THE TRUE BIBLE CODE: Every Bible Account Has 1 Literal or Symbolic Meaning And 0-4 Extra Noun Symbolic Meanings Each of Which Has 1 or 2 Fulfilments Home | Welcome | Our History | The Bible Code | Help/Abbreviations | Joining/Leaving Us | Basic Bible Plot | Online Bibles | Biblical Lunar Calendar | Master Chronology | Introduction Site | Site Index | Download Site/Fonts | Donate | Q & A | Thanks to God | Translate Site | Meetings | The Appointed Times
only described the symbolism of two parables, the wheat vs weeds of Matthew13, and the sower of Matthew 13:1-23 and Mark 4: 1-20 and Luke 8:1-15, which are parallel accounts - see Matthew. This is because there are two types of symbolism which the bible employs. These are:
1. Event symbolism. Regular symbolism, where both nouns and verbs can take symbolic meanings.
2. Word Symbolism: Noun symbolism, where the nouns can take symbolic meanings but the verbs cannot.
interprets the Word Symbolism (of the nouns) for the Wheat vs Weeds parable and the Event Symbolism (of the nouns and the verbs) for the Sower.
confirms our current understanding of the Noun Counting Principle and the correct interpretation of Joseph’s explanation of a repetition by giving the meaning of repeated nouns in his explanation of the parable.
Bearded Darnel mimics wheat until it is mature when the head of the wheat plant drops down in humility being full of flour, whereas the head of the weeds remains upright, stubborn and proud being empty of produce.
This parable is about true saints and counterfeit saints entering into a true church and how God sorts the one from the other. He does it by appointing a second true church 'his storehouse' for the true saints and leaving the counterfeit saints behind, bound to the old true church, which has now become false, by the very vanity and desire for status that induced then to pretend to be saints in the first place. It is difficult to determine whether the weeds are unsanctified brothers who falsely claim to be saints or whether they are also rotten saints, people who fail their baptism test.
Matthew 13:24-43 and Mark 4:21-34 are parallel literal accounts. They both occurred on the same day as the parable of the sower which taught whilst onboard a boat.
Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21 are the parallel parables of the leaven hidden in the flour - see U69. But parallel parables (which must be identical) do not make the literal accounts they reside in parallel themselves. Luke13 is set after Matthew13.
Here are the literal and symbolic nouns counts for the entire parallel account.
he set before them
[the crowds, whom he dismissed in verse 36], saying: The
of the
has become like a
While the
were sleeping, the hostile [one]
of him came and oversowed
up [
So when the
So the
of the
came up and said to him, 'Lord, did you not sow fine seed in your field?
From where, therefore, is it having weeds?'
He said to them:
A hostile [one] a man, did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us,
then, to go out and collect them?'
He said, 'No, for when collecting the
weeds, you might uproot the
along with them.
Let both grow together until
he set before them, saying: The kingdom
of the
heavens is like a grain
which is, smaller indeed [
he spoke to them: The
of the
heavens is like [
All these [things]
spoke to the
parables. Indeed, without a
he would say nothing to them;
So that the [thing] might be fulfilled spoken through the
saying: I will open my
parables?, I will publish [things] hidden since the
[a set of criteria which are to be measured against/compared with the activities of potential fulfillers. So it is comparative speech, like slave is not greater than his master a maxim to be applied to any master slave type relationship] [11]
= 11
Parable, Kingdom of Heavens, , Crowds, Prophet = 5
Matthew = 24+14 = 38
Matthew Man, Seed, Field, Weeds, Wheat, Court, Fruit, Slaves of Householder, Lord, Harvest, Appointed-time of Harvest, Harvesters, Bundles,
Storehouse, Grain of Mustard, Vegetables, Tree, Birds of Heaven, Branches,
Leaven, woman, Seah, Mouth, Parables, Founding = 25
Then having dismissed the
crowds [who must have remained in localised groups] he went into the
house. And his disciples came to him and said: Explain to us the
of the
of the
Answering he said: The [one] sowing the fine
is the
of the
is the
world [
the hostile [one], the [one] having sown them
is the
Devil [taken as adjective slanderous]. The
is a
of a
system, and the
Therefore, just-as [
of the
will send forth his
angels, and they will collect out [
and they will pitch them into the
of the
fire. There the
and the
[Liddell and all agree they are nouns in Greek not participles] of the
will be
[One has eyes which cannot see and teeth which cannot bite in . This is because one shares them with umpteen soul mates. So one cannot use them to see with or to bite with until one's turn arrives. But during one's turn one can weep and gnash].
Then the righteous [ones] will shine as [
The [one] having ears, let him listen - belongs in verse44. The ears are to listen to the next parable with a event symbolic and a noun symbolic ear. Not to listen to explanation of the previous parable which only takes one ear. Explanations of parables end the account. This is true of the explanation of the sower and the explanation of the wheat vs weeds. Obviously the explanation of a parable is in the same account as the parable, because it uses the same symbolism and is part of the story of the parable. Noun counts help to confirm where bible account begin and end. This is covered in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
= 17
Crowds, House, Disciples, Parable, Son of Man (2+1), World, Sons, Conclusion of System (2), Angels, Kingdom, Lawlessness, Weeping, Gnashing of Teeth, Kingdom of Father = 14
= 10
Seed (2), Field, Sons of Kingdom, Weeds (1), Harvest, Harvesters,
Stumbling-blocks, Furnace of Fire, Sun = 10
Matthew = 11+17 = 28
Matthew Parable, Kingdom of Heavens, , Crowds, Prophet, House, Disciples, Son of Man, World, Sons, Conclusion of System (2), Angels, Kingdom, Lawlessness, Weeping, Gnashing of Teeth, Kingdom of Father = 17
Matthew = 38+10 = 48
Matthew Man (4), Seed (6), Field (3), Weeds (6), Wheat (3), Court (1), Fruit (1), Slaves of Householder (1), Lord (1), Harvest (2), Appointed-time of Harvest (1), Harvesters (2), Bundles (1), Storehouse (1), Grain of Mustard (1),
Vegetables (1), Tree (1), Birds of Heaven (1), Branches (1), Leaven (1), woman (1), Seah (1), Mouth (1), Parables (1), Founding (1), Sons of Kingdom (1),
Stumbling blocks (1), Furnace of Fire (1), Sun (1) = 29 (48)
And he was saying to them
[the crowds]
that: The
is not brought in order to be put under a
or under a
bed, is it?
Is it not in order to be put on a lampstand?
For no [thing] is hidden except in order that it be manifested, neither [did anything] become carefully concealed except in order to be exposed.
If anyone has
to listen, let him listen.
And he was saying to them: Look at what you are hearing. In what
that you are measuring out, you will have it measured out to you
[this is literal], and [more] will be added to you.
For whoever is having
[spiritual vision]
it will be given to him
[more understandings], and whoever is not having
[spiritual vision], even what he has will be taken away from him
[his present understandings will be shown to be wrong].
And he was saying: In-this-way the
is just as [
and he sleeps and rises
day, and the seed sprouts and grows,
just-how [
Automatically the
bears-fruit, first the
next the
next the full
cereal [
But whenever the
is available, he immediately thrusts in the
sickle, because the
has arrived.
And he was saying: To what might we liken the
God, or in what
shall we set it out?
Like [
But once sown, it comes up and becomes greater [implied
So with many such-like
he would speak the
to them, just as [
Indeed, without an
he would not speak to them, but privately to his own
he would explain all [things].
