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died in the exact centre of the period of entry into First Abrahamic Covenant under 's 6,000 year lease (which is actually the period of adamic entry into said covenant). He died at the mid point between its inauguration, when crossed the Euprhates aged 75, and the end of the 6,000 year headlease of over Adam, upon which the world was founded.
This can be generalised to: is temporally central in his 'salvation activities'
Some religions believe that the First Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12 lasts into the. Well it is true that its blessing, which is to be a citizen of the, continues through the kingdom of God, but it is not possible to enter into the covenant once the has started. For it is a covenant of faith. The sons of the (First Abrahamic Covenant) are the sons of the faith of . They must put faith in a kingdom that has not yet arrived. Except that the Kingdom does not come observably so that defeats that argument. This one is better...
saves 50% of mankind through the (the sealing covenant for the ) whilst he owns Adam until 2008Nisan14. But after his headlease epxires he has no authority to save. So salvation by into the ends on 2008Nisan14, which ends the midst prophecy..Hence the scripture says of the week of Daniel9 from 2008Nisan14-2008Nisan21...
27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate. (Daniel 9 )
kept it in force in the case of the 7 years of the from 29Tishri10 to 36Tishri14 and kept it in froce in the case of the 7 extra post lease days of the from 2008Nisan14 to 2008Nisan21.
The Hebrew and Greek words:
And I will tabernacle in the midst
46 And they will certainly know that I am their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I may tabernacle in the midst
Here, God resides among the sons of Israel in the Tabernacle, the first moveable temple of God.
In the midst (
In the middle of a period of years, something is resurrected, something is made known!
A prophet from your own midst (
This prophet was , he was raised up in the middle of his brothers!
And he said to the man with the withered hand: Get up and come to the centre (to meson) (Mark 3).
positioned himself in ‘the centre’.
27 I am in your midst (mesw) as the one ministering (Luke 22).
26 John answered them, saying: I baptize in water. In the middle (mesoV) of you one is standing whom you do not know (John 1).
John baptised into the first Covenant (the ) which was a subcovenant of the Isaaic Church Covenant (the ) - see I28, but he said to the Pharisees...
9 Do not presume to say to yourselves, as a father we have . For I say to you that God is able to raise children to from these stones (Matthew 3).
John meant that God can make children of the faith of , sons of the , from the stones of the church, who can baptise people in water as John did. The stones of a Christian church are not made of rock but are humans who if sanctified in holy spirit are living stones, and if merely water baptised, are dead stones. But everyone in the church is a stone! And every church stone can make children to . This procreative capability is in fact the very definition of a true Christian religion.
So John tells us that stands in the middle of the sons of the
(actually from the validation of the to the end of the world judiicially). And Habakkuk tells us that, 'in the midst of the years'
something is brought to life and something is made known. Well was brought to life and God’s plan for salvation was made known by him, so he is the ‘something’. So was resurrected and he made something known in the middle of a period of years to do with the sons of the . Plainly these years are the years of the
in the wolrd from 1943Nisan14 to 2008Nisan14. The climax of ’ ministry, was his death, and in fact died in the middle of the years of the . Of course he was raised 3 days later inclusively
on 33Nisan16. But Habakkuk said in the midst of the years bring it to life, so he was speaking in years not in days.
Now we know that the started in 1943Nisan, when Crossed the Euphrates, and that died and was resurrected in 33 Nisan, precisely Hebrew 1975 years later.
So Armageddon is a further 1975 years after ' death, i.e. 2008Nisan.
But we know that , who was , the 30 year old human, was transferred so as not to see death at his baptism on 29Tishri10, with the entrance of . His body, a slave’s form,
was taken and used by during his ministry. It became the validation sacrifice for the - see I28.
died 3½ years after his baptism on 33Nisan14. This was when his fleshly body validated the . His angelic body validated something much greater, ransoming Adam's angelic body, see I28. We know that the Jews left Egypt on 1513Nisan14 for the promised land, so it would be likely that left Mesopotamia for crossing the Euphrates into greater Canaan, the promised land, 430 years earlier on the same day, since we know it was the same month, that would be 1943Nisan14.
