[42] The Fundamental Pattern of Adam's Life and Jesus' Life, the Kingdom of God and every true church

The chronological pattern of Adam's life and of Jesus' life applies to all true churches as follows.

The genetic distinction between Jew and Gentile ended with Cornelius
The Mosaic worship distinction between Jew and Gentile ended with Titus. 

After 36Tishri14 or 70Ab10 depending upon contest, a Jew was a saint, a son of Jacob by covenant ,rather than by genetics or by worship house. So in particular during the period of the Watchtower, the LWs and Laodicea...

The 4 spiritual calls therefore are as follows. The Jews are God's covenanted people and God's official people: 1ACs in a true church. So...
The Jewish call would be to 1ACs in a true church
The Proselyte call is to ICCs in a true church: Those who choose to join God's covenanted people by valid water baptism. Water baptism genealogy has now replaced genetic genealogy in salvation descent.
The Samaritan call is to 1ACs who worship in a manner which used to be accepted by God but no longer is. So they are in an ex true church.
The Gentile call is to 1ACs who are not presently worshipping in a true or an ex true church.

FDS1 (calls were physical)

(-½) Born  2Sivan10  1NC Pentecost. John the Baptist is born to Zechariah and Elizabeth by Pentecostal type archetype symmetry with Jesus born at the 2NC Pentecost and of course 6 months before Jesus' birth.
(-½) Circumcision  2Sivan18  John is circumcised and named by Zechariah. 
(0+Pentecost) Born  2Heshvan21  Jesus Born (Immanuel) at the 2NC Pentecost.
Circumcised  2Heshvan29  Jesus circumcised
(11) Commissioned   10Tishri2 2NC first fruits. Jesus (Michael) commissioned to build the temple of TCC1, 22½ years before the temple is inaugurated.
??? 10Tishri10 Jesus becomes 11 years old by adamic Hebrew counting and enters into the ICC through Moses on atonement day. This did NOT start the 1st presence.
John becomes 30 years old 28Tishri1  He was born 6 months before Jesus. He too would have to have spent 40 days in the wilderness after Gabriel possessed him.
John baptised from heaven 29Sivan10 John is baptized from heaven as Elijah1 at the 1NC Pentecost after he became 30 years old on 28Tishri1. But John the baptist was 6 months ahead of Jesus who was born at the 2NC Pentecost on 2Heshvan21 BC. He had the pattern of the first true Christian church (TCC1). So following the pattern not of John but of Jesus, Russell was born, baptised from heaven as Elijah3, on 1871Heshvan21, the 2NC Pentecost starting a further 1NC church.
John starts baptizing 29Sivan10 After the 6 month sentence count of Matthew3:4 and Mark1:6 (clothing was hairs of camel 2x and leather girdle around loin 1x, food was locusts 2x and wild honey 1x). These months being 29Sivan to 29Heshvan21, when Jesus' ministry began.
Jesus becomes 30 years old 29Tishri1  By adamic reckoning. He became 30 years old by non adamic reckoning on 29Nisan1.
(30) Appointed to feed 29Tishri2  2NC first fruits. Michael is appointed to feed.
Michael enters Immanuel 29Tishri10  Immanuel is transferred and Michael enters Jesus who is baptised by John. No other humans were present at the possession of Michael presided over by Gabriel. The two were alone. Men do not get invited to an angelic possession ceremony.
Presence begins 29Tishri10  Jesus is now present as a human on the planet. This began his interaction with humans. He became accessible to men 40 days later on 29Heshvan20, which did not begin his presence before men, because John the baptism was a man although possessed by Gabriel at the time of Jesus' baptism. God said: You are my son in Mark1:6 to Jesus alone and he said: This is my son in Matthew 3:4 to John who was human but was possessed because God cannot speak to any son of Adam directly other than Moses and Jesus (1NC saints) and no 1NC saints existed before Jesus' baptism. So he was speaking to John and to Jesus only. Melchizedek was the one who sent John baptizing in water presided over Gabriel's entrance first because he sent 'me' baptizing in water. The dove coming down may have been seen by all present since it was a sign of Jonah, meaning dove.
Jesus meets Peter 29Heshvan21  2NC Pentecost. This is the antitype of Jesus appearing to Mary and Joseph at his birth. Ministry begins. Feeding starts
Jesus enters Galilee 29Heshvan23  Jesus enters Galilee under the power of the spirit for the marriage feast at Cana. 
Wife born 29Heshvan29 Jewish call into the 1NC. Peter is sanctified, precisely 30 times after Jesus was circumcised on 2Heshvan29, the 8th day after his birthday 2Heshvan21 BC (30, 60, 100 fold). The call lasts for 30 years to 59Heshvan29.
Wife born symbolized  29Heshvan29 Water turned into wine at Cana on the 7th day of the marriage feast from 29Heshvan23-29
(33½) End of old system 33Nisan14  Jesus is sacrificed by Caiaphas, ending the law of Moses as a true religion. His human body dies. But his spirit is transferred so as not to see death straight into his angel.
Those who say that the Lord died first and (then) rose up are in error, for he rose up first [He did not die on the cross, because he had an angelic vehicle waiting for him. He died when he gave the ransom and lost his everlasting angelic body permanently and went to Gehenna. He then went into a shared angelic body in Gehenna. Hades is only for Adam not for Jesus] and (then) died. If one does not first attain the resurrection, he will not die [all those who enter into Gehenna, the second death, are in fact resurrected first]. As God lives, he would [...] (Philip 15). However he did fall asleep for 10 hours at the gates of Hades (father into you hands I entrust my spirit) or perhaps for 5 hours of Psalm 31:5 (5 Into your hand I entrust my spirit. You have redeemed me, Oh Jehovah the God of truth. (Psalms 31 NWT). A night's sleep, not death. This may mirror the period from Adam's sin to the ARC cup being drunk 5/10 hours.
(33½y+Weekday1) Angelic gain and loss day 33Nisan16 Jesus is resurrected as a human in the morning and appears to Mary on the first day of the week which is the first day also of the festival of weeks. Jesus offers his angel to God as a ransom sacrifice for Adam.
(33½y+Weekday1) New system inaugurated. Appointed over all true seed 33Nisan16 First fruits. FDS1 appointed over all Jesus' belongings, the saints. Jesus blows upon the apostles and says: Receive holy spirit, what sins you forgive stand forgiven etc. This is the apostles (the first fruits) getting authority to maintain a baptism. They delegate that authority to FDS1 through the mechanism of operational church law on 33Sivan5 (first ripe fruits).
Birth 33Nisan16 NOT the Proselyte call into the 1NC to non genetic Jews who had put themselves under law and joined Israel in worship of the true God in Jerusalem. Because there were no proselytes on 33Nisan16. Jesus was sent to the genetic house of Israel exclusively. And the disciples did not change that exclusivity until Pentecost 33Sivan5, which was attended by proselytes from Rome, who were baptised into the 1EC on that day (among the 3000 of Acts).
Marriage 33Nisan16 God marries the 2nd Holy Spirit
Inauguration 33Nisan16 The temple of FDS1, of Jesus' resurrected body, starts its inauguration from 33Nisan16-33Nisan23. Jesus was resurrected in a body that was very different from the one in which he died. The one in which he died was given to God upon his death as a ransom for Adam, the validation sacrifice for the LRC.
(33½y+Sabbath + 8 d) Jesus appears to apostles 33Nisan23 Jesus appears to the 11 apostles including Thomas this time - beaming through closed doors again. The temple is now inaugurated, the last foundation stone recognises the temple of Jesus' resurrected body.
(33½y+Sabbath + 40d) Entrance 33Iyyar25 The 40th day from Jesus appearing to his apostles in Jerusalem on 33Nisan17 of Luke24. He ascends into the ark hidden in a cloud. This being an anti gravity levitation miracle.
(33½y+Sabbath+50d)  Pentecost 33Sivan5 God accepts Michael's angelic ransom. Michael died the 2nd death and then go into his divine body. Does this also take 10 hours? Or does Psalm 31:5, into your hand I entrust my spirit apply for 5 hours here. Or is it vice versa?
(33½y+Sabbath+50d)  Pentecost 33Sivan5 FDS1 becomes operational. Gifts of the spirit of given to the 12 apostles and only they can impart them intransitively through the laying on of the hands.
(33½y+Sabbath+50d)  Proselyte call 33Sivan5 The Proselyte call into the 1NC to non genetic Jews who had put themselves under law and joined Israel in worship of the true God in Jerusalem. The first proselytes from Rome are baptised into the 1EC, among 3000 of Acts 2 on 33Sivan5. The call occurred at the 3rd hour, when the gifts of the spirit were poured out.
(33½y+Sabbath+50d)  Pentecost 33Sivan5 Since Jesus dies angelically. THIS DOES NOT BREAK HIS ENGAGEMENT TO THE 1NCs. Neither does it end any of his other salvation covenants. Human death ends a human marriage. The death of a validation sacrifice does not end any salvation covenant.
Birth  (at the 6th hour midway between Proselyte call at the 3rd hour of the Pentecost and the Gentile call at the 9th hour) 34Shebat10 Samaritan call of Acts 8. At the 6th hour of the day. Half way between the Pentecost of Acts 2 at the 3rd hour of the day and the Gentile call of Acts 10 at the 9th hour of the day. And the 3rd 6th and 9th hour calls to work in the vineyard of Matthew 20. Pentecost is a sealing festival not a calling festival. The proselyte call into the 1NC was at the 3rd hour of the Pentecost. This call lasts for 60 years but is split into two equally between TCC1 and TCC2.
(37) Birth 36Tishri14 Cornelius is converted, at the 9th hour of the day, 4 days after the atonement day fast (Acts 10:30). The Gentiles are called into the 1NC, for 100 years of the Centurion. This call is made on the last day of the harvest, the day before the first Sabbath of Booths.
1st fruits 48Heshvan2 FDS1 appointed to feed the HLCs. Apollos, the mediator of Zilpah (the HLC) is mentioned in Acts 18:24 which is set around this time. This is the last year start that ends the 30 year call before TCC1 loses its 1EC baptism.
Pentecost 48Chislev21 FDS1 installed to feed HLCs.
Birth 48Chislev29 30 year Jewish call to Gad HLCs (Asher is the proselyte call) 8 days after the installation to feed (as was the case for the 1NC Jewish call on 29Heshvan29)
1st fruits 52Iyyar18 FDS1 appointed to rule over the HLCs
Pentecost and Birth 52Tammuz7 FDS1 installed to rule over the HLCs.
Birth 59Heshvan29 30 fold 1NC Jewish call ends
Birth 63Sivan5 30 fold Proselyte call ends
Birth 64Shebat10 The first half of the 60 fold Samaritan call ends. Then a further 30 years into TCC3 from 1908Heshvan14 to 1978Heshvan14. 
Birth 66Tishri14 30 fold, the TCC1 part of the 100 year Gentile call into the 1NC ends (Cornelius was a Centurion - with authority over 100 men). 30 years into TCC1 and 70 years into TCC3.
Not the end of a system. But the fall of FDS1 which becomes ES1 66Tishri28 The last tablet shattering day of the year. 40+40 days inclusively after the late 2nd 1NC Pentecost on 66Ab9. FDS1 falls over the saints and becomes the evil slave (ES1), 33 years of the sentence count of Matthew 24:51 of weeping and gnashing the teeth (after having been and being cut in two and placed with hypocrites) before 89Nisan14, the restart of the 1st presence. Also Paul was baptised as Elijah2 on 36Sivan11. So FDS2 is appointed to feed the 1NCs 30 years of the pattern of Jesus' life later in 66 AD. So FDS1 must have fallen in 66 AD.
Transgression causing desolation 67Tebbeth20 (68January15) ES1 compromises with Rome. 1NCs ride the 7 hills of Rome as a harlot church. The first Bishop of Rome, the 1st Pope, St. Linus becomes its head  This is 4600 solar days before the end of their constant feature on 80Elul14.
Birth 78Chislev29 30 fold HLC Jewish call to Gad ends. It cannot end any later than this in order to fit into TCC1. A spirit covenant call has to be into a church with a valid water baptism
End of water baptism 79Tishri14 50 years of Mark6, the green water baptised leek beds of 50, and 100 in feeding of the 5,000, from Jesus' installation to feed in 29Heshvan21 or shortly thereafter in late 29 AD when he was feeding 5,000 1NC saints to the end of the 1EC water baptism. ES1 become GNS1. Tishi14 is the right day for the end of the harvest of the 1NCs into the 1EC, since it was the last harvest day in Israel and was followed by the festival Sabbath of the first day of Booths.
Constant feature removed 80Elul14 The Constant feature of evangelism is no longer acceptable to God. It is no longer regarded as true worship. It is about bean counting for Rome, not about salvation. 1290 days of Daniel12:11 before the end of TCC1 as a true church on 84Nisan14. 4600 solar days of Daniel8 after the transgression causing desolation, the compromise with Rome, when St Linus was made the first Pope.
TCC1 becomes false church 84Nisan14 TCC1 becomes a false church 4½ years of the far 1AC bank of Daniel12 after it loses its water baptism. Nisan14 is the correct day for the fall of the 1st 1NC church. Iyyar14 is the correct day for the fall of the 2nd (the Watchtower)
Presence restarts 89Nisan14 10 year gap of Daniel12 and John 21 in the first presence from 75Nisan14/Iyyar14 ends.
Peter joins TCC2 89Nisan14 The end of the 10 years precisely of the stretched out hands of Peter of John21 being lead where he does not want to be - outside of Jesus' body.
Feeding true 1NCs as a false church 97Nisan1-Adar29 12 full baskets of leftovers from the feeding of the 5,000 (who continue reclining after the end of the leek green water baptism until the end of the chlorine green grass, the end of the church on 84Nisan14. This means that the fallen first church continued to feed 1NCs until 97Nisan1-97Adar29, for 12 full sacred years from 85Nisan1 to 96Adar30 and not 13.
End of the first presence 159Tishri10 120 years + 10 year gap from 79Tishri14 to 89Tishri14 from 29Tishri10, the baptism of Jesus by John, the start of his flesh being present (Immanuel owned that flesh prior to his entry into him).

48 If ever but might say the bad slave that in the heart of him Is taking his time of me the lord,
49 and he should start to be beating the fellow slaves of him, may be eating but and may be drinking with the (ones) getting drunk,
50 will come the lord of the slave that in day to which not he is expecting and in hour to which not he is knowing
51 and he will cut him in two [2x: appointing another church over the saints alongside him] and the part of him with the hypocrites he will place [1x+2x: by rejecting his church]; there [+2x: with the hypocrites] will be the weeping [1x] and the gnashing of the teeth [32x for 32 human teeth]. (Matthew 24 KIT)
Total for there 1x+32x=33x from the fall of FDS1 over the 1NCs on 66Tishri

Under law priests in active service had to be 30 to 50 years old

3 From 30 years old upward to 50 years old, all those going into the service group to do the work in the tent of meeting (Numbers 4).

23 Jehovah now spoke to Moses, saying:
24 This is what applies to the Levites: From 25 years old upward he will come to enter into the company in the service of the tent of meeting.
25 But after the age of 50 years he will retire from the service company and serve no longer.
26 And he must minister to his brothers in the tent of meeting in taking care of the obligation, but he must render no service. In accord with this you will do to the Levites in their obligations. (Numbers 8 NWT)

So you could be an assistant but do no service at 25 and you could do service at 30 under law.  David modified this to 20 years old, once the ark was permanently stationed in Jerusalem and the Levites no longer had to carry the tabernacle around

24 These were the sons of Levi by the house of their fathers, the heads of the fathers, by their commissioned ones, in the number of the names, head by head of them, the doers of the work for the service of the house of Jehovah, from the age of 20 years upward.
25 For David had said: Jehovah the God of Israel has given rest to his people, and he will reside in Jerusalem to time indefinite.
26 And also the Levites will not have to carry the tabernacle or any of its utensils for its service.
27 For by the last words of David these were the number of the sons of Levi from the age of 20 years upward.
28 For their function was at the disposition of the sons of Aaron for the service of the house of Jehovah over the courtyards and over the dining rooms and over the purification of every holy thing and the work of the service of the house of the [true] God,
29 even for the layer bread and for the fine flour for the grain offering and for the wafers of unfermented bread and for the griddle [cakes] and for the mixed dough and for all measures of quantity and size;
30 and for standing morning by morning to thank and praise Jehovah, and likewise at evening;
31 and for every offering up of the burnt sacrifices to Jehovah at the Sabbaths, at the new moons and at the festival seasons, by number according to the rule concerning them, constantly before Jehovah.
32 And they took care of the guarding of the tent of meeting and the guarding of the holy place and the guarding of the sons of Aaron their brothers for the service of the house of Jehovah. (1 Chronicles 23 NWT)

So Russell could become an Elijah aged 20 by Hebrew reckoning - due to David's ordinance. But Moses put the age at 30 and both John and Jesus were under law - whereas Russell was not..

