[164] Daniel 5: MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN

The Belshazzar thread

The King Context Dependent Jesus/Earlier or later Governing Body of WTBTS
Grandees: 4EC water baptised Laodiceans
Belshazzar  Ahab of 1Kings18, the administration of Laodicea (the Laodicean Governing Body members) - not AOL.
The Queen
is the true 1NC reserve saints in the LWs
is Charles Russell or perhaps FDS3/ES2

Extremity of the hand: The end of his rule. 
Daniel is Elijah4 (AOP)

1 Belshazzar [meaning: May Baal protect the king! Historically he was the son of Nabonidus the King of Babylon from 555-539 - see U91] [Ahab], the king, made a big feast for grandees of his, 1000, and to over-against/opposite/before/in front of [lbeq.] the 1,000 wine he was drinking [The feast of the king is for the 1000 years of the Kingdom. The feast of Belshazzar is that of Laodicea].

Verse1: 1000x+(1x+1x).1000x = 3000x

2 Belshazzar [Ahab], in/whilst tasting/judging of the wine [in temporally i.e. whilst being influenced by the wine], said to bring in the vessels of gold [1NC saints who drink on Nisan14/Iyyar14 followed by the 1NC/2nd 1NC Pentecost] and of silver [2NC saints] that Nebuchadnezzar his father [FDS3] had taken away from the temple that was in Jerusalem [on 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower ceased to be a true church, it ceased to be the temple in Jerusalem] and in them the king and his nobles/princes, his wives and his concubines [1NC reserves, 2NCs and HLCs] might drink [where was the queen, why was she not in the hall?].

The box was in the house 1x
The box was taken out of the house 1x (present action)
The box had been taken out of the house 1x (past action)
The box was outside the house 2x. (state)

Verse2: 1x+(3x+3x)1x + 6x.(1x+3x+3x+3x)=67x. 

3 At/in that time/then [!yId;a/] [] they brought in the vessels of gold [One person max for each vessel, not the vessels of silver. Because Laodicea was appointed over 1NC reserves - not over 2NCs] which they [Laodicea] had taken away from the temple that [is] the house of God that [is] in Jerusalem [the 1NCs from JWs and the 2NCs from the LWs], and in them the king [1x] and his nobles/princes [3x], his wives [3x] and his concubines [3x] drank [the Laodicean Passover on Iyyar14, not the Watchtower Passover on Nisan14].

Verse3: 3x.3x+3x.3x.(1x+3x+3x+3x) = 9x + 90x = 99x

4 They drank the wine [10x], and they [10x] praised to Gods of gold [3x] and of silver [3x], copper [3x], iron [3x], wood [3x] and stone [3x] [This is idolatry of themselves. Priests, rulers, researchers and even the dead stones of church members as being Gods. They are worshipping themselves].

Verse4: 10x+10x.(3x+3x+3x+3x+3x+3x) = 190x. 

5 In that moment/time/hour the fingers [fingers and toes are 'etsba', thumbs and big toes are 'bohen'] that a man's hand came forth [5x for 5 fingers seen whilst writing as they were drinking] and they were writing to opposite/before/over against/in front of the lampstand [The congregation of Laodicea] upon the plaster that the wall of the palace that the king [church law for 1NCs], and the king was beholding the back/extremity of the hand that was writing [He is seeing the end of his hand, the end of his power].

Verse5: 1x+5x+5x.(1x+1x+1x)+1x = 22x
Total of verses 1-5 = 3000x+67x+99x+190x+22x = 3378x. These are days from 2008Nisan22, the 1st 1NC marriage, the investiture of the first presence 1NC Kings, the start of the Kingdom of Jesus (who is himself a God) in heaven, to 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicean as a true church, the end of the Kingdom coincident true church feast of Belshazzar, the original administration of Laodicea (Greedy Gehazi of 2Kings5 see U652)

The 2014Nisan14 Passover failed because Laodicea lost its water baptism on 2013Adar10. So nobody was clean to eat the Passover and Jesus was not present. So on 2014Nisan14/Iyyar14-2017Nisan14/Iyyar14 Belshazzar was truly drinking WINE. He was not drinking the blood of any salvation covenant mediator! Whereas from 2007Iyyar14 to 2013Iyyar14 he was. 

6 After/from that time [!yId;a/], [as regards] the king, his very complexion was changed in him, and his own thoughts began to frighten him, and his hip joints were loosening and his very knees were knocking each other.

Verse6: 1x+1x+3x+2x+2x = 9x from 2008Nisan22 to 2017Elul10.

7 The king was calling out loudly to bring in the conjurers, the Chaldeans and the astrologers. The king was answering and saying to the wise men of Babylon: Any man that will read this writing and show me its very interpretation, with purple he will be clothed, with a necklace of gold about his neck, and as the 3rd one in the kingdom he will rule.
8 At that time [defined by the 5 fingers and MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN] all the wise men of the king were coming in, but they were not competent enough to read the writing itself or to make known to the king the interpretation.
9 Consequently the King, Belshazzar was very much frightened and his complexion was changing within him; and his grandees were perplexed.
10 As regards the queen [the true 1NC reserves], because of the words of the king and his grandees she entered right into the banqueting hall [The Passover banqueting hall - to partake in Laodicea]. The queen answered and said: Oh king, keep living even to times indefinite. Do not let your thoughts frighten you, nor let your complexion be changed.
11 There exists a capable man in your kingdom in whom there is the spirit of holy gods; and in the days of your father [Charles Russell. Russell exists through the baptism into the 3EC, which Laodiceans and which Gordon took] illumination and insight and wisdom like the wisdom of gods were found in him, and the king, Nebuchadnezzar [may Nebo protect the crown] your father himself [from heaven] set him up as chief of the magic-practicing priests, the conjurers, the Chaldeans [and] the astrologers, [even] your father, Oh king [Daniel/Gordon is and was always a Russellite];
12 forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit and knowledge and insight to interpret dreams and the explanation of riddles and the untying of knots had been found in him, in Daniel, whom the king himself named Belteshazzar [protect the life of the king or Lord of the secret treasures]. Now let Daniel himself be called, that he may show the very interpretation.
13 Accordingly Daniel himself was brought in before the king. The king was speaking up and saying to Daniel: Are you the Daniel that is of the exiles of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah? [Yes, the Watchtower disfellowshipped Elijah4 on 1995Adar11 before they ceased being Judah on 1998Tishri27]
14 I have also heard concerning you that the spirit of gods is in you, and illumination and insight and wisdom extraordinary have been found in you.
15 And now there have been brought in before me the wise men [and] the conjurers, that they may read this very writing, even to make known to me its interpretation; but they are not competent enough to show the very interpretation of the word.
16 And I myself have heard concerning you, that you are able to furnish interpretations and to untie knots themselves. Now, if you are able to read the writing and to make known to me its very interpretation, with purple you will be clothed, with a necklace of gold around your neck, and as the 3rd one in the kingdom you will rule.
17 At that time Daniel was answering and saying before the king: Let your gifts prove to be to you yourself, and your presents do you give to others. However, I shall read the writing itself to the king, and the interpretation I shall make known to him.
18 As for you, Oh king, the Most High God himself gave to Nebuchadnezzar your father [forefather - actually great great great grandfather] [1NC non reserves] the kingdom and the greatness and the dignity and the majesty.
19 And because of the greatness that He gave him, all peoples, national groups and languages proved to be quaking and showing fear before him. Whom he happened to want to, he was killing; and whom he happened to want to, he was striking; and whom he happened to want to, he was exalting; and whom he happened to want to, he was humiliating.
20 But when his heart became haughty and his own spirit became hard, so as to act presumptuously, he was brought down from the throne of his kingdom, and his own dignity was taken away from him.
21 And from the sons of mankind he was driven away, and his very heart was made like that of a beast, and with the wild asses his dwelling was. Vegetation they would give him to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens his own body got to be wet, until he knew that the Most High God is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that the one whom he wants to, he sets up over it [The Demise of FDS3 - who did not get reappointed after 7x].

