'Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts' - Albert Einstein
The word symbolic meaning of the Dreams relates to years of the Watchtower, the interpretations to months of the s.
1 And it came about from end/extremity of 2 years/cycles days that Pharaoh was dreaming and look! he was standing UPON the river. (Genesis 41 )
2 And look! ascending out of the river were 7 cows beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh, and they were feeding in the reed/grass.
3 And look! there were 7 other cows ascending after them out of the river [whilst he may or may not be standing upon the river], bad/evil of appearance and lean/thin of flesh, and they took their stand alongside the cows UPON a/the licking up/bank of the river [were themselves on that lip WHEN THEY TOOK THEIR STAND - got baptised. Hebrew idiom uses only one 'the' in the bank of the river or the gate of the city etc].
4 Then the cows that were bad/evil in appearance and lean/thin of flesh began to eat up the 7 cows that were beautiful of appearance and fat. And Pharaoh woke up. (Genesis 41 - adapted from the Hebrew)
1 And it happened FROM the end of two years/cycles days, Pharaoh was dreaming. And, look! he was standing UPON the River.
2 And, look! 7 cows [were] going up/ascending from the River, beautiful/good of appearance and fat of flesh; and they were feeding in the reeds.
3 And, look! 7 other cows [were] going up/ascending after them
from the River, bad/evil of appearance and thin of flesh. And they were standing at the side/near the cows on the
lip of the River.
4 And the bad/evil of appearance and lean/thin of flesh cows were eating the 7 cows beautiful/good of appearance and fat. And Pharaoh awoke. (Genesis 41 )
5 And he slept and dreamed a second time. And, look!, 7 ears of grain were coming up on one stalk, fat and good. ()
6 And, look! 7 ears of grain, [being] lean/thin and blasted [by] the east [wind], sprouting forth after them. ()
7 And the lean/thin ears of grain began to swallow up the 7 fat and full ears of grain. And Pharaoh woke up and here it was a dream. (Genesis 41 adapted from the Hebrew)
17 And Pharaoh went on to speak to Joseph
[he takes away - into the ark]: In my dream Look! I was standing upon lip/licking up/border/edge/bank of the river.
18 And here ascending from the river were 7 cows fat of flesh and beautiful of form, and they were feeding in the reed/grass.
19 And here there were 7 other cows ascending after them [not said to be from the river], poor and bad/evil of form and lean/thin of flesh. For badness I have not seen the like of them in all the land of Egypt.
20 And the lean/thin and bad cows began to eat up the 7 cows, the first, the fat [but did not take their stand alongside the cows upon the lip/bank of the river]
21 So these came into their bellies, and yet it could not be known that they had come into their bellies, as their appearance was bad just as at the start. And I woke up.
22 After that I saw in my dream and here there were 7 ears of grain coming up on one stalk, full and good.
23 And here there were 7 ears of grain shrivelled, thin,
scorched by the east wind, sprouting forth after them.
24 And the thin ears of grain began to swallow up the 7 good ears of grain. So I stated it to the magic-practicing priests, but there was none telling me. (Genesis 41 - adapted)
25 Then Joseph [interpreting the dream NOT the recital] said to Pharaoh: Dream of Pharaoh one he [is]. What the [true] God is doing he has told to Pharaoh.
26 The 7 good cows are 7 years. Likewise the 7 good ears of grain are 7 years. Dream one he [is].
27 And the 7 skinny and bad cows that came up after them are 7 years; and the 7 empty ears of grain, scorched by the east wind, will prove to be 7 years of famine.
The 7+7 cows and 7+7 ears of grain in both the dreams and the recitals are temporally coincident in all fulfilments.
32 And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the [true] God, and the [true] God is speeding to do it.
Dreaming a second time of verse5 and the dream being repeated twice of verse32 means the thing happens twice, making 28 cows and 28 ears and since the word 'year' noun counts as 13, it is invariant in the symbolism. And since the cows have the triple description: poor and bad/evil of form and lean/thin of flesh and since the ears of grain have the triple description: shrivelled, thin, scorched by the east wind, there are 3 isomorphic fulfilments by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the bible code. There are no double designations. So there is only one word symbolic thread, which has 3 fulfilments, one for Laodicea, one for followed by the last chance saloon, and one for the G20.
Double descriptors: Fat-thin = Satisfactory-unsatisfactory spiritual food. Beautiful of countenance-ugly of countenance = spiritual-unspiritual. Beautiful of form-evil of form = righteous-unrighteous.
Repeated 7s: When the number of a given items in an account is repeated in that account, then the time period it relates to is precise to the subunit. When a number of items is repeated immediately, then it is precise to two subunits.
So the 7 cows and 7 ears of grain are 7 years to the month. But in the dream they are 7 years to the day because the dream was preceded by 2 years of days. The noun 'year' appears 13x countably as a noun and so is invariant in the symbolism by the Noun Counting Principle of the bible code.
The river is a valid water baptism or a heavenly water/dew baptism (for one must be born again from water - any baptism, and from spirit - any sealing, to enter into the). So from the river means ascending into a true
church. Not from the river can mean the same or can mean ascending into a false church.
Ascending is meant in the sense of offering worship (true or false). And in the sense of gaining political office in the secular fulfilment
The baptism ran from 2005Adar1 to 2013Adar10 in Laodicea. The baptism ran from 2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10 in reappointed Laodicea. Then the baptism ran from 2020Sivan12 to 2022Tebbeth6 in Reverted Laodicea (9½ months of the far
bank before its fall on 2023Tishri21
A licking up/bank is a true church or a group
Ascending cows are Christians joining a true church or a false church. Or s getting a job in the public sector, ascending to government payroll.
Pharaoh is , the word of God, who is present through his and reserve wife or constructively present through reserves who will be re-baptised in the future.
Thin cows eating fat cows is the fat cows seeing that the food that made them is naive and childish - nowhere near the full power of the scriptures.
Reeds are saints.
Pharaoh Dreaming means he is running a true church or is Caesar to Adam because God speaks to people through dreams.
Pharaoh waking up means God is no longer speaking to him which means the church has become false or has ended or his lease as Caesar has ended.
All 7 ears of grain must be on the one stalk of Isaaic , which finishes feeding when it ceases earthly interaction for the 2nd marriage on 2028Adar2-8
Laodicean fulfilment (words in red are excluded from this fulfilment by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the bible code)
27 baptism begins 2000Elul16 X______________ |
Laodicean apostle Roger Knight is Baptised. through s is now standing over the baptism. 7 beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh cows start feeding in saintly reed/grass 2002Elul16 X_________________________________ |
7 beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh cows end. 7 bad of appearance and thin of flesh cows start eating the beautiful of appearance and fat 2009Elul16 X_________________________ |
Laodicea falls Pharaoh wakes up 2012Sivan14 X__________ |
Isaaic is appointed over non adamic . stands on the land of Isaaic . 7 fat of flesh and beautiful of form cows start feeding in saintly reed/grass 2016Elul16 X___________________________ |
Abrahamic Laodicea falls. Pharaoh wakes up 2017Elul10 X___________ |
7 fat of flesh and beautiful of form cows end. 7 poor and bad of form and thin of flesh cows start. The thin and bad cows eat 7 the cows the first the fat 2023Elul16 X____________________________ |
Reverted Laodicea falls Pharaoh wakes up 2023Tishri21 X__________ |
7 poor and bad of form and thin of flesh cows end 2030Elul16 X__________ |
Laodicea ends as a church before a further cow is completed 2030Elul16 - 2031Elul16 X________________X |
2 years [of] days | 7 years | 7 years | 7 years | 7 years | 1 year |
Laodicean fulfilment: 2000Elul16 - 2002Elul16 - 2009Elul16 - 2016Elul16 - 2023Elul16 - 2030Elul16: Pharaoh wakes up on 2012Sivan14 and 2017Elul10 and 2023Tishri21, 450 prophets of Baal before 2024Tebbeth21. Pharaoh transfers from reappointed Laodicea to reverted Laodicea on 2019Adar21.
21 cows ascend from the river (into true church worship) from 2002Elul16 to 2023Elul16. But there is no 22nd cow said to be from the river. So reverted Laodicea falls as a true church during the 22nd year from 2023Elul16 to 2024Elul16. But not in the case of /the last chance saloon.
1000 days of John6 feeding s from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea as a true church. Split 300 +300 denarii of Perfumed oil on the feet to 2022Elul11 and 115 days to the end of the stolen on
2022Tebbeth6 and 9½ months of the far bank to
So the 5½ years from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul10 are split into the ending bank of Abrahamic Laodicea and a 20 day gap and the starting bank of reappointed Laodicea, 1260 and 20 and 700 days. So Laodicea was appointed as a true church 1260
days before 2005Adar1, which was 2002Elul1, 15 days before 2002Elul16, when they stole the . And Abrahamic Laodicea fell as a true church 720 days before 2019Elul10 (the restart of the 2nd presence) on 2017Elul10.
Reverted Laodicea is appointed over the s Russell visits. 2019Ab27 X______________ |
Reverted Laodicea is appointed over s at 12th first fruits 2019Adar21 X____________ |
Reverted Laodicea is installed over s and appointed over s 2020Iyyar16 X________________ |
1st is baptised into Reverted Laodicea 2020Sivan12 X____________ | Peter leaves fallen reappointed Laodicea. 200 cubits to land begin See John21 - U208 2020Sivan21 X____________________ |
Last (4th bride) is Passover executed. 2020Heshvan14 X_____________ |
1st is baptised into Reverted Laodicea. 300+300 Denarii of John12 begin. 200 cubits of John21 to land end. 1000x of 5000/5 loaves of John 12 start 2020Tebbeth11 X________________________________ |
Last is
baptised into Reverted Laodicea. 300+300 Denarii of John12 end. 2489x of Pharaoh's chasing of Exodus14 to 2029Ab10 start 2022Elul11 X_________________________ |
baptism ends for Reverted Laodicea 2022Tebbeth6 X____________________ |
Reverted Laodicea falls. 1000 days of John6 end 2023Tishri21 X27_________ |
9½ month near bank of Daniel12 | 153 big / fish of John 21 | 300+300 Denarii of John12 on feet | 9½ month ending bank | see U304 |
1000 days of 5 loaves into 5000 men of John6 from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2023Tishri21.
6350 days (127 Pentecosts of Esther9) from 2005Adar1, the theft of the baptism, the baptism of the 2nd Laodicean by 'Roger Knight' the apostle to Laodicea, to 2023Tishri21. Jurisdiction through the law of the as judged by
runs from 2005Adar1 to 2017Elul10 then 2020Sivan12 to 2023Tishri21
3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 from 2012Tishri5 to 2017Elul10 in Laodicea and 2019Tishri5 to 2023Tishri21 in reappointed and reverted Laodiceas and 2024Adar12 to 2025Iyyar21 in until all the Laodicean s are raptured and the gifts of
the spirit are poured out. The 450 prophets of Baal of 1Kings18 take us
from 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by the people rather than by 4, the end of the rapture of non non Laodicean s. So from 2024Adar12 (the Isaaic baptism of the first
unsanctified Laodiceans, is treading down the Laodicean s - isolating them in Hebron of , denying them entry into the Isaaic congregation.