So since we believe in the perfection of God, we trust that his Midst Prophecy will be exact to the day of the . Now since crossed the Euphrates on 1943Nisan14, and since died on 33Nisan14, we deduce that entrance into the ends on 2008Nisan14. This is the end of a 6,000 year Passover of Adam and his children from 3993Nisan14 in accordance with the sacred Nisan1 calendar but it is not the end of 's 6,000 year sublease, resulting from the greater bowl of soup deal - see U17, which ran from 3989Nisan16 to 2012Nisan14.
Now beloved reader, can you see the great symbolism of this prophecy? For God's plan to save mankind rests entirely on the shoulders of one man, Christ. And in the case of those born after 1943BC, all are blessed through the . The rests entirely on the validation sacrifice that made as . So given that the whole covenant is supported by one man, where should we place him underneath it to balance it all upon his shoulders? Obviously 'dead' centre by the principle of the see saw. So here it is:
492nd Jubilee from Adam's sin
966th Jubilee from Adam's sin 1440th Jubilee from Adam's sin
Covenant inaugurated
End of 's 6,0000 year headlease on Adam
1943Nisan14 BC
33Nisan14 AD
2008Nisan14 AD
1975 Years (474 monthly Jubilees)
1975 Years
So the end of the world is 2008March21/22. Actually the started on 2008Nisan22, first fruits day, the day when married the first presence Kings in heaven. And Armageddon does not start until after God's people reach on 2012Sivan16 - see U154. For the is the 1,000 year 'day' of destruction of ungodly men and judgement of many of those who enter it.
7 But by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.
8 However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with as 1,000 years and 1,000 years as one day (2 Peter 3).
So now we can see the greater meaning, the word symbolic meaning of God’s words to Moses:
45 And I will tabernacle in the midst (
46 And they will certainly know that I am their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I may tabernacle in the midst (
The central position of ’ death in the midst of the Abrahamic covenant represents his pivotal and sole role as saviour of mankind through the Abrahamic covenant. Because if one wishes to support something by only one support then one has to put that support exactly in the centre of the thing. In other words the whole plan to save men is resting upon the shoulders of just one man, , and therefore he must be in the middle of this plan by a spiritual application of the principle of a see-saw. Is this not a wonderful symbolism? is always temporally central in his activities, this discovery is quite a powerful tool in bible Chronology. Here are some further examples of the Midst Prophecy
Tishri10, 29CE
Tishri14, 36CE
42 months X
42 months
3950 years in start
End of Mosaic system End of world judicially
1975 years X
1975 years
430 years in 'Egypt' start enters Egypt
215 years X
215 years
7 year famine starts
enters Egypt
7 year Famine ends
3.5 years X
3.5 years
The Abrahamic Faith Covenant lasts for 3950 years or 11 years of years (years wherein each of the 360 days is itself a year) less 10 years [3950 = 11x360 -10]. This is witnessed to in the tent cloths on the tabernacle. There is a further witness to the temporal centredness of , in the Arrival of in Egypt.
2Heshvan21 BC 33Iyyar14
' body enters Late Passover
Cestius enters the temple and then leaves Israel
Bethlehem of Judea What happened then?
Disgusting thing in holy place, body flees Judea for mountains of Perea
33½ years
33½ years
20 Furthermore, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near.
21 Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the country places not enter into her
(Luke 21).
Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place,
(let the reader use discernment,)
then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains
(Matthew 24).
Perhaps something interesting happened on the late Passover in 33?
As regards the timing of 's entrance into the land of Egypt in the middle of the 430 years, consider:
17 At this fell upon his face and began to laugh and to say in his heart: Will a man 100 years old have a child born, and will Sarah, yes, will a woman 90 years old give birth? (Genesis 17).
26 And after that his brother came out and his hand was holding onto the heel of Esau; so he called his name . And was 60 years old at her giving them birth (Genesis 25).
9 So said to Pharaoh: The days of the years of my alien residences are 130 years. Few and distressing the days of the years of my life have proved, and they have not reached the days of the years of the lives of my fathers in the days of their alien residences (Genesis 47).
