29Elul10: starts descending down 's ladder
29Tishri2: first fruits: was appointed Caesar to Israel. must have fallen as Caesar BEFORE this day.
29Tishri10: Atonement day: baptised by John to be the greater Atonement sacrifice. First day of 40 days of fasting and testing by the devil in the wilderness. BEFORE tempts him with the 3 tests.
29Tishri15: Quad gapped is suspended for 4 years to 33Tishri15
29Tishri20: and the demons are evicted from heaven
29Tishri20: and the demons of the Dragon start descending down 's ladder
29Heshvan19: 40th day of feasting and testing in the wilderness from 29Tishri10 before tests with the 3 tests
29Heshvan20: First day out of the wilderness. tests with the 3 tests. He takes him up to his unusually high mountain (1), his mid heavenly administration
29Heshvan20: and the demons start their 2,000 days of demon possession to 35Sivan10. still had access to his ark earlier in this day. But was denied that access when was installed as Caesar on 29Heshvan21 (his 30th
13 And having concluded all temptation the Devil stood off from him until appointed time [of miracle ministry from 29Heshvan29 to 33Nisan14]. (Luke 4 )
29Heshvan21 Pentecost: was installed as Caesar to Israel (2nd day of John1)
29Heshvan22: Marriage of Cana (3rd day of John1)
29Heshvan22-28: Marriage feast of Cana
29Heshvan29: Cana marriage marital supper and veil lifting day: Water turned into wine. Peter is sanctified into the . He was the first cornerstone who became the screed, upper rock mass.
33Tishri15: Quad gapped restarts.
35Sivan10: 2,000 days of demon possession end. Peter must have resurrected Tabitha (Dorcas) before this date.
43 For sufficient/many days he remained in Joppa with a certain Simon, a tanner. (Acts 9 )
These are the days from the resurrection of Tabitha (Dorcas) within the 2,000 days of Mark5 of demons possession (which end on 35Nisan30), to the hunger induced vision/trance of the unclean animals on the Atonement day fast of 36Tishri10 of Acts 10:10
10 But he became very hungry and wanted to eat. While they were preparing, he fell into a trance (Acts 10 )
borrowed, for his ministry, 1266 days gross (1254 day net) of Kingdom authority from 29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5, AND and the demons were evicted from heaven for 2,000 pigs of Mark5 a pig for a day from 29Heshvan20 to 35Sivan10
139The demons leave heaven on 29Tishri20 and descend the 30 steps of 's ladder to 29Heshvan20 when they are evicted from their ark on the 7th Sabbath of Weeks. tests after 40 days in the wilderness from 29Tishri10-29Heshvan19 29Heshvan20 X______________________________________________ |
The demons return to the ark to re-ascend up 's ladder 1st century Jewish demon possession ends 35Sivan10 X_________________________ |
The demons leave heaven on 66Iyyar10 and descend the 30 steps of 's ladder to 66Sivan10 when they are evicted from their ark tests . See 112#26 The 7th Sabbath of Weeks 66Sivan10 X______________________________________ |
The demons return to the ark to re-ascend up 's ladder 1st century Gentile demon possession ends 71Chislev30 X139_________________________ |
2000 pigs of Jewish demon possession | 2000 pigs of Gentile demon possession |
15 But in answer the wicked spirit said to them: I know and I am acquainted with ; but who are you? (Acts 19 )139
138 starts his 30 day descent down 's ladder. The constant feature of his worship in heaven ends 29Elul10 X___________________ |
possesses at baptism by John. The dove lands on his head to symbolise angelic possession 20Tishri10 X_____________________ |
40 days in the wilderness inclusively end 29Heshvan19 X___________ |
tested by possession begins 29Heshvan20 X___________ |
Jewish call into the begins Water turned into wine on veil lifting and marital supper day of the wedding at Cana Start of ' miracles 29Heshvan29 X____________________________ |
Palm Monday The Passover lamb enters the Passover house 33Nisan10 X___________ |
sacrificed 33Nisan14 X_________ |
resurrected as a human 33Nisan16 X___________ |
ascends on 40th day inclusively of Acts1 33Iyyar25 X___________ |
Mosaic and Pentecost. Apostles sealed Gifts of the spirit given End of ' miracles 33Sivan5 X138_______________ |
30 days | 39 days | 1 day | 9 days | 1211 days | 4 days | 2 days | 39 days | 10 days | 1211+4+39 = 1254 |
1290 days of Daniel 12:11 | 45 days | 1290+45 = 1335 days of Daniel 12:12 |
entire earthly trip ran from 29Elul10 to 33Iyyar25, 1335 days of Daniel 12:12, after which became of God to be worshipped on 33Sivan5, 10 days later.
