[208] John 21: 200 Cubits and 153 Big Fish

1 After these [things] Jesus manifested himself again to the disciples upon the sea of Tiberias. But he manifested in this way.
2 Together were Simon Peter and Thomas, the [one] being said the Twin, and Nathanael, the [one] from Cana of Galilee and the [ones] of Zebedee and 2 others out of his disciples 
3 Simon Peter said to them: I am going fishing. They said to him: We also are coming with you. Out they went and stepped in into the boat [ploion], but in that night they caught nothing
4 However, [upon] morning having already come, Jesus stood on the beach [literally place of rushing], but the disciples did not, however, discern that it was Jesus.
5 Therefore/then [oun] Jesus said to them: Little-children, [Paidia] you do not have any eatables, [prosfagion] do you? They answered No! to him.
6 The one but said to them: Cast ye into the right parts [merh] of the boat the net and you will find. Then they cast it, but they were no longer able to draw it in because of the multitude of the fishes [icqwn].
7 Therefore [oun] that disciple whom Jesus used to love said to Peter: It is the Lord! Simon [hearing/heeding] therefore [oun] Peter, having heard that it was the Lord, girded throughy himself his top-garment, and plunged into the sea.
8 But the other disciples came in the little-boat [ploiariw] for they were not far away from land, only as [wV] 200 cubits away (John 21).

1 After these [things] Jesus manifested himself again [after the 2019Ab27 and 2019Elul5 manifestations] to the disciples upon the sea of Tiberias [meaning good vision or navel - belly button]; but he manifested in this way.
2 Together were Simon Peter and Thomas, the [one] being said the Twin, and Nathanael, the [one] from Cana of Galilee [where the marriage feast was held] and the [ones] of Zebedee and 2 others out of his disciples [prepositional genitive] [so that the total number of them is 7. There is no reason to mention that there were another 2 of them unless the total number is important in the greater meaning. The 7th year of something or the 7th congregation, Laodicea].
3 Simon Peter [1NCs] said to them: I am going fishing [evangelising for those who live by water, i.e. evangelising with a water baptism, the 3EC from descended Charles Russell]. They said to him: We also are coming with you. Out they went [from the Watchtower] and stepped in into the boat [ploion] [Reappointed Laodicea - a boat upon the sea rather than a house on the land. This is a true church, separate from the false land of the Watchtower, but unable to leave its territorial waters! It is not a land for 2NCs because reappointed Laodicea was never appointed to feed the 2NCs because none of them were 3EC baptised into it. But they were nonetheless in the boat], but in that night [Noun counts 1x. So this is a literal use. But the Greek word means night or night-season - Middle Liddell. This is the night of reappointed Laodicea, a church of the night, from 2019Ab1 to 2019Adar21. A count of 1x means it is used as the language uses it which includes metaphorical use] they caught nothing [They caught no 2NCs. The 1NCs who joined reappointed Laodicea were already JWs, already caught. This account is about 153 big fish whom they are going to bring into reverted Laodicea the land of which is 200 cubits away]
4 However, [upon] morning [Noun counts 1x. So literal use. But the morning after the darkness of the night of verse3] having already come, Jesus [the descended 1NC kings, and holes in the 3rd Holy Spirit] stood on the beach [literally place of rushing] [the rushing of the sea - Jesus is fully standing upon the beach on 2019Tebbeth10, entry day into the 6th 1NC marriage Passover, the end of the 2nd 3EC baptism for 1NC reserves. That is when he tells them to start fishing on the other side of the boat for HLCs. Normally the sand of the sea are the children of Abraham and the land is the true church and the sea is the world and the mountains are the administrations of the true church. Jesus stands upon the beach of reverted Laodicea, in authority over the church], but the disciples did not, however, discern that it was Jesus [].
5 Then [oun] [] Jesus said to them: Little-children, [Paidia] you do not have any eatables, [prosfagion] do you [Noun counts 1x. Fallen reappointed Laodicea has no food] They answered No! to him.
6 He said to them: Cast on the right parts [merh] of the boat the net and you will find [fish for HLCs rather than 2NCs. Jesus instructs Laodiceans to do this on 2019Tebbeth10, when he is fully standing upon the beach in the 3rd part of the 2nd presence from 2019Elul10. The sheep know the voice of Jesus, they will listen to him]. Then they cast it, but they were no longer able to draw it in because of the multitude of the fishes [icqwn] [not eatables - which represent food, but fish which represent people. People vs food or fish vs eatables is the knot of this account].

