7 For a man ought not to have his head covered, as he is God's image and glory; but the woman is man's glory. (1 Corinthians 11 )
31 When [otan] the Son of man arrives in his
glory [with his and wives in from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5], and all the angels with him [Including dry Benjamin raptured by
2025Iyyar21/22], then [tote] he will sit down upon his glorious throne [over Abrahamic in on 2026Tishri5 over in the Isaaic Sabbath month and on
2026Heshvan5 over . The throne is sacred not secular].
32 And all the nations will be gathered before [emprosqen
literally en pros
in-towards] him [on 2026Heshvan5, when he takes over fully. All the angels of the 3rd are with him. All his glory,
his wife, has arrived. The trench of 2 measures of seed of 1Kings18 is full. Even dry Benjamin has been raptured], and he will separate them [not the nations as group but the people in the
nations] from one-another/each other [allhlwn genitive plural] [2x.
He will perform one separation of two people], just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats [2x+2x].
33 And he will put the sheep [sons of the , those who pass the faith test] out of his right [parts]
[1x: divine/royal plural - but this is right hand so counts 5x] [does not use the word ceir
for hand], but the goats [sons of AND of the , those who pass the final LOVE test of this parable] out of his left/honoured/goodwill [parts] [euwnumoj]
divine/royal plural - but this is left hand so counts 5x]
[hand is absent].
Aeol. for o;noma)
of good name, honoured, Hesiodus, Pindarus., etc.
2. of good omen, prosperous, fortunate, peri idewn (on ideas, supposedly by aristotle),
II. euphemistic for avristero,j (which was a word of ill omen), left, on the left hand, Herodotus, Sophocles, etc.; evx euvwnu,mou ceiro,j or evx euvwnu,mou,
on the left, Herodotus.
Liddell: avristero,j a,( o,n, left, on the left, Lat. sinister, evpV avristera, towards, i.e. on, the left, Il.; evpV avristera. ceiro,j
on the left hand, Od.; evx avristerh/j ceiro,j on the left hand, Herodotus; or simply, evx avristera/j Sophocles; evj avristerh,n( evn avristerh/|
2. metaphorical. boding ill, ominous, because to a Greek augur, looking northward, the unlucky signs came from the left, Odusseus (Derivation. uncertain.)
euwnumoj means fortunate, of good omen, boding well and is a euphemism for aristeroj which literally means left or bad omen to the Greeks. So the is going out of its way to say, the guys on the left are going to be fortunate too! aristeroj can mean left hand which is normally aristeroj ceir
Looking at the usage of avristero,j and euwnumoj above it becomes clear that the Greeks used epi for on/at the right hand/side and the used ex for out of the right hand/side. But how can one be out of right parts? Well, in the same way that a baby is out of a woman. You have to have been in right parts to come out of them. And one cannot be in any right part except the hand. So the expression out of right [parts] always means out of the right hand (which you previously were in). did not kick the sheep over to his right, for he was the fine shepherd! He took them with his hand and then released them out of his hand onto that side. So out of right [parts] is a polite plural for the right hand and therefore counts as 5x.
From his sitting down on his throne in to judge on 2026Heshvan5
Verse 32: 2x.1x+2x+4x = 8x (he will separate them one from another = 1x+2x = 3x per nation = 6x. In that place they will slaughter one another = 2x.(1x.2x) = 4x of Revelation 6:8)
Verse 33: 2x.5x+2x.5x = 20x (he will put the sheep in South London and the goats in North London)
Total: 8x+20x = 28x NOPE
From his sitting down on his throne in to judge on 2026Heshvan5
Verse 32: 2x+1x+2x.3x+4x = 13x (he will separate them one from another = 2x.(1x+2x) = 6x: 3x per nation. In that place they will slaughter one another = 2x.(1x.2x) = 4x of Revelation 6:8)
Verse 33: 2x.5x+2x.5x = 20x (he will put the sheep in South London and the goats in North London)
Total: 13x+20x = 33x YES
Nations gathered before him is (nation + nation) gathered + him = 3x??
