[312] The Cupbearer, the Baker, the Chiefs of the same and Joseph


1 Now after these things [the] one cupbearing [Hiphil participle - one causing drinking] of [the] king of Egypt and the [one] baking [Hiphil participle - one causing baking] sinned against-Lord(s) of them, against-[the] king of Egypt.
2 And Pharaoh grew indignant at 2 of eunuchs of him, at the chief of cupbearers and at the chief of bakers.
3 So he put them in the jail of [the] house of [the] chief of [the] guards, into the house of prison [The absolute takes the article for the whole construct], there [was the] place of where Joseph was being imprisoned.

Cupbearers are Abrahamic Laodicean 2NCs
Bakers are 1NC reserve JWs
The chief of the cupbearers is the Laodicean administration (not all of whom are saints) at their fall on 2017Elul10
The chief of the bakers is the Watchtower administration (not all of whom are saints) at their fall on 2005Sivan14
The head of the chief of the cupbearers is the sealed 2NC Kings from Laodicea
The head of the chief of the bakers is the sealed 1NC reserve Kings from the Watchtower.

1 Now after these things it came about that the cupbearer [2NCs in Abrahamic Laodicea] of the king of Egypt [FDS3/ES2] and the baker [1NC reserves in the Watchtower] sinned against their lord the king of Egypt [FDS3/ES2].
2 And Pharaoh [Jesus] grew indignant at his 2 eunuchs [neither of whom are covenant mediators - no salvational seed. Joseph is not a Eunuch. He has both 2NC and 4EC seed!], at the chief of the cupbearers [The Administration of Abrahamic Laodicea as of 2017Elul10] and at the chief of the bakers [The administration of the Watchtower as of 2005Sivan14].
3 And he committed them to the jail of the house of the chief of the bodyguard [The Watchtower became a false church on 2005Sivan14, 1260 days (3½x of Daniel12) after 2001Chislev14, when it lost its water baptism due to the awful letter to the Bethels of 2001Heshvan10/11. Abrahamic Laodicea became a false church on 2017Elul10. Then is was reappointed as a true church again on 2019Ab1 and reappointed/reinstalled over the 1NCs on 2019Ab21/Tishri10 and became a false church again on 2019Adar16. The non reserve 1NCs are the bodyguard, the 3rd Holy Spirit], to the tower/round/prison house [the Watchtower as a fallen 1NC church], the place where Joseph [was] bound [disfellowshipped from and therefore shunned by the Watchtower. So this is the Watchtower prison]
4 Then the chief of the bodyguard assigned Joseph to be with them that he might wait upon them; and they were days in jail 
5 And both of them proceeded to dream a dream, each one his own dream in one night [the night from 2017Elul10 to 2019Ab1, when Laodicea and the Watchtower were both false churches], each one his dream with its own interpretation, the cupbearer and the baker who belonged to the king of Egypt [ES2] who were prisoners in the prison house [This refers to more than simply being in the Watchtower. It refers to the binding agreements they have made not to contact the LWs etc].
6 When Joseph [Elijah4] came in to them in the morning and saw them, why, here they were looking dejected.
7 And he began to inquire of the eunuchs of Pharaoh who were with him in the jail of his master's house [all incommunicado enforced by Jesus' fallen 1NC house, The Watchtower] saying: For what reason are your faces gloomy today?
8 At this they said to him: We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter with us. So Joseph said to them: Do not interpretations belong to God? [Yes they do in the literal meaning. But this is a binary question. Laodicea treats them as if they belong to the Watchtower in the greater meaning - since they steal them from God's true church and give it no recognition - prophets of Baal. Whereas the Watchtower have absolutely no interest in them - prophets of Asherah] Relate it to me, please.