So was born when was 100 i.e. 25 years after 1943 BC, i.e.1918 BC, and was born 60 years later in 1858 BC and he entered Egypt 130 years later in 1728 BC (things count backwards BC!).
So just as and his family came into the land of Egypt in the middle of the 430 year period of dwelling in Egypt, starting from the validation of the first abrahamic covenant and ending with the Exodus from Egypt, so and his family, the sons of the , left the law of Moses and the Christian church they comprised became the only true religion on 33Nisan14 in the middle of the 3950 year period starting from the validation of the first abrahamic covenant to the end of the world on 2008Nisan14.
In other words, just as physical came into physical Egypt in the middle of the dwelling of the physical sons of in the 'land' of physical Egypt, so Christ, the spiritual , came (not as preacher and teacher) but as ransomer redeemer and sacrificer, giving his sacrifice in the middle of the baptising of the spiritual seed, the true seed of , the sons of the , therein. This baptising started with himself, when he crossed the river Euphrates entering and inaugurating the , and ends with the closing of the covenant entry on 2008Nisan14, the last day of the world.
9 It is like Moses said: Thus God made to grow out of the ground every tree desirable to one's sight and good for food, and also the tree of life in the middle of the Garden (Genesis 2).
This is our gift to you the reader, to convince you that there is a newer covenant and a new baptism following after the first 'new' covenant and the baptism of the heavenly brothers. It is a covenant of gifts and a covenant of sacrificial smoke and a covenant of knots and difficult questions ( means sacrificial smoke or knots, difficult questions).
1 Furthermore, again took a wife, and her name was (Genesis 25).
6 But to the sons of the concubines that had gave gifts. Then he sent them away from his son, while he was still alive, eastward, to the land of the East (Genesis 25).
For the gift of the midst prophecy does not belong to us because interpretations belong to God. But it was given to Gordon and Tony by through a new covenant - see I35, a covenant inaugurated after the end of the calls into the first New Covenant, the covenant for which we were sanctified, the second New covenant. Incidentally interpretations do not belong to , not everything is his to give, although he himself gives everything:
23 This sitting down at my right hand and at my left is not mine to give but belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my father (Matthew 20).
It was a belonging of not a belonging of , just like his interpretations. But does give these things at the direction of for he himself said to his disciples after his resurrection:
18 All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth (Matt 28:18).
This was explaining that he now had 's firstborn rights. He has these permanently, whereas had this authority temporarily, actually from the Big Bang until Adam's sin. John goes further into this logical minefield of who owns what and in what sense in John 16:12-16, we will leave the reader to puzzle it out. This is why did not get this one and many others, because they were exclusive over , their master's, belongings, but they are certainly not exclusive over the belongings of God, which include his interpretations. Actually this was not why they did not get it, this was the legal justification in divine law for to give it to whom he pleased. He desperately wanted to give it to , as did his son, their brother, but they did not want to know. Just as 50% of mankind will not want to know at Armageddon.
45 And I will tabernacle in the midst (
46 And they will certainly know that I am their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I may tabernacle in the midst (
32 And you must not profane my holy name, and I must be sanctified in the midst of the sons of Israel. I am who is sanctifying (Leviticus 22)
34 And you must not defile the land in which you are dwelling, in the midst of which I am residing; for I [ and his born again sons] am residing in the midst [temporal midst] of the sons of Israel [the sons of the ] (Numbers 35).
Now the was made sometime after left Laban in 1762 and before Joseph had his dreams aged 17 in 1752. The first presence ended in 123Nisan, having a gap of 3.5 years in it (Daniel 12 - U152). The middle of the is therefore half way between 1762/1752BC and 2008Ab AD. That is just outside of the first presence. So was still residing amongst mankind in a temple of saints, living stones, in fact saints after the saints had left and the saints after the saints had died. Saints are sons of God and so are God in ancestral terms.
31 At once he [Pharaoh] called Moses and Aaron by night and said: Get up, get out from the midst of my people, both you and the [other] sons of Israel, and go, serve , just as you have stated. (Exodus 12).
