951  1.0329  306.5  189.6   26.9    5S   50E
09551  1957 May 13  22:31:28     32   -528  130   T   a-   0.3045  2.3001  1.2982  335.0  211.6   77.6   18S   21E
09574  1967 Apr 24  12:07:04     38   -405  121   T   -p   0.2972  2.2892  1.3356  313.3  202.8   77.9   12S  178E
09576  1968 Apr 13  04:48:01     39   -393  131   T   p-  -0.4173  2.0725  1.1116  309.5  194.1   48.5    9S   72W
09599  1978 Mar 24  16:23:11     49   -270  122   T-  -p  -0.2140  2.4790  1.4518  344.9  218.5   90.7    2S  116E
09616  1985 May 04  19:57:19     55   -182  121   T   -p   0.3519  2.1870  1.2369  310.2  198.9   67.7   16S   60E
09618  1986 Apr 24  12:43:30     55   -170  131   T   p-  -0.3682  2.1620  1.2022  312.6  198.8   63.6   13S  169E
09640  1996 Apr 04  00:10:47     62    -47  122   T-  -p  -0.2534  2.4068  1.3795  344.7  217.1   85.8    6S    2W
09657  2003 May 16  03:41:13     64     41  121   T   -a   0.4123  2.0747  1.1276  306.5  193.9   51.4   19S   56W
09659  2004 May 04  20:31:17     65     53  131   T   p-  -0.3132  2.2627  1.3035  315.7  203.2   75.5   17S   51E
09682  2014 Apr 15  07:46:48     69    176  122   T   -a  -0.3017  2.3182  1.2907  343.9  214.7   77.8   10S  116W
09684  2015 Apr 04  12:01:24     69    188  132   T   t-   0.4460  2.0792  1.0008  357.5  209.0    4.7    5S  179W
09700  2022 May 16  04:12:42     73    276  131   T-  p-  -0.2532  2.3726  1.4137  318.7  207.2   84.9   19S   64W
09723  2032 Apr 25  15:14:51     79    399  122   T   -a  -0.3558  2.2192  1.1913  342.4  211.2   65.5   14S  131E
09725  2033 Apr 14  19:13:51     80    411  132   T   t-   0.3954  2.1711  1.0944  361.2  215.0   49.2    9S   72E
09747  2043 Mar 25  14:32:04     87    534  123   T   -t   0.3849  2.1900  1.1142  359.3  214.6   53.4    2S  144E
The Passover is a half day (a night) festival. So we need a total lunar eclipse blood moon during the Passover night, to make a blood moon.
Year  Total Lunar Eclipse  GMT Duration in minutes Total Lunar Eclipse in Time Zone with best chance 1st solar day of Nisan14 1st solar day of Iyyar14 Night of Nisan14/Iyyar14 
Sunset to Sunrise in Time zone with best chance
Regular or late Blood Moon? Place with best chance of blood moon Time Zone of greatest eclipse
1902  April 22, 18:52 85  April 23, 07:52 March 24 April 23 April 23, 17:10 - April 24, 06:29 Late No New Zealand - Wellington +13:00
1913  March 22, 11:57 93  March 23, 00:57 March 22 April 21 March 22, 18:01 - March 23, 05:56 Regular Yes New Zealand - Wellington +13:00
1931  April 2, 20:07 90  April 2, 23:37 April 2 May 2 April 2, 18:22 - April 3, 05:46 Regular Yes Iran - Tehran +3:30
1938  May 14, 08:44 49 May 14, 21:44 April 14 May 14 May 14, 16:44 - May 15, 06:51 Late Yes? New Zealand - Wellington +13:00
1939  May 3, 15:11 62  May 4, 04:11 April 4 May 4 May 4, 16:55 - May 5, 06:41 Late No New Zealand - Wellington +13:00