The Chief of the cupbearers dream refers to the prison from 2017Elul10 to 2019Ab1 (the 1st fall of Laodicea until its reappointment as a true church)
The Chief of the bakers dream refers to the prison from 2017Elul10 to 2019Ab1 (the 1st fall of Laodicea until its reappointment as a true church)
The Interpretations refer to the prison on 2019Shebat10, the loss of water baptism to Laodicea and 2019Adar16, when they fell as a true church to 2020Sivan12. This was a short prison. The HLCs entered into non adamic Sodom from the fallen reappointed Laodicea on 2020Sivan12. 

9 And the chief of the cupbearers went on to relate his dream to Joseph and to say to him: In my dream, why, here there was a vine before me.
10 And on the vine there were 3 twigs/branches, and it was apparently sprouting shoots. Its blossoms pushed forth. Its clusters ripened their grapes [Jesus is the true vine, the mediator of the ARC. The 3 branches are 1NC, the HLC and the 2NC. The 3 bunches of grapes are the 1NC saints, the HLC saints and the 2NC saints. The grapes are ripe when they are sealed. Pentecost is the first ripe fruits festival, the sealing festival. The 11 apostles were sealed into the ARC on 33Sivan5].
11 And Pharaoh's cup [the 1NC] was in my hand [for 5 months as a true church or 5 Passover festival days: 2019Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 - NOT in Joseph's hand], and I proceeded to take the grapes and squeeze them out into Pharaoh's cup [the reappointed Laodicean administration presided over the sealing of the 1NCs]. After that I gave the cup [of the 1NC and HLC] into Pharaoh's hand [5x Passovers in non adamic Sodom: 2020Tammuz14/Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14, these are the 7th 1NC marriage and the 1st to 4th HLC marriage Passovers].

12 Then Joseph said to him: This is its interpretation: The 3 twigs/branches are 3 of days [The 3 days of reappointed Laodicea, Reverted Laodicea and Hebron (Laodicea within Zoar)].
13 In repeating 3 of days Pharaoh will lift up your head [the rapture of the sealed Laodicean 2NCs] and he will certainly return you to your standing/status [your cupbearer status, your 2NC status, will be returned to you] and you will certainly give Pharaoh's cup into his hand [5x Passover cups in the ark after entering Hebron and before going through the Tsohar into heaven on 2029Iyyar15: 2025Nisan14, 2026Nisan14, 2027Nisan14, 2028Nisan14, 2029Nisan14], according to the former custom when you acted as his cupbearer [NOT as the chief of his cupbearers - but giving the cup into his hand].
14 Nevertheless, you must keep me in your remembrance as soon as it goes well with you, and you must, please, perform loving-kindness with me and mention me to Pharaoh, and you must get me out of this house [Unfulfilled command literal. so it must be fulfilled in the greater meaning. Laodicea will be instrumental in liberating Joseph from being shunned by all JWs and being effectively in a Watchtower prison].
15 For I was in fact kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews [Laodicean sons of the 4EC were kidnapped from the LWs effectively]; and here also I have done nothing at all for which they should put me in the prison hole [disfellowshipped from the JWs].

16 When the chief of the bakers saw that he had interpreted something good, he, in turn, said to Joseph: I too was in my dream, and here there were 3 baskets of white bread [clean true church food] upon my head [the food of non adamic Abrahamic Laodicea, reappointed Laodicea and reverted Laodicea],
17 and in the topmost basket [Reverted Laodicean food] there were all sorts of eatables of Pharaoh, the product of a baker [1NC produced food] and there were fowls [rejected saints. These are not saints who are still under test. Because God regards saints under test as being clean - not as fowls. These are rotten ARC failed saints, actually demon possessed saints as well] eating them out of the basket upon my head [All the unsealed 1NC reserves and HLCs left unraptured in Reverted Laodicea. Rotten saints and demon possessed failed saints or sons of the DAC. These people are not frauds, they are failed true angelic - they have wings]

All heavenly baptised saints which are the Kings and the Lords, must get sealed into the ARC in this system. A fowl is an ARC failed saint 

