[158] Revelation 13 and 17: Earth born and Sea born wild beasts and an image: The meanings of 616


"Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry."
-Sir Winston Churchill

The Watchtower Society has the wild beast that comes out of the sea as the "Seven major world power beast". These powers being the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Medo Persians, the Greeks, the Romans and the Anglo Americans. These being the 7 World powers over God’s official people (Isaac's true seed of the ICC) from Isaac to today. It is true that these were the powers over God’s people. The reason that there was no world power over God’s people between the Romans and the UK-USA world power was that there was a period whilst no true visible official nation of God existed after the fall of FDS2. It fell on 1035Iyyar21, 5x 120 square feet of goat's hair tent cloths of the Tabernacle of Exodus26 after 435Iyyar21, the end of the 2EC baptism into TCC2 - see U271-12#96. The wall of 3EC law was installed over the HLCs on 1890Sivan11. Between 1035Iyyar21 and 1875Iyyar21, there was no true people of God to be a world power over. Furthermore, Satan (but not the demons) was abyssed for a thousand years during the period between the two presences - we are not sure precisely when. So the dragon of Revelation 12 was around for that period but Satan was not its head at that time! 

Now the problem with this beast from the sea being the 7 world power beast as the Watchtower Society proposes, or should we say: As God has informed the wide awake John class who never as a group will go wrong, through his recognised channel for his holy spirit, the faithful & discreet slave... is that this beast was born a bit late for that interpretation! The beast was born in the Lord's day, because John says in Revelation chapter 1:

10 By inspiration, I came to be in the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a strong voice like that of a trumpet saying: 
11 What you see, write in a scroll and send it to the 7 congregations (Revelation 1).

The Lord's day is the day of the presence of the Lord in the flesh, which is the day of the presence of a member of his bride to be, who in Hebrew terms was already his wife by virtue of their agreement to get married the new covenant the marriage proposal - "for the two shall become one flesh". The first presence began in 29Tishri10, when Michael entered into Immanuel at his baptism by John and the second on 1890Sivan14, the sanctification of the 2nd 3EC JW into the 100 year Asher Proselyte continuation call into the HLC from 1890Sivan11 to 1990Sivan11. Actually both of these presences are too late for the interpretation of the Watchtower Society. For a quick explanation of the Lord's day - see U33.

REVELATION 13 - Latest attempt ! WARNING - This May Actually Be Correct !



11 And I saw another wild-beast ascending out of the earth [not a new subaccount, joined to the above by verse 12], and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon [Event: WSS1/GNS1. Word1: UK/US world military power which sacrificed its soldiers like a lamb in two world wars, but then illegally invaded a sovereign nation using a false pretext about non existent WMDs and killing a number of civilians estimated by the Lancet in 2004 to be around 100,000 and estimated in 2007 to be 400,000. It is the dragon that uses lies as a pretext for murder. Dragons speak with fire!]
And it executes all the authority [temporally or power-wise] of the first wild-beast in its sight [Event: Christians end up crowning Roman emperors. Word1: The US and UK military used to sort out most of the messes in the world on behalf of the UN - like a lamb]. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in [in the public sector] it worship the wild-beast, the first, whose death-stroke got healed [WW3 is the death stroke to the UN. It goes healed by the mark of the beast].
And it [neuter] performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth [Event: Carries out seeming heavenly judgements on earthly organisations? Word1: The fire signs of 1Kings18 and 2Kings1, the stone hitting the feet of the image of Daniel2?] in the sight of mankind.
And it [masculine for a neuter beast since it is taking a male leadership role] is making to err the ones dwelling up on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild-beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth [World political leaders] to make an image to the wild-beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived [Event: Image of the Roman Empire was the Holy Roman Empire through the Roman Catholic Church. Word1:OLD We used to think that the 5 permanent UNSC members finally agreed this at the G8 Gleneagles summit. This agreement is the birth of the image of the Beast. But one cannot give birth to a completely amorphous baby, so the world leaders must have agreed upon some kind of structure for the image, presumably one that included the G4, but they may not have agreed the full and final structure of the image at Gleneagles. Word1: NEW: It seems that every beast has its image on its currency. Jesus said, Whose image and inscription/mark is this? So perhaps the image of every beast is the financial system it sets up. The financial system of the 7th world power, the UK/US beast has been falling apart from 2008Tishri12, when Hank Paulson refused to bail out Lehman Brothers - which proved to be a sword stroke that destroyed interbank lending and caused the credit crunch. Now since the UN is the 8th world power, the 8th beast, it too will have a currency. So its image will be a financial system with its image upon the currency, set up by the two horned beast the US/UK power, the 7th beast. So the financial system will recover after having received a death stroke arguably from Paulson or arguably from securitized mortgage derivatives etc. It is reformed as an image of the UN].
And there was granted it [feminine for a neuter beast since it is acting as a woman] to give breath to the image of the wild-beast [its progeny, its immediate successor], so that the image of the wild-beast should both speak and cause to be killed [to Adam] all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild-beast [Event: You have to worship the RC church. Word1: The 10 diadems on the image are the 10 nations controlling the UN image. The first birth bang is a sign, fire from the heavens, and it gives breath to the UN image so that it starts ordering people around. We also think it might be the financial system of the 7th world power, which receives a sword stroke and then recovers to be the financial system of the 8th world power. After the dollar and the pound collapse, a new financial world order will have life breathed into it by the UK/US power. That is political life. The new UN financial system will have political muscle. People will not worship the UN clone. But they nearly all worship money] 

Death stroke is WW3 to the UN. Because the security council is finished if there is a nuclear war between its permanent members.

16 And it [the 2 horned beast, who is the false prophet, who makes fire come down from heaven before men] puts under compulsion all [ones], the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the slaves, that they [those who dwell on the earth, politicians] should give these [the rich poor etc]  a mark upon the hand of them, the right or upon their forehead [hand branding OR head branding. We must not accept their headship, and neither must we do their works],

17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark [Corporate person having a UN approved logo], the name of the wild beast] [being a UN NGO, married to the UN, hence taking its name] or the number of its name [UN ID number, the number authorised by the UN, a number given under the authority/name of the UN].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count the number of the wild beast, for it is [a] number of [a] man, and its/his [autou] [The beast has 616 months starting from the blasphemous name of the Holy See being granted permanent observer status at the UN on 1964Nisan22/23 or perhaps 50 days of installation after that, and running to 2015Tishri, when Michael won the heavenly war of Revelation 12:7 against Satan. It has 7 heads counting from the 3rd secretary general. Antonio Guterres is the 9h of the UN and the 7th with blasphemous names. So he is the last UN secretary General] (Revelation 13).

The 9th and last secretary general, Antonio Guterres was appointed by the General Assembly on 2016October13, for a 5 year term from 2017January1 to 2021December31. The Mark of the Beast comes in on 2019Heshvan16 which is 2019November17/18, in the 9th president's term.

On 1962November30 (1962Heshvan28/29) U Thant was unanimously elected by the General Assembly for a 5 year term from 1961November3 (1961Heshvan21/22) to 1966November3.
The first two heads of the UN Beast, the administrations of Trygve Lie and Dag Hammarskjold, did not carry the 'holy see', and therefore did not have blasphemous names upon them. So there are to be 9 Secretary Generals of the UN in all. These are the ones who do not know whether they are secretaries or generals (James Reston New York Times). The holy see set up its UN mission on March 21, 1964 (1964Nisan7) and was granted Permanent observer state status on April 6, 1964 (1964Nisan22/23). 

18 Here is the wisdom: The [one] having intelligence let him calculate the number of the wild-beast, for it is a man's number; and its number [is] 616 [Event: This could be a name count of an emperor who had authority over the Roman state, the first presence beast, at the start of the RC church. The man's number is the number of the beast because the man has authority of the beast, and the number is the slave branding number of submission to that authority. Word: This is 616 months of the life of the beast from the start of the first head who would carry the blasphemous name of the 'Holy See', the 3rd secretary general, U Thant, unanimously elected on 1961November3, 1962Heshvan28/29, to 2012Adar28/29 (during the regnal years of the beast). Then the 42 months of authority over Adam given by the dragon to the wild beast from 2015Chislev14 to 2018Adar30, the end of FRC sealing and then to 2020Sivan14, the earthly Passover of the dragon. Compare this with Daniel5 which says, God has numbered your kingdom, not God has numbered the days of your kingdom! Mark day, 6-16, 2019Chislev16, 2019December17/18 will become known as Mark of the Beast day. . In fact this is the purpose of the GT from the dragon's standpoint after he fails to kill all of us with it] (Revelation 13).

The 195 days of Abraham's negotiation for his sons under the 1AC run from 2019Iyyar27 -2019Chislev11. But the 195 days of God's responses to that negotiation for sealing of those sons into the FRC, must end on 2019Adar30, the last day of the Acceptable/Goodwill/Sabbath/new secular year of Isaiah61. So they run from 2019Elul16 (616 sacred).

16 And it is compelling/forcing all [ones] [2x], the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the slaves [2x+2x+2x+2x+2x+2x=12x] [A specification of all ones 1x as 6x of ones comparing to 6x and totalling to 7x], that they [all persons] [2x] should give to them [small great rich poor free slaves] [12x] a mark/engraving upon their right hand or upon their forehead [6x or 2x] ,
17 and in order that not anyone might be able to buy or sell if not the [one] having the mark/engraving, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name [1x or 1x or 1x].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616. (Revelation 13)

616 is 2019Heshvan16 (Zoar Sivan1 secular) for the mark but is 2019Elul16 (sacred) for FRC sealing which must end at the end of the acceptable year on 2019Adar30 after 195 days of Abraham's negotiation .

2x.(2x.12x.(6x+2x)/2+2x+2x.(1x+1x+1x)/3+2x+2x.(1x+1x+1x)/3) =2x.(96+4x+4x)=2x.104x=208x. 6 months and 28 days. From 2019Heshvan16 to 2020Sivan14, the completed earthly Passover of the Dragon. Evidently the dragon can no longer compel everyone to give the mark to everyone after the Passover execution of its firstborn. The lava flood will not help it much either.

The unrepentant firstborn members of the dragon are Passover executed on 2020Tammuz14. The balance of the dragon carries on the satanic Caesar needed for a salvation test until the end of OMC sealing on 2020Tammuz24 and in fact on to 2020Elul (3 horns more than heads counting from 2020Sivan14), when the beast is caught. so the balance of the dragon must succeed in possessing an ex Zoarite who perhaps took the mark and failed to be sealed!!

But in the end the love of the living Abraham triumphs over the control of the dead Adam.

Earth, Sand and Sea

13 Now when the dragon saw that it was hurled down to the earth, it persecuted the woman that gave birth to the male child (Revelation 12).

