John had an intransitive water baptism. He made thousands of first generation children by water baptism. All 12 apostles were baptised by John as first generation children of . No one baptised by could baptise anyone else initially...
4 John the baptizer turned up in the wilderness, preaching baptism [in symbol] of repentance for forgiveness of sins.
5 Consequently all the territory of Judea and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem made their way out to him, and they were baptized by him in the Jordan River, openly confessing their sins (Mark 1).
himself baptised no one and yet by John4 he was baptising more people than John...
1 When, now, the Lord became aware that the Pharisees had heard that was making and baptizing more disciples than John,
2 although, indeed, himself did no baptizing but his disciples did,
3 he left Judea and departed again for Galilee (John4).
Q: How did he achieve this since he baptised no one and John's baptism was intransitive?
A: He chose 12 apostles and made their baptisms transitive. He authorized them to become procreative sons of John. He did not baptise them though. The 12 were already clean in the flesh and sons of the and the . He merely authorized them to baptise with a transitive water baptism. 12 people with a transitive baptism (pyramid networking, A baptises B and C, B baptises D and E, C baptises F and G etc) will soon overtake one person with an intransitive baptism (without pyramid networking).
The thousands baptised by John who were not apostles were cleansed for entrance into the as reserves. They were the 6,000 reserves of the first presence. Baptised directly by John. This proves there were reserves! The second presence reserves are baptised last. In this way the first to enter will be last to rule and yet the last to enter will be first to act as the holy spirit on earth!!!
This pattern does not apply to the Watchtower. Russell was an unwitting (unlike Herbert W. Armstrong who was not an but thought he was). Russell made no apostles. However his baptism must have been transitive or the religion would have been finished when he died.
Actually all 's have complete power over their water baptism until it ends. Gordon is the only one to outlive his baptism. He is raptured into the ark on 2024VeAdar21 before his Isaaic baptism is ended on 2026Tishri5/Heshvan5.
So Gordon can make his baptism transitive if he wants. He can insist that the only way to get baptised is to have a pint of beer in the world's end pub on a Thursday evening if he wants. So John the Baptist chose to make his baptism intransitive knowing that was going to make 12 tribes from it by choosing 12 apostles and giving them the power to baptize transitively. John must also have given authority to make 12 of his disciples into apostles with transitive water baptisms.
And having summoned his 12
he gave them
authority of/over unclean
with genitive means power over]
in order to expel them and to cure every
and every
But the
of the 12
are these: First,
Simon, the [one] called Peter, and
Andrew, his
brother; and James, the [son] of Zebedee and John,
his brother,
Matthew, the tax-collector;
James, the [son] of
Alphaeus, and
Simon, the Cananaean [Mounce has this as a adjective and a noun! Groves Wheeler has it as a noun. We take it as a noun], and Judas,
the Iscariot
is a declinable Greek word like kuriothj
and unlike iskariwq
of Mark and Luke, which is indeclinable So it does count here. It would mean an Issacharite in Greek]
even the [one] having betrayed him (Matthew 10).
None of the potential double designations marked in orange, work singly for the names of the 12 apostles. So this account has 2 threads.
= 24 (2 threads)
Disciples, Authority, Spirits, Sickness, Infirmity, Names of Apostles, Simon (2), Peter,
Andrew, Brother (2), James (2), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew,
Tax-collector, Thaddaeus, Cananaean, Judas, Iscariot = 21.
Now it happened in these days
[24 hour calendar days] [that] he went out into the mountain to pray, and he passed-the-whole-night in the prayer
of the God [prayer belonging to God, only God hears it].
But when it became day [12 hour daylight day] he summoned his disciples and chose from them 12, whom he also named apostles:
Simon, whom he also named
Peter, and Andrew,
the brother of him, and James and John, and
Philip and Bartholomew,
and Matthew and Thomas, and James of Alphaeus, and
Simon, the [one] being called
[zhlwthj] [not a double designation - in not specific enough for a list singly]
and Judas of James, and
meaning of Iskar, of Issachar,
like Yahweh Sabaoth, a Hebrew title. So it does not count. Not a Greek word],
who became
[his] betrayer (Luke 6)
= 22 (2 threads)
Day (2), Mountain, Prayer of God, Disciples, Apostles, Simon (2),
Peter, Andrew, Brother, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James of Alphaeus, Zealot, (Judas of James), Judas, Betrayer = 19
And he ascended into the
and summoned those he wanted, and they went off to him.