From the loss of the constant feature of ' worship in heaven, due to the transgression causing desolation of Adam necessitating a ransom, we have 1290 days of Daniel 12:11 to the end of ' ministry outside of the temple on
' miracle ministry lastied 1266 days in 12 of which was absent. So he was here doing miracles for 1254 days.138
These 3 periods are modifications to 's 6,000 year lease as Caesar over Adam from 3989Nisan16 BC to 2012Sivan14. So must be paid back for his 2,000 day eviction (split Jewish and Gentile) and he must get a ministry over God's people for 1254 days net just as had for 1254 days net. The first century 2,000 and 1254 days were coincident. The last century payback periods are successive.
's 6,000 year headlease on Adam starts Knowledge of Good begins 3993Nisan21 X______________________ |
's 6,000 year Red Soup sublease as Caesar to Adam starts. Knowledge of Good and Bad begins 3989Nisan16 X__________________ |
Largest Time of the End of Daniel12 begins 's lease ends 2008Nisan14 X________________ |
's 50 month restoration lease begins over Adam, Cain, after 's lease ends 2012Nisan14-16 2012Iyyar14-16 2012Sivan14-16 X____________________ |
True church Adam then Cain becomes 2012Sivan14-16 2012Tammuz14-16 X___________________ |
's 50 month restoration lease over Adam then Cain then ends 's ministry payback lease over Adam then Cain begins 2016Sivan14-20 2016Tammuz14-16 2016Ab14 X___________________________ |
dies and becomes Isaaic 2016Ab14-16 X________________ |
's 1254 day Ministry Payback lease ends over Adam then Cain 2019Chislev14 2019Tebbeth10 X______________ |
Quad Gapped ends is appointed Cesar over Adam then over Cain 2020Tishri15 2020Tishri20 2020Heshvan16 X________________ |
Largest Time of the End of Daniel12 ends. 1st/late 1st death 1st fruits resurrection of Adam & Cain 2033Nisan17 2033Iyyar22 X43_______________ |
4 years | 6000 less 4 years | 4 years | 50 months of restoration | 1254 days of 's Ministry Payback lease | Caesarless year | 3 Jubilees |
1254 day ministry payback (29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5 less 33Nisan14-16 and 33Iyyar25-Sivan5) runs from 2015Chislev20 to 2019Sivan14 - 1254 days.
19' 50 month restoration lease and 's 42 month ministry payback lease over Adam and Cain
's 6000 year Lease ends 2012Nisan14 X___________ |
first fruits appointed Caesar to Adam/Cain 2012Nisan16 2012Iyyar16 X_________________ |
Pentecost installed as Caesar to Adam/Cain 2012Sivan5 2012Tammuz5 X__________________ |
Abrahamic Passover 2012Elul14 X_________ |
' 50 month lease ends over Adam/Cain 2016Sivan14/ 2016Tammuz14 X_______________ |
's ministry payback lease starts over Adam/Cain 2016Sivan20 2016Tammuz16 X__________________ |
installed as Caesar over Adam/Cain 2016Ab9 2016Elul5 X______________ |
s die to are resurrected to by Caesar 2016Ab14-16 X___________________ |
1254 day Ministry Payback lease ends over Adam/Cain 3rd/4th Watchtower Passover 2019Chislev14 2019Tebbeth10 X_________________________ |
Quad gapped Gentile Times ends/ appointed Caesar to Adam 2020Tishri15 2020Tishri20 X______________________ |
is appointed as Caesar over Cain 2020Heshvan16 X19_____________ |
' 50 month restoration lease | 's 42 month ministry payback lease |
paid back 's 2000 day heavenly eviction the minute 's lease expired. He repaid it from 2012Nisan16 to 2017Heshvan6. But he did not payback the loss of Caesarship during his ministry, immediately. He first took 50 months as Caesar to Adam and Cain in order to resurrect his people Abrahamically and then Isaaically (as Caesar to ). He had to do that in order for true churches to continue to exist. Because we could only work as Adam for 6,000 years from 3989Sivan5 BC, no more. Then at the Isaaic Passover on 2016Ab14, on the last day of his being Caesar to ex adamic he executed LW and converted us to become on 2016Ab16. has to be Caesar to Adam or to Cain or to in order to resurrect him (or he can gene zap us on the 14th and we automatically receive a standing resurrection on the 16th?). Caesars to Adam are appointed/installed at 1NC type (weekly interposing Sabbath) first fruits/Pentecost. Caesars to Cain, and Isaaic are appointed/installed at (festival interposing Sabbath) first fruits/Pentecost19.