17 And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus (Revelation 12).

1 And it stood still upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names (Revelation 13).

So that dragon stands on the sand of the sea and watches the appearance of the ten horned seven headed ten diademed wild beast, after it has been hurled down to the earth, not simply ‘hurled down’, but ‘hurled down to the earth’ (this is the mix, the knot, of Revelation 12 see the Designations Principle and see [165]). This hurling down to earth occurred in the Lord’s day. So the wild beast was born in the Lord’s day. So it cannot have been dominating any Egyptians. Also Daniel has successive world power beasts in successive bodies, not all in the same body.

Now what is this sand of the sea ? Here is every incidence of this expression in the bible (aren’t word processors wonderful!).

12 And you, you have said: Unquestionably I shall deal well with you and I will constitute your seed like the grains of sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude (Genesis 32).

49 And Joseph continued piling up grain in very great quantity, like the sand of the sea, until finally they gave up counting it, because it was without number (Genesis 41).

22 For although your people, O Israel, would prove to be like the grains of sand of the sea, a mere remnant among them will return. An extermination decided upon will be flooding through in righteousness (Isaiah 10).

22 Just as the army of the heavens cannot be counted, neither the sand of the sea be measured, so I shall multiply the seed of David my servant and the Levites who are ministering to me (Jeremiah 33).

10 And the number of the sons of Israel must become like the grains of the sand of the sea that cannot be measured or numbered. And it must occur that in the place in which it used to be said to them: you men are not my people, it will be said to them: The sons of the living God (Hosea 1).

What a beautiful scripture in Hosea! It applies today to the great crowd, that cannot be numbered (Revelation 7:9). They were not God's people when FDS3 was disfellowshipped, they will be God's sanctified sons in FDS4.

27 Moreover, Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: Although the number of the sons of Israel may be as the sand of the sea, it is the remnant that will be saved (Romans 9).

1 And it stood still upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names (Revelation 13)

7 Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let loose out of his prison, 
8 and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea. 
9 And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. But fire came down out of heaven and devoured them (Revelation 20).

This war is Armageddon - see [242]. In many of the above scriptures the ‘sand of the sea’ is God’s true people, the sons of the Abrahamic covenant, the true seed! But in Revelation 20 it is standing for the enemies of God's true people, those who adhere to the system of the World.

Here is the symbolism of Earth, Sand and Sea

Earth Sand Sea
Organisation Adherents to organisation Non adherents to organisation

Here are the two examples of this symbolism in Revelation 13:

Earth Sand Sea
National Political Systems Supporters of political systems Non political mankind in general 
True Religion Adherents to true religion Non adherents to true religion

As regards the sea, its symbolism is described in Revelation 17:

15 The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues (Revelation 17).

Now when the earth was formed, from both a scientific and a biblical standpoint it was initially covered with water. Then the land masses started to appear, then the sand built up around the land masses. This is the symbolism of Earth, Sand and Sea. Organisations, symbolised by land, are agreed structures which arise from structureless mankind, symbolised by sea, by an agreement between some of them to create some type of administrative structure. Then others of general mankind, symbolised by sand, start adhering to the new organisation. Those in the organisation are a part of the land.

With this is mind we can make some headway with Revelation 13. We start with the physical symbolism, the political symbolism for this chapter which is the event symbolism in which the earth is the various National political systems:

The Prophetic Chronology of the UN

1920 January 10, 1919Tebbeth15, League of Nations Covenant comes into Force. The LON/UN beast is born

1938 March 13, 1937Veadar6, Germany Annexes Austria. The Anschluss, in contravention of Article 27.5 of the League of Nations Covenant. This is the terminal breach, the abyssing of the Beast.

1942 September 18-20, 1942Tishri5-7, Cleveland Ohio Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, President Knorr,  quoting Franz's work, stated: The Wild Beast is not, meaning the League of Nations was abyssed, then he said: The Association of worldly nations will rise again. 

1945 June 26, 1945Tammuz14, UN formed by Charter, covenant signed but not yet in force

1945 October 24, 1945Heshvan14, UN official Birthday, China, the last permanent security council member ratifies UN charter. According to the terms of the covenant it comes into force when the last permanent member of the security council and a majority of the other signatories have ratified it. So it came into force on this day. On this day the UN Beast ascended out of the abyss.

1964 March 21, Vatican begins Permanent Observer mission at the UN

1964 April 6, UN grants Permanent Observer state status to the Vatican.

1990 August 2, 1990Ab9, Iraq invades Kuwait

1990 August 2, 1990Ab9, UN Security Council Resolution 660 condemns the Iraqi invasion and demands that Iraq withdraw immediately and unconditionally.

1990 August 5, 1990Ab12, President George Bush Senior declares that the invasion: Will not stand.

1990 August 6, 1990Ab13, UN Security Council Resolution 661 authorising mandatory sanctions against Iraq.

1990 September 13, 1990Elul21, UN Security Council Resolution 666 Measures to do with Food Distribution in Iraq and Kuwait

1990 November 29, 1990Chislev8, UN Security Council Resolution 678 Authorises all member states to use: All necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 and subsequent resolutions to restore international peace and security in the area of Kuwait.

1991 January 17, 1990Tebbeth27, Allied air attack begins

1991 February 24th, 1990Adar5, Ground attack begins

1991 February 28th, 1990Adar9, Cease fire takes effect

1991 March 2, 1990Adar11, Massive motor vehicle retreat from Kuwait city, 600 vehicles incinerated

1991 March 2, 1990Adar11, UN Security Council Resolution 686: Relating to the suspension of combat operations and the importance of Iraq taking measures to end definitively the hostilities.

1991 March 3, 1990Adar12, Iraqi generals surrender to Schwarzkopf. Saddam not present

1991 March 5, 1990Adar14, Most POWs released

1991 March 17, 1991Nisan1, First day of Biblical Hebrew year in old Calendar

1991 April 3, 1991Nisan18, UN Security Council Resolution 687 Relating to the Restoration of Sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity to Kuwait and the return of its legitimate government, and to the status of sanctions.

1991 August 14, 1991Elul1, First day of Biblical Hebrew year in new Calendar, which did not actually in come into force until 1992Elul1, the month in which the date of the greatest Passover of Armageddon was announced to God's people, who at that time were the JWs. But the 7 years of the 7 heads and the 10 years of the 10 horns count backwards from the end of Armageddon, when this calendar is in force. So we count back 17 years from 2008Elul to 1991Elul to find the first power year of 10 of the UN.

1992 September 1, 1992Elul1, 1st day of the year in the new biblical lunar calendar, instigated by God as result of Letter to the Society, declaring the date of the Passover of Armageddon being delivered to the HQ of the JWs on 1992Elul11.

2000 April 5, 2000Nisan30, Fact Sheet from the US State Department "The U.S. supports the granting of permanent seats for Japan and Germany and is prepared to accept three additional permanent seats for developing nations from the regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America." 
Daniel 2, the two feet are the UK and the US, each chooses 5 toes, 5 Permanent Security Council Members. The UK chose the original 5, the US is beginning to choose its 5 members here - see [167]

2001 August 23, 2001Elul1, The UN eventually gets this NBLC year as a regnal year through the supremacy it shows over the US over the ICC. The first of 7 years of the 7 heads
And I saw a beast ascending out of the sea with 10 horns and 7 heads

2001 August 23 - September 23, 2001 Elul, The 3rd horseman of the apocalypse, Famine, who is the UN, which distributes the food in the famine, starts to ride.

5 Look! a black horse, and the one seated upon it had a set of scales in his hand (Revelation 6).

 2001 September 11, 2001Elul19, Twin Towers Tragedy, unity of thought and purpose.

13 These have one thought (Revelation 17).

2001 December 5, 2001Chislev14, Bonn Agreement. Afghanistan becomes a UN protectorate. Hamid Karzai is a vassal King of the UN. The UN now has authority as King over Afghanistan. The last hour of the League of Nations/UN beast begins, this being the last twelfth of its political life.

12 They do receive authority as Kings one hour with the wild beast (Revelation 17).

2002 June 30, 2002Tammuz18, Emergency session of the UN Security Council on Sunday Evening. The US vetoes further UN peace keeping missions. Security council resolution: SC7437.

2002 July 1, 2002Tammuz18, The ICC is established, giving the UN power over military personnel of every nation of the earth whilst these troops are operating in a nation which has signed up to it (The US and Israel have not yet). But their troops are subject to it, if they are operating in a nation which has signed up to it. This occurs 300 BLC days (inclusively) to the day, or 10 BLC months after the unity of thought began on 911. 10 months of unity of thought before the 10 kings give their authority to the beast begin.

1 And I saw a beast ascending out of the sea with 10 horns and 7 heads (Revelation 13).

These (10 horns which are 10 kings - eventually) have 1 thought so they give their power... to the beast.
10 is compared to 1. This is a coded witness to 10 times, which is the duration of the period of unity of thought. This period is therefore 10 days, 10 months or 10 years.

2002 July 1/2, 2002Tammuz19, The first regnal day of the UN, through the UNICC. Its first day of judicial authority over all the world's military. The US accepted its authority, but negotiated an exemption for a year. The law maker behind the UNICC is the UN. Kings make laws. So the UN became the world's military king through the UNICC on 2002July1.

2002 July 12, 2002Tammuz30, US backs down. They agree to the jurisdiction of the ICC effective in one years time unless the UN security council votes against it. Of course the UN security council can always vote against it at any time. Security Council Resolution SC7450. http://www.un.int/usa/02_098.htm 
The UN is now the 8th Biblical King of the World, the 10th horn, the US has given its power to the UN through the ICC.

2002 September 24th, Dossier Day, 2002Tishri13/14.

2002 Heshvan 28, Friday November 8, False Unanimity Day. Resolution 1441 made it look like the UNSC division over Iraq had ended, but clearly it hadn't. This could be a sign performed by the two horned UK/US beast.

2003 Tuesday March 18th, 2002Veadar9, GW Bush gives Saddam a 48 hour ultimatum. No UN authority for such an ultimatum. This is the beginning of the sword stroke to the second head, the second year of headship, of the UN Beast.

2003 Thursday March 20th, 2002Veadar11, the War on Iraq starts. The sword stroke (unauthorised war on Iraq) is delivered to the UN Beast by the two horned UK/US beast. 

3 And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death (Revelation 13).

Not long after the UN becomes the 8th King, the 7th King flouts its authority completely.

After the Iraq war, the US and the UK evangelize the expansion of the security council to 10 permanent seats. Bush and Blair together lead the Wild Beast ascending from the earth with two horns like a lamb that starts speaking as a dragon. To quote one New Yorker of Irish descent whose father helped build the Twin Towers. "I used to think that we were the good guys, now I am not so sure." 

