Outline Passover Celebration


Note: This is a functional and hopefully precise guide to the order of events, the timing and the blessings. We advise strongly that the reader also studies the comprehensive version of the LW understanding on the Passover in U15 - The 4 Cups of the Last Supper!

This Passover is a fulfilment of Jesus' counsel to the Angel of Laodicea, the 7th president of a true church in the second presence. These 7 being Russell, Ruitherford, Knorr, Franz, Henschel, Ritchie.and Teh Angel of Laodicea (AOL/Caleb)

20 Look! I am standing at the door and knocking [firstly as a JW to join the Watchtower then as an LW to leave the Watchtower and be passed over]. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door [recognizes who is and who is not a 1NC reserve and admits them to the New Passovers. Also opens his heart to the preaching campaign of the LW 1NC reserves and responds and comes to the Watchtower Passovers], I will come into his [house/life] and take the evening meal with him [The 4 Watchtower Passovers on 2019Iyyar14/Sivan14/Tammuz14/Ab14] and he with me [The respective marriage feasts in the ark on 2019Sivan18-24/Tammuz16-22/Ab21-27]. (Revelation 3 NWT).

The 1st 1NC reserve engagement (for the 3rd 1NC marriage) was always going to occur in Sivan, the 3rd month of the sacred year, rather than Nisan or Iyyar since it is a 3rd marital appointment. So the Laodicea could not have presided over any engagement party (Lord's evening meal) on 2019Nisan14 or 2019Iyyar14. Zoar cannot baptise any new members until 2019Sivan15 the end of the LW Exedenic Times!

The 1st and 2nd and 3rd regular and late Watchtower Passovers on 2019Iyyar14/Sivan14 and and 2019Sivan14/Tammuz14 and 2019Tammuz14/Ab14 are the great Passover of Josiah on 2Kings23. Josiah held his great Passover in his 18th year...

21 The king now commanded all the people, saying: Hold a Passover to Jehovah your God according to what is written in this book of the covenant.
22 For no Passover like this had been held from the days of the judges that had judged Israel, nor all the days of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah.
23 But in the 18th year of King Josiah this Passover was held to Jehovah in Jerusalem. (2 Kings 23 NWT)

The 18th year of Gordon over the 2NC saints, over Jacob, over the sons of the JAC, covenant Jacob, is 2018Nisan1-2019Nisan1, since he acceded on 1999Tishri2/Heshvan21. Except that he had no subjects until 2000Elul16. So his first regnal year over somebody was actually 2001Nisan1-2002Nisan1. So his 18th is 2018Nisan1 to 2019Nisan1, since the congregation began in 2000Elul16. But we all died to Adam on 2012Sivan14 and were not reinstalled to rule as sacred king over the 2NCs until 2012Heshvan21 (the 2NC Pentecost - a 1st installation over resurrected non adamics), so perhaps we lose that year. Then the 18th sacred year of Gordon would run from 2019Nisan1 to 2020Nisan1.

So the greater Passover of Josiah occurs on 2019Iyyar14/Sivan14/Tammuz14/Ab14, starting in the 18th regnal year of Gordon over Isaac (the sons of the ICC, the priests - discounting 2012), which is Gordon's 19th regnal year over Jacob (the saints, the sons of the JAC not discounting 2012). Also high places will be torn down (worship of luminaries in the church and the world with high status) at the same time, following this description in 2Kings23:10-20. 

The 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Iyyar14/Sivan14 is also the greater Passover of Hezekiah of 2Chronicles30 held late on the 14th day of the second month of the sacred Nisan1 year and then of the new Laodicean Iyyar1 secular year

2 However, the king and his princes and all the congregation in Jerusalem resolved to hold the Passover in the second month;
3 for they had not been able to hold it at that time, because not enough priests, on the one hand, had sanctified themselves and the people, on the other hand, had not gathered themselves to Jerusalem. (2 Chronicles 30 NWT).

11 Only individuals from Asher and Manasseh and from Zebulun humbled themselves so that they came to Jerusalem.
12 The hand of the [true] God proved to be also in Judah to give them one heart to perform the commandment of the king and the princes in the matter of Jehovah.
18 For there was a great number of the people, many from Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, that had not cleansed themselves, for they did not eat the Passover according to what is written; but Hezekiah prayed for them, saying: May the good Jehovah himself make allowance for (2 Chronicles 30 NWT)

So following our recent interpretations of the parable of the Sower - see U63 and the calls into the Vineyard - see U192, we now know that there is a 100 year Proselyte call into the Watchtower for the greater tribe of Asher who are the heavenly Overlords under the HLC, from 1905Nisan17 to 2005Nisan17. And there are 10x as many Overlords as Kings and there are 72,000 1NC Kings of the 2nd presence and 6,000 1NC reserves and the same number of queens and reserves. So there are 156,000 Kings and Queens and 1.56 million Overlords and Overladies. It would not be sensible to have a first presence Overlord who had been an angel for say 1900 years to be a messenger for a second presence 1NC King who had never been an angel before.

So these Asherites, are the sons of Zilpah, the maidservant of Leah, the 1NC. So they are given to Jacob (Jesus) as a concubine, when Jesus marries Zilpah's owner, who is Leah. So they must drink the cup of the HLC immediately after the 1NC cup is drunk. Because Jesus is the Husband of the 1NC Kings and each 1NC King is the Husband of his HLC Overlords. Just as Jacob was the owner of Leah and Leah was the owner of Zilpah. This is the giving of the maidservant to the husband - which is not automatic but was a choice of Leah in her time and is a choice of both parties in the present time. 

53 Then Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you do not have life in yourselves.
54 The one partaking of My flesh and drinking of My blood has everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
55 For My flesh is truly food, and My blood is truly drink.
56 The [one] partaking of My flesh and drinking of My blood abides in Me, and I in him.
57 Even as the living Father sent Me, and I live through the Father; also the [one] partaking Me, even that one will live through Me.
58 This is the Bread which came down out of Heaven, not as your fathers ate the manna and died; the [one] partaking of this Bread will live forever. (John 6 GLT)

The Asherites, the Overlords, are indeed born again angelically. So they must eat the flesh of Jesus and drink his blood. They drink the cup and eat the loaf of the HLC after the 1NCs have finished theirs.

16 for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it becomes filled [literally - filled full, satiated, gorged, made full, completed - Liddell] in the kingdom of God. (Luke 22 NWT)

16 legw gar umin oti ou mh fagw auto ewj otou plhrwqh en th basileia tou qeou (Luke 22 SCSa)

3 And she said, Behold my servant Bilhah! Go in to her and let her bear on my knees [for that is how the LWs baptise]; yea, let me be built up from her, me also.
4 And she gave her slave-girl Bilhah to him for a woman/wife [the Hebrew word Ishshah can mean either]. And Jacob went in to her.
5 And Bilhah conceived and bore a son to Jacob. (Genesis 30 GLT)

The Asher cup had is not referred to in the Gospels because the HLC, was not made until the 2nd administration of TCC2.

Benjamin will drink the cup of the 2NC at the 2NC celebration on 2019Tishri22 !!

Most of the sons of Asher will never have drunk the cup of the HLC. But that does not matter because the maidservant can be given to the master by her mistress without her consent.

9 And Leah saw that she had ceased from bearing. And she took Zilpah, her slave-girl, and gave her to Jacob for a woman/wife [the Hebrew word Ishshah can mean either]. (Genesis 30 GLT)

Had Zilpah been a wife there would have to have been a cup drunk.

Before the celebration

Determine the time of sunset and the midpoint of the Passover night for your location. You can do this by visiting www.timeanddate.com. Find sunset for the day of the celebration and sunrise for the next morning. Calculate the total amount of darkness in hours and minutes. Divide the result by two and add this to the time of the sunset. The result is the mathematical midpoint of the night when the lamb must be eaten.

Make sure you have enough of the following foods so that everyone attending can have his share: Lamb, bitter greens (spinach, rocket, etc.), unleavened bread (e.g. tortilla wraps) and fish. You will also have to organize enough dishes, plates and glasses for everyone. Get one dedicated cup ready that will only be used for the 5 blessed wines. The single cup itself represents Jesus Christ. The 5 wines in the cup represent 5 salvation covenants. 

8 the spirit and the water and the blood, and the three into the one (thing) are. (1 John 5 KIT).

12 Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved. (Acts 4 NWT)

There are in fact 24 salvation covenants. For Jesus said I am the Alpha and the Omega and there are 24 letter in the Greek alphabet and the first and last salvation covenants are mediated by Jesus. These being the Angelic Ransom Covenant for Adam and the Ark Rapture Covenant. But all these provide only a non adamic temporary salvation. The final everlasting salvation of everyone is the gift of everlasting angelic life through the sacrifice of the everlasting angelic soul of the angel Michael

The Passover victim (the one male 1NC reserve per Passover celebration house, who is to be baptised into the CRC by the 2NC priest) appoints a chef. The 2NC priest who must be a true ex JW (3EC baptised before 2001Heshvan10) who will CRC baptise the Passover victim, must procure a chair and a basin for water and a sponge and a towel.

Everybody attending the celebration must be in the house by preferably by sunset but latecomers are welcome. No one must not leave the house until sunrise.


