THE TRUE BIBLE CODE: Every Bible Account Has 1 Literal or Symbolic Meaning And 0-4 Extra Noun Symbolic Meanings Each of Which Has 1 or 2 Fulfilments
Thursday March 27 2025 (Gregorian GMT)
2024 VeAdar 22 until sunset (Biblical Lunar)

[133] Genesis 4: The 7 Prophetic Times of the Exedenic Times and the 11 Prophetic Times of Lamech's Times

The First Murder and the Penalty

The account of Cain's murder of his brother is:

8 After that Cain said to Abel his brother: [Let us go over into the field.] So it came about that while they were in the field Cain proceeded to assault Abel his brother and kill him.
9 Later on Jehovah said to Cain: Where is Abel your brother? and he said: I do not know. Am I my brother's guardian? 
At this he said: What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground [hm'd'a]]. 
And now you are cursed from the ground [hm'd'a]], which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood at your hand. 
When you cultivate the ground [hm'd'a]], it will not give you back its power. A wanderer and a fugitive you will become in the earth.
13 At this Cain said to Jehovah: My punishment for error is too great to carry. 
Here you are actually driving me this day from off the surface of the ground, and from your face I shall be concealed; and I must become a wanderer and fugitive on the earth, and it is certain that anyone finding me will kill me.
15 At this Jehovah said to him: For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer vengeance 7 times.
And so Jehovah set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him (Genesis 4).

In the literal meaning, Cain killed Abel, and Cain was not his brother's guardian, because, although big brothers should look after little brothers,  these boys were actually grown up. For this murder occurred in 3928Nisan (11 Prophetic Times or 11x360= 3960 years before Jesus' death, this being the symbolic meaning of Lamech's charming little song of Genesis 4:23,24, a comparison of 77 times with 7 times, 77x/7x = 11x. Jesus was the 77th in the maternal line from Adam counting Immanuel. Lamech was the 7th in line from Adam, through Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael, Lamech). One can deduce that Cain was born in 3992Shebat and Abel in 3990Tishri, from the fundamental pattern - see U41.

God cursed Cain by banishing him 'from the ground'. What does this mean, did he float in the air? Well, Cain himself says that: From your face I shall be concealed. This would mean that he cannot appear before God's face, which is effectively a disfellowshipping or an excommunication. So the 'ground' in question was the physical area where God's people resided at that time, from which Cain was banished. In fact this would have been the area of residence of Adam and his sons, who existed amongst general Homo Sapiens at that time. It seems that Cain was sent to live with those who did not know God, the pre-adamics - see intro5 or see U1. The sons of Adam must have had an administration from God after Eden in some localised area too. The Hebrew word doe ground [hm'd'a]] Adamah, can in the symbolic meaning stand for God's congregation. Then the mountain which oversees the ground is the administration of God's congregation..

A further penalty on Cain was that when he cultivated the ground it would not give him its power. Yet the earth was already cursed, to the extent that one had to work very hard to get food from it. So in Cain's case, it would give him nothing of any use, no edible food. So Cain offered God substandard fruits from a cursed ground, and God's penalty for this was that the ground would no longer even give him these if he cultivated it. God's penalty for the murder of Abel was the banishment, the excommunication.

Cain therefore had to live off the efforts of other peoples' cultivation. In other words he would spend the rest of his life begging for the very garbage that he offered to God, in order that he might eat!!

Now Cain complained that anyone finding him would kill him. So God said:

15 For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer vengeance 7 times (Genesis 4).

This was a vengeance covenant from God to kill anyone who killed Cain, for God's justice is a soul for a soul! God actually did kill Cain on the day he murdered Abel, because Cain was non adamic prior to his killing his brother (and he had no Satanic authority to kill his brother since he was not his secular king). So God gene zapped his ageless non adamic body to make Cain adamic and ageing. That is a rather technical death and resurrection. God did not send Cain to Hades, adamic first death, because that was the penalty for those in Eden. But Cain became constructively first dead, like Adam after he killed his brother on the first battlefield of mankind.

However any would be killer of the newly adamic Cain would not be killed himself 7 times over by God, because his justice is soul for soul, not soul for 7 souls! So it is rather a penalty that lasted for 7 times. So that a better translation would be:

15 For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer vengeance [for] 7 times (Genesis 4).

In the literal meaning this vengeance penalty lasted for 7 years of the Biblical Lunar Calendar (BLC), or 2,520 lunar days, 7 times of the earth around the sun (from the Times Principle of the code).

The reason literally that this penalty lasted 7 years was that Cain was evicted from the camp for 7 years for his murder. Once permitted back into the camp after the 7 years had expired the vengeance protection would no longer be needed.