22 And as for you, his son Belshazzar [POL] [1x], you have not humbled your heart [1x], because [lbeq\ ] you knew all this [1x. Also FDS3 knew all this and did not humble their heart].
23 But upon/against the Lord of the heavens you exalted/lifted yourself [2x], and they brought before you even the vessels of his house [3x.3x]; and you yourself [1x] and your grandees [3x], your concubines [3x] and your secondary wives [3x] have been drinking wine from them [3x], and thou hast praised mere Gods of gold [1NC saints - plurality of these so Gods of gold and Gods of silver etc.] and of silver [2NC saints], copper [priests], iron [rulers], wood [researchers] and stone [regular JWs, dead stones], that/which are not beholding and are not hearing and are not knowing [absolutely ignorant of end time bible meaning] [counts 1x.3x.6x.3x=54x]. 

And the God in whose hand your breath is [5x, God has a metaphorical hand with 5 metaphorical fingers?] and to whom all your ways [belong] [3x] you have not glorified.

The period of Belshazzar not humbling his heart but exalting himself upon/against the king of the heavens runs for: 3x.3x+10x.3x+3x.6x.3x+5x+3x=9x+30x+54x+5x+3x=101x. MENE MENE TEKEL. 

These are 101 months from 2009Nisan14 the first non late Passover during Belshazzar's feast to 2017Elul10, the end of the feast of Laodicea as a true church.

24 Consequently from before him [we are all before him at the Passover] there was being sent the extremity of a hand [5x - the end of his authority], and this very writing was inscribed.

25 And this is the writing that was inscribed [Not said to be by the hand. 2x the writing is said to be inscribed]: MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN  [TWOT says: " sr<P.  (peres) probably half-mina (KB, half-shekel). The word is probably used as a word play in Dan 5:25, in the handwriting on the wall, "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin." The words can be taken to mean mina, mina, a shekel, and a half mina (or half shekel). This makes little sense and Daniel interpreted it as the verbs number, weigh, and divide. The last verb may have a double word play in its similarity to Persia, which was about to conquer Belshazzar. The word "upharsin" is the conjunction "and" plus the plural of peres. The word {Paras - with the same consonants means Persians or Persia. This is before the lampstand gets going]
26 This is the interpretation of the word: MENE, God has numbered [the days/weeks/months/years/pineapples/101x periods of] your kingdom and has completed/finished it 

The wall is the means of imprisonment of JWs (shunning, brainwashing, false doctrines etc). 

27 TEKEL, you have been weighed in the scales/balances [against the LWs as regards Old and New Passover preparations for Jesus] and have been found deficient/lacking [This showed them up as having no chronology and no attempt to fix Jesus' wife or save the 2NC saints].
28 PERES, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes [2NCs] and the Persians [1NCs, who are divided at the Passovers - 3x, at the 3 New Passovers].
29 At that time Belshazzar commanded, and they clothed Daniel with purple, with a necklace of gold about his neck [1NC saints not as his crown but as his necklace] and they heralded concerning him that he was to become the 3rd ruler in the kingdom [Jesus, then Methuselah, then Gordon]
30 In that very night [Passover night] Belshazzar the Chaldean king was killed [Baptised into the 3EC, dying to Adam or the CRC baptism on the Passover night into death]

Nebuchadnezzar(3), Belshazzar(6), Daniel(6), Grandees(5), Wine(4)

The next verse probably belongs in Daniel6 rather than Daniel5.

31 and Darius, the Mede himself received/took the kingdom, being about 62 years [literal] old [AOL receives Hebron (Laodicea) being 62 years old by 3EC water baptism? Caleb is 85 years old physically].

88Parsin, the plural of Peres, is the division resulting from Passovers, each a half shekel long being one night in duration for the Watchtower Passovers of 2019Elul14 and 2019Tishri14 and 2019Heshvan14 and 2019Chislev14 and 2019Tebbeth14. The Passover is the only festival of God that lasts for half a day. So we have a singular judgement followed by a plurality of half day Passovers. 

Mene Mene Tekel and Parsin actually means two Pentecosts, then a literal day of judgement (when the disgusting thing causing desolation is seen standing in the Holy Place), followed by division of that church!

MENE is a Pentecost. It is 50 days of a Pentecost count. So TEKEL is one day of a Pentecost count i.e. one day of Pentecost count. And that is it. That is what we have been missing right up until 2014Elul2/3.

Rapture interpretation

5 At that moment the fingers of a man's hand came forth and were writing in front of the lampstand upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the extremity of the hand that was writing. (Daniel 5 LWT)
24 Consequently from before him there was being sent the extremity of a hand, and this very writing was inscribed.
25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN. (Daniel 5 LWT)

The wall of the palace law is established and begins when Jesus is installed as Caesar of the Kingdom of Jesus over all mankind after the last Gentile Times malediction (the Reverted Laodicean Gentile Times from 2023Tishri15 to 2024Iyyar15). His last appointment/installation was over Laodicean Abraham on 2024Iyyar16/Tammuz5. The wall has a number [of days] written upon it by the extremity of a hand (standing for the end of the rule of Belshazzar). MENE + MENE + TEKEL + PARSIN = 50+50+1/2 = 101-102 days x 5 for the hand = 505-510 days from 2023Tishri21, the fall of Laodicea to 2025Iyyar18-21, the end of the rapture of Benjamite 2NC reserves out of the hand of the greater Belshazzar. 

Festival Interpretation, a finger for a multiplying time on the 3rd Holy Spirit...

Feast before/in sight of/to faces of the 1,000 is 2008Tammuz9, the 2nd 1NC Pentecost (2nd after the 2nd Holy Spirit), the installation of the first presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit over the Kingdom, the day that the wall of their law was established, to the faces of the 1,000 year ARC sacred Sabbath.
5x MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN. These are...
10 MENEs are 10 2nd 1NC Pentecosts with all 50 days of the MENE counting from 2009Tammuz10 to 2019Tammuz9 excluding 2012Tammuz10, since Laodicea died to Adam on 2012Sivan14 and was reappointed/reinstalled on 2012Ab16/Tishri5.
5 TEKELs are the 5 Judgements of the Watchtower Passover nights of 2019Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Watchtower and early regular and late Watchtower Passovers for the 1NC reserves)
5 PARSINs are 5 dividings of the 5 1NC marriage Passover executions on 2019Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 and 2020Tammuz14.

Babylon does not get a Passover because the Roman Catholic church was passed over in the first century producing the Exodus into TCC2. The Watchtower are no longer priests today. But they were priests earlier in their lives.

MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN for the Watchtower

Watchtower Interpretation:

MENE: 1905Nisan1-1954Adar30: Watchtower is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs on 1905Nisan17/Sivan6
MENE: 1955Nisan1-2004Adar30
TEKEL: 2005Nisan1 - 2005Adar30: Watchtower falls as a true church on 2005Svan14
PARSIN: 2006Nisan1 - 2006Adar30: Watchtower 1NCs are baptised into Laodicea on 2006Sivan14 dividing the church. 

Gerah Interpretation: Take a  Mina to be 50 Shekels which is 1,000 Gerahs (a Shekel is 20 Gerahs a divided Shekel is 10 Gerahs), a day for a Gerah. this gives 2020-2040 Gerahs a day for a Gerah (101 shekels plus change). This would fit as 2030 days from the eviction from heaven of the demons on 2022Adar24, the heavenly demonic Passover, to their eviction from the earth on 2028Heshvan14, the earthly demon possession Passover.

But AOL inherits the kingdom of Laodicea after he becomes 62 years old by Hebrew counting

Non adamic Abrahamic Interpretation. Laodicea and the LWs both became non adamic Abrahamic at the 2012Sivan14/Tammuz14 adamic/cainian to non adamic Abrahamic Passover

Feast before/in sight of/to faces of the 1,000 year Sabbath
5 more fingers for Laodicea to 2017Elul10, its fall, a finger for a year
MENE: 50 months from 2012Sivan14, the feast, to 2016Ab (2nd adamic Kingdom Jubilee)
MENE: 50 months from 2016Ab14 to 2020Tishri14 (3rd adamic Kingdom Jubilee)
TEKEL: 2020Tishri14-2020Heshvan14: The 4th HLC marriage Passover. 2020Tishri10 is the end of 3EC entrance for HLCs, and 2020Heshvan10/14 is the end of the judgement for members of the 3rd Holy Spirit.
PARSIN: 2020Heshvan14: The Passover execution of the 4th HLC bride. The end of the division of the 3rd Holy Spirit from the earth.