The symbolism is anatomical. Eating the loaf defines a composite body. The wine, which is the blood, flows around that body. This is why the cup is passed from one to another after the loaf is eaten for testing covenants. However for sealing covenants the body is not yet defined so the procedure is different. No one who is not a part of the covenant can be involved or else the blood would be flowing around the wrong body and the festival is defiled and fails in the absence of a prayer to God from the presiding priests for forgiveness. If something goes wrong DO IT AGAIN until you get it right! We have all night.

22 Certainly you do have [covenant] houses for eating and drinking, do you not? [those under sealing test drinking the cup of the sealing covenant but cannot eat the loaf of the sealing covenant until they have passed the test and been sealed]  (1 Corinthians 11 NWT)

29 For he that eats and drinks eats and drinks judgment against himself if he does not discern the body [the loaf]. (1 Corinthians 11 NWT)

26 Eating but of them, Jesus took a loaf and, after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to the disciples, he said: Take, eat. This is my body [1AC] 
27 Also, he took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: Drink out of it, all of you
28 for this is my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured out in behalf of many  for forgiveness of sins [testing covenant, the 1AC].
29 But I tell you, I will by no means drink henceforth any of this product of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you [plural] in the kingdom of my Father 
Finally, after singing praises, they went out to the Mount of Olives (Matthew 26).

22 And eating of them, he took a loaf, said a blessing, broke it and gave it to them, and said: Take it [NO eat]. This is my body [FRC].
23 And taking a cup, he offered thanks and gave it to them, and they all drank out of it [including Judas, who did not drink the cup of the 1NC] 
24 And he said to them: This is my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured out in behalf of many [Not for the forgiveness of sins - this is a sealing covenant for the many. The bread is not eaten] [FRC]
25 Truly I say to you, I shall by no means drink anymore of the product of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God
Finally, after singing praises, they went out to the Mount of Olives (Mark 14)

12 And that [man] will show you a large upper room furnished. Get [it] ready there.
13 So they departed and found it just as he had said to them, and they got the Passover ready.
14 At length when the hour came, he reclined at the table, and the apostles with him.
15 And he said to them: I have greatly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer;
16 for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it becomes completed [plhrwqh] in the kingdom of God.
17 And, taking-with-the-hand/grasping [dexomai] a cup [ARC], he gave thanks and said: Take this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves;
18 for I tell you, From now on I will not drink again from the product of the vine until the kingdom of God arrives.
19 Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks [for his everliving angel which came from the ARC], broke it, and gave it to them, saying: This is my body which is to be given in your behalf [He did not say eat it - ARC. Cup then loaf for sealing covenants - where the loaf is not eaten other than by the blessor]. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.
20 Also, the cup in the same way after they had the evening meal, he saying: This cup is the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf [1NC] .
21 But, look! the hand of my betrayer is with me at the table (Luke 22).

23 For I received from the Lord that which I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was going to be handed over took a loaf
24 and, after giving thanks [for his everliving angel which came from the ARC], he broke it and said: This is my body which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me [keep breaking the loaf NOT keep eating the loaf of the ARC].
25 He did likewise respecting the cup also, after he had the evening meal, saying: This cup is the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me .
26 For as often as you eat this loaf [of the ARC after having been sealed] and drink this cup [of the 1NC], you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord [as an angel in the case of the ARC], until he arrives [].
27 Consequently whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the Lord [the loaf OR the cup of the ARC - the two are SEPARATE. Do not eat a sealing loaf unless you are sealed] unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord [The angelic body and the angelic life of Michael].
28 First let a man approve himself after scrutiny [make sure he is a 1NC saint - the LWs know the rules for this scrutiny, the JWs do not. Gordon knows for he is the doorkeeper, the one who shuts without anyone opening and opens without anyone shutting], and thus let him eat of the loaf and drink of the cup.
29 For he that eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment against himself if he does not discern the body [of Christ, the remnant. We must get the unclean things out of the temple of the body of Christ - we have seen this unclean state of affairs before in the old testament with the physical temple several times].
30 That is why many among you are weak and sickly, and quite a few are sleeping [in death].
31 But if we would discern what we ourselves are, we would not be judged.
32 However, when we are judged, we are disciplined by Jehovah, that we may not become condemned with the world.
33 Consequently, my brothers, when you come together to eat [it], wait for one another.
34 If anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, that you may not come together for judgment [So this meal is not to be eaten at home, but when the congregation all comes together, the congregation being the greater family. The hunger is not for the bread of the emblems first century Christians were not that aspiritual. It was for the lovely roasted Passover lamb itself. If one ate some of that before the first cup then one ruined the festival for oneself. This statement proves that at least one cup and loaf were taken before the meal]. But the remaining matters I will set in order when I get there. (1 Corinthians 11).

Jesus gave thanks for every cup (to all those involved in that covenant) AND for the one loaf of the ARC, since he was given everlasting angelic life by that covenant.

Now the first cup mentioned in Luke is drunk before the loaf of the ARC. It is the blood of the ARC. But it does not flow around a body defined by the loaf since the loaf of a sealing covenant is only eaten by the blessor. Take it but not Take Eat. So with sealing covenants the cup comes first and the blood flows around the body of those under the sealing test, but not the body of the blessing of the sealing covenant.

Another way of seeing that several cups were drunk is that Judas was still at the table after they had had the evening meal and after Jesus said the blessing on the cup, which is 'the new covenant'. So Judas certainly drank the cup which was drunk during the meal and ate the related bread. In fact Mark tells us that 'they all drank out of it', referring to the cup drunk with the meal. And Jesus commanded them during the meal saying: Drink out of it all of you. But Judas cannot have drunk the wine of the new covenant, because Jesus was not about to marry him, having effectively called him unclean earlier in the evening.

What we are going to do tonight is attempt to make up for 2000 years of negligence by the leaders of every church on earth and show to God that we do care about his book and about his instructions for his festivals 

The Celebration - Hospitality - Festivity!

For a judicial Passover (of Laodicean, the Watchtower, or Adam) ONLY baptised LWs or their Spouses may attend (people with 4EC or 1AC baptisms). Children under 5 years old by Hebrew counting i.e. on Nisan1 (who are too young to be baptized) may attend the event but cannot partake of any cup. Children under 5 are clean in the flesh due to the water baptism of an LW parent  Children over 5 need to be 1AC baptised by the LWs and children over 11 need to be water baptised into the LWs in order to attend.

Doors open at least 1 hour before sunset.

Tea and Coffee and soft drinks and water and leavened or unleavened snacks. It is OK to eat leavened food at the Passover festival (it is not a day of Cakes) but not during the Passover meal itself please.

0. The 1NC priest who is the Passover Victim, must pray to God, in secret, kneeling down for forgiveness for all his sins immediately before he starts the celebration. He must also pray for the forgiveness of the sins of everyone at his celebration immediately before the celebration. He must also pray for forgiveness if he or any participant gets something wrong during the celebration. Likewise the 2NC priest, his assistant, who is going to baptise him into the CRC, who is also the priest who baptised him into the ICC on the 10th of the month using a basin of water, also prays for forgiveness for his past sins and his sin during the festival. Both priests and the chef wash their hands.

0a The presiding priest gives a blessing on the festival opening it up after sunset. He stands up and asks the church to stand up.

Here is a SAMPLE blessing: May our two Gods, Jehovah and Jesus Christ enjoy and Bless our sincere attempt to bring them the glory they deserve in celebration of the ..... Passover today. May they send the holy spirit of the Kingdom, the 1NC Kings themselves, to work with us and guide us during the festival and to rejoice with us at the wonderful provisions freely and willingly given to us and to them by the love and sacrifices of God and Jesus and many others. Amen.

0b. The 2NC priest (who must also pray to God for forgiveness of his sins prior to his officiation at the festival) then gives the following blessing. 

May our two God's forgive and overlook any mistakes that any of us make tonight in our attempt to celebrate this festival precisely as instructed by holy spirit through the scriptures. We shall deliberately not follow all of the Mosaic Passover instructions for the lamb because we know that the high priest Caiaphas Sacrificed Jesus Christ as his last valid offering to God. We know that this was the last sacrifice under the law of Moses which ceased to be a true form of worship at the death of the Christ at the 9th hour of 33Nisan14. So we ask Jesus to forgive all of us these and any other mistakes we might make tonight on the basis of that sacrifice - recognizing that all sacrifice pointed forward to the great triumph of his love over his fear. For we have all read the Psalm which teaches us that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. But Jesus, through that sacrifice has shown us that the love of God is the end of wisdom. For Jesus became the second God to be worshipped, the only begotten God, through that sacrifice. His love became his divinity. For Jehovah is a God and so his true sons will likewise become Gods, not merely by existing in God's form, in a spirit body, but by exhibiting his unbreakable love and his unbendable righteousness. Then our saviour will become not only a Lord or Lords and a King of Kings but also a God of Gods. Amen

For Paul says...

3 He is the reflection of [his] glory and the exact representation of his very being, and he sustains all things by the word of his power; and after he had made a purification for our sins he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty in lofty places.
4 So he has become better than the angels, to the extent that he has inherited a name more excellent than theirs.
5 For example, to which one of the angels did he ever say: You are my son; I, today, I have become your father? And again: I myself shall become his father, and he himself will become my son? (Hebrews 1 NWT)

Well who could be an exact representation of God's very being, a perfect image of God himself, other than a divine son of a divine God? 

