[the saints on earth, his body, are also literally called , being his wife,
the same flesh by covenant] was-led-up into the desolate [place]
under [upo]
the spirit to be tempted by [upo]
the Devil.
And having fasted 40
and 40
finally, he felt hungry.
Also, the [one] tempting came and said to him: If a
you are of the
God, tell the stones
these [outoV]
to become loaves
[The s are hungry having no new spiritual food. They authorize Laodiceans (specific stones) to become bread by researching the s site and then regurgitating a Watchtowerized version of food to the Laodiceans and the Governing Body in secret. They should not have done this. They should have not hidden the truth and played power games with it. Or possibly they make the the presidents or the governing body into the bread of life rather than the bible.
This is of course idolatry of Baal, the Lord] [artoi]
But in reply he said: It is written, 'Man
must not live on
[artw] alone, but on every utterance coming forth through the mouth
of God.'
[Man must not live judicially by the teachings of the Pharisees alone, but by doing his own personal bible research. You have to sweat with your own brow to be a saint. The searching out of matters is the glory of kings. Anyone who only considers the Watchtower or indeed the true bible code site, is an idolater of a priesthood and will not be a saint. The real food is the bread from heaven, the word of God, not stones of the church]
Then [tote]
took him along into the holy
city [ using worries about legal cases], and he stationed him upon the
apex of the
temple [made the remnant consider their position at the top of the temple, running the Watchtower]
and said to him: If a son
you are of
[word order is pretty irrelevant in Greek], hurl yourself down [katw] [Abandon your priesthood to non saints. Appoint a non saint to be the president, let him take the legal flack, and lets do some shrewd financial manoeuvring. Hurl yourself down from this position and take a back seat so that younger men can run the church and the Watchtower corporations more dynamically. The remnant believe themselves to be stumble proof! They handed over the church to , the s at the instigation of Rebekah. Esau lost his inheritance in that Watchtower]; for it is written,
'To his angels
he will give-a-charge concerning you, and they will carry you upon hands
[not their hands, angels do not have physical hands. Angels carry saints using two churches, the left hand and right hand ones], that you may at no time strike your foot against a stone.'
said to him: Again it is written, 'You must not put-to-the-test [the]
your God.'
Again [palin]
took him along into an unusually high
mountain, and showed him all the
of the
and their
[in an instant of time - some mountain, this was 's heavenly administration] [The saints in the Watchtower, , went to the UN, the highest ever mountain covering all the earth, and they did an act of false worship joining as an NGO in order to gain all of the kingdoms of the world with UN authority as their territory for preaching. They tried to procure worldwide preaching rights from ]
and he said to him: All these things I will give you if you fall down and worship to me.
said to him: Go away,
! For it is written, 'It is [the] Lord, your
God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render-sacred-service.'
Then the
left him, and, look!
came and began to minister to him (Matthew 4).
' wife fails every test that passed both in and in .
= 25 (2 Threads)
, , Days12hour, Nights, Son of God, Stones, Loaves, Man,
(Bread), Utterance, Mouth of God, City, Apex of Temple, Angels,
Lord, God, Kingdoms of World, Glory, = 18.
Matthew 4:1-11 and Mark 1:12-13 and Luke 4:1-13 are obviously parallel accounts of ' temptation by .
Applying the binary question principle hereby extended to the binary option principle, in the Word symbolism, the saints make all the mistakes that did not make. However they still say all the right things as also said in the account, but they are hypocrites, that say one thing and do the other.
No calamity will befall you, And not even a plague will draw near to your tent.
11 For he will give his own angels a command concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.
12 Upon their hands they will carry you, That you may not strike your foot against any stone (Psalm 91).
We recite the parallel accounts in Mark and Luke below just this once...
And immediately
[temporal connect]
impelled him to go into the desolate [place].
And he was in the desolate [place]
days, being tempted by [upo]
, and he was with [meta] the wild-beasts,
and the angels were ministering to him (Mark 1).
= 5
, Days24hour, , Wild-beasts, Angels = 5
1 Now ,
[one] full [not verb 'filled' but adjective 'full', plhrhV]
of holy spirit, turned away from [apo]
the Jordan, and he was led about in the spirit
in the desolate [place].
2 for 40 days [40 months during the gap in the presence before the Revelation of John appeared?]
while being tempted by [upo] the Devil.
Furthermore, he ate nothing in those days, and so,
when they were concluded, he felt hungry.
3 At this the Devil
said to him: If a son you are of God,
tell this stone to become a loaf
[of bread] [artoV].
4 But replied to him:
It is written, 'Man must not live on bread
[artw] alone.'