Laodicea presides over all 5 Watchtower Passovers

18 Then Joseph answered and said: This is its interpretation: The 3 baskets are 3 of days [The 3 days of Abrahamic Laodicea, reappointed Laodicea and Reverted Laodicea].
19 In repeating 3 of days Pharaoh will lift up your head from off you [remove the sealed 1NC and HLC saints from Reverted Laodicea by ark Passover execution and ark resurrection] and will certainly hang you upon a stake; and the fowls will certainly eat your flesh from off you [your flesh is unclean. Demons will possess you. All who claim to be 1NCs and HLCs will be publicly shamed. They will be required to publicly shame themselves. Those who claim to be Jesus' flesh after all the 1NCs and HLCs have been left the planet, will be shown to be frauds].

20 And it was, in the day, the 3rd, day of being-born of namely Pharaoh [The 3rd presence], and he proceeded to make a feast for ALL his servants [From 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, when the 3rd Holy Spirit takes Abrahamic/Isaaic Zoar over] and to lift up the head of the chief of the cupbearers [sealed 2NCs (the head) of the Laodicean 2NCs and of the Laodicean administration into the ark] and the head of the chief of the bakers [sealed 1NC reserves are also lifted up into the ark] in the midst of his servants.
21 And he returned the chief of the cupbearers to his post of cupbearer [the Abrahamic Laodicean administration of 2017Elul10 retrains its 2NC status. Whereas the reverted Laodicea administration of 2023Tishri21 is the good for nothing slave of Matthew25 that gets thrown into the outer darkness for 38 months until the 3rd Holy Spirit takes over Isaaic Zoar on 2026Chislev5, which means they fail to be 4EC baptised and therefore lose their angels and their kingdom priesthood - see U35], and he was giving the cup into Pharaoh's PALM [for the 2024Nisan14 Passover].
22 But the chief of the bakers he hung up, just as Joseph had given them the interpretation [all those who claimed falsely to be 1NCs or HLCs are publicly exposed as frauds not by Elijah4 but by Jesus in the 3rd presence].
23 However, the chief of the cupbearers did not remember Joseph and went on forgetting him [The reappointed Laodicean administration continue to forget about Joseph. For the one group did not come near the other all night long in Exodus14] (Genesis 40).

Literal CNC: Day (7). Day of being-born-of Pharaoh (1)

Midst of Pharaoh's Servants

10020 And it was, in the day, the 3rd, day of being-born of namely Pharaoh [3rd part of the 2nd presence OR the 3rd presence], and he proceeded to make a feast for ALL his servants and to lift up the head of the chief of the cupbearers and the head of the chief of the bakers in the midst of his servants.

Laodicea reappointed to feed
and to rule over the 1NCs

3rd 1NC marriage

6th (late 3rd) 1NC marriage

Reappointed Laodicean falls
56 days91 days58 days

First HLCs join Reverted Laodicea
by stolen 4EC baptism
4th HLC marriage marital supper and veil lifting day
Water is turned into wine. Benjamin call into the 2NC begins
Benjamin call to be
2NC reserves ends
Reverted Laodicea falls
as a true church
5 months plus 13 days 30 months5 months less 4 days

Isaaic Zoar is appointed
over the 2NCs
Ark rapture of the ARC sealed Abrahamic Gentile call 2NCs
the first part of the head of the chief of the cupbearers
Ark rapture of the ARC sealed Isaaic LW 2NCs
The last part of the head of the chief of the cupbearers
The installation of the
Kingdom of God over Abraham
8 years 2 months 2 months8 years 2 months

Laodiceans were never appointed to rule over the 2NCs. So the LW administration was their lawmaker actually.

The chief of the bakers, the 1NCs, are lifted up from the midst of the 1NC feast of the reappointed Laodicean administration (servant)
The chief of the cupbearers, the Laodicean 2NCs of Benjamin are lifted up from the midst of the saintly presence in Reverted Laodicea100.

The 24 regular early and late Salvation Passovers ...