We all know that Zebras give birth to Zebras and Giraffes father Giraffes. So how is it that we have failed to grasp that Divinities father Divinities and that our destiny is to be a divine God to be worshiped just as Jehovah has always been and just as Jesus has now become? We are followers of the Christ are we not? Well he has passed through the heavens to divinity. Like begets like does it not? So when Paul asks: To which one of the angels did he ever say: You are my son, I today, I have become your father? We answer by saying that God began his parenting of Michael by fathering him as an angel. But he finished it by fathering him as a God to be worshipped, after he had taught him divinity. And mankind saw the glory of his final divinity test. They thought they were witnessing the death of a man. But in truth, they were witnessing, the birth of a God. And when Paul says that he inherited a name more excellent than the angels, the name above every name named, we know what that name was. It was Jehovah, the family name of the divine ones. 

0c. The doorkeeper, the 2NC priest, then puts a small amount of red wine in a bowl, not in a cup (because this wine is NOT to be drunk). And blesses it so that it becomes or represents the blood of the ICC. He then goes out of the house and using either mint or hyssop or oregano or a basting brush or any type of hairy brush (Hyssop is from the Hebrew bz:a' root aezowb meaning hairy) puts the wine of the ICC on the left doorpost on 2019Iyyar14/Sivan14 for Bethelites and on the upper part of the doorway on 2019Sivan14/Tammuz14 for the congregations and on the right doorpost on 2019Tammuz14/Ab14, for prisoners.

Once the wine is on the door frame people can still enter into the house. But no one can leave that house until the celebrations are over, and ideally (where accommodation is provided) until sunrise (other than for an emergency of some sort). 

He asks the church to sit down.

1. The 2NC Priest now gives the following talk.

So are we clear brothers? Every one here is in training to be a God. With some of us it might happen in just a few millennia, with others it may take a little longer, with some it might take a lot longer! But he will succeed with every single person here. For love never fails says Paul, and God is love says John. So God never fails. In fact whosoever has love that never fails has become a God. Yet love will not fail with any of us - for it never fails. So we will all one day possess the unbreakable love of the Christ which never fails and which he learned from his father Jehovah God. 

But from where did Jesus get his exquisite morality whereby we are commanded to love even our enemies? This concept most plainly did not come from mankind or from this planet. We have enough difficulty loving our friends our spouses and our family. The answer lies with the one who knows that even our most hated enemy will one day become our loving friend. This is the perspective that breeds the surpassing morality of the Christ. Love is going to win. Love is our future and is indeed the future of every one of our enemies. So let's get on the side of love now. 

But will God really succeed with Satan you might ask?

Well what did Jesus say to him through Peter in Matthew 16 and directly to Satan himself under test in Matthew 4? Did he say get lost Satan? No, he said: Get behind me Satan (literally Get under me Satan - the Greek imperative verb being Upage]. What did that command mean? Well, if you are under Jesus or behind Jesus then what are you? You are his follower, you have accepted his authority. Indeed he called the apostle Philip by saying to him: Be my follower. And he called the apostle Matthew, who was Levi, the tax collector, by saying: Be my follower. But he could have just as well said to them: Get thee under me Philip and get thee behind me Matthew. So, Yes, we shall all get behind Jesus, we shall all follow him to divinity and even Satan will make that journey one day. 

But lets us not permit these few words to diminish the enormity of the task that God has undertaken, namely to teach all of his sons, every single one of us, the unbreakable love and unbendable righteousness of the Christ whilst permitting us to 'enjoy' free will. It is an unimaginably heavy burden for any free willed being to carry - unless that free willed being has unbreakable love himself! So if you have ever wondered why the universe is so unimaginably large, and so inordinately energetic, so inspiringly massive, you now have the answer. 14 billion light years is the length that God was prepared to go to, to teach all of his sons to be like him.

In this talk we will cover lots of ground that may be totally new absolutely astonishing and rather unbelievable to many of you. Because we all have so much to learn and there is so little time left, there will not be time for me to take questions until we have finished drinking all the cups. But we are commanded to remain in this house until dawn. So there will be plenty of time to answer questions after the 4th cup. Please therefore write down anything that occurs to you and we can discuss it after midnight. The script for this talk is available on www.truebiblecode.com. We are not going to dumb this down. If you do not get it today have look at it tomorrow.

As regards the school of love and righteousness for the sons of Adam, well it all started in Eden. For Eden was our nursery. And all children have no law in the nursery other than simple obedience (do not eat from one particular tree was just an obedience test). But every child starts to deliberately disobey his parents and to push the boundaries at 2 or 3 years old. Adam was no different. The day came when his free will got the better of him and he disobeyed God. That day was always going to come. It was precipitated by the power games played by Satan who turned Eve into the first suicide bomber. But no child is perfectly obedient in a nursery and neither could Adam ever have been himself. 

For the nursery of mankind was Eden, and our primary school was the law of Moses. Our secondary school is Christianity and our university is the Kingdom of God. We were never going to have any other educational path - that was always going to be our schooling program. Had Adam not sinned we would all still be in the kindergarten, a German word meaning children's garden. Do not blame Adam for his sin. Do not dishonour your parent. You do not understand yet the circumstances behind it. Contrary to the illogical teachings of the Watchtower about Adam, the truth is that Adam is alive today. More than that he has everlasting life. He got that at Pentecost on 33Sivan5 when God applied the ransom of the Angel Michael to Adam. That gave him the salvation status that the angel Michael had which was everlasting life as an angel. For no part of God's plan will be permanently frustrated by Satan. For when Jesus ransomed Adam the result was, believe it or not, that Adam was ransomed and therefore saved.. 

Who was it then that founded the world? Was it God, was it Michael or was it Satan?

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son [first by covenant before the world of Adam came into existence and then by ministry to the perishing world during the first century], that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3 KJV)

18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, [as] silver and gold, from your vain conversation [received] by tradition from your fathers;
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
20 Who verily was foreknown [in the heavens to be a supporter of Jehovah's way] before the foundation of the world, but was manifest [on earth] in these last times for you, (1 Peter 1 KJV)

5 So now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was. (John 17 NWT)

God agreed to give Michael as a validation sacrifice at the time of Adam's sin. But he gave him for ministry during the first century. 

Michael was not the only direct son of God, in fact he was not a direct son of God at all, for Adam and Satan were the only two holding that position. But Michael was the beginning of Jehovah's way. He was the first one to grasp the love and righteousness of God and so was the first one to be given everlasting life. But such a gift can only come as a blessing through a covenant. So Michael gained everlasting life when he offered to ransom Adam and God accepted his offer making a covenant with Michael.

So actually Jesus gave Adam an upgrade when he ransomed him! Adam lost angelic life and got everlasting angelic life! So the world of Adam's procreation was founded by agreement between Jehovah and Michael to ransom Adam angelically. We call this agreement the Angelic Ransom Covenant, the ARC. When Michael agreed this covenant we understand that God gave him everlasting life - as a result of the love he showed through the sacrifice he agreed to offer. Therefore Jesus and Jehovah are the co-founders of this world and Satan is the confounder of it.

Now Adam was sentenced to die for his sin. But he was not put to death on that day. No, he was passed over. In legal terms he was given a stay of execution. God cannot break his own justice. So Adam would have entered into the first death on the day that he sinned had someone not agreed to ransom him. It was because Michael made that agreement, that God was able to keep him alive as a human although he took his angelic soul away from him at his sin. So Adam was passed over, escaping the first death, due to the Angelic Ransom Covenant made between Jehovah and Michael which founded the world for his posterity. One of Adam's two souls, his angelic soul, died. For God blew the breath of life into his two nostrils and he breathed it into his two lungs and exhaled it from his human soul when he died physically and from his angelic soul when God killed that soul at his sin. However his human soul was passed over on 3993Nisan14, in order that he could procreate. Adam himself was the firstborn of God as regards mankind. And his Passover was also his release from his slavery to ignorance and naivety. Yes the garden was a paradise. But 'twas a gilded cage' which limited his advancement in morality which is the knowledge of right and wrong, a knowledge of good and bad. So the first Passover occurred on 3993Nisan14. And the last Passover of Adam will occur on 2020Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14. The final abrahamic Passover occurs on 2020Chislev14, the end of entry into the first death, the end of unsealed Abraham, i.e. of 1AC Adam.

So the journey from Adam to Armageddon takes us from the first Passover on 3993Nisan14 to the late 3rd Passover of unsealed 1AC Adam on 2020Chislev14. For what is this world other than a giant 6,012 year 8 month Passover of the sons of Adam, by virtue of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? This is truly what we are celebrating today.

Now Jesus said at the Passover of the last supper on 33Nisan14...

25 Truly I say to you, I shall by no means drink anymore of the product of the vine [of the entire salvation plan. This is the cup of the ARC] until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God (Mark 14). 

