[251]   Jonah 1-2: 3 days and 3 nights of Jonah in the heart of the earth

U251 covers Jonah 1 and 2.
U274 covers Jonah 3 and 4

The Cherubs guarding the flaming sword were Michael and Gabriel. Michael went from Cherub to Archangel and to God when he died and was resurrected. We read in Jude that...

9 But when Michael, the archangel, had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses' body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms, but said: May [our] Lord rebuke you (Jude).

7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled (Revelation 12).
The Archangel has authority over all the loyal angels, this is the firstborn right. So Michael became the archangel at his death having negotiated these rights from Satan subject to his ransom - see U17

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 
16 because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him. 
17 Also, he is before all [other] things and by means of him all [other] things were made to exist, 
18 and he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn out of the dead [taking firstborn rights by virtue of his ransom of Adam], that he might become the one who is first in all things (Colossians 1). 

After this he took up the issue of Moses body with Satan, who was sentenced to death when persuaded Eve and Adam through Eve to sin. Actually Michael then went on to become a God to be worshipped. So he was a divine archangel until he married his own wife at which point he could no longer remain the head of God's wife, so he gave that right to his firstborn angelic son, Gabriel. The archangel is the head of God's Holy Spirit

Now Adam hid in the garden for when he sinned. He was in the heart of the earth for 3 days in the sense that the first Holy Spirit had her hand over her mouth from 3993Nisan13, when Satan tempted Eve, to 3993Nisan16, when Jehovah came to speak to him whilst he was hiding in the archetype for the wave offering of the firstfruits on that day. Adam lost his angelic soul on 3993Nisan16, entering into the second death from an angelic standpoint, and becoming second dead although still living as a human. This is the archetype for Jesus ransoming him at first fruits on 33Nisan16, by giving his everlasting angelic soul to God on that day. although God did not effect that ransom until the Pentecost on 33Sivan5, when the Alienation Times ended and the Holy Spirit was permitted to be poured out. Then God made Adam and Eve long garments of skin and they were evicted from Eden after the 3 days and 3 nights from 3993Nisan13 (the temptation of Eve) to 3993Nisan16, their eviction.

This is the archetype for Jonah who spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale in the depths of the sea. Jonah himself symbolically stands for Jesus, for Jesus said:

39 In reply he said to them: A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet.
40 For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish three days and three nights, so the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights (Matthew 12).

Now Jesus was in the heart of the earth 3 days and 3 nights. The bible is maximally meaningful. Applying this principle to the seemingly tautologous phrase "3 days and 3 nights" we see that it can mean 3 whole 24 hour days or 6 of them - depending upon whether we associate the 3 stated days with the 3 stated nights or whether we treat the 3 days as having their own unstated nights and the 3 nights as having their own unstated days. 

Jesus, the 1st greater Jonah, was in the heart of the earth for 3 whole days from the preparation for the Passover, the day of 33Nisan13, to the night of 33Nisan16 after which he was resurrected as a human.
For the 2nd greater Jonah, it works like this...

Jesus' 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth

33Nisan13 day - Passover preparation. 

12 Now [in respect to] the first day [dative] of unfermented cakes [which is the Passover, not the first day of the festival of unfermented Cakes, but the first day of eating them. The preparation of the Passover was Nisan13. the preparation for Cakes was Nisan14], when they customarily sacrificed the Passover [victim], his disciples said to him: Where do you want us to go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?
13 With that he sent forth 2 of his disciples and said to them: Go into the city, and a man carrying an earthenware vessel of water will encounter you. Follow him,
14 and wherever he goes inside say to the householder, 'The Teacher says: Where is the guest room for me where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?'
15 And he will show you a large upper room, furnished in preparation; and there prepare for us.
16 So the disciples went out, and they entered the city and found it just as he said to them; and they prepared for the Passover.
17 After evening had fallen [and 33Nisan14 had begun] he came with the 12. (Mark 14 NWT)

33Nisan14 evening - Passover
33Nisan14 night - arrested, enters the heart of the earth in Caiaphas's house
33Nisan14 9th hour - expires and enters not into Hades, but into the gates of Hades, like David before him. His human body is immediately accepted by God as a validation sacrifice for the LRC (OMC), a burnt offering.
33Nisan15 2nd hour, he is resurrected as an angel after 5 hours asleep in the gates of Hades, NOT in adamic death, NOT in the first death. He did not die the first death. 