Mark =8
Mark Ears,, Parable, Word, Disciples = 5
Lamp (1), Measuring-basket (1), Bed (1), Lampstand (1), Measure (1), Man (1), Seed (3), Earth (4), Night (1), Day (1), Court (1), Stalk-head (2), Cereal (1), Fruit (1), Sickle (1), Harvest (1), Grain of Mustard (1), Vegetables (1),
Branches (1), Birds of Heaven (1), Shadow (1) = 21
Matthew+Mark =
28+8 = 36 (2 threads)
Matthew+Mark Parable, Kingdom of Heavens, , Crowds, Prophet, House, Disciples, Son of Man, World, Sons, Conclusion of System (2), Angels, Kingdom, Lawlessness, Weeping, Gnashing of Teeth, Kingdom of Father = 17
Ears,, Word = 20 (2 threads)
Matthew+Mark = 48+27 = 75 (3 threads)
Matthew+Mark Man (5), Seed (9), Field (3), Weeds (6), Wheat (3), Court (2),
Fruit (2), Slaves of Householder (1), Lord (1), Harvest (3), Appointed-time of Harvest (1), Harvesters (2), Bundles (1), Storehouse (1), Grain of Mustard (1),
Vegetables (1), Tree (1), Birds of Heaven (1), Branches (1), Leaven (1), woman (1), Seah (1), Mouth (1), Parables (1), Founding (1), Sons of Kingdom (1),
Stumbling blocks (1), Furnace of Fire (1), Sun (1) = 29 (55)
Lamp (1), Measuring-basket (1), Bed (1), Lampstand (1), Measure (1), Earth (4), Night (1), Day (1),
Stalk-head (2), Cereal (1), Sickle (1), Grain of Mustard (1), Vegetables (1),
Branches (1), Birds of Heaven (1), Shadow (1) = 45 (75). (3 threads)
There is no literal double designation in the account. So there is only one literal noun symbolic thread. So there are two threads to the literal part of the account.
There are two symbolic double designations in account. So there are two symbolic noun symbolic threads. So there are 3 threads to the symbolic part of the account. This is why the Symbolic Countable Noun Count () is divisible by 3 and the Symbolic Individual Noun Count is divisible by 3. See the Noun Counting Principle and the Successive Designations Principle and the Parallel Account Principle.
The following 8 noun counting identities true for every single bible account
1. If an account has a no literal successive designation (and at least one literal noun counting an even number of times) then the Countable Noun Count ()
and the Individual Noun count are divisible by 2
2. If an account has a no symbolic successive designation (and at least one symbolic noun counting as even number of times) then the Symbolic Countable Noun Count () and the Individual Noun count are divisible by 2
3. If an account has a literal double designation (and no literal triple designation) then the Countable Noun Count () and the Individual Noun count are divisible by 3
4. If an account has a symbolic double designation (and no symbolic triple designation) then the Symbolic Countable Noun Count () and the Individual Noun count are divisible by 3
5. If an account has a literal triple designation (and no literal quad designation) then the Countable Noun Count () and the Individual Noun count are divisible by 4
6. If an account has a symbolic triple designation (and no symbolic quad designation) then the Symbolic Countable Noun Count () and the Individual Noun count are divisible by 4
7. If an account has a literal quad designation (there are no quintuple designations in any bible account - see C29) then the Countable Noun Count () and the Individual Noun count are divisible by 5
8. If an account has a symbolic quad designation (there are no quintuple designations in any bible account - see C29) then the Symbolic Countable Noun Count () and the Individual Noun count are divisible by 5
These conditions can be used to determine whether or not a bible account is, or disputed verses in it are, canonical.
interprets the nouns: Field, Seed, Weeds, Harvest, Harvesters, all of which occur a multiple of 2 or 3 times in a 3 threaded symbolic account and therefore take greater meanings in the word symbolism (over and above the event symbolic meaning) which he is interpreting (by the noun counting principle).
Man does not take a greater symbolic meaning because it counts 5x which does not divide the number of threads (3). So man means the same thing in all threads. It means a human who is born again angelically or demonically.
There are symbolic 14 symbolic nouns in the parable:
Man (5), Seed (9), Field (3), Weeds (6), Wheat (3), Court (2), Fruit (2), Slaves of Householder (1), Lord (1), Harvest (3), Appointed-time of Harvest (1),
Harvesters (2), Bundles (1), Storehouse (1),
6 have no greater noun symbolic meaning over and above their event symbolic meaning. interprets none of these in his noun symbolic interpretation for that reason:
Man (5), Slaves of Householder (1), Lord (1), Appointed-time of Harvest (1),
Bundles (1), Storehouse (1)
8 do have a greater noun symbolic meaning over and above their event symbolic meaning:
Seed (9), Field (3), Weeds (6), Wheat (3), Court (2), Fruit (2), Harvest (3),
Harvesters (2)
interprets 5 of these: Seed (9), Field (3), Weeds (6), Harvest (3),
Harvesters (2)
He interprets no noun which is not repeated in the account!
The chances of picking 6 out of the 8 symbolic nouns with greater meanings and none of the the 6 nouns with no greater meaning are...
8/14 x 7/13 x 6/12 x 5/11 x 4/10 x 3/9 = 8x7x6x5x4x3/14x13x12x11x10x9 = 20160/2162160 = 0.00932. So just under 1%.
The difference is the verbs of course. They are literal in noun symbolic interpretation and my be symbolic in event symbolic interpretation.
To be Sleeping [
In the event symbolism, this means sleeping spiritually, ceasing doing bible research to determine how to follow and worship God.
In the Abrahamic Noun Symbolism, it means literally being asleep when ones genes are changed from the seed of Adam to the seed of Cain as a result of joining the CSC, the Seed Covenant. You actually die in your sleep as a son of Adam and a resurrected without noticing it, as a son of Cain.
In the Isaaic Noun Symbolism, it means literally being asleep when ones genes are changed from the seed of Cain to the seed of the Viper Church Covenant, as a result of joining that covenant, the VCC. You actually die in your sleep as a son of Cain and are resurrected without noticing it, as a son of the mediator of the VCC (unknown at present).
Sprouted [
In the event symbolism, this means water baptism, which is a constructive sprouting a promise from God for a future sprouting. It is not a literal sprouting
In the Abrahamic Word symbolism this means the garden starts sprouting fruit The baptism became on 2012Sivan14-16 as did the baptism.
In the Yeshuaian Word symbolism this means the garden starts sprouting Yeshuaian fruit The 195 day baptism begins on 2028Shebat20 for sealing - see U154.
Uproot [
In the event symbolism this means to throw the weeds out of the church, to excommunicate them, to disfellowship them.
In both word symbolisms it means you might literally uproot the repenting weeds or just genetically Cainain people who do have faith, but who have not yet finished their testing and become through the in or through the in (Yeshuaian is because was the promised seed to in the greater meaning). Many people who are genetically weeds have faith and will repent and will become s or Yeshuaian s. We do not want to deny them that opportunity. So we do not literally pull them up from the earth and send them to just yet. .
(Unless the word symbolic meaning of literal explanation of the word symbolism gives you the event symbolism?)
he set before them
[the crowds], saying: The
of the
[the angelic kingdom]
has become like a
While the
were sleeping
[The fine seed, who are saints, stop doing bible research], the hostile [one]
of him came and oversowed [
So when the blade/court/garden
So the
[at least two faithful slaves per system of things]
of the
came up
[&2 in the first presence and &4 in the second]
and said to him, 'Lord, [ being the Lord of both of the slaves] did you not sow fine seed in your field? [The true church] From where, therefore, is it having weeds?'
He said to them: A hostile [one], a
[, an ex human angel], did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us,
then, to go out
[not said to be into the field]
and collect them?'
