'I have good hope that there is something after death' - Plato
was the Greek God of death. So the word means any form of death. It can be the first death, the second death or church death or metaphorical death. It does not just mean the first death. Dead humans can be in the first death = Sheol or in the second death = . All humans who enter into the grave get the resurrection either of the righteous into the kingdom or of the unrighteous into . There is a chasm fixed between these two.
But a man, a certain [one] was rich [in spiritual knowledge and opportunity,
Pharisee under law], and he used to deck himself with purple [royal position, a son of the ] and linen [priestly position, a son of the ], enjoying himself according to day (literal)
with magnificence.
20 But a certain poor [one] [faithful but lacking in spiritual knowledge or opportunity, sons of the who never make it into the true church] named Lazarus
[whom God helped - Lazarus in John 11 was resurrected by and Lazarus here is resurrected into the kingdom. So scripturally Lazarus is a euphemism for one who is resurrected]
[he finally gets an name]
had been thrown towards (used to be put at) his gate [waiting room for the spiritual surgery], having been ulcerated [fleshly sins]
21 and desiring to be filled with the things dropping from the table of the rich [one]. Yes, too, the dogs [animalistic men] would come and lick his ulcers.
22 Now it occurred [that] the poor [one] died and he was carried off by the angels to the bosom of [The angels preside over the church of , the church of the . So he enters the first death after having completed his baptism in the angelically run church of , he is therefore guaranteed a place in the kingdom. Indeed this parable is explaining why there needs to be a church run by the angels. It is because man is not interested in the salvation of his brother,
he is interested in his glory in front of his brother]. Also, the rich [one]
died and was buried [locked into a dead state for a period, having failed to complete his baptism, he will end up in ].
23 And in [In the first or the second death] he lifted up his eyes [to view the], he existing in torments [the torments of ], and he saw [ himself] afar off [temporally, 2000 year into the future, i.e. in the kingdom of God]
and Lazarus in the bosoms of him [as a child of under the . He is seeing his own and Lazarus' future in a dream which is what you have in the first death all the time].
Bosoms plural because has sons for sealing and sons for sealing - see U218.
24 So he called and said:
['Father' is a noun but is used as an adjective]
have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue [the spiritually knowledgeable Pharisee failed to use his tongue for the benefit of Lazarus unlike the animalistic dogs. The Pharisee wanted to glorify himself with his tongue rather than educate the faithful with it - that is the systemic problem with all true churches. His tongue is burning because he is judged on the basis of his tongue. The result is that the faithful are all spiritually illiterate -
never moreso than today. The Pharisee failed to dip even the tip of his finger in water to baptise Lazarus. Basically were he on fire he would not urinate on him. There is a witness to 5 water baptisms here from the finger. These are the 5 baptisms of the 5 brothers of the rich man], because I am in anguish in this blazing fire.
25 But said:
[ covenant child], remember that you received in full your good things in your life, but Lazarus correspondingly the injurious things. Now, however, he is having comfort here but you are in anguish.
26 And besides all these things, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you [people], so that those wanting to go over from here to you [people] cannot, neither may [people] cross over from there to us [Those in cannot leave and those in the kingdom of God on earth cannot visit them - this chasm is between and the kingdom].
27 Then he said: In that event I ask you, father [paternal ancestor genetically] [, covenant ancestor], to send him to the house of my father [genetic father] [, covenant father],
28 for I have five brothers [5 covenant brothers. in , specifically in the but having failed to enter into the . Brothers in the same covenant predicament as the rich man. The rich man is all the Mosaic priests who fail the test. His covenant brothers are those who fail the test in the directly and in the , , . These being the other 5 covenant 'sons' of the . They all fail to be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead - into the for example], in order that he may give them a thorough witness, that they also should not get into this place of torment [save all true priests from ].
29 But said: They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to these [each of the 4 true Christian churches should listen to Moses!!].
30 Then he said: No, indeed,
father ,
but if someone from the dead goes to them they will repent.
31 But he said to him: If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead [sadly too true - - Gordon - - etc.]
(Luke 16).
It is the trade mark of every false church that they invent a reason why the congregation cannot understand the bible but the church leaders can. So they retain their magnificence.
No one can go to from the Kingdom for a visit or come from into the Kingdom (until they are released). But one can communicate with those there are the rich man did.
This parable is a witness to the 6 Abrahamic system true religions. The religion of , the religion of Moses and the 4 true Christian churches.
(1), (5), Lazarus (4), Moses (2)
Tongue related: Thorough witness, and cool his tongue, dog’s lick with tongues his ulcers
6 Well, the tongue is a fire. The tongue is constituted a world of unrighteousness among our members, for it spots up all the body and sets the wheel of natural life aflame and it is set aflame by (James 3).
Your 'tongue' reaps in what is sowed in the world. So you cringe at your words.
Father is not a double designation because 'Father' although a noun, is used as an adjective - see The Successive Designations Principle.
The rich man is standing for a priest, since Lazarus gets to the bosom position of by sitting at his gate, and this would not occur if he was simply after physical food from the table of the rich man.