5 So he brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms
of the inhabited [earth] in an instant of time;
6 and the Devil
said to him:
I will give you all this authority and the glory
of them, because it has been delivered to me, and to whomever I wish I give it.
7 You, therefore, if you do an act of worship before me,
it will all be yours.
8 In reply said to him:
It is written, '[The] Lord, your God
you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render-sacred-service.'
9 Now he led him into Jerusalem
[the name first used for 's earthly administration of the true religion] and stationed [him] upon the apex of the temple
and said to him: If a son you are of God,
hurl yourself down [katw] from here;
10 for it is written that, 'To his angels
he will give-a-charge concerning you, to preserve you,'
11 and that, 'They will carry you on hands, that you may not anytime strike your foot
against a stone.'
12 In answer said to him: It is said, 'You must not test [the] Lord,
your God.'
13 So the Devil, having concluded all the temptation, retired from him until an appointed-time [kairou]
(Luke 4).
= 26
Luke , Jordan, , Days?hour, Son of God, Stone, Loaf, Man,
Kingdoms, Instant of Time, Authority, Glory, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Apex of Temple, Angels, Temptation, Appointed-time = 19
Matthew , , Days12hour, Nights, Son of God, Stones, Loaves, Man, (Bread), Utterance, Mouth of God, City, Apex of Temple, Angels, Lord, God, Kingdoms of World, Glory, = 18.
Mark , Days, , Wild-Beasts, Angels = 5
Matthew and Luke + Mark: Literal 25 + 26 + 5 = 56 (2 threads)
Matthew and Mark: ,
, Days12hour, Nights, Son of God, Stones, Loaves, Man, (Bread),
Utterance, Mouth of God, City, Apex of Temple, Angels,
Lord, God, Kingdoms of World, Glory, , Jordan, (Days?hour), Kingdoms,
Instant of Time, Authority, Jerusalem, Temptation, Appointed-time, Wild-beasts =
So makes all the mistakes that makes. For these parallel accounts of the 3 temptations of the Christ have two further fulfilments in the two churches. did a deal with Rome to give it all the kingdom of the Roman world for one little capitulation to Caesar. This was how it became the Roman Catholic (universal) church. It then yielded great political power for nearly 2,000 years. Also they told a stone to become a loaf or was this in fact with Henschel who was not a saint, not a living stone but a dead stone. And the jumped off the apex of the temple handing the high priesthood of the church over to non saints.
The cursings of Deuteronomy 27 bring angelic vengeance in the s not necessarily - do a section on this.
Cherub [near one] has a human salvation covenant with God. Two cherubs on the ark and guarding the tree of life are and guarding .
Seems to be 4 cherubs in Ezekiel 10 under the chariot. 2 may have human salvation covenants for angels.
Seraph [fiery one] has an angelic salvation covenant with God. There are two of them stationed above God's throne. is the Seraph to the humans and someone else is the Seraph to the angels. The conclusion might be that we do not realise how closely the angels and men are related. The tongs are the holy spirit, the fiery coal of Isaiah6 is the founder of /.
Should a wife accompany her husband to a false religious ceremony?
Can touch cannot eat. The guy who supported the king at false worship.
3 'If the priest, the anointed one [,
], sins so as to bring guiltiness upon the people [by playing the harlot and joining to the Roman state and the UN, putting 's throne in their temple], then he must present for his sin that he has committed a sound young bull to as a sin offering [ 2, Gordon 4 - powerful bible decoders].
4 And he must bring the bull to the entrance of the tent of meeting [The for the second presence and some first presence archetype in the form of a feature of the administration back then] before and must lay his hand upon the bull's head [accept the headship of the bull], and he must slaughter the bull before [Disfellowship the - obviously not in that order - cut and paste with 'and'].
5 And the priest, the anointed one, must take some of the bull's blood [getting baptised in it] and bring it into the tent of meeting [The and some first presence feature of the administration then];
6 and the priest must dip his finger in the blood and spatter some of the blood 7 times before in front of the curtain of the holy place [Perhaps 7 years until the administration during , 7 months from 2008Nisan17,
the start of the, to 2008Heshvan17, the start of the final administration. The first 7 months of the kingdom of God are in fact a kingship malediction and a sealing in spirit priesthood malediction and a land inheritance malediction on the kings]
7 And the priest must put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar of perfumed incense before , which is in the tent of meeting, and all the rest of the bull's blood he will pour at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
8 'As to all the fat of the bull of the sin offering, he will lift up from it the fat that covers over the intestines, even all the fat that is over the intestines,
9 and the 2 kidneys and the fat that is upon them, the same as that upon the loins. And as for the appendage upon the liver,
he will remove it along with the kidneys.
