, , Bezae and some Latin versions have the Long conclusion to Mark which is Mark 16:9-20
John 20 and Luke 24 and Matthew 28 ALL need it to count correctly and it provides a wonderful insight into how demons are expelled and into where the HQ of ought to have been (Galilee not Jerusalem or Rome).
Having risen early on the first [day] of the
Sabbath [Partitive,
Sabbath means 7 here. 33Nisan16 he rose out of as an angel to appear before and give him an angelic firstfruit wave offering]
he appeared first to
Mary, the Magdalene
[on the first of the Sabbaths - plural - 33Nisan17], from whom he had expelled 7
She went and reported to those who had been with him, as they were mourning and weeping.
But they, when they heard that he lived and had been viewed by her, did not believe.
= 4
Sabbath, Mary, Magdalene, Demons.
Mark 16:9-11 and John 20:11-18 are parallel. Totals in John.
So rose first to see his father, and to offer his angelic body on 33Nisan16, then he was resurrected as a human and went to see his girlfriend, Mary on 33Nisan17. That is the right way round. Adam did it back to front!
Moreover, after these [things] he appeared in another
to 2 of them walking along, as they were going into the
field [the country, Emmaus actually];
and they came back and reported to the remaining [ones]. Neither did they believe these.
= 2 (1 thread)
Form, Field = 2
Luke 24:12-32 and Mark 16:12-13 are parallel. Totals in Luke.
But later [usteroj] he appeared to the 11 themselves as they were reclining, and he reproached their
hardheartedness, because they did not believe those who had beheld him now raised up from the dead [ones].
And he said to them: Having gone into all the
preach the
to all
He that believes and is baptized will be saved, but he
[who has heard]
that does not believe will be condemned.
will follow those having believed
[from the start]: By the use of my
they will expel
demons, they will speak in/ with
tongues [the tongue is a metonym for a language],
and with their
hands they will lift up/take away/remove [airw]
serpents [of the offspring of vipers variety -
expelled through the laying on of the hands?], and if they drink anything deadly it will not hurt them at all. They will lay their
upon sick [ones], and these will become well.
= 11
Faithlessness, Hardheartedness, World, Good-news, Creation, Signs, Name,
Demons, Tongues, Hands = 10
19 Therefore indeed, the Lord Jesus ['' is in the but nothing else. Bezae, Scrivener Tischendorf and the Majority text have 'Lord' alone - They are all wrong!], after having spoken to them, was taken up to heaven and sat down out of right [parts] of God [as head of the 2nd ].
20 But these [ones], went out and preached everywhere, [upon] working with the Lord and [upon] following up the word through the accompanying signs.
Mark = 11+6 = 17
Mark Faithlessness, Hardheartedness, World, Good-news, Creation, Signs, Name,
Demons, Tongues, Hands = 10, Lord, , Heaven, Word = 14
Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark 16:14-20 are parallel. Totals are below
16 However, the 11 disciples went into Galilee to the mountain which had arranged for them [ did not arrange a physical mountain for the 11 disciples/apostles. He arranged a church administration for them, which is symbolised by a mountain which ahs oversight over the land. So the HQ of was supposed to be in Galilee NOT in Jerusalem and NOT in Rome],
32 But after I have been raised up, I will go ahead of you into Galilee (Matthew 26)
7 And go quickly and tell his disciples that he was raised up from the dead [ones], and, look! he goes before you into Galilee; there you will see him. Look! I have told you (Matthew 28)
and when they saw him they glorified him, but some doubted. = 13 Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark 16:14-20 are parallel. Totals in Matthew Mark = 11+6 = 17 Total = 13 + 17 = 30 (3 threads) Total Disciples,
Galilee, , Authority, Heaven, Earth, Nations, Name of Father,
Name of Son, Name of , Days, Conclusion of the age = 12,
Hardheartedness, World, Good-news, Creation, Signs, Name, Demons, Tongues,
Hands, Lord, Word = 24 (3 threads) The Administration of should have remained in Galilee and not moved to Jerusalem as in Acts15 or to Rome.
approached and spoke to them, saying: All
has been given me in
and on [epi]
Go therefore and evangelize all
nations, baptizing them into
the name of the Father and {the name} of the Son and {the name} of the holy spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And, look! I am with you all the
until the
of the
Disciples, Galilee, , Authority, Heaven, Earth, Nations, Name of Father, Name of Son, Name of , Days, Conclusion of the age = 12
Mark Faithlessness, Hardheartedness, World, Good-news, Creation, Signs, Name,
Demons, Tongues, Hands = 10, Lord, , Heaven, Word = 14