The bible does indicated that Cain was not killed within this 7 year period (from 3928Nisan to 3921Nisan), but he did take up residence in the Land of Nod (Fugitiveness - for the location of Nod today - see U1), where he fathered Enoch, and built a city which he named after his son Enoch. One cannot build a city that quickly. And Adam did not live in a city. so the bible is saying that Cain survived the 7 years and did not return to Adam. He also had a sign set up by God that no one finding him should strike him (Genesis 4:15), so we must assume that with this level of Divine protection, he survived at least 7 years! Actually one can deduce that the vengeance protection on Cain worked because Lamech composed his song for his wives saying:

23 A man I have killed for wounding me,
Yes, a young man for giving me a blow.
24 If seven times Cain is to be avenged [for]
Then Lamech seventy times and seven (Genesis 4)

Perhaps the first incidence of gangster rap - eeuch! Obviously the protection worked in the case of Cain because if not then Lamech would not have wanted to be protected in the same way for 77 years after his murder himself.

So if anyone had killed Cain (and no one did) then he would have to have been killed, presumably by a justice system amongst Adam's sons. This 7 year protection, was the import of the sign set up by God that no one finding Cain should strike him. 

The Symbolic Meaning of the 7x eviction penalty for Cain from Adam's land into a powerless wasteland

10 At this he said: What have you done? [There is a reader question!] Listen! Your brother's blood [sons of the AFC] is crying out to me from the ground [the true congregation of Adam's family].
11 And now you are cursed from the ground [this does not mean that he floated 10 feet in the air! It means that he was banned from the true congregation of Adam's covenant family, the sons of the AFC, Abel!], which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood [all those with faith, those in the earth of Adam, drink the blood of Abel, the mediator of the AFC. They drink the cup of the AFC. They did this on the night that Abel was killed. Cain was the original Caiaphas. Abel brought firstlings plural. Cain was a firstling. He was the previous high priest - being non adamic and free from death. This was the end of the law of Cain, the law of Caiaphas. They drank two cups at that Passover on 3928Nisan14, after which Cain murdered his brother. One of the Abelian Angelic Covenant and the other of the Abelian Faith Covenant] at your hand.
12 When you cultivate the ground, it will not give you back its power [your false religion will not have any divine backing. It will not result in any forgiveness or any salvation]. A wanderer and a fugitive you will become in the earth. (Genesis 4 NWT).

24 and Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and the blood of sprinkling, which speaks in a better way than Abel's [blood]. (Hebrews 12 NWT)

For Abel had the blood of an old covenant, the first pre flood system covenant, the AFC. Cain got angry when he lost both his firstborn rights and his priesthood to Abel. For more on this - see U10.

13 At this Cain said to Jehovah: My punishment for error is too great to carry. 
Here you are actually driving me this day from off the surface of the ground, and from your face I shall be concealed [he used to see God's face before he murdered Abel, because he was non adamic and was therefore a priest to Adam's family all of whom were adamic and therefore constructively dead]; and I must become a wanderer and fugitive on the earth, and it is certain that anyone finding me will kill me.
15 At this Jehovah said to him: For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer vengeance 7 times.
And so Jehovah set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him (Genesis 4).

15 Therefore/for that reason everyone/anyone [-lk] killing Cain 7 times he will be avenged [~qy] (Genesis 4 NIVHEOT).

In the literal meaning, the vengeance from God for any man who killed Cain within 7 years of his killing Abel was physical death (vengeance). But the penalty on Cain himself, who was a murderer from among God's people (although a son of Satan and Eve) was eviction from the land of Adam and his family for 7 years. He was banished to a group which did not produce much fruit which was bad for him since he was a crop farmer. Whilst he was excommunicated from God's true people God gave him the vengeance penalty protection

But quite obviously God would not afford a greater protection to a false worshipping murderer amongst his people than he would afford a true worshipping non murderer. So what we are seeing here is a law from God on all of his true people that murderers should be evicted for 7 years from the homeland of Adam and his family and that the pre-adamics outside that land should not kill adamic murderers. 

In fact once Adam had left the garden his introduction to knowledge of Good and of Bad began. This would obviously mean that God would give him a set of laws which defined the two. One of these laws was the 7 year eviction for murder law.

Now applying the Prophetic Times Substitution Principle of the code, we know that in the greater meaning 7 years become 7 Prophetic Times or 2520 years.