10 It will be the same as what is lifted up of a bull of the communion sacrifice. And the priest must make them smoke upon the altar of burnt offering [the priest personally accepts into his worship all the stored up food of the bull and its warning and disfellowshipping congregation law understandings (2 kidneys - rejection of waste) and its method of research (liver - metabolism)].
11 'But as for the skin of the bull and all its flesh along with its head and its shanks and its intestines and its dung,
12 he must have the entire bull taken out to the outskirts of the camp to a clean place where the fatty ashes are poured out,
and he must burn it upon wood in the fire [the baptist test of the water baptism of 2 and 4 and their headships and their congregations are temporary and are eventually destroyed once their job is done]. Where the fatty ashes are poured out it should be burned (Leviticus4).
Celebrate in full the week of this woman
was married on 2008Nisan17, when he and his wife entered the bridal chamber. Then 7 months later on 2008Heshvan17 the veil is lifted and the administration of begins. On Heshvan7 the 7 year malediction on the saints ends so they can start protecting us. The 7 months from 2008Nisan17 to 2008Heshvan17 are the marriage feast of the lamb. Body parts but not the face are visible to friends of the groom during the feast. Perhaps each saint appears to his marriage partner, the respective king.
13 'Now if the entire assembly of Israel makes a mistake and the matter has been hidden from the eyes of the congregation in that they have done one of all the things that commands should not be done and so have become guilty,
14 and the sin that they have committed against it has become known, then the congregation must present a young bull for a sin offering and must bring it before the tent of meeting.
15 And the older men of the assembly must lay their hands upon the bull's head before , and the bull must be slaughtered before .
16 'Then the priest, the anointed one, must bring some of the bull's blood into the tent of meeting.
17 And the priest must dip his finger into some of the blood and spatter it 7 times before in front of the curtain.
18 And he will put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar that is before , which is in the tent of meeting; and all the rest of the blood he will pour at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
19 And he will lift up all its fat from it,
and he must make it smoke on the altar.
20 And he must do to the bull just as he did to the other bull of the sin offering. That is the way he will do to it; and the priest must make an atonement for them, and so it must be forgiven them.
21 And he must have the bull taken out to the outskirts of the camp and must burn it, just as he burned the first bull. It is a sin offering for the congregation (Leviticus4).
1 In time raised his eyes and looked, and here Esau was coming and with him 400 men. Consequently he divided off the children to and to and to the 2 maidservants,
2 and he put the maidservants and their children foremost and and her children after them and and Joseph to the rear of them.
3 And he himself passed on ahead of them and proceeded to bow down to the earth 7 times until he got near to his brother.
4 And Esau went running to meet him, and he began to embrace him and fall upon his neck and kiss him, and they burst into tears.
5 Then he raised his eyes and saw the women and the children and said: Who are these with you? to which he said: The children with whom God has favored your servant. (Genesis23)
So Moses brought Aaron and his sons near and washed them with water.
7 After that he put the robe upon him and girded him with the sash and clothed him with the sleeveless coat and put the ephod upon him and girded him with the girdle of the ephod and bound it closely to him with it.
8 Next he placed the breastpiece upon him and put in the breastpiece the Urim and the Thummim.
9 Then he placed the turban upon his head and placed upon the turban at the forefront of it the shining plate of gold, the holy sign of dedication, just as had commanded Moses.
10 Moses now took the anointing oil and anointed the tabernacle and all that was in it and sanctified them.
11 After that he spattered some of it 7 times upon the altar and anointed the altar and all its utensils and the basin and its stand so as to sanctify them.
12 Finally he poured some of the anointing oil upon Aaron's head and anointed him so as to sanctify him. (Leviticus8)
14 And the priest must take some of the blood of the guilt offering, and the priest must put it upon the lobe of the right ear of the one cleansing himself and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the big toe of his right foot.
15 And the priest must take some of the log measure of oil and pour it upon the priest's left palm.
16 And the priest must dip his right finger into the oil that is upon his left palm and must spatter some of the oil with his finger 7 times before .
17 And of the rest of the oil that is upon his palm the priest will put some upon the lobe of the right ear of the one cleansing himself and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the big toe of his right foot over the blood of the guilt offering.
18 And what is left over of the oil that is upon the priest's palm he will put upon the head of the one cleansing himself,
and the priest must make atonement for him before . (Leviticus14)
48 However, if the priest comes at all and he does take a look, and, there now, the plague has not spread in the house after having plastered the house, the priest must then pronounce the house clean, because the plague has been healed.
