4 But said to her: What have I to do with you, woman? My hour has not yet come. (John 2 )
30 Hence they began seeking to get hold of him, but no one laid a hand upon him, because his hour had not yet come. (John 7 )
20 These sayings he spoke in the treasury as he was teaching in the temple. But no one laid hold of him, because his hour had not yet come. (John 8 )
23 But answered them, saying: The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. (John 12 )
1 Now, because he knew before the festival of the Passover that his hour had come for him to move out of this world to the Father, , having loved his own that were in the world, loved them to the end. (John 13 )
So the hour ran from Palm Monday on 33Nisan10 (when the sheep enters the house on an asses colt in this case) to the Pentecost on 33Sivan5 when the ended because completed his sacrifice and became divine. That is 55 days. Whereas his entire ministry ran from 29Tishri10, his baptism by John to 33Sivan5, his glorification as God number 2. 1315 days.
9 answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day [daylight day], he does not stumble because he sees the light of the world. (John 11 )
Yes, there are 12 hours in the daylight day and there are 24 hours in the calendar day. The day light day ends with its evening at darkness, the calendar day ends with its evening at sunset. This is a classic example of the Binary Question Principle. Both answers are true.
Let's have 24 hours in the day of his entire ministry. Then 1315/24 = 54.8. Now the gifts of the spirit were poured out at the 3rd hour of the day of Acts2. So must have entered into the temple 0.2 of a day or 4.8 hours after then i.e. around the 8th hour of the day on 33Nisan10.
Incidentally this means that although arrived at Bethany 6 days of John 12:1 before the Passover, he arrived before sunset. So he had the evening meal 5 days before the Passover and Palm Monday (the next day of John 12) was 33Nisan10, 4 days before the Passover - when the Passover victim is supposed to enter into the house according to law:
1 Accordingly , 6 days before the Passover [33Nisan8 before sunset], arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus was whom had raised up from the dead.
2 Therefore they spread an evening meal for him there [33Nisan9,
after sunset], and Martha was ministering, but Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with him.
12 The next day [33Nisan10 - Palm Monday] the great crowd that had come to the festival, on hearing that was coming to Jerusalem,
13 took the branches of palm trees and went out to meet him. And they began to shout: Save, we pray you! Blessed is he that comes in 's name, even the king of Israel! (John 12 )
So it was not Palm Sunday - It was Palm Monday, when he rode into Jerusalem upon the colt of an ass and entered into the temple as the Passover victim!
1434 But said to her: What have I to do with you, woman? [The woman is the , stolen by reverted Laodicea. She is the mother to half of ' flesh, his wife. joins from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5. On 2026Heshvan5, the inclusive chief of the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1, 4 comes down to the King becoming inferior coregent. The 2nd marriage occurs on 2028Adar2] My hour has not yet come [the 1st presence fulfilment of this hour ran from Palm Monday 33Nisan10 to the Pentecost 33Sivan5, 55 days with the corresponding 24 hour day being his earthly visit from 29Tishri10 to 33Sivan5 - 1315 days, whereas 1320 = 55x24 days - see U916] (John 2).The hour of his coming in the day of his presence.
Peter runs Abrahamic from 2026Heshvan5, Palm Tuesday, (2026Heshvan is the 3rd Isaaic Sabbath month of the 3rd Isaaic Jubilee). The day of the presence of the Christ in Laodicea and Laodicean is as follows...
2006Sivan14-2013Adar10: 7 years 8 months 26 days (s baptised in Laodicea)
2019Elul10-2019Shebat10: 5 months (s baptised in Reappointed Laodicea)
2020Tammuz10-2020Heshvan14 4 months 4 days (s baptised into Reverted Laodicea)
2026Elul16-2026Heshvan5 to 2029Iyyar14: 30 months 9 days to 31 months 28 days. Then she takes over on 2026Heshvan5. The last leaves for the ark on 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover.
2000Elul16 to 2031Nisan5: 30 years 199 days of , from the baptism of Tony to the end of the church. This is the day for which the period of the or part thereof being Isaaic baptised into the earthly FRC congregation of Isaaic is the hour143.