The Passover, which is the celebration, it is followed by Cakes which is a 7 day feast of sorts containing a first fruits day, which is the marriage. First fruits is the first day of the 7 day marriage feast. Booths is a 7 day feast containing the celebration. Now every Hebrew marriage was followed by a 7 day feast for the wedding guests. So both of these festivals take the format of a wedding feast. So this proves that there are two new covenants since we have two marriage feasts. The first s got married on 2008Nisan22, first fruits. The s must get married on 2028Adar2, first fruits of the Adar1 Isaaic rapture secular year. But Genesis 8 has the dove resting with Noah for 7 days twice - see U154. And the 2nd good and faithful slave of Matthew25 was given 2 talents and gained 2 talents more so enters into 2 marriages - see U35.So there are 2x marriages and in order for the 1st marriage bride to be able to attend the eLC marriage on 2029Nisan2, she must get married on 2028Shebat2 and then spend her 50 cubits of ark width to 2028Adar21 and then ascend to 2029Nisan21. Also there are 144 cubits of the wall of New Jerusalem of Revelation21 from 2016Adar21, the installation of Isaaic over the s to 2028Adar2, the end of earthly interaction, the 2nd marriage.
All those invited are from the same city, the Watchtower in the second presence.
of the
has become like a
man [first presence fulfilment], a
king [2nd presence fulfilment],
whoever made marriage-feasts
[PLURAL the 3rd/4th/5th marriages in the ark] for his
And he sent forth his
slaves [Zoarites]
to call the invited [ones]
to the
marriage-feasts, but they were unwilling to come.
Again he sent forth other
[Laodiceans], saying, 'Tell the invited [ones]: Look! I have prepared my
breakfast [the food of that ends the fast of the Watchtower - THIS FOOD!], my
and fattened [ones] are slaughtered [to Adam, they have become Bulls in and fattened ones in Laodicea], and all [things] are ready. Come to the
But unconcerned they went off, one to his own
[field service], another to his
[Watchtower buildings and videos and websites etc religious sales and administration. Martha not Mary],
but the remaining [ones], having seized his
slaves, treated them insolently and killed them [disfellowshipped them from the Watchtower - which was actually doing them a favour].
But the
grew wrathful, and sent his
[the 3rd , the 1st and 2nd presence wings and some s and maybe s all descended as humans]
and destroyed those
and burned their
[the Watchtower administration].
Then he said to his
slaves, 'The
[SINGULAR not the Passover meals, but a marriage in the ark]
indeed is ready, but the invited [ones] were not worthy.
Therefore go to the
of the
roads, and however many as you find invite to the
[You MUST leave the Watchtower in order to celebrate the 1sr/2nd/3rd regular/late Watchtower Passovers on 2019Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 in Laodicea, which are the early/regular entrances into the 3rd/4th/5th/6th marriage feasts in the ark. This could also refer to the marriage feasts]
Accordingly those
[The administrations of reappointed Laodicea and of Reverted Laodicea]
went out to the
and gathered together all they found, wicked [ones] and good [ones]; and the
[of the reserve marriages]
was filled of/with reclining [ones] [all the s are baptised by 2019Tebbeth10 in reappointed Laodicea and by 2020Tammuz10 in Reverted Laodicea and all the s by 2020Tishri10].
But the
having come to view the [ones] reclining saw there a
not clothed with a
[someone lied about their spiritual virginity or their non defilement with women of Revelation14. A saint who has not been sealed].
So he said to him, 'Fellow/comrade, how did you get in here not having a/any
[an angel who failed to be sealed]' He was rendered speechless [having previously lied about his virginity or lack of defilement. He got in by lying].
Then [tote]
said to his
[not his slaves - these are angels]:
Having bound him
feet and hands, throw him out into
the darkness,
the outer [one]
[2x like the town next to Jerusalem or like the other beast] [This amounts to an exclusion from Reverted Laodicea and from ]. There
[The darkness the outer, outside the light of the true churches of reverted Laodicea and ]
is where the
and the
of the teeth
[of him] will be [1x+32x (32 teeth)=33x].'
For many are invited [sanctified], but few are chosen [sealed then married] (Matthew 22).
The saints who failed the test still go up there into the ark. But are not sealed and have lost their covenant status. They do not have a marriage garment. asks: Fellow how did you get here not having a marriage garment?
The answer is. I was born again as an angel but failed to be sealed into the . Those ones are denied access into for a period.
Son's marriage parable...