And he formed [a group of] 12, whom he also named
apostles, that they might continue with him and that he might send them out to preach
and to have
to expel the
So he formed the 12, and he gave the
name Peter,
to Simon
and [the rest were]
James, the [son] of
John, the brother of James,
and he gave them the
Boanerges [Hellenization of a Hebrew word. Not a Greek word], which is
[Thunder is a metonym for who thunders from the heavens - Psalm 18:13, 2Samual22:14],
and James, the [son]
of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus and Simon, the Cananaean [one?] [Mounce has this as a adjective and a noun! Groves Wheeler has it as a noun. We take it as a noun]
Judas, Iscariot
meaning of Iskar, of Issachar, a Hebrew title which is Hellenized. Not a Greek word], who also betrayed him (Mark 3).
None of the potential double designations, marked in orange, work singly for the list of the 12 individually identified apostles. So this account has 2 threads. Although Simon, the [one] called Peter is a close call. Perhaps it conflicts with Simon, the Cananaean?
(1,1,2,3,5,9,1) = 22
Mark: Mountain, Apostles, Authority, Demons, Name (2), Peter, Simon (2),
James (2),
John, Brother of James, Sons of Thunder, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew,
Matthew, Thomas, Thaddaeus, Cananaean, Judas = 19
Matthew 10:1-4 and Mark 3:13-19 and Luke 6:12-16 are parallel.
The literal meaning of Matthew 10, Mark 3 and Luke 6 applies to the 12x apostles chosen by . The word symbolic meaning of the 3 parallel accounts applies to 12 apostles of (2) and Gordon (4) and Roger Knight (the apostle to Laodicea). 4 Elijahs can make at most 4 sets of apostles. Then Laodicea made another set. But Russell did not make any because the tribes were already established. So there are only 4 sets of 12 apostles.
Mounce has cananaioj an adjective and a kananaioj noun!
Luke: Day (2), Mountain, Prayer of God, Disciples, Apostles, Simon (2), Peter, Andrew, Brother, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James of Alphaeus, Zealot, (Judas of James), Judas, Betrayer = 19
Matthew: Disciples, Authority, Spirits, Sickness, Infirmity, Names of Apostles, Simon (2), Peter, Andrew, Brother (2), James (2), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Tax-collector, Thaddaeus, Cananaean, Judas, Iscariot = 21.
Matthew + Mark + Luke 24 + 22 + 22 = 68 (2 threads)
Matthew + Mark + Luke Day (2), Mountain (2), Prayer of God (1),
Disciples (2), Apostles (2), Simon (6), Peter (3), Andrew (3), Brother (3+1),
James (5+1), John (3), Philip (3), Bartholomew (3), Matthew (3), Thomas (3), James of Alphaeus, Zealot, (Judas of James), Judas (3+1), Betrayer = 19
, Authority (2), Demons (1), Name (2), (Brother of James), Sons of Thunder, Thaddaeus (2),
Cananaean (2) = 25, Spirits, Sickness, Infirmity, (Names of Apostles), Tax-collector, Iscariot =
The Parallel account Principle of the code tells us that there are 3 further groups of 12 apostles, which are separate pieces of a whole picture. These are the / apostles of , the / apostles of Gordon and the / apostles actually of Roger Knight or perhaps whoever he was acting for. is not mentioned any of the 3 accounts. So we all get to chose our own apostles. Russell never made any apostles since he was a and the 12 tribes of the had already been established during the first presence. All 3 accounts call Judas Iscariot, a betrayer. So all 3 groups of 12 apostles have one betrayer amongst them. The betrayal of Gordon was by Roger Knight, who made himself an apostle of the s by stealing the baptism and starting a church within the Watchtower without reference to Gordon. The Betrayer of Roger Knight an Laodicea is /Caleb, the Laodicean spy of Joshua2. An apostle must have betrayed perhaps founding the second part of , run by the s but with the baptism. These betrayals are not all unrighteous. /Caleb does the right thing for example.
