Look! There are days coming, is the utterance of , and I will conclude with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant;
not one like the covenant that I concluded with their forefathers in the day of my taking hold of their hand to bring them forth out of the land of Egypt,
which covenant of mine they themselves broke, although I myself had husbandly ownership of them, is the utterance of .
For/But this is the covenant that I shall conclude with the house of Israel after those days, is the utterance of . I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it. And I will become their God, and they themselves will become my people
34 And they will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, 'Know !' for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, is the utterance of . For I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more
(Jeremiah 31).
The further new covenant of verse 33, was made with the house of Israel i.e. the house of Samaria. But all the inhabitants of Samaria were killed or taken captive when Samaria was destroyed by the Roman commander Cerealis of the 5th Legion, on 67Sivan27 in the 13th year of Nero (Josephus Wars of the Jews, Book 3, Chapter 7, sections 32 and 36). So the house of Samaria, those worshipping at Mount Gerizim, cannot have lasted much longer after that, since these people had nowhere in which to worship. There was no Samartian call into - see U42. The house in Jerusalem was destroyed on 70Ab10 by Titus. After the destruction of the house on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, the Jewish system of things (and the Samaritan) ended. So this further new covenant must have been made before then.
All 's are baptised by angels. This heavenly cleansing is their water baptism which must lead to a new church. The answer to the question: Who baptised John the baptist? is: An angel.
Now , having been water baptised by an angel, had a water baptism covenant, we call this the , the second Covenant. But he was also an apostle (which means one sent forth), a chosen vessel of , sent forth to the world...
15 But the Lord said to him: Be on your way, because this man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.
16 For I shall show him plainly how many things he must suffer for my name. (Acts 9).
1 , a slave of Christ and called to be an apostle, separated to God's good news (Romans 1).
But was not one of the 12 apostles of the first true Christian church. For Judas was replaced not with but with
23 So they put up two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
24 And they prayed and said: You, O Lord, who know the hearts of all, designate which one of these two men you have chosen,
25 to take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas deviated to go to his own place.
26 So they cast lots over them, and the lot fell upon Matthias;
and he was reckoned along with the 11 apostles (Acts 1).
So was not one of the 12 fathers of . There were no places left for an apostleship in that organisation. He was therefore an apostle to the second true church (although non one realised this until he first realised it possibly when he was in Rome. He was actually the apostle to the second true church, the one sent forth by to be its cornerstone, and presumably he had 12 apostles in under him. It is easy to see from the bible code that also mediated a spirit covenant for he himself said with sarcasm...
12 But I say this, that each of you says, I am of ,
and I of , and I of Cephas, and I of Christ.
13 The Christ has been divided. Was crucified for you? Or were you baptized into the name of ?
14 I give thanks to God that I did not baptize one of you,
except Crispus and Gaius,
15 that not anyone should say that you were baptized into
my name.
16 And I also baptized the house of Stephanas. For the rest, I do not know if I baptized any other. (1 Corinthians 1 )
In the literal meaning, was not impaled for anyone at the time, and no people were baptized into 's name in this account. But in the greater meaning was impaled for people and people were baptized into 's name. For actually mediated the - see I35.
Therefore since we know that , in the literal meaning, was baptising people into the name of John the baptist, in fact into the , not into his own name, then, in the symbolic meaning, he will baptise another group of people into his own name!
Any unanswered question asked in the scriptures with two possible answers (normally yes and no), has the answer in one word symbolic thread, being the opposite of the answer in the literal meaning or straight symbolic meaning ( the event symbolism).
In other words whichever answer is true in the literal/event symbolic meaning, the alternative answer must be true in the greater meaning (the word symbolic meaning). The principle follows from the Power Principle of the code which basically states that every word of scripture has power.
12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power (Hebrews 4).
All scripture is alive and exerts power, even literally false alternatives. Therefore these alternatives must be true in a further meaning. In fact one can deduce that the bible is in a code just from the fact that every word must exert power and it contains literally false alternatives.
12 But I say this, that each of you says, I am of ,
and I of , and I of Cephas, and I of Christ.
13 The Christ has been divided. Was crucified for you? Or were you baptized into the name of ? ()
12 legw de touto oti ekastoj umwn legei egw men eimi paulou egw de apollw egw de khfa egw de cristou
13 memeristai o cristoj mh pauloj estaurwqh uper umw& h eij to onoma paulou ebaptisqhte (1 Corinthians 1 SinaiO)
12 I am saying but this that each (one) of you is saying I indeed I am of , I but of , I but of Cephas, I but of Christ.
13 Has been parted the Christ. Not was put on stake over you, or into the name of were you baptized? (1 Corinthians 1 )
We must consider 's statement, not his question, his statement: The Christ has been divided !!!
