[455] 1 Corinthians 15: A Treasure Chest of Sacred Secrets

1 I am making known but to you, brothers, the good news which I declared as good news to you, which also you alongside received, in which also you have stood
2 through which you are also being saved, by the very word I declared the good news to you, if you are holding [it] fast, unless, to no purpose you believed.
3 For I gave beside to you, in the first [things], that which I also received beside, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures
4 and that he was buried, yes, that he has been raised up in the 3rd day according to the Scriptures
5 and that he was seen to Cephas, then to the 12.
6 Thereafter he was seen to above 500 brothers at once, the majority out of whom are remaining until right now, but some have fallen asleep [in death].
7 Thereafter he was seen to James, then to all the apostles
8 But last of all he was seen also to me as if to one born prematurely/by Caesarian/from a wound.
9 For I am the least of the apostles, who is not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the congregation of God.
10 But by God's undeserved kindness I am what I am. And his undeserved kindness into me did not become fruitless, but I laboured in excess of them all, yet not I but the undeserved kindness of God that is together with me.
11 Therefore, whether I or they, so we are preaching and so you believed.
12 Now if Christ is being preached that he has been raised up out of dead [ones], how are some in you saying that there is no resurrection of dead [ones]?
13 If, indeed, there is no resurrection of dead [ones], neither has Christ been raised up.
14 But if Christ not has been raised up, then our preaching [is] pointless and our faith [is] pointless
15 Moreover, we are also found false witnesses of the God, because we have borne witness against God that he raised up the Christ, whom he did not raise up if indeed the dead are really not being raised up.
16 For if dead [ones] are not being raised up, neither has Christ been raised up.
17 Further, if Christ has not been raised up, your faith is worthless. You are yet in your sins.
Really also, the [ones] having fallen asleep in Christ perished.
19 If in this life we have only hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied.
20 However, now Christ has been raised up from dead [ones], first fruits of the [ones] put to sleep
21 For since death [is] through a man, resurrection of dead [ones] is also through a man.
22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.
23 But each one in the own rank [of him]: first fruits Christ, thereafter the [ones] of the Christ during his presence.
24 Then the end, when he gives over/beside the kingdom to the God and Father, when he has nullified all government and all authority and power.
25 For it is necessary [for] him to reign until when he should put all the enemies under the feet of him.
26 [The] last enemy being disabled is the death
27 For he subjected all things under his feet. But when he should say that 'all [things] have been subjected,' [it is] evident that [it is] exclusive of the [one] having subjected all [things] to him.
28 But when all [things] should be subjected to him, then also the Son himself will be subjected to the One having subjected all [things] to him, in order that God may be all [things] in all [ones - neuter].
29 Otherwise, what will the [ones] being baptized over/above/superior to the dead [ones] do? If dead [ones] are not to be raised up at all, why are they also being baptized [to be] superior to them?
30 Why also are we in danger every hour?
31 According to day I am dying, as sure as the boasting about you, brothers, which I am having in Christ Jesus the Lord of us.
32 If like a man I fought with wild beasts in Ephesus, what [is] the benefit to me? If dead (ones) are not being raised up, let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die.
33 Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.
34 Sober ye up righteously and not be ye sinning, for some are having ignorance of God. I am speaking to [move] yeu to embarrassment.
35 Nevertheless, someone will say: How are the dead [ones] being raised up? Indeed in what sort of body are they coming?
36 You senseless [one]! What you sow is not being made alive unless it should die
37 and what you sow is not the body that will be generated, but you sow a naked grain, whether it may be of wheat or of any [one] of the leftover [ones]
38 But the God is giving it a body according as he willed, and to each of the seeds [its] own body.
39 Not all flesh [is] the same flesh, but some indeed [is] of men, but other flesh [is] of cattle, but other [is] flesh of birds, but other [is] of fishes.
40 Also [there are] heavenly bodies, and earthly bodies. But different indeed [is] the glory of the heavenly [bodies]. But different is the [glory] of the earthly [bodies].
41 One glory [is] of sun, and another glory [is] of moon, and another glory [is] of stars, moreover star differs from star in glory.
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead [ones]. It is sown in corruption, it is raised up in incorruption.
43 It is sown in dishonour, it is raised up in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised up in power.
44 It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body. If [there] is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one.
45 It has been even so written: The first man Adam [was transformed] into a living soul. The last Adam [was transformed] into a life-giving spirit.
46 Nevertheless, first is, not the spiritual, but the physical, thereupon the spiritual.
47 The first man [was] out of the earth, of dust; the second man [was] out of heaven.
48 As [is] the [one] of dust, so also [are] the [ones] of dust; and as is the heavenly [one], so also [are] the heavenly [ones].
49 And just as we have borne the image of the [one] of dust, we should also bear the image of the heavenly [one].
50 But this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood is not able to inherit [the] kingdom of God, neither is the corruption inheriting the incorruption.
51 Look! I am telling you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed
52 in an atom [of time], in the blink of an eye, in/at the last trumpet. For it will trumpet, and the dead [ones] will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 Because it is necessary for this the corruptible [soul] to put on incorruption, and this the mortal [soul] to put on immortality
54 But when this the corruptible puts on incorruption and this the mortal puts on immortality, then will be fulfilled the word, the having been written: Death is swallowed up into victory [Isaiah 25:8]
55 Death, where [is] your victory? Death, where [is] your sting? [Hosea 13:14]
56 Now the sting of the death is sin [capital sin], but the power of the sin is the Law [whereas the sting of death in verse55 is the loss of life - This is the Holy Spirit trying to throw us off the scent]
57 But thanks to God, to the [one] giving us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
58 Consequently, my beloved brothers, become ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, having known that your labour is not pointless in [the] Lord. (1 Corinthians 15 LWT)