Rich man | The priests of the and therefore of the . |
According to Day | Day by day |
Poor one | Physically poor |
Purple | Royal position |
Linen | Priestly position |
Lazarus | Those with faith under the law who were unclean in the flesh, sinners, because the priests of the law were negligent and self absorbed. Sons of the under law. |
Ulcers | Various defilements of the flesh (fleshly sin problems) |
Dogs | Animalistic Jews (who did not have faith and so did not keep the law and so were outside of the and the ) but who nonetheless spoke soothing words to Lazarus (using their tongues) and tried to help him as far as they were able with his spiritual problems |
(the man himself) | |
Father | (the man himself) |
Gate | The queue for spiritual attention from the rich priest, his priestly surgery. |
Died | Died physically |
Buried | Locked into a dead state for a period (Buried). |
Bosom of | permanently in the |
Bosoms of him | has two bosoms (as most of us do) the bosom of s under sealing and the bosom of s under sealing. |
, the grave, the first death | |
Child | Child of genetically (whether living or dead) |
Torments | Weeping and gnashing of teeth from defiled conscience in . |
Place of torment | , the second death |
Your life | Physical life |
Can't Cross over to us | Can't exit once in it in . |
Those wanting to go from here to you people can't | Can't enter from the kingdom part of or once resurrected to life. |
Moses | Moses |
Prophets | Prophets |
5 brothers | Priests of the and of , , and . |
Father | Ancestor Genetically, |
My father (immediate father) | , Genetically |
House of my father | House of Israel |
Dead | Dead physically |
If someone from the dead goes to them they will repent | Lazarus the brother of Mary and Martha was sent to the house of from the dead, he rose from the dead, and the Pharisees were not persuaded. |
Neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead | also rose from the dead, the Pharisees were not persuaded, for the most part and neither were the 5 administrations of the 4 true Christian religions fully persuaded. But those who listen to Moses and the prophets are persuaded, seeing as they do, the same pattern recurring in every true religion. |
26 A great chasm has been fixed between us and you people (Luke 16).
This is the chasm between the kingdom of God and .
26 Those wanting to go over from here to you people cannot (Luke 16).
When is resurrected he will be able to talk to those in and many Lazarus's would want to go and try and help the rich man. We would all want to go an break our friends and relatives out of if we could. But the point of this parable is that we can't. The rich man's future predicament is therefore consciousness and being able to lift up his eyes and see, and being able to call to those outside , But he exists in fire, which stands for God's judgement and his anger.
So the Rich man will eventually be able to lift up his eyes in , but nothing else. For him, the will be a soap opera. This is the nature of . His tongue is burning because his words are what has judged him:
37 for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned (Matthew 12).
So those in are resurrected to a soulless soap opera existence. It is the old story of sin in haste and repent at leisure. explains:
28 Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice
29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of
judgment (John 5).
Those who did good things are the Lazarus class, if you like, they are resurrected to life in the. Those who practiced vile things, get a resurrection to death, in fact to the second death, which is a soulless existence in . A resurrection to death means the end of the first death (physical death) and the beginning of the second death. But we are all nonetheless in memorial tombs. So it is not God's purpose to forget about us or to write any of us off, ever.
But isn't it interesting that has many of us all watching soap opera's now (as one does in ) whilst we are alive in souls! There may be some sisters who think that 1,000 years of soap operas would be more like heaven than hell - if so, then you guys really are lost! But do not worry, God has just the thing to cure your addiction - a 1,000 year long soap opera!
But a man, a certain [one] was rich [in spiritual knowledge and opportunity,
a rotten saint], and he used to deck himself with purple [royal position] and linen [priestly position], enjoying himself according to day (literal)
with magnificence.
20 But a certain poor [one] [no gifts of the spirit, no sanctification] named Lazarus
[whom God helped - Lazarus in John 11 was resurrected by and Lazarus here is resurrected into the kingdom. So scripturally Lazarus is a euphemism for one who is resurrected]
[he finally gets an name]
had been thrown towards (used to be put at) his gate [waiting room for the spiritual surgery], having been ulcerated [fleshly sins]
21 and desiring to be filled with the things dropping from the table of the rich [one]. Yes, too, the dogs [animalistic men] would come and lick his ulcers.
22 Now it occurred [that] the poor [one] died and he was carried off by the angels to the bosom of [He dies to the first true church of a presence, leaving it, and is carried of by the angels into the bosom of , the second true church of a presence]. Also, the rich [one]
died and was buried [He dies angelically, breaking his baptism and is locked into a dead state in the first true church of the presence].
23 And in [in the first death.] he lifted up his eyes [in a dream during the first death], he existing in torments [the torments of spiritual hunger and abuse by . He is imprisoned in this church], and he saw [] afar off [in the second true church of the presence]
and Lazarus in the bosoms of him [as a child of under the ].
24 So he called and said:
['Father' is a noun but is used as an adjective]
have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue [This is a Laodicean water baptism theft. They could not leave the prison to get the baptism so they arranged for the baptism to be brought into the prison. There is a witness to 5 water baptisms here from the finger. These are the 5 baptisms of the 5 brothers of the rich man], because I am in anguish in this blazing fire.