Abrahamic Laodicea is installed over 2012Tishri5 X__________________ |
40 days of Laodicea spying on s begins 12 years of Betrayal after 2003Shebat21, their installation to feed the s 2015Shebat21 X____________________________ |
40 days of spying end 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty begins 2016Nisan1 X__________________ |
Abrahamic Laodicea falls as a true church 2017Elul10 X___________ |
40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty ends. Laodicea is reappointed over the s, reappointed as a true church 2019Ab1 X__________________________ |
Laodicea is reinstalled over 2019Tishri5 X__________ |
Reverted Laodicea falls as a true church 450 prophets of Baal seizing period starts 2023Tishri21 X__________________ |
End of seizing of 450 prophets of Baal 2024Tebbeth21 X______________ |
Laodiceans start being downtrodden by For hiding us 2024Adar12 X________________ |
The End of the rapture of Laodicean Benjamin (the reserves) Gifts of the spirit poured out 2025Iyyar21 X27_____________________ |
1775 days | 1456 days | 69 days | 1775 + 1456 + 69 = 3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 |
fulfilment (words in red are excluded from this fulfilment by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the bible code)
Ephraim Gentile call to s into the s 2003Sivan14 X_____________ |
Watchtower falls. is now standing over the baptism in the s. 7 beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh cows start feeding in saintly reed/grass 2005Sivan14 X____________________ |
7 beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh cows end. 7 bad of appearance and thin of flesh cows start. 7 bad of appearance and thin of flesh cows start eating beautiful of appearance and fat s and Laodiceans die to Adam. Pharaoh wakes up 2012Sivan14 X____________________________ |
Abrahamic dies to . Pharaoh wakes up 2016Ab14 X_________ |
7 bad of appearance and thin of flesh cows end. 7 fat of flesh and beautiful of form cows start feeding in saintly reed/grass 2019Sivan14 X__________________ |
7 fat of flesh and beautiful of form cows end. 7 poor/weak/needy (due to mark exclusion) and bad of form and thin of flesh cows start. 7 the cows the first the fat 2026Sivan14 X_____________________ |
ends. Pharaoh Wakes up 2031Nisan5 X_________ |
Entrance into last chance saloon begins 2031Nisan5 X___________ |
Last chance saloon ends Pharaoh wakes up 1st death Passover Absolute end of Adam 2033Nisan14 X________________ |
Kingdom of God is installed over 2033Sivan5 X__________ |
7 poor/weak/needy due to Mark exclusion and bad of form and thin of flesh cows end 2033Sivan14 X27_____________ |
2 years [of] days | 7 years | 7 years | 7 years | 7 years | see U304 |
fulfilment: 2003Sivan14 (Ephraim call into the ) - 2005Sivan14 - 2012Sivan14 - 2019Sivan14 - 2026Sivan14 - 2033Sivan14. fulfilment. Pharaoh wakes up on 2012Sivan14, 2016Ab14, 2031Nisan5 and 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14.
Secular Fulfilment (words in red are excluded from this fulfilment by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the bible code)
The 1st Passover after we were installed to feed the s 1999Nisan14 X______________ |
is standing over the river of the baptism. 7 beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh cows start feeding in the satanic reed/grass 2001Nisan14 X______________________ |
is standing on the edge of the baptism river. 7 beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh cows end. 7 fat of flesh and beautiful of form cows start feeding in the satanic reed/grass 2008Nisan14 ( baptism ends) X___________________________ |
Pharaoh's extended 6004 year lease over Adam ends So he wakes up 2012Nisan16 X________________ |
stands on the land of Abrahamic . 7 bad of appearance and thin of flesh cows start eating the beautiful of appearance and fat 2015Nisan14 X________________________ |
Pharaoh's 50 month non adamic restoration lease as Caesar over Adam ends. So he wakes up 2016Ab14 X____________________ |
7 bad of appearance and thin of flesh cows end 7 poor and bad of form and thin of flesh cows start The thin and bad cows eat 7 the cows the first the fat 2022Nisan14 X______________________ |
salvation ends on 2029Iyyar14 7 poor and bad of form and thin of flesh cows end 2029Nisan14 X________________ |
Pharaoh's post Gentile Times lease as Caesar over Adam ends So he wakes up 2033Nisan14 X27_________________ |
2 years [of] days | 7 years | 7 years | 7 years | 7 years | 4 year | see U304 |
The question is: 'Is the 7 cows, the first, the fat', a double designation??? Well it certainly is a double description because the descriptors in that prophetic form can be separated by a comma or 'and'. and it cannot be both a double description and a double designation. So it is not a double designation.
Secular fulfilment: World hunger seems to go 14 fat cows to 2015Nisan14 then 14 thin cows to 2029Nisan14. So it goes 7 fat cows (dream) 7 fat cows (recital), 7 thin cows (dream), 7 thin cows (recital). The 2nd group of 7 cows begins with
Pharaoh standing on the lip/border/edge of the river. We take this as 2008Nisan14, the edge of the river, the end of the water baptism. Whereas 2001Nisan14 has Pharaoh upon the river, since the baptism is ongoing and runs
the heavenly church of the . Cows ascending are not female globalist politicians gaining office! But are globalist politicians from the
river of that baptism gaining globalist office. Things started going badly for the globalists in 2016 with Brexit and with the election of Trump.
1999Nisan14 - 2001Nisan14 - 2008Nisan14 - 2015Nisan14 - 2022Nisan14 - 2029Nisan1427
Cow Dream. 2 cycles/years of days are 2 years to date.
The 14 cows ascend onto a river bank presided over by Pharaoh () twice making 28 cows, which are 28 years.
Laodicean fulfilment: This bank is Laodicea and Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea and Reverted Laodicea.
fulfilment: This bank is the s, Abrahamic , Isaaic and the last chance Saloon
Secular fulfilment: This bank is the public sector. Ascending is getting a nice cushy job working for the demons to enslave or kill all mankind including you and your family. Well paid! High Status! Good pension (until money becomes
7 fat cows are well fed secularly and well fed spiritually
7 beautiful of appearance cows have beautiful church doctrine.
7 beautiful of form cows, have ALL the relevant saints within the church.
Reeds are the saints: Kingdom rulers in the sacred fulfilment who teach us good and bad, and demons (demon possessed humans), secular rulers in the secular fulfilment, who teach us bad but not very much good!
Pharaoh standing upon the river is holding authority over the baptism depicted by the river ( or ).
The s were baptised by theft from the s from 2006Sivan14 - hence God makes them take it officially from us on 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5. He also makes those s who stole the or received a stolen ,
pay back the 2½ tribes of s that the Watchtower stole 5 fold, in the form of 12½ tribes of s, all of them, after the s have joined the 3rd .
Cows ascend from the river by entering into a true church, whether the river is the , the or the .
Cow Recital. 2 cycles of days precedes the dream and NOT the recital. It does not apply to both. stands upon the lip/edge/boundary/bank of the river rather than upon the river itself..
The cows of the recital do not stand upon the bank - only Pharaoh does that.
Badness and evil form is the wickedness of the s, These are the first s to enter into a true church. The early 1st Passover, the early Laodicean Passover is 2024Tammuz14, with entry day being 2024Tammuz10. Can s enter into before
The river is the , or baptism
Pharaoh standing on the lip/licking up bank rather than on the river is standing in authority over the bank.
The lip/bank/edge/boundary or the river is the end of the river on 2008Nisan14 in the case of the .
The dream and recital are two distinct non overlapping slices of the same chronological cake by the parallel account and subaccount principle of the bible code (since the dream and its recital form two subaccounts in series). So the 14 cows of the recital come after the 14 cows of the dream, making 28 years..
5 And he slept and dreamed a second time. And, look!, 7 ears of grain were coming up on one stalk, fat and good. ()
6 And, look! 7 ears of grain, [being] lean/thin and blasted [by] the east [wind], sprouting forth after them. ()
7 And the lean/thin ears of grain began to swallow up the 7 fat and full ears of grain. At this Pharaoh woke up and here it was a dream. (Genesis 41 )
22 After that I saw in my dream and here there were 7 ears of grain coming up on one stalk, full and good.
23 And here there were 7 ears of grain shrivelled, thin,
scorched by the east wind, sprouting forth after them.
24 And the thin ears of grain began to swallow up the 7 good ears of grain. So I stated it to the magic-practicing priests, but there was none telling me. (Genesis 41 - adapted)
25 Then Joseph [interpreting the dream NOT the recital] said to Pharaoh: Dream of Pharaoh one he [is]. What the [true] God is doing he has told to Pharaoh.
26 The 7 good cows are 7 years. Likewise the 7 good ears of grain are 7 years. Dream one he [is].
27 And the 7 skinny and bad cows that came up after them are 7 years; and the 7 empty ears of grain, scorched by the east wind, will prove to be 7 years of famine.
The 7+7 cows and 7+7 ears of grain in both the dreams and the recitals are temporally coincident in all fulfilments.
32 And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the [true] God, and the [true] God is speeding to do it.
It means the thing happens twice, making 28 cows and 28 ears and since the word 'year' noun counts as 13, it is invariant in the symbolism. and since the cows have the triple description: poor and bad/evil of form and lean/thin of flesh and since the ears of grain have the triple description: shrivelled, thin, scorched by the east wind, there are 3 isomorphic fulfilments by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the bible code.
Grain Dream: A 2nd dream for a 2nd church.
Laodicean fulfilment:: 7 fat ears of grain on one stalk of adamic Laodicea from 2002Elul16 to 2009Elul16 and Laodiceas from 2016Elul16 to 2023Elul16. One stalk because although Abrahamic Laodicea fell on
2017Elul10. It was reappointed as a true church on 2019Ab1, at the ene of their 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1. And although reappointed Laodicea fell on 2019Adar16, Reverted Laodicea had already been appointed on 2019Ab27, of
John20, when the descended Charles Russell visited them. So it was the same stalk reappointed twice.
7 fat ears of grain on one stalk of adamic from 2005Sivan14 to 2012Sivan14, when we died to Adam and were resurrected to . And one stalk of Isaaic from 2019Sivan14 to 2026Sivan14. We hand over / to the 3rd
on 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, 3600 overseers of 2Chronicles2 from 2016Chislev5, Isaaic 's installation over , and 2357 days of sorting the sheep from the goats of Matthew25 before 2033Iyyar22, the late 1st death Passover resurrection of
Cain - see U902.
Secular fulfilment::
7+7 fat ears of grain on one stalk from 2001Nisan14 to 2015Nisan14 have as Caesar. His 6000 year lease as Caesar over Adam ended on 2012Nisan14 and was appointed Caesar to true church Adam on 2012Nisan16 for his 50 month non
adamic restoration lease. But that did not make him Caesar to the demons or to those ascending to pubic office or public sector service. Then an inflection in Worldwide hunger occurred in 2015 as can be seen from the UN chart below. So 3rd
world and worldwide hunger began increasing after 2015Nisan14. The thin cows eating the fat cows is not particularly satanic public servants learning corruption and inhuman administration - such as banning families from visiting dying
relatives - from more satanic public servants.
The UN rigged their undernourishment data in 2019 report. They reduced the 2017 figure from 821 to 811 million as shown below. Then they changed their criteria from undernourished to be severely undernourished and started printing figures over 100 million lower than they had been previously doing. We are going to ignore those UN bureaucratic sleights of hand as worldometer.com try to do themselves.
SOFI 2019 with constant 10.8% of global population extrapolation after 2016 used by - worldometer.com An underestimate to fit the rigged 2019 data. https://www.wfp.org/publications/2019-state-food-security-and-nutrition-world-sofi-safeguarding-against-economic
http://www.fao.org/state-of-food-security-nutrition/2018/en/ SOFI2018 with 0.1% annual increase extrapolation after 2016 to fit the graph opposite. This estimate fits the 2018 data
world hunger decreases during the fat ears of grain period and increases during the thin ears of grain period. |
![]() |
Grain Recital: The 3rd cannot interpret the bible. The 2nd inspired the writers of the NT, the reformed 1st inspired the writers of the Old Testament. The inspires scriptures and bible interpreters. They do not write scriptures or interpret them. Although individual members did before they got married. So new food from the church administration dries up on 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, when the 3rd takes over Abrahamic/Isaaic .
WW3 (fought by the 2nd horseman of the apocalypse) and the mark of the beast enforcement, cause a massive price increase in wheat and barley for 80 months of WW3 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23.