5 Into your hand I entrust my spirit [5 hours asleep in the Gates of Hades, but not actually in Hades, not adamically dead, not first dead, from the 9th hour of 33Nisan14 to the 2nd hour of 33Nisan15 - Jesus was non adamic!]. You have redeemed me, Oh Jehovah the God of truth. (Psalms 31 NWT)

And Jesus called with a loud voice and said: Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit [10 hours in Gehenna from the 2nd hour to the 12th on 33Sivan5] . When he had said this, he expired ( Luke 23 NWT)

33Nisan16  Michael Presents his everlasting angelic body as a first fruits offering to Jehovah, the validation sacrifice for the ARC, the angelic ransom for Adam.
33Nisan16: The 2nd Holy Spirit marriage occurs in the ark, Jehovah and Michael consummate that marriage. 
33Nisan16: Having no angelic body AND no human body Jesus returns to mankind as a human in an off the shelf rented human body initially meeting Mary, then Peter, then Cleopas and another on the Road to Emmaus, then the apostles in Jerusalem in Luke24, and nobody recognised him at first because he looked nothing like Jesus!
33Nisan16-Sivan5: Michael begins his 50 day ascension to be a God to be worshipped.
33Nisan16-22: The 2nd Holy Spirit marriage feast occurs in the ark. 
33Nisan16-17: Just before sunset in Jerusalem Jesus shows 'the 11' excluding Thomas his rented body with divinely cosmetic marks in the hands and in his side. Is this the bloodstained virgin bed sheet? He then blows on them and says receive Holy Spirit and he then ascends back to the 2HSC bridal chamber.

50 But he led them out as far as Bethany [of Judea - 3 miles from Jerusalem], and he lifted up his hands and blessed them.
51 As he was blessing them he was parted from them and began to be borne up to heaven. (Luke 24 NWT)

33Iyyar25: Ascends to his father again. 
33Sivan5 2nd hour of the day. God takes Michael's angelic soul in ransom of Adam. Michael dies and goes to Gehenna for 10 hours to the 12th hour of 33Sivan5
33Sivan5: 3rd hour of the day: The Holy Spirit is poured out onto the apostles as described in Acts 2. 

33Sivan5: Went to preach to the spirits in the prison of Gehenna. The bad news is that you have lost your soul. The good news is that you can get out of Gehenna courtesy of my angelic ransom.

18 Why, even Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous [person] for unrighteous ones, that he might lead you to God, he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.
19 And in this [state] he went his way and preached to the spirits in prison ( 1 Peter 3 NWT).

Gehenna is itself a womb of sorts, and the Greek word for belly of the whale is the same as the womb of a woman koilia So the whale pictures Hades and Gehenna very well. Both involve a keeping alive of the spirit through another vehicle. In the case of Gehenna and of Hades this is a communal vehicle. Whereas Jonah was sharing the respiration of the whale. Actually since in Hades one is conscious of nothing and since Jonah prayed from the belly of the whale, the whale stands for Gehenna really, a communal vehicle which saves those thrown overboard by providing a giant ubersoul for its soulmates.

Jonah (2NCs) is thrown out of the Watchtower into the whale of the submerged church of Laodicea for 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth
Day1: Original Laodicea from 2005Adar1 through 2006Sivan14, the start of the 2nd presence, through 2013Adar10, the loss of their stolen 4EC baptism to 2017Elul10
Day2: Reappointed Laodicea from 2019Ab1 through 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd presence to 2019Shebat10, the end of the 3EC water baptism to 2019Adar16
Day3: Reverted Laodicea from 2020Sivan12, the 2nd theft of the 4EC, through 2020Tebbeth11, when 2NCs first enter, through 2022Tebbeth6, the loss of their stolen 4EC baptism to 2023Tishri21, their fall.

Night1: 2017Elul10 to 2019Ab1: The fall of Laodicea to the acceptance of reappointed Laodicea at the end of the 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1.
Night2: 2019Adar16 to 2020Sivan12: The fall of reappointed Laodicea to the entry of the first HLCs into Reverted Laodicea.
Night3: 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth14/15: The fall of Reverted Laodicea to the entry of the first overt Laodiceans into Zoar - see U307.