34 Then
the king will say to those out of his right [parts = hand] [all of them. NOBODY has two right hands or two right sides. This is a polite, divine or royal plural, a polite divine royal plural actually] [2x.5x=10x]: Come, ye who have been blessed by my Father [2x]
[, to be Kingdom citizens], inherit [ye] the kingdom prepared for ye [2x.2x]
from the founding of the world [inheritors benefit from the death of the bequeather. This is not having an inheritance in the Kingdom, which is owning a part of the kingdom which is having authority in the kingdom. It is having the blessing of father which is citizenship of the Kingdom. The sons of the are tested by Passover attendance as all of them must attend one of the marriages]
35 For I became hungry and ye gave me something to eat [3x]; I got thirsty and ye gave me something to drink [3x]. I was a stranger and ye received me hospitably [3x],
36 naked [I was], and ye clothed me [3x]. I fell sick and ye looked after me [3x]. I was in prison and ye came to me [3x] [6x predicaments and 12x loving responses in 6 groups of 3x]
2x.5x.(2x+2x.2x).18x=60x.18x = 1080x
Then [tote] the righteous ones [the sons of the and ] [2x] will answer him saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you [4x], or when did we see you thirsty, and give you something to drink?
[4x OR 4x = 4x]
38 When [pote]
did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably [4x], or naked, and clothe you? [4x OR 4x = 4x] [A reader question which the account answers]
When did we see you sick or in prison and go to you? [2x OR 2x and 2x = 4x] [Total is 2x.(4x + 4x + 4x) = 2x.12x = 24x]
40 And answering [aorist participle]
the king will say to them [2x], Truly I say to ye [2x], upon how many/much ye did it [the 2x above] to one of these,
my brothers, the least [ saints are brothers to the angelic body of , which no longer has and humans are fleshly brothers to his human body which he longer has either]
[2x.2x.2x] ye did it to me [2x.2x.1x]
[ye did it to me, just as ye did it to one of the least ones out of these].
37 Then will answer to him the righteous (ones) saying Lord, when you we saw hungering and we fed, or thirsting and we caused to drink?
38 When
but you we saw stranger and we gathered, or naked and we clothed?
39 When but you we saw falling sick or in prison and we came toward you?
40 And answering, the king will say to them Amen I am saying to ye, upon how many/much ye did to one of these the brothers of me the least (ones), to me ye did. (Matthew 25 )
2 Do not forget hospitality, for through it some, unknown to themselves, entertained angels (Hebrews 3)
Verses 34-40: 1080x + 24x+2x.2x.(2x.2x.2x+2x.2x) = 1080x + 24x + 48x = 1152x
And then he will say to the [ones] out of his left [places = hand] [euwnumoj] [all of them]
[2x.5x=10x: Polite or Royal or divine plural of hand]:
Depart from me, ye who have been cursed, into the indefinitely lasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels [2x.3x=6x]
[, ].
42 For I became hungry, but ye gave me nothing to eat [3x], and I got thirsty, but ye gave me nothing to drink [3x].
43 I was a stranger, but ye did not receive me hospitably [3x]; naked, but ye did not clothe me [3x]; sick and in prison, but ye did not look after/consider me
[me is 2x. So 2x+2x.2x=6x] [18x in list form from the same verb.
total count is 2x.5x.6x.18x=1080x].
44 And then they [2x: the ones out of left places, the ones he spoke to] will answer saying: Lord, when did we [2x] see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?
[1x OR 1x OR 1x OR 1x OR 1x OR 1x AND 1x=2x]
[alternative tests] [A reader question which the account answers]
45 Then he will answer them saying, 'Truly I say to ye, To the extent that ye did not do it to one of these least ones,
[not said to be least ones of my brothers, just least ones. These are the ones in the lowest salvation covenant,
the sons of the . The goats refuse to help people faithful or loving people who are in need - not only the ones who refuse the mark of the beast and are therefore in need - but anyone in need who has shown charitable love or faith in a divine creator and therefore entered into the . These testing stones are not ' angelic brothers. But they must be something to do with , in order that by helping them you help him. The largest such group is everyone in the . Many of these will be in Laodicea and so will be and so will actually be ' brothers in the flesh] ye did not do it to me.'
46 And these will depart into indefinitely lasting cutting-off [those who fail the most basic love test], but the righteous ones [those in the AND , the sheep in the ark AND the Goats on the earth] into indefinitely lasting life (Matthew 25).
45 Then he will answer to them [2x] saying Amen I say to ye [2x], upon how many/much [how many times] not ye did to one of these the least (ones) [2x.2x.(2x+2x)=16x], neither to me ye did [it that number of times, to any of the least ones 2x.2x/1x=4x] .