The Warmongering of the UK/US world power is of course the work of the dragon, Satan's heavenly organisation. He is the one who wants unjust warfare, pre-emptive strikes etc. Saddam should have been arrested at the end of the Gulf War, yes, Mrs. Thatcher was right. But one cannot declare War on a country today, because we failed to arrest its leader 11 years ago. Yes, Saddam should go, not for WMD, but for genocide. But the ends do not justify the means.

14 It tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast that had the sword stroke and yet revived (Revelation 13). 

2003 May 22, 2003Iyyar19, UNSC resolution 1483 legitimizing the coalition as the occupying power in Iraq. The US/UK by asking for and by accepting the UN authorization, have now accepted the UN as their authorizer, and so have given their authority to the UN. Also the second head of the UN (which runs from 2002Elul to 2003Elul) has now recovered from the sword stroke. 2003Iyyar19 is 10 months of unity of thought after 2001Tammuz18/19, 2001July1, when the 10 kings gave their power to the UN, 10 months after 911, 2001Elul19. After this second 10 months the 10 kings give their authority to the UN.

2003 August 31 2003Elul1, first BLC day of 2 years of power of 2 horned beast of Revelation 13 in Word1.

2004 March 17th, 2003Adar19. The 900 days of the Watchtower 'day' of the prophetic contest of 1 Kings 18 end. But we have 50 days of hidden prophets before the LWs understand how the fire from heaven falls and how long it takes.

2004 April29/30, 2004Iyyar9. The LWs begin to see the new improved code, and they fully decode Daniel 8 and the vision of Daniel 12, and realise that God has just accepted their Bull. 

2004 September 1/2, Elul14. GNS2 places the Abomination causing desolation in the temple of the Watchtower. The Constant feature ends. The first period of 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 ends with the placing of the Abomination causing desolation (it started with the transgression causing desolation, the Watchtower joining the UN as an NGO on January 28/29, 1992). The Beslan massacre occurs. The Great Tribulation does not begin yet. 

2004 September 3/4, Elul16. The second period of 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 ends (it started on 1992February1, when Gordon worked out the date of Armageddon from the Exedenic Times) with the holy place of FDS4 coming into the right condition during the second passover celebration. Perhaps the 4 winds etc began on this day??

2005 April10, 2005Nisan30. The 1260 day, 3.5 times, far bank of Daniel 12 ends (it began on 2001Tishri30), when the Watchtower lost its water baptism, at the start of the 7 times malediction on the 1NC saints of Daniel 4 and Isaiah 30. The first 1NC saint joins the LWs at the end of this dry period represented by the far bank (i.e. on 2005April10). The stones of Elijah are burnt up. This is the restarting of the second presence of Jesus. He is absent until then, since although his wife, the 1NC saints are here, they are unclean in the flesh. James, who became the second president of FDS2 says (at the start of FDS2):

7 Exercise patience, therefore, brothers, until the presence of the Lord. Look! The farmer keeps waiting for the precious fruit of the earth, exercising patience over it until he gets the early rain and the late rain.
8 You too exercise patience; make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close (James 5).

So the Lord was absent, but the 1NC saints were present. This is because the early rain, the water baptism of FDS1 had dried up, and the 1NC saints had not yet availed themselves of the late rain, the water baptism of FDS2. The situation is the same in the second presence. We too are waiting for the presence of the Lord to restart, which presence has indeed drawn close. 

2005 July8/9, 2005Tammuz30. The G8, Gleneagles summit. The World Leaders agree to form an Image of the UN called the UNPBC, but do not publicise it yet?

2005 July 11, Monday, G4 submits expansion proposal to UNGA (they are unlikely to have done this unless the UNSCPMs have indicated that they will not be vetoing it).

2005 July 12, Tuesday, US attacks G4 proposal and urges UNGA to vote against it (this may be an attempt make the proposal look independent of the US, to give the proposal credibility amongst anti US nations).  

2005 September 14, 2005Tishri7. The 60th Session of the UNGA begins. The creation of the UNPBC is announced in the World Summit Draft Outcome Document, dated September 13th. The US/UK beast breathes spirit into the UNPBC, the image of the beast (and a clone of the UNSC) in fulfilment of Revelation 13:15. 

2005 December 20, 2005Tebbeth14/15. The UNSC and the UNGA jointly establish the UNPBC. 

2006 May 16, 2006Iyyar17. The UNGA elects the final 7 member states to serve on the UNPBC. The UNPBC is born. 

2006 June 23, 2006Sivan25. The inaugural session of the UNPBC. They speak! The UN starts saying Peace and Security through the UN Peace Building Commission and the UN Security Council.

2006 July 12, 2006Tammuz14. Israel invades Lebanon without UN mandate. This violates UN military headship. 

2006 August 11, 2006Ab15. Friday evening, the UNSC passes resolution 1701 calling for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon. This is the UNSC re-asserting its headship over Israel. This was not the cutting off of the second head of the image of the beast.

2007 July 18, 2007Tammuz30, 6:00 pm, rising cloud of steam from Grand Central Station. This is an interesting archetype, but does not fulfil 1Kings18:44 or Joel2:30 or Acts2:19.

2008 March21/22 or April20/21, 2008Nisan14. Satan loses throne and kingdom and authority, but UN does not yet, it battles with the lamb during Armageddon. Entrance to the 1AC ends. LWs stop providing 1AC baptisms and so do the angels. Time of the end of Daniel12 begins

2008 March 23/24 or April22/23, 2008Nisan16. Satan and the demons abyssed. Demonic loss day.

2008 March 24/25 or April23/24, 2008Nisan22. Kingdom of God begins. 

2008 June11/12, 2008Sivan11. Pentecost 2008. No fulfilment of Acts 2 on this day because it was 6 years and more too early!

2008 October19-20, 2008Tishri16. The first day of biblical Hebrew winter in the 1,000 year sabbath of the kingdom of God, the sabbath at the end of Satan's system.

2008 December9-10, 2008Tebbeth7. Incorrect Jubilee release day. The Jubilee horn was blown on 2008Chislev7. That was the correct Jubilee release day.

2010 December2-6, 2010Chislev20-23. The first fire sign. The largest fire in the history of Modern Israel, which started upon mount Carmel and produced a mushroom cloud in its early stages. It was preceded by a 9 month drought and came under control after a downpour.

2011 March 11-15, 2010Adar30-VeAdar3 and onwards. The second fire sign. Fukushima meaning blessed island or crouch down island. So it is a garden land a Carmel. A man made cloud rising from the sea as stipulated in 1Kings18..

The Significance of the Twin Towers

When the true God changed the language of mankind from one common language to a multitude of different languages due the the building of the Legendary Tower of Babel, all of mankind ceased to be united in thought:

4 They now said: Come on! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be scattered over all the surface of the earth.
5 And Jehovah proceeded to go down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men had built.
6 After that Jehovah said: Look! They are one people and there is one language for them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them.
7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another's language.
8 Accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and they gradually left off building the city.
9 That is why its name was called Babel, because there Jehovah had confused the language of all the earth, and Jehovah had scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth (Genesis 11).

This was obviously a defining moment in mankind's history. Mankind's premier tower was abandoned and our languages were divided. On September 11th 2001, Mankind's 2 premier towers were knocked down and an unprecedented unity of thought resulted. The destruction of the two divided towers of the World Trade Centre symbolises the end of a worldwide division. It is almost as if a binary code of towers exists wherein 1 Tower being destroyed means all divided up and 2 towers being destroyed means all joined together again. This event ended the worldwide division which started in Babel over 4,000 years ago (in the days of Peleg). The Twin Towers Tragedy therefore was an event of biblical proportion, of biblical significance. It was a defining moment in human history. The reversal of the division of Babel. 



The UN Peace Building Commission is the image of the UN Beast of Revelation 13

The UNPBC had life breathed into it on 2005September13th, in the Draft Outcome Document of the World Summit. The DOD was dated September13th and presented to the World Leaders on the first day of the 60th Session of the UNGA, which was September 14th.The UNGA accepted the Draft Outcome Document. We prophesied and advertised well in advance in the UK Independent Newspaper and the USA Today newspaper, that the image of the Beast would appear on September13th and it did so appear, in the said Draft Outcome Document. We had mistakenly thought that the image of the Beast would be an expanded UNSC. But plainly the UNPBC, being a clone of the UNSC, an image of the UNSC, is a much better fulfilment of Revelation 13:15. 

14 And it [the 2 horned beast] misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived.
15 And there was granted it to give spirit/breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast (Revelation 13).

So we got the right date (September13), the right organisation (the UN), the right bible verse (Revelation 13:15), the right symbolic fulfilment (The Coalition beast breathed life into the Image of the UN Beast), but wrong literal fulfilment (it was a clone of the Security Council rather than an expanded Security Council). The UNPBC was created in order side-step the veto of one or other Permanent Members and thereby enable the UN reform process to continue unvetoed. The stronger the UNPBC becomes, the less valuable the UNSC Permanent Member veto becomes.

The Cry of Peace and Security of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 is not so easy to identify. The scripture says:

3 Whenever it is that they are saying: "Peace and security!" then sudden destruction is coming upon them just as the pang of distress upon a woman in belly having, and they will by no means escape (1 Thessalonians 5 literal).

The UN, apparently, had plenty of apparatus for peace keeping but no apparatus for peace building! But what precisely is the difference between peace keeping and peace building? Surely if you keep the peace you build the peace and if you build the peace you keep the peace? 

Obviously peace building or keeping is what is needed in Iraq right now. But that kind of thing has always been the preserve of the Security Council. So we must ask further: What exactly is the difference between a Security Council and a Peace Building Commission? Well it is the difference between Security and Peace. And yes there is a theoretical difference between the two. One can in theory be at peace whilst being insecure (if one's enemies do not realise one's insecurity), and one can in theory be at war whilst being secure (if one has a perfect defence system against all forms of attack). But in most practical situations peace and security amount to pretty much the same thing. So let us give the UNPBC its proper name shall we? It is another Security Council, it is the UN Peace Council. And it spoke when the UK/US beast give it breath/spirit - political life. And it said: Peace and Security, or "the UN needs a Peace commission and a Security Council."

Politically it is easy to see that the anachronistic veto system of the Security Council has prevented any meaningful reform of the UN for 50 years. So some form of side step was required. But now the bible book of Revelation can actually tell us real time what the world leaders are really doing. They could not persuade one or other of the Permanent Members of the Security Council to reform that body, so they created a new body instead. This new body will eventually replace the Security Council. The UN calls it the UNPBC, the bible calls it the image of the Beast. The bible is revealing to us the global political manoeuvrings of our world leaders. They created the image because the original became fossilized!