WW3 and the mark of the beast regulations cause massive restrictions on church capabilities (one of their main functions actually). The holy ones are given into the hand of the little horn of the EU for 4½x of Daniel7 from 2028Tammuz11 to 2032Tebbeth11, the end of the 10 Kings of Revelation17 giving their G20 kingdom to financial/banking/big tech beast the in fulfilment of God's words of Revelation17:16-17, 50x55=2750 days after 2025Iyyar21/22 (the start of the 10 horns of power of the G20 beast).
s are sealed into the by faith
s are sealed into the by love. was the promised seed of . So sons of the are sons of .
1 And it happened FROM the end of two years/cycles days, Pharaoh was dreaming. And, look! he was standing UPON the River.
2 And, look! 7 cows [were] going up from the River [1st theft],
beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh; and they were feeding in the reeds.
3 And, look! 7 other cows [were] going up after them
from the River, [dry then ] evil of appearance and lean of flesh [due to the Laodicean and ]. And they were standing at the side/near the cows on the lip of the River.
4 And the evil-appearing and lean-fleshed cows were eating the seven cows of beautiful and fat appearance. And Pharaoh awoke. (Genesis 41 )
5 And he slept and dreamed a second time. And, look!, 7 ears of grain were coming up on one stalk, fat and good. ()
6 And, look! 7 ears of grain, [being] lean/thin and blasted [by] the east [wind], sprouting forth after them. ()
7 And the lean/thin ears of grain began to swallow up the 7 fat and full ears of grain. At this Pharaoh woke up and here it was a dream. (Genesis 41 )
8 And it developed in the morning that his spirit became agitated. So he sent and called all the magic-practicing priests of Egypt and all her wise men, and Pharaoh went on to relate his dreams to them. But there was no interpreter of them for Pharaoh.
9 Then the chief of the cupbearers spoke with Pharaoh,
saying: My sins I am mentioning today.
10 Pharaoh was indignant at his servants. So he committed me to the jail of the house of the chief of the bodyguard, both me and the chief of the bakers.
11 After that we both dreamed a dream in the one night,
both I and he. We dreamed each one his dream with its own interpretation.
12 And there was with us there a young man, a Hebrew, a servant of the chief of the bodyguard. When we related them to him, he proceeded to interpret our dreams to us. He interpreted to each according to his dream.
13 And it turned out that just as he had interpreted to us so it happened. Me he returned to my office, but him he hanged.
14 And Pharaoh proceeded to send and to call Joseph, that they might bring him quickly from the prison hole. Hence he shaved and changed his mantles and went in to Pharaoh.
15 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: I have dreamed a dream,
but there is no interpreter of it. Now I myself have heard it said about you that you can hear a dream and interpret it.
16 At this Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying: I need not be considered! God will announce welfare to Pharaoh
17 And Pharaoh went on to speak to Joseph: In my dream here I was standing on the lip/bank of the river.
18 And here ascending out of the river were 7 cows fat-fleshed and beautiful in form, and they began to feed among the grass.
19 And here there were 7 other cows ascending after them,
poor and very bad in form and thin-fleshed. For badness I have not seen the like of them in all the land of Egypt.
20 And the skinny and bad cows began to eat up the first 7 fat cows.
21 So these came into their bellies, and yet it could not be known that they had come into their bellies, as their appearance was bad just as at the start. At that I woke up.
22 After that I saw in my dream and here there were 7 ears of grain coming up on one stalk, full and good.
23 And here there were 7 ears of grain shriveled, thin,
scorched by the east wind, growing up after them.
24 And the thin ears of grain began to swallow up the 7 good ears of grain. So I stated it to the magic-practicing priests, but there was none telling me. (Genesis 41 )
25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh: Dream of Pharaoh one he [is]. What the [true] God is doing he has told to Pharaoh.
26 The 7 good cows are 7 years. Likewise the 7 good ears of grain are 7 years. Dream one he [is].
27 And the 7 skinny and bad cows that came up after them are 7 years; and the 7 empty ears of grain, scorched by the east wind, will prove to be 7 years of famine.
28 This is the thing that I have spoken to Pharaoh: What the [true] God is doing he has caused Pharaoh to see.
29 Here there are 7 years coming with great plenty in all the land of Egypt.
30 But 7 years of famine will certainly arise after them,
and all the plenty in the land of Egypt will certainly be forgotten and the famine will simply consume the land.
31 And the plenty once in the land will not be known as a result of that famine afterward, because it will certainly be very severe.
32 And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the [true] God,
and the [true] God is speeding to do it.
33 So now let Pharaoh look for a man discreet and wise and set him over the land of Egypt.
34 Let Pharaoh act and appoint overseers over the land,
and he must take up one 5th of the land of Egypt during the 7 years of plenty.
35 And let them collect all the foodstuffs of these coming good years, and let them pile up grain under Pharaoh's hand as foodstuffs in the cities, and they must safeguard it.
36 And the foodstuffs must serve as a supply for the land for the 7 famine years, which will develop in the land of Egypt, in order that the land may not be cut off by the famine.
37 Well, the thing proved to be good in the eyes of Pharaoh and of all his servants.
38 So Pharaoh said to his servants: Can another man be found like this one in whom the spirit of God is?
39 After that Pharaoh said to Joseph: Since God has caused you to know all this, there is no one as discreet and wise as you are.
40 You will personally be over my house, and all my people will obey you implicitly. Only as to the throne shall I be greater than you.
41 And Pharaoh added to Joseph: See, I do place you over all the land of Egypt.
42 With that Pharaoh removed his signet ring from his own hand and put it upon Joseph's hand and clothed him with garments of fine linen and placed a necklace of gold about his neck.
43 Moreover, he had him ride in the second chariot of honor that he had, so that they should call out ahead of him, Avrekh! thus putting him over all the land of Egypt.
44 And Pharaoh further said to Joseph: I am Pharaoh, but without your authorization no man may lift up his hand or his foot in all the land of Egypt.
45 After that Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphenath-paneah and gave him Asenath the daughter of Potiphera the priest of On as a wife. And Joseph began to go out over the land of Egypt.
46 And Joseph was son of 30 years when he stood before Pharaoh the king of Egypt. Then Joseph went out from before Pharaoh and toured about in all the land of Egypt.
47 And during the 7 years of plenty the land went on producing by the handfuls.
48 And he kept collecting all the foodstuffs of the 7 years that came upon the land of Egypt and he would put the foodstuffs in the cities. The foodstuffs of the field that was round about a city he put in the midst of it.
49 And Joseph continued piling up grain in very great quantity, like the sand of the sea, until finally they gave up counting it,
because it was without number.
50 And before the year of the famine arrived there were born to Joseph 2 sons, whom Asenath the daughter of Potiphera the priest of On bore to him.
51 So Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh,
because, to quote him, God has made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.
52 And the name of the second he called Ephraim, because,
to quote him, God has made me fruitful in the land of my wretchedness.
53 And the 7 years of the plenty that had obtained in the land of Egypt gradually ended,
54 and, in turn, the 7 years of the famine started to come, just as Joseph had said. And the famine developed in all the lands, but in all the land of Egypt there was found bread.
55 Finally all the land of Egypt became famished and the people began to cry to Pharaoh for bread. Then Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians: Go to Joseph. Whatever he says to you, you are to do.
56 And the famine obtained over all the surface of the earth. Then Joseph began to open up all the grain depositories that were among them and to sell to the Egyptians, as the famine got a strong grip on the land of Egypt.
57 Moreover, people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy from Joseph, because the famine had a strong grip on all the earth. (Genesis 41 )
Noun count: year (13). So year means year in the greater meaning..
1 and + was from + end of years (d) days and + Pharaoh being (one) healthy and + lo ! behold ! standing (one) upon + the + RIVER
2 and + lo ! behold ! from + the + RIVER going (one) up SEVEN young cows fair of appearance and + fattened of flesh and + evil in/at +
the + marsh grass
3 and + lo ! behold ! SEVEN young cows following going (one) up what is behind + them from + the + RIVER evil of appearance and +
beaten small of flesh and + stood side the + young cows upon + licking up of the + RIVER
4 and + ate the + young cows evil of the + appearance and + beaten small of the + flesh namely SEVEN the + young cows fair of the +
appearance and + the + fattened and + awoke Pharaoh
5 and + was flagging and + was healthy second and + lo !
behold ! SEVEN ears of corn going (one) up in/at + cane ONE fattened and + good
6 and + lo ! behold ! SEVEN ears of corn beaten small and + (one) being blasted part opposite sprouting (one) what is behind + them
7 and + swallowed down the + ears of corn the + beaten small namely SEVEN the + ears of corn the + fattened and + the + filling and +
awoke Pharaoh and + lo ! behold ! dream
8 and + was in/at + the + morning and + was striked spirit of + him and +
sent away and + called namely + sacred scribe of + sacred scribes of Egypt (upper+lower)
and + namely + all of of + skillful of + her and + scratched Pharaoh to/for +
them namely + dream of + him and + nothing + interpreting (one) namely + them to/for + Pharaoh
9 and + commanded leader of the + cup - bearers namely/with + Pharaoh to/for + to say of namely + sins of + me I causing to remember the + day
10 Pharaoh broke upon + servants of + him and + gave namely + me in/at + custody of house of leader of the + slayers namely + me and + namely leader of the + TO COOK
11 and + was healthy dream in/at + night ONE I and + he or it Man as/like + ? of dream of + him was healthy
12 and + THERE namely/with + us Boy Hebrew servant to/for + leader of the + slayers and + scratched + to/for + him and + interpreted +
to/for + us namely + dreams of + us Man as/like + dream of + him interpreted
13 and + was as/like + which interpreted + to/for + us rightly was namely + me caused to turn about upon + rightly of + me and + namely + him suspended
14 and + sent away Pharaoh and + called namely + "he takes away" and + caused to run + him from + the + pit and + was naked and + sliped outer garments of + him and + entered towards + Pharaoh
15 and + said Pharaoh towards + "he takes away"
dream was healthy and + interpreting (one) nothing namely + him and + I heard upon + you (s) to/for + to say of will hear dream to/for + to interpret of namely + him
16 and + answered "he takes away" namely +
Pharaoh to/for + to say of without + me Elohim will answer namely + whole of Pharaoh
17 and + commanded Pharaoh towards + "he takes away" in/at + dream of + me lo ! behold ! + me standing (one) upon +
licking up of the + RIVER
18 and + lo ! behold ! from + the + RIVER going (one) up SEVEN young cows fattened of flesh and + fair of human figure and + evil in/at +
the + marsh grass
19 and + lo ! behold ! SEVEN + young cows following going (one) up what is behind + them hanging item and + evil of human figure strength and + thin of flesh NOT + saw as/like + themselves in/at + all of of + Earth of Egypt (upper+lower) to/for + the + badness
20 and + ate the + young cows the + thin and + the + evil namely SEVEN the + young cows the + first the + fattened
21 and + entered towards + interior of + them and + NOT was perceived that/because + entered towards + interior of + them and +
appearances of + them evil as/like + which in/at + the + beginning and + awoke
22 and + saw in/at + dream of + me and + lo ! behold !
SEVEN ears of corn going (one) up in/at + cane ONE filling and + good
23 and + lo ! behold ! SEVEN ears of corn To be hard beaten small (one) being blasted part opposite sprouting (one) what is behind +
24 and + swallowed down the + ears of corn the + beaten small namely SEVEN the + ears of corn the + good and + said towards + the +
sacred scribes and + nothing causing to be manifest to/for + me (Genesis 41 WLCi)
Cows are for rulership appointments and grain is for feeding/priestly appointments
1 And it came about from end 2 years/cycles [MytnX]
[full of] days [] that Pharaoh [,
in the form of reserves in the Watchtower once it had become Egypt i.e.
after 1998Tishri27 when they lost their appointment over the saints or 2001Chislev14, when they lost their water baptism] was dreaming [].
And look! [He was] standing at/upon the river [Nile] [He had authority over the water baptism of the Watchtower - but after it fell over the saints it became a prison for the saints, therefore Egyptian].