141Reappointed Laodicea (4)
2019Elul14 (Early Watchtower Bethelite)

2019Tishri14 (Watchtower Bethelite - 3rd 1NC marriage)
2019Heshvan14 (Watchtower Congregation - 4th 1NC marriage)
2019Chislev14 (Watchtower Prisons - 5th 1NC marriage)
2019Tebbeth14 (Late partaking Laodicean Bethelites - 6th 1NC marriage)

non adamic Sodom (5)
2020Tammuz14 (Late partaking Laodicean Congregations - 7th 1NC marriage on 2020Tammuz19 - they did not last long enough to have a prison)
2020Ab14 (Reappointed Laodicean Bethelites - 1st HLC marriage on 2020Ab17)
2020Elul14 (Reappointed Laodicean Congregations - 2nd HLC marriage on 2020Elul22). 2020Elul was a Sabbath month but not for non adamics in the ark
2020Tishri14 (Late partakers on 2020Elul14 - Reappointed Laodicean Bethelites - 3rd HLC marriage on 2020Tishri20) 
2020Heshvan14 (Late partakers on 2020Tishri14 - Reappointed Laodicean Congregation - 4th HLC marriage on 2020Heshvan18)

Zoar (12)
2028Heshvan14 (Early Laodicean/LW FRC Passover)
2028Chislev14 (Laodicean FRC Passover - 1st crop of Revelation22)
2028Tebbeth14 (Watchtower FRC Passover - 2nd crop of Revelation22)
2028Shebat14 (Christian FRC Passover - 3rd crop of Revelation22)
2028Adar14 (Babylonian FRC Passover - 4th crop of Revelation22)
2029Nisan14 (Non religious FRC Passover - 5th crop of Revelation22)
2029Iyyar14 (Late Partakers FRC Passover - 6th crop of Revelation22)
2029Sivan14 (Laodicean OMC Passover - 7th crop of Revelation22)
2029Tammuz14 (Watchtower OMC Passover - 8th crop of Revelation22)
2029Ab14 (Christian OMC Passover - 9th crop of Revelation22)
2029Elul14 (Babylonian OMC Passover - 10thy crop of Revelation22)
2029Tishri14 (Non religious OMC Passover - 11th crop of Revelation22)
2029Heshvan14 (Late Partakers OMC Passover - 12th crop of Revelation22)

Last Chance Saloon (2)
2033Nisan14 (1st death Passover for sons of Adam in the above categories who repented too late for their category, the last chance saloon)
2033Iyyar14 (Late 1st death Passover for sons of Cain in the above categories who repented too late for their category, the last chance saloon)
These are in 'should know better' order.

Plus one more we have missed!

The chief of the cupbearers said of his dream...

11 And Pharaoh's cup [of the 1NC] was in my hand, and I proceeded to take the grapes and squeeze them out into Pharaoh's cup. After that I gave the cup [of the 1AC] into Pharaoh's hand. (Genesis 40 NWT)

So there are 3 versions of each of the 3 Passovers of Exodus 11-12 of the firstborn of Pharaoh and of the maidservant at the mill and of captive in the prison hole, the early, the regular and the late version. 

5 and every firstborn in the land of Egypt must die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who is sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the maidservant who is behind the millstones and every firstborn of beast. (Exodus 11 NWT)
29 And it came about that at midnight Jehovah struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison hole, and every firstborn of beast. (Exodus 12 NWT)

But then in the interpretation Joseph said...

13 In repeating 3 of days Pharaoh will lift up your head [] and he will certainly return you to your standing/status [] and you will certainly give Pharaoh's cup into his hand [5x cups], according to the former custom when you acted as his cupbearer [NOT as the chief of his cupbearers - giving his cup into his hand].

Then the fulfilment was...

21 Accordingly he returned the chief of the cupbearers to his post of cupbearer [], and he was giving the cup into Pharaoh's PALM ['The cup' is the HLC. Just one Passover - hence Palm rather than hand].

3 hands and hand from custom and one palm give 21 Passovers in all! 