Now prior to the appearance of the UNPBC, everyone at the UN was saying: Security Council, Security Council, whenever there was an international military confrontation. But on and after June 23rd they began saying: Security Council, Peace Building Commission, Security Council, Peace Building Commission in the corridors of power in the UN and in the various governments of the world. So they are now in fact saying PEACE and SECURITY all over the UN. But we no longer think that this is the big cry of Peace and Security which fulfills 1 Thessalonians 5:3. That possibly occurred at Annapolis or perhaps is yet to come.

So we can now see that the concept of side stepping the UNSC with the UNPBC was agreed upon at the Gleneagles G8 summit, this being the fulfilment of Revelation 13:14 (on the date we advertised in advance in the UK Independent Newspaper and the USA Today), and this body had life breathed into it by the US/UK coalition Beast (the 2 horned beast of Revelation 13) on 2005September13, being defined and agreed in the Draft Outcome Document of the World Summit (on the date we also advertised in the UK Independent Newspaper and the USA Today).:

The UNPBC will be run by the 10 kings of Revelation 17, who will be 10 Permanent Members not of the UNSC, but of the UNPBC. The UNPBC does not get power until the UN recovers from the first birth pang of the kingdom. It then has power over God's people, at least the ones who have not reached Zoar, for 10 months from 2008Sivan/Tammuz to 2009Nisan, when the last son of the 1AC is raptured. It has kingship/headship over the UN for 7 months from 2008Tishri to 2009Nisan??, seeing as it has 7 heads. The image takes headship when the 10 kings give their kingdom to the UNGA, making the 4th and last incarnation of the UN, the 4th Beast of Daniel 7 - U156. The 60th world summit Draft Outcome Document declared that some UNSC Permanent members would be on the UNPBC. In fact they are all on it. Now the UN is given authority to act 42 months according to Revelation 13. This runs from 2005Tishri when it acted to set up the UNPBC, to 2009Nisan when the last son of the 1AC is raptured.

The UNPBC is the way to circumvent the Veto of the UNSC

Blair Urges United Nations Reform
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for the reform of the United Nations in a key foreign policy speech in the US. He said the UN secretary general should be given greater powers to improve the organisation's ability to react to international crises. Other institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund also needed to change, he added in his speech at Georgetown University. A spokesman for Kofi Annan said the UN chief welcomed Mr Blair's proposals. Last month, developing countries of the UN voted to shelve management reforms drawn up by Mr Annan. 

Not 'legitimate' 
Iraq was also a key theme of Mr Blair's address, as he repeated his call for more support for the new government there. Mr Blair said the make-up of the UN Security Council needed to change. The UK prime minister said the current make-up of the UN Security Council - with no permanent seats for Germany, Japan or India - could no longer be considered legitimate in the modern world. It also needed representation from Latin American and African countries, he said. (BBC Friday May 26, 2006)

But the Indian online newspaper newkerala.com reports that the UN Security Council is not going anywhere...


Blair for UN Security Council seat for India, US wants only Japan 
By Arun Kumar, Washington: Visiting British Prime Minister Tony Blair has reaffirmed his support to giving India a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, but at the moment the United States is ready to concede it only to Japan.

Blair, who was in Washington to brief President Bush about his recent visit to Iraq, sought a series of fundamental changes in the structure of the United Nations including giving permanent seats on the Security Council to India, Germany and Japan.

During an address at the Georgetown University, he called for a reformed and revitalized United Nations at the centre of a new push to heal global divisions sharpened by the Iraq war through a policy of "progressive pre-emption."

But asked to comment about Blair's proposal, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said America supported expansion of the Security Council by two or so seats with Japan getting one of those seats.

America, he said, has had conversations with India, Japan and other countries that were interested in gaining a seat on the Security Council. But "at this point the only country for which we have come out in favor of a Security Council seat is Japan and there's at this point no change to that." 

(Newkerala.com Monday May 29 2006)


Putting these two news items together, the UN Security Council is unreformable, fosilized and illegitimate. So the future leadership of the UN must come from the UNPBC. So perhaps this realisation hit the 10 kings this weekend in the period between these two news items. If so then the UNPBC is now the head of the UN, the only legitimate way forward. Tony Blair's and Sean McCormack's statements are not trivial. When Blair and Bush decided that the UN was irrelevant as regards their 48 hour ultimatum to Iraq, to disarm from WMDs that it did not have, the UN beast got its second head cut off. So if they are now saying that the present Security Council structure is both 'not legitimate' and largely unalterable, that council might well also have just lost its headship! On June 23rd 2006, the UNPBC had its inaugural meeting...




The UN is to be abyssed again - The second head of the image of the beast will suffer a sword stroke and then recover and people will marvel at it!

8 The wild-beast that you saw was, and is not [At the time of John grasping the mystery of the angel's explanation, not at the time that the woman was on it! Event: Roman Catholic church. Was the true church and is not at the time of the angel speaking to John. It went into an abyss around the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, There is debate about who really was the first pope and who really was the second. This debate results from a post facto historical sanitization of that abyss period. But it ascends out of that abyss during or after the midterm absence of the first presence. Word1: LON/UN 'Was and is not' functioning politically during WWII when Knorr saw that it would be reformed after it ascended from the abyss. But he did not see the mystery of the woman, who is the 1NC saints. Gordon saw that and saw the loss of the 2nd head of the UN during the Gulf War, when it was abyssed again.], and is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And the [ones] dwelling upon the earth [Event: Unsanctified leaders of the first true Christian church. Word1: Unsanctified people with political authority], whose name [singular] has not been written upon the scroll of life since the founding of the world will marvel upon [implied epi] looking at the wild-beast, because it was and is not and [yet] it will be present [this maybe when it is hit with a the terrorist attack of the first birth pang and yet recovers with a stronger UNPBC]

We knew from our chronology of the image of the UN Beast, which image is the UN Peace Building Commission, that said image would receive a sword stroke to its second head, just as the UN itself did in the case of the invasion of Iraq. We had thought according to an earlier chronology which took the birth of the UNPBC as the announcement in the Draft Outcome Document, that Israel's invasion of the sovereign nation of Lebanon without any UN consent Israel's precision airstrike on a UN outpost in Lebanon which killed 4 UN peace keepers, was a decapitation of the UN. But although it was certainly a defiance by Israel of UN authority. Israel is not an alternative head of the world to the UN. Whereas the UK/US military world power is such an alternative. So Israel's defiance did not constitute a sword stroke to the head of the UN, although the 7th world power, the UK/US military power, was backing Israel to some extent in their mistaken destruction of Lebanon and Palestine. The definition of the image of the UN beast is...

14 It tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast that had the sword stroke and yet revived (Revelation 13). 

So the image, like the Beast itself, has a sword stroke and then revives.  

17 months of the Image of the UN Beast (12 times smaller than the Beast itself)

UNPBC gets power                 UNPBC becomes head of UN                    Last day of Adamic man.
10 horned beast of Daniel 7    Image of Beast takes over                          End of the final Passover execution of Adam 
2014April                                 2015January                                                2015July9/10           
2014Nisan                               2014Tebbeth                                               2015Tammuz21
    10 months of power              7 months of headship over the UN


17 years of the UN Beast itself

1st power year of UN after 1991February28    2000Nisan1 last power year of UN
UN gained power after end of Gulf War1          Bush administration saw it as debate society
1991March17/18                                               2001March26/27
1991Nisan1                                                       2001Nisan1
         10 years of power 

UNICC given power over all militaries    End of last regnal year
UN becomes military king of the world   Satan's lease expires 2008Tishri1 
2002July1, 2002Tammuz19                   2009March 27/28
2002Nisan1 (1st regnal)                         2009Nisan1   
             7 years of headship?  

The UN Beast got a death stroke to its first head with the 48 hour gulf war ultimatum to Saddam on 2003March18 (2002Veadar9) to disarm from weapons which he did not possess in circumstances where the UN weapons inspectors were ignored and pulled out of Iraq. The UNSC was just empty for weeks afterwards. This head recovered by virtue of UN Security Council Resolution 1483 of May 22nd 2003. This resolution legitimised the coalition as the occupying power in Iraq.

Word Symbolism of Revelation 13 (Wild Beast is the Watchtower after it became a democracy, i.e. run by a multi head governing body, i.e. run by Jezebel. The 2 horned beast from the earth is Laodicea. The image is the reformed Watchtower administration after the Laodicean revolt caused by the 3rd fire sign)

1 And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea [The Watchtower is built by evangelism to the sea mankind], with 10 horns [the 10 geographical zones of the WTBTS] and 7 heads [7 committees that run the WTBTS], and upon its horns 10 diadems [Zone overseers], but upon its heads blasphemous names.
Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion's mouth. And the dragon gave to [the beast] its power and its throne and great authority.
3 And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death [Henschel resigning perhaps], but its death-stroke got healed [He continued on the Governing Body?], and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration [Admiration is OK, worship is not].
And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?
5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act 42 months was given it [?]
And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven [They claim to be God's spirit directed organisation. They are no such thing. The holy spirit is God's spirit directed organisation. All of its members reside in heaven. Their branch offices are blasphemously called Bethels. Bethel means house of God. They do not operate from God's house. They wear his name and then steal his glory.]
And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them [the 1NC saints have had no authority in the Governing Body since 1972-74], and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation [they are a worldwide church. The Watchtower is published in over 100 languages].
And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it [all those in the congregation, all the JWs, will worship the wild beast of the Governing Body rather than God himself. They obey every particle of every letter of the law of the Watchtower and do no obey the written holy word of God]; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world [The ARC. Not one JW is sealed in holy spirit. They need to join the LWs to be sealed]
If anyone has an ear, let him hear.
10 If anyone [takes people] into captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones.
11 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon [Laodicea, it ascended out of the congregation of the Watchtower. They operate only in two of the 10 Watchtower zones. These will be the US and most likely the UK].
And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed.
13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.
14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived [The LWs cut off Goliaths head, but the Watchtower survives through this new image, which is a reformed governing body of some type].
And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast [So the image becomes the new idol for JWs].
And it puts under compulsion all [ones], the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the enslaved [ones] [counts 6x. This image might be the reformed governing body at the resignation of Henschel. They might have been under compulsion for 6 years from 2008], in order that that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead [6x of the mark being a necessity],
and that nobody might be able to buy or sell [buy is research, sell is evangelise] except a person having the mark [username and password for online hidden JW food - which is actually stolen repackaged LW food], the name of the wild beast [URL of the hidden JW food website - presently www.jw.org] or the number of its name [IP address for hidden JW food website].
Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [2002Elul16 was when Roger Knight was baptized. Is this 616 months from 1963Heshvan-2014Adar30 - when they stop preparing food at the end of the 12 filled baskets of fragments? The Watchtower containing the resolution made at the everlasting good news conventions in 1963Elul to have nothing to do with the UN was dated 1963November15 = 1963Heshvan25] (Revelation 13).