God's spirit is downloaded Baby born
Sperm and Egg become one flesh Foetus becomes human Chord is cut. Woman no longer one flesh with the man physically
133 days on average
X 133 days on average
19 weeks is 133 days. Please do not have an abortion after 17 weeks to be safe. See joining13.
27 And it came about in/at/against noon/lights [literally double light dual] [2x]
[from 2006Iyyar1-2006Sivan1 for the Contest day and from 2012Tishri5, the installation of Laodicea over to 2015Chislev14, the death of the s to and start of their transformation to for the general contest day. So both they and Laodicea were shining as light producers during the period from 2012Tishri5 to 2015Chislev14. Actually on 2006Iyyar1 and 2006Sivan1, did mock the prophets of Baal mercilessly in the Sign of Jonah letter and the Revised Sign of Jonah letter]
and mocked in them
and said/by saying [further specification]: Call ye in voice loud
[450x], because a God he [is] [1x], because meditation [to him][1x], and because retirement [to him][1x] and because road [to him] [1x].
If not/alternatively/perhaps/maybe/peradventure [
28 And they began calling in voice great [450x]
and they self-cut [hithpolel reflexive verb]
as/like/according to their custom in/with daggers [2x.450x one dagger each according to their custom singular] and in/with lances [2x 450x one lance each according to their custom singular],
until blood flowed/was poured out upon them
(1 Kings 18 ).
Noon is the middle of the day and stands for the middle of the contest day, or the middle of the day of the contest. But it means double light in Hebrew and stands for the period of true light from both the s and Laodicea.
Verse27: Noon mocking list counts as 2x.(450x+450x.(1x.1x+1x+1x)+2x) =
8x.450x+4x = 3604x = 10 years 4 days
Verse28: 450x+2x.450x+2x.450x+1x+450x = 6x.450x+1x=2701x = 7 years 6 months and 1 day.
1046305 DAYS: From the end of 1Kings18 contest noon mocking to the start of entrance into the North Inner Gates for sealing of Laodicean s
Revised Sign of Jonah letter Noon mocking ends when the fire sign predictions for 2006Sivan11/12 are being tested 2006Sivan1 X_______________________________________ |
's blood STARTS being poured out onto Laodicean s who become sealed into the 2023Chislev6 X___________________________________________ |
sealing for Laodicean s ends 1600 stadia of Revelation14 end - see U151#14 2024Tebbeth16 X104___________________________________ |
17 years 6 months 5 days (6305 days) of the sentence count of 1Kings18:27-28 |
see U271-12#109 |
On 1992Elul11, Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud. On 2006Iyyar1, 4910 days later the sign of Jonah letter was faxed to the Brooklyn Bethel and the bilateral contest day of 1Kings18 began. 30 days later the Revised Sign of Jonah letter was sent. These two letters were the noon mocking by of the prophets of Baal.
Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn 1992Elul11 X___________________________________________ |
GB meet to discuss letter 1992Tishri2 (Sabbath) X___________________ |
Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn 2006Iyyar1 (noon mocking starts) X_______________________________ |
The Revised sign of Jonah letter 2006Sivan1 (noon mocking ends) X________________________________ |
Noon mocking ends Predictions start being tested 2006Sivan11 X_________________ |
Late 3rd Watchtower Passover entry day. End of baptism for s All s are now collected in reappointed Laodicea 2019Tebbeth10 X104_______________________________________ |
21 days from delivery until GB meet to consider | 4889 Day Morning | 30 days of actual noon mocking | 10 days in mockery to 1st prediction | 4889 Day Afternoon | Total: 21+4889+30+10+4889 = 9839 days |
The Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the s and the s for the salvation of the s
The Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the s and the s and Babylon for the salvation of the s104
2005Sivan14 (the fall of the Watchtower as a true church - when s became prophets of Baal) to 2012Heshvan5-2016Ab14 (contest noon, double light from the s and from Laodicea) from 's installation to rule over to the death of LW to on 2016Ab14.
5UNILATERAL 6681 DAY CONTEST DAY OF 1KINGS18 BY SYMMETRY ABOUT NOON WHICH MEANS DOUBLE LIGHT IN HEBREW - which is the period of continuous double light in the middle of the contest
2005Sivan14 (the fall of the Watchtower as a true church - when s became prophets of Baal) to 2012Heshvan5-2016Ab14 (contest noon, double light for from the s and from Laodicea) to 2023Tebbeth5, the Isaaic Isaaic Pentecost.