101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2012Sivan14, the Adamic to Abrahamic Passover,  is 2020Heshvan14, the 4th HLC marriage Passover execution, when the last member of the 3rd Holy Spirit is harvested by execution and resurrection
101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2016Ab14, the Isaaic Zoar Passover, is 2024Tebbeth14, the Abrahamic World Exodus by rapture Passover.
101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2017Elul10, the end of the true church division between Zoar and Laodicea, is 2025Adar21 (2026March15-17), Cave Idus Martias, the greater division of mankind on Mark Enforcement day, the stabbing of Caesar by all the senators, the political murder of all national Caesars by banker controlled globalists

Non adamic Isaaic Interpretation for the LWs: We became non adamic Isaaic on 2016Ab14-16. Then Isaaic Zoar was appointed/installed to rule over Isaac on 2016Ab16/Tishri5

Feast before/in sight of/to faces of the 1,000 year Sabbath
5 more fingers for Zoar feeding the future 3rd Holy Spirit (1NC reserves and HLCs) at 5 Passovers 2016Nisan14, 2017Nisan14, 2018Nisan14 2019Nisan14, 2020Nisan14.
MENE: 50 months from 2016Ab14, the Isaaic Zoar Passover feast, to 2020Tishri14, the 3rd HLC marriage Passover. The 1st Isaaic Zoar Jubilee, the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee
MENE: 50 months from 2020Tishri14 to 2024Chislev14. The 2nd Isaaic Zoar Jubilee, the 4th Kingdom Jubilee, the release from Babylon of God's people.
TEKEL: 2024Chislev14-2024Tebbeth14: The Abrahamic Zoar Passover.
PARSIN: 2024Tebbeth16-20 and 2024Shebat15-20 and 2024VeAdar15-20: The Abrahamic and Isaaic 2NC raptures.

None of the 5 presidents of the Watchtower were in the line from David. Gordon, the president of the Lords Witnesses, possibly is, being Jewish on his mother's side. So Gordon can possibly sit upon the throne of David. The 5 presidents of the Watchtower as a true church, who did not sit on that throne (being sacred Kings over God's people during the discontinuous Gentile Times) were not Jewish. Simon Maccabeus was not from the tribe of Judah he was a Levite as were all the Hasmoneans. 

The New Mina was 50 Shekels, the Old Mina was 60 Shekels

THE MINA: The Babylonians reckoned weight in talents, minć, and shekels. Layard found in the ruins of Nineveh several Babylonian units of weight, some in the form of a crouching lion and others in that of a duck, the former being twice as heavy as the latter. This proves that a heavy and a light talent were used in Babylon, the latter one-half the weight of the former. A heavy talent = 60,600 grams; 1 mina (1/60 talent) = 1,010 grams; 1 shekel = 16.83 grams; 1 light talent = 30,300 grams; 1 light mina = 505 grams; 1 light shekel = 8.41 grams. There was, in addition to this "royal" weight, another "common" weight which was somewhat lighter (compare the large "royal" ell and the "common" ell, mentioned above). According to this common weight the heavy talent weighed 58,944 grams; its mina 982.4 grams; its shekel 16.37 grams; and the light talent, mina, and shekel just one-half as much. The common heavy talent and its subdivisions were the weights current in Syria and Palestine, as Josephus expressly states ("Ant." xiv. 106, ed. Niese). According to him, 1 Jewish mina (of 50 shekels) was equal to 2˝ Roman pounds, or 818.62 grams; hence 1 shekel was equivalent to 16.37 grams, and 1 old mina of 60 shekels to 982.2 grams. There were also the half-shekel or bekah ("beḳa,'").In the course of time the sexagesimal system was superseded in Babylonia also, perhaps under Egyptian influence. The mina of 60 shekels was replaced throughout Asia Minor by the mina of 50 shekels. The shekel remained the same, forming the unit of weight, while the mina and talent were reduced, containing respectively 50 shekels = 818.6 grams and 3,000 shekels = 49,110 grams. - Jewish encylcopedia - http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/14821-weights-and-measures88


Word2 (not entirely correct old ideas)

The King is Milton Henschel, the 5th and last president of the Governing Body of the Watchtower
Belshazzar is the angel of Laodicea (AOL)
The Queen
is the 1NC saints
is Jesus
5 fingers of the hand are the 5 Presidents of the Watchtower