Total number of Passovers referenced is hand + hand + hand + former custom (hand) + palm = 5+5+5+5+1 = 21 cups. These are the 21 Passovers excluding the 1st death Passovers..

Laodicean = 1st Abrahamic
JW = 2nd Abrahamic
Christian = 3rd Abrahamic
Babylonian = 4th Abrahamic
Non religious = 5th Abrahamic

DatePassoverEarly PassoverLate PassoverEgyptChurchMen BeastsEgyptiansFirstborn of MenFirstborn of Beasts
2019Elul14Early 1st Watchtower  WatchtowerLaodiceaSaints unsanctifiedJWs First to be 3EC baptised
2019Tishri141st WatchtowerEarly 2nd Watchtower WatchtowerLaodicea SaintsunsanctifiedJWsBethelite 1NCsFirst to be 3EC baptised
2019Heshvan142nd WatchtowerEarly 3rd Watchtowerlate 1st WatchtowerWatchtowerLaodicea SaintsunsanctifiedJWsCongregation 1NCsFirst to be 3EC baptised
2019Chislev143rd Watchtower Late 2nd WatchtowerWatchtowerLaodicea SaintsunsanctifiedJWsEx JW 1NCsFirst to be 3EC baptised
2019Tebbeth146th 1NC marriage Late 3rd WatchtowerWatchtowerLaociea SaintsunsanctifiedLaodiceansLate partaking Admin 1NCs First to be 3EC baptised
2020Nisan14Lord's evening meal          
2020Tammuz147th 1NC MarriageEarly 1st HLC marriage Laodiceanon adamic Sodom SaintsunsanctifiedLaodiceansLate Partaking Congregtion 1NCsFirst to be 3EC baptised
2020Ab141st HLC MarriageEarly 2nd HLC Marriage Laodiceanon adamic Sodom SaintsunsanctifiedLaodiceansAdministration HLCsFirst to be 3EC baptised
2020Elul142nd HLC Marriage Late 1st HLC MarriageLaodiceanon adamic Sodom SaintsunsanctifiedLaodiceansCongregation HLCsFirst to be 3EC baptised
2020Tishri143rd HLC Marriage Late 2nd HLC marriagenon adamic Sodomnon adamic Sodom SaintsunsanctifiedLaodiceansLate Partaking Admin HLCsFirst to be 3EC baptised
2020Heshvan144th HLC Marriage  non adamic Sodomnon adamic Sodom SaintsunsanctifiedLaodiceansLate Partaking Congregation HLCsFirst to be 3EC baptised
2028Heshvan14 Early 1st Crop FRC LaodiceaDragnet Beach 1ACsNon 1ACsLaodiceansPre Kingdom Laodicean 1ACsGenetic firstborn
2028Chislev14Laodicean FRC Early 2nd Crop FRC LaodiceaDragnet Beach 1ACsNon 1ACsLaodiceansPre Kingdom Laodicean 1ACsGenetic firstborn
2028Tebbeth14JW FRCEarly 3rd Crop FRCLate Laodicean FRCWatchtower Dragnet Beach1ACsNon 1ACsJWsPre Kingdom JW 1ACsGenetic firstborn
2028Shebat14Christian FRCEarly 4th Crop FRCLate JW FRCChristianity Dragnet Beach1ACsNon 1ACsChristiansPre Kingdom Christian 1ACsGenetic firstborn
2028Adar14Babylonian FRCEarly 5th CropFRCLate Christian FRCBabylon Dragnet Beach1ACsNon 1ACsBabyloniansPre Kingdom Babylonian 1ACsGenetic firstborn
2029Nisan14Non religious FRC Late Babylonian FRCIrreligiousDragnet Beach 1ACsNon 1ACsIrreligiousPre Kingdom Non religious 1ACsGenetic firstborn
2029Iyyar14Late FRC partakersEarly 7th Crop OMCLate Non religious FRCIrreligiousDragnet Beach 1ACsNoneAllPre Kingdom  1ACsGenetic firstborn
2029Sivan14Laodicean OMCEarly 8th Crop OMC LaodiceaDragnet Beach 1ACsNoneLaodiceansPre Kingdom Laodicean 1ACsNone
2029Tammuz14 JW OMCEarly 9th Crop OMCLate Laodicean LRCJWDragnet Beach 1ACsNoneJWsPre Kingdom JW 1ACsNone
2029Ab14Christian OMCEarly 10th Crop OMCLate Watchtower LRCChristianDragnet Beach 1ACsNoneChristiansPre Kingdom Christian 1ACsNone
2029Elul14Babylonian OMCEarly 11th Crop OMCLate Christian LRCBabylonian Dragnet Beach1ACsNoneBabyloniansPre Kingdom Babylonian 1ACsNone
2029Tishri14Non religious OMC Late Babylonian LRCIrreligiousDragnet Beach 1ACsNoneNon religiousPre Kingdom Non religious 1ACsNone
2029Heshvan14Late OMC partakers Late Non religious LRCIrreligiousDragnet Beach 1ACsNoneNon religiousPre Kingdom Non religious 1ACsNone
2033Nisan141st Death Passover  World Kingdom 1ACsNoneFaithlessAdamNone
2033Iyyar14Late 1st Death Passover  World Kingdom 1ACsNoneFaithlessCainNone