Well tonight we are blessed to have the very flesh of Jesus Christ with us at the festival. So what we are going to do is give him the cup to drink that has not seen his lips for the last 1986 years. The cup of the Angelic Ransom Covenant, the ARC. This cup is drunk first in the Passover because it was the first covenant to be made, being the founding of the world of Adam. A careful comparison of the gospel accounts of the last supper shows that 1 cup was drunk prior to the meal and one cup was drunk during the meal and one cup was drunk after the meal. In fact 4 cups in all were drunk just as the Jews, God's unwitting prophets, still do at their Pesach, their Seder, today. Indeed this entire festival is a map of 66,012 years of Passovers and covenants from Adam and the ARC to the last supper and the 1NC, the first New Covenant and then to the HLC of the 2nd true church  and finally to the Dragon's earthly Passover, the end of the world judicially on 2020Tishri14. It is a map of 6,012 years and 8 months condensed into around 6 hours from sunset to sometime after Hebrew midnight tonight. So let us begin with the first loaf.


2. The 1NC priest stands up and says: Please will the saints alone stand for the thanksgiving for the Angelic Ransom Covenant made between Jehovah and Michael whereby the angel Michael agreed to Ransom the angelic soul of Adam.

He then gives thanks for the contributors to the ARC as follows:

We would like to thank Jehovah making for the ARC with Jesus. We would like to thank Jesus for agreeing to give up his everlasting angelic life in order to ransom Adam. We would like to thank Adam for mediating that blessing, through the 3rd blessing covenant to his sons by covenant. We cannot ourselves fully grasp the full extent of the sacrifice that the angel Michael, who possessed Jesus, freely chose to make for us. But we can express our everlasting gratitude for that demonstration of his love for us. And we do take great pleasure in thanking him for his benchmark sacrifice made in the most difficult of circumstances on the torture stake on 33Nisan14, and for his angelic sacrifice made on first fruits day, 33Nisan16, through which we are given the very everlasting angelic life that he gave to God for Adam. He has shown us by example the freedom is purchased by sacrifice and that the sacrifice of the one is the freedom of the many. Amen.

3. He then takes the plate with the 1st loaf/loaves of the ARC representing Michael's angelic body in his hands and he says a public blessing upon them as follows:

We ask Jehovah and Jesus to bless this loaf so that it represents, UNTIL THE CLOSING BLESSING OF THIS PASSOVER, the everlasting angelic body of Michael, who was Jesus, given in ransom of Adam's associated angelic body, which makes it the validation sacrifice of the 3rd Blessing Covenant, the 3BC, which is immediately below to the Angelic Ransom covenant, the ARC, in the covenant chain. Amen 

4. He tells the saints only to continue standing explaining why as follows...

18 And I have let 7,000 remain in Israel, all the knees that have not bent/bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him (1Kings 19).
4 Yet, what does the divine pronouncement say to him? I have left 7,000 men over for myself, [men] who have not bent the knee to Baal
5 In this way, therefore, at the present season also a remnant has turned up according to a choosing due to undeserved kindness (Romans 11)

So Paul is giving it to us. He saw the fulfilment in his season, in the first presence, and there is a further fulfilment today in our present season. These 7,000 today are the second presence 1NC reserves. The reserve tribe has 12,000 sealed, 6,000 from each presence. So 6,000 of these 7,000 will attend one of the 3 New Passovers and therefore be sealed. But how have they not bent the knee to Baal? What have they avoided doing? Well they are too humble ever to have partaken at a JW memorial. For they sat themselves at the lowest seat of the marriage feast of Luke 14. But the one who invited them is going to elevate them much higher than they ever believed was possible. (Did the Laodiceans bend the knee to Baal at their Passovers?)

8 When you are invited by someone to a marriage feast, do not lie down in the most prominent place. Perhaps someone more distinguished than you may at the time have been invited by him,
9 and he that invited you and him will come and say to you, 'Let this man have the place.' And then you will start off with shame to occupy the lowest place.
10 But when you are invited, go and recline in the lowest place, that when the man that has invited you comes he will say to you, 'Friend, go on up higher.' Then you will have honour in front of all your fellow guests (Luke 14).

Any one alive today who has ever partaken at a Watchtower memorial is not a 1NC saint. All the 72,000 sealed true non reserve Watchtower 2nd presence 1NC saints are dead. They all died before that church lost its water baptism on 2001Chislev14, as a result of their atrocious library card excuse letter to the Bethels of 2001Heshvan10/11, which demonstrated that they had absolutely no repentance at all for putting the throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah by joining the United Nations as an NGO, which is riding the beast as a harlot church.  For no church can preside over a baptism of repentance when they have no repentance themselves for the gravest of sins. Man is a hypocrite. But God is not. So all partakers from 2002Nisan14 onwards (except Laodicean partakers at the late Passovers) must now start off with shame at the last place (as a priest). For the scripture says...

7 He then went on to tell the invited men an illustration, as he marked how they were choosing the first places for themselves, saying to them: 
8 When you are invited by someone to a marriage feast, do not lie down in the first place. Perhaps someone more distinguished than you may at the time have been invited by him,
9 and he that invited you and him will come and say to you, 'Let this man have the place.' And then you will start off with shame to occupy the last place. (Luke 14)

So in this way many who are first will be last and the last first.

Note: Anyone who has left the Watchtower after his spirit baptism and joined any church other than the LWs cannot be a 1NC reserve (they must be in the Bethel, the congregation or the prison hole). He is no longer a spiritual virgin having joined his once clean spirit to another church.

Now at the Watchtower memorial everyone who partakes does so with the knee bent, since they are sitting down. Whereas in the Protestant and Catholic churches many people partake with the knee bent since they are kneeling down. But the emblems are blessed so as to represent the body and the blood of the validation sacrifice of a covenant. And the partaker has not received that blessing until he has swallowed the last crumb of blessed bread and the last drop of blessed wine. But we know that blessings should be given and received whilst standing upright for that is how Solomon blessed the congregation...

14 Then the king turned his face and began to bless all the congregation of Israel, while all the congregation of Israel were standing up (1Kings 8).

So brothers and sisters. Let us not bend the knee to Baal at this Passover celebration. Let us stand erect out of gratitude and respect. And just as these 7,000 have refused to bend the knee to Baal ever since they were sanctified in holy spirit into the first New Covenant so today their knees will be straight, as straight as their hearts, as they commit themselves into the sacrificial death of the Christ.

He breaks the bread and hands one piece to every LW who is a saint. He goes around all those standing in a circle in anticlockwise looking from above. He says to each recipient:

Take, observe but do not eat, this is Michael's angelic body, the bread of the ARC

The recipient takes the bread and holds in his hands until it is collected. The symbolism is the following: Get sealed into the ARC - Do not let this body slip through your fingers!

No one eats this bread. When everyone has received a piece of bread, the priest collects all the pieces together and leaves them on the plate until the closing blessing, after which they non longer represent anything.

4. He remains standing and pours wine into the first cup to be blessed. He he holds the cup in his hands and says: Please remain standing for the blessing on the first cup.

He then blesses the cup of the ARC as follows...

Full of gratitude we ask our two Gods Jehovah and Jesus Christ to bless this cup, so that it represents the blood of the 3rd Blessing covenant, the 3BC, the everlasting angelic blood of Jesus who was Michael, the ransomer of Adam, and therefore the validation sacrifice of the 3BC. Drink out of it all you children of God, born again as angels by holy spirit, and sealed or hopefully soon to be sealed in the spirit, which is being declared righteous in spirit, which is entering into the eternal fatherhood of Jesus by virtue of the angelic ransom covenant. Amen.

5. The saints are standing in a circle. The priest goes around the circle in an anticlockwise direction looking from above giving the cup to each person saying:

The blood of the ARC

Each saint takes the cup into his hands, drinks and then passes the cup back to the priest. All the saints pass the cup back to the priest. The priest goes around and around until the cup is dry - refilling it and reblessing it if necessary.

5a  The 2NC Priest gives the second part of his Passover talk as follows...

As a group we shall be drinking 4 blessed cups tonight representing 4 covenants. These are...
The Angelic Ransom Covenant, the ARC, which was validated by Michael's angelic ransom of Adam's angelic body
The Faith Ransom Covenant, the FRC, which was validated by Jared's ransom of Adam's human body (Jared was Melchizedek). 
The First Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12:1-3, the 1AC, which was validated by Isaac's ransom of Abraham's human body
The First New Covenant made by Jesus with his disciples 1986 years ago which was a subcovenant of the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, which was the Abrahamic System Covenant for the saints, which was validated by Gabriel's angelic body ransoming Jacob angelically. 

These are just 4 of the 24 salvation covenants given by God to the sons of Adam for the pre flood, the peri flood and the abrahamic systems or worlds. For the whole deal as we presently understand it please see the covenant chart - Questions after the 5th cup please!

Jared was non adamic, since he lived for 962 years which was 2 years longer than the pre-flood adamic age limit of 960 years. He died and was resurrected to be the King of Eden 2 - which is beyond the scope of this talk. Then he re-appeared in the peri-flood system as Melchizedek. He then appeared as Jehoida the priest who again lived 10 years longer than the adamic limit at his time, which was 120 years, the precise lifespan of Moses. He then appeared as the prophet Daniel who was non adamic because the holy spirit calls him 'Son of Man' which means son of pre fall adam, or non adamic person. He finally appeared as Simeon. Here is how we deduce that Simeon was Melchizedek...

