1 In [a] beginning the Word was and the Word was toward [proj] the God and the Word was [a] God.
2 This one was in [a] beginning toward [proj]
the God.
3 All [neuter] came into existence through him, and without [cwrij] him not even one [neuter] came into existence.
4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men
And the light,
is shining in the darkness, but the darkness has not overpowered it. (John 1).
The translation above follows the Greek precisely as regards definite and indefinite articles. If only we could understand just these five verses of the bible completely, then we could begin to say that we are approaching the spiritual comprehension of the apostle John. For even though prophets in general do not understand what they are saying, Gordon believes that John did (for one thread) in these verses (and Gordon may well of course be wrong).
The Lords' Witnesses have tried and failed many times before with this attempt. But now, we do know. First of all we must recognize that 'the Word was toward God' is recited twice and so is true in two different ways and that all things came into existence through the word is likewise recited twice and so is also true in two different ways.
The word can be
1. The angel
2. The first , God's first wife, headed by
3. The 3rd , ' wife, headed by Peter.
We interpret a beginning gnostically. It can be the beginning of the light universe (the big bang). It can be the beginning of the 1st angelic church after the angelic revolt in Archeden which caused the big bang. It can be the beginning of the world which was the making of the on 3993Nisan14 BC after Adam sinned on that day.
was toward God in his spirit. He was on his side. That was the first way in which was toward God. But he also made a covenant with him, the Angelic Covenant, to ransom Adam angelically and gives his sons the angel that Adam lost. This was the second manner in which was toward God. The entire world, after Adam's fall, came into existence through . For without his agreement to ransom Adam, the game would have been over. So this world is the first group of all things that came into existence through . But then all salvation from adamic death, even as far as everlasting life, came into existence through him. So everybody comes into real permanent non dead existence through him. That is the 2nd way in which all come into existence through him.
So we are interpreting 'all things' as being firstly all the dead adamic people in the world and then secondly all the people who escape from adamic death and come into a more permanent existence. To justify these qualifications of the phrase: All things came into existence through him, we consider some other incidences of biblical usage of 'all things'.
27 For [God] subjected all things under his feet. But when he says that 'all things have been subjected,' it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him.
28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone (1 Corinthians 15).
4 What is mortal man that you keep him in mind, And the son of earthling man that you take care of him?
5 You also proceeded to make him a little less than godlike ones, And with glory and splendour you then crowned him.
6 You make him dominate over the works of your hands. Everything you have put under his feet (Psalm 8).
From these two it is apparent that the global phrases 'everything', or 'all things', needs to be taken in context. It does need to be qualified. Incidentally Hebrew has no word for 'except' but Greek does its cwrij of verse 3.
Please visit Intro19 for an explanation of how we first deduced that /Lucifer was the firstborn angel of , his first CEO (the one who put into effect the command: Let there be light, the one who initiated the big bang).
So now we can revisit the majestic words of John...
1 In [a] beginning [of the light universe when was born at the big bang, and of this world, which began with agreeing to ransom Adam under the ] the Word [the Angel NOT Angelic salvation law which was from God not toward God] was [in existence: was born at the big bang, caused by original angelic sin and existed at the time of Adam's sin. original human sin], and the Word was toward the God [In his heart and his outlook and his actions. For he was the beginning of the Way of according to Proverbs 8 (an angelic John the baptist type figure)], and the Word was [a] God [Yes, but later, after he agreed the , for unbeknown to him, when he offered his angel and expected to have to become human, God upgraded his angel to have everlasting life, then he gave him a human body, then he required him to offer that as a sacrifice as well, then he promised him a divine body if he paid ransoms, since he had run clear out of alternative body types. On the day that the world began, God promised that he would become a God. And God's promise is bankable. So the Word was indeed a God constructively from that day onwards].
22 himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago [ was a kind of John the baptist figure for the angels?]
23 From time indefinite I was installed, from the start [of the light universe, the big bang], from times earlier than the earth.
24 When there were no watery deeps I was brought forth as with labor pains, when there were no springs heavily charged with water.
25 Before the mountains themselves had been settled down, ahead of the hills, I was brought forth as with labour pains, (Proverbs 8 )
This one was in [a] beginning [of this world] toward the God [All scripture must have power so this verse has a different meaning to verse1. Verse2 refers to
entering into a covenant arrangement with God, the Angelic Covenant, by which he agreed to ransom Adam angelically. So he was toward God by covenant. The gave him everlasting life which put him towards God eternally!].