1 As regards Belshazzar, the king [meaning: May Baal protect the king!] [Word2: Milton Henschel], he made a big feast for 1,000 of his lords/grandees (5x) [1,000 of his people - literally Grandees in all meanings], and in front of/before the 1,000 [1,000 grandees and the last 1,000 days of mankind in this system from 2010Nisan14/15 to 2012Tebbeth24/15, the end of the rapture of Lot who is FDS4] he was drinking wine [He was drinking the wine of the 1NC whilst most of the Governing Body were not 1NC saints].
Belshazzar [substituted to Milton Henschel], whilst tasting/judging/being influenced by the wine [having been influenced by the power that claiming to be a 1NC saint brings in the Watchtower], said to bring in the vessels of gold [1NC saints] and of silver [2NC saints] that Nebuchadnezzar his father [Jesus or Jacob through the JAC] had taken away from the temple that was in Jerusalem [Jesus took them away from the Jerusalem of the WTBTS on 1996Nisan14, when FDS3 lost its appointment over the saints, subject to a 30 day grace period in case they chose to celebrate the passover correctly on 1996Iyyar14 - but they did not so choose. On 1996Nisan17 FDS4 was appointed over Jesus' belongings - the saints - see U42], that from them the king [Milton] and his grandees [Top administrators], his wives [Corporation officers] and his concubines [Bethelites - concubines - sleep in Watchtower accommodation] might drink [the wine of the 1NC - even those who are not 1NC saints].
3 At that time they brought in the vessels of gold [but not silver] [2NC saints had not yet come into existence] that they had taken away from the temple of the house of God [Solomon's house rather than David's, this is FDS4] that was in Jerusalem [the Watchtower took the 1NC saints away from the temple of the house of God in Jerusalem, that is the temple of the LWs, on 1996Nisan17, when the LWs were appointed over the saints as the new Jerusalem, FDS4], and from them the king [Milton] and his grandees, his wives and his concubines drank [wine from gold vessels. But still no food is mentioned at the feast! A foodless feast!] [Gold, so this is a 1NC celebration].
4 They drank wine [The wine of the 1NC on 1996Iyyar14 (after they had fallen over the saints. 100 months before 2004Elul14], and they praised the gods of gold [1NC saints] and of silver [2NC kings], copper [All those who water baptise - priests], iron [JW overseers], wood [JW researchers, doctrine builders] and stone [regular JWs, dead stones].
5 At that moment/in that hour [Akkadian word for moment/hour/short time, that they were drinking] the fingers of a man's hand came forth [Fingers but no palm!] [5 presidents, the entire regnal arrangement of the presidents of the Watchtower from Russell to Henschel who resigned on 2000Heshvan4/5] and were writing in front of the lampstand [The lampstand of the true church congregation of the Watchtower which ended on 2004Elul14. So the writing continued whilst this lampstand continued. So the Watchtower become a false church, ceased to be a lampstand, at the end of the 100 months of Mina Mina see below] upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king [on the subject of your wall falling down, i.e. having bad plaster, the palace of the king is a 1NC church. So this is writing about the law of the Watchtower], and the king [Milton] was beholding the extremity of the hand that was writing [The extremity of his own hand. He knew the writing upon the wall was for his power, his hand. The plaster being what holds the stones of the wall together. The wall of the law of the Watchtower].
6 At that time, as regards the king [Milton], his very complexion was changed in him, and his own thoughts began to frighten him, and his hip joints were loosening and his very knees were knocking each other [all literal].
7 The the king [Milton] was calling out loudly to bring in the conjurers, the Chaldeans and the astrologers. The king [Milton] was answering and saying to the wise men of Babylon: Any man that will read this writing [not said to be on the wall. Word symbolism, the greater meaning of the whole of Daniel5, not just MENE MENE TEKEL and PARSIN] and show me its very interpretation [get the word symbolic meaning correct], with purple he will be clothed, with a necklace of gold about his neck [he will be adorned with 1NC reserve kings over whom he has headship], and as the 3rd one in the kingdom he will rule [Jesus + 1NC wife, then Melchizedek, then Daniel/Gordon + 2NC wife].
8 At that time all the wise men of the king were coming in, but they were not competent enough to read the writing itself [see the word symbolic threads] or to make known to the king [Milton] the interpretation [of Word2].
9 Consequently the King, Belshazzar [AOL] was very much frightened and his complexion was changing within him []; and his grandees were perplexed.
10 As regards the queen [1NC saints in the Watchtower?], because of the words of the king [substituted to AOL, 'king' is absolute 'words' is construct] and his grandees [Top administrators] she entered right into the banqueting hall [1NC saints go to the writing committee not in 1996 but in 2010] The queen spoke and said: Oh king [substituted to AOL], keep living even to times indefinite [Since you are a 2NC King]. Do not let your thoughts frighten you, nor let your complexion be changed [Do not change from love to fear].
11 There exists a capable man in your kingdom [The one you are supposed to be in!] in whom there is the spirit of holy gods; and in the days of your father [Russell, when the Watchtower still had a water baptism i.e. prior to 2001Tishri30] illumination and insight and wisdom like the wisdom of gods were found in him, and the king, Nebuchadnezzar your father [Jesus] himself set him up as chief of the magic-practicing priests, the conjurers [all the bible interpreters of Christendom], the Chaldeans [JWs] [and] the astrologers, [even] your father, Oh king;
12 forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit and knowledge and insight to interpret dreams and the explanation of riddles and the untying of knots had been found in him, in Daniel [Gordon], whom the king himself [Jesus] named Belteshazzar [meaning: Protect the life of the king - Insight book, or Lord of the straightened ones treasure - BibleWorks, or Lord of secret treasures. To be compared with Belshazzar: May Baal protect the king. God vs Baal like 1Kings18] [This being what Gordon has been attempting to do with the 1NC celebration methods for 16 years]. Now let Daniel himself [Gordon] be called, that he may show the very interpretation.
13 Accordingly Daniel himself was brought in before the king. The king was speaking up and saying to Daniel: Are you the Daniel [comparative, perhaps you are not that Daniel!] that is of the exiles of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah? [Binary Question. Literally yes, Word symbolically no because although Gordon was exiled from Judah, he now runs Judah. Judah changed from the JWs to the LWs]
14 I have also heard concerning you that the spirit of gods is in you, and illumination and insight and wisdom extraordinary have been found in you.
15 And now there have been brought in before me the wise men [and] the conjurers, that they may read this very writing, even to make known to me its interpretation; but they are not competent enough to show the very interpretation of the word.
16 And I myself have heard concerning you, that you are able to furnish interpretations and to untie knots themselves. Now, if you are able to read the writing and to make known to me its very interpretation, with purple you will be clothed, with a necklace of gold around your neck, and as the 3rd one in the kingdom you will rule [Jesus, Melchizedek, Daniel/Elijah4].
17 At that time Daniel was answering and saying before the king: Let your gifts prove to be to you yourself [Zoar is run by the descended 1NCs], and your presents do you give to others [Laodicea]. However, I shall read the writing itself to the king, and the interpretation I shall make known to him.
18 As for you, Oh king, the God, the Most High [one] himself gave to Nebuchadnezzar your father [Jacob through the JAC, or Jesus] the kingdom and the greatness and the dignity and the majesty.
19 And because of the greatness that he gave him, all peoples, national groups and languages proved to be quaking and showing fear before him. Whom he happened to want to, he was killing; and whom he happened to want to, he was striking; and whom he happened to want to, he was exalting; and whom he happened to want to, he was humiliating.
20 But when his heart became haughty and his own spirit became hard [see U257], so as to act presumptuously, he was brought down from the throne of his kingdom, and his own dignity was taken away from him.
21 And from the sons of mankind he was driven away, and his very heart was made like that of a beast, and with the wild asses his dwelling was. Vegetation they would give him to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens his own body got to be wet, until he knew that the God, the most high [one], is ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that the one whom he wants to, he sets up over it [This is Daniel5 telling us who the 7x malediction of Daniel4 is upon, in the word symbolic meaning. If the 7x malediction of Daniel4 has a greater meaning then so does Daniel5 because it recounts that very malediction. Nebuchadnezzar is Jesus, who learned obedience from the things he suffered (Hebrews5:8), having been a bit hard spirited 636 years prior to his ministry?? Or was it Jacob and his covenant sons who needed and got the lesson?? Surely the latter??].
22 And as for you, his son, Belshazzar, you have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this.
23 But against the Lord of the heavens [Jesus] you exalted yourself, and they brought before you even the vessels of his house; and you yourself and your grandees, your concubines and your secondary wives have been drinking wine from them [wine of the 1NC when you are not 1NC saints on 2010Nisan14, 1,000 days before the end of the last rapture on 2012Tebbeth24/25], and you have praised mere gods of silver and of gold [not gold and silver, the order is reversed], copper, iron, wood and stone, that are beholding nothing or hearing nothing or knowing nothing; but the God in whose hand your breath is and to whom all your ways belong you have not glorified.
24 Consequently from before him [God]  there was being sent the extremity [sp] of a hand [yd] [5 months from 2010Nisan14 to 2010Elul14, when there is a rebellion against the hand of the Watchtower], and this very writing was inscribed.
25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN [Literally: Mina, Mina, Shekel and dividings i.e. halves of a Shekel or Gerahs which are a twentieth of a Shekel, or halves of something]

26 This is the interpretation of the word: MENE, God has numbered [the days/weeks/fortnights/months/years/blue moons/grapefruits/contest fortnights/1st fire sign date attempts of] your kingdom and has finished it [twice].
27 TEKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient.
28 PERES, your kingdom has been divided [the first division of the kingdom occurring after Peres, half of something, then a second division after Parsin, two halves or perhaps 3 or more halves] and given to the Medes [meaning middle land] [2NC Kings. Medes counts twice] and the Persians [meaning: Pure or Splendid] [1NC reserves - counts once but we can take any literal meaning].

29 At that time Belshazzar commanded, and they clothed Daniel with purple, with a necklace of gold about his neck; and they heralded concerning him that he was to become the 3rd ruler in the kingdom [in the same account see verse 7].

30 In that very night Belshazzar, the Chaldean king [JW King] was killed
31 and Darius [meaning Lord] the Mede himself received the kingdom, being about 62 years old [in the same account see verse 28].

Nebuchadnezar(3), Belshazzar(6), Daniel(6), Grandees(5), Wine(4)

Numbering the Evil Slave Watchtower until Judgement as a false church

MINA MINA = 100 months from 1996Iyyar14 the 1NC feast of Henschel to 2004Elul14
TEKEL = Judgement on 2004Elul14. The Watchtower became a false church 1290 days of Daniel12 before the end of the world judicially on 2008Nisan14

Numbering the judged false church Watchtower until Division

MINA MINA = 2000 Gerahs (20 Gerahs to a Shekel and 50 shekels to a Mina) From 2004Elul14, when the Watchtower became a false church to 2010Nisan4 when Laodicea became a false church - this is the 2000 pigs of Mark5
TEKEL = Judgment being made on 2010Nisan4.
PARSIN = 14 half Shekels in Gerahs from 2010Nisan24 to 2010Elul14, internal division.
PARSIN = 24 half Shekels in Gerahs from 2010Nisan24 to 2010Chislev24 when the division resulting from the first fire sign occurs at the end of the 950 prophets. They stopped collecting to Ahab.
PARSIN = 32 half Shekels in Gerahs from 2010Nisan24 to 2010Adar14, external division, first new passover.