Watchtower becomes false church Unilateral contest day begins 2005May23/24 2005Sivan14 X_____________________________ |
Adamic s and Laodiceans die to Adam and convert to 2012June4/5 2012Sivan14 X____________________ |
Laodicea installed over 2012September23/24 2012Tishri5 X___________________ |
Double light for installed over 2012October23/24 2012Heshvan5 (noon begins) X____________________________ |
s die to and convert to become Isaaic 2016July21/22 2016Ab14 (noon ends) X________________________ |
Isaaic installed over 2016November9/10 2016Chislev5 X________________ |
2nd Isaaic Pentecost. Not sure what caused the 1st evening! was answered between the 2 evenings. On 2023Adar14 with the 500th and 2024Nisan21 with the 501st 2023December21/22 (1st evening falls, sunset, not darkness) 2023Tebbeth5 (2023December22 at 03:25 winter solstice) X5__________________________________________________________ |
2520 days | 111 day installation gap | 30 day installation gap | Noon (double light for 1359 days) | 111 day installation gap | 2520 + 30 days | Total: 2661 + 1359 + 2661 = 6681 days of contest day |
36 And it cometh to pass, at/in/against the going up of the bloodless offering [the evening grain offering between the two evenings, between sunset and darkness, between the end of the 24 hour calendar day and the end of the 12 hour daylight day] [The
2 loaves of Pentecost here], and , the prophet
drew near [1x+1x=2x. He draws near to God at the end of the on 2024Adar21, when he is permitted to draw near at the Isaaic Pentecost],
and said ', Gods of ,
of , and of Israel [1x for OR 3x for God of AND God of AND God of Israel. It is a double designation],
this day [12 hour daylight day. The noun 'day'
appears 3x in the account - which has 3 threads due to the double designations , the prophet and , God of etc., So it is not literal. We no longer make a distinction in the noun count between 12 hour day and 24 hour day] let it be known that thou [art] Gods
(Elohim) in Israel [1x/3x], and I [am] thy servant [1x], and in thy word/words [3x - Kethib, 1x -
Qere] [the Kethib, the written form, is plural. The Qere, the spoken form, is singular. Prayers are spoken not written. But scriptures are written not spoken] I have done all/the whole of [singular]
these words/things [3x];
37 answer me [1x referring to NOT referring to the God of and of and of ]
Oh answer me [1x], and this people doth know that thou [art] Gods (Elohim) [1x];
and thou hast turned their heart back [1x].' (1Kings 18)
Kethib/written (plural) Qere/Spoken (Singular)
words + in/at + and
word + in/at + and
36 And it cometh to pass, at/in/against the going up of the bloodless offering, and , the prophet
drew near [Qal imperfect vuv consecutive],
and said [Qal imperfect vuv consecutive] ', Gods of ,
of , and of Israel,
this day let it be known that thou [art] Gods (Elohim - respectful plural) in Israel [3x], and I [am] thy servant [1x], and in thy word/words [3x - Kethib, 1x -
Qere] I have done all/the whole of [singular]
these words/things [3x];
37 answer me, answer me [1x], and this people doth know that thou [art] Gods (Elohim) [1x];
and thou hast turned their heart back [1x].' (1Kings 18)
Verse36: 1x+2x+1x.3x.(3x+1x+1x/3x.3x) = 3x+3x.7x/13x = 24x/42x
Verse37: 3x.1x+1x.1x+1x+1x = 6x
Total is 30x/48x for the Qere/Kethib count from 2024Adar21/2024VeAdar21 to 2025Nisan21, the 2nd fire sign to the 3rd.
God of , of and of Israel is short for God of and of and of Israel, which is short for God of ( and and Israel) a tri God (like a tetrarch). So counts 3x. Alternatively it could also be short for God of AND God of AND God of Israel which counts 3x.
The word 'day' appears 3x in 1Kings18, which has two double designations in verse 36. So it is not literal (although it is used to mean 24 hour day and 12 hour daylight day in the account).