2 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile] [The imprisoning Watchtower water baptism] were 7 cows beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh, [7 calendar years from 1998Tishri27 to 2005Sivan14 - cows looked good and there were a lot of them] and they went feeding among the reed [rulers/administrators of the Watchtower].
3 And look! 7 cows, other [ones] ascending after them out of the river [Nile] [The post Watchtower fall Laodicean baptism], ugly of appearance and thin of flesh[], and they [pronoun referring to the 7 thin cows] took their stand alongside the cows on the bank of the river [Nile] [Laodicea ran alongside the Watchtower. Whereas they should have been standing alongside the s. These run from 2005Sivan14 to 2012Chislev10].
4 Then the cows [a restatement of the noun cows, not said to be 7 this time] [that were] ugly of the appearance and thin of the flesh [Laodicean cows, looked crazy to Pharaoh and not many of them]
began to eat up 7 the cows [that were] beautiful of the appearance and [that were] the fat [ones] [Laodicean food proves more effective than Watchtower food] And Pharaoh woke up
or due to the first new Passover night wherein the firstborns of the Bethels are killed.
For Pharaoh got up in the middle of the night during the original Passover in Egypt] (Genesis 41).
5 However,
he went back to sleep [The Watchtower Governing Body ignores the 2nd fire sign and/or the 1st Watchtower Passover] and dreamed [a] second [dream/time] [] And look! 7 heads of grain [whole years starting from i.e. 1994Nisan21/Sivan10 to 2000Elul16] coming up on-stalk one [ feeding the s with Gordon alone in the church], fat [ones] and good [ones] [].
6 And look! 7 heads of grain, thin [ones] and [ones]
scorched of east winds, [2003Heshvan21 to 2009Tebbeth21 - Laodicea feeding the reserves exclusively] growing up after them.
7 And began to swallow up namely the heads of grain, the fat [ones] and the full [ones] [Laodicea hid all foods] And Pharaoh woke up and look! [A] dream [Pharaoh wakes up again due to the 3rd fire sign or during the 2nd new Passover night or due to the second new Passover night, when to the oldest one by water baptism in each Bethel and all the reserves in them die and when the oldest one by water baptism in each of the 100,000 congregations and all the reserves in them die. For Pharaoh got up in the middle of the night during the original Passover in Egypt] (Genesis 41).
17 And Pharaoh [] went on to speak to Joseph [saying I was] In my dream Look! I was standing on the bank of the river [Nile] [having been baptised into the s, on 2018Sivan10-12 and 2018Tammuz10-12, entering the house for the first and 2nd Watchtower Passovers].
18 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile]
[ of the Watchtower] were 7 cows fat of flesh and beautiful of form [7 months of ??],
and they began to feed among the reed [the administrators of the s].
19 And look! 7 cows, other [ones], ascending after them [??],
weak/poor/bad of and ugly of form very, and skinny of flesh [Not so many come in due to the mark of the beast].
For ugliness I have not seen the like of them in all of the land of Egypt [They suffer].
20 And the cows [not all 7], the skinny [ones] and the ugly [ones], began to eat up 7 the cows, the first [ones], the fat [ones].
21 So these came into their midst [2018Adar25], and yet it could not be known that they had come into their midst, as their appearance was ugly just as at the start [] And I woke up [].
22 And I saw in my dream. And look! 7 heads of grain coming up on one stalk, full [ones] and good [ones] [7 months?].
23 And look! 7 heads of grain, [ones]
being withered and thin [ones] and [ones] being scorched of east winds [],
growing up after them [?].
24 And the heads of grain, the thin [ones] began to swallow up namely the heads of grain, the good [ones] [?]. So I stated it to the magic-practicing priests, but there was none telling me [Do Magic practicing priests ever get anything?] (Genesis 41).
25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh: The dream of Pharaoh is but one [But not the recital?]. What the [true] God is doing he has told to Pharaoh.
26 The 7 good cows are 7 years [7 years] Likewise the 7 good heads/ears of grain are 7 years [comparative speech - 7 months]. The dream is but one [in the sense that cows are years and ears are years, but years of the cows are not necessarily the years of the ears. Years are months in the word symbolism of the recital].
27 And the 7 skinny and bad cows that came up after them are 7 years [the skinny and bad cows occur in the recital of the dream not in the dream itself.
This therefore is an interpretation of the recital but not of the dream];
and the 7 empty heads/ears of grain, scorched by the east wind, will prove to be 7 years of famine (Genesis 41) [Physical and Spiritual].
28 This is the thing that I have spoken to Pharaoh: What the [true] God is doing he has caused Pharaoh to see.
36 And the foodstuffs must serve as a supply for-the land for the 7 years of famine,
which will develop in-the land of Egypt, in order that the land may not be cut off in-the-famine (Genesis 41)
Year (16 - 1 = 15. "Son of 30 years". The 2x all of food 7 year - must have an implied 'from' rather than being an extended construct)
Look! 7 years [~ynX]
[are] coming with great plenty in all of the land of Egypt.
30 But 7 years of [ynX]
famine will certainly arise after them, and all of the plenty in-the land of Egypt will certainly be forgotten and the famine will simply consume the land.
31 And the plenty once in-the land will not be known as a result of the famine, the that [one] afterward,
because it will certainly be very severe.
32 And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the [true] God, and the [true] God is speeding to do it.
33 So now let Pharaoh look for a man [ayX] discreet and wise and set him over the land of Egypt [] .
34 Let Pharaoh act and appoint overseers over the land [],
and he [] must take up one 5th namely the land of Egypt [literally,
this is a metonym for the produce of the land of Egypt. But in the word symbolic meaning we are being guided to take this literally. This indeed may be an element of the code. So one 5th of those who join the congregation in the 7 months of plenty are, baptised in , 'taken up' appointed to the administration of the Kingdom. We know that we get 14.4 million Lords and 156,000 Kings and the same number of female counterparts. We also know that we get 200 million and not 300 million of Revelation9:16 (in fact 291 million), by the end of our water baptism on 2018Chislev7 (10% of the total saved at the end -
2.91 billion).
One 5th of the land of Egypt is one 5th of 2.9 billion people (50%
get saved into the Kingdom) or 492 million souls. So that should be the size of at the time that the skinny cows start on 2018Chislev10. The mark of the beast comes in on 2018Heshvan16, 6-16 Sivan1 secular, and is enforced by the 4th beast, which slows things down a bit initially] during the 7 years of [ynX] plenty.
35 And let them collect namely all of the foodstuffs of the years [possessive],
the good [ones], the [ones] coming, the these [ones] [good years, not good cows or good ears - this is all the good spiritual food from all sources], and let them pile up grain [rb] [any grain - root means 'separated' from chaff, this is physical grain] under hand of Pharaoh foodstuffs in the cities, they will safeguard
[in each circuit administration]
1 And it came about at the end of 2 full years [Mytn#]
[dual] that Pharaoh was dreaming... and look! [He was] standing by/upon the river [Nile].
2 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile] were 7 cows
beautiful of [twpy] appearance [h)rm]
and fat of [t)yrb] flesh [may not be a double description because each adjective has its own noun]
[r#b], and they went feeding among the reed [i.e. the Nile grass].
3 And look! 7 cows, other [ones], ascending after them out of the river [Nile], ugly of [tw(r]
appearance [h)rm]
and thin of [tqd] flesh [r#b],
and they took their stand alongside the cows on the bank of the river [Nile].
4 Then the cows [not all 7] [that were] ugly of [tw(r]
the appearance [h)rm] and thin of [tqd]
the flesh [r#b] began to eat up 7 the cows [that were] beautiful of [twpy] the appearance [h)rm] and [that were] the fat [ones]
[t)yrb]... And Pharaoh woke up.
5 However, he went back to sleep and dreamed [a] second [dream/time] ...and look! 7 heads of grain coming up on-stalk one [must therefore be corn], fat [ones] [t)yrb]
and good [ones] [twb+].
6 And look! 7 heads of grain, thin [ones] [tqd]
and [ones] scorched of east winds, growing up after them.
7 And the heads of grain, the thin [ones] [tqd]
began to swallow up namely the heads of grain, the fat [ones] [t)yrb]
and the full [ones] [t)lm]... And Pharaoh woke up and look! [A] dream.
River (3), Reed (1), Cows (5), Heads of grain (4).
And it developed in-the-morning that his spirit became agitated. So he sent and called all the magic-practicing priests of Egypt and all her wise men, and Pharaoh went on to relate his dreams to them. But there was no interpreter of them for-Pharaoh.
Then the chief of the cupbearers spoke with Pharaoh, saying: My sins I am mentioning today.
Pharaoh was indignant at his servants.
So he committed me to-the-jail of the house of the chief of the guards, both me and the chief of the bakers.
After that we both dreamed a dream in-night one, both I and he. We dreamed each one his dream with its own interpretation.
And there was with us there [a]
young man
[r(n], [a]
Hebrew [a son of through a covenant], [a] servant to-[the] chief of the guards. When we related them to him, he proceeded to interpret our-dreams to us. He interpreted to each according to his-dream.
And it turned out that just as he had interpreted to us so it happened. Me he returned to my office, but him he hanged.
Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: I have dreamed a dream, but there is no interpreter of it. Now I myself have heard it said about you that you can hear a dream and interpret it.
At this Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying: I need not be considered! God will announce welfare to Pharaoh.
Pharaoh (11/12), Land (0), Joseph (3)
17 And Pharaoh went on to speak to Joseph [saying I was] In my dream Look!... I was standing on the bank of the river [Nile].
18 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile] were 7 cows fat of [t)yrb] flesh
[r#b] and beautiful of [twpy] form [r)t]
[not necessarily a double description because each adjective has a noun], and they began to feed among the reed [i.e. the Nile grass].
19 And look! 7 cows, other [ones], ascending after them [not said to be out of the Nile], weak/poor/bad of
[twld] and ugly of [tw(r] form [r)t]
very, and skinny of [twqr]
flesh [r#b]
[This may be a double description because both constructs are joined to the one absolute 'form' and construct combinations are inseparable items in Hebrew Grammar].
For ugliness [tw(r] I have not seen the like of them in all of the land of Egypt.
20 And the cows [not all 7], the skinny [ones] [twqr]
and the ugly [ones] [tw(r], began to eat up 7 the cows, the first [ones],
the fat [ones] [t)yrb].
21 So these came into their midst, and yet it could not be known that they had come into their midst, as their appearance [h)rm]
was ugly [tw(r] just as at the start...
and I woke up.
22 And I saw in my dream... and look! 7 heads of grain coming up on one stalk, full [ones] [t)lm]
and good [ones] [twb+] [this is definitely a double description].
23 And look! 7 heads of grain,
[ones] being withered [twmnc]
and thin [ones] [tqd]
and [ones] being scorched of east winds [perhaps not a double description due to participles??], growing up after them.
24 And the heads of grain, the thin [ones] [tqd]
began to swallow up namely the heads of grain, the good [ones] [twb+]... So I stated it to the magic-practicing priests, but there was none telling me.
River (1), Reed (1), Cows (4), Heads of grain (4), Midst (2).
Total for all symbolic speech: River (4), Reed (2), Cows (9), Heads of grain (8), Midst (2), Bank (2), Land (0).
25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh. [The] dream of Pharaoh [construct and absolute of 'dream' are the same] one he [in other words the (first) dream is one (with the second dream)]. What the [true] God is doing he has told to-Pharaoh...
26 7 [the] cows, the good [ones] [twb+]
are 7 years [Myn#]. And 7 the heads of grain, the good [ones] [twb+]
are 7 years [Myn#]. [The] dream is [but] one.
27 And 7 the cows, the skinny [ones] [twqr
from qqr]
and the ugly [ones] [tw(r], the [ones] ascending after them [not triple designation due to pronoun], are 7 years [Myn#], and 7
the heads of grain,
the [ones] empty [twqr
from qwr] and being scorched of the east winds
will prove to be 7 years of [yn#]
This is the thing that I have spoken to Pharaoh: What the [true] God is doing he has caused Pharaoh to see.