Numbering judged false church Laodicea from Fall/Passover until Second Pentecost

We know that Belshazzar (Angel of Laodicea) drank the wine of the 1NC on 2010Nisan14, which is 1000 days before the end of the last rapture on 2012Tebbeth24/25. We also know that Laodicea became a false church on 2010Nisan4.

MINA MINA TEKEL and PARSIN  2Minas of Shekels = 100x and 2Minas of half shekels = 200x. Total is 300x from 2010Nisan14 the old passover to 2010Shebat14, the 2NC Pentecost. A bit of a stretch!

Wine drinking on 2010Nisan14, before the last 1,000 days from 2010Nisan15 to 2012Tebbeth25, the last day of Zoar 

The extremity of the hand takes us from 2010Nisan14 to 2010Elul14 when the Watchtower was internally divided into the JWs and Laodicea who acquired the field of blood that day. So the hand of ES2 ended over Laodicea on 2010Elul14. Then Mina Mina Tekel and Parsin and 1NC Pentecost, 2NC Pentecost, Passover (Nisna14 and Iyyar14) then division.

Numbering Laodicea until Judgement

Mina (2006Nisan16-2006Sivan6 - a first Pentecost) Mina (2005Sivan6-2006Tammuz26 - a second Pentecost) Tekel (2006Tammuz27) 

Mina Mina Tekel from Nisan16 to Tammuz27 which was when the kingdom of Laodicea was Judged losing its water baptism due to the monocular agreement of 1Samuel11. This may be incorrect.

Also the LW baptism was stolen by 'Roger Knight' on 2002Elul16 and perhaps Laodicea became a congregation (having two members) in 2002Tishri (we think 2002Tishri26 from the 500,000 men in 2Samuel24), then MINA MINA TEKEL in months take us to 2010Adar, when the division occurs?

The length of Satan's control of the saints in the Watchtower during the Kingdom of God

The 3 total solar eclipses on 2008Tammuz26, 2009Tammuz27 and 2010Tammuz27 show the extent of Satan's power over the saints through the Watchtower in the kingdom of God. That power ends one moon 2010Tammuz27, which is 2010Ab27, which is 850 prophets of 1Kings18 collected by Ahab after the kingdom started on 2008Nisan17. The moon has to move one time after the total solar eclipse to free the sun.

The length of the Daylight day of the contest of 1Kings18 until a division within the Watchtower whereupon Ted Jaracz started taunting in accordance with 1Samuel17. 

A Mina a Mina a Shekel and Parsin = 101 lunar fortnights = 1414 BLC days. 707 from 2006Nisan30/Iyyar1 to noon on 2008Nisan17 (101 weeks). And then another 707 from 2008Nisan17 to 2010Nisan4. Parsin is then the division of that daylight day into a 707 day Morning and a 707 day Afternoon. (thanks to Frank). 

The Number of first fire sign date attempts in the Kingdom of the Watchtower until Division

Mina Mina Tekel (101 Shekels) count this 3x = 303 prediction attempts until division?



Word1 (might apply to the first presence only)

Belshazzar is the Angel of Laodicea (AOL)
The King is the administration of Laodicea

1 As regards Belshazzar, the king [meaning: May Baal protect the king!] [Word1: The Slave of Baal (SOB), The angel of Laodicea (AOL), messenger to the prophets of Baal, after they lost their water baptism on 2006Tammuz27/Shebat4], he made a big feast for 1,000 of his lords/grandees (5x) [1,000 2NC Kings in Laodicea - literally Grandees in all meanings], and in front of/before the 1,000 [1,000 members of Laodicea and the last 1,000 days of humans from 2010Nisan14/15 to 2012Tebbeth24/15, the end of the rapture of Lot. This nails the wine drinking as occurring at the passover on 2010Nisan14] he was drinking wine [He was drinking the wine of the 2NC. The word 'Wine' counts 4x in the account and stands for covenant wine in the greater meaning. This wine drinking is different from the wine drinking out of the gold vessels in verses 2-4].
Belshazzar [AOL], whilst tasting/judging/being influenced by the wine [having been influenced by status associated with claiming to be a saint], said to bring in the vessels of gold [1NC saints] and of silver [2NC saints] that Nebuchadnezzar his father [Jesus] had taken away from the temple that was in Jerusalem [ES2 took the 1NC and 2NC kings away from the God and the true temple of FDS4 when FDS3 fell over the saints becoming ES2 on 1996Nisan14 (subject to a 30 day grace period in case they chose to celebrate the passover correctly on 1996Iyyar14 - but they did not so choose.) On 1996Nisan17 FDS4 was appointed over them - see U42], that from them [Belshazzar] [the king] [AOL] and his grandees [Laodicean 2NC Kings], his wives [2NC saints in Laodicea] and his concubines [Members of Loadicean water baptism - before it was lost on 2006Tammuz27/Ab4] might drink [the wine of the 1NC - even those who are not 1NC saints].
3 At that time they brought in the vessels of gold [but not silver] that they had taken away from the temple of the house of God that was in Jerusalem, and from them [Belshazzar] [the king] [AOL] and his grandees, his wives and his concubines drank [wine from gold vessels. But still no food is mentioned at the feast! A foodless feast! Gold, so this is a 1NC celebration].
4 They drank wine [The wine of the passover on 2010Nisan14], and they praised the gods of gold [1NC saints] and of silver [2NC saints], copper [HLCs], iron [JW overseers], wood [JW researchers, doctrine builders] and stone [regular JWs, dead stones] [because the regular JWs did not know the understandings came from the LWs. The Watchtower is a cave of robbers, and they are spies].
5 At that moment/in that hour [Akkadian word for moment/hour/short time, that they were drinking] the fingers of a man's hand came forth [Fingers but no palm! The first birth pang, the first fire from the heavens, the rising mushroom cloud of 1Kings18,  was like a man's palm. The 5 fingers are 5 months from 2010Nisan14 to 2010Elul14, when some kind of internal passover split in the Watchtower occurred. This is the hand of the SOB, the angel of Laodicea. His power after the wine drinking festival and were writing in front of the lampstand [The lampstand is the LW congregation - which starts growing and becoming visible after the period defined by the writing upon the wall. Cryptically this is Elijah4 writing to all the Bethels, the worldwide congregation, the lampstand of the JWs, using his fingers upon a keyboard. This account cryptically prophesies typing! Also the LWs decode using a projector to beam the writings of the bible on to the wall - we do not use a screen!] upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king [double designation so substitute genitive king? on the subject of your wall falling down, i.e. having bad plaster, the palace of the king is a 1NC church. So this is writing about the law of the Watchtower], and [Belshazzar] [the king] [AOL] was beholding the extremity of the hand that was writing [So the period represented by the writing is only seen by Belshazzar at the far end. The plaster being what holds the stones of the wall together. The wall of the law of the Watchtower].
6 At that time, as regards [Belshazzar] [the king] [AOL], his very complexion was changed in him, and his own thoughts began to frighten him, and his hip joints were loosening and his very knees were knocking each other [SOB is beginning to stumble in his faith and is in danger of losing his sanctification].
7 The [Belshazzar] [the king] [AOL] was calling out loudly to bring in the conjurers, the Chaldeans [JWs] and the astrologers. [Belshazzar] [the king] [AOL] was answering and saying to the wise men of Babylon: Any man that will read this writing [not said to be on the wall. Word symbolism, the greater meaning of each bible account] and show me its very interpretation [get the word symbolic meaning correct], with purple he will be clothed, with a necklace of gold about his neck [he will be adorned with 1NC reserve kings over whom he has headship], and as the 3rd one in the kingdom he will rule [Jesus + 1NC wife, then Melchizedek, then Gordon + 2NC wife].
8 At that time all the wise men of the king [substitute genitive king?] were coming in, but they were not competent enough to read the writing itself [see the word symbolic threads] or to make known to [Belshazzar] [the king] [AOL] the interpretation [of Word1].
9 Consequently the King, [Belshazzar] [Angel of Laodicea] was very much frightened [] and his complexion was changing within him []; and his grandees were perplexed [].
10 As regards the queen [2NC saints in the Watchtower], because of the words of the king [Angel of Laodicea] and his grandees [hidden prophets in the cave] she entered right into the banqueting hall [Descends to the earth to help in the kitchen!] The queen spoke and said: Oh king, keep living even to times indefinite [Do not go to Gehenna]. Do not let your thoughts frighten you, nor let your complexion be changed [Do not change from love to fear].
11 There exists a capable man in your kingdom [not the kingdom you run but the kingdom you are supposed to be in] in whom there is the spirit of holy gods; and in the days of your father [your father is Jesus, the days of his presence] illumination and insight and wisdom like the wisdom of gods were found in him, and the king, Nebuchadnezzar your father [Jesus] himself set him up as chief of the magic-practicing priests, the conjurers [all the bible interpreters of Christendom], the Chaldeans [JWs] [and] the astrologers, [even] your father, Oh king [The angel of Laodicea is sanctified as a 2NC saint];
12 forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit and knowledge and insight to interpret dreams and the explanation of riddles and the untying of knots had been found in him, in Daniel [Gordon], whom the king himself [Jesus] named Belteshazzar [meaning: May God protect the life of the king. This being what Gordon has been attempting to do with the 1NC celebration methods for 14 years]. Now let Daniel himself [Gordon] be called, that he may show the very interpretation.
13 Accordingly Daniel himself was brought in before the king. The king was speaking up and saying to Daniel: Are you the Daniel that is of the exiles of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah? [Binary Question. Literally yes, Word symbolically no because although I was exiled from Judah, I now run Judah. Judah changed from the JWs to the LWs.]
14 I have also heard concerning you that the spirit of gods is in you, and illumination and insight and wisdom extraordinary have been found in you.
15 And now there have been brought in before me the wise men [and] the conjurers, that they may read this very writing, even to make known to me its interpretation; but they are not competent enough to show the very interpretation of the word.
16 And I myself have heard concerning you, that you are able to furnish interpretations and to untie knots themselves. Now, if you are able to read the writing and to make known to me its very interpretation, with purple you will be clothed, with a necklace of gold around your neck, and as the 3rd one in the kingdom you will rule [Jesus, Melchizedek, Daniel].
17 At that time Daniel was answering and saying before the king: Let your gifts prove to be to you yourself [Zoar], and your presents do you give to others [Laodicea]. However, I shall read the writing itself to the king, and the interpretation I shall make known to him.
18 As for you, Oh king, the God, the Most High [one] himself gave to Nebuchadnezzar your father the kingdom and the greatness and the dignity and the majesty.
19 And because of the greatness that he gave him, all peoples, national groups and languages proved to be quaking and showing fear before him. Whom he happened to want to, he was killing; and whom he happened to want to, he was striking; and whom he happened to want to, he was exalting; and whom he happened to want to, he was humiliating.
20 But when his heart became haughty and his own spirit became hard [Jeff's ideas], so as to act presumptuously, he was brought down from the throne of his kingdom, and his own dignity was taken away from him.
21 And from the sons of mankind he was driven away, and his very heart was made like that of a beast, and with the wild asses his dwelling was. Vegetation they would give him to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens his own body got to be wet, until he knew that the God, the most high [one], is ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that the one whom he wants to, he sets up over it [This is Daniel5 telling us who the 7x malediction of Daniel4 is upon, in each of the word symbolisms. The King is the sons of the JAC in Word1, for the Gentile Times Malediction. Nebuchadnezzar is the 1NC saints in Word2, for the 1NC malediction].
22 And as for you, his son, Belshazzar, you have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this.
23 But against the Lord of the heavens you exalted yourself, and they brought before you even the vessels of his house; and you yourself and your grandees, your concubines and your secondary wives have been drinking wine from them, and you have praised mere gods of silver and of gold, copper, iron, wood and stone, that are beholding nothing or hearing nothing or knowing nothing; but the God in whose hand your breath is and to whom all your ways belong you have not glorified.
24 Consequently from before him [God]  there was being sent the extremity [
sp] of a hand [yd], and this very writing was inscribed.
25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN [Literally: Mina, Mina, Shekel and dividings i.e. halves of a Shekel or Gerahs which are a twentieth of a Shekel, or halves of something]