A net behind a boat is a bunch of people who are captivated by the church and wish to join it but are not yet baptised into the boat.

7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus used to love [literally Lazarus] [AOL?] said to Peter [1NC reserves of the 7th bride]: It is the Lord []! Simon [hearing/heeding] therefore Peter, upon hearing that it was the Lord, girded through himself his top-garment [reprised his Laodicean priesthood, for he was naked - miserable, pitiable poor and blind and naked in fact - Revelation 3:17], and plunged into the sea [leaving the boat and then he got baptised on 2020Tammuz10 as the 7th 1NC bride].
8 But the other disciples came in the little-boat [ploiariw] [they have changed boats for a smaller boat - fallen Reappointed Laodicea?], for they were not far away from land [of Reverted Laodicea, the land for HLCs from 2020Sivan12, 1NCs from 2020Tammuz10 and 2NCs from 2020Tebbeth11], only as [wV] 200 cubits away [Cubits normally stand for a time period because Jesus said that by worry you cannot add 1 cubit to your life ! 200 days from 2020Sivan21, when Peter plunged into the sea, leaving reappointed Laodicea for reverted Laodicea without a baptism until 2020Tammuz10, to 2020Tebbeth11, starting the 300+300 Denarii of John12 of oil of Jesus feet to 2022Elul11, followed by the 400 more days of feeding (5 loaves into 5,000 of John 6 giving 1,000 days of feeding 2NCs) ) to 2023Tishri21, the fall of reverted Laodicea, 450 prophets of Baal before 2024Tebbeth21, the end of their being seized into the next true church (ark based Zoar). The HLCs leave the little boat of fallen reappointed Laodicea by 4EC baptism into reverted Laodicea].

2 Were together Simon Peter and Thomas the (one) being said Twin and Nathanael the (one) from Cana of the Galilee and the [sons] of the Zebedee and others out of the disciples of him two.
3 Is saying to them Simon Peter I am going under to be fishing; they are saying to him We are coming also we together with you. They went out and they stepped in into the boat, and in that the night they caught nothing. (John 21 KIT)

The little boat is fallen reappointed Laodicea which has no eatables being a false church.

Verse1: 2x+2x.7x+1x+1x = 18x
Verse2: 1x+1x.2x+1x+2x+2x.2x.2x = 14x. Peter plus 13x more as a sentence count, but 6 more disciples.
Verse3: 13x+13x.(13x+1x) + 14x +14x + 14x = 237x or 6x+6x.7x+7x+7x+7x = 69x
Verse4: 1x+2x+7x = 10x
Verse5: 7x.(7x+2x)+7x = 70x
Verse6: 7x.(7x+7x)+7x+7x = 112x
Verse7: 1x+1x+1x+1x = 4x
Verse8: 6x.7x = 42x
Total: 69x+10x+70x+112x+4x+42x = 307x. From 2019Ab14, when the Laodicea regained its constant feature (2x1290 days of Daniel12 after 2012Sivan14, when it lost it) to 2020Sivan21, when Peter plunged into the seat at he start of the 200 cubits. Whereas 2020Sivan12 was the start of the 4EC baptism of HLCs into reverted Laodicea, the start of the disembarkation from the little boat, when it hit HLC land and 2020Tebbeth11 was the start of the 2NC disembarkation, when it hit 2NC land. The constant feature of Abrahamic Laodicea was spying on the LWs. The constant feature of reappointed Laodicea may have been some bible research?? 

