Under law if someone celebrated Nisan14 then then had to give their first fruits offering on first fruits. Then they should celebrate the Pentecost. But if they failed to do that they could celebrate instead the late Pentecost. Since some people must have done that, their actions establish a necessary prophetic fulfilment wherein an installation occurs at the late Pentecost. We can take this further - all the way - as follows...
The 1st group is appointed/installed to rule over the s at first fruits/the Pentecost
The 2nd group is appointed/installed to rule over the s at the 2nd occurrence of a first fruits/Pentecost which may be the first fruits/the late Pentecost or may be 2nd first fruits/the 2nd Pentecost
The 3rd group is appointed/installed to rule over the s at the 3rd occurrence of a first fruits/Pentecost which may be the first fruits/the late Pentecost or may be 2nd first fruits/the 2nd Pentecost
The 4th group is appointed/installed to rule over the s at 2nd first fruits/the late 2nd Pentecost
The 1st group is appointed/installed to rule over the s at first fruits/the Pentecost
The 2nd group is appointed/installed to rule over the s at late first fruits/the late Pentecost
The 3rd group is appointed/installed to rule over the s at late first fruits/the late late Pentecost
The 1st group is appointed/installed as priests over non adamics at first fruits/The Pentecost
The 2nd group is appointed/installed as priests over the non adamics at late first fruits/The late Pentecost.
The 3rd group is appointed/installed as priests over the non adamics at late first fruits/The late late Pentecost.
Generally: the first appointment over a particular group of people occurs at the first date for a festival, and the 2nd appointment over that group occurs at the 2nd possible date for said festival.
The 2nd presence wing of the 3rd was married on 2015Iyyar20 (a 2nd marital appointment) and so joins their installation as Aaron to the reserves subject to the Kingdom/Watchtower from 2008Tammuz9 (a 2nd appointment after the 2nd ) - 2015Tammuz9. However the 3rd must then be appointed as Aaron to at some point.
was first appointed/installed to rule over the s on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21 ( first fruits/the late Pentecost - 1999Heshvan was a Sabbath month, 1999Chislev was a Jubilee month). Then a 2nd time on 2012Chislev2/Shebat21 (3rd first fruits/the 4th 2NC
Pentecost - 2012Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month which does not affect a church but 1999Tebbeth21 had already been taken).
Laodicea was appointed/installed to feed the s on 2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21 (2003Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath as it was in 1901. 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month, which does not affect appointments to feed) (3rd after on
1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21 and on 1998Tishri2/Heshvan21).
Laodicea passed their rulership test are were appointed/installed to rule over the s 3˝ years of the fundamental pattern of U42 after their 2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21 appointment/installation to feed, on 2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab was a Sabbath month) (3rd first fruits/the 4th Pentecost - because was appointed/installed to feed the s but failed to be appointed/installed to rule over them).
4 was appointed/installed to FEED the s on 1998Tishri2/Heshvan21 (2nd after on 1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21) after their 3 accountable Passover denials on 1996Nisan14/1997Nisan14/1998Nisan14 and after fell over the saints on 1998Tishri27. But he failed the ruling test due to HyperOs and was never appointed/installed to rule over the s 3˝ years of the fundamental pattern of U42 later on 2002Nisan16/Sivan5.
4 was appointed/installed to feed the s on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7 (1st) after being thrown out of the Watchtower on 1995Adar11.
3˝ years of the fundamental pattern of U42
4 was appointed/installed to rule as sacred king over the s on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21 before HyperOs.
79 and Laodicean true church appointments and installations
Church groups: Adam, Cain, , . Human groups not angelic groups.
Age of groups and churches
Appointments of a church over several groups are made in order of the age/seniority of the progenitor/mediator of the group. With back filling for missed appointment slots due to Sabbaths
Appointments of several churches over one group are made in order of the age/seniority of the church. With back filling for missed appointment slots due to Sabbaths
Uniqueness of Church appointments over groups:
Two churches cannot be appointed to rule over the same group on the same festival day
Two churches cannot be appointed to feed the same group on the same festival day
One church cannot be appointed to rule over two groups on the same festival day
One church cannot be appointed to feed two groups on the same festival day
Succession of appointments of a church over a group:
Church1 is appointed over Group1 at the 1st first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath
Church2 is appointed over Group1 at the 2nd first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath
Church3 is appointed over Group1 at the 3rd first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath
Church1 is appointed over Group1 at the 1st first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath
Church1 is appointed over Group2 at the 2nd first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath
Church1 is appointed over Group3 at the 3rd first fruits festival if the festival is not a weekly Sabbath and does not fall in a relevant monthly Sabbath
After a church passes the 3˝ year ruling test over a group then further incarnations of it it in appointed/installed to feed at the appointment/installation to rule.