26 This is the interpretation of the word: MENE, God has numbered [the days/weeks/fortnights/months/years/blue moons/grapefruits/contest fortnights/1st fire sign date attempts of] your kingdom and has finished it [twice].
27 TEKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient.
28 PERES, your kingdom has been divided [the first division of the kingdom occurring after Peres, half of something, then a second division after Parsin, two halves or perhaps 3 or more halves] and given to the Medes [1NC reserves] and the Persians [2NC Kings - or vice versa].

The important thing to grasp is that the word MENE is repeated and Daniel tells us that it is to be interpreted as God has numbered your Kingdom. So God has numbered your kingdom twice. But how? Well the answer is in the expression itself. He has numbered your Kingdom to its judgement (the first MENE) and he has also numbered it to its division (the second MENE). So rearranging the equation (as one can with any list to be added) we get...


Meaning God has numbered you kingdom until Judgement and God has numbered your kingdom until Division.

So we have two numberings for the Watchtower and two numberings for Laodicea.

Numbering the Watchtower until Judgement

Mina Mina Tekel, 101 months from 1996Nisan14 (when they failed to celebrate the memorial as instructed and were judged so as to lose their authority over the saints, Jesus' possessions, subject to a 30 day grace period in case they decided to celebrate as instructed on 1996Iyyar14 - but they did not so decide.) They did drink wine on 1996Nisan14. They did not drink wine on 1996Iyyar14. Hence the period defined by the writing upon the wall starts on 1996Nisan14 to 2004Elul14 (when they became a false church and lost their constant feature 1290 days of Daniel12 before the end of the 6,000 years on 2008Nisan14).

Numbering the Judged Watchtower until Division

Mina Mina Tekel and 14 half Shekels in Gerahs, is 2160 Gerahs (6 Prophetic Times) from 2004Elul14 to 2010Elul14, when a new passover causes a division amongst the 1NC reserves in the Watchtower. If we go for just one half Shekel rather than 14, then we get to 2010Iyyar4, when there may also have been a division in the Watchtower concerning 1NC saints (this is 25 stadia of rowing after 2008Nisan17). 14 half shekels because it is the 14th tribe of the 6,000 second presence 1NC reserves (which is the second reserve half tribe) that causes the division in the 1NC church of the Watchtower!

Numbering Laodicea until Judgement

Mina (2010Nisan16-2010Sivan6 - a first Pentecost) Mina (2010Sivan6-2010Tammuz26 - a second Pentecost) Tekel (2010Tammuz27) 

Mina Mina Tekel from Nisan16 to Tammuz27 which when the kingdom of Laodicea is Judged! 2006Tammuz27. The hand represents the authorized power of the king over the saints. We only count Mina Mina and Tekel here since we are looking at the destruction of the Watchtower from a judgement standpoint (Tekel). The Watchtower became a judged, false church on 2004Elul14.

Numbering Laodicea until Division

Mina Mina Tekel and Parsin, 101 days plus 2x half a Mina = 151 days from 2010Nisan14 (1NC wine drinking) to a division of Laodicea which causes some kind of internal cakes festival, a rejection of Watchtower material in favour of unfermented cakes of sincerity and truth - LW material on 2010Elul15.

Numbering Laodicea until Division

Mina Mina Tekel and Parsin, 101 days plus 3x half a Mina = 176 days from 2010Nisan14 (1NC wine drinking) to a division of Laodicea on 2010Tishri10 to do with the new Passover.