Only Simon Peter plunged into the sea. He is not said to have joined Jesus on the beach. But he did join him in reappointed Laodicea after 1NC entrance into that church ended. HLCs never joined reappointed Laodicea because they were only two prostitutes in the house of the nearly divided baby of 1Kings3 see U296. The rest disembarked not on to the beach of reappointed Laodicea but onto the land of reverted Laodicea. So reappointed Laodicea had ALL of Jesus, all the 1NCs, and it had the hearing/heeding ones of the Laodicean Administration (Simon Peter). These joined without baptism initially. They were baptised only AFTER all of Jesus (all the 1NCs) were standing upon the beach.

9 However, when they disembarked onto land [of non adamic Sodom - merely for the Passovers] they beheld lying there a charcoal-fire [literal fire for Passover lamb but symbolising the addition of the fish in the 5 New Passovers held in Reverted Laodicea on 2020Tammuz14, 2020Ab14, 2020Elul14, 2020Tishri14, 2020Heshvan14] and "eatings" [oyarion] [spiritual food] lying upon it [the verb can mean lying upon it or insisting upon it i.e. pressing people into it. So the spiritual food is the LW understanding about the necessity of the new Passover - this is a Greek pun] and bread [officially accepted Laodicean food from the land of the LWs].
10 Jesus said to them: Bring from the eatings [oyarion] you caught just now. [Jesus as the descended 1NCs not the 7th bride 1NCs or HLCs. They literally added a fish course to the 'eatings' that Jesus prepared on the charcoal fire. We have to add a final fish course to the Passover]
11 Simon Peter, therefore, went up and drew/pulled the net [of disaffected ex JWs] to land [1NCs drew those caught by the Laodicean evangelical method into non reverted Laodicea - this occurred throughout the 153 days] [it being] full of big fishes, [icqwn] 153 of them [153 days catching HLCs from 2020Tebbeth10, when Jesus completes his standing upon the beach, to 2020Sivan12. AND 153 days of pulling/drawing the unbaptised HLC in reappointed Laodicea into Reverted Laodicea from the theft of the 4EC in Kenya on 2020Sivan12, the baptism of the 8 ex JWs in Kisii, to 2020Heshvan14, the 4th HLC marriage Passover execution of the last HLCs. Big Fish - Jonah?]. But although there were so many the net did not burst [the evangelised understandings were strong enough to hold all the HLCs].

A distinction is being made between the big fish and the 'eatables' - therefore the big fish are people as opposed to food! 
The 153 caught big fish run from 2019Tebbeth10 to 2020Sivan12.
The 153 landed big fish is the day of HLCs entering into or being in reverted Laodicea to be Passover victims from 2020Sivan12 (June5, 8 JWs were 4EC baptised into the LWs in Kisii - one of them stole the 4EC on behalf of reverted Laodicea) to 2020Heshvan14, the Passover execution of the 4th HLC bride. The big fish are never taken into the boat of reappointed Laodicea (following 1Kings3 - U296 - Solomon's baby judgement, there was no one in the house of Reappointed Laodicea but the woman and her 1NC child).
Why are the Laodiceans a little boat, and Zoar a land??? It must be because they were never appointed to feed the 2NCs but Reverted Laodicea was.
The 200 cubits is the distance of the little Boat from the land, run from Peter's jump into the sea on 2020Sivan21 to the start of the 2NC land in Reverted Laodicea on 2020Tebbeth11
None of the 8 ex JWs baptised into the LWs on 2020Sivan12 were Laodiceans. But one of them gave his baptism to Laodicea on 2020Sivan15, the end of the Laodicean 1NC Exedenic Times from 2013Sivan15, 12 months of Daniel 4:29 after 2012Sivan15, the mid point of adamic to Abrahamic conversion.