15's 6,000 year lease from 3989Nisan16 BC ended on 2012Nisan14 AD. Then we had 50 months of 's restoration lease (4 years of being installed as Caesar to Adam/Cain from 2012Nisan16/Iyyar16/Sivan16 to 2016Sivan14/Tammuz14/Ab14). Then the 2000 day possession payback period from 2012Sivan20/Tammuz16 to 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10. Then the 8 month war of Revelation12:7 to 2022Elul14, the heavenly demonic Passover. Then 6 months of Revelation 12:8 of no place being found for them in heaven plus 31 days of going through the Tsohar and down 's ladder in the ark to to 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession. Then a further 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2023Nisan24 to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession - see U112#16.
's 6004 year extended lease ends over Adam 2012April5/6 2012Nisan14 X____________ |
is appointed Caesar to Adam/ Cain/ 2012Nisan16 2012Iyyar16 2012Sivan16 X________________ |
's 1254 day ministry and 2000 day eviction payback begins over Adam/Cain 2016Sivan20 2016Tammuz16 X_______________ |
's ministry payback ends over Adam/Cain 2019Chislev14 2019Tebbeth10 X______________ |
's 2000 day eviction payback ends Start of war of Revelation12 2021Dec18/19 2021Tebbeth10 X_____________ |
loses the war is Passed over and tries to remain in heaven 2022Sept12/13 2022Elul14 X______________ |
Eviction from heaven starts Demons start down 's ladder 2023Mar20/21 2022Adar23 X____________ |
Demons reach bottom of 's ladder. Start of 2000 day Possession 2023April14/15 2023Nisan24 X_______________ |
Early Laodicean Passover 2028Nov5/6 2028Heshvan14 X_____________ |
Laodicean 1st crop Passover of Revelation22. Demons expelled from all humans. 2028Dec5/6 2028Chislev14 X_______________ |
Late non religious 12th crop of Revelation22 Passover 2029Oct25/26 2029THeshvan14 X______________ |
' 3½ year antitypical Love ministry begins 2029Nov1/2 2029Heshvan21 X_____________ |
ends March28/29 2031Nisan5 X_________ |
Final 3½ year ministry ends. End of dying the 1st/adamic death for Adam/Cain. 1st/late 1st death Passover 2033April13/14/May13/14 2033Nisan14/2033Iyyar14 X15______________________ |
50 month Restoration lease |
's 1254 day ministry payback |
2000 days less 1254 |
8x of war of Revelation12:7 |
6x of no place in heaven of Rev12:8 |
1+30 days down 's ladder |
2000 day 21st century demon possession |
11 months | 3½ year antitypical ministry of |
The 80 month WW3, the fiery furnace of Daniel3:19, is the 80 day grand evening meal of God of Revelation19 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23 - see U151#19. This meal is eaten in the ark, when we are treated to the real time movie of the demons persuading not Adam and Eve to make our species extinct. But the house of Adam, and the house of Eve, to make our species extinct.
17 I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, ()
18 in order that you might eat fleshes of kings and fleshes of chiliarchs and fleshes of strong [men] and fleshes of horses and of the (ones) sitting upon them, and fleshes of all freemen and and of slaves and of
little (ones) and of great (ones). (Revelation 19 )
The meal is WW3 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23. It is not a meal that anybody wants to eat. But it is our inoculation against the futility of war. So eat it we must. It ends at the end of non salvation covenant Adam and non salvation covenant Cain, when there is no flesh left to eat. The of Matthew24 and the on Mark13 end during Hebrew winter on 2028Tebbeth2 (132x of Revelation 19:21 before 2029Iyyar14, the end of victory). But WW3 continues until the summer of 2032.
14815 Whenever therefore you might see the disgusting thing of the desolation the (thing) spoken through Daniel the prophet having stood in place holy, the (one) reading let him be minding,
16 then the (ones) in the Judea let them be fleeing into the mountains,
17 the (one) upon the housetop not let him come down to lift up the (things) out of the house of him,
18 and the (one) in the field not let him return behind to lift up the outer garment of him.