is appointed Caesar to Adam, then Cain, then , then in order of age. Caesar appointments are not affected by monthly Sabbaths (which are sacred Sabbaths).
Religious groups are passed over in the order: Laodicea, then Watchtower, then Christianity, then Babylon, then non religious. The closest to the target is passed over first!
Weekly Sabbaths: if an appointment or an installation to rule or to feed falls upon a weekly Sabbath then it is bumped forwards to the next slot
Installations: Each appointment (at first fruits) is installed at the Pentecost unless prevented by a Sabbath or an earlier usage, in which case it is bumped to the late Pentecost. If that is taken/prohibited then it is bumped to
the next Pentecost etc. Monthly Sabbaths: If a sacred appointment or installation TO RULE falls upon a monthly Sabbath then it is bumped forward to the next slot. This does not apply to appointments or installations to feed.
Monthly Jubilees: The same as Sabbaths. One cannot prune vines in a Jubilee. So one cannot judge people in law. So one cannot enter into church law on a Jubilee or agree such entry for a later date. So
a church cannot be appointed or installed to rule over anyone in a Jubilee month. One cannot sow seed outside the church in the field in a Jubilee. But one can teach in the church obviously (sow seed in the garden). So a church can be appointed/installed to feed in a Jubilee
Non adamic conversions: does not appoint until both Adam and Cain are converted otherwise the administration becomes unclean at the execution of Cain.. He unappoints the church before the 1st person is unappointed by a sleeping
death for resurrection otherwise the
administration is unclean.
There are three groups: Adamic or s are one group as regards sacred appointments which are only over s not over Adam or Cain. And Non adamic Abrahamic s and Non adamic Isaaic s are the other 2.
Adam and Cain and and are the 4 separate groups for secular appointments (salvation covenant status is irrelevant for these appointments)..
CORRECT (we think) ( feeding in adamic , abrahamic and adamic Laodicea - not reappointed Laodicea which was only for s)
1886Tishri2/Heshvan21: appointed/installed to feed s (1886Tishri was the Sabbath month)
1890Nisan22/Sivan11: appointed to rule over s (in order that the 100 year Asher proselyte continuation call occurs this day, beginning the 2nd presence)
1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21: appointed to feed s (1901Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath)
1905Iyyar22/Tammuz11: appointed/installed to rule over s
1995Adar16/1996Sivan5: appointed/installed to feed the s, i.e. as a true church. 1996Iyyar was a Sabbath month. Pentecosts are counted in virtual Sabbaths like Pentecosts?
1996Nisan18/Sivan7: appointed/installed to feed s
1998Tishri27: Late 2nd Tablet Shattering day: falls over the s (1998Iyyar19/Tammuz8 2nd first fruits/Pentecost, +40+40 days and night up mountain = 1998Elul27 inclusively, then 1998Tishri27)
1998Tishri2/Heshvan21: appointed/installed to feed s, 2nd after on 1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21.
1998Heshvan2/Chislev21: appointed/installed to feed s, 2nd after on 1886Tishri2/Heshvan21.
1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21: (Gordon) appointed/installed to rule over the (adamic and cainian ) s (1999Heshvan was the Sabbath month. 1999Chislev was the Jubilee month)
2002Nisan16/Sivan5: s failed to be appointed/installed to rule over s - due to focussing on HyperOs2002 - commercial software and not getting ready. We suffered maledictions due to this failure to be installed over them.
We were cut into two, the s and Laodicea. And no or was ever sent to us. Did we take that slot in failure? YES. We were prohibited from ruling over the s on that date. God cannot have two churches ruling of one group of saints
at the same time.