Numbering Laodicea until Division

Mina Mina Tekel and Parsin, Perhaps a division or half a year from 2010Nisan4, when Laodicea became a false church to 2010Tishri4 when Nicodemus turns up at the start of the 100 pounds of Myrrh and Aloes.

The Second Pentecost Determination

Another really cute meaning is Mina (50 days) Mina (50 days) Tekel (1 day) and Peres (half a year). Since this is 281 days, which run from the first 50 count, on Nisan16 to the end of the last 50 count on Tebbeth27. This is the first Pentecost plus one day then the second Pentecost then a calendar change (6 months). For a long time we thought that Mina Mina Tekel and Parsin looked so much like is was giving the timing of the second Pentecost. Now we see how it was doing that (with a little help from the total solar eclipses on Tammuz26 and Tammuz27, at the end of 100 and 101 days after Nisan16. So the solar eclipses were saying Mina Mina, and then Mina Mina and Tekel!!)

The length of Satan's control of the true church during the Kingdom of God

The 3 total solar eclipses on 2008Tammuz26, 2009Tammuz27 and 2010Tammuz27 show the extent of Satan's power over the saints through the Watchtower in the kingdom of God. That power ends one moon 2010Tammuz27, which is 2010Ab27, which is 850 prophets of 1Kings18 collected by Ahab after the kingdom started on 2008Nisan17. The moon has to move one time after the total solar eclipse to free the sun.

The length of the Daylight day of the contest of 1Kings18 until a division within the Watchtower whereupon Ted Jaracz started taunting in accordance with 1Samuel17. 

A Mina a Mina a Shekel and Parsin = 101 lunar fortnights = 1414 BLC days. 707 from 2006Nisan30/Iyyar1 to noon on 2008Nisan17 (101 weeks). And then another 707 from 2008Nisan17 to 2010Nisan4. Parsin is then the division of that daylight day into a 707 day Morning and a 707 day Afternoon. (thanks to Frank)

The 1414 day daylight contest length is until a judgement and then the 190 day twilight length is from judgement until division. This is the same pattern as the 101 months from loss of appointment over the saints until judgement as a false church followed by the 2160 days from judgement as a false church until division of the 1NC reserve saints on 2010Elul14. 

The Number of incorrect first fire sign date attempts in the Kingdom of the Watchtower until Division

Mina Mina Tekel and Parsin 101 Shekels plus 28 half Shekels in half Shekels = 202 + 28 = 230 (a bit of a stretch!)

Also we have 50, 50 100, 100 a mina, a mina, in shekels and then in half shekels, a total of 300x the length of the ark. From 2011Chislev11 to 2012Tishri10]. This would be the period of the writing upon the wall for the world. Alternatively, Mina, Mina in 1/3rd shekels is 150, 150 making 300 Shekels. This is getting to be like an episode of countdown. Let's hope Carol Vauderman becomes an LW!

29 At that time Belshazzar commanded, and they clothed Daniel with purple, with a necklace of gold about his neck; and they heralded concerning him that he was to become the 3rd ruler in the kingdom.
30 In that very night [??] Belshazzar, [the Chaldean king] [Watchtower king] was killed [baptised into the LWs]
31 and Darius, the Mede [not a double designation, sense prohibits] himself received the kingdom [the Watchtower kingdom of Laodicea in 2002 after Roger Knight was baptised, or perhaps over the 1NC reserves sub kingdom in the LWs], being about 62 years old [The angel of Laodicea, a 2NC King/Lord].

Wine (4x)

However we know from the feeding of the 5,000 and from the writing on the wall of Daniel 5 that the Watchtower has authority to feed the saints for precisely 100x. Since 5,000 men sat down in groups of 50 and 100, giving a witness to 50x of groups sitting down and 100x of groups sitting down. 

The Watchtower has authority to feed the saints for 100 years, 100x, from 1895Tishri to 1996Nisan14. And then FDS1 feeds for 50 years from 29Heshvan to 79Heshvan. This is the second numbering of their days. This for one thing proves that there two true churches run by 1NC saints.



Here is the account symbolism of the literal account and the event symbolism of verse 5 which is a vision.

Symbolic word/phrase Word count Symbolic meaning
Belshazzar 6x Henschel the king of the Fallen FDS3, the evil slave
Belshazzar the king 1x Henschel the king of FDS3 before it fell
King Belshazzar 1x  
The King 20x FDS3
The Queen 2x The remnant of the New covenant saints in FDS3
King Nebuchadnezzar your father 1x Jesus, eternal father of the spiritual souls of FDS3
Nebuchadnezzar your father 1x FDS1 in heaven, they baptised the people in FDS3
your father 1x This is a witness to a different type of fathering in the symbolic meaning to the literal physical fatherhood of Nebuchadnezzar over Belshazzar, namely by baptism, being the mediator of an angelic soul.
Father 6x  
Vessels of gold removed from the temple n/a New Covenant saints, rejected by Jesus on 1995Tishri15, who is operating through FDS1 in heaven
Vessels of silver removed from the temple n/a Water baptised brothers and sisters in the Watchtower who were also disfellowshipped by Jesus through FDS1 in heaven in 2001Tishri30
Vessels 2x  
Grandees 4x Henschel's men in the Watchtower, the ruling elite (some are new covenant saints and some aren't)
1000 Grandees 1x 1,000 days of feeding grandness with new wine. Sometime etween 1992Elul16 and 1995Adar11. Best guess is from 1993Sivan1 to 1995Adar11 when Gordon was disfellowshipped.
Concubines 2x Those thought to be loyal to Henschel who spiritually fornicate with him, giving their loyalty to him and his words rather that to God and his word. The Brooklyn Bethelites and such like.
Secondary wives 2x Second New covenant saints
Wine 4x New decoded and better literal understandings of FDS4 (the contents of this book and its predecessors - see [History])
Lampstand 1x Congregation of Philadelphia, the Lords' Witnesses
In front of the Lampstand n/a We can see the meaning of the writing
The Back of the hand x2 The Watchtower cannot see how the Lords' Witnesses are doing it
Fingers of a Man's hand 1x Decoding is the work (hand) of a man (man) deducing the existence of further symbolic meanings in the bible, effectively writing more scripture. However the fingers refer to the 5 resurrections of the remnant in each presence, so FDS1 in heaven are guiding the decoding here. Yes, Jesus is operating through them.
Hand 3x  
Writing on the wall n/a Decoded understandings relating to Wall
Plaster of wall n/a What holds together the wall
Wall 1x Entrance and exit mechanism for FDS3, their laws and baptism
Gods of gold silver copper iron wood stone 2x Remnant in first 5 watches of FDS3 & in WSS2 (the Wicked and sluggish slave of Matthew 25 of the second presence - see [35])
Gold 5x  
Banqueting Hall 1x Finding out about the new understandings (the place to drink the new wine)
Daniel 7x Gordon
Nebuchadnezzar humiliated and then re-instated n/a The History of FDS1 and the transition to FDS2
Daniel clothed with purple n/a King of FDS4
Purple 3x  
Necklace 3x  
Necklace of Gold 3x His Kingdom is adorned with New covenant Saints - eventually.
As 3rd one in Kingdom he will rule n/a Jesus>New covenant saints in heaven>Gordon on earth
Kingdom 7x  
Belshazzar commanded  n/a Henschel repents. Accepts the new wine and FDS4, having understood the writing on the wall.
Belshazzar killed  n/a Henschel renounces his false spirit baptism and becomes a Nethinim. Taking a role with some aspects rather like Paul.
Medes and Persians x1 Second New Covenant saints (Nethinim) and Great Crowd.

Mene means numbered or a Mina (50 Shekels)
Tekel means weighed or a Shekel
Parsin means halves
Peres means divided or a half

To Belshazzar the WSS2, the composite alliance UN-like slave of the fallen FDS3 & the Nethinim:

Mene Mene Tekel & Parsin

Mina, Mina in terms of Shekels and Half Shekels, i.e. 50 times and 100 times.