[Shall the church administrations attempt collect the rotten saints together - from within themselves? Humans cannot tell the wheat from the weeds. Even the angels need to see the full bloom of their character during a test to see which is which]
He said, 'No, for when collecting the
weeds, you might uproot [
Do not as a true church attempt to determine who is or who is not a saint. Do not collect the supposed non saints together into a non saintly group, to deny them the drinking of a saintly cup. Saints must join a true church and get a water baptism. They might be thrown out of that church for breaking its law. But the church would not know if they had been sealed into the before being evicted. So they would not know if they were still saints or not upon re-entry. So if someone dishonestly insists they are spiritual virgins etc. we have to accept their representation. But then says...
27 As-and who likely may be eating the loaf or he may be drinking the cup of the Lord unworthily, held in he will be of the body and of the blood of the Lord.
28 Let him be proving but man himself, and thus out of the loaf let him be eating and out of the cup let him be drinking;
29 the (one) for eating and drinking judgment to himself he is eating and he is drinking not judging through the body.
30 Through this in you many strengthless (ones) and unhealthy and are sleeping sufficient (ones).
31 If but selves we were judging through, not likely we were being judged; (1 Corinthians 11 )
So the criteria must be applied - but not by the church administration - rather by the saint. He must prove himself. It is his decision. knew Judas was a . But he never threw him out of the church. He must have drunk the cup on 31Nisan14 and 32Nisan14. He left before the cup on 33Nisan14.
Let both grow together until
This parable explains why you need two true churches in a presence. It is because the first true church is corrupted by counterfeit saints who joined for the glory of that church rather than the glory of God. So by instigating a second true church and giving it huge amounts of the glory of God, but not much of the glory of men you can separate the wheat, who love the glory of God and will therefore make the move, from the weeds, who love the glory of men and will therefore stay put, being bound to the old church by their vanity.
he set before them
[the crowds], saying: The
of the
[the general kingdom of God, not necessarily angelic]
has become like a
While the
were sleeping
[while CSCs are physically asleep they are gene zapped to be VCCs - that is how genetic Viperian church corrupting seed is made], the hostile [one]
of him came and oversowed [
So when the blade/court/garden
So the
[at least two faithful slaves per system of things]
of the
came up
[The Administration of Laodicea and ]
and said to him, 'Lord, [ being the Lord of both of the slaves] did you not sow fine seed in your field? [The world is owned by , purchased by ransom and Leased to for 6,000 years] From where, therefore, is it having weeds?'
He said to them: A hostile man
[, an ex human angel], did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us,
then, to go out
[not said to be into the field, perhaps from the ark]
and collect them?'
[Great question. Some of them will repent and be collected actually]
He said, 'No, for when collecting the
weeds, you might uproot [
Let both grow together
[in the World - where the weeds and most of the wheat is]
Not collecting the weeds means there is not much collecting of wheat either since the two are indistinguishable until the harvest time. Again there is no harvest before the harvest time. Also the slaves do not collect, the reapers/harvesters of bind and the reapers/harvesters of collect.
There are two word symbolic fine seeds in the world. These are the sons of the under testing and the sons of the under testing. The Saved by faith and the saved by love. And these are 3 satanic seeds in total.
Then having dismissed the
crowds [who must have remained in localised groups] he went into the
house. And his disciples came to him and said: Explain to us the
of the
of the
Answering he said: The [one] sowing the fine
is the
of the
is the
world [
the hostile [one], the [one] having sown them
[This is a double designation, its pronoun imbalance is not used]
is the
Devil [taken as adjective slanderous]. The
is a
of a
system, and the
[all the messengers/angels not just his angels of verse 41 (the angels of )].
40 Therefore,
just-as [
41 The Son of man will send forth his angels [not the angels], and they will collect out of [ek]
his kingdom [Out of the world -
which is actually now his kingdom] all the stumbling-blocks [ensnarers, stumblers,
corruptors of the faithful, the sons of , the weeds, the wicked ones] and the [ones] doing the lawlessness [these are not the weeds, they are the sons of nobody, the orphans, the kingdom failures. These are lawless people who are not genetic or 2nd dead born again sons of in the ],
42 and they will pitch them into the furnace of fire. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their]
teeth will be.
43 Then [tote]
the righteous ones will shine like [
The two conclusions are
1. The end of the world on 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover.
2. The end of the world on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the end of the last chance saloon for Adam/Cain, the 1st/late 1st death Passover, the final Passover execution of Adam/Cain..
Common parable symbolism principle states: 2 or more parables in the same literal account or in the same set of parallel literal accounts share the same symbolism. For it is all one account.
Physically the 5 types are...
1. Genetic through Anak a Nephilim son of Arba, a human possessed by who founded Kirath-arba, meaning the 4th city, which was Hebron, which is a city of actually - see U314. It may have been the 4th earthly administration of .
2. Sons of the CSC, cainian seed by covenant
3. Sons of the VCC, vipers, satanic priests by covenant
4. Born again sons of the with 2nd dead angels - 's angels in fact.
5. who (exclusively) possess sons of the
Covenant wise the 3 types are...
1. CSC: Seed Covenant are the corrupted of mankind, those who have defiled their consciences, or killed their brother unjustly as Cain did, or abused love to the point of losing it.
2. VCC: Viper Church Covenant are satanic priests, they are the corruptors of mankind, they advocate and entice people into conscience defiling and hating/attacking/damaging/killing their brother. They also join churches to corrupt them.
= : Serpentine Angelic Covenant = Demonic Angelic Covenant are those who are born again demonically, the serpents, the offspring of the vipers. Only this group can be demon possessed.
Citizens | Priests | Kings | |
s | s | s | |
CSCs | VCCs | s = s |
7 When he caught sight of many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to the baptism, he said to them: You offspring of vipers,
who has intimated to you to flee from the coming wrath?
8 So then produce fruit that befits repentance;
9 and do not presume to say to yourselves, 'As a father we have .' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to from these stones. (Matthew 3 )
34 Offspring of vipers, how can you speak good things, when you are wicked? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (Matthew 12 )
33 Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are you to flee from the judgment of ? (Matthew 23 )
7 Therefore he began to say to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him: You offspring of vipers, who has intimated to you to flee from the coming wrath? (Luke 3 )
The Serpents are the promised seed to the Vipers who are the promised seed to Cain.
The incredible thing is that s are given angels just as s are, by the level playing field principle (for all God's ways are just). This is how the demons can do miracles142.
These sons of the wicked one, who are all ripe for demonic possession, will be able to perform great signs as stated in Matthew 24...
24 For there shall arise false Christs [false anointed ones, born again but not saints, the born again sons of ], and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. ()
24 Shall be raised for FALSE anointed ones and FALSE prophets, and shall give signs great and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible even the chosen. (Matthew 24 ED).
One cannot perform a heavenly sign unless one has an angelic body. The sons of the may fall to the mark but will not be deceived because they will understand. However the sons of the may be deceived being less mature spiritually like Eve. The sons of the are Adam, the head and the sons of the are Eve the body.
Now Sons of Adam are permitted to procreate at will because their children are judicially first dead and in bodies that enforce that penalty so nothing 'living' results. Likewise Demons can have judicially 2nd dead children who are consigned to at birth. Again this is because nothing 'living' is being created. So the demons would not need the permission of the to create a judicially 2nd dead angel.
For Acts2 talks not about God pouring his holy spirit out on his people but about God pouring out his spirit upon all flesh. And the demons are his spirit, his not so holy spirit, for they are spirit sons of God for all of their sin.
14 But Peter stood up with the 11 and raised his voice and made this utterance to them: Men of Judea and all you inhabitants of Jerusalem [members of the royal Kingdom of and all you inhabitants of the administration] let this be known to you and give ear to my sayings.
15 These [people] [the proselytes from the 15 different places] are, in fact, not drunk, as you suppose, for it is the 3rd hour of the day.