1ACs are sealed into the FRC by faith
OMCs are sealed into the LRC by love. Jesus was the promised seed of Abraham, so sons of the LRC are sons of Abraham.  

The 40+40 day lava flood, from 2029Iyyar17, ends on 2029Ab7 as does the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse of the sentence count of Revelation6:8 - see U151, from 2026Tishri29/30. The 4th horseman must stop killing then because he only has authority over the quarter of the earth which is not in a salvation covenant and they are wiped out by the lava flood. So there is no non salvation covenant person left for him to kill after the flood which kills non 1AC non OMC Adam and non 1AC non OMC Cain. Zoar is the church of escape from Adam and from Cain.
1ACs for FRC sealing do have to go to the land that God shows them (after becoming constructive Abraham). So they must join Zoar.
OMCs for LRC sealing have insufficient faith for FRC sealing and are saved on love. 
If a Laodicean 1AC misses the Laodicean FRC Passover on 2028Chislev14 and attends the late version on 2028Tebbeth14, then he is FRC sealed into the 2nd crop of the tree of life of Revelation22 but gains his non adamic restoration either from 2029Iyyar14-16, the late FRC Partakes restoration, the 6th crop of Revelation22 or from 2028Tebbeth14-16 - seen evidence for both.
The last FRC to be raptured, enters into Zoar on 2029Iyyar10, entry day into the 6th crop of Revelation22, 7 days of Genesis 7:4 before the start of the lava flood on 2029Iyyar17, the 17th day of the 2nd month of Genesis 7:11.

All the 1NC reserves at the 3rd to 7th marriages died at the Passover and were resurrected as a human into the ark on the 15th after having their spirits in the hand/hands of God for 5/10 hours - this being a term of the 1NC - the reserves were non adamic - so did NOT go to Hades. They are baptised into the death of the Christ, the death which he suffered.
All the HLCs also died at their marriage Passover and were resurrected into the ark - NOT through Hades..  
So the deaths of the 1NCs and the HLCs were as earthly humans only. They did not enter Hades, the 1st death, they were snatched from the gates of Hades like David and like Jesus. Their spirits were in Gods hand/hands for 5/10 hours. .

