THE TRUE BIBLE CODE: Every Bible Account Has 1 Literal or Symbolic Meaning And 0-4 Extra Noun Symbolic Meanings Each of Which Has 1 or 2 Fulfilments Home | Welcome | Our History | The Bible Code | Help/Abbreviations | Joining/Leaving Us | Basic Bible Plot | Online Bibles | Biblical Lunar Calendar | Master Chronology | Introduction Site | Site Index | Download Site/Fonts | Donate | Q & A | Thanks to God | Translate Site | Meetings | The Appointed Times
Olive text is used for double descriptions.
The double descriptions good and faithful slave and wicked and sluggish slave mean that this whole parable is run twice, once in each presence.
A talent is either all the saints of internal spirit covenant calls OR all the saints of external spirit covenant calls who join under a particular presidency of a true church.
14 For it is just as when a man [], about to travel abroad, summoned slaves of his and committed to them his belongings [sons of the , he does not own unsanctified sons of the or . He does own the sons of the however. All the 8 talents that gives are the saints that he spirit baptises after they have joined the true church, under a particular president. These are those sown in the way, in the furrow].
15 And to one he gave 5 talents [The saints who joined each of the 5 presidential true congregations of under Peter, John, James, Timothy, Epaphras before being spirit sanctified], to another 2 [The saints that joined the first two presidential congregations of of and James (that existed during the 1st half of the 1st presence) before being spirit sanctified], to still another one [The saints who joined the one hidden presidential Laodicean congregation within the Roman Catholic Church before being sanctified], to each one according to his own energy/power [
16 Immediately the one that took the 5 talents went his way and did business with them and gained 5 more [5 presidential true congregations of externally spirit sanctified Christians, sown alongside the way, the furrow]
17 In the same way the one that took the 2 gained 2 more [2 presidential congregations of externally spirit sanctified Christians, sown alongside the way].
18 But the one that took (labwn)
the one [The administration of first presence Laodicea] went off, and dug in the ground and hid the silver money (from argurion)
[First presence Laodicea hid the saints. The saints come along after the saints and so are temporal silver rather than temporal gold]
of his master.
19 After a long time the master of those slaves came and rendered judgement to them [At some point during the Kingdom].
20 So the one that took the 5 talents came forward and brought 5 other talents [All 10 talents having been angelically resurrected], saying [], 'Master, you committed 5 talents to me; see, I gained 5 talents [The 5 externally spirit sanctified presidential congregations of ] more.'
21 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave!
You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things [on 2008Nisan22 at the marriage]. Enter into the joy of your master [the marriage festivities from 2008Nisan22-28].'
22 And the one [that took] the 2 talents came forward and said, 'Master, you committed to me 2 talents; see, I gained
2 talents more [2 presidential congregations of externally spirit sanctified Christians, sown alongside the way into during 's And James'
23 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave!
You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things [once the Kingdom has begun]. Enter into the joy of your master [The s attend the marriages and marry Gordon as Lords, as a slave girl. all the saints meet in the ark. For the scripture says later in the same chapter: 31 When the Son of man arrives in his glory,
and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. (Matthew 25 )]
24 Also the one that had taken the one talent [The Laodicean administration hidden within the Roman Catholic Church] came forward and said, 'Master, I knew you to be an hard man [His experience of was that of rotten controlling saints of the evil slave in the presence], reaping where you did not sow [evangelising and accepting unsanctified people into the church to be water baptized into the ] and gathering where you did not winnow [then gathering for the kingdom sealed/winnowed sons of the ].
25 So I grew afraid and went off and hid your talent in the ground [stopped them shining to the world or to each other, smothered them in administration, made them idolaters of their priesthood - hid the entire congregation inside the Catholic Church]. Here you have what is yours.'
26 In reply his master said to him, 'Wicked and sluggish/timid/backward/hesitant slave, [The Laodicean church administration within the Roman Catholic church] you knew that I reaped where I did not sow and gathered where I did not winnow.
27 So you ought to have deposited my silvery [pieces] [
28 'Therefore take away the talent from him [take the saints in the Laodicean church out of that church] and give it to him that has the 10 talents [The autonomous administration of the s within . The Laodiceans refused to join and wanted to remain under the authority of the saints in / - let them do that in as well].
29 For to everyone that has [a water baptism], more will be given and he will have abundance [of church members]; but as for him that does not have [a water baptism], even what he has [his congregation] will be taken away from him.