Laodicea is
over the 1ACs
Russell visits.
Laodicea is
appointed over
1NCs at 12th
1NC first fruits
Reverted Laodicea
is installed over
1NCs and
over HLCs
1st HLC is
4EC baptised
into Reverted
Jesus tells them to fish for HLCs
rather than 2NCs. Peter leaves
fallen reappointed Laodicea.
200 cubits to land begin
See John21 - U208
Last HLC
(4th bride)
is Passover
1st 2NC is 4EC baptised into
Reverted Laodicea.
300+300 Denarii of John12 begin.
200 cubits of John21 to land end.
1000x of 5000/5 loaves of John 12 start
Last 2NC is 4EC baptised into
Reverted Laodicea. 300+300
Denarii of John12 end. 2489x
of Pharaoh's chasing of
Exodus14 to 2029Ab10 start

4EC baptism ends
for Reverted Laodicea
1000 days
of John6 end
9½ month near bank of Daniel12 153 big 1NC/HLC fish of John 21 300+300 Denarii of John12 on feet9½ month ending banksee U304

1000 days of 5 loaves into 5000 men of John6 from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2023Tishri21.
6350 days (127 Pentecosts of Esther9) from 2005Adar1, the theft of the 4EC baptism, the baptism of the 2nd Laodicean by 'Roger Knight' the apostle to Laodicea, to 2023Tishri21. Jurisdiction through the law of the 4EC as judged by Laodicea. 
2005Adar1 to 2017Elul10 then 2020Sivan12 to 2023Tishri21
3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 from 2012Tishri5 to 2017Elul10 in Laodicea and 2019Tishri5 to 2023Tishri21 in reappointed and reverted Laodiceas and 2024Chislev10-12 to 2024Shebat15-20 in Zoar until all the Abrahamic 2NCs are raptured. Then 450 prophets of Baal take us from 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by the true church of ark based Zoar. So from 2024Chislev10-12 to 2024Shebat15-20, Zoar is treading down the Laodicean 2NCs - isolating them in Hebron of Zoar, denying them entry into the Isaaic congregation

Abrahamic Laodicea
is installed over
non adamic Abraham
40 days of Laodicea spying on
LWs begins 12 years of Betrayal
after 2003Shebat21, their
installation to feed the 1NCs
40 days of spying end
40 month Laodicean
wilderness penalty
falls as a
true church
40 month Laodicean wilderness
penalty ends. Laodicea
is reappointed over the 1ACs,
reappointed as a true church
Laodicea is
Reverted Laodicea
falls as a true church
450 prophets of Baal
seizing period starts
Laodiceans start being
intransitively baptised
into Zoar for treading
down by us
End of seizing
of 450 2NC
prophets of Baal
Rapture of Laodicean
2NC prophets of Baal.
Raptured 2NCs can no
longer be trodden down
1775 days1456 days 69 days 1775 + 1456 + 69 = 3300
treaders down of 1Kings5

12 Jesus said to them [the FISH not the Laodiceans]: Come, first-meal you [come and have your first Watchtower Passover MEAL. Actually have some lamb and bread and wine and bitter greens. I was hungry and you fed me not!]. Not one of the disciples dared to inquire of him: Who are you? because they knew it was the Lord.
13 Jesus came and took the bread [LW understandings] and gave it to them, and the eating [oyarion] [Passover lamb, their first prescribed festival food] likewise.
14 This was already the 3rd [time] that Jesus appeared to the disciples [3rd part of the 2nd Presence] after his being raised up from the dead [ones] [after the 1NC reserves being sanctified?].

New Account...

15 When, now, they had breakfasted, Jesus said to Simon Peter: Simon son of John [his fleshly father. Simon is used for the fleshly side of Peter and Peter is used for the spiritual side of him], do you love me more than these? [literally: Is your love for me greater than that of the others? But on the greater meaning FDS1 loved the church more than Jesus and stopped feeding them becoming the Roman Catholic Church] He said to him: Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you. He said to him: Feed my lambs.
16 Again he said to him, a second time: Simon son of John, do you love me? He said to him: Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you. He said to him: Shepherd my little sheep [FDS2 never became a false church it just ceased operations, perhaps it stopped shepherding].
17 He said to him the 3rd time: Simon son of John, do you have affection for me? Peter became grieved that he said to him the 3rd time: Do you have affection for me? So he said to him: Lord, you know all things; you are aware that I have affection for you. Jesus said to him: Feed my little sheep [FDS3 stopped feeding the sheep like its first presence brother FDS1].
18 Most truly I say to you, When you were younger, you used to gird yourself and walk about where you wanted. But when you grow old you will stretch out your hands and another [man] will gird you and bear you where you do not wish.
19 This he said to signify by what sort of death he would glorify God. So, when he had said this, he said to him: Continue following me (John 21 NWT).