Firstly whenever Michael possesses a non adamic host then so does Gabriel and Melchizedek comes before both of them. Gabriel possessed John the baptist because Jesus described him as Elijah and Elijah died a long time before John was born. So the same angel must have possessed both of them and the only other angel who possesses anyone in scripture is Gabriel. He is also the only other angel named in the bible. Also he was not named by his father Zechariah, he was named by Gabriel. So he was not Zechariah's child, he was Gabriel's child. For true fathers name their sons. John was non adamic because his birth was a miracle and because an adamic priest could not preside over the entrance of the the spirit of the angel Michael into a non adamic human. The way this works is that Melchizedek, who was priest of the most high God according to Genesis14:20, or who was the most high priest of God, the highest human priest there is - in one meaning of that verse - presides over the entrance of Gabriel into John and then Gabriel in John presides over the entrance of Michael into Jesus. We read in Luke 2:28 that Simeon blessed God, whereas said: Blessed be the most high God in Genesis 14:20 

Some Priest this Simeon! He didn't receive any doves after the manner of Aaron (the stipulated redemption sacrifice for a poor person under law in the case of a firstborn son, to be offered up on the 41st day, the 33rd day after the circumcision) he received Jesus into his arms. The point is that Aaronic priests received sacrifices not babies. So Simeon was not an Aaronic priest. But since he blessed God and received the baby Jesus in the temple, he was certainly a priest. So he was a higher priest than Aaron. Now Paul informs us in his letter to the Hebrews that...

11 If, then, perfection were really through the Levitical priesthood, for with it as a feature the people were given the Law, what further need would there be for another priest to arise according to the manner of Melchizedek and not said to be according to the manner of Aaron? (Hebrews 7).

Simeon was a slave of God according to Luke2:29. He was a priest of God and greater than any Aaronic priest. So he too was Melchizedek. It was he who sent John baptising...

33 Even I did not know him, but the very One who sent me to baptize in water [Simeon who was Melchizedek] said to me, 'Whoever it is upon whom you see the spirit coming down and remaining, this is the one that baptizes in holy spirit.' (John 1 NWT)

So let us now reconsider the words of Paul when he said...

11 For there is no partiality with God.
12 For instance, all those who sinned without law will also perish without law; but all those who sinned under law will be judged by law.
13 For the hearers of law are not the ones righteous before God, but the doers of law will be declared righteous.
14 For whenever people of the nations that do not have law, do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law unto themselves.
15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused.
16 This will be in the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare. (Romans 2 NWT)

So if you have faith in God of any type then you enter into the First Abrahamic Covenant, the 1AC, and you take the test of the 1AC which is to obey the law of your conscience, which accuses you or excuses you. But if you do the law of your own conscience, then even though you are a law unto yourself, you shall be declared righteous. And that righteous declaration is your sealing into the Faith Ransom covenant, the FRC

So God will seal you into his kingdom as a citizen and give you a Jaredian, that is to say a Melchizedaic human body that will never wear out if you keep to your faith and if you keep to your conscience, but fail to join a true church whilst it has a water baptism. However this Passover is being held by the 4th true church. And it is not hard to join us, although few have as this point.

6. The 1NC priest stands up and says: Please will the LWs and their participating spouses (whether baptized or not) and children who have been 1AC baptized into the LWs, please stand for the thanksgiving for the Faith Ransom Covenant made between Jehovah and Melchizedek, whereby Melchizedek agreed to ransom the human soul of Adam. (Grape juice can also be blessed for alcohol free adults and kids - parental decision).

He then gives thanks to the contributors to the FRC as follows:

We would like to thank Jehovah for making the FRC with Melchizedek. We would like to thank Melchizedek, who started off as Jared and ended up as Simeon, for mediating the 1st Blessing Covenant to Adam and for ransoming his human soul as the validation sacrifice for the 1BC. We thank Adam for mediating the blessing of that covenant, which is citizenship of the kingdom of God in an indefinitely living non ageing Jaredian body, to his covenant sons through the pre flood system faith covenant mediator whom we understand is Abel and to his covenant sons through the peri flood system faith covenant mediator whom we understand is Shem and to his covenant sons through the Abrahamic system faith covenant mediator who was Abraham. Amen.

7. He then takes the plate with the second loaf/loaves of the FRC representing Jared's human body (who was resurrected as Melchizedek in the peri flood system) in his hands. He says the following public blessing:

We ask our two Gods, Jehovah and Jesus Christ to bless this loaf so that it represents, UNTIL THE CLOSING BLESSING OF THIS PASSOVER,  the human body of Jared, also known as Melchizedek, the validation sacrifice of the first Blessing Covenant, the 1BC, the covenant immediately below  the Faith Ransom Covenant, the FRC, in the covenant chain. Amen.

8. He breaks the bread and hands one piece to every one standing, going around them all in a clockwise circle looking from above. He says to each recipient:

Take, observe, but do not eat, this is Melchizedek's non adamic non ageing human body, the bread of the FRC

The recipient takes the bread and holds in his hands until it is collected. The symbolism is the following: Get sealed into the FRC - Do not let this body slip through your fingers!

No one eats this bread. When everyone has received a piece of bread, the priest collects all the pieces together and leaves them on the plate until the closing blessing, after which they non longer represent anything.

9. He remains standing and pours wine into the first cup to be blessed. He he holds the cup in his hands and says: Please remain standing for the blessing on the 2nd cup.

He then blesses the cup of the FRC as follows...

Full of gratitude we ask our two Gods Jehovah and Jesus Christ to bless this cup, so that it represents the blood of the FRC, the Faith Ransom Covenant, the blood of Jared who was Melchizedek, the validation sacrifice of the FRC, the 2nd Adam, and the non adamic human ransomer of the 1st Adam. This is the blood which gives the citizens of the Kingdom of God indefinitely living non adamic bodies which do not age. Amen.

10. The whole congregation (except the children under 5 by Hebrew reckoning) are standing in some kind of circle. The priest goes around the circle in a clockwise direction looking from above giving the cup to each person in turn saying:

The blood of the FRC

Each partaker takes the cup into his hands drinks and then passes the cup back to the priest. All the partakers pass the cup back to the priest. The priest goes around and around until the cup is dry - refilling it and reblessing it if necessary.

He now thanks the partakers and asks them to sit down after the last drop of wine is consumed.

11. The talk by the 2NC assistant priest continues as follows...

We are going to drink 4 cups representing 4 covenants at this Passover. We deduced this from a careful comparison of the first 3 gospel accounts of the last supper. 

A thorough forensic analysis of the parallel accounts reveals 4 cups, 2 of which were drunk before the meal, one of which was drunk during the meal and the other drunk after the meal. But this is precisely how the Jews have been celebrating their Passover celebration for the last 3500 years. They have 4 cups, 2 of which are drunk before the meal, one during the meal and one after the meal. At the end of the day the Last Supper was a Jewish Passover celebration. So lets examine the Pesach, the Jewish Seder.

The 4 cups drunk at the Hebrew Passover, the Seder

Since Moses, the Jews have drunk 4 cups at the Passover - see wikipedia "Passover Seder". These cups are called, in order of drinking...

1: Kiddush - I will bring out (hotzeiti) - from Egypt [Jewish Passover] - FRC [Christianized Last Supper - Bring out of of this world into the Kingdom]
2: Magid - I will deliver (hitzalti) - Delivery from Babylon [Jewish Passover] - 1AC [Christianized Last Supper - Deliver from false religion through the conscience]
3: Birkit Hamazon - I will redeem (ga'alti) - redemption from death [Jewish Passover] ARC [Christianized Last Supper - Deliver from death into everlasting life]
4: Hallel - I will take (lakahti) - ownership as his people [Jewish Passover] - 1NC [Christianized Last Supper - ownership as the wife of Jesus]

The FRC is the covenant by which people are brought out of this system and into the kingdom of God. 
The ARC is the covenant by which they are delivered from death eternally. 
The 1AC is the covenant by which they are brought out of Babylon because the sons of the 1AC are God's people. 
The 1NC is the covenant by which people are taken as a wife for Jesus
The 4 cups come from the 4 expressions of deliverance in Exodus 6:6-7 which says...

6 Therefore say to the sons of Israel, 'I am Jehovah, and I shall certainly bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians [Delivery from Egypt] and deliver you from their slavery [Delivery from Babylon] and I shall indeed reclaim/redeem you [Delivery from death] with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.
7 And I shall certainly take you to me as a people, and I shall indeed prove to be God to you; and you will certainly know that I am Jehovah your God who is bringing you out from under the burdens of Egypt [Delivery from Pharaoh as secular ruler].

But actually there is a 5th expression of deliverance in verse 8 which caused Jewish Rabbis to propose a 5th cup, the cup of Elijah. They pour it out hoping for his return which precedes that of the Messiah and their final deliverance.

8 And I shall certainly bring you into the land that I raised my hand in oath to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and I shall indeed give it to you as something to possess [Physical Promised Land of Israel]. I am Jehovah.'