19 Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and the (ones) giving suck in those the days
20 Be yeu praying but in order that not should occur the flight of yeu of winter and not to Sabbath; (Matthew 24 )
20 proseucesqe de ina mh genhtai h fugh umwn ceimwnoj mhde sabbatw (Matthew 24 VatB)
21 will be for then tribulation great of what sort not has occurred from beginning of world until of the now not-but not not should occur.
22 And if not were shortened the days those, not likely was saved all flesh; through but the chosen ones will be shortened the days those. (Matthew 24 )
Verse 19: (2x+2x).2x = 8x: 'the in belly having' is challenging to count. The dog outside the house counts 2x. The dog inside the house counts 1x. The wine in the glass counts 1x. The wine on the table counts 2x. So the [one] in belly
having [a baby] counts 1x. Whereas the woman having 2 sons counts 3x. The woman having a son counts 1x for the process of having (an action) and 2x for the condition of possessing sons (a state)
Verse20: 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
Verse21: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Total: (8x+4x).3x = 36x. But those days are shortened, by the sentence count of 36x in day from 36 months of 1080 days to 1044 days, the exact length of the - well WADDUUNO?
The runs for 1044 days of the sentence count of Revelation 7:13-17 from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2.
14 However, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing where it ought not let the reader use discernment, then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.
15 Let the man on the housetop not come down, nor go inside to take anything out of his house;
16 and let the man in the field not return to the things behind to pick up his outer garment.
17 Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and to the (ones) giving suck in those the days.
18 Be yeu praying but in order that not it might occur of winter;
19 will be for the days those tribulation of which sort not has occurred such from beginning of creation which created the God until the now and not not should occur.
20 And if not shortened Lord the days, not likely was saved all flesh. But through the chosen (ones) whom he chose he shortened the days. (Mark 13 )
Verse 17: (2x+2x).2x = 8x: 'the in belly having' is challenging to count. The dog outside the house counts 2x. The dog inside the house counts 1x. The wine in the glass counts 1x. The wine on the table counts 2x. So the [one] in belly
having [a baby] counts 1x. Whereas the woman having 2 sons counts 3x. The woman having a son counts 1x for the process of having (an action) and 2x for the condition of possessing sons (a state)
Verse18: 2x
Verse19: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Total: (8x+2x).3x = 30x. But THE days are shortened (2x) by 2 days resulting in 28 days of the during the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse. These are the 28 days of nuclear war, ending on
2028Tebbeth2, 132 days of the sentence count of Revelation19:21 before 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the late non religious Passover, the end of salvation. So the runs from
2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2.
We take verse 20 logically rather than counting it completely. Shortening the days is recited twice.
So the reaches into 4 winters148.
Likewise in the judicial example of Sodom and Gomorrah of Genesis19 is explained by Jude...
6 And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.
7 So too Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones [the demons of verse6] had committed fornication excessively and
gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before [us] as a [warning] example by undergoing the judicial punishment of age-lasting fire (Jude 1 ).
And explained by Peter...
5 and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with 7 others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people;
6 and by reducing the cities Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come; (2 Peter 2 )
It is the descended demons who are causing the woke cult and the genital mutilation of minors for the sexual and financial gratification of perverted adults. The lesson of Genesis19 and Leviticus18 and Jude and 2Peter2 is that perversion brings lava. It is that simple. Climate change does not bring lava. Perversion especially of innocent children will bring it. For all the men of the city from boy to old man were trying to have sex with the two angelically possessed men staying with Lot.
4 Before they could lie down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob.
5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them. (Genesis 19 ).
3 demons to each pig denotes 3 demonic fulfilments of the 2,000 days of possession, making a total of 6,000 days of demon possession, a legion of days. One in the first century and 2 in the 21st (the payback and the possession)15.
3 demons to each pig gives us 3 demonic fulfilments of the 2,000 days of possession, making a total of 6,000 day of demon possession, a legion of days. One in the first century and 2 in the 21st (the payback and the possession).
11 In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the 17th day to the month, on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. (Genesis 7)
They enter into the ark on 2026Iyyar17 (Nisan1 sacred year) and reach the bottom of 's ladder on 2026Sivan17.
took Kingdom authority from the and used it between 29Heshvan29, his first miracle at Cana, when he turned the water into wine, through 33Iyyar25, when he ascended, to 33Sivan5, Pentecost, when he poured out the gifts of the spirit onto the 12 apostles. This makes 1266 days exclusively. But he was absent from 33Nisan14-16 and from 33Iyyar25-Sivan5, making 1254 day of present miracle ministry power.
