THE TRUE BIBLE CODE: Every Bible Account Has 1 Literal or Symbolic Meaning And 0-4 Extra Noun Symbolic Meanings Each of Which Has 1 or 2 Fulfilments
Thursday March 27 2025 (Gregorian GMT)
2024 VeAdar 22 until sunset (Biblical Lunar)

[34]  The 4 Slaves of the Master in the 2 Presences, 4 administrations of true Christian Religions appointed by Jesus

'Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.' - Muhammad Ali

'They were appointed to be the waiters serving the food, but they made themselves the owners of the restaurant' - Francis Conger.

61 and said: This man said, 'I am able to throw down the temple of God and build it up in 3 days.' (Matthew 26 NWT)
61 said: This affirmed; I am able to destroy the temple of the God, and in three days to build it. (Matthew 26 ED)

The above scripture does not refer to Jesus' death for he did not kill himself, he was killed by the Romans. It refers to his pulling down a Christian church and building another one on 3 future occasions making a total of 4 true Christian churches. Whereas 

Here are the accounts of the appointment of the first true Christian church by Jesus around sunset on 33Nisan16

1 But on the first [day, feminine. Sabbath is neuter in Greek] of the Sabbaths [the first day in the count of the festival of weeks, 33Nisan16], Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, darkness yet being [on it]. And [she] saw the stone had been removed from the tomb.
2 Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them, They took away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they laid Him.
3 Then Peter and the other disciple went out and came to the tomb.
4 And the two ran together, and the other disciple ran in front more quickly than Peter and came first to the tomb.
5 And stooping down, he saw the linens lying; however, he did not go in.
6 Then Simon Peter came following him, and went into the tomb and saw the linens lying.
7 And the grave cloth which was on His head [was] not lying with the linens, but was wrapped up in one place by itself.
8 Therefore, then the other disciple also entered, [he] having come first to the tomb, even he saw and believed.
9 For they did not yet know the Scripture, that it was necessary for Him to rise from [the] dead.
10 Then the disciples went away again to themselves.
11 But Mary stood outside at the tomb, weeping. Then as she wept, she stooped down into the tomb.
12 And [she] saw two angels in white, sitting one at the head, and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.
13 And they said to her, Woman, why do you weep? She said to them, Because they took away my Lord, and I do not know where they put Him.
14 And saying these things, she turned backward and saw Jesus standing, and did not know that it was Jesus.
15 Jesus said to her, Woman, why do you weep? Whom do you seek? Thinking that it was the gardener, she said to Him, Sir, if You carried Him away, tell me where You put Him, and I will take Him away.
16 Jesus said to her, Mary! Turning around, she said to Him, Rabboni! (that is to say, Teacher).
17 Jesus said to her, Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father. But go to My brothers and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and My God, and your God.
18 Mary Magdalene came bringing word to the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that He told her these things.
19 Then it being late/evening on that day, the first [day, feminine. Sabbath is neuter in Greek] of the Sabbaths [the first day in the count of the festival of weeks, 33Nisan16], and the doors having been locked where the disciples were assembled because of fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, Peace to you.
20 And saying this, He showed them [His] hands and side. Then seeing the Lord, the disciples rejoiced.
21 Then Jesus said to them again, Peace to you [two fold peace - Jerusalem]. As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.
22 And saying this, He breathed on [them] and said to them, Receive [the] Holy Spirit [Be receptive to the holy spirit now that you are appointed, as FDS1, over all of Jesus' belongings, all of the saints, etc. Jesus is saying you are now the true church, you will be guided by Holy Spirit, make sure you listen and receive its transmissions through dreams, conversations with others, the bible etc].
23 Of whomever you may forgive the sins, they are forgiven to them. Of whomever you retain, they have been retained.
24 But Thomas, one of the 12, the [one] called Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.
25 Then the other disciples said to him, We have seen the Lord. But he said to them, Unless I see the mark of the nails in His hands, and thrust my finger into the mark of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe, never! (John 20 GLT)

26 And after 8 days [counting inclusively from 33Nisan16. So on 33Nisan23, 2nd Holy Spirit marriage veil lifting day], His disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. The door having been locked, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said, Peace to you.
27 Then He said to Thomas, Bring your finger here and see My hands, and bring your hand and thrust into My side, and be not unbelieving, but believing.
28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, My Lord and my God!
29 Jesus said to him, Because you have seen Me, Thomas, you have believed. Blessed [are] the ones not seeing, and believing. (John 20 GLT)