Take Cain (a murderer from God's people) to be God's people, who were most of Adam's family plus pre-adamic proselytes. Adam's family were sons of a mother who conspired with Satan to murder Adam and Adam who murdered himself for his love of Eve. So Cain can justifiably stand for all of God's people. 

Their banishment from the edenic blessed ground of Eden, to the curse ground outside began at their eviction for Eden. The punishment resulted from their breaking God's law. From this we can deduce that Cain was under God's law when he killed Abel. For if not then he would not have been punished by God. Adam and Eve we evicted for eating from the tree (false worship) in circumstances where Eve had conspired to murder Adam and Adam murdering himself (neither of which were sins under the one law of Eden), was to be a banishment from a promised/edenic land for 7 Prophetic Times or 2520 years. And there you have the Exedenic Times. So just as Cain was banished from the family land/ground of Adam and consigned to a land which would not give him its true productive power for 7 years (for being a false worshipping murderer), so God's official people were banned from Eden and evicted into a land growing them thorns and thistles for 7 Prophetic Times or 2520 years (7x360 years) until they entered into the promised land, flowing with milk and honey in 1473Nisan (for being false worshipping murderers).

Actually God's people under the law of Moses, could kill false worshippers and murderers (sons of Cain by covenant, the Cainian seed covenant) by stoning them, from 1473Nisan14/15 onwards. Nobody was stoned in the wilderness for murder under law because all those over 20, when the spying report was made, were denied access to the promised land, which meant that they dropped out of the LCC, which meant that they were regarded by God as being uncircumcised, which meant that they were not under law. Hence the scripture says..

42 So God turned and handed them over to render sacred service to the army of heaven, just as it is written in the book of the prophets, 'It was not to me that you offered victims and sacrifices for 40 years in the wilderness, was it, Oh house of Israel? (Acts 7 NWT)

In the case of the murmurers it was not. But Israel did go under law on 1513Sivan. So all those 11 years and over by Hebrew reckoning (the age Adam was when he entered Eden, the age Jesus was when he questioned the Pharisees in the temple and the age every temple builder must be when he is commissioned to build a temple - see U42), went under law on 1513Sivan7 until 1511Nisan-Elul when the bad spying report was made. Then those who were under 20 remained under law as did Joshua and Caleb and the Levites who were not registered into the army. But the vast majority of Israel was not under law and neither were the children born to those not under law.

 So God's people for the most part were prevented from applying the death penalty of the law of Moses to murderers in the wilderness. So it does look like for the entire length of the Exedenic Times no murderer got the death penalty from God. Plenty of Israelites were killed in the wilderness by God himself and some by Jews at the command of God.

27 He now said to them: This is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said, 'Put each one of you his sword on his side. Pass through and return from gate to gate in the camp and kill each one his brother and each one his fellow and each one his intimate acquaintance.'
28 And the sons of Levi proceeded to do as Moses had said, so that there fell of the people on that day about 3,000 men.
29 And Moses went on to say: Fill your hand today with power for Jehovah, because each one of you is against his own son and his own brother, and that he may confer a blessing upon you today. (Exodus 32 NWT)

Here was the death penalty. but it was for idolatry of a golden calf, not for murder. There is no account of a murderer being stoned in the wilderness.

Literal Symbolic
Cain Cainian seed, the sons of Cain by covenant, the sons of the CSC. Anyone who committed a capital offence under law or who refused to hand over their part of the promised land to God's people at his request through Joshua was killed as Cainian after the end of the Exedenic Times. But not during those 2520 years.
7 years 7 Prophetic Times, 2520 years 
Cursed and evicted from Adam's family land Exedenic, not in an edenic or promised land
Land would not produce for him Thorns and thistles, no edenic fruit and no milk and honey
Cain was not to be killed for 7 years False worshipping murderers, sons of Cain by covenant, the sons of the CSC, or indeed the sons of Cain by genetics who refused to hand over their part of the promised land at God's request, did not receive the death penalty for 2520 years until Israel entered into the promised land

'Manna' means literally 'What is it'. So when the scripture says: The Manna stopped. The literal translation would be: The what is it stopped. Or rather: What is it that stopped? The answer is: The Exedenic Times, and the Law of Vengeance!

10 And the sons of Israel continued to camp in Gilgal, and they proceeded to carry out the Passover on the 14th day of the month, in the evening, on the desert plains of Jericho. 
11 And they began to eat some of the yield of the land the day after the Passover, unfermented cakes and roasted grains, on this same day [1473Nisan15, the end of the Exedenic Times]
12 Then the manna ceased on the following day when they had eaten some of the yield of the land, and manna did not occur anymore for the sons of Israel, and they began to eat some of the produce of the land of Canaan in that year (Joshua 5). 