They hide their talent in the ground.


Deducing the future history of the UN from Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and Revelation 17

Since this sea beast that we are told 'John saw', in Revelation 13 verse 1 and verse 2, is identical to the scarlet coloured beast in Revelation 17 about which we read:

7 I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast that is carrying her and that has 7 heads and 10 horns: 
8 The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly. But their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world (Revelation 17).

We have to identify the one with the other, but only in the event symbolism of the two chapters of Revelation. The sea beast of Revelation 13 was in the abyss when the League of Nations was incapacitated throughout World War II. Then it ascended out of the abyss when the UN was formed in June 1945 and ratified on October 24th. The League was taken over by the UN in 1946 by an agreement signed by Sean Lester, the last Secretary General of the League of Nations. 

What happened on September 11th was as we have been prophesying for years, an act of war (or unofficial war) which is the trigger for the UN taking over - see [158]. However in biblical terms, according to the symbolism of Revelation 17, what happened that day was that for the first time in human history, since the tower of Babel, all of the 10 Kings, the 10 future permanent security council members (the second group of 5 toes of the image of Daniel 2 - there are already 5 permanent security council members, the first foot) became of one thought, of one opinion.

This unanimity is unprecedented. It is a divine thing. This unity of opinion ended 300 NBLC days later on June30/July1 with the US vetoing UN peacekeeping operations as it fought the authority of the UN ICC.

Now the scriptures say regarding the 10 kings:

12 But they do receive authority as kings one hour with the beast. 
These have one thought so they give their power and authority to the beast (Revelation 17).

17 For God put it into their hearts to carry out his one thought even to carry out their one thought, and to give their kingdom to the wild beast until the words (plural) of God will have been accomplished (Revelation 17).

Their one thought defeat global terrorism' is carried out through the UN starting with the twin towers and continues through to the appointment of the 10 kings as the 10 permanent security council members to come, whence all 10 kings become a part of the kingdom of the beast as the 8th King of the world. The 10 Kings give their authority to the UN (the beast, the 8th king of the world) and they receive authority from the UN in a self legitimizing exercise by all 11 of them.

For the full History of our attempts to calculate the date when the UN becomes the 8th King of the World, and when the UN security council expands to 10 permanent members with reduced veto powers - see [245]. Our third effort at the date when the UN expands the security council and the last hour of its 'day' starts was 2001Heshvan1, (October 22/23 2001), the calculation was as follows:

1919June28 1919Sivan29 League of Nations covenant signed at Versailles
1920 January10 1919Tebbeth15 League of Nations covenant comes into force
1935 January3 1934Tebbeth24 Hailie Selassie appeals to League of Nations on behalf of Ethiopia
1935 October3 1935Tishri3 Italy Invades Ethiopia, the League of Nations responds with ineffective sanctions which are ignored by F D Roosevelt of the US.
1936 March7 1935Adar9 Hitler Invades Rhineland, in contravention of the Treaty of Versailles, but not of the covenant of the League of Nations.
1937 July7 1937Tammuz27 Japan invades China (Having already invaded Manchuria on 1931September18)
1938 February20 1937Adar15 Sir Anthony Eden, the British Foreign secretary, resigns disagreeing with Chamberlain's decision not to involve Roosevelt in a conference on the matter of Anschluss of Austria with Germany. Chamberlain convinced Gandi the Italian ambassador (the Italians were the historical protectors of Austria) that appeasement was going to be the British policy. Hitler gave a speech to the Reichstag this day saying that: "Germany would know how to protect the 10 million Germans living on its borders" - 7 million in Austria and 3 million in Germany.
1938 February24 1937Adar19 Schuschnigg, the Austrian Chancellor, declares that Austria has reached the limit of her concessions to the Nazi's - This far and no further.
1938 March9 1937Veadar2 Schuschnigg announces that there will be a Plebiscite of all Austria on whether Austria should remain separate from German control, and this was to occur on March 13th
1938 March10 1937Veadar3 German troops start massing on the Austrian border.
1938 March11 4p.m. 1937Veadar3 Germany demands that the Plebiscite be delayed for 6 weeks and that Schuschnigg is replaced by Seyss-Inquart. Austria agrees to postpone the plebiscite but Schuschnigg cannot violate his oath of office by yielding to force.
1938 March11 6:30 p.m. 1937Veadar4 Lieutenant General Muff, the German military attache in Vienna, threatens Austria, saying that 200,000 German troops will cross the Austrian frontier unless: Schuschnigg resigns and Seyss-Inquart assumes Chancellorship and Nazis are appointed to 2/3rds of the new cabinet etc.
1938 March11 7:30 p.m. 1937Veadar4 Schuschnigg resigns his office saying: This day has placed us in a tragic and decisive situation...So I take leave of the Austrian people with a German word of farewell uttered from the depth of my heart: God protect Austria!
1938 March12 1937Veadar5 German troops invade Austria, unopposed, having been invited in by the new Chancellor, Seyss-Inquart 
1938 March12 1937Veadar5 France invites Italy and England to examine the events, Italy declines.
1938 March13 1937Veadar6 Reichstag 'legalises' the Anschluss (union) of Austria, the country of Hitler's birth and Germany, declaring Austria to be a German province.
1938April1 1938Nisan1 First day of BLC year (Veadar is an intercalary month which is not included in the BLC)
1938 April10 1937 Nazi's hold a plebiscite in Austria (Jews were not allowed to vote). Political opponents already having been arrested and all votes were surveyed etc. etc. The declared result was over 99.75% to be a part of Germany - a forced false result.
1938 September29/30 1938Tishri2 Hitler meets with Chamberlain, Daladier and Mussolini at Munich. Czechoslovakia is not invited or consulted. British and French agree to German occupation of the Sudetenland to be completed by October 10th. This is a breach of the League of Nations covenant articles 10,16,17.
1939September3 1939Elul16 Britain and France declare war on Germany, to protect Poland in accordance with articles 10,16,17 of the League of Nations covenant. Although they did not cite that covenant as the basis of their declaration since it had become irrelevant and useless by then.
1945June26 1945Tammuz14 United Nations covenant signed at San Francisco
1945October24 1945Heshvan14 United Nations covenant comes into force on ratification by China
2008August20 2008Elul16 Rapture day. Beast loses Kingdom of God's people

1919Tebbeth15 to 1939Elul16  = 19y   8m 1d

1945Heshvan14 to 2008Elul16 = 62y 10m 2d

Total 'day'                                  = 82y  6m  3d

'Hour'                                         = 82.5 months plus 6 hours = 2475.25 days

So this hour starts 2001Heshvan1 and ends 2008Elul16. So it starts October 22/23rd 2001. This was wrong (which we found out on October 23!). The problem we had was deciding when the League of Nations goes into the abyss and 'is not'. 

8 The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction (Revelation 17).

We had naively assumed that the League of Nations covenant ceased to be effective when Britain and France declared War on Germany as a result of their invasion of Poland on 1939September3. However, once we realised that this gave us the wrong day for the expansion of the security council we took the trouble to actually read the League of Nations covenant, and to study the history of the League and of the World immediately prior to WWII. Here is a good and shortened account of the build up to WWII from www.otr.com/munich.html

In March of 1938, Nazi Germany led by Adolph Hitler gave an ultimatum to Chancellor Schuschnigg of Austria to resign and allow a new Chancellor of Germany's choosing to take over or Hitler's troops would march into Austria. With his back against a wall, Schuschnigg did resign and Dr. Arthur Seyss-Inquart, a Nazi puppet, took control. Immediately, he ordered the Austrian army to offer no resistance, and then invited German troops to enter Austria. Hitler achieved his Anschluss - the union of Austria and Germany.

When Austria became a part of Nazi Germany, little Czechoslovakia, a democratic country formed out of the victory of the Western Allies over Germany in the first World War, found itself surrounded on three sides.

And though Britain and France had barely reacted to the previous Anschluss, Hitler knew full well he could not invade Czechoslovakia without a reason.

In June, Chamberlain spoke "off the record" that Britain favored turning over the Sudetenland to Germany "in the interest of peace." The League of Nations, it seemed, was dead as they failed to intervene. Chamberlain sent his representative, Lord Runciman, to Czechoslovakia to mediate between that country and the Sudeten Germans. Chamberlain had forced Runciman on the Czechs by warning of dire circumstances if they did not accept his coming. Runciman sought more and more concessions for the Sudeten Germans from the Czech president, Eduard Benes. Benes was rapidly growing tired of the whole affair.

On Thursday, September 29, the four powers, Germany, England, France and Italy met in Munich to decide the fate of Czechoslovakia.

After about eight hours, an agreement was signed. The joint paper in effect still stated that Germany would take over the Sudetenland, but more slowly. On October 1, German troops would come in to occupy the most German areas. Then each day additional movements would take place under jurisdiction of the four powers who would determine just how much territory was to be ceded. The less German areas would hold a plebiscite to determine if they want to stay a part of the Reich. Additional settlements were made over claims from Hungary and Poland. Czechoslovakia in effect had been carved up and was much smaller than previously, a much weaker state. Hitler had won.

By March 15th, 1939, through manipulations of the weakened Czech government, Hitler would peacefully occupy all of the country.

Later that year, Hitler would invade Poland and Britain and France would declare war on Germany.

From this account it is plain that the League of Nations covenant was dead and required an intervention that did not take place. In fact, since the League of Nations Beast came into existence by the ratification of the League of Nations covenant, the abandoning of this covenant by the allies would seem to indicate the abyssing of the League. The actions of the British and French on 1939Sept3 were not a breach of the League of Nations covenant, which provided that an attack one member state should be regarded as an attack on all member states. But the Munich agreement whereby Britain and France agreed to the annexation of Czechoslovakia by Germany without taking account of the views of the Czechs (which were obviously against the idea) was also a total violation articles 10 and 16 of the covenant which provided for:


The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.


Should any Member of the League resort to war in disregard of its covenants under article 12,13,15 it shall ipso facto be deemed to have committed an act of war against all other Members of the League, which hereby undertake immediately to subject it to the severance of all trade or financial relations, the prohibition of all intercourse between their nationals and the nationals of the covenant-breaking State, and the prevention of all financial, commercial or personal intercourse between the nationals of the covenant-breaking State and the nationals of any other State, whether a Member of the League or not.