Look! 7 years [Myn#]
[are] coming with great plenty in all of the land of Egypt.
30 But 7 years of [yn#] famine will certainly arise after them, and all of the plenty in-the land of Egypt will certainly be forgotten and the famine will simply consume the land.
And the plenty once in-the land will not be known as a result of the famine, the that [one] afterward, because it will certainly be very severe.
And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the [true] God, and the [true] God is speeding to do it.
So now let Pharaoh look for a man [)y#]
discreet and wise and set him over the land of Egypt.
Let Pharaoh act and appoint overseers over the land, and he must take up one 5th namely the land of Egypt [literally,
this is a metonym for the produce of the land of Egypt. But in the word symbolic meaning we are being guided to take this literally. This indeed may be an element of the code. So one 5th of those who join congregation in the 7 years/months of plenty are sanctified. ] during the 7 years of [yn#]
And let them collect namely all of the foodstuffs of the years [possessive],
the good [ones], the [ones] coming, the these [ones], and let them pile up grain [rb]
[any grain - root means 'separated' from chaff] under hand of Pharaoh, foodstuffs in the cities, they will safeguard.
And the foodstuffs must serve as a supply for-the land for the 7 years of [yn#]
which will develop in-the land of Egypt, in order that the land may not be cut off in-the-famine.
Pharaoh (18/20), Land (5/9), Joseph (5), Famine (1/2), Egypt (0)
Well, the word/plan/command proved to be good in the eyes of Pharaoh and of all his servants.
So Pharaoh said to his servants: Can another man be found like this one in whom the spirit of God is?
After that Pharaoh said to Joseph: Since God has caused you to know all this,
there is no one as discreet and wise as you are.
40 You will personally be over my house, and all my people will obey you implicitly. Only as to the throne shall I be greater than you.
And Pharaoh added to Joseph: See, I do place you over all of the land of Egypt.
With that Pharaoh removed his signet ring from his own hand and put it upon [the] hand of Joseph and clothed him with garments of fine linen and placed a necklace of gold about his neck.
Moreover, he had him ride in the second chariot of honor that he had, so that they should call out ahead of him, Avrekh! thus putting him over all of the land of Egypt.
And Pharaoh further said to Joseph: I am Pharaoh, but without your authorization no man may lift up his hand or his foot in all of the land of Egypt.
Grain (1), Cows (2), Years plural (8), Years dual (1), Famine (1/2), Plenty (2), Foodstuffs (2), Pharaoh (24/26), Land (5/9), Chief (3), Joseph (8), Prison(1), Egypt (0).
After that Pharaoh called [the] name of Joseph, Zaphenath-paneah and gave to him namely Asenath, [the] daughter of Potiphera,
[the] priest of On as a wife [like a wife, i.e. covenant or congregation]. And Joseph began to go out over the land of Egypt.
And Joseph [was] son of 30 year when he stood to faces of [ynpl]
Pharaoh, [the] king of Egypt. Then Joseph went out from faces of Pharaoh and toured about in all of the land of Egypt.
And during the 7 years of plenty the land went on producing by the handfuls/grasps.
And he kept collecting all the foodstuffs of the 7 years that they produced in-the land of Egypt and he would put the foodstuffs in the cities. The foodstuffs of the field that was round about a city he put in the midst of it.
And Joseph continued piling up grain in very great quantity, like the sand of the sea, until finally they gave up counting it, because it was without number.
And before the year of the famine arrived there were born to-Joseph 2 sons, whom
Asenath, [the] daughter of Potiphera, [the] priest of On bore to him.
So Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh, because, to quote him, God has made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.
And the name of the second he called Ephraim, because, to quote him, God has made me fruitful in-the land of my wretchedness.
And the 7 years of the plenty that had obtained in-the land of Egypt gradually ended,
and, in turn, the 7 years of the famine started to come, just as Joseph had said. And the famine developed in all of the lands, but in all of the land of Egypt there was found bread.
Finally all of the land of Egypt became famished and the people began to cry to Pharaoh for-bread. Then Pharaoh said to all of Egypt: Go to Joseph.
Whatever he says to you, you are to do.
And the famine obtained over all the surface of the land/earth. Then Joseph began to open up all that they had and to sell to Egypt, for the famine got a strong grip in-the land of Egypt.
Moreover, people of all of the land/earth came [to] Egypt to buy from Joseph, because the famine had a strong grip in all of the land/earth (Genesis 41).
Grain (2), Cows (2), Year singular (2), Years plural (11), Years dual (1), Famine (5/6), Plenty (2), Bread (1/2), Foodstuffs (4), Pharaoh (27/29), Land (7/15), Chief (3), Joseph (17/18), Dream (11), Prison (1), Cities (2), City (1), Egypt (2), Asenath (2).
Heads of Corn/Grain (2) in the narrative/interpretation.
The first count is taking nouns with inseparable prepositions as being non countable that is WRONG.
The second count, takes nouns with inseparable prepositions as being countable.
OK There is only one meaning for Pharaoh (1), namely the king of Egypt, but there are two meanings for Egypt (2). So there is a greater meaning for Pharaoh.
Years cannot take 4 meanings because it means years in the last grain and meat famine of this world. So it takes 1 meaning 'years'. So Duals count separately from Plurals. Pharaoh also takes one symbolic meaning 'king of Egypt'.
There are 3 types of famine referred to here. These are in physical food, in spiritual food and in love.
Three symbolic meanings for Joseph are literal Joseph, an interpreter like Joseph ( and Gordon) and a composite group of interpreters like Joseph ( and ).
Cow Dream | Corn Dream | Cow Recital | Corn Recital | Joint Interpretation | Narrative |
Event | Event | Event | Event | Literal of Events | Literal |
2x Word1 | 2x Word1 | 2x Word1 | 3x Word1 | Word1 of Word1s | 2x Word1 |
1x Word2 | 2x Word2 | 2x Word2 | 3x Word2 | Word2 of Word2s | 2x Word2 |
2x Word3 | 2x Word3 |
2x Word1 means 2 fulfilments in the first word thread. Each colour stands for a different symbolic meaning set. The Cow Recital and the Cow dream take the same meaning in their event symbolism and their word symbolism by the parallel sub account principle. The same is true of the Corn dream and the Corn recital. All sub accounts share the same word symbolic meaning by the symbolic structure principle. The Interpretation links the meaning of the narrative which is literal to the recitals (which Joseph actually heard) which are symbolic.
These are explained by the literal meaning of Joseph's interpretation. The rive (Nile) is the soil moisture of Egypt, the farming waters of Egypt. These determine the richness of the land and pasturage which in turn determines the condition of crops and cattle. The Nile Reeds are the pasturage of Egypt. The dreams and recitals are explained by the literal meaning of the interpretation and by the literal meaning of the narrative. The 7 fat cows are 7 years of an abundance of meat and the 7 thin cows are 7 years of a famine in meat. The 7 year feasts and famines in grain and meat were coincident in the day of Joseph. For in those days there was no globalisation, no farm agricultural subsidies, no futures markets etc. So the drought would effect the grain and the pasturage, which would effect the cattle at around the same time.
1 And it came about at the end of 2 full years [Mytn#]
[dual, two full months, 60 days, from sometime in 2007Sivan when the first saint from the Watchtower start being baptised into the s, to 2007Ab] that Pharaoh [, his wife, his body, the remnant] was dreaming... and look! [He was] standing by/upon the river [Nile] [In the s, having just been baptised].
2 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile] [water baptism of ] were 7 cows
beautiful of appearance
and fat of flesh, [Faithful well fed unsanctified Christians joining the s in the 7 months of 2007Elul -
2007Adar inclusive]
and they went feeding among the reed [i.e. the Nile grass, food].
3 And look! 7 cows, other [adjective - no 'the'] [ones], [i.e.
7 other cows] ascending after them out of the river [Nile], ugly of
and thin of flesh [not so faithful and badly fed unsanctified Christians joining the s in the 7 last months from 2008Nisan to 2008Tishri, when the water baptism stops],
and they took their stand alongside the cows on the bank of the river [Nile] [1st 7 months fit precisely against second 7 months].
4 Then the cows [not all 7] [that were] ugly of
the appearance and thin of
the flesh began to eat up 7 the cows
[that were] beautiful of
the appearance
and [that were]
the fat [ones]
[a double designation in the second fulfilment of the double description only] ... And Pharaoh woke up [Spiritually, starts doing some bible research, contemplates the possibility of a greater meaning of the cows after the first brith pang in 2007Sivan].
5 However, he went back to sleep [He writes off the first birth pang and goes back to sleep] and dreamed [a] second [dream/time] ...and look! 7 heads of grain [good and plentiful spiritual food] coming up on-stalk one [must therefore be corn. The stalk is Gordon, since the last 7 ears do not occur on that stalk, and cannot stop feeding but Gordon can. 7 times are 210 days precisely from 2007Sivan to 2007Tebbeth - just when the 3½ months of being in the hand of the little horn begin], fat [ones]
and good [ones].
6 And look! 7 heads of grain, thin [ones]
and [ones] scorched of east winds, [7 months of scarce food damaged by the spirits of Babylon, false religion, from 2007Tebbeth to 2008Tammuz/Ab, when conquers the famine] growing up after them.
7 And the heads of grain, the thin [ones]
began to swallow up namely the heads of grain, the fat [ones]
and the full [ones]... And Pharaoh woke up and look! [A] dream [He wakes up again after the second birth pang, and fully accepts the word symbolic, dream meaning for this time]
8 And it developed in the morning that his spirit became agitated. So he sent and called all the magic-practicing priests of Egypt [Sons of the in the Watchtower, who leave it for the s, the place of slavery followed by release,
Egypt is these people who start as s and become s] and all her wise men, and Pharaoh went on to relate his dreams to them. But there was no interpreter of them for Pharaoh.
9 Then the chief of the cupbearers [head of saints in Watchtower, Obadiah of 1Kings18] spoke with Pharaoh,
saying: My sins I am mentioning today.
10 Pharaoh was indignant at his servants [ and the kings in the Watchtower who should have been running ].
So he committed me to the jail of the house of the chief of the bodyguard, both me and the chief of the bakers.
11 After that we both dreamed a dream in the one night, both I and he. We dreamed each one his dream with its own interpretation.
12 And there was with us there a young man, a Hebrew, a servant of the chief of the bodyguard. When we related them to him, he proceeded to interpret our dreams to us. He interpreted to each according to his dream.
13 And it turned out that just as he had interpreted to us so it happened. Me he returned to my office, but him he hanged.
14 And Pharaoh proceeded to send and to call Joseph [Gordon], that they might bring him quickly from the prison hole [release him from disfellowshipping or shunning]. Hence he shaved and changed his mantles [literally shave and put on a suit, mantles occurs only once] and went in to Pharaoh.
15 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: I have dreamed a dream, but there is no interpreter of it. Now I myself have heard it said about you that you can hear a dream and interpret it.
16 At this Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying: I need not be considered! God will announce welfare to Pharaoh.
17 And Pharaoh went on to speak to Joseph: In my dream here I was standing on the bank of the river Nile.
18 And here ascending out of the river Nile were 7 cows fat-fleshed and beautiful in form, and they began to feed among the Nile grass.
19 And here there were 7 other cows ascending after them, poor and very bad in form and thin-fleshed. For badness I have not seen the like of them in all the land of Egypt.
20 And the skinny and bad cows [bad in the sense of a bad grasp of the meat of church understanding, there are spiritual oxymorons! But they are not bad people, they do not defile their conscience] began to eat up the first 7 fat cows.