Can you remember what happened on the previous occasion that God's people ate some food in a blessed land? It was back in Eden!! So the greater meaning has to do with Eden. Yes it is the Exedenic Times, the 2520 year 'day' of no eating from the produce of any blessed land which had just ended. For some interesting cases under the Law of Vengeance and the Law of Moses..

In fact Canaan was inhabited by the sons of Canaan, the son of Ham, who was cursed when God said: Cursed be Canaan. The bible's use of 'the Canaanite' singular proves that they were all descendants of a Canaan.

However Cain was already so cursed. And it is possible the Ham's wife, although faithful and righteous, was a daughter of Cain. For good or bad is determined by the spirit from God not the flesh from Satan. In that case then Cain (in the sense of his procreative house, his genetic line, his seed, his tribe, his family) would have been killed (to some extent) when Israel started conquering the promised land. So the greater meaning of: Everyone killing Cain will suffer vengeance 7x, is that everyone killing a descendant of Cain in Canaan will suffer the vengeance of God in the form of the malediction of the Exedenic Times for 7 Prophetic Times or 7x360=2520 years or 7 years a day for a year, starting not from when Cain was cursed and banished from the ground of Adam but from when Adam was cursed and banished from the ground of Eden on 3993Nisan15. In fact this was malediction on God's people, preventing them from killing any 'son' of Cain until 1473Nisan15. The Canaan - Cain similarity cannot be a coincidence. 

The 7x eviction penalty itself

Cain and Abel offered their sacrifices to God, in Nisan 3928 - see below. And since Abel offered firstlings of the flock in Nisan (March/April) it  would surely have been on Nisan14. This was not a chance occurrence. These two brothers did not wake up on that day and say, hey, let's offer up a sacrifice. The account proves that Adam and his family were involved in the worship of God. Not only that but Abel was aware of the necessity for a blood sacrifice, and therefore he must have been aware of the possibility of Adam's sin being paid for by another death. So he must have understood the concept of the ransom. Look, God does not oppress persecute or torture his people. He does allow them to suffer all three if they desert him however. But he would not have left Adam in the dark for long after his eviction from Eden. So Adam's family were all aware of the possibility of a resurrection at the time of the two brothers' sacrifice. In fact given that God did look with favour on Abel's sacrifice, he actually had a resurrection at that time. So having the possibility of a resurrection removed from them would have been a real penalty.

In fact Cain was the priest to the family because he was the only one not under a death penalty before he killed Abel. He was the only living one amongst them.

Now Cain was expelled from God's people, under this law, but that could hardly be described as a large penalty for a murder from God, until one realises that God's people are in a saved condition. God's people have the hope of a resurrection, and when one is expelled, on proper grounds, this hope has gone temporarily at the least. This is therefore a form of death. It is not the second death which is the 1,000 years sin bin, but it is the imminent threat of the same. One clue as to the vengeance that Cain suffered is that Cain was to be concealed from God's face. This means that he was unable to approach God in Worship, for the period of his excommunication - which is of course precisely what excommunication is - although prayer would still have been available to him. But God is one who forgives after seven times:

1 At the end of every seven years you should make a release.
2 And this is the manner of the release: There will be a releasing by every creditor of the debt that he may let his fellow incur. He should not press his fellow or his brother for payment, because a release to Jehovah must be called (Deuteronomy 15).

God is never one to leave a man with absolutely no hope. Indeed what would be the purpose of punishing Cain so severely if God had no interest in teaching him from this punishment. God is not a sadist, he is an educator. Satan is the sadist:

6 For whom God loves he disciplines; in fact, he scourges every one whom he receives as a son (Hebrews 12).

So look! Cain could come back after the 7 years, if he so wished!! Yes, that is why God protected him physically just for 7 years. This is not saying that Cain did come back, repentant. In fact the apostle John says of him:

12 Cain, who originated with the wicked one (1 John 3 NWT)
12 Cain, out of the wicked one he was (1 John 3 Greek Interlinear)

Which means that it would be very unlikely that he came back repentant. Even so, God would not remove all hope from him, and he always had that option after 7 years. So now we are able to state the Law of Vengeance, which applied to God's people for 2520 years after Adam's sin.

7x Law of Murder (3993Nisan - 1473Nisan)

God is one who forgives after seven times:

1 At the end of every seven years you should make a release.
2 And this is the manner of the release: There will be a releasing by every creditor of the debt that he may let his fellow incur. He should not press his fellow or his brother for payment, because a release to Jehovah must be called (Deuteronomy 15).