2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the s (2003Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath. 2003Shebat was an adamic Jubilee month. 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. A Pentecost is a festival Sabbath which is a secular Sabbath. It
is not a sacred Sabbath because otherwise one could not be installed upon it! But one cannot prune vines in a Jubilee. So one cannot judge people in law. So one cannot enter into church law on a Jubilee or agree such entry at a later date. So
a church cannot be appointed or installed to rule over anyone in a Jubilee month. One cannot sow seed outside the church in the field in a Jubilee. But one can teach in the church obviously (sow seed in the garden). So a church can be appointed/installed to feed in a Jubilee month): Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the s (after and ) for 100 months of Mark6 to
2012Sivan14, the death of adamic Laodiceans during their Abrahamic conversion, 7x Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel.
2005Sivan14: The Watchtower falls as a true church, 3˝ years of the far bank of Daniel12 after it lost its baptism on 2001Chislev14..
2005Adar10: 2nd tablet shattering day - fell over the s (2005Chislev21+40+40=2005Adar10 inclusively). Temple burning day for s (the 10th day of the 5th month of the Tishri1 Isaaic sacred year), is 2028Shebat10, late
Watchtower Passover entry day into the 3rd crop of Revelation22. This MUST be in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar (Gordon over the s). So must have fallen over the s in
time to lose 2006 - see U271-11#38.
2006Iyyar22/Tammuz11: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed s (2nd after - 2006Sivan is the adamic Sabbath month). A first church must fall over the saints before a 2nd church can be appointed to feed those saints.
2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the adamic Sabbath) is when Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the s (the 1st and 2nd slots being taken by and ). FAILED to be appointed/installed to rule over the s on
2002Nisan16/Sivan5. 2007Ab was the Sabbath month. 10x of testing God to 2017Elul10. Then 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 take us to 2010Chislev26/Tebbeth24, tablet shattering days, 40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from
2010Tishri7/Heshvan5, the 5th/6th Pentecost - see U112#18.
2009Heshvan2/Chislev21: Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over s (because they failed the test over the s just as we failed it over the s). 2009Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath
month. Laodicea takes this slot being prohibited to rule over the s on the installation date. God cannot have two churches ruling over one group of saints at the same time. 2009Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month.
2012Nisan16/Sivan5: appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam (2012Nisan15 was a Great Sabbath)
2012Iyyar16/Tammuz5: appointed/installed as Caesar to Cain
2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to conversion of Laodicea and the s who are to become Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic
2012Sivan16/Ab5: appointed/installed Caesar to . 50 months to the Jubilee release on 2016Ab14, when Zoarites die to and are resurrected to on 2016Ab16.
2012Tammuz14-16: to conversion of Laodicea and the s who are to became Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed to rule over reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin which caused them to fall over the s). They are appointed over angels before they are
appointed over humans. 2007Elul11 was NOT the 4th Pentecost which was 2007Elul9. It was the late 3rd Pentecost. So the 4th Pentecost slot is still free to be taken.
2012Ab: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Laodicea - when Laodicea became headed over ). The Sabbath system ends on 2017Elul10, when the church falls.
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over adamic s and and s (having been denied due to the Jubilee on 2012Sivan16 and due to the weekly Sabbath of 2012Tammuz16). The Laodicean runs from
2013Sivan15/Ab15 to 2020Sivan15/Ab15, starting 12 months of Daniel4:29 after the adamic to abrahamic conversion from 2012Sivan14-16. During this time only people could join the church because Adam's working week had ended and entrance into Laodicea did not have the blessing. So no more Abrahamic land was created.
The malediction ended after the presence restarted on 2019Elul10. And the presence restarted during the Quad gapped when no
conversion can occur other than through death. So the adamic s in reappointed Laodicea associate with the church and are under law and are constructively upon baptism, begin baptised into the death of the Christ
and a resurrection, But they do not actually become until death. Abrahamic Laodicea
is appointed as a true church before because it has rulership over the s, whose collection is more urgent than the s (and they are senior to us). But Abrahamic is senior to Abrahamic Laodicea for appointments, since it is the church of that covenant.
2012Ab22/Tishri11: Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the s Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318. appointments to feed should precede appointments to feed. God is patriarchal.
2012Elul: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for - when became headed over ).