The 4 physical first presence calls into the 1NC were the Jewish, the Proselyte, the Samaritan and the Gentile Calls.
The Jewish call was to God's covenanted people who had not been rejected.
The Proselyte call was to those who chose to join God's covenanted people who had not been rejected
The Samaritan call was to those worshipping in a place/way/manner that used to be accepted by God but was now rejected
The Gentile call was to those who had never worshipped as one of God's covenanted people

The 4 spiritual calls therefore are as follows. The Jews are God's covenanted people and God's official people: 1ACs in a true church. So...
The Jewish call would be to 1ACs in a true church
The Proselyte call is to ICCs in a true church: Those who choose to join God's covenanted people by valid water baptism. Water baptism genealogy has now replaced genetic genealogy in salvation descent.
The Samaritan call is to 1ACs who worship in a manner which used to be accepted by God but no longer is. So they are in an ex true church.
The Gentile call is to 1ACs who are not presently worshipping in a true or an ex true church.

FDS3 (calls are spiritual)

Born 1851Shebat21 Charles Russell is born 1852February16
(0 + Pentecost) Born 1871Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost. Charles Russell is water baptised from heaven as Elijah3.at the FIRST 2NC Pentecost after he became 20 years old on 1871Tishri1. 30 years before FDS3 was appointed to feed the 1NCs. This is the installation of his church as a true church to feed the 1ACs. Russell is sanctified into the 1NC aged 20. The near bank of the Watchtower begins
TCC3 begins 1875Iyyar21 Russell baptises or accepts the previous water baptism of the second International Bible Student. The Russellite congregation begins. This is a time times and an half of Daniel12, after the baptism of Russell, the first sand bank (1AC period) of the Watchtower.
Watchtower Magazine begins 1879June Russell withdraws his support from N. H. Barbour and the Herald of the Morning in May 1979 and instead sets up the Watchtower Magazine first issue was July 1879. 1This is a time times and an half of Daniel12, from the baptism of Russell, the first sand bank (1AC period) of the Watchtower.
(11) Commissioned 1882Tishri2 Russell commissioned to build FDS3 worship system.
Appointed to feed 1886Heshvan2 FDS3 appointed to feed the HLCs (1886Tishri was a Sabbath month)
Installed to feed 1886Chislev21 FDS3 installed to feed the HLCs
Appointed to rule 1890Nisan22 FDS3 appointed to rule over the HLCs
Installed to rule 1890Sivan11 FDS3 installed to rule over the HLCs
Born Again 1890Sivan11 Asher continuation call: An HLC is sanctified in order that two are gathered together in Jesus' name so that he becomes present. Both Russell and the HLC must have previously drunk the cup of the 1NC at a Passover (which Jesus regarded as the HLC?). Second Presence begins. This is the Asher Proselyte Continuation call for 100 years to 1990Sivan11. It occurs in the Proselyte Call slot for HLCs into TCC3. The presence lasts for 120 years of Moses plus 4½ year and 5½ year gaps of Daniel12 gap plus a 5 month gap from 2019Shebat10 to 2020Tammuz14. It ends we know on 2020Heshvan14, the 4th HLC marriage Passover. So it begins on 1890Sivan14.  1890Sivan11 is the proselyte Asher continuation call to be not 1NC Kings but HLC (Heavenly Lord Covenant) Overlords, who are directly under the 1NC Kings. For Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Furthermore the 2nd presence 1NC Kings will need some 2nd presence heavenly Lords to administrate their Kingdoms  There are 10x as many Overlords as Kings. So there will be 720,000 male Lords, 720,000 female Ladies and 60,000 reserve Lords and Ladies - all from the Watchtower. That is 1.56 million saints. It is a shame that Ray Franz is no longer alive to see this understanding. He knew that there were to be more children born to the heavenly woman (saints born to the 2nd Holy Spirit) than born to the earthly one, Jews born under Law. For more of the calls into the vineyard see U192 and see the parable of the sower U63. the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 11th hour workers were standing unemployed - i.e. water baptised to stand before the altar as priests. So they are proselyte calls.
Birth 1890Sivan14 Second presence begins with the HLC sanctification of the 2nd 3EC JW - see intro45.
(30) Appointed to feed 1901Tishri2 Russell appointed to feed the 1NCs. This was also the appointment of FDS3 to feed at the proper time.  This is 30 Nisan1 year starts (for sacred food) after1871Heshvan21.
(30) Installed to feed 1901Heshvan21 Russell installed to feed the 1NCs. This was also the installation of FDS3 to feed at the proper time.
(30y) Wife born 1901Heshvan29 Jewish call. This is not applicable. There is no greater Jewish call.
(33½) End of old system 1905Iyyar14 Babylon (Christendom) judged. Babylon falls as regards its imprisonment authority over the saints?
Angelic gain and loss day 1905Iyyar22 1NC first fruits.
(33½y+Weekday1) New system inaugurated. Appointed over all true seed 1905Iyyar22 FDS3 appointed exclusively over ALL Jesus' belongings, the saints, the non reserve 1NC saints. Because ALL of the calls into the 1NC had been made.
(33½y+Sabbath+50d) Pentecost 1905Tammuz11 1NC Pentecost. Watchtower administration becomes operational over the 1NCs
(33½y+Sabbath+50d) Pentecost 1905Tammuz11 60 year Issachar Proselyte Call into the 1NC under FDS3 to those in Watchtower, i.e. who have made themselves one of God's true people by 3EC baptism.
Birth  (midway between Pentecost and the Gentile call) 1906Adar12/13 The spiritual Samaritan Call. The 30 year Levi continuation call to 1936Adar12/13
(37) Birth 1908Heshvan14 70 year Judah Gentile continuation Call. This call is to those not in a true church and not in an ex true church but nonetheless in the 1AC. So it is to all faithful Christians who are not JWs, LWs or Roman Catholics or Jews by worship. They have to join the Watchtower.
WW1 begins for the UK 1914Ab10 Britain declares war on Germany. The United States declares Neutrality. 1260 days prophesying in sackcloth of Revelation11 begins for the Watchtower.
Gentile Times 1914Tishri15 Continuous Gentile Times end. WW1 began on 1914Ab10 (Britain declared war on Germany on that day - August 4). Signs of the Times are seen to be fulfilled with nation rising against nation in the first World War.
Death 1916Heshvan1/2 Charles Russell Died
Prison 1918Iyyar25/26 Watchtower directors arrested on May 7th 1918 evening (1918Iyyar25/26) 
Treaty of Versailles Peace Conference begins 1918Shebat10 1919January18: The end of prophesying 1260 days in sackcloth and ashes of the Watchtower (that WW1 would lead to Armageddon?)
Prison release 1918VeAdar17/18 President and other Watchtower directors released from prison. 1260 days in the wilderness of Revelation12 begins.
Cedar Point Convention 1922Elul12-20 1922September5-13: 1922 Friday September 8th Rutherford gives famous King and Kingdom talk at Cedar Point Convention, telling people to ADVertise the king and Kingdom. End of the 1260 days in the Wilderness of Revelation 12.
Birth 1936Adar12/13 30 year Levi continuation call, Greater Jewish Call into the 1NC, to those 1ACs in a true church
Birth 1965Tammuz11 60 year Issachar Greater Proselyte call ends
Jezebel takes over 1975Iyyar18/19 May1. The Governing body agree to become a democracy with a 2/3 majority deciding matters - just like the cardinals of the Roman Catholic church.
Birth 1978Heshvan14 70 year Judah continuation Gentile Call, to genetic Jews.
Birth 1990Sivan11 The last HLC is baptised into the 3EC. The 3rd Holy Spirit is 'born'. 100 year Proselyte call, Asher call, to be HLCs ends.
Transgression causing desolation 1991Shebat18 (1992January28/29) The transgression causing desolation. The Watchtower join with the UN as an NGO associated with their DPI. The Watchtower ride the UN beast as a harlot church. They put the throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah.
Passover Denial 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 1st Passover denial of the Christ in that night.
Passover Denial 1997Nisan14/Iyyar14 2nd Passover denial of the Christ in that night.
Passover Denial 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14 3rd Passover denial of the Christ in that night.
FDS3 falls over the saints and becomes ES2 1998Tishri27 FDS3 falls in authority over the saints and becomes ES2, the 2nd Evil Slave of Matthew24 on greater tablet shattering day. FDS3 is judged. Because the lord's evening meal was deliberately celebrated 3x incorrectly by a bunch of status seeking idolaters posing as 1NC saints. Gordon informed the Watchtower how to celebrate it on 1994Nisan3 and told them they would be held accountable for their 1995 memorial sin on 1995Nisan10. But this did not give them enough time to make any changes in that year. So they denied the Christ accountably 'in that night' on 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1997Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14.
End of Watchtower 3EC water baptism 2001Chislev14 The 3EC water baptism of repentance ends due to the awful Watchtower Letter to the Bethels, showing absolutely no remorse or repentance for putting the throne of Satan (the UN) in the temple of Jehovah (the Watchtower) or for riding the wild beast of Revelation17 (the UN) as a harlot church (Russell's own description). This is after 100 years of feeding of Mark 6 in leek green beds (with a water baptism) of 50 and 100, from 1901Heshvan21 their installation to feed the 1NCs to 2001Chislev14.
Passover Denial 2003Nisan14/Iyyar14 1st Passover denial of the Christ in that night. The Laodiceans made a valid attempt to celebrate the festival correctly but the Watchtower did not follow their example.
Birth  (Jewish call) 2003Shebat29 Zebulun: The 100 month 1NC Jewish call into Laodicea (to 1ACs in a true church). The first will be last (both Jewish calls). From 2003Shebat29 (following the pattern of the Jewish call into TCC1 from 29Heshvan29, the water into wine at Cana, to 2012Sivan19. 2012Sivan14-29 was exclusively to Cainian Laodiceans.  
Passover Denial 2004Nisan14/Iyyar14 2nd Passover denial of the Christ in that night. The last Watchtower Passover which succeeds.
Constant feature removed 2004Elul14
The Constant feature of evangelism is no longer acceptable to God. It is no longer regarded as true worship. It is about bean counting for the Watchtower, not about salvation. 1290 days of Daniel12:11 before the end of the ARC lease on 2008Nisan14. 4600 solar days of Daniel8 after the transgression causing desolation, the joining with the UN as an NGO associated with their DPI. The Watchtower ride the UN beast as a harlot church. They put the throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah. September1 is the start of the Watchtower field service year.
Passover Denial 2005Nisan14/Iyyar14 3rd Passover denial of the Christ in that night. This Passover fails
Fall as a true church 2005Sivan14 3½x of the far bank of the vision of Daniel12 after 2001Chislev14. The 7x of Naaman's bathing in the Jordan begins and runs  to 2012Sivan14, the Zoar Passover, when his flesh become like that of a little boy. And 7x + 47 days before the theft of the 4EC baptism to start the Laodicean congregation on 2005Adar1. The Watchtower should have asked for the baptism for the 1NCs and sent the LWs the 2NCs. But that level of brotherly love was beyond them. They saw only power like the politicians of the world.
Birth  (Jewish call) 2012Sivan29 Zebulun: The 100 month 1NC Jewish call into Laodicea (to 1ACs in a true church) ends. The first will be last (both Jewish calls). From 2003Shebat29 (following the pattern of the Jewish call into TCC1 from 29Heshvan29, the water into wine at Cana, to 2012Sivan29. The last 15 days from 2012Sivasn14-20 are exclusively for Cainian Laodiceans (still in the Watchtower). 

48 If ever but might say the bad slave that in the heart of him Is taking his time of me the lord,
49 and he should start to be beating the fellow slaves of him, may be eating but and may be drinking with the (ones) getting drunk,
50 will come the lord of the slave that in day to which not he is expecting and in hour to which not he is knowing
51 and he will cut him in two [2x: appointing another church over the saints alongside him] and the part of him with the hypocrites he will place [1x+2x: by rejecting his church]; there [+2x: with the hypocrites] will be the weeping [1x] and the gnashing of the teeth [32x for 32 human teeth]. (Matthew 24 KIT)
Total of operations is 1x/2x+32x= 33x/34x from 2005Sivan14 to 2008Nisan22, the 1st 1NC marriage, when his place is with the non hypocrite Jesus Christ.

30, 30, 60 year 1NC calls then 60, 100 month 2NC calls.

As regards the sanctification in holy spirit starting after only 20 years in the case of FDS3 as compared to after 30 years in the case of Jesus. Remember that Russell was adamic but Immanuel was non adamic. Adamics are sanctified from 20 years old onwards. Non adamics are sanctified at 30 years old.

Adam naming the animals before he named Eve refers to the saints prior to the 1NC.

18 And Jehovah God went on to say: It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him.
Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name.
So the man was calling the names of all the domestic animals and of the flying creatures of the heavens and of every wild beast of the field, but for man there was found no helper as a complement of him (Genesis 2).


The pattern with Adam and with Jesus started with their physical births. The pattern with Russell started with his water baptism on 1871Heshvan21, the 2NC Pentecost. The Pattern with Paul started with his baptism in water from heaven as Elijah2 on 29Heshvan21 (the ELC Pentecost)..

Now Michael was commissioned to build the temple of FDS1 on 10Tishri. Paul was commissioned to build the temple of FDS2 in 40Nisan - see below. The IBSA was commissioned to build the temple of FDS3 on 1882Tishri2. So the first 3 Christian temples were commissioned in Nisan/Tishri and were inaugurated in Tishri/Nisan, 22½ years later.

1NC temples are commissioned at 2NC first fruits and inaugurated from 1NC first fruits/Cakes.
2NC temples are commissioned at 1NC first fruits and inaugurated from 2NC first fruits/Booths.

Jesus had the pattern of FDS1, the first true church a 1NC church. Yet he was born at the 2NC Pentecost..

The birth (year 0) of a 1NC church occurs at the 2NC Pentecost
The birth (year 0) of a 2NC church occurs at the 1NC Pentecost

So if said birth is the baptism from heaven of an Elijah then...

The water baptism from heaven of an Elijah for a 1NC church occurs at the 2NC Pentecost
The water baptism from heaven of an Elijah for a 2NC church occurs at the 1NC Pentecost

John was 6 months ahead of Jesus in all his activities and Indeed the entire pattern of Solomon's temple is 6 months ahead of the Kingdom pattern of the 3rd Holy Spirit. For the antitypical Solomon is Elijah4 to the 3rd Holy Spirit

FDS3 committed the transgression causing desolation when it rode the UN beast as an NGO in 1992January28, it threw Elijah4 out of the church with no justification on 1995Adar11, and it refused to celebrate the Lords' evening meal as instructed by Gordon (through the letters of 1994Nisan3 and 1995Nisan10) on 1994Nisan14/1995Nisan14/1996Nisan14/1997Nisan14/1998Nisan14, denying the Christ 3x/4x in that night. So it was judged on 1996Iyyar14/1997Iyyar14/1998Iyyar14. It fell in authority over the saints on 1998Tishri27, second presence tablet shattering day, and FDS4 (Gordon) was appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after FDS3). Gordon could not be appointed to feed 2NCs whilst in a 1NC church. So he was first appointed to feed 2NCs on 1996Nisan18. He was appointed/installed to rule over 2NCs on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21. We can therefore now hang the pattern of FDS4 in months on those pivotal dates. This website went live on 1999Heshvan21 (plus or minus 2 days). This website is the constant feature of the LW church and the book of its law. 1999Heshvan21 was 4600 solar days of Daniel8 before 2012Sivan16, when the LWs and Zoar became non adamic Abrahamic (when our temples came into the right condition). 

Constant feature of this website began
with pipex as bibledecoded.com
FDS4 with constant feature
installed to rule over the 2NCs
LW Adam finishes becoming non adamic Abrahamic
The ex adamic Holy Place is now in the right condition, Jubilee restored
LW Cain finishes becoming non adamic Abrahamic
The Holy Place is now in the right condition, Jubilee restored
2012Tammuz16 (4 cornerstone apostles are Abrahamic)
4600 solar days of Daniel8 30 days

The 33½ year Fundamental Patterns of the LWs

12The 33½ year fundamental pattern of the LW church to the Kingdom of God

FDS4 appointed to
rule over the 2NCs
FDS4 installed to
rule over the 2NCs
1st fire sign of 1Kings18
Largest fire in modern Israeli
history upon mount Carmel
12th crop Passover of Revelation22
Passover after the end of the Accepting
year of Isaiah61 from 2028Heshvan10
1st/late 1st death Passover
Absolute end of Adam/Cain
110 days inclusively11 years less 28-31 days19 years less 36-39 daysJesus' 3½ year antitypical ministry 11+19+3½ = 33½ years +12/42 days

The 33½ year LW ministry to the Watchtower and Laodicea

3½ year ministry
1st Watchtower Passover
Gordon attended
1st LW
Adamic to Abrahamic LW
and Laodicean Conversion
Cainian to Abrahamic LW
and Laodicean Conversion
Abrahamic Zoar
Abrahamic to Isaaic
LW conversion
Isaaic Zoar
1st Passover in
Reverted Laodicea
Laodicea falls
11 years19 years11+19+3½ = 33½ years

The 33½ years to unification of Watchtower and LW 2NCs

Gordon gave his first talk
 in the Kingdom Hall on
the 3 rights of the firstborn
1991Tishri (or thereabouts)
Elijah4 baptised Roger Knight,
the apostle to Laodicea
who stole the 4EC baptism on
behalf of the Watchtower
First article in the Exposé
Proving ADE from vaccines
The inauguration of Solomon's temple
at the 2NC Pentecost of the
Adar1 Isaac rapture secular year.  
11 years 19 years  3½ year ministry to 2NCs 11+19+3½ = 33½ years 

The 1NCs and HLCs are priests in Solomon's temple on mount Moriah and stones in the 3rd Holy Spirit  temple/palace of Jesus on mount Zion. 

