[276]  Isaiah 60 and Isaiah 61: The acceptable year, the accepting year, the year of goodwill

1 Arise, Oh woman [Congregation of the LWs], shed forth light, for your light has come and upon you the very glory of Jehovah has shone forth.
2 For, look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups; but upon you Jehovah will shine forth, and upon you his own glory will be seen.
3 And nations will certainly go to your light, and kings to the brightness of your shining forth.
4 Raise your eyes all around and see! They have all of them been collected together; they have come to you. From far away your own sons keep coming, and your daughters who will be taken care of on the flank.
5 At that time [The Time of Distress of Daniel which is more or less coincident with the Acceptable year of Jehovah] you will see [the scriptures plainly. Jesus will open up your minds fully to grasp the meanings of the scriptures after the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18] and certainly become radiant, and your heart will actually quiver and expand, because to you the wealthiness of the sea will direct itself; the very resources of the nations will come to you.
6 The heaving mass of camels itself will cover you, the young male camels of Midian and of Ephah. All those from Sheba -- they will come [greater Queen of Sheba]. Gold and frankincense they will carry [but no myrrh! Don't bother bringing the myrrh!]. And the praises of Jehovah they will announce.
7 All the flocks of Kedar -- they will be collected together to you. The rams of Nebaioth -- they will minister to you. With approval they will come up upon my altar, and I shall beautify my own house of beauty.
8 Who are these that come flying just like a cloud, and like doves to their birdhouse holes? [1NC and 2NC saints]
9 For in me the islands themselves will keep hoping [small groups of land, small churches with faith in God surrounded by a sea of faithlessness], the ships of Tarshish also as at the first, in order to bring your sons from far away, their silver and their gold being with them, to the name of Jehovah your God and/even to the Holy One of Israel, for he will have beautified you.
10 And foreigners will actually build your walls, and their own kings will minister to you; for in my indignation I shall have struck you, but in my goodwill [during the greater year of goodwill of Luke 4] I shall certainly have mercy upon you.
11 And your gates will actually be kept open constantly; they will not be closed even by day or by night, in order to bring to you the resources of the nations, and their kings will be taking the lead.
12 For any nation and any kingdom that will not serve you will perish; and the nations themselves will without fail come to devastation.
13 To you the very glory of Lebanon will come, the juniper tree [grass roots, low profile spiritual feeding network], the ash tree and the cypress together same time, in order to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I shall glorify the very place of my feet 
14 And to you the sons of those afflicting you must go, bowing down; and all those treating you disrespectfully must bend down at the very soles of your feet, and they will have to call you the city of Jehovah, Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
15 Instead of your proving to be one left entirely and hated, with nobody passing through, I will even set you as a thing of pride to time indefinite, an exultation for generation after generation.
16 And you will actually suck the milk of nations, and the breast of kings you will suck; and you will be certain to know that I, Jehovah, am your Saviour, and the Powerful One of Jacob is your Repurchaser.
17 Instead of the copper I shall bring in gold, and instead of the iron I shall bring in silver, and instead of the wood, copper, and instead of the stones, iron; and I will appoint peace as your overseers and righteousness as your task assigners.
18 No more will violence be heard in your land, despoiling or breakdown within your boundaries. And you will certainly call your own walls Salvation and your gates Praise.
19 For you the sun will no more prove to be a light by day, and for brightness the moon itself will no more give you light. And Jehovah must become to you an indefinitely lasting light, and your God your beauty.
20 No more will your sun set, nor will your moon go on the wane; for Jehovah himself will become for you an indefinitely lasting light, and the days of your mourning will have come to completion.
21 And as for your people, all of them will be righteous; to time indefinite they will hold possession of the land, the sprout of my planting, the work of my hands, for [me] to be beautified.
22 The little one himself will become 1,000, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time [one year] (Isaiah 60).


1371 The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me, for the reason that Jehovah has anointed me to tell good news to the meek ones [who will inherit the earth]. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to those taken captive and the wide opening [of the eyes] even to the prisoners;
2 to proclaim the year of goodwill/delight/favour/acceptability of Jehovah [2019Tishri10 to 2020Tishri10 AND 2028Heshvan10 to 2029Heshvan10] and the day of vengeance of our God [LITERAL: 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover of Adam and 2033Iyyar14, the late 1st death Passover of Cain. METAPHORICAL DAY: 2025Shebat6/7, the start of the ride of the 4th horseman, to 2029Ab7, the end of the extermination of non salvation covenant adamic and cainian mankind - Jesus is Caesar throughout - he permits the ride] to comfort all the mourning ones. So 3993Nisan14 (Adam's sin and execution) is fulfilled on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover 2x 1000 year recreative days after Jesus' sacrifice at the end of the 4th recreative day and 6025 years later] (Isaiah61).