1949  April 13, 04:11 85  April 13, 00:11 April 12 May 12 April 12, 18:13 - April 13, 06:31 Regular  Yes  Bolivia - Sucre -4:00
1950  April 2, 20:44 27  April 2, 18:44 April 1 May 1 April 1, 19:17 -  April 2, 05:43 Regular No Greenland - Nuuk -2:00
1957  May 13, 22:31 78  May 14, 09:31 April 14 May 14 May 14, 16:59 - May 15, 07:15 Late No Tasmania - Hobart +11:00
1967  April 24, 12:07 78  April 25, 01:07 March 25 April 24 April 24, 17:38 - April 25, 07:01 Late Yes? New Zealand - Wellington +13:00
1968  April 13, 04:48 49  April 12, 23:48 April 12 May 12 April 12, 18:04 - April 13, 06:13 Regular Yes Peru - Lima -5:00
1978  Mar 24, 16:23 91  Mar 24, 05:23 March 23 April 22 March 23, 17:58 - March 24, 05:55 Regular Yes Niue - Alofi  -11:00
1985  May 04, 19:57 68  May 05, 01:57 April 4 May 4 May 4, 18:53 - May 5, 05:08 Late  Yes? Iran - Tehran +5:30
1986  April 24, 12:43 64  April 24, 01:43 March 24 April 23 April 23, 19:20 - April 24, 06:15 Late  Yes? US Naval Base - Midway -11:00
1996  April 4, 00:10 86  April 3, 17:10 April 2 May 2 April 2, 18:04 - April 3, 05:23 Regular  No USA - Las Vegas -7:00
2003  May 16, 03:41 51  May 16, 06:41 April 16 May 16 May 16, 18:30 - May 17, 05:09 Late No Saudi Arabia - Riyadh +3:00
2004  May 4, 20:31 75 May 4, 23:31 April 4 May 4 May 4, 17:27 - May 5, 06:06 Late Yes? Madagascar - Antananarivo +3:00
2014  April 15, 07:46 78  April 14, 20:46 April 13 May 13 April 13, 18:11 - April 14, 06:30 Regular No Niue - Alofi -11:00
2015  April 4, 12:01   5 April 4, 01:01   April 3 May 3 April 3, 18:33 - April 4, 06:44 Regular Yes US Naval Base - Midway -11:00
2015  April 4, 12:01:24   4.7 April 4, 07:01:24   April 3 May 3 April 3, 19:46 - April 4, 06:59:25 Regular Yes just USA Pittsburgh PA -5:00
2022  May 16, 04:12 85  May 16, 00:12 April 15 May 15 May 15, 17:54 - May 16, 06:41 Late Yes? Bolivia - Sucre -4:00
2032  April 25, 15:14 66 April 25, 04:14 March 25 April 24 April 24, 18:03 - April 25, 06:33 Late Yes Niue - Alofi -11:00
2033  April 14, 19:13 49  April 14, 08:13 April 13 May 13 April 13, 18:10 - April 14, 06:30 Regular No Niue - Alofi -11:00
2043  March 25, 14:32 53  March 26, 00:32 March 25 April 24 March 25, 18:19  March 26, 06:15  Regular Yes Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby +10:00
A total eclipse on the late Passover may not constitute a blood moon, because Jesus died on the regular Passover not the late one.
2015Nisan14 is the only regular Passover blood moon between 1978Nisan14 and 2043Nisan14. And the eclipse event immediately before 2043Nisan14 is an annular solar eclipse not a total solar eclipse. 
Solar 09602  2042 Oct 14  02:00:42     87    529  144   A   n-  -0.3030  0.9300  24S 138E  72  273  07m44s
The next eclipse event after it is an invisible total solar eclipse (with a duration of zero seconds)...
09603  2043 Apr 09  18:57:49     87    535  149   T+  t-   1.0031  1.0095  61N 152E   0            
So this is not a double sign.