The is always very amusing in its omissions. They have a very dry sense of humour. Yes he does bank with us, is the worst bank reference you can get. Luke falls into that category. He appoints 12 apostles, period. That is Laodicea. Whereas in Mark, he appoints 12 apostles and gives them powers to expel demons, that is the s. And in Matthew he appoints 12 apostles and gives them power to expel demons and cure every sickness and infirmity, that was (because had those powers). John and James must be Frank and Mike, both ex s, sons of Russell, who is Zebedee - meaning my gift yDib.z, or gift of hy"D.b.z.
Judas of James is Thaddaeus
Bartholomew is Nathanael of John1.
Matthew the tax collector is Levi the son of Alphaeus of Mark 2:14
So Matthew and James of Alphaeus were brothers.
Peter and Andrew of Jonah were brothers
John and James of Zebedee were brothers.
45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him: We have found the one of whom Moses, in the Law, and the Prophets wrote, , the son of Joseph, from Nazareth.
46 But Nathanael said to him: Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Philip said to him: Come and see.
47 saw Nathanael coming toward him and said about him: See, an Israelite for a certainty, in whom there is no deceit.
48 Nathanael said to him: How does it come that you know me? in answer said to him: Before Philip called you, while you were under the fig tree, I saw you.
49 Nathanael answered him: Rabbi, you are the Son of God,
you are King of Israel.
50 in answer said to him: Because I told you I saw you underneath the fig tree do you believe? You will see things greater than these.
51 He further said to him: Most truly I say to you men,
you will see heaven opened up and the angels of God ascending and descending to the Son of man. (John 1 )
14 But as he was passing along, he caught sight of Levi the [son] of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office, and he said to him: Be my follower. And rising up he followed him. (Mark 2 )
9 Next, while passing along from there, caught sight of a man named Matthew seated at the tax office, and he said to him: Be my follower. Thereupon he did rise up and follow him. (Matthew 9 )
27 Now after these things he went out and beheld a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax office, and he said to him: Be my follower. (Luke 5 )
Thaddaeus who is Judas the son of James, and Bartholomew only appear once again in the scriptures in the upper chamber in Acts 1. So you do not have to be widely written about to be an apostle!
As regards the sons of the and the first 12 apostles, there are in fact 12 tribes of 12,000 each who are the water baptised sons and sons of sons etc. who became sealed saints of John the baptist. Then there are another two half tribes of reserves. The first half tribe were the 6,000 directly baptised by John the baptist with his intransitive water baptism. The second half tribe are the 6,000 reserves who join the s.
The first presence saints were baptised into ' name from the heavens. But this baptism created two heavenly angelic parents for each saints. All spirit baptisms do this. For God does not create children outside of families - man does that. who was not a apostle of indeed a saint but was rather the mediator of the .
8 for He who gave Peter powers necessary for an apostleship to those who are circumcised gave powers also to me for those who are of the nations (Galatians 2).
1 , an apostle of Christ [sent by as 2] through God's will according to the promise of the life that is in union with Christ (2 Timothy 1).
So the water baptism determines the tribe. But the spirit baptism determines the angelic parents.
1 Saul, for his part, was approving of the murder of him. On that day great persecution arose against the congregation that was in Jerusalem; all except the apostles were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria.
2 But reverent men carried Stephen to the burial, and they made a great lamentation over him.
3 Saul, though, began to deal outrageously with the congregation. Invading one house after another and, dragging out both men and women, he would turn them over to prison.
4 However, those who had been scattered went through the land declaring the good news of the word.
5 But Philip, for one, went down to the city of Samaria and began to preach the Christ to them.
6 With one accord the crowds were paying attention to the things said by Philip while they listened and looked at the signs he was performing.
7 For there were many that had unclean spirits, and these would cry out with a loud voice and come out. Moreover, many that were paralyzed and lame were cured.
8 So there came to be a great deal of joy in that city.
9 Now in the city there was a certain man named Simon,
who, prior to this, had been practicing magical arts and amazing the nation of Samaria, saying he himself was somebody great.
10 And all of them, from the least to the greatest, would pay attention to him and say: This man is the Power of God, which can be called Great.
11 So they would pay attention to him because of his having amazed them for quite a while by his magical arts.
12 But when they believed Philip, who was declaring the good news of the kingdom of God and of the name of Christ, they proceeded to be baptized, both men and women.
13 Simon himself also became a believer, and, after being baptized, he was in constant attendance upon Philip; and he was amazed at beholding signs and great powerful works taking place.