25 But said:
[genetically], remember that you received in full your good things in your life, but Lazarus correspondingly the injurious things. Now, however, he is having comfort here but you are in anguish.
26 And besides all these things, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you [people], so that those wanting to go over from here to you [people] cannot, neither may [people] cross over from there to us [Church of the and the second church of the presence].
27 Then he said: In that event I ask you,
father, to send him to the house of my father [the church],
28 for I have five brothers [in the . 6 calls: Jewish (Reuben), Proselyte (Simeon), Samaritan (Levi), Gentile (Judah), Issachar (genetic sons of Israel - not a continuation of the call to the worship house of Judah), Zebulun (Samaritan call to those in the Watchtower)], in order that he may give them a thorough witness, that they also should not get into this place of torment [save all true priests from ].
29 But said: They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to these [ and the Gospels!!].
30 Then he said: No, indeed,
father ,
but if someone from the dead goes to them they will repent [a descended who has risen from the physically dead]
31 But he said to him: If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead [sadly too true]
[raised from the judicially dead] (Luke 16).
Rich man (1) | One of the rotten saints from one of the 6 calls into the . Rich with spiritual food. |
According to Day (1) | The day of // and the day of // |
Poor one (adjective) | No physical gifts of the spirit and poor as regards kingdom promises |
Purple (1) | Royal position |
Linen (1) | Priestly position |
Lazarus (4) | A water baptised but not spirit baptised brother under / or / |
Ulcers (1) | Various defilements of the flesh (fleshly sin problems) |
Dogs (1) | Animalistic men, outside the who nonetheless speak soothing words to Lazarus (using their tongues) and try to help him as far as they are able with his spiritual problems |
(5) | through his living sons in heaven, the resurrected saints. |
Father | , the of the |
Gate (1) | The queue for spiritual attention from the rich priest, his priestly surgery. |
Died (apoqanein) (verb) | Physically Died |
Buried (verb) | Physically buried |
Bosom of (1) | permanently in the |
Bosoms of him (1) | has two bosoms (as most of us do) the bosom of s under sealing and the bosom of s under sealing |
(1) | , the Greek God of the underworld. Means the first death |
Child (1) | Physically living but disfellowshipped child of by covenant through the . (If you die unsealed in the flesh, you are no longer a child of ). These are the living rotten saints of /2. Different people to the dead ones, so the Designation Principle helps here. |
Torments (1) | Weeping and gnashing of teeth from defiled conscience in . |
Place of torment (1) | False Church |
Your life | Life under the . |
Can't cross over to us | Can't go from /2 to /4 due to oppression and fear. This is the bundle of weeds concept for wicked people, trapped by their pride and ego, trapped by their irrational fear of humiliation. |
Those wanting to go from here to your people can't | Those in /4 who want to help those in /2 can't get to see them, due to the Satanic oppression and fear of those in /2. |
Anguish (2) | Anguish |
Chasm (1) | Between and and between and |
Moses (2) | in the gospels |
Prophets (2) | The rest of the new testament |
5 brothers (1) | Rotten saints from the other 5 of the 6 calls into the . These being Reuben (Jewish call into the ), Simeon (proselytes into the ), Levi (Samaritans into the ), Judah (Gentiles into the ), Issachar (second presence physical Jews in the Watchtower into the ), Zebulun (second presence outside the Watchtower into the ). |
Father (1 as a noun) | Father by the |
My Father (immediate father) | Father of the rich man by Covenant ( or through the ) |
House of my father | House of the in // then //. |
Dead (nekrwn) (2) | Not spirit baptised, judicially dead |
If someone from the dead goes to them they will repent | ?? |
Neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead | If someone who was only water baptised becomes spirit baptised, the will not listen to him (The rotten saints did not listen to or Gordon). |
The rich man, this time, is resurrected into not long after his death, since he is a rotten saint.
This parable is a condemnation of uncaring Pharisees and pharisaical new covenant Christians. Do not think that the Jewish religious leaders were Pharisees and hypocrites, but the Christian religious leaders, even the true Christian religious leaders, the spiritual Jews, were not? They were and are just as bad. We are all men. ' knows what is inside men:
24 But himself was not entrusting himself to them because of his knowing them all
25 and because he was in no need to have anyone bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man (John 2).
Do you know what is inside man? It is the same thing that is inside bulls, but in a smaller quantity in our case.
Of course the Rich man, the Pharisee is asking Lazarus to do in death for his brothers what he himself was not prepared to do in life for Lazarus or his brothers. He is declaring himself a hypocrite, a typical Pharisee. The next three verses help identify the symbolic meaning of purple and linen in the bible:
29 At that time Belshazzar commanded, and they clothed Daniel with purple, with a necklace of gold about his neck; and they heralded concerning him that he was to become the third ruler in the kingdom (Daniel 5).
17 And they decked him with purple and braided a crown of thorns and put it on him (Mark 15).
8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones (Revelation 19).