16 On the contrary, this is what was said through the prophet Joel,
17 'And in the last days, God says, I shall pour out some of my spirit [not my holy spirit, but my spirit - which could refer to the flood of demons or to the downpour of Kings] upon every/all flesh [adamic and or just every human - we are all going to be influenced by both the good and the bad spirits], and your sons and your daughters [those baptized into the - i.e. Judeans] will prophesy and your young men [ministerial servants?] will see visions and your old men will dream dreams [elders in the administration of ];
18 and even upon my men slaves and upon my women slaves [those in the but not yet in ] I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
19 And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist;
20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and illustrious day of arrives.
21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' (Acts 2 )
So we are going to get a great outpouring of every sort of spirit upon every sort of flesh.
10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly, and no wicked ones at all will understand; but the ones having insight will understand. (Daniel 12 )
4 among whom the God of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. (2 Corinthians 4 )
21 Not everyone saying to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.
22 Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?'
[Actually no, you did it with 's authority because I did not know you]
23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.
24 Therefore everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them will be likened to a discreet man, who built his house upon the rock-mass [built a true church upon Christ].
25 And the rain poured down and the floods came and the winds blew and lashed against that house, but it did not cave in, for it had been founded upon the rock-mass.
26 Furthermore, everyone hearing these sayings of mine and not doing them will be likened to a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand [built a false church upon the sand of the sea, the sons of the , the sons of faith. A church built upon faith. When the false church finally collapses then the sons of , the sand, can enter into and the ark and the kingdom].
27 And the rain poured down and the floods came and the winds blew and struck against that house and it caved in, and its collapse was great.
28 Now when finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching;
29 for he was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as their scribes. (Matthew 7 )
31 And so went on to say to the Jews that had believed him: If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples,
32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
33 They replied to him: We are 's offspring and never have we been slaves to anybody. How is it you say, 'You will become free'?
34 answered them: Most truly I say to you, Every doer of sin is a slave of sin.
35 Moreover, the slave does not remain in the household forever [the house of God, the temple]; the son remains forever [the born again son who is sealed into everlasting life].
36 Therefore if the Son sets you free, you will be actually free [from sin, judicially exonerated].
37 I know that you are 's offspring [sons of the in the greater meaning]; but you are seeking to kill me, because my word makes no progress among you.
38 What things I have seen with my Father I speak; and you, therefore, do the things you have heard from [your] father.
39 In answer they said to him: Our father is . said to them: If you are 's children, do the works of [or you will fail the test of the and cease being the sons of ].
40 But now you are seeking to kill me, a man that has told you the truth that I heard from God. did not do this.
41 you do the works of your father. They said to him: We were not born from fornication; we have one Father,
God [They are speaking under inspiration as born again sons of . They are not born again from fornication, they have a father, , a mother, the dragon, and a covenant, the Demonic/Satanic Angelic Covenant] [They have one father, , the God of this system of things -
2Corinthians 4:4].
42 said to them: If God were your Father, you would love me, for from God I came forth and am here. Neither have I come of my own initiative at all, but that One sent me forth.
43 Why is it you do not know what I am speaking? Because you cannot listen to my word [No wicked shall understand - Daniel 12].
44 you are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie].
45 Because I, on the other hand, tell the truth, you do not believe me. (John 8 )
33 Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are you to flee from the judgment of ? (Matthew 23 )
23 Then if anyone says to you, 'Look! Here is the Christ,' or, 'There!' do not believe it.
24 For false Christs [false anointed ones, the born again sons of ] and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones.
25 Look! I have forewarned you [. (Matthew 24 )
The sons of cannot determine which church is the true church since they are blind spiritually and no wicked ones will understand. So they corrupt and take power in false churches. They do great signs so as to trap aspiritual signians within those churches. Great obvious signs are not from God. did his miracles privately. Moses was hidden in an ark coated with black bitumen and pitch. We keep the reserves very much a secret.
Only born again people can do great signs and can expel demons. The sons of will do this to gain credibility for false churches. They are in a covenant since they are not born from fornication. is their father according to and the dragon, 's unholy spirit, is their mother.
tells the Jews seeking to kill him that he knows they are 's seed, but he does not accept that God is their father. In the greater meaning these are sons of the and of the but not of the . So 's born again sons are taken from the sons of through the . So they are corrupted faithful people. These signs mislead if possible the chosen ones. And it is possible in the case of those chosen to be sons of the . It is not possible to in the case of those chosen to be sons of the to mislead them to the point of their becoming sons of the wicked one because you cannot be born again as an holy angel and then born again again as a satanic angel! Wheat never becomes weeds and weeds never become wheat. Wheat can be choked and die however.
God can permit to have a covenant to create born again angels without his approval for each angel so long as these angels are in fact judicially second dead. For anyone can make a dead kid without God's consent. Humans do it with the first death and can do it with the second death. No son of the keeps his angel in the sense that they must go to . But when they are released from , they are returned to being angels in heaven. But if they repent they can be saved as sons of for says: If you are 's children, do the works of .
20 No; but I say that the things which the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers with the demons.
21 you cannot be drinking the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of the table of and the table of demons.
22 Or are we inciting to jealousy? We are not stronger than he is, are we? (1 Corinthians 10 )
So the demons have a cup, a covenant, the .
said to Nicodemus...
3 Most truly I say to you, Unless anyone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3)
3 Answered and said to him Amen amen I am saying to you, If ever not anyone should be generated from above, not he is able to see the kingdom of the God. (John 3 )
This seeing of the is literal because the symbolism is carried only in the nouns of the bible. One can see the with the eyes of the mind without being born again. But if you see a demon expulsion then you have seen an obvious manifestation of the kingdom of God (for you have actually seen a resurrection of the proper inhabitant of the body. If you were a leper or a lame or deaf person and were healed by then you saw an obvious manifestation of the. This indeed is why those who were permitted to see the resurrection of Jairus' daughter were limited as follows...
51 When he reached the house he did not let anyone go in with him except Peter and John and James and the girl's father and mother (Luke 8).
If a hundred people had seen the resurrection then they would all have had to have been sanctified into the which was the only method available at the time to be born again. But Peter and James and John were already born again and how could deny the parents? However those who saw the daughter afterwards but did not know how she recovered or if in truth she did die had not seen a definite kingdom manifestation and so did not need to be born again.
Likewise with the 10 lepers. They would all have to have been born again due to the kingdom manifestation that they themselves witnessed. Yet only one of them returned to to give thanks and to praise God in a loud voice. He was a Samaritan by birth but he must have been a Jew by worship house or he could not have been born again. Does this parable mean that only 10% of those sanctified due to receiving or witnessing a kingdom miracle get sealed?? We know that for those chosen to be sanctified by the holy spirit, only 1/3rd are pulled out of the heavens by the dragon. It is an interesting way to call people though!
11 Closely following this he travelled to a city called Nain [pasture], and his disciples and a great crowd were travelling with him.
12 As he got near/approached the gate of the city [the reserve mediated holy spirit baptism], why, look! there was a dead man [judicially dead Laodiceans] being carried out [from somewhere], the only-begotten son of his mother [she only has water baptised sons -
Laodicea did not have a spirit covenant]. Besides, she was a widow [,
her husband, died to Laodicea and joined the s prior to the resurrection of the son]. A considerable crowd from the city was also with her.
13 And when the Lord caught sight of her, he was moved with pity for her, and he said to her: Stop weeping.
14 With that he approached and touched the bier/stretcher [fixed his lapsed water baptism], and the bearers stood still [Laodicean saints, alive and able to walk. But they suspended their walking, they stopped administrating Laodicea and were rebpatised into the s], and he said: Young man, I say to you, Get up!