49 And to purify the house from sin he must take 2 birds and cedarwood and coccus scarlet material and hyssop.
50 And he must kill the one bird in an earthenware vessel over running water.
51 And he must take the cedarwood and the hyssop and the coccus scarlet material and the live bird and dip them in the blood of the bird that was killed and in the running water, and he must spatter it toward the house 7 times.
52 And he must purify the house from sin with the blood of the bird and the running water and the live bird and the cedarwood and the hyssop and the coccus scarlet material.
53 And he must send the live bird away outside the city into the open field and must make atonement for the house; and it must be clean. (Leviticus14)
7 And he must take the 2 goats and make them stand before at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
8 And Aaron must draw lots over the 2 goats,
the one lot for and the other lot for Azazel.
9 And Aaron must present the goat over which the lot came up for , and he must make it a sin offering.
10 But the goat over which the lot came up for Azazel should be stood alive before to make atonement for it, so as to send it away for Azazel into the wilderness.
11 And Aaron must present the bull of the sin offering, which is for himself, and make an atonement in behalf of himself and his house; and he must slaughter the bull of the sin offering, which is for himself.
12 And he must take the fire holder full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before , and the hollows of both his hands full of fine perfumed incense, and he must bring them inside the curtain.
13 He must also put the incense upon the fire before , and the cloud of the incense must overspread the cover,
which is upon the Testimony, that he may not die.
14 And he must take some of the bull's blood and spatter it with his finger in front of the cover on the east side, and he will spatter some of the blood with his finger 7 times before the cover.
15 And he must slaughter the goat of the sin offering, which is for the people, and he must bring its blood inside the curtain and do with its blood the same as he did with the bull's blood; and he must spatter it toward the cover and before the cover.
16 And he must make atonement for the holy place concerning the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel and concerning their revolts in all their sins; and that is the way he should do for the tent of meeting, which is residing with them in the midst of their uncleannesses.
17 And no other man should happen to be in the tent of meeting from when he goes in to make atonement in the holy place until he comes out; and he must make atonement in behalf of himself and in behalf of his house and in behalf of the entire congregation of Israel.
18 And he must come out to the altar, which is before , and make atonement for it, and he must take some of the bull's blood and some of the goat's blood and put it upon the horns of the altar round about.
19 He must also spatter some of the blood upon it with his finger 7 times and cleanse it and sanctify it from the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel.
20 When he has finished making atonement for the holy place and the tent of meeting and the altar, he must also present the live goat.
21 And Aaron must lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confess over it all the errors of the sons of Israel and all their revolts in all their sins, and he must put them upon the head of the goat and send it away by the hand of a ready man into the wilderness.
22 And the goat must carry upon itself all their errors into a desert land, and he must send the goat away into the wilderness.
23 And Aaron must come into the tent of meeting and strip off the linen garments that he put on when he went into the holy place, and he must lay them down there. (Leviticus16)
3 And you must give it to Eleazar the priest, and he must lead it forth outside the camp, and it must be slaughtered before him.
4 Then Eleazar the priest must take some of its blood with his finger and spatter some of its blood straight toward the front of the tent of meeting 7 times.
5 And the cow must be burned under his eyes.
Its skin and its flesh and its blood together with its dung will be burned.
6 And the priest must take cedarwood and hyssop and coccus scarlet material and throw it into the midst of the burning of the cow.
7 And the priest must wash his garments and bathe his flesh in water, and afterward he may come into the camp; but the priest must be unclean until the evening. (Numbers19)
32 At last Elisha came into the house, and there the boy was dead, being laid upon his couch.
33 Then he came in and closed the door behind them both and began to pray to .
34 Finally he went up and lay down upon the child and put his own mouth upon his mouth and his own eyes upon his eyes and his own palms upon his palms and kept bent over him, and gradually the child's flesh grew warm.
35 Then he began walking again in the house,
once this way and once that way, after which he went up and bent over him. And the boy began to sneeze as many as 7 times, after which the boy opened his eyes.
36 He now called Gehazi and said: Call this Shunammite woman. So he called her and she came in to him. Then he said: Lift up your son.
37 And she proceeded to come in and fall at his feet and bow down to him to the earth, after which she lifted up her son and went out. (2Kings4)
9 So Naaman came with his horses and his war chariots and stood at the entrance of the house of Elisha.
10 However, Elisha sent a messenger to him,
saying: Going there, you must bathe 7 times in the Jordan that your flesh may come back to you; and be clean.