1 And the first [day, feminine. Sabbath is neuter in Greek] of the Sabbaths [the first day in the count of the festival of weeks, 33Nisan16], while still very early, they came on the tomb, carrying spices which they prepared; and some were with them.
2 And they found the stone having been rolled away from the tomb.
3 And going in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus....
13 And, behold, two of them were going on the same day to a village being sixty stadia distant from Jerusalem, which was named Emmaus.
14 And they talked to each other about all these things taking place.
15 And it happened, as they talked and reasoned, coming near, Jesus Himself travelled with them.
16 But their eyes were held [so as] not to recognize Him.
17 And He said to them, What words [are] these which you exchange with each other [while] walking, and are sad of face?
18 And answering, one of them whose name was Cleopas, said to Him, [Are] you only [one who] resides in Jerusalem and do not know the things happening in it in these days?
19 And He said to them, What things? And they said to Him, The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a man, a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people;
20 and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to [the] judgment of death, and crucified [Him].
21 But we were hoping that He is the One going to redeem Israel. But then with all these things, this third day comes today since these things happened.
22 And also some of our women astounded us, having been early at the tomb,
23 and not finding His body, [they] came saying to have seen a vision of angels also, who say Him to be alive.
24 And some of those with us went to the tomb, and found [it so], even as the women also said; but they did not see Him.
25 And He said to them, O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe on all things which the prophets spoke!
26 Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things, and to enter into His glory?
27 And beginning from Moses, and from all the prophets, He explained to them the things about Himself in all the Scriptures.
28 And they drew near to the village where they were going, and He seemed to be going further.
29 And they constrained Him, saying, Stay with us, for it is toward evening, and the day has declined. And He went in to stay with them.
30 And it happened [as] He reclined with them, having taken the loaf, He blessed, and having broken He gave to them.
31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew Him. And He became invisible from them.
32 And they said to one another, Was not our heart burning in us as He spoke to us in the highway, and as He opened up to us the Scriptures?
33 And rising up in the same hour, they went back to Jerusalem, and [they] found the Eleven [excluding Thomas according to John20. Perhaps including Lazarus, the one whom Jesus loved, the one who leant back upon the bosom of his father by resurrection at the last supper. Or perhaps Thomas had just popped out? This cannot be Matthias who was made an apostle after the final ascension on 33Iyyar25], and those with them, having been gathered,
34 saying, The Lord really was raised and appeared to Simon.
35 And they related the things in the highway, and how He was known to them in the breaking of the loaf.
36 And as they were telling these things, Jesus Himself stood in their midst, and said to them, Peace to you!
37 But being terrified, and being filled with fear, they thought they saw a spirit.
38 And He said to them, Why are you troubled? And why do reasonings come up in your hearts.
39 See My hands and My feet, that I am He? Feel Me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see Me having.
40 And saying this, He showed them [His] hands and feet.
41 But yet they not believing from the joy, and marvelling, He said to them, Have you any food here?
42 And they handed a broiled part of a fish to Him, [[and from a honeycomb]] [Tregelles Stephanus Scrivener and Byzantine Majority have this honeycomb part - may relate to John the baptist].
43 And taking [these] before them, He ate.
44 And He said to them, These [are] the Words which I spoke to you yet being with you, that all the things must be fulfilled having been written in the Law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms, concerning Me.
45 Then He opened up their mind to understand the Scriptures,
46 and said to them, So it is written, and so the Christ must suffer, and to rise from [the] dead the third day. [No OT passage except Jonah]
47 And repentance and remission of sins [must] be preached on His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
48 And you are witnesses of these things.
49 And, behold, I send forth the promise of My Father on you. But you sit in the city until you go into power out of height [this cannot refer to the gifts of the spirit at Pentecost on 33Sivan5, because Jesus met them at the sea of Tiberias and he went ahead of them into Galilee for that purpose prior to his ascension prior to the Pentecost - notwithstanding Acts 1:8. Or does this mean you sit in the city other than the one trip to Galilee that I have previously commanded?].
50 He led them out as far as to Bethany. And lifting up His hands, He blessed them.
51 And it happened as He blessed them, He withdrew from them and was carried into Heaven.
52 And worshiping Him, they returned to Jerusalem with great joy,
53 and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen. (Luke 24 GLT)

1 But late in [the] Sabbaths, at the dawning into [the] first of [the] Sabbaths, Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary came to gaze upon the grave.
2 And, behold! A great earthquake occurred! For descending from Heaven and coming near, an angel of [the] Lord rolled away the stone from the door and [was] sitting on it.
3 And his face was as lightning and his clothing white as snow.
4 And those keeping guard were shaken from the fear of him, and they became as dead.
5 But answering, the angel said to the women, You must not fear, for I know that you seek Jesus who has been crucified.
6 He is not here, for He was raised, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord was lying.
7 And going quickly say to His disciples that He was raised from the dead. And behold! He goes before you into Galilee. You will see Him there. Behold! I told you.
8 And going away from the tomb quickly, with fear and great joy, they ran to report to His disciples.
9 But as they were going to report to His disciples, behold, Jesus also met them, saying, Hail! And coming near, they seized His feet and worshiped Him.
10 Then Jesus said to them, Do not fear. Go tell your brothers that they may go into Galilee, and there they will see Me.
11 And they, having gone, behold, some of the guard coming into the city reported to the chief priests all things that occurred.
12 And being assembled with the elders, and taking counsel, [they] gave enough silver to the soldiers,
13 saying, Say that his disciples came [and] stole him by night, we being asleep.
14 And if this is heard by the governor, we will persuade him and will make you free from anxiety.
15 And taking the silver, they did as they were taught. And this report was spread by the Jews until today.
16 But the 11 disciples went into Galilee, to the mount where Jesus appointed them [as apostles].
17 And seeing Him, they worshiped Him. But they doubted.
18 And coming up Jesus talked with them, saying, All authority in Heaven and on earth was given to Me.
19 Then having gone, disciple all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all things, whatever I commanded you. And, behold, I am with you all the days until the completion of the age. Amen. (Matthew 28 GLT)

1 So when the Sabbath had passed, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices in order to come and grease him.
2 And very early on the first day of the week they came to the memorial tomb, when the sun had risen.
3 And they were saying one to another: Who will roll the stone away from the door of the memorial tomb for us?
4 But when they looked up, they beheld that the stone had been rolled away, although it was very large.
5 When they entered into the memorial tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothed in a white robe, and they were stunned.
6 He said to them: Stop being stunned. You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was impaled. He was raised up, he is not here. See! The place where they laid him.
7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.'
8 So when they came out they fled from the memorial tomb, for trembling and strong emotion were gripping them. And they told nobody anything, for they were in fear. 
9 After he rose early on the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had expelled 7 demons.
10 She went and reported to those who had been with him, as they were mourning and weeping.
11 But they, when they heard he had come to life and had been viewed by her, did not believe.
12 Moreover, after these things he appeared in another form to 2 of them walking along [on the road to Emmaus], as they were going into the country;
13 and they came back and reported to the rest. Neither did they believe these.
14 But later he appeared to the 11 themselves [excluding Thomas according to John20 and including Lazarus, Jesus' non adamic resurrected son, the one who leaned back upon the bosom of his father at the last supper. Jesus ate some fish and honeycomb] as they were reclining at the table, and he reproached their lack of faith and hardheartedness, because they did not believe those who had beheld him now raised up from the dead.
15 And he said to them: Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
16 He that believes and is baptized will be saved, but he that does not believe will be condemned.
17 Furthermore, these signs will accompany those believing: By the use of my name they will expel demons, they will speak with tongues,
18 and with their hands they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly it will not hurt them at all. They will lay their hands upon sick persons, and these will become well.
19 So, then, the Lord Jesus, after having spoken to them, was taken up to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.
20 They, accordingly, went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and backed up the message through the accompanying signs (Mark 16 NWT)

1 The first account, Oh Theophilus, I composed about all the things Jesus started both to do and to teach,
2 until the day that he was taken up, after he had given commandment through holy spirit to the apostles whom he chose.
3 To these also by many positive proofs he showed himself alive after he had suffered, being seen by them throughout 40 days and telling the things about the kingdom of God.
4 And while he was meeting with them he gave them the orders [on 33Iyyar25]: Do not withdraw from Jerusalem, but keep waiting for what the Father has promised, about which you heard from me;
5 because John, indeed, baptized with water, but you will be baptized in holy spirit not many days after this.
6 When, now, they had assembled, they went asking him: Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?
7 He said to them: It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction;
8 but you will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. (Acts 1 NWT)

The only food that Jesus is recorded in scripture as eating after he was resurrected was fish, honeycomb and bread in Luke 24:42 and in John 21:9.

In Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 12 there are parables about slaves who are appointed by a master who leaves them and then comes back to inspect their work. Please read all 3 accounts which are set out below:

42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
43 But know one thing, that if the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into.
44 On this account you too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.
45 Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom the master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?
46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
47 Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.
48 But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, 'My master is delaying,' 
and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 
the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know
and will cut him in two and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be (Matthew 24 NWT adapted from Greek).

40 You also, keep ready, because at an hour that you do not think likely the Son of man is coming.
41 Then Peter said: Lord, are you saying this illustration to us or also to all?
42 And the Lord said: Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom the master will appoint over his curing staff to keep giving them their measure of grain at the proper time?
43 Happy is that slave, if his master on arriving finds him doing so!
44 I tell you truthfully, He will appoint him over all his belongings.
45 But if ever that slave should say in his heart, My master delays coming, and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 
the master of that slave will come on a day that he is not expecting [him] and in an hour that he does not know, and he will cut him in two and assign him a part with the unfaithful ones.
47 Then that slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will will be beaten with many strokes.
48 But the one that did not understand and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. Indeed, everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him; and the one whom people put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him (Luke 12 NWT adapted from Greek).

34 It is like a man travelling abroad that left his house and gave authority to his slaves, to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to keep on the watch.
35 Therefore keep on the watch for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day (the first watch of the night) or at midnight (the second watch) or at cockcrowing (the third watch) or early in the morning (the fourth watch). 
In order that when he arrives he does not find you sleeping. 
But what I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch (Mark 13).

The man travelling abroad in Mark is the Master in Matthew and Luke, who is Jesus. The slaves appointed by Jesus to do his work, and to watch out for his return in Mark, are put in charge of all of his belongings in Matthew and Luke. Jesus' belongings are people, not houses or gold or share certificates, and Jesus' house is a temple, a religion. His belongings are the new covenant saints, who belong to him as a group as his wife, being baptised into his name. And not only these, but also the second new covenant saints,  who are in fact the angelic children of the 1NC saints. And in fact all of the sons of the ARC are the possession of Jesus Christ our eternal father, the mediator of that master covenant. But there are others who respond to his voice too, the sons of Abraham through the 1AC.

12 The hired man, who is no shepherd and to whom the sheep do not belong as his own, beholds the wolf coming and abandons the sheep and flees--and the wolf snatches them and scatters them -- 
because he is a hired man and does not care for the sheep.
14 I am the fine shepherd, and I know my sheep and my sheep know me, 
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I surrender my soul in behalf of the sheep.
16 And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd (John 10).

So these slaves are appointed over all of Jesus' sheep, so they are the heads of the true Christian churches on earth appointed by Jesus. And these parables tell the story in advance of how they will fare. These slaves are successive, God is not divided against himself, there is only ever one true priesthood, except for a short crossover period, as in the case of the law and Christianity. Remember that the holy place, the temple sanctuary, had only one door.

So the slave (in the word symbolism at least) is a group of men, an administration. Just as the new covenant saints as a group are a 'wife'. Just as all the sons of Israel as a group are 'Jacob'. Just as all of the tribe of Judah is 'Judah'. We also know from Matthew 24, which is describing the sign of Jesus' presence, that these slaves are a feature of his presence, and are therefore all appointed within his two presences, in particular over his wife the new covenant saints who define the presence - see intro45 and see U33.

The way that a group slave is cut in two, is that it becomes two groups, which are two slaves. These two slaves are as a result of a coming of the Christ, and a determination that the first slave has become evil. So Jesus comes to appoint a second slave at some point in each presence as a result of the corruption of the first slave. But we already know from the pattern of Jesus' first century ministry (Elijah, Coming, Lawlessness, Elijah, Coming Manifestation - see U33a), that the first true Christian religion in each presence, which is obviously run by the new covenant saints who define the presence, goes rotten, and becomes lawless, full of antichrists (rotten new covenant saints and sons of the DAC and direct genetic seed of Satan), and is rejected at Jesus' second coming in that presence.

So we now understand that whereas in his 3½ year first century physical presence he came to the temple twice to throw out the rotten money lenders in it. In the antitypes of these evictions, in his two invisible presences, through the existence of his wife, he comes to the temple, which is the congregation of his wife, first to appoint it as a slave over all his belongings and to remove those who aren't his belongings, and then when it becomes rotten, he comes again to knock it down. He does not leave a stone upon a stone. He then builds a second temple, through a second slave for each presence, and his wife has to choose between her pride and that temple. At that time we will have the Christians who still adhere to the rejected first slave, and the Christians who adhere to the newly appointed second slave. This then is the origin of the question:

45 Who really is the faithful and discreet slave (Matthew 24) ?

This question will be asked by all of Jesus' belongings, his sheep, when they are faced with a choice between the two slaves, appointed at the two comings in the presence. So basically, there are two slaves, two True Christian Religions in each presence.

Mark 13: The Slaves whom the master authorised

In the account of the master of the house and the slaves in Mark 13 we read:

31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
32 Concerning that day OR the hour nobody has seen, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father.
33 Be you looking, be you abstaining from sleep, for you do not know when the appointed time is.
It is like a man away from his people [apodemoj] that has left his house and has given authority to his slaves, to each one his work, and has commanded the doorkeeper in order that he should stay awake.
35 Therefore you stay awake for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late [in the day] - the first watch of the night] or at midnight [the second watch] or at cockcrowing [the third watch] or early [in the morning - the fourth watch]. 
In order that when he arrives suddenly he does not find you sleeping. 
But what I say to you I say to all, you stay awake (Mark 13).