Lords Witness Translation Rules:

Gender and number and mood and voice and tense and definite article preserving.
Nouns as nouns and non nouns as non nouns.
Use the when the Greek uses an article which is unnecessary in English
Not word order preserving except for lists.
Different Greek word must have different English word.
Same Greek word should have same English word as an option
Dative can be 'to' or 'in' or 'by' in English.
Ye and Yeu for plural of you.
Participles as participles
Subjunctives as subjunctives: Let, might should
Infinitives as infinitives or participles depending upon context.

1Corinthians 15 Interpretation

1 I am making known but to you, brothers, the good news which I declared as good news to you, which also you alongside received, in which also you have stood [by water baptism]
2 through which you are also being saved, by the very word I declared the good news to you, if you are holding [it] fast, unless, to no purpose you believed [a fulfilled hypothetical for some Sadducee following Corinthians]
3 For I gave beside to you, in the first [things], that which I also received beside, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures
4 and that he was buried, yes, that he has been raised up in the 3rd day according to the Scriptures [the 3rd millennium after Jesus' death is the Kingdom of God, the Sabbath, during which Jesus is raised up in secular power to be Caesar over all living humans]
5 and that he was seen to Cephas, then to the 12 [the 11 apostles without Thomas but with Lazarus on 33Nisan16 - Luke24]
6 Thereafter he was seen to above 500 brothers at once [efapax], the majority out of whom are remaining until right now, but some have fallen asleep [in death].

Appearing to above 500 brothers at once is a witness to appearing for 500x in some capacity and more in some other capacity (water baptised saintless true church), which are 500 years of Jesus' presence through himself, 1NCs and HLCs from
29Tishri10 to 79Tishri14 = 50 years 4 days (1st part of 120 year 1st presence in TCC1)
89Tishri14 to 159Tishri10 = 70 years less 4 days (2nd part of 120 year 1st presence in TCC2)

173Sivan7 to 426Tishri9 = 253 years 4 months 2 days (HLC presence in TCC2 from the Asher Proselyte call to the death of the last HLC. So that all the angels are with God on Atonement day - see U42 - see U192).

So the first presence through HLCs ended on 435Iyyar21, the end of the 2EC in TCC2. For the Back wall of the temple and the most holy, the HLC wall is continuous - see Intro46.

1890Sivan14 to 2001Chislev14 = 111 years 6 months (1st part of 120 years 2nd presence in TCC3)
2006Sivan14 to 2012Sivan14 = 6 years (adamic 2nd part of 2nd presence in Laodicea)
2012Sivan14 to 2013Adar10 = 1 year 8 months 26 days from the death of adamic true church members but not the fall of either true church, to the end of the stolen 4EC for non adamic Abrahamic Laodicea (non adamic 2nd part of 2nd presence)
2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10 = 5 months (3rd part of 2nd presence in reappointed Laodicea)
2020Tammuz10-2020Heshvan14 = 4 months 4 days (4th part of 120 years 2nd presence in reverted Laodicea)

2026Elul16 (the start of the 3rd presence) - 2033Iyyar14 = 6 years 7 months 27/28 days (3rd presence through the 4EC baptised descended 3rd Holy Spirit - 1NCs and HLCs)
Total: 120 years + 253 years 4 months 2 days + 120 years + 6 years 7 months 28 days = 500 years.