5 Into your hand I entrust my spirit. You have redeemed me, Oh Jehovah the God of truth. (Psalms 31 NWT)
46 And Jesus called with a loud voice and said: Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit. When he had said this, he expired. (Luke 23 NWT)

30 Then Pharaoh got up at night, he and all his servants and all [other] Egyptians; and there began arising a great outcry among the Egyptians, because there was not a house where there was not one dead. (Exodus 12 NWT)

10 For you will not leave my soul in Sheol. You will not allow your loyal one to see the pit. (Psalms 16 NWT)
10 For You will not leave My soul in Sheol; You will not give Your Holy One to see corruption. (Psalms 16 GLT)

3 Oh Jehovah, you have brought up my soul from Sheol itself; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down into the pit. (Psalms 30 NWT)
3 O Jehovah, You have brought up my soul from Sheol; You have kept me alive, from going down into the Pit. (Psalms 30 GLT)

Once the firstborn are killed, the 2nd born become the first born!141

GENESIS 40: Green's Literal Translation...

Cupbearer: 2NCs
Baker: 1NCs
Chief of Cupbearers: Laodicean Administration
Chief of Bakers: non adamic Sodom Administration.
Head of the chief of the bakers: Saints in the non adamic Sodom Administration
Head of the chief of the cupbearers: Sealed Genuine 2NCs in the Laodicean Administration
Joseph: Elijah4
King of Egypt: FDS3/ES2
Pharaoh: Jesus.

1 And after these things, it happened, the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt sinned against their lord, against the king of Egypt.
2 And Pharaoh was angry against his two eunuchs, against the chief of the cupbearers and against the chief of the bakers.
3 And he gave them into custody, in the house of the chief of the executioners, into the prison house, the place where Joseph [was] bound.
4 And the chief of the executioners assigned Joseph [to be] with them, and he served them. And they were in custody [many] days.
5 And they dreamed a dream, both of them, each his dream in one night, each according to the interpretation of his dream, the cupbearer and the baker who [belonged] to the king of Egypt, who were bound in the prison house.
6 And Joseph came in to them in the morning. And he looked at them, and, behold, they [were] sad.
7 And he asked the eunuchs of Pharaoh who were with him in custody, in the house of his lord, saying, Why [are] your faces sad today?
8 And they said to him, We have dreamed a dream, and there [is] no interpreter. And Joseph said to them, Do not interpretations [belong] to God? Now tell it to me.
9 And the chief of the cupbearers told his dream to Joseph, and said to him, In my dream, behold, a vine [was] before me.
10 And in the vine [were] 3 branches. And at its budding, it went up into blossom, its clusters ripened into grapes.
11 And Pharaoh's cup [was] in my hand [2019Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14], and I took the grapes and pressed them into the cup of Pharaoh; and I gave the cup into the hand of Pharaoh [2020Tammuz14/Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14].
12 And Joseph said to him, This [is] the interpretation: the 3 branches, they [are] 3 days.
13 Yet within 3 days Pharaoh will lift up your head and will return you to your place. And you will give the cup of Pharaoh into his hand [2023Sivan14/Tammuz14/Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14] according to the former custom/manner when you were his cupbearer [5x more of giving the cup into his hand].
14 But make mention of me along with yourself, when it is well with you; and please do kindness with me and mention me to Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house.
15 For truly I was stolen from the land of the Hebrews; and here also I have not done anything that they should have put me into the dungeon.
16 And the chief of the bakers saw that the interpretation was good. And he said to Joseph, I also in my dream saw 3 baskets of white bread on my head.
17 And in the top basket some from all the food of Pharaoh, the work of a baker. And the birds were eating them from the basket off my head.
18 And Joseph answered and said, This [is] its interpretation: the 3 baskets [are] 3 days.
19 Yet within 3 days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and hang you on a tree, and the birds will eat your flesh off you.
20 And it happened, on the 3rd day, the day of Pharaoh's birth, he made a feast for all his servants. And he lifted up the head of the chief of the cupbearers and the head of the chief of the bakers in the midst of his servants.
21 And he restored the chief of the cupbearers to his cupbearer office; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's palm [2023Heshvan14].
22 And he hanged the chief of the bakers, as Joseph interpreted to them.
23 And the chief of the cupbearers did not mention Joseph, but forgot him. (Genesis 40 GLT)