Zoar is not a submerged church. It is not a whale church.

These 3 days of Laodicea are also the 3 day journey of Israel into the wilderness request of Pharaoh in Exodus 3 etc.

1 And the word of Jehovah began to occur to Jonah, the son of Amittai, saying:
2 Get up, go to Nineveh, the city, the great [one] [Jerusalem], and proclaim against her that their badness has come up before me.
3 And Jonah [Michael who was Jesus] proceeded to get up and flee/pass across to Tarshish [meaning Topaz - a yellowstone or Tartessus a Spanish port which was a colony of Tyre and rich from commerce] [the kingdom of God. He leaves his father and mother to stick to his wife] from before Jehovah; and he finally came down to Joppa [Judah, the Jordan] and found a ship going to Tarshish [Judaism. The Law of Moses - becoming commercial rather than spiritual - becoming a false church - having lost its water baptism]. So he paid its fare [agreed to obey the law and he emptied himself and took a slave's form - a human form] and went down into it, in order to go with them to Tarshish [As far as the law becoming a false religion which it did upon his sacrifice. He caused the ship to go to Tarshish by ending the law - by being the final sacrifice of Caiaphas] from before Jehovah [no longer in the direct presence of God in heaven].
4 And Jehovah himself hurled forth a great wind at the sea [the faithless non synagogue attenders in Israel], and there came to be a great tempest on the sea; and as for the ship, it was about to be wrecked [At the end of Jesus' ministry, the Pharisees lost control of the crowds. That was what was worrying them. God was whipping up the public against the Pharisees through the teachings and works of Jesus and the apostles, and the Pharisees therefore wanted to kill Jesus and destroy the church].
5 And the mariners began to fear and to call for aid, each man [Xya] to his God [the mariners were the Pharisees, each one having their own God, not Jehovah. The ship was Judaism]. And they [mariners] kept hurling out the articles that were in the ship to the sea [anyone who attended any synagogue under law, who also was in the Christian church, was thrown out of that synagogue into the sea of the faithless public] in order to lighten [it] of them [to rid their flock of Christians]. But Jonah himself had gone down to the innermost parts of the decked vessel [NOT of the ship. This is the true church TCC1. The top deck of the 1AC, the middle deck of the ICC, the innermost and lower deck of the JAC] and he proceeded to lie down and go fast asleep [On 33Nisan14, into the first death].
6 And the captain/chief of sailor [Caiaphas, the high priest of the Law] came near to him and said to him: What is the matter with you, sleeper? Get up, call out to your God! [Reveal yourself to be God's Son - so we can condemn you] Perhaps the [true] God will show himself caring about us, and we shall not perish [indeed if you repent].
7 And they [mariners] began to say to man to fellow: Come, and let us cast lots [getting Jehovah's view, enquiring from the scriptures], that we may know on whose account we have this calamity. And they kept casting lots, and finally the lot fell upon Jonah [The Pharisees did realize that he was the Messiah].
8 So they [mariners] said to him: Do tell us, please, on whose account it is that we are having this calamity? What is your work, and from where do you come? What is your country, and from which people are you?

63 But Jesus kept silent. So the high priest said to him: By the living God I put you under oath to tell us whether you are the Christ the Son of God!
64 Jesus said to him: You yourself have said [it] [They knew that he was, having discussed it beforehand]. Yet I say to you men, From henceforth you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven (Matthew 26).

11 Jesus answered him: You would have no authority at all against me unless it had been granted to you from above. This is why the man that handed me over to you has greater sin (John 19). [The man who handed him to Pilate was Caiaphas, who knew him to be the Messiah].