2012Elul16/Heshvan5: (, s) appointed/installed over . These dates are first fruits and the Pentecost. The adamic s had to die on 2012Sivan14, after 6,000 years of Adam working as a priest from 3989Sivan5. Then
we became on 2012Sivan16. But could not be reappointed over adamic s on that day ( as a church) because 2012Sivan was an adamic Jubilee. Neither could it be appointed over the s on 2012Tammuz16 because
that was a weekly Sabbath. Neither could it be appointed on 2012Ab16, because Laodicea takes that date to be appointed over adamic s and over and over cainian s - all flavours of basically. So did not
become a true church until 2012Elul16. Actually the s did not fall as a true church on 2012Sivan14. The cainian brothers kept it going until 2012Tammuz14,
when it again did not fall as a true church, it merely ended by having nobody left in it. Then on 2012Tammuz16, the cainian brothers finished becoming . YES
2012Chislev2/Shebat21: Abrahamic (new group) is appointed/installed to rule over all s (an old group). 2012Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month which does not apply to a church. But 1999Tebbeth21 was already
2012Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Abrahamic is appointed/installed to feed the s (2012Tebbeth is a Sabbath month which does not stop appointments/installations to feed).
2012Adar2/2013Iyyar21: Abrahamic appointed/installed to feed the s. (2012Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. 2012Shebat2 and 2012Adar21 were weekly Sabbaths. 2012Adar was the Abrahamic Laodicean monthly Sabbath. 2013Nisan was the Abrahamic
monthly Sabbath). Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318.
2016Ab14-16: Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion for all Zoarites, in the 50th month of ' restoration lease over , the Jubilee release from the lease. Offer him up there to burnt offering upon one of the mountains (1x+3x=4x
not to the month - Genesis22). This is the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee release. 2016Ab15 is a Great Sabbath. 2016Ab is the 3rd Jubilee of the 3rd , the 3rd post original lease Jubilee. .
2016Tishri: The Zero month for the Isaaic () Sabbath system (when Isaaic became headed over ).
2016Tishri1: New Isaaic sacred year starts. So the 2nd Isaaic Jubilee release is 2024Shebat10.
2016Tishri16/Chislev5: Isaaic is appointed/installed over . 2016Tishri is an Abrahamic Laodicean Jubilee month.
2016Chislev16/Shebat5: Isaaic is appointed/installed over . 2016Heshvan16 was the weekly Sabbath.
2016Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Isaaic is appointed/installed to feed the s (5th after , , Laodicea, Abrahamic ). Isaaic becomes Abib to the s in the sense of 'eared' for food rather than 'headed' for rulership
2016Tebbeth2/Adar21: Isaaic is appointed/installed over all s. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath which does not apply to a church.
Isaaic is appointed/installed to feed the s. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath, which has no effect on appointments/installations to feed.
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3˝x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence).
2019Ab1: Laodicea is reaccepted as a true church, 36 days of the starting bank before 2019Elul7, the start of the for s, then 2019Elul10 is the restart of the 2nd presence (the baptism of the 2nd ), after the 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 has ended.
2019Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled over . Cain could enter it (as could s but not s or s) due to the preventing from being Caesar and making Adam
other than through death and resurrection. AND due to the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 and due to the one woman one son aspect of Solomon's judging in 1Kings3 see U296. The s did not enter
into reverted Laodicea until 2020Tebbeth11, after was installed as Caesar to Adam and Cain. So although Peter resurrected Dorcas when was not her Caesar, during demon possession, that appears to be a special case rather than a general rule.
So reappointed Laodicea had Cain and as did Laodicea. It was the same church just reappointed, so we keep the same appointment/installation slot, one per church. There was only one type of saint in the church (1 son of one woman of 1Kings3)
2019Ab21/Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 being Atonement day): Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the reserves. YES: 2019Ab was not an Abrahamic Sabbath month. Laodiceas Ab1 Sabbath system ended when the church fell and then
restarted in reappointed and Reverted Laodicea.
2019Ab27: Reverted Laodicea is appointed over the s (as a true church), 9˝ months of the starting bank before 2020Sivan12, their theft of the baptism. The descended Charles Russell, visits them on the first Sabbath of Reappointed
Laodicean Weeks of John20.