1 Now on the 3rd day [after 29Heshvan19, the 40th day in the wilderness] a marriage feast took place in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of was there. (John 2 )
And baptised Peter in turning the water of the into the wine of the on the same day that he turned the water into wine at Cana. which was at the end of the wedding feast from 29Heshvan22-29Heshvan28. For the director of the feast said...
9 When, now, the director of the feast tasted the water that had been turned into wine but did not know what its source was, although those ministering who had drawn out the water knew, the director of the feast called the bridegroom [on 33Heshvan29 during the marital supper on the 8th day of the marriage festivities]
10 and said to him: Every other man puts out the fine wine first, and when people are intoxicated, the inferior. You have reserved the fine wine until now.
11 performed this in Cana of Galilee as [the]
beginning of his signs, and he made his glory manifest; and his disciples put their faith in him. (John 2 )
The Jewish call into the was 30 years to the day after was circumcised (30, 60,100 times). He was born on 2Heshvan21 BC and so he was circumcised on the 8th day thereafter (after 7 whole days of being alive) on 2Heshvan29 BC. So Peter was circumcised in the heart on 29Heshvan29 AD.
This raises the following question...
Q: How were the apostles and those they laid hands upon able to do miracles after ministry had ended?
A: The apostles were given that power during his ministry but it could not be fully used until Pentecost 33CE due to the . He sent the 12 out with authority over demons (but not with authority to expel them) during his ministry...
1 Then he called the 12 together and gave them power and authority over all the demons and to cure sicknesses.
2 And so he sent them forth to preach the kingdom of God and to heal (Luke 9),
1 After these things the Lord designated 70 others and sent them forth by twos in advance of him into every city and place to which he himself was going to come (Luke 10).
17 Then the 70 returned with joy, saying: Lord, even the demons are made subject to us by the use of your name.
18 At that he said to them: I began to behold already fallen like lightning from heaven.
19 Look! I have given you the authority to trample underfoot serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will by any means do you hurt.
20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice over this, that the spirits are made subject to you, but rejoice because your names have been inscribed in the heavens (Luke 10).
14 And he formed [a group of] 12, whom he also named apostles, that they might continue with him and that he might send them out to preach
15 and to have authority to expel the demons (Mark 3)
5 These 12 sent forth, giving them these orders: Do not go off into the road of the nations, and do not enter into a Samaritan city;
6 but, instead, go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
7 As you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.'
8 Cure sick people, raise up dead persons, make lepers clean, expel demons. You received free, give free [a statement about future gifts. None of these things could be done until the end of the at the Pentecost on 33Sivan5] (Matthew 10).
The 70 are not said to have had authority to expel demons. In fact no son of Adam expelled any demon prior to 33Sivan5. The only account in the Gospels which mentions the disciples attempting to expel a demon was a failure...
28 So after he entered into a house his disciples proceeded to ask him privately: Why could we not expel it?
29 And he said to them: This kind cannot get out by anything except by prayer. (Mark 9 )
A prayer which God could not answer for sons of Adam during the . Surely they had power over demons. But not as far as expelling them. Indeed so long as the demons respected the power of the apostles, they could remain in possession.
These things prefigure the kingdom power that was borrowed from the 1266 days of kingdom authority. Now in this period people would have had the powers seen in ' ministry. The prohibited the use of the gifts of the spirit by adamic men until 33Sivan5 (but was ). This is why the gifts of the spirit were poured out onto the apostles on that day. The 70 sent out had authority from but were not able or said to actually expel any demons until that authority could be used at Pentecost.
was here from 29Tishri10, his baptism ,until 33Iyyar25, his ascension at the end of the 40 days of Acts1 from his earthly resurrection on 33Nisan16. A period of 1305 days compared, But it took him 30 days to descend down 's ladder so he left heaven on 29Elul10. So the entire length of his heavenly expedition was the 1335 days of Daniel12.
Also there were 1290 days of Daniel12 from 29Elul10, when he left heaven,
to 33Nisan10 when the sheep entered into the house of the Passover - see U152.