God is never one to leave a man with absolutely no hope. Indeed what would be the purpose of punishing Cain so severely if God had no interest in teaching him from this punishment. God is not a sadist, he is an educator. Satan is the sadist:

6 For whom God loves he disciplines; in fact, he scourges every one whom he receives as a son (Hebrews 12).

So look! Cain could come back after the 7 years, if he so wished!! Yes, that is why God protected him physically just for 7 years. This is not saying that Cain did come back, repentant. In fact the apostle John says of him:

Cain, who originated with the wicked one (1 John 3:12 - NWT)
Cain, out of the wicked one he was (1 John 3:12 - Greek Interlinear)

Which means that he did not come back repentant. Even so, God would not remove all hope from him, and he always had that option after 7 years. So now we are able to state the Law of Vengeance, which applied to God's people for 2520 years after Adam's sin.

If one of God's people kills another of God's people, then he is expelled from his people for 7 years.

The 7x eviction law for murder was replaced by the law of Moses. This law allowed God's true people to kill false worshippers and murderers by stoning them. The law came into force on 1513Sivan3 at mount Sinai see - Quick introduction to the bible. But the children who were born in the 40 year period in the wilderness, between 1513Nisan (March/April) when the Jews left Egypt and 1473Nisan when the Sons of Israel entered the promised land, were not circumcised. They therefore did not come under the law of Moses and therefore were still under the law of vengeance, once they came of age, 20 years of age, whilst they remained in the wilderness.

5 For all the people who came out proved to be circumcised, but all the people born in the wilderness on the road when they were coming out of Egypt they had not circumcised (Joshua 5)

These people were circumcised on the 10th of Nisan (March /April)1473 BC:

19 And the people came up out of the Jordan on the tenth of the first month and took up camping at Gilgal on the eastern border of Jericho (Joshua 4).

And those that were 11 years old or more by Hebrew reckoning would appear to have come under law at the Passover on 1473Nisan14. So that the first whole day under law was 1473Nisan15, which was the first day that they ate the fruit of the promised land:

10 And the sons of Israel continued to camp in Gilgal, and they proceeded to carry out the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, on the desert plains of Jericho. 
And they began to eat some of the yield of the land the day after the Passover, unfermented cakes and roasted grains, on this same day (Joshua 5).

So 1473Nisan14 would be the last day of the 2520 law of vengeance by God, it being replaced by the law of Moses, in the cases of those born in the wilderness. A law which provided for vengeance by men, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, blow for blow, branding for branding, and soul for soul.

25 But if a fatal accident should occur, then you must give soul for soul,
eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, branding for branding, wound for wound, blow for blow (Exodus 21).

So the Exedenic Times, the period during which God's people were not in a blessed land of God, was coincident with the period during which the law for murder was a 7x eviction from God's people. A period of 2520 years. 

On 1473Nisan15 any member of Israel could stone a convicted murderer. They could kill a son of Cain (by sin type), and there was no vengeance for them!

Putting this diagrammatically:

Michael's 6,000 year ARC lease and the 2520 year Exedenic Times

Eve begins false worship
Eve used by Satan to kill Adam
Adam sins. Adam and Eve die
and leave God's family.
Jesus agrees ARC, takes a
6,000 year headless on Adam
7x camp eviction for murder
law begins. Not allowed to kill
murderers among God's people
3993Nisan14 BC

Exedenic Times
begins. Adam
and Eve evicted
from Eden
ARC World begins
Jesus appointed
Caesar to Adam
God dries up the Jordan
So Israel could cross
Circumcision at Gilgal
Passover celebrated
in the promised land
Law of Moses begins
for those born in the
wilderness (2nd law)
7x camp eviction
law for murder ends
Men allowed to kill
murderers among
God's people, stoning
them under law. Jews
eat first fruit from
the promised land
Manna stops
End of Michael's
6,000 year ARC
lease over Adam
1 day7 Prophetic Times (2520 years) 1 day3480 years - 2 daysTotal: 6000 years.

In Ezekiel we read:

12 And those of the house of Israel will have to bury them for the purpose of cleansing the land for 7 months (Ezekiel 39).

This must follow from a general principle that land when defiled takes 7 'times' until it is cleansed. Now the ground was cursed when Adam sinned. And 7 Prophetic Times later, 2520 years later, the first fruits of the promised land, a blessed land, were eaten. For we read in Esther 9:22

22 according to the days on which the Jews had rested from their enemies and the month that was changed for them from grief to rejoicing and from mourning to a good day, to hold them as days of banqueting and rejoicing and sending of portions to one another and of gifts to the poor people. (Esther 9 NWT)

AHA so a month can be a day as well as a day being a year. So in fact a revolution of the earth around itself or of the earth around the sun or of the moon around the earth are all times which are interchangeable in bible Chronology

A time can be a day, a months, a year or a year of years (360 years - a Prophetic Times).