Elijah4 does build the FRC outer courtyard of the Kingdom temple of Solomon. But not the OMC outer courtyard12.

FDS4 - 1999Tishri2 version - correct (calls are spiritual: Proselyte is Isaaic, Samaritan is ex Isaaic, Gentile is Abrahamic. A 1NC and a 2NC pattern)

79LW and Laodicean true church appointments and installations

Church groups: Adam, Cain, non adamic Abraham, non adamic Isaac. Human groups not angelic groups.

Age of groups and churches
Appointments of a church over several groups are made in order of the age/seniority of the progenitor/mediator of the group. With back filling for missed appointment slots due to Sabbaths
Appointments of several churches over one group are made in order of the age/seniority of the church. With back filling for missed appointment slots due to Sabbaths

Uniqueness of Church appointments over groups:
Two churches cannot be appointed to rule over the same group on the same festival day
Two churches cannot be appointed to feed the same group on the same festival day
One church cannot be appointed to rule over two groups on the same festival day
One church cannot be appointed to feed two groups on the same festival day

Succession of appointments of a church over a group:
Church1 is appointed over Group1 at the 1st first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath
Church2 is appointed over Group1 at the 2nd first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath 
Church3 is appointed over Group1 at the 3rd first fruits festival if the festival is  not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath 

Church1 is appointed over Group1 at the 1st first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath
Church1 is appointed over Group2 at the 2nd first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath 
Church1 is appointed over Group3 at the 3rd first fruits festival if the festival is  not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath 

After a church passes the 3½ year ruling test over a group then further incarnations of it it in appointed/installed to feed at the appointment/installation to rule. 

Jesus is appointed Caesar to Adam, then Cain, then Abraham, then Isaac in order of age. Caesar appointments are not affected by monthly Sabbaths (which are sacred Sabbaths).
Religious groups are passed over in the order: Laodicea, then Watchtower, then Christianity, then Babylon, then non religious. The closest to the target is passed over first!

Weekly Sabbaths: if an appointment or an installation to rule or to feed  falls upon a weekly Sabbath then it is bumped forwards to the next slot
Installations: Each appointment (at first fruits) is installed at the Pentecost unless prevented by a Sabbath or an earlier usage, in which case it is bumped to the late Pentecost. If that is taken/prohibited then it is bumped to the next Pentecost etc. Monthly Sabbaths: If a sacred appointment or installation TO RULE falls upon a monthly Sabbath then it is bumped forward to the next slot. This does not apply to appointments or installations to feed.
Monthly Jubilees: The same as Sabbaths. One cannot prune vines in a Jubilee. So one cannot judge people in law. So one cannot enter into church law on a Jubilee or agree such entry for a later date. So a church cannot be appointed or installed to rule over anyone in a Jubilee month. One cannot sow seed outside the church in the field in a Jubilee. But one can teach in the church obviously (sow seed in the garden). So a church can be appointed/installed to feed in a Jubilee month.
Non adamic conversions: Jesus does not appoint until both Adam and Cain are converted otherwise the administration becomes unclean at the execution of Cain.. He unappoints the church before the 1st person is unappointed by a sleeping death for resurrection otherwise the administration is unclean.

There are three 2NC groups: Adamic or Cainian 1AC 2NCs are one group as regards sacred appointments which are only over 1ACs not over Adam or Cain. And Non adamic Abrahamic 2NCs and Non adamic Isaaic 2NCs are the other 2.
Adam and Cain and non adamic Abraham and non adamic Isaac are the 4 separate groups for secular appointments (salvation covenant status is irrelevant for these appointments).. 

CORRECT (we think) (HLC feeding in adamic FDS4, abrahamic FDS4 and adamic Laodicea - not reappointed Laodicea which was only for 1NCs)

1886Tishri2/Heshvan21: FDS3 appointed/installed to feed HLCs (1886Tishri was the Sabbath month)
1890Nisan22/Sivan11: FDS3 appointed to rule over HLCs (in order that the 100 year Asher HLC proselyte continuation call occurs this day, beginning the 2nd presence)
1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21: FDS3 appointed to feed 1NCs (1901Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath)
1905Iyyar22/Tammuz11: FDS3 appointed/installed to rule over 1NCs
1995Adar16/1996Sivan5: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed the 1ACs, i.e. as a true church. 1996Iyyar was a Sabbath month. 1AC Pentecosts are counted in virtual Sabbaths like Zoar Pentecosts?
1996Nisan18/Sivan7: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 2NCs
1998Tishri27: Late 2nd 1NC Tablet Shattering day: FDS3 falls over the 1NCs (1998Iyyar19/Tammuz8 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost, +40+40 days and night up mountain = 1998Elul27 inclusively, then 1998Tishri27)
1998Tishri2/Heshvan21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 1NCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21.
1998Heshvan2/Chislev21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed HLCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1886Tishri2/Heshvan21.
1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21: FDS4 (Gordon) appointed/installed to rule over the (adamic and cainian 1AC) 2NCs (1999Heshvan was the Sabbath month. 1999Chislev was the Jubilee month)
2002Nisan16/Sivan5:  LWs failed to be appointed/installed to rule over 1NCs - due to focussing on HyperOs2002 - commercial software and not getting ready. We suffered maledictions due to this failure to be installed over them. We were cut into two, the LWs and Laodicea. And no 1NC or HLC was ever sent to us. Did we take that slot in failure? YES. We were prohibited from ruling over the 1NCs on that date. God cannot have two churches ruling of one group of saints at the same time.
2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (2003Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath. 2003Shebat was an adamic Jubilee month. 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. A Pentecost is a festival Sabbath which is a secular Sabbath. It is not a sacred Sabbath because otherwise one could not be installed upon it! But one cannot prune vines in a Jubilee. So one cannot judge people in law. So one cannot enter into church law on a Jubilee or agree such entry at a later date. So a church cannot be appointed or installed to rule over anyone in a Jubilee month. One cannot sow seed outside the church in the field in a Jubilee. But one can teach in the church obviously (sow seed in the garden). So a church can be appointed/installed to feed in a Jubilee month): Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (after FDS3 and FDS4) for 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Sivan14, the death of adamic Laodiceans during their Abrahamic conversion, 7x 2NC Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel.
2005Sivan14: The Watchtower falls as a true church, 3½ years of the far bank of Daniel12 after it lost its 3EC baptism on 2001Chislev14..
2005Adar10: 2nd 2NC tablet shattering day - FDS4 fell over the 2NCs (2005Chislev21+40+40=2005Adar10 inclusively). Temple burning day for 2NCs (the 10th day of the 5th month of the Tishri1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year), is 2028Shebat10, late Watchtower FRC Passover entry day into the 3rd crop of Revelation22. This MUST be in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar (Gordon over the 2NCs). So FDS4 must have fallen over the 2NCs in time to lose 2006 - see U271-11#38.
2006Iyyar22/Tammuz11: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed 2NCs (2nd after FDS4 - 2006Sivan is the adamic Sabbath month). A first church must fall over the saints before a 2nd church can be appointed to feed those saints.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the adamic Sabbath) is when Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs (the 1st and 2nd slots being taken by FDS3 and FDS4). FDS4 FAILED to be appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs on 2002Nisan16/Sivan5. 2007Ab was the Sabbath month. 10x of testing God to 2017Elul10. Then 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 take us to 2010Chislev26/Tebbeth24, tablet shattering days, 40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from 2010Tishri7/Heshvan5, the 5th/6th 1NC Pentecost - see U112#18.

Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over 2NCs (because they failed the test over the 2NCs just as we failed it over the 1NCs). 2009Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month. Laodicea takes this slot being prohibited to rule over the 2NCs on the installation date. God cannot have two churches ruling over one group of saints at the same time. 2009Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month.
2012Nisan16/Sivan5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam (2012Nisan15 was a Great Sabbath)
2012Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Cain
2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to become Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Sivan16/Ab5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar to non adamic Abraham. 50 months to the Jubilee release on 2016Ab14, when Zoarites die to Abraham and are resurrected to Isaac on 2016Ab16.
2012Tammuz14-16: Cainian to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to became Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed to rule over 1NC reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin which caused them to fall over the 1NCs). They are appointed over angels before they are appointed over humans. 2007Elul11 was NOT the 4th 1NC Pentecost which was 2007Elul9. It was the late 3rd 1NC Pentecost. So the 4th 1NC Pentecost slot is still free to be taken.
2012Ab: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Laodicea - when Laodicea became headed over non adamic Abraham). The Sabbath system ends on 2017Elul10, when the church falls.
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over adamic 1ACs and non adamic Abraham and Cainian 1ACs (having been denied due to the Jubilee on 2012Sivan16 and due to the weekly Sabbath of 2012Tammuz16). The Laodicean Exedenic Times runs from 2013Sivan15/Ab15 to 2020Sivan15/Ab15, starting 12 months of Daniel4:29 after the adamic to abrahamic conversion from 2012Sivan14-16. During this time only Cainian people could join the church because Adam's working week had ended and entrance into Laodicea did not have the non adamic Abrahamic blessing. So no more Abrahamic land was created. The malediction ended after the presence restarted on 2019Elul10. And the presence restarted during the Quad gapped Gentile Times when no non adamic conversion can occur other than through death. So the adamic 1NCs in reappointed Laodicea associate with the church and are under law and are constructively non adamic upon 3EC baptism, begin baptised into the death of the Christ and a non adamic Abrahamic resurrection, But they do not actually become non adamic until death. Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed as a true church before Zoar because it has rulership over the 1NCs, whose collection is more urgent than the 2NCs (and they are senior to us). But Abrahamic Zoar is senior to Abrahamic Laodicea for 2NC appointments, since it is the church of that covenant.
2012Ab22/Tishri11: Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318. 1NC appointments to feed should precede 2NC appointments to feed. God is patriarchal.
2012Elul: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Zoar - when Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2012Elul16/Heshvan5: Zoar (FDS4, LWs) appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. These dates are Zoar first fruits and the Zoar Pentecost. The adamic LWs had to die on 2012Sivan14, after 6,000 years of Adam working as a priest from 3989Sivan5. Then we became non adamic Abrahamic on 2012Sivan16. But could not be reappointed over adamic 1ACs on that day ( as a non adamic church) because 2012Sivan was an adamic Jubilee. Neither could it be appointed over the 1ACs on 2012Tammuz16 because that was a weekly Sabbath. Neither could it be appointed on 2012Ab16, because Laodicea takes that date to be appointed over adamic 1ACs and over non adamic Abraham and over cainian 1ACs - all flavours of Abraham basically. So Zoar did not become a true church until 2012Elul16. Actually the LWs did not fall as a true church on 2012Sivan14. The cainian brothers kept it going until 2012Tammuz14, when it again did not fall as a true church, it merely ended by having nobody left in it. Then on 2012Tammuz16, the cainian brothers finished becoming non adamic Abrahamic. YES

2012Chislev2/Shebat21: Abrahamic Zoar (new group) is appointed/installed to rule over all 2NCs (an old group). 2012Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month which does not apply to a non adamic church. But 1999Tebbeth21 was already taken
Abrahamic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs (2012Tebbeth is a Sabbath month which does not stop appointments/installations to feed). 
Abrahamic Zoar appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs. (2012Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. 2012Shebat2 and 2012Adar21 were weekly Sabbaths. 2012Adar was the Abrahamic Laodicean monthly Sabbath. 2013Nisan was the Abrahamic Zoar monthly Sabbath). Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318
2016Ab14-16: Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion for all Zoarites, in the 50th month of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease over Abraham, the Jubilee release from the lease. Offer him up there to burnt offering upon one of the mountains (1x+3x=4x not to the month - Genesis22). This is the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee release. 2016Ab15 is a Great Sabbath. 2016Ab is the 3rd Jubilee of the 3rd Holy Spirit, the 3rd post original ARC lease Jubilee. . 
2016Tishri: The Zero month for the Isaaic (Zoar) Sabbath system (when Isaaic Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2016Tishri1: New Isaaic sacred year starts. So the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release is 2024Shebat10.
2016Tishri16/Chislev5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Abraham. 2016Tishri is an Abrahamic Laodicean Jubilee month.
2016Chislev16/Shebat5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Isaac. 2016Heshvan16 was the weekly Sabbath.
Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (5th after FDS3, FDS4, Laodicea, Abrahamic FDS4). Isaaic Zoar becomes Abib to the 1NCs in the sense of 'eared' for food rather than 'headed' for rulership
2016Tebbeth2/Adar21: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over all 2NCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath which does not apply to a non adamic church.
Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath, which has no effect on appointments/installations to feed.
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence).
2019Ab1: Laodicea is reaccepted as a true church, 36 days of the starting bank before 2019Elul7, the start of the 3EC for 1NCs, then 2019Elul10 is the restart of the 2nd presence (the baptism of the 2nd 1NC), after the 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 has ended.
2019Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled over Abraham. Cain could enter it (as could 1NCs but not HLCs or 2NCs) due to the Gentile Times preventing Jesus from being Caesar and making Adam non adamic other than through death and resurrection. AND due to the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 and due to the one woman one son aspect of Solomon's judging in 1Kings3 see U296. The 2NCs did not enter into reverted Laodicea until 2020Tebbeth11, after Jesus was installed as Caesar to Adam and Cain. So although Peter resurrected Dorcas when Jesus was not her Caesar, during demon possession, that appears to be a special case rather than a general rule. So reappointed Laodicea had Cain and Abraham as did Abraham Laodicea. It was the same church just reappointed, so we keep the same appointment/installation slot, one per church. There was only one type of saint in the church (1 son of one woman of 1Kings3)
2019Ab21/Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 being Atonement day): Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the 1NC reserves. YES: 2019Ab was not an Abrahamic Sabbath month. Laodiceas Ab1 Sabbath system ended when the church fell and then restarted in reappointed and Reverted Laodicea. 
2019Ab27: Reverted Laodicea is appointed over the 1ACs (as a true church), 9½ months of the starting bank before 2020Sivan12, their theft of the 4EC baptism. The descended Charles Russell, visits them on the first Sabbath of Reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20.
2019Adar21/2020Iyyar16: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed and to rule over the 1NCs
2020Sivan21/Ab10: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs (having passed the 3½ year feeding test over the 1NCs). This being the 2nd HLC appointment after FDS3 and 2020Iyyar16 being taken for the installation to rule 1NCs. A church can be appointed/installed to feed one group on the same day as to rule another. But it cannot be appointed/installed to rule two different groups on the same day.
2020Tammuz19/Elul8: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs.
2020Ab16/Tishri5: Reverted Laodicea was appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. It is the same church as Abrahamic Laodicea. One appointment date per church. 2020Tishri was the adamic monthly Jubilee.

The 3rd Holy Spirit is not appointed/installed over 2NCs. Because they are our angelic fathers individually. So have paternal authority over us - NOPE
2026Elul16/Heshvan5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Abraham in Zoar at the Abrahamic Zoar and Isaaic Zoar Pentecost. This is 2357 days of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 before 2033Iyyar22 - see U902.
2026Tishri16/Chislev5: 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed/installed over Isaac in Zoar at the Isaaic Zoar installation over Isaac Pentecost (2026Tishri is an Isaaic Zoar Sabbath month. OK because installing the Holy Spirit over a church is a release from work for everybody rather than an additional sacred burden). 
2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The Kingdom of God under Jehovah is appointed/installed over Abraham
2008Nisan, 2012Sivan, 2016Ab, 2020Tishri, 2024Chislev, 2028Shebat, 2033Nisan are Adamic Jubilees.
2016Tishri was the Jubilee of Abrahamic Laodicea.
2020Chislev, 2024Shebat, 2029Nisan are Isaaic Zoar's  Jubilees.