9 At that he said to them: I am a Hebrew, and Jehovah the God of the heavens I am fearing, the One who made the sea and the dry land [The true religion after losing its water baptism, and the mass of non aligned faithless mankind].
10 And the mortal-men [Not the mariners. The disciples] began to fear greatly, and they went on to say to him: What is this that you have done? For the mortal-men had come to know that it was from before Jehovah that he was fleeing/passing across, because he had told them.
11 Finally they [the mariners not the mortal-men, we can choose it is a pronoun] said to him: What should we do to you, in order that the sea may become still for us? For the sea was continually growing more tempestuous [the people were being whipped up against the Jewish leaders].
12 So he said to them: Lift me up [impale me, the Greek new testament euphemism for impalement] and hurl me into the sea [hand my judgment over to the crowd - who said: impale him! impale him!], and the sea will become still for you; because I am aware that it is on my account that this great tempest is upon you.
13 But the mortal-men [Christian disciples] tried to work their way through, in order to bring [it] back to the dry land; yet they were unable, because the sea was continually growing more tempestuous against them [the disciples could not bring their administration to be the true religion and take over from the law in the absence of Jesus' death].
14 And they [the mortal-men] proceeded to call out to Jehovah and to say: Ah, now, Oh Jehovah, may we, please, not perish because of the soul of this man! [Jesus was physically arrested and made sure the others were set free, saving their souls literally at that time. Then they benefit from his ransom. So that they do not perish but have everlasting life.] And do not put upon us innocent blood, since you yourself, Oh Jehovah, have done according to what you have delighted in!

15 Then they [the mariners] lifted up Jonah [condemning him to death by impalement and then taking him to Pilate for impalement. Pilate did not want to impale him. Caiaphas threw Jesus out of Judaism. He threw him off the ship] and hurled him into the sea [his fate was left to the crowd who said: His blood come upon us and upon our children]; and the sea began to halt from its raging.
16 At that the mortal-men [the Christians in the decked vessel but not in the ship] began to fear Jehovah greatly, and so they offered a sacrifice to Jehovah [the men vowed under the 1NC to die sacrificially as well] and made vows.
17 Now Jehovah appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah, so that Jonah came to be in the inward parts [plural] of the fish 3 days and 3 nights [THIS FISH WAS THE TCC1, THE DECKED VESSEL, THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. HE WAS SWALLOWED UP BY IT ON 29Tishri10, AT HIS BAPTISM. He was in the fish itself for 3½ years]

25 At that all the people said in answer: His blood come upon us and upon our children. (Matthew 27 NWT)

Those who say that the Lord died first and (then) rose up are in error, for he rose up first [He did not die on the cross, because he had an angelic vehicle waiting for him. He died when he gave the ransom and lost his everlasting angelic body permanently and went to Gehenna. He then went into a shared angelic body in Gehenna. Hades is only for Adam not for Jesus, who was non adamic] and (then) died. If one does not first attain the resurrection, he will not die [all those who enter into Gehenna, the second death, are in fact resurrected first]. As God lives, he would [...] (Philip 15).

40 For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish 3 days and 3 nights, so the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth 3 days and 3 nights (Matthew 12 NWT)

Jesus was thrown into the sea by Caiaphas when he was condemned during the night of 33Nisan14. He went into the heart of the earth at his arrest during the night of 33Nisan14. He was vomited out of the fish, the true church, onto dry land, (having lost his water baptism) when he appeared to Mary as the gardener on 33Nisan16 during the day. The rest of TCC1 still had their 1EC water baptism. So Caiaphas threw him out of the law. But his resurrection without a water baptism threw him out of the church. His crucifixion put him into the inward parts of the great fish of the the 1st true Christian church (TCC1).

The fish has its own inwards parts!!! So perhaps the sons of the ICC and the sons of the 1AC and the sons of Gehenna have 3 different shared angelic servers of adamic death in Hades? - see U913. Jesus was only in Hades for 5/10 hours (into your hand/hands I entrust my spirit). So the inward part of the fish must be the ark into which he was first resurrected. He started his 50 day ascension to divinity on 33Nisan16 and ended it on 33Sivan5, the 1NC Pentecost. So he finished in the inward parts of the fish on 33Nisan16 in the sense that he started ascending.

Also Jesus agreed to marry the 1NC saints on 33Nisan14 after the Passover meal by drinking the 1NC cup. So he entered into the Most Holy, the sons of the 1NC, his fiance, his future wife, on 33Nisan14. 