2005Sivan14 to 2023Adar14 our 500th prediction (and last failure) is 6750 days = 15x450 days = 18 years 9 months.
Well we got the 501st main prediction on 2024Nisan21 at 11:07 and published it on 2024Nisan22. 2024Nisan20 was first fruits, when the grain offering goes up. We knew the 500th was too early on 2024Nisan20 due to the Isaaic sacred year being Tishri1 rather than Elul1. So the 7th month would be Nisan not Adar. But hearts were not turned around when the right predictions were made. They will be turned around when they are seen to come true. Because a wicked generation and an adulterer seek a sign.
The first fire sign of 1Kings18 on 2010Chislev20-23 was a voice but not an answer. There was no voice and no answer prior to that sign. The 3rd fire sign presumably is the 2nd evening.
Start | Morning length | 141 day Abrahamic Installation Gap | Noon - Double Light | 111 day Abrahamic Installation Gap | Afternoon length | End of 24 hour calendar day (sunset) |
2005Sivan14 (Unilateral) | 7 years | 2012Sivan14-Heshvan5 | 2012Heshvan5-2016Ab14 | 2016Ab14-2016Chislev5 | 7 years+30 days | 2023Tebbeth5: Not sure what happened here to make this the 1st evening of the contest |
The Hebrew word for noon means double light, not middle. So we can also define noon as the period of double light to from 2012Heshvan5, Abrahamic 's installation over , to 2016Ab14, the death of the s to , the start of their transformation from 2016Ab14-16 (which did not occur to the Laodiceans)5.
died dead centre of the measured by both the true solar and the ancient lunar calendar, the
If we look at the First Abrahamic Covenant from the Solar Calendar (Gregorian) point of view we have 1943Nisan14 being April10 and 33Nisan14 being March31 and 2008Nisan14 being March21. So each half of the covenant is 1975 Solar years less 10 days. So died in the middle of the Abrahamic covenant to the day, as measured both by the and the Gregorian (True Solar) Calendar!! We extend the Gregorian calendar backwards to 1943BC (without the Julian Gregorian gap from 1582October5-15)). It is just a true solar calendar.
Nisan 14, 1943 BCE
Nisan 14,
33CE Nisan14, 2008 CE
April 10 1943 BCE March 31 33CE
March 21 2008 CE
Covenant inaugurated '
sacrifice End of this system
1975 Solar Years less 10 days X 1975 Solar Years less 10 days
721,344 Solar days
721,344 Solar days
Both half periods of the covenant are 10 days less than 1975 years with 493 Leap years and 20 Century years and 5 Quadracentury years. The Gregorian calendar has an extra day on February29 (a leap year) if the year is divisible by 4, but not if the year is a Century year unless it is a Quadracentury year. So the total number of Solar days in the 1975 Gregorian years in question less 10 days, in both cases is:
1975x365+494(Leap years 36 to 2008AD) - 20 (Century years) + 5(Quadracentury years) - 10 days = 721,344 days
1975x365+494(Leap years 32 to 1941BC) - 20 (Century years) + 5(Quadracentury years) - 19 days = 721,344 days
To get a true Solar calendar BC, since there was no 0BC, we take as 0, and 101BC as -100 etc. So we just move the leap years one year back BC.
SO YES THE MIDST PROPHECY WORKS IN THE AND IN ANY TRUE SOLAR CALENDAR: There are 1975x360 = 711,000 days and 721,344 solar days either side of ' sacrifice to the start and to the end of entrance into the under 's lease.
25 Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation (Luke 21).
So ' death is dead centre of the as measured by the Biblical lunar Calendar and as measured by a true Solar calendar. That is astonishing. Presumably there is some astral centredness going on here too??
Please check this prophecy out with our Biblical Lunar Calendar!
Here is a table of Passover dates showing how unlikely it is that a central lunar day is also a central solar day...