5: Elijah - I will bring into (hebeiti) [the Physical Promised Land of Israel] - 4EC [the Kingdom of God on earth - Zoar]

Well at the 3 late Watchtower Passovers, celebrated on 2019Sivan14 and 2019Tammuz14 and 2019Ab14, this is the very cup that is not drunk but utilized. The cup of the 3EC (NOT the 4EC), the water baptism covenant of the 3rd Elijah, Charles Russell. The blood (blessed wine) of this bowl (it is not a cup - it is not drunk), which is represented by the water in the foot washing bowl, is spattered on the left doorpost on 2019Iyyar14/Sivan14 for Bethelites and the lintel above the doorway on 2019Sivan14/Tammuz14 for the congregations and the right doorpost on 2019Tammuz14/Ab14 for prisoners at the houses of celebration. 

For there are to be three 3rd presence marriages actually on 2019Sivan18 and 2019Tammuz16 and 2019Ab21,  the left doorpost, the lintel, and the right doorpost respectively of the Passover door into the ark. And the blood on each part of the door frame is the blood of the virgin bride from the 3 consummations in the ark. Because the wedding was only officially consummated when the blood of hymen was seen. And the house was only passed over when the blood on the doorway was seen by the angel...

23 For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite [you]. (Exodus 12 KJV)
Then when Jehovah does pass through to plague the Egyptians and does see the blood upon the upper part of the doorway and upon the 2 doorposts, Jehovah will certainly pass over the entrance, and he will not allow the ruination to enter into your houses to plague you. (Exodus 12 NWT)

The blood is spattered upon the left doorpost which runs from 2019Sivan14 (when the Passover angel strikes the firstborn of the Watchtower Bethels, the firstborn of Pharaoh who is sitting on the throne), to the 3rd marriage in the ark on 2019Sivan18 and from 2019Tammuz14 (when the Passover angel strikes the firstborn of saint and unsanctified of the Watchtower congregations) to the 4th marriage in the ark on 2019Tammuz16. Then it is spattered on the right doorpost which runs from 2019Ab14 (when the Passover angel strikes the firstborn of saint and of non saint of the captives in the prison hole, Disassociated or Disfellowshipped JWs who are still captivated by JW theology and so have not joined any other church) to the 5th marriage in the ark on 2019Ab21, representing the end of ark entrance for marriage guests and the bride - those who see the 3 marriage bloods of the ruptured hymen of the 3rd 4th and 5th bride. 

There are 3 loaves eaten at the Hebrew Seder, but one of them is split into two parts. This one is the body of Jesus. His everlasting angelic soul is the validation sacrifice for the ARC and Isaac whom Michael possessed was the validation sacrifice for the 1AC. So one loaf being split into two is the perfect symbolism for these two covenants being validated by the death of one person (Isaac) with two souls. The larger of the two pieces, which represents his angelic soul, is hidden by the Passover priest and then the children search for it. Whereas Jesus said...

17 Truly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a young child will by no means get into it (Luke18).

So the Jews, the unwitting prophets of God, have been declaring the very Passover celebration that we are now holding for 3500 years. Even this year, as we drink the 4 cups of the 4 salvation covenants, they have done precisely the same thing without knowing what those cups really meant. Of course the last supper that Jesus celebrated was a Jewish Passover with 4 cups.

The Passover Meal

In the Passover meal that we are about to eat we have roast lamb and bitter greens. It is physical food which will build up our physical bodies when metabolised. This stands for spiritual food which is experience, which builds up our morality when mentally digested. The lamb is lovely and tasty and stands for the knowledge of God, or knowledge of good, which mankind gained from the various true churches from the flood to Moses. Whereas the bitter greens are more of an acquired taste, the young do not like them. But they are necessary for proper nutrition. They stand for knowledge of bad or knowledge of the world. You need both to progress morally. For Christianity is nothing but sustainable morality. It is the morality which gives a society of free willed beings a future. God's laws are the minimum possible set of laws which guarantee a society of free willed beings a future which does not involve them using that free will to destroy themselves. Free willed beings without God's law become free willed ex-beings. The lamb is also sacrificial, so it stands for all the food of the true churches during the sacrificial part of the Abrahamic covenant era prior to the death of the Christ. This is why the cup of the first New Covenant is drunk after that meal is finished. But the Passover was not complete in Jesus' day for Jesus said:

16 for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it becomes completed [plhrwqh] in the kingdom of God (Luke 22).

So we are going to complete it today by adding the final Christian course - which was absent on 33Nisan14. This course stands for post sacrificial Christian food during the 1AC era, which would be eaten after the 5th cup. This would not be a vegetarian course, for that is Kingdom food. It would be a fish course, following John 21.

Eating the bread makes you a part of the body that the bread represents.
Drinking the wine, confirms your membership of the testing group to which the covenant applies (it does not mean that you have passed the test if the cup is a sealing cup).
Eating the lamb represents digesting the true food of the sacrificial era (which passed its sell by date on 33Nisan14 - when Jesus ended all animal sacrifice - for true churches).
Eating the fish represents digesting the food of the post sacrificial era, for fish were never placed upon the altar but were placed upon the charcoal fire by Jesus as the last meal he fed to the disciples in John21 (he went Australian).

The ARC and the FRC were made before the Abrahamic era. Isaac was the validation sacrifice for the 1AC

4 Passover Prophecies 

Jesus made 4 prophetic statements about the Passover...

29 But I tell you, I will by no means drink henceforth any of this product of the vine [the cup of the 1AC] until that day when I drink it new with you [plural] in the kingdom of my Father [not God but David, whose seed was promised that throne by God. This kingdom was rulers over by the 5 vassals who were appointed after the Gentile times had ended: Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz and Henschel. Then it was ruler over by a multi headed beast, the democratic Governing Body of the Watchtower, who is Jezebel, the wife, who decided to decapitate her head. The Laodiceans drank this cup for the first time after 33Nisan14 following the instructions of Elijah4 in 1Kings18:41 and the obeying of that instruction by Ahab (who is the Angel of Laodicea) in 1Kings18:42, with Jesus during the second half of the second presence for 91 of exile from 2006Iyyar14 to 2013Chislev11] (Matthew 26).

25 Truly I say to you, I shall by no means drink anymore of the product of the vine [the blood of a sealing covenant. This refers to the cups of the ARC or the FRC. Neither one has been drunk by Jesus for 1986 years from 33Nisan14 to 2019Nisan14] until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God [not said to be with you] (Mark 14).

18 For I tell you, From now on [having just drunk the cup of the FRC] I will not drink again from the product of the vine [of any sealing covenant. This refers to the cup of the ARC or the FRC. Neither one has been drunk by Jesus for 1986 years from 33Nisan14 to 2019Nisan14] until the kingdom of God arrives (Luke 22).

16 for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it becomes completed [plhrwqh] [when the last 6,000 1NC reserves come in on 2019Iyyar14 and 2019Sivan14 and 2019Tammuz14 and 2019Ab14, completing the 3rd Holy Spirit, and eat the completed meal which includes the final course of the post sacrificial Christian food, which is seafood, which was never sacrificed. Vegetarian food applies to the Kingdom and the Second New Covenant] in the kingdom of God (Luke 22).

Matthew 26 was fulfilled by Laodicea in 2006 - we think. But the completed meal and the two sealing cups of the FRC and the ARC will be eaten and drunk for the first time in 1986 years today. The order in which the cups are drunk is the order in which the covenants were made because as we saw at the start of this festival we are mapping around 4,025 years into around 5 hours.

The 7 Passovers

There have in fact been 7 real Passovers, with Passover executions as far as we have been able to determine. Here they are...

1. Adam at his sin (he lost his angelic soul - but was passed over as a human) on 3993Nisan14 BC
2. Egypt and Israel at the Exodus on 1513Nisan14 BC.
3. The escape from the law of Moses on 33Nisan14
4. The escape from the Roman Catholic Church, the fallen first true church into the second true church of Paul in the first presence must have involved a Passover execution of faithless Catholics around 84 AD. That has been comprehensively covered up.
5. The 3 early/regular/late Watchtower Passovers on 2019Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14, which are the escape from the fallen Watchtower, the 3rd true church, into Laodicean and then Zoar, the 4th true church
6. The regular/late Passover of the adamic dragon on 2020Tammuz14/Ab14 
7. The 3 early/regular/late Passovers of Abraham on 2020Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14

For yes, there is a huge amount of new material we have bombarded you with tonight in these talks. But that is how far mankind is behind the curve and you have not seen the half of it yet and neither have we. For there are many seals yet to be broken. You have been kept in the dark by the Watchtower who have seen much of this information. We told them how to celebrate an improved Passover in 1994. Dan Sydlik's response was, hopefully the holy spirit makes up for such things. He knew - but was outvoted and then silenced. A tragedy.

They chose to play power games with these teachings rather than publishing them or joining us in further research. They failed even to put them in the bank so as to earn interest. As a result mankind's attempts to understand the bible have been delayed for 22½ years to the point where we have run out of time and need a Pentecost to fix the problem. But do not be disheartened. If a Pentecost is what we need, then a Pentecost is what the holy spirit shall give us. For the first Pentecost shall be as the last, and the last Pentecost shall be as the first. Indeed the gifts of the spirit given to the first century Christians were the capabilities of the Kingdom of God. They were taken from this time. For we are in the Kingdom of God and have been in a transition period since 2008Nisan22. So cheer up and do not be disheartened, indeed you are commanded to be nothing but joyful, for this is a festival of Jehovah. It is a drinking banquet of our Lord and Master, the King of mankind. It is not a funeral service.