30 And throw the good-for-nothing slave [Evil Slaves after they lose their water baptism until the church becomes false] out into the darkness outside [Making them into false churches]. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.'
(Matthew 25, version adapted from the Greek, loosely based on ).
14 For it is just as when a man [], about to travel abroad, summoned slaves of his and committed to them his belongings [sons of the , he does not own unsanctified sons of the or . All the 8 talents that gives are the saints that he directs into the true church under a particular president].
15 And to one he gave 5 talents [The s who became saints after baptism in each of the 5 presidential true congregations of under Russell, Rutherford,
Knorr, Franz, Henschel], to another 2 [The s under Gordon and the Laodiceans whose talent is only given to Gordon after the rapture of the s], to still another one [All
the s in the various earthly forms of Laodicea], to each one according to his own energy [faith - had more faith (and less discretion/wisdom) have more discretion/wisdom but less faith - less is needed with increased knowledge. Original Laodicea had little faith], and he travelled abroad [ended his coming, having made the particular appointment].
16 Immediately the one that took the 5 talents went his way and did business with them and gained 5 more [5 presidential true congregations of non proselyte saints, saints who were sanctified outside the church, and joined afterward]
17 In the same way the one that took the 2 gained 2 more [s and original Laodiceans who were already saints before water baptism].
18 But the one that took (labwn)
the one [the administration of Laodicea] went off, and dug in the ground and hid the silver money (from argurion)
[Laodicea hid the and hid the reserves that they had. The saints come along after the saints and so are temporal silver rather than temporal gold. reserves are sanctified and sealed after non reserves as well. He did not hide the talent. He hid the silver money, which is both the reserves and the s. He stole the talent]
of his master.
19 After a long time the master of those slaves came and rendered judgement to them [in the Kingdom].
20 So the one that took the 5 talents came forward and brought 5 other talents [], saying [], saying, 'Master, you committed 5 talents to me; see, I gained 5 talents [The 5 presidential congregations of externally sanctified saints of ] more.'
21 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave!
You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master [the marriage festivities from 2008Nisan22-28 and 2015Iyyar20-26 and 2019Tishri17-23 and 2019Heshvan22-28 and 2019Chislev20-26. 5 talents and 5 marriages - this excludes the late partakers marriage feasts from
2019Tebbeth18-24 and 2020Tammuz19-25].'
22 And the one [that took] the 2 talents came forward and said, 'Master, you committed to me 2 talents [ and based Laodicean proselyte saints]; see, I gained
2 talents more [externally sanctified and Laodicean s].'
23 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave!
You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master [,
the sealed Kings attend the 2x marriages on 2028Shebat2 and 2028Adar2-8. 2 talents and 2 marriages].'
24 Also the one that had taken the one talent [He was given the reserve talent. He took the Talent which it was never appointed over] came forward and said, 'Master, I knew you to be an hard man [His experience of was that of rotten controlling saints of /], reaping where you did not sow [evangelising and accepting unsanctified people into the church to be water baptized into the ] and gathering where you did not winnow [then gathering
fake s for Passovers].
25 So I grew afraid and went off and hid your talent in the ground [stopped them shining to the world or to each other, smothered them in administration, made them idolaters of their priesthood - hid the entire church within the Watchtower]. Here you have what is yours.'
26 In reply his master said to him, 'Wicked and sluggish/timid/backward/hesitant slave, [The administrations of Laodicea within the WTBTS] you knew that I reaped where I did not sow and gathered where I did not winnow.
27 So you ought to have deposited my silvery [pieces] [
28 'Therefore take away the talent from him [take away the talent that he took rather than the talent that he had been given] and give it to him that has the 10 talents [Hebron the autonomous reserve administration within - which is run by Peter through Russell].
29 For to everyone that has [a water baptism], more will be given and he will have abundance [of church members]; but as for him that does not have [a water baptism], even what he has [his congregation] will be taken away from him.
30 And throw [ye] the good-for-nothing slave [2x: The fallen Reverted Laodicea administration on 2023Tishri21] out into the darkness the outer [2x:
As a false church outside of God's true church light]. There/in
that place [in the darkness will be his weeping and gnashing, the darkness outside] will be [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.'
[1x+32x=33x] (Matthew 25, adapted from the Greek, loosely based on ).
The darkness, the outer is like the beast, the other. They count as Darkness/Beast + 1x.