Number of Solar days in these 1975 years | - 1975 years (BC) | Date | + 1975 years (AD) | Number of solar days in these 1975 years |
721,344 | 1943Nisan14 | 33Nisan14 | 2008Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,345 | 1942Nisan14 | 34Nisan14 | 2009Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,345 | 1941Nisan14 | 35Nisan14 | 2010Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1940Nisan14 | 36Nisan14 | 2011Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,374 | 1939Nisan14 | 37Nisan14 | 2012Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1938Nisan14 | 38Nisan14 | 2013Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,343 | 1937Nisan14 | 39Nisan14 | 2014Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,373 | 1936Nisan14 | 40Nisan14 | 2015Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,344 | 1935Nisan14 | 41Nisan14 | 2016Nisan14 | 721,345 |
721,344 | 1934Nisan14 | 42Nisan14 | 2017Nisan14 | 721,374 |
721,345 | 1933Nisan14 | 43Nisan14 | 2018Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,345 | 1932Nisan14 | 44Nisan14 | 2019Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,374 | 1931Nisan14 | 45Nisan14 | 2020Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1930Nisan14 | 46Nisan14 | 2021Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1929Nisan14 | 47Nisan14 | 2022Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,373 | 1928Nisan14 | 48Nisan14 | 2023Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1927Nisan14 | 49Nisan14 | 2024Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1926Nisan14 | 50Nisan14 | 2025Nisan14 | 721,374 |
721,374 | 1925Nisan14 | 51Nisan14 | 2026Nisan14 | 721,345 |
721,345 | 1924Nisan14 | 52Nisan14 | 2027Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,345 | 1923Nisan14 | 53Nisan14 | 2028Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,345 | 1922Nisan14 | 54Nisan14 | 2029Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1921Nisan14 | 55Nisan14 | 2030Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,373 | 1920Nisan14 | 56Nisan14 | 2031Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,343 | 1919Nisan14 | 57Nisan14 | 2032Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,344 | 1918Nisan14 | 58Nisan14 | 2033Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,374 | 1917Nisan14 | 59Nisan14 | 2034Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,344 | 1916Nisan14 | 60Nisan14 | 2035Nisan14 | 721,345 |
721,345 | 1915Nisan14 | 61Nisan14 | 2036Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,374 | 1914Nisan14 | 62Nisan14 | 2037Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,344 | 1913Nisan14 | 63Nisan14 | 2038Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,373 | 1912Nisan14 | 64Nisan14 | 2039Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,343 | 1911Nisan14 | 65Nisan14 | 2040Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,343 | 1910Nisan14 | 66Nisan14 | 2041Nisan14 | 721,374 |
721,373 | 1909Nisan14 | 67Nisan14 | 2042Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,344 | 1908Nisan14 | 68Nisan14 | 2043Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,344 | 1907Nisan14 | 69Nisan14 | 2044Nisan14 | 721,374 |
721,374 | 1906Nisan14 | 70Nisan14 | 2045Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,345 | 1905Nisan14 | 71Nisan14 | 2046Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,374 | 1904Nisan14 | 72Nisan14 | 2047Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1903Nisan14 | 73Nisan14 | 2048Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,343 | 1902Nisan14 | 74Nisan14 | 2049Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,372 | 1901Nisan14 | 75Nisan14 | 2050Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,343 | 1900Nisan14 | 76Nisan14 | 2051Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,344 | 1899Nisan14 | 77Nisan14 | 2052Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,373 | 1898Nisan14 | 78Nisan14 | 2053Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,344 | 1897Nisan14 | 79Nisan14 | 2054Nisan14 | 721,344 |
721,345 | 1896Nisan14 | 80Nisan14 | 2055Nisan14 | 721,373 |
721,374 | 1895Nisan14 | 81Nisan14 | 2056Nisan14 | 721,343 |
721,344 | 1894Nisan14 | 82Nisan14 | 2057Nisan14 | 721,373 |
To download the and check this for yourself - see Download. The Metonic cycle (discovered by the Greek mathematician - Meton) reveals that every 19 years, lunar and solar cycles/calendars coincide. In the table above we have 3 in 50 years (i.e. 1 in 16.666 years). But we started with a coinciding day so this pretty much confirms Meton's theory. So the Passover will be central in both the lunar and the solar calendars around 1 in every 19 years. So there was a 1 in 19 chance of that happening in the middle of the years of the Abrahamic Covenant and it did.