33Nisan14 - 435Iyyar21 = 402 years 1 month 7 days of TCC1 and TCC2 with a water baptism over Adam after Moses
1875Iyyar21-2033Nisan14 = 157 years 11 months less 7 days of TCC3 and TCC4 and Laodicea and Zoar with a water baptism or with a water over Adam or with water baptised members of the church (the 3rd Holy Spirit)
Total: 560 years of the 10 tent cloths of the tabernacle - see U271-12#96

So the water baptism of TCC2 ended on 435Iyyar21. Then the 4 Prophetic Times of the Waterless Times of Revelation7 began, which are the 1440 years of the 11+1 30x4 = 120 square cubit goat's hair tent clots of the tabernacle (the front cloth being doubled and goats being 1ACs, where sheep are ICCs - water baptised) - see U271-12#96.

7 Thereafter he was seen to James, then to all the apostles [with Thomas on 33Nisan24 - John 20 - see U240]
8 But last of all he was seen also to me as if to one born prematurely/by Caesarian/from a wound [because Paul was born again on 47Nisan17, before the body of the ELC baby was born, he being the head of the covenant, the mediator of the ELC - see U42. He was born again before any calls into the ELC. That is how one is born prematurely and that means he must be the mediator of the ELC]..
9 For I am the least of the apostles [but nonethless an apostle and not a 1NC apostle. So he is an Elijah, sent forth to found a church with a water baptism from heaven, Elijah2 in fact] who is not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the congregation of God.
10 But by God's undeserved kindness I am what I am [Elijah2 and the mediator of the ELC a cornerstone of the Holy and the Most Holy]. And his undeserved kindness into me did not become fruitless, but I laboured in excess of them all, yet not I but the undeserved kindness of God that is together with me.
11 Therefore, whether I or they, so we are preaching and so you believed.
12 Now if Christ is being preached that he has been raised up out of dead [ones], how are some in you saying that there is no resurrection of dead [ones]? [literally by denying the resurrection of the Christ. Prophetically, by denying the resurrection of Christ, who is Adam here in the greater emaing but Jesus in the literal meaning]
13 If, indeed, there is no resurrection of dead [ones], neither has Christ [Literally: Jesus. Symbolically: Adam] been raised up.
14 But if Christ [Literally: Jesus. Symbolically: Adam] not has been raised up, then our preaching [is] pointless and our faith [is] pointless
15 Moreover, we are also found false witnesses of the God [Jehovah's witnesses deny the resurrection of Adam, which is denying his ransom], because we have borne witness against God that he raised up the Christ, whom he did not raise up if indeed the dead are really not being raised up.
16 For if dead [ones] are not being raised up, neither has Christ [Literally: Jesus. Symbolically: Adam] been raised up.
17 Further, if Christ [Literally: Jesus. Symbolically: Adam] has not been raised up, your faith is worthless. You are yet in your sins.
Really also, the [ones] having fallen asleep in Christ [Literally: Jesus. Symbolically: Adam] perished.
19 If in this life we have only hoped in Christ [Literally: Jesus. Symbolically: Adam], we are of all men most to be pitied.
20 However, now Christ [Literally: Jesus. Symbolically: Adam] has been raised up from dead [ones], first fruits of the [ones] put to sleep
21 For since death [is] through a man [Adam], resurrection of dead [ones] is also through a man [by Christ but through Adam whom he ransomed. Adam is the blessing mediator of the FRC and the ARC].
22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ [Jesus, not Adam] all will be made alive [without dying adamic death, without going into the 1st death].
23 But each one in the own rank [of him]: first fruits Christ [Literally: Jesus. Symbolically: Adam], thereafter the [ones] of the Christ [Jesus, not Adam: the 1NCs and HLCs] during his presence.
24 Then the end, when he gives over/beside the kingdom to the God and Father, when he has nullified all government and all authority and power [Jesus has to be Caesar in order to have the legal authority to do that. He is appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam on 2020Tishri20'Chislev9.and in that capacity he nullifies all government and all authority and power during the 13 years of verse 25 to 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the absolute end of Adam and Cain]
25 For it is necessary [for] him to reign [1x] until when he should put all the enemies [2x] under the feet of him [10x] [Jesus puts his enemies under his feet by raising the last ones of his body, his church, into the ark. so that we are literally above our enemies].