40 And they laid themselves down in groups of a hundred and of fifty (Mark 6).

MENE  God has numbered your kingdom and finished it
TEKEL  You have been weighed in the balances and found deficient

Your kingdom has been divided and given to the spiritual Romans and Greeks, the Nethinim and the Great Crowd under FDS4

To the King, FDS3

Mene Mene Tekel & Parsin

Mina, Mina in terms of Shekels and Half Shekels, i.e. 50 times and 100 times.

MENE 100 years of FDS3, 1895Tishri to 1994Tammuz (inclusive)
MENE  God has numbered your kingdom and finished it
TEKEL  You have been weighed in the balances and found deficient

Your kingdom has been divided and given to the WSS and FDS4.

The account symbolism of Verse 5 has a different king a different writing and a different the hand. The King is Jesus, the hand is the 5 resurrections in each presence of the new covenant saints. The lampstand is the heavenly host, still a congregation. The writing is the roll of honour on the plaque on the wall of heavenly Jerusalem. Like we do down here for war heroes.

To king, Jesus

Mene Mene Tekel & Parsin

Mina, Mina, 2 resurrections of numbers of men in terms of Shekels and ˝ Shekels

MENE  God has numbered (the brothers of) your kingdom and has started it.
TEKEL  You have been weighed in the balances & have been found righteous

Your kingdom has been divided (into 2 presences with 5 resurrections in each presence - see the hands of Gabriel in Daniel 12) .

We already know from Gabriel’s two hands raised to the heavens in Daniel 12, that there are 5 resurrections in each presence. We know too that the presence lasts 120 years and starts with the pattern - see [41], [42], and that the resurrections occur at 33.5 years into the presence and at 30, 60 and 100x from a starting point in the presence and at the end of each presence from Daniel 12. So in the last presence these dates are 1918Nisan, 1925Tishri, 1955Tishri, 1995Tishri and 2008Nisan. The starting point for the 30, 60, 100 times is not 1884Tishri, the sanctification of Russell, it is 33˝ years later, following the archetype set by Jesus, the fundamental pattern. So it is 1918Nisan. And the last one dies in 2008Nisan, 90 years later.

In the first presence Jesus was resurrected on 33Nisan16. And there was a resurrection at the end of the presence in 123Nisan (assuming a 3.5 year gap in the presence - U152). So there must have been three others, and so the 30x resurrection would have been in 29Tishri, the instant the resurrection of the non adamic human son of Mary and Joseph, who was transferred so as not to see death at the entrance of Michael [14b]. He did not need any covenant to save him, he was not adamic and kept the law. The 60x and the 100x harvests would be 59Tishri and 99Tishri, and the final resurrection at the end of the first presence was 123Nisan.

Now how was the 144,000 split between the two presences?

Well the 5,000 was fed before the 4,000. And the tabernacle had one quarter of the size of Solomon’s temple and of Zerubbabel’s temple, in area terms. So if we equate the exile of the physical Jews in the prison of Babylon during which time they had no temple, with the non existence of the spiritual temple brothers during the wheat and weeds period, the Intermission Times, then we have one and one quarter temple areas before the exile and one temple area after the exile. Again this is a 5:4 ratio as in the case of the two feeding miracles. So now we can say that the split of the remnant was:

5x16,000=80,000 in the first presence 4x16,000=64,000 in the second presence.

Furthermore, the split of the first temple, the first presence body was:

16,000 physical Jews (tabernacle floor area) 64,000 physical Gentiles (Solomon’s temple floor area)

Now in the first presence we have 80,000 to split into three resurrections, and we know from Daniel 5 that the split can be expressed as shekels and half shekels. In fact: Mene, Mene, Tekel and Parsin, is: A Mina, a Mina, a Shekel and half shekels. The half shekels is plural, so there are at least two of these. 

 x + ˝x  + ˝x = 80,000   i.e. x = 40,000

We put the shekels before the half shekels, because the writing said Tekel & Parsin, it did not say Parsin and Tekel! This is the roll of honour of the palace wall of King Jesus on heavenly mount Zion:

5 At that moment the fingers of a man's hand came forth and were writing in front of the lampstand upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the back of the hand that was writing (Daniel 5).

These guys are the stone in that wall, bound together by the plaster, the writing upon which is here symbolising their being bound together in resurrections groups for they are the heavenly locust. And the locust changes its skin 5 times, it has 5 stages called ‘instars’. Oh! what a name, for an animal symbolising those resurrected into the stars! The last stage is when it can fly. But the 5 instars can jump really high!

15 Even there fire will devour you. A sword will cut you off. It will devour you like the locust species. Make yourself heavy in numbers like the locust species; make yourself heavy in numbers like the locust.
16 You have multiplied your tradesmen more than the stars of the heavens. As for the locust species, it actually strips off its skin; then it flies away.
17 Your guardsmen are like the locust, and your recruiting officers like the locust swarm. They are camping in the stone pens in a cold day. The sun itself has but to shine forth, and away they certainly flee; and their place is really unknown where they are (Nahum 3).

5 And it was granted the [locusts], not to kill them, but that these should be tormented five months, and the torment upon them was as torment by a scorpion when it strikes a man.
6 And in those days the men will seek death but will by no means find it, and they will desire to die but death keeps fleeing from them.
7 And the likenesses of the locusts resembled horses prepared for battle; and upon their heads [were] what seemed to be crowns like gold, and their faces [were] as men's faces (Revelation 9).

In the second presence we have five resurrections again in terms of Shekels and ˝ Shekels. 

In the second presence the five resurrections must be of size x or ˝x, and again there must be at least two of size ˝x, but we ignore this criterion and examine all the possibilities. Again the shekels precede the half shekels, so they must be:

x + ˝x + ˝x + ˝x + ˝x = 64,000   i.e. x = 21,333.33 which is impossible

or x + x + ˝x + ˝x + ˝x = 64,000   i.e. x = 18,285.71 which again is impossible

or x + x + x + ˝x + ˝x = 64,000   i.e. x = 16,000 which is fine.

So the 5 second presence resurrections are

1918Nisan16  16,000 
1925Tishri  16,000 
1955Tishri  16,000 
1995Tishri  8,000 
2008Nisan14 8,000 

And the 5 first presence resurrections as calculated above are:

29Tishri  Jesus, the human
33Nisan  Jesus the Michael 
59Tishri 40,000
99Tishri  20,000 
123Nisan  20,000 

From this we can deduce the memorial partaking figures in the second presence as follows:

1918  48,000
1925/6  32,000
1955/6 16,000
1995/6 8,000
2008  very few

The actual memorial partaking figures were:

1914  1941  23,989 1968  10,619
1915  15,430  1942  24,035 1969  10,368
1916  ? 1943  23,577 1970  10,526
1917  21,274 1944  29,385 1971  10,384
1918  ? 1945  22,324 1972  10,350
1919  17,961 1946  27,587 1973  10,523
1920  1947  26,449 1974  10,723
1921  1948  25,395 1975  10,550
1922  32,661 1949  24,312 1976  10,187
1923  42,000 1950  22,723  1977   10,080
1924  62,696  1951  21,619 1978   9,762
1925  90,434  1952  20,221 1979  
1926  89,278 1953  19,108 1980  
1927  ? 1954  17,884 1981  
1928  17,380 1955  16,815 1982  
1929    1956  16,302 1983  
1930    1957  15,628 1984  
1931    1958  15,037 1985  
1932    1959  14,511 1986  
1933    1960  13,911 1987  8,808
1934    1961  13,284  1988  8,685
1935    1962  12,714  1989  8,734
1936    1963  12,292 1990   8,869
1937    1964  11,953  1991  8,850
1938  36,732  1965  11,550  1992  8,683
1939  29,385 1966  11,179 1993  8,693
1940  27,620 1967  10,981 1994  8,617
        1995  8,650
        1996  8,750

The figure at the 1925 and 1926 memorials was too high because the great crowd had been called, I think at the Cedar Point Convention in 1922. These did not recognise that they were not anointed until the Washington DC convention in 1935, when Judge Rutherford said: Behold the Great Crowd! see [162].

1955 16,815
1956 16,302
1995 8,650 (approx)
1996 8,750 (approx)

Fantastic agreement!