(4,2,4,2,1,4,2,2,3,3,2,7) = 36 (3 threads)
Man, King, Marriage-festivities, Son, Slaves, Dinner, Bulls, Field,
Commercial-business, Armies, Murderers, City, Marriage-feast, Exit-routes of Roads, Roads, Bridal-chamber, Garment of Marriage, Fellow, Servants, Hand,
Foot, Darkness, Weeping, Gnashing of Teeth = 24 (3 threads)
A man having 1 Shekel counts as 1x+1x - 2x
A man owing 1 Shekel counts as 1x+1x = 2x
A man not having 1 Shekel counts as 1x+1x = 2x
Verse 13: 2x.[2x.(10x+10x)+2x.2x + 2x.(1x+32x)] = 2x.(44x+66x) = 2x.110x = 220x This appears to be a disfellowshipping period from the 1st of the month after the offence to the 10th of the 8th month after the offence, atonement day
for the disfellowshipped one.
The King came to view the reclining ones (not said to be in the bridal chamber) . This must be the groom at the last Passover meal on 2020Tammuz14 for the s and on 2020Heshvan14 for the s.
So each failed bride, each foolish virgin, gets thrown out of all true churches for 200 days from the 1st of the month following her condemnation. That is it. This may mean that they cannot get another water baptism which means they lose their angel for 1,000 years. But that does not put them in if they rejoin a true church after the 220 days.
The slaves invite people on the exit routes of the roads. But they gather people from the roads themselves.
The exit route becomes the road after the city limit is passed. So those on the road have left the Watchtower. The roads are Laodicea and (Road = Way = Odoj)
The exit routes must be bible study groups set up to investigate leaving the Watchtower for Laodicea or .
The Israelites in Egypt were under Egyptian jurisdiction during the Passover but were not themselves Egyptians.
The Laodiceans are under Watchtower jurisdiction. They are under Watchtower law. But they are not s. They were s until 2013Adar10, when they lost their stolen baptism. They became reappointed Laodiceans on 2019Ab1, after their 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 expired.
So they agree to be under and law - like Balaam and his Ass - see U135. But they are not members of the church. Hence they are not under the Sabbath payback penalty. Hence they can actually serve God.
So a must leave the Watchtower congregation in order to join Laodicea. But they must agree nonetheless to continue to be subject to law. Just as the Jews were subject to Egyptian law whilst they were in Egypt. Passovers occur under Egyptian jurisdiction.
The [one] said to him: A man,
a certain one [tij]
was spreading a grand evening-meal [in the s in on earth], and he invited many.
And he sent his slave [Isaaic ]
out at the hour of the evening-meal to say to the invited [ones], 'Come, because things are now ready.' [from
2019Ab1 to 2019Adar16: Those who joined reappointed Laodicea as a true church]
But they all unitedly started to beg off. The first [one] said to him, 'I bought a
field and have necessity to go out and see it; I ask you, Have me excused [Excused in Reappointed Laodicea].'
And another said, 'I bought 5 yoke of cattle and am going to examine them; I ask you, Have me excused.' [Excused in Reverted Laodicea,
from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2022Elul11, 10x+10x=20 months of 300+300 denarii of John6, of entrance into Reverted Laodicea, the end of entrance into the law of the through baptism for s, the yoke, of reverted Laodicea. The 20x of cattle are yoked to each other and to the church by the law of the stolen , which applies to all in the church]
Still another said, 'I just married a wife and for this reason I cannot come.'
[The s and s who are Passover executed and resurrected and married in the ark. They cannot come during the year of bridal rejoicing of Deuteronomy 24:5. They do not join the s until we are ark based. So they miss the earth based meal]
21 And having come to be beside, the slave reported these things to his Lord
[]. Then having become wrathful [1x] the
householder said to his slave, 'Go out quickly into the
broadways [plateiaj
could be an adjective or a noun - Mounce. We take it as a noun here] and the lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor [ones] and crippled [ones] and blind [ones] and lame [ones].' [2x+2x+8x=12x:
It does not say bring in from them the poor etc.]
And the slave said, 'Lord, what you ordered has been done, and yet there is place/room [].'
And the Lord said to the slave, 'Go out into the roads and the fences, and compel entry/entering [BY RAPTURE AFTER JESUS BECOMES CAESAR],
so that my house may be filled. [2x+2x+1x=5x]
For I say to ye [plural]
[2x], None of those male-humans
[partitive genitive] [3x as above] that were invited will taste of the evening-meal [genitive direct object] of me.'
(Luke 14)
No one who joined Reappointed Laodicea or Reverted Laodicea (including all s and all s) TASTES of this Isaaic Zoarite meal in human form until 2026Sivan17, when the 3rd reaches the bottom of 's ladder. They then join Zor from 2026Elul16-2026Heshvan5 and takes over the catering for / on 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, their installations over Abrahamic/Isaaic .
Verse 21 (householders collection program): 2x+2x+8x = 12x
Verse 22: 12x+1x = 13x
Verse 23: 2x+2x+1x = 5x
Verse 24: 2x.3x = 6x
Total: 12x+13x+5x.6x = 55x. 2021Heshvan11 to 2026Sivan17. From the time of the invite which is after 5 yoke of cattle have been purchased on 2021Heshvan11 and before they are examined for 10 months to 2022Elul11. And to the time when the
3rd become male-humans, upon reaching the bottom of 's ladder on 2026Sivan17. The does not need to join in order to taste its food. But they do need to become human in order to be male humans!