He is divided into those of , those of , those of Cephas and those of Christ. So all in all we have 4 mediators of 4 spirit covenants (for the anointed, the Christ, the saints, the sons of the ). These are ( of ), ( of ), Cephas (meaning stone/rock - this is Peter, who became the mediator of the of , after became the 2nd God to be worshipped - Peter is the head of the 3rd , the head of ' wife), Christ (Gordon, the mediator of the of - we are all Christs) - see I35. Behold the power of 's words! So at last we have the mediator of the covenant, the , he is !
4 For when one may say, Truly I am of , and another, I of ; are you not fleshly? [A Binary question. Yes fleshly literally. But spirit covenant mediators symbolically!]
5 What then is ? And what , but ministers through whom you believed, and to each as the Lord gave? [Well they are mediators of spirit covenants, the and the ] (1 Corinthians 3 )
This means that the Catholic assertion that there is a true religious line from Peter to Pope Benedict XVI today is wrong. The Catholics are indeed the true descendants of the first Christian church, , which was a church of the first new covenant, they do trace their ancestry to Peter, yes. But the church of which Peter was the first president, actually fell in authority over the saints in 59Tammuz18 - see U42. , the first True Christian Church, lost its water baptism on 79Tishri14, and became a false church on 84Nisan14 (by which time it had become the Roman Catholic Church) - see U42. Peter actually left that church by 89Tishri14 (having stretched out his hands in the false Roman Catholic Church for 10 years precisely and having been led somewhere he did not want to go - outside of ' body - see John 21). Peter joined the second true Christian church founded by . The early Catholics obviously knew this but covered it up. Furthermore there would have been a true and real Passover with a Passover execution to get God's people out of the Roman Catholic church. That has also been covered up.
But two little dickie birds sitting on the wall
One named Peter and one named
Fly away Peter, fly away
Come back Peter, Come back
Was the nursery rhyme that kept that information alive through the generation to day. A name is given when one is born again. A wall in bible symbolism means the law of the church, the barrier to entry and the protection for those inside. And sitting on a wall means presiding over it and birds mean angels. So the interpretation is that angelically born again Peter and angelically born again both presided over the law of a church. Now was not a because he was an apostle to the Nations rather than the Jews, and the nations were not called until Cornelius in Acts10 on 36Tishri14. was baptised into the on 36Nisan22 (see U42), after all the apostles were chosen. And robbing Peter to pay means brothers were leaving the church of Peter to join the church of . The two birds flew away from the first true church and founded/joined the 2nd, the gnostic church of . 's evangelizers were effectively robbing Peter to pay . These are secrets hidden for over a thousand years by the Vatican, but written in the bible and preserved is the nursery rhyme and in traditional sayings. The second true church or gnostic church began in 66Nisan22/Sivan11 when it was appointed/installed to feed the saints - see U42.
Although these two covenant recitals are identical, the Parallel Account Principle of the code does not apply because they are in different languages.
Look! There are days coming, is the utterance of , and I will conclude with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant [ with the worship house of Judah - Jewish call, and then the worship house of Israel - the Samaritan call]
not one like the covenant that I concluded with their forefathers in the day of my taking hold of their hand to bring them forth out of the land of Egypt [], which covenant of mine they themselves broke, although I myself had husbandly ownership of them, is the utterance of .
For/But this is the covenant that I shall conclude with the house of Israel after those days [the days of the calls into the ], is the utterance of . I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it. And I will become their God,
and they themselves will become my people [the of ]
34 And they will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, 'Know !' [Gnosticism,
Gnosis = knowledge. was the Gnostic Church] for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, is the utterance of [epignosis comes with the second church of a presence only, the research church]. For I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more [only a spirit baptism causes that] (Jeremiah 31).
Jeremiah is about the law covenant made in the day of the Exodus from slavery in Egypt, being replaced by the better first New Covenant to be a heavenly king.
1 Now as to the things being discussed this is the main point: We have such a high priest as this, and he has sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens,
2 a public servant of the holy place and of the true tent, which put up, and not man.
3 For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices; wherefore it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer.
4 If, now, he were upon earth, he would not be a priest, there being [men] who offer the gifts according to the Law,
5 but which [men] are rendering sacred service in a typical representation and a shadow of the heavenly things; just as Moses, when about to make the tent in completion, was given the divine command: For says he: See that you make all things after [their] pattern that was shown to you in the mountain.
6 But now [/Gordon] has obtained a more excellent public service [research rather than evangelism? Or explaining God's love as manifested in the spirit covenant rather than his justice and punishment as manifested in the law?], so that he is also the mediator of a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises [The and both have better promises than the - which is not a salvation covenant - but was merely the law of the church of Judaism].