12. Invite everyone to join in reading Psalms 110 to 112 and the first 2 of the Hallel Psalms 113-114. These are recited, one verse per person sequentially round the table or one Psalm per per son  - whatever is convenient. 

13. Everyone present now starts eating the first course of the meal. One third of the lamb, bitter greens unblessed unleavened bread with unblessed wine or water. No one eats any lamb or bitter greens or unleavened bread of drinks any wine after sunset prior to this meal.

14. Once that first course is finished (it should take around 10 minutes) and at least 30 minutes before midnight, not 00:00 hours but Hebrew midnight, which is the mid point between sunset and sunrise, the feet washing and then the baptism of the 1NC reserve Passover victim (one male per house) occurs. Female 1NC reserve queens are CRC baptised when they are ICC baptised but their CRC baptism is not completed until they partake at the Passover. Male 1NC reserves get the same deal except that they must also have their feet washed.  This represents (but does not put into effect) the sealing of the 1NC reserves into the CRC, the end of their water baptism test. This is done symbolically in public with a bowl a chair a sponge and a towel. The 2NC priest asks the Passover victim to sit and to take off his shoes and socks and put his feet in the warm water in the bowl. He then washes his feet thoroughly with the sponge. He then dries them with the towel completely. This symbolises the submission of the 2NC King to the 1NC king and to the 3rd Holy Spirit

He then explains the symbolism of what he has done as follows...

Jesus' feet are the last ones of his body in contact with the earth. The final remnant. These are the 6,000 first new covenant reserves. They are doubting Thomas who fills all the holes in the body of Jesus with his own flesh. They are Esther who steps up to be the wife of the king when Vashti refuses to come to the feast. They replace those of the first 144,000 who drop out for any reason. Because in Revelation chapter 7 the tribe of Dan is omitted from the 12 tribes of 12,000 sealed ones. But the tribe of Levi is included. So actually there were 13 tribes of 12,000 sealed making 156,000 first new covenant kings. But 12,000 of these, those in the tribe of Dan, were substituted by the 12,000 in the tribe of Levi who were not normally registered in the 12 tribes of Israel. The 12,000 in the tribe of Dan who are omitted represent the 12,000 kings who abdicate or are dethroned during the millennium. The 12,000 in the tribe of Levi represent the 12,000 reserves who replace them. 6,000 from the first presence and 6,000 from the second presence. We baptised these Passover Victims in water into the 4th Elijah Covenant which is a subcovenant of the Isaaic Church Covenant, making them Lords' Witnesses on the 10th of the month. This baptism entered them into the test of obeying the Law of this church. But in God's mercy, since they have now found both true churches in the second presence they pass the test of the Isaaic Church Covenant and so are sealed into the Church Ransom Covenant. Hence we also dry their feet with the towel representing the end of their water baptism test. So wetting the feet and then drying them is water baptising the 1NC reserve remnant and then completing that water baptism, so that they become sons of Methuselah, the ransomer of Noah, the mediator of the second Blessing covenant, which is immediately inferior to the Church Ransom Covenant in the covenant chain. The second blessing promised to Abraham's seed is to have a non ageing Methuselaian human body in the Kingdom of God and to be a priest in that kingdom. 

This CRC sealing, this righteous decree in the flesh, confirms his marriage to Jesus, since he will then be permanently Jesus flesh, having clean flesh permanently and so it effectively sentences him to die sacrificially, to die the death of the Christ, which is the obligation for all First New Covenant saints. His death will be used to ransom others. This makes him into the Passover Victim tonight.

The presiding 2NC priest at the Passover must himself have a CRC baptism - which means he must be a true 3EC ex JW.

15. The second course of the meal begins. This is the second third of the lamb bitter greens unblessed unleavened bread wine or water. Once this course is finished (should take another 10 minutes) the 1NC priest stands up and says: Please stand for the thanksgiving for the First Abrahamic covenant - all of you who are 5 years old or more.

We thank Jehovah for making the Faith Ransom Covenant with Melchizedek. We thank Melchizedek for making the First Blessing Covenant with Adam. We thank Adam for making that covenant with Abel in the pre-flood system. We thank Adam (whilst alive as a human in Eden2) for making it with Shem in the peri flood system and with Abraham in the Abrahamic system. For in this way we understand God made the first promise to Abraham that all the families of the ground should bless themselves by means of him. We thank every mediator involved in the covenant chain from God to Abraham and especially thank Melchizedek for Validating the FRC by ransoming the human body of Adam, and Isaac for validating the 1AC by ransoming the human body of Abraham. We are so grateful that all men of faith can have a second chance in the Kingdom of God due to the sacrifices of these people. Amen.

16. He takes the plate with the third loaf/loaves of the 1AC representing the human body of Jesus Christ in his hands. He says the following public blessing:

We ask our two Gods, Jehovah and Jesus Christ, to bless this loaf so that it represents the human body of Isaac, who died for us all, and ransomed the human body of Abraham, thereby becoming the validation sacrifice of the first Abrahamic covenant, the 1AC. Amen.

17. He breaks the bread and hands a piece to everyone at the meal who is over 5 years old by Hebrew reckoning. Just miss out the children under 5 years old by Hebrew reckoning. He says to each recipient: 

The bread of the 1AC, the human body of Isaac.

They all eat the bread.

18. He stands and pours wine into the third cup to be blessed. Holding that cup in his hands he says the following public blessing: Please remain standing for the blessing upon the 3rd cup.

We ask our two Gods Jehovah and Jesus to bless this cup, so that it represents the blood of the 1AC, the blood of Isaac, the human, the validation sacrifice of the 1AC, the ransomer of the human body of Abraham. Amen.

19. He passes the cup clockwise from above (fleshly cup) to the first faithful person saying to the first recipient: 

Take this and pass it from one to another among yourselves. Drink out of it all of you for this is Isaac's human blood of the First Abrahamic Covenant which has been poured out for the many for the forgiveness of sins. I give you therefore the blood of the 1AC

Each recipient when he passes it to the next one in the loop says: The blood of the 1AC

After the last drop of wine is consumed the 1NC priest asks all the partakers to sit down.

20. The final course of the meal begins. This is the last 3rd of the lamb, the unleavened unblessed bread and the bitter greens with unblessed wine or water. This course should again take around 10 minutes

21. When the meal is finished the 1NC priest again stands up and gives thanks for the 1NC saying: Please will the first new covenant saints only all stand for the thanksgiving for the First New Covenant.

We thank Jehovah for making the Angelic Ransom covenant with Michael. We thank Michael for making the 3rd Blessing covenant with Adam. We thank Adam (who was living as an angel but not in heaven until after Jesus ransomed him) for making the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, the JAC, with Jacob. We thank Jacob (who was living as an angel but not ascended to the heavens) for making the First New Covenant with Michael. We thank Michael, who was Jesus, for Making the 1NC with the apostles as the Passover and with the remaining kings after that. We thank all those involved in the mediation of the first New Covenant. Amen.

22. The Priest takes the plate of the 4th loaf/loaves of the 1NC representing Gabriel's angelic body into his hands and says the following public blessing.

We ask our two Gods to bless this loaf so that it represents the associated angelic body of Gabriel, the validation sacrifice for the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, the JAC, which is immediately superior to the First New covenant. Amen.

23. He tells the partakers to remain standing - no bending the knee to Baal here! This standing loop of 1NC Kings and Queens defines the body of the Christ. He breaks the loaf and hands a piece only to those who have been baptized in holy spirit into the first new covenant (1NC Reserves). He goes around them anticlockwise from above (spirit cup).

He says to each recipient: The bread of the Jacobian Angelic covenant, the JAC, the angelic body of Gabriel.

They all eat the bread.

24. He remains standing and pours the wine into the 4th cup to be blessed, takes the cup into his hands and says the following public blessing: Please remain standing for the blessing upon the 4th cup.

We humbly request our two Gods, Jehovah and Jesus Christ, to bless this cup so that it represents the angelic blood/life of Gabriel, the validation sacrifice for the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, to which the 1NC is a subcovenant, the blessing of which is to be born again as an angel in the heavens. Amen.

He passes the cup around the 1NC reserves (male and female) anticlockwise from above (spirit cup) saying to the first recipient:

Take this and pass it from one to another among yourselves. For this cup is the New covenant by virtue of Jesus' angelic blood which has been poured out on your behalf, but actually containing the angelic blood of Gabriel, who ransomed Jacob angelically, thereby becoming the validation sacrifice of the JAC. I give you therefore the blood of the JAC, which is the blood also of the 1NC

Each recipient when he passes it to the next one in the loop says: The blood of the 1NC

After the last drop of wine is consumed, the 1NC priest invites the partakers to sit down once more.

25. Next the 1NC priest again stands up and gives thanks for the HLC saying: Please will the HLC saints only all stand for the thanksgiving for the Heavenly Lord Covenant.