14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they dispatched Peter and John to them;
15 and these went down and prayed for them to get holy spirit.
16 For it had not yet fallen upon any one of them, but they had only been baptized into the name of the Lord .
17 Then they went laying their hands upon them, and they began to receive holy spirit.
18 Now when Simon saw that through the laying on of the hands of the apostles the spirit was given, he offered them monies,
19 saying: Give me also this authority, that anyone upon whom I lay my hands may receive holy spirit.
20 But Peter said to him: May your silver perish with you [s in Laodicea owned by Simon will lose their angels. But not the ones who celebrate the Laodicean Passover],
because you thought through monies to get possession of the free gift of God.
21 You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not straight in the sight of God.
22 Repent, therefore, of this badness of yours, and supplicate the Lord that, if possible, the device of your heart may be forgiven you;
23 for I see you are a poisonous gall and a bond of unrighteousness [a man of lawlessness even].
In answer Simon said: You men, make supplication for me to the Lord that none of the things you have said may come upon me [no they do not befall him. they befall his antitype, the greater Silver Simon]
(Acts 8).
Peter (2)
Simon (4)
Money (2)
Silver (1)
Philip (4)
Jerusalem (2)
Apostles (2)
Simon is the president of Laodicea, owning lots of silver monies, s. In fact he betrayed Gordon for 30 pieces of silver from 2003Chislev2, the appointment of Laodicea to feed the reserves, to 2006Sivan14, the start of the gold pieces of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence. He is a corrupt . He tries to purchase with 'monies' i.e. with a large congregation, the power to give the gifts of the spirit. He is a politician first and a Christian second.
Genesis 30 listed order and sanctification order and birth order if we take lkOy" as meaning to be able rather than to prevail |
Registration Order | Blessing | Revelation | Moses Inherit East of Jordan and Joshua Lot, West of Jordan |
Pull out order Closing gate order of Revelation. |
Reuben | Reuben | Joseph | Judah | Reuben | Judah |
Simeon | Simeon | Ephraim | Reuben | Gad | Issachar |
Levi | Gad | Manasseh | Gad | Manasseh | Zebulun |
Judah | Judah | Reuben | Asher | Judah | Reuben |
Dan | Issachar | Simeon | Naphtali | Ephraim | Simeon |
Naphtali | Zebulun | Levi | Manasseh | Manasseh | Gad |
Gad | Joseph (Ephraim) | Judah | Simeon | Benjamin | Ephraim |
Asher | Manasseh | Zebulun | Levi | Simeon (2) | Manasseh |
Issachar | Benjamin | Issachar | Issachar | Zebulun (3) | Benjamin |
Zebulun | Dan | Dan | Zebulun | Issachar (4) | Dan |
Joseph | Asher | Gad | Joseph | Asher (5) | Asher |
Benjamin | Napthali | Asher | Benjamin | Naphtali (6) | Naphtali |
Manasseh | Naphtali | Dan (7) | |||
Ephraim |
6 are so far chosen. 2 have left leaving the 4 water jars of 1Kings18 and the 4 angels of Revelation 9:13-15, tied upon the Euphrates by the . They must be baptised by Gordon and must stick with Gordon always (i.e. not be Disfellowshipped). If they are disfellowshipped then they lose their apostleship.
20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, 'Let his lodging place become desolate, and let there be no dweller in it,' and, 'His office of oversight [apostleship] let someone else take.'
21 It is therefore necessary that of the men that assembled with us during all the time in which the Lord went in and out among us,
22 starting with his baptism by John and until the day he was received up from us, one of these men should become a witness with us of his resurrection.
23 So they put up two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias
24 And they prayed and said: You, Oh , who know the hearts of all, designate which one of these 2 you have chosen,
25 to take the place of this ministry and apostleship,
from which Judas deviated to go to his own place.
26 So they cast lots over them, and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was reckoned along with the 11 apostles (Acts 1).
28 And God has set the respective ones in the congregation, first apostles; second prophets; third teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healings; helpful services, abilities to direct, different tongues (1 Corinthians 12).
So we have 12 foundation stones, 12 patriarchs. These baptise people in water into their respective tribes.