11 At this Naaman grew indignant and began to go away and say: Here I had said [to myself], 'To me he will come out all the way and will certainly stand and call upon the name of his God and move his hand to and fro over the place and actually give the leper recovery.'
12 Are not the Abanah and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Can I not bathe in them and certainly be clean? With that he turned and went away in a rage.
13 His servants now approached and spoke to him and said: My father, had it been a great thing that the prophet himself had spoken to you, would you not do it? How much more, then, since he said to you,
'Bathe and be clean'?
14 At that he went down and began to plunge into the Jordan 7 times according to the word of the man of the [true] God;
after which his flesh came back like the flesh of a little boy and he became clean. (2Kings5)
6 The sayings of are pure sayings,
As silver refined in a smelting furnace of earth, clarified 7 times.
7 You yourself, Oh , will guard them;
You will preserve each one from this generation to time indefinite. (Psalms12)
Princes themselves have persecuted me for no cause, But my heart has been in dread of your own words.
162 I am exulting over your saying Just as one does when finding much spoil.
163 Falsehood I have hated, and I do keep detesting it. Your law I have loved.
164 7 times in the day I have praised you Because of your righteous judicial decisions.
165 Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, And for them there is no stumbling block. (Psalms119)
30 People do not despise a thief just because he commits thievery to fill his soul when he is hungry.
31 But, when found, he will make it good with 7 times as much; all the valuables of his house he will give. (Proverbs6)
25 And upon every high mountain and upon every elevated hill there must come to be streams, water ditches, in the day of the big slaughter when the towers fall.
26 And the light of the full moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become 7 times as much, like the light of 7 days, in the day that binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him (Isaiah30).
19 Then it was that Nebuchadnezzar himself got filled with fury, and the very expression of his face was changed toward Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times more than it was customary to heat it up. (Daniel3)
21 Then Peter came up and said to him:
Lord, how many times is my brother to sin against me and am I to forgive him? Up to 7 times?
22 said to him: I say to you, not, Up to 7 times, but, Up to 77 times. (Matthew18)
1 And Hiram [white one],
the king of Tyre [rock]
proceeded to send his servants to Solomon, for he had heard that it was he that they had anointed as king in place of his father; for a lover of David Hiram had always proved to be.
2 In turn Solomon sent to Hiram, saying:
3 You yourself well know that David my father was not able to build a house to the name of his God because of the warfare with which they surrounded him, until put them under the soles of his feet.
4 And now my God has given me rest all around. There is no resister [no ],
and there is nothing bad happening.
5 And here I am thinking of building a house to the name of my God, just as promised to David my father,
saying, 'Your son whom I shall put upon your throne in place of you, he is the one that will build the house to my name.'
6 And now command that they cut for me cedars from Lebanon; and my servants themselves will prove to be with your servants,
and the wages of your servants I shall give to you according to all that you may say, for you yourself well know that there is among us no one knowing how to cut trees like the Sidonians [The Watchtower guys know how to evangelise].
7 And it came about that as soon as Hiram heard the words of Solomon, he began to rejoice greatly, and he went on to say:
Blessed is today in that he has given David a wise son over this numerous people!
8 Accordingly Hiram [] sent to Solomon [4], saying: I have heard what you sent to me. For my part, I shall do all your delight in the matter of timbers of cedar trees and timbers of juniper trees.
9 My servants themselves will bring them down out of Lebanon to the sea; and I, for my part, shall put them in log rafts [to go] by sea clear to the place that you will send me notice of; and I shall certainly have them broken up there, and you, for your part, will carry them;
and you, for your part, will do my delight by giving the food for my household.
10 So Hiram became a giver of timbers of cedar trees [understandings from saints - tree tops in the heavens] and timbers of juniper trees [understandings
from unsanctified priests - tree tops low to the earth] to Solomon according to all his delight.
11 And Solomon, for his part, gave Hiram 20,000 cor measures of wheat as food supplies for his household and 20 cor measures of beaten-out oil. That was what Solomon kept giving Hiram year by year.
12 And , for his part, gave Solomon wisdom, just as he had promised him; and there came to be peace between Hiram and Solomon, and both of them proceeded to conclude a covenant [between
Hebron and ].
13 And King Solomon kept bringing up those conscripted for forced labour out of all Israel; and those conscripted for forced labour amounted to 30,000 men.
14 And he would send them to Lebanon in shifts of 10,000 a month. For a month they would continue in Lebanon, for 2 months at their homes; and Adoniram was over those conscripted for forced labour
[30,000 is 2½ tribes of s, the s. The Laodicean rapture in the month of 2024Tebbeth. Then no raptures in the 2 months of 2024Shebat and 2024Adar. Then the rapture in the month of 2024VeAdar?].