When you understand this, then you have become one of:

13 The wise men having knowledge of the Times (Esther 1).

Interesting Cases under the law of Banishment and the law of Moses


Moses killed the Egyptian in the wrong who was struggling with the Jew:

11 Now it came about in those days, as Moses was becoming strong, that he went out to his brothers that he might look at the burdens they were bearing; and he caught sight of a certain Egyptian striking a certain Hebrew of his brothers. 
12 So he turned this way and that and saw there was nobody in sight. Then he struck the Egyptian down and hid him in the sand (Exodus 2).

The Egyptian presumably killed the Hebrew, which lead to Moses killing him. But Moses did not kill one of God's people so he did not break the vengeance law.


Phinehas killed Zimri who was fornicating with Cozbi a Midianite woman in front of everyone, at a time when the true God was plaguing the nation for their fornication with Midianite women:

6 But, look! a man of the sons of Israel came, and he was bringing near to his brothers a Midianite woman before Moses' eyes and before the eyes of all the assembly of the sons of Israel, while they were weeping at the entrance of the tent of meeting (Numbers 25).

Phinehas was not under the law of vengeance, he was under the law of Moses, which did not provide for the killing of those who fornicated with foreign women. The law provided that they should marry them or pay their father's 50 shekels, at the time of Phinehas' actions.

16 Now in case a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, and he actually lies down with her, he is to obtain her without fail as his wife for the purchase price. 
17 If her father flatly refuses to give her to him, he is to pay over the money at the rate of purchase money for virgins (Exodus 22).

Only later did the law stipulate that the sons and daughters of Israel should not marry outside:

3 And you must form no marriage alliance with them. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son (Deuteronomy 7).

Which would have meant that the penalty on Phinehas should have been 50 shekels payment to Cozbi's father.

So Phinehas took the law into his own hands, but not the law of vengeance, it was the law of Moses. And he did it because 24,000 people had already been killed by a plague from God resulting from the idolatry that the sons of Israel had committed at the urging of these Midianite women. Phinehas was rewarded with a Priesthood covenant.

Levi and Simeon

24 Then all those going out by the gate of his city listened to Hamor and to Shechem his son, and all the males got circumcised, all those going out by the gate of his city.
25 However, it came about that on the third day, when they got to be aching, the two sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, brothers of Dinah, proceeded to take each one his sword and to go unsuspectedly to the city and to kill every male (Genesis 34).

These two killed men who were circumcised. This broke the law of vengeance. The bible is careful to point out that the other brothers had no part in this murder:

27 The other sons of Jacob came in on the dead/slain/fatally wounded men and went plundering the city, because they had defiled their sister (Genesis 34 NIVHEOT, Green's Literal Translation GLT, NWT).

Jacob then said to Simeon and Levi:

30 At this Jacob said to Simeon and to Levi: You have brought ostracism upon me in making me a stench to the inhabitants of the land, with the Canaanites and the Perizzites; whereas I am few in number, and they will certainly gather together against me and assault me and I must be annihilated, I and my house.
31 In turn they said: Ought anyone to treat our sister like a prostitute? (Genesis 34).

At first sight it is rather a coincidence that Jacob mentions ostracism to these two sons, who by the Law of Vengeance were to be ostracised for 7 years. But then by the No Coincidence Principle, it is not a coincidence at all. But the 'coincidences' do not stop there. The very next verse says:

1 After that God said to Jacob: Rise, go up to Bethel and dwell there, and make an altar there to the [true] God who appeared to you when you were running away from Esau your brother (Genesis 35).

So it refers to someone running away from their brothers, which is precisely what the sons of Jacob had to do in the cases of Simeon and Levi. Again the 'coincidences' do not stop there. The very next verse refers to 'all who were with' Jacob:

2 Then Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him: Put away the foreign gods that are in the midst of you and cleanse yourselves and change your mantles (Genesis 35).

And then in verse 6 we read:

6 Eventually Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, that is to say, Bethel, he and all the people who were with him (Genesis 35).

A repetition of the phrase/concept 'all (the people) who were with him'. The phrase: 'all that were with him' is not common in the bible, it occurs only in this chapter of the bible in the NWT, and the phrase: 'all the people that were with him' occurs here and once in the book of Judges in the NWT. Our attention is being drawn to it by the repetition. Really we are talking not about all who were with Jacob but about all who were not with him, namely Simeon and Levi.