Everyone who knows about the s and rejected the invitation to come and research with us will never taste that particular evening meal (the grand evening meal of God of Revelation19 for the birds that fly in mid heaven, where the ark is. Only those who did not know about us (most of them) will eat of that meal.
of the
has become like a
man, a
whoever made marriage-festivities
for his
[the 3 new Passovers].
And he sent forth his
[ and saints who join before the 1st new Passover - the Passover of the Watchtower Bethels, Pharaoh's throne]
to call the invited [ones]
[all those invited into the true Christian church, the friends of the groom - as well as the bride herself, who is the saints as a group] to the
[this being the 7 day marriage festivals associated with the 3rd new Passover. These are the greater festivals of cakes, unleavened bread such as this understanding and this website, wherein comments are added to scripture rather than scripture being added to comments, Beroean cakes], but they were unwilling to come
[for the most part. This is not absolute].
Again he sent forth other
slaves [ and saints who join before the 2nd new Passover - the Passover of the Watchtower Congregations - the maidens at the hand mills], saying, 'Tell the invited [ones]: Look! I have prepared my
[the food of the church, wake up and eat!], my
and fattened [ones] are slaughtered
[powerful interpreters are now available. Quite a few s have now got their heads around our doctrine], and all [things] are ready. Come to the
[the second new Passover].'
But unconcerned they went off, one to his own
field, another to his
but the remaining [ones], having seized his
slaves, treated them insolently and killed them [So of those invited, some go off to their field, some to their business and other treat the slave insolently or disfellowship them in the case of the reserves].
But the
grew wrathful, and sent his
[descended kings and other saints in the ark] and destroyed those
and burned their
[the city is the administration of the church, which is , the fallen Watchtower administration, the Good for Nothing Slave].
Then [tote]
he said to his
[ saints], 'The
indeed is ready, but the invited [ones]
[in the city that is burnt/judged]
were not worthy.
Therefore go to the
of the
roads, and however many as you find invite to the
[call those who have left the murderous city, those who have disassociated themselves or been disfellowshipped from the Watchtower. Invite them to the 3rd New Passover. This is the Passover of the prisons of the Watchtower containing all those who have disassociated themselves or been disfellowshipped but are still nonetheless captivated by the church having not joined any other].'
Accordingly those
went out to the
and gathered together all they found, wicked [ones] and good [ones]; and the
was filled of/with reclining [ones]
[this is a clever use of reclining, meant as for a meal and meant as for a consummation. One does not eat the feast in the bridal chamber! The Bridal chamber is exclusively for the bride. It is where the marriage is consummated.
Marriage consummation is not a spectator sport. The marriage feast is held in the banqueting hall. So the reserve saints recline at the evening meal and then in the bridal chamber. The invited guests recline at the evening meal and then in the banqueting hall for the 7 day marriage feast. All 6,000 reserves have come into the s by the 3rd new Passover - the Passover of the Watchtower Prisons].
But the
having come to view the [ones] reclining saw there
[not at the meal but in the bridal chamber]
not clothed with a
[not a saint, not having a sealed angel - which is the marriage garment,
these ones presumably make false claims to get a throne].
So he said to him, 'Fellow, how did you get in here not having a/any
marriage?' He was rendered speechless
[Because he has lied to the Passover director and falsely partaken of the covenant. This is playing false to the holy spirit. It is not a sin against men. It is a sin against God and his spirit. They are actually trying to enter into the holy spirit of the kingdom by deception. They will go to hell period. Ananias and Sapphira have nothing on these guys. The Bridal Chamber is a room in the ark as is the banqueting hall of the marriage feast. So this is an invited guest, who gets into the ark because he has an angel, he is born again (that is how he got in there), but he misrepresents his status so as to become not an invited guest but a part of the bride].
Then [tote]
said to his
[angels who judge this not humans]:
Having bound him
feet and hands [20x. Ananias and Sapphira were killed immediately. So if you are unsure about something say so. Do not falsely represent. Do not go into to the wrong room, the bridal chamber rather than the refectory. It is great just to be at the feast at all!], throw him out into
the darkness,
the outer [one]
[exwteron] [Disfellowshipped]. There is where the
and the
of the teeth
[of him] will be
[1x of weeping (weeping of the eyes would be 2x), is seeing the water baptism of the reserves. The gnashing of 14 teeth pairs, makes 14x+1x = 15x from the start of the 3rd presence on 2019Ab21, the 3rd marriage to 2020Heshvan14, the absolute end of Adam]?
For many are invited
[to the 3 new Passover marriage feasts], but few are chosen
[as reserves, members of the bride]
(Matthew 22).