7 For if that first covenant had been blameless/faultless [the . There was nothing wrong with the covenant itself. There was plenty wrong with the sons of the ], no place would have been sought for a second [the ];
8 For he [not Jeremiah but a Lord] does find fault with the people [the sons of the ] when he says:
Look! There are days coming, says a Lord, and I will conclude with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant [the with the house of Judah, the Royal house, and the with the house of Israel, a non royal but saintly house],
9 not according to the covenant [the ] that I made with their forefathers in [the] day of my taking hold of their hand to bring them forth out of the land of Egypt [of slavery to the The Romans Catholic Church or to the Watchtower], because they did not continue in my covenant, so that I stopped caring for them, says a Lord.
10 For this is the covenant that I shall covenant with the house of Israel after those days [the with the Kings of Benjamin], says a Lord. I will put my laws in their mind, and in their hearts I shall write them. And I will become their God, and they themselves will become my people [the sons of the in ].
11 And they will by no means teach each one his fellow citizen and each one his brother, saying: Know the Lord! For they will all know me, from [the] least one to [the] greatest one of them.
12 For I shall be merciful to their unrighteous deeds, and I shall by no means call their sins to mind anymore.
13 In his saying a new [covenant] [the ] he has made the former one [the ] obsolete. Now that which is made obsolete and growing old [the reserves] is near to vanishing away [near to their expiration] (Hebrews 8).
The literal meaning of Hebrews8 is the same as Jeremiah31 above. It is about the replacing the Law and then the following after the and being a covenant of great knowledge - A gnostic covenant for a gnostic church.
Whereas the word symbolic meaning of Hebrews8 is about replacing the with the for the Kings of Judah and the for the Lords of Israel and both being covenants of great knowledge and of intrinsic/obvious righteousness.
The promises to be an angelic king and to have everlasting life were much better than the promises of the law which were to have your sins forgiven and to be God's people and to get good crops on your land.
The is not better than the . It is better than the law of Moses, as is the .
The greater house of Judah is any royal spirit covenanted group (Kings) and the greater house of Israel (without Judah) is any non royal spirit covenanted group (Lords). But then Israel can mean Judah + Israel, which is all the saints.
All of the research church covenants are covenants of spirit baptism because God says that he will not even call their sins to mind anymore and that is the gift of a clean conscience and that only comes from a baptism in holy spirit. Water washes away the sins of the past, holy spirit washes away the sins of the future - see U12 or I32. A few churches know that the New Covenant saints are to be Kings in heaven and that 'some other Christians will end up on earth' in the after Armageddon in a second Eden, in an earthly paradise that lasts for 1,000 years. In particular the s have ‘The Abrahamic Covenant’ as saving the ones who end up on the earth. We know that the true God does nothing without a covenant. For Moses said of him:
4 The rock, perfect is his activity, all his ways are justice (Deuteronomy 32).
But we must not be naive about this sort of thing. If God has heavenly kings over the kingdom of God then he will also have earthly kings. And if his heavenly kings have a covenant then so will his earthly kings have a covenant. Since this earthly covenant will be a royal covenant, it will be made with a greater house of Judah. So really we must have 2 new covenants with the house of Judah as we have discovered above.
Furthermore it is apparent from the administrative structure of the physical nation of Israel that there was a King who had princely deputies and administrators and subjects and that there was a high priest who had Aaronic Priests under him who had Levitical priests under him who had the people under their care. We know that our Lord combined the two offices of King and , for the house of God is not divided and there is no real authority anywhere on earth or in the heavens apart from . So we would expect to find a King/ a group of royal Aaronic priestly administrators and a group or non royal, Levitical, priestly administrators and subjects in the, since God's works are fractal. But this Kingdom is split in two into an earthly and a heavenly part, just a Jerusalem itself was split by the two mountains of and Moriah. For its very name means 'foundation of twofold peace'.
So imposing the Pattern of God's physical people onto both the heavenly and the earthly halves of the we get a King, a Royal priesthood covenant, a priesthood covenant and subjects upstairs, and the same thing downstairs. The new covenant is the royal priesthood covenant for the heavens. The two covenants with the greater houses of Israel are the two covenants for the non royal priests of the heavens and of the earth. The missing second covenant with the house of Judah, is the covenant for a royal priesthood on the earth in the Kingdom. Pictorially we have the following:
Position | Heaven | Earth |
King and High | Methuselah | |
Royal Priesthood (Kings) | saints | Kings and () Kings |
Non Royal priestly administrators (Lords) | saints | Lords |
Subjects | Angels in the | Humans in the. Sons of the and sons of the () |
There is a great scripture in Genesis 31 which sums up the and all its subcovenants and Judaism and the 4 churches of Christianity in one verse as follows...
33 So Laban went on into the tent of [ under law] and into the tent of [ in ] and into the tent of the 2 slave girls [ of and of in ], but did not find them. Finally he went out of 's tent [ in ] and went on into 's tent [ in ] (Genesis 31).
is the 1st True Christian Church. There are 4 of them - see I46.