Appointments to rule are only over those in the church. For one has to agree to church law in order to be under it
Appointments to feed a salvation covenant group are to all those in that covenant wherever they are. For Abraham received double light at contest noon of 1Kings18 from Abrahamic Laodicea and from Abrahamic Zoar.
Laodicea was never appointed/reinstalled to rule over non adamic Isaac It never became Isaaic. The 3EC does not have that capability PERIOD. The 3rd Holy Spirit must be baptised by Zoar in order to become Isaaic79.

Born physically 1957Elul16 Friday 13th September midnight and this was 616 day Hebrew!
(0) Born into the 1AC 1966Nisan Baptised into the 1AC from heaven aged 9 by Hebrew counting. This is 4 years after the youngest age one can be dew baptised.
(11) Commissioned to build the temple of FDS4 and Born into the 4EC 1977Sivan10 1NC Pentecost Gordon baptised from heaven as Elijah4. Aged 19 by modern counting and 20 by Hebrew counting (20 is the minimum age to be a priest). He was confirmed into the church of England at around 16/17 years old. So it was OK to take communion because he was not yet being looked at from a spirit baptism test standpoint. And even if he had been spirit baptised whilst in the Church of England, it would still have been OK so long as he did not join himself to a false church after his spirit baptism. Adamics can be sanctified at 20 years old. Non adamics must wait until 30. Gordon became 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning on 1976Tishri1 having been born on 1957Elul16 (September13th around midnight)
(0) Gordon sanctified and 2NC made with Gordon at the 2NC Assembly 1989Tishri22 Formal Assembly, the 2NC assembly, the last Mosaic festival of the year. Gordon sanctified from heaven as the mediator of the 2NC, 33½ years of the fundamental pattern before the inauguration of Solomon's temple. Gordon was 33 years old by Hebrew reckoning. This was a year or so after the JWs knocked on his door. You have to be sanctified into a spirit covenant. You cannot just be sanctified. And God cannot make a spirit covenant with an unsanctified person, for he is the God of the living not of the dead. So Gordon's sanctification and the 2NC were coincident.
Gordon sees the Kingdom of God 1991Shebat21 One cannot see the Kingdom of God without being born again. And Gordon saw the Exedenic Times and the Midst prophecy and the corresponding ransom in early 1992 (Gregorian).
Witness starts 1992Elul11 Letter to the society hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud. 1260 days of Revelation11 begin.
Letter telling Watchtower that Gordon was Bezalel 1992Chislev1 Last letter of first campaign 'Large Stone' was dated 1992Chislev1. Massoud and Gordon realised they were priests in 1992Chislev - Gordon thinks
Baptised into the Watchtower 1993Tammuz18 Saturday afternoon July 10th. Crystal Palace summer convention.
Witness ends 1995Adar11 1260 days of Revelation 11 of feeding in sackcloth and ashes from 1992Elul11 end (Gordon Disfellowshipped)
(30) Appointed/installed to feed 2NCs 1996Nisan18/Sivan7 FDS4 is appointed/installed to feed ALL the 2NCs at the proper time. FDS4 was Gordon at that point. One cannot be appointed over 2NCs whilst in a 1NC church.
Not the end of old 1NC system. But the fall of FDS3 over the 1NCs. It becomes  ES2 1998Tishri27  FDS3 is judged. Because the lord's evening meal was deliberately celebrated 3x incorrectly by a bunch of status seeking idolaters posing as 1NC saints. Gordon informed the Watchtower how to celebrate it on 1994Nisan3 and told them they would be held accountable for their 1995 memorial sin on 1995Nisan10. But this did not give them enough time to make any changes in that year. So they denied the Christ accountably 'in that night' on 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1997Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14 and then Gordon was appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21. Sentence is passed upon FDS3 and the stone tablet of their law is smashed on the 40+40th day inclusively after 2nd or the late 1NC Pentecost following the pattern prophetically enacted by Moses - see U200. That is 1998Elul27/29. The Watchtower loses its authority over all the saints, Jesus' belongings. 
Appointed/installed to feed 1NCs 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 Gordon/FDS4 is appointed/installed to feed 1NC reserves (FDS3 was not appointed over 1NC reserves - whom they do not accept) at the proper time after 3 accountable Passover denials of the Christ in that night on 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14, 1997Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14 (not 4). FDS4 was Gordon at this point. Then Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs on 2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21 (3rd after FDS3 and FDS4)
Worldwide 1999Elul26  Gordon decided to start evangelising to the world rather than just the Watchtower on 1999Elul26 on the basis of Revelation6 incorrectly. But correctly perhaps from the 7 year Jewish exclusivity on Christianity from 29Tishri10 to 36Tishri14
(33½y+) Interposing Sabbath 1999Tishri1 Interposing festival Sabbath of Rosh Hashana. 
(33½y+first fruits) 2NC first fruits 1999Tishri2 
2NC First fruits. FDS4 (Gordon) is appointed as king over ALL 2NCs - being the mediator of the 2NC.This is some, not yet all, of the belongings of Jesus (the sons of the JAC, the saints). The day directly after the Rosh Hashana festival Sabbath of 1999Tishri1.
2NC Pentecost or thereabouts 1999Heshvan19-21 www.bibledecoded.com goes live. LW web constant feature begins. Our church law is defined by this website. You cannot have a constant feature without having a temple or at least an altar. So the temple of FDS4 is this website! And updating the website is our constant feature.
(33½y+Pentecost + 60 days) 3rd 2NC Pentecost 1999Tebbeth21 FDS4 (Gordon) is installed as King over the proselyte call 2NCs (none of whom are yet baptised into the 4EC. But plenty of them are baptised into the 3EC). 1999Heshvan was a Sabbath month and 1999Chislev was a Jubilee month. These bump the installation to rule forward to 1999Tebbeth.
Birth (Proselyte call) 1999Tebbeth21 Manasseh (from Joseph who is AOL/Caleb to Gordon's Jacob), 60 month 2NC Proselyte call to anyone with a water baptism in a true church. The call runs to 2004Tebbeth21. So this does not apply to Laodiceans, whose water baptised congregation began on 2005Adar1. But it does apply to the JWs up until 2001Chislev14, the end of their 3EC water baptism, and to LWs after 2000Elul16.
(11) Commissioned to build Solomon's temple  2000Tishri  2000Elul16/Tishri16: 2nd and 3rd LWs are 4EC baptised. LW congregation begins. The 2nd LW was not a 2NC. 
Birth (midway between 2NC Pentecost and the Gentile call) 2001Tammuz20/21  n/a
Missed appointment/installation 2002Nisan16/Sivan5  FDS4 FAILS to be appointed/installed over the 1NCs - due to Gordon focussing on HyperOs rather than God's work. So this appointment/installation slot was not taken.. 
(37y+60 days) Birth 2003Sivan14 Ephraim (from Joseph, who is AOL/Caleb to Gordon's Jacob), 100 month 2NC 'Gentile' call, to those sons of the 1AC in the church of Melchizedek, who are not worshipping as Jews, i.e. not in a true church and not worshipping as Samaritans, i.e. not in an ex true church. So JWs and LWs and Roman Catholics are excluded from this call if they remain in those churches throughout the call. They must be spiritual virgins, i.e. never have joined a false church during this call, and they must have not defiled themselves with women (put their non sterile semen into a fertile woman without a marital agreement after having been water baptised). This call must be 100 months long rather than 60, in order that the 2NC woman of Mark5 has a flow of blood for 12 years - see Intro35
Appointment/Installation 2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21 Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the 1NC reserves (2nd to Elijah4). FDS4 is cut in two. 2003Tebbeth21 occurred in the Sabbath month of 2003Tebbeth and 2003Shebat was the Jubilee month. Neither of these delays an installation to feed. One cannot be appointed or installed to rule upon a sacred Sabbath or Jubilee. One can be appointed and installed to feed.
Birth  2004Tebbeth21 End of 60 month Proselyte call of Manasseh into the 2NC
Appointment/Installation 2007Sivan22/Elul11 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost: Laodicea appointed/installed to rule over the 1NC reserves (2nd after FDS3, FDS4 having failed to be so appointed/installed)
Laodicea falls over the 1NC reserves 2010Heshvan28/Chislev26 Tablet shattering day. 40+40 days inclusively after 2010Elul9/Tishri7, the 4th/5th 1NC Pentecost. This is 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 from 2007Tammuz6
Birth 2011Tishri14 End of 100 month Gentile call into the 2NC from 2003Sivan14 to 1ACs outside a true church.
Abrahamic restoration Passover entrance 2012Sivan10 All adamic LWs and Laodiceans are entered into the Abrahamic restoration Passover as victims
Abrahamic restoration Passover 2012Sivan14 All adamic LWs and Laodiceans die to Adam and lose not their 1AC and 4EC salvation status and priesthood but the church loses its appointments to feed and to rule..
Heavenly Sign 2012Sivan15 Venusian Transit. Venus was the Roman Goddess of love.
Jubilee Restoration 2012Sivan16 All ex adamic LWs and Laodiceans become non adamic Abrahamic restored due to the Jubilee and due to the love of God.
Abrahamic restoration Passover 2012Tammuz14 All cainian LWs and Laodiceans die to Cain and lose nothing,
Jubilee Restoration 2012Tammuz16 All ex cainian LWs and Laodiceans become non adamic Abrahamic restored due to the Jubilee and due to the love of God.
Appointment/Installation 2012Tammuz17/Elul6 Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs
Malediction 2013Sivan15/Ab15
Laodicean Exedenic Times, starting 12 months of Daniel4:29 after 2012Sivan14-16/Ab16, preventing the Adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea.
Non adamic appointment/installation 2012Ab16/Tishri5 Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over non adamic Arbaham (2012Tammuz16 was the weekly Sabbath)
Appointment/Installation 2012Elul16/Heshvan5 Zoar late first fruits/late Pentecost: Zoar is appointed/installed as a true church over non adamic Abraham.
  2013Adar10 Laodicea loses its 4EC water baptism, the 2nd presence ends.
Spying 2015Shebat21 12x precisely of spying upon the LWs with impunity for LW food ends, a year to date for a spy. 
Spying test 2015Shebat21 - 2016Nisan1 40 day spying test upon Laodicea, to see if they can make their own food
Non adamic body upgrade 2016Ab14-16 Abrahamic LWs NOT Laodiceans get non adamic Isaaic bodies
Appointment/installation 2016Tishri16/Chislev5 Isaaic Zoar (Isaaic FDS4, the LWs) is appointed/installed to rule over non adamic Abraham
Appointment/installation 2016Chislev16/Shebat5 Isaaic Zoar (Isaaic FDS4, the LWs) is appointed/installed to rule over non adamic Isaac (Laodicea was appointed/installed over Abraham on 2012Ab16/Tishri5)
Appointment/installation 2016Tebbeth2/Adar21 Isaaic Zoar (Isaaic FDS4, the LWs) is appointed/installed to rule over the Isaaic 2NCs
Appointment/installation 2016Tebbeth2/Shebat21 Isaaic FDS4 is appointed/installed to feed the 1NC reserves but not to rule over them. None of them join the church until 2026Elul16. But Abraham returned to the 2 young men of Genesis 22:19 after sacrificing Isaac - see U318
Appointment/installation 2016Shebat2/Adar21 Isaaic Zoar (Isaaic FDS4, the LWs) is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath, which has no effect on appointments/installations to feed.
Fall 2017Elul10 Laodicea falls as a true church
Malediction 2017Tishri15 LW Exedenic Times begins and runs to 2024Tishri15 (1st day of Isaaic Zoar Cakes to 1st day of Isaaic Zoar Cakes)
Malediction 2017Tishri15 LW Gentile Times begins and runs to 2024Tishri15 (1st day of Booths to 1st day of Booths)
First fruits 2019Tammuz2 Pastor Zach baptised on the 2nd day of the 2nd month of the 4th Sivan1 year of non adamic Abraham from 2012Sivan1
Re-appointment 2019Ab1 Laodicea reappointed as a true church
Re-appointment/Reinstallation 2019Ab21/Tishri10 Laodicea reappointed/reinstalled over 1NCs
Appointment 2019Ab27 non adamic Sodom appointed as a true church
Passover execution/Resurrection 2019Tishri14/15/17 3rd bride 1NCs are executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 3rd 1NC marriage. This is the birds of the heavens going in by 7,7
Passover execution/Resurrection 2019Heshvan15/22 4th bride 1NCs are executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 4th 1NC marriage. 
Passover execution/Resurrection 2019Chislev15/20 5th bride 1NCs are executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 5th 1NC marriage. 
Passover execution/Resurrection 2019Tebbeth15/18 6th bride 1NCs are executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 6th 1NC marriage. 
Installation 2019Shebat9 5th bride installed at the 5th marriage Pentecost. The non late 3rd Holy Spirit is installed in a heavenly capacity (during the Sabbath month)
Birth 2019Shebat10 End of the 3EC baptism for reappointed Laodicea
Fall 2019Adar16 Laodicea falls as a true church, 200 Denarii of loaves (true church food) from its reappointment to feed the 1NCs on 2019Ab21.
Entry 2020Sivan12 HLC Saints start entering into non adamic Sodom (Reverted Laodicea)
Entry 2020Sivan14 1NC Saints start entering into non adamic Sodom (Reverted Laodicea)
Passover execution/Resurrection 2020Tammuz14/15/19 7th bride 1NCs are executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 7th 1NC marriage. 
7th 1NC Marriage 2020Tammuz19 Marriage in the bridal chamber in the ark. Feast down here on earth
7th 1NC Marriage feast 2020Tammuz19-25 7th 1NC marriage feast on earth
Passover execution/Resurrection 2020Ab14/15/17 1st HLC bride is executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 1st HLC marriage (HLC administration)
Marriage feast 2020Ab17-23 1st HLC marriage feast. 
Passover execution/Resurrection 2020Elul14/15/22 2nd HLC bride is executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 2nd HLC marriage (HLC congregation)
Passover execution/Resurrection 2020Tishri14/15/20 3rd HLC bride is executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 3rd HLC marriage (late HLC administration)
Passover 2020Heshvan14 4th HLC marriage Passover (during the Sabbath month)
Passover execution/Resurrection 2020Heshvan14/15/18 4th HLC bride is executed/resurrected into Ark2/transferred to Ark3 for the 4th HLC marriage (late HLC congregation)
Marriage 2020Heshvan18 4th HLC marriage. Wedding of Cana (place of reeds).
Marriage feast 2020Heshvan18-24 4th HLC marriage feast on earth
Birth 2020Tebbeth11 First 2NC is 3EC baptised into no adamic Sodom, 300 +300 Denarii of perfumed oil on Jesus feet before 2022Elul11, the end of their entry, 30 pieces of silver precisely after 1992Elul11, when Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn
Water into wine 2020Heshvan25 4th HLC marriage veil lifting and martial supper day. 30 month Benjamin call into reverted Laodicea to be 2NC reserves begins. the water of the 3EC is turned into the wine of the 2NC
Birth 2021Sivan16 Last Laodicean enters into reverted Laodicea at the end of the seizing of the 450 prophets of Baal, from 2019Adar16.
Birth 2022Elul11 Last 2NC enters into non adamic Sodom, 300 +300 Denarii of oil on feet of John12 end.
Birth 2023Iyyar25 30 month Benjamin call into Reverted Laodicea to be 2NC reserves ends
End of Church 2023Tishri21 The fall of Reverted Laodicea. It becomes non adamic Sodom.
Solomon's temple accepted 2023Adar14 We saw and published the 500th main prediction for the 2nd fire sign ( 2024Tebbeth2-Shebat21) and the 3rd fire sign ( 2024Adar21/VeAdar21) of 1Kings18
Solomon's temple accepted 2024Nisan21/22 We saw/ published the 501st main prediction for the 2nd fire sign (20242Shebat2-Adar21) and the 3rd fire sign (2025Nisan21).
End of Malediction 2024Tishri15 The end of the LW Exedenic Times preventing our 4EC baptism from becoming Isaaic.
End of Malediction 2024Tishri15 The end of the LW Gentile Times preventing Jesus from rapturing the 2NCs
Rapture 2024Tebbeth16-20 The Gentile call 2NCs are raptured into the ark during Booths of the Tebbeth1 secular year, due to Leviticus 23:43, honouring Jesus extracting them by ark rapture.
Rapture 2024Shebat15-20 The Abrahamic Laodicean 2NCs are raptured into the ark during late Booths of the Tebbeth1 secular year, due to Leviticus 23:43, honouring Jesus extracting them by ark rapture.
Rock Mass laid 2024VeAdar2 Elijah4 laid as rock mass of temple of Solomon
Birth 2024VeAdar2 The Isaac 4EC baptism of Caleb (AOL).  
Rock Mass installed 2024VeAdar2-9 Elijah4 is installed as the rock mass of Solomon's temple. He is Solomon for this time.
Birth 2024VeAdar10 1st row baptism day for non adamic sacrificial restoration at the Passover
Apostolic altar of Solomon finished 2024VeAdar10-14 Last 6½½ 2NC apostles baptised with sacrifice delayed until 2024VeAdar14. They die to Abraham at the Passover, and are gene zapped to become non adamic Isaaic.
Rapture 2024VeAdar15-20 The LW 2NCs are raptured into the ark during late Booths due to Leviticus 23:43. This keeps them from the hour of the test, which starts for them with Mark Registration day on 2024VeAdar21/22. 
Temple of Solomon accepted 2024Shebat2-Adar21
The 2nd fire sign 
Temple of Solomon accepted 2025Nisan21 The 3rd fire sign. 
Administration Change 2025Iyyar21 The operational inauguration of Solomon's temple as regards the gifts of the spirit, at the late 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 secular year.
Administration Change 2026Ab5 Peter is baptised into Zoar by Caleb his firstborn human angelic son.
Birth 2026Elul16-Heshvan5 The 3rd Holy Spirit is baptised into the L:Ws. Each 2NC baptises his 1NC angelic father.
Birth 2026Tishri5 The end of the 4EC baptism (other than of the 3rd Holy Spirit), 574 days of Bethzatha from 2024VeAdar2, the start of the Isaaic 4EC baptism (of Caleb).
Administration Change 2026Heshvan5 The 3rd Holy Spirit takes Abrahamic Zoar over (2026Heshvan is an Isaaic Sabbath month - but that would not stop an installation of the 3rd Holy Spirit which is a release not a burden).
Administration Change 2026Chislev5 The 3rd Holy Spirit takes Isaaic Zoar over
Marriage 2028Shebat2 The 1st 2NC marriage
Marriage 2028Adar2 The 2nd 2NC marriage
Marriage 2029Nisan2 The ELC marriage
Church ends 2031Nisan5 Zoar ends 4½x of the far bank after 2026Tishri5, the end of the 4EC water baptism for humans.