Candidates for double signs of Acts2/Joel2 from 1885 to 2043

Total Solar Eclipses followed immediately by Blood Moons (1885-2035)

Solar 09309  1912 Oct 10  13:36:14     14  -1079  142   T   p-  -0.4149  1.0229  28S  40W  65   85  01m55s Lunar 09449  1913 Mar 22  11:57:49     15  -1074  121   T+  -p   0.1671  2.5340  1.5683  319.7  209.4   92.8    0S  178W
Solar 09352  1930 Oct 21  21:43:53     24   -856  142   T   p-  -0.3804  1.0230  31S 161W  67   84  01m55s Lunar 09491  1931 Apr 02  20:07:55     24   -851  121   T+  -p   0.2043  2.4637  1.5021  317.9  207.8   89.6    5S   59E
Solar 09395  1948 Nov 01  05:59:18     29   -633  142   T   n-  -0.3517  1.0231  33S  76E  69   84  01m56s Lunar 09533  1949 Apr 13  04:11:25     29   -628  121   T+  -p   0.2474  2.3825  1.4251  315.8  205.7   84.9    9S   62W
Solar 09435  1966 Nov 12  14:23:28     37   -410  142   T   n-  -0.3300  1.0234  36S  48W  71   84  01m57s Lunar 09574  1967 Apr 24  12:07:04     38   -405  121   T   -p   0.2972  2.2892  1.3356  313.3  202.8   77.9   12S  178E Iyyar14 Late Passover Night 
Solar 09459  1977 Oct 12  20:27:27     48   -275  143   T   n-   0.3836  1.0269  14N 124W  67   99  02m37s Lunar 09599  1978 Mar 24  16:23:11     49   -270  122   T-  -p  -0.2140  2.4790  1.4518  344.9  218.5   90.7    2S  116E
Solar 09475  1984 Nov 22  22:54:17     54   -187  142   T   n-  -0.3132  1.0237  38S 174W  72   85  02m00s Lunar 09616  1985 May 04  19:57:19     55   -182  121   T   -p   0.3519  2.1870  1.2369  310.2  198.9   67.7   16S   60E Iyyar14 Late Passover Night 
Solar 09541  2015 Mar 20  09:46:47     69    188  120   T   -t   0.9454  1.0445  64N   7W  18  463  02m47s Lunar 09684  2015 Apr 04  12:01:24     69    188  132   T   t-   0.4460  2.0792  1.0008  357.5  209.0    4.7    5S  179W
However the total solar eclipse must be visible in the same location as the blood moon. Hence we go finally with...
Lunar 09684  2015 Apr 04  12:01:24     69    188  132   T   t-   0.4460  2.0792  1.0008  357.5  209.0    4.7    5S  179W Solar 09543  2016 Mar 09  01:58:19     70    200  130   T   -n   0.2609  1.0450  10N 149E  75  155  04m09s 

Signs [plural] in the Sun and Moon and Stars

25 Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation,
26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near (Luke 21).

An eclipse is a visible sign in the Sun and Moon. A meteor shower is a visible sign in the stars. 

The Perseid meteor shower lasts around 40 days and plainly represents 40 days of stars falling from heaven, or the 40 day descent of the 1NC saints into the wilderness, the 40 day downpour of the greater flood of Noah.

Here are some pictures from the international meteor organisation at www.imo.net.

The Perseids in 2007...

The Perseids in 2008 (from imo.net on 14/15th August)

The Perseids in 2008 (from imo.net on 8th September)

So the observed length of this meteor shower whereby the stars look to be falling from the heavens was from July15 to August24, 40 days. The scripturally calculated 40 day flooding out of the descended 1NC angels on the other hand is now from 2016Heshvan17-2016Chislev26/Shebat6. So we will have to look at some other meteor showers.

Total Lunar Eclipses

The first total lunar eclipse in the Kingdom of God falls on the winter solstice of 2010December21 early in the day (2010Tebbeth10). The previous one being on 2008February21, in the last system. So the Great Tribulation of Matthew24 could never have begun before 2010December21 because Jesus said...

27 For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so the presence of the Son of man will be.
28 Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days [of the second presence of the son of man] the sun will be darkened [total solar eclipse or in fact any solar eclipse will darken it], and the moon will not give its light [total lunar eclipse], and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken (Matthew 24)

24 But in those days, after that tribulation [the great tribulation which had to be cut short], the sun will be darkened [partial solar eclipse], and the moon will not give its light [total lunar eclipse],
and the stars will be falling out of heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken (Mark 13)

And Peter, quoting Joel said...

20 the sun will be turned into darkness [total solar eclipse] and the moon into blood [total lunar eclipse] before the great and epiphanaic day of the Lord/Jehovah arrives.
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord/Jehovah will be saved.' (Acts 2)

31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah (Joel 2)

Here is a lovely graphic showing the phases of a lunar eclipse.,,