1 Then Jonah prayed to Jehovah his God from the inward parts of the fish
2 and said: Out of my distress I called out to Jehovah, and he proceeded to answer me. Out of the belly of Sheol [the grave, like the belly of the whale, which represents the inwards parts of the grave] I cried for help. You heard my voice.
3 When you threw me [to] the depths, into the heart of the open sea, Then a very river encircled me. All your breakers and your waves -- over me they passed on.
4 And as for me, I said, 'I have been driven away from in front of your eyes! How shall I gaze again upon your holy temple?' [This he said from Gehenna. And Adam before him said it from the world]
5 Waters encircled me clear to [the] soul [the crowd bayed for his blood]; the watery deep itself kept enclosing me. Weeds were wound around my head [Pharisees, suffocating his headship].
6 To the bottoms of [the] mountains I went down [into earthly prison and heavenly prison, the lowest position any administration can confer]. As for the earth, its bars were upon me for time indefinite [again he is in an administration's prison]. But out of [the] pit you proceeded to bring up my life, Oh Jehovah my God [Both from Hades and from Gehenna. So both of the death's that he saves us from he has experienced himself for us].
7 When my soul fainted away within me, Jehovah was the One whom I remembered. Then my prayer came in to you, into your holy temple [Jehovah hears the prayers of those in Gehenna, who have no soul. In Hades you do have a soul but you are asleep in it].
8 As for those who are observing the idols of untruth, they leave their own loving-kindness.
9 But as for me, with the voice of thanksgiving I will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed, I will pay [I will fulfil my 1NC Passover covenant obligations and my ARC ransom obligations]. Salvation belongs to Jehovah.
10 And Jehovah commanded the fish, and that it vomited out Jonah onto the dry land [Jesus was resurrected as a human on the 3rd day. Dry land because he lost his water baptism when his human body died. And the 1NC reserves who are Jonah in the second presence are vomited out of TCC4 into Zoar which they run].

The heart of the earth in the case of Jesus, was the heart of the 2nd Holy Spirit. She had her hand over her mouth for 3 days and nights from 33Nisan13, the Passover preparation, to 33Nisan16, his first fruits angelic offering to God. 

The whale is a creature which can fit many humans in its belly and Gehenna is a prison which holds many spirits in one body. Likewise Rahab, the prostitute, whose name also means great sea monster, joined many to her one body as will be the case in Gehenna and as was the case with Legion. So really Gehenna is a Rahab centre!

We now understand that Tartarus was the angelic holding pen for Gehenna. Gehenna could not begin until there was a way out of it which way was provided by Jesus death. So the angels went from Tartarus to Gehenna after Jesus died. Jesus went to preach to them before their transfer however.

18 Why, even Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous [person] for unrighteous ones, that he might lead you to God, he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.
19 In this [state] also he went his way and preached to the spirits in prison,
20 who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah's days, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water (1 Peter 3).

4 Certainly if God did not hold back from punishing the angels that sinned, but, by throwing them into Tartarus, delivered them to pits of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment;
5 and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people (2 Peter 2).

Now when Jesus was resurrected as a human he said to Mary Magdalene... 

17 Jesus said to her: Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet  ascended to the Father. But be on your way to my brothers and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God (John 20).

He had not yet ascended, yet he was not held fast by the first death, so he had descended!

24 But God resurrected him by loosing the bonds of death, because it was not possible for him to continue to be held fast by it (Acts 2).

25 For David says respecting him, I had Jehovah constantly before my eyes; because he is at my right hand that I may never be shaken.
26 On this account my heart became cheerful and my tongue rejoiced greatly. Moreover, even my flesh will reside in hope, 27 because you will not leave my soul in Hades, neither will you allow your loyal one to see corruption (Acts 2).

No Jesus' spirit in a temporary angelic soul was not left in Hades and neither was he left in Gehenna.

The Word Symbolic Meaning of Jonah 1 and 2

Jonah is the 1NC reserves
Jesus is the 1NC reserves once they have an LW water baptism