CNC = 57 (3 threads)

INC Jesus, Disciples, Sea of Tiberias, Simon, Peter, Thomas, Twin, Nathanael, Cana of Galilee, Boat, Night, Morning, Beach, Eatables, (Parts of the Boat), Net, (Multitude of Fishes), Lord, Top-garment, Sea, Little-boat, Land, (Net of Fishes), Charcoal-Fire, Eatings, Bread, Fishes = 24

Fishes [icquwn] (0), Eatings [oyariwn] (3), Charcoal fire (1), Bread (2), Boat/vessel (2), Little vessel (1), cubits (1), Net (4), Sea (2), Beach (1), Morning (1), Night (1), Peter (9), Land (3), Eatables (1), Sea (2).



1 After these things Jesus manifested himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; but he made the manifestation in this way.
2 There were in company Simon Peter and Thomas, the [one] being called Twin, and Nathanael, the [one] from Cana of the Galilee and the sons of Zebedee and 2 others of his disciples.
3 Simon Peter said to them: I am going fishing [sounds like a 2NC saint! He is going to do research!]. They said to him: We also are coming with you. Out they went and got aboard the boat [ploion] [Some kind of Independent Watchtower research group], but during that night they caught nothing.
4 However, [implied epi - upon] of morning [prwiaV] already coming to be, Jesus stood on the beach/strand [aigialoV] [The time of the end, the beach of the kingdom?? looks like a physical morning after a physical night, so the rising cloud of 1Kings18 occurs at dawn? Or it could be], but the disciples did not, of course, discern that it was Jesus.
5 Then Jesus said to them: Young children, you do not have anything to eat, do you? They answered No! to him.
6 He said to them: Cast the net on the right side of the boat [ploion] [boat is used as a noun, c.f. half of the boat] and you will find [some]. Then they cast it, but they were no longer able to draw it in because of the multitude of the fishes [icquwn].
7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus used to love [Lazarus] said to Peter []: It is the Lord! Hence Simon Peter, [the 1NC reserves] upon hearing that it was the Lord, girded about himself his top garment [reprised his priesthood], for he was naked [having lost his previous priesthood], and plunged into the sea [left the Watchtower, went into the world, before reaching the beach of FDS4].
8 But the other disciples came in the little boat/vessel [ploiarion], for they were not a long way from land, but [wV] as/like from 200 cubits away [200 days??], dragging the net of fishes [icquwn].
9 However, when they disembarked onto land they beheld lying there a charcoal fire and fish [oyarion] lying at/upon it [2NC saints, reclining at the literal barbecue] and bread.
10 Jesus said to them: Bring [some] from the fishes [oyariwn] you just now caught [The 2NC saints in the Watchtower].
11 Simon Peter, therefore, went on board and drew the net to land full of great fishes [icquwn] [big understandings], 153 []. But although there were so many the net did not burst [neural net?].
12 Jesus said to them: Come, take your breakfast. Not one of the disciples had the courage to inquire of him: Who are you? because they knew it was the Lord.
13 Jesus came and took the bread [spiritual food from FDS2/FDS4] and gave it to them [to eat], and the fish [oyarion] likewise [as their new priests].
14 This was now the 3rd time that Jesus appeared to the disciples after his being raised up from the dead.

The account continues for the whole chapter??

Fishes [icquwn] (0), Fish [oyariwn] (3), Charcoal fire (1), Bread (2), Boat/vessel (2), Little vessel (1), cubits (1), Net (4), Sea (2), Beach (1), Morning (1), Night (1), Peter (9), Land (3).