Verse 30: 2x.2x+1x.33x+1x = 38x From 2023Tishri21 (the fall of Laodicea) to 2026Chislev5, when the 3rd finishes taking over . We do not accept members of the administration of Laodicea into Hebron of . The 3rd
does that after 2026Chislev5, when it finishes taking over. Whilst we have power over the administration of Reverted Laodicea is excluded. This does not apply to Laodicean administrators who resigned their eldership
before 2023Tishri21. It only applies to administrators of Reverted Laodicea on and after 2023Tishri21, when the administration of Sodom became the good for nothing slave.
The darkness the outer is a darkness outside a place with light, a true church. So it counts as 2x being a comparison with the light inside. Hebron of is a true church with true church light..
See also the sons in law of Genesis 19.
What is happening here is that presidential congregations of Christian proselyte saints, sons of the who were water baptised into the church before being spirit baptised are evangelising and gaining congregations of externally spirit baptised Christians, sons of the , who are water baptised after their spirit baptism.
One does not have to evangelise for proselyte saints. The holy spirit just baptises them when the call occurs. The master, , gives us those talents, for the saints are chosen by the . But many are sown alongside the furrow, the way, rather than in it. These ones we must evangelise for in order to gain them for .
Research interest and evangelism interest is all we really have to enable. But we must enable both.
Research interest and evangelism interest is all we really have to enable. But we must enable both.
Research interest and evangelism interest is all we really have to enable. But we must enable both.
The Laodicean administration does actually enter into the joy of their master if they are sealed s.
The faithful slave becomes the evil slave of Matthew 24, when it falls over the saints, then it becomes the good for nothing slave of Matthew 25 when it loses its water baptism - or possibly when it loses its constant feature..
The s became the evil slave of Matthew 24 on 1998Tishri27, late 2nd tablet shattering day 40+40 days inclusively after the late 2nd Pentecost on 1998Ab8 - see U42 and see U200,.when they lost their appointment over the sons of the . was appointed/installed not over all of ' belongings, but to feed the s on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after ) and to rule over ALL the s on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21, first fruits/the 3rd Pentecost (1999Heshvan was a Sabbath month and 1999Chislev was a Jubilee month) - see U42. Then on 2001Chislev14, the Watchtower lost its water baptism and the whole church was disassociated becoming the evil slave of Matthew 24. But it was still a true religion, with all of its members being sons of the , the covenant of faith. But then 2004Elul14, it lost its constant feature of field service (its worship was rejected by God. It became constructively a false church). Then finally on 2005Sivan14, it became a false church and so was no longer a slave of . It actually became a slave of on that day, a bundle of weeds to be burnt. On 2005Sivan14, the evil slave () was thrown into the darkness outside and even what they had (their faith) became worthless as regards their salvation (since their faith actually was not in God but was in the Governing body of the Watchtower - Baal, the Master of the church).
The Watchtower are in fact the precise antitype of the Catholics who are the corrupted church that was and became (the first Evil Slave) when they fell over the saints on 66Tishri28 (Tablet shattering day for them - see U42). The s have become what they hate, which is the lot of many who continue to hate. Whereas those who love, become what they love. The Jews are therefore 4 true religions behind the game, the Catholics are 3 true religions behind the game and the s are one true religion behind the game. evaporated as an administration when it ended, since it had bible code knowledge. The path of is different. We make it through. The Wicked and Sluggish Laodicean slave of each presence is vomited out of mouth, becoming a false church - but is apparently good for something until they become false. The president of Laodicea in the second presence, , then repents and Laodicea is then reaccepted as an unappointed true church on 2019Ab1. Then they are appointed to rule over the s on 2019Ab21 (5th first fruits) - So really they are a GSS, a good for something slave!!
In the word symbolism the 'man' with the belongings is , the high priest of faith, the mediator of the . This is a parable about angels directing groups of people with spiritual gifts who are not in the true religion, it is the story of the . But it is a hell of a long story and far too precise numerically for imparting that single message alone. So quite obviously there is a greater numerical meaning which we do not understand!
The obvious moral message is do not abuse someone's trust just because they are not around.