Slaves, plural. Slaves with authority.. Two designations: Man, Master of the House.

There are 4 suggested times of coming of the master. No word or letter of scripture is without power. Since the statement is that you do not know whether or not Jesus comes in the 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th watch. The answer is that in one thread he comes in none of them and in another he comes in all of them. In that way all the scriptural possibilities are realised. This is covered by the Successive Alternatives Principle of the code.

The event symbolism is:

Keep looking Keep searching the scriptures for evidence of a coming of Jesus
Man (owner of the house) Jesus
Master of the house Jesus
away from his people Jesus not present. This is the gap during the first or the second presence
House The temple of all true Christianity with 4 cornerstones
Slaves FDS1 and FDS2 in the first presence. FDS3 and FDS4 in the 2nd presence
Authority Over the House
To each one his work FDS1 and FDS3, the churches of Martha, Evangelise. FDS2 and FDS4, the churches of Mary, Research.
Late [in the day] The period of the 1st watch of FDS1/3
midnight The period of the 2nd watch of FDS1/3
cockcrowing The period of the 3rd watch of FDS1/3
early [in the morning] The period of the 4th watch of FDS1/3
You do not know when the master of the house is coming He comes in the 5th watch, not at any of the first 4 watches represented by the 4 watches of the night in the parable.
Stay awake There is only one way to stay awake spiritually for an individual or a collective, one symbolic meaning, and it is to keep honestly and humbly trying to interpret the scriptures and compare the results to spiritual and physical events. 
Sleeping Give up trying to interpret the scriptures any further.
Doorkeeper The Elijah who is awake during the gap in the presence, Paul, Elijah2, for FDS2 and Gordon, Elijah4 for FDS4
I say to all To all Christians.

The Account Symbolism is:

Keep looking Keep searching the scriptures for evidence of a coming of Jesus
Man (owner of the house) Abraham
Master of the house Jesus
Away from his people On Eden 2
House The house of all true Christianity with 4 cornerstones
Slaves FDS1, FDS2, FDS3, FDS4
Authority To run the true church, the true temple, the house.
To each one his work Each slave has a work different from the other slaves
Late (in the day) Jesus' physical coming to appoint FDS1
midnight Jesus' 2nd first presence coming to appoint FDS2
cockcrowing Jesus' 1st second presence coming to appoint FDS3
early (in the morning) Jesus' 2nd second presence coming to appoint FDS4
Stay awake There is only one way to stay awake spiritually for a collective or an individual, one symbolic meaning, and it is to keep honestly and humbly trying to interpret the scriptures and compare the results to spiritual and physical events. And not claim to be the only source of true bible interpretation - which is an attempt to prevent any one else from doing bible research. 
Sleeping Give up trying to interpret the scriptures any further.
Doorkeeper  All Elijahs keep awake!. 
I say to all To WSS1 and GNS1 as well (Laodicean administrations)

These are the 4 fulfilments in the 4 true religions FDS1,2,3,4. One fulfilment for each successively repeated alternative action. The successive alternatives principle, states that a series of successive alternatives must all occur at least once in at least one word symbolic thread. Since this account has only one word symbolic thread, all the alternatives must occur in it.

Putting this another way, all scripture has power. So if a scripture gives 4 alternative hours for the master coming then he comes 4 times in order that each alternative hour has power. We know from the story of the apostles in the garden of Gethsemane that they could not stay awake one hour with him 3x. So these are 3 of the hours of his comings. Each time that Jesus, the master of the appointed slave, comes and finds his slave sleeping he appoints another slave. So he appoints 3 further Christian administrations after FDS1. So there are 4 true churches.

40 And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter: Could you men not so much as watch one hour with me
41 Keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. 
42 Again, for the second time, he went off and prayed, saying: My Father, if it is not possible for this to pass away except I drink it, let your will take place. 
43 And he came again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. 
44 So leaving them, he again went off and prayed for the 3rd time, saying once more the same word
45 Then he came to the disciples and said to them: At such a time as this you are sleeping and taking your rest! Look! The hour has drawn near for the Son of man to be betrayed into the hands of sinners. (Matthew 26). 

Who really is the FDS?

45 Who really is the faithful slave and [the] discreet [one] whom the master appointed [katesthsen] over his domestics/household members [oiketeiaj], to give them their food [trofhn] at the appointed/proper time?
46 Happy is that [ekeinoj] slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
47 Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.
48 But if ever that [ekeinoj] evil slave should say in his heart: My master is delaying, 
and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the drunkards, 
the master of that [ekeinoj] slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know
and will cut him in two (literal) and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be (Matthew 24).

[[[41 Then Peter said: Lord, are you saying this illustration to us or also to all?]]]
42 And the Lord said: Who really is the faithful house-manager, the discreet [one], whom the master will appoint over his curing staff [qerapeiaj] to keep giving them their measure of grain [sitoumetrion] at the appointed/proper time?
43 Happy is that [ekeinoj] slave, if his master on arriving finds him doing so!
44 I tell you truthfully, he will appoint [katasthsei] him over all his belongings.
45 But if ever that [ekeinoj] slave should say in his heart: My master delays coming, and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 
the master of that [ekeinoj] slave will come on a day that he is not expecting [him] and in an hour that he does not know, and he will cut him in two (literal) and assign him a part with the unfaithful ones.
47 Then that slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will, will be beaten with many [strokes].
48 But the one that did not understand and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. Indeed, everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him; and the one whom they put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him (Luke 12).