One CAN be installed to rule over a group of saints that has yet to be called or has been called but is not yet in the church ! That is what happened with the 1NCs and FDS4.
One can be appointed/installed to feed anybody
FDS4 was appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7 and to rule over ALL 2NCs on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21.

Gordon realised he was a first horseman of the apocalypse on 1999 September 9th in the Canary Islands in the evening (1999Elul26)
www.bibledecoded.com went live on 1999Heshvan21 (plus or minus a couple of days). It was first advertised by Direct Fax to New York State on 2000 January 25th (1999Shebat13/14). 

12 year flow of blood of the woman in Mark 5 is 12 years from 1999Tebbeth21 (the start of the proselyte call into the 2NC) to 2011Tishri14 (the end of the Gentile call into the 2NC).

The 12 year old Maiden to whom it was said: Talitha Cumi, is the Laodicean 2nd presence true 1NC reserves - maidens, spiritual virgins etc. 13 years from 2006Sivan14, the start of the 2nd presence to 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd. But she died to Adam on 2012Sivan14 so lost one year? having not live continuously through it? Ages are counted in secular years. 

The proselyte call occurs at the 3rd hour of the Pentecost since Matthew 20 requires it - see U192 and since there were not proselytes on 33Nisan16. the first proselytes joined TCC1 on 33Sivan5, the sojourners from Rome of Acts2. Pentecost is a first ripe fruits festival, or a sealing festival, hence the apostles were sealed on 33Sivan5. The first proselytes who were baptised on 33Sivan5 were called on that day after the 3rd hour.

If a person joins a synagogue and does not leave before the call starts then they are considered to be a Jew for that call.. 

The 1st presence TCC1 and FDS2

TCC1 fed for 50 years of the sitting in groups and leek beds of 50 of the feeding of the 5,000 of Mark6 before they lost their leek green water baptism and became chlorine yellow green grass. 

39 And he ordered them to make recline all, company company [literally symposiums, symposiums], on the greenish/yellow [clwroj] grass [watered/dry grass - so with/without a water baptism].
And they reclined squares [prasia] squares [prasia] [literally garden plot, garden plot, or a bed of leeks, a bed of leeks], by 100, and by 50. (Mark 6 ED)

The Greek word for green is prasinoj which means leek-green. Liddell and Scott has...

L35576 prasia, prasia pra±sia,, Ionic Greek. &ih,, h`, (pra,son) properly a bed of leeks: generally, a garden-plot, Homer's Odyssey.:-metaphorically., prasiai. prasiai, in companies or groups, New Testament. 
L35578 pra,sinoj prasinoj pra,sinoj(&on; leek-green, light green***
L35581 pra,son prason PRA´SON Îa±Ð( to,, a leek, Latin: porrum, Aristotle.

L46332 clwro,j clwroj clwro,j, poët. cloero,j, a,( o,n, (clo,h) greenish-yellow (like young grass or leaves), pale-green, light-green, green, grassy, Homer's Odyssey., Sophocles., Euripides.; si,tou e;ti clwrou/ o;ntoj Thucydides.
2. yellow, of honey, Homer; avmfi. clwra.n ya,maqon on the yellow sand, Sophocles.
II. generally, pale, pallid, bleached, clwro.j u`pai. dei,ouj Il.;-then, as an epithet of fear, clwro.n de,oj Homer:-yellow, pallid, of persons affected by the plague, Thucydides.

So the leek green would be with a water baptism - which they sat down with in groups of 50 and 100. But Jesus instructs them to continue reclining on the chlorine yellow-green grass after the water baptism ends until the church becomes false - when he can give them no instruction.

Jesus was appointed/installed to feed 1NCs on 29Tishri2/Heshvan21. John did baptize at least 6,000 1NCs since there are 6,000 1NC reserves from the first presence half of a tribe of 12,000 of Revelation7 (all of whom were baptized by him personally - since his baptism was intransitive). 

1 When, now, the Lord became aware that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John --
2 although, indeed, Jesus himself did no baptizing but his disciples did -- (John 4 NWT)

This was after the 12 apostles were called since Jesus baptized through them. Also Herod beheaded John before he heard the report of how famous Jesus had become. So John was murdered quite early in Jesus' ministry. So perhaps John had baptised 5,000 1NC reserves before Jesus was installed to feed or perhaps Jesus had 5,000 disciples to feed in late 29 AD. So the 50 years of Mark5 of 5,000 reclining upon green grass would run from late 29 to 79, when the 1EC water baptism ended.

So a 3½ or 4½ year bank of Daniel12 from end of water baptism would run from 79Tishri14/Heshvan14 to 83/84Nisan14/Iyyar14. The 1NC saints should all be harvested by Tishri14, the last day of the harvest before the first Sabbath of Booths. And the first 1NC Christian church (TCC1 which became the Roman Catholic Church) would fall on Nisan14 seeing as the 2nd 1NC Christian church (the Watchtower) fell on Iyyar14, the 2nd Passover.

So the far bank runs from 79Tishri14 to 83/84Nisan14

18 Therefore, in answer, the Jews said to him: What sign have you to show us, since you are doing these things?
In answer Jesus said to them: Break down this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up.
20 Therefore the Jews said: This temple was built in 46 years, and will you raise it up in 3 days?
21 But he was talking about the temple of his body (John 2).

In the literal meaning, this was the physical human body of Jesus which was broken by the Jews and then resurrected in 3 days. In the greater meaning it was the church, the temple of TCC1 which was broken by the spiritual Jews, the sons of the JAC, the new covenant saints, who became a harlot church fornicating with Rome to become the Roman Catholic church after 46 years. Then Jesus builds 3 more churches on 3 further days, these being the churches of FDS2, FDS3 and FDS4. So it took 46 years to build Jesus' body in TCC1 by water baptism which would run from 33Nisan16 to 79Tishri14/Heshvan14, 46 Nisan1 sacred year starts. Herod's temple (which took 46 years to build, was a rebuilt of Zerubbabel's temple, which must have been broken down. 'Break down this temple' shows the temple existed before Jesus was sacrificed. It was the temple of his body. So it began on 29Tishri10. But it was the rebuild of Jesus' body that took 46 years just as Herod's rebuild of Zerubbabel's temple took 46 years. So there are 46 years of 1EC water baptism from 33Nisan16 to 79Tishri14, which is 3½/4½ times of Daniel12 before the fall of TCC1 (by then the Roman Catholic Church) as a true church.

Since the earthly fulfilment of the length of the two banks of the vision of Daniel12 is so obviously ambiguous (being either 3½x or 4½x from the dual or the Hebrew plural and from the time times and a half rather than time times and half a time) it follows that if the 2nd presence banks are 3½ years long then the first presence banks are 4½ year long and conversely. 

Alternatively, in the first presence, the 1290 days of verse 11 from the removal of the constant feature (the disgusting thing causing desolation having been set up) to the end of something cannot be the end of the Jewish system in 70 AD, because the 1EC baptism continued for 46 years of John2 after 33Nisan16, the rebuilding of Jesus' body temple and for a green (water baptised) leek bed of 50 years of Mark6 from late 29 AD, when Jesus was feeding 5,000 1NC saints (baptised by John) to 79.  And the constant feature falls after the baptism. So it must be the end of TCC1 as a true church. So the first presence banks must be longer than 1290 days and are therefore 4½ years long. so the far bank of TCC1 ran from 79Tishri14 to 84Nisan14.

But the vision of Daniel12 is symmetric so the ICC capability of the law of Moses ended on 24Chislev10, 4½x before John started baptising on 29Sivan10, the 1NC Pentecost.

TCC4: 50 days from 2026Tishri16, 4th row laying day, when 5,000 1NCs are in Zoar, to 2026Chislev5, when the 3rd Holy Spirit is given Isaaic Zoar - see U271-11#6.

The 1st presence ran from from 29Tishri10 to 159Tishri10 - with 10 year gap of Peter's stretched out hands. It is not split 4½ and 5½ like the 2nd presence is, because there was no further presence at the end of the split first presence. So the time, times and a half of Daniel12 applies to the width of the stream when the gap in the presence is split but not when it is not split. And Laodicea was literal in the first presence - so there is no Laodicean betrayal or Laodicean part to the first presence. So the first presence restarted on 89Tishri14. 

The TCC1 and TCC3 2300 evening and mornings of Daniel8 have evening fulfilments as follows...

11 And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down
12 And [the] army was given over, together with the constant [feature], due to transgression. And it kept throwing truth to the ground, and it acted and had success.
13 And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: How long will the vision be [of] the constant [feature] and the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on?
14 So he said to me: Until evening [and] morning 2300, and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition/restored (Daniel 8).

ES1 compromises with Rome (the Catholic - meaning universal - church)
1NCs ride the 7 hills of Rome as a harlot church
The first Bishop of Rome, Pope St. Linus becomes its head      1290 days of Daniel12:11 before the fall of TCC1 as a true church         4½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 79Tishri14, the end of the 1EC water baptism
Transgression causing desolation to TCC1                                 Constant feature of Acceptable evangelism is removed                           TCC1 falls as a true church
68January15/16 AD  (67Tebbeth20)                                             80August19/20  AD (80Elul14)                                                                    84Nisan14
                    4600 Solar Days of Daniel8                                            1290 BLC days of Daniel12 (The Time of the End of TCC1)

The Catholic Encylopedia has St. Linus as the first Pope after St. Peter (who was never a Pope). And has St. Linus ruling from 67-76 - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12272b.htm
Wikipedia has St Linus becoming Pope in 64 or 68 AD.

"According to the earliest succession lists of Bishops of Rome passed down by Irenaeus of Lyons (c180 AD) and Hegesippus (c160) and attested by the historian Eusebius (c260-340) he (St. Linus) was entrusted with his office by the apostles Peter and Paul after they had established the Christian church in Rome. By this primitive reckoning he was therefore the first Pope. But from the late 2nd or early 3rd century the convention began of regarding St. Peter is first Bishop" - The Oxford Dictionary of Popes 2005 JND Kelly and M Walsh 

7 But, on the contrary, when they saw that I had entrusted to me the good news for those who are uncircumcised, just as Peter [had it] for those who are circumcised --
8 for He who gave Peter powers necessary for an apostleship to those who are circumcised gave powers also to me for those who are of the nations;
9 yes, when they came to know the undeserved kindness that was given me, James and Cephas and John, the ones who seemed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of sharing together, that we should go to the nations, but they to those who are circumcised. (Galatians 2 NWT)

So Peter was never the Bishop of Rome!!

"The blessed apostles, then, having founded and built up the Church, committed into the hands of Linus the office of the episcopate. Of this Linus, Paul makes mention in the Epistles to Timothy. To him succeeded Anacletus; and after him, in the third place from the apostles, Clement was allotted the bishopric" - Irenaeus against Heresies Book 3 chapter 3. 

21 Do your utmost to arrive before winter. Eubulus sends you his greetings, and [so do] Pudens and Linus and Claudia and all the brothers. (2 Timothy 4 NWT)

The UN has 7 secretary generals (U Thant to Antonio Guterres) ridden by the Vatican with the blasphemous name of the Holy see. The Vatican gained permanent UN observer status on 1964April6 (1964Nisan22/23) during the tenure of U Thant.. 

UN accepts Watchtower application to join them as an NGO
associated with the UN Department of Public Information.
Watchtower rides the beast as a harlot and puts the throne of Satan
in the temple of Jehovah. Transgression causing desolation
to FDS3 to make the holy place and the army things to trample on
Army released to Satan - not serving God any more just build the size of the church for men
End of acceptance of Watchtower Field Service.
JW lose the ability to baptise into the 1AC but remain 1ACs until the church falls
The constant feature of the Watchtower is rejected by God
Abomination causing desolation placed - what?
2004September1 (new field service year starts)
End of the ARC world
Michael's 6000 year
ARC lease ends
Christian Churches go
from bad to worse
4600 solar days of Daniel8 1290 days of the Time of the End of the 6000 year ARC lease, the world of Michael


FDS2 (calls to Bilhah are physical and the Zilpah are spiritual)

This pattern hinges on the baptism of Paul from heaven as Elijah2 at the 1NC Pentecost after after Jesus appeared to him on 36Nisan16. The end of the first presence is 120 years plus a 10 year gap precisely of Peter's stretched out hands of John21 after Jesus' baptism on 29Tishri10. So it ends on 159Tishri10. FDS2 feeds the 5,000 1NCs not for 100 years but for 50 years of Mark6 from 109 to 159Tishri10. They reclined by 50s and by 100s: TCC1 for 50 years, TCC2 for 50 years, TCC3 for 100 years, Laodicea for 100 months, TCC4 for 50 days. It was not easy to get 5,000 1NCs into TCC2. Peter only joined on 89Nisan14.

The part 2nd 3rd and 4th parts of the 2nd presence in Laodicea were: 2006Sivan14 to 2013Adar10 + 2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10 + 2020Sivan12-2020Heshvan14: 103 months. So 5,000 were fed for 100 of these. The presence of the Christ means the presence of 2 water baptised 1NC or HLC saints in a true church.