16 Men, brothers, it was necessary [for] this Scripture to be fulfilled which the spoke before through David's mouth concerning Judas, the [one] having become guide to those seizing ;
17 for he was numbered with us, and obtained a portion of this ministry.
18 Indeed, then, this one bought a field out of the reward of unrighteousness; and falling headlong, he burst in [the] middle, and poured out all his bowels.
19 And it became known to all those living in Jerusalem,
so as that field to be called in their own dialect, Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.
20 For it has been written in [the] scroll of Psalms, Let his estate become forsaken, and he not be living in it. And, "Let another take his overseership." [Psalm. 69:25;
Psalm. 109:8]
21 Therefore, [it is] right [that] men being together with us all [the] time in which the Lord came in and went out among us,
22 beginning from the baptism of John until the day when He was taken from us, one of these to become a witness of His resurrection with us.
23 And they set out two: Joseph, he being called Barsabas,
who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
24 And having prayed, they said, You, Lord, knower of all hearts, show which one You chose from these two,
25 to take the share of this ministry and apostleship,
from which Judas fell, to go to [his] own place.
26 And they gave their lots. And the lot fell on Matthias;
and he was reckoned along with [sugkatayhfizw]
the eleven apostles. (Acts 1 )
sugkatayhfizw means to condemn along with. Which is not a good start for Matthias. Peter prayed asking God to show which one he chose. They then cast lots. But God shows whom he chooses by scripture more than by lot.
16 Men, brothers, it was necessary for the scripture to be fulfilled, which the holy spirit spoke beforehand by David's mouth about Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested ,
17 because he had been numbered among us and he obtained a share in this ministry.
18 This very man, therefore, purchased a field with the wages for unrighteousness, and pitching head foremost he noisily burst in his midst and all his intestines were poured out.
19 It also became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that that field was called in their language Akeldama, that is,
Field of Blood.
20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, 'Let his lodging place become desolate, and let there be no dweller in it,' and, 'His office of oversight let someone else take.'
21 It is therefore necessary that of the men that assembled with us during all the time in which the Lord went in and out among us,
22 starting with his baptism by John and until the day he was received up from us, one of these [men] should become a witness with us of his resurrection.
23 So they put up 2, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
24 And they prayed and said: You, Oh , who know the hearts of all, designate which one of these 2 [men] you have chosen,
25 to take the place of this ministry and apostleship,
from which Judas deviated to go to his own place.
26 So they cast lots over them, and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was reckoned along with the 11 apostles. (Acts 1 )
25 Let their walled camp become desolate; In their tents may there come to be no dweller. (Psalms 69 )
25 Let their home be made desolate; let no one dwell in their tents. (Psalms 69 )
25 Let their habitation be made desolate; and let there be no inhabitant in their tents: (Psalms 69 LXXb)
25 Let their wall be made desolate; let no one dwell in their tents.
26 For whom You have stricken, they have persecuted; and they gossip to the pain of those You pierced.
27 Put iniquity to their iniquity, and do not let them enter into Your righteousness.
28 Blot them out from the Book of Life; yea, let them not be written with the righteous. (Psalms 69 - adapted)
8 let his days be few; and let another take his office;
9 his sons be orphans, and his wife a widow;
10 and let his sons always beg and wander, and seek [food]
out of their ruins;
11 let the moneylender lay a snare for all that [is] his;
and let strangers plunder his labour;
12 let there be none giving mercy to him; nor [any] to have pity on his orphans;
13 let his posterity be cut off; let their name be blotted out in the following generation; (Psalms 109 )
So yes, Matthias took the office of Judas. But his lodging place, his home, his apostolic house became desolate. His tribe was wiped out from spiritual Israel. All its members were blotted out as regards further generations. In other words they reverted to being reserves, sons of 1, not in a tribe. The entire genealogy of the tribe evaporated. This is Levi not being numbered in Israel. Judas was the greater Levi in that respect (although the more significant meaning is that Levi is the reserves). Judas was also the rib of Adam which was removed and made into a woman, just a part of the congregation, no longer a tribe (But again the more significant meaning for that rib is Peter who was made into the woman of the 3rd , he being the head of that woman). So the office of Judas, taken by Matthias, was to look after those who used to be in his tribe, but were now just reserves. So yes, Matthias was reckoned along with the 11 apostles. But he was NOT an apostle.