It shall be the duty of the Council in such case to recommend to the several Governments concerned what effective military, naval or air force the Members of the League shall severally contribute to the armed forces to be used to protect the covenants of the League.


The Boundaries of Germany will be determined as follows:

5. With Austria. The Frontier of August 3, 1914, from Switzerland to Czechoslovakia as hereinafter defined

Article 17 provided that non member states who declare war on member states should by subject to article 16 as if they were member states.

Czechoslovakia was a member of the League of Nations as was Austria and Poland. So actually Britain and France declaring War on Germany as a result of their invasion of Poland was in accordance with Articles 10, 16 and 17 of the covenant. But the Munich agreement was not and was therefore a written agreement in breach of the League of Nations covenant, which really is an abandoning of the covenant, and we thought, for a while, that this was the abyssing of the Beast. We thought that Chamberlain's famous 'Peace in our Time' was really 'No more League of Nations covenant'. We therefore made our fourth attempt to calculate the calendar day when the last hour of the Beast begins taking the Munich agreement as the abyssing. Using this date of 1938September29(evening)/1938September30(morning) or 1938Tishri2 as the beginning of the period when the Beast 'is not'. The new calculation was therefore:

1919Tebbeth15 to 1938Tishri2 = 18y  8m 17d

1945Heshvan14 to 2008Elul16 = 62y 10m 2d

Total 'day'                                  = 81y  6m 19d

'Hour' (1/12th of the 'day')         = 81 months plus 199/12 days = 2446.58 days

If we now count 2446.58 days backwards from 2008Elul16 we end up on 2001Heshvan29 a.m. (2001 November 20th). 

But as normal on the evening of November 20th it became apparent that the UN Security council had not expanded to 10 permanent members. So we have to revisit this date of the end of the covenant of the League. The only other candidate it now seems to us in the Anschluss of Austria. And what fascinates Gordon about this is that we are seeing God's understanding of the obligations of the members of the League of Nations covenant here – which appears to agree with Sir Anthony Eden’s understanding – Where has his sort of integrity gone?. If you like we are seeing the judicial decision of the judge of all the earth in this matter. And it is very apparent that he was not at all impressed with the reaction of the members of the league, and in particular the founder members of the league to the annexation of Austria by Germany. This was the beginning of Hitler's territorial aggression (Germany had joined with the Saar territories but they had had a non pressurised plebiscite in 1935 which resulted in a 90% vote to leave France and Join Germany). So we really cannot go back any further than the Anschluss with Austria. Also German aggression has lead to WW1 and the League of Nations covenant was designed to prevent a second round of the same. The various invasions by Italy and Japan and the lack of effective reactions by the League are certainly weakening the league, but the abyssing has to involve Germany, not least because the boundaries of Germany were stipulated in the covenant of the League in article 27. So intrinsically the purpose of the League was to keep Germany within it's boundaries. The 5th clause in article 27 stipulated Germany's boundary with Austria!! (The Treaty of Versailles, at article 48, provided for a plebiscite of the Saar Territories in 1935 and a possible inclusion of these into Germany if the vote went that way.) The League of Nations covenant was the first 30 articles of the Treaty of Versailles.

The whole covenant is at www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/wwi/versa/versa1.html

Contrary to the opinion of many it appears that God's position was that having agreed to support Austria, we should have done so. In other words God is not a pacifist he is an upholder of integrity and he expects us to do the same.

So now we can recalculate assuming that the League of Nations was dead as of 1938Nisan1 (1938April1). The intercalary month prior to this date makes it easy for us since it does not register in the BLC. So we do not need to try and determine which particular day the League of Nations covenant was actually abyssed. Although the resignation of Schuschnigg as a result of the threat of invasion was certainly a breach of Article 10, and the lack of response of the allies on March 12/13 would seem to be a good candidate. But we have until April1, 18 days later before the calendar restarts. And certainly the lack of response during those days indicates a fairly dead Beast. We guess it kind of drifted into the abyss during this period. 

So the new calculation is:

1919Tebbeth15 to 1938Nisan1 = 18y  2m 16d

1945Heshvan14 to 2008Elul16 = 62y 10m 2d

Total 'day'                                  = 81y         18d

'Hour' (1/12th of the 'day')         = 81 months plus 1½ days = 2431.5 days

If we now count 2431.5 days backwards from the beginning of 2008Elul16 we end up on 2001Chislev14 daytime. (2001 December 5th daytime). This date, which we prophesied in advance and advertised in the Wednesday Times of November 28th 2001, turned out to be when the UN began its Kingdom and became the 8th Biblical King of the World, by virtue of the Bonn agreement which gave it a kingdom over Afghanistan through its vassal Hamid Karzai.

So we incorrectly prophesied that the UN would become the 8th King of the World on December 5th 2001. And we incorrectly prophesied that the security council will expand to 10 permanent members on that day. But we correctly prophesied that the last hour of the UN would start on that day. We correctly prophesied that the UN would become a King on that day, but not over the whole world.

We thought and also prophesied and advertised that the UN Security council would also expand its permanent membership to 10 at that time with a reduced veto. However it did not and this is why:

12 And the 10 horns that you saw mean 10 kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.
13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast (Revelation 17).

The point is that the 10 kings, who are the 10 future permanent security council members, did get authority as kings for one hour which began on December 5th 2001. But they do not give their power and authority to the Wild Beast until the period of unity of thought (which began on September 11, 2001) produces fruit.

Now the length of this period is cryptically witnessed to in that 10 Kings have 1 thought. So we have a witness to 10 times (of a King having a thought) this is the numerical dimension of the bible code (which we do not go into much in this website) - see [c19].

So the period between 11-9-2001 (2001Elul19) and the 10 kings giving their power to the beast lasts for 10 times. These times can be days, months or years according to the code. Well they cannot be days, and they cannot be years (since we would pass Armageddon) so they must be months. So now we can understand why the ICC came into force on July 1 2002.

9 of the 10 Kings gave their power to the UN 300 BLC days (inclusively) which is 10 BLC months after 911. The power was given through the UN ICC over all military personnel. The 10th King the US, caused a 12 day disagreement and then agreed to give its power to the UN ICC.but get an immunity from prosecution if the UNSC agreed. The UNSC did not agree this in July 2004 after Abu Graihb and GW2.

10 kings having one thought is a comparison of 10 with 1. This means that they have the thought for 10 cycles of time. These cycles are either days months or years. Well in the case of 911, nothing much happened 10 days after this, and the system only lasts for 7 years after 911. So the 10 cycles must be 10 months. So we look at 10 months after 911, or 300 BLC days to be precise. Well, the UNICC took over on 2002Tammuz18, 300 BLC after 2001Elul19 (911) counting inclusively. We, knew this in advance as advertised it in both the UK and the US newspapers - see [U245].

The UN itself is a 10 horned, 7 headed, 10 diademed wild beast with one head that gets slaughtered and recovers. The 10 horns are 10 years of power from First Gulf War in 1991 to 2002July1 UNICC, when 7 regnal years of Kingship were confirmed, running from 2002Nisan to 2009Nisan. 10 diadems are 10 Secretary Generals of the UN, Kofi Annan is the 7th. The UN had its second head chopped off and lost its headship on 2003Veadar9 (March 17, 2003, 8 pm EST) when GWB and Blair gave Saddam a 48 hour ultimatum to leave Iraq. No UN authority for such an ultimatum. This is the beginning of the sword stroke to the second head, the second year of headship, of the UN Beast. UN headship is flouted by a war. UNSC resolution 1483 on 2003May22 (2003Iyyar19) retroactively legitimized the coalition's invasion accepting the coalition as the occupying power. The US and the UK give our authority in Iraq to the UN by asking for and then accepting them as empowered to authorise the occupation. The death stroke to the second head is healed.

The image of the beast is the temporal image of the UN Beast reduced in size by a factor of 12. It is an image that replaces years with months. The 10 diadems are the 10 UNPBC permanent members to be in the image. So it has 10 months of power (10 horns) followed by 7 months of headship (7 heads), which headship it loses in the 2nd month of headship. But since we know that its power period starts on or just after 2007Iyyar, we know that the 17 months end in 2008Tishri/Heshvan.

For more on this see U159.

The UN has so far had 8 heads, namely Lie, Hammarskjold, Uthant, Waldhiem, Perez de Cuellar, Boutros Boutros Gali, Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-Moon. These Secretary Generals who don't know whether they are Secretaries or Generals, the astute observation of James Reston of the New York Times, have one or two terms of 5 years each we believe. Boutros-Gali was elected in 1992. Kofi Anan took over in 1997 and was re-elected in 2001. We today (2004 November) are in the 7th presidency of the UN. The 10 diadems are 10 Secretary Generals serving successively for the whole 'day' of the UN but not for the whole 'day' of the Beast (which day includes the League of Nations). The 10 horns are ten kings from ten nations ruling concurrently for one hour of the 'day' of the beast. We are using the word 'Day' here in the sense of Queen Victoria's 'Day', it stands for the entire lifespan of the Beast. A great example of the Holy Spirit using the word 'day' to mean more than one literal day is found in Numbers7...

11 So Jehovah said to Moses: One chieftain on one day and another chieftain on another day is the way they will present their offering for the inauguration of the altar.
12 Now the one presenting his offering on the first day proved to be Nahshon the son of Amminadab of the tribe of Judah.
18 On the second day Nethanel the son of Zuar, the chieftain of Issachar, made a presentation.
24 On the 3rd day there was the chieftain for the sons of Zebulun, Eliab the son of Helon.
30 On the 4th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Reuben, Elizur the son of Shedeur.
36 On the 5th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Simeon, Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
42 On the 6th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Gad, Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
48 On the 7th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Ephraim, Elishama the son of Ammihud.
54 On the 8th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Manasseh, Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
60 On the 9th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Benjamin, Abidan the son of Gideoni.
66 On the 10th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Dan, Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
72 On the 11th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Asher, Pagiel the son of Ochran.
78 On the 12th day there was the chieftain for the sons of Naphtali, Ahira the son of Enan.
84 This was the inauguration offering of the altar on the day of its being anointed, on the part of the chieftains of Israel: 12 silver dishes, 12 silver bowls, 12 gold cups; (Numbers 7 NWT)

So the word day in verse 84 is in fact 12 literal days long.

A little horn is going to appear at sometime in the near future!! It is going to humiliate 3 of these kings of the UN. This little horn, that looks bigger than it is, is the EU. It will humiliate the English French and German horns. Then it will corrupt the whole UN.

20 And concerning the 10 horns that were on its head, and the other [horn] and before which three fell, even that horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking grandiose things and the appearance of which was bigger that of its fellows (Daniel 7).