Born  15Tishri2 to 16Tishri1  Paul born
Vision  36Nisan16  Jesus appears to Paul on the Road to Damascus 1080 days (3 times) of 1Corithians15 after he was resurrected as a human on 33Nisan16.
Born  36Nisan22  First fruits: Paul 1EC baptised into TCC1, 3 days of physical blindness + 3 days of spiritual blindness after the appearance.
(0+Pentecost) Born  36Sivan11 1NC Pentecost: Paul water baptised from heaven as Elijah2 at the 1NC Pentecost after Jesus appeared to him and he described himself as if being one born prematurely by Caesarian wound. This must have been after he became 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning (like Russell and Gordon) on 35Tishri1
(11) Commissioned  47Nisan17  1NC first fruits. Paul commissioned to build FDS2 worship system
Slave covenant of Bilhah made with Paul around this time. Paul is the mediator of Bilhah the Earthly Lord Covenant, the ELC.
(30) Appointed to feed ELCs 66Nisan22 1NC first fruits
Gentile Demon possession begins 66Sivan10 7th Sabbath of 1NC Weeks, isomorphic with 29Heshvan20, the 7th Sabbath of 2NC Weeks, when Satan tested Jesus at the start of his 2000 days of possession.
(30) Installed to feed ELCs 66Sivan11 1NC Pentecost
(30+) Not the end of system. But the fall of FDS1 which becomes ES1 66Tishri28  FDS1 is judged. The last tablet shattering day of the year (the 40+40th day inclusively from the late 2nd 1NC Pentecost on 66Ab9). It falls in authority over the saints, but keeps feeding and still has authority over the water baptised until 79Tishri14, the end of the 1EC water baptism.
Appointed to feed 1NCs 66Heshvan2 Late 2NC first fruits (2nd after FDS1)
Installed to feed 1NCs 66Chislev21 Late 2NC Pentecost (2nd after FDS1)
Wife born 8 days later 66Chislev29  Dan, the 100 year Jewish call to sons of Jacob attending the worship house of Judah into the ELC
Appointed to rule over the ELCs 69Tishri2 FDS2 is appointed to rule as sacred king over the ELCs
FDS2 temple inaugurated 69Tishri2/15-21 Temple inauguration
ELC Pentecost 69Heshvan21  FDS2 installed to rule over the ELC saints
Birth 69Heshvan21 No proselyte call 
Appointment/Installation to rule over the 1NCs 70Iyyar19/Tammuz8 FDS2 is appointed/installed to rule as sacred king over the 1NCs (2nd after FDS1)
Gentile Demon Possession ends  71Chislev30 2000 days of Gentile Demon Possession ends
Birth (Samaritan - 1NC) 71Adar11/12 n/a. Half way between 1NC installation Pentecost on 70Tammuz8 and the 1NC Gentile Call on 73Heshvan14, from 3rd 6th 9th hours of Matthew20 - see U192. This is NOT the start of the 30 year 2nd half of the Samaritan call into the 1NC (Levi) - which occurs in TCC3. The first part of the Samaritan call into TCC1 on 64Shebat10. 
Birth  (Gentile call ELC) 73Iyyar14  Naphtali: The 60 year spiritual Gentile call to every spiritual Greek (1ACs outside a true of ex true church) to enter the ELC. 
1st presence restarts  89Tishri14 The first 1NC is baptised into TCC2 (Peter) after 10x of Peter stretching out his hands and being taken somewhere he does not want to go - outside of the Christ - John21.
Birth  133Iyyar14 The end of the 60 year Naphtali Gentile call into TCC2 for the ELC.
1st presence ends  159Tishri10  120 years from 29Tishri10 with a 10 year gap from 79Tishri14 to 89Tishri14. This is not the end of the 2EC water baptism. It is the death of the last first presence 1NC.
Birth  166Chislev29  The end of the 100 year Jewish call into TCC2 for the ELC.
Birth  169Nisan1  The start of the 100th sacred year of authority of FDS2 of Cornelius a centurion from the italian coil over the ELCs. Paul was in Rome, the capital of Italy when FDS2 was installed over the ELCs.
1 Male person but some in Caesarea to name Cornelius, centurion out of band of the (one) being called Italian,
2 well-reverential and fearing the God together with all the household of him, doing gifts of mercy many to the people and supplicating of the God through all [time], (Acts 10 KIT)
Fall of FDS2 over the ELCs on Tablet shattering day  169Nisan10  The only possible 2NC tablet shattering day within reach of a festival Sabbath before first fruits is 169Nisan10, the 40+40th day after the late late 2NC Pentecost on 168Tebbeth21 inclusively. ELCs fall over the ELC saints - there are no 1NC saints left at this point! The festival Sabbath is 169Nisan15, the 1st of Cakes.
Appointment/Installation  169Tishri2/Heshvan21?  The HLC incarnation of FDS2 is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs (after the 100 year reign of Cornelius over the ELCs ends)? 169Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath and Heshvan2 was taken by FDS1 over the HLCs. Tishri2 had not yet been taken over the HLCs.
Birth 173Sivan15 Possible Jewish Gad continuation call starting 8 days of circumcision after the Pentecost for 30 years from 173Sivan15 to 203Sivan15
Appointment/Installation 173Nisan18/Sivan7 The HLC incarnation of FDS2 is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs
Birth  173Sivan7 1NC Pentecost: The start of the 30+60+100=190 year Asher proselyte call into the HLC?
Birth 203Sivan15 End of possible Jewish Gad continuation call starting 8 days of circumcision after the Pentecost for 30 years from 173Sivan15 to 203Sivan15
Birth  363Sivan7 The end of the 30+60+100=190 year Asher proselyte call into the HLC?
Death  426Tishri9 End of the 1st presence through HLCs in TCC2 - from the 500 brothers of 1Corinthians15 - see U455
End of 2EC. 435Iyyar21 End of the 2EC water baptism for TCC2. 4 Prophetic Times of the Waterless Times of Revelation7 before 1875Iyyar21, the start of the 3EC water baptism of Charles Russell.
Transgression causing desolation. 698Iyyar14 Transgression causing desolation to TCC2 occurs, 1335 years of Daniel 12:12 before 2033Iyyar14 AD.
Constant feature ends 743Iyyar14 Constant feature of TCC2 ends, 1290 years of Daniel 12:11 before 2033Iyyar14: The absolute end of the world. The late 1st death Passover. The end of entry into the 1st death
End of church 1035Iyyar21 TCC2 falls as a true church, 5x 30x4 = 120 square cubit tent cloths of goat's hair of the tabernacle of Exodus26 (1AC goatherd capability only) after 435Iyyar21 AD - see U271-12#96.
Birth  1890Sivan14 The start of the 2nd presence, the 3rd day after the installation of FDS3 to rule over the HLCs. 1890Sivan11 was the establishment of the wall of the law for HLCs. 4 Prophetic Times of Nehemiah6 after the fall of the wall of TCC2, the end of that church, the end of 2EC law.

Paul was baptised into TCC1 by Ananias 

3 Now as he was travelling he approached Damascus, when suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him,
4 and he fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him: Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?
5 He said: Who are you, Lord? He said: I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.
6 Nevertheless, rise and enter into the city, and what you must do will be told you.
7 Now the men that were journeying with him were standing speechless, hearing, indeed, the sound of a voice, but not beholding any man.
8 But Saul got up from the ground, and though his eyes were opened he was seeing nothing. So they led him by the hand and conducted him into Damascus.
9 And for 3 days he did not see anything, and he neither ate nor drank. (Acts 9 NWT)

One cannot get such a kingdom manifestation unless one is born again. Paul was therefore spirit baptised before or during his damascene conversion.

10 There was in Damascus a certain disciple named Ananias, and the Lord said to him in a vision: Ananias! He said: Here I am, Lord.
11 The Lord said to him: Rise, go to the street called Straight [you will find there an Elijah making roads straight as in Matthew 3:3, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4 and Isaiah 40:3], and at the house of Judas look for a man named Saul, from Tarsus. For, look! he is praying, 
12 and in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands upon him that he might recover sight.
But Ananias answered: Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how many injurious things he did to your holy ones in Jerusalem.
And here he has authority from the chief priests to put in bonds all those calling upon your name.
But the Lord said to him: Be on your way, because this man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.
For I shall show him plainly how many things he must suffer for my name.
So Ananias went off and entered into the house, and he laid his hands upon him and said: Saul, brother, the Lord, the Jesus that appeared to you on the road over which you were coming, has sent me forth, in order that you may recover sight and be filled with holy spirit.
18 And immediately there fell from his eyes what looked like scales, and he recovered sight; and he rose and was baptized [He was baptised into the 1EC by Ananias but as mediator of the 2EC by God]
19 and he took food and gained strength. He got to be for some days with the disciples in Damascus (Acts 9).

One cannot be filled with holy spirit unless one is first baptised with holy spirit, i.e. spirit baptised to become a saint. But Paul was not a 1NC saint (since he was an apostle but not one of the 12. And since he refers in 1Corinthians11 to the cup you drink not the cup we drink). Certainly Paul rose from being under the hands of Ananias and was baptised. So Ananias did not baptise him by the laying on of the hands. Now Paul was an apostle as we know

1 Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through God's will, and Sosthenes our brother (1 Corinthians 1).

1 Paul, an apostle, neither from men nor through a man, but  through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him up from the dead [the judicially second dead, via spirit baptism]  (Galatians 1).

He was sent forth by Jesus, but he was not one of the 12 apostles of the 1NC. So he was not in the 1NC (which did not have an extra apostle laying around). So he must have been an Elijah, one sent forth by Jesus to start a new water baptism, and therefore a new church. In fact he was also one sent forth by God, a mediator of a covenant with God. Just as Jesus himself was an apostle, one sent froth from God (apostle means 'one sent from')...

1 Consequently, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest whom we confess, Jesus (Hebrews 3).

Paul and Barnabas were also apostles of another type sent not by Jesus or God but by the congregation in Antioch to do a work defined by the holy spirit...

1 Now in Antioch there were prophets and teachers in the local congregation, Barnabas as well as Symeon who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen who was educated with Herod the district ruler, and Saul.
As they were publicly ministering to Jehovah and fasting, the holy spirit said: Of all persons set Barnabas and Saul apart for me for the work to which I have called them.
3 Then they fasted and prayed and laid their hands upon them and let them go.
4 Accordingly these men, sent out by the holy spirit, went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed away to Cyprus (Acts 13).

14 However, when the apostles [of the congregation in Antioch] Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they ripped their outer garments and leaped out into the crowd (Acts 14).

It is not a coincidence that Paul was sent to a street called 'straight' to recover sight and to be baptised from heaven. This is the very definition of an Elijah...

3 This, in fact, is the one spoken of through Isaiah the prophet in these words: Listen! Someone is crying out in the wilderness, Prepare the way of Jehovah, you people! Make his roads straight (Matthew 3).

3 Listen! someone is crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of Jehovah, you people, make his roads straight (Mark 1).

4 Just as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet: Listen! Someone is crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of Jehovah, you people, make his roads straight (Luke 3).

3 Listen! Someone is calling out in the wilderness: Clear up the way of Jehovah, you people! make the highway for our God through the desert plain straight.
4 Let every valley be raised up, and every mountain and hill be made low. And the knobby ground must become level land, and the rugged ground a valley plain.
5 And the glory of Jehovah will certainly be revealed, and all flesh must see [it] together, for the very mouth of Jehovah has spoken [it] (Isaiah 40).

There are 4 Elijah’s who make God’s roads (plural) straight - see U201. Three other streets are straightened out by John the Baptist, Charles Russell and Gordon, the other 3 antitypical Elijah’s.

Paul was baptised between 34Shebat10 and 36Tishri15

As regards the date of his baptism, we know that he was baptised after the Samaritan call, for we read, later in Acts 9 after Paul's baptism that...

31 Then, indeed, the congregation throughout the whole of Judea and Galilee and Samaria entered into a period of peace, being built up; and as it walked in the fear of Jehovah and in the comfort of the holy spirit it kept on multiplying (Acts 9).

Also he was baptised before Cornelius was called, since the congregation was still in the land of Israel in the verse above. Actually Luke does write chronologically...

3 It seemed-good to me also, having investigated all things from-above [anwqen] accurately chronologically, to write to you, most mighty Theophilus (Luke 1).

So since Paul was baptised in Acts 9 which is after Acts 8, when the Samaritans were called and before Acts 10 when the Gentiles were called one can deduce that above from the chapter order as well. Now we know that Cornelius was baptised on 36Tishri14 from the Daniel 9:27 and from Acts 10 - see U100. We also know that the Samaritan call was half way between Pentecost on 33Nisan16 and the Gentile call of 36Tishri14 from the symbolic meanings of the 3rd hour, 6th hour 9th hour timing of the three calls. The position of the Samaritan call being half way between the Proselyte and Gentile calls as regards the hours of the day. So the Samaritan call was at the 6th hour of 34Shebat10, 20 months and 5 days after the 3rd hour of Pentecost on 33Sivan5, the proselyte call and 20 months and 4 days before the Gentile call at the 9th hour of 36Tishri14. So Paul was baptised when he was renamed by Jesus as Paul in Acts 9, between 34Shebat10 (of Acts 8) and 36Tishri (of Acts 10) when he was renamed by Jesus into Paul. 

FDS1 fell on the 1st possible tablet shattering day of the year, which is Tammuz14-20 rather than Ab24-30 from the 40 days and 40 nights that Moses spent up the mountain after Pentecost. 40 days and 40 nights can be 40 days or can be 80 days depending upon whether the nights go with the days or define a further period after the days. We take the 40 day fulfilment for the first presence and the 40+40 day fulfilment for the second for both possible meanings must have power.

1Corinthians15: Jesus appeared to Paul on the Road to Damascus on 36Nisan16, 1080 days after he was resurrected. He was 1EC baptised into TCC1 on 36Nisan22, 1NC first fruits, 3 days of physical blindness of Acts 9:9 + 3 days of spiritual blindness later

Pattern for the Kingdom of God

Last valid Watchtower Passover 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14 The 2nd accountable denial of the Christ in that night (ignoring his Passover instructions). Gordon informed the Watchtower how to celebrate it on 1994Nisan3 and told them they would be held accountable for their 1995 memorial sin on 1995Nisan10. But this did not give them enough time to make any changes in that year. So they denied the Christ accountably 'in that night' on 1996Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1997Nisan14/Iyyar14 and 1998Nisan14/Iyyar14
FDS3 falls over the 1NCs  1998Tishri27 FDS3 falls over the saints.
(0) Born  1999Tishri2 The last 1NC/HLC is 3EC baptised into the JWs??
1st Marriage 2008Nisan22 The first presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit, the Great Eagle of Revelation12, marries Jesus
(11) Commissioned  2010Tishri ???
2nd Marriage 2015Iyyar20 The 2nd presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit marries Jesus
2nd Marriage feast 2015Iyyar20-26 This was held in the ark presumably along with the marriage.
2nd Marriage veil lifting and martial supper 2015Iyyar27 The 2nd bride is now full installed and her year of rejoicing begins.
End of 1 year rejoicing of wife 2016Iyyar27 The one year rejoicing period for the wife of Deuteronomy 24:5, after the marriage installation ends.
EU referendum 2016Tammuz15/16 2016June23: The EU referendum was held in the UK. A massive loss for the establishment.
Presidential Election 2016Chislev4 2016November8/9: Donald Trump elected US president. Another massive loss for the establishment. 
Dragon evicted from heaven 2022Adar24-2023Nisan24 Satan and the demons of the dragon are evicted from heaven, descend the 30 step of Jacob's ladder and start possessing their human victims, the sons of the DAC.
3rd Holy Spirit descends 2026Iyyar17 The floodgates of the heavens are opened into the ark on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Nisan1 year of Genesis 7:11. 
The 3rd Holy Spirit arrives on the earth 2026Sivan17 The 3rd Holy Spirit reaches the bottom of Jacob's 30 step/day ladder.
3rd presence begins 2026Elul16 4 Cornerstone 1NC apostles are Isaaic 4EC baptised into Zoar
Accepting year of Isaiah61 begins 2028Heshvan10 Late Atonement day: Entry day into the early 1st crop Passover of Revelation22
Passover 2028Heshvan14 Demon expulsion Passover. Demon possession ends. All demons are expelled from humans after 2000 days of Mark5.
Accepting year of Isaiah61 ends 2029Heshvan10 Late Atonement day: Entry day into the 12 crop Passover of Revelation22.
(30) Appointed/installed to feed 2029Tishri2 2NC first fruits. The 3rd Holy Spirit is appointed to feed the OMCs
(30 + 50) 2029Heshvan21 The 3rd Holy Spirit is installed to feed the OMCs: 3½ years of the secular ministry of the 3rd Holy Spirit against the governments of this world, to 2033Iyyar14, begins
(30) Wife met 2029Heshvan14-16 12th crop of Revelation22
(33½) End of system 2033Nisan14 1st death Passover. The absolute end of Adam
(33½ 1st fruits) New system Inaugurated  2033Nisan16  Kingdom first fruits. The Kingdom of God is appointed over non adamic Abraham
(33½) End of system 2033Iyyar14 Late 1st death Passover. The absolute end of Cain and the world
(33½) End of system 2033Iyyar14 The end of the 3½ times/year antitypical ministry of Jesus from 2029Heshvan21
(33½+Pentecost: Birth (Proselyte) 2033Sivan5 The Isaaic Kingdom proselyte call: CRCs (who died in with a water baptism excluding JWs who despised the lamb - Gospel of Philip 20) start to be resurrected from Hades into the ark in reverse order. The dead in Christ shall rise first.
(35¼ + 25) Birth (Samaritan) 2034Tammuz16 Sealed sons of the 1AC who died without a water baptism in a true or an ex true church start to be resurrected from Hades into the Kingdom in reverse order.
(37) Birth (Gentile) 2036Tishri14 Sealed sons of the 1AC who died outside of a true or ex true church start to be resurrected from Hades into the Kingdom in reverse order.

The Big Picture of the Pattern

Jesus first century ministry was sacred. His last century ministry is secular!