15 And Solomon came to have 70,000 burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain [s in the administration],,
16 aside from the appointed chiefs to Solomon who were over the work, 3,300 treaders-down over the people who were active in the work.
17 Accordingly the king commanded that they should quarry great stones, expensive stones, to lay the foundation of the house with hewn stones.
18 So Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders and the Gebalites did the cutting, and they kept preparing the timbers and the stones to build the house. (1 Kings 5 )
7 As for all the people that were left over of the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites,
who were no part of Israel,
8 from their sons that had been left behind them in the land, whom the sons of Israel had not exterminated, Solomon kept levying men for forced labour until this day.
9 But there were none out of the sons of Israel that Solomon constituted slaves for his work; for they were warriors and chiefs of his adjutants and chiefs of his charioteers and of his horsemen.
10 These were the appointed chiefs, the [ones] which [were] appointed to/for Solomon, 250 treaders-down over the people. (2 Chronicles 8 )
1 Solomon now gave the word to build a house to 's name and a house for his kingship.
2 Accordingly Solomon counted off 70,000 men as burden bearers and 80,000 men as cutters in the mountain, and as overseers/shining ones over them 3,600 .
3 Further, Solomon sent to Hiram the king of Tyre, saying: Just as you dealt with David my father and you kept sending him cedarwood to build himself a house in which to dwell, --
4 here I am building a house to the name of my God to sanctify it to him, to burn perfumed incense before him, with the constant layer bread and burnt offerings in the morning and in the evening,
on the Sabbaths and on the new moons and at the festival seasons of our God. To time indefinite this will be upon Israel.
17 Then Solomon took a count of all the men that were alien residents, who were in the land of Israel, after the census that David his father had taken of them; and there came to be found 153,600 .
18 So he made 70,000 of them burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain and 3,600 overseers/shining ones for keeping the people in service. (2 Chronicles 2 )
Tyre = Laodicea
Hiram =
Skillful man = = Caleb
Lebanon = Sodom (true and fallen)
150,000 men = 12½ tribes of s excluding the half tribe of Laodicea
30,000 men in Lebanon = 2½ Watchtower tribes.
9Two Parallel accounts in 1Kings5/2Chronicles8 and 2Chronicles2 mean two slices of a whole cake by the Parallel Account Principle of the bible code. These are the piece and the Laodicean piece.
Laodicea and the Watchtower tread s down. But we enlighten them.
1 Solomon now gave the word to build a house to 's name and a house for his kingship.
2 Accordingly Solomon counted off 70,000 men as burden bearers and 80,000 men as cutters in the mountain, and overseers/shining ones
over them 3,600 .
10 And, look! to the gatherers of wood, the cutters of the trees, I do give wheat as food for your servants, 20,000 cors, and barley 20,000 cors, and wine 20,000 baths, and oil 20,000 baths.
17 Then Solomon took a count of all the men that were alien residents, who were in the land of Israel, after the census that David his father had taken of them; and there came to be found 153,600 .
18 So he made 70,000 of them burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain and 3,600 overseers/shining ones for keeping the people in service. (2 Chronicles 2 )
14 And he would send them to Lebanon in shifts of 10,000 a month. For a month they would continue in Lebanon, for 2 months at their homes; and Adoniram was over those conscripted for forced labour.
15 And Solomon came to have 70,000 burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain
16 aside from the appointed chiefs to Solomon who were over the work, 3,300 treaders-down over the people who were active in the work (1 Kings 5 ).
10 These were the chiefs of the deputies that belonged to King Solomon, 250, the treaders-down over the people. (2 Chronicles 8 )
3600 overseers: From 2016Chislev5, the installation of Isaaic over to 2026Chislev5 when we hand over the Isaaic part of the church to the 3rd . We hand over the Abrahamic part of the church on 2026Heshvan5, so they can start separating the sheep from the goats for 6 years 197 days (2357 days) from from 2026Heshvan5 to 2033Iyyar22 (2nd Mosaic first fruits). 2026Heshvan is an Isaaic monthly Sabbath. This is perfect for a release of the church to the 3rd - see U902.