16 And he came to Nazareth where he was brought up. And as was his custom, He went in on the day of the Sabbaths [the 1NC Pentecost] [2019Ab27, the 1st Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks, and 2019Elul5, the late Zoar Pentecost and the 4th 1NC Pentecost. This should be a Pentecost OR Atonement day since Tishri10 is the only mandatory Sabbath day amongst all the festival Sabbaths. The first JW 1NCs went in to reappointed Laodicea by 3EC baptism on 2019Tishri10], into the synagogue, and [he] stood up [on 2019Elul10, by 3EC baptism starting the 3rd part of the 2nd presence] to read.
17 And [the] scroll/book of Isaiah, the prophet was given upon [hand] to him. And unrolling the scroll/book [restarting the 3EC baptism into the ICC on 2019Elul10 into reappointed Laodicea and on 2020Sivan12/Tammuz10, for HLCs/1NCs into non adamic Sodom, writing into the scroll of the ICC], he found the place where it was written:
18 "[The] Spirit of [the] Lord [is] upon me. Because of this he anointed me [fulfilled on 2019Tebbeth10 in reappointed Laodicea and entirely on 2020Tammuz10 for the 1NCs and 2020Tishri10 for the HLCs in Reverted Laodicea, the end of the 3EC baptism for the 3rd Holy Spirit] to proclaim the gospel to [the] poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim remission to captives, and to [the] blind to look up/ again, to send away [the ones] being crushed, in remission,

18 Spirit of Lord upon me [2x], on account of which he anointed me to evangelise to poor (ones) [2x], {to heal the broken-hearted ones - Alexandrinus and Textus Receptus and Isaiah61 and Isaiah61 LXX [2x]} he has sent off me to preach to captives release [2x] and to blind (ones) looking up/again [2x.2x=4x: Literally looking up, but in a group of release/remissioneitc, of restoring to the previous state hence looking AGAIN], to send off (ones) having been crushed in remission [2x],
19 to preach AN ACCEPTING/GOODWILL year of [the] Lord." (Luke 4 KIT)

L2713 avnable,pw anablepw avna&ble,pw, f. &ble,yw or &ble,yomai: aor. i &e,bleya:-to look up, Ar., Plat., etc.; avnĹ pro,j tina to look him in the face, Xen.
2. to look up at, c. acc., Eur.; also c. dat., Id.
3. c. acc. cogn., avnĹ flo,ga to cast up a glance of fire, Id.
II. to recover one's sight, Hdt., Plat.; pa,lin avn. Ar. Hence avna,bleyij:

Verse 18: 2x+2x.(2x+0x/2x+2x+4x+2x+1 year)=22x/26x months + 2 years. = 46/50 months from 2020Heshvan18, the 4th HLC marriage, the wedding of Cana, the completion of the anointing of the 3rd Holy Spirit, to 2024Tebbeth14, the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover.

19 to preach AN ACCEPTING/GOODWILL year of [the] Lord." [Isaiah 61:1, 2: From
2019Tishri10 to 2020Tishri10, entrance into the 3EC in reappointed Laodicea for JWs, to the end of entrance into the 3EC for HLCs AND
2028Heshvan10 to 2029Heshvan10, entry day into the early Laodicean FRC Passover to entry day into the late non religious LRC Passover, the 12th crop of Revelation22. From late Atonement day to late Atonement day.

And rolling up the scroll [on 2022Tebbeth6, 9˝ months of the far bank of Reverted Laodicea before 2023Tishri21, the end of the 4EC baptism for them], returning [it] to the subordinate [FDS4, his non adamic faithful slave - who had their baptism stolen by Laodicea - twice. Jesus returns it to us when we regain the Laodiceans who stole our 4EC baptism], he sat down [1x: to separate the sheep from the goats on 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, when he takes over Abrahamic/Isaac Zoar]. And the eyes of all [ones] in the synagogue were looking-intently to him [2x.2x=4x] .
21 And He began to say to them [2x], Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in ears of you [2x.2x=4x: Again by the 3rd Holy Spirit in Zoar]. (Luke 4 GLT)

Verse20 after he sat down on 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5 over Abraham: 4x+2x.4x = 12x of the Accepting year from 2028Heshvan10 to 2029Heshvan10, entry day into the 12th crop of Revelation22

6 And as for you, the priests of Jehovah you will be called; the ministers of our God you will be said to be. The resources of the nations you people will eat, and in their glory you will speak elatedly about yourselves (Isaiah 61 NWT).

Those who enter into an early marriage or covenant Passover do not become engaged to the groom or join the covenant. The agree to do that at the regular Passover, which occurs 30 days later (which they should also attend - not sure if they have to). So they get a contract on a marriage or a salvation contract, rather than getting the final contract itself.

Scroll of Isaiah = scroll of Isaiah
Scroll = scroll of the ICC. - for more see U276.137

The JWs who remained in the Watchtower, the Watchtower land, are not acceptable until 2019Tishri5 - due to the missed weekly Sabbath + Atonement day payback penalty less the Sabbaths during the incarceration of the Governing Body of 5215 + 82 - 47 = 5250 solar days from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5, then the Watchtower Passovers could begin on 2019Tishri14.