Year Event Adam  Jesus/TCC1 - Catholics  TCC2 (Gnostics)  TCC3 (JWs)  TCC4 (LWs) 
0  Birth 4027Tishri2 BC 2Heshvan21 BC 36Sivan11: Paul baptised from heaven as Elijah2 aged 20? 1871Heshvan21: Russell baptised from heaven as Elijah3 aged 20 1966Nisan: Gordon baptised from heaven into the 1AC aged 9
11 Temple commissioning 4016Tishri2 entered into the Garden of Eden Michael commissioned to build TCC1 47Nisan17: Paul commissioned to build the temple of TCC2 1882Tishri2: Russell commissioned to build temple of TCC3 1977Sivan10: Gordon commissioned to build the temple of FDS4 AND baptised from heaven as Elijah4 aged 20
30 first fruits Appointment to Feed  3997Tishri2 Adam told he would be getting a wife 29Tishri2: Michael appointed to feed 66Nisan22: FDS2 appointed to feed the ELCs 1901Tishri2: FDS3 appointed to feed 1NCs 1996Nisan18: Gordon appointed to feed ALL the 2NCs (himself to start with)
30 + 8 days  Testing begins 3997Tishri10 Adam given tree covenant. His testing begins. 29Tishri10: Michael enters Immanuel and is baptised by John 66Nisan30: Testing begins 1901Tishri10: Testing begins 1996Nisan26: Testing begins
30 + Pentecost Installation to Feed Adam meets Eve 29Heshvan21: Jesus meets Peter, ministry begins 66Sivan11: FDS2 installed to feed the ELCs 1901Heshvan21: FDS3 installed to feed 1NCs 1996Sivan7: Gordon installed to feed the 2NCs
30 + Pentecost + 8 days Wife sanctified
(Jewish Call)
Pre-adamic Eve baptised into Adam's bone and flesh - she becomes a Mark2 human Reuben: Jewish call into the 1NC, water into wine, Peter sanctified 66Chislev29: Dan: Jewish call into the ELC 1901Heshvan29: Issachar: Jewish call into the 2nd presence 1NC  n/a
33½ Passover End of System 3993Nisan14: Adam sins 33Nisan14: Law of Moses ends as a true religion n/a  1905Iyyar14: The fall of Babylon (Christendom)? n/a
33½ first fruits Appointment to Rule 3993Nisan16-22: Adam appointed to rule as sacred king of his covenant children 33Nisan16: FDS1 appointed over 1NCs 69Tishri2: FDS2 appointed over ELCs 1905Iyyar22: FDS3 appointed to rule over 1NCs 1999Tishri2: FDS4 appointed to rule as sacred king over the 2NCs
33½ first fruits + 7 days Aaronic installation 3993Nisan23-29: Adam is clean to baptise pre-adamics. 33Nisan23: TCC1 clean to manage the 1EC baptism, what they forgive on earth is forgiven in heaven 69Tishri9: FDS2 clean to manage 2EC baptism. 1905Iyyar29: FDS3 clean to manage 3EC baptism. 1999Tishri10: FDS4 clean to manage 4EC baptism (indeed having been atoned).
33½ + Pentecost Installation to Rule Adam installed to rule as sacred king of his covenant children 33Sivan5: FDS1 installed to rule over the 1NCs. They can now actually make laws for the 1EC. the King is the law maker 69Heshvan21: FDS2 installed over ELCs 1905Tammuz11: FDS3 installed to rule over 1NCs 1999Tebbeth21: FDS4 installed to rule as sacred king over ALL 2NCs
33½ + Pentecost Proselyte call 3989Sivan5: Proselyte call to Pre-adamics. Pre-adamics can now become Adamic. 33Sivan5: Simeon: Proselyte call into the 1NC n/a 1905Tammuz11: Issachar: 60 year Proselyte Call into the 1NC to the sons of the 3EC.  1999Tebbeth21: Manasseh: 50 month 2NC Proselyte call to sons of the ICC (4EC only)
35¼ + 25 days Birth/Samaritan Call 3992Shebat10: Cain born 34Shebat10 Levi: Samaritan call into the 1NC n/a 1906Adar11/12: 30 year Levi continuation Samaritan call into the 1NC n/a
37 Birth/Gentile Call 3990Tishri14: Abel born 36Tishri14: Judah: Gentile call into the 1NC 73Iyyar14: Naphtali: 60 year Gentile call to enter the ELC  1908Heshvan14: 70 year Judah continuation call into the 1NC 2003Sivan14: Ephraim: 100 month 2NC Gentile call, to the sons of the 1AC not in a true or ex true church


Watchtower Governing Body Appointments

Here are the Watchtower Governing Body appointments since 1971. This table assumes that all GB members are spiritual virgins, i.e. did not join themselves to a false church during or after their sanctification call. And it assumes that they did not defile themselves with women, i.e. did not make a woman pregnant in the absence of at the least an agreement to get engaged in that event.

Name Gentile born before 1939TIshri1
Roman Catholic born before 1947Tishri1
Baptism Test. Died before 2001Chislev14 True 1NC if and only if he was a spiritual virgin who did not defile himself with women Baptised Appointed to GB Died 1995 2008
Sullivan T ?         1973    
Knorr N 1905 Pass Yes 1923 1934 Pres 1942 1977June8    
Franz F 1893 Pass Yes 1913 Pres 1977 1992    
Suiter G 1908 Pass Yes 1926 1938 1984    
Groh J 1906 Pass Yes 1934 1965 1975    
Swingle L 1910 Pass Yes 1923 1971 2001March13 1  
Greenlees L ?   ?   1971 1984    
Jackson W 1901 Pass Yes 1915 1971October20 1981    
Gangas G 1896 Pass Yes 1921 1971October20 1994    
Franz R 1922 Fail No 1939 1971October20 1980 Resigned    
Fekel C 1897 Pass Yes before 1921 1974November28 1977    
Chitty E 1898 Pass Yes before 1925 1974November28 1979    
Barry L 1918 Pass Yes 1939 1974November28 1999 July 2 1  
Booth J 1902 Pass Yes 1923 1974November28 1996 1  
Klein K 1905 Pass Yes 1918 1974November28 2001January3 1  
Sydlik D 1919 Fail No   1974November28 2006April18, Nisan19/20 1  
Jaracz T 1925 Fail No 1940 1974November28 2010 1 1
Schroeder A 1911 Fail No 1932 1974December18 2006March8 1  
Henschel M 1920 Fail No 1939 1976 2003 1  
Barber C 1905 Fail No 1921 1977September7 2007April8 1  
Barr J 1913 Fail No 1932 1977September7 2010 1 1
Poetzinger M 1904 Pass Yes before 1936 1977September7 1988    
Loesch G 1941   No before 1961 1994July1   1 1
Pierce G 1934November6   No 1955August14 1999October1 2014March18   1
Herd S 1935   No before 1958 1999October1     1
Splane D 1944   No before 1963 1999October1     1
Lett S 1949   No before 1966 1999October1     1
Morris A 1950   No 1971 2005September1     1
Jackson G 1955   No 1968 2005September1     1
Sanderson M  1965 Feb4   No 1975 2012September1      
Cook E   1960   No 1980June 2018January4      

On September 7, 1977, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses came to the decision to invite three anointed brothers to join with them in service at Brooklyn. The new members of the Governing Body are Carey W. Barber of the United States, John E. Barr of London, England, and Martin Poetzinger of the Federal Republic of Germany - w77 11/15 p. 680 New Members of the Governing Body

Milton Henschel was not a 1NC because he had the name that he was alive but he was dead according to the counsel to Sardis which he was the messenger to. Sydlik could have been a 1NC. He might have made the waiting list for that. But he died without a water baptism so would have failed the 1NC test had he been one. Ray Franz also died without a water baptism.

Technical Note:

The Tabernacle, Solomon’s temple and Zerubbabel’s temple were inaugurated in Nisan, Tishri & Nisan, and commissioned in Tishri, Nisan & Tishri. These temples seem to be the 22.5 year part of the fundamental pattern before the inauguration of the new worship system. So by this comparison there appears to be room for a Nisan commencement as well as Tishri commencements. 

The Beasts of Daniel7 Watchtower thread

1 In the first year of Belshazzar the king of Babylon, Daniel himself beheld a dream and visions of his head upon his bed. At that time he wrote down the dream itself. The complete account of the matters he told.
2 Daniel was speaking up and saying: I happened to be beholding in my visions during the night, and, see there! the 4 winds of the heavens were stirring up the vast sea.
3 And 4 huge beasts were coming up out of the sea, each one being different from the others.
4 The first one was like a lion [the Lion of Judah. Russell's sanctification was the start of the Judah continuation call], and it had the wings of an eagle [bible research power]. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out [when the Watchtower stopped doing bible research at the start of the 40 year wilderness penalty for their faithless spying report], and it was lifted up from the earth [It was appointed/installed to feed on 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21 and to rule over the saints] and was made to stand up on 2 feet just like a man, and there was given to it the heart of a man [when appointed/installed over all Jesus' belongings (1NCs after HLCs) on 1905Iyyar22/1905Tammuz11, 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost, until his death on 1916Heshvan1/2].

4 The first one was like a lion [1x+1x], and it had the wings of an eagle [2x]. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out [-2x], and it was lifted up from the earth [1x] and was made to stand upon 2 feet just like a man [10x+1x], and there was given to it the heart of a man [1x]. [1x+1x+2x-2x+1x+10x+1x+1x=15x] These are 15 sacred years from 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21 to 1916Heshvan1/2, the expiration of Charles Russell.

The first beast is those JWs who joined during the presidency of Russell. So it continues after Russell's death. 
The 2nd beast is those JWs who joined during the presidency of Rutherford. So it continued after Rutherford's death
The 3rd beast is those JWs who joined during the presidencies of Knorr, Franz, Henschel, and Adams.
The 4th beast is just the Watchtower after it becomes false church on 2005Sivan14.

5 And, see there! another beast, a second one, it being like a bear. And on one side it was raised up [The Rutherfordites were one side the Russellites the other side], and there were 3 ribs in its mouth between its teeth [Issachar, Zebulun and Judah, the 3 1NC calls into the Watchtower]; and this is what they were saying to it, 'Get up, eat much flesh.' [Advertise, Advertise, Advertise, Cedar Point Ohio, 1922Elul13, for the sentence count of verse5 of 70x to 1992Elul11, when Letter to the Society arrive in Brooklyn?]
6 After this I kept on beholding, and, see there! another [beast], one like a leopard, but it had 4 wings of a flying creature on its back [1NC and 2NC saints]. And the beast had 4 heads [Knorr, Frankz Henschel, Adams although under a democratic Governing body administration from 1975Iyyar18/19 onwards - see U171], and there was given to it rulership indeed [over 3 million to 7 million people].
7 After this I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! a 4th beast, fearsome and terrible and unusually strong [the Watchtower administration after 2005Sivan14, when they fell as a true church]. And it had teeth of iron, big ones. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was treading down with its feet. And it was something different from all the [other] beasts that were prior to it, and it had 10 horns [10 governing body members after 2005Sivan14 before Cook - see verse 24 for which ones]. (Daniel 7 NWT)
8 I kept on considering the horns [General Watchtower Society directors/governing body members - not necessarily upon the 4th beast. But ambiguity adds so this applies to the 4th beast and to another beast], and, look! another horn, a small one, came up in among them [POL for the reappointed Laodicea - smaller than the Watchtower - but critical, being the bridge between the JWs and the LWs] and there were 3 of the first horns that were plucked up from before it [The 3 Laodicean GB members are plucked up into Zoar after this 11th horn has humiliated them. They are before the 11th horn because he is the president of Laodicea. He is POL, Cook E Junior]. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn, and there was a mouth speaking grandiose things.
9 I kept on beholding until there were thrones placed and the Ancient of Days sat down. His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool. His throne was flames of fire; its wheels were a burning fire.
10 There was a stream of fire flowing and going out from before him. There were 1,000 thousands that kept ministering to him, and 10,000 times 10,000 that kept standing right before him [100x ratio which is MENE MENE before the court sits for TEKEL?]. The Court took its seat, and there were books that were opened.
11 I kept on beholding at that time because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire [burning those who remain in Watchtower administration in Gehenna as weeds].
12 But as for the rest of the beasts, their rulerships were taken away, and there was a lengthening in life given to them for a time and a season. 
13 I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! with the clouds of the heavens someone like a son of man happened to be coming; and to the Ancient of Days he gained access, and they brought him up close even before that One.
14 And to him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.
15 As for me, Daniel, my spirit was distressed within on account of it, and the very visions of my head began to frighten me.
16 I went up close to one of those who were standing, that I might request from him reliable information on all this. And he said to me, as he went on to make known to me the very interpretation of the matters,
17 'As for these huge beasts, because they are 4 [The Watchtower administrations of Russell, Rutherford, Knorr-Franz-Henschel-POL and post 2005Sivan14], there are 4 kings that will stand up from the earth [as president in the cases of Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz. AND by angelic resurrection in the cases of the 3+1 Laodicean Kings from the GB - see U307, Genesis14, the 4 kings against the 5] .
18 But the holy ones of the Supreme One will receive the kingdom, and they will take possession of the kingdom for time indefinite, even for time indefinite upon times indefinite.'
19 Then it was that I desired to make certain concerning the 4th beast, which proved to be different from all the others, extraordinarily fearsome, the teeth of which were of iron and the claws of which were of copper, which was devouring [and] crushing, and which was treading down even what was left with its feet [the democratic GB after Knorr died 1977June8];
20 and concerning the 10 horns that were on its head, and the other [horn] that came up and before which 3 fell [to their knees, being baptised into Loadicea, before AOL], even that horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking grandiose things and the appearance of which was bigger than that of its fellows.
21 I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,
22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment itself was given in favour of the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the definite time arrived that the holy ones took possession of the kingdom itself.
23 This is what he said, 'As for the 4th beast, there is a 4th kingdom that will come to be on the earth, that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms; and it will devour all the earth and will trample it down and crush it.
24 And as for the 10 horns, out of that kingdom there are 10 kings that will rise up [The first 10 GB members appointed after the death of Knorr who were baptised/rose up outside the Kingdom of Franz i.e. before 1977Tammuz4, and who survived into the Kingdom of Henschel - Barber, Barr, Loesch Pierce, Herd, Splane, Lett, Morris, Jackson, Sanderson - Poetzinger died in 1988 and so did not make it out of the 4th Kingdom]; and still another one will rise up after them [Cook, baptised during the 4th kingdom of Franz in 1980], and he himself will be different from the first ones, and 3 kings he will humiliate [the 3 remaining Laodicean governing body members]

25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law [he will seek to corrupt Laodicean Law. Since he is POL, the law of Laodicea is indeed given into his hand], and they will be given in his hand until a time, and times and half a time [4½ months - precisely from 2019Tishri10, the reinstallation of Laodicea over the 1NCs, or 2019Tishri10-12, the 3 day implemented possession of POL by Satan, to 2019Shebat27, when they lost their constant feature. Laodicea fell as a true church on 2019Adar16, when the court sat and took away POL's rulership. God cannot have any dealings with people under a wilderness penalty. When the spies brought back the faithless report, God dumped his people in Kadesh Barnea for 38 years until the generation that refused to fight all died out - see U360. He dealt with the Levites who were not registered into the army. But those under the penalty were constructively dead and regarded as uncircumcised. So God could not give Laodicea into anybody's hand until after 2019Tammuz30, 40 whole calendar months of the Laodicean wilderness penalty after 2016Nisan1, the first month start after the end of the 40 days of spying from 2015Shebat21 to 2016Nisan1].
26 And the Court itself proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they took away/passed over, in order to annihilate [him] and to destroy [him] totally.
27 'And the kingdom and the rulership and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens were given to the people who are the holy ones of the Supreme One. Their kingdom is an indefinitely lasting kingdom, and all the rulerships will serve and obey even them.'
28 Up to this point is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my own thoughts kept frightening me a great deal, so that my very complexion changed in me; but the matter itself I kept in my own heart. (Daniel 7 NWT)

So if the above is correct, then Satan is possessing the President of the reappointed Laodicea who is Brother Cook, the last horn to be appointed to the Governing body!

The purpose of God permitting this is to drive the Laodiceans into Zoar. Laodicea is Sinai, and the island in the straits of Tiran, the bridge between Egypt and Arabia. 

Technical Note:

The Tabernacle, Solomon’s temple and Zerubbabel’s temple were inaugurated in Nisan, Tishri & Nisan, and commissioned in Tishri, Nisan & Tishri. These temples seem to be the 22.5 year part of the fundamental pattern before the inauguration of the new worship system. So by this comparison there appears to be room for a Nisan commencement as well as Tishri commencements. 