All [salvational things - neuter] came into existence [all sons of Adam came into temporary physical existence and all sons of God came into everlasting or permanent existence, rather than a temporary existence. the one picturing the other. There would be no humans in physical existence were it not for the ransom of and there would be no angels in permanent existence were it not for that ransom]
through him, and apart from him not even one [person] came into [everlasting or permanent]
2 beginnings of a cosmos (light universe and this world), 2 ways was toward God (angelic John the baptist figure and the mediator of the ), 2 ways all things came into existence through (adamic man and everlasting angels)
In him was life [everlasting life, permanent life, unstoppable life], and the life [,
the way the truth and the life, and is called the life]
was the light of men.
And the light
[ and , the light of the world],
is shining in the darkness [The Roman Catholic Church and the lies, ignorance and wickedness of the world. was shining in the RC church and is shining in the darkness of the world], but the darkness has not
apprehended/comprehended [katalambanw] it. (John 1).
The order of play was as follows.
0. became some kind of angelic John the baptist figure, being the beginning of the way of .
1. God made the first Covenant, the , with . The blessing of this covenant was salvation from angelic first death, which was .
2. committed adultery with Eve, dissolving the first Covenant.
3. Adam sinned on 3993Nisan14
4. agreed to ransom Adam angelically through the and humanly through the , on 3993Nisan14.
5. God promised to make into a God, the only begotten God, on 3993Nisan14,
since his dual ransom would mean that he could not be an angel and he could not be a human.
6. purchased the firstborn angelic rights from for a 6,000 year lease on Adam, the greater bowl of soup deal on 3989Nisan14 (Nisan1 years).
7. was now in a position to make the 2nd Covenant (for which he needed the angelic firstborn rights) and he made it with God who upgraded his angel to have everlasting life as a term in this covenant since the blessing of the is everlasting life.
The Greek says literally: The word was God (John 1:1). But Greek has no indefinite article, no word 'a'. So the translation: the word was [a] God, is a possible translation of the Greek (although the scripture could have said: The word was one God - Greek does use 'one' as the indefinite article). was not himself because we read ins verse 18 that he is the only begotten God and is not begotten...
18 No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten God who is in the bosom [position] with the Father is the one that has explained him. (John 1 )
18 God no one has seen at any time; only-begotten God the (one) being into the bosom of the Father that (one) explained. (John 1 )
18 qn oudeij ewraken pwpote monogenhj qeoj o wn eij ton kolpon tou patroj ekeinoj exhghsato (John 1 VatB)
Incidentally, the fact that 'was' is used everywhere in John 1:1, indicates that the status of 'the Word' has changed since the 'beginning' referred to by John. And since the status of God almighty cannot change, the Word cannot be God almighty himself.
In the literal meaning we have the Word of God, who is . 'In a beginning' he is said to be 'with God'. But what 'beginning' is John referring to here? Is it the beginning of creation by God? Is it the beginning of Genesis 1:1 in the literal meaning? Well it cannot be the beginning of creation by God or the beginning of Genesis 1:1 because 'All things' did not come into existence through after those beginnings. All things came into existence through after those beginnings. The only beginning after which all things came into existence by means of was the beginning of the world.
Once Adam had sinned, then without ' agreement to the Angelic covenant (), everything would have ground to a halt. So after the fall of Adam, everything came into existence through . So now we finally understand John 1:1-5. was the way the truth and the life, and the life, , is the light of men today. is our light, for he is the word of God.
So to understand John 1, one has to realise that is the word, that a beginning is the beginning of the world, and that the world would have ended as soon as it began were it not for the and that promised Micahel that he would become a God after giving his ransoms. So the word was constructively a God from that point forward. The gave the world a permanent future. So everything, after the world began, came into existence through the , which is through the mediation of . This is why the scripture says both that all things came into existence through him and that what came into existence by means of him was life. His giving us the opportunity for everlasting life was the next stage towards divinity, or towards God, for both men and angels.
Now whereas what came into existence by means of was life, of course, what came into existence by means of , was death. Hence his name is death. For says...
14 Nevertheless, death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses, even over those who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression by Adam, who bears a resemblance to him that was to come (Romans 5 )
12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart (Hebrews 4).
The power of the bible to discern the intentions of the hearts lies in its deliberate ambiguity. This makes the book a mirror of your heart.
5 And the light is shining in the darkness, but the darkness has not overpowered it (John 1) Amen.
The darkness, the evening, , comes first the Hebrew day and in the day of Genesis 1. The light, the morning star, ,
comes second.
was able to say to his disciples after his resurrection:
18 And approached and spoke to them, saying: All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth (Matthew 28).
Whereas before his death he said:
1 spoke these things, and, raising his eyes to heaven, he said: Father, the hour has come; glorify your son, that your son may glorify you
2 according as you have given him authority over all flesh, that, as regards the whole [number] whom you have given him, he may give them everlasting life (John 17).