21 So these came into their bellies, and yet it could not be known that they had come into their bellies, as their appearance was bad just as at the start [Like Jonah, they go into the belly but do not disappear. This is the fat cows attempt to feed the shallow cows with deep food, and the vast masses of shallow cows cannot digest it. We get a few million fat cows, and a few hundred million thin cows. The fat cows spend large amounts of their time feeding hundred of new shallow Christians. But these new Christians are not bad people, they are faithful but slow. The well researched first cows end up cooking food for the baly researched]. At that I woke up.
22 After that I saw in my dream and here there were 7 ears of grain coming up on one stalk, full and good.
23 And here there were 7 ears of grain shriveled, thin, scorched by the east wind, growing up after them.
24 And the thin ears of grain began to swallow up the 7 good ears of grain [This is a priestly decision to supply thin or shallow understandings and suppress or omit fat or deep understandings]. So I stated it to the magic-practicing priests, but there was none telling me.
25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh: The dream of Pharaoh is but one. What the [true] God is doing he has told to Pharaoh.
26 The 7 good cows are 7 years. Likewise the 7 good ears of grain are 7 years. The dream is but one.
27 And the 7 skinny and bad cows that came up after them are 7 years; and the 7 empty ears of grain, scorched by the east wind, will prove to be 7 years of famine [4 periods of 7 years, which are 7 months, not two periods. The 7 months of thin grain end in 2008Tammuz/Ab, so gets some good food going before the rapture].
28 This is the thing that I have spoken to Pharaoh: What the [true] God is doing he has caused Pharaoh to see.
29 Here there are 7 years coming with great plenty in all the land of Egypt.
30 But 7 years of famine will certainly arise after them, and all the plenty in the land of Egypt will certainly be forgotten and the famine will simply consume the land.
31 And the plenty once in the land will not be known as a result of that famine afterward, because it will certainly be very severe.
32 And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the [true] God, and the [true] God is speeding to do it.
33 So now let Pharaoh look for a man discreet and wise and set him over the land of Egypt.
34 Let Pharaoh act and appoint overseers over the land, and he must take up one 5th of the land of Egypt during the 7 years of plenty.
35 And let them collect all the foodstuffs of these coming good years, and let them pile up grain under Pharaoh's hand as foodstuffs in the cities, and they must safeguard it.
36 And the foodstuffs must serve as a supply for the land for the 7 famine years, which will develop in the land of Egypt, in order that the land may not be cut off by the famine.
37 Well, the thing proved to be good in the eyes of Pharaoh and of all his servants.
38 So Pharaoh said to his servants: Can another man be found like this one in whom the spirit of God is?
39 After that Pharaoh said to Joseph: Since God has caused you to know all this, there is no one as discreet and wise as you are.
40 You will personally be over my house, and all my people will obey you implicitly. Only as to the throne shall I be greater than you.
41 And Pharaoh added to Joseph: See, I do place you over all the land of Egypt.
42 With that Pharaoh removed his signet ring from his own hand and put it upon Joseph's hand and clothed him with garments of fine linen and placed a necklace of gold about his neck.
43 Moreover, he had him ride in the second chariot of honor that he had, so that they should call out ahead of him, Avrekh!
thus putting him over all the land of Egypt.
44 And Pharaoh further said to Joseph: I am Pharaoh, but without your authorization no man may lift up his hand or his foot in all the land of Egypt.
45 After that Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphenath-paneah and gave him Asenath the daughter of Potiphera the priest of On as a wife. And Joseph began to go out over the land of Egypt.
46 And Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh the king of Egypt [30 months after Gordon was sanctified in 1992Chislev, is 1995Sivan, when was appointed to feed]. Then Joseph went out from before Pharaoh and toured about in all the land of Egypt.
47 And during the 7 years of plenty the land went on producing by the handfuls.
48 And he kept collecting all the foodstuffs of the 7 years that came upon the land of Egypt and he would put the foodstuffs in the cities. The foodstuffs of the field that was round about a city he put in the midst of it.
49 And Joseph continued piling up grain in very great quantity, like the sand of the sea, until finally they gave up counting it, because it was without number.
50 And before the year of the famine arrived there were born to Joseph 2 sons, whom Asenath the daughter of Potiphera the priest of On bore to him.
51 So Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh, because, to quote him, God has made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.
52 And the name of the second he called Ephraim, because, to quote him, God has made me fruitful in the land of my wretchedness.
53 And the 7 years of the plenty that had obtained in the land of Egypt gradually ended,
54 and, in turn, the 7 years of the famine started to come, just as Joseph had said. And the famine developed in all the lands, but in all the land of Egypt there was found bread.
55 Finally all the land of Egypt became famished and the people began to cry to Pharaoh for bread. Then Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians: Go to Joseph. Whatever he says to you, you are to do.
56 And the famine obtained over all the surface of the earth. Then Joseph began to open up all the grain depositories that were among them and to sell to the Egyptians, as the famine got a strong grip on the land of Egypt.
57 Moreover, people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy from Joseph, because the famine had a strong grip on all the earth (Genesis 41).
The descriptions of the cows as being both fat/thin and beautiful/ugly is a clue pointing us to both physical and spiritual food. In fact the first word thread is about spiritual grain and water baptised cows and the second word thread is about physical grain and physical meat.
1 And it came about at the end of 2 full years [Mytn#]
[dual] that Pharaoh was dreaming... and look! [He was] standing by/upon the river [Nile].
2 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile] were 7 cows
beautiful of [twpy] appearance [h)rm]
and fat of [t)yrb] flesh [r#b], and they went feeding among the reed [i.e. the Nile grass].
3 And look! 7 cows, other [adjective - no 'the'] [ones], [i.e.
7 other cows] ascending after them out of the river [Nile], ugly of [tw(r]
appearance [h)rm]
and thin of [tqd] flesh [r#b],
and they took their stand alongside the cows on the bank of the river [Nile].
4 Then the cows [that were] ugly of [tw(r]
the appearance [h)rm] and thin of [tqd]
the flesh [r#b] began to eat up 7
the cows
[that were] beautiful of [twpy]
the appearance [h)rm]
and [that were]
the fat [ones] [t)yrb] [a double designation 7 the cows the fat [ones] in the second fulfilment of the first thread] ... And Pharaoh woke up.
5 However, he went back to sleep and dreamed [a] second [dream/time] ... And look! 7 heads of grain coming up on one stalk [must therefore be corn], fat [ones] [t)yrb]
and good [ones] [twb+].
6 And look! 7 heads of grain, thin [ones] [tqd]
and [ones] scorched of east winds, growing up after them.
7 And the heads of grain, began to swallow up namely the heads of grain ... And Pharaoh woke up and look! [A] dream.
Pharaoh is who is standing (presiding) over the Nile, a water baptism. All 14 cows ascend out of the Nile and so are water baptised into in the second temporal fulfilment. But all are batpised under ' authority and stand on the bank afterwards and so have authority (stand) but have lost their water baptism (dry bank). Ascending out of the Nile is rising to power in the Watchtower from the water baptism of Russell. The last 7 cows are the last 7 years of sanctified saints being water baptised into the Watchtower according to the understanding of Rutherford (1928-1935). Rutherford did not generally accept claims to be annointed made by brothers baptised after his 'Behold the Great Crowd' speech in 1935Iyyar28-Sivan2. As a result the 'anointed' members of the Governing Body were all baptised on or before that convention. In truth the sanctification of the last ones of the 144,000 ended in 1925Tishri, as the memorial figures confirm. These last 7 cows were not said to eat of the Nile Grass, in other words they did no bible research, they did not personally feed themselves. This was the way of Knorr, Henschel etc (but not Rutherford Franz etc.).
The first 7 cows, who did eat the Nile grass, the 'reed', which is the food of the Watchtower were the saints who were water baptised in the 7 preceding years from 1921-1928. They did do personal bible research and so became beautiful in the first presence in and fat in the second presence in . The 7 thin cows eating the 7 fat cows are perhaps the last 7 years of the water baptism from 1994Chislev14 - 2001Chislev14?.
The two groups (the old remnant and the new remnant) take their stand alongside each other in the Watchtower, on the bank of the Nile, after 2001Chislev14, when they lose their water baptism and so are standing on the bank with no one coming out of the Nile anymore. Then the ones who love power and status more than scriptural truth eat up the better fed cows. This also had a prior fulfilment at the nexus of /2.
The 7 years of fat heads of grain are presumably the first (heads of) 7 years of the one stalk of Rutherford from 1918Nisan to 1925Nisan, after was appointed over the saints. Then the 7 years of thin grain for the Watchtower must start when was appointed to feed in 1994Nisan. So they end in 2001Nisan. During this period Henschel resigned on 2000Heshvan11 and the the Watchtower Society became a multi stalked organisation.
The east winds are the saints of the covenants in . We scorch the spiritual junk food of the world. The moral of this story is that Good spiritual food comes from one stalk which should have one head in any one year. Multi headed organisations run by democratic committees produce bad food.
17 And Pharaoh went on to speak to Joseph... In my dream here I was standing on the bank of the river [Nile].
18 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile] were 7 cows fat of [t)yrb] flesh
[r#b] and beautiful of [twpy] form [r)t], and they began to feed among the reed [i.e. the Nile grass].
19 And look! 7 cows, other [adjective - no 'the'] [ones], [i.e.
7 other cows] ascending after them [not said to be out of the Nile], weak/poor/bad of
[twld] and ugly of [tw(r] form [r)t]
very, and skinny of [twqr]
flesh [r#b]
[This is only a double description because both constructs are joined to the one absolute 'form' and construct combinations are inseparable items in Hebrew Grammar].
For ugliness [tw(r] I have not seen the like of them in all of the land of Egypt.
20 And the cows, began to eat up 7 the cows.
21 So these came into their midst, and yet it could not be known that they had come into their midst, as their appearance [h)rm]
was ugly [tw(r] just as at the start... At that I woke up.
22 And I saw in my dream... and look!
7 heads of grain coming up on one stalk, full [ones] [t)lm]
and good [ones] [twb+].
23 And look! 7 heads of grain,
[ones] being withered [twmnc]
and thin [ones] [tqd]
and [ones] being scorched of east winds, growing up after them.
24 And the heads of grain began to swallow up namely the heads of grain... So I stated it to the magic-practicing priests, but there was none telling me.
26 7 [the] cows
are 7 years [Myn#]. And 7 the heads of grain,
are 7 years [Myn#]. [The] dream is [but] one.
27 And 7 the cows are 7 years [Myn#], and 7
the heads of grain, the empty [ones] [twqr
from qwr] and [the ones] being scorched of the east winds will prove to be 7 years of [yn#]
The river (Nile) is the water baptism of the s in the last fulfilment. The recital in the first word thread has Pharaoh standing on the bank of the Nile, i.e. not water baptised. The water baptism of the s began in 2000Elul and ends in 2007Elul, so these 7 years must be the 7 cows. During these 7 years both beautiful Christians and ugly Christians enter the s. The dream is but one in the sense that the two periods of 7 cows/years are coincident. The ugly cows ascend to power in the s after the beautiful cows. But the come out of the Nile at during the same 7 years. The beautiful ones eat the Nile reeds, the food of , the ugly ones can't be bothered to eat that food, and so they try eating their brothers instead, asking them what it all means, outsourcing their God given commission to keep on seeking with their own mind. The beautiful ones ascend to power with the s first, then the ugly ones gain power later and come into their midst, not in a temporal sense but in the togetherness sense. The moral of this story and of the isomorphic story in is that if you do not do any personal bible research or personal research of the true religion understandings you do not get any relationship with God and so you remain ugly and thin.
Now things become ambiguous. Who is eating who? Well the ugly cows ascend into the midst of the beautiful cows, those in power, but this ascension does not improve their form at all. Lets hope and pray that it is the beautiful cows who eat the ugly ones, now that we know in advance of the impending corruption. May the true God grant us sharp teeth and the courage to use them righteously! This also had a prior fulfilment in the 7 years pursuant to the disfellowshipping of , i.e. from 74Nisan to 81Nisan. In this case the beautiful cows did eat the ugly cows, for survived another 363 years! So the same must occur in the case of . In fact if the ugly cows did eat the beautiful cows then there would be no battle between the UN and the lamb.