We thank Jehovah for making the Angelic Ransom covenant with Michael. We thank Michael for making the 3rd Blessing covenant with Adam. We thank Adam (who was living as an angel but not in heaven until after Jesus ransomed him) for making the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, the JAC, with Jacob. We thank Jacob (who was living as an angel but not ascended to the heavens) for making the Heavenly Lord Covenant with its mediator (yet unknown to us). We thank that mediator for making the HLC with Jacob and the HLC saints in TCC2. We also thank all the validation sacrifices for their love and selflessness. Amen.

26. The Priest takes the plate of the 5th loaf/loaves of the HLC representing Gabriel's associated angelic body into his hands and says the following public blessing.

We ask our two Gods to bless this loaf so that it represents the associated angelic body of Gabriel, the validation sacrifice for the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, the JAC, which is immediately superior to the Heavenly Lord Covenant. Amen.

27. He tells the partakers to remain standing - no bending the knee to Baal here! This standing loop of HLC Lords and Ladies defines the body of the HLC administration. He breaks the loaf and hands a piece only to those who have been baptized in holy spirit into the HLC. He goes around them anticlockwise from above (spirit cup).

He says to each recipient: The bread of the Jacobian Angelic covenant, the JAC, the angelic body of Gabriel.

They all eat the bread.

28. He remains standing and pours the wine into the 5th cup to be blessed, takes the cup into his hands and says the following public blessing: Please remain standing for the blessing upon the 5th cup.

We humbly request our two Gods, Jehovah and Jesus Christ, to bless this cup so that it represents the angelic blood/life of Gabriel, the validation sacrifice for the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, to which the HLC is a subcovenant, the blessing of which is to be born again as an angel in the heavens. Amen.

He passes the cup around the HLCs (male and female) anticlockwise from above (spirit cup) saying to the first recipient:

Take this and pass it from one to another among yourselves. For this cup is the Heavenly Lord Covenant by virtue of Jesus' angelic blood which has been poured out on your behalf, but actually containing the angelic blood of Gabriel, who ransomed Jacob angelically, thereby becoming the validation sacrifice of the JAC. I give you therefore the blood of the JAC, which is the blood also of the HLC

Each recipient when he passes it to the next one in the loop says: The blood of the HLC

After the last drop of wine is consumed, the 1NC priest invites the partakers to sit down once more.

29. The final and completing course of the Passover meal is now served to all those present. This is the fish course. It is baked or roasted or grilled or barbecued fish with unleavened bread. It represents the food of the 4 true Christian churches.

30. The 1NC priest invites everyone to join in reading the second part of the Hallel Psalms. Psalms 115 to 118 are recited and the Great Hallel Psalm 136, one verse or one Psalm per person sequentially round the table.

31. The 1NC Priest gives the closing thanksgiving in his own words.

After that blessing the 2NC priest reminds the congregation that the remainder of the night is the Passover festival and no one must leave the house until sunrise. But the day from sunrise to sunset is the new Atonement day fast following the persecution of the Christ who made atonement for man with his blood during the remainder of the Passover day. So no more food until sunset, no bubble baths, only water to be drunk etc.

Unless the bridegroom is present - in which case no fasting occurs. Actually he should be present - so the fast should not apply.

19 And Jesus said to them: While the bridegroom is with them the friends of the bridegroom cannot fast, can they? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast. (Mark 2 NWT)

Well the flesh of the fiance is the flesh of the wife constructively, which is the flesh of Jesus. So no fasting after the 1st/2nd/3rd Watchtower Passovers.

Jesus left the Passover house for the mount of olives and the garden of Gethsemane. But he did stay awake until sunrise and complained when his disciples could not watch one hour with me...

40 And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? (Matthew 26 KJV)

This is more likely to be prophetic than doctrinal however. The 2NC priest should bag up all the remaining Passover food and remove it from the house before sunset (without himself leaving the house!) 

Further notes:

In table form we have:

Emblem Covenant Validation Sacrifice Represents
1st Cup ARC Michael's everliving angel Michael's angelic blood/life
1st Loaf ARC Michael's everliving angel Michael's angelic body
2nd Cup FRC Melchizedek who was Jared Melchizedek's human blood/life
2nd Loaf FRC Melchizedek who was Jared Melchizedek's human body
3rd Cup 1AC Isaac's non adamic human body Isaac's human blood/life
3rd Loaf 1AC Isaac's non adamic human body Isaac's human body
4th Cup 1NC Gabriel for the JAC superior to the 1NC Gabriel's angelic life
4th Loaf 1NC Gabriel for the JAC superior to the 1NC Gabriel's angelic body
5th Cup HLC Gabriel for the JAC superior to the 1NC Gabriel's angelic life
5th Loaf HLC Gabriel for the JAC superior to the 1NC Gabriel's angelic body

If you have a small number of partakers of the respective cups, the cup goes round until it is totally emptied. If you have many partakers you must go and top-up the cup after it has been emptied, bless the refilled cup again and then pass it on to the next person in line.

New Understandings as a result of this Passover Instruction Page: 

31 As regards the resurrection of the dead, did you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying,
32 'I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob'? He is the God, not of the dead, but of the living.
33 On hearing [that], the crowds were astounded at his teaching. (Matthew 22 NWT)

29 Male persons brothers, allowable to say with outspokenness toward you about the patriarch David, that and he deceased [teleutw literally finished] and he was buried and the tomb of him is in us until the day this; 
30 prophet therefore being, and having known that to oath swore to him the God out of fruit of the loin of him to seat upon the throne of him, 
31 having foreseen he spoke about the resurrection of the Christ that neither he was forsaken into Hades nor the flesh of him saw corruption. 
32 This the Jesus resurrected the God, of which all we are witnesses. 
33 To the right [hand] therefore of the God having been put on high the and promise of the spirit the holy having received beside of the Father he poured out this which you and you are looking at and you are hearing. 
34 Not for David went up into the heavens, he is saying but he Said Lord to the Lord of me Be sitting out of right [parts] of me (Acts 2 KIT)

29 Men, brothers, it is allowable to speak with freeness of speech to you concerning the family head David, that he both deceased and was buried and his tomb is among us to this day.
30 Therefore, because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath that he would seat one from the fruitage of his loins upon his throne,
31 he saw beforehand and spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that neither was he forsaken in Hades nor did his flesh see corruption.
32 This Jesus God resurrected, of which fact we are all witnesses.
33 Therefore because he was exalted to the right hand of God and received the promised holy spirit from the Father, he has poured out this which you see and hear.
34 Actually David did not ascend to the heavens, but he himself says, 'The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand, (Acts 2 NWT)

36 For David, on the one hand, served the express will of God in his own generation and fell asleep [in death] and was laid with his forefathers and did see corruption [as a resurrected angel after a nights sleep like everyone else. He saw his own body decomposing because he was alive to see that]. (Acts 13 NWT)

So those born again who die physically at any time, do fall asleep in death but only for the same period of time that Jesus fell asleep in death which actually was a short night's sleep. So a blinking of an eye is basically a nights sleep. 

52 in a moment, in the blinking of an eye [which means one does close ones eyes and actually fall asleep in death but only for a small period], during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality.
54 But when [this which is corruptible puts on incorruption and] this which is mortal puts on immortality, then the saying will take place that is written: Death is swallowed up forever.
55 Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting? [Since death for some has no sting, in other words it lasts no longer than a typical night's sleep in order that the dead one does not suffer from this condition at all. Jesus was dead for 10 hours - which is a good night's sleep, for he said father, into your hands I entrust my spirit - see U12] (1 Corinthians 15 NWT)

Satan is the God of the dead. Hence is is called Death. Jesus is the way the truth the life and the light. Satan is the cul de sac, the lie, the death and the darkness.

33Nisan14 was a true Passover. The whole Christian church was passed over escaping from slavery to the law and from the death penalties of the law which they were all covenanted into.

7 Therefore Jesus said again: Most truly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep (John 10)

Jesus became the door to the church when he died. His head bled due to the crown of thorns, this was the lintel. His hands bled due to the nails these were the door posts. His feet bled due to the nail or nails, this is the new Passover when the 1NC reserves are his feet which are washed and whose blood goes onto the door.

Psalm 114, the rock becomes a reedy pool. Rocks have hollows which fill with water then reeds grow in them. The rock is the Christ the foundation upon which the church is built. The pool is the church, who are waters who baptise in water. The reeds are the rulers, the upright ones, like the reeds. They also to the church chronology for they are measuring reeds.

Sour wine was given Jesus on a hyssop stalk and the blood of the Passover victim was put on the door with a bunch of Hyssop. The wine was sour because it had been drunk/opened already, a previous baptism. 

Psalm 116: I will walk before Jehovah in the Lands [plural] of those living. So there is to be more than one congregation of saints, more than one true Christian church.
Psalm 116: The cup of grand salvation I shall take up: So David will be sealed into the ARC during his life. So he had an angelic soul and so was raptured upon his human death into angelic life.
Psalm 118: I shall not die, but I shall keep living. So the Psalmist (whoever it was - was raptured into an angel. He did not die but kept living. So this would have happened to David too)
Psalm 118: Jah corrected me severely but did not give me over to death itself. So the Psalmist and likewise David did not die.