Before he died he had a limited authority over all flesh, but after he died he had total authority over all creation. was originally God's CEO, God's chief executive officer, God did not move other than through before Adam's sin. After this sin, lost his firstborn right, but did not gain it until after his death - see U17. At this point was God from an action point of view.
So now we understand the words of Bildad to Job:
13 It will eat the pieces of his skin. The firstborn of death will eat his limbs (Job 18).
"The firstborn of death" is . in the sense that he was the first to be condemned to death yes, but also in the sense that is the firstborn of life, and is the firstborn of death. Both are firstborns of God, but they champion rather different outcomes for their followers. Whereas John blessed the 7 congregations and called Christ:
5 The firstborn from the dead (Revelation 1).
was not the first man ever to be resurrected, for he himself resurrected Lazarus. He became the firstborn of God through his angelic resurrection. He was the first angel to die and be resurrected, and was the second. So became God's firstborn from the dead, being resurrected by God himself. But was the firstborn originally which is why we read in Revelation:
kai eblhqho drakwn o megaV o ofiV o arcaioV o kaloumenoV DiaboloV kai O SatanoV
And was thrown the dragon, the great [one], the serpent, the archaic [one], the [one] called [the] Devil and the (Revelation 12).
He was the most archaic angel and he was the greatest angel until Adam's fall. was resurrected by , since only is resurrected by God himself.
14 And the Word became flesh and tented in us, and we viewed the glory of him, glory as of [an] only-begotten beside of father [which became upon his resurrection to divinity],
full of undeserved kindness and truth
15 John witnesses about him and he has cried out saying - this was the [one] having said - The [one] coming behind me has become in front of me, because first of me he was; (John 1 )
John was possessed by on 29Tishri10, when / was baptised and possessed by . So possessed after possessed John. But was the first one to achieve divinity because he existed before , being actually 's angelic father - see intro20b.
1 In [a] beginning [of the 1st true angelic church after original angelic sin in Archeden] the Word was [the 1st was being collected into that church] and the Word was toward [proj] the God
[The 1st comprised people who sided with God and put faith in him obeying the first law] and the Word was [a] God [The 1st became divine
as a group but not individually, when completed and married to ].
2 This one [this word] was in [a] beginning toward [proj]
the God [by covenant, the , the first covenant].
3 All [neuter] came into existence through him [all of physical creation in the light universe was through the 1st headed by Lucifer, who said: Let there be light], and without [cwrij] him not even one [neuter] came into
existence [No angel came into existence without the until Adam, hence the jealousy of ].
4 In him [the word, the first ] was life [she being the mother of the angels], and the life [angelic life after 50 years at the
first Jubilee] was the light of men [pre adamic men]
And the light [of salvation],
is shining in the darkness [of the unsaved], but the darkness has not understood/mentally grasped/understood/overpowered it. (John 1).
14 And the Word became flesh [as the serpent of Eden] and tented in us [by impregnating Even and making his genetic house through Cain], and we viewed the glory of him,
glory as of [an] only-begotten beside of father [, the head of the 1st was the firstborn angel of ], full of undeserved kindness and truth [before
he screwed up in Eden]
15 John witnesses about him and he has cried out saying - this was the [one] having said - The [one] coming behind me has become in front of me, because first of me he was; (John 1 )
WOW. achieves divinity before !!
1 In [a] beginning [of the 1st true Christian church at the resurrection of the Christ] the Word was [the future 3rd was
being collected into ] and the Word was toward [proj] the God [The s were obeying the 1st law] and the Word was [a] God [constructively.
The 3rd , when completed and married became divine as a group, but not individually].
2 This one was in [a] beginning toward [proj]
the God [by covenant, the the and then the , their marriage covenant with ].
3 All [neuter] came into existence through him [through the word, the 3rd , all everlasting things], and without [cwrij] him not even one [neuter] came into
existence [all God's, all divine things].
4 In him was life [everlasting angelic life], and the life [ . ] was the light of men [explaining
and mediating Kingdom salvation]
And the light [of ],
is shining in the darkness [of the unsaved], but the darkness has not understood/mentally grasped/understood/overpowered it. (John 1).
14 And the Word became flesh and tented in us [the entire 3rd descend from the ark and is baptised into on 2026Ab5 for Peter and from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5],
and we viewed the glory of him [of the word, the 3rd , the wife of , the glory of ], glory as of [an] only-begotten beside of father [another
one], full of undeserved kindness and truth
15 John witnesses about him and he has cried out saying - this was the [one] having said - The [one] coming behind me has become in front of me, because first of me he was; (John 1 )
4 says that the 3rd , descending from the ark after him and after the s, will advance in front of him and of the s in rulership over , because they became angels before us.
For more on the decoding of John please see U83.