1 And the word of Jehovah began to occur to Jonah [2NCs in the Watchtower] the son of Amittai [Meaning: My Truth] [Gordon, the mediator of the 2NC], saying:
2 Get up, go to Nineveh, the city, the great [one] [The Watchtower administration], and proclaim against her that their badness has come up before me.
3 And Jonah proceeded to get up and run away to Tarshish [meaning Yellow Jasper, Yellow Beryl, Yellow Topaz, Yellow Chrysolite or other Yellow stone] [related to cloroV the colour of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse who starts riding when the great tempest below starts. Also a cryptic reference to Yellowstone National Park, the site of a super volcano whose eruption is now overdue. The last time it covered the US in 3 feet of ash. This is the only account in the bible other than Leviticus 18 and 20 which refers to a vomiting out of or onto a land. The two accounts in Leviticus prophesy an extinction level volcanic event by which the physical land of the planet vomits out those who do not choose to obey God's laws. This account refers to a yellow stone. This is not a coincidence. Mankind will be vomited out from the planet (killed by the planet) through an extinction level volcanic event which will include the eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera. Those who choose to obey God's laws will be raptured prior to that eruption - see U202] from before Jehovah; and he finally came down to Joppa [meaning beautiful] [The JW sanitized version of LW understandings. LW food after it has been offered to the idols of the JW governing body] and found a ship going to Tarshish [the ship is the congregation of Laodicea, which is a true church for the unsanctified and for the 1NCs and the HLCs, but is a FALSE church to 2NCs, having not been appointed over them]. So he paid its fare [got water baptised into Loadicea] and went down into it, in order to go with them to Tarshish [A Yellow Stone - symbolising a vomiting out, a volcanic eruption. The ship is heading towards a vomiting out mentioned in the counsel to Laodicea at Revelation 3, pictured by the Yellowstone Caldera] [AOL was vomited out of Jesus mouth, i.e. vomited out from being his spokesman, i.e. vomited out from the true church, i.e. vomited out from the land on 2017Elul10, when Laodicea became a false church] from before Jehovah.
4 And Jehovah himself hurled forth a great wind [Holy Spirit] at the sea [The Watchtower congregation when it is no longer the land of a true church, when their mountain is thrown into the sea], and there came to be a great tempest/storm/hurricane [how was this manifested?] on the sea; and as for the ship [Laodicean church], it was about to be wrecked.
5 And the mariners [Laodicean administrators] began to fear and to call for aid, each one to his God [some to the Watchtower Governing Body, some to the administration of Laodicea, some to Jesus and some to Jehovah]. And they kept hurling out the articles that were in the ship [Stolen or Laodicean interpretations] to the sea, in order to lighten [it] of them. But Jonah himself had gone down to the extreme parts of the decked vessel [The Laodicean church did not know who was a 2NC and who wasn't - this vessel sounds like the ark], and he proceeded to lie down and go fast asleep [stop all bible research].
6 At length the ship captain [POL] came near to him and said to him: What is the matter with you, sleeper? [The 2NCs are a sleeper cell of the LWs in the JWs] Get up, call out to your God! Perhaps the [true] God will show himself caring about us, and we shall not perish [Binary Question. They did not perish in the literal account. So they do perish to Adam in the greater fulfilment].
7 And they began to say to one another: Come, and let us cast lots, that we may know on whose account we have this calamity. And they kept casting lots, and finally the lot fell upon Jonah [meaning Dove] [they worked out from the scriptures or from researching the LW site or more likely the JW sanitized version of it, that the trouble was being caused by the 2NCs - who should not be in Laodicea or in the Watchtower but should be in the church of the 2NC which is the LWs and has always been the LWs and the LWS alone. Only the LWs have ever been appointed to feed or to rule over the 2NCs. Laodicea was appointed/installed to feed and to rule over the 1NCs and HLCs never over the 2NCs].
8 So they said to him: Do tell us, please, on whose account it is that we are having this calamity? What is your work, and from where do you come? What is your country, and from which people are you? [5 Questions]

1. They are having the calamity of the account of the theft of the 2NC crown by Laodicea and they should not have 2NCs in their church.
2. Jonah's work is to decode the bible, not to fall asleep but to stay awake. And the Laodiceans have been singularly successful in preventing that work from occurring worldwide. They have become the Watchtower Society for the Prevention of Bible Research WSPBR
3. Jonah comes from the Proselyte call into the 2NC, he is Manasseh
4. Jonah's country, his land, is the congregation of the 2NCs
5. He is from the people of the 4EC, the Lords Witnesses.