Verse25: 1x+2x+10x = 13x. Years from 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 when he is appointed/installed as Caesar over Adam and 2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 over Cain and 2020Chislev16/Shebat5 over non adamic Abraham and 2020Tebbeth16/Adar5 over non adamic Isaac, to 2033Nisan14, the absolute end of Adam and to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain.

26 [The] last enemy being disabled is the death [at the 1st death Passover on 2033Nisan14, the end of Adam dying adamic death and the late 1st death Passover on 2033Iyyar14, the end of Cain dying adamic death, the 1st death]
27 For he subjected all things under his feet [his feet, the last ones entering into the Kingdom, being raptured or resurrected into the ark]. But when he should say that 'all [things] have been subjected,' [it is] evident that [it is] exclusive of the [one] having subjected all [things] to him.
28 But when all [things] should be subjected to him, then also the Son himself will be subjected to the One having subjected all [things] to him, in order that God may be all [things] in all [ones - neuter] [God helps Jesus become King over all the saved and then Jesus hands his Kingdom over to God and becomes God's vassal, during the Kingdom of God. Right now we are in the 13 year Kingdom of Jesus].
29 Otherwise, what will the [ones] being baptized over/above/superior to the dead [ones] do? If dead [ones] are not to be raised up at all [literal unfulfilled hypothetical: True in the greater meaning: The dead judicially are not raised up at all into the ark], why are they also being baptized [to be] superior to them? [To be raised up into the ark above them]
30 Why also are we in danger every hour? [Because those in salvation covenants are tested by persecution]
31 According to day I am dying, as sure as the boasting about you, brothers, which I am having in Christ Jesus the Lord of us.
32 If like a man I fought with wild beasts in Ephesus, what [is] the benefit to me? [literally none. Symbolically Paul fought beastly secular authorities to found the Ephesian congregation] If dead (ones) are not being raised up, let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die [literally unfulfilled hypothetical. But in the greater meaning the judicially dead at not raised up into the ark and go instead into the 1st death and then into the 2nd - so they might as well eat and drink].
33 Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.
34 Sober ye up righteously and not be ye sinning, for some are having ignorance of God. I am speaking to [move] yeu to embarrassment.
35 Nevertheless, someone will say: How are the dead [ones] being raised up? Indeed in what sort of body are they coming?
36 You senseless [one]! What you sow is not being made alive unless it should die [We must die to Adam before we can be raised up from Hades into the ark or from Hades free death into the ark or by rapture into the ark]
37 and what you sow is not the body that will be generated, but you sow a naked grain [Adam or Cain], whether it may be of wheat [born again angelically as saints] or of any [one] of the leftover [ones] [non adamics]
38 But the God is giving it a body according as he willed, and to each of the [covenant] seeds [its] own body.
39 Not all flesh [is] the same flesh, but some indeed [is] of men, but other flesh [is] of cattle, but other [is] flesh of birds, but other [is] of fishes [This is not a lesson in grade school biology. These are the different type of non adamic bodies, the different blessings of the different fleshly salvation covenants].

Mankind is Adam and Cain, the seed before it dies. Upon resurrection the non adamic body it gets is one of cattle which is non adamic Abrahamic and finally non adamic Yeshuain, domestic animals owned by the farmer Jesus. Fish are non adamic Isaaic and non adamic Pelegian for the pre Abrahamic post flood system, water baptised, living by means of water. Birds are ark based non adamic non ageing Melchizedaic or Methuselaian humans. We stop ageing when we enter into the ark. Because the ark landed upon the mountains of Ararat (meaning: Curse reversed). The curse that is reversed is ageing. It is frozen upon ark entry and then reversed at the Kingdom Gentile Call on 2036Tishri14 - see U112#6.

Each non adamic body is the blessing of a fleshly salvation covenant. If one is in that covenant one will get the covenant blessing, which is the particular non adamic body.

3 Do look [upon me]; answer me, Oh Jehovah my God. Do make my eyes shine, that I may not fall asleep in death (Psalms 13 NWT)

David did die. But he did not go to Hades. Was resurrected from the Gates of Hades into the land of the living, which is Eden2, the first Kingdom of God upon another planet - see U54.