The 7 good heads of grain and the first 7 years after appointment over all of ' belongings of , then the sons of , then the sons of . So Peter was the head of for at least 7 years, was the head of for at least 7 years and , the mediator of was the head of for at least 7 years. The 7 bad heads of grain must have been the first 7 years around or after the falls of , () and (). 7 years of famine follow only after the end of () since these are the ones scorched by the East winds (the 3rd description) and the interpretation tells us that 7 heads of grain scorched by east winds are 7 years of famine. This is not the case for 7 thin heads or 7 withered heads in the word symbolisms.
The interpretation tells us that the 7 years of famine are the 7 years of the spiritual grain famine of the recital which was from 1999Elul to 2006Elul. Joseph is Gordon/, Asenath is /, Pharaoh is ' body down here, the remnant. Here is the last fulfilment...
7 years of plenty | 1918Nisan - 1925Nisan, the first 7 years after the appointment of |
7 years of famine | 1999Elul - 2006Elul, the last 7 years of the Watchtower |
Famine | In spiritual food |
Pharaoh | |
Land of Egypt | The administration of |
Egypt | |
Land | Christendom, all the false Christian church administrations |
All the lands | Babylon, all false religious administrations |
The guards | The angels |
The chief of the guards | |
The house of the chief of the guards | ' wife, the remnant of the saints |
The jail of the house of the chief of the guards | Being forbidden to directly communicate with ones brothers |
The Prison (where Joseph was) | Disfellowshipping by the Watchtower |
The chief of the cupbearers | The head of the spies, the champion of the new wine |
The chief of the bakers | The head of the writing committee, the champion of stale bread |
Hanged | Publicly exposed |
Joseph | Decoder of this symbolism of the account - Gordon |
Asenath | The which Gordon mediates |
Manasseh | The call to those in to be saints (1994Elul - 1999Elul) |
Ephraim | The call to those not in to be saints (1994Elul - 1999Elul) |
Pharaoh's house | ' wife, the remnant of the saints |
You will be over my house | Joseph will rule over the saints on earth |
I do place you over all the land of Egypt | (not which is controlled by non remnant) is forced to publicly appoint Gordon as the head of the administration of all of God's people. In particular over all the the s (many do not accept this however for they must become a bundle of weeds). |
A young man | Manasseh, the sons of the in the Watchtower |
Man (discreet and) wise | |
The signet ring | Authority from |
Overseers over the land | Evangelisers harvesting saints |
1/5th of the land of Egypt | 28,800 saints join the watchtower from 1918Nisan to 1925Nisan |
Grain | Sons of the |
Foodstuffs | Spiritual food |
Bread | Good literal and event symbolic understandings |
City | Physical City |
Cities | Congregations (they are given the means to feed independently) |
1 And it came about at the end of 2 full years [Mytn#]
[dual] that Pharaoh was dreaming... and look! [He was] standing by/upon the river [Nile].
2 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile] were 7 cows
fat of [t)yrb] flesh [r#b], and they went feeding among the reed [i.e. the Nile grass].
3 And look! 7 cows, other [adjective - no 'the'] [ones], [i.e.
7 other cows] ascending after them out of the river [Nile],
thin of [tqd] flesh [r#b],
and they took their stand alongside the cows on the bank of the river [Nile].
4 Then the cows [not all 7] [that were] thin of [tqd]
the flesh [r#b] began to eat up 7
the fat [ones] [t)yrb]
[this whole subaccount has the second fulfilment only of the recital]
... And Pharaoh woke up.
5 However, he went back to sleep and dreamed [a] second [dream/time] ... And look! 7 heads of grain coming up on one stalk [must therefore be corn], fat [ones] [t)yrb]
and good [ones] [twb+].
6 And look! 7 heads of grain, thin [ones] [tqd]
and [ones] scorched of east winds, growing up after them.
7 And the thin [ones] [tqd]
began to swallow up namely the fat [ones] [t)yrb]
and the full [ones] [t)lm]... And Pharaoh woke up and look! [A] dream.
17 And Pharaoh went on to speak to Joseph... In my dream here I was standing on the bank of the river [Nile].
18 And look! Ascending out of the river [ Nile] were 7 cows fat of [t)yrb] flesh
[r#b] and beautiful of [twpy] form [r)t], and they began to feed among the reed [i.e. the Nile grass].
19 And look! 7 cows, other [adjective - no 'the'] [ones], [i.e.
7 other cows] ascending after them, weak/poor/bad of
[twld] and ugly of [tw(r] form [r)t]
very, and skinny of [twqr]
flesh [r#b]
[This is only a double description because both constructs are joined to the one absolute 'form' and construct combinations are inseparable items in Hebrew Grammar].
For ugliness [tw(r] I have not seen the like of them in all of the land of Egypt.
20 And the skinny [ones] [twqr]
and the ugly [ones], began to eat up 7 the first [ones].
21 So these came into their midst, and yet it could not be known that they had come into their midst, as their appearance [h)rm]
was ugly [tw(r] just as at the start... At that I woke up.
22 And I saw in my dream... and look!
7 heads of grain coming up on one stalk, full [ones] [t)lm]
and good [ones] [twb+].
23 And look! 7 heads of grain,
[ones] being withered [twmnc]
and thin [ones] [tqd]
and [ones] being scorched of east winds, growing up after them.
24 And the thin [ones] [tqd]
began to swallow up namely the good [ones] [twb+]...
26 7 the good [ones] [twb+]
are 7 years [Myn#]. And 7 the good [ones] [twb+]
are 7 years [Myn#]. [The] dream is [but] one.
27 And 7 the skinny [ones] [twqr
from qqr] and the ugly [ones], the [ones] ascending after them are 7 years [Myn#], and 7 the heads of grain, the empty [ones] [twqr
from qwr] and [the ones] scorched of the east winds will prove to be 7 years of [yn#]
The skinny [ones] and the ugly [ones] is not a double description having no noun.
The recital has 7 cows bad and ugly of form (ugly ones ascending) in the first fulfilment and 7 cows skinny of flesh (skinny ones ascending) in the second fulfilment. Now the interpretation applies directly to both fulfilments. So the 7 ugly and skinny cows are 14 cows, since cows are either ugly or skinny but not both in the two fulfilments of the second word thread of the recital - see the Successive Descriptions Principle. So 7 ugly cows and 7 skinny cows are 7 years, so 7 cows are 3½ years so each cow is 6 months.
This 7 heads of grain are 7 years because they are called 'good' in the corn recital and 7 good ones are 7 years according to the interpretation. Alternatively they are 7 years because 'empty' is not in the recital and 'scorched' is. So we cannot add the empty heads to the scorches heads, since there are no empty heads in the recital. The interpretation is merely telling us that the scorched ones are also empty. There are several clues to this halving in the case of the cows...
1. The cows going into their midst
2. The whole account happens at the end of two full years, and 7 years is 3½
lots of 2 years.
3. 7 heads of grain are on one stalk, which is a witness to 7 times (not 3½
times), in the case of the corn only.
This thread is therefore about physical feasts and famines in beef/meat lasting 3½ years each and feasts and famines in corn/grain lasting 7 years each. As this paragraph is being written (2004Tammuz1) we are nearly 3 years into the last 7 years (which runs from 2001Elul to 2008Elul). And there is a bad grain famine (world stocks of wheat are around the lowest they have been in the last 30 years). But this is not being reflected in the prices of wheat and corn. It is being reflected in the price of rice. As a result there is not yet a famine in meat, since cattle feed is still cheap. But the famine in meat begins in 2004Adar, half way through the last 7 years. So we had thought that before this time, the prices of corn and of wheat would rise to the point where feeding cattle with these crops becomes uneconomic. Beef has gone up since 2004Adar to a contract high of $94 on CBOT. But wheat and corn have not gone up as of 2005April30 due to market corruption and to manipulation of the true grain stock figures in Gordon's opinion.
So we have 5 grain famines of 7 years (2 from the dream and 3 from the recital) and 3 meat famines of 3½ years (1 from the dream and 2 from the recital). In other words only 3 of the 5 grain famines were so bad that they resulted also in a meat famine. Each grain famine is preceded by a 7 year grain feast, and each meat famine is preceded by a 3½ year meat feast. The price of grain did rise dramatically by a factor of around 4 around the turn of the first century for quite a long time. The bible also refers to an earlier famine...
28 One of them named Agabus rose and proceeded to indicate through the spirit that a great famine was about to come upon the entire inhabited earth; which, for that matter, did take place in the time of Claudius (Acts 11).
Claudius became consul in 38 AD and emperor in 42 (Cambridge Ancient History).
Josephus refers to this famine in Jewish Antiquities XX 52 and XX 101.
Pharaoh () is said to be standing upon the river (Nile) in the cow dream which is one with the corn dream. The river (Nile) is the soil moisture of the world. The farming waters of the world. These determine the richness of the land and pasturage which in turn determines the condition of crops and cattle. The Nile reeds are the pasturage of the world. So , who is 'over the river', determines the weather for the crops around the world today.
27 What sort of person is this that even the winds and the sea obey him? (Matthew 8).
The cows ascending out of the Nile are born naturally. They stand together on the bank of the Nile, surviving due to the waters of the Nile. But only the 7 fat cows are raised the natural pasturage of the earth, the thin ones are raised with unnatural food, manmade food. In the cow recital is standing on the bank of the Nile, with less authority over Nature. So it would appear that the dream applies to the period after becomes king over 's seed, because one assumes that this gives him more physical authority over nature. So we have one beef/meat famine of 3½ years running from 2004Adar to 2008Elul, this coincident with the 7 year corn/grain famine from 2001Elul to 2008Elul. But then there is another grain famine earlier in the Lord's day after 1914Tishri.
The other 2 beef/meat famines and 3 corn/grain famines occurred before 1914Tishri.
Here is the second word symbolism of the narrative in its last fulfilment. The grain famine from 2001Elul to 2008Elul is the whole length of the 7 year ride of the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse, famine. The UN is that rider, distributing the food, by ration, in the famine.
7 years of plenty | 1994Elul - 2001Elul, the second last 7 NBLC years |
7 years of famine | 2001Elul - 2008Elul, the last 7 years |
Famine | In physical food |
Pharaoh | |
Land of Egypt | , The administration of |
Egypt | , the sons of the |
Land | The heavenly administration of the sons of the (those with faith) |
All the lands | All the governments of the world |
The guards | The angels |
The chief of the guards | |
The house of the chief of the guards | ' wife, the remnant of the saints |
The jail of the house of the chief of the guards | Interpretational prison of the Watchtower (spirit of deep sleep) |
The Prison (where Joseph was) | Disfellowshipped by |
The chief of the cupbearers | The subadministration of the saints in the Watchtower |
The chief of the bakers | / |
Hanged | Publicly exposed |
Joseph | Decoder of this symbolism of the account - Gordon |
Asenath | The on 1992Tishri15 |
Manasseh | The call to those in to be saints (1994Tishri - 1999Tishri) |
Ephraim | The call to those not in to be saints (1994Heshvan - 1999Tishri) |
Pharaoh's house | ' wife, the remnant of the saints |
You will be over my house | Joseph will rule over the saints on earth |
I do place you over all the land of Egypt | placed Gordon over all the sons of the |
A young man | Manasseh, the sons of the in the Watchtower |
Man (discreet and) wise | |
The signet ring | Authority from |
Overseers over the land | Angels to guard the sons of the |
1/5th of the land of Egypt | 28,800 saints are sanctified in the watchtower from 1994Elul to 2001Elul |
Grain | Grain, cereals |
Foodstuffs | Spiritual food |
Bread | Bread |
City | Physical City |
Cities | Congregations (they are given the means to feed independently) |
17 And Pharaoh went on to speak to Joseph... In my dream here I was standing on the bank of the river [Nile].
18 And look! Ascending out of the river [Nile] were 7 cows fat of [t)yrb] flesh
[r#b] and beautiful of [twpy] form [r)t], and they began to feed among the reed [i.e. the Nile grass].