9 At that he said to them: I am a Hebrew [a born again saint, in the JAC], and Jehovah the God of the heavens I am fearing, the One who made the sea and the dry land [the false church and the true church without a water baptism]
10 And the men began to fear greatly, and they went on to say to him: What is this that you have done? [Reader Question] For the men had come to know that it was from before Jehovah that he was running away, because he had told them [Laodicea appears to have been formed as a vehicle to give the 4EC to the 1NCs. But the 2NCs tagged along as stowaways].
11 Finally they said to him: What should we do to you, in order that the sea may become still for us? For the sea was continually growing more tempestuous [towards them. The Watchtower congregation was not happy about the secret sect of Laodicea].
12 So he said to them: Lift me up and hurl me into the sea, and the sea will become still for you; because I am aware that it is on my account that this great tempest is upon you [Identify me and disfellowship me. Here the sea is those outside Laodicea, which is the non Laodicean JWs].
13 But the men tried to work their way through, in order to bring [the ship] back to the dry land [they tried to make the ship the 4th true church, wished to continue their theft]; yet they were unable, because the sea was continually growing more tempestuous against them.
14 And they proceeded to call out to Jehovah and to say: Ah, now, Oh Jehovah, may we, please, not perish because of the soul of this man! [Jonah by his research, saves the mariners. the 1NC reserves who fail to come out and the oldest one by baptism in each bethel perishes on 2019Tishri14 due to the soul of the 1NC reserves who need to come out and be passed over] And do not put upon us innocent blood [the blood of Jonah], since you yourself, Oh Jehovah, have done according to what you have delighted in!
15 Then they lifted up Jonah [they revealed him] and hurled him into the sea [disfellowshipped him from Laodicea]; and the sea began to halt from its raging [the JWs would not object to the 1NCs, the anointed remnant, having their own sect. They would object to those claiming to be 2NCs joining that sect or existing at all].
16 At that the men began to fear Jehovah greatly, and so they offered a sacrifice to Jehovah and made vows.
17 And Jehovah appointed a great fish [The 3EC baptism of reappointed Laodicea]  to swallow Jonah [The 2NCs of the proselyte call - Manasseh], so that Jonah came to be in the inward parts/intestines [several inward parts/intestines - bible research department, writing department?] of the fish 3 days [symbolic, appearing twice countably only in Jonah1-4] and 3 nights.

The fish would be a submarine in modern symbolism, an underwater ship appointed by god, reappointed Laodicea. so reappointed Laodicea was more hidden even that Laodicea. The Watchtower has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep Jonah hidden.

3 days are reappointed Laodicea, reverted Laodicea, and the fallen Watchtower (between and after the two true church)
3 nights are the 1NC Passovers in reappointed Laodicea, the 1NC Passover in reverted Laodicea and the HLC Passovers in reverted Laodicea

1 Then Jonah prayed to Jehovah his God from the inward parts of the fish
2 and said: Out of my distress I called out to Jehovah, and he proceeded to answer me. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried for help. You heard my voice.
3 When you threw me [to] the depths, into the heart of the open sea, Then a very river encircled me. All your breakers and your waves -- over me they passed on.
4 And as for me, I said, 'I have been driven away from in front of your eyes! How shall I gaze again upon your holy temple?'
5 Waters encircled me clear to [the] soul; the watery deep itself kept enclosing me. Weeds were wound around my head [his thinking is restricted by weeds].
6 To the bottoms of [the] mountains I went down [This is Esau's predicament usurped by Jacob, the 2NCs posing as 1NCs. Then they are thrown out and feel like they are dead]. As for the earth, its bars were upon me for time indefinite. But out of [the] pit you proceeded to bring up my life, Oh Jehovah my God.
7 When my soul fainted away within me, Jehovah was the One whom I remembered. Then my prayer came in to you, into your holy temple.
8 As for those who are observing the idols of untruth, they leave their own loving-kindness [Jonah resisted idolatry - which destroys your mercy and loving kindness. The Watchtower no longer has either].
9 But as for me, with the voice of thanksgiving I will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed, I will pay [I will preach to Nineveh]. Salvation belongs to Jehovah.
10 And Jehovah spoke to the fish, and it vomited out Jonah onto the dry land [The dry land of Hebron, the autonomous non water baptised congregation of Zoar for original Laodiceans - who have to pay us back 5x 2½ tribes they stole = 12½ tribes]

Because Jonah in the intestines makes the fish literally sick by his understandings. And when the fish becomes the Watchtower itself, then Jonah gets vomited out. Ninveveh is the Watchtower administration, not the JW congregation. Jonah1-4 is all one account.