Jacob's deathbed blessing on his sons again refers to the murders of Simeon and Levi:

5 Simeon and Levi are brothers. Instruments of violence are their slaughter weapons.
6 Into their intimate group do not come, O my soul. With their congregation do not become united, O my disposition, because in their anger they killed men, and in their arbitrariness they hamstrung bulls.
7 Cursed be their anger, because it is cruel, and their fury, because it acts harshly. Let me parcel them out in Jacob and let me scatter them in Israel (Genesis 49).

This was a prophetic blessing applying to their seed. But they are described as brothers. Now it is perfectly obvious that they are brothers in the genetic sense, both being sons of Jacob. So by the Power Principle, this means something more. It must therefore mean that they are brothers of the darkness, they are in the wrong congregation, Satan's seed. They get no resurrection into the Kingdom. So although Simeon and Levi did rejoin Jacob, and went down to Egypt with him, it appears that they left him again forming their own intimate group. Furthermore their sons are scattered around the territory of Israel, in a symbolic kind of excommunication, as was Cain, and as were they themselves for 7 years.

Reuben and Judah

In the account of Genesis 37, when Joseph's brothers were plotting to kill him, Reuben said:

21 Let us not strike his soul fatally (Genesis 37).
22 Do not spill blood (Genesis 37).

26 Judah said: What profit would there be in case we killed our brother and did cover over his blood? (Genesis 37).

So obviously the two of them were aware that there was a penalty for killing one of there brothers, so they would need to cover over their crime. This penalty was under the Law of Vengeance.

A Technical Note for the experienced reader, see - Manna from heaven.

The 11 Prophetic Times of Lamech's Times

23 A man I have killed for wounding me,
Yes, a young man for giving me a blow.
24 If seven times Cain is to be avenged
Then Lamech seventy times and seven (Genesis 4)

OK so for 7 years after his murder of Abel, anyone who killed Cain would himself be killed. In the case of Lamech this period was 77 years according to his song.  But this too has a greater meaning which is incredible.

Lamech was grating himself (presumably through his sons) a vengeance period 11x long than that given to Cain and making the comparison of 77 with 7 in his song. 

Now Enoch was possessed by the angel Michael and so was essentially Jesus in training (indeed 'Enoch' means one trained up or trainee) - see intro16

But Enoch was the 7th one in line from Adam. The succession went: Adam, Seth, Kenan, Enosh. Mehalalel, Jared (Melchizedek), Enoch

14 Yes, the 7th one [in line] from Adam, Enoch, prophesied also regarding them, when he said: Look! Jehovah came with his holy myriads, (Jude 1 NWT)

Whereas Lamech was the 7th in line from Adam, through Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael, Lamech.

Whereas Jesus was the 77th one in line from Adam if we include Immanuel (the non adamic son of Joseph and Mary) through the maternal line of Luke 3.

So the false worship of Cain (a corrupt priest) was avenged by the true worship of Enoch after 7x of genetic descent and the false worship of all armed murderers (of which Lamech was the first) was avenged by the ministry of Jesus after 77x of genetic descent.

And just as the penalty for killing Lamech the first armed murderer was 11x greater than the penalty for killing Cain the first murderer of his brother (amongst the sons of Adam) so the vengeance upon armed murderers ended with the sacrifice of the Christ which ended the law with its penalty of stoning murderers.

So Cain killed Abel 11 Prophetic Times before Caiaphas sacrificed Jesus and ended the vengeance penalties, stoning under law.

So Cain killed Abel on 3928Nisan14 BC, 3960 years before 33Nisan14 AD, when Jesus was sacrificed.

The Laodicean fulfilment of Cain and Abel and the 7x of vengeance

1 Now Adam had intercourse with Eve his wife and she became pregnant. In time she gave birth to Cain and said: I have produced a man with the aid of Jehovah.
2 Later she again gave birth, to his brother Abel. And Abel came to be a herder of sheep, but Cain became a cultivator of the ground.
3 And it came about at the expiration of some time that Cain proceeded to bring some fruits of the ground as an offering to Jehovah.
4 But as for Abel, he too brought some firstlings of his flock, even their fatty pieces. Now while Jehovah was looking with favour upon Abel and his offering,
5 he did not look with any favour upon Cain and upon his offering. And Cain grew hot with great anger, and his countenance began to fall.
6 At this Jehovah said to Cain: Why are you hot with anger and why has your countenance fallen?
7 If you turn to doing good, will there not be an exaltation? But if you do not turn to doing good, there is sin crouching at the entrance, and for you is its craving; and will you, for your part, get the mastery over it? (Genesis 4 NWT)

Literally no. In the Laodicean fulfilment yes.