15 And the dead man sat up and started to speak [about the things he was not permitted to speak whilst in Laodicea], and he gave him to his mother [not to the widow which is the Laodicean church but to the mother which is the s].
16 Now fear seized them all, and they began to glorify God, saying: A great prophet has been raised up among us [cryptic - the widow's son is this prophet], and, God has turned his attention to his people.
(Luke 7, )
This is the only resurrection performed in which he did not described the resurrectee as being asleep. There were two crowds who saw this kingdom manifestation, the one travelling with and the one from the city. In the greater meaning the city is the administration of the s which is made up of Lords and Kings both of whom are saints. Those travelling with have come from the Watchtower (their great crowd if you like) where the reserves come from. Everyone is at the gate of the city i.e. ready to be born again becoming a Benjamite King by the reserve mediated spirit baptism. This is done privately and is not a visible miracle.
41 Therefore they took the stone away. Now raised his eyes heavenward and said: Father, I thank you that you have heard me.
42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.
43 And when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: Lazarus, come on out!
44 The [man] that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. said to them: Loose him and let him go.
45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him; (John 11 ).
For an explanation of John 11 - see U212. Here makes a public display of the resurrection for the benefit of the crowd. This entire crowd would have been born again on seeing the miracle.
12 When I was with them I used to watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me; and I have kept them, and not one of them is destroyed except the son of destruction [the son through the of who is death and who is destruction] in order that the scripture might be fulfilled.
13 But now I am coming to you, and I am speaking these things in the world in order that they may have my joy in themselves to the full.
14 I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world (John 17 ).
26 As for the servants whom I have given thee, there shall not one of them perish; for I will require them from among thy number (2Esdras 2 or 2Ezra 2). Is 2 Esdras Canonical?
9 in order that the word might be fulfilled
which he said: Of those whom you have given me I have not lost a single one.
(John 18 )
9 (that the Word might be fulfilled which He said,
"[Of] those whom You gave to Me, I lost not one of them)." (John 18 )
Judas was given to by . He was a son of the , a weed.
62 What, therefore, if you should behold the Son of man ascending to where he was before?
[So was an angel before he descended into ]
63 It is the spirit that is life-giving; the flesh is of no use at all. The sayings that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.
64 But there are some of you that do not believe. For from [the] beginning knew who were the ones not believing and who was the one that would betray him [ knew that Judas would betray him from the beginning].
65 So he went on to say: This is why I have said to you, No one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father [no one can come into the unless it is granted by the father. Judas and the unbelieving disciples had already come into the church, but not into the . Judas never drank that cup at the last supper] (John 6 ).
70 answered them: I chose you 12, did I not? Yet one of you is a slanderer [a
71 He was, in fact, speaking of Judas [the son] of Simon Iscariot; for this one was going to betray him, although one of the 12 (John 6 ).
But Judas was born again for said...
24 True, the Son of man is going away, just as it is written concerning him, but woe to that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been finer for him if that man had not been born. (Matthew 26 )
Obviously did not mean that it would have been better for Judas if he had not been born in the flesh. For both forms of death are better than non existence! It means that it would have been better if Judas had never been born again as a son of the . It would be better for anyone in the not to have been born again as a son of the .
Judas sets the pattern for unrepentant sons of the . He gets possessed, gets returned, gets possessed again and is killed physically and spiritually going into the first and then the second death. But repentant sons of the can remain sons of and therefore be saved into the kingdom without their angels.
The 30 steps of 's ladder, the 30 cubits of the height of Noah's ark, are the number of days it takes to install an angel into a human. One day one, at the top of the ladder, the human spirit is removed and sent into . The angel or demon then has control of the human body 'remotely' like an avatar presumably. Then it takes 30 days fully to install the angelic spirit software into the human hardware. During the period the angel appears to be blind angelically - without the heavenly perspective and without inter angelic communication...
13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast out onto the earth, he pursued the woman who bore the male. (Revelation 12 )
13 And when saw the dragon that it was thrown into the earth, it persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male. (Revelation 12 )
4 and its tail drags a 3rd of the stars of heaven, and it hurled them down to the earth. And the dragon kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth, that, when she did give birth, it might devour her child. (Revelation 12 )
4 and his tail drew the third [part] of the stars of the heaven, and he throws them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman being about to bear, so that when she bears he might devour her child.
(Revelation 12 )
4 and the tail of it is dragging the third [part] of the stars of the heaven, and it threw them into the earth. And the dragon has stood in sight of the woman the (one) being about to give birth, in order that whenever she should give birth the child of her it might eat down. (Revelation 12 )
The total number of male s is 156,000. Female s are 156,000, s are 15.6 million male and female and s are 156,000 male and female making 31,824,000 human stars of the heavens.
These are the ones that get sealed after a third of them are thrown down to the earth because they failed their sealing test. There is only one angelic sealing covenant that we are aware of and the s, s, s and s all enter into testing for that sealing covenant. For is the father of the sealed angels and no one else - we think. Therefore 15, 912,000 sons of the , failed to be sealed and were thrown down to the earth. Not all of these were alive as humans on 2018Heshvan18.
Then the sons of the may well be a comparable number to the sons of the , for God operates a level playing field in all of his divinity training endeavours. So there is scope for several million demons to presently be inhabiting humans. However the failed saints are not in the dragon. For they are dragged out of heaven by its tail.
How many demons are in the dragon?
7 And war broke out in heaven: and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled ()
7 And occurred war in the heaven, the and the angels of him of the to war with the dragon; and the dragon warred and the angels of it, ()
8 but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. (Revelation 12 )
8 and not it proved strong, not-but place was found of them yet in the heaven. (Revelation 12 )
has 12 legions of angels 72,000, the first bride, the first presence s, fighting with him. The 2nd presence s did not marry him until after the war. So presumably had a similar number in his dragon, perhaps 144,000 like the . Since is a mimic God.
So for example one look at the face of the Minneapolis police officer (Derek Chauvin) and you see he is a psychopath. He had no empathy for George Floyd whilst he was choking him to death. Although all our judgements were based on only half the video evidence. Now that the full video has been released we see that George was complaining that he could not breath before Chauvin showed up at all. He could not breath whilst sitting in the back of a police car. This was most likely due to the potentially lethal dose of Fentanyl he had taken - which can kill by arresting breathing.
So another villain of the piece, perhaps worse than Derek Chauvin, is the Democrat AG of Minneapolis, who released a one sided picture of half of the events, withheld exculpatory information, perverted the course of justice and failed to rectify that deception knowing BLM used his video as a pretext for their riots which resulted in the death of 36 people and damage estimated at 8 billion dollars as of 2020Ab13.
But given the timing of the death of George Floyd and the subsequent outbreak of lawlessness and the democrat managed antics of BLM, it is entirely possible that Chauvin was possessed and was doing a hit job for his bosses, in order to seed the civil war they are trying to foment in the US. And with perhaps 100,000 humans being possessed, it was always a good idea to have a few policeman in the group. So DO NOT BELIEVE what you see on the media is necessarily to do with humans. The death of George Floyd may have been Chauvin, it may have been Fentanyl or it may have been a demon possessed Chauvin. This is becoming as bad as he Kennedy assassination!
Although 3 years earlier Mohamed Noor of the MPD, killed Justine Diamond an unarmed white Australian American woman in her nightgown complaining about noise, in cold blood. That too was in the period of demonic possession. But MPD is not very good at rooting out and removing or retraining psychopaths within its ranks. However defunding them will only make matters worse for black lives. The police and the doctors are the two groups who save the most black lives in the US actually. Rudy Guiliani saved a large number of black lives by eliminating gun crime in NYC. He did that by better police training and working effectively with the police. He did not do that by demonizing them (metaphorically) and defunding them. Everyone know that is what he died. So this idea that defunding the police will help save black lives is obviously false.