Isaaic Installed over 2016Chislev5 X___________________________ |
Isaaic Installed over 2016Shebat5 X________________________ |
3rd installed over 2026Heshvan5 X______________________ |
3rd installed over 2026Chislev5 X_________________________________________ |
The earthly resurrection of cainian last chance salooners The end of Kingdom salvation. Death is brought to nothing 2033Iyyar22 X9______________________________________________ |
2357x days of the loving and the unloving sheep and goats of Matthew25 | see U902 | |||
3600 days of overseers/shining ones of 2Chronicles2 |
1, John the baptist is born/circumcised at the Pentecost. 2Sivan10/18 BC X____________________ |
possesses at his baptism by John 29Tishri10 AD X_______________ |
ascends into the ark ending his earthly interaction 29Tishri10 AD X__________________ |
4 appointed/installed to feed s at the Pentecost 1996Nisan18/Sivan7 X______________________ |
handed over to the 3rd after 3600 overseers of 2Chronicles2 from 2016Chislev5 the installation of Isaaic over 2026Chislev5 X_______________________________________________________ |
4 returns to the ark for the 2nd marriage on 2028Adar2 completing his earthly interaction 2028Adar1 X____________________________ |
30 years 4 months | 30 years 4 months |
4 feeds for 30½ years from his appointment/installation to feed the s on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7. Then he ascends into the ark completing his earthly interaction on 2026Chislev5, when completes the take over of the Abrahamic then Isaaic body of his church. Just as entered into and ascended into the ark on 29Tishri10, 30 years 4 months after 1 was born/circumcised on 2Sivan10 ( Pentecost)/2Sivan18.
Similarly the s were appointed/installed to rule over the s on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21 and rule for 30 years to 2019Tishri14 (under and then under the 3rd ), then has his 3½ year antitypical ministry to the s. Whereas was born on 2Heshvan21 BC and lived for 30 years to 29Tishri10, when possessed him. Then was installed to feed the Jews on 29Heshvan21, 30 years later precisely at the start of his 3½ year ministry to 33Nisan14 and on to 33Iyyar25.
The is NOT appointed/installed over the s. Neither is it appointed/installed over or in . is already installed over the s and and . We just hand over the
church to them, after they have joined the church. The s are not appointed/installed over the s of the 3rd . These are
autonomous within , running Hebron, Caleb's inheritance. We cannot have oversight over the completed 3rd , which is divine only when completed. We shine and see before the are raptured. Once they are all raptured (other
than the s), we all shine and see.
The 3rd presence begins on 2026Elul16 and we feed 5,000 s for 50 days of Mark6 in the ark from 4th row conversion day on 2026Tishri15 to 2026Chislev5, when we hand over to the 3rd .
2026Tishri14 is 4th row baptism day for the 3rd
2026Tishri15 is 4th row conversion day for the 3rd
2026Tishri16 is 4th row Isaaic stone laying day for the 3rd
Adamic Laodicea, Abrahamic Laodicea and Reverted Laodicea hold authority over the for 3300 days. During this time they trod the s down. They suppressed them. They had authority to feed them. But never to rule over them.
4 baptised 'Roger Knight' on 2002Elul16. The was stolen by Watchtower 'Roger' who was working for Laodicea. He said he was going to set up a research facility in Scotland. 'Roger' never attended any meeting other than to join and to explain
his future expected absence without actually leaving the church, which would have ended his baptism.
He said he was ill and we might not ever see him again at out last meeting.
3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 from 2012Tishri5 to 2017Elul10 in Laodicea and 2019Tishri5 to 2023Tishri21 in reappointed and reverted Laodiceas and 2024Adar12 to 2025Iyyar21 in until all the Laodicean s are raptured and the gifts of the spirit are poured out. The 450 prophets of Baal of 1Kings18 take us from 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by the people rather than by 4, the end of the rapture of non non Laodicean s. So from 2024Adar12 (the Isaaic baptism of the first unsanctified Laodiceans, is treading down the Laodicean s - isolating them in Hebron of , denying them entry into the Isaaic congregation.
Abrahamic Laodicea is installed over 2012Tishri5 X__________________ |
40 days of Laodicea spying on s begins 12 years of Betrayal after 2003Shebat21, their installation to feed the s 2015Shebat21 X____________________________ |
40 days of spying end 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty begins 2016Nisan1 X__________________ |
Abrahamic Laodicea falls as a true church 2017Elul10 X___________ |
40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty ends. Laodicea is reappointed over the s, reappointed as a true church 2019Ab1 X__________________________ |
Laodicea is reinstalled over 2019Tishri5 X__________ |
Reverted Laodicea falls as a true church 450 prophets of Baal seizing period starts 2023Tishri21 X__________________ |
End of seizing of 450 prophets of Baal 2024Tebbeth21 X______________ |
Laodiceans start being downtrodden by For hiding us 2024Adar12 X________________ |
The End of the rapture of Laodicean Benjamin (the reserves) Gifts of the spirit poured out 2025Iyyar21 X9_____________________ |
1775 days | 1456 days | 69 days | 1775 + 1456 + 69 = 3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 |
Abrahamic Laodicea was appointed/installed to feed the s on 2012Ab22/Tishri11.