3 to assign to those mourning over Zion, to give them a headdress instead of ashes, the oil of exultation instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of the downhearted spirit; and they must be called big trees of righteousness, the planting of Jehovah, for [him] to be beautified.
4 And they must rebuild the long-standing devastated places; they will raise up even the desolated places of former times, and they will certainly make anew the devastated cities, the places desolate for generation after generation.
5 And strangers will actually stand and shepherd the flocks of you people, and the foreigners will be your farmers and your vinedressers.
6 And as for you, the priests of Jehovah you will be called; the ministers of our God you will be said to be. The resources of the nations you people will eat, and in their glory you will speak elatedly about yourselves.
7 Instead of your shame there will be a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will cry out joyfully over their share. Therefore in their land they will take possession of even a double portion. Rejoicing to time indefinite is what will come to be theirs.
8 For I, Jehovah, am loving justice, hating robbery along with unrighteousness. And I will give their wages in trueness, and an indefinitely lasting covenant I shall conclude toward them.
9 And their offspring will actually be known even among the nations, and their descendants in among the peoples. All those seeing them will recognize them, that they are the offspring whom Jehovah has blessed.
10 Without fail I shall exult in Jehovah. My soul will be joyful in my God. For he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; with the sleeveless coat of righteousness he has enwrapped me, like the bridegroom who, in a priestly way, puts on a headdress, and like the bride who decks herself with her ornamental things.
11 For as the earth itself brings forth its sprout, and as the garden itself makes the things that are sown in it sprout, in like manner the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will cause the sprouting of righteousness and of praise in front of all the nations (Isaiah 61).

22 And they all began to give favourable witness about him and to marvel at the winsome words proceeding out of his mouth, and they were saying: This is a son of Joseph, is it not? (Luke 4)

Well Jesus was not a son of Joseph. But an antitypical Joseph, is a 'son' of Joseph. Jesus deliberately missed out the Day of vengeance even though he did preach it telling people to flee to the hills of Judea. So he was revealing that there is to be a further fulfilment. Now the year of God's acceptance, the year of God's favour, the year of God's goodwill that Jesus preached began at the end of the Alienation Times, i.e. on 33Sivan6. So it ran from Pentecost 33 to Pentecost 34. It started with the outpouring of the first century physical gifts of the spirit and the sealing of the apostles in holy spirit, completing their spirit baptisms. Then we know the day of vengeance on Jerusalem began really with Cestius in 66Tishri and ended with Titus between 70 Nisan and 70Ab10 when he burned the Zerubbabel's temple restored by Judas Maccabeus on 165Chislev25 at the end of the 2300 days of Daniel8 - see U157. Now the 200th year, the 4th Jubilee of the Sabbath system (starting 164Tishri1) under the restored temple ran from 36Tishri1 to 37Elul30. But Cornelius was converted on 36Tishri18. So the Gentiles were called on a Jubilee from the existing temple arrangement, since the law was still in force over those who had not become Christians until the temple was destroyed. Jesus made the law into a form of false worship. He ended the curse of the law for Christians baptized into the baptism of John. But he did not end the law for all Jews. Titus ended the law for all Jews. Titus was God's executioner as Josephus points out - see I30.  

13 Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake (Galatians 3).

4 For Christ is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness (Romans 10).

The final year of acceptance and day of vengeance

In the final fulfilment of Isaiah, the day of vengeance is not on the Jewish system but on the entire world. And of course there is also a year of acceptance, a year of goodwill. This year also starts at Pentecost and lasts until Jesus comes, when one does not need any more goodwill, since on has him. During this final year of acceptance, what happens is that the LWs are accepted visibly through the 3rd fire sign and the mountain of the house of the Jehovah is raised up finally. The 2NCs must get the gifts of the spirit for their marriage from Gordon, the mediator of the 2NC! We should get the gifts of the spirit to enable us to speak the pure language of Zephaniah and to evangelise more effectively and to cure the spiritually sick etc. Every bride must get gifts. This must now be 2025Iyyar21, as regards the gifts of the spirit and 2024Nisan22, the publishing of the correct 2nd and 3rd fire sign predictions of 1Kings18. The spiritual gifts of the spirit are the mechanics of how God speeds it up in its own time (year). It is the fulfilment of Isaiah 60, 61 and ...

14 therefore here I am, the One that will act wonderfully again with this people, in a wonderful manner and with something
wonderful; and the wisdom of their wise men must perish, and the very understanding of their discreet men will conceal itself (Isaiah 29).

We may get more because Paul said..

28 And God has set the respective ones in the congregation, first, apostles; second, prophets; 3rd, teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healings; helpful services, abilities to direct, different tongues.
29 Not all are apostles, are they?
Not all are prophets, are they?
Not all are teachers, are they?
Not all perform powerful works, do they?
30 Not all have gifts of healings, do they?
Not all speak in tongues, do they?
Not all are translators, are they?
31 But keep zealously seeking the greater gifts. And yet I show you a surpassing way [indeed for 7x we are all EVERYTHING] (1 Corinthians 12).

There will be a time, in fact a period of 7x precisely due to the precise repetition 7x. 

45 Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures,
46 and he said to them: In this way it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from among the dead on the 3rd day (Luke 24).

The 3rd day, is the day of the Watchtower, the 3rd true church. He suffers because his wife is kidnapped by Satan through the evil slave and loses her water baptism, and so the second presence has a gap in it. He rises from the dead during the baptism of the second presence 1NC saints.