The Dems want to defund the police because they are the only branch of law enforcement which they presently do not have a good control of.
he set before them
[the crowds], saying: The
of the
has become like a
[, the second Adam, not the last Adam. He is a son of man too]
that sowed fine
[true sons of the ]
in his
[the world].
While the
were sleeping, the hostile [one]
of him came
and oversowed
[rotten sons of the ]
up through [the] midst of the
[sealed sons of the ],
and left.
So when the blade
[first true church of a presence]
and produced
fruit [sons of the ], then the weeds/zizania appeared also [in all the false churches of the time - since a true church has become visible].
So the
of the
[2 in each presence]
came up and said to him, 'Lord, did you not sow fine seed in your field? [Binary question] From where, therefore, is it having weeds?'
He said to them: A hostile [one], a
[The president of who compromised with the Roman State?], did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us,
then, to go out and collect them?'
He said, 'No, for when collecting the
weeds, you might uproot the
along with them
[The angels collect the sons of the into , not men].
Let both grow together until the
harvest [gathering for the rapture at the manifestation at the end of each presence], and in the
of the
harvest [the conclusion of the world/the time of the end]
I will tell the
collect first the
and bind them into
[The angels direct the rotten sons into false churches during the presence. They are bound in to them by their desire for status glory etc]
to burn them up
[all the weeds end up in ],
then gather the
into my
[ is the storehouse for the sons of the . The angels collect them into ]
(Matthew 13).
= 24 (2 threads)
Man (3), Seed (2), Field (2), Wheat, Blade, Fruit, Slaves of Householder,
Lord, Harvest, Appointed-time of Harvest, Reapers, Bundles, Storehouse = 14
Man (3), Seed (2), Field (2), Weeds (5), Wheat (3), Blade (1), Fruit (1), Slaves of Householder (1), Lord (1), Harvest (1), Appointed-time of Harvest (1), Reapers (1), Bundles (1), Storehouse (1) = 24 (every word is symbolic since it is a parable)
explanation gives the symbolism of the nouns in a general way that applies to both the event and the word symbolic threads.
36 Then after dismissing the crowds he went into the house. And his disciples came to him and said: Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field.
37 In response he said... The [one] sowing the fine seed is the Son of man.
38 The field is the world (kosmoV). As for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom. But the weeds are the sons of the wicked one.
39 But the hostile [one],
the [one] having sown them
[cannot be a double designation,
no noun and a pronoun imbalance], is the Devil. The
harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels.
40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things.
41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out of [ek]
his kingdom all the stumbling-blocks and the [ones] doing the lawlessness,
42 and they will pitch them into the furnace of fire. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be.
43 Then the righteous ones will shine like [wV] the sun in the kingdom of their Father [Like Daniel 12]...
Let him that has ears listen (Matthew 13).
The two word symbolisms are and becoming bundles with and as storehouses??
he set before them
[the crowds], saying: The
of the
has become like a
[the son of man]
that sowed fine
[true saints] in his
[world of the s].
While the
were sleeping
[humans in the church stopped doing bible research. The Governing Body of the Watchtower discouraged small groups of s getting together informally to study the bible from around 1980 onwards. Of course this is precisely how bible research is done!], the hostile [one]
of him came and oversowed
[corrupted true saints and counterfeit self appointed saints, both groups are sons of the wicked one]
up through [the] midst of the
and left.
So when the blade
[ starts growing]
and produced
fruit [sons of the in a reasonable number], then the weeds/zizania appeared also
[the second true church of a presence shows up the weeds of the first and other churches].
So the
of the
[two must be appointed in each presence and by this time]
came up and said to him, 'Lord, did you not sow fine seed in your field? [Binary question] [the world of the s]
From where, therefore, is it having weeds?'
He said to them: A hostile [one], a
[a physical man, Ted Jaracz, the one who acted as a restraint or possibly the man of lawlessness], did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us,
then, to go out and collect them?'
He said, 'No, for when collecting the
weeds, you might uproot the
along with them..
Let both grow together until the
harvest [the conclusion of the system of ], and in the
of the
[the acceptable year of Isaiah61] I will tell the
collect first the
and bind them into
[All the false churches in all the world that contain rotten saints and counterfeit saints, who love that church and its glory more than they love the truth or God.
These bundles last until after starts and further until after the ark door is closed so as to deny the rotten saints a water baptism and the loveless their salvation]
to burn them up,
then gather the
into my
[ is the storehouse for the saints]
(Matthew 13).
Man (3), Seed (2), Field (2), Weeds (5), Wheat (3), Blade (1), Fruit (1), Slaves of Householder (1), Lord (1), Harvest (1), Appointed-time of Harvest (1), Reapers (1), Bundles (1), Storehouse (1) = 24 (every word is symbolic since it is a parable).
explanation gives the symbolism of the nouns in a general way that applies to both the event and the word symbolic threads.
36 Then after dismissing the crowds he went into the house. And his disciples came to him and said: Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field.
37 In response he said... The [one] sowing the fine seed is the Son of man.
38 The field is the world (kosmoV). As for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom. But the weeds are the sons of the wicked one.
39 But the hostile [one],
the [one] having sown them, is the Devil. The
harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels.
40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things.
41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out of [ek]
his kingdom all the stumbling-blocks and the [ones] doing the lawlessness,
42 and they will pitch them into the furnace of fire. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be.
43 Then the righteous ones will shine like [wV] the sun in the kingdom of their Father...
Let him that has ears listen (Matthew 13).
The householder is , he is different from the sower even in the event symbolism. He holds the house and all the fields, but leases a field from him, the field of the . So 's field is also ' field. is the fieldholder, is the householder. The slaves are and . did not sow the seed of the . did. We apply the Binary Question Principle, and (the householder is both word symbolisms too) does sow the seed in one of these threads.
One recital means one symbolic meaning. So for example 'slaves', are mentioned only once. So if they are collective slaves in one fulfilment in one thread, they must be collective (composite/group) in all other threads and hence in all other fulfilments of these threads.
9 For we are God's fellow workers. You people are God's field under cultivation, God's building (1 Corinthians 3).
In his explanation of the parable of the wheat and the weeds, gives us the meanings of the words: Sower, Field, Fine Seed, Weeds, Enemy, Harvest, all of which are repeated NOUNS in the parable. And he gives the meaning of one further noun: Reapers, which is not repeated in the parable but which is mentioned again obviously in the explanation. There are only two parables in the bible which explains the meaning of. The sower of Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8, is the second. In his explanation of the sower in all three cases, gives the meaning neither of words, nor of repeated words, but of unrepeated phrases which describe events in the parable.
So in the case of the weeds explains the meaning of the words in the parable (all the repeated nouns and one non repeated noun) and in the case of the sower explains the meaning of the events in the parable (which are not repeated). It is not hard to see, therefore, that is explaining the word symbolic meaning of the weeds and the event symbolic meaning of the sower. He is also, by only explaining these two parables in this way, explaining that these are the only two types of symbolism employed by the bible code.
In other words these two are the beginning and end of the matter as regards bible symbolism. Now in the case of the sower, and the weeds the literal meaning of the interpretations are the event symbolic meanings of the parables, and the word symbolic threads of ' explanations interpret the respective word threads of the parables - by the symbolic structure principle.
Here is the subaccount symbolic structure...