46 And will go off these [2x]
into lopping off age-lasting, the but righteous (ones) into life age-lasting [2x:
Both all the sheep through faith and the and the Loving ones of the goats through the ].
(Matthew 25 )
Verses41-43: 1080x
Verse44: 2x.2x.2x=8x
Verse 45: 2x.2x.20x = 80x
Total Verse 41-45: 1080x + 8x + 80x = 1168x
Verse46: 4x
Verse 32-46: 28x/33x+1152x of sheep + 1168x of goats + 4x = 28x/33x + 2324x = 2352x/2357x, which is 6 years and 192/197 days from 2026Heshvan5 to 2033Iyyar22, (2nd first fruits) the earthly resurrection of last chance saloon s
66 is installed over Abrahamic . We hand over to . All the saints are with him in the ark including Benjamin 2026Heshvan is an Isaaic monthly Sabbath. OK for a release to the ! 2026Heshvan5 X______________________________________________________________________ |
The resurrection from of the sealed last chance cainian salooners back to planet earth. failures go to . hands over to his God death having been brought to nothing (1Corinthians 15:24) by resurrecting last chance salooners visibly before all Kingdom citizens. And by entry into the 1st death ending on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover for Adam and 2033Iyyar14 for Cain 2033Iyyar22 (2nd first fruits) X66______________________________________________________________________________________ |
2352x/2357x days of the loving and the unloving sheep and goats of Matthew25 | see U902 |
This is the end of the judgement of Cain and Adam as to whether or not they are non adamically restored and given citizenship of the.
For in the infinite mercy of God, everyone gets yet one more chance in the last chance saloon, the descended church of the , Hobah of Genesis14, the church of the final post separation, entrance into which runs from 2031Nisan5 to 2033Iyyar10. And entrance within it from 2033Nisan4-10 for Adam and from 2033Iyyar4-10 for Cain, the last week of Daniel9:27. The Adamic and the patrons are Passover executed at the 1st death and late 1st death Passovers on 2033Nisan14 and 2033Iyyar14, when the 1st death is brought to nothing by resurrecting the sealed last chance salooners not invisibly into a hidden ark in another dimension but visibly in full view of every Kingdom citizen. Those who fail to take that chance do go to hell.
That is a great counting check!
So if you help at least one of ' brothers (somebody who is ) then you become eligible to be saved.
Whereas if you do not help a least one of who is not one of brothers (neither a saint nor ), the you will be going to .
The goats do not go into age-lasting cutting off. The non righteous ones do that. There are righteous goats, the sons of the .
The brilliance of this plan is that and actually deliver Zoarites from their suffering through the love of humanitarian charitable people who make themselves into our brothers in the Kingdom. Make no mistake everyone will get one or more opportunities to help or refuse to help a son of the . The angels will ensure this. Because this is the test coming upon mankind in accordance with Revelation 3:10. So to enter into the Kingdom embassy you need to help a son of (by covenant). For is the embassy of the in this world. When you save your brother from his need, God saves you into his kingdom. But if you choose instead to live by the sword, putting your need above that of your brother, then you will die by the sword, either of man or of God.
Neither of these three final tests is directly about faith. But those with faith who act upon it will more likely show the necessary love. And those with faith will be more predisposed to help a Christian brother in need due to his principled stand to refuse the Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13. It all becomes rather like that absolutely terrible Seth Rogan film: This is the end.
The order of Loves
to right ones: Hungry, Thirsty, Stranger, Naked, Sick,
Right ones: Hungry, Thirsty, Stranger, Naked, Sick, Prison
to left ones: Hungry, Thirsty, Stranger, Naked, Sick, Prison
Left ones: Hungry, Thirsty, Stranger, Naked, Sick, Prison
The Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth. But The Son of the Man (literal translation) was the only son of pre fall Adam around (not in jail or beheaded) at the time used that phrase (after John the baptist had been imprisoned by Herod but before he was beheaded). So either was the only Son of the Man at liberty. Or perhaps the son of man was meant in the sense of all the sons of pre fall Adam., a composite son of man? So today any brother is a Son of the Man. So any brother can forgive sins and place a person into the . This indeed is how the parable of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 works. If you show love or show faith to one of the least of ' brothers (a son of the ). Then that brother can forgive your sins and put you into the - because he is as was and is after 2012Sivan!!!! But the baptiser must be in a true church in order to be able to baptise. Disfellowshipped non adamics cannot baptise. They have no true priesthood.