Continuing with the event symbolism:

Those who dwell on the earth World Leaders
Those who dwell in the earth Regular Politicians and civil servants
Wild beast from earth Anglo American world power.
Two horns like a lamb

UK & US, this is the ram of Daniel 8, in the second symbolism, the latter horn (US) was taller. They do act like saviours, making sacrifices on other nations' behalves (for all the thanks we get!). The lamb is the special relationship between the US & UK forged by two World Wars. We have become a dual military power, sharing intelligence etc.

But whereas we used to have two horns like a lamb, using our military might for peaceful purposes in the case of the first gulf war, Bosnia etc., we are now speaking as a dragon and using our military power as a threat in our policy of Warmongering. We are supporting persecution of the Palestinian people by a vastly superior force. We have declared war on Iraq under a false premise and we are unrepentant for this crime. We say oh Iraq is so much better off now, as if that justifies it. Every day that the present UK and present US administration remain in power with a vote of no confidence or an impeachment hearing over this matter makes a mockery of both democracies. A bad leader does not give anyone an excuse to declare war. It is now becoming apparent (April 2004) that 200 Billion dollars could have been much better spent, for example eliminating all world hunger with a hundred billion dollars to spare. When you spend 200 billion dollars on a country you expect to get a considerable improvement, but Iraq is becoming a breeding ground for foreign terrorists etc. 

Authority of 1st beast in its sight

This is precisely what the British and Americans do (we are in fact the false prophet of the UN). They act with the authority of the UN, they exercise the authority of the UN in military terms in the sight of the UN. We are the teeth of the UN (iron ones). The coalition beast starts exercising this power on 2003Iyyar29 the day on UNSC 1483, and ceases to be exclusive 3 NBLC years later on 2006Iyyar29 which is when the 7 months of headship on UN10 start. This 3 years comes from a sentence count of 'all authority in-sight-of it.' 

Image to the wild beast

This image is the expanded security council. It will come into existence in 2005Tammuz29. On this day the 5 new permanent seats on the Security Council will be filled by Japan, Germany, India, Brazil and probably South Africa. These 5 nations were chosen by the US. They are the US toes on the US foot of the image of Daniel 2 - see [167]).

The 10 horns, 10 diadems and 7 heads on the Image of the wild beast

The Image of the beast has 7 heads and 10 horns which cover a period of 17 months. The 7 heads follow the 10 horns. The 10 horns are 10 months of power from 2005Tammuz29 to 2006Iyyar29, the 7 heads are 7 months of headship from 2006Iyyar29 to 2006Chislev29. The 10 diadems are the 10 Kings, the 10 permanent members of the secretly expanded permanent security council. The image was born at the Gleneagles G8 summit on 2005Tammuz29, but the beast does not get spirit and start speaking until the 60th Session of the UNGA on 2005Tishri6 September13th. The UNSC expansion to 10 permanent members is announced on September 13th, and the cry of Peace and Security goes up on that day.

Speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the wild beast Politically destroys any political opposition.
Puts under compulsion 6 groups (small, great, rich, poor, free, slaves)  Then destroys commerce. Counts as 480 days. Runs from 2007Iyyar15 to 2008Elul15.
Mark of UN Approval, authorisation of the UN. 
Name of the Beast Every NGO on the earth will have to become affiliated with the UN, making a covenant with it, and so being if you like a wife organisation to the UN. This is how NGO's will wear the name of the UN.
Number of its name Every citizen will need to carry a UN identity card with a unique personal number on it. This number is the number of the name of the beast, the UNID number.
Number of the Beast, 616, a man's number

 The 3rd horseman of the apocalypse is the UN. So the UN is a beast and it is a man only when it rides itself, i.e. when it rules itself, i.e. when the General Assembly takes over from the Security Council. This is the 4th incarnation of the Beast, the UNGA beast. It lasts for 616 days. We believe that 616 is the correct text since the oxyrhynchus papyrus dates to the mid to late 3rd century and so predates other sources by over a century. So the 616 days run from 2006Chislev29 to 2008Elul15.

According to the book "Basic Facts about the United Nations", published by the same, we read:

The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the charter had been ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States, and by a majority of other signatories. United Nations Day is celebrated on 24 October each year.

Comparing this with Daniel 7, we get a big picture here in worldly terms, wherein some little kingdom in military terms (the EU), the little horn, that looks bigger than its fellows, corrupts the UN, humiliates 3 of the 10 ruling Kings/Nations (UK France and Germany) and rules the whole world by the back door. This is the whole problem with globalisation and why God divided the languages in the days of Peleg and Nimrod in Babylon. He did it to make global corruption impossible.

9 That is why its name was called Babel, because there Jehovah had confused the language of all the earth, and Jehovah had scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth (Genesis 11).

Hence: Stop babbling! We all know about the monopolies and mergers commission. All the large economies have protection against commercial monopolies (although in the US it does not work very quickly against large software companies). But the world, in its hypocrisy, is going to grant a fully fledged worldwide political monopoly at the same time as it is policing nationwide commercial monopolies in each of its major member nations ! Political monopolies are far more powerful and therefore far more readily abused and therefore far more dangerous than commercial monopolies. The UN is a good idea as regards worldwide law enforcement. For without international law and international law enforcement, the world is just like the wild west in cinemascope. But it must not be given political power, that will be suicidal !! It’s rather like the EU. Trade agreements yes, defense agreements yes, help each other yes, rule each other no, tax each other no !!

It is a tough dividing line. It is dangerous ground. But of course the reality is that there is no EU. We have a union of politicians, or more precisely a union of political ambition. It is not a union of nations or economies and neither is it a union of political ambitions. Nations should remain sovereign as God intended!! But make no mistake, one world, one village, one town, means one mayor, one bergermeister, one King, which means one currency one supposes.

The little horn looks so big in fact that the British think that they cannot survive without it! How ridiculous. History tells us the precise opposite. It was them that could not survive without us, twice in the Lord’s day! How ironic that a monarchy should liberate a republic! How ungrateful that after millions of British lives have been lost on French soil this century defending them, they should not offer one pound, and neither has the EU offered one pound to help us to defend ourselves from BSE when we needed their help. How does New Zealand or Norway or Iceland or Greenland or Burkina Faso survive without them? - Je pas. Let us state clearly this prophecy as we understand it:

[1]    The UN proved it had power over the world by 1990Adar14 (1991March5) at the end of the Gulf War before 1991Tishri, 10 new biblical lunar calendar years before 2001Tishri1, 7 new biblical lunar calendar years before 2008Elul30, just after the rapture on 2008elul16. The 10 NBLC years from 1991Tishri to 2001Elul are the 10 horns on the wild beast from the sea.

[2]    The UN became the head of the world, the King of the world, the ruler of the world, for the last 7 new biblical lunar calendar years. In fact it did not become the head of the World on 2001Tishri1 (August 23) as we had thought. Instead there was a dispute for headship between the US and the UN at that time. The UN won this dispute on July 12 2002, when the US capitulated to some extent over the UN ICC. The UN became the 8th biblical king of the world on that day. These 7 years of headship are symbolised by the 7 heads of the beast of Revelation 13, a head for a year.

[3]    The image of the beast is the UN Peace Building Comission.

[4]    The UN will have 10 successive Secretary Generals, these are the 10 diadems on the 10 horns of the Beast. Kofi Anan is the 7th diadem.

[5]    The last hour of the UN began on December 5th 2001, the date of the Bonn agreement. At this time the 10 kings without a kingdom received authority as kings over Afghanistan.

[6]    The twin towers atrocity of 911 (2001Elul19) was the trigger for the 10 future permanent security council members to have one thought. 300 BLC days, 10 BLC months after this, on July 1 2002, 9 of the 10 kings without a kingdom transferred their power to the ICC, and a 12 day period of disagreement began which ended on July 12th with the capitulation of the US to the UN ICC.

[7]    10 BLC months after this, UNSC resolution 1483 was made in the morning of May22, 2003, (2003Iyyar19) accepting the coalition as the occupying force in Iraq, was the healing of the death stroke to the second head of the UN beast which heads runs from 2002Tishri to 2003Tishri. The death stroke was the unauthorised war on Iraq. This was the 10 kings accepting the UN as the authority over the legality of war conquests. So it was the giving of their authority to the UN.

[8]   On 2005Tammuz29, at the G8 Gleneagles summit, 510 days of UN10 plus 616 days of UNGA before 2008Elul15, the world leaders agreed to side-step the UNSC with the UNPBC. This is the birth of the image of the beast of Revelation 13. We call this image UN10.

[9]   The UNSC side step agreed at Gleneagles was announced on 2005Tishri6 (September 13th) the first day of the 60th Session of the UNGA. This is when UN10 has life breathed into it by the UK/US 2 horned coalition beast. The UNPBC appeared as a decision in the Draft Outcome Document.


Not at all correct word symbolism - Out of date work in progress!!!!

19 Do not give to the wild beast the soul of your turtledove. Do not forget the very life of your afflicted ones forever.
20 Take a look at the covenant, For the dark places of the earth have become full of the abodes of violence (Psalm 74).

Wild beast ascending from sea

Disfellowshipped 5th watch FDS3, evil slave, ascending on 1994Ab30, this is when it became wild

7 heads Headship 7 times, from 1994Elul to 2001Elul
10 horns 

Power would have been from 1994Elul to 2004Elul when the abomination is placed

10 diadems (crowns) 

10 kings, governing body members on 1994Elul25 at start of Nethinim baptism

Blasphemous names 

Sanctified (named) idolaters of themselves, replacers of God in their eyes, Unsealed remnant too, unclean & hated birds

Sand of the sea Members of second abrahamic covenant
Sea  Non believers and false worshippers
Satan standing on sand of sea

Oppressing true Jews (sons of 2AC) when the beast ascends in 1994Elul25

Like a leopard The leopard of Daniel 7, FDS3

5 So, too, the tongue is a little member and yet makes great brags. Look! How little a fire it takes to set so great a woodland on fire!
6 Well, the tongue is a fire. The tongue is constituted a world of unrighteousness among our members, for it spots up all the body and sets the wheel of natural life aflame and it is set aflame by Gehenna.
7 For every species of wild beast as well as bird and creeping thing and sea creature is to be tamed and has been tamed by humankind.
8 But the tongue, not one of mankind can get it tamed. An unruly injurious thing, it is full of death-dealing poison (James 3).

Feet like a bear

The bear of Daniel 7 was FDS2, and feet represent the earthly rulers, the Nethinim

Mouth as a lion’s mouth Lion was FDS1, lion of Judah was Jesus.
1 head as though killed

Sending of the booklet "The FDS is cut in two" to one hundred congregations in New York in 1996 (1995Shebat - Gordon thinks)

Authority to act 42 months

1995Adar Gordon's  "disfellowshipping" to 1999Elul, his realisation that he had to get on the white horse, use his bow and shoot that vine over the wall (blessing to Joseph), 7 years of seeing had ended, seven years of power was beginning??