18 He said but to them I was beholding the as lightning [astraph] out of the heaven having fallen [ is responsible for the fire from the heavens of the 2nd and 3rd fire signs, which prove that he is down here] (Luke 10)
Lightening starts with leaders coming out of charged clouds. These travel around 50% of the way to the earth and then start attracting Streamers up from the ground towards them. When a rising streamer meets a descending leader then the lightning flash occurs. Here is an animated gif of the mechanics of a lightning strike from wikipedia.
So the leaders are the descending demons and the streamers are the humans who are about to be possessed. All of whom must be born again and have a 2nd dead associated angel either from the or from having failed a spirit baptism test. The humans go to sleep in their 2nd dead angel in . They do not go to because that would be a kingdom manifestation and they can still be saved on faith after the demon is expelled..
The demons always demand and get the same capabilities as the angels. God ensures a level playing field.
Only the Jews were possessed during ' ministry (the daughter of the SyroPhoenician woman must have had a Jewish father who owned her). This was because only the Jews were called to be saints at that time *and so had associated angels).
Likewise at the end only the Christians will be possessed because only they are called to be saints. Not sure whehter can pick non Christians to be a son of the however (a weed - see U70).
Normally those who get the blessing also get the malediction.
was not baptised during ' ministry. So although he was given great gifts of the spirit by the laying on of the hands of one of the apostles, he was never himself able to give those powers to anyone else.
ministry was, in authority, 3½ years of the kingdom of God.
Now and the demons also got an extra 2,000 days in heaven from 2016Sivan20 to 2021Tebbeth10, because he lost 2,000 days during which ' ministry occurred. We know was down here testing and possessing Judas during ' ministry and we know spent half his ministry expelling demons! So forced demon possession began at the latest by 29Heshvan20, when was testing in the wilderness! ( was down here at least 9 days in advance of the first miracle and left us when he committed suicide in Judas. started expelling them on the first Sabbath of the Galilean ministry which cannot have been 29Heshvan27 (before the first miracle at Cana on 29Heshvan29) and so must have been 29Chislev4...
13 So he continued in the wilderness 40 days [29Tishri10-29Heshvan19,
and 29Heshvan20, the final testing], being tempted by , and he was with the wild beasts, but the angels were ministering to him.
14 Now after John was put under arrest went into Galilee, preaching the good news of God
15 and saying: The appointed time has been fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near. Be repentant, you people, and have faith in the good news.
16 While walking alongside the sea of Galilee he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting [their nets] about in the sea, for they were fishers.
17 So said to them: Come after me, and I shall cause you to become fishers of men.
18 And at once they abandoned their nets and followed him.
19 And after going a little farther he saw James the [son] of Zebedee and John his brother, in fact, while they were in their boat mending their nets;
20 and without delay he called them. In turn they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and went off after him.
21 And they went their way into Capernaum. No sooner was it the Sabbath than he entered into the synagogue and began to teach.
22 And they became astounded at his way of teaching, for there he was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
23 Also, at that immediate time there was in their synagogue a man under the power of an unclean spirit, and he shouted,
24 saying: What have we to do with you, you Nazarene? Did you come to destroy us? I know exactly who you are, the One of God.
25 But rebuked it, saying: Be silent, and come on out of him!
26 And the unclean spirit, after throwing him into a convulsion and yelling at the top of its voice, came on out of him. (Mark 1 )
The entire dragon of was down here possessing Jews or women and children owned by Jewish fathers for the 1266 day ministry ransom period. Now was sent to minister to the genetic house of Israel only - but was still Caesar to that nation during the ministry. So is able to minister to the genetic house of Israel for 1266 days from heaven in the payback period. This maybe why the world's banking system is largely in the hands of the Jews. However reminds us in the case of the Pharaoh of Egypt that...
17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: For this very cause I have let you remain, that in connection with you I may show my power, and that my name may be declared in all the earth. (Romans 9 )
So although won the heavenly war with on 2022Elul14, the heavenly demonic Passover. He permitted the dragon a further 6 months in heaven to 2022Adar23. then 30+1 days through the Tsohar and down 's ladder to 2023Nisan24, then 2,000 days of demonic possession to 2028Heshvan14, the earthly Passover of the demons, their eviction from the planet.
The 3rd was delayed in implementing the by the Quad gapped to 2020Tishri15 and by 3 Jubilees thereafter
Then the Kingdom of is appointed/Installed over Adam on 2020Tishri20/Chislev9
Then the is appointed/installation over on 2033Nisan16/Sivan5
The Abrahamic Laodicean may not have existed since Abrahamic Laodicea fell before the Quad gapped ended.