Old Incorrect Chronologies

Incorrect FDS2

Born  Paul born
(0+Pentecost) Born  29Sivan10 Paul water baptised from heaven as Elijah2 at the ELC Pentecost after he became 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning on ? So Paul became Elijah2 on the very same day that John the baptist became Elijah1 !?!?
Vision  36Nisan16  Jesus appears to Paul on the Road to Damascus 1080 days (3 times) of 1Corithians15 after he was resurrected as a human on 33Nisan16.
Born  36Nisan22  Paul 1EC baptised into TCC1, 3 days of physical blindness + 3 days of spiritual blindness after the appearance.
(11) Commissioned  40Nisan16  1NC first fruits. Paul commissioned to build FDS2 worship system
Slave covenant of Bilhah made with Paul around this time. Paul is the mediator of Bilhah the Earthly Lord Covenant, the ELC.
(30) Appointed to feed ELCs 59Nisan20 1NC first fruits
Gentile Demon possession begins 59Sivan8 7th Sabbath of 1NC Weeks, isomorphic with 29Heshvan20, the 7th Sabbath of 2NC Weeks, when Satan tested Jesus at the start of his 2000 days of possession.
(30) Installed to feed ELCs 59Sivan9 1NC Pentecost
(30+) Not the end of system. But the fall of FDS1 which becomes ES1 59Tishri26  FDS1 is judged. The last tablet shattering day of the year (the 40+40th day inclusively from the late 2nd 1NC Pentecost on 59Ab7). It falls in authority over the saints, but keeps feeding and still has authority over the water baptised until 79Tishri14, the end of the 1EC water baptism.
Appointed to feed 1NCs 59Heshvan2 Late 2NC first fruits (2nd after FDS1)
Installed to feed 1NCs 59Chislev21 Late 2NC Pentecost (2nd after FDS1)
Wife born 8 days later 59Chislev29  Dan, the 100 year Jewish call to sons of Jacob attending the worship house of Judah into the ELC
Appointed to rule over the ELCs 62Tishri2 FDS2 is appointed to rule as sacred king over the ELCs
FDS2 temple inaugurated 62Tishri2/15-21 Temple inauguration
ELC Pentecost 62Heshvan21  FDS2 installed to rule over the ELC saints
Birth 62Heshvan21 No proselyte call 
Appointment/Installation to rule over the 1NCs 63Iyyar19/Tammuz8 FDS2 is appointed/installed to rule as sacred king over the 1NCs (2nd after FDS1)
Gentile Demon Possession ends  64Chislev28 2000 days of Gentile Demon Possession ends
Birth (Samaritan - 1NC) 64Adar11/12 Half way between 1NC installation Pentecost on 63Tammuz8 and the late 1NC Gentile Call on 66Heshvan14, from 3rd 6th 9th hours of Matthew20 - see U192. This is the start of the 30 year 2nd half of the Samaritan call into the 1NC (Levi). It is just after the end of the first part of the Samaritan call into TCC1 on 64Shebat10 !!!
Birth  (Gentile call ELC) 66Iyyar14  Naphtali, the 60 year Gentile call to every Greek to enter the ELC, (so sons of Jacob attending the worship house of Israel, under the mountain of Samaria that the Samaritan woman mentioned to Jesus, were excluded from the ELC, but not from the 1NC in TCC2). 
Birth (Gentile)  66Heshvan14  n/a. The Gentile call into TCC1 ended on 66Tishri14.
1st presence restarts  89Tishri14 The first 1NC is baptised into TCC2 (Peter) after 10x of Peter stretching out his hands and being taken somewhere he does not want to go - outside of the Christ - John21.
Birth  94Adar11/12 The end of the second half of the 60 year Samaritan call.
Birth  126Iyyar14 The end of the 60 year Gentile call into TCC2 for the ELC.
1st presence ends  159Tishri10  120 years from 29Tishri10 with a 10 year gap from 79Tishri14 to 89Tishri14. This is not the end of the 2EC water baptism. It is the death of the last first presence 1NC.
Birth  159Chislev29  The end of the 100 year Jewish call into TCC2 for the ELC.
Appointment/Installation  160Heshvan2/Chislev21?  HLC FDS2 is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs (as soon as possible after the end of the presence)?
Birth  162Nisan1  The start of the 100th sacred year of authority of FDS2 of Cornelius a centurion from the italian coil. Paul was in Rome from 60-62/63 when FDS2 was installed over the ELCs.
Passover  162Nisan10  The only possible 2NC tablet shattering day within reach of a festival Sabbath is 162Nisan10, the 40+40th day after the late late 2NC Pentecost on 161Tebbeth21 inclusively. ELCs fall over the ELC saints - there are no 1NC saints left at this point! The festival Sabbath is 162Nisan15, the 1st of Cakes.
Appointment/Installation 164Iyyar20/Tammuz9? HLC FDS2 is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs
Birth  164Tammuz9? 2nd 1NC Pentecost: The start of the 30+60+100=190 year Asher proselyte call into the HLC?
Birth  354Tammuz9 ? The end of the 30+60+100=190 year Asher proselyte call into the HLC?
End of church  450Sivan14 Last HLC leaves TCC2, being transferred so as not to see death. He expired with a water baptism in order that his sainthood was retained. 4 Prophetic Times of Reveltion7:! before 1890Sivan14, the start of the 2nd presence
Death  455Tammuz18? End of the 2EC water baptism of TCC2. 560 year total for the 1EC/2EC and 3EC/4EC water baptisms from 33Sivan5 from the tent cloths of the tabernacle - see U271aq.


FDS4 Kings

Witness starts  1992Elul11 

Letter to the society hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud

Letter telling Watchtower that Gordon was Bezalel 1992Chislev1 

Last letter of first campaign 'Large Stone' was dated 1992Chislev1

Born  1992Chislev30  Gordon Sanctified, spirit baptised from heaven as the Mediator of the 2NC. He was water baptised from heaven as Elijah4, 6 months earlier in 1992Sivan??
Baptised into the Watchtower  1993Tammuz19  Saturday afternoon July 10th. Crystal Palace summer convention.
Commissioned to build the temple of FDS4 1993Heshvan30 

Being a JW, Gordon was able to question the Pharisees in the temple, as Jesus did after he was commissioned.

Appointed to feed 1995Sivan30  FDS4 appointed to feed at the proper time
Wife met?? Feeding starts 1995Ab11

Tony or Massoud or both sanctified?? 

End of old system 1995Tishri15  FDS3 falls. It is judged (22.5 months after Gordon commissioned) Anniversay of 2NC made with Gordon. Newer Covenant (2NC) was made between Jesus and Gordon, after his sanctification, presumably on 1993Tishri15 before commissioning. It is the covenant of Keturah, the covenant of Rachel, the Second New Covenant. Covenants are celebrated on the day they are made.
Angelic loss day   1995Tishri17 

Sentence is passed upon FDS3. The Watchtower loses its authority over the saints, Jesus' belongings.

New system Inaugurated.
Appointed over all true seed (3rd day exclusively) 

FDS4 appointed over all belongings of Jesus (sons of the JAC). Somolon's temple was inaugurated in 1026Tishri.

Entrance (+41 days) 1995Heshvan28


Conception (Angelic loss+50 days) 1995Chislev7 ??.
Birth (Conception + 20 months/12) 1995Tebbeth27 

A birth, Manasseh (from Joseph). 'Samaritan' call, to the sons of the ICC in WSS2, to be second new covenant saints. 50 days (2nd Pentecost - after FDS4 appointed). The Samaritans representing a true religion (just as they were God's true people) but not having authority over the saints. 

Witness ends 1995Adar4 

Gordon told he would be disfellowshipped in 7 days time if he did not appeal.

Witness ends 1995Adar11 

1260 days of Revelation 11 end (Gordon Disfellowshipped)

Birth (Birth +20 months/12) 1995Adar17 

A birth, Ephraim (from Joseph), 'Gentile' call, to those sons of the 1AC, who are virgins, i.e. never have lead a false church, to also be 2NC Kings. 20 months divided by 12 is 50 days from 1995Tebbeth27. 3rd Pentecost after FDS4 appointed. Or perhaps this is Menasseh, the Samaritans representing a true religion (just as they were God's true people) but not having authority over the saints.

FDS4 Kings

Born  1991Tishri17  Gordon Sanctified, Elijah4
Witness starts  1992Elul11 

Letter to the society hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud

Commissioned through Covenant 1992Elul16 

Newer Covenant (2NC) made between Jesus and Gordon, the covenant of Keturah. Covenants are celebrated on the day they are made. The Watchtower shut the door on Gordon's priesthood and research on this day, and God responding by giving him the key to the door of the next temple. Making the 2NC is a commissioning to build a temple.

Appointed to feed 1994Nisan15/16  FDS4 appointed to feed at the proper time
Wife born (+41 days) 1994Iyyar26/27

?? Watchtower realisation, research group formed?? 

End of old system 1994Tammuz30/Ab1  FDS3 falls (22.5 months after Gordon commissioned)
New system Inaugurated.
Appointed over all true seed 

FDS4 appointed over all belongings of Jesus (sons of the JAC). 

Entrance (+41 days) 1994Elul11/12


Conception (New System +50 days) 1994Elul22/23 'Proselyte' call, Manasseh (from Joseph), to the sons of the ICC in WSS2, to be Nethinim, second new covenant saints. 50 days (Pentecost - after FDS4 appointed).
Birth (Conception + 20 months/12) 1994Heshvan12/13 

Ephraim (from Joseph), 'Samaritan' call, to those sons of the 1AC, who are virgins, i.e. never have lead a false church, to also be 2NC(k) saints. 20 months divided by 12 is 50 days from 1994Elul22

Birth (Birth +20 months/12) 1994Tebbeth2/3 

n.a. (20 months divided by 12, i.e. 50 days further on).

FDS4, the leader, is appointed to feed 30 months after Gordon's sanctification and 69 weeks after the word went forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem:

27 From the going forth of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until messiah, leader, there will be 7 weeks also 62 weeks (Daniel 9).

This word went forth during the 80 days from 1992Elul11 until 1992Chislev1, when the second letter (Genesis) was deliberately dated and arrived (we think - see [AB], [AC], [C]).  

17 And to the eyes of the sons of Israel the sight of Jehovah's glory was like a devouring fire on the mountaintop.
18 Then Moses entered into the midst of the cloud and went on up the mountain. And Moses continued in the mountain forty days and forty nights (Exodus 24).

40 days and 40 nights is a deliberately ambiguous construction which can mean 40 or 80 days, since one can refer to the first 40 days of an 80 day period by the word day and the second 40 day period by the nights associated with each day.

69 weeks or 483 solar days after 1992Chislev1 is 1994Nisan15:

483 solar days after 1992Chislev1 (November30/December1) is 1994Nisan16 (1994March28/29). This is 2 days after the memorial which Gordon was desperately trying to get the JWs to celebrate properly, and they refused (see [E]).

32 And he could speak 3,000 proverbs, and his songs came to be 1,005 (1 Kings 4).

1005 days is 33.5 months from 1991Tishri17 to 1994Ab2
3000 days is 100 months of effectiveness from 1999Heshvan14 to 2007Adar14?



Born physically  1957Elul16 

Friday 13th September midnight.

(0) Born into the 1AC 1962Shebat Baptised into the 1AC from heaven aged 5 by Hebrew counting. This is the youngest age one can be dew baptised.
(11) Commissioned to build the temple of FDS4 1973Shebat

Gordon, aged 16, confirmed into the church of England around this time! Questioning the Pharisees!! Water baptized to be Elijah but not yet sanctified. So it was OK to take communion. I was not being looked at from a spirit baptism test standpoint.

Witness starts  1992Elul11 

Letter to the society hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud

Sanctification  1992Tishri15  The Sabbath release of Booths, the first day of the harvest festival. This is the perfect day for Elijah4 to be sanctified. He must be living before the 2NC can be made with him since Jehovah is the God of the living not of the dead. Haggai 2 indicates this with the foundation of the temple of Jehovah being laid on the 24th of the 9th of the 2nd solar year of Elijah4 which was 2013September24 which was 2013Tishri15/16 - see U271.
2NC made 1992Tishri20  Was this when the 2NC was made with Gordon?? The 1NC was not made on a festival Sabbath. So the 2NC was not made on Tishri15. It was made on 1992Tishri20, the 6th day of Booths, for the 6th church of Revelation. The first 2NC saint to be sanctified must be the mediator of the covenant and the covenant is celebrated on the day it is made.
Letter telling Watchtower that Gordon was Bezalel 1992Chislev1 

Last letter of first campaign 'Large Stone' was dated 1992Chislev1

(30) Appointed to feed 1992Shebat FDS4 appointed to feed at the proper time. Massoud and Gordon realised we were priests (that was in 1992Chislev I think)??
(30y+49d) Wife born 1992Adar/1993Nisan n/a
Baptised into the Watchtower  1993Tammuz18  Saturday afternoon July 10th. Crystal Palace summer convention.
Witness ends 1995Adar11 

1260 days of Revelation 11 of feeding in sackcloth and ashes from 1992Elul11 end (Gordon Disfellowshipped)

1NC Pentecost 1996Sivan5 n/a
(33½y) End of old system 1996Ab24  FDS3 is judged. Because the lord's evening meal was deliberately celebrated 3x incorrectly by a bunch of status seeking idolaters posing as 1NC saints. Gordon informed the Watchtower how to celebrate it on 1994Nisan3. Sentence is passed upon FDS3 and the stone tablet of their law is smashed on the 40+40th day inclusively after Pentecost following the pattern prophetically enacted by Moses. That is Ab24. The Watchtower loses its authority over the saints, Jesus' belongings. 
(33½y+1d) New system Inaugurated.
Appointed over all true seed

FDS4 appointed over all belongings of Jesus (sons of the JAC). 

(33½y+7d) Interposing Sabbath 1996Elul1

Virtual Sabbath, the 7th day of appointment. 

(33½y+8d) 2NC first fruits 1996Elul2  FDS4/2NC First fruits. The day directly after the Sabbath (taken as meaning the week) after Ab24. It is also the 'Proselyte' call, to the sons of the  ICC or 1AC in the JWs or LWs, to be second new covenant saints. This sanctification lasts for 60 months until 2001Elul. It cannot go past 2004Heshvan14, when the Watchtower became a false church. These are the first fruits of the 2NC.
(33½y+8d) Priesthood Operational 1996Elul2

FDS4 priesthood becomes operational. Jesus blows upon us. What sins we forgive/retain stand so.

(33½y+7d+50d) 2NC Pentecost 1996Tishri21

FDS4 administration begins. Elijah4 sealed, the first ripe fruit of FDS4?

Birth (midway between 2NC Pentecost and the Gentile call) 1998Tebbeth 


Worldwide 1999Elul26 

Gordon decided to start evangelising to the world rather than just the Watchtower in 1999Elul26 on the basis incorrectly of Revelation6 but correctly perhaps of the 7 year Jewish exclusivity of Christianity from 29Tishri10 to 36Tishri14

(37y+19 months?) Birth 2001Nisan

(Gentile Call or Samaritan in the Gentile time slot?) A birth, Ephraim (from Joseph), 'Samaritan' call, to those sons of the 1AC in the church of Melchizedek,  who are virgins, i.e. never have joined a false church during this call, to also be 2NC Kings. This call needs to occur in order that the maiden can be 12 years old by Hebrew counting in 2013 according to Mark5. Worldly 2NC first fruits

Death  2001Elul

End of 60 month Proselyte call into the 2NC

Death 2009Ab

End of 100 month Samaritan call into the 2NC. 


FDS4 Kings - OLD

Born  1991Heshvan15  Gordon Sanctified, Elijah4
Witness starts  1992Elul11 

Letter to the society hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud

Commissioned through Covenant 1992Tishri15 

Newer Covenant (2NC) made between Jesus and Gordon, the covenant of Keturah, the covenant of Rachel, the Second New Covenant. Covenants are celebrated on the day they are made. The Watchtower may have shut the door on Gordon's priesthood and research on this day, and God responding by giving him the key to the door of the next temple. Making the 2NC is a commissioning to build a temple. All Christian temples and that of Zerubbabel and the tabernacle were commissioned in Tishri. Solomon's temple was commissioned in 1048Nisan.

Appointed to feed 1994Iyyar15  FDS4 appointed to feed at the proper time
Wife born (+41 days) 1994Sivan26/27

Tony or Massoud or both baptised?? 

End of old system 1994Ab30  FDS3 falls (22.5 months after Gordon commissioned)
New system Inaugurated.
Appointed over all true seed (3rd day inclusively) 

FDS4 appointed over all belongings of Jesus (sons of the JAC). But Gordon did not use his authority to stop WSS2 feeding the 1NC saints on this day. Also the authority may not be effective until some 2NC saints come into existence.

Entrance (+41 days) 1994Tishri13


Conception (New System +50 days) 1994Tishri22 'Proselyte' call, Manasseh (from Joseph), to the sons of the ICC in WSS2, to be second new covenant saints. 50 days (Pentecost - after FDS4 appointed). Ministry starts to 2NC saints. Authority of FDS4 comes into force. WSS2 cannot feed 2NC saints, so it loses its authority to feed all saints on this day.
Birth (Conception + 20 months/12) 1994Chislev12 

Ephraim (from Joseph), 'Samaritan' call, to those sons of the 1AC, who are virgins, i.e. never have lead a false church, to also be 2NC(k) saints. 20 months divided by 12 is 50 days from 1994Elul22

Birth (Birth +20 months/12) 1994Shebat2 

n.a. (20 months divided by 12, i.e. 50 days further on).

Witness ends 1995Adar11 

1260 days of Revelation 11 (Gordon Disfellowshipped)