The 3rd appearance to the disciples after his being raised up from the dead was the 5th appearance to humans of a total of 6 appearances of Jesus after his resurrection - see [240]. The 6 appearances sequentially represent the 6 comings of the Christ after his baptism. The correspondence is as follows:

Appearance Coming
Mary Magdalene and Mary (Jesus' mum) 33Nisan16 Michael's entrance 29Tishri10 to appoint FDS1 33Nisan16
Cleopas and friend on the road to Emmaus 33Nisan16 Appoint FDS2 65Tishri - 69Nisan
The 10 apostles excluding Thomas on 33Nisan16 Remove FDS2 ??
The 11 apostles on 33Nisan24 Appoint FDS3 1914Tishri - 1918Nisan
The sea of Tiberias Remove FDS3 and appoint FDS4 1995Sivan30 - 1995Tishri17
The ascension Final revealing - 2008Iyyar29

Here are the two word symbolisms:

Fishes [icquwn] are interpretations
Fishes [oyariwn] are 2NC saints, reclining at the beach barby!
Bread is spiritual food
Charcoal fire (1) is literal
Fishing Net is neural net
Peter is Obadiah of 1 Kings 18??
Jesus is Paul then Gordon
Sea is all those who are not a member of any religion
Land is FDS2 then FDS4
Beach (1) is literal to a symbolic sea. It is dependent upon the sea which is symbolic. So it is the sons of the 1AC, those clinging to the land but not a part of it 
Small vessel (1) is literal a coach or an aeroplane or something.
200 Cubits - 200 baptisms??

The 2NC is to be held not on a literal beach but with a literal barbecue. It is the greater salvation from the red sea. The sea of the blood of enslavement to Egypt or to the Watchtower. Moses and Miriam celebrated on the beach of the gulf of Aquaba after their salvation. We celebrate Booths on Tishri15. We must have a literal barbecue of literal fish (Matthew 16:36 - feeding the 4,000) on a symbolic beach. This is the meal of the 2NC.

Incorrect old symbolism

Boat Independent Watchtower research group
Going fishing Trying to understand the bible. Fishing for bible interpretations.
Thomas the twin Twinned with the Nethinim in the first presence
Nathaniel from Cana of Galilee Water of Russell's water baptism turned into the wine, the blood of the second new covenant. They are in a boat and so dry, so no water baptism.
Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel, The sons of Zebedee and two other disciples 7 years of no food from 1999Elul, when the first seal was broken  to 2006Elul??
Night when they caught nothing until Jesus speaks 1999Elul to 2006Elul
Beach FDS4
Young children 2NC saints
Nothing to eat No spiritual food
Fishing on the left side of the boat Trying to interpret the bible within the confines of accepted JW teachings, such as no one can know the date of Armageddon, the bible isn't in any code, Michael's prehuman knowledge was given to Jesus the human at his baptism, Adam isn't ransomed, Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar in 607 BC etc. etc
Fishing on the right side of the boat Trying to interpret the bible according to LW understandings. The word symbolism of Daniel 4 is extended to the whole bible.
Couldn't draw the net it due to so many fish The were unable to mentally grasp or properly develop the new understandings into a teachable doctrine, due to their brilliance and number
It is the Lord It is the work of Jesus
Simon Peter draws the net from the little boat to the land containing 153 big fishes 153 days of the Queen of Sheba bringing great decoded understandings to the LWs.
So many fish but the net didn't burst The Sluggish Slave saw all of these decoded understandings and did not give up on them or disseminate them. They could not or would not make them into a new teachable doctrine however leaving their old doctrine - net. But they brought them to the LWs, Queen of Sheba bringing gifts to Solomon.
Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them and the fish likewise The only other time that Jesus fed only his disciples was the Last Supper. This though was the Last Breakfast! It defines the 2NC celebration in the morning of Tishri15. For there were two lambs in the constant feature, one in the morning and one in the evening.
3rd time Jesus appeared to disciples after being raised from the dead Gordon raised from the judicially dead on 1991Heshvan15. Appeared to the disciples first for 80 days between 1992Elul11 and 1992Chislev1, then secondly appeared around the memorial of 1994 and thereafter (wrote letters and went to Brooklyn several times).