All sons of the who are baptised during the kingdom into that covenant become . If they fail the baptism test then they cannot go to . So they go to .
Is there a date when all the s who were baptised before the Kingdom become ? Yes, if and when they enter . the flood only kills non Adam. It does not touch and it does not touch constructive ( Adam).
We can only baptise into the during the 195 days of 's negotiation with from 2028Shebat30 to 2029Elul5, starting with 50 potentially righteous men in the midst of Sodom from 2028Shebat20-2029Nisan10 - see U154#2: 2028Adar15 being the mid point from 2024Tebbeth16 (the start of the sweeping away by ark rapture of the righteous - the sealed) to 2033Iyyar14 (the end of the sweeping away of the unrighteous - the unsealed. So words at Matthew 9:6 are fulfilled during that period.
6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house. (Matthew 9 )
6 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to remit sins, then He said to the paralytic, Rising up, lift up your cot and go to your house. (Matthew 9 )
1 So boarding a boat he proceeded across and went to his own city
look! they were bringing him a paralysed/loosed-beside [one]
[unable to get up and take a baptism test] lying on a bed (klinh)
[the resurrection of the unrighteous! It is a bed - a resurrection]. On seeing their faith
said to the paralysed/loosed-beside [one]:
Take courage, child [of ],
your sins are forgiven
[you are baptised into the ].
3 And, look! Certain ones of the scribes said to themselves: This [one] is blaspheming.
4 And , knowing their thoughts, said: Why are you thinking wicked things in your hearts?
5 For instance, which is easier, to say, Your sins are forgiven [ re-baptism], or to say, Get up [to be tested for the again. OK you stumbled. Well try again]
and walk [be spirit baptised into the ]?
[a binary question. Literally the former. Symbolically the latter].
6 However, in order for you to know that the Son of man
[any man at all] has authority up on earth [the planet] to forgive sins [of any one showing love or faith - this is the sheep and the goats test of Matthew25], then he said to the paralysed/loosed-beside [one]: Get up, pick up your bed (klinh)
[to be tested for the after having stumbled. Pick up the resurrection, the bed,
associated with your baptism - do not drop it], and go to your home [Laodicea or the autonomous congregation of ].
7 And he got up and went off to his home [But did not pick up his bed until he got there!].
8 At the sight of this the crowds were struck with fear, and they glorified God,
the [one] having given such [toiauthn]
men (anqrwpoij) (Matthew 9).
For more on this please see intro43
1. You age at half the normal rate. Because both and were 240 year maximum lifespan humans - see intro15,
and s have Abrahamic bodies and s have Isaaic bodies.
2. You cannot be killed by . It is not lawful for the dragon to kill a non judicially condemned person - that would cause the perpetrator to lose his authority Therefore God must protect you against dragon instigated WMDs for example. This protection may well be through the greater ark of Noah. But you may not be protected against men killing you. So the dragon is going to start WW3 in order to get men to kill each other.
3. You get some kind of a shield from God in accordance with Genesis 15:1
1 After these things the word of came to Abram in a vision, saying: Do not fear, Abram. I am a shield for you. Your reward will be very great. (Genesis 15 )
4 Then he said to him: Run, speak to the young man over there, saying, 'As open rural country Jerusalem will be inhabited, because of the multitude of men and domestic animals in the midst of her.
5 And I myself shall become to her, is the utterance of , a wall of fire all around, and a glory is what I shall become in the midst of her.' (Zechariah 2 )
But that shield can be temporarily removed by negotiation as was the case with Job - see U229.
31 When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him [], then he will sit down on his glorious throne [].
32 And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
33 And he will put the sheep [] on his right hand, but the goats [] on his left [].
34 Then the king will say to those on his right []: Come, you who have been blessed by my Father [], inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world []
35 For I became hungry and you gave me something to eat; I got thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you received me hospitably [into the new Passover, eating and drinking and hospitality],
naked, and you clothed me. I fell sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to me.
Then the righteous ones will answer him with the words, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty, and give you something to drink?
When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked, and clothe you?
When did we see you sick or in prison and go to you?
40 And in reply the king will say to them, Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me [].
41 Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left [], 'Be on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the indefinitely lasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels [].
42 For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink.
43 I was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.
44 Then they also will answer with the words, Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?
45 Then he will answer them with the words, 'Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones,
you did not do it to me.'
46 And these will depart into indefinitely lasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones [] into indefinitely lasting life (Matthew 25).