Had Judas' tribe continued it would have been easy to determine the next apostle. He would be the firstborn son of Judas by baptism who was also a saint who did not have an outstanding accusation against him. But this was evidently not the case here.
Whereas the true replacement apostle for Judas was at the last supper for said to the 11 apostles after Judas had left to betray him...
30 that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel. (Luke 22 )
So the replacement for Judas, the 12th apostle, was at the last supper. For every male there sits upon a throne judging one or all of the 12 tribes of Israel (not parts of a tribe of Israel). Now the disciple whom loved, who leant back upon his breast at the last supper and asked who would betray him at the request of Peter, was Lazarus - see U82. Lazarus was the only other male in addition to the 12 apostles at the last supper because every one who drank the cup was going to sit upon a throne to judge the 12 tribes of Israel. So there were 12 remaining after Judas had left the building.
We know from the archetype of the sons of , that Joseph had the firstborn rights and was replaced by his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. So in the Christian fulfilment the antitype of this must occur. This would be Peter becoming the head of the 3rd spirit and judging all 12 of the tribes of Israel from his throne, whilst two of his first generation sons by baptism became apostles.
So what is happening here is that Judas' tribe collapses back into the reserves and Peter's tribe splits into two giving two 'half tribes', the greater Ephraim and Manasseh. Lazarus is the apostle for one of these and Peter of the other initially. Then when Peter becomes the head of the 3rd , he gives up his tribe to one of his firstborn sons by water baptism who becomes the last apostle. So Peter is the rib that is removed and formed into the woman of the 3rd which is then brought to the man of the divine .
So now we can understand the following hard to understand scriptures...
And in that very hour they rose and returned to Jerusalem, and they found the 11
and those together with them,
saying that actually the Lord was raised up and he appeared to Simon!
35 And they themselves related what happened on the way and how he became known to them by the breaking of the loaf.
While they were speaking of these [things] he himself stood in midst [mesoj]
of them [and said to them: Peace
to you!] [Canonical. In VatB, ,
, Scrivener, Majority text. Not in Bezae or NA27 or Tischendorf or Tregelles]
But because they were terrified, and had become frightened, they were imagining they beheld a spirit.
So he said to them: Why are you troubled, and what reasonings
are coming up in your hearts?
See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; feel me and see, because a spirit
does not have flesh and bones just as [kaqwj] you behold that I have [make the comparison please].
[And as he said this he showed them his hands and his feet]
[Canonical. In VatB, ,
, Scrivener, Majority text. Not in Bezae or NA27 or Tischendorf or Tregelles]
But while they were still not believing from joy and were wondering, he said to them: Do you have something there to eat?
And they handed him a part [meroj]
of broiled fish
and he took it and ate it while they watched (Luke 24)
Luke 24:32-52 and John 20:18-23 are parallel.
Therefore, when it was evening/late on that day, the first [one] out of the Sabbaths [partitive genitive. Literally the first day of Weeks. But in the greater meaning the first Sabbath of Weeks - for that is the ambiguity] and, [upon] of the doors
having been locked, where the
disciples were, for fear of the Jewish [ones], came and stood into the midst, and said to them: May you have peace
[the peace of God that passes all understanding! Not a military ceasefire!]
And after he said this he showed them both his hands and his side.
Therefore the disciples rejoiced at seeing the Lord.
, therefore, said to them again: May you have peace. Just as [kaqwj] the Father has sent me forth, I also am sending you.
And after he said this he blew upon them and said to them: Receive holy spirit.
If you forgive the sins of any ones, they stand forgiven to them; if you retain those of any ones, they stand retained [15]
But Thomas, one out of the twelve, who was called Twin, was not with them when came.
Consequently the other disciples
would say to him: We have seen the Lord! But he said to them: Unless I see in his hands the type/pattern
[tupoj] of the
[to be compared with the nails] and thrust my finger into the type/pattern of the
nails and thrust my hand into his side, I will certainly not believe [9].
Well, after 8 days [Time change but sense overrules] his disciples
were again indoors, and Thomas with them.
came [upon] of the doors having been locked, and he stood into the midst?? [definite use of mesoj
so it is a noun] and said: May you have peace.
Next he said to Thomas: Put your
finger here, and see my hands, and take your hand and stick it into my side,
and stop being unbelieving but become believing.