Man (2) who travels abroad |
1. becomes absent at the end of his last visit to earth as Simeon. 2. becomes absent between his two presences. |
Travels abroad | Goes to heaven. goes there in person, and goes there in person but also goes there through the resurrection of his wife, the saints. |
His belongings (1) |
Belongings (1. of , the sons of the . 2. of , the sons of the ) |
Power (1) |
Faith |
Master (7) |
Master (1. . 2. ) |
I will appoint you over many things |
1. gives him authority in the on earth. 2. gives the members of the composite slave authority in the. |
Joy (2) of your Master |
1. Declared faithful under the . 2. Your individual sanctified members are sealed |
Silver money (1) noun | Spiritually gifted people of this system (less value than gold which is spiritual gifts of the next system) |
Talents (10) | 1. Groups of spiritually gifted people. 2. Presidential True Congregations either of sanctified or unsanctified Christians |
Talent (3) | Group of spiritually gifted people |
Silvery (pieces) | 1. Spiritually gifted people. 2. and saints (The 2nd new covenant, silver is 2nd to gold) |
Slaves (1) | Religious administrations |
Slave (4) | 1. Faithful false religious administration. 2. Administration of a true religion. |
Dug in the ground and hid the silver money | 1. and 2. The religious administration hides the spiritual insights of its most gifted members. These are deliberately hidden by the heads of the administration for reasons of Jealousy with . The WSS are Pharisees, whitewashed graves who do not go into the Kingdom themselves and actively hinder those within their own church who wish to enter. |
Hard man | Judgemental |
Reap where did not Sow | 1. Harvests for those who never join the . 2. Disfellowship those in the congregation who claim to be saints but aren't. |
Gather where did not winnow | 1. Gathers for , unsealed members. 2. Gathers for unsealed saints. |
Winnow | sealing |
My arrival | 1. arriving during armageddon. 2. The end of second coming in each presence is the manifestation of the presence, when he beats the WSS and disfellowships it labeling it the GNS. |
Interest (1) | Further silvery pieces (dependent symbolism) 1. Further spiritually gifted people (those in the need to exercise their faith to stay in the covenant - faith without works is dead). 2. Further and saints |
Darkness outside | Darkness outside (1. The . 2. The true congregation). |
Bankers | Angels in the |
Give it to him that has 10 talents | 1. In the Kingdom the spiritually gifted people who had a faithless shepherd are given the best possible shepherd in the. It appears that there is a reward for being a faithful priest in a false religious congregation! All you faithful mislead workers for God, your travails are not unnoticed, and your authority will be increased in the Kingdom 2. Faithful saints are administrated directly from heaven by the saints up there, to be sealed and directed to /4. Faithful members of have 10 talents in the first presence, because they 'gain' them. But being given another talent, means that they rule over those with gifts of the spirit directly from heaven once the GNS becomes a false religion (when the abomination causing desolation is placed). Before the GNS becomes false and during the WSS, the heavens have to go through these useless and wicked and sluggish human administration, which means they can't achieve anything much. |
The slave who gained 5 talents said: Master you committed/gave over to me 5 talents. The slave who gained two said: Master you committed/gave over to me 2 talents. The 'one that had taken one talent', the WSS, did not say that he had been given over his talent. So by the Omission Principle of the code he wasn't given his talent, he just took it. The saints were in fact given to at the time.
The WSS, the slave that takes one talent is a thief. let Judas steal money from the money box:
6 He said this, though, not because he was concerned about the poor, but because he was a thief and had the money box and used to carry off the monies put in it (John 12:6).
God could quite easily have stopped this had this petty theft had it been his will. After all he had little problem in wiping out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night.
35 And it came about on that night that the angel of proceeded to go out and strike down 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians. When people rose up early in the morning, why, there all of them were dead carcasses (2 Kings 19:35).
36 And the angel of proceeded to go forth and strike down 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians. When people rose up early in the morning, why, there all of them were dead carcasses (Isaiah 37:36).
This theft by Judas is prophetic of what will happen to the congregation and the greater silver monies, which are spirit sanctified believers. The thief and the plunderer (two desingations) enter into the congregation but not through the gate (John 10).
Now the slave who gained 5 talents brought the 5 additional ones with him the slave who gained 2 did not.
The slave who took the 5 talents 'went his way' (poreuqeiV)
as did the slave who took 2, but the slave who took one 'went off' (apelqwn).
So the first two slaves follow the path that their master prescribes for them,
but the third one does not.
So the Wicked and Sluggish Slave has no authority from but does have his belongings. He claims that is his master, but he is a liar, it’s who is his master. However the WSS is not disfellowshipped, not until it becomes the GNS. lets him hang himself as Judas did, then he disfellowships him.