Laodicea trod its s down for political reasons. enlightened them to help them on their path to divinity9.
10Laodicea installed over s 2012Elul6 (4th Pentecost) X__________________________ |
Laodicea installed over s 2017Elul10 (4th Pentecost) X__________________________ |
The installation of reappointed Laodicea over the s 2019Tishri11 X_________________________________________________ |
Gathering of Laodicean prophets not to 4 ends 2024Heshvan18 X10________________________________________ |
1804 days | 12x+12x+450x+400x+13x+450x+400x+100x = 1837x of 1Kings18:17-20 - see U271-11#85 |
So it appears that the unification of Laodicean prophets with the s begins on 202Heshvan1810.
Woe to the stubborn sons [administration of the Watchtower], is the utterance of , [those disposed] to carry out counsel, but not that from me [their own, human ideas]; and to pour out a libation, but not with my spirit [because they rely on their wisdom],
in order to add sin to sin;
those who are setting out to go down to Egypt [the OSCE, a sub organisation of NATO] and who have not inquired of my own mouth [trusted in instead],
to take shelter in the stronghold of Pharaoh [UN,
the global ruler via the International Court of Justice] and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt [OSCE]!
And the stronghold of Pharaoh must become even for you men a reason for shame [happened 2001October9, by the Guardian Exposé], and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt [taken afterwards and still ongoing] a cause for humiliation [soon when the King of the South, NATO is humiliated?].
For his princes have come to be in Zoan [meaning 'place of departure'. Important city, particularly with respect to commercial trade and religious structures, a trading hub] itself, and his own envoys reach even Hanes [meaning 'grace has fled'].
Every one will certainly become ashamed of a people that bring no benefit to one, that are of no help and bring no benefit [have no valid baptism left and are collectively fallen out of the ],
but are a reason for shame and also a cause for reproach [because of their involvement with politics and commerce. Reproach from for not listening to his prophets, the s].
The pronouncement against the beasts of the south [The beasts making up the King of the South]: Through the land of distress and hard conditions, of the lion [Anglo America] and the leopard [EU]
growling, of the viper [deceitful political diplomats] and the flying fiery snake [quick and sudden 'biting' attacks? howitzer, missiles?], on the shoulders of full-grown asses [armoured personnel carrier?] they carry their resources, and on the humps of camels [war machines use in the dessert?] their supplies. In behalf of the people they will prove of no benefit [they want achieve peace].
And the Egyptians are mere vanity, and they will help simply for nothing [Diplomatic palaver will not bear fruit. OSCE not able to protect the rights of it's member organizations]. Therefore I have called this one: Rahab -- they are for sitting still.
Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite.
For it is a rebellious people [rebelled against the guidance of ], deceitful sons [deceiving the flock to obey the slave rather then the master by making false claims about their status], sons who have been unwilling to hear the law of [as shown to them again and again by the s];
who have said to the ones seeing [all the ones seeing the problems in the organization], 'You must not see,' [rejecting the discipline and counsel given to them] and to the ones having visions [interpretational 'prophets' that were sent to them, starting with Gordon. Envisioning the deeper symbolic meanings of the Bible],
'You must not envision for us any straightforward things. Speak to us smooth things; envision deceptive things [we can't afford to change our doctrine, let us continue to betray the flock]
Turn aside from the way; deviate from the path. Cause the One of Israel to cease just on account of us.' [Kill God for us! They prefer the non existence of so that they can continue to run their business indefinitly]
Therefore this is what the One of Israel has said: In view of your rejecting of this word, and [since] you men trust in defrauding and in what is devious and you support yourselves on it [trust in earthly man, in human organisations and secular commerce],
therefore for you this error will become like a broken section about to fall down, a swelling out in a highly raised wall [the wall of Jericho that keeps the s locked inside and keeps the s out],
the breakdown of which may come suddenly, in an instant [an hour you don't expect it to be the case].
And one will certainly break it as in the breaking of a large jar of the potters, crushed to pieces without one's sparing [it], so that there cannot be found among its crushed pieces a fragment of earthenware with which to rake the fire from the fireplace or to skim water from a marshy place [There will be nothing left of them when the mountain of the descended saints is raised up].
For this is what the Sovereign Lord , the One of Israel, has said:
By coming back and resting you people will be saved. Your mightiness will prove to be simply in keeping undisturbed and in trustfulness. But you were not willing. (Isaiah 30)