In answer Thomas said to him: My
Lord and my God!
said to him: Because you have seen me have you believed? Happy are those who do not see and yet believe [15].
So appeared to the 11 on 33Nisan16, which 11 excluded Thomas. Matthias was not chosen (by lot) until after had ascended on 33Iyyar25 (see Acts 1). So on 33Nisan16 had 12 who were either apostles or going to be such. He had 12 future whole tribe judgers! One of these was Lazarus. He was not yet an apostle but he was going to become one.
Furthermore Peter did say in his criteria for apostleship that...
21 It is therefore necessary that of the men that assembled with us during all the time in which the Lord went in and out among us,
22 starting with his baptism by John and until the day he was received up from us, one of these [men] should become a witness with us of his resurrection (Acts 1)
And Lazarus being one of the 11 of Luke24 would mean that appeared to him, the one whom he loved.
20 Upon turning about Peter saw the disciple whom used to love following, the one who at the evening meal had also leaned back upon his breast and said: Lord, who is the one betraying you?
21 Accordingly, when he caught sight of him, Peter said to : Lord, what will this [man do]?
22 said to him: If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you? You continue following me.
23 In consequence, this saying went out among the brothers, that that disciple would not die. However, did not say to him that he would not die, but: If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you?
24 This is the disciple that bears witness about these things and that wrote these things, and we know that the witness he gives is true.
25 There are, in fact, many other things also which did, which, if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose, the world itself could not contain the scrolls written. (John 21 )
The concern to Peter was the Lazarus was going to become an apostle responsible for half of his tribe.
So the 12 apostles/future apostles at Pentecost on 33Sivan5 were the following...
13 So, when they had entered, they went up into the upper chamber, where they were staying, Peter as well as John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James [the son] of Alphaeus and Simon the zealous one, and Judas [the son] of James. (Acts 1 ) [plus Lazarus]
18 Walking alongside the sea of Galilee he saw 2 brothers, Simon [Dave] who is called Peter and Andrew [Alan] his brother [in English Nationality, the other 2 are American and Austrian],
letting down a fishing net into the sea, for they were fishers.
19 And he said to them: Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.
20 At once abandoning the nets [they gave up studying with the evangelical s before baptism, abandoned them and abandoned their evangelical nets], they followed him.
21 Going on also from there he saw 2 others [who were]
brothers, James [Mike] [the son] of Zebedee [Russell by baptism]
and John [Frank] his brother [in the Watchtower baptism], in the boat [in the fallen Watchtower] with Zebedee their father, mending their nets [fixing errors], and he called them.
22 At once leaving the boat and their father, they followed him. (Matthew 4 )
Peter, Andrew, James, John are the 4 cornerstones of the temple. they were chosen first. They were 2 pairs of brothers.
Frank Mike Dave, Alan are the 4 cornerstones of the temple, the only 4 apostles in the s before our rapture. They were chosen first. They are two pairs of brothers. Mike and Frank are brothers in the baptism of the s. Dave and Alan are brothers in English nationality.
The reason that picked 4 apostles first and then the other 8 later,
was that there are 4 cornerstones laid first, then one lays the 8 inner stones later.
Apostles are split 4 and 8 because the 12 foundation stones are split into 4 cornerstones and 8 inner foundation stones. The 4 cornerstones are called first.
Then the 8 inner stones.
Dave = Corner1: Brother in Nationality (English). He abandoned his net before baptism. He stopped his bible study.
Mike = Corner2: Brother in s - Mending his fishing net - Zebedee their father is Russell. Left the Boat, the false church of the Watchtower on 2005Elul30
Frank = Corner3: (replacing Greg) Brother in s - Mending his fishing net - Zebedee their father is Russell. Left the Boat, the false church of the Watchtower on 2006Tammuz7/8.
Alan = Corner4: Brother in Nationality (English). He abandoned his net before baptism. He stopped his bible study..
So, Yes. Mike and Frank were mending their nets in the fallen church of the Watchtower (the boat on the sea rather than on the land after 2005Sivan14)
when they were called by /me. I baptised Mike on 2005Elul30 and Frank on 2006Tammuz7/8. So both were baptised after the Watchtower became a boat on the sea rather than a temple on the land. They both left the boat not the temple.
They were trying to fix/deal with the problems in the s.
Whereas Dave and Alan had abandoned their nets. They had given up on the s,
and on their method of fishing.