Parable | Explanation |
Event | Literal of Event |
Word1 | Word1 of Word1 |
Word2 | na |
The reapers are angels tells us. The sower is the 'son of man'. There are two of these characters because Adam had two souls which he lost. ransomed his angelic soul, ransomed his non ageing human soul. literally explains both word symbolic meanings, because there is nothing specific to one or other of them in his explanation. He is careful to only use 'enemy' as it is used in verse 25, so as not to polarise his explanation to the first thread of the word symbolism.
is the son of man who was also a man who sowed the saints. He sows all saints through others, since he is our eternal father, replacing our temporary father, Adam, through the . But he personally, as a man, began the sowing of the first new covenant saints when he baptised and called his 12 apostles and the replacement apostle (although he baptised and personally called no one else).
We know from the double designation 'an enemy, a man' that there are three threads to this account. Now the word 'weeds' appears 6x and the word 'wheat'
appears 3x. So we need three different types of wheat and 3 different types of weed. Weeds are created by oversowing, not by sowing. They are a corruption of the wheat. Although, , who can see the future (being now a God, like his father), already knows that these ones 'are' weeds before he sows them. So we need three types of wheat. Well we only have 4 types of wheat in our knowledge.
Namely saints (and their subcovenanted groups), saints (and their subcovenanted groups) water baptised people, and unbaptised believers. But all of these are seed and are sown, so we must rule out unbaptised believers, who are not seed until they die, when they are saved by the angels through their belief. So we have no choice but to identify the three types of seed as:
Water baptised
baptised into the
baptised into the
In all three symbolic threads we have a total of two fields, two sons of man and two harvests, which are two conclusions of systems of things. But neither of these two harvest is 'the conclusion of the system of things' which is Armageddon. Rather they are said to be like the final conclusion. ' description of Armageddon is:
41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness,
42 and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be.
43 At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
This Son of man is . Indeed the starts on 2008Nisan22. The wicked will see the glorious revealing of and all the and saints at the end of their 40 days in the wilderness on 2008Tammuz26 and we will see the faithful ones being raptured between 2008Chislev26 and 2009Iyyar1, during the period in the greater flood starting when Noah opened the window and ending when the Tsohar was removed. Then they will be more upset that anyone has ever been in history. Then they will be destroyed by an extinction level planetary reaction to human abuse presumably in the form of Nuclear war and Global warming by 2009Sivan26.
The Event Symbolism is water baptism into . John the baptist sowed, he was a son of man, providing sons to Adam in indefinitely lasting human bodies, by water baptism into the . Russell was a son of man in this sense too. The field is the world. The harvest is into . An enemy a man, who 'did this' (he also oversowed) was head of . Man means 'man'
The 1st Word Symbolism is in , sows this as a man and through others. Field was water baptised congregation of (kosmoV, cosmos, means the whole of something). We must have two fields, so the saints must be sown in something other than the world, i.e. in a water baptised congregation. This happened in but not in (who were sown everywhere). The Harvest is into .
The 2nd Word Symbolism is in , (who was a man at one point) sows this through others. The field is the world. The harvest is into . This sowing cannot be of saints into , because then we would only have one harvest (or harvest season), the one into . The 'man' who oversowed before the blade sprouted/appeared is the man of lawlessness, the head of . The 'man' who 'did this' (he did not oversow) was Gordon. He started a second New Covenant, showing up the first one as having weeds.
The enemy who left is who left for 1,000 years being abyssed between and , and then left permanently after .
and are split in two literally. They divide into two fractional groups when they fall, hence bundles.
The Yes/ No question: Lord, did you not sow fine seed in your field? has the answer 'yes' in both word symbolic meanings, for did sow his seed in spirit baptised people. It has the answer 'no' in the event symbolism, since did not sow 's seed through the , he did not baptise in water, John started that one.
Symbolic word/phrase | Event symbolism Water baptism into |
1st Word symbolism baptism into |
2nd Word symbolism baptism into WSS |
Man (2) | A human (John) | A human () | An ex human son of man providing spirit begotten kids to Adam () |
Men (1) | Sanctified Christians | Sanctified Christians | Sanctified Christians |
The Son (2) of man | The Son of Man from a water baptism point of view. He provides sons to Adam with indefinitely lasting edenic human bodies. mediating the is also a son of man, providing edenic offspring to Adam | The Son of Man, from a spirit baptism point of view. , mediating the , provides spirit begotten sons to Adam. | The Son of Man, from a spirit baptism point of view. , mediating the , provides spirit begotten sons to Adam. |
Over sowed | Corrupted water baptised seed in the congregation of into breaking their water baptism and being disfellowshipped as a group, in . | Corrupted true saints into false seed, destroying their faith | Corrupted true saints into false seed, destroying their faith. |
Men (1) were sleeping | Sanctified Christians not paying attention to the scriptures. | Sanctified Christians not paying attention to the scriptures. | Sanctified Christians not paying attention to the scriptures. |
His Enemy (3) | Enemy of John, | Enemy of , | Enemy of , |
An Enemy (3) | Enemy of Water baptism, the first presence man of lawlessness, the Head of . | Enemy of baptism, | Enemy of Nethinim and Great Crowd, the second presence man of lawlessness, the head of the WS. |
His field (3) | The congregation of | The congregation of | The World |
Wheat (2) | Water baptised and faithful in . The ones who are eventually declared righteous in the flesh. | baptised and faithful in . The ones who finish their spirit baptism faithful, and are declared righteous in the spirit. | baptised and faithful Nethinim ( saints). The ones who finish their spirit baptism faithful, and are declared righteous in the spirit. |
Weeds (7) | As above but lose faith and break their baptism (they may yet be saved) | As above but lose faith and go to | As above but lose faith and go to |
Blade (1) | Appointed to feed | Appointed to feed | Appointed to feed. |
sprouted (na) | Appointed over all ' belongings | Appointed over all ' belongings | Appointed over all ' belongings |
produces fruit | begins to grow, at this time, good and bad clearly visible. Only when the wheat and the darnel are fully grown can they be visibly distinguished | begins to grow, at this time, good and bad clearly visible. Only when the wheat and the darnel are fully grown can they be visibly distinguished | begins to grow, at this time, good and bad clearly visible. Only when the wheat and the darnel are fully grown can they be visibly distinguished |
Householder (0) | |||
Lord (1) | Lord (John) | Lord () | Lord () |
Yes/No Question: Lord did you not sow fine seed in your field? | No | Yes | Yes |
Slaves (1) of the householder | , | , | , |
Do you want us to collect the weeds | Should and collect the weeds within and deal with them? They do deal with water weeds in their own congregations, but the final method of cleansing of , is for the angels to guide them into . | Should and collect the weeds within and deal with them? | Should and collect the weeds within and deal with them? |
No, lest you uproot the wheat | Angels guide those righteous in the flesh into | Angels guide those righteous in the spirit into | Angels guide those righteous in the spirit into |
Bundles (1) | splits into two churches after its fall. (The wicked slave is cut in two). These are bundles of weeds. Traps for the proud and those who love the glory of men | splits into two churches after its fall. (The wicked slave is cut in two). These are bundles of weeds. Traps for the proud and those who love the glory of men | splits into two churches. (The wicked slave is cut in two). These are bundles of weeds. Traps for the proud and those who love the glory of men |
The Harvest (1) | Collecting the water baptised into | Collecting the spirit baptised into | Collecting the spirit baptised into |
The appointed time/Season (1) of the Harvest | The period of administration of , from the fall of Jerusalem to the end of the first presence. | The period of administration of , from the fall of Jerusalem to the end of the first presence. | The period of administration of and after until Armageddon |
Storehouse (1) | God's true temple in the harvest season, the Congregation of | God's true temple in the harvest season, the Congregation of | God's true temple in the harvest season, the Congregation of |
Gathering wheat into my storehouse | The angels direct faithful water sealed Christians out of the and into . | The angels direct faithful spirit baptised Christians out of and into . | The angels direct faithful spirit baptised Christians out of the World and and into . |
Here is a look up table of ' explanation. We used this to get the event and word symbolic meanings above.