2019Adar21/2020Iyyar16: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed and to rule over the s
2020Sivan21/Ab10: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the s (having passed the 3˝ year feeding test over the s). This being the 2nd appointment after and 2020Iyyar16 being taken for the installation to rule
s. A church can be appointed/installed to feed one group on the same day as to rule another. But it cannot be appointed/installed to rule two different groups on the same day.
2020Tammuz19/Elul8: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the s.
2020Ab16/Tishri5: Reverted Laodicea was appointed/installed over . It is the same church as Abrahamic Laodicea. One appointment date per church. 2020Tishri was the adamic monthly Jubilee.
The 3rd is not appointed/installed over s. Because they are our angelic fathers individually. So have paternal authority over us - NOPE
2026Elul16/Heshvan5: 3rd is appointed/installed over in at the Abrahamic and Isaaic Pentecost. This is 2357 days of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 before 2033Iyyar22 - see U902.
2026Tishri16/Chislev5: 3rd is appointed/installed over in at the Isaaic installation over Pentecost (2026Tishri is an Isaaic Sabbath month. OK because installing the over a church is a release from work for everybody rather than an additional sacred
2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The under is appointed/installed over
2008Nisan, 2012Sivan, 2016Ab, 2020Tishri, 2024Chislev, 2028Shebat, 2033Nisan are Adamic Jubilees.
2016Tishri was the Jubilee of Abrahamic Laodicea.
2020Chislev, 2024Shebat, 2029Nisan are Isaaic 's Jubilees.
Appointments to rule are only over those in the church. For one has to agree to church law in order to be under it
Appointments to feed a salvation covenant group are to all those in that covenant wherever they are. For received double light at contest noon of 1Kings18 from Abrahamic Laodicea and from Abrahamic .
Laodicea was never appointed/reinstalled to rule over It never became Isaaic. The does not have that capability PERIOD. The 3rd must be baptised by in order to become Isaaic79.
108Passover Date | Appointment/Installation | First fruits/Pentecost | Kingship | To rule over | Church |
2012Ab14 | 2012Ab16/Tishri5 (2012Tammuz16 - weekly Sabbath) | 1st Abrahamic Laodicean | Sacred | Non adamic | Abrahamic Laodicea - Same |
2012Elul14 | 2012Elul16/Heshvan5 | 1st Abrahamic | Sacred | Non adamic | Abrahamic s () |
2016Tishri14 | 2016Tishri16/Chislev5 | 1st Isaaic | Sacred | Non adamic | Isaaic s () |
2016Heshvan14 | 2016Chislev16/Shebat5 | 2nd Isaaic | Sacred | Non adamic | Isaaic s () |
2019Ab14 | 2019Ab16/Tishri5 | 1st Reappointed Laodicea | Sacred | Non adamic | Reappointed Laodicea - Same |
2020Ab14 | 2020Ab16/Tishri5 (2020Tishri - adamic Jubilee month) | 1st Reverted Laodicea | Sacred | Non adamic | Reverted Laodicea - Same |
2012Sivan14 | 2012Sivan16/Ab5 | n/a | Caesar | Non adamic | The World under |
2016Sivan14 | 2016Sivan20/Ab9 | 3rd | Caesar | Adam | The World under |
2016Tammuz14 | 2016Tammuz16/Elul5 | n/a | Caesar | Cain | The World under |
2020Tishri14 | 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 | 7th | Caesar | Adam | Kingdom of God under |
2020Heshvan14 | 2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 | 2nd Isaaic | Caesar | Cain | Kingdom of God under |
2020Chislev14 | 2020Chislev16/Shebat5 | 3rd Isaaic | Caesar | Kingdom of God under | |
2020Tebbeth14 | 2020Tebbeth16/Adar5 | 4th Isaaic | Caesar | Kingdom of God under | |
2023Shebat14 | 2033Nisan16/2033Sivan5 | 5th Isaaic | Caesar | Kingdom of God under | |
2033Iyyar14 | 2033Iyyar16/Tammuz5 | 8th Isaaic | Caesar | Kingdom of God under | |
2033Sivan14 | 2033Sivan16/Ab5 | 9th Isaaic | Caesar | Kingdom of God under | |
2033Tammuz14 | 2033Tammuz16/Elul5 | 10th Isaaic | Caesar | Methuselah | Kingdom of God under 108 |