19 And look! 7 cows, other [adjective - no 'the'] [ones], [i.e.
7 other cows] ascending after them, weak/poor/bad of
[twld] and ugly of [tw(r] form [r)t]
very, and skinny of [twqr]
flesh [r#b].
For ugliness [tw(r] I have not seen the like of them in all of the land of Egypt.
20 And the cows [not all 7], the skinny [ones] [twqr]
and the ugly [ones] [tw(r], began to eat up 7
the fat [ones] [t)yrb].
21 So these came into their midst, and yet it could not be known that they had come into their midst, as their appearance [h)rm]
was ugly [tw(r] just as at the start... At that I woke up.
This is not connected to any narrative but stands alone. The 7 cows are not 7 years, they are the sanctified congregations of 7 presidents of (cows take 3 symbolic meanings in the dream and recital - year of meat, year of water baptism of congregation, and congregation of a president of during a spirit baptism). The river (Nile) which takes 4 meanings, is the farming waters of Egypt, water baptism, the farming waters of the World, spirit baptism in the 4 threads of the recital. We have the first 7 presidents being beautiful of form, the next 7 being fat of flesh, the next 7 being ugly of form and the the last 7 being thin of flesh. The flesh following the form. The account tells us that fat is before ugly and that beautiful is before thin. We also know that fat is before thin and beautiful is before ugly, since humans only age in one direction as do true Christian congregations. Put these together and you get: (fat or beautiful) (fat or beautiful) (ugly or thin) (ugly or thin). No congregation starts off fat (large) so the order must be beautiful, fat (ugly or thin) (ugly or thin). But the spiritual malaise precedes the physical manifestation, so the final order is beautiful, fat, ugly, thin. This confirms the part of the Successive Descriptions Principle which states that double descriptions are written in temporal order. So there were 28 presidents of from 67Tishri to 455Tishri when the spirit baptism into the ended.
Here is the most beautiful part of the whole account. The third thread of the narrative has no dream or recital to define what type famine it is talking about. But we do not need a dream of an Egyptian Monarch written 3500 years ago to tell us what this world is lacking. For it is plainly a lacking in love. We are in an unprecedented famine in love for God and hence in love for one another. This thread is about what mankind could achieve (paradise through love) and what we will achieve (annihilation through hate).
The 7 years of an abundance of love occurred sometime in the late 1950s to the mid 1960s possibly. The Music of a generation is a manifestation of the spirit of a generation and the music of the Beatles was most certainly the food of love (rather than physical or spiritual food). So the early 1960s must have been a part of the 7 year feast of love for the human race. People who are now over 50 years old can surely testify to this. The 7 years of a famine in love are the last 7 years from 2001Elul-2008Elul in the second fulfilment. This is the dream that becomes a nightmare.
The first fulfilment of this fell at the end of the Jewish system of things at the time of and of Titus. For the Jews had 7 years of an abundance of love were 29Tishri-36Tishri. But the final 7 years of their world, from 63Elul -70Elul8 (the fall of Jerusalem), we a great famine in love for God and for each other. Josephus' account of the end of the Jewish system makes chilling reading and is a foretaste of the end of the world.
Dear reader, can you now see that God deliberately arranged for us to experience this love feast so that we would know and remember what we are capable of as a race, when things get bad near the end? There are three things that a man and a woman needs to live. Love, food and a roof. Food and a roof without love is a well fed and comfortable death sentence. This is the lesson that the whole world is about to learn.
From a code point of view this chapter is about 7 phrases that are not quite double designations. These are marked in brown.
The Account has 5 sub accounts. The Interpretation has literal and symbolic elements so it counts separately from both the narrative which is entirely literal and the dreams parables and recitals which are entirely symbolic.
As usual the literal interpretations describe the event symbolism of the dreams and the first word of the interpretation describes the first word symbolism of the dream etc. These relationships are in Green. The narrative is literal as is the interpretation. They are subaccounts with common symbolisms in all respects (since they are both literal). These relationships are in black. So the first and only word symbolism of the narrative is the first and only word symbolism of the interpretations. So the word symbolism to all 5 sub accounts is common. Here is the symbolic structure table...
Cupbearer Dream | Baker Dream | Cupbearer Interpretation | Baker Interpretation | Narrative |
Event | Event | Literal of Event | Literal of Event | Literal |
Word1 | Word1 | Word1 | Word1 | Word1 |
1 Now after these things [the] cupbearer [Hiphil participle - one causing drinking - saints in the Watchtower - those who bring the new sanctified ones to ' cup, the covenant, of the ] of [the] king of Egypt and the baker [Hiphil participle - one causing baking - saints in the Watchtower]
sinned against-Lord(s)
of them, against-[the] king of Egypt [God,
the ruler of Egypt, the nation of his people].
2 And Pharaoh [the ruler of Egypt - ] grew indignant at 2 of officers [slaves]
of him,
at the chief of cupbearers [those of in the Watchtower, the lovers of new wine] and at the chief of bakers [those of who loved stale bread].
3 So he put them in the jail of [the] house of [the] chief of [the] guards ['
house, the temple of , the Watchtower, an interpretational and communicational prison], into the house of prison [The absolute takes the article for the whole construct],
there [was the] place of where Joseph was being imprisoned.
4 Then the chief of the guards [] assigned Joseph [Gordon] to be with them that he might wait upon them [feed them]; and they continued in jail for some days.
5 And both of them proceeded to dream a dream, each one his own dream in the one night [they began to try to apply this scripture in the night between the two parts of the day of the presence, from 2001Tammuz1 to 2004Tebbeth1],
each one his dream with its own interpretation, the cupbearer and the [one] baking/baker who [were committed] to the king of Egypt [Gordon is appointed over which is over all of ' belongings, all the sons of the ] who were prisoners in the house of prison [interpretational and communicational].
6 When Joseph came in to them in the morning and saw them, and look! they were looking dejected.
7 And he began to inquire [from] the officers of Pharaoh who were with him in the jail of [the] house of Lord(s)' of him, saying: For what reason are your faces gloomy the day?
8 At this they said to him: We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter with us.
So Joseph said to them: Do not interpretations belong to God? Relate it to me,
9 And the chief of the cupbearers [Watchtower new wine lovers]
went on to relate his dream to [l] Joseph and to say to him:
[I was] in my dream... and look! here there was a vine [sons of the ] before me.
10 And on the vine there were 3, branches [not construct ], [sons of the , , /GCC] and it was apparently sprouting shoots. Its blossoms pushed forth. Its clusters [of buds] ripened [into] grapes.
11 And Pharaoh's cup [The cup of the ] was in my hand [dy], and I proceeded to take the grapes [saints]
and squeeze them out into [-l)] Pharaoh's cup [Sanctifying people into the /GCC of the of the ]. After that I gave the cup into Pharaoh's palm [Ppk root means hollow - put the covenanted people under ' protection in ]...
[-l) as a construct] Dream: Cup (2), Vine (2), Grapes (2), Branches (1)
[which are days] Pharaoh (0).
[-l) as a preposition] Dream: Cup (3), Vine (2), Grapes (2), Branches (1)
[which are days] Pharaoh (0). OK
12 Then Joseph said to him: This is its interpretation [which he then gave to them]...The 3 of branches are 3 of days [3 days of saints, (pre 1994Elul) and of and saints (post 1994Elul) and of , and /GCC saints (post 2002September21 - Richard)].
13 Within 3 of days Pharaoh will lift up your head and he will certainly return you to your office; and you will certainly give Pharaoh's cup into his hand [not his palm, his protection, but his hand, his authority], as-the custom, the former, when you acted as his cupbearer...
Nevertheless, you must keep me in your remembrance as soon as it goes well with you, and you must, please, perform loving-kindness with me and mention me to [-l)]
Pharaoh, and you must get me out of this house [Get my wife, my flesh, out of the Watchtower].
15 For I was in fact kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews [the administration of ], and here also I have done nothing at all for which they should put me in the prison hole [incommunicado via disfellowshipping].
16 When the chief of the bakers [ stale bread makers] saw that he had interpreted something good, he, in turn,
said to [-l)] Joseph: I too was in my dream... and look! there were 3 baskets [not construct ] of white bread upon my head,
17 and in-the basket, the top [one], [were items] from every of food of Pharaoh, [which was the] work of [one] baking [corrupt spiritual food], and the bird [the one with wisdom/vision] was eating them [destroying this corrupt teaching] from/out of the basket upon my head...
Dream: Basket (1), Baskets (1) [which are days], Bird (1), Pharaoh (0)
18 Then Joseph answered and said: This is its interpretation... The 3 of baskets are 3 of days [temporal baskets of , , ].
19 Within 3 of days [during the administration of after 2000Heshvan11, the resignation of Henschel] Pharaoh will lift up your head from off you and will certainly hang you upon a stake; and the bird [the one with wisdom/vision] will certainly eat your flesh from off you [destroy your body of supporters, like Babylon]...
20 Now in-the day, the third [in the administration of and in the day of the sons of the Great Crowd Covenant], it was day of to be born namely Pharaoh, and he proceeded to make a feast for all his servants and to lift up the head of the chief of the cupbearers and the head of the chief of the bakers in the midst of his servants [2003Nisan14 or 2004Nisan14 -
born as a God not long after he died - 27
You will not leave my soul in (Acts 2)].
Accordingly he returned the chief of the cupbearers to his post of cupbearer,
and he continued to put the cup into Pharaoh's palm [Ppk]
[The sons of the were allowed to serve and deliver his sons into his protection, rather than serving which cannot protect or save anyone].
22 But the chief of the bakers he hung up, just as Joseph had given them the interpretation.
However, the chief of the cupbearers did not remember Joseph and went on forgetting him [Thanks guys!]
as a construct] Narrative and interpretations add: Joseph (9) Pharaoh (4), Days (1), Day (3), Cup (2).
[-l) as a preposition] Narrative and interpretations add: Joseph (10) Pharaoh (5), Days (1), Day (3), Cup (2).
[[-l), -l( -Nm ,towards, upon, from, are all constructs but they are treated as prepositions and do not make nouns genitive. -t) on the other hand is not, it is the sign of the nominative or accusative and is translated 'namely'.]]
-lk omeaning 'all of' is the only preposition in Hebrew which makes nouns possessive and genitive as one would expect from the meanings of the others: towards, upon, from etc.
Laodicea installed to feed s 2003Shebat21 X______________ |
7 fat cows begin stolen on 2005Shebat16 2005Shebat21 X________________________ |
Laodiceans die to Cain 2012Tammuz14 X______________ |
Abrahamic Laodicea installed over s 2012Elul6 X_________________ |
7 years of fat cows end 7 years of thin cows begin 2013Nisan13 X_____________________ |
Abrahamic Laodicea falls as a true church 2017Elul10 X_________________ |
Laodicea Reinstalled over the s 2019Tishri11 X__________________ |
Reappointed Laodicea falls 2019Adar16 X______________ |
Reverted Laodicea installed over s 2020Iyyar16 X________________ |
7 thin cows and end for Laodicea 2022Tammuz15 X_________________ |
Reverted Laodicea falls 2022Tishri16 X___________ |
2 years [of] days | 6 years 4 months 23 days | 52 day gap | 7 months 7 days | 4 years 4 months 27 days | 2 year 31 day gap | 5 months 5 days | 2 month gap | 2 years 59 days | 90½ day dry bank | |
7 years of 7 fat cows with Abrahamic Laodicean installation gap | 7 years 1 day of 7 thin cows with 2 false church gaps |
Pharaoh is standing upon the river from the theft of the by Laodicea on 2005Shebat16. A cow must ascend into a true church installed to feed s, but can ascend from a dry river so long as a wet river is yet to come