After that Cain said to Abel his brother: [Let us go over into the field.] So it came about that while they were in the field Cain proceeded to assault Abel his brother and kill him.
9 Later on Jehovah said to Cain: Where is Abel your brother? and he said: I do not know. Am I my brother's guardian? [Yes, the Watchtower administration is the guardian of Laodicea, the sons of the 4EC, Cain's brother. So Cain is the previous high priest, the Watchtower administration] 
At this he said: What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground [the Laodicean congregation]
And now you are cursed in banishment from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood at your hand [this was the cup of the AFC in the literal meaning which was drunk by the ground of Adam, the true church. It is the congregation of Laodicea in the greater meaning who drink the cup of the 4EC and the 2NC both are the bloods of Abel (Gordon), the sons of the 2NC and the 4EC]
When you cultivate the ground, it will not give you back its power [the interpretational power of Laodicea is not given to Watchtower administration or to the Watchtower congregation]. A wanderer [door knocker] and a fugitive [hiding from angry JWs who want to know why they kept the truth from them for a generation. Why were you running two churches and keeping one of them secret from us?] you will become in the earth [the Watchtower congregation. They will leave the Bethel].
13 At this Cain said to Jehovah: My punishment for error is too great to carry. 
Here you are actually driving me this day from off the surface of the ground, and from your face I shall be concealed; and I must become a wanderer and fugitive on the earth, and it is certain that anyone finding me will kill me.
15 At this Jehovah said to him: For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer vengeance/must be caused to avenge 7 times.
And so Jehovah set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him (Genesis 4).

16815 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. (Genesis 4 KJV)
15 At this Jehovah said to him: For that reason anyone killing Cain must suffer/get vengeance 7 times. And so Jehovah set up a sign for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him. (Genesis 4 NWT adapted)
15 And Jehovah said to him, If anyone kills Cain, he shall be avenged sevenfold. And Jehovah set a mark on Cain, so that anyone who found him should not kill him. (Genesis 4 GLT)

15 Therefore/for that reason everyone/anyone [-lk] killing Cain 7 times he will be avenged [~qy] (Genesis 4 NIVHEOT).

Literally, Cain was expelled from the Camp of Adam (the true church) for 7 years. That was the original penalty for murder. But during that period Cain was given the added protection that if anyone killed him that person would suffer Vengeance - presumably would themselves be killed. After that period no protection was needed because Cain had the right to return to God's people if he so chose.

Then there was the greater meaning to Genesis 4:15 of the Exedenic Times, the 7 Prophetic Times malediction (2520 years, 7 years a day for a year) stretching from 3993Nisan15 BC, the eviction from Eden to 1473Nisan15 BC, the eating of the first fruits from the promised land. This was the period of time that the true seed hat to wait for before they could kill Cain with impunity - which they did when they dispossessed his seed from the promised land.

We kill Cain by baptizing him into the 4EC which literally kills him to Cain and makes him adamic or Abrahamic or Isaaic. This killing is a good thing. The vengeance is the 7x wait to enter into the new promised land

For 7 times, anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance. But after the 7x, he will not. These were the 7 Prophetic Times of the Exedenic Times from 3993Nisan15 to 1473Nisan15 BC
For the 7x of Abrahamic Laodicea from 2013Sivan15/Ab15 to 2020Sivan15/Ab15, the Laodicean Exedenic Times, which prevented Adam from entering that church. For this was a malediction on Adam entering Laodicea through non adamic Abrahamic conversion.
For the 7x of Isaaic Zoar from 2017Tishri15 to 2024Tishri15, the LW Isaaic Exedenic Times, the 4EC baptism produced an Abrahamic restoration rather than an Isaaic one. So that the Isaaic promised land is not entered into any further until 2024Tishri15. 

If anyone had entered into non adamic Abrahamic Laodicea between 2012Sivan16 and 2013Sivan15, they would have received a 4EC baptism which would have made them non adamic Abrahamic. But no son of Adam could join from 2013Sivan15/Ab15 to 2020Sivan15/Ab15 due to the Laodicean Exedenic Times. From 2013Adar10 to 2017Elul10, the Laodicean baptism did not work (because they had lost the 4EC baptism and there was no 1AC baptism during that period). So only those who were already 1ACs baptised up to 2008Nisan14 and unsanctified joined presumably. ,After 2017Elul10, Laodicea was a false church. 

The Sign that God set up so that no one finding him should strike him may be the boils of Monkeypox.168

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