In Luke, there is a slave that understood and a slave that did not in each strand. This makes two slaves. Whereas in Matthew the slave that is initially faithful and discreet, finally becomes evil. So there is only one slave in each strand. We know that ‘the faithful steward, the discreet one' splits the account into two word symbolic accounts by the Successive Designations Principle of the code, since the slave has successive designations. So we get 4 collective slaves in all in the word symbolisms in Luke. Whereas in Matthew the ‘faithful and discreet slave’, being two successive descriptions means there are two fulfilments for slave in the word symbolic meaning, by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the code

So we get 1 individual slave in the event symbolism and 2 collective slaves in the word symbolism of Matthew. These two parables are not parallel accounts. The slave in Matthew is appointed over the domestics, the house manager in Luke will be appointed over the curing staff. So Matthew and Luke are not telling the same story in different words. They are telling two different stories in different words. So the Parallel Account Principle of the code does not apply. In fact these two parables were told at entirely different times in Jesus ministry. In Luke 13 the parable is told to a large crowd of people well before Jesus gives his disciples the signs of the times on the mount of Olives, whereas the parable of Matthew 24, is told privately to his disciples on the mount of Olives after he has given them the signs of the times. Although the parables are very similar in other respects and appear to have a common event symbolism.

The Event Symbolism

The Event Symbolic meaning of Matthew is as follows:

Word or Phrase  Event Symbolic Meaning
Slave 1NC saints with authority in FDS1 or FDS3
Faithful and Discreet Slave Faithful and discreet saint
Domestics ICC brothers in TCC1 or TCC3
Master Jesus as a Husband to be
Master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time A member of FDS1 or FDS3. Appointed to feed
His belongings All the sons of the LRC and all the saints
He will appoint him over all his belongings Jesus will marry him and make him a part of the 3rd Holy Spirit.
That evil slave Rotten 1NC saint
Beat his fellow slaves Abuse his born again brothers
Eat and Drink with drunkards Abuse the Passover celebration, by drinking out of the same cup as non covenanted people - guys who can't stop themselves from drinking holy wine!! 
Day he does not expect and hour he does not know A time he doesn't know
Cut him in two Take away one of his two souls. Remove his angelic soul. Kill his associated angel. 

The Event Symbolic meaning of Luke is:

Word or Phrase  Event Symbolic Meaning
House Manager (Steward) also slave Congregation Elders
Faithful House Manager, the discreet one Faithful and discreet Elders
Curing Staff Congregations of FDS2 and FDS4, who can cure those from the WSS1/2 or GNS1/2 or any other church in Babylon. Better spiritual qualifications than their predecessors in FDS1 or FDS3.
Master Circuit Overseer (human administrative master)
Master appointed over his curing staff to give them their grain at the appointed time Circuit Overseers appoint the Elders to feed the congregation appropriately
His belongings Everyone in a congregation
He will appoint him over all his belongings He will make him the presiding overseer of his congregation
Beat the menservants and the maidservants Incorrectly sanction the men and women in the congregation
Eat and Drink Abuse the emblems of a covenant
Get Drunk Drink a cup to which he is not entitled
Day he does not expect and hour he does not know A time he doesn't know. Circuit Overseers should always arrive UNANNOUNCED - No red carpets!
Cut him in two Make him a chief of 50 rather than a chief of 100. Halve his authority. Appoint another elder over half of his flock.
Beaten with many Ban him from being an elder for up to 39 days
Beaten with few Ban him from being an elder for 7-14 days?
The one whom they put in charge of much The Circuit Overseer, put in charge by the governing body.

The president appoints the governing body.
The governing body appoints the circuit overseers
The circuit overseers appoint the elders and the presiding overseer
The presiding overseer and the elders appoint the ministerial servants (male and female).

45 Who really is the faithful slave and [the] discreet [one] [1NC Saint in FDS1 or in FDS3) whom the Lord/master [Jesus] appointed [katesthsen] over his domestics/household members [oiketeiaj] [congregations of TCC1 and TCC3], to give them their food [trofhn] at the appointed/proper time?
46 Happy is that [ekeinoj] slave [Saint] if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
47 Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings [Sealed to rule in the Kingdom of God as a member of the 3rd Holy Spirit, the wife of Jesus].
48 But if ever that [ekeinoj] evil slave [rotten saint] should say in his heart: My master is delaying, 
and should start to beat [unjustly sanction] his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the drunkards [abuse the emblems. Drunkards will drink anything. Certainly they drink too much wine. They partake of a cup that they are not entitled to. This is eating and drinking the bread and wine of the 1NC - along with drunkards who are not 1NC saints. that is precisely what Gordon told the Watchtower to stop doing. Pass this from one to another AMONG YOURSELVES said Jesus]
the master of that [ekeinoj] slave [rotten saint] will come on a day that he is not expecting and in an hour that he does not know
and will cut him in two (literal) [not disfellowship him but kill his angelic soul] and will place the part/portion of him with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be [1x+16x=17x. 16 pairs of teeth (eyes are not mentioned, so weeping counts 1x)] (Matthew 24).

Slave (4). So it take two meanings, an individual person in the event symbolism and a composite person in the word symbolism.

42 And the Lord/Master said: Who really is the faithful house-manager, the discreet [one], whom the master [a circuit overseer in TCC2 or TCC4] will appoint over his curing staff [qerapeiaj] to keep giving them their measure of grain [sitoumetrion] at the appointed/proper time? [Elder of a congregation]
43 Happy is that [ekeinoj] slave [Elder], if his master on arriving finds him doing so!
44 I tell you truthfully, he will appoint [katasthsei] him over all his belongings [Make him the new CO or perhaps the presiding overseer of one of the congregations].
45 But if ever that [ekeinoj] slave should say in his heart: My master [Circuit Overseer] delays coming, and should start to beat [incorrectly sanction] the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink [there is nothing wrong with eating and drinking. That is not an unrighteous activity. So this must refer to eating and drinking the bread and the wine of a covenant which he is not a part of - this must be emblem abuse (of both emblems). Deliberate double emblem abuse is a evidently a disfellowshipping matter] and get drunk [with congregational power or with a cup to which he is not entitled]
the master of that [ekeinoj] slave [Elder] will come on a day that he is not expecting [him] and in an hour that he does not know, [COs must make hidden visits to congregations] and he will cut him in two [literally - halve his authority - bust him down to a chief of 50 rather than a chief of 100. Appoint another elder over half of his flock - as a minimum penalty] and will put the part/portion of him with the unfaithful ones [the unfaithful elders that is. He has not exhibited a lack of faith in God. He has exhibited a lack of faith in Jesus' timing and in the law of the church. He is unfaithful as an elder. But he is still faithful as a Christian - Hence the next two verses...].
47 Then that slave (Some other Elder) that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will, will be beaten with many [banned from being an elder for up to 39 days?].
48 But the one (Yet another Elder) that did not understand and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few [banned from being an elder for 7-14 days?]. Indeed, everyone to whom much was given [by Jesus], much will be demanded of him [by Jesus]; and the one [Circuit Overseer] whom they [the governing body] put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him [discipline all the Elders! Not so easy!] (Luke 12).