40 Also [there are] heavenly bodies [angels], and earthly bodies [humans]. But different indeed [is] the glory of the heavenly [bodies]. But different is the [glory] of the earthly [bodies].

Angels are physically glorious because the do not die or get sick physically and their brains are much faster than human brains.
Humans are physically inglorious, because we do get sick and die and our brains are slow. But our weakness physically is our strength spiritually. We learn love, empathy and humanity through our physical suffering at a much faster rate than do the angels. We are born in the gutter of the universe in the body of a slave. But the more irritated is the oyster, the more glorious is it's pearl.

41 One glory [is] of sun [Jesus Christ, the light of the world dominating the day], and another glory [is] of moon [Satan, a poor reflection of the sun, dominating the night] and another glory [is] of stars [the angels], moreover star differs from star in glory [the angels of a Holy Spirit, the angels of Satan and the independent angels]
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead [ones]. It is sown in corruption [through ageing], it is raised up in incorruption [without ageing].
43 It is sown in dishonour, it is raised up in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised up in power.
44 It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body [not only a spirit body, but also body of the spirit, a body made by the Holy Spirit, a child of the heavenly woman, a non adamic body]. If [there] is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one [this is the associated angel that every human has. We are hybrids. Our spirits run on the hyuman body by day when we are awake and on the angelic body by night when we are asleep].
45 It has been even so written: The first man Adam [ginomai - was transformed] into a living soul. The last Adam [ginomai - was transformed] into a life-giving spirit.

Michael was not the 2nd Adam. Jared who became Melchizedek was that. Michael was not born a life giving spirit he was transformed into that by God, when he was given everlasting life as a wedding gift for being the head of the 2nd Holy Spirit.
Likewise Adam became a living soul on birth but then died on 3993Nisan14 BC, then was resurrected and died again in 3097 BC. Then was ransomed by Jesus humanly and angelically to become a living soul, who no longer suffers any form of death.

46 Nevertheless, first is, not the spiritual, but the physical, thereupon the spiritual.
47 The first man [was] out of the earth, of dust; the second man [was] out of heaven [this man was not Jesus, he was Jared, who became Melchizedek. Jesus was the last man not the 2nd].
48 As [is] the [one] of dust, so also [are] the [ones] of dust; and as is the heavenly [one], so also [are] the heavenly [ones].
49 And just as we have borne the image of the [one] of dust, we should also bear the image of the heavenly [one] [We should bear the heavenly image is subjunctive because not all who are sanctified angelically are sealed]
50 But this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood is not able to inherit [the] kingdom of God [flesh and blood can enter into the Kingdom but cannot inherit it as Kings or Lords who must be sanctified], neither is the corruption inheriting the incorruption [adamic ageing people cannot enter into the Kingdom of God] .
51 Look! I am telling you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [in death] but we shall all be changed 

1NCs and HLCs die the death of the Christ, which is Hades free. So they do not fall asleep in the 1st death. 
2NCs die to Adam and to Abraham by standing resurrection (a gene zap). So they do die but not noticeably and they do not go into Hades.

52 in an atom [of time], in the blink of an eye, in/at the last trumpet. For it will trumpet, and the dead [ones] will be raised up incorruptible [from Hades], and we shall be changed [those in the true church are changed to become non adamic].

53 Because it is necessary for this the corruptible [soul] to put on incorruption, and this the mortal [soul] to put on immortality

It is necessary. It is not optional. All of us will eventually become non adamic and all of us will eventually become immortal angelic. And then all of us will become Gods. For love never fails in any of us.

54 But when this the corruptible puts on incorruption and this the mortal puts on immortality, then will be fulfilled the word, the having been written: Death is swallowed up into victory [Isaiah 25:8]
55 Death, where [is] your victory? Death, where [is] your sting? [Hosea 13:14]

Death has no victory due to the resurrection. Death has no sting due to the rapture and due to the standing non adamic gene zap transformation, which is an unnoticeable death to Adam and resurrection to non adamic Abraham or from non adamic Abraham to non adamic Isaac.

56 Now the sting of the death is sin [capital sin], but the power of the sin is the Law [whereas the sting of death in verse55 is the loss of life - This is the Holy Spirit trying to throw us off the scent]
57 But thanks to God, to the [one] giving us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
58 Consequently, my beloved brothers, become ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, having known that your labour is not pointless in [the] Lord. (1 Corinthians 15 LWT)

Video Interpretation of 1Corinthians15