'Well done good and faithful slave' implies two slaves which are and in the case of the 5 talents and which are and in the case of the two talents. The 'Wicked and Sluggish Slave' likewise implies two slaves by the successive description principle. These are in the first presence and in the second.
The two overlap periods between the fallen /3 and the new /4 are prefigured by the Law and after the death of the Christ. For death did not end the law, it ended the necessity for Jews to enter the law and it ended the law as a true form of worship. The law itself continued as false until the temple was destroyed and the 2520 year (7x as much) curse of the law continued until 1948Sivan4, the founding of the modern state of Israel in accordance with Leviticus 26 - U121. The continued until 36Tishri with the conversion of Cornelius. All Jews who were under law after ' death, who had not been baptised out of the law as it were, were subject to the Law until the destruction of the temple by Titus on 70Ab10.
The farming process is to sow and then harvest and then winnow. The baptism process is to sanctify and then judge and then seal. Isaiah explains:
15 You will tread down the mountains and crush them, and the hills you will make just like the chaff.
16 You will winnow them and a wind itself will carry them away (Isaiah 41:15,16).
This wind is the holy spirit, the chaff is those who sin against it, breaking their blood baptism, they are carried away to . Listen you Nethinim, you are all resurrected as angels half way through Armageddon with Gordon, the antetypical Daniel, before we become perfect humans on 2009Nisan24, at the end of the greater flood, 370 days long like the first one.
An understanding of this parable and of the counsel to the congregations of Revelation 2 and 3 and of Matthew 24, is sufficient to show that is to be replaced with , who have the 6th and 7th watches. Look! Here are the 5 loaves of the leavened food of and the 2 fishes of the hidden and more nutritious food of - see [67].
So now we can understand the first verse of the book of Revelation:
1 A revelation by Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place (Revelation 1:1).
There are two FDSs in the second Lord's day, which ran from 1890Sivan14, the start of the second presence, the sanctification of the 2nd , on the 3rd day after the start of the 100 year Asher Proselyte Continuation call into the from 1890Sivan11 to 1990Sivan11, until the end of the water baptism of Laodicea on 2020Heshvan14. These are and , the 's Witnesses and the Lords' Witnesses.
14 For it is just as when a man [], about to travel abroad, summoned slaves of his and committed to them his belongings.
15 And to one he gave 5 talents [successive true congregations of sanctified Christians], to another 2, to still another one, to each one according to his own power [faith - and needed less faith to join and so had more people in], and he travelled abroad [ended 1st and then 2nd presence].
16 Immediately the one that took the 5 talents went his way and did business with them and gained 5 more [seeing them from the code]
17 In the same way the one that took the 2 gained 2 more [seeing them from the code].
18 But the one that took (labwn)
the one went off, and dug in the ground and hid the silver money (from argurion)
of his master.
19 After a long time the master of those slaves came and rendered judgement to them [at the manifestation of the presence at the end of the second coming of the presence].
20 So the one that took the 5 talents came forward and brought 5 other talents [5 successive resurrected groups in each presence all true Christians of course], saying, 'Master, you committed 5 talents to me; see, I gained [saw,
in the other presence] 5 talents more.'
21 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave!
You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.'
22 And the one [that took] the 2 talents came forward and said, 'Master, you committed to me 2 talents; see, I gained [saw,
in the other presence] 2 talents more.'
23 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave!
You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.'
24 Also the one that had taken the one talent [a group of sanctified Christians] came forward and said, 'Master, I knew you to be an hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you did not winnow.
25 So I grew afraid and went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.'
26 In reply his master said to him, 'Wicked and sluggish slave, [ is the fallen and is the fallen before they are disfellowshipped losing their baptism but not their baptism into and ] you knew that I reaped where I did not sow and gathered where I did not winnow.
27 So you ought to have deposited my silvery [pieces] (arguria from argureouV an adjective) with the bankers, and on my arrival [manifestation of the presence at the end of the 2nd coming of the presence ] I would be receiving what is mine with interest.
28 'Therefore take away the talent from him and give it to him that has the 10 talents [heavenly direction from the resurrected saints].
29 For to everyone that has [faith], more will be given and he will have abundance [of faith]; but as for him that does not have [faith], even what he has [his baptism of faith] will be taken away from him.
30 And throw the good-for-nothing slave out into the darkness outside [ becomes a false religion - the Catholic church, and becomes a false religion, the Watchtower after 2004Elul14 the placing of the abomination]. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.'
(Matthew 25, version adapted from the Greek, loosely based on ).