Slave (4). So it takes two meanings, an individual person in the event symbolism and a composite person in the word symbolism. Whereas House-manager (1). So it takes only one symbolic meaning.

The Word Symbolism

Matthew has katesthsen ‘appointed’ in a past tense, Luke has katasthsei ‘will appoint’ in a future tense. These accounts are both set between the first and second comings in either presence. The two slaves of Matthew have been appointed to feed domestics (at the first comings), and then become evil. Whereas two slaves of Luke will be appointed to keep feeding curing staff (at the second comings). So the slaves of Luke are two further slaves who take over from the slaves of Matthew in each presence. Both scriptures ask a question implying a choice between two slaves. The solution is that there are 4 Faithful & Discreet Slaves/Stewards, 2 in each presence, which we will call FDS1,2,3,4 in order of appointment.

Matthew  Luke
Master appointed over his domestics Master will appoint over his curing staff
Give them their food at the proper time

Keep giving them their measure of grain at the proper time

That evil slave should say That slave should say
Beat his fellow slaves

Beat the menservants and the maidservants
Another slave not referred to as ‘that slave’ appears

The Faithful and Discreet Slave of Matthew is FDS1 and FDS3, the first in each presence, because they are appointed in the past tense. The Faithful Steward of Luke is Paul and then Gordon in the two threads. But the slaves appointed of Luke are FDS2 and then FDS4 in the 2 threads. These two are the last appointed slaves in each presence, because they will be appointed in the future tense. The two slaves of Matthew become evil, being referred to as ‘that evil slave’, but the two slaves of Luke are not so referred to. The evil slave is the man of lawlessness. The food of FDS2,4 is grain, which requires a bit of preparation by the recipient. 

The point about both of these accounts is that the slave who was first appointed to feed, is the same slave who is then appointed over all belongings, which is the same slave that then becomes evil at the next coming or gets a beating. We all go the same way! We are hopeless are we not ! Like Paul says:

24 Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death ? (Romans 7)

The master of that very feeding/appointed/corrupted slave comes when he is not expecting him and cuts him into two, into two slaves. Truly we are saying to you today, it is this dichotomy that is the origin of the question: Who really is the FDS? For this is a question which has to be asked of two genuine FDSs (Faithful & Discreet slaves). The evil slave says in his heart that his master, Jesus, delays, and Jesus says that:

50 The master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know (Matthew 24).

Thereby declaring himself to be his master. So since Jesus is the master of the Evil slave, this slave has to have been appointed by him, which means that it has to have been a faithful and discreet slave.

Therefore it is the FDS which becomes the evil slave, QED.

The FDS is appointed to give food, not all the time, but at the proper time. It is appointed to give meat in due season (King James Version), not meat all the time. These proper times, these due seasons, are Jesus’ presences.

The day is the presence, the hour is the coming. Now do you, beloved reader, understand what Jesus meant when he said:

20 Because of your little faith. For truly I say to you: If you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain: Transfer from here to there; and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17) ?

21 Jesus said to them: Truly I say to you, if only you have faith and do not doubt not only will you do what I did to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain: Be lifted up and cast into the sea; it will happen (Matthew 21) ?

The sea is the mass of unruly mankind not in subjection to God's organisation. The mountain is Zion, the mountain in Jerusalem where King David's palace stood. It represents a group who once had rulership over God's people but now are excommunicated (FDS1,2,3).

It is not the size of the seed that counts, it is the information within it for:

31 The kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain, which a man took and planted in his field; 
which is, in fact, the tiniest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the largest of the vegetables and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and find lodging among its branches (Matthew 13).

The birds of the heavens are the new covenant saints. They will come into the new FDS, FDS4 that is, the Lords' Witnesses, the second of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. So now do you understand what Jesus was saying to you when he said:

10 Did you never read this scripture, the stone that the builders rejected, this has become the chief cornerstone ? (Mark 12).

If Jesus is the chief cornerstone, then since buildings at that time had 4 corners, there are 3 other cornerstones. These are Paul, Russell and Ritchie. Also if he is a chief of cornerstones, then there must be other cornerstones subordinate to him. Now Jesus' rejection started a whole new religion, and likewise the rejections of Paul, Russell and Ritchie started 3 other whole new religions, the religions of FDS2,3,4.

The event symbolic meaning of Matthew relates to individual 1NC saints in FDS1 and FDS3 who get authority from 'the master' who is the FDS. 'My master', 'the master of that slave', 'his master' is Jesus. The event symbolism of Luke must relate to WSS1 or WSS2, since an oikonomoV is in charge of a house. Since the word oikonomoV is recited only once, it has only one symbolic meaning (but may have many fulfilments of that meaning in the various symbolic fulfilments of the threads).

Slaves do not inherit from their masters, sons do

The term slave is used to symbolise someone with no inheritance. So all the 4 faithful slave administrations are eventually disbanded and come to nothing. This is an intrinsic part of the meaning of the parables.

Word Symbolism of Matthew 24

First Presence Fulfilment...