The earth  Spiritual administration of the wild beast from the sea
Those who dwell on the earth

Jehovah’s Witnesses in general who have now all been disfellowshipped

Those who dwell in the earth 

Those within the Society who believe in the new understandings, who have heard about them.

Wild beast from the earth


Two horns like a lamb ??
Began speaking as a dragon

Nethinim fornicating with the Evil slave FDS3

Authority of 1st beast in its sight Agreement, alliance, between fallen FDS3 and Nethinim
Performs great signs

Has unwittingly stolen many of our understandings, and hopefully worked out a few for themselves. They are all spies!

Makes fire come down 

Knows date when this occurs (This was the origin of a Watchtower in 1994/5 on not speculating about the date of the end)

Image of the wild beast


Puts under compulsion not to buy or sell 

The Nethinim prohibit those in the image of the beast congregation, from telling others about new understandings and from listening to basically each other’s own research. They idolise the two horned beast, just as those in the congregation of the 10 horned beast idolise fallen FDS3. The two are identical in their idolatry of their priests, rather than their worship of God.

Puts under compulsion 6 groups (small, great, rich, poor, free, slaves) compared to ‘all ones 6 times, 6 years (1995Adar - 2001Elul)?
Mark of the wild beast ?? This exists now, dread to think what it is!
Name of the wild beast

Wide awake Judas class? 

Number of its name, 666

The number of remnant who die between 2001Nisan and 2002Nisan, the year when the UN takes over (see my Genesis book for the timetable of resurrections into the heavenly and earthly Kingdom of God [C]).

14 And the weight of the gold that came to Solomon in one year amounted up to 666 talents of gold (1 Kings 10).

13 And the weight of the gold that came to Solomon in one year amounted to 666 talents of gold (2 Chronicles 9).

Solomon is Jesus, a talent of gold is a remnant brother - see Genesis book [C].

666 days after the wild beast was born, on 1994Ab30, is 1996Tammuz6. It is 616 days anyway!

The Image of the Beast

Spirit given to image of beast is giving it political life, so cause to be killed those who won't worship it, is ending the political life of those who oppose it.

Fire from heaven to earth in sight on mankind, is mankind thinks that the governments now have God's acceptance. Dwell in earth is politicians, dwell on the earth is media, administrators, politically active people. Earth is world political system, the governments.



1 And he stood still upon the sand of the sea. 

And I saw a wild-beast ascending out of the sea [new subaccount], with 10 horns and 7 heads, and upon its horns 10 diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names [Event: World power beast - LON/UN Beast, 10 future UNSCPMs, diadems mean kingship, 7 heads are the heads of the League, UN5, UN10 and UNGA as in Daniel 7- UN5 has 4 heads of the leopard, the Anglo-American head, and the Russian, Chinese and French heads. Whoever vetoes becomes the temporary head. The UK/US are always depicted as one head in Revelation and Daniel. LON, UN10, UNGA all have one head according to Daniel7. Word1: A 'Coalition beast' - UN beast - 10 years of power from First Gulf War in 1991 to 2002July1 UNICC, when 7 NBLC years of Kingship were confirmed, running from 2001Tishri to 2008Tishri. 10 diadems are 10 Secretary Generals of the UN, Kofi Annan is the 7th].
2 Now the wild-beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion's mouth. And the dragon gave to [the beast] its power and its throne and great authority.
3 And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed [Event: The image of the beast loses its UN headship in the 2nd month of its 7 month headship and recovers. But loss of headship of the image is loss of headship of the UN Beast itself whilst it is being run by the image. Word1: The UN lost its headship on 2003Veadar9 (March 17/18, 2003) when GWB and Blair gave Saddam a 48 hour ultimatum do disarm from WMDs that he did not have. No UN authority for such an ultimatum. This is the beginning of the sword stroke to the second head, the second year of headship, of the UN Beast. UN headship is flouted by a war. UNSC resolution 1483 on 2003May22 (2003Iyyar19) retroactively legitimized the coalition's invasion accepting the coalition as the occupying power. The US and the UK give our authority in Iraq to the UN by asking for and then accepting them as empowered to authorise the occupation. The death stroke to the second head is healed], and all the earth followed the wild-beast with admiration [Even the administration of the Watchtower got on its back. This being the 3rd test of Jesus, all the kingdoms of the UN for one little NGO signature. There was no 4th test for FDS4, and John, the 4th gospel writer, did not write of the 3 tests].
4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild-beast, and they worshiped the wild-beast with the words: Who is like the wild-beast, and who can do battle with it?
And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act 42 months was given it [in this blasphemy] [Word1: 2005Tishri6/7 (DOD) - 2009Nisan??].
And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and the tabernacle of him, [meaning] the [ones] tabernacling in heaven.
And there was granted it to wage [physical] war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.
And all those who dwell on the earth [all the politicians] will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world [the sons of the ARC].
If anyone has an ear, let him hear.
If anyone [is meant] for captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones.

11 And I saw another wild-beast ascending out of the earth [new subaccount], and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon [Event: World power beast - UK/US world military power which sacrificed its soldiers like a lamb in two world wars, but then illegally invaded a sovereign nation using a false pretext about non existent WMDs and killing a number of civilians estimated by the Lancet in 2004 to be around 100,000. It is the dragon that uses lies as a pretext for murder. Word1: Coalition beast - US/UK coalition, power for 2 years. The accession to these 2 years was the unauthorised 48 hour ultimatum to Saddam on 2002Veadar9-11, 2003March17th-19th. The BLC years run from 2003Nisan to 2005Nisan. The UNPBC must have taken authority in 2005 sometime. In fact the UNPC was created on 2005Tammuz29 at the G8 summit and first breathed/spoke on 2005Tishri6 at the end of the world summit before the 60th UNGA. So it must have had some power before it spoke.]
And it executes all the authority [temporally or power-wise] of the first wild-beast in its sight [Event: The US and UK military used to sort out most of the messes in the world on behalf of the UN - like a lamb. Word1: The phrase 'all authority in its sight' counts as 3x. So the 2 horned beast exercises all the UNs authority for 3 years from 2003Iyyar29 (UNSC resolution 1483 legitimizing the invasion of Iraq) until 2006Iyyar29 when UN10 becomes the king of the UN for 7 months]. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the wild-beast, the first, whose death-stroke got healed.
And it [neuter] performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth [Event: Hiroshima and Nagasaki?? Word1: carries out true heavenly judgements to earthly administrations] in the sight of mankind.
And it [masculine for a neuter beast since it is taking a male leadership role] is making to err the ones dwelling upon the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild-beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth [World political leaders] to make an image to the wild-beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived [The World Leaders finally agreed to make the UNPBC at the G8 Gleneagles summit. This agreement is the making of the image of the Beast by those who dwell on the earth.]
And there was granted it [feminine for a neuter beast since it is acting as a woman] to give breath to the image of the wild-beast [its progeny, its immediate successor], so that the image of the wild-beast should both speak [saying: Peace and Security] and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild-beast [Event and Word1: The cloned UNSC, which they call the UNPBC and which we call UN10, is the image of the UN as depicted in the event symbolism and the image of the UN as depicted in Word1. So it has 10 permanent members. This is an image reduced in size by a factor of 12. It has 10 months of power and authority followed by 7 months of headship of the UN. This is precisely what the UN Beast has in years. These 17 months end on 2006Chislev29 - see Revelation 17. The 10 diadems on the image are the 10 UNPBC kings, who appear on the UNGA beast. It's 2nd head, the 2nd month of headship of the UN, 2006Tammuz, was slaughtered by the Israeli invasion of Lebanon without UN authority on 2006
Tammuz15 and yet recovered by virtue of UNSC resolution 1701, on 2006Ab15, the ceasefire agreement for that war. It was given the breath of life by virtue of the Draft Outcome Document of September 13th, 2005Tishri6, the agreement reached at the World Summit, prior to the 60th Session of the UNGA, 67 days after the Gleneagles summit. 67x is the sentence count of verses 14 and 15 - see code19.] 

And it [the 2 horned beast who is the false prophet who makes fire come down from heaven before men] puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they [those who dwell on the earth] should give these a mark upon the hand of them, the right or upon their forehead,
and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild-beast [the mark is the name of the Beast, the UN Logo, used by UN affiliated NGOs] or the number of its name [Individual UN ID number in Word1].
Here is the wisdom: The [one] having intelligence let him calculate the number of the wild-beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [For 616 days it exists as sole authority over mankind, this is the number of days of undisputed sovereignty of the UNGA over God's people, the 4th incarnation of the LON/UN Beast. The Beast becomes its own rider, hence it's number is a man's number, the man being the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse. So 616 is the number of days during which the UN Beast, which is the 3rd horse of the apocalypse in Word1, is also the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse.]



Revelation 13 verse 14 counts as 64x and verse 15 counts as 3x, so together they count as 67x. But there are 67 days between the end of Gleneagles on Tammuz29/July 8th and the start of the 60th Session of the UNGA on Tishri6/September 13th. Here are the counts...

14 And it is making to err the [ones a and b] dwelling upon the earth                                 2x.2x.
through the signs which it was given to it to do [enwpion] in-sight-of/before/in-presence-of the beast,   2x.2x
saying to the [ones a and b] dwelling upon the earth                                          2x.[previously counted plural]
to make image to the beast who is having the blow of the sword and it lived.  2x

15 And it was given to her to give spirit to the image of the beast              1x. 
in order that both it should speak, the image of the beast                      1x
and in order that it might make as many as if ever not might give worship to the image of the beast,
they should be killed   2x

Counting exercise:

It was helping John and James lying upon the roof            4x.
saying to John and James lying upon the roof: Sit still.      2x/4x??

This must count as:

It was helping John lying upon the roof        2x.
saying to John lying upon the roof: Hold on.  2x


It was helping James lying upon the roof        2x.
saying to James lying upon the roof: Sit still.  2x

Total is 4x+4x=8x. Because it does not help John to tell James to hold on. Neither does it make one err by telling another one to make an image of the beast.

So there are 67x which we take as 67 days from the creation of the image until it actually says something. This being the period between Gleneagles and the 60th Session. We have in the past been wary of these sentence counts, since we are not very experienced with them - Code19. But in the case of Revelation 13, the correct value of the number of the beast (616) comes from a sentence count, so we are lead to consider them in this case.

In verse 16, 'they' refers to 'all persons' and 'these' refers to 'the rich...the slaves'