The sower of the fine seed | is the Son of man |
The field (under cultivation) | The 'cosmos' the World. (Those baptised in water purchased with his human soul and those baptised in spirit he purchased with his angelic soul.) |
As for the fine seed | these are the sons of the Kingdom |
but the weeds | are the sons of the wicked one |
and the enemy that sowed them | is the Devil |
The harvest | is a conclusion of a system of things |
and the reapers | are the angels |
40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things (Matthew 13).
Since the bundles in the second presence are the divided remains of the fallen (now the evil slave of Matthew 24 and the wicked and sluggish slave of Matthew 25). And since these bundles are collected by angels in order to keep the final FDS of the second presence, , clean, and since these bundles are burnt with fire, we must say to all faithful men and women still in the Watchtower and to the Nethinim in other churches: Get out of her my people! (Revelation 18:4). The s have been a harlot church riding on the back of the wild beast having become an NGO affiliate of the UN applying in 1991, being granted affiliate status on 1992January28 and once they were found out and people started putting it on the net and in the Guardian Newspaper on October 8th 2001, the Watchtower left the UN on 9 October 2001 - see [246].
But just because the lady has jumped down from the beast for a while does not mean that she is no longer a harlot.
he set before them
[the crowds, whom he dismissed in verse 36], saying: The
of the
has become like a
While the
were sleeping, the hostile [one]
of him came and oversowed
up [
So when the
sprouted and produced
fruit, then the weeds/zizania appeared also.
So the
of the
came up and said to him, 'Lord, did you not sow fine seed in your field?
From where, therefore, is it having weeds?'
He said to them:
A hostile [one] a man, did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us,
then, to go out and collect them?'
He said, 'No, for when collecting the
weeds, you might uproot the
along with them.
Let both grow together until the
harvest; and in the
of the
I will tell the
collect first the
and bind them into
to burn them up,
then gather the
into my
he set before them, saying: The kingdom
of the
heavens is like a grain
which is, smaller indeed [
he spoke to them: The
of the
heavens is like [
All these [things]
spoke to the
parables. Indeed, without a
he would say nothing to them;
So that the [thing] might be fulfilled spoken through the
saying: I will open my
parables?, I will publish [things] hidden since the
[a set of criteria which are to be measured against/compared with the activities of potential fulfillers. So it is comparative speech, like slave is not greater than his master a maxim to be applied to any master slave type relationship] [11]
= 11
Parable, Kingdom of Heavens, , Crowds, Prophet = 5
Matthew = 24+14 = 38
Matthew Man, Seed, Field, Weeds, Wheat, Blade, Fruit, Slaves of Householder, Lord, Harvest, Appointed-time of Harvest, Harvesters, Bundles,
Storehouse, Grain of Mustard, Vegetables, Tree, Birds of Heaven, Branches,
Leaven, woman, Seah, Mouth, Parables, Founding = 25
Then having dismissed the
crowds [who must have remained in localised groups] he went into the
house. And his disciples came to him and said: Explain to us the
of the
of the
Answering he said: The [one] sowing the fine
is the
of the
is the
world [
the hostile [one], the [one] having sown them
is the
Devil [taken as adjective slanderous]. The
is a
of a
system, and the
Therefore, just-as [
of the
will send forth his
angels, and they will collect out [
and they will pitch them into the
of the
fire. There the
and the
[Liddell and all agree they are nouns in Greek not participles] of the
will be
[One has eyes which cannot see and teeth which cannot bite in . This is because one shares them with umpteen soul mates. So one cannot use them to see with or to bite with until one's turn arrives. But during one's turn one can weep and gnash].
Then the righteous [ones] will shine as [
= 17
Crowds, House, Disciples, Parable, Son of Man (2+1), World, Sons, Conclusion of System (2), Angels, Kingdom, Lawlessness, Weeping, Gnashing of Teeth, Kingdom of Father = 14
= 10
Seed (2), Field, Sons of Kingdom, Weeds (1), Harvest, Harvesters, Stumbling-blocks, Furnace of Fire, Sun = 10
Matthew = 11+17 = 28
Matthew Parable, Kingdom of Heavens, , Crowds, Prophet, House, Disciples,
Son of Man (2+1), World, Sons, Conclusion of System (2), Angels, Kingdom, Lawlessness, Weeping, Gnashing of Teeth, Kingdom of Father = 17
Matthew = 38+10 = 48
Matthew Man (4), Seed (6), Field (3), Weeds (6), Wheat (3), Blade (1), Fruit (1), Slaves of Householder (1), Lord (1), Harvest (2), Appointed-time of Harvest (1), Harvesters (2), Bundles (1), Storehouse (1), Grain of Mustard (1),
Vegetables (1), Tree (1), Birds of Heaven (1), Branches (1), Leaven (1), woman (1), Seah (1), Mouth (1), Parables (1), Founding (1), Sons of Kingdom (1),
Stumbling blocks (1), Furnace of Fire (1), Sun (1) = 29 (48)
And he was saying to them
[the crowds]
that: The
is not brought in order to be put under a
or under a
bed, is it?
Is it not in order to be put on a lampstand?
For no [thing] is hidden except in order that it be manifested, neither [did anything] become carefully concealed except in order to be exposed.
If anyone has
to listen, let him listen.
And he was saying to them: Look at what you are hearing. In what
that you are measuring out, you will have it measured out to you
[this is literal], and [more] will be added to you.
For whoever is having
[spiritual vision]
it will be given to him
[more understandings], and whoever is not having
[spiritual vision], even what he has will be taken away from him
[his present understandings will be shown to be wrong].
And he was saying: In-this-way the
is just as [
and he sleeps and rises
day, and the seed sprouts and grows,
just-how [
Automatically the
bears-fruit, first the
next the
next the full
cereal [
But whenever the
is available, he immediately thrusts in the
sickle, because the
has arrived.
And he was saying: To what might we liken the
God, or in what
shall we set it out?
Like [
But once sown, it comes up and becomes greater [implied
So with many such-like
he would speak the
to them, just as [
Indeed, without an
he would not speak to them, but privately to his own
he would explain all [things].
Mark =8
Mark Ears,, Parable, Word, Disciples = 5
Lamp (1), Measuring-basket (1), Bed (1), Lampstand (1), Measure (1), Man (1), Seed (3), Earth (4), Night (1), Day (1), Blade (1), Stalk-head (2), Cereal (1), Fruit (1), Sickle (1), Harvest (1), Grain of Mustard (1), Vegetables (1),
Branches (1), Birds of Heaven (1), Shadow (1) = 21
Matthew+Mark =
48+27 = 75
Matthew+Mark Man (5), Seed (9), Field (3), Weeds (6), Wheat (3), Blade (2),
Fruit (2), Slaves of Householder (1), Lord (1), Harvest (3), Appointed-time of Harvest (1), Harvesters (2), Bundles (1), Storehouse (1), Grain of Mustard (1),
Vegetables (1), Tree (1), Birds of Heaven (1), Branches (1), Leaven (1), woman (1), Seah (1), Mouth (1), Parables (1), Founding (1), Sons of Kingdom (1),
Stumbling blocks (1), Furnace of Fire (1), Sun (1) = 29 (55)
Lamp (1), Measuring-basket (1), Bed (1), Lampstand (1), Measure (1), Earth (4), Night (1), Day (1), Stalk-head (2), Cereal (1), Sickle (1), Grain of Mustard (1), Vegetables (1), Branches (1), Birds of Heaven (1), Shadow (1) = 45 (75)..