45 Who really is the faithful slave [church administration] and [the] discreet [one] whom the master appointed [katesthsen] [on 29Tishri10 at Jesus' baptism] over his domestics/household members [oiketeiaj], [All the people in TCC1, all the sons of the 1EC, all those water baptised in the baptism of John, all the stones of the church, both the living and the dead stones] to give them their food [trofhn] at the appointed/proper time? [to keep doing bible research and to keep providing the results to the congregation]
46 Happy is that [ekeinoj] slave [FDS1 not the San Hedrin!] if his master [Jesus] on arriving [29Tishri10 - 33Nisan14] finds him doing so.
47 Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings [Jesus' belongings are the saints, the sons of the JAC and the sons of the LRC, all whom his two souls ransom, all whom he has purchased with his blood. FDS1 was appointed exclusively to rule over all the saints on 33Nisan16 and lost its authority over them on 66Tishri28. FDS2 was appointed to feed the 1NC reserves on 66Heshvan2 - see U42].
48 But if ever that [ekeinoj] evil slave [ES1: From 66Tishri28 when FDS1 lost its authority over the saints until 84Nisan14, when TCC1 fell and become a false church, and was therefore no longer a slave of Jesus] should say in his heart [secret centre of the organisation - governing body]: My master [Jesus] is delaying [he won't appear in my life time, so I'll do what I think is best]
and should start to beat his fellow slaves [fellow church administrations both false church administrations and the new true church administration of FDS2] and should eat and drink with the drunkards [The drunkards are those church administrations who cannot handle the power of spirituality, they cannot handle spiritual liquor, the holy spirit, they become drunk and dissolute with the huge power over spiritually needy people that priests have! They start accepting Babylonian food/teachings and drink/false sin cleansing methods]  
the master of that [ekeinoj] slave [ES1, which became the false Roman Catholic Church at the installation of the first Pope, St. Linus on 67Tebbeth20, this being the Transgression causing desolation to TCC1, 4600 solar days of Daniel8 before the end of their constant feature of acceptable evangelism on 80Elul14, 1290 days of Daniel12 before the end of their true church status on 84Nisan14] will come on a day that he is not expecting [66Tishri28, tablet shattering day for FDS1, when it became ES1] and in an hour that he does not know [the 10 year hour of the 120 year presence, which hour is the gap in the presence from 79Tishri14-89Tishri14 - see I45]
and will cut him in two [ES1 is fully split into two slaves and into two camps, the old camp now in the Roman Catholic Church and the new camp in TCC2] and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be (Matthew 24).

Second Presence Fulfilment...

45 Who really is the faithful slave [church administration] and [the] discreet [one] whom the master appointed [katesthsen] [on 1901Tishri2] over his domestics/household members [oiketeiaV], [All the people in TCC3, all the sons of the 3EC, all those water baptised in the baptism of Russell, all the stones of the Watchtower, both the living and the dead stones] to give them their food [trofhn] at the appointed/proper time? [to keep doing bible research and to keep providing the results to the congregation]  [is it FDS3, The Watchtower administration, or some other Christian Church?] 
46 Happy is that [ekeinoj] slave [FDS3 not any other Christian Church!] if his master [Jesus] on arriving [1901Tishri2 - 1905Nisan17/Sivan6] finds him doing so.
47 Truly I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings [Jesus' belongings are the saints, the sons of the JAC. FDS3 was appointed exclusively over all the saints (at the time) on 1905Nisan17 and lost its authority over them on 1998Tishri27. FDS4 was appointed/installed over the 1NCs on 1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 (2nd after FDS3)].
48 But if ever that [ekeinoj] evil slave [ES2: From 1998Tishri27 when FDS3, lost its authority over the saints until 2005Sivan14, when TCC3 fell as a true church] should say in his heart [secret centre of the organisation - governing body]: My master [Jesus] is delaying [he won't appear in my life time, so I'll do what I think is best]
and should start to beat his fellow slaves [fellow church administrations, Laodicea and FDS4] and should eat and drink with the drunkards [The drunkards are those church administrations who cannot handle the power of spirituality, they cannot handle spiritual liquor, the holy spirit, they become drunk and dissolute with the huge power over spiritually needy people that priests have! They start accepting Babylonian food/teachings and drink/false sin cleansing methods. This may also refer to sharing the 1NC Passover cup with non saints]  
the master of that [ekeinoj] slave [FDS3/ES2] will come on a day that he is not expecting [because he is asleep and not keeping in expectation - the day of the Kingdom of God] and in an hour that he does not know [because he has done no bible research]
and will cut him in two [first internally into Laodicea and the rest of the Watchtower and then externally after the 3rd fire sign which begins the hour of the test of Revelation 3 - which the Watchtower does not know] and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be (Matthew 24) [1x+32x=33x for 32 human teeth (eyes are not mentioned so weeping counts 1x].

The First Word Symbolism of Luke 12

42 And the Lord said: Who really is the faithful house-manager, the discreet [one] [Paul], whom the master will appoint over his curing staff [qerapeiaj] [the sons of the 2EC] to keep giving them their measure of grain [sitoumetrion] [raw food, that requires a bit of work by the recipient] at the appointed/proper time? [FDS2: appointed to feed ELCs on 66Nisan22]
43 Happy is that [ekeinoj] slave [FDS2, composite slave as in Matthew], if his master on arriving finds him doing so!
44 I tell you truthfully, he will appoint [katasthsei] him over all his belongings [FDS2 was appointed to rule over the ELC saints in 69Tishri2 - see U42].
45 But if ever that [ekeinoj] slave [ELC FDS2] should say in his heart []: My master delays coming, and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 
the master of that [ekeinoj] slave [ELC FDS2] will come on a day that he is not expecting and in an hour that he does not know, and he will cut him in two (literal) [Between the ELC church and the HLC church, between Bilhah and Zilpah] and place the part/portion of him with the unfaithful ones [oh dear. Well there were 7 ELC then 49 HLC presidents of FDS2].
47 Then that slave [??] that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will, will be beaten with many [strokes] 
48 But the one that did not understand [??] and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. Indeed, everyone to whom much was given [by Jesus], much will be demanded of him [by Jesus]; and the one [??] whom they [plural] put in charge of much, they [??] will demand more than usual of him [they make unreasonable demands upon him] (Luke 12).