Dave is Simon the one called Peter, being the 1st foundation stone of the s. But he is not Peter in the half tribe sense, Caleb is Peter in that sense.
Caleb replaced Roger Knight who was Judas to the .
Joseph, called Barsabbas (son of Army, or son of go forth willingly/volunteer), surnamed Justus did not get the apostleship of Judas in the literal meaning. So he gets it in the greater meaning.
Peter was Joseph to and was removed and replaced by Lazarus
Judas Iscariot was replaced by Matthias as regards the decision of the lot. But Judas' house was to become desolate. So he became an apostle to nothing, a non apostle. Instead Peter who was removed like Joesph, was to be replaced by two half apostles, Lazarus and Joseph Justus called Barsabbas. These two must have both been 1st generation sons of Peter by baptism. Matthias was presumably a 1st generation son of Judas by baptism.
Roger Knight, who was Judas to the , was replaced by Caleb and then Caleb become Joseph to the and was removed and replaced by the two half tribes of Laodicea.
Mike ½ Apostle ½ Apostle Frank
are the foundation stones of the wall of Solomon's temple. The two Laodicean half tribes under Caleb () are the greater Manasseh and Ephraim.
17 and James the [son] of Zebedee and John the brother of James he also gave these the surname Boanerges, which means Sons of Thunder,
(Mark 3 )
Mike and Frank are given the name Boanerges by , meaning Sons of thunder. Thunder is speech by God, or witness by . So they were given the name 's Witnesses by through baptism into that church. All true s are Boanerges.
Dave is the angelic son of Peter, the 1st born apostle. He retains that position in the temple. He is the foundation cornerstone. But he loses part of his firstborn birthright to Caleb, who is Joseph to whom ALL the apostles bow down because he is removed from the 12 to become the head of my wife. Caleb () is replaced by the 2 Laodicean half apostles. This is fine. Because I do not think that Dave would have wanted to be the head of my wife. He has enough responsibility being Peter's angelic son, the actual firstborn apostle in Solomon's temple and the first cornerstone..
Alan is the angelic son of the apostle Andrew, the brother of Peter. He is a cornerstone in Solomon's temple
Mike is the angelic son of the apostle James, the brother of John. He is a cornerstone in Solomon's temple.
Frank is the angelic son of the apostle John, the brother of James. He is a cornerstone in Solomon's temple. He responded to my advert in USA today describing the symbolism of the apocalypse of JOHN !!
Gordon and the 4 cornerstone apostles are sealed on 2024Adar21, the end of the ..
Gordon and the 4 cornerstone apostles are installed as the rock mass and the cornerstones from 2024VeAdar2-9.
The last Laodicean is sealed on 2024Tebbeth16, the end of the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 -
see U151#14, and because the and the fields must become white before the harvest Tetramenos of John4 into the ark by rapture can occur from 2024Tebbeth16-20
to 2024Shebat5-20 to 2024VeAdar15-20 to 2025Iyyar18-21. Fields plural were white in John4. So different groups are pre sealed then harvest during the same tetramenos.
Mike and Frank are BOANERGES, sons of thunder, sons of the one who speaks by thunder, witnesses of !
2024VeAdar9 or 2024VeAdar21 is the start of the ride of the first horseman, the day when Solomon goes out of his temple as the installed rock mass after the entire horse becomes white ( sealed) or the day when he goes out of the greater Egypt of this world into the ark. This was part of Gordon's Revelation to his 4 cornerstones, which was actually believe it or not through Frank (John's angelic son). Gordon saw the 4 cornerstones were the 4 first chosen apostles and Frank suggested we look at Matthew4, and saw a lot of the symbolism.
The 4 leading tribes of the four 3 tribe divisions of Israel on Numbers2 began this pattern. Judah lead Issachar and Zebulun on the North side. Reuben lead Simeon and Gad on the East side. Ephraim lead Manasseh and Benjamin on the South side. Dan lead Asher and Naphtali on the West side. So all 3 temple foundation patterns look something like this...
We put Thomas the twin with the Lazarus and Joseph Justus, the 2 half tribes. The House of Laodicean Judas (Roger Knight) is wiped out as was the house of Judas Iscariot. 4 cannot be one of his own sons. So Caleb has the reserve tribe not 4.