FDS4">The Second Word Symbolism of Luke 12

42 And the Lord said: Who really is the faithful house-manager, the discreet [one] [Gordon], whom the master will appoint over his curing staff [qerapeiaj] [the sons of the 4EC] to keep giving them their measure of grain [sitoumetrion] [raw food, that requires a bit of work by the recipient] at the appointed/proper time? [FDS4: appointed to feed the proselyte 2NCs on 1996Nisan18 - see U42]
43 Happy is that [ekeinoj] slave [FDS4, composite slave as in Matthew], if his master on arriving finds him doing so!
44 I tell you truthfully, he will appoint [katasthsei] him over all his belongings [Gordon/FDS4 was appointed/installed over all the 2NC saints on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21- see U42].
45 But if ever that [ekeinoj] [FDS4] slave should say in his heart []: My master delays coming [the 1NCs have not turned up, Jesus is delaying], and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants [in the LWs with sincere but incorrect UN predictions - which started in 2001], and to eat and drink and get drunk, 
the master of that [ekeinoj] slave [FDS4] will come on a day that he is not expecting and in an hour that he does not know [The Laodicean water baptism lasted from 2002Elul16 for Roger Knight through 2006Sivan14, the start of the 2nd presence, to 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence and 5½ years of Daniel12 before 2019Elul10, when the non adamic 3rd part of the 2nd presence begins with the 3EC water baptism into Laodicea. 2013Adar10 is 2,000 days of Mark5 before 2019Elul30, when the first 1NC reserves jump off the overhang of the fallen Laodicea/The Watchtower into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the 3EC. Gordon only realised that Laodicea was formed inside the Watchtower after the contest of 1Kings18 started. He realised it on 2008November9 at 00:20, 2008Chislev6], and he will cut him in two (literal) (Between Laodicea and TCC4) and place the part/portion of him with the unfaithful ones [The Laodicean part with the unfaithful JWs].
47 Then that slave [LWs, Gordon + sons of the 4EC] that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will, [set up a software company to compete with Microsoft] will be beaten with many [strokes] [Incorrect nuclear predictions, which did not affect Gordon, the head much, he sees them as a part of the decoding process, but the body of the church was badly affected by them. Strokes to the body of the church] [Had Gordon not set up HyperOs, and instead got the LW church ready for 1NC reserves, then LW understandings would be 3 years at least further forward and so less prediction mistakes would have been made and the LWs would have carried the second part of the second presence not Laodicea] [indeed - 39 of them - the maximum permissable under law. From 2019January29 to 2019March8 for Elijah4. For spending most of his time designing an electric motor for cars and trying to be Elon Musk2 rather than Elijah4 after having tried to be Bill Gates2 and losing the 2nd part of the 2nd presence as a result].
48 But the one that did not understand [Laodicean administration = WSS2] and so did things deserving of strokes [theft, idolatry, lack of love] will be beaten with few [they published internally a few of the LW dates??]. Indeed, everyone to whom much [many sacred secrets] was given [by Jesus], much will be demanded of him [by Jesus]; and the one [AOL, the head of WSS2] whom they [plural, ES2 and WSS2, democracy, not theocracy] put in charge of much, they [both slaves, ES2 and WSS2] will demand more than usual of him [they have made unreasonable demands on poor old AOL!] (Luke 12).

There may also be a sense in which Laodicea is beaten more than the LWs who are ignorant of what Laodicea is doing for the most part.

The expression: Come on a day that he is not expecting and in an hour that he does not know

Must have two fulfilments which are in the two fulfilments of Word 1 in the case of Matthew and in the two word threads in the case of Luke? Should this be the Successive Repeated Actions Principle?



Incorrect old Second Word Symbolism

42 And the Lord said: Who really is the discreet [one], whom the master will appoint over his curing staff (qerapeiaV) to keep giving them their measure of grain (sitoumetrion) at the appointed/proper time? (FDS1 or FDS2)
43 Happy is that (ekeinoV) slave (FDS2), if his master on arriving finds him doing so!
44 I tell you truthfully, he will appoint (katasthsei) him over all his belongings.
45 But if ever that (ekeinoV) (FDS1) slave should say in his heart (secret centre of the organisation - governing body): My master delays coming, and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 
the master of that (ekeinou) slave (FDS1 then WSS1) will come on a day that he is not expecting and in an hour that he does not know, and he will cut him in two (literal) and assign him a part with the unfaithful ones.
47 Then that slave (WSS1) that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will, will be beaten with many [strokes].
48 But the one that did not understand (FDS2) and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. Indeed, everyone to whom much was given (by Jesus), much will be demanded of him (by Jesus); and the one (head of the WSS1) whom they (the governing body of FDS1) put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him (try and compete with Paul in bible interpretation!!) (Luke 12 - First Fulfilment).

42 And the Lord said: Who really is the discreet [one], whom the master will appoint over his curing staff (qerapeiaV) to keep giving them their measure of grain (sitoumetrion) at the appointed/proper time? (FDS3 or FDS4)
43 Happy is that (ekeinoV) slave (FDS4), if his master on arriving finds him doing so!
44 I tell you truthfully, he will appoint (katasthsei) him over all his belongings.
45 But if ever that (ekeinoV) (FDS3) slave should say in his heart (secret centre of the organisation - governing body): My master delays coming, and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 
the master of that (ekeinou) slave (FDS3 then WSS2) will come on a day that he is not expecting and in an hour that he does not know, and he will cut him in two (literal) and assign him a part with the unfaithful ones.
47 Then that slave (WSS2) that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will, will be beaten with many [strokes].
48 But the one that did not understand (FDS4) and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. Indeed, everyone to whom much was given (by Jesus), much will be demanded of him (by Jesus); and the one (head of the WSS2) whom they (the governing body of FDS3) put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him (try and compete with Gordon in bible interpretation!!) (Luke 12 - Second Fulfilment).

The successive designation in Luke doesn't apply to Matthew and the successive description in Matthew doesn't apply to Luke.

come on a day that he is not expecting and in an hour that he does not know is a Successive Repeated Action, covered by the Successive Repeated Action Principle. The Actions distribute over the one doing the action. The SRAP says:

If an action is successively repeated in an account (the repetition being either word for word or using synonymous words or merely an alternative articulation) two or more times, then all the word symbolic threads of the account have two or more fulfilments relating to the two or more successive repetitions of that action. 

Get ready or do in line with his will is not a successive repeated action. Gordon's competitor neither gets ready nor does in line with Jesus' will. Gordon, by comparison must therefore only do one of these, which must be get ready. Gordon also is given more and more is expected. His competitor is put in charge of much but not by Jesus. So, in Luke, we have two discreet slaves (FDS2 and FDS4) and two faithful stewards (Gordon and Paul) and then one faithful and discreet house manager, any congregation overseer (event symbolism).

The Mathew 24 and Luke